Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 2

Video Information

All right everyone welcome to survival live this is the second video or live stream i guess i’ve done of playing survival minecraft live and hopefully trying to teach everyone a little bit about the game as i just enjoy it in a more relaxed fashion and so

The first thing we probably want to do is finish up the space that’s what we were doing the last time i’m not going to go too big with it i just want to have sort of like a nice temporary area um but basically i think because this is sort of like a

Castle wall having like those um i don’t actually know what they’re called but sort of like those things that go up and down around the edge of the castle wall so you can sort of shoot a bow behind them i think i’ll make some of those so the

Castle wall is brick so i guess i want to make those out of brick of course we’ll save resources by using the stone cutter and so i’m going to put those in the stone cutter and i guess we’ll just make all 36 as this is a fairly large wall and i’m just

Going to go up here and place those down so we’ll probably start just about here maybe and we’ll go every other like this and that should make a decent looking thing we can probably put them back to back like this just on those edges to give it a bit

More texture and a bit better of a look to it and we’ll sort of go over these icy bits as well so something like this i guess i could go around here as long as they sort of line up with these pillars it should look fairly

Decent i guess this one doesn’t line up maybe we could let’s see what we can do here to make it line up here uh just something like this i’m not sure if this space will end up being a massive castle in the future but for now we’ll have this sort of castle-like look

Like that looks like this one just does not line up here so potentially i’ll go over here place this down and sort of try and uh maybe align it a little bit differently like we could have this like that sort of just make a bit of a wider um

Sort of indentation there so let’s go around here like that and i think that’s actually looking pretty good looks like we’ll go to sleep here though of course as nothing is spawn proofed and we are in hard mode at least yes we’re in hard mode we are in hard mode yes so

We will do that it’s actually funny because right now it’s like this color of the sky and the color of the ice are almost the exact same but we’ll go on the uh we’ll go sleep here and um just in terms of everyone new everyone wanting to know what’s going on

Uh these are sort of the resources we have we’ve raided an ancient city before we have gone to the nether we have sort of gotten to i mean we’re still basically early game minecraft as we only have a diamond pickaxe and a singular diamond as well

But the idea would be to set up an enchanting area soon a brewing area and sort of just progress through the game that way and oh my goodness thank you very very much i’ll actually wait for the notification to pop up here but there’s an amazing super chat

And here it is fifty dollars uh very very uh generous someone says thanks i for everything you’re doing and the info you provide us well you’re incredibly welcome i i love helping people play minecraft and i’m really hoping that on this stream especially i can focus a bit more on

On teaching people about the game something interesting actually you might notice here is there is this very large cloud and not sure what uh how much everyone knows about the cloud textures in minecraft but there’s basically just this sort of massive um image or this massive texture that just has a sort of

2d white pixels on it so technically someone could easily take that texture and draw different things on it and really really easily have you know pickaxes in the clouds or something i’ve actually had a friend that did that before so it’s kind of an interesting thing all the clouds although they

Appear 3d are only made 3d off of this 2d flat texture all right so i’m liking the look of this i guess we have to put those uh sort of indentations up here as well we will do that so this will be a little bit more difficult just because of

Course it’s you know at an angle but it should still look good as long as we sort of go on both ends like this kind of go every other and that one doesn’t look very good potentially actually if we go like this because i was doing that before

I sort of go along here we have one there uh maybe if we go like that and then we can sort of go like this as well that might look good that’s somewhat even i guess we’ll have to have one in the middle as well i’m not sure how good

That looks probably a bit uneven but i don’t know i mean i don’t need everything to be perfectly even just have a good look yeah that’s pretty good i mean it has this sort of idea of a fortified fortress to it which is decent um see here

Someone says what biome um i’m in the the frozen peaks surrounded by a lot of other amazing biomes all right so we now need to make our actual house of course we have these walls i guess the first step is probably making a floor putting a floor down um

We have quite a few materials i generally like making floors out of birch slabs so i’ll probably just do that um probably most people here already know it but a good thing to do if you’re building a base is to make sure to do the floor out of slabs i’ve seen a lot

Of players make the floors out of solid blocks which nothing wrong with that the thing is though of course slabs are half the price and as well as that the slabs of course give you more room underneath so if you have like a little uh super small basement or whatever like

A little crawl space you can do that as well where you’re just underneath those which i think is a pretty cool thing so let’s see here i think what we’re going to do is i’m just going to move my bed and all these things for now replace down some flooring i guess actually

Before i place too much down i should decide the shape it’s going to be so we’ll lay out that fairly easily here maybe just in some cobblestone or some other materials looks like we have a super chat uh for two dollars and thank you very much to

Jonathan hall for that i appreciate that a lot um all right so let’s see if we start about here maybe this doesn’t have to be too big so we have to worry too much i don’t actually think the walls will be made out of this i’m just

Sort of marking it out with this we can go to here and then we can sort of go over to maybe maybe here we’ll have like a bit of a courtyard and this will just be a really small little starter base because um you know to make a really really good base

You sort of want lytra and shulker boxes and farms and all these things so i don’t want to put you know too much time into a project that can be a lot better if we wait a little bit we’ll definitely make a decent starter base so

I’ll do that i guess i’ll break these blocks here actually and at least we don’t need silk touch to collect the snow i mean of course it’s dropping a snowballs but that’s a lot better than um and not dropping at all so we’re gonna go around here

And pick those up and actually something kind of interesting about mining snow let me see if i can show this here i guess we’ll have to make some sticks which we will do right there by using those two types of wood also a little interesting thing crimson

Planks are of course not flammable but if you turn them into sticks those sticks are flammable so if you want to you can still burn things let’s say if you’re in the nether and use those as fuel all right so we’re gonna make a stone shovel and something interesting is if

You notice i cannot instantly mine these with the stone shovel but i can with the iron shovel so if you’re ever trying to get rid of a lot of snow you don’t really want to waste let’s say a ton of resources maybe early game that’s always good to remember that you can instantly

Mine those with a tool as weak as the iron shovel but not the stone shovel right so we’re going to probably start placing down snow around here just so that we have more of a flat surface to work with it’s always nice to do that and we’re gonna get these uh just sort

Of surrounding our base to have like a courtyard or something like that and we’re gonna place these blocks down here as well and then we’ll place down the birch slabs where the floor will sort of be that’s not where the floor will be over there but that is

Somewhat near so we’re going to place these down over here and we’re just going to sort of outline this i guess i will have the birch slabs underneath the main wall as well just because uh why not basically and then also we can have more room for a potential basement in the future

Something like that could be pretty cool so we’ll do that and someone says site looks good for an ice castle a nice castle would be awesome here and i probably would be building it i just do not have silk touch yet unfortunately as you just saw

Right there i broke of course that ice block and it turned into water not ice but i do want to do some enchanting uh hopefully in this stream and we can see if we can uh get some silk touch maybe some fortune of course we don’t have many levels but

It’s not too few and so it’s not actually impossible to get let’s say silk touch even right now here i am placing these slabs incredibly badly a good trick to do if you’re trying to place down a lot of blocks at once i found anyway is sort of place them in

Rows of four or so like this i found this is like the quickest way of placing down a whole lot of blocks at once and sort of just avoiding just placing one block going to another place placing one block just individually doing things like that it also reduces the chance of

Misplaces like this which saves more time so we’ll put these down here and we will finish surrounding this so of course now we have these chests in the ground which is definitely not ideal but the good news is is of course our new chest location will be just up here

I’m not going to move these right away but i will move them fairly soon just have to first decide what this will be made out of i guess ideally i’d want to make this out of deep slate uh the walls of this house that is the problem is we

Do not have much deep slate left so i think we kind of have two options the first one is to make it out of something else and the second in then the second one is to uh go and line some deep slate so what i

Might do is i might have some deep slate in the design and then just have the rest out of that dark oak just because although i’d love to go mind some more deep slate i just want to get sort of a nice little house built because this is not necessarily a temporary arrangement

But just something where you know there’s nothing um there’s nothing too pressing about having a large house right now so i think i’ll just place down some pillars here something that’s always good when making a house is to try and make it as 3d as possible and have as many

Different dimensions to it you know sort of not just a square but having some different shape and stuff unfortunately in this shape i laid out it’s definitely not going to be anything but square but still put in some pillars and things like that and i guess actually it’d be

Smart to place them a little bit further out because then we could place the wall here and sort of have more room for the base i guess this wall too will go into this ice area i don’t really have any um big desire to save all this ice so we could probably

Just mine into here later on and maybe have a sort of underground part of our base there see this pillar would be going in here as well so it might just connect both those places and we’ll try and make this a little bit wider hopefully this is going to make

Any sense once it’s done but this building is sort of a trial and error process all right let’s see what we have we have dark oak planks we have dark oak logs oak logs not a whole lot of things but we can go back into the valley that’s sort of up

Beneath us because we’re on top of a massive mountain and get some more of the logs so we’ll place that down like this and you know of course when placing blocks in a wall like this you want to go three down as that’s the most you can do quickly Someone says stall is definitely underrated still is definitely a great music disc i know i’ve seen some hermit craft videos when they’re playing that quite a bit i think it’s some of their favorites but i’ll place this down around here now there is a decent contrast to the dark oak around here of

Course there’s not a lot of detail for now but we can always add that in later and we don’t really need to have a massively detailed house at this point although i’m not going to go with some sort of a horrible 2012 style wooden shack or anything so i’m gonna go around

Here and hopefully we’re not gonna run out but i think we are and of course we are so we’re gonna have to make sure we have some nice tools and then we’ll go down there and chop down one or two trees so let’s get rid of all

These items we do not need on us put these in here organize our inventory i guess we don’t need the diamond pickaxe on us but i’ll make sure to have this bed here set with the spawn point as one of the biggest issues of course in minecraft of survival of course not hardcore

Is making sure that when you die you can get back to your stuff and although i don’t think i’m gonna die i am on these massive cliffs and i wouldn’t want to risk that so we’re gonna make some axes i think we have basically everything we would need

Uh looks like it is becoming night though so we’ll sleep real quick go down there and grab that someone says i have a 2012 wooden shack hello and there’s nothing wrong with building that sort of thing and sometimes i’ll do that as a first base

As well but i want to see if i can make this in some sort of a style not just a big box so okay it looks like we have the dark forest actually fairly close so we can just grab a bit of that i think eventually making at least a small tree

Farm up here would be good um definitely definitely a thing that should be done as of course you know wood’s like the most important item in the entire game even more than diamonds and anything like that it’s funny because i think if i would have to decide between

Never being able to have diamonds or never being able to have wooden logs things like that i would definitely pick to never be able to have diamonds as things like you know logs and wood and all the things you get from that just have so many crafted variants to it

And we don’t have any shears to collect these leaves i wish we did because that would be that would be a nice thing for decoration but maybe we’ll come back here later once we have some more iron and we are just up there so it shouldn’t be too difficult

And if this amount of logs isn’t enough then we can probably come back down here and grab that to make sort of a cold looking hedge as i’m sure the leaves up there will be sort of a minty green color which is not a bad looking color actually i found sometimes all

You know dislike a certain biome because of its you know tree color its leaf color the the plant colors things like mesa biomes and desert biomes can have these brown and ugly looking um you know just very like wilted looking plants but i think that there’s something nice too to having

Different styles of things it definitely makes things be more realistic so you know i don’t know i i kind of like the look of the uh the leaf and plant textures in every biome So this is what’s my favorite biome my favorite biome is probably the mega tiger which there might actually be one around here i have no idea although i wouldn’t doubt it as i’ve often found mega taiga to be around the mountain biomes my favorites yeah it’s probably mega taiga just because

I don’t know it reminds me a bit of what forests look like in real life and also i do tend to like the the podzol and the mushroom and those um those giant mossy cobblestone pillars it’s a lot of things like that that are definitely features of real life tygas

That i think minecraft does a good job of portraying unlike let’s say the jungle which although is a good biome literally just has you know quote unquote jungle wood right which doesn’t really mean anything and so although it’s a nice thing um because jungles are just such a complicated

Thing in real life um minecraft just can’t really do as good of a job as showing what they are like although i do actually like the jungle biome as well it’s probably one of my favorites also i think it’s always fun to try and actually build in there because of

Course there’s so many uh so many trees and so many logs some says i lost all my netherite to an enderman to be honest they’re scary you know something interesting i’ve often found is when fighting the ender dragon if i die when doing it it’s usually because of an enderman it’s not usually

Because of the ender dragon which you know of course you’d assume the ender dragon would be more dangerous and more difficult than the enderman i don’t actually think that’s the case because an enderman actually targets you in the ender dragon although it does somewhat target you at certain stages of the fight

During most of the fight it really isn’t and it’s sort of just generally flying around and so enderman can definitely be incredibly deadly someone says wonderful community you’ve made thank you for making your videos helped me a lot mainly uh with before i went to the end well

I’m really glad that my videos are able to help you and i want to continue to make videos to help people but also inspire them to play survival more in the future someone says is this java or bedrock this is java and actually sometimes i’ve seen people

Watch a video of mine that’s on java or maybe all the clip that’s in bedrock and people won’t know if something’s from java or bedrock on my videos and other people’s videos and there’s actually some really easy ways of knowing the difference between the two versions i

Just visually the first one is is like grass items planned items things like that they look a lot different now there’s none of them around here i can see just strange you think there would be some grass here’s some they’re a lot smaller in bedrock also

The lighting is a bit sort of not necessarily brighter but there’s a smoothness to it the water has a very smooth texture grass and little things like that also render out like they they stop rendering at a certain distance whereas in java you always see them and so in the

Distance grassy fields will sort of look almost like a golf course where it’s all mowed grass but if you get closer it’s not and of course any block that emits light doesn’t have shadows on it in bed rocks you can see here of course these have shadows but even a light bearing block

Would have shadows there however in bedrock edition there would not be shadows on let’s say lava or maybe a soul lantern or whatever other block really so not probably a soul lantern but a sea lantern Let’s see someone says who’s my favorite minecraft youtuber besides myself i don’t i don’t think i’m in any sense my favorite minecraft youtuber i definitely try my best but i think there’s a long way for me to go till i could be um i’m not sure but anyway in terms of my

Favorite youtuber uh legacy minecraft youtubers are some of my favorite and i think i mentioned this in a q a a long time ago but you know just the really old creators like let’s say stampy long nose um popular mmos back in the day some of these you

Know sort of 2012 to 2015 era youtubers are some of my favorites i’ll still often watch back some of those videos just because i find um the game at that time to have been incredibly simple but also people used a lot of their imagination when playing it and i just

Realized something i mean i didn’t just realize it but i was reminded of something which is the fact that because we’re up here we’re going to have to deal with snow on our roof but there are some tricks to have snow not be on our

Roof and we will work with those in a bit but i guess it’s sort of um christmas in september here which is always nice so i guess what we’ll do it’s probably making the compression horrible on the stream so sorry about that for everyone but the snow should go away fairly soon

Now that we have all these logs i can actually add some more detail to the wall potentially putting in some dark oak logs which i think could be a great thing so we’re gonna go around here and expand this roof to be five blocks tall i don’t think any more than

Five blocks tall is necessary but that much should be good and maybe we’ll have sort of an open castle-like roof and not a uh sort of a closed triangular roof just because that’s gonna add a lot of extra things we have to build so we’ll go around here

And we’ll i guess we’ll grab some more of these i think we’re going five blocks tall in fact yeah we would be because we went three blocks before then we’re going to higher than that so we’ll go around here and we’ll place some more above just like this so

We’re gonna go back in here actually i guess we do want some sort of a roof working got snow inside of our hose so i do need to make a roof i have to go back down though to grab some sand for glass or some more deep slate or something

Like that because we are low on materials uh fairly low i might turn these into in the planks actually i like that uh but let’s see here so i need some more of that deep slate that’ll give us those pillars and here’s a question for everyone how has your

Saturday been so far are you enjoying it relaxing and playing minecraft or have you had to do some work maybe school work or a job on saturday i usually enjoy saturday quite a bit but it does of course depend on what i have to do on that day

All right let’s see so we have these dark oak logs we’re going to place these in between here at first we’re going to finish off these side pillars now this corner here and that corner here can’t really have them but over here they can so we’re going to place that down just

To make it a bit more 3d i think maybe connect it up a bit more but we also want to make sure this one is tall enough so we’ll place these down and i think we can probably make sort of a structure out of this actually if we

Take all the deep slate we have which is not much left but everything we do have left maybe i made too many walls earlier and we can try and sort of start off what would be like a bit of um a wall framing let’s see here where did i put my stone cutter

Might be in my inventory still actually i think i put it away when i was doing the tree mining uh either way it doesn’t matter because we’ll just be crafting slabs so place those down we could do the deep slate tile slabs or the polished i’ll make

Some polish and i’ll make some tile i think we can use that to decorate the roof a bit just to make it you know blend in a little bit more with the sort of just deep or dark oak square we’ve made Someone says is it better to zombify villagers first than give them jobs or the other way around um it mostly depends on what job you’re going for so let’s say that you’re going for let like a farmer villager something where they’re going to have similar trades and

You’re going to know what trade you want from them from the get-go let’s say you know you want to be trading pumpkins and melons for emeralds they’re basically always going to have that trade so it doesn’t really matter too much but with certain other things like let’s say maybe a uh

Well it could be a librarian but of course you always see the first trade on that as well but a good example would be let’s say an armor or a tool smith one of these things where they’re great trades although they’re going to have them

You’re not going to be able to see let’s say a few they have a really good enchantments on those diamond tools until after they’ve been zombified at least once and so with something like that you could always trade with them first the only risk of that though is that then because the zombification

Process always has a little bit of risk in it not that the villager would necessarily die to the zombie as it wouldn’t if you’re in hard mode but just the fact that you do have the potential for that zombie villager to die somehow so it’s

Always good to be careful if you have a really really good villager and that’s why i tend to personally to go with unemployed villagers first although there is the added benefit of once a villager has a job and you’ve traded with them at least once you do not have to worry about them

