MeeZoid – Minecraft HCF, But it’s ACTUALLY Hardcore… *SOTW*

Video Information

But i actually only have zero lives okay so that means if i die on this account i have to swap to a whole new account and make a whole new base and start over okay i i tried this i tried the crosstalk i made it i crossed it

I did it i did i did this guy’s outside you’re trying to hit me into the trap i’m on him i’m gonna affect that man i [ __ ] always just blocked me with him what the hell whoa this guy’s crazy all right what is going on guys measured

Here welcome back to another hdf series on my server vipremc guys the server ips on the screen right now guys before the video starts go ahead leave a like down below i don’t believe this idea has ever been done before at least not to my knowledge so go ahead leave a like

Down below for that let’s put some comments on screen right now thank you guys for commenting my videos if you guys wanna be featured in common days go ahead and comment down below before i get any further guys if you want to redeem a free donator rank on viper as you serve ip log on right now type in slash claim rank space mesoid the instructions will come up you just follow those and type it again and then you’ll get a free donator rank alright guys and if you want to redeem a free donator reward

Just go ahead and log on the actual server and type slash redeem space mizo this will give you either a partner package a partner key a summer key or any of the other keys on the network and of course guys you can check out my merchandise at the website i

Know a lot of you guys actually just started receiving it and you’ve been tweeting at me so i appreciate that anyways guys let’s get right into the series so the title is minecraft htf but it’s actually hardcore so i’m first going to disclaim that this is not about how hard it is to

Set up or anything like that um i am obviously on a high roller account and undercover however accounts shout out to you for giving me this account you know who you are um we’ve got the missouri cosmetics on here you can actually buy these on the lunar store and partner there so i

Appreciate that so basically we’re just gonna be playing hdf normally you know as we normally would either you know trapping or base rating or just pvp in general on a high roller undercover account but i actually only have zero lives okay so that means

If i die on this account i have to swap to a whole new account and make a whole new base and start over okay that is what’s going to be hardcore about this that’s the whole you know quote unquote hardcore aspect of the series obviously i’m still opening keys and

Stuff like that but i believe by the time you guys are watching this i think i just posted a how to hdf series last week so if you guys want to watch a real hardcore series go ahead and go watch that i guess i’m going to go ahead and open up

Um let’s do some reducting maybe get some focus modes okay we’ve got focus modes and who has the combo abilities i need to get one of these i think um it’s not dylan it’s frozen please give me one okay we didn’t get it okay so that’s what we got from our

Reclaim um i’m gonna go ahead and actually i think i’m getting paid by hate he’s actually playing with us this map so the catch about the series is that every three kills that we get combined me and hateful actually gives us a life so that means

If heifu dies and it’s just me left alive in the series if i get a total of three kills i can revive hate and he can come back in the series so that’s the whole hardcore aspect it’s really just about the lives and the fact that we can keep playing on the same

Account once again if i literally if i die and then hafu dies as well then we have to swap to a new account make a whole new base and we start over all right guys i’m about to get my claim so yeah once again the series is completely pre-recorded

Nobody’s gonna know that i’m on this account which is uh you know always a fun aspect of series when i’m going undercover but yeah we got a 50 by 50 claim right here negative 300 1.2 k all right guys so i actually haven’t done a clip in like an

Hour and a half almost so i apologize about that but i really didn’t want to make this video about setting up it is just a normal high roller setup you know we have all kids so we just have the base but uh the real fun starts when start

The world timer ends which is in 45 minutes that’s when the whole hardcore aspect actually begins but yeah this is the base something new uh not just a basic glass box so that’s pretty probably good no one’s really gonna find out this is us hopefully

And uh if we go up to the base i’ll actually show you what we have loot wise so as you guys remember from last episode or sorry from last week if you didn’t actually watch that you guys can actually find out that guys we have custom fishing rewards on

Viper now so you can literally just fish for rewards like uh donator wars like keys and stuff and uh hate was doing it every now and then during start of the world this is what he got from it okay he got like i think he got right here

Like almost 50 fish right here um some extra stuff and then from customer rewards we’ve got three crystal vouchers that all have three each so that’s a nine questions right there a god apple a speed two book an implants five book two summer keys actually i think that’s

