Mega Castle Base | A Survival Timelapse and More!

Video Information

This project has been a long time coming as you guys know i really enjoy building castles it’s one of my favorite things to design and create in minecraft this one is no exception this is probably one of the craziest projects i’ve ever taken on in survival and i got it done

Well a lot quicker than i usually do after the time lapse we’ll sit down and we’ll talk a little bit more about some of the cool features the block palette some of the design decisions that i made in creating this i’ll give you some statistics how many blocks did i place

How many hours did this take to build those kinds of things but for now guys sit back relax enjoy this time lapse i’ve condensed it down like crazy so don’t worry you’ll see the finished product in no time [Applause] [Applause] Let’s get the shaders turned on and let’s take a look at this thing between the end of the time lapse and the start of this cinematic tour i have finished some of the decorations i’ve added some more trebuchets i did some terraforming to a river coming out of the the castle

Drain and i added all the trees and foliage around the castle i hope you guys enjoyed the tour i’ll see you guys in a few moments [Applause] [Applause] So what did you guys think of that time lapse i thought it was absolutely fan freaking tastic i had so much fun making that let’s hit you up with some of those statistics i worked a total of 60 hours building just time lapse footage that doesn’t include probably about 20 hours

Or so after that to finish all the decorations everywhere around the build and then that doesn’t include all of the design work as well i probably well i mean it took me a month and a half to design this thing in creative but let’s let’s tack on another 50 to 60 hours of

Design work so that brings us to a grand total of about 140 hours for this project how many blocks did we place well it was about 110 thousand in the original schematic so i would estimate when all said and done we’re probably at a hundred and thirty hundred and forty thousand blocks yeah

Not a small project guys i’m super excited son i really wanna hear what you guys think please leave me a comment down below if you enjoyed the build of this seeing the time lapse getting that flyover and all of the features that we have going on here hit me up with a like

Maybe even subscribe that would be swell moving on this is the crown jewel on this castle this stag pixel art stained glass window take a moment to appreciate its beauty i designed this myself i designed it based off an image i pulled off the the internet it was just like a stag emblem

I’m not gonna show that emblem on screen uh just because it might be copyrighted i don’t feel like putting any risk on that but if you guys look up stag emblem um check it out i built a couple of those actually one that was more symmetrical and then that asymmetrical

One i think i made the right choice i want to talk a little bit about one of the challenges with building something this big most servers run a default render distance of 12 chunks let’s do some quick mental math on how many blocks that is that is about 192 blocks

I know you guys think i just did some quick mental math but i actually have the number written out in front of me that i use the calculator to shame on me but 192 blocks that’s the maximum render distance now granted that is you know

Both to your left and to your right in front of you and behind you right it ends up being a circle around you with the diameter of about a hund 384 blocks which is quite a distance however when you’re just trying to look in front of you you end up with issues especially

With a build of this scale where to get it into frame part of it ends up unloaded or you have a hard time getting features that are towards the back of the build to be visible at all and this was actually a major challenge building

On a server so what i did was installed a client-side mod that allows you to load chunks on your computer and keep them loaded so that you can see it i mean this thing is huge it’s the biggest thing i’ve ever built and it’s not even

Close uh i compared it with the elven castle i mean just get a sense of like the ridiculous scale i compared it with the elven castle at one point and the elven castle is basically half this or elven palace i guess is what it’s called then one of my more popular

Popular builds it’s about half the size of this thing there’s one more thing to show that didn’t make the time lapse or the cinematic and that is i added a storage room if this mega castle is going to be my base then we obviously need somewhere to commence operations from and i made

I designed and made what i think is the best storage room i have ever ever made by far the best um and i think it’s ideal for a lot of single-player worlds i mean it’s not good enough for like a scicraft tier server but we’ve got a shulker box unloader design in there

Keep in mind most of the individual components for this i didn’t design i grabbed pieces and put them together what i did design is the overall system we’ve got the individual item sorted section here for all of my favorite blocks take a screenshot right here ladies and gentlemen these are my