Despawning because they will not despawn if you’ve traded with them it looks like the snow has stopped finally and that’s because we’ve slept every time you sleep in minecraft that will always make the rain stop whether it’s a thunderstorm or anything else of course you can sleep during thunderstorms but you can also

Sleep during the not during the rain but you can sleep during the rain but not you know at any time of day of course if it’s night as well and that will always make the rain go away so funny enough often times you’ll see thunderstorms and rain more often on multiplayer servers and

The reason for that’s really simple it’s because you don’t have to it’s because a lot of players don’t sleep and because on certain multiplayer worlds of course there is um there’s so many players there’s not multiplayer sleep you will not have everyone sleeping and so because of that the rain timer doesn’t

Really reset and so you get more rain and more thunderstorms someone says do i use a script for my videos i don’t really use a script for my videos i do have like an outline where i have different facts laid out different important things that i want

To sort of express about the game let’s say i might you know have the fact of um Let’s say that chokers uh the choker pellets can make you levitate of course that’s not an unknown fact but just for an example and then i might have that written down and i’ll elaborate on that within the video itself so mostly it’s it’s unscripted the intro might be scripted well the

Intro is always scripted but yeah i’d say my scripts may be like two paragraphs for the 20 minute video or whatever so it’s definitely not much let’s see here i need the dark oak logs here for some more detail on the side that’s actually looking pretty good um i don’t really

Like what it looks like here where the snow just falls out there might have some more snow to put in there and i have realized that uh unfortunately we’re gonna have to go and collect some more deep slate because if we do not uh then we cannot finish this so i’m

Gonna make these into snow blocks and we’re gonna place these around here a little bit and then i think we’ll go back down maybe to where that ancient city is or just to another place of the deep slate layer and i will mine a whole bunch of deep slate

There maybe strip mine as well in combination of course strip mining isn’t the funnest thing and neither is gathering deep slate but it has to be done and of course the thing about minecraft is that there’s a mix of resource gathering activities and building activities and

As an as a live stream and not a let’s play i would have to show both of those so there’s no mining off camera or whatever which is of course the joke that unfortunately some youtubers will um cheat in their worlds which is not good

Let’s take a look here so we have these logs um i could place these as the detailing but i may as well get that deep slate first and we can sort of concentrate the building so let’s see every time i do this i usually forget something so we’re going to make sure to

Grab our bed we’re going to make sure to grab some extra materials maybe a furnace to smelt things with i don’t really think we’re gonna need it but we may as well us but we’re gonna go mining here and let’s take a look here what else we need so

Someone says i have i ever mind off camera uh no one i mean if you actually watch some of my old let’s plays you’ll notice um sometimes i’ll go mining and i’ll get like one diamond so definitely not although you know for me i always think keeping the game as

Legitimate as possible is really really important whether or not it makes it be um as exciting you know of course finding 50 diamonds when going mining is great but that doesn’t always happen so let’s take a look here and make a second actually maybe i won’t i’ll take the

Diamond pickaxe i’m not actually too worried about using that up somewhat i’m not gonna use it up too much but i don’t think it’s gonna matter if it gets mine down quite a bit however a lot of torches is important a lot of coal very important so we’re gonna do that

Now something i could do this could make the mining process a lot more interesting although it doesn’t necessarily give us deep slate is to actually collect some bone blocks and some moss blocks and go moss mining and i would be doing that except for the fact of course that we need the deep

Slate so it’s sort of a good mining method but not a good deep slate collection method so let’s find some coal we have 16 stacks here or not 16 i wish we had 16 stacks we have 16 pieces right there we’re going to grab all these items and turn those into planks

Now here’s something sort of interesting i made a community post poll a while ago um actually wasn’t that long ago uh that was more or less asking people what their favorite minecraft content was and i’d done one of these quite a while ago and i think about 75 percent

Of people said other types of content that were not sort of like the format that i make but now the poll has changed and about 65 say that they sort of their favorite type of format is like list videos facts guides things like that and so i find that kind of interesting

That the proportions changed quite a bit could of course be because of a lot of reasons but i think that overall i do still want to experiment around with a bit of different types of content definitely staying true to tutorials and guides and being a youtuber that teaches people

About minecraft but i think there’s a lot about the game that i haven’t been able to cover yet that i want to be able to so i have no idea why i put all those storages there actually i do have an idea it’s because i wanted to get rid of

The snow but it’s not that useful i do have any more coal probably not it looks like the answer is no so i might actually grab about every other of these torches just around here and then we can go back into the mine something like that maybe

I think that’s good we’ll we’ll uh get enough food actually i don’t think we’re super uh full on food and i suppose once this uh wheat is all used up we’re gonna have to make a food farm which is definitely important so we’ll do that

Let’s get 14 of those in there 20 pieces of bread put that weed away and a chest actually some chests would be a good idea because i have a lot of stuff on me already i do not want to lose that we have our furnace we have

Nothing to cook with but i suppose i could bring maybe a stack of planks not the best fuel but burning planks is actually not that bad of an idea it’s not super efficient but it’s not terrible at all of course making charcoal can be good

But i think at this point we might not have to smelt many items if any so besides we can of course craft these into other things let’s take a look here i think i will make some shears actually we might need those and overall it’s looking fairly good

So we’re gonna go and mine basically we have our bed with us we should have everything so we’re gonna do that someone says top right cool let’s take a look here top right oh you’re right there it is a stack of coal yes that’s perfect then

What i’ll do is i’ll make some more uh torches because that’s a really important thing especially since we will very likely be in the deep dark this is a mountain biome everything underneath us should be deep dark so probably make three stacks and then i will make uh half the cool go

Over here and thank you to everyone the stream for pointing that out make sure to keep that and actually i’ll combine these two pickaxes something interesting is that combining pickaxes adds a very small amount of extra free durability so it’s not the best it’s not the

Worst idea in fact it’s a pretty good idea to to combine your pickaxes all right so uh i believe i remember the way to the deep dark area and i think i think i have to go down here to where my base was and then go yeah i think that’s definitely the first

Step is to go down here and then i believe there is a cave entrance that will have that oh my goodness oh no oh no that’s not good at all um okay i probably uh should not have been looking at the chat right then the good

News is i know where my stuff is i think um well this definitely uh made this stream be a lot more interesting uh definitely um yeah rest in peace i craft mc life number one that’s why we’re in survival not hardcore but that is the first time i’ve

Died on here which i think is pretty good um i guess i can go into things to do when you die so something really important to be aware of when you die is the fact that you have five minutes to get your items but that’s not let’s

Say five minutes from right now that’s only five minutes from when the items are loaded in now thankfully i have a fairly good knowledge of what’s going on something i could make sure is that my simulation distance is all the way down that could potentially help i don’t

Actually know if that determines item loading but i think it would so we’re going to travel this way we should be pretty good overall the only other item that does not despawn in five minutes is the netherstar which never despawns in bedrock and in java it despawns in 10 minutes so

We’re definitely not going to have those items be loaded in for very long they’re in a fairly easy to see place but that’s definitely the perils of living in a cliffside area and of course if i had a scene that i was falling off earlier i could have probably saved myself and i

Actually remembered right now i’m not sure if i had a water bucket on me so that would be important if we’re going mining thankfully we’re actually not that far so we should be able to come back and get our items fairly easily now something you can do if you find

That you’re dying a lot in your minecraft worlds and you know like i did right there let’s say you return to the spawn point is you could have a chest next to the spawn point that has let’s say some stone tools in it maybe some iron tools some food there’s some

General materials if you’re later game of course or late game you could have in a light dress and fireworks so you can always get back to your items as quickly as possible as of course right then although i did have that diamond pickaxe and some of my best items they’re not

Actually that good of items and so it’s always important that if you think you’re going to die to have the necessarily the necessary materials to get that back all right so i’m fairly certain we’re going through here it’s definitely going to turn to night so this is going to be

Super interesting either way i’m not sure if the best idea would have been to craft some things when i was back there could have been potentially but i’m honestly not sure if i see a mob to kill i will do that as i need some food although i will not do the chickens

As the thing about chicken is that you can get poison from that you cannot get poisoned from raw beef in minecraft on real life in real life of course raw meat of any kind can poison you sometimes i dare you to get a um someone says i dare you to

Get a goat horn from the peaks let’s take a look here we’re going to make the planks we’re going to make this we’re going to make any sheep around no this is very interesting oh boy all right we’re gonna make a pickaxe real quick uh we shouldn’t be

Within render distance of those things but uh if we are it doesn’t matter we definitely need some food uh something important is always to make sure to craft your first materials out of stone and these are not my first ones if anyone’s new to the stream by the way i

Just died so we’re gonna try and get our stuff back um as we should actually be okay so we’re gonna go back up here the only thing that might be an issue is that it’s turned to night but again we’re not actually still that close

To our stuff so i don’t think it’s going to despawn we shouldn’t have much of an issue so we’re just going to turn this into all the necessary things and get back there uh yeah i can’t really think of anything else we could do necessarily um

We need to go grab uh get that cow if i can find it suddenly i found that although passive mobs are not any less frequent at night i have often found that i can’t find them as easily when it’s nighttime so not sure if that’s just coincidence or not probably and we

Will unfortunately have to be eating this raw food so we’re going to go as quickly as possible as i know we definitely are fairly close to where we died we’ve not been in this world for very long and an interesting mechanic that a lot of people um don’t know about

And i don’t think it’s actually in bedrock but i might be wrong on this is local difficulty now local difficulty determines a lot of things and the biggest one is more or less how many mobs spawn and how dangerous of mobs they are so because we haven’t been in

This world for very long um the local difficulty isn’t hot very high there shouldn’t be very many mobs but of course losing our items is really bad so we’re gonna try and get back and grab those as quickly as possible looks like we have two super chats let me just

Quickly read those i’m just going to pause here so make sure items not despawn the first one is for actually what i’ll do here i’ll put this up my social media is up over waiting if anyone wants to follow me on there join the discord and those things i’d love to

Have links put up there we’re paused right now so our items should not despawn we have two super chats here the first one is from colin pike and it says love the content bud for 10 thank you so much the next one is also for ten dollars

Right after it says your vids helped me so much to get started in minecraft and thank you very much for that as well so i’m just going to go back to minecraft let’s make sure that that’s shown up correctly it has so we’re now going to go back here and we

Are going to get our items back so um this is this guide hopefully will not guide but this live stream is hopefully not going to be titled what not to do in minecraft but um we’re actually not doing too badly and i just believe that as long as we’re not loading in those

Items we should be good oh i just found the powder snow of course and there is a skeleton right here so this is actually okay this is not good at all now i definitely do not want to die right here and i shouldn’t have to it’s fairly easy we’re pretty high up now

Okay i know where this is we’re actually really close to our base so we probably do have about five minutes now which is uh definitely not a good thing i’m glad i got that food there could be a lot of things up here um i’m not too worried

Though so we’re just going to go around here um our base should be up here and our items should be close by um i guess oh goodness that’s not good goodness that’s not good okay there’s two skeletons which is definitely not ideal we might die here i’m not sure

Which would be unfortunate as of course i don’t want to lose all those items again it wasn’t a massive amount of items i hear a witch that’s not good but i think we’re pretty close to our base so we should be okay um we’re going to go the other side of

This mountain and that should be where where our uh where our base is so let’s take a look here someone says i thought the skeleton was in my game i guess that’s the perils of playing minecraft and watching a stream at the same time we might have just

Enough food value to get our items back and of course we have this a very calming peaceful song as we uh rush frantically for our items that’s sort of just how minecraft is right there is the mountain and there’s our house we can see it so we’re very close we’re they’re

Definitely loaded in now so uh we now have about a five minute timer which is okay we’re really close to dying leave about a five minute timer though i’m gonna keep running i’m definitely gonna stop by my base whether or not it makes the items despawn

Uh it doesn’t really matter and oh our base is up there okay i can see it’s in that cave hmm okay so we can think about this for just a second we have to get into that cave we have one heart we have no food we have i can’t actually see any mobs

Down there we have to go all the way down all the way up so we have exactly five minutes from this point so we’re gonna see what we can do firstly just gonna quickly read this super chat uh and it says thank you so much for your

Content it helped me get back into minecraft and rediscover a lot of old friendships love and support from india all the best for the future well thank you so much i really appreciate that i definitely need all the uh all the best for the future of this world because we

Want to get those items back we’re actually not that close to them so the timer probably hasn’t started yet so the idea is just to not die i really don’t see any mobs down there so i’m not too worried we just have to be quick but i

Think there’s a good entrance to that cave so we’re just going to be really careful really really careful down here at least we’re not half a heart there’s always some sort of plus side to these make sure to keep my uh my weapon handy and there is some iron there i guess we

Could bother mining that but i think at this point uh even if we died here although it would be inconvenient it would be probably better than if we uh had those items to spawn so let’s go over here wish i could pick up that

Water i guess i could have if i got some iron but we’ll be careful this water is going to help us a lot i think going down here very good the local difficulty on this world is still low as you can see here we don’t have any really any

Hostile mobs that have spawned although they could of course because we’re not in normal or where we’re not in uh peaceful that was like any every jump is a dangerous jump here we’re gonna go up the mountain grab those items we’re gonna rescue them definitely we have our timer going

We’re going to do this so we’re going to go up here of course always important to be confident i’m going to definitely kill that chicken whether it poisons me or not it’s going to be very necessary give us just a little minute and let’s see what we can do uh another

Super chat super chat stream someone said hello fellow minecrafter watch out for that that powder snow yes i will watch out for the powder snow i don’t actually believe we’re gonna run into it and i hear a spider 100 be the death of us the trick is just to keep on moving

And go go go if we can even pick up these items that’s better than anything else of course we’ve been sort of consuming that timer so it’s more or less a race to the end here this is definitely um a lot of stakes all right i think that’s the entrance

That drip stone right up there that should be it there’s a zombie i really hope this is the entrance and it looks like it is almost guaranteed hopefully it doesn’t go down too far and i can’t see any items but i did land on a block and i didn’t die

So we have to be really careful here Hmm let’s see here this zombie could definitely kill me see if i can knock it into the mine there there we go so let’s think you’re not sure exactly where they are there’s a show hitbox is that smart okay so i don’t actually know if this is a thing i fell down either

Unfortunately someone says they’re gone i don’t think they could actually be gone it’s not been long enough i’m not sure if it was this cave because i because i landed into there someone says the jump into the water i would but i see there’s a lot of mobs

There so it’s not been loaded in for five minutes they’re either here or they’re somewhere else and we’re right below our base can we see our base up there i can’t well hmm so there’s two things i could do i could either run back to my base which

Probably isn’t the best idea or it could jump back down into here the most we’re actually going to lose is we’re going to lose our bed and a diamond pickaxe and the rest of that isn’t super important so we basically someone says it’s not that cave i think you’re actually right

So probably the best idea is just to run as fast as possible we probably still have three or four minutes on that timer because my base is up there but i think yeah someone says the other one on the other side i think you’re actually 100 correct so we’re just going to grab

These we’re going to see if we can pile up here in time um i i think that’s 100 correct so we’re just going to keep on running i didn’t actually waste too much time i know my base is up here so if we can be lucky there’s the walls we’re so close and

We’re gonna do that and we’re gonna just get the one on the other side and we’re gonna quickly grab a little bit of food that’s literally the only thing i guess i’ll grab a water bucket as well that’s it we’re just gonna pile up over the wall here because it does not matter

At this stage our items are definitely loaded in no matter when there is a creeper in here of course there is so we’re just gonna go in here walk ourselves up real quick so we can do food food food uh we’ve armor get that on see uh food

Melon slices it’s not good quickly make some bread probably shouldn’t even be taking this long it doesn’t matter where’s the water bucket bucket water bucket and iron do have any iron i don’t see any i don’t see a water bucket either just not good let’s see

Some says you had wool in the chest um oh to make a bed right let’s see wool oh sanny okay i think actually the best idea is to use the boat method so i’m just going to do that so let’s i need some building blocks something shouldn’t be picky with this okay there

We go All right it was on the other side someone said which is true so we need to next i went down here so it’d be it’s right there there it is okay there’s the boat get in a boat get in there go off the edge this very well

May kill us either way and there’s our items i got some of them they should all be scattered around here let’s hope we get the uh i mean pickaxe that was quite a save i might hope we can get them all on time because they’re sort of all spread around our health is

Regenerating so we’re pretty good oh there they are there they are okay this is good while they hear a creeper which is uh incredibly not good so okay that’s fallen down that’s perfect oh my goodness there’s our stuff enchanted leggings do the diamond pickaxe we do i see some more items down

There so we’re gonna jump into the pool of water again all this stuff very risky i think if we had to land it on a drip stone we might have died just because it was sticking out a bit some of these are depends on the one i think the biggest and most important

Thing is to get our spawn point set so if we die again it’s not a disaster again so we’re gonna do that but hey there there you go so that’s how you save your items in minecraft remain calm use boats to not die if you’re in

Bedrock i could have used a water bucket although i did not have one and look there’s the uh there’s the sky so we saved their items um i hope they’re all here let’s take a little inventory check the most important things is the bread and the pickaxe and all that

So this is how you can get back up i actually don’t need to i was trying to get down here anyway um so that was a bit of a unnecessary um uh what’s the word for it uh delay but we can get back and get back down here and go back to

Mining it’s sort of funny because although of course the most important thing in that scenario is to get our items back absolutely once we have them back we can just go back to our normal business and a uh five pound i don’t remember how much a pound is but that’s i think that’s

Pretty good five pounds from limited and it says want to support my favorite youtuber well thank you so much to limited uh limited’s a really great member of our community so shout out to limited um has been a part for a very long time i think since october of 2021 something like

That i believe and so thank you very much to limited let’s take a look here some says spawn point yes i will do that i don’t have two beds so i won’t do that quite yet but what i will do is i will go down here

And we will get that mine going then we’ll get a spawn point outside of it and of course because we have our bed in our hand we can actually set that spawn point quickly so this is the one cave this one may go down uh this one i think is the one there’s

Two caves on either end of this one of them doesn’t really go down anywhere one of them goes down to where the warden is and i think this is not the one that goes down to where the warden is and and the ancient city and all that let’s take a look here