From the key all um as well as i can think that’s actually oh and three supreme keys so yeah the loot table for custom fishing rewards ranges from partner keys to partner packages all the way down to like custom-made jambo stuff like that they are all good rewards guys

So yeah be sure to do that if you want like free loot you can see he’s doing it right now but yeah guys the base is done um i haven’t opened up any partner packs i’ll go ahead and open up ten of these right now and see what we get so let’s

Say we’ve got some decent stuff here looks like we have four kevlars ten self pulls five anti-trap rods four backstab abilities four risky modes ten medicines and eight flashes as well as another summer key okay from all those keys i got a lot of p2 pieces as well as a lot

Of partner items that’s very helpful right now i’m just buying brewing mats and i’m about to start the brewers back home all right guys hate is that the black market right now we have 12 crystals as you can see wait have you redeemed the other one or no uh

There you go oh wait f who again uh we now have 20 crystals that is all from fishing i don’t think we haven’t done anything else right that’s giving crystals it’s very all from fishing nine and then actually you know we probably got oh no a challenge a challenge a challenge

As well yeah yeah yeah so we got we got 12 from that and then we also got the eight voucher that he just got so yeah basically what are you going to draw is there anything else in there that’s good or just the effects no i just get

Two effects i think that’s better actually yeah 100 all right so we’ll get those that’s gonna help us get some kills guys the focus of this episode because guys we have zero lives if we die then like if one of us dies we’re out until someone else until like someone else

Closes up and gets to kill so yeah today we just want to stack up on lives if we can by getting kills once again three kills is one life all right guys i’ll bring you guys back in a bit alright guys start the world timer’s over in one second the hardcore series

Has officially begun okay so we’re at treasure island we need to hide in like one of the walls you said southwest i’m guessing it’s looted oh yeah yeah it’s definitely yeah yeah okay so we’re gonna wait um once again there’s a ton of chests in this build so we’re

Bound to get a lot of good partners there’s also like pearls and gp as well which obviously we didn’t farm so we do need both of those yeah i’m going to go ahead um is there like a wall nearby because i’m not there’s a guy that i feel like he’s probably making

Yeah you just pearl guys saying afk did you kill him he’s afraid bro dude bro okay so he was i think he was new so harpy that guy um but we get the uh actually i don’t even need the valve i’d rather keep my pots okay that’s good

You have 32gb i did see that on the ground um okay so there’s our first kill so we get two more kills then we have one life which is really good okay because if we if we die right now we’re going to start over you don’t see anyone here okay oh just

Reset just reset one second this one didn’t like oh there it is i got rockets and pearls that’s actually really good okay let’s see how much we can get all right guys we’re f homing right now so i actually got two debuff abilities four fair fights and

Two ability disablers as well as like a bunch of pearls and some fireworks and stuff like that even though god apples what did you get hit from uh uh two fair fights i got like six fireworks but i just wasted one two stacks of pearls uh ultimate ability and four backstabs

All right so that is really good what we’re gonna be focusing on for sure oh yeah you got got apple so okay god apple’s gonna definitely be a key because if we’re in a one by one we have like no lies it might be a little scary but

God apple should save the day um we do have some effect disablers and we also now have fair fights so that means we can do a pretty insane combo on some people and hopefully stack up on lives once again we already have one kill

Um so we do need two more for one life guys we’re pvp outside hates an archer if he quickies he’s out of the series he is out um we basically yeah we’ve seen this guy getting chased right here and i food he literally doesn’t have an hq so either

He just didn’t set it or it’s a free kill that i want to get careful careful i am don’t worry i got oh i made it i made it there’s no fall trap though i have rockets wait they turn around they turn around they’re scared there’s a free car right

Here this invis wait oh wait he’s full of right now i killed him i killed him i killed him wait wait this guy’s taking my loot you guys can take my loot oh my god oh i’m getting bro oh my god okay okay okay i uh i didn’t get anything

He went down he went down oh shoot i do i just time warp now no yeah not yet uh i can only come on you gotta tag him you gotta tag him oh there’s a bar up there do i stay do i stay

Do i stay do i say oh my time warps i time more that time works dude this takes a lot of discipline i wanna just kill them like normally i would do that bro yeah i know it’s fine that would have been i would have been eliminated right there would have to

Start over oh my god oh oh oh on a solo oh can i hit him in that trap go oh i hit him on trap wait it’s his base i think dude he hasn’t potted keep tagging keep tagging wait can you can you fetch late for him

