Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live – Ep 5

Video Information

Thank you Thank you foreign And welcome to survival live now because of my 200 000 subscriber special my server launch as well as Minecraft live it’s unfortunately been about three weeks since the last one of these live streams so I’m assuming some people considered I even quit this series but I

Have not and so we are going to be back inside of this survival world and welcome everyone to the stream hope everyone’s having a great Friday I know I personally am one of the reasons why I decided to live stream on Friday today instead of let’s say

Saturday like I normally do is just because there’s a lot of people that are not always able to make it to my live streams so I thought by potentially doing a live stream at a different time I can give access to more people to watch this one and of course everyone

Else can watch it on the replay alright so more or less what we were doing in the last Survival live episode as far as I remember is getting everything together for enchanting as well as starting a mine when starting a mine we ran into an area with a lot of

Wardens it was pretty funny because I think we triggered probably maybe 10 wardens throughout the video and thankfully did not die from any of them but we did make a successful strip mine and we also finished off by making what’s over here and that is a small sugar cane Farm

Now this is nowhere near your ideal sugar cane Farm setup but it should be enough for us to get our enchantment table supplies so we do have all the leather we need that we got from sort of exploring around earlier and I think we’ll be able to get enough

Paper from all this sugar cane if not now maybe by the second time we Harvest it um but it’s good to see that it seems like most people are doing well in the chat and hello to everyone there I hope everyone’s having a great day and thank

You for making it to the live stream and also I’ll try to in this video respond to as many questions as possible as of course a lot of people will watch these to learn more about Minecraft and so I want to make sure that throughout the video I can answer people’s

Questions that are about the game but yeah more or less we’re going to go over here and we are going to craft this sugar cane in the paper and of course you’ll also see how much leather we have I was able to sort through our items a little while ago so

We actually have a somewhat sorted area here it’s decent but in terms of the leather there I think this is right here 35 leather now normally I’m not sure if that would quite be enough but you can see we already have here six bookshelves so we just need nine more and that

Should be enough someone said do you have any advice for new players um I do a quite a bit of advice for new players in fact maybe sometime I’ll make a video exactly about what new players should do specifically but one of the things is that oftentimes what people

Will forget when playing Minecraft is that unlike all the mobs around you you can move Blocks place blocks sort of dig yourself into different areas make pillars upwards block yourself in from things like skeletons and I’ll often see people dying from mobs wherein they could have let’s just say Place some

Blocks in front of them another important thing is it’s always good to explore around where you are because I’ve had times when I’m starting out in the base and it turns up maybe be 200 blocks later there was a village but I didn’t know that so I went through all

The trouble of getting villagers or trying to look for a different village when there was one just behind me but either way we’re going to craft some books so because we need nine bookshelves we need three books per bookshelf so of course that would mean

We need 27 books and we have more than enough for that which is perfect I would craft all of this into books because of course we can enchant with books in other ways and I might make maybe two or three books but we’re going to want to

Save a little bit of leather for something else if we do happen to need it as then we don’t have no leather and so more or less we’re gonna have to now get some logs or some planks I think we do have enough I remember in the last

Episode or maybe the episode before that we mined a lot of trees so we have lots of stacks of the logs here so we’re gonna craft some bookshelves and of course this is how they’re crafted with the six planks it’s actually interesting I’m sure a lot of people have been quite excited by

Minecraft live which was uh I guess a little under a week ago or yeah a week ago from tomorrow and so something that I think is really interesting now that we do have the first snapshot for that is it the chiseled bookshelves which I actually think is kind of a strange name

Because chiseled would sort of mean they’re Stone that’s the wrong placement for that next you have a silk touch how I can break that with but during that video we saw of course the chiseled bookshelves and now in the snapshot we can play with those and so what’s interesting is the crafting

Recipe for those is really similar to The Standard books it just has three slabs instead of three books anyway we’re now at level 30 which is awesome on the enchantment table of course and we’re at level 31 for our actual XP bar but we can basically get our XP as high

As we need because we do have the entrance to a strip mine just around here and then from there of course we can get some mine up some deep dark items of course the skulk and all that and get some enchantmenting to get some levels from that so anyway I think we’re

Going to start by probably getting an item two enchant we do have a sort of low tier pickaxe around here I believe we also have nine diamonds in the thumbnail these videos I keep showing myself with sort of full diamond armor and all these things and that’s because

That’s sort of the goal we want to try and get to that so we may do some mining today but I also want to do some more exciting things like going back to the Nether and finally getting absolutely enough ender pearls as well as blaze rods to potentially go to the Ender

Dragon probably not going to the Ender Dragon today we’re getting the supplies for that would be great so we’re gonna go over here we’re gonna enchant this and it has silk touch right off the bat that is awesome of course it’s not always that common to

Get silk touch right away so that’s a really good thing it looks like we only have one piece of lapis although I do think there’s some lapis we had elsewhere if not I’m sure we can find some very very easily there might be some in here I’m not actually sure that’d be very

Funny thing we didn’t have is lapis um maybe that is the case which is interesting so it’ll do is I guess I’ll go back down the strip mine and we will mine for like two pieces of lapis which again kind of funny I don’t have more of that I thought I would have

Um but I guess not so it does look like it’s night time so we’re gonna sleep there and then we’re going to head down and mine up two or three pieces of lapis to get that silk touch it’s always nice for you sort of start out with a

Guaranteed Enchantment of a certain type as it usually doesn’t happen and so for instance in this scenario we have that guaranteed silk touch this is such a fun drop this is massive like just Dive Right off it’s um it’s amazing because of course we’re so close to the top of the Minecraft world

To then fall down almost to the bottom of it is quite a change so we’re just looking for some lapis here of course we want to go a little bit higher up actually um to find it this is where in the last episode you’re sort of fighting well not

Really fighting but sort of disabling the ability for those wardens to come back and more or less we’re going to go around here and we’re going to try and find some lapis that generated around now someone asked what is the pickling for the piglet is just for bartering

With so if you throw gold at the piglet um Goldengate specifically they will give you sort of a random item from the selection and some of them are really useful so like crying obsidian or spectral arrows if you’re in Java and of course also ender pearls which is like a

Thing that speedrunners will often do is they’ll try and get ender pearls from the piglets so that’s what piglens are for and of course the zombified piglens are basically just something interesting to have in the game and of course with them if you hit them once then they’ll

All get mad at you and sort of keep being angry at you until you die so so we have gotten to an unrated part of the school now I could try digging this away I don’t see any shriekers so there probably isn’t one around here um because shriekers aren’t that common

In the deep dark caves that’s actually something that’s really interesting is that it’s honestly not that common to have the shriekers it’s just when there is one all the sensors around it will activate it so is that someone said I passed lapis I can take a look

Although I’m fairly certain I didn’t but I can take a look around here something I found is actually kind of interesting is that I found that with the skulk veins as well as with the glow lichen sometimes they’ll sort of look like an ore and all um

And I’ll sort of like think it’s let’s say diamonds or gold or something from very far away just because there’s sort of that pattern on the surface of the stone that resembles it but there is also a very large cave actually that almost guaranteed has lapis and that’s

Just above us one level so that should be fairly easy to go down here and grab that we could also go down this way but I don’t see much of a point to doing that but if we go back to our strip mine tunnel then of course we can find the

Way to that cave now I believe that cave was uh I think it’s right up there so that might be a little bit too high um but technically the best level ever for mining lapis is basically right around here so it’s the mix between the um deep slate layer and the stone layer

Now there is this but remember there’s a very large cave now this one’s probably a little bit high up to get a large amount of lapis but it’s such a big cave I feel like there’s almost guaranteed some lapis here in fact I’d be incredibly shocked if

There’s not but this is not a sort of skulk Shrieker proofed cave so I don’t think we have any wool on us either so we’ll have to be very very careful as we look around here and unfortunately I’m not gonna be able to put down any torches just because there’s of course

That would cause the streakers to be set off but we’ll take a little look around here I’m sure there is some lapis in one of the cave walls it’s always so crazy with massive caves like this especially one that has those spoke sensors so high up in the world it’s somewhat uncommon

For that to be the case really the deep dark generally tends to be at the Deep slate layer or lower I should be fairly safe if I place a torch about here there we go so you can see a little bit there and we’ll sort of look down the edge

Here a bit lower and all that was close there could have been a Shrieker down there um take a look around someone says how do you find ancient cities well that’s a good question more or less ancient cities and deep dark generation is completely dependent on

What’s known as erosion so more or less in real life how things sort of work is that mountains are kind of pushed out of the ground by tectonic plates but because of that they start very sharp and then over time they’ll get worn down

And so the idea would be is that if an area is of low erosion it means those mountains are still really sharp so you have really high mountains but if an area is high erosion it means that those sharp mountains are sort of worn down a

Lot over time or maybe even let’s say something that’s not a mountain at all so maybe a sea bed or maybe a plains biome or something that’s not very high up so when you find an area that is low erosions that would mean incredibly tall mountains you want to dig under there as

More or less the higher the erosion the greater chance for there to be not only deep dark but also the ancient city I’m actually surprised we haven’t found any lapis now I know that there is a first thing where this lapis generation is sort of split up between air exposed and non-air exposed

So we’re also out of torches but I cannot see any lapis around here it’s kind of funny that the one thing that is in our way for enchanting is lapis which in my opinion would sort of be like the easiest part to get but we’ll take another look around here I’m actually

Shocked by how large this cave is I had no idea this cave was this large um perhaps once you get these shriekers out of it we could actually use it for something um not sure so take a look around here a little bit longer and then we’ll go back

The other way so we’re not just stumbling through the dark the entire live stream as that’s not super interesting definitely goes down there too into more of this deep dark this could definitely be a fun thing to do is go through here there might even be an

Ancient city that it connects to you know we are near the edge so there’s a creeper there that’s actually something interesting so people have told me before that they’ve been in the deep dark and they found Hostile Mobs there and I do believe there is a bug on

Bedrock where that can happen but another thing that can happen is they can just generate on the side then walk towards there which of course forces you to walk closely and then because of that you have to go around and more or less you have to sort of run and make those

Shriekers get triggered so I’m gonna go back here the way we went and again sort of looking around for the lapis there I’m sure there is somewhere not seeing just because it’s so dark but that’s about what it is and I don’t really know anything else we could do to find that

More efficiently for now but what I might do is I might grab some torches and sort of run here like crazy in a second when we get back and then we can try and find that and I believe this is the way back this might not actually be

The way back so it might be like probably around that way so we’ll go through here and let’s take a look over here someone said what was my favorite Minecraft update my favorite Minecraft update was uh probably update aquatic I’ll say that a lot but in terms of you know

Um overall what update I think was the best for Minecraft um probably caves and cliffs update if you treat it as a singular update and not sort of like uh you know two or three updates but if we’re looking at like a singular release then probably something like 1.14 or 1.16 just because

There’s so much they had in them um but I’m sure if the caves and cliffs update was just in a singular update then most people would probably consider that to be the best update I would think just because of how much it added and someone said why do I jump when I go

Down a level um because there’s no way of getting down if I’m not jumping so if you look I’m crouching and I have to jump because if I stop crouching and I walk without crouching then basically those can be set off because if I’m jumping while crouching and those

Shriekers will not get set off but if I am um not if I’m just standard walking then it won’t so it’s kind of funny that jumping does not trigger those if you’re crouched but walking does trigger them um if you’re of course uncrouched so I’m gonna go over here there’s that torch we

Placed down again looking around here I think the problem is that a lot of the lapis that generates around Minecraft especially around this area tends to be the non-air exposed lapis which means we would basically have to mine through some different items uh sort of let’s say

Maybe that skulk or just the blocks around here to find it or it might have not even generated nearby here at all just because the game knows that this is an area that has a lot of that air exposure someone says if I could add one update

Or one idea to Minecraft what would it be um I would say probably one of them I’m not sure how original this is probably not very but would be more food recipes to the game I think there’s things like let’s say fried eggs or pumpkin pie that

All the ingredients for that are already in the game and there’s even sort of variants of those kinds of ideas in the game already and so I think it would only make sense to do that in terms of everything else another thing I would really like is maybe some maybe a new

Type of liquid in Minecraft I think would be really good I’m not really sure what the liquid would be um but you know we only have water and lava and obviously in real life there’s not a lot of naturally occurring things other than that but there are definitely

Some possibilities so maybe like an acid item or perhaps you know even just a kind of Muddy Water item or just something that’s you know a little bit different and I think that could be quite interesting because you know um there’s so much you can do already

With all the liquids in the game adding some more uh could definitely make that have a lot more possibilities to it so there’s that those are probably some things I would add to the game if I if I could of course for now I’m pretty happy with

What Mojang’s been doing anyways so I think that I don’t have any like massive things like oh I’ve always wanted this thing to be in the game um not really like that looks like we just triggered a Shrieker which is not shocking we will break that Shrieker because

Um why not now that we’ve uh triggered it we may as well break that so hopefully there’s not a second trigger nearby and there wasn’t but there we go uh so now that it’s completely black we’re gonna have to wait for that Darkness effect to go away

Um I have to look around here and I thought this was lapis it looked like it but no it’s that same thing where for whatever reason the skulk veins sort of do have this interesting resemblance of different ores um but I will take a small look down

Here sorry to everyone for the horrible amount of light that you can see the very little here but we’ll go around here and I can’t see any so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna actually go down a little bit lower all right so we’re gonna go

Back up and grab some torches so we can light up that massive cave and sort of explore that so what we could do is we could run through there sort of let the word and summon while going through that massive cave while lighting it up or we

Could not do that no something like night vision is sort of needed to relay effectively raid let’s say a massive cave like that I’m supposed to sort of go through our options and the thing is it’s very high chance that there is just a random piece of lapis just like sitting around here

Um I just I don’t know where it is and so obviously because of that it’s a little bit harder to pick one out like that and it’s kind of an interesting thing actually with lapis itself and people often ask me um what’s the fastest way of getting

Lapis in the game and I always wish there was sort of a trick to that but lapis is one of the items in the game that has sort of the least ways of getting it it’s basically just you can get it in very small amounts from the um

From the cleric villager and you can also of course mine it but other than that there’s like nothing and there’s also like very little uses of it outside of enchanting just dying and enchanting and of course there is the other thing and if you’re just hopping on here be

Sure to like the Stream So that throughout the course of it it’ll be reached by more people for whatever reason that’s just how YouTube works if more people like the video more people will be able to see it as this stream happens and also if you’re new as of

Course I am live streaming on a different day that I normally do so you may have never caught a live stream before be sure to check out my social medias there they are there should be links to the Discord in the chat fairly soon here of course I

Have my Twitter at icraft underscoremc my twitch of icraftmc Reddit r slash I craftmc and I also have a second Channel which I do not have listed there um but you can definitely subscribe to me on there if you want as well for incredibly infrequent uploads I think