Some says what texture are you using i’m using the just the default texture update textures 1.14 plus just the the ones by japa i guess but of course it’s what everyone has when they play minecraft so yeah i’m using the the uh standard textures okay this is definitely the place to the

Deep dirk it’s kind of hard to see but there is an ancient city all the way down there you can see a little bit of the skulk on the corner there very very little bit and so we’re gonna have to jump down there and get it

And someone says go kill some sheep for a bed well i already have a bed so what i’m gonna probably do is i’m either gonna go down there and set my spawn point down there i’m gonna set it up here i’m not too worried actually because we have a water path

And there’s actually no hostile mobs that spawn the deep dark so we’re just going to go down here um and then we’re just going to sort of navigate our way down but i’ll keep this bed in hand just in case if we do start to die we can set that spawn point

Safely and easily actually i did not mean to put that there but we’ll break that and grab that bed before it falls in the lava we’ll go back down here and we will make our way down so the point of this is not to raid the deep dark although i’d love to

And be very careful here but the point of this is simply to get some diamonds and actually some deep slate for building our house but of course diamonds as well as we really don’t have many so see a suspicious glow squid through here that’s funny just sitting there we may

As well get it there we go we got some glowing socks this might actually be an easy way of getting down doesn’t look like it all right we’ll go over here and we will continue to make our way now i’m somewhat feeling like setting my

Spawn point but again do not have a good way of getting down otherwise and we have a super chat for idr 16 000. so if someone wants to tell me the chat what idr is from what country that’s the currency of i’d be very interested to know but

Thank you very much for that i think it’s a sticker i believe there’s some heart symbols there so thank you very much for that i very much appreciate it um the support is great as it makes these live streams really be worthwhile they’re worthwhile for sure in terms of

Helping people play the game but live streams do tend to not do as well as my standard videos and i want to make what does the best for my channel and so the super chat’s a great way of supporting the stream so let’s go down here all right and look like this

And i’m actually really happy i got my items back um in fact i have an idea we’re gonna go down here this i should definitely make like an actual staircase down here considering i have like my strip mine and everything um that would be a good idea so we’ll do

That soonish but not quite yet uh let’s be really risky and jump down here there we go it’s actually not that risky there’s a shrieker right there which is always fun to see let’s get our spawn point set we did say we would do that that’s definitely the best idea so we

Can get that spawn point set a very good thing someone says that it is an indonesian rupiah interesting very cool well i’m that’s awesome to have fans from indonesia and all around the world so okay there is an entrance to a strip mine here i’m not exactly sure where it is again

But i know that it’s on a somewhat safe path in terms of shriekers it’s funny because we have that uh or um subscription notification there is the shrieker thing let’s take a look around here oh i think it might be this way we can start a new strip mine either way

It doesn’t really matter we just do not want to set off any shriekers so i might just place a torch here and then slowly crawl past that shrieker and we should be fairly good someone says i do you think the lighter takes away from the game

I think the lighter takes away and adds to the game i think there’s a lot that it does take away in terms of it makes a distance that you’re traveling always be smaller which is a good thing in a sense but of course also it makes the minecraft world seem smaller

And less important which it sort of is made by the elytra but of course there’s also a lot of good with the elytra being able to quickly travel also helps people enjoy the big picture of what minecraft is more and all that the last time i was

Here i got lost and i’m not gonna have that happen again so i’m going to make an actual strip mining setup i found the best way of strip mining is to make tunnels that are five blocks apart then later on if i want do the ones that are two blocks apart not

Because the two block apart tunnels are bad in any way but just because there’s a slightly larger chance of getting diamonds and other materials i mean in our case it doesn’t really matter we’re just going for deep slate but uh generally then if you’re a little bit

Further apart at first you have your original mining be a bit um a bit more efficient and someone says do you have a server to play on and what’s the ip i do have a server to play on i have it through my discord server in

Fact i’ll just throw this up right now if anyone wants to join my discord server there’s a link in the description there should be a link in the chat from the moderators and also be sure to follow me on twitter uh follow me on twitch and join the icraftmcreddit and

Even maybe subscribe to my second channel i always love doing these call outs because i’ll check after the stream there’s a lot of new people and feel free to even join the discord server say hello i’m fairly active on that and i really appreciate it so let’s go back to minecraft make sure

That came back up because i always want to be careful and yes we have another super chat for 35 000 idr and it says another fan from indonesia i guess well i would assume if you’re using idr you’re from indonesia well thank you very very much for that looks like we’ve

Ran into a cross tunnel very interesting we’re going to go back this way and we’re going to mine that i want to talk for a little minute as i’m strip mining about the situation there where i nearly died because i think it’s a really important thing to

Talk about a lot of people were saying in the in the comments or the chat anyway um how calm i was being and although it can be difficult to be calm when a situation happens like that and of course i’m usually always calm um it’s really important to think about

Things logically and to really give yourself time to just pause the game think about what’s going on and continue from there and the big reason for that is that if you’re stressed out and you’re really worried about this even though it is of course important and

Maybe if i had full net the right armor these kinds of things you know potentially up to 100 hours on the line maybe if you had your dragon egg on you something like that where there’s a lot of risk um still the best thing is to always be as calm as possible

And to think through the entire situation because there’s no real point stressing about something and depending on how you like to play the game i know some people don’t mind doing this it depends on your specific play style um but if you’re a player that likes to back up their minecraft world

Something you can always do after you die is back up your minecraft world and then what you can do is you can try and find your stuff if you don’t get there in time then you can at least find out where they were then you can go to the

Backup and you can reload from right after you died and then you can try and find your stuff again although of course not all players like doing that and if you’re a player that considers backups cheating then that wouldn’t be an option um the recovery compass is a great item

Uh but of course the problem with that is that you don’t always have a recovery compass as i was saying earlier if you do die it’s always important to have a chest near the spawn point where you can sort of have all your different all your different um sort of like

I died so there’s an issue chest items and so because of that having a recovery compass in there as of 1.19 is probably the most important item as well as food as if you’re running and jumping a lot um as you saw there i nearly died i was

At one heart there was many close calls there reminds me a bit of our nether journey um there’s a lot of situations there where i could have died just because i could not regenerate my health effectively someone says i’m so happy you’re streaming your videos are so insanely

Helpful and sorry excuse me here and your voice is so lovely to listen to while i’m mining and crafting myself okay well um you’re welcome and there’s also going to be a stream replay for all these things avod and all that so i hope that everyone enjoys that as well

Let’s take a look here we have lapis that’s pretty good um but it looks like i’m not picking up these items so we’re just gonna keep mining this way for a minute um again we have that five minute item timer so not a big issue to deal with

And we’re gonna go do that and let’s just take a look i will make some chests near the beginning of this strip mine i think eventually we could probably try just by connecting up the coordinates make an entrance from our base to the strip mine maybe make a

Bubble elevator those kinds of things aren’t that difficult so i think that doing that could be a great idea someone says do i have two monitors i do have two monitors i actually have three monitors but the third monitor is um not connected up because of a port issue

Where my computer’s port it’s an older monitor so it doesn’t have the right type of ports and i’m should be reaching a wall pretty soon here so i might actually be going the wrong way i’m probably just going to go back here either way and and put some chests down at the

Entrance so here’s these strip mining tunnels i guess the entrance of the mine is here so we’re going to put some chests in a little area here before we lose those items let’s make this right here and of course if you don’t want to mine

Out an area with the room to open up your chests you could always put barrels down i could have put barrels down here but i’d craft a chest so we will be using chests someone says do not forget to pick up the lapis and i definitely will not as

Of course we’re going to want to be doing some enchanting later and lapis is also a item that is not the easiest to get as the only alternative method to mining it is getting it from villagers and that trade isn’t a very efficient one let’s see here we’re going to put away

Some of these items we don’t need these stone tools for now i guess a lot of this is our sort of uh things i grabbed randomly trying to live as we didn’t go back to our base after i died and we have a super chat that says uh love the

Vids keep up the good work also how did you come up with your name well i have answered this before but i may as well answer it again as it’s sort of interesting i craft mc the idea behind that is that of course my character ah you

Know has an eye i guess i should turn off hitboxes actually but my character has of course the big prominent eye which is sort of like its main feature and i’d made this skin before before i had made my channel and before i’d even thought of making youtube

Videos seriously at all and so uh it was on a different minecraft account of mine about my i craft mc account later that’s actually why i don’t have the um the legacy cape i think it’s called or the migrator escape that’s what it’s called um because i got it after that

But yeah and then basically what happened is uh i decided that you know what’s about minecraft i saw a lot of channels that had the word craft in their name if it was about minecraft so i thought i’ll do i craft i looked at my

Craft and it was taken i was like well it’s not taken well i’ve also seen a lot of minecraft creators with mc they had their name so i’ll just call it icraftmc and even though that’s sort of like a a shortened version of icraft minecraft which you know definitely doesn’t sound

The best i think it has a nice ring to it i craft mc it’s not too long of a name it’s 10 characters and although maybe if i was going to remake it i would try and come up with something a little bit shorter i think overall it’s pretty good

And someone says your skin is amazing you should make skin packs for bedrock well um i didn’t get this skin i’ve been made a couple other skins as well that are just on other accounts and things but uh yeah i do like making skins in minecraft this is actually the first

Minecraft skin i’d ever made this one right here so you can sort of see um i don’t know it’s supposed to be like my character or sort of that but let’s grab that redstone and i’m not sure how many blocks we have in terms of the deep sight it’s it’s funny because

We’ll be strip mining for a long time and there won’t actually be that much deep slate we have collected so i guess probably just because of the mining speed of the deep slate so we’ll put that in there and let’s put this in here all right and we have a super sticker

Uh from zuno i think and that’s for a hundred i think that is rupees um thank you very much for that either way and i appreciate all the super chats and all the support because that’s really really um a vital part of streams so let’s take a look here uh we’re gonna probably

Wouldn’t go back this way because i believe we’d mined right through in fact we did because i don’t have a end section yes you can see right there i was mining far too uh to um in this distance someone says i saw a creeper in your mind

That’s worrying i’ll take a look for that right now so let’s see hmm i’m not sure if there’s a creeper here or not but i’ll keep my eye out for it my uh only eye anyway um i’m talking about my skin let’s keep going this way and try and

Get some more time oh my goodness try and get some more diamonds there we go there’s our diamonds that’s perfect right it’s always funny that the timings like that i suppose i was talking about diamonds for a while and if i remember correctly the last time i found diamonds in this

Strip mine in fact i think the only time i found diamonds in this strip mine it was also only two so that’s kind of funny we have another super chat that says do you know how to fix nether portal to match where you built it in

The overworld ah yes you just need to use a little bit of math it’s not too difficult whatever the coordinates are in the nether you want to multiply those by nine for the coordinates in the overworld so let’s say that you’re at the coordinate one one up for x and z in

The nether that would be eight eight in the over world and of course you know let’s say a hundred a hundred in the overworld would be uh well actually a hundred hundred in the nether would be 800 800 in the overworld so let’s say you build a portal at 64 64

In the overworld then you just want to reduce that by eight which would mean it would be eight eight in the nether you’d want to put that and the nether portals will link up to what’s ever closest so if it’s linked to the wrong portal break that portal light one of the correct

Coordinates of course the bottom part of the nether portal has two blocks that it comprises of and so you do want to be aware of that it doesn’t actually matter which one of the two blocks the portal is on so let’s say you know this is eight eight and this is eight nine

That’s still fine we have another super chat look at this and it is from capella for two pounds and it says what levels are you mining at perfect question and that is because we are at level negative 58. so there’s a lot of different opinions on where you

Should mine but i always say negative 57 negative 58 because although some players like to mine at the very lowest level the problem is if i’m mining down here i’m seeing that bedrock and every single time i see bedrock that’s an area where there could have been diamonds in

The sense that bedrock will interrupt the diamond generation the ore generation but also you’re never going to see a bedrock ore and so when you’re mining down here like this you want to have as many applicable blocks as possible and by not having those blocks that could have the ores that’s why you

Don’t want to be mining at negative 59 but still there are more materials the lower down you are and so because of that i’ve heard some players say negative 54 or even negative 50. but it’s always best even though diamonds do generate technically from 16 all the way

Down to negative 64. negative 58 negative 57 these are the levels you’re going to find the most diamonds with the least of them interrupted by bedrock although negative 57 actually has even less interrupted or there’s also a very slight reduction in how many generate someone says hi just join the stream

Well thank you to everyone who’s joining the stream now if you want to know i’m strip mining i know it’s a little bit boring maybe not the most boring but nothing crazy that we’re going to do is we’re going to try and find as much deep slate as possible because we’re working

On our base and it looks like let’s take a look here we have also we have 650 concurrent viewers so thank you so much to all those uh people who are watching the stream right now i really appreciate that and we’ve been kind of averaging almost

700 viewers uh the last stream this one may be 600 just still really awesome so hopefully you’re all enjoying that i know a lot of people are busy right now in terms of school um but it’s still nice to uh to have people stop by on the

Saturday so two more diamonds again i don’t know what’s up with these veins that only have two diamonds in them uh very very strange there but either way we’ll mine around here and my whole hope and my goal is to stream every single uh saturday at 9am pst

12 noon est and of course wherever else you are you can do the conversion for that and of course i don’t always be doing this survival series i mean i might do it for a long time but i mean not every stream might be this i might try out some other

Things see what people enjoy the most and just sort of go from there try and cover a lot of different parts of the game uh potentially at some point i could turn a different stream into maybe a series as well so someone says how are you and i’m doing

Very good just mining through here been working on a lot of awesome videos this week i’m excited for everyone to be able to see them lots of good stuff for all of september and i’m hoping to just continue to improve my content quality in the future and just make better and better videos

And i think these videos are gonna cover some really important topics that i haven’t talked about yet especially in terms of firming some specific items so you’ll find out what i mean by that when those videos come out and we have another super chat and it

Says have you ever rage quit i used to as a newbie um i’ve raged quit before a couple times i’ve had worlds before where just because of incredibly uh bad luck let’s say i die all my items are there i’ve gone back down grabbed them and killed gone back down there grabbed

Them and killed you know just sort of like the eternal death loop and that can be very frustrating i found if i lose all the items that um that i died and they’re all on the ground there and i lose them sometimes i’ll rage quit but i found it is rare

Because i generally i just want to sort of correct the situation that’s happened um but i have had times rarely that i will be really frustrated with minecraft and i’ll just stop playing it for a bit because of course certain things in the game although this is a very relaxing and

Calm game generally certain things can be uh can be a little bit stressful to them someone says i craft you have one of the best minecraft channels i’ve ever seen you make really entertaining content well thank you so much i definitely try my best um it’s been a pretty wild ride

This last year i mean to think that uh just one year ago i had maybe just slightly over a thousand subscribers i never even made a minecraft guide before i was doing just random let’s plays basically i made some sort of tutorials but nothing really big and we have crc 2500 that

Says can you make a video about ocean ruins love from costa rica well i have had an idea for a long time a video that talks about oceans ocean ruins shipwrecks dolphins these sort of topics so i think you will see something about that within the next month or so

And here’s actually a little question for everyone i’m just going to put up a pulse i haven’t done these yet we’ll see what everyone thinks of these polls um the question is are you excited see if i can type this are you excited about minecraft 1.20 and i’m actually really excited about

Minecraft 1.20 but i’m interested to see what everyone else thinks about minecraft 1.20 of course we don’t know what it is we have minecon coming up the 15th of october that’s that’s pretty soon so i’m excited to see what happens with that and we’re going to get the results

There’s there should be a poll there looks like yes is that 94 that’s a lot of uh yes which is awesome um yeah just i think that uh one point actually we’ve hit a sensor we’ll go this way uh but but i think that 1.20 is going to be

A really good update and i’m excited for it because you know i feel like all the possible things that they could update are things that i really agree with them updating of course you know i’m not always happy with every single update fully but i found that because the the

Reasonable things that they’re probably going to be updating so either let’s say a pvp update or an end update maybe a you know archaeology sort of update maybe an update adding the biomes they haven’t yet although i don’t think so because that’s sort of what the wild

Update was supposed to be although it didn’t turn out like that but i think one of those things is probably 90 chance so i’m excited for any of those possibilities um and it’ll be really cool to see what happens it says what modifications are using right now are using optifine or any

Optimization mod and also thank you for your awesome videos well uh the only thing i have on right now is opt it’s not optifine but iris and sodium i’ve actually had some issues with iris and sodium but i just have it on right now because that’s what’s installed i have nothing against um

Optifine in any way and i might start using it at some point in the future here um but it was just uh when 1.19 first came out the iris and sodium had come out before optifine had and so i just installed it then and never changed it um

Just bump my microphone there anyway let’s keep going here i think see here we have quite a bit of cobble deepside i want to keep going for a bit though it looks like um we’re gonna keep going through here a bit and see what happens of course let’s see here

Someone says i’m not gonna hold my breath anymore with mojung or microsoft seems like they put in minimal effort into most updates although it would be nice if they fully implemented magic well i think the thing about mojong and microsoft is that because minecraft is is such a popular

Game they do have to be very careful with what they add in you know of course a lot of people say oh well you know modders make updates faster than mujin does and that is true but i think that there’s sort of this behind the scenes part of it we don’t

See where they’re very likely taking every feature and they’re really trying to pair it with every other part of the game see is this compatible does this work so i think although of course um it can be disappointing when updates take a long time they don’t have

Everything we want i also do respect the fact that they also have to make sure to keep you know i believe if you count the people who play minecraft in the minecraft china edition uh probably over 600 million people i mean that’s like a tenth of the

World right that’s a lot of people to keep happy so certainly a very important to will consider features and we have a super chat that says love the videos how did you start your page i’m guessing you mean my youtube channel uh why started it um

July 22nd i believe of 2020. that was more or less because um i was just sort of playing minecraft a bunch and i thought you know i seem to just be sort of enjoying this game i like watching youtube videos of it let’s try making some videos on it i