Favorite blocks in pretty much all of my block palettes this one’s and well not everything on this side is necessarily my favorites i don’t exactly use those very often so i’ve got silos for all of the blocks that you tend to have massive quantities of i mean the

Most obvious are stone cobblestone dirt and grass blocks you can see that we’re filled up with you know quite a bit of grass and then the other one that’s new for this is deep slates we have tons of deep slightest almost filled all the way

To the top oh there’s just a little bit in the top one the last piece of this storage room an absolute must for anybody making a automated sorting system is this multi-item sorter this version of it was designed by nem bomb i don’t want to use this

On its own and have it be my full sorting system the reason for that is this is only capable of processing three thousand six hundred items per hour this setup runs at single hopper speed which is nine thousand items per hour by filtering out all of the major items

That i prefer we get rid of those first and then by the time it hits the multi-item sorter it’s a tiny fraction of the items that are left in the cinematic tour you guys got a pretty extensive look at the exterior but you guys didn’t get a super thorough

Look at the interior it’s pretty hard to do a cinematic tour of the inside this is just oh i love this entrance foyer this pond here we got all kinds of axolotls something i’m going to bring up in this video that you may you guys watching on youtube may not have real oh

No where are all the axolotls where have they gone oh your axolotls are goofy they get stuck swimming into these walls i may have to get rid of them and replace them with full blocks but they’re all just swimming into walls broken with their ai we got another one

Back here yeah we got another two of them what i have recently started doing is streaming on twitch i actually spent a lot of time streaming this build on twitch you guys should check out my twitch channel i think the link is on my uh youtube page if you guys want to watch

Me build stuff live check it out i’d love for you guys to hang out these names all of these axolotls are named after various followers who have requested an axolotl on twitch but now vinyl best feature of this castle oh i love this interior this this throne

Hall is just massive i could fit castles i’ve built in the past inside this throne hall it is huge and i used these in very large quantity lodestones it i think there are 20 load stones in total in this castle that means 20 netherrite ingots were used just for the

Decoration features in this castle i mean i had to put i had to make some kind of challenge for block collection oh i love it now if we head over here we’re going to start entering uncharted territory that was not revealed at all in that time lapse or that cinematic

We’ve got some other interior room some smaller scale stuff this is my bedroom again you could probably fit some of the smaller castles i’ve built inside of this bedroom it is ridiculous it’s like 30 blocks wide by 30 blocks deep we got this size of fireplace in our bedroom that’s absurd

But anyway yeah this is the uh this is the whole setup we got a giant bed and it’s even functional we can sleep in it let’s talk a little bit about block palette before i move on the the design idea i’d had with this build was to try

And make the exterior wall sort of look like it’s battered and beaten as if they’ve been under siege at different times and so there’s some dark color at the bottom and some debris from the wall as it’s taken abuse from various attacks and i used some very difficult to

Collect blocks including that one right there the deep slate coal or block one of the most rare blocks in the games i had a harder time finding those than finding ancient debris i think the only block more rare than the deep slate coal ore is actually the deep slate emerald

Ore i tried to incorporate a lot of the new 117-118 blocks into the palette i mean we’ve used some tough here we’ve got deep slate deep-sight tile and it looks a little odd when we get really close to it from a distance the block palette i think just looks fantastic especially

When we move far enough to wait to get it into the fog one of the things that’s very popular nowadays with minecraft is to build super colorful i think if minecraft had a meta we are in the colorful meta i did not exactly follow that i guess i

Kind of did a little bit of color on the roof with the the use of the copper and terracotta and acacia mix but in general this is a very gray build on the exterior and i am totally okay with that all of the popular youtubers are building super

Colorful stuff and i’m going to stick with one of the old school tried and true grayscale castle i’m fine with that we do have all kinds of trees and fun foliage items to look at here i mean i’ve spent hundreds of hours on this thing and i’m still not

Tired of walking around and taking a look at all of the various views there’s so many things that we could potentially talk about i mean let’s look at these arches here this arch is on a three block diagonal and i think it turned out amazing we’ve