I’ve uploaded on there maybe three times but either way we’re gonna go back up here and we’re gonna see what we can do now I I thought we had more than one piece of laugh s and I’m kind of I’m confused how you even get a singular

Piece of lapis I’d have to think back on how we did that because generally when you’re mining in Minecraft you had a lot more than one piece so let me take a look back here and more or less we’ll go to sleep of course sorry I don’t have

Any Hostile Mobs that get us because we’re just an iron armor for now um we’ll basically go through here and we will take a look also some iron in there which is actually pretty good um the thing is twos you might have just found that lapis in a chest somewhere

I’m not sure go through here and I thought we actually did have a chest in the enchanting area we do with a chest here but there’s just nothing in it that’s uh lapis so we can’t do that I think one of the reasons probably why we

Don’t have the lapis is because we’re so high up on a mountain we don’t have that lapis that’s sort of generating very close by so either way I’m gonna grab some caving materials I would do strip mining but it’s not super effective on something like lapis so

And I just tried making a lot of storage right there with the with the lapis and stick which definitely does not work and even if it does uh that would not be a good type of torch to make right now because we have basically no lapis

Anyway all right so I’ll make it so there’s just a stack of torches I can’t see us really needing more than that um well I guess it’s just paid more than a stack there anyway but that’s okay we may as well make a couple more actually

Because I’m not sure how long we’ll be out for um you can never really have too many torches as of course they just have so many uses uh we’ll put these planks back away um something I’ve always found is really difficult and sort of annoying is that

You know once you’ve asserted your items it looks great and they’re sort of a great way of referencing different things and getting to different things then the real trouble is when you have a big inventory getting those items back into the storage and keeping them sorted

For a long time but either way we have all of our materials here we also only have a bad quality iron pickaxe so let’s bring this diamond one because I don’t actually mind if we break that I don’t really think we should we can get it

Down to like one or two uses or something and it should be too much of an issue there we’re also going to grab some sticks and someone says grab some wool that’s definitely a good idea we will do that of course generally in Minecraft you would need wool for caving but of course

In a deep dark biome we can use that to at some points potentially anyway avoid the shriekers there and another thing about the wool is that if you want to keep the shriekers because every Shrieker is sort of like a warden spawner but also in the sense where you

Can’t move them without getting rid of that shrieking ability and so because of that it’s always really really important to be aware of sort of how many streakers you have and where they are because I’ve had worlds where there’s areas that I wanted wardens to spawn in but I’d already broken the shriekers

There so there’s just nothing I could do about that unfortunately because I’d already gotten rid of those shriekers there’s no way of getting them back there without let’s say cheating or like I guess you’d have to do a set block command because you know even grabbing the mode of let’s say creative and

Placing them down it wouldn’t work and of course I don’t cheat in my Minecraft worlds but it’s so much so that even if you had let’s say creative you still couldn’t get that naturally generated Shrieker so it’s very difficult to get those back if you destroy them

Always very important to be aware of of how many of those you have we’re also going to grab a little bit of water and I believe there’s a piece of ice at the top of the mountain here we can probably grab it from that is one kind of

Interesting thing about these sorts of mountains is there’s a mix of two types of ice there is the packed Ice and there is the standard ice so of course the packed ice cannot be broken into standard ice once ice has been packed it sort of can’t be decompressed from that

Point and so because of that it’s more difficult to get water from that it’s actually impossible to get water from that And also if anyone has any questions you can feel free to ask them in the chat because I’ll try and answer as many as I can at this point now we have most items that we need but I will put a put the sapling back I guess we’ll just put it

In the wood chest for now here um but in terms of food we’re good in terms of everything else we’re good uh of course we’ll grab some wool because like uh someone was saying earlier wool is definitely very useful we don’t have a lot of it

Um we have enough and potentially a plan for the future would be able to get some wool and then we can use those to of course get some more uh shriekers and stuff and a Wolfram would be great and we have a super chat that says am I

Going to make any Redstone farms in this world um hopefully of course I think that every Minecraft world eventually at some point is improved by let’s say you know different Automatic Farms things like raid Farms or even just a witch farm so I’m hoping once we’ve defeated the Ender

Dragon sort of gone through all that that we can definitely um sort of start to make more Automatic Farms and improve the world that way because something I’ve sort of found in Minecraft is that once you have a couple Farms they sort of incredibly quickly speed up how fast that world becomes

Late game and of course you can’t really build a massive automatic firm until you’re late game anyway but it really does seem to speed them up even more and so definitely it’s something that’s a good thing to do in really any world although sometimes it’s not always the

Most fun thing to build a super massive automatic farm let’s say it can definitely be a really great Challenge and of course it is something that’s going to help your world up quite a bit so let’s take a look around here I feel like there’s a massive chance of having

Some lapis that just generates around here as of course lapis can now generate very high up and so we should go around here and take a look someone says is there anything that’s only on Bedrock Edition that you wish was on Java well what’s awesome about that question is that there’s actually a

Video I’m working on right now that is that exact thing that’s going to be things in Bedrock Edition that I wish were in Java and so you have to keep your eyes peeled for that and you can get the answer for what the things are and there goes that Shrieker what the

Things are in Bedrock that I hope are in Java now we have now triggered two shriekers so that’s important to be aware of is how many shriekers you’ve triggered that means we’re not warning level two which is not really a big issue running level three is much more

So so we’re just gonna be really careful around here but unfortunately with some of these Shrieker placements there’s very little way of getting rid of the shriekers effectively however something that’s always important to do is let’s say we’re near a Shrieker and there’s no other shriekers next to it if we just

Break that Shrieker that’ll also disable it well so for instance this Shrieker here is just a little bit close to our entrance I was saying earlier want to be careful with where shriekers are and keeping maybe a couple of them fairly close and we will do that but I don’t

Want one that’s you know that close and being like a massive danger to what we’re doing so I don’t see any more shriekers right around here so it’s going to sort of be risky and run around here placing torches as that’s going to enable us to see hopefully see anyway

Where those pieces of lapis could be this seems to go down this way we’ll sort of explore for a minute to see if there’s any shriekers and if not then we’ll light it up very quickly I don’t see any so far it doesn’t look like it unless there’s one around the corner

This actually goes into sort of a non-sculpt cave for at least what looks to be a non-scope cave which is very good because then we can explore this a little bit easier and it also goes lower so this right here could be in fact probably is the place where we’ll find

That lapis so let’s take a look down here yes it’s definitely not scope because look at the amount of mobs there so here’s something really cool you can make sort of a natural mob farm this way because if you notice um there’s also a Vine there so it’s probably a lush cave

But more or less if there’s nothing that the server can do except for uh or if there’s something the world can do except for summon mobs in a specific area it will usually summon a massive amount of mobs into that area which will make something like this let’s say

Absolutely full of mobs so it’s really important to spawn proof areas that are isolated like that you can have a similar situation happen in something like the Mushroom Island and so because of that you have to be very careful as for instance right here we have a bunch

Of creepers now thankfully now there’s only about two Hostile Mobs here so it’s not too big of an issue we want to be careful is of course like right now for instance our health is slow as I was saying earlier placing blocks around you sometimes if something’s dangerous is

Really good like I did right there you know we’re okay we should get the stake to our inventory here and then eat them and someone said what’s my favorite enchantment I would say my favorite enchantment is probably feather falling although I think there’s some other very good ones just because

With something like feather falling fall damage is one of the major sort of things you have to work around inside of Minecraft to not die to to make sure that you’re not you know losing all of your items and all that and so an enchantment that basically gets rid of

One of those major challenges um there’s not a lot else in the game that’s that powerful I mean even let’s say full protection have the right armor you can still be killed by a creeper blast if it’s right next to you with something like feather falling you have

To fall such a massive distance to actually die with that Dawn especially since the distance you have to fall with it would usually be from let’s say one of your builds or an area where it’s uh definitely if not intentional certainly in an area where um is likely not to naturally generate

And of course also it makes a light reflect much better as you can’t really effectively fly with elytra unless you have the uh unless you have the feather falling enchantment there so I’m going to travel down here and there is the lapis here is our lap that’s perfect so

I don’t think I’ve ever been that excited to find lapis in Minecraft before let’s hope this isn’t the last lapis we find because we just there’s a creeper okay so it’s a fairly bad situation here um look that creeper is stuck now I did see a Shrieker before thankfully this

Skeleton up here it’s not got to us we’re gonna have to lock up here fairly quickly or pile up fairly quickly come there seems to be some Hostile Mobs here and so we’re gonna do is we’re gonna eat some food now that’s always a very important thing to do is

To eat some food if you’re in a bad situation and also to run out of there more or less as quickly as possible the major problem with that scenario is that the way those mobs are sort of pushing us there’s actually a Shrieker there and

So if it was to push us too far they would not trigger that Shrieker but we would and then we’d be at warning level three but either way we’ve sort of fought hard for these um lapis and there they are and if there’s any around here and no there are

Not but I do hear a glow squid which actually are not always easiest to find it’s something that’s kind of interesting is that oh there’s a lot of them something that’s very interesting is that in Minecraft 1.17 when the glow squids were first introduced they were an incredibly

Incredibly easy mob to find the generated basically everywhere just because of how they were but now in Minecraft 1.18 because they’re just to the underwater caves not to sort of any dark underwater place then it’s a lot harder to find a lot of them and so

Because of that I found that the glow Squid Ink sacks and things like that do tend to be a bit more rare so we’re gonna go back up here and we’re going to kill this last glow squid here and it’s kind of interesting too because oftentimes on these aquifer caves you’ll

Get these areas where it sort of goes above the surface so for instance here we found like a secret Lush cave which is pretty cool I don’t even think we have any glowberries in this world we might but I don’t think so but either way we’re gonna go back down here and um

More or less we’re going to to go back to the entrance we came from which might be a little bit difficult because of course we had to sort of navigate to that through all this so we’ll go through here and we’re gonna destroy that now I believe it was down

This way since we had to go very deep underwater if we see any lapis in this cave too which is actually fairly um possible so we’ll go over here and let’s take a look at we have that entrance so I see some light over here that looks like a just

Glow like in though but no it’s not it is the entrance to this so this is of course that area again where we have the uh where we have sort of the non-deep dark cave but it’s it’s kind of in the border between them so we have things like let’s say this random

Creeper here you’ll notice oftentimes when I come into these creepers I do try and fight them I don’t just leave them because something like gunpowder is really important to collect as much as you can when you’re in early game Minecraft and the reason why is that

When you do get to the stage of elytra when you’re first exploring the end cities and all that um oftentimes there can be a massive amount of that that you do still need and so because of that I found that I’ll have times where I didn’t bother killing

Any creepers and by the time I got elytra I had to go all the way back to the Overworld and sort of fight creepers for a long long time and then eventually once I got all that gunpowder then I could go and then I could you know get

Those firework Rockets to explore all the other end cities so it’s always good to be aware of that and to collect as much gunpowder as you can now I don’t know if there’s a safe fully safe area to walk back but we’re just going to

Kind of run and find out I think it is is it’s interesting because you can tell it’s night because there’s sort of like a night light so you know it’s dark up there we can see that light come down but there is still some light it’s

Darker than sort of No Light level it just is this kind of strange faint blue glow so it’s really interesting to see that because sort of when it’s nighttime in Minecraft you’d consider everything to be fully dark but it really isn’t dark like let’s say a cave is and so it’s very

Interesting distinction there and as well as that actually the way that crops work they consider the night light to be the full level lightness so basically because of that crops will not let’s say pop off pop off if it’s night time versus in you know deep caves you can’t

Even plant them because there’s not enough of a light level and we have a super chat and it says you’re awesome bro and thank you so much for the Super Chat I really do appreciate them it’s definitely a great way of supporting the channel um that’s also awesome just to have more

Interaction and sort of make this a cool live stream someone said what do I like better Java 1.9 combat or Java 1.8 combat well I would say that I personally am better at 1.9 combat than 1.8 I think that both of them have their strengths and weaknesses

Um but at the at the end of the day I would say that I do tend to like 1.9 combat more just because I found that there does seem to be a bit more strategy to it and although it can definitely be annoying with sort of

Having to wait to attack having to have all these timings and things like you know incredibly powerful acts and stuff um I do think there’s also a lot more opportunity for variants and how you fight in that version but of course both versions are great and if someone you

Know enjoys playing one version over the other it makes sense whether servers like Hypixel so that people can enjoy both types of combat and someone said can I give them advice on how to find a another Fortress and I I’m assuming I mean another firsters

Anyway and uh more or less in terms of finding another Fortress what you want to do is you want to sort of walk in a straight line because that’s generally how those tend to generate once you’ve found one if you haven’t found one yet and you have your seed on your world and

You can use a seed finder called chunk base but more or less just standard exploring is really the only way of doing that outside of a seed finder there’s unfortunately there’s a lot of things in the game there’s actually not like a specific trick on how to do it

And so that’s one of those um but still if you do find one you can always go in sort of a straight line from that generally North and I found that tends to get you a couple more um yeah that’d be sort of my advice on that and generally as well as that

They’ll tend to sort of stick out more in certain biomes so like a Soul Sand Valley I found I can more easily see that Fortress so if you’re having trouble sort of distinguishing the Netherrack and the from the Nether Bricks and stuff you could try I having

A biome like that but anyway we have our lapis lazuli here and we’re gonna get silk touch and my Gus just because I’m I have a fairly decent idea of how the enchanting generally tends to work is it will only get silk touch but I think if

We don’t only get silk touch we’ll also get probably Unbreaking uh three and efficiency four so let’s see which one it was only silk touch and the reason why I thought that and the reason why it ended up being that is because what I’ve generally found is an enchantment like

Let’s say on breaking three tends to have the most things added on to it it’s not always true but I found that if they sort of promise you a great enchantment from the start there often is not a lot of stuff thrown onto it whereas sometimes you would have maybe let’s say the

Um efficiency five well not an efficiency five but maybe I’m breaking three and when you click on that you’ll suddenly get added to it as well soak touch and efficiency four sort of like this uh Diamond hoe has right here so anyway a silk touch pickaxe is definitely really great it’s going to

Enable us to get ourselves things like ice which is definitely a big deal considering the fact that we’re in a frozen mountains so that’s a pretty good one and as well as that I think that we’re still 29 levels so if we mine up some more of that uh deep slate or not

The Deep slate but the skulk blocks then we can get more levels that’s a really great change that happened when the deep dark biome was introduced as it enabled people to have this super easy source of XP and you know in Minecraft there’s only really a couple ways of getting XP

It feels like something you sort of get for everything um but really it’s just smelting or killing mobs or I just a couple other things like trading with villagers to be for things like trading with villagers is incredibly overpowered but I found that you know outside of