Um no wait is the server lagging uh no it’s fast now it’s fast oh watch you need to watch out god bro i gotta head into the trap dude hey you can’t hey hey you need to do a kiss okay it’s okay hey i will go all in to save you bro

They’re gonna they’re gonna pre-pull on you the solo’s right here and now i’m gonna i’m getting killed by some other person wait we can purl into this base we could probably do i come down if you dude i don’t know it’s like a tough call

Do i yeah come down come on come on okay [ __ ] okay bro is he fighting you okay i’m down i’m down oh shoot can you do your aim oh shoot dude i knew he should have brought bow i killed him wait wait is that a third kill

Right i have three kills i have three kills we’re good we got it we have a life we have a life we have a life and we’re in the base now okay yeah i got a full i got a full thing i have an invis helmet um he

Literally had no parts what the hell okay i was going to try that i don’t know dude um oh yeah you could have pearled in this very easily i thought he’s going to come back did he pull down did he he pulled down right this might be the faction no this is

Definitely the faction oh yeah that was upside down he pulled down though right okay can you uh can you are you in diamond can you get get yeah effect save him this will be combo op combo you hit him hit him with it hit him with it where is

He going there’s no signs in here buddy there are no signs in here all right hit him hit him okay oh another one’s down here a good 30 seconds i’d say i’m saying i’m combo adam complainer you’re good you’re going to look a little bit low

This guy’s so low this guy’s really dead this guy’s dead i’m strengthened right now he has no pots he’s dead nice nice okay and this guy’s gonna die too he’s trying to try to pull up i’m gonna clear i’m actually my inventory and i’m gonna okay well i’m good don’t worry i’m

Killing this guy this is good okay this is gonna be our fifth kill then we’re one way from having two we got it we got it nice dude nice that was actually big that was big okay we got we got past the scary part okay for now at least

Um so i guess i guess that’s good so yeah i have four kills you have one so that’s a total of five so that means we have one life and we’re one kill away from another life all right let’s have fun this guy right here hit me right next to our face

I’m on him i hope he doesn’t live right here uh i’m gonna fight slavery and you fair fight him okay okay he might have been trapped is this is this his base blink oh shoot i want to run in i’m beating communicate communicate i got hit by a

Knockback flower but i pearled and he pearl two they’re both on pro cooldown and they’re they’re fighting in the corner he’s hitting me with knock by fire tag him tag him tag him i’m trying i’m getting blocked oh dude oh dude i’m in p1 i’m made in p1 it’s snaggy

Fool dude this is actually really not good come on come on he’s gonna die from that he’s gonna panic no we freaking survived bro okay that was actually scary that was just here get the hell out get the hell out wait wait wait you want to get

This guy oh we have to fire us he’s gonna fire us this is easy okay we don’t even need we don’t even need to do that i’m gonna do the back stop ability on him um actually wait no if you’re attacking him i don’t think it matters

Wait is he getting always tagged now attacked him again uh i’m on my mom i’m trying to kill him wow that that’s what the hell we have two lives all right nice p2 p2 oh sharp one though looting that’s weird oh free kills right here there’s an archer with no faction

Dude he didn’t even pot i think the archery has no pots no i feel like this killed him kill them that’s that’s eight kills that’s eight kills this is i’m starting the world pvp i normally we don’t really don’t do this whoa this guy’s outside he’s gonna try

To hit me into the trap i’m on him i’m gonna fix it for him i [ __ ] oh he just blocked me in with him what the hell whoa this guy’s crazy um um he’s actually crazy dude i think he purposely tried doing this dude yo yo does he have a bard bro bro

Yeah he does he does um he does i’m gonna combo ability right now um and then i’m gonna i’m gonna fair fight next okay you just wait i’ve gone up i’ve got it but i’m gonna happen all right i got apples i fair fired him he’s like he’s p1 he’s

P1 no he’s outside of he’s outside he’s outside he’s outside oh shoot no i’m trapped i’m trapped hate uh yep i’m in the basement i’m in the base you pulled down i’m not going down drop down dude okay wait can i get out of this anywhere

Uh i don’t think so he hit me with fair fight even with a fair fight it’s on p1 that’s not good i’m gonna effect save him i’m excited for him right here uh shank two i think i win this honestly i can’t oh he affected me that’s not good