Just did some low quality screen capture with obs had my microphone not set up at all so it did not sound very good but i just kept going i sort of stopped for a bit because of some different things and then around october i started up again of 2020

And i dedicated to making one video a week and then november i dedicate to three videos a week and then eventually i went to six videos a week in january of 2021 and i just went from there and then i went back down to three videos a

Week in december just because you know quality over quantity more or less and at this point i’m pretty happy with three videos a week may eventually go down two to two in a live stream but i’m really not sure so i think that i’m gonna try and post as much as i

Potentially can and yeah that’s basically how i started it and i just kept doing it as although i basically had no success for the first 300 videos i made after that things just went crazy so i don’t know but i think we’ve probably mined enough i don’t have this entire

Stream the icraft tmc strip mining um because that’s not very interesting so i’m gonna go back here and we’re not gonna get lost this time i will promise myself that because i did last time which is really ridiculous so let’s see what we can do there’s that redstone

That’s there to help me not get lost so we’re gonna go this way and we’re gonna do a little bit of something interesting we might raid one or two ancient city chests just because we’re here and we may as well as of course our warning level is quite low

So let’s just get rid of all the items we don’t need right now i’m not um too bothered about keeping let’s say that redstone and it’s gonna drink a water here someone says um how do you record an edit i just said earlier but i’ll say it again i record

With obs studio i’m streaming right now with stream labs just because they have sort of a better streaming setup but they’re very very similar programs and they’re sort of based on the same code so that’s really similar but and i edit on premiere pro i used edit on this program called

Femora and i had it on premiere pro now just because of a multiple audio track option basically and i think i’ll bring the shoes and the rest of that honestly can stay there although because we’ll be raiding the ancient city a bit i think i’ll just

Keep a couple of these items in here actually for now we’ll just do a quick little raid i will bring these shears so we can quickly collect a bit of wool but let’s do a bit of something interesting let’s try raiding that ancient city a bit anything that has a shrieker nearby

Likely has not been raided so i likely have not raided over here because we can see that shrieker let’s see something interesting i would why did i get a signal not sure anyway something um i would be very interested in hearing um from everyone in the chat there is what

Is that your favorite video of mine that i’ve ever made you know is it my 1.19 mining guide is it my netherrate guide is it a farming guide whatever it is um if there’s you know your favorite video of mine what would that be just because i always want to

Make videos that people find the most interesting and uh yeah i’d be interested to hear what people liked the most someone said all of them well i do appreciate that um so we have rated this this is such an interesting thing these uh ancient cities let me just change the

Music or something spooky and ancient city like this isn’t that ancient city like but i guess it’s good enough um we have the sures this time in the last stream some people are saying i forgot to use shears which i did so we’re new shirts this time get that wool quickly and

Efficiently and it’s so nice that we have wool that generates here as of course if we didn’t well it wouldn’t work very well so we’re going to mine this it definitely make it a lot harder as well some says mob fact videos survival tips um someone says well i beat the game in

This stream uh unlikely but we’ll see what happens i suppose uh i definitely am going for that eventually um but you know sort of if i’m not going for a massive speed run but just this kind of standard method of playing through the game eventually beating it um it’s not a

Super quick process so we’re just going to go through that at the normal speed so i can show every step of the process along the way and we set off a shrieker of course so we’re not warning level one which means we can unfortunately not

Have as many times we can mess up so we’ll just get one chest then i’m so dark which i guess makes sense it’s the deep dark it’s that’s definitely in the name but either way what i’m going to do literally the uh the subscriber notifications that it’s at warning level

One which is true so we’re gonna go this way there is some lapis in the ground there but i don’t want to set off that shrieker up there so we’re not going to mine it but let’s try and find one or two chests that should be around here it shouldn’t

Be too difficult although it might be hard to see so i’ll risk it all and put a torch every once in a while there’s the place we just were and there’s our strip mine so we’re gonna want to go to the other side of it someone says uh i think they like most

Of your videos someone says they like everything about pandas yeah i like making the mob related videos there’s something interesting actually i was talking about with someone a while ago is that there’s not a lot of mobs in minecraft i mean there’s definitely a decent number

But if you compare it to the number of blocks i mean over a thousand blocks and items this kind of thing you know in terms of mobs there’s there’s under 100 different uh you know main varieties of mobs which isn’t very many and so it’s interesting how you know

Mobs are a central part of the game i mean generally when i’m making a uh a facts video i try and have lots of mob facts in there um but it’s actually not as uh no they’re not as um there’s not as many varieties of them as

There’s let’s say blocks by maybe 20 times so it’s quite an interesting difference there let’s see someone says favorite biome i already mentioned this earlier uh but my favorite oh no it’s my favorite biome slash role generation mod well i haven’t played many mods so i couldn’t give a

Very good answer to that but let’s go through here i don’t actually see any shriekers so we might risk it all i don’t think i will um because i could run a little bit i don’t want to be too risky though of course we we want to build at least one chest i’m

Not going to be too careful but just one chest out of here could be a fun thing to do reading the ancient city is always great and aha this looks like a unrated area if you’re ever looking for chests in the ancient city look for a small square

Ruin often with gobble deep slate as you can see right here so it’s really important to look out for those as you can see i’ve just found one and that looks like i’ve already rated it because there’s some wool but very much still we’ll look around here try and

Find some more we’ve certainly not rated all this i’ve not been into this area of the deep dark at all so we’ll just keep going this way we might even be able to get multiple chests depending on how quick we can be i think once i’ve read

Them i’ll just run out of the deep dirk as fast as possible we’ll see if i want to be that risky or not someone says a notch app on the next chest calling it well we’ll find out it’s not a it’s not a low chance at all so you might be correct

We even have a verified youtuber in here which is pretty cool so we’ll go through here uh okay so hmm i’m not seeing any of those ruins actually that might be one right there there’s the wall room we could collect some wool there for our build in fact

Now that i think about it and i should have thought about this earlier one of the major pieces of loot in the deep dark is the wool you know it sounds a bit silly but wool cannot be always the easiest thing to get early game

Having that much wool is is kind of nice so we’re just going to put some just be a little bit more careful there that’s not gonna help us too much but we’ll try and be careful what i will do just uh even though it’s a little bit

Dangerous is i’m gonna put a couple torches up here it was definitely dangerous let’s hope this doesn’t uh cause anything to spawn i’m just gonna break a lot of this wool because we don’t have any wool and as you saw earlier i only have one bed

These are some nice wool colors so not only could they help us build our base but they’re just going to be a useful resource for even let’s say netherrite mining in the future someone says wolf farms are fairly easy to build that is true but let’s say the

Position i am right now on top of a mountain the problem is is that just getting the two sheep up there could cause a lot of effort and also once we do have them there although i do have let’s say my automated wool microfarm for just starting up the game we may as

Well get these free resources now the items of wool falling on the ground that does cause a signal so ideally when we’re trying to mine this up the idea would be we have to pick up that item before it falls on the ground so it’s always important to be aware of

Sort of that as of course with the shriekers we have that we actually have an unlit campfire here that is so interesting and it broke into charcoal of course because i don’t have silk touch but that is a very interesting little bit of generation there the unlit campfire thank goodness there’s no

Shriekers near here because i definitely would have set them off this one says i craft mc versus warden soon might happen hopefully not we’ll see what happens um there’s definitely ways of defeating it but i do not have the materials on me at all i do have a couple tricks if it does

Spawn in so let’s see i went there and there was no chest so we’re in the wool area this could have a chest we’ll just kind of keep looking at these little side runes this is more or less the only place that the treasure commonly generates if there’s no shriekers i

Might just steal those candles because why not we’ll take a look around here for that let’s take there’s a shrieker there there’s some sensors i probably will not grab those candles i don’t think it would actually reach the shrieker but i’m not going to risk it for some

Candles it’s not a big deal lots of shriekers around here it’s so interesting how the shriekers are more or less like a mob spawner like a warden spawner where although it’s very tempting just to break them all and of course it’s not a bad idea to break them all there’s also

The side of it where you know once you’ve broken them you can never actually get a warden to spawn in that area again which could be exactly what you want but in some scenarios as well it can be nice to keep them there as of course if you want to summon a warden

For a mini game or something else very good to keep that ability you know this does not have any shriekers near it we’re still going to be careful that does not have any shriekers near it so this could be perfect and we’re going to see if that person is correct if this has

The golden apple let’s see three two one it does not but it does have cool a lot of cool school catalyst books glowberries another enchanted leggings some bones regeneration a disc fragment and a lead well that lead is probably the most valuable items of all of those funny enough

And oh now this is actually a great piece of loot in the ancient city something that’s very often overlooked probably the best piece of loot overlooked in the ancient city and that is these skeleton skulls that can very rarely summon in here it’s very difficult to get a mob school any other way

But to get this skeleton skull is awesome i mean normally we would have to basically have a channeling trident or a lightning rod set up we would then have to get a charged creeper once we have that charged creeper we would of course then have it kill a skeleton but that

Whole process is very difficult very dangerous being able to instantly get a skeleton skull is definitely a good benefit so we’re going to go around here around the shriekers tiptoe around the sensors of of course and all that uh but we’re definitely an area i’ve not raided yet so that’s good now these

Towers do have loot in them sorry to everyone in the stream if they can’t really see anything but i will put up a torch once or up here as well let’s see we’ll go over here some says first i set off the warden i dug into the ground closed it off and

Lost everything couldn’t find the stuff i went back yeah the warden can definitely be very deadly and especially with the uh there’s a lot of approaches that are difficult to use to defeat the warden okay i did see a sensor but i don’t think there’s a shrieker that would have gone off there

Is the central area we could look at the redstone room for fun though it’s a bit of a risk but we may as well so we’ll take a look in the chest and uh yeah i guess that’s not causing a shrieker to cool awful we’ll be fine so we’re gonna

Look in the chest in just a second here let’s see what happens and go okay two diamond horse armor we already have a lot of diamond horse armor so i’m not actually sure if i’ll take that swift sneak three book i mean that’s awesome uh we don’t need three carpets that’s

Definitely not as valuable uh music disc 13 we already have that i’d love to take these but what i will do is i’ll put some torches around here so remember that this is here as of course we just don’t have enough room for those items while they are pretty decent we’ll just

Look at i think one more of these chests as we’re almost full and we’ll go back to where we were which i believe is uh this corner these ancient cities are sort of big sort of small it’s very interesting how they are sort of strangely sized but let’s

Take a look at that redstone room why not we’re still only at warning level one in fact that warning level one is going to go down soon here so really not much to worry about in terms of our ancient city raid and um let’s go around here

I guess i have a lot of diamond reverse armor on this world for sure so we’re just going to mine down here hopefully not set off any shriekers and uh yes okay we have some issues there in the chat but uh lots of chat bots unfortunately can uh

Interrupt and ruin streams i’m not sure why but oftentimes i’ve sometimes i’ll find these random minecraft streams where the entire chat’s just full of chat bots and things like that unfortunately so it’s always uh unfortunate that some of youtube can be overrun by that a bit

Let’s go over here i see another ruin so this could be a location for treasure we’ll look at that treasure then we’ll go to the central area which i think is here but i can’t actually tell because it’s so dim hopefully uh the viewers can see

Anything if it’s too dark for you i can go to a different area someone says why don’t you stream regularly or on alternate days we want to see the survival based progression i mean streaming does take a lot of effort and i spent a lot of time making my videos

Already but um this is only my third time ever streaming and i do definitely want to do more streaming in the future but i think at this point i’ll definitely have to limit it to once a week as of course i just i don’t really

Have enough time to do more than that so i believe there’s two chests here so we’ll go for both of those i think we’ll probably check out the redstone room later i mean we could take a look i guess it’s right there we may as well

Okay there is a the shrieker so we’re probably just going to set it off no matter what uh well actually that’s not true because if you go down here we can surround it and just because there’s always the two methods there’s of course blocking it from getting to the shrieker and there’s

Blocking the source of the sound so we’ll break this and we were able to successfully block that so that’s what we have on the ground lots of enchanted books um go through that cool there’s a name tag again no no no shriekers thankfully let’s get those torches we already have

A stack here so it’s okay to get rid of those what items are we looking at here we’re looking at uh let’s see here fire protection three we have a saddle silk touch that’s amazing and then um swift sneak two alright so what can we throw away well i

Think the best idea is to put the chest back and put anything we don’t want into that chest as of course we wouldn’t want to be throwing away something valuable it’s always a good trick as i’ve seen a lot of players just throw away items they don’t want and you can always do

That but if you have a chest nearby may as well we’ll put that saddle there for now too we don’t really need it let’s organize this and i might actually this is cursive binding actually so we’ll put that away we don’t need that we have two enchanted books uh fire protection three isn’t

Amazing although neither a swift sneak three so i guess we’ll be uh actually those leads so we’ll go like this and then we’ll uh get these later but we’ll put torches all around it just to mark it out and we’ll get that one last chest and we’ll have to go

Back because our inventory is definitely full but it’s awesome there’s so much of this ancient city we haven’t raided yet as there’s a lot more treasure we can get so let’s go over here let’s see there’s that chest it might actually be on a separate structure just nearby

So let’s take a look here and let’s see what’s in there okay so we will look in there and let’s just pile up and okay there’s two shriekers right next to each other but we can still probably surround them the most dangerous thing is if you have a

Sensor right next to a shrieker and they’re against a wall because there’s just no way of blocking them so we’re gonna try and block those all the way we’re gonna try and block this all the way may not work let’s see what happens and we set off a shrieker but we have

Two enchanted golden apples so that is definitely worth uh any issue we get because of that we might actually get to warning level 3 unfortunately when we close this chest again because we didn’t break it but there’s nothing else we can do this is diamond leggings does have cursive

Binding but that’s not the worst thing i think i’m just going to start throwing away some of these tools we don’t need right now i don’t really want to but um chris enchanted golden apples are going to be better than that no matter what we have these items that are silk touched

So let’s do that um crazy enough i’ve actually seen people find four enchanted golden apples in one of these chests which is absolutely crazy to find four of those i might actually leave these silk touch skulk items here they’re cool but the name tags are pretty good let’s see

We can keep the swift snake there for now maybe or we could i could put the bones away i know there’s like items like that most players would throw away but actually flint and steel we don’t need right now we can just get that later that’s not important at all so we’ll do

That and we’ll keep this and this and this first time in armor there in the world funny we didn’t craft it but there’s that these potions are really good because we can’t usually get those we’ll organize that but look at that two enchanted golden apples that’s awesome

And as i organize this i’m just gonna put my social medias so if anyone would like to um follow me on twitter i’ve been trying to be really active on there um my definition of really active anyway so uh if if you wanna do that you can i’m

Gonna be tweeting more regularly also my discord server all the links in the chat for that uh we also have the icraft mc reddit and we have my second channel and my twitch so be sure to follow me on all those things link in the chat and link in the description so

All right and then what we’re gonna do is we’re going to probably just stick with this i don’t think any of these items are that worthwhile okay we’re now running level three so you have to be really careful here because uh yeah we’re really close to getting the

Warden uh which is obviously a very bad thing so let’s take a look around here and uh someone just sang in the chat also um i definitely can’t see anything also be sure to like the video if you haven’t already ah and you can actually funny enough you

Can see that chest there sort of loading in and out that’s very interesting okay so our way back i’m not exactly sure we definitely need to get out of here because we’re on a dangerous dangerous warning level here so i would i would take a look at that

Redstone room but i want to make sure that we don’t die so we’ve been up there we’ve gone around the edge so i believe if we go this way it should be a shortcut back but there’s so many of these of the shriekers it’s so interesting and

I just went right over that sensor i’m not sure why it didn’t go off but very lucky that it didn’t go off let’s go over this and we have a super chat for five euros and it says hi thank you for your answer last week about the meaning of your

Character’s skin what do you think about the warden’s powers is it two op thank you well of course when the warden was first implemented it wasn’t as powerful and mojing actually took away some of its powers but i think that at this point although it is quite powerful and there’s our

Exit right there load is quite powerful because they kept in methods like let’s say using wool like trapping it these kinds of things i don’t think it’s actually um incredibly uh incredibly uh difficult now of course you know it can still be deadly but no i wouldn’t necessarily say that

It’s um it’s too overpowered at this point although um definitely was looking like that of course the sonic charge is really really powerful um and it is kind of annoying to have a mob that’s that is that difficult to defeat but i think at this stage it’s probably probably a decently balanced

Okay i do not see any shriekers i wasn’t going to go up through to grab this but i thought oh it’s right there and our exits right there i can see all the planks so i just hope that there’s any good items they’ll be stackable because then we’re

Completely fine and i kind of like how this is placed in the center this is like not a ruined part of this okay and also no shrieker no shrieker so we’re good uh these are not stackable but oh my goodness efficiency five unbreaking three silk touch diamond hoe i’m glad i threw

Away my other hoe earlier because uh a very of course um a efficiency five and breaking three silk touch diamond toe all that would need is mending to be perfect and i was as i was saying earlier all these different um silk touchable skulk blocks that were right under

That’s perfect for also glass glass does not have a preferred tool some people think it’s preferred tool is the pickaxe but there’s actually no preferred tool for glass and so because of that that’s perfect as well i kind of want to put away our shield although of course it’s kind of

Important well we’re going to risk it we’re going to do that for swift sneak 3 i’m trying to think of anything else i guess the six books aren’t that important but that’s probably it definitely all we can take there still that’s that’s awesome loot i mean we

Have those two diamond toes it’s so um awesome that mojing added functionality for the diamond toe after it wasn’t it wasn’t really there i think that was one of the best things they ever did just because um it’s so important to have so important to have functionality for that now

That’s how i went back up i went back up here i’m not going to pick up the wool unfortunately but we’re going to try our best to get back we need to go right over there then we can get back to the surface let’s see

Oh okay that was not good i should have been looking it’s very hard to see we did not die though all right i could just eat an enchanted golden apple that’ll use them no i’m definitely not going to do that always important to keep the enchanted golden apples as long as you can

There are three things that you can do with them that are really important the first thing is to eat every single item and get that achievement you need the enchanted golden apple but the second thing as well is that you can use it to craft a thing pattern and the third