Let’s say if you have a massive trading Hall it can be hard to get that good source of XP so we’re gonna put some of these random items we have on our inventory away some of these things I’m not even sure where they would specifically go but we’ll uh flip through these And someone says it’s their first stream and they love that my content they’re so happy they’re able to catch the stream while I’m so glad you’re able to catch it as well that’s the exact reason why I’ve decided to sometimes do my streams on different days like for instance

Today just because I think that everyone has different schedules of course you know I’ve a global audience and so because of that I want to make sure that everyone has a chance to watch the streams live hopefully anyway so I think Friday is a decent day for that as often

Times for people it’s the weekend not quite the weekend of course and you know it’s like this is the end of Friday I guess it is for some people like in Europe for instance it’d be sort of Friday night but anyway I think that’s kind of something I’m very glad that you’re able

To make it so we have some of these random skulk items we’ll throw these back now technically we could just pick out these skulk blocks right here and break them I’m not sure if that would give us enough levels we could sort of try that for a little bit

Um let’s do a little test here so this is 24 sculpt blocks and we’re gonna mine all of them with that iron hole and you’ll notice it instantly breaks them and 24 scope blocks only give gave us sort of maybe a quarter or maybe even

Less than a quarter of that XP bar so we’re definitely gonna have to go underground and make ourselves also probably at least one or two more of the iron hose and that’ll then give us the ability to break enough blocks and with those rocks we’ve broken we can of course

Um get the XP to enchant another item potentially also a sword in fact I think a sword is what we’re gonna go for so we can even have like a bit of a sneak peek on what that enchantment could potentially be we’re going to place that here it would be sharpness three and

That’s of course a iron sword so potentially Diamond would have sharpness for which is definitely fairly good especially if we’re going to the nether to fight some mobs so we’re going to go back into the deep dark there I think we have everything we need for that we don’t really need anything super

Specific we’re just gonna mine a bunch of stuff and we’re gonna do amazing massive drop here definitely a bubble elevator something like that would be cool soon but of course we’re so early game that would be kind of a waste of time to work on that right now because

We’d just be very slow at that so we’ll go through here I do not see any shriekers right here so I think this is a safe place to start sort of mining everything out and you can see here just the massive amount of the skulk blocks that we’re mining this is of course

What’s known as deep dark mining or sort of deep dark experience Gathering it’s definitely something that’s very much worthwhile as you can get a massive amount of stuff from it you have to be careful so for instance a small sort of sub cave here easily could have had a

Shrieker and it might even have a Shrieker in it at some point we’re not seeing and so there’s always this risk with the Deep dirt caving to let’s say upset a Shrieker but we are now at the 30 level so we may as well go up to 33

Although it’s sort of a small waist in the um amount of XP as of course something interesting that you may not know although you probably do is that as you gather XP less and less fits sort of applies so it’s a little bit less potent as you gather more and

Because of that to get from level one to level two is much easier than it would be to get from level 30 to level 31 as of course getting to level one in Minecraft is very very easy you need to collect just a super small amount of XP

For that to work out so it’s always good to sort of be aware of that and to not level yourself up too much as I’ve seen people that sort of want to save all their XP and even if they’re you know collecting it very inefficiently they’ll

Often get to a point where they have gotten up to maybe 50 or 60 levels which is really a waste because they probably could have Enchanted twice as many items if they just Enchanted as they went and maybe before they got to level 40 we’re

At level 32 here we’re almost up to the level 33 there and something interesting we just uncovered actually which sort of goes back to what I was talking about earlier is this lapis right here that is the non-air exposed lapis which is awesome because we’re still very low on

Lapis so this will be super useful might even save this here for a minute in case we got some sort of a fortune tool later but of course if we need it we can break it then that is one nice thing about silk touch is you can kind of pause in

Time or delay the time when you have to be enchanting something or not enchanting something but breaking something to get that chance of things so for instance by Saving this iron ore or by saving the lapis or then we are taking that and waiting till later on we

Can take a fortune pickaxe and break that see And someone said how do I make all my videos high quality well I’m glad you enjoy my videos I always try and make them as high quality as I can within the time that I have and mostly it’s because YouTube is my full-time job so I’ll just

Try my best to put all my effort into making a high quality video with interesting subjects and sort of a lot of info for people as of course most people do watch me to learn more about Minecraft and so I want to make sure that that’s the main thing that I’m

Presenting through my videos and you know something really interesting I found about Minecraft and this is a big feature of I’m sure a lot of my viewers is that a ton of people who play Minecraft in fact probably the largest group of people who play Minecraft are playing it on their phones

And it’s so interesting because obviously playing on let’s say a phone makes the game a lot more difficult it also makes you have the smaller screen so it’s harder to see different things and I found that oftentimes I wouldn’t be shocked if one of the reasons why

Some people find it very difficult to play the game and get better at it is because they’re playing on a phone or they have those sort of technical limitations that are stopping them so you know something I would definitely say is if you’re having trouble playing Minecraft and you’re on the phone unless

You’re getting uh you know beat by monsters all the time it’s probably not completely your fault uh maybe not at all as of course it can be very hard to play on that versus let’s say a mouse and keyboard or even on a controller of course but either way here we have our

Levels not too many diamonds we have we only have six which is definitely not as many as I would have hoped um I’m gonna go through here we’re gonna turn these bamboo into sticks actually we’re not gonna do that because we only have a little bit of bamboo there that

Would be a waste we may as well plant this bamboo though down if we haven’t already and we’ll grab some of these planks to turn into sticks as that would be a much better idea we’ll make sure not to waste that bamboo as of course um I was thinking about having a massive

Bamboo firm but I don’t think we actually have one in this world no we don’t so what I’ll do is I’ll grab some dirt and we’ll quickly throw one of those up so later on we can have that but also when 1.20 comes out whether that’s January or you know August or something

Well eventually perhaps have a large supply of bamboo for that and I think that that’s a really good thing to do actually If you’re sort of trying to already prepare your rule just a little bit for 1.20 is to get yourself all the supplies ready for that so things like let’s say

Gathering a large amount of materials for the bamboo what’s also very interesting and what’s a really good thing to do is that the bundles have now been able to be experimentally tested in the 1.20 snapshot and although bundles were sort of in the game already so you could for

Instance get them in with a give command in in the creative or not creative but if you have the ability to use commands so for instance if you have cheats on on your single player or if you have operator on your a server you could get

Them that way but now it’s sort of behind like this testing features thing which to me says that it’s somewhat likely that will be added in the 1.20 update which is going to be great as of course bundles have been talked about since I believe it would have been uh

Two whole years ago which would be the Minecraft live 2020 so it’s crazy to think how long some of these features have taken to even get somewhat implemented into the game and for instance something like bundle still isn’t implemented really at all so I’m gonna put that back there we are going

To craft a sword it’s always a little bit sort of um sort of important to make sure that you’re enchanting things correctly and not wasting anything as for instance right here we don’t have very many diamonds so we want to be careful now is an important thing you want to do if

You sort of have the scenario in which we’re about to be and the first thing is is you want to make a grindstone now we might have a grindstone here already we do not so the idea behind a grindstone of course is that you need to take the

Enchantments off of items and so we’re going to make a grindstone so we can take the enchantments off of items something I find that’s sort of funny about the grindstone is that it uses a very strange item to make it and so because of that you know it’s that stone

Slab and I believe that’s the only recipe that uses a stone slab and it just kind of a strange thing that you’re using a stone slab in a items recipe of course it makes sense looking at the you know grindstone right here we can literally see it’s a stone slab right in

The middle of two pieces of wood but I do always find that funny because oftentimes without a silk touch pickaxe the hardest part of this to get is just that stone slab anyway the reason I want to do this is because we’re only getting sharpness three to show up and that’s

Just not a good enchantment so what we’re going to do is we’re going to enchant this purposely at a low level actually another thing you can do as well is you can enchant something random at a low level so for instance this pickaxe that’ll more or less refresh the

Enchantments I know we have sweeping Edge 3 which is a pretty good enchantment and usually something like this is going to be combined with something else so hopefully it is and it is look at that looting three that is insane so because we reset that instead of just

Getting sharpness 3 we might have gotten something else with that but probably not we have sharpness for looting three sweeping Edge three and so that’s an insanely good sword I mean basically at any stage of the game that’s a great sword um and what’s also good to know is that

If you want a perfect sword it’s more or less necessary to enchant it first in the table and help you get a lot of enchantments on there so you can have enough levels to go through all the stages to get all the seven enchantments that are on there as of course the most

Enchantments of any item I believe are on the sword although the boots can also have a lot of enchantments on them so we’re now going to put our lapis back in here and I guess the iron ore as well maybe these diamonds um but I think that as we of course have

That nether music playing we may as well head off to the nether I don’t waste another for too long but I think that it could be good to explore around a bit more it’s always such a difficult thing in the nether to know what to do whether

You know we should explore or we should just fight mobs I think that’s sort of a mix of both but of course also one of the big dangers in the nether is getting lost I think I’ve actually gotten lost in the nether twice on this live stream

Series so if you’re watching through all this I’m sure you will be seeing that somewhat recently happen um but more or less it is always important to be careful there and I think what we’re going to do and we are going to grab the necessary items to go to the

Nether now something that people often forget to bring when they’re let’s say fighting mobs and stuff is to bring boats and any addition of Minecraft boats are really really overpowered for fighting moms unfortunately on something like let’s say Bedrock Edition boats are not only harder to craft but they also

Do not hold an Enderman and so because of that I think that I always want to be careful to bring the right materials for that so we’re going to put this back here we now have five boats which I think is probably enough the other reason why you want to craft those as

Oftentimes different Wood related items is not that important to get them really is because you can’t Craft boats out of the Netherwood and so that’s why I tend to get a bunch of boats but before I go now as well as that will get rid of some

Sort of these random items I’m not sure if I want to bring my best diamond sword yet of course Looting 3 is important um but I want to be careful that doesn’t burn now what do we have currently in terms of items that can get us to the

End I don’t know if we actually have any ender pearls I hope we do if we did have them they’re probably over here actually just because I think I was trying to make them be in the Brewing area we do so we actually have 13 ender pearls I

Didn’t realize we had that many we also have 10 blaze rods so that is technically enough uh technically although I don’t really think we could find the stronghold with one ender pearl um although maybe let’s say there’s an average of two Slots of the uh portal frame that are

Full because you need 12 of the Ender Pearls uh or the Eyes of Ender of course to fill up the portal frame and so because of that I think that it’ll be good to get a couple more so we’ll go back to that nether fortress probably

Um take a look at anything we have here of course if we tie and lose all this would definitely not be good the good news is this Fortress Is Not really near anything else super dangerous something funny that seems kind of like a bad idea but it’s actually quite good is to bring

A singular ender pearl with us and the reason why is if we do fall in lava there’s a chance that we can jump out of that lava and save ourselves with that something I’ve often found is that when people watch things like the dream SMP videos and stuff like this that people

Will oftentimes have the sort of they’ll be surprised at what people will do with that and how um you know they’ll set up these sort of clutches and things to save themselves and a lot of it is just making sure you have items you can even do that with in

Your inventory so for instance I don’t think it’s grown yet but like that massive amount of bamboo we planted down if we have some string which I don’t think we do or we have a little bit here one piece so we don’t really have enough now but eventually bamboo is also

Another item they can sort of save yourself fairly easily with with things like let’s say fold damage or also sometimes falling in lava can help with that but either way I think we have about all we need or we do need a shield that’s an important thing actually for

Sure oftentimes I’ll forget to bring a shield and I definitely regret that one because it’s so important to have a shield in another I know I found that it’s interesting because a lot of players will not bring a shield with them they just will not use them I think

The reason why is because oftentimes you know they’re sort of used to the old style of playing the game not having a shield but it really is important to do that now someone said reduce my UI size I actually have a very good reason why

My UI is fairly large now I personally I don’t think this is that large but um the reason why is number one the vast majority of people that watch me watch me on phones and so if the UI is not big enough then people on phones cannot tell

What’s going on what I’m pointing to so that’s the main reason the other thing is is that on my settings here so if I go to the video settings I believe it’d be here I change the UI size even one bit it becomes a

Little bit stupid so if I go to UI size 1 for instance yeah I don’t think anyone’s able to see that if I go to UI scale two even there it’s incredibly small I mean you just cannot see what’s going on at all it’s a bit ridiculous

Honestly and if I go to the video settings and go to UI size three um even then that’s also incredibly small and I just have no way of interacting with something that’s this small and you know there’s no way anyone on their phones could see what I’m doing

Or I can barely even see what I’m doing so that’s why I go at UI um even four times you know I guess that’s the next one I could do even this one is just still very very small and really not able to be used effectively so that is

Why I use this scale because it is a bit big but I do prefer it and then I can also really easily see what items are there and I still sort of a wide field of view of what’s going on so here we are in the Nether

Um make sure to have sort of our important items on our inventory so things like the boat and the ender pearl I’m sure will have a lot of use for that water bucket here in the Nether um but either way we do have a decent amount of supplies I think this looting

Three uh sharpness for sweeping Edge 3 sword is definitely the best item we have so far in this entire world um even something like an enchanted golden apple might seem better and it kind of is but another sense it isn’t just because it’s something that you cannot

Really usually find to sort of this good randomly plus something like an enchanted golden apple you can find those randomly especially if you have a lot of ancient cities around and you know something that I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about but it’s definitely true is that the ancient

Cities really did completely change how rare the enchanted golden apple is I mean I would say by such a large amount as well and so excuse me I’m gonna get some water but anyway um more or less with the enchanted golden apple now being part of the ancient cities

It’s just so much easier to get that the issue we’ve sometimes had is actually forgetting where the um exit to this Fortress is so make sure to be aware of that on our way back so we’re gonna go this way I’ll make sure to be sort of all the way

Saturated that’s often a really important thing to be aware of is to make sure to eat enough I found that very often when someone dies it’s because they didn’t eat enough in their game and so because of that then they would just not regenerate their health fast enough as generally if you have

Eaten enough you regenerate Health incredibly quickly inside of Minecraft so there’s that we’ll probably use these boats mostly they’re sort of two methods you have to stopping mobs that are trying to get to the first one is boats the second one is blocks both can work well better in different scenarios

But we’re going to use the boat at this stage so let’s take a look I guess we’d go over this way it’s trying to find sort of this large area where there’s all these Blaze Spawners in terms of the um ender pearls we’re going to go to a

Warped forest and we’ll fight them there um as of course in a warped Forest you can collect just a massively large amount of these items so it looks like we’re back to where we were so potentially this is the way I do hear a blaze um I don’t think I’ve actually been this

Way before may as well grab that quartz because we’re almost level 30 again so I hope that looks very dangerous that’s actually sort of a thing I found is fairly common inside of Minecraft is that at the end of these it’ll often just go all the way