Or he’s about to oh he’s trying to he he quickened he quickly because he thought he’s gonna affect somebody but he couldn’t because i was only the fair fight thing i think or i don’t even know why he couldn’t but dude that’s actually wow he quickly i

Need to get the hell out of here i’m gonna leave getting out okay i’m gonna drop everything at the fence gates i mean we could actually make them right able bro yeah but that’s i’m just gonna be quick take that stuff i mean i think he was

Just he wasn’t looking oh you’re hitting him wait what that’s our ninth kill right oh he’s back he’s back no way okay um you ready i think i know what i’m gonna do i’m gonna backstab billy get ready to frickin um strength two on him okay

Okay after that yeah okay i kinda wanna chase this i don’t wanna let him go down i’m gonna chase down no i’m not no i’m not dude i could have done like a freaking big focus mode combo right there yeah i got 20 more damage if he comes up i have like

10 10 seconds of that uh no i don’t oh dude he’s up he’s up he’s just blocked all the fans i’m gonna affect him again oh shoot i fell down i’m gonna climb up there oh it’s not even a bad drop down bro it’s so easy it’s

Just a freaking fence gates it’s like it’s like a three by three like area yeah he’s gonna try and kill you i think oh shoot i’m out of pots i’m out of pots i’m going i’m going all the way i’m going all the way i’m doing all i’m going all the way i’m

Going all the way i’m going all the way i’m going to get straight through for 12 seconds got the combo ability on him he’s panicking he’s panicking he’s trying to get in he’s right he pulls his base i’m in his base i’m in his base i have no putts

I’m on up straight too he’s in the air he’s in there he went up wait you went up sign where the oh i’m on a moment again yeah i don’t think he’s spots i don’t think he spots can i hit that trap rod i have to

Trouble he can’t go anywhere i’m in with him i’m here with him oh man there’s a party here there’s a partner there’s a bar in here i’m trying i’m on the ball i don’t think he’s spots i don’t think he’s spots he’s getting potted no he doesn’t pass the other parts

Dude okay oh shoot he got away he got away he got away but wait wait i’m on the diamond i’m on the time he’s gonna quick jump he’s a quick jump he’s still potting me i literally have no pots he purl on me kit okay i did a kit i did a kit

Dude okay yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay i got everything all right oh my god make my way around the base i’m still fighting him right here oh he’s running in with the he’s running into one by one oh i’m on him he’s trying to trap me in one by one oh he’s

Making it bigger he’s making it bigger he’s just oh shoot he has me trapped in this area kind of yep is he oh he’s starting to mind bro no i’m not liking this he’s making a big three by one tunnel oh he’s trying to block up trying to

Block up he blocked up he blocked up dang it this is not good oh my god i’m on a cooldown i’m gonna cool down do i try it do i try it i i tried this i tried the crosstalk i made it i crossed

I did it i did i did oh my god he’s about he’s pulling at me he’s pulling at me are you actually thinking dude i’m okay bro wait i’m not getting effects over here oh dude 100 he’s oh shoot he’s missed that paw i need to do another kit i’m doing another

Kit i did barking okay let me make a tunnel to our base give me a sec you shouldn’t have pearl on me bozo dude i would have trapped him in our clothes you trapped him yeah i trapped him in our clothes are you good are you good three though okay yeah yeah dude

I i don’t think i can i can’t i don’t think i see his bar he’s blocked up in a one by one yeah he just blocked himself in again guys he’s dead three tips is taken down i’m hoping that he just forgets that i’m in here and he has homes but

It looks like one of them already logged oh i think they both lost yeah he logged if you killed him and then the last guy might be afk so well i think that’s a dub i think we we really turned that around right there i’m gonna have

Yeah 100 oh there’s there’s a freaking barton diamond using our grinder what the [ __ ] oh i’m gonna go kill let’s go kill him let’s go kill let’s go i don’t have the inventory just hurry just hurry i’m gonna get some i’m gonna get focus mode i mean i’ll oh

Oh main part i guess um no bro dude they’re so newbie there’s you should wait i do i’m ready i’m gonna run in i’m gonna run in i’m gonna run out i’m gonna oh i ran it i ran and i ran and i ran it was afk one i thought one was afk