Got one on that side we’ve got another one over there on that far corner on the other side another arch that’s similar to this but without the uh the covered top and it’s sitting a bit lower and then we have these massive bridges super detailed that connect these

Exterior towers to the central building oh so many cool features and then down here we’ve got the river coming out of the castle drain almost as if there was like an aquifer inside the castle and they’ve got an excess supply of water so it’s feeding out into the

River and then out here and eventually to this waterfall which is not very well detailed but uh eventually i had to stop building and show you guys right can’t just do this forever now that we’ve taken some time to walk through the castle a little bit

I mean there’s so much to look at on this but i know some of you guys want me to pick up the pace let’s go check out some of the other things i have worked on since the last video i designed and built my own sugarcane farm complete with a flying machine to

Harvest it yay look at it go i might be going a little crazy i did a little bit more work inside the behemoth adding a water elevator without any glass beside it by doing some update suppression we gave uneaten taco the gift of two beautiful custom spruce trees for

Valentine’s day i know valentine’s day was a long time ago but you know what i’m behind on my videos what can you do we have not decorated our starter base nether portal that is atrocious we added a ton more decoration to my starter base a mega oak tree a couple other custom

Trees this one is a little bit on the mediocre side and this cute little cobblestone bridge and a bunch of fields we did some terraforming over here i think that i can finally call this starter base more or less finished i know i built a castle in the

Meantime but yes i finally finished my starter base this is a tunnel that tech thor and i built while we were on stream this is this is trouble i’m asking for trouble here especially with the minecart one i should save a schematic of this in case i blow the whole thing

Up or a skeleton shoots a an arrow in here and this business this is what i’m here for we need to check out what’s going on here the stationary trader catalog what do they sell flowers dye seeds mushrooms fine sand ooh i bet you i could supply a couple of

These moss i’ve got a bone meal based moss or moss based bone meal farm yes that’s the one a moss-based bone meal farm that i could probably i could probably help out a little bit ooh slime balls we got a slime form ooh gunpowder we have a gunpowder farm and i did notice

Flowers mushrooms those things require a lot of bone meal like a lot of bone meal i’m thinking like we did with that tree business we should try and make another little sneaky deal and get in on this uh this stationary trader business but sneaky makes it sounds like i’m conniving i’m gonna help

Out and i have a great plan now a good businessman never shows up empty-handed to a business deal so my plan is to show up with this i figure this is a great way to entice somebody into making a deal with me and then we’ll have all the diamonds not

That we need them i actually want the diamond so i can spend the diamonds hello aven where are you hey i am below ground i’m watching your name plate oh i’m bouncing around above your base um can you meet me in your tent for a second i have a

A business deal to discuss oh really hi hi amy see you nice to see you too so i was wandering around the the shopping area and i noticed a big uh villager or wandering villager wondering wandering traitor head pop-up that’s absolutely terrifying and i was enticed isn’t he great he’s

Wonderful i walked inside and i took a look at everything you’re selling and i thought hey i already farmed a few of these things and a few of these things i have some excellent helpful supplies for really what do you think about making a bit of a business deal

I am interested tell me more so i guess the the the first thing that i would have to ask then is what do you need oh let me uh let me prop proper business deal i gotta take my hat off in the meeting room we’re inside the tent no no wearing your

Hats um although you haven’t you have another one on top or etiquette there oh yep it’s more of a hood though does that count as a hat we’ll give it a pass today we’re in a tent it makes sense yeah this hood ain’t coming off nobody okay um

Well so here’s here’s my thought you’re you’re confirming oh yeah we have a table here get the animals your chair is very very occupied already just gotta push them away there we go all right you’re planning on selling quite a few things and i i did also see that um you

Have are self-proclaimed not a redstone expert yes that is correct i am learning but i am not quite there yet that is fantastic i would like to help you in whatever way possible specifically with your bone meal required farms okay my proposal is this i supply you with