Down to Lava so always very important to be aware of that and to be um just have a good idea of what’s around you so you don’t let’s say mine into lavas I found that a very very common death inside of Minecraft Is Mining and then falling off

Of another Fortress so we’ll go this way up this sort of double staircase I do hear these uh wither skeletons and things so I’m assuming that they’re going to be fairly common throughout here so we’ll go back up here I did go up here before and I pulled a block

There so I’m assuming that means there’s nothing and I realized it actually happens So I placed these blocks here these are here to stop wither skeletons but I thought they were there to tell me that um I shouldn’t go this way because there’s nothing there so it’s always

Very important to be aware to make sure that sort of the signs you’re putting up to make yourself have more info on what’s around are very clear you might I have another misunderstanding like let’s say what I had there So I believe through that sort of Soul Sand shape like that we can then get to those nether fortress or those uh spawners and someone said on Bedrock for uh Bedrock Edition fortresses are absolutely swarming with enemies I will they definitely can be on Java as well

Um this is just one that happens to I guess not summon this many in something also really important is that the uh Soul Sand Valley nether fortress has insanely large amount of mobs in it much more than you’d ever think could even generate in Minecraft realistically but

It definitely does and so because of that it’s always important and we have like everything we need here we have an Enderman and we have these spawners none of them have anything at them yet so we sort of have like a small amount of Calm before the crazy

Screwed a crazy storm here we have to fight all these things we’re next going to start with the Enderman here just because it’s the thing that’s going to be sort of the most uh difficult to get later on as we have a guaranteed source to blazes we do not have a guaranteed

Source of the Enderman also for anyone wondering I am playing on hard mode there so to be very careful and there is a place we’re just gonna lock ourselves in somewhat a little bit of a sneaky Blazer trying to get to us but thankfully we can just place the boat

Down here and actually just trap that blade it’s not that’s really important to drop it but we we could do that and it’s funny because you sort of think of Blaze as just based on the way that they look that they um aren’t really that smart they’ll kind

Of stay still but I found it’s actually very common they will now I just realized I still have that Enderman after me but doesn’t seem to be very actively chasing so we’ll just sort of be aware of that and have ways to get into more of an Enderman safe

Area later on that is one of the biggest issues I’ve found though I don’t think that Enderman is still angry at me or I would hear it oftentimes you won’t hear it though and then it’s like super dangerous because um if that does happen they can sometimes randomly teleport to you and

Just kill you instantly but we do have a shield so we should be okay so we’re just gonna hit all these and of course there’s a lot of them there so to be very careful about sort of offline thankfully we can use our Shield as the overpowered sort of Defense weapon that

It is to protect ourselves from this and a really big thing that’s important to be aware of when fighting The Blaze is that oftentimes the raw that they shoot will actually fly right into the Lava Girl to the lobbyist but also into the fire so for instance right now

If there’s let’s say some fire that these places create like right here you want to make sure to punch that out as not only does it stop more blazes from spawning in but what it also does is it makes it so that we have a more difficult time

Um getting these Blazer rods not fall in love but look at that 16 blaze rods that’s definitely the power of the Looting three sword I mean to think that we got that many it’s actually kind of crazy to think how so much of um the sort of the number of

Mobs that you get is dependent on if you have that looting enchantment or not and of course also something like this the shield here is just so overpowered when fighting mobs I mean basically after we fight these three blazes here we’re gonna have enough blaze rods for more or

Less any project we’re gonna want and certainly enough for let’s say finding another Fortress there and something I’ve also found too is you would kind of think just the way that it works that if you got sort of two of the blazes Fire charges at you at the same time that you

Would have trouble blocking them with the shield but in reality this Shield just seems to block all of those no matter what although of course right there I did not lift it up in time but there we go and we now have 27 Blazer odds again it’s just crazy how

Quickly we’re getting these is of course the chance of how many blaze rods we can get is made a lot higher but as well as that these blazes have been made much less dangerous although again let’s say in that scenario there we did get lit on fire and oftentimes I found the problem

Is you can get fire damage but also damage from those blazes Fireballs to start off with so with that double damage especially with a large amount of Blaze that you know first could potentially spawn in you always want to be careful with that and you even saw

Right there they’re sort of giving me like a melee attack so we have to be careful with that as the blazes can also shoot two and that they can hit you as well and that hit attack can also be fairly damaging so always important to think of that but anyway 33 blaze rods

Obviously that’s more than enough I don’t think we need to collect any more I guess we could technically do something like getting a stack there’s not much of a point now someone’s asking will I ever do a face reveal I have had this asked before and the answer is I

Definitely could I have nothing against doing that I just think that at this point um I can’t see a point where you know my face and videos would significantly increase the quality of the content and so because of that I want to wait for that until there’s let’s say a lot of

Hype around it and a lot of really good reasons why I could actually utilize that in my content but nothing against it so I think that um there’s nothing saying that in the future you wouldn’t necessarily see that inside of my content here and there but anyway we

Have this pathway back out and the reason why we’re traveling back out here even though we still need some of these pearls is that we have this amazing warped Forest here remember a while ago we actually fought a bunch of these and it’s insane because we had that lucky

Chance of getting a looting three sword we’re of course looting three is like the equivalent of you know that’s a fortune on a pickaxe um it’s actually insane by just that how many more of these ender pearls will be able to get so we’re gonna hit that mob

There the Enderman of course we’re gonna hide underneath this and even with the sharpness this is like the ultimate Enderman killing weapon in fact I know that for most Enderman Farms it’s always suggested to have that sweeping Edge if you’re on Java because then there’s so many Endermen you can

Hit multiple multiple of them at once so there we go when Ender Pro we basically have like a guaranteed ender pearl when we have this looting three sword which is awesome it is crazy though how fast this Enderman can teleport and it’s always important because of that to be

Careful as of course you can get caught off guard and die from that so go ahead descending them and there’s another Pearl we now have three so we’ll probably collect them until we have maybe uh 32 pearls total so we have 13 pearls so far we just need a couple more

It’s actually just amazing to me how much more efficient this is with the Looting three I found that oftentimes when I’m playing Minecraft in a late game world I forget truly how incredibly different the game is early versus late you know for instance something like getting those blaze rods there to get 33

Blaze rods before would have taken us probably three times as long and because of that we would have used up almost all of our food and we might be about to die right now so it’s sort of crazy all those things stack up or just a weapon

With just a bit of better of Enchantment can really make the entire thing much easier and someone said what got me into streaming well that’s a good question since I think this is only the first or the fifth of those survival lives and other than that I’ve only live streamed

Like three other things um and more or less the reason is I found that a lot of content creators have been able to really effectively use streaming to connect with their audience and sort of grow you know more of a community around what they’re doing and

I have found this has helped me with that a lot too also because I want to connect more with my viewers and also provide them with let’s say a little bit more of a let’s play style content not necessarily a let’s play but you know

This is of course a lot more like a last play than maybe uh you know how to farm sugarcane guide would be and so because of that I think that that’s one of the reasons why I started streaming and of course because of that as well a lot of

People enjoy doing the just all the interactions around a stream things like the memberships actually it’s a really important thing is if you’re someone who has been enjoying these streams maybe you enjoy my content in general and you want to have some awesome emojis to

Stand out and you can use these in the chat you can even use these in the comments of any of my videos I now have memberships so if you look next to the Subscribe button on my Channel right now there’s a little join button you’ve probably seen these before but more or

Less what they do is for a very small monthly price just sort of like a patreon subscription kind of idea um then you can get a bunch of these emotes and those will be able to be you know used across a bunch of different things and of course as well as that you’ll

Actually have a badge next to your name so for instance you might see a couple of the people in the chat here who have like an icraft MCI next to them that would be because they have that Rank and so if you do enjoy these streams and

Want to sort of be more interacting with them feel free to join my channel there and there’s of course the button right next to there someone said how to make a Wither Skeleton a farm I do like this question quite a bit because a wither skeleton Farm is a very difficult thing

To make inside of Minecraft of course depending and I think that there’s a lot of different methods to doing that the first one is of course simply killing wither skeletons for their skulls but obviously a dedicated firm a fully automatic farm how I cannot simply show you that very quickly it’s actually

Incredibly complicated to make it with her skeleton Farm probably one of the hardest firms that people generally tend to build however more or less what you want to do as you want to restrict it so that those wither skeletons only spawn in a very small area so for an example let’s say covering

Everything in half slabs all across the entire world I’m not across the entire world but inside sort of the radius of what you could use inside of your mob spawning radius which is 120 blocks around you and then once you’ve done that then you would sort of make an area

Where once those did spawn in the game then you could have like an easy way of killing them so that’s kind of how a wither skeleton Farm works of course Very simplified but of course there’s a lot of different designs to that I’ll actually have a friend who designs

Minecraft farms and he designed a really interesting Wither Skeleton farm and there’s a lot of different ways of doing it also has a lot of differences depending on if you’re in Bedrock or Java we’re going to go through here and kind of avoid that drop now there’s

Another it’s actually two of these and we’re gonna place these and we have two super chats here so I’ll read those off the first one says I’m so glad I’ve discovered your channel finally YouTuber that provides a more mature content for relatively old person like me I’ve

Learned a lot of new things things too thanks so much I’m really glad that you enjoy the content I do try and make content that applies to everyone and I hope to sort of expand what I do in the future so that I can not only provide

People with information on how to learn the game but also just different cool scenarios that can be done in the game sort of I’m expanding that a little bit but I’m really glad you like it um and there is another comment and that is any tips for fighting the Ender

Dragon uh definitely so the first thing is you absolutely absolutely need to have a way of sort of stopping yourself from Fall damage so as an example that could be maybe a water bucket that could be scaffolding um and the reason why that’s so important we wait for the Enderman sound here to

End is that um basically the Ender Dragon will often sort of throw even there so you want to stop that another really important thing is ender pearls really important to have a couple ender pearls the reason why I’ve cursed with that um is that with the ender pearls then

Let’s say if you fall off the void you can throw those you can also use those to stop yourself from Fall damage probably the easiest sort of MLG jump is to use the Ender Pearls and so that’s another thing you want and of course you

Know a high power weapon and a bow with lots of arrows these are really good things and one last thing is a way of towering up so you know you can’t really fight the Ender Dragon unless you have a way of getting to those end crystals so

You want to make sure to just have you know a good source of let’s say building blocks you could use scaffolding if you have that in your world already more or less of some of the tips and tricks I would give for that in terms of

The materials list I do have a video actually on how to fight the Ender Dragon even some sort of special ways of doing that so if you’re more into interested in that topic I would definitely suggest you check out my Enderman vid or my ender dragon video

There so you can just search up icraftmc Ender Dragon and it should be there I hear that Enderman there it’s always sort of annoying when they just kind of run around they don’t actually teleport sounds like the Enderman died I’m not sure how but it definitely sounded like

It died I see some smoke bro it did die how strange that’s very weird you know sometimes I wonder with things like that like how did that Enderman die maybe it maybe it angered a different mod and that mom killed it like I don’t think so could have also teleported into lava but

I didn’t see it on fire so very interesting questioner just um died and rage of the fact that we looked at it I I don’t know it’s kind of funny though anyway we now have over a stack of pearls which is awesome it’s just amazing how much easier it is to do with

This looting three sword definitely the most um sort of great accomplishment we’ve done today and I really hope we can get Fortune now look at this we have a perfect scenario you’ll notice I’m sort of pushing this pigment away funny enough you can actually push the pigments off of a cliff although it’s

Not going to let me um without them getting angry at you the reason why is because we have sweeping Edge I’ve had times where I’m hitting a mob like this I have by accidentally sweeping Edge hit a pigment next to it and then you’re definitely in trouble because all the

Pigmen are mad at you and you do not even hit it directly but now we have 16 and six pearls and we may as well just collect a whole bunch more because we’re right here looks like there’s another Fortress I thought I’d actually built that for a second there just based on

Where it was but I see some Enderman particles over there here’s some really interesting trivia that you may not be aware of is the fact that Enderman were going to be green so they would sort of have they would be sort of like a that velvet black color but they were going

To have green eyes and green particles around them so it’s a really interesting thing that uh you know we think of purple as being an end related thing um but it might then might have been a very sort of green related Dimension if it wasn’t for that so that was actually

Pretty good see if we can get this one uh pretty close there um but yeah more or less and so that’s one of the interesting things about Enderman you can think is imagining them with those green eyes and here’s a great game of playing tennis with the cast I

Think that they um I know there’s an achievement of course for this I know there’s two of them so I’m probably gonna get out of here that’s the only one things it’s just a little bit too difficult um for wanting to fight without more preparation I mean ideally with the

Lighter of course things like gas are super easy but let’s get some of these Enderman angry at us and let’s kill them one thing really important to be aware of when fighting Enderman like this we have sort of a shelter uh we just turn down those pasta mob sounds that people

Can even hear what I’m saying is more or less that um oftentimes if you’re really near the edge of one they can still hit you but look at that we’re getting so many pearls it’s crazy I think we just got eight pearls there from three Enderman

That might not be true but it definitely looked like it um let’s hit this Enderman we’ll try and jump so another important thing if you have uh Java Edition so that sweeping Edge enchantment is the fact that um if you have a critical hit which means jumping and hitting a mob on the

Way back down that will not have the sweeping Edge effect so for instance right there that Enderman was next to the zombified Piglet and so because of that I decided to do that critical attack to avoid um sort of the issue of hitting let’s say that zombified Piglet and having it

Be angry at me I do hear I do here and now I see that I’ve been hit down by that Blaze you know that’s something really interesting about having sort of the ability to stop your fall wouldn’t be an ender pearl or something is let’s

Say that was you know more of a fatal situation maybe there’s lava beneath us um if I hadn’t of let’s say you know just dropped a couple blocks I could have died there and so it’s always important to really be aware of different scenarios and what you can do

In them to save yourself because there actually did have some notice to run away because I heard that but I really didn’t do anything about it yet so I sort of didn’t have enough time to get something to save myself there um but I kind of was aware that I was going

To be hit down so always important to be aware of sort of the warning signs of things before they happen there happens to be another Enderman here we may as well there’s two Endermen may as well get them because why not seems to be sort of an easy area to to get them

There’s actually a three Enderman so perfect am I into the wall here a little bit excel’s a little Enderman sort of fighting area we’re going to anger these Enderman and then we’re going to run back in here and we’ll sort of get them one by one something I have found is

Oftentimes they won’t make that noise if you just hit them you don’t look at them so if you sort of want to avoid that annoying Enderman noise sometimes uh hitting them instead of looking at them can make that not happen and of course I know things like Enderman farms in a lot