They’re not afk i win these i win these though i win these okay i’ve rescue motored straight two straight two strike two dude dude just go just go oh no they got in again dude they’re like afk no no they’re gonna block it up they’re gonna

Oh shoot he’s looking over dude um do dude i don’t even know if i have any more i’ve noticed i have no pots i’ve no pots i’ve no dude frick yeah i’m dead i’m gonna die yeah i did i couldn’t type any time dude oh that was so easy

I don’t even think they had a bar they were just doing so much damage i’m number two on the server right now dude are you kidding me wow one just went outside one just went outside this diamond right here i’m on him oh dude this is like there’s

A kill up top there’s a kid up top if i can get in if i can get in actually dude i’m gonna i’m i’m on the kid i’m on the kid i’m on the kid dude you went down and i could i’m staying up top right now

I’m not getting res or anything all right there you go thanks um dude oh no i’m not i don’t want to trace down yet oh dude there’s a full invisible oh sure he was outside as well just for limbs he’s gonna go down again okay there’s a hole

Wait okay wait for me then if you’re tr if you’re oh dude wait i can time more wait i want to get i want to get in there because dude i think one of them’s afk dude they’re up there are you out okay can i get into from down there um

Would it be easier i can get okay do it i killed one i killed one i killed one i’m good i’m gonna win i’m finding him right now i see you i see you up there i’m gonna kill him i think i’m gonna kill them the last guy’s in

Here and i can cross from the base i can cross [ __ ] kill him i’m gonna i crossed it i crossed him You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft HCF, But it’s ACTUALLY Hardcore… *SOTW*’, was uploaded by MeeZoid on 2021-07-17 16:00:30. It has garnered 11626 views and 514 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:06 or 1026 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Designs 💥 Which is YOUR Favorite?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Which is your favourite Design in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-02-21 17:00:44. It has garnered 421 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Top 3 Best Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song minecraft 100 days minecraft paluten minecraft benx minecraft redstone minecraft… Read More

  • VxidCraft

    VxidCraftPlay a survival server with your friends and grind until you have the most cash and money and dominate the server until your unstoppable! Read More

  • ✨ Aeltori ✨ Semi-Vanilla Community

    Survival || Creative || Community Aeltori is a small, friendly Minecraft server with an emphasis on community. Join now and find your new home! IP Address: Version: 1.20.6 We are strictly against pay-to-win practices and all gameplay commands are available to all members. Our staff team plays in survival mode without spawning items. The experienced staff team has spent 3 months planning and building the server. All aspects are EULA-compliant, with no competitive advantages given to donors through our store. Read More

  • Azmy – Vegan SMP server

    Azmy - Vegan SMP serverThis server includes a datapack that makes it more vegan, by adding vegan friendly food recipes, as well as other items, and by removing drops from peaceful animals. No animals have been killed during the testing of the datapack!! Maybe…Other mechanics are changed, to make the game more refreshing, such as changing some recipes to slow down end game progression, as reaching the end game is normally too quick, making it boring. You can check all recipes in the recipe book.Everyone is welcome if they respect people. Safe for LGBTQ, disabled, women, any ethnicity, different backgrounds, and you! It is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –


    Minecraft Memes - <p>GHAST 360 NO-SCOPE MLG MONTAGE <em>earrape</em></p>That ghast must have been practicing its trick shots in its spare time! Watch out for those 360 no-scope fireballs! Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys’ Musical Desire

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Animation Boys' Musical Desire In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, With Martin as the storyteller, his words are bold. Desire for love, in animation so bright, LGBT+ elements, shining in the light. For those who embrace, this tale of love, Martin’s channel, a gift from above. But if it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay, Just move along, no need to stay. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, For Martin’s creativity, a beautiful sport. Minecraft animation, boys love in the air, A story to cherish, with love and care. Read More

  • Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥

    Hottest Plank Meme in Minecraft! 🔥 “Why did the plank go to therapy? Because it had too many unresolved issues with creepers blowing it up in Minecraft!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17