Thing is it’s always great to have it as a decorative item to have sort of as like a as a sign that you have found one of those before although of course now with the ancient cities it’s definitely rebalanced the game’s rarity of the enchanted golden apple someone says put torches in secondhand

That’s actually a really good idea around the torches i should have uh should have done that earlier so i could have grabbed the um the uh one of those items that i left but it should be okay something good to know is that if there’s the skulk veins on top of the

Wool then the sensors can still get your vibrations it’s only if it’s pure wool if there’s those skulk veins and that does get rid of that ability so i won’t show it off here because we’re warning level three we could have a word in here and we are not actually that

Well kidded up but of course very important to be aware of that as the running on those pathways when the wool is great but there’s also the trick of those skull veins on top someone says imagine putting a standard golden apple in the enchanting table to make an enchanted golding an enchanted

Golden apple that’d definitely be pretty funny now there’s two things i could do i could either keep my spawn point set here and craft a new bed up here or i could take the bed with me i think i’m actually not gonna take the bed with me

The trick is we’re gonna have to get up there and i don’t wanna waste all my blocks i’m gonna have to find a way of doing that uh something kind of funny we could do because there’s no shriekers here i don’t believe anyway i don’t see any

Uh there’s one over there but not right here is we could actually mine up a whole bunch of this skulk and use that as the block that we’re using because this is a diamond hoe and it has the and breaking three on it i’m not too worried about

Using up the durability there so if we just mine up a bunch of this i mean i would even mind more of this up for a build but our inventory is so full so i’ll mine all this up and then we can bring that up to the surface and that

Could be a good building block and let’s see here that’s i guess we can’t place anymore so or can’t pick up anymore so that’s probably good enough hopefully a stack can get us up there probably not but let’s try our best so we’re gonna pile up here see what happens

Someone said your voice made me subscribe great content well that’s good i’ve also had some people say that they have not subscribed because they don’t like my voice so i think that there’s lots of mixed opinions on that one but i’m very thankful that you subscribed

For that and i’m going to be very careful here because we have so many good items now i thought it was bad i hadn’t died earlier well this is going to be really bad now just because of the kind of items we have are so good so we’re going to go up here

And it looks like it’s actually nighttime actually is it night time no actually it’s not night time it might be it’s hard to say all right let’s see this definitely needs to have an actual way of getting up here this is getting a little bit silly piling up every time i might make

A ladder next time although i should have actually done is mark down the coordinates of where um i want it to go that would be the best idea often times if you’re trying to make a ladder to a specific area the best tip is to try and mark down the

Coordinates when you’re down there and then you can either mine it from downwards upwards or from upwards down to that location both methods can be decent it’s always important to be careful with that we’re going to just break these and replace these i think that’ll probably

Be fine and we’re almost to the top really someone says am i playing in hardcore well you can look at my hearts and tell that i’m not playing in a hardcore um i considered making this hardcore but you know i think that at the end of the day i would prefer uh teaching

People about all stages of the game without having to worry too much about dying as of course hardcore minecraft although definitely a fun part of the game it’s something you have to focus a lot on and i wanted to sort of put some of my focus on the chat and the audience as

Well it’s too bad it must have just been right before night when i when i went up here because now of course it’s raining it’s quite dangerous so i guess we’re still going to risk it because we do a full armor but i have to be careful for sure

So we’ll keep our sword out we’ll go up the mountain side um my respawn point is still set down there so that’s what happens it says what would you go for first a totem of undying or lytra if i was in hardcore uh definitely a totem of

Undying would be the first step no matter what definitely before the ender dragon definitely before anything else basically you know until you get a tone of undying in your world you’re not really even to a good place and hardcore at all of course and it’s really important to be aware of that

Just because totems of undying for and i’m sure most people know this but totems of undying will save your life if you’re about to die or if you do die basically they’ll sort of revive you which is the only way of having in a sense more than one life in

Hardcore mode and so it’s always really important to be aware of that and also to get one you could do with a raid ideally you’d spawn next to a woodland mansion and you could get a total of undying that way in hardcore that’s always good to prioritize getting totems first i would say

There’s a skeleton up there which is not bad because we have decent armor now it was a lot worse than we lost our items also to catch up anyone watching the stream right now just you know what’s going on i started this and i was working on my

Base we ran out of blocks so we went down the mountain to get more blocks for our base the problem is once we got down the mountain i actually fell down into a cave and died because i was looking at the chat instead of the screen and so we had to come back

I thought my stuff was in one cave it wasn’t we did find the cave my stuff was in because those two caves looked really similar and now here we are i also went down into the deep dirk a little bit did a little bit of raiding

Uh not too much um but i did do that i hear a spider it could be uh some hostiles in here which i hear hostiles i should put some torches down here now that it’s nighttime it reminds me of that kind of nice we’ve been having all this rain probably because i

Haven’t been sleeping very much like i should so we’re gonna go inside of here definitely a spider nice thing about spiders is they can’t go through a two block wide area so it’s pretty easy to make a spider-proof um killing area all right let’s make a new bed

Hopefully that deep slate in there that should be enough for our base even though it’s really not that much and if you’re a skeleton yeah definitely our base is nowhere near done as you can tell get down here skeleton there we go it’s always good to trick the mobs into

Falling down and hurting themselves so we will do that and we’ll put these in here and we will now make a bed with that um so interesting how back in the day of minecraft of course the only beds were red and you could only make them

Out of a wool of the same color or you could you could only make them or you could make them out of wool of the same color or different colors now it can only be of the same color that’s what i meant to say because of course scent

Didn’t matter but now it does matter because there’s different colors so it wouldn’t really make sense to have a bed that’s you know i don’t know red wool green wool and blue wool or something it would look cool for sure but i’m not sure if they want to add that many

Different types of things so we have two diamond items one of them is enchanted we got there we’d lose a lot of our levels when we died we also have some great food like two enchanted golden apples and a skeleton skull which is awesome so i think

Really the biggest thing we have to do here is maybe do a little bit of organization but i don’t want to spend too much time on that so looks like we have a skeleton or an arrow directly in our well head of some sort there anyway it’s kind of funny um

Let’s see here so we have all these diamond horse armor i think it’s literally six it’s no wonder i didn’t grab those other two first there in fact there’s seven uh seven diamond horos armor so i would have nine if i grabbed those other two i could make a block of diamond horse

Armor if that’s how that worked which it definitely is not uh we saw our blaze rods actually i wanted to make a brewing area maybe we’ll work on setting that up that could be a very good idea of course we’ll need our blocks there interestingly enough

You can use cobble deep slate for that does not have to be cobblestone so i’ll probably do actually before i set that all the way up is let’s get this base finished so i’m going to grab all these cobbled items i’m going to grab all these logs and things and we should definitely

Have enough materials to make this an actual safe base a safe area the first step is a bit of spawn proofing something that some viewers may not know if they haven’t played minecraft in a long time or have just got back to it is the fact that spawn proofing has been

Changed it used to be that you had to be at light level seven or higher for mobs or actually think eight or higher i forget which because it’s been a while since they changed it but i believe eight or higher for there to be no mobs so light level seven could

Generate hostile mobs or could have them spawn in but basically with the with the uh with the recent change then there is uh as long as it’s not light level zero then you have no hostile mobs that can spawn so we’re going to torch up here

What that means though is that you only have to have torches 12 blocks apart instead of i think six blocks apart and so it’s really useful although something i noticed from the last stream i don’t want to repeat the same mistake is that i put um said i was having some issues

With melting ice and that is going to go all the way down the rest you should be very careful with melting ice in these big mountain tops so it can destroy a lot of things on its way down so we’re going to put these all the way around let’s just actually Let’s see here we’ll just end the pool there actually kept that up for too long probably but anyway so we’ll go back here and let’s finish spawn proofing that’s always important i wonder what’s down here actually is that like a massive drop that is a massive drop it’s not that

Massive but it’s definitely a probably fatal drop that’s kind of cool that would be within sort of our castle as that entrance we could potentially have our strip mine entrance be there because i think if we mine straight down we might even still be in the ancient city it’s hard to say

We’ll put this around here so we don’t have that skeleton issue as before all right so let’s make some more of these slabs let’s make some logs let’s get this finished up we’ll land on our bed to stop our full damage that’s always a good thing to remember

Is that beds can stop fall damage just like the um just like wool or wall just like hay bales can as well all right let’s see here i believe we lost the stone cutter i probably just placed it somewhere and couldn’t find it again but let’s maybe craft a new one

Which shouldn’t be too difficult as i’m sure we have a furnace in one of these uh if not it shouldn’t be too difficult so we’ll just go like this and we’ll make some more smooth stone we’ll need that for some other things as well anyway and something i actually really like in

Fact i think it’s something that mojing did a really good job doing when they designed the ancient city loot is to add the coal to it i think the reason why is that they found a lot of players didn’t like the fact that in 1.18 it’s very difficult with 1.18 in the head

It’s very difficult to find coal um not really but when you’re mining it is of course as it’s not really at the layers that you know you’re strip mining at and so because of that having the ancient cities to have that coal is an awesome way of adding the source

For that block deep in the underground and i think that’s a really really great feature that they’ve done let’s see here so let’s turn this into the polished deep slate tiles or that polished plate slabs not tiles and uh we’ll go around here just to get up easily but eventually we’ll make

Something more interesting i’m sort of liking this already uh we’ll get some more of those stairs as well actually i think that’s a good idea let’s see Someone says the stone cutter is outside it probably is i’ve had a um a bit of a habit during these streams to forget where my items are but that’s okay and you are right it’s right here oh you can never have more than uh you can never

Have too many stone cutters um i guess so put that around here we’ll put this one in the corner here and eventually we can have these logs here as well but i kind of like this thin edge around here it makes it look a bit more like a castle we’ll get some reinforcement

There in a minute and we’re going to place these around the edge just like this and just as people have been saying in the chat absolutely join my discord join my subreddit join all those things there’s links to the discord especially there i’m sure a lot of people on here

Have already joined it but if you haven’t you can talk with over a thousand i craft mc fans you can even talk with me on there i’m i usually respond to messages that people send me although not saying to dm me but you know if you want to leave something on

The public chat i may see that so anyway let’s go through here and we’ll clean up the snow here we’re going to be do some good housekeeping here and clean this all up because we don’t want to have a dirty house um that’s never a good thing so we’re going to clean this

Up and eventually we should move those chests as well and this is actually starting to come together a little bit i say as i’m in you know a small wooden box but i think that overall it’s looking pretty good so we’re going to go back out here we’re

Going to get this done we’re going to make sort of some decoration there eventually a way to get up we are next to a jungle which means we can have access to scaffolding which i think is going to be really useful so let’s see here i think we’re going to want a

Roof as well as sort of like a castle side thing so this would go on top right yes so we’d want to do there’s a couple things we could do this is sort of pushing out already because we could kind of make it stick out like this which would look cool

I may as well do that and i’m gonna never get sort of a little interesting added detail that could look cool i’m not sure if we can add uh actually we couldn’t add torches to the uh we couldn’t add lanterns to the underside of that but still let’s put these around

There and we’ll put it like this just so we don’t i guess we’ll go like that maybe on the corner just for a reinforced edge look at that castle look there got ourselves a nice sort of uh trimming around there like that should look nice and we’re going to continue

This on now we have enough deep sleep we don’t really have to worry we’ll sort of have the outer castle wall the inner castle little thing of course this is really a small castle and i generally want to make bigger bases than this but as i said earlier on

During the stream i want to try and just go with a smaller starter base here so we have something nice but also we’re not going to spend too much time before we have perfect tools and all that someone says what’s the idea behind eggs and snowballs only stacking to sixteen

I’m not exactly sure the idea behind it but i do know that it’s every single sort of circular item because ender pearls also only stacked 16. uh signs only stack to 16 i believe might be mistaken on that i used to think doors only stack to 16 maybe they

Did at one point because now they definitely do stack to 64 but it’s kind of interesting uh let me see something i might have just i don’t know let’s see it’s kind of funny because um with a lot of these different items that stack to uh 16

Often you won’t have a lot of them but i found the biggest issue is with let’s say snowballs because you got so many of them i mean the fact that literally only let’s say what would that be would be only only breaking four snow blocks would give you an entire stack right because

Stack is 16 you get four from each snow block uh that’s definitely a bit of an annoying thing unfortunately so so make it go that way it’s definitely not an even castle but i suppose that makes it more interesting and there’s nothing wrong with something that’s a bit uneven

A bit more interesting that way and i suppose we could sort of say it’s meant to be a bit of a you know refurbished castle ruins or something like that could make that be a bit more acceptable but let’s see we’ll make this go up here and over here like this Someone says stein’s sign stacked uh 64. i feel like they don’t maybe i’m incorrect maybe it’s different across bedrock and job i’m going to test this it’s like a bunch of uh bunch of stuff let’s see uh there’s 12 so i have to make some more let’s see we’re gonna we’re gonna

Find out live do do signs stack to 16 i’m i’m fairly certain they do let’s see right now and they do only to 16. so it could be bedrock edition they sac stacked to 64. uh but on java it’s definitely only 16. so there’s interesting little fact there let’s go back up here

Actually yes we’ll go back up here we’ve lost the plank we’ll go over here i guess i should put some torches down here uh probably should be an sort of secret exit over here where i can make my way over to here or i should put a wall up

Maybe i’ll just put a wall up for now just to keep us a little bit more protected something like something like this maybe could look fine let’s see someone says uh kill the warden with just snowballs snowballs don’t um cause any damage to what they’re hitting

Uh so although like let’s say my angry or villagers or whatever um there’s actually no point of trying to fight something with snowballs let’s see here this is very uneven but you know i think it’s not too bad so we’ll do is we’ll maybe go like that

Then we can sort of offset it in a way that it’s the least visible because of course you don’t want anything to look like it’s uneven but we can go like that and just with a quick look around here that’s looking pretty good so it sounds

Like we have a zombified uh pigment so it’s fun to get these they’re actually fairly easy i’ll do that and we will sleep but this is looking a lot better in fact we won’t actually sleep at first because i want to get a good look of what this is sort of

Looking like i want to get um sort of some insight on to if we have mobs spawning or not that should be some important things to figure out so we can sort of spawn proof it’s a risky thing i would recommend is to stay up a night or two when you’re

Trying to first spawn proof just to see where things are dark it can be dangerous but it’s definitely important because then you can find areas you didn’t spawn proof and just make your area safer beautiful looking place though i really am enjoying this spawn and this area and i’m sure people are

Asking it in the comments but i’m not giving up the seed for now it is a seed i found myself randomly when recording a video and i’ll probably give out the seed eventually but for now i just think doing this blind is gonna be a lot more interesting so

We’re gonna go around here and we’re gonna place that i have to be careful of this a little protection there against the ice all right so that’s probably good actually i’m getting pretty happy with this actually it’s coming together i think it doesn’t have to be perfect but nice little nice

Little base it’s down here needs some torches right outside the base um also we’re out of food we’ll eat some bread in fact someone just says completely it triggers me i’ll leave right now there we go yeah that’s actually looking fairly good i’m not unhappy with that at all i might

Change the edge a little bit but that’s looking fairly decent in fact i’m liking that quite a bit here let’s get let’s go like this yeah look at that that’s that’s actually really nice i’m loving that that’s great perfect that’s that’s amazing okay well that’s awesome i’ve also decided i’m actually going to

Change it up here because i like i really like how that looks like on the edge so we’re going to go like that i’m just going to offset all these then i’ll have like a two wide one in the middle so it’ll go one two and then one two

Just because i’m sort of having something too wide in the middle won’t look too bad so we’ll go like see we’ll have three there one two three i think that’s actually correct yeah then we’ll go over here and we’ll just replace that we’ll go to sleep first just for the sake of a

Little bit of safety and then we can get a finally a roof on our first base Someone says they stumbled across my vod or the replay of my last stream they’re really impressed with the content well i really appreciate all the comments like that and everything because i always try my best and i hope that it shows in the content so let’s go down here let’s fix this i’m

Really happy i stumbled upon that because i haven’t been the happiest about this design but i’m i’m really happy with what it’s looking like here if i place that might a little weird over here i’ll have to fix it i’d adjust it to the edge but that’s a nice little design there with

The sort of uh support on the bottom that’s great perfect and we’ll just go like this connect it up a little bit and honestly we’ll probably just leave it like that um i guess i have to fix it on the other side although you can’t really actually i don’t have to because

It’s sort of sealed in here so i guess i could though you can’t really see it but i’ll go like this and we’ll just uh place that in actually i think that’s the wrong block so we’ll use the right ones and now that i think about it

We can uh get the ice with our silk touch hoe there which is kind of cool because we’re in an icy area using it as a decoration could be good this block should not be here there we go yeah that’s kind of came together a lot that’s awesome and this is spacious

Enough we can always make a basement my idea as well i want to show everyone this because i’m really excited about it my idea is to dig into here because this should go directly into the ice let’s see what happens yes right over here and basically

So we have to be careful because it’s kind of a thin entrance but something like this then we can do that and here’s what’s cool we can mine these at a fairly good speed with our hoe so we can do we get our ice blocks finally if we’re in the ice uh

Icy uh peaks there the frozen peaks so it’s um sort of appropriately able to do that and now we can really break all these without feeling too guilty about it because i was sort of before where um it’s not like it really matters but having that convenient packed ice there is always

Great so what i’ll do is i’ll place these down here just like this so that we can seal that off and perhaps the fact definitely the most uh the the best thing to do to protect ourselves would be to go over here and to make sure this wall is at least

Two blocks tall at every point so that you can’t just walk up it and i’ll actually make an entrance this time too uh because of course we could have a creeper jump in and then we can put on a roof and then we should have uh that pretty well done which is awesome

So let’s see and look like this And we need an axe as well someone says best way to get silk touch enchantments uh probably three villagers depends of course but either through villagers or just by enchanting at the highest level because most enchantments don’t have specific ways of getting them over other enchantments generally i can’t