Of worlds are incredibly difficult to sort of navigate around because um there’s just so much noise and stuff but there are so many of the Endermen around here let’s see if we can get to maybe three stacks of pearls I’m not sure whereas a stack of Ender Pearls is

A lot less than a stack of most items that’s only goes to 16 but still needs quite a bit and I do hear those Blaze there so I’m actually doing something really important I’m going to sort of turn this into a little micro base there’s a good reason why the

Reason is basically that then if those Blaze come we can block ourselves out and be somewhat safe because that Enderman is still there and someone says do I play other games than Minecraft I’ve talked about this before I do sometimes play other games in Minecraft but generally I do just play Minecraft

As as my favorite game by a long way and so because of that I just prefer focusing on one game and getting really good at that but I will sometimes play other sandbox games or sort of um strategy games I really like and something actually really cool I did a

While ago was I played the Minecraft board game so you may or may not know that there is a Minecraft board game and I did play that a little while ago and it’s quite an interesting um sort of game it’s called Builders and biomes and I did enjoy it quite a bit I

Was sort of suggested if you’re looking for a board game to get and yeah more or less what it is is you have to sort of collect resources and build things and it’s actually fairly fun and so um I didn’t win the round I played with that

With some friends but it is kind of a fun game to try out if you want let’s see if we get a wither skeleton school from these Withers Turk with fighting Withers is to make sure that you’re not lagging too much which is obviously something you can’t really control very

Easily and the reason why of course is that if the Withers Just get a little bit too close to then they can hit you but you actually have more range than they do that’s why fighting mobs is not sort of impossible not to get hit first

Is because you can hit them first but of course we did not get any skulls which is not shocking we’ll throw away some of this so we can at least collect the bones of those because why not and we’ll make sure that we’re not sort of missing

Any schools on the ground there because actually one side at a time I was fighting for those with their skeleton skulls and something that happened was basically as I was fighting those the school that I was trying to get fell in lava because I didn’t have enough

Inventory room to pick it up so it’s always really important to be aware of things like that because losing a wither skeleton skull is a big deal all right so I think this is the way back someone says any cheap and easy Iron Farm idea I have seen and I haven’t

Actually built one yet but I’ve seen this really interesting iron farm going around lately where they sort of um build it in the ground so I may eventually make a video about that I’m not sure but um yeah I think that um ideally the best

One of course would be the one that uses the least resources not necessarily the quickest because usually after a while a iron golem firm gets to a point where it’s kind of useless the amount of iron it creates anyway unless you’re just building with iron so for sort of more

Of a mid-tier iron farm I definitely look for the design I forgot the name of it maybe someone in the chat knows the design where it’s sort of um in the ground like that because it seems like they’re just super simple and someone says how to get or how to

Kill a warden well the killer Warden is fairly easy you just have to be far enough away from it that cannot get you with the Sonic Blast and so if that’s where you are sort of you’re fine and then just hit it with a ranged weapon so

I would suggest a power five bow you can even throw on let’s say a um harming to that but it’s not super important of course and so more or less if you have the bow and you can hit it with that um I think that’s maybe 15 to 20 shots

To kill it it’s not that difficult um so that’s kind of how you kill a war and just get away from it and hit it but of course in reality I think the the real question with the warden is not necessarily how do you kill it

But it’s more so how do you not have it spawn into the game and for that of course you just want to make sure to block up those shriekers and be careful with that let’s see someone says how to duplicate items well there’s not many working item dupes in Minecraft anymore

Um but usually it has to do with sort of making the game think that an item was sort of broken off and not broken off at the same time so I know that oftentimes people will make like a real duplicator where it sort of messes with the slime

Blocks to make the rail sort of stay where it is on the slime block but also break off and something I do find interesting is that there are some duplicators like the rail and carpet ones that have been in the game for a very long time and Mojang has never

Fixed them which makes me wonder if they actually want those to be in the game or not sort of like how when they fixed quote unquote the um oh no I forgot what the stupid thing that keeps happening oh my goodness anyway at least we got everything we

Needed but uh sort of like when they fixed the AFK fishing uh no one liked that because of course well not no one but most people didn’t like it because the AFK fishing is something that basically all players use uh in a really helpful way to get themselves the

Materials that are needed now thankfully I have a bed with me so we’re not gonna lose like these incredibly valuable amount of items but apparently there’s monsters in your bias I’ll try moving that a little bit um oftentimes the trick if you see monsters nearby is just to move the bed

By a very small distance as your beds can still be like really close to monsters and you can sleep so that’s always something important to do in the very old days of Minecraft if your bed was in an area that was not sufficiently lit up with torches then randomly in the

Middle of the night you would basically be woken up by a random hostile mob and so because of that people would be really careful to put like a bunch of torches around their base I run around their bed of course as it’s sort of a method of protecting themselves now this

Is useless completely we’re just going to combine those Shields because of course it just deletes the material just so we can collect the stone here to get all the way back up efficiently but we’re going to do that another thing actually we should do should be really important now that we’re down here

Is we should find the mountain that we’re on I believe it’s the one to our left not to our right yeah I think it’s this one up here and more or less think at the Y level that we want to get out at so I’m going to say maybe like 110

And then later on under our strip mine we should probably make a tunnel that kind of goes to that y level so we can get back but here’s one of those caves I believe that there is another cave over here that goes to where the warden is

And you sort of see I believe the the top of our base up there uh yeah you can you can see way up there sort of that bit of a dark wall so we’re gonna have to climb all the way up the wall there unfortunately but there we go Someone said that high craft just wanted to say I love your vids I’ve been playing Minecraft for 12 years now and I’m just learning new things from your videos well 12 years is very much a long time I guess you’d have started playing in 2010 so probably one of the first

Maybe quarter million people to play the game which is pretty cool and I’m glad you enjoy the videos because I know I always try and learn more about the game myself try and become a much better player one of my goals actually for my channel is to sort of show the act of

Playing of the game as well as just the facts so I can sort of communicate to people maybe through action or through different scenarios how you can play the game in a more sort of 4D chess kind of way not just you know um snow blocks or

Crafted with four snowballs kind of idea but also things like let’s say that you can use powdered snow as a entrance to a secret base if that’s combined with scaffolding so you know there’s all kinds of interesting things like that that I really do want to talk more about

But I’m really glad that you like that and we have a super chat and it says any good tropical fish farm ideas well I guess if you’re considering about getting tropical fish um I think it’s really important to figure out from the start is do you want

Buckets of tropical fish or do you want the sort of tropical fish edible item of course the Tropical Fish edible item is basically useless as something like for instance cats wouldn’t eat it and things like dolphins I won’t eat it and so um but I’m guessing if you want sort of a

Tropical fish for an aquarium a lot of them in buckets generally the idea would be to find a lush cave in an area that is not near the ocean or near another bit of water and then more or less a huge amount of tropical fish will spawn

In the Lush caves especially if you sort of move around there I found that almost always when I’m in like a large amount of water in a tropical or in a flush cave so for instance you could place a bunch of water buckets on the roof and

Let them sort of flow down in a massive area then you’ll find so many tropical fish there you’ll not know what to do with it someone says am I going to make another stream on my server soon well I definitely want to continue to stream to multiple areas but I want to really

Focus at this point on this Survival live series as I feel like a lot of people have enjoyed watching through it I think the first part has like 70 000 views um and so I’m hoping that I can sort of find a good mix between all these different things um

But either way here we have all these eyes offender we could find the stronghold I mean that’s awesome I don’t know if we should uh right now but we could and so I think that we’ll get a sort of a full inventory of what we have but this is really exciting

Um of course we have the ender pearls like that now I’ve sort of seen two main ways that people tend to do things surrounding the stronghold the first one is that they’ll not do anything with it until they have all their stuff ready so for instance they’ll not even find it but

I’ve seen what other people will do is they’ll find it first they might even make a temporary Basin at first and then eventually what they’ll do is they’ll of course um sort of fight the Ender Dragon there but personally what I want to do right

Now is I want everyone in the chat to spam what they want me to do should I wait to find the stronghold of course won’t go to the end yet but wait to find the stronghold until the next episode or should I do it today and find that

Stronghold and then we can have sort of the opportunity to eventually go to the end a lot quicker so just tell me in the chat there stronghold or not go into the stronghold this episode and as that happens I’m gonna put back some of these boats and we’ll see

Um if people want me to do that or not as of course you know there’s sort of some advantages to both that looks like uh almost everyone is saying today it looks like a very large amount of people are saying today so it’s awesome but make sure to keep telling me what you

Want keep voting there we want to make sure that we have a large amount of people saying that and uh it’s always interesting to see all the people in the chat saying their opinion that don’t usually talk in the chat so it’s really cool to see just the amount of people

That are on the stream and things enjoying that and of course um I think that you know in terms of if we’re going to find the stronghold of actually not talked about ever on a video before how to find a stronghold uh mostly because I haven’t really covered that subject

Um in great detail although I probably will eventually and so I could have some great knowledge here as to how to find that yeah it looks like everyone’s like today so there we go we have our we are going to do it today absolutely so you guys have

Your wish granted we’re going to the stronghold today which is awesome so I’m gonna say materials we have we do need a lot of different things to do this because of course we’re in the mountains we’re not exactly sure where this stronghold is in fact we’ll have no idea where it is

Um I I know of course generally where strongholds tend to spawn so we can sort of maybe travel to those coordinates first but I’d probably be easier if we just use the Eyes of Ender the entire way now what I mean by sort of knowing where they spawn is that generally how

The strongholds work is they’ll spawn in these concentric circles or like these circles that are inside of each other so there’s these certain coordinates where you’re going to find a stronghold but anyway I think that we’re going to probably make a second shovel so we can

Dig through a lot of ground if we have to I’m certainly not the very best player in terms of finding strongholds more efficiently I think the idea is just to not overuse Those Eyes of Ender and it’s really a fun part of the game because you know before the Explorer map was in

The game before we had the buried treasure map we had the Eyes of Ender and I think that you know inside of Minecraft things like the very treasure maps are great but I feel like you know sort of more true to Minecraft’s uh sort of old style core of what it is

Um really is these ice vendor and finding it this way so just to be safe and because of course once we’re actually in the end we’re gonna have so many ender pearls it doesn’t even matter um but we might not use all of them we’re probably going to make ourselves

32 plus eight so 40 of the Eyes of Ender I think that’s a good number and of course it might seem like too many I think it’s fine something I always find really funny actually is the fact that with the ender pearls here they stack to 64. if it’s an Eye of

Ender but if they’re an ender pearl they don’t so like maybe the blaze powder sort of reinforces them but here we go here are those Eyes of Ender and of course we can use those I think 40s way more than we’re ever going to need uh 24 Stakes probably enough I’m trying to

Think of any other item we might want to bring oftentimes I’ll forget something but I actually like a lot of torches is in order because of first once we find that stronghold I hope it’s a big one because I’ve found strongholds where no joke it is just the end portal room and

Probably two to three things that are connected to it so it’s always important of course to make sure to have a lot of torches when you’re exploring the stronghold so we’re gonna get all this and uh yeah I might even make at some point is how to of course find the

Stronghold and how to explore it but either way I think we have the supplies we’re gonna need we know some chests to start up a temporary base there and all should be good we might even grab maybe a little bit of wood or some stuff here

For a crafting table as we’ll be gone for so long but there we go so we’re gonna start off on our Quest on our journey here to find the stronghold so let’s see which way this goes first and we’ll sort of Follow That for quite a long distance so we’ll throw

This and hopefully it’s close as well actually the stronghold in fact let me just do something here a really good trick if you’re exploring and you don’t want to lose where you are is to mark down your coordinates so you can do that by pressing F3 then F2 or if you’re in

Bedrock enable coordinates then write those down because then if we got lost I can take a look back at that screenshot and we’ll be good all right so we’re going to open area so we can see where this goes and we’re going to throw it it

Goes that way so that’s sort of uh Southwest so we’re gonna go Southwest and we that even drop but I’m not sure if I can grab it all the way down there honestly I mean I guess I could um I may as well you know to be fair like there’s sometimes scenarios in

Which it’s more difficult to do that so we’ll grab that but of course now we have some mobs after us we have to be careful in fact I believe this is the exact area uh we died a bit earlier so we’re gonna probably just pile up out of

Here fairly quickly but there we have that eye vendor back in case that’s important but Southwest and very exactly Southwest so that’s the direction we’re going to go and we’re going to probably go for maybe 500 blocks new store boys want to go like a really long distance first then go from

There so west southwest so we’re gonna go this direction towards that massive mountain and yeah then once we’re there you know I think the idea behind finding the nether fortress or not nether fortress finding the stronghold is to kind of start with a really large amount

Of movement then sort of refine it down and we could even go a little bit past the nether or the uh stronghold by accident and then of course we can sort of backtrack and know that it’s behind us but we’ll go this way quite a bit I

Think 24 Stakes should be enough for this stronghold finding adventure and let’s find out what happens and of course um if you’re just watching the stream right now or starting to watch it um here are my social medias be sure to follow me on Twitter I’ve been trying to

Grow that especially at icraft underscoremc also join my Discord there should be a link in the chat coming up here pretty soon and there is a link in the description and of course as well as that we even have some amazing multiplayer events we’ll probably do soon and if you’re on

The Discord server you could participate in those but anyway back to Minecraft we go and more or less here we are ready to go back on our adventure so Southwest is this direction and we’re going to keep exploring that way for quite a while I have seen certain players do a thing

Where they’ll just keep using tons and tons of the Ender Pearls you know what maybe every 100 blocks or so but there’s really not a point of doing that I mean ideally I think 16 ender pearl should always be enough to find the stronghold including enough to fill out the frame because

Um you know maybe half the time you’ll get that Pearl back and so because of that it’s usually fairly easy to um to find that with just a small amount so we’ll go this way sort of over this massive mountain and something I actually should have brought now that I

Think about it is materials for another portal because then we could have had an easy way back but it is what it is and of course I don’t think it’ll be that far away but I guess we’ll find out um we do have sort of all the supplies

We need for a long Journey almost all of our best tools and things like that and we’ll leave the food here and we can even see all the way back to our base a little bit our base definitely Blends in a lot and I’m not sure if eventually our

Base will just be absolutely massive and take up like all of that sort of like this um but maybe it won’t as well so I think we’ll go back down to this hill here um just because that seems like a really good distance to throw a pearl from

Again that we can kind of get a better idea of where it is so go all the way down there as of course we’re trying to find a stronghold right here we have These Eyes of Ender inner inventory and the first one we threw was incredibly directly Southwest so we’re gonna go

Southwest and we are going to find that we’ll go down this way someone said that um you should get some iron well I could get some iron the only problem um and the reason why I’m not getting iron or coal here even though there’s lots of it