    Survival Shenanigans: Minecraft Mobile Ep. 17 Welcome to the World of Minecraft with INCREDIBLE GAMER 🎮 INCREDIBLE GAMER invites you to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft with their latest update 1.21. Join them on their survival series in this epic adventure filled with building, exploration, and challenges. Let’s explore the key features of this popular game and discover what makes Minecraft so engaging for players around the world. Survival Series in Minecraft Mobile 📱 Embark on a thrilling survival series in Minecraft Mobile as you navigate through a world filled with zombies, challenges, and endless possibilities. Test your skills in crafting, mining, and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Hardcore Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious and challenging Minecraft hardcore video that had us in stitches. The YouTuber behind the video showcased just how tough and entertaining the game can be, making us want to dive into the action ourselves. With over 100 players simulating civilization in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From funny moments to epic battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of surviving 100 days in hardcore survival mode or embarking on a world… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos: Mace’s OP Secret

    Unleashing Chaos: Mace's OP Secret The Power of the Mace in Minecraft One of the most talked-about elements in the Minecraft community right now is the Mace. Players are buzzing about its incredible power and effectiveness in the game. But why exactly is the Mace so overpowered? The Mace: A Game-Changing Weapon The Mace is a new weapon introduced in Minecraft version 1.21, and it has quickly become a favorite among players. This powerful weapon can deal massive damage with just one shot, making it a game-changer in battles against tough mobs and bosses. Unleashing the Power of the Mace Players who have wielded… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Getting FULL Diamond in MineCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MineCraft】Getting a FULL Diamond Set【globie 2nd Gen – Equinnox】’, was uploaded by Kohaku Hyouma ch.【globie】 on 2024-06-06 19:46:54. It has garnered 217 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:11 or 12671 seconds. Getting our diamonds and then looking for a location for our mage’s tower art: Using Mizuno’s texture pack: ❄ ❅ OWNERS ❅ ❄ * please remember that donations are NON-REFUNDABLE. PLEASE be careful when entering the amount. ❄ ❅THRONE❅ ❄ ❄ ❅ RULES ❅ ❄ 🐯Please be respectful in chat not only towards myself, but… Read More

  • Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!

    Ultimate Herobrine Mystery Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😈#shorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ELITE 55 on 2024-06-08 14:46:18. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. HEROBRINE 😈#shorts HIMLANDS – HULALLALA IS BACK Minecraft dog revenge 😈 #shorts #gta5 #gta6 #triggeredinsaan #ujjwal #mythpat #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #palworld #viral #shortsfeed #shortsbeta #mrbeast Palworld Techno gamerz Rajat dalal atishi marlena Dhruv rathee Mrbeast sam ovens podcast bado badi Triggered insaan ssc adda247 4k video channel 4 news Shorts strategi digital marketing interior design viral shorts short videos pal world tips palworld farming tips how… Read More

  • JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God – Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    JAFAR FF vs. REAL PVP God - Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Real PVP God of India? Minecraft ‎@technogamerzofficial536  @SenpaiSpider’, was uploaded by JAFAR FF on 2024-02-29 19:20:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ss by clutch gods top 10 clutch gods of india राम राम craftee custom hearts beating minecraft youtubers mod fleet pvp … Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaiden

    Insane Challenge: Beating Minecraft 1.8 With @TriforceRaidenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Trying to beat Minecraft 1.8 w/ @TriforceRaiden’, was uploaded by Evan Agredano on 2024-06-03 05:27:49. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:06 or 20646 seconds. Before the combat update, Minecraft was a relatively basic game. No caves and cliffs, no nether update, no 1.9 combat update. Can @TriforceRaiden and beat the game without all the quality of life features of the later verisons? @TriforceRaiden stream: Read More

  • Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!

    Unbelievable secrets uncovered in Minecraft dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft dungeons ep 4’, was uploaded by LukesterGaming5336 on 2024-01-14 19:35:04. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:20 or 920 seconds. Playing a secret mission in Minecraft dungeons. Read More

  • Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20

    Masterclass: Master Godbridging on All Minecraft Versions 1.6-1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.20’, was uploaded by Aqualistic on 2024-04-29 10:00:42. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. Godbridging on Every Version of Minecraft | 1.6-1.18 (REMASTER) = SONG Water Lily – The 126ers = = PC Specs: GPU: RTX 3050 CPU: Ryzen 5650G PRO RAM: 32GB DDR4-3600 = Tags: MCPlayHD Greev SpacePotato AntiAC Speedcubing Doogile ThreeClicks TheSilent_One Geklow Crimssel Crinek sub 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Minecraft shorts YouTube Found This Desc From… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!