Necessarily give you a specific answer for any of those but you could also look in loot chests like i found a soap touch book during the stream actually in the ancient city i also found a silk touch hose so finding it in loot structures can be a good idea

Same with let’s say fortune some of these sort of important earlier game mechanics um i’d be very careful here so we did not die exactly where we died before it’s like the exact repetition of that we’re not gonna have that happen so we’re gonna uh keep that

Shift key held down or the crouch if you’re on bedrock i guess if you’re on bedrock um windows 10 it would still be like that someone says they forgot to subscribe to this channel lol well if anyone watching this stream is not subscribed uh feel free to subscribe i do post very

Regularly um including the live streams three to four videos a week so i think that’s pretty good hopefully and uh if anyone wants to subscribe um you can do that and it’s kind of annoying the way that youtube works because i do mention this my videos quite a bit but

Honestly without notifications on subscriptions basically don’t mean anything personally i don’t really subscribe to anyone unless they have the notification like unless i want to turn notifications on just because i found there is not much of a use to it um so of course it’s up to everyone’s own

Personal preferences but i’ve always found that it’s always useful to subscribe with notifications on as then you’ll never miss the uploads even if because sometimes youtube will be like oh this new video we don’t think it’s going to be do very well and so because of that they

Just won’t show it to many of people even if they’re subscribed anyway let’s go around here and this has so much durability i’m so happy about that because we can do that and i just love this sort of uh contrast here the thumbnail of the video is actually a screenshot on the same

Seed different world but same seed of sort of this difference between the the jungle and the snow area and i think that’s a great sort of separation there and i’m excited because um i think i can use that a lot in builds so this is a bit of an annoying area

Because i guess we have to kind of go down here we just have to make sure there’s a two block tall area everywhere because then nothing can get up except for spiders so we’ll go this way later it goes up like this it goes around here and it goes this way

I’ll mine this just like that this will mine this uh standard ice standard ice is actually really good i’m a great tip if you have touch and of course later games some of these things aren’t as useful um but is to bring ice blocks with you

Instead of water buckets now of course a water bucket you know for things like mlg water bucket jumps of course you can’t use an ice block for that an mlg ice block chump would be very humorous to attempt but of course it would not work but the thing about that is that

Ice blocks can certainly give you water as well and you can stack them to 64 which makes them a really really efficient way of getting water so this is a way that a mob or a creeper could climb up so we’ll do that of course all

These ice blocks as well are giving us free building materials which is always great so look around here and grab all that and we’ll go this way this is all looking like it’s about two blocks tall anything that’s close i’ll just chop that down as

Well just to be safe but i think that it’s looking awesome and i think we’ll go around the front check that out and then we should be basically ready to put on our roof and uh call this space basically completed and then we can uh the base is basically completed but anyway um

That looks like it’s this is that deadly drop area this is kind of interesting a little like secret ice bridge naturally generated i love little things like that so cool adds a lot to the generation of the game there’s that other place this is i mean i remember when i planned this

Out i actually decided to build it up very purposely on top of um that exact area where the um where there’s that deadly uh ice well not ice cave the deadly drip stone cave um but i didn’t realize that it would be deadly for myself as well so we’ll go around here

We’ll break these and we’ll sort of keep making this wall be nice and a sheer ac cliff let’s see here All right let’s go around here and we’re going to break all the packed ice here’s a question uh and i won’t have a pull for this but um do you like building ice highways i found the ice highways are kind of a useful thing um but have you found in your world that

You really like to build ice highways or just think they’re you know sort of too much effort i’d love to hear everyone’s opinion on that as i found there’s a lot of mixed opinions on that subject uh let’s see here we’ve placed these all in the wrong area place

Four blocks all of them are wrong anyway this is looking really close we’re just going to break this you should have that perfect someone says they like a lighter more i definitely understand that for a lot of travel i’ve just found the ice highways are technically the fastest way of traveling

Outside of ender pearl cannons if you’re in the uh if you’re in the over or if you’re in the nether if you’re in the overworld they’re not actually the fastest but for the uh for the nether they are of course let’s see look around here

And the lighters are very fast i have a video actually i put a little while ago talking about the speed of every single um item in minecraft not item but every single transportation method and yes the speed of items and minecraft they go about a block a second uh but no the

Transportation speed of everything in minecraft and quite interesting video because uh there are some very strange methods of transportation you can do in the overworld things like let’s say the combination of uh dolphins grace speed um the soul speed all these sort of things it’s really interesting to to do that

Okay so i think we need to fix up this courtyard a bit but i will stop delaying it and i’ll finally put a roof on this so we can have sort of like an actual functioning uh functioning base that’ll protect us so we’ll put all these back in here we

Have our random blaze rods from earlier i forgot to put away don’t put our food away but sometimes i’ll just dump all my items in a chest and then after that i’ll grab out the ones that i want as i found that sometimes then what’ll happen

Is i can sort of get a good idea of exactly what i want to take because sometimes i’ll let’s have something that’s just sitting in my inventory and i’ll forget that i don’t want that so i’ll forget to uh put it away all right so what’s the roof going to be

Made out of we have some different options here not a lot of options i could try for birch slabs because it would equal the floor but we’re basically out of birch slab so we could go down the mountain and mine some birch Or we could not i suppose continuity is important in builds um so maybe we’ll do is being very careful not to fall down that uh dangerous area again i’ll quickly craft an extra bed and then i will go down the hill and very quickly collect a couple birch

Trees to have a nicer looking roof because we may as well go with a quality little mini castle here and we now have multiple beds but that’s still good uh we’ll keep one in the chest here for emergencies and we’ll keep this one with us

And let’s head off and it’s kind of cool in the minecraft sunset i remember um the sunset’s actually one of my favorite things in minecraft even though it’s you know such a sort of a minor part of the game but some of these views of the sunset are really amazing in the game

It’s interesting because the the scaling of the sun has changed by your fov you can see that right there but the actual scaling of other things isn’t necessarily so you can sort of get these interesting screenshots where the sun is absolutely massive which is definitely very cinematic like this so

Really cool to see that but before we uh look at the sun too much and get exploded by a creeper i will just sleep right here to be careful Let’s see All right so what we’ll do is we’ll go down here and we’ll grab some of those birch logs And someone says is this live this is live well it’s not live if you’re watching the replay but this is not the replay as of course i just responded to you so that’s sort of an interesting thing to think about and now there’s uh probably 10 to 20 000 people that will

Hear that which is interesting so let’s go down here and uh there’s some birch trees we’ll chop down those birch trees and get ourselves some great materials an elevator going up and down these massive mountains is a very important step i think we should take somewhat soon as of

Course there’s a lot of things like let’s say the forests that begin at the tree line there really are going to be important to uh to get stuff from and actually a silk touch hoe awesome use of the silk touch show maybe one of the best silk touch items to get

Some people would say um you can get instant leaves now of course it’s sort of a waste because you can always do that with a hoe or with a pair of shears but if you want to you could also use a hoe there so it’s sort of interesting double use there of

The diamond toe if you want to get some of these for decoration we may as well feels a bit wasteful but i think that by the time this hoe is fully worn out we should definitely be able to just throw some mending on that tool and it should not be an issue

Someone says they don’t really like making mountain or houses on top of mountains just because of the amount of time it takes to go up and down them and i would agree with that but i think that eventually in this world we should be able to get some elytra we should be

Able to get all kinds of items that will make traveling around the mountains be fun and sort of an exciting challenge and my goal especially is to make a great railway system that goes across all these mountain peaks you know i’m sure a lot of you have seen those amazing

Pictures of these massive railway bridges with lots of spanning arches and things with a railway track that goes all the way across a very large area and i’ve always found those look quite nice and would be excited to build one of those in minecraft so let’s take around here

Someone says do you use leather boots on the new snow stuff well leather boots are the best way of avoiding powder snow and walking over it however i do not currently have any on as i found the risk of powder snow to be really minimal sort of just a

Just a fun challenge really and so i tend not to put on the boots for that and we’re gonna mine all this that’s probably good that’s probably enough birch but while we’re down here we don’t want to spend too much time and ooh there’s an old growth birch you can see

The biome is old growth birch four restaurant day 31 of this world by the way which is interesting i guess that means uh 300 to 600 minutes because of course about 10 minutes 12 minutes if you’re not sleeping and about 20 minutes if or 10 to 20 minutes or attended

10 to 12 minutes if you are sleeping and 20 minutes if you’re not sleeping so anywhere from about 300 minutes to 600 minutes which is five to ten hours which is about as long as i’ve streamed that stream this for which is i guess i’ve been streaming this world

Between the last time and this time for about seven hours so yeah we like a even between those two numbers but we can kind of see that from the from the day count there but it’s nice to have the old growth birch forest here Someone says do any of the mods know the world seed no no one knows this world seed but uh let me and i don’t even know it off the top of my head of course it’s just a random chain of letters and numbers i can tell you some things about the seed

There’s definitely numbers in it it’s not it’s not a word like uh like a text see like i craft mc or something that wouldn’t that wouldn’t be the seed but let’s mine this up here Okay and you know almost a stack and a half well not quite a stack and a quarter of the birch mine a couple more we can have a stack and a half which i think is good see someone says why does this feel like a tutorial video and not like a live stream

Probably because um i don’t know maybe just because you’re used to seeing tutorials from me and i’m sort of carrying on that format here i am trying to teach people about the game as i do this here’s an interesting little fact actually if you want stripped logs if you like using those a

Bunch try stripping them before you break them off the trees as it’ll save time in the future but you could also just mine them up as standard and then strip them once you decide to because then you can keep that option when you’re building of course that’s sort of the thing about crafting

And stripping wood and all these different things is that you’re sort of improving things but you’re also reducing the possibilities and so oftentimes you sort of decide are you mining something for exactly one purpose or do you want to keep that sort of variability where let’s say here i’m

Probably not going to need all these logs and so if i wanted them all to be stripped for this project and i did that i would be left with let’s say maybe half a stack of stripped logs that i didn’t need and so because of that those logs could still be used for

Certain things but i could never use them as that standard bark texture so it’s always good to sort of think through things like that around different projects and we’re just going to let the rest of these leaves despawn here it shouldn’t matter too much we do have a decent amount of

Saplings and leaves for any project we want and we can go up this amazing mountain i’m really enjoying the seed and i’m really enjoying this world i think it adds a lot to the stream for sure so we’ll go back up here someone says what’s my favorite music disc

My favorite music disc is probably weight i believe there’s a lot of ones i like i like far i like blocks but i found that some of these music discs just because i’ve heard them um so many times in minecraft in minecraft videos for so many years that it’s sort of interesting

Because especially ones like wait i can sort of imagine these um different minecraft scenes that i’ve i’ve seen in the past on different old videos and sort of all these different minecraft memories and just that the song itself reminds me of something i would hear when playing the game even though you

Don’t really hear the music discs when playing you just hear them if you’re especially putting them on so we’ll go through here and i suppose inside just talking about it once i get to the top of the mountain here i will put on weight as a song we do have cat

Going right now which is uh definitely the best of the original two music discs i think probably most people’s favorite i’m guessing most people’s favorite music disc was not um 13 because when music discs were first added you could only get two there was

13 and there was cat this is cat and 13 was sort of like this somewhat of a horror sounding music song not quite as just sound effect based as let’s say 5 or 11 but still so there’s a nice little iceberg on the side of the mountain there that’s pretty

Cool so we’ll go up here almost to our base and i honestly love the fact that we’ve used the black stone because it causes this great uh contrast it really makes it easy to see imagine if we had used an ice castle it’d be a lot harder to see so this is the

Secret back entrance i guess we’ll go through here put that back and let’s see what we’re going to do here so let’s see we have all these uh different logs i might actually just might quickly get a drink of water And i’ll quickly play wait there uh give me a second let’s see wait wait is somewhere here here it is there’s wait all right and we have a super chat for five dollars that says thank you for renewing my love of the game i’m so glad that you commented that

Because it has to do with my vision for my channel in general and maybe i’ll talk about that for a minute here when i first started my channel my idea was to um wasn’t technically actually to teach people more about the game because i was doing let’s plays and things like that

But my idea was to sort of tell people you know there’s all these interesting things you can do in minecraft around you can watch different videos of it different challenges play server mini games all these things and they’re all good but i think that at the core of it

Survival minecraft has so many opportunities so many amazing things you can do in it and i wanted to try and communicate that the best i could originally through let’s plays now through these tutorials and maybe eventually in different content forms as well i hope to sort of expand on that as you know

Teaching people about the game um but also teaching them about a game that they want to play because i’ve talked to so many people that you know they say oh well i like minecraft but i sort of find the game to be to be honest a bit boring that’s what a

Lot of people will say i think that minecraft is really only boring if people play it in a way that makes them bored and i think that there’s really always a way to play the game in a way that’s really engaging no matter what because it’s probably the

Most uh the game with the most different opportunities in it and i want to try and show those opportunities especially through these tutorials as i can teach people about things that they didn’t know about i hope people learn something new every time they watch one of my

Videos but even if not every time hopefully most times speaking of learning something new not everyone might know this if you place a half slab or just a slab whatever you want to call it on the top half of a block so for instance here this is the top hat or on

The bottom half actually if you place it on the bottom half this is the top half right there’s the normal block so there’s top half bottom half if it’s on the top half mobs can spawn but if it’s on the bottom half mobs actually can’t spawn and because we don’t have

Any goals or any things we want to do up here for now although this does sort of disable us from building up here later because blocks will float on top of it it does make this be fully spawn proofed up here automatically and so because this is just an observation area for now

It’s kind of an interesting way of making a spawn proof dairy without any torches is to have those half slabs on the bottom part of the block and we’ll just finish this up here we could even make a skylight but we don’t really have any glass for now so maybe we’ll add

That in later let’s see here and we’ll break this over here someone says that minecraft is an infinite sandbox you’re only limited by your own creativity i think that’s true and i think that there’s sort of two different ways that minecraft can be played and they’re both

Fine um of course there’s every way of playing the game is fine really it’s definitely very open-ended game but i think that the first way is just doing the things the game has set out for you to do you know like let’s say beating the underdragon getting things from the

Wither maybe gathering materials things like that where it’s more or less the game is designed in a way to make you do those things but then that you know after you’ve done those things and you’ve sort of finished quote-unquote finish the game um that’s really when the real game starts

Because that’s when you get given the opportunity to build things that’s when you have you know uh the best tools elytra all these different things you know netherright armor that’s sort of when you can truly go into you know gathering materials surviving and building you know maybe a

City or a giant build or or uh you know get into some interesting social interactions on multiplayer worlds and sort of just uh enjoy the game uh at a more fundamental level so do that we’ve like the perfect song playing it’s a traditional survival music so we’ll go like that

It’s not looking too bad it does look a bit weird i’m not sure if i’ll keep it on the upper block here forever but for now that’s fine and we’re just gonna make a better ladder i think we’ll make a ladder though not not stairs just because this

Is a very small base we wouldn’t want to waste too much uh of our time and will our space actually having this be here and i don’t think the entrance will be here either actually i think it’ll probably be on this corner because that’s going to

Go into the ice so we’re going to go up like this we do need some windows things like that some more decoration we will do that but for now there’s our entrance we can put these like this and let’s get a trap door to sort of uh give it the final

Touches of a nice exit so we’ll go like this we’ll put the trap door there that was the wrong place we’ll put it here like that that kind of works we’ll put it the other way um just like this and we’ll put that there or if we keep

Placing this wrong let’s place this correctly we’re going to break this we’re going to place it right there there we go that’s the right place then we’ll go back down here break that incorrectly place trap door and we now can start decorating a bit so let’s grab these logs

I feel like there’s sort of two ways that i can use these logs the first one it’s actually the first thing to do is make a door but um i think that there’s more or less two ways we can use the logs the first one is sort of poking out

From the side of the wall a bit so something like this which just as you saw right there definitely does look good but the second way would be in inset sort of in the wall so you can see it from both sides so let’s say it was right here it’s probably right here

Because i digest right now it’s one block off that’s pretty good we’ll go over here where we could place it like this and now we have this sort of texture on the inside and if we go over here we have that texture on the outside as well

So i kind of like both of those honestly of course one of them is a bit better because you have the look on the outside and inside so definitely a hard decision either way there what i’ll probably do here is i’ll probably just clean up this courtyard a

Bit before i do too much of that as it’s looking not the best so we could keep it as snow or we could do something else but i think i’ll just get it to be finished covered in snow for now and at this point um it’s almost uh completely covered in

Snow anyway so it shouldn’t be too hard just to place a couple snow blocks in these little areas here i’ve heard some people say that they think that torches melt snow blocks but torches only melt two things which is no layers as well as standard ice so packed ice blue ice snow blocks

And other items you think might melt none of those melt it’s only standard ice and snow layers and speaking of snow layers we’re going to use those to get the rest of this we’ll sort of lightly uh lightly collect these without breaking the blocks underneath or at least we’ll try

Like that and hopefully i think the design for the castle ended up being pretty good in fact we have a super chat that says nice house for two dollars well thank you very much for that um i agree with you completely and i think that it’s looking pretty good i’m

Definitely not an amazing builder but i think that actually turns out nice so i’m excited for that the outside looks a lot better than the inside i think i am honestly enjoying the look of this with the more 3d effect and maybe on the inside we can add some

Different detail that isn’t just about those uh those sort of exposed blocks so that could be a lot better and we’ll put those around here and just clean this up with our shovels so we’re going to go around here we’re going to put that down and of course this will just have the

Snow leaders come back later but there are some things we can do to make that not happen lots of interesting methods actually to preventing snow from from dropping down so this is all looking pretty good we’re not going to bother cleaning up too much more but i’m liking look at this we have

This nice courtyard we could clean it up a little bit but it doesn’t matter too much we have this nice sort of ice area and we have this decoration so we’re going to add that 3d effect the only real problem actually is that the sort

Of entrance is a bit clogged i think the nether portal’s in the wrong area now because it’s sort of just in the way so maybe the nether portal going over here could be good and then we could have this entrance be a bit more cleared out