And the Stony Peaks is actually probably one of my favorite biomes in the game but definitely my favorite new biome um is because of the massive amount of the emeralds iron and coal that’s there the reason why I’m not though is because we’re off an adventure and I

Found that oftentimes what will happen if you’re sort of on a scenario like this as you can die lose all those resources or even worse you’ll run out of inventory room and you’ll have no ability to get anything new but eventually we can go hear maybe we’ll

Have to have an entire mining episode where we just sort of collect a massive amount of materials here so what we’re going to do is we’re gonna go all the way up to the top here and then we can throw the Eye of Ender I think we’ll probably throw it from up

Here and let’s see where it is so we know our base is all the way back there here right here let’s see which direction this goes and it still goes this direction but a bit more exactly so closer to being purely South and it dropped again so we still have not lost

Any of these like it matters too much but probably travel to that mountain top there and there we go it is kind of crazy how much effort it is to explore this far of a distance and I’m just so glad we have this amazing seed we’re playing on

Um because it has these amazing visuals to it and absolutely amazing mountain ranges and valleys most Minecraft seeds do not have this especially not so close to spawns so we’ll go down here into the Savannah I don’t really think I’ve been into this Vanna that much this will be sort of our

First one there and we can go through here and I think there’s actually some very interesting World Generation up ahead uh that I’ll talk to you about because I believe something I’ve been looking into a lot lately actually I’ve sort of always been interested in this is the way that the Minecraft world

Generates I think that there’s there’s some really cool things you can do with that so for instance um if you’re in a dark Forest Dark Forest will be bordered by a birch Forest which will be bordered by a standard Forest which will be bordered by a plane’s biome just based on sort of

How things naturally generate now of course that doesn’t always happen but it almost always does and so because of that you can really easily sort of predict what biomes are going to be around you so here we are and this is what I thought it was so I believe

This is Stony Shore and this is something I’ve not seen people talk about that much but it’s the fact that in Minecraft at one point uh 18 and onward what’s changed is the fact that you can now have Shore biomes along rivers so of course this is fully a

River you know there’s there’s no ocean around here whatsoever the river sort of keeps going on that way I think it eventually reaches the ocean but it’s it’s definitely not notion here and yet we have the Stony Shore I’ve also seen it with beaches so you sort of have this

Inland Beach and I really enjoy that part of the world’s generation because it makes a lot of sense of course in real life you have um beaches along rivers all the time and of course you know there’s even Stony outcroppings and again for everyone asking about me not mining the orders

It’s just because we’re gonna run out of inventory room fairly quickly I’m sure there’s going to be a massive amount of loot in the stronghold because what I’m doing right now is we’re trying to find and locate the stronghold so once we’re on top of this hill we might not even go

The entire way we’ll throw another one of the pearls and I’m hoping I’m going the right way I might not be going the right way quite but almost a really cool feature in Minecraft Bedrock Edition you may or may not know about is the fact that strongholds are more likely to

Generate if it’s underneath a mountain or Not underneath a mountain if it’s underneath a village and so because of that there’s actually a lot of interesting Allure to that because it sort of says that the villagers were the ones who discovered the end you know maybe the ancient villager types either

That or whoever did discover the end also built the villages but here we are on that Mountaintop we saw over there kind of crossing the valley a very nice looking area let’s see where this goes it goes this way okay so we’re definitely we’re really close then and

This also popped off so because it went this way so we’re gonna have to throw this probably we’ll go a little bit this way but I think we’re within Maybe I’m going to say 200 blocks of where it is so we’ll throw it again this is sort of the time where you do

Throw it too much so we’ll go this way this one might not pop off it did so I’m popping off very commonly actually so um it is interesting because usually you can use just a couple eyes of enders to get really far but of course that doesn’t always happen so we’ll do this

Again let’s see what happens and hockey going this way okay we’re so close because it went one way the one way and the other way so what happens you’re sort of rounding down the location you’re throwing these and so we know it’s it’s this way and then from

This way it’s that way so if we throw it now it’ll probably can even see it I don’t I can’t see it I think that means it went underground I don’t know so we’re gonna we’re gonna go a little bit higher we’re gonna throw it

And make sure we can see what’s going on because we have a lot to spare here and it went this way and sort of went down to right here and there it is so it’s got to be right here that’s going to be where yeah it went right down here so

That’s where it is so we found the location of that we should be able to just mine down an area so of course there’s two ways of doing this I actually forgot something sort of important which is ladders this is something you always want to bring if you’re trying to find the stronghold

Because oftentimes in fact basically every time there’ll be something like that where it’s for this lurge decline that’s what we’re going to do is we’re going to make all these sticks and we’re going to use them to make ourselves some ladders and hopefully that’s enough ladders 54 probably isn’t by any means

Enough ladders but we’ll find out and you may as well actually craft all this into ladders I wish we had an ax with us I should have brought that I didn’t think we’d need it but I will have to probably get some more ladder materials here but either way we’ll get those

Sticks and then we’ll get those ladders here and we will mine down and start to go and someone said what’s up I craft finally caught you live well I’m doing great hopefully you’re doing well also and um I’m just trying to sort of find the stronghold here right now so we’re

Gonna see what we do here’s a trick I’ve talked about this before but it’s really important absolutely you can dig stay straight down in Minecraft of course the rules don’t take straight down that’s kind of incorrect digging straight down like this is always completely safe so

We’re just gonna dig down like this big trick though is going to be we’re gonna put these ladders on this side and sort of place them as we go here and there to make sure that we do not run out and someone asks do I still beak do I speak

Spanish um I wish I did I unfortunately only speak English I’m in Canada so I should be able to speak French as well but I can’t really so unfortunately no I do not but maybe one day I’ll try learning that as I think it’s uh it’s always really cool to learn different

Languages and things this is a cave so we could probably find a shortcut into here but that’s okay we’ll keep going down here someone said what’s the chance of throwing an eye eight times and not breaking I’m not sure maybe it’s my superpower because I am you know I craft

MC maybe the eye is a vendor of a special connection with me probably not though we’ll go back down here and uh through here someone’s asking me a bunch have I tried speed speed running Minecraft um I haven’t tried it as much as I’d like to so that’s something I want to do

A lot more sort of work in is sort of learning the tricks that speedrunners use really really well and then potentially showing ways that you can actually apply that to Everyday survival so for instance what we’re doing right here you can actually find the strongholds much easier with a thing

Called I think it’s called portal triangulation that basically um you’re sort of like using this interesting technique to locate where the portals are sort of the actual same thing that astronomers do in real life to find where stars are um and so more or less because that I

Think with just two ender pearls or two Eyes of Ender you can generally find a stronghold so there’s things like that that I definitely want to do more research into and uh and then potentially integrate into videos at some point someone says what should you call me I

Craft iimc um I mean I craft MCS fine you can call me I of course the problem with I is then it’s hard to say sort of what you’re saying if it’s referring to yourself or referring to me um but I don’t really mind what you want

To call me um I used to actually not like it when people called me I craft because what it used to be is that if you searched up by Craft you wouldn’t find my channel so if people said oh you should check out I craft they would look

Up icraft they wouldn’t find it but now it’s changed and if you search up by Craft you will see my channel in fact I think if you search up I Minecraft or Minecraft I my channel will show up so it’s definitely ranked a lot higher now

And so because of that I don’t really mind either way and of course a lot of people like calling me I craft because it’s just a shortened version of I craft and see Someone said is Minecraft a strategy game if you play in survival I would say it’s a strategy game if you play in multiplayer excuse me here it is a strategy game if you play multiplayer as you want to make sure to sort of build good connections with other

Players you know I know there’s certain servers where they have like elections and all kinds of cool stuff like that and so you know definitely Minecraft multiplayer can be a strategy game single player I’m not sure so much but it can still be somewhat around that so we’re gonna do

For now is we’re probably gonna just keep digging down even though we don’t have enough ladders to go down because I think eventually we can just sort of pile up for now and then build the ladder all the way up later so I’m Gonna Keep mining down here and find

The stronghold should be right below where we are and I’m hoping that we can find that I just threw this bit of stone here so we’re at y19 generally strongholds tend to be about at this level so it’s very likely that we’ll find this stronghold sooner rather than later

See here so we’re gonna go through here okay we’ve stronghold now we’ve where we’ve not stronghold we have a deep slate we’ve now reached the Deep slate layer I guess may as well mine this iron with uh the standard pickaxe we don’t have two stacks there I’ll go through here

Someone says hi I was wondering how you come up with Minecraft content in such a short time so the answer is I don’t really come up with Minecraft content in such a short time um I just uh YouTube is my full-time job and also because that I spend about 70

Hours a week making videos which is basically all day every day and I definitely enjoy it but because of that I spend an average of about 20 hours per video although first it can be short as maybe five to ten hours per video depending a lot you know a little video

Is like let’s say the um something about the mob Vote or whatever would be a lot shorter um so there’s a lot of variance to that but what I’m wondering right now actually if we have actually found the stronghold because we’re getting very low down here

Now it could definitely be here but we want to be careful because sometimes you can sort of go just a little bit too far over and so because of that we may not be able to effectively find that but we’re going to look around we’re going to find this

Stronghold and it shouldn’t be that difficult and there’s even some random ores there’s the deep dark so maybe it’s a deep dark infested stronghold that’ll make it much more interesting and oh there’s an ancient city down here oh okay that’s really interesting um hmm that makes things a lot more

Complicated I’ll tell you that much um I don’t know if the stronghold is right here then I guess what I could do is I could actually travel to the ancient city and I could see where that uh portal sort of or where the eye vendor sort of leads from there

And someone asked where am I from it says it on my Channel’s about page but I am from Canada uh people ask that a lot I’m not sure if I sound um particularly Canadian or something um anyway we’ll break these and uh let’s go through here also what’s

Really important to know when finding a stronghold is that because a stronghold can sometimes be very small it can actually be really really difficult to effectively find the entrance to it so what we’re going to do is we’re going to keep going downwards in the same area

Just because there’s no real reason why not to let’s try and find that entrance it’s over here someone asks how cold it is in Canada um it’s not that cold really people sort of over exaggerated I think like half of Europe is is more Northern than most of Canada so

Um oh it’s not really that cold and we’ll go through here someone says what are my plans today well that’s a great question uh the plans are to find the stronghold but we think we’ve actually we have there it is we should be mysteriously found an ancient city so

We’re going to use this ancient city a little bit um I know there’s a ton of ancient cities around this area so it’s not shocking at all that we found one however what is an issue is I see a Shrieker there I think we’re going right over the top

Of the main portal perhaps I can’t tell no we’re not so there’s a main portal we’re just sort of in the middle of the ancient city now the question is do I see any bit of the stronghold sort of hooking up from the top because this

Should be very near the center of the stronghold I’m sure if I had spectator mode I could see really easily where that stronghold is and so because of that and they’ll look around the roof here for any little passages that that might have sort of poked out but what

I’m also going to do and I’m not going to pick up the high vendor after I do this because I don’t want to risk getting a ward in here and I will raid this later um is we’re going to throw this and see where it leaves so it leads upwards

Almost straight upwards so according to this we must have just missed it by a very small amount so we’re gonna go back up here and maybe halfway through we can do this and we’ll go through here now kind of at the bottom of a pit here so we’re gonna

Have to sort of mine our way up strategically I’m not exactly sure how far we are from really the entrance but I guess we’re just gonna have to pile up like I had said before we’ll keep the water down there just so it’s easier but we’ll pile up and we’ll do that and

Someone’s saying to throw a pearl and of course you know I already have done that so we’re gonna go back up here and we’re going to find our way so there’s this cave Miz will throw a pearl in the cave here again it’ll be hard to kind of see

Where it leads because they go through blocks basically but it’s still going upwards kind of this area here so we’re going to try and sort of offset to that direction and I don’t actually know if the pearls pop off maybe anymore I’m not sure because I haven’t had any of these

Pop off that’s very strange to be fair I haven’t found an um stronghold for a little while so maybe it’s a recent change in like a 1.19.2 or something I don’t think so but um okay now it’s going downwards so it must be so close and again I think that

This it popped off it just had yeah it did it just fold down there so I’m not going to find it but it’s got to be like right around here so if I like mine this direction maybe I’ll run into like some bricks or something um if not this is quite the mystery

Because he’s a vendor are definitely leading me sort of around here um so go through here and I’ll try and find that and someone’s asking in the chat um if I have a texture pack and if I can use it I prefer not to use texture packs

Just because of the fact that I want the game to be as accessible to everyone as possible and because most people don’t use texture packs then everyone can understand what’s growing a lot better and sort of have everything be a lot more vanilla without a texture pack but

Let’s throw this it still is going downwards so we have to mine just a little bit further and go down through here and we’ll go through this and so more or less the interval is still going down this way so it’s got to be fairly close here

I’m not sure exactly where I’m sure once we find it’ll be fairly obvious but um so I don’t usually have this much trouble finding these I think a lot of it too is that you know in Minecraft one point uh 18 and forward of course there is this

Thing so okay now we know exactly where it is so it’s basically right at that height so now that we know the height we should know approximately the exact location so it should be about one block further up this way and then from there we can basically just mine let’s say

This direction roughly so this should lead us to the stronghold should and we’ll line up some of this gravel you can see in my inventory here how full it is that’s one of the reasons why I wasn’t grabbing all that iron and stuff earlier is because I wouldn’t want to of

Course find that and then sort of lose it later so I might throw this and we’ll kind of find that stronghold uh fairly quickly I hope and of course we can throw another Pearl in a minute here but they’re not that useful at this stage so it just sort of just look fairly

Manually and we’ll go through this and again we’ll throw this again and it seems to be going this way still but I think like someone was saying you’re sort of just talking about the height there so it is probably more at this height though according to that

Pearl so we’ll probably go around here next let’s just keep digging through it that’s of course just sort of how it works in Minecraft without a seed finder is you have to just manually try and find that stronghold through all the area that’s around us so I’m gonna dig through here

Um yeah I’m sure we’re like being very unlucky and Mining like right here on the edge of the stronghold or something funny like that but we’ll find out um and try and find that so uh again obvious obviously of course like the center of the stronghold might not

Actually have anything in it that’s probably why the Pearl is going to sort of a random location um we’ll kind of try to keep finding that so we’ll go through here um for now someone’s saying it’s a phantom stronghold that could be it could be I’m

Not sure that’s a that is a possibility at this point because I don’t know where it is um there’s that pit that goes down so if we go this way and throw it again it’s probably gonna go backwards isn’t it it is it’s very strange it’s like right

Here this tunnel is right here which it’s not but anyway we can try mining around here one said can you try F3 plus a F3 plus a reloading the chunks Otis or to find it oh yeah I think I’ve seen people do that oh that’s a good idea actually I see

Some creepers there this is like probably horribly epileptically inducing so I should probably not do that too much here I’ll switch to the uh social media if you want to uh follow me follow me there and by following me of course you can gain access to all my content