All the bone meal that you need now i do know that you have a bone meal farm already it’s a cactus based one it’s not gonna produce a ton yeah it’s a little slow flour farms are bone meal hungry yeah you run it for a few seconds and it

Chews up an entire sack so you’ve already run it and you’ve already discovered how much it requires i’ve been in the design process yes ah okay well i have a fairly epic bone meal farm and my proposal is this i supply you with all the bone meal that you need

And in exchange we split your profits that from your sales of anything that required the bone meal so that would be things like flours if you’re making moss um what else requires bone meal i don’t know but basically everything but continue the way we could split the uh the profits

Because obviously i’m only providing the bone meal and you’re you’re still making all of the farms and going to all of that effort is 75 25 as my proposal you get 75 of the profits and i take 25 percent of anything that use bone meal what do you say that sounds extremely fair

And uh as a good businessman i like to never show up at a meeting empty-handed so this is to get you started holy cow well that’ll keep me going for quite a while i think that should keep you well supplied that is nine chests or nine shulker boxes of bone meal that should

Keep you going for quite a while awesome there are a couple other things on that list that i do already farm uh and a couple that i could farm somewhat easily just by making some small modifications to existing farms yeah i was i was gonna propose that i would use your shop and

Granted i would need to purchase some some licenses for these farms but use your shop to sell things like gunpowder slime and moss and i could add those things to your and then you don’t have to build because those are all fairly large farms that are a lot of effort to construct

And with all the other ones you’ve already set in front of yourself yeah that sounds amazing as well actually i was not looking forward to digging out giant chunks of earth so i could fly farm slime balls and so that would i need to get off my

Own table what am i doing that would be great because you’re facilitating the sales we could split the uh the profits from those the same way but in this instance i would take 75 of the profit and you would get 25 i am more than doubt for that

Well i think that business deal turned out marvelous guys thank you so much for hanging out and watching this was one of the longer episodes granted it was a long time between episodes and i built a ton of things and we got a lot of content done i hope you guys enjoyed

This very much i’m going to give you a quick heads up i am taking a two-month hiatus from this i’ve got a real life business trip to go on for quite a while hopefully i’ll get back to making videos as soon as possible thank you so much

For watching guys i’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Mega Castle Base | A Survival Timelapse and More!’, was uploaded by Rohan on 2022-03-25 19:00:10. It has garnered 86932 views and 3224 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:23 or 1283 seconds.

In Topia S2 E4 I build my mega base… in just one episode. Even if you’re not interested in the series, enjoy one of the craziest projects I’ve completed in survival by viewing the first few minutes for the timelapse and cinematic tour.

My Twitch Channel:

Later we share some of our other build progress and make a killer business deal with Avyn. Check out her youtube channel here:

Sound effects from Music from Fesliyan Studios

Big shout out to all the current and former Topians who helped make this build possible. You guys are the best community I’ve been a part of. Time for a 2 month hiatus… see you later this summer!

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  • Stocade

    StocadeAre you looking for a small community SMP to build, play and make new friends? Stocade is a brand new Minecraft server to play together and make the builds of your dreams! – Friendly community – Active staff – Fast Minecraft server – Based in Finland – Grief protection – Economy system – Guilds system Join today at Read More

  • feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

    feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2About feather64 feather64 has been operating since 2011. F64 is a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. Raiding and griefing are allowed. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. Lapis is used as a currency. Players can sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief & raid, hide & collect, travel & explore, automate & farm, enchant & pvp, design & construct, it’s up to you. Rules Do not use hacks, macros, or mods beyond the Permitted Modifications Guide. Do not use duplication exploits except TNT, rail, carpet, string, and tripwire hooks. Follow the directions of administrators and moderators. Rule… Read More