    EPIC Battle: 200 Players Fight as Vikings vs Knights in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 Players Simulate Minecraft VIKINGS vs KNIGHTS’, was uploaded by Wintell on 2024-05-10 18:38:32. It has garnered 1030 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. In this Minecraft tournament I took part in a medieval civilization event!! 100 Vikings and 100 Knights will fight each other to determine which civilization is superior. Each team defends their CIVILIZATIONS and creates strategy’s to win the event. I spawned into the Vikings team and helped prepare my team for battle and lead them into the fight! The only way to determine… Read More

  • “Tua – Make a bouncy model effortlessly!” #blender3d

    "Tua - Make a bouncy model effortlessly!" #blender3dVideo Information This video, titled ‘ทำ model ให้เด้งดึ๋งอย่างง่ายๆ | Blender #blender3d #เกม #chatgpt #ไทย #เกมผี #สร้างเกม #animated’, was uploaded by Tua on 2024-06-14 12:00:23. It has garnered 13143 views and 493 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #blender #blender3d #blender3d #makegame #chatgpt #Thai #ghostgame #minecraft #game #mobilegame Read More

  • funcySMP

    funcySMPJoin funcySMP: Experience Skyblock, Custom Minigames, and More! Face custom mobs, explore hidden bases, engage in Kitpvp battles, and discover a reimagined Earth. Enhance gear with unique custom enchants. Dive into a world of gaming excellence today! Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP This is a semi-vanilla, APPLICATION-ONLY, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! If you are especially talented in building, redstone, farms, etc., this server is for you! Our application process is strict yet reasonable, and we guarantee a response within a week. What you can expect by joining the Perfectum SMP: A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A… Read More

  • BrabantCraft

    BrabantCraftJoin the new Minecraft Server Community BrabantCraft now! 🌻 Feel at home with the Brabant atmosphere, everyone is welcome!• Content Creators wanted, request your role now in our Discord! 🔴 📹 server is run by a small team that has little experience with server hosting, but step by step we expand the server, get help from a super Dev and learn something new every day!• Suggest your suggestions in the suggestion channel!💡 The server is still in its early stages and there are still many ideas and updates planned, but the server is already open so you can start… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creating a new world every time is a struggle.

    Well, at least it’s not as hard as trying to spell “fo’ ur infurmashun” correctly every time. Read More

  • Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes!

    Spicy TNT Blast: Pringles Minecraft Review Explodes! In the world of Pringles, TNT is the name, Spicy and hot, like a fiery flame. Minecraft on the label, a dynamite sight, Leon cracking jokes, keeping it light. The taste of jalapeno, a spicy surprise, Clearing out sinuses, bringing tears to our eyes. Not as thick as Tim’s, but the flavor’s the same, Dynamite chips, a spicy game. Scored from 1 to 100, where do they stand? Leon’s heat scale, a fiery demand. Steve gives a 92, while Leon’s at 70, But the taste of jalapeno, oh so heavenly. Found at Target, three for five, A deal too… Read More

  • Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft memes hotter than a lava pit #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun

    ORIGINREALMS: A Day of Farming Fun A Day in Originrealms: Exploring Custom Features and Farming Adventures Welcome to Originrealms, a Minecraft server filled with custom items, blocks, and more – all without the need for mods! Dive into this unique world by joining the IP Get ready for an exciting journey filled with exploration, battles, and farming. Exploring the World As you embark on your adventure, you’ll come across outposts, structures, and hidden treasures. While the loot may vary in quality, each discovery adds to the thrill of exploration. From digging gravel to battling ravagers, every moment is filled with excitement. Unlocking Rare Rewards… Read More

  • Sneaky Cop in Minecraft

    Sneaky Cop in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: A Diverse and Engaging Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to battling fearsome creatures, Minecraft offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Exploring the Vast Landscapes One of the key features of Minecraft is its expansive world, filled with diverse landscapes ranging from lush forests to towering mountains. Players can embark on epic quests to uncover hidden treasures or simply enjoy the serene beauty of their surroundings. Encountering Unique Characters Within the… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets RevealedVideo Information from crazy duping machines to a secret mob here are 200 Minecraft facts you didn’t know if you’re still using Oak Acacia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone sword all the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from a villager instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these has beond overpowered all… Read More

MeeZoid – Minecraft HCF, But it’s ACTUALLY Hardcore… *SOTW*