And this is not working very well so I’m going to switch back to oh my goodness my eyes okay I’m gonna switch back to Minecraft here um that does not really work although it’s a good thought I can see where some mobs are so I could try and head towards

A cave yeah it does not seem to be super close because there’s no mobs nearby here so we’ll kind of mine upwards a bit in fact we might even pile up with Fairways and then kind of go from there we’ll probably stop using the Ender The Eyes

Of Ender I don’t think they’re going to help too much um and we’ll kind of find our way down here someone said what if the stronghold is replaced by the ancient city uh that is a good point I don’t think that’ll happen um but I mean maybe it will if it does

That’s definitely not going to be very nice for us because we’re gonna have to sort of randomly uh like kind of go really far away maybe back to the spawn point and then try and find a stronghold from there so um yeah we’ll try that F3 plus a thing a

Bit more I’m just trying to yeah it’s I think I can I see some mobs around but I’m sorry to everyone for the horrible flashing I see a creeper there we’ll mind to that creeper kind of far but we’ll that’s the closest thing we have towards anything

Um of course there’s no let’s say mine Curt chests so for instance that’s something that makes that trick work really well with the um oh I hear a sound that doesn’t mean there’s a cave here um I think so we’ll go through here I know those sounds have to do with sort

Of the darkness that surround you and stuff but I think that the more unlit area there is around you the higher chance there is for those sounds so that’s why it’s likely we do have some chests with us we don’t actually have to sort of ruin all these items that we’re

Looking for and of course once we do find the stronghold we can make a more efficient way up but I don’t mind this and we’ll place this here we’ll place all these materials in the chest and get them and we’ll go through here and then of course we can continue to

Look for that creeper that’s sort of right over here again I don’t even see it anymore but um there is something around here I see some creepers there or some mobs so we’ll try going this direction a little bit we’ll get rid of those uh loading chunks oh

And there it is there’s a stronghold aha look at this bricks I’ve never been happier with it well I have been happier but I’ve I’ve never been happy to find bricks in Minecraft for a long time there we go I spy we found the stronghold and someone said is this

Hardcore hard or mode that is very specifically not hardcore mode you can tell that um because I do not have the hardcore hearts and the reason why is I found that hardcore is great but it uh I think that there’s something where you know we can’t really invest as

Much into building or things like that um if the only real worry is is that whether or not I die so we’re gonna explore around here a little bit um strongholds can be very easy or very difficult to navigate this one’s probably a little bit more difficult as

It seems to be larger there is a singular piece of bread and iron boots which definitely definitely at this stage is uh not useful at all but um here’s a trick so if you’re wanting to know sort of how to explore the nether fortress effectively you want to

Block off areas that you’ve been to and someone said the I spy achievement is very fitting it is because I spied this so go through this it’s amazing because I can always refer to myself twice where it’s saying I that’s I as an I craft MC

And I as in myself but I did see a staircase over here we can try and find that staircase and from there we can go upwards so I kind of like this cut off thing it’s always interesting when it does that it makes me think almost like

It generated is sort of two strongholds although it didn’t does look like that um amazing how few moms are that’s a horrible chest a singular Apple I can’t think of one worse that’s funny we’ll go through here I believe this room often connects to a lot of other rooms so

That’s a good one to be in and there is the library this is a big deal so the library is probably the best single loot room of almost any structure in Minecraft don’t the Woodland Mansion has libraries too but the thing is although you can buy library books from villagers usually

Unlocking that at a good price takes a long time and of course before that was really not that easy to do before 1.14 and so having this massive amount of books in one space is incredibly overpowered and it’s almost makes me wish we hadn’t gone through that effort

A long time ago to find the um the books for enchanting area but to be fair we wouldn’t have had enough stuff for All These Eyes of Ender that does look like I slightly over packed on Ice vendor but none of them broke when they popped off there so I’m assuming that

It’s most likely that um in Minecraft they don’t actually pop off as much which is funny because I remember them popping off like maybe half the time so not exactly sure what that’s about but this could be the stronghold up here the not the stronghold but sort of the portal it’s

Definitely a very uh big stronghold which is always quite fun it’s always nice to see these sort of intersected by different things half ruined you know I think the real Ultimate Dream in Minecraft would be to kind of randomly find a stronghold you know it’s Mining and there it is

Um actually remember I did a hardcore series a long time ago where that kind of happened and it’s interesting because you know uh inside of Minecraft of course things like strongholds are really rare but let’s say if you’re playing in the old um you know Xbox 360 edition then the

Stronghold’s actually very large proportionally to the rest of the world because of course the world there is so small um finding that by just randomly mining us you know a lot more probable we’ll go through here lots of good Aura and stuff to mine here eventually too so we can definitely use

This area for maybe a second mining base and later on we can get some obsidian and do that someone was saying earlier actually when I said I forgot to bring obsidian because of course we could use that to make a portal from here um they’re saying that of course I could

Actually get obsidian from the stronghold which is kind of true uh but what’s not really true about that is the fact that of course um here’s not enough of that so here’s a really good trick actually get the mobs to hit each other so just hurt a mob

Civil War that’s always quite fun um and so because of that you can often kind of have the skeletons uh sort of Hit the zombies and the zombies hit the skeleton then it doesn’t always work but it’s always good as well as that we place that random block there that just

Completely forces the mobs from coming towards us very very important and so because of that you want to be really careful um obviously not block off things if you can so go through here and someone says that happened to them once they’re in a mine shaft and stumbled across a library

Yeah for sure it is interesting how sort of you can randomly find things in Minecraft like that um those are honestly some of the best moments in the game is sort of doing something that kind of seems boring it’s you know not super interesting and then suddenly you just find something

Completely random like let’s say a stronghold library or something like that and that could have actually led to to some really great stuff like for instance you know the end portal just randomly without having to find that or even the ability of like an instant enchanting area like I know if that

You’re let’s say speed running the game although people who Speed Run don’t usually bother to get enchantments on their items um if you did find a stronghold you could like throw down an enchantment table there and have like an instant enchanting area very very quickly depending on when you found it

I’m trying to see where we haven’t been this is sort of where it gets a little bit um monotonous trying to go through all these tunnels and find out which things we have and haven’t explored but it is crazy how because the Minecraft world is so deep now it can be really really

Difficult to find let’s say the stronghold right because the Minecraft world is definitely twice the depth just because it generates higher and also generates lower it’s probably closer to three times the the depth that it was before and so because of that it’s always really important to sort of

Um keep in mind the the massive amount of variance and height they have to work with when trying to find some of these things I don’t think this actually goes anywhere of interest but no it doesn’t so we’ll go back this way it’s a lot of

Stuff here and it is amazing how a few mobs are out here and I’m not sure if this is a deep dark no it’s a Savannah Biome so that should technically get us mobs but I think what it is is because we’re in a new area here’s actually a really cool

Minecraft mechanic that a lot of people in fact I would say most people have literally no idea about and that’s the mechanic of local difficulty now if you’re doing what this is of course it’s fairly obvious but local difficulty is basically the mechanic where the longer an area the more mobs generate there

More or less there’s also some other things there like for instance um zombies being able to pick up items and stuff like that but local difficulty does govern a lot of different things and so because of that you can sort of use that mechanic to let’s say know how

Dangerous something will be now we’re definitely going in circles here so we’re gonna have to sort of follow one wall that’s a trick If you’re sort of lost is to follow along a singular wall because then you sort of don’t get into these circular walking patterns so I

Feel like what you know people’s brains sort of subconsciously do is you want to kind of do what you’ve done before and so because of that if you’ve let’s say gone on a certain path and it seems like it was the right way at first then

It might seem like the right way again even if it’s not so by just sort of sticking to an abstract thing like let’s say the left wall or the right wall you can make your way out that way so we’ll go through here just keep following it along I can obviously

Here it’s kind of more difficult but um try and find our way around I’m not sure if we’re still going on a circle or not I don’t think so here we go this looks like an area that leads somewhere here we go here we’re back into sort of the

Main stronghold there’s that Library um I hope there’s a second Library there’s two types of libraries that can generate in a stronghold the first one is that one we saw it’s very big it has lots of books the second one is only one floor something I actually didn’t do is

I didn’t look in the chests here let’s see what these enchantments are so we’ll kind of roll the die and find out so it says sharpness 3 and we have loyalty three looting to end piercing two and someone says for everyone saying throw the eye the eye does not lead to

The portal room but rather to the nearest opening staircase and near a stronghold structure that is correct yeah so it’s those spiraling staircases that sort of lead to there’s technically like one spiraling staircase that um is like the base of the um stronghold and then from there the whole thing kind of

Generates off of it but we’ll go back up here and we’re going to get the things out of this chest I think it’d be really cool if in Minecraft 1.20 we have the mechanic of those chiseled bookshelves sort of generating randomly throughout the stronghold library I mean it’s okay

If it doesn’t and I obviously understand keeping the structure to be you know exactly like it was before there’s something about the Chisel bookshelves that is really cool and be cool to keep that so we’re going to continue blocking things off we’ve already discovered just again because we don’t want to have sort

Of the same issue we had before we’re kind of lost so we’ll go through here um I think we have been here but there seems to be a lot of stuff and look at this we have some something really interesting looks like an intersecting

Room kind of kind of so we have this and then after that we then have the library and that is awesome I was just saying hopefully we have two libraries and here we have two libraries I think it might be possible to even get three libraries I don’t think there’s technically a

Massive limit to that but we’ll go through here and we’ll see what’s in this chest that we have efficiency three sharpness three power three now there is um a chance actually to find a mending book here it’s not a large chance it’s the same chance as anything else but if

We found that because we don’t have a mending villager we could get like this sword to be mending we could make the pickaxe be mending but probably the best thing to do would be to save that mending book until we get the elytra so let’s look in this chest right here we

Have piercing four and we have protection three piercing four so if we wanted protection and piercing on something we could use that and of course we do have the entirety of this interesting secondary Library here in the structure so we’re definitely in an area we have not explored a lot this

Is very likely where that portal will be so we’re going to take a look around here and we could look this way I’ve not marked that out as not being here so there’s probably some stuff here and this is completely unexplored very likely is where we’re going to find that

Portal so we have sort of one of these interesting descending staircases and there it is there is the portal that’s awesome so we’re going to start by lighting up this it’s interesting because I found everyone always says that you should um mine the uh Silver’s Just Fish

Spawner at first and you know um you can for sure um but I’ve just never seen someone not mind it some people today I’ll not mine it’ll break the trend and here we go but I’m gonna mark down the coordinates it looks like the silverfish are still spawning that’s probably why is it’s

Probably not very difficult or not very easy to stop them from spotting it and of course when we hit that sometimes the blocks will convert so we’ll do that we’ll keep this for that for now and we’ll see what we can do um let’s mark down the coordinates of

Like the corner or something like a nice easy coordinate set always because you’ve got lots of coordinates marked down you’ll definitely not regret it someone said how many episodes have I done I believe this is episode five although I’ve live streamed some other things so it might not look like it is

Episode five but I think it is here’s something that’s actually fairly lucky that’s the fact there’s already three ender pearls that are here and this could try and knock me in the lava so we’ll get rid of that but um you know I’m regretting not breaking this but there’s already three of those

Ender pearls which is actually fairly fairly uncommon it’s not that uncommon but you know it’s more Uncommon than um let’s say just having one of those or none of those but anyway we’ll go in the corner here we’ll place down some chests uh really great bases are often made

Around this stronghold portal so we’ll throw away something I’ll throw away we’ll sort of store some of these things we don’t necessarily need right away and you know what I think I’ve changed my mind I think I’m going to destroy the silverfish spawner because

Um we do not have a use for that we really don’t and so I’m gonna destroy that silverfish there and funny I’m not usually there is the blocks around here I have the silverfish come out of them not sure if that’s governed by local difficulty either I might be but very

Interesting we’ll do a quick sort of look between the rest of this stronghold see if there’s anything of interest because there very well could be they’ll go through here and I will kind of find uh the uh the rest of this Fortress this one keeps going lower and lower this is probably

In the deep dark it is in the deep dark so um there’s a there’s totally a chance of a Shrieker here look at that that looks so cool with sort of like the stronghold that’s like you know to me I don’t know about everyone watching right now but to

Me this looks like the ultimate picture of old Minecraft sort of meeting new Minecraft you know we have this very old part of the Minecraft world and at the point the stronghold is probably the most impressive generation there was you know this massive structure this you know huge amount of uh materials and

Blocks and and libraries and all these things but now the stronghold although still cool is nowhere near the best and sort of seeing the um old mystery of Minecraft the stronghold being almost taken over by the new mystery of Minecraft the skulk which is definitely um something a lot of people are

Interested in is the skulk that really is an interesting picture of sort of how Minecraft has changed a bit through the years and of course here um we have some deadly creepers behind us but as well as that we of course have this kind of weird looking like infinite

Tunnel where it just keeps going lower and lower so that’s always a really interesting spooky thing but we’ll go through here uh now we’re gonna need some food of course we don’t starve we’ll go back to that uh portal room actually I see and it went it went down

There already so we’ll go back this way but I believe we’ve mostly explored all this now we haven’t gone through this door seems to go to a very important dead end but we’ll see if there’s anything through that we’ve actually run out of torches which is unfortunate

Because there’s apparently a lot more to the stronghold so earlier I was saying that I would need more than a stack of torches I was like oh I’ll bring two anyway well two is definitely not enough and you know something that’s often a good idea is to actually bring a lot

More than just two stacks oftentimes four Stacks it’s great and there’s a channeling book that’s great if we gotta um Trident we’ll not go too far with this but I think this is probably gonna lead back into the spawn proof area or maybe not this is still very big so I’m

Gonna have to explore the rest of this later um there’s really it’s kind of funny it’s like a door to the skulk it’s like to open it up it’s like oh there’s this book and now we’re stuck on this side and there’s also a skeleton so we’re

Gonna break that and if we didn’t pick it up which we did and it’s down there I will just um block this up because I don’t really care so uh we’re gonna do is we’ll go through this store we’ll go back to where we were but still very interesting to sort of see

Um this additional unexplored part of the Fortress um that yeah still has a lot of interesting things here these chests have some items in them that none of them are really useful um so you can sort of just see the still massive size of this Fortress that we

Have not done that so we’ll go back to the portal and that was a bat drop apparently there was two bats stuck in there uh actually now that I think about it what day is it it is the 21st and I don’t think this has happened yet

Um but what’s really interesting is that there has been there’s this thing that happens in Minecraft every year around Halloween where basically for a few days um before Halloween there’s actually more uh more bats let’s summon into the game and so because of that um we can sort of