  • – 18+ | Furry-friendly | SMP | Anarchy-lite | Semivanilla | No Map Resets | PVP - 18+ | Furry-friendly | SMP | Anarchy-lite | Semivanilla | No Map Resets | is an adult-only, furry-oriented minecraft server that gets as close to vanilla anarchy as possible without actually qualifying for that title.Core gameplay is entirely unchanged. Griefing, stealing, and unprompted PvP/RDM/etc is allowed. No /tpa, no /home, no handholding.The only difference is the claim system. Land can be claimed outside of spawn, but if your account doesn’t connect for 2 weeks, your claim is deleted and all of your hard work is up for grabs. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting concept 💩

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting concept 💩Looks like this meme really ‘dropped’ out of their imagination while dropping something else! Read More

  • Delete World Save: Minecraft’s Creepy Creature Craze

    Delete World Save: Minecraft's Creepy Creature Craze In the world of Minecraft, a legend does dwell, A creature so eerie, it casts a dark spell. If you spot it in-game, don’t hesitate, Delete that world save, before it’s too late. With half of his body, Alex did appear, A sight so unsettling, it fills you with fear. A monster lurks under the trapdoor, beware, Its presence alone, enough to make you swear. So heed this warning, from Game Koala’s tale, In Minecraft’s world, where legends prevail. Subscribe for more stories, of myths and of fright, And keep your eyes open, in the dark of the night. Read More

  • PART 36 | NENEK PSIKOPAT WKWK 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes

    PART 36 | NENEK PSIKOPAT WKWK 🔥😂 #minecraftmemes When your grandma starts playing Minecraft and suddenly becomes a psychopath, watch out for those killer knitting needles! #NenekPsikopat #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outsmarting a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Outsmarting a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Duping $100,000 on a Pay-to-win Minecraft Server – LoverFella Introduction In a recent video by zman1064, TheMisterEpic, and PeepMC, the trio embarked on an adventure on LoverFella’s Pay-to-win Minecraft server. Their mission? To dupe $100,000 worth of Crate Keys and distribute them to the players of the server. Take 1 The video kicks off with the team strategizing their plan to execute the dupe successfully. With careful planning and coordination, they manage to pull off the heist, acquiring the valuable Crate Keys. Take 2 As the team continues their escapade, they encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. However,… Read More


    The WORST QUEST? - DAY 4 - PC GAMEPASS CHALLENGE MINECRAFT The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the Minecraft Universe Join TheGuill84 on their thrilling Minecraft adventures as they navigate through the vast and creative world of this popular game. From building magnificent structures to surviving dangerous encounters, every moment is filled with excitement and challenges. Live Streams and Events Experience the action firsthand by tuning in to TheGuill84’s live streams on Twitch. Witness epic battles, intricate builds, and unexpected twists as they unfold in real-time. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of the gaming community and interact with fellow fans. Connect with TheGuill84 Stay updated on… Read More

  • INSANE!! Dronio’s Pets Take Over Minecraft! #shorts

    INSANE!! Dronio's Pets Take Over Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, но моих ПИТОМЦЕВ становится БОЛЬШЕ Дронио #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт 1’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 09:00:22. It has garnered 1132 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS… Read More

  • Bald Eagle Survival in Hardcore Minecraft

    Bald Eagle Survival in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a BALD EAGLE in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Compilation of Legends’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-16 01:15:00. It has garnered 81654 views and 312 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:51 or 13551 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a BALD EAGLE in Hardcore Minecraft! Soon after I spawn in Maple Taiga I feel a chill in the air like someone is watching me. Will I be able to solve the mystery in the longest adventure yet? 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a BALD… Read More

  • Secrets Revealed in Minecraft S0S Ep. 6

    Secrets Revealed in Minecraft S0S Ep. 6Video Information This video, titled ‘I did Something Bad | Ep. 6 | Minecraft S0S’, was uploaded by LDShadowLady on 2024-04-11 17:04:59. It has garnered 922605 views and 46801 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:24 or 924 seconds. Please *boop* the like button if you enjoy the video! 🙂 Welcome to Minecraft S0S a new Minecraft SMP with my creator friends in Hardcore Minecraft but there’s a twist. In this episode, I take on the seemingly simple task of turning my entire island into a mycelium paradise but I run into a few unexpected obstacles… @ldshadowlady @Mogswamp @Dangthatsalongname… Read More