Just just not too much but enough that we can go out of here because we’d either have the entrance here or we’d have the entrance here and i feel like this is sort of just a little bit in the corner too much i think it’d look better over here so

I’ll probably do that in a minute but let’s start by adding that 3d sort of wall effect to this we’ll get rid of this because we’re going to do the outside one someone says thank you for all the tutorials and doing survival worlds while live well you’re welcome i’m

Really enjoying this i think it’s a great way of sort of playing survival minecraft and the method that really works well youtube’s changed a lot of sort of how they handle live streams and things like that so it sort of affects the channel in interesting but good ways

And more or less just uh yeah it doesn’t really affect my other videos at all which is good because of course live streams are less popular than let’s say standard videos and so because they’ve changed the way things are uh sort of uh dealt with i don’t

Have to worry about live streams not getting let’s say 50 000 to 100 000 views they can just get a standard amount and that is looking so awesome i’m really happy with that it’s so uh so exciting to see a build come together this is really great so we’ll put that

There three blocks from the edge we’ll put that there and i mean even better even though the thing up there was not working because it’s not it’s actually even not odd you can see right here that’s a beautiful entrance that really is i’m that looks awesome i know what

You um everyone thinks in the chat if i will put up a little pull i don’t hear what everyone thinks i’ll just put a little pull i’ll put dude let’s see here i’ll try and spell it right do you like my mouse i guess sort of a castle

Let’s see what everyone thinks of that and speaking of that we have a super chat for 2r which says do you have any server to play with the community i absolutely do have a server if you join my discord there is a link in the chat hopefully if

Someone wants to send a link to the server or not to the server but to the discord server you join the discord server you react to uh hashtag rules and info with the pufferfish and just of course read the rules and all that to you know agree to those to join the

Discord server then you can just put your name under um post your username or i think it’s post your ign and then you can be whitelisted on there and play on the survival world it’s i’m not sure how much longer that world’s gonna be up for hopefully for a

Bit longer but i think eventually we’re going to get a brand new world as well and try and do some interesting things but the server is on 1.19 so not 0.1 or 0.2 but we just have 1.19 so we have most of the new features but without certain things that some

People dislike on point one and point two so we’re going to basically continue on this but i’m so happy with how this turned out i’m trying to think of some other little details i could add potentially trapdoors could look good i always like adding trapdoors i found

One of my favorite items in minecraft is actually trapdoors you might know that if you’ve watched my micro farms videos just because i use trapdoors a lot so we use trapdoors but we’re also going to get some stairs let’s try and do that so make some stairs unfortunately there is no stone

Cutter for the stairs but maybe they’ll add their stone cutter for wood be a wood cutter an axe or something like or a table saw or something uh but still uh i’m not sure if i like that or not i don’t think it looks bad let’s see we have it like this

Like this also 95 said they like this which is very good because i’m not sure how good of a builder i am but i’m glad that everyone likes that so does that a detail i’m gonna say i’m gonna say no actually i don’t think i like that

I think it’s okay and if it was the same color as the dark oak it’d be good just because it’s lighter i think it just blends in too much and just doesn’t add enough detail so we’ll get rid of that we will use some trapdoors we might use these stairs

Somewhere else um i’m liking the look of it without it so we get rid of this piglet actually do a little bit of a combo there there we go and we’ll break this here and let’s get these trapdoors so uh the trapdoors could go like this you could

Even go up here like that actually that would that doesn’t look too bad but i kind of like that it sort of adds a stability to it yeah i like that i think that’s a better addition sort of having these these trapdoors like this it’ll add that that look of like more structural

Support that’s looking awesome we’ll probably leave it like that for now that’s looking pretty good um we could try these here and it might look good if it’s a bigger door it reduces the size there just a little bit too much so we’ll keep it like that for now and

We’ll put these in here and in terms of a couple tips and tricks for everyone about building a house um start with something simple and then add more details so i started with a box but i finished up with this great detail that i think is making it look decently good

Um something we could do is maybe add some foundation to this pillar here but you know what i think it’s looking pretty good so likely the next step is gonna sort of actually make our brewing area or enchanting area you know put some useful rooms inside of this little box we’ve

Made and and make this get these chests out of the ground and potentially moving the nether portal Someone said rest in peace zombified piglet that was nowhere that most people are fans of zombified piglens but now the next time one comes here i’ll try and deal with it i’m mercifully or something there’s those i’m so excited about those enchanted golden apples do we have any item or any leather

Any leather i’ll probably not even see it if i’m looking here we go let’s make one item frame let’s sort of celebrate the fact that we found those even if it’s not too rare in 1.19 and we can put that up um in a survival world i had a while ago

I played on a lot i’ve shown it in videos before it sort of has like that massive hourglass tower on it it took me so long to find an enchanted golden apple and so it’s sort of exciting on this world to have found it so much quicker

All right i’m just going to get rid of that poll see and 95 like the house which is pretty cool all right so we’re gonna go back down here now let’s take a look here uh so we’re gonna move that nether portal which i think is gonna be good we’re

Also gonna get rid of a little bit of that ice a little bit of that snow we’re just going to give us more room to walk around sort of make the entire thing have some more uh just make it easier to walk around and feel a little bit less squished

But i think overall this is this is looking really good of course i do the most exciting thing you can in minecraft the incredibly exciting task of mining obsidian so let’s see if i can respond to some comments as i do this someone said what farm i’m guessing they’re saying what firm do

You build first uh i guess if you’re talking about small farms farms that are like let’s say a crop farm or a mob farm probably you’d want to do like uh just a standard mob farm with some cows or some sheep in terms of you know firm builds things

Like that i’d say probably a gold farm or a creeper farm iron farms can be good sort of these ones definitely a important one someone says are you going to make a snow golem to farm snow that is a good idea actually i’m not sure if i have any pumpkins on me i’ll

Check that but if i do i love the gollum mobs and minecraft i think that you know if there’s one thing that minecraft should add on it’s some of these mechanics where you know for instance the idea of building a mob and it’s summoning in the iron golem the

Wither and the snow golem that’s only three examples of that process happening and of course the withers even then a little bit different so i think it’d be cool with something like that if they sort of added maybe a couple more gollum mobs maybe something

In the end maybe if they do an end update or even something in the nether or even just a couple more mobs like that in the overworld i know they were going to do the copper golem but just because of its size i’m not sure if it

Was going to be made out of the pumpkin and a copper block or if it was going to be sort of a different kind of idea there so we’ve moved that let’s break this a bit we need a new shovel so we’ll do that let’s grab the shovel we do have some

Diamonds not too many but a couple we could make a diamond shovel uh but i think i’ll save those for something else it’s not really important with snow reminding maybe something that it mattered more with then i definitely would do that someone says aren’t i afraid to

Break my pickaxe my diamond one i’m not worried about that because i have enough diamonds to craft another one so we’re gonna get this little bit flattened out i know when i on the last room i said i’m not gonna change this at all like the walls and all that but obviously

That’s a bit silly so we’re going to change this somewhat these actually don’t break too slowly with the hoe which is nice so we’ll do that of course not as fast as let’s say an efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe but still pretty good and we’ll mine all that up

And something kind of unfortunate i found is that every time i live stream i actually uh lose a lot of subscribers and i think i’ve actually no idea why it is probably some people just don’t like live streams but it seems to me that i also gain a

Lot of subscribers when doing it so i think that the majority of my audience does enjoy live streams and i think it’s just a great way of connecting with the community and so i’m sure everyone here is enjoying live streams so i’m not gonna even bother with a poll asking if

People here like live streams or not but i do want to sort of try and and still do my standard content of course but also vary it up with these nice survival live streams to give people a more you know unique and and specific look at what to do in minecraft

Uh not necessarily rushed to a specific subject but just little hints little tips and tricks and just the actual experience of it let’s see here and more or less what i should do now is i i should actually break this a little bit let’s try and get this figured out

Uh we’re gonna mine this back a little bit more nothing too crazy thankfully we can instantly mine the snow which is uh very very good so we’re just going to break all this and we’re going to want all this we’re going to mine it back a little bit more probably to there

Is good then we’ll sort of just make it a nice little uh little area to walk out from there we’ll sort of mine all this upwards mine this line this and just make the entire area go around like that so our inventory is very very full of snowballs i’m not sure if anyone

Here knows a lot about the combat snapshots but something interesting about the combat snapshots is the fact that in them and the last one has was a very long time ago but uh in those combat snapshots they were going to make the snow balls be stackable to

64 which is of course an awesome thing and so i think that having the functionality there for the for the snowballs could be an awesome thing of going to 64. i think it’ll also make more players actually use them as to me snow blocks are a great

Building material i know of course they can naturally generate in the world which maybe makes them seem you know a bit less valuable but for me personally i really do like building with the snow blocks we’re gonna put that down let’s go around here and we’re going to mine all this cold

Because it’s here and we’re not actually uh we’re not that rich and cool so we’re going to make a little micro coal mine here and and mine that let’s see here someone said they should make a gold golem i think that’s a great idea actually i’m not sure what the use would

Be maybe something in the nether like another gold column maybe maybe the piglens would build it that could be really cool actually and we’ll go around like this and cover that up and then we’ll put all the snow there a good thing to remember is to always

Put light in little areas you’ve mined up or fill them in and we have a super chat for ten dollars it says thank you icraftmc uh sorry i need to scroll up here it says it says hey craftmc thank you for all of your helpful and fun videos i came back to

Minecraft after a few years and your videos have helped me re-acclimate and boost my progress i love the live streams well thank you so much i appreciate that a lot i definitely think the live streams are a really great way of sort of just playing the game and let’s go around here

All right this is looking awesome uh this is really coming together a bit we’re just gonna clean this up a little bit more um maybe mine it back one or two more blocks just to make sure it really does sort of blend into the wall nicely doesn’t stick out too much

And the song i have playing right now i forget the name of it but it is a song that usually plays in creative mode of course i’m not playing in creative mode i’m just have those songs on a playlist but it’s funny sometimes and i’ll feature a creative mode song in the background

Music of one of my videos different people will say they’ve never heard it before either because they don’t play with music or because they don’t play in creative mode and it’s kind of interesting because in my opinion probably my favorite songs in the entire game are actually the creative modes songs because they’re

They’re sort of um have an interesting sort of atmosphere to them you don’t get with the standard survival songs now i love those songs as well but i think that there’s also some unique and interesting things you do get with those creative mode songs someone says what’s my favorite cd i

Answered this earlier but it is probably weight although i do really enjoy far and blocks and i mean really all of them even the the newest music disc has some interesting properties to it so for instance right here on my note an area i’m just going to make sure to put a

Torch in there so later on we don’t have mobs there especially if you’re ever in an area you might eventually build a slime ferment it’s never really good to have to deal with lots of small little random caves here and there that you made i’m just going to convert this

Stone into snow to really get the idea of this being a snowy and icy castle be there instead of some more ugly looking exposed stones so we’re gonna go through here cover that up and there we go and that’s looking awesome that’s a lot better we have a

Pretty awesome looking entrance now we can sort of have stuff here we can keep that really looking awesome and it’s nice and thin and on the edge so and now for a new location for the nether portal we have the blocks for the nether portal

We do need a flint and steel as i left my previous linton steel in the deep dirk so we’re going to grab that flinton steel and we’re going to make our nether portal just over here i think the idea is going to be to mine

This back a little bit not too much just a bit and to put it in this hillside because eventually i can connect to it from both ways because i’m going to do stuff inside of this mountain here and so i could sort of get to the nether

Through here but i can also get to another the other way we may as well make it even so from here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so i guess there’s not necessarily a strict center although we could probably say this is

Twelve so it’d be six from the edge one two three four five six so we’d have the obsidian b right here and we will break this back just a little bit more not too much we want to keep that somewhat rounded look to it which i think is quite nice

Some says 850 likes getting close to 900 now if anyone watching the video wants to like it maybe we can even get up to a thousand i mean there’s quite a lot of concurrent viewers about 500 so i think that it’s uh definitely not impossible i mean if everyone liked the stream right

Now which is very possible we could be all the way up to 1.4 000 in about 10 seconds so let’s see if we can do that that’s the challenge for everyone if every single person can like the stream it also makes it reach more people which

Is of course good for everyone and i think that we will put that in there let’s get that flint and steel though we have in our inventory already we’re just going to finish making this and let’s take a look here we need to break this and it looks like the lakes

Are going very high so thank you everyone for liking the video and if you haven’t already be sure to do so uh so we’d be going right here so one two three four right to like that okay i guess i have to go a little bit um further into the mountain actually

I’m not too far just a little bit further that should look okay let’s let’s see if we can cross a thousand uh likes on the video would be awesome keep mining this i might actually not sleep the night just so i can make sure to keep things all uh lit up as i’ve

Broken a lot of blocks i might have broken some torches and things like that so we’re going to go like this and we’re going to break those and let’s just put it right here so we’re going to mine the blocks right here i always like having sort of the

Lower blocks of the nether portal be in the ground just because the reason for that is mostly that what i can do is that i can walk right into it i don’t have to jump up and do it it makes it really convenient especially if i’m let’s say going to be

Transporting a mob in there let’s say with a minecart or something i don’t think i’d be doing that in this exact location although you never know something interesting enough is that probably the best way and the best idea of getting things into this area if i

Want let’s say a mob firm or something would actually be to transport them through the nether it looks like i have placed one block incorrectly so we will break that put it back and we should have our nether portal done also if you’ve just joined the stream uh

Be aware that i have i craft icraftmc on twitter i craft underscore mc be sure to follow me on there i’ve been trying to tweet as much as possible join the discord server it’s always exciting to see how many people will join that during the stream and as well as that

Follow me on tw uh twitch uh ida i craft mc on there and we have a reddit and also my second channel so there should be links for that in the description also in the chat eventually and be ready to do that if you would

Like to see more of i craft mc like my streams and things like that um something i didn’t actually mention here but unfortunately i did do by accident is the fact that basically there is um when i first scheduled this stream i actually schedule it for uh 9 00 pm pst

Uh midnight uh eastern time which was not what i meant to do um i i live in canada and so that would be me streaming um actually into tomorrow which is not going to work at all for me so i changed that about 80 out 80 minutes

Before the stream went live so i’m really sorry to anyone who’s watching this back and is wondering why they had the wrong time mark down but unfortunately i had to change that because i made a mistake so let’s grab some of these snow blocks and we’re going to place those down

And we’re going to get rid of this snow or not get rid of the snow we’re going to get rid of the stone and just sort of make a nice look to that we may as well link the portal i’m not too worried about what’s on the other side so we’ll

Go right through here as we already know it is on the other side it is our portal and the soul sand valley right here and we might as well just grab those bone blocks while i’m at it probably not safe with all these amazing items but

Bone blocks are really useful for a lot of things especially building and getting bone meal from something i would always suggest any player who has just gotten access to the nether especially on the multiplayer world is instantly go to your nearest soul sand valley try and mine as many

As many of the bone blocks as possible and once you’ve done that then use those two quick grow crops quick grow your trees all these different things especially since a lot of different players will try and grab those bone blocks on a certain server and so getting that really instant commodity is

Good especially considering the fact that every bone block is nine pieces of bone meal which means three bones being able to mine you know let’s say nine stacks of bone meal really really easily from just a couple of fossils it’s much better than having to kill let’s say a couple hundred

Skeletons for the same amount of bone meal or even getting it from a mob farm it can still be slower that way even though it is a mob farm so i think there can be a second way to the portal through here and i’ll do that in a second and we’ll do

Is i will just uh continue to replace it with this with snow as i think it’ll look better we could actually replace it with ice too since we do have our silk touch now i’d keep forgetting that and we’ll go through here and do that we’re 15 likes away from a thousand

Likes let’s see if we can get the stream to that that’s a pretty good goal get our silk touch tool out here to get the packed ice and we’ll do that and oh emeralds that’s pretty cool ah this would not drop it if i broke

With the hoe but you know i may don’t mind it there’s lots of emeralds around here we as well mine this ore as well um kind of cool to have that emerald of course now that’s broken it’s not that valuable but still kind of interesting we’ll put a torch there keep that little

Secret area i always like making little secret areas in minecraft i don’t know about you but i’ve always enjoyed that so we’ll do this and we’ll mine all these stone blocks at the bottom and we’re going to place down the snow blocks where the stone blocks were this

Is almost done it’s looking awesome so we’re just going to replace these few blocks here we could give it more of a rounded look later but for now i think that’s pretty good so we’ll go like this we’ll put in these snow blocks that’s a cobblestone that’s not a snow block

Put in those all right so we need to go to the other side of this can i do that let’s see yes we’re going to mine this way a bit the song that’s playing right now which i believe is one of the newer nether songs

Um reminds a little bit of sort of like lord of the rings music i’m not sure why just sort of this uh flute or whatever it is okay here we go we made the link so we now have a link into the nether portal from the other way that’s kind of my

That was my goal of being next to that ice mountain actually as being able to make these cool little passageways around so you know have two entrances and sort of this secret little exit into the courtyard if any mob tries and go in this way they’ll just get instantly

Teleported through the nether portal so that really reaches two purposes there it gives us an awesome one-way entrance to our base but it also gives us a extra easy way to get to the nether so we’re going to place that there we’re going to sort of

Fill this in i guess with blocks this is going to look better later on once we’ve done more with it and of course we can mine this all out as it’s a nice little sort of area of that stone and stuff so okay it’s looking good now i probably

Want to sort of clean up this area a bit more probably we should make the brewing area and the enchanting area inside of our base that would definitely be smart so let’s get rid of all the items we don’t need on us right now and i’m just gonna get a drink of water

Also we have made it to 1 000 likes so thank you so much to everyone for liking the video i appreciate that and it should make the video reach some more people which is awesome we actually got some echo shards the last time we raided the ancient city unfortunately

Not this time but the last time we did so let’s see here we need the brewing supplies so what we’re going to do is we’re going to get the brewing stand right here we need to get our netherwart and we have that around here let’s see there’s the netherward