  • Ultimate PvZ Battle: editing luxury village in Minecraft | Survival Walkthrough

    Ultimate PvZ Battle: editing luxury village in Minecraft | Survival WalkthroughVideo Information This video, titled ‘editing my luxury village in minecraft be | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay)’, was uploaded by The battle of pvz on 2024-04-16 00:00:12. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. editing my luxury village in minecraft be | Minecraft Survival Walkthrough (mobile gameplay) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Vindicator vs All Mobs! #MinecraftMadness

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle: Vindicator vs All Mobs! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft vindicator vs all mob battle || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Utos Craft on 2024-04-25 19:45:00. It has garnered 918 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:06 or 186 seconds. minecraft vindicator vs all mob battle || #minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy… Read More


    🌍 LISA'S MINECRAFT ADVENTURE - LIVE NOW! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT – AO VIVO 🔴 EXPLORANDO NOVOS MUNDOS | PODTRETA DA LISAH’, was uploaded by Lisah on 2024-04-09 01:32:48. It has garnered 69 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:06 or 10806 seconds. We want to make sure your experience is amazing, so don’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed the live and share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too. Also, subscribe to the channel and activate the notification bell so you don’t miss any of our future videos. ===============+Social Networks+=============== Our Community:… Read More

  • Amdavadi Player’s EPIC Hypixel Minecraft Adventure

    Amdavadi Player's EPIC Hypixel Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Just Hypixel Minecraft ……….’, was uploaded by Amdavadi Player on 2024-01-06 20:21:44. It has garnered 81 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:41 or 12101 seconds. You can send donations through PhonePe & Gpay- +91-9662187589 Paytm UPI I’d- 9662187589@paytm 💲 Top Super-Chat 18.75$ (₹ 1361.66) Zesta Gaming – ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ ➖ 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨. 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 (𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥)… Read More

  • Join General Alex in Epic Battle | Resolute SMP Ep.1

    Join General Alex in Epic Battle | Resolute SMP Ep.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Vive La Résistance | Resolute SMP Ep.1’, was uploaded by General Alex on 2024-06-03 00:15:01. It has garnered 61 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:11 or 2351 seconds. I have been invited to join a Minecraft SMP! It is called the Resolute SMP and I am so glad that I am able to join. Anyway, in this first episode, I decided to go rough and aid the resistance. Instead of a calm introductory video, expect a video full of shenanigans. Also check out other members channel, they are really awesome!… Read More

  • INSANE TNT RUN! Watch FAHD GAMING on Minecraft 🔥 #minecraft

    INSANE TNT RUN! Watch FAHD GAMING on Minecraft 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by FAHD GAMING on 2024-04-09 12:35:54. It has garnered 11334 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • ZestySMP

    ZestySMPThe ZestySMP uses the 1.19.2 Forge Version of BetterMC that contains lots of interesting mods like Twilight Forest, Yungs Structures/Biomes and tons of QOL mods all to give a strong Vanilla+ Experience. We’ve added the Lifesteal Mod as a twist alongside Optional Proximity Voice to improve the Multiplayer Experience. I’d recommend getting to know people so you can start strong and take over Spawn. A poll to determine the Start Date of the SMP will be announced soon. Hope to see you there! Discord: (Whitelist Required) Read More

  • Hustle SMP | Semi-Vanilla SMP, Whitelist, Dynmap, Factions | 1.20.4

    Welcome to Hustle SMP! Get ready for the summer vacations with our brand new SMP where you can create your own factions or join existing ones. Choose your lifestyle, whether pacifist or pro-war, and let your creativity run wild. What we offer: Experienced admins managing the server Opportunity to make new friends and embark on adventures Plugins and datapacks including Simple Voice Chat, EssentialsX, CoreProtect, and more Join our mature community by applying on our Discord server in less than 5 minutes: Read More

Mega Castle Base | A Survival Timelapse and More!