We also did grab soul sand if not though we have a soul sand valley right through the nether portal i don’t actually see any soul sounds so we’ll just go right through here grab some from the soul sand valley and then we can make a small little nether wart farm

As i found other farms because you don’t need very much to brew can be a great decoration in a world and just because you know we are farming we melt we may as well use soil soil instead of soil sand especially since we walk a bit slower on it as you can see

Actually we can’t plant the uh the word on soil soil it’s only i would have thought we could that’s funny so you cannot place netherwort on soul sand that is so interesting and apparently that’s actually the first thing i’ve planted in this world probably because we’ve just been

Exploring and looting i’ve not met any farms yet so that’s definitely something to do a bit in that courtyard not to fill it up or anything but just to make some firms that’s so interesting though that the uh the soil you can’t plant things on very very strange let’s mine this up here

Let’s go through here and probably just get a stack of the soul sand maybe until our shuffle breaks and let’s see what we have here okay we’re almost up to a stack which is good so we’ll finish mining that this should give us lots of stuff to get our farm with

Let’s go through here let’s see hmm so it’s what we have all on us we have a decent number of items probably enough stuff to build this once we get a couple more decorations we could build the brewing area here or inside of the hill a bit

I think probably just because we’ll have to have the soul sand on the ground we’ll build it a little bit into that hill i’m not too much but a bit i guess we can use our golden cursive vanishing shovel since it doesn’t really matter at all so

Let’s try and make this a bit more of an entrance make us a bit more of an actual way of getting into here should be good and just sort of mind this out a bit more means we’ll grab the cold we’re at it and make a space to brew and we’ll maybe uh

Sort of make an entrance i guess so we’re going to start here maybe we’ll go five wide so that’s five then the center there we’d want to make an actual entrance then we’ll sort of start mining from there to make a space to do it and we can have like a doorway

A little bit of torch there and we’ll mine this way as well i’ll make sure to mine any of the ice with the correct tool for that maybe eventually we could put some secret standard ice so we could look up as like a skylight that would look awesome

And we’ll go five this way as well so three uh that is four five just like this all around here and we can mine this whole hilaria out someone says will a wither spawn if you put three wither skeleton skulls in a soul sand valley uh very likely not just

Because if there’s anything that’s touching the side of the wither construction then it will not grow so i can show you an example or not grow it won’t spawn so i think of growing because i’m making another word so let’s say you build it like this but you have

This block here then we put down the three schools it wouldn’t summon in because this block right here is stopping it i actually have a singular wither skeleton school i got when i was in the nether and i would suggest for everyone watching here once you’re done

To check out the entire vod of this but also to check out the last stream i did of this type because it was very exciting and just like this time where i got my items back very very rarely as a small chance after dying i also had some

Really good luck in the last stream where basically i was at literally half a hert i think multiple times actually maybe at a one heart once but definitely at half a heart uncertain points and still escaped from the nether with our first blaze rods and soul sand and actually the

Things not soul sound but our first blaze rods and nether warts and actually the things that we’re going to be using right now to make our brewing room this is looking really small so i might might make it a little bit bigger if i break this i’ll put that there

We can mine this way one over and maybe one deeper that should look a bit better someone says they miss the aether portal something sort of interesting actually that i’m not sure if everyone knows this but the person who made the aether mod in minecraft ended up becoming a developer of minecraft

And so what’s interesting is that something they made in 1.19 if i remember correctly is they were actually the ones who designed the deep dark so isn’t that so interesting the person who invented the aether also invented the deep dirk and it kind of gets you thinking about you know i know there’s

The whole portal theory for the for the deep dark biome but you know that almost in a sense you know does sort of uh give some some credit to that idea because the person who invented the aether mod was also the person who created the entire deep dark and and

Sort of got that to work so let’s mine all this up uh actually we’ll get the cool in a minute but i think the idea would be to get some sort of flooring blocks so we’ll do that so it’s good to have a good quality floor i found that although it’s nice to

Just mine in a mountain and instantly have walls and a roof and a floor sometimes it’s nice to up the quality a bit and sort of make things look a little bit more uh actually built and not just thrown together although my pickaxe is getting at fairly low durability as someone was

Saying earlier so i’ll have to watch that i guess i’ll have to get a uh a new shovel once i’m done with this one so we’ll just mine these and we’ll mine this with our diamond toe because it has soap touch we found that in the deep dirk for anyone wondering

And we’ll finish mining the rest of this so let’s see we can get mine all of these different pieces of coal and go around here and we can sort of just put in a birch flooring because i think that’ll look quite good and yeah i think that um for me

Personally i’ve just found birch slabs to always be what i like to use i’m not sure why but really just ever since i have been playing the game a whole lot i’ve always been wanting to use the birch slabs maybe just because they’re light colored

Wood a lot of flooring is a very light color and so it’s sort of interesting to have that kind of look and we’re going to need some more i think also using the birch slabs is going to give us that look of sort of the the inside and the outside of the base

Of sort of the actual building but also this cave part for them to both look like they’re they’re one build i’m really liking how this place is coming out i hope that everyone else is enjoying the uh the look of this build so that’s awesome and we’ll go around here

And we’re going to like this and no i think this is really turning out well i’ll mine this iron and um i’m also going to probably mine some packed ice later i don’t know if there is a iceberg biome or a frozen ocean as they’re called around here i don’t think there actually

Is just because the way that minecraft biomes spawn uh having jagged peaks frozen peaks and stony peaks has nothing to do with whether there is a frozen biome or not which is sort of interesting someone said do you ever play bedrock edition well i made a video somewhat

Recently of my first time playing bedrock editions that shows you how much i play bedrock edition but i did enjoy it quite a bit playing it in that video i’d suggest everyone to check that out my first time playing bedrock edition very very interesting video and um yeah i definitely have been

Having some facts about bedrock more and more in my videos i’ve been having some different things i’ll test in bedrock and i really do like bedrock edition and as that’s about 40 percent of my audience i mean that’s almost half i want to make sure to have my content be

Really suitable for them as well as the java players all right this is looking pretty good nice little quaint area let’s get some soul sand down let’s get a brewing area ready you know my favorite thing to do is to think of brewing as sort of like a mad

Scientist lab kind of idea and so i think what i’m going to do is i’m actually going to go back into the nether get a little bit of nether quartz and make some nether quartz tables as sort of the lab tables to put on the brewing ingredients

Nothing too much but just a couple blocks should be fine i just have to find a little bit of other quartz around in here very nice to have that easy nether access we don’t have any shields we have to be a little bit careful with these skeletons and things but it shouldn’t be

Too much of a too much of an issue and funny enough i actually just realized that half-broken shield i left in the uh in the deep dirt chest or earlier in the stream here i think that was the exact shield i used to not die from skeletons

In this exact area in the last streams that’s sort of an interesting thing hmm let’s see here where the quartz is it could be some on the roof as well i don’t see any really nearby there’s some down there although of course there’s also a lot of other mobs

But they’re all just uh zombie they’re zombified piglets so it’s not a big issue that’s a very dangerous place to get some courts but uh never gain a lot unless we lose a lot i suppose so we’re gonna do that um well it’s probably not the best idea and

When you’re doing things like this i would always recommend being very careful not to mind beneath you as of course falling into lava or even not into lava is bad i would actually say probably more players die from just straight up fall damage in the nether they do from specifically falling in

Lava just because you know even if you fall just on the ground and all your items go everywhere that’s still basically just as bad someone said is this hardcore um for anyone who doesn’t know this is not hardcore number one but also it’s really easy to tell if the world’s hardcore and

That’s the hearts will have this sort of angry expression on them like they’ll have these little uh eyes on them that are meant to look angry or the idea is sort of that you know they’re unforgiving and that if you if you die uh you cannot um be alive again and so

This is not hardcore um i thought about doing a hardcore series but okay and i decided against it because of things just like that piglet there where you know i don’t want to put in all this work and have it be lost of course i heard corona stream as well i

Have to be focusing on the chat i have to be focusing on the game a whole lot and so i don’t want to have to not prioritize that um and just sort of be only focusing on the game because i think it’d be a lot better to

Uh do both of those at once so let’s get rid of these skeletons i actually want that glowstone they’re somewhat protecting there so let’s get these skeletons there’s one last one’s like the final boss here we have the enchanted armor here we better eat some food pretty soon here these will become

A slight bit of a legitimate threat there is not much glowstone left and i actually realize we have some glowstone back at our place i think glowstone would make a perfect lighting source for our brewing area someone says actually a lot of people say hello and i say hello back to

Everyone who’s saying hello in the chat i’m really liking this so far actually it’s good okay so let’s see here we’re gonna get that uh glowstone i’m actually gonna probably put some blocks back here in a second i don’t really like how that’s looking i’ll go like this or we’ll keep that

We’ll keep that let’s uh use a stone cutter or actually use it once we turn these into blocks of course put those there we’re going to use the pillars we’re going to use the chiseled because the chisel would look like an eye a bit actually and we’ll use a

Couple bricks but that should be good and now we need the rest of our brewing supplies which we’ll store in a chest or two we’ll grab that i guess i’ll just tell everyone a bit of important things to know when you’re making a brewing area so something really important number one

Is of course to have your brewing stand that’s the most important thing for sure but something also important to know is have a couple chests nearby full of different useful items and as well as that you want to have a good source of blaze rods because without the blaze

Powder you cannot make the any of the potions because you need that to power it another important thing is to make sure you have water now i have some ice right here so i’m going to use that but ideally you could also use a cauldron or something although of course

A cauldron is more of a good visual method not really a practical one as of course with cauldrons they actually do drain and water level whereas with the water source they do not so we’re going to craft a whole bunch of these we’re going to make some more slabs just to

Finish this area here and i think i need an axe so i’m going to make one of those as well real quick let’s see here we have uh some sticks here we’re going to grab both of those and we’re going to grab some iron if we have any i’m sure we

Have lots of it i’m just not seeing it ah it’s not in here and oh here it is there’s the iron we’ll need three of these we should probably go mining more i didn’t realize we don’t have that much iron so i haven’t been bothering to grab it grab any iron i

Find so what i’ll do is i’ll make a little uh water source like right here we’ll just surround this with this we can make it look a little bit better later on but for now that’s good we should actually be careful about mining downwards like that because the

Problem is is we do have this massive cave beneath us not directly but somewhat close and we could lose everything if we’re not careful so just looking what i’ve done so far i think i should probably actually mine this way a little bit more just to make

Sure we have enough room to fully make this netherwart area of course we have pig step on which is uh sort of appropriate to making a making a brewing area so we’re gonna mine all this stuff out we’re going to mine the blocks beneath it and we are

Just going to make an awesome little area to grow another wart let’s see here we’re gonna break that and we’ll make it make something it’s about three blocks wide sort of in the corner here actually just do two blocks for now so we can sort of

Frame it a bit uh go like this something like that it’s probably good we’ll make a 10 block firm just go by going around like this and placing these blocks down we’ll mine that go like this and i think we’ll just fill this back in and we’ll put down another work to make

A nice little nether wart farm that’s pretty good now we can of course make that more decorative in the future or actually a really great idea i just had here is instead of just having these be in the ground which doesn’t look that amazing to be honest if i turn a bunch

More of these into planks and then i make a whole lot of not the slabs but if trap doors in fact even more trapdoors i could probably make something really cool looking so if we go like this and then what we do is basically

We grab a shovel we mine up all the soul sand here we put we put the planks right beneath them as well around here just like this and we put the soul sand up here so all the 10 of it here then we might actually not put it 10 because that gets really

Close when it’s up above but we can put these trapdoors in and we can make sort of like a raised farming bed for these netherwarts and we’ll put those all in here we’ll put up a torch although we don’t really need it but we’ll put up a torch just because it looks nice

And yeah we have it we have nice little farming area now i think that that’s decently good i mean of course the walls aren’t amazing or perfect we could maybe make the water source actually be one block closer i think that would look probably a little

Bit better so we’ll go like that and we’ll go like this and we’ll put an ice block down as we don’t have any water buckets on us right now let me as well turn this you know now that i keep changing my mind constantly into an infinite water source just

Around here like this uh as then i can use this for other things as well as i don’t i don’t think i have an infinite water source out here i might i might have forgotten that i do i know i don’t think i do and it is apparently snowing again but this is

Honestly looking great i think we’ve got a lot of progress done but let’s try and get all the materials for brewing put in there as well so i’ll put all these back here for now i guess we can put some of these chisel blocks up real quick actually and

We need the blaze rods we need uh some of these potions we have already we’ll just grab any potion related item in here and put it in that lowest chest so we have this we have now let’s see anything here like a potion that’s for potions i don’t see anything else in there

And what about in here just anything i would sort of use in a potion i’m sure i’m forgetting a couple items we’ll grab some redstone that could be useful uh we will grab nothing else there they’ll use the uh let’s see here maybe soul torches could look good we need the

Glowstone dust the gunpowder the mushrooms the might actually bring the end or pearls even though they’re not for that just because we’re gonna have all the blaze rods over here when we get our supplies together for the end that should look really good so we’ll throw all those

Things in here just like that we are very low on brewing supplies so we’re going to need to get some actual brewing supplies here pretty soon but we can probably even though it’s not really has a big point we can probably put those in there just have sort of the look of a

Full brewing stand which i think will look nice so what we’ll do because this is sort of uneven now is we’ll make it look a little bit less uneven by making um two batches of quartz pillars which is going to use most of our quartz up we’ll put that in the corner here

And we will not put one on the other corner but what we’re going to do is we’re going to sort of make like a little display here we’re going to break this block we’ll put down this chiseled block right here because if you notice this is

Supposed to look like the guardian so it has like these little twists on the top and there’s these eyes on the side and you know i mean there’s there’s some goodness that’s a little too close for comfort um there’s some result there’s okay let’s do this there’s a little bit

Of resemblance there not too much but a little bit so you know that’s kind of a cool little thing and we can maybe put some of these around here just to look kind of interesting maybe if we put it like not sure exactly because it’s all sort of being thrown together but

Something like this and like this and then we could put these on top here and like that oh that’s the wrong place we broke our iron pickaxe we’ll use this we’re not gonna break the diamond one put that there let’s grab some glowstone and we’ll use that let’s see here

I did have glowstone almost guaranteed i have go stone maybe i don’t actually hmm probably i’m just forgetting and everyone’s like oh it’s on the top right or something um that could not be unlikely that is that could definitely be likely uh let’s use redstone then maybe that

Could look good or actually maybe lapis just because lapis is sort of a magical item or actually i won’t use lapis because um only that for the enchanting area later so we’ll use that not sure if this will look good or not um if not we can just use something else

Like the like that i like the look of that quartz though and you know i think this will look good because we have sort of the red in here we have sort of this blue and red theme yeah i like that i actually like that i like that it looks good

And this looking like a nice little brewing area for now is a perfect no but i think that it’s looking pretty good and we have our brewing supplies there let’s get all the stuff in our inventory sort of uh put in the chest here and let’s take a look here so basically

We have a decent items here exactly sure we want to do let’s put these in here actually for now and let’s take a look in here but unfortunately i’m going to end the stream off here so as my last little social media thing before you leave be sure to follow me on

Twitter at icraftmc be sure to um join the craftymcdiscord there should be a link in the chat also be sure to uh follow me on twitch join the icraftmcreditor craftmc and more or less subscribe with notifications on like the stream and i will see you in the next

One i hope you have a great day and i have been making a lot of content recently so i would suggest to go to my channel watch page check out some of those i hope you’ll enjoy them i’ll see you in the next one and have a great day

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 2’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-09-10 19:54:56. It has garnered 140968 views and 2276 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:23 or 11243 seconds.

Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live!

🟪Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eyecraftmc 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/eyecraft_mc 🔵Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tMM6B8Nc3M

Watch Eyecraftmc Play Survival in Minecraft 1.19 to teach you how to play Minecraft! Enjoy this Minecraft Survival Livestream for Minecraft 1.19 Caves and Cliffs Update Java Edition where you can learn how to play Minecraft Survival Live as I play it!

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    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

    Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!Video Information [Music] good morning Mikey how did you sleep what are you doing there good morning JJ I thought you’d sleep the whole day as usual I’m just looking at what we can do with our resources and what can we do let’s take a walk around the village hm what is it there there seems to be a seller selling something let’s go there soon and see what he sells mhm Hi man we saw your poster there what does it say here buy a plane hi guys I’m selling a plane that you can buy and fly… Read More

  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

    Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block - EP. 5 #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] I [Music] so [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] you [Music] no [Music] a This video, titled ‘Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-03-04 12:35:18. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:51 or 351 seconds. Making a PandaLand in Minecraft One Block [Episode : 5] #minecraft #trending #viral #viralvideo minecraft house minecraft game minecraft house ideas minecraft videos for kids minecraft video minecraft house design minecraft live minecraft song minecraft… Read More

  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

    Welcome to AetherEarth! Features: 1:1500 Scale Earth Map LifeSteal Fully Customized Shop Towny Make your own Vehicles (MoveCraft) Cross-play Welcoming Community Professional Staff Will you make peace or will you start the next world war? Join to make history! Join us on Discord Read More

  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

    Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review Leap into the verse, where Minecraft sets disperse, Cherry Blossom Garden, a colorful burst. Sniffers and bees, in a world of blocks, Building terrain, with colorful rocks. The build quality, a bit on the flimsy side, Bees falling apart, a fragile ride. But play value shines, with sniffers and trees, A Minecraft world, full of possibilities. Build experience, colors bright and bold, Inspiration for terrain, stories untold. A set for children, to create and play, A display piece, in a colorful array. Playability, with sniffers and bees, Accessories galore, for hours of ease. A set for kids, to explore… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

    Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity Welcome to MineCity: A Preview of Our NEW Survival Minecraft Server! Hello everyone, welcome to the exciting world of MineCity! Our brand new survival Minecraft server is packed with amazing features and bonuses that will keep you entertained for hours on end. Join us as we explore all the incredible elements that make MineCity a must-visit destination for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Features of MineCity At MineCity, players can expect a wide range of features that set our server apart from the rest. From custom-built structures to unique gameplay mechanics, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Here are some key… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live! Ep 2