See more of those around I’m not sure if that’s why we’re seeing more here but might not be in speaking of the lava bucket I just picked up we have a super chat and it says make a bucket and use lava for the light well it’s definitely

Kind of a risky and very temporary light source but there we go we do have a technical sort of very dangerous light source there so we’ll go through here funny enough actually one of my uh not I don’t think it was the first but one of my first deaths in Minecraft

Um remember losing a lot of items was uh getting burnt hit by a lava bucket by placing it at my feet by accident and there is a skeleton and we can actually do a lava kill on this skeleton that’s always a fun technique sort of um a little lava kill Strat there if

You’re trying to kill those we’re gonna go through this iron door I believe this is actually the way out even though it doesn’t look like it um very dark here but let’s go this way and through this door and here we are back to the explored stronghold now I

Kind of doubt that there’s another Library room and that’s basically all a value we could find there but still um interesting to see what’s here so what we’re going to do is we’re going to go back to that stronghold uh portal first the end portal the end Gateway

Sort of it’s not action and Gateway of course the end gateways or those portals that you find elsewhere um but here it is it’s the stronghold portal so we’re going to do is we’re going to see how many of These Eyes of Ender we need that looks like uh six

Seven eight nine so we need nine of the ISA vendor of course because there are 12 you normally need but three have already been filled so we now need nine we’re gonna Place those down in there there’s now nine ice vendor and so give it 29 extra Eyes of Ender which may

Seem like a uh a waste but it’s actually not a waste because uh what you can do with those is we can make a lot of ender chests so what I’m gonna do just because why not it’ll be sort of an experiment is we’re going to make a portal uh out

Of uh obsidian of course to go back to the Nether and we’re going to see what we can do from there see if we can sort of make it back easier and quicker as we’re so far away so we have iron we’re gonna need grapple and we need a water

Bucket so we’re gonna have to unfortunately not use this lava bucket for now we’ll probably put that in the ground ah just for now then we’re gonna have to find some water so there are some caves around here there’s uh there is actually a fountain I think but I don’t think the fountain

Has water in it I think it just has some torches on it but if there’s a water source around here I I have a very faint memory of there being a water source that tends to generate in the stronghold I forget where it is or why but I do

Remember there’s something about that so we’ll take a look for that um there should also be some caves that this opens up into and basically every cave is eventually going to open up into an area that has water let’s take a look now we’re going to try

And find this and of course we are going to need the water this structure I believe is actually called a well I might believe so but there’s no uh water there so we have that and let’s take a look for where the water is going to be

Um again sort of one of these things where um water is not a difficult item to get in Minecraft but if you don’t have a certain item no matter how hard or easy it is to get that item suddenly becomes really valuable and I think it’s sort of

Um very similar to how it works with a lot of things is that you don’t really care about them until you don’t have them you know same with this water so ah this is actually how I mined into here that’s the interesting I found the entrance again so technically

I could maybe find the way back there might be water that generated in the ancient city actually although it seems really risky there is though my water down there I don’t think I should grab it but I think what I could do this is kind of a very risky way of finding

Water but we may as well be risky is we’re going to land in our water down there we’re going to hold space we don’t go too low this is an ancient city and we’re going to look for water now there’s like a 99 chance there’s water here somewhere close

So I wish I didn’t even a singular torch but I do not so sort of look at the light part of the structure so people can see anything it’s a very large ancient city as well but I guess they’re all kind of large um see if there’s any water pools water

Sources sometimes you’ll find those randomly it’s not super common this low but it definitely can happen I’ve often found sometimes you’ll also see water from the roof that kind of goes down with the only water from the roof is our water there so I guess we’ll probably

Have to do is always have to grab our own water source here and make our way out but that’s not a big issue of course and you know we did bring water with us when we’re caving that’s actually something really important to do is to bring water with you when you’re caving

Because it’s sort of like the only really good way of uh stopping yourself from buying a lava of course and all those things and so it looks like oh we gotten stuck in the water loop thing it’s always important when placing down water you don’t get sort of stuck in an

Air pocket like we are right here for instance or we have to sort of wait for a while to get back into the water there but this sort of interesting method of going upward words in Minecraft is using a water bucket to slowly go upwards usually the more times you place it the

Better it works there but there’s our water bucket we can head back here um to where the stronghold portal is which I believe is on the side that has the chest so that’s over here and uh it goes this way actually maybe it does not go this way

It’s around here I guess there’s three tunnels so there’s this one where it’s not and I think we just it might be upwards a little bit there so it could be that 10 August we’ll place our water again and make our way up of course eventually things like bubble elevators would be

The quickest and there’s our way upwards there is that chest so we’re going to get our obsidian and we’re gonna do that and we’ll go through here and someone said that I’m not prepped for the end obviously um I think I could probably actually very easily kill the Ender Dragon with

The items I have on me um but I’d prefer to sort of do it optimally so I can show people the optimal method and also I think it should be a special streamer we defeat the Ender Dragon because even though defeating the Ender Dragon um it’s not easy but it’s they’re

Certainly not super difficult I think it’s important to sort of show uh that is definitely a very special part of the game and of course actually winning the game is a massive deal right I mean Minecraft’s a game where once you’ve won it you know

There’s still a lot more to it but I feel like a live ender dragon fight would be good especially with the stakes up quite a bit in case I do die but thankfully it’s not in hardcore so I guess if I die to just um get my items

Back although it wouldn’t be the best I’m fairly certain I could do it for pretty easily without um dying just a lot of things like sort of let’s say dying in Minecraft I would say about half of deaths are because you know the player did something wrong maybe they sort of

Um did a bad choice that just LED them to their death but oftentimes what it is is it’s sort of just random chance like let’s say the Ender Dragon happened to flung you way too high in the air or you know maybe your water bucket wasn’t on your

Hot bar or something like that where I mean technically I guess that would be you know the person’s fault but there is thought and interesting actually I’ve heard some people say that they think that um you cannot um have this portal working unless the lava is there that’s of course not true

At all um but I have heard people say that before so just in case you have or one of those people that think that um you do not in any way need this lava here in fact all you need is that portal frame itself the entire structure is not

Necessary so through to mind the obsidian here of course we need 10 and we’ll try and find that and we’ll go through and there’s a silverfish so we’ll get rid of that but we’re gonna find our way back and of course also I think that now we have a

Big goal to go behind so defeating the Ender Dragon um I think that it shouldn’t be too hard to uh get the diamond armor needed and also scaffolding is really important um earlier on the stream someone was saying uh tips to fight the Ender dragon and a big one really is uh getting

Yourself the uh scaffolding because you know scaffolding is a massively versatile item very overpowered item and having that really really does improve your chances of survival when fighting the Ender Dragon someone said it’d be cool if the warden fell off the edge of the Void since it’s

Blind it would be kind of interesting if it did that you know like maybe the ultimate weakness of the warden would be that you know it’ll fall off cliffs like it’ll have nothing in its AI that tells it not to fall off of a cliff I think that could be super super interesting

And so you know something like that um definitely would be a nice mechanic and add some realism to it because obviously you can’t sniff out that you’re at the edge of a cliff I mean I guess maybe if there’s like a air draft or something but you know generally so

Do that and someone says wonder if he uses another roof travel oh and there’s a silverfish um or or if I Traverse the dangerous areas um well usually I will Traverse dangerous areas um because I just think that it’s sort of more um what uh the game is kind of meant to

Be but I definitely do sometimes I have another roof travel as well just depending on sort of what my plan for the nether transportation in that particular world is but it does generally tend to be another Transportation that’s in the standard part of the world and I actually have a

Video All About nether Transportation a little bit of an older video but still lots of great info there you can sort of see I break down the pros and cons of all those different things someone says how or is everyone doing today they’ve never caught one of icraft

Streams before I’m really glad that you’re able to catch one of my streams and uh I’m gonna try and sort of do them at different times so everyone can can participate now we need gravel I know that we have some in that chest at least

I’ve 95 sure we have some in that chest that is very near to the uh sort of entrance there so you could try and find that we could also potentially just look around some caves gravel is a very common thing and thankfully you can find gravel when you’re low down we’re not

That low down we’re low down enough that you know not finding gravel is not necessarily unlikely now we have a super chat and the Super Chat says can you make videos reacting to and or breaking down uh game theory is Minecraft lore videos well I’m not sure if I would make a

Video like that just because it’s not necessarily my current content format um but definitely I would say that a video talking about sort of what other people’s perceptions around the game are might be a good idea as so for instance I remember in one of the Game Theory videos about Minecraft it actually

Showed the wrong recipe for crafting a um a uh End Rod and so because of that you know I think there’s a lot of things where um obviously like you know game theory is a great Channel there’s lots of good stuff on there but because they’re covering so many different games it can

Be a bit more difficult to be fully accurate with something that they just don’t have you know their entire Channel focused on but I’m not sure it is interesting idea for sure I mean there’s definitely a lot of um interesting ideas around Minecraft’s lore and I think that the lore of

Minecraft is something that is sort of intentionally very very mysterious so because we’re in this open cave we’re just gonna look for gravel I think that’s probably the best idea because it’s just so uh open here the chance of gravel is very very common and very high

And there is to travel as we speak of it so we’re gonna break this I wish we had a fortune pickaxe of some sort or a fortune tool as of course with Fortune the chance of getting that Flint is absolute and good thing I heard that creeper sound where

We would be dead and that’s something really important to do is here I’ll get it with a shield but um just to be very careful for little sounds like that actually earlier on in the Stream we had a similar thing happen where there was a uh Blaze and it was

Shooting at us and because we didn’t hear it or I did hear it but I didn’t sort of react in time I fell off the edge there so I didn’t get hurt but you know it could have been bad if there was lava beneath me so it was important to

Be aware of sort of every indication Minecraft gives you of let’s say danger for example always important to do that let’s go through here and we’ll uh take a look at uh the exit again I think the exits this way somewhat but these things do tend to be a little bit

Um maze-like or a lot but maze like for sure I think it’s this way that’s outwards I’m not sure if I keep getting lost in this underground part because there’s no sort of um clearly marked exit and you know that’s always a big thing that people

Forget a lot in Minecraft is to make sure they don’t get lost you know a lot of people think oh I won’t get lost but you know Minecraft is a very complicated game and because things often look similar um it can be really easily uh sort of

Able to get lost in different areas so you know for instance here this tunnel here looks like a lot of other tunnels like it and so it’s always important to sort of have a good idea of where you are and what you’re doing and of course

You can do that with coordinates you can do that with marking things up physically which is probably the best way and some other methods as well so I think this leads us back to where we were but again I’m not sure it does not so we’ll keep going through here

And someone says minimap is a life changer the mini map mod or Plug-In or whatever is definitely I guess to be a data pack probably but either way I need to show you how much I’ve used the mini map mod not much but I have seen it and

The um the minimap mod is definitely very useful for things like that I think you know um something I’ve been playing through actually it’s not Minecraft but it’s um uh Mario 64 on the DS and something they had on that is like do you have a mini map on there and you

Didn’t on the old version on like the 64 one and so because you can sort of see what’s around you it makes everything a lot easier so I definitely get what you mean by like having these mini maps and things they definitely do improve stuff and for me personally I think really

Well sort of through maps and through those representations and so because of that I often um find that making maps in my world is when I can really start going is that I have a great idea of what’s around there and we can go through here and something

I’d love to hear everyone’s opinions are is what do you think of the brand new Minecraft skins Mojang has of course released brand new Minecraft skins I believe it was just yesterday um they announced them before but it was just released yesterday and they have all these different things I believe the

Names were also just announced yesterday basically by just kind of showing us what the names were um sort of random names but I guess it makes sense because you know I think the idea would be is they don’t really want a name that that most people have so

That you know people don’t sort of confuse the Minecraft characters with someone they’re playing with although obviously names like Alex and Steve those are very common but the names they’ve picked now all seem to be you know fairly um unconventional names which I think is actually really smart

Because not only is it sort of interesting right you have these characters with these super interesting names but as well as that we also have that aspect of not uh sort of getting people as confused so there’s that someone says they don’t understand why they added it exactly

Um because you can make your own I’m not sure exactly why either I think the reason is that there’s actually a lot of players I’m not sure how many but maybe like 25 30 percent something like that that um never make custom skins and so by allowing them to pick from these other

Skins it sort of just says you know whatever version you’re on if you’re not someone who makes custom skins um or you know uploads them obviously it’s uploading a custom skin is very easy but a lot of people don’t do that um then you can have you know different

Characters but something that one person was saying and I think it’s very true is that the new skins are in no sense sort of fitting with Minecraft’s medieval um sort of in Minecraft’s Medieval theme that would mean to be fair you know not like Alex and Steve really look medieval

Steve did or Alex still a little bit sort of with like the the shirt and all that like sort of the way it looked that could have been medieval but you know there’s like overalls and blue jeans and all these sort of things that really are not

Um medieval at all with these skins but you know I’d say outside of that um they’re pretty cool and it definitely has you know it’s cool people don’t have their own skin they can kind of use those so what I’m gonna do here is if

You look at my uh actually I cleared the chat um but what I’m going to do is I’m gonna find that screenshot and here’s the reason why so I’m I also while I’m doing that um be sure to follow me on my social media so I’ve on Twitter icraft underscoremc

There I know I kind of do this a lot through the streams but it’s a big reason because it really does help out my social medias quite a bit and um the great thing about following me on Twitter is that then if I do something

You’ll be the first to know and uh and as well as that of course then you can be notified of different things that are going on and of course as well as that make sure to follow join the Discord server link should be in the description

And also in the chat and so we’ll have that as well and we’ll go back to Minecraft here there’s nothing really going on so we have the what I’m going to do here is basically I took a screenshot if everyone remembers I’m not sure if everyone was watching at that point

Probably most people weren’t but more or less I took a screenshot at my base when I left it so what we’re going to do is we’re going to do portal math to find out where my portal should be so stick ourselves out of this Soul Sand sort of cave here

Not really cave but sort of thing we built and uh we’re gonna do that math so the coordinates of my base are 560 and then 880 and so in terms of that 880 that’s really easy because more or less you want to divide everything by

Eight and so that means we want to go to 110 in another um just want to kill this Gust in another the thing is with that 564 64 would equal eight and then the 500 would be um half of that would be 50 so probably like maybe 60

Um something like that so we want to go to like 65 70 something like that so we want to start with like let’s say 65 and then we could have the Z be 110 so 65 110 so we can sort of see um the coordinates there so we want to

Go this way we should definitely mark this out actually that would be very smart the question is what should we mark it out with we don’t have a lot of options here really so I think I guess we’re gonna have to go over to that wall

Might add a little bit of another back then we can go in here’s this stupid ghastic I hope we can actually hit it this time but we cannot we’re gonna see what we can do here though so we can actually hit it and oh that was

So close I feel like I actually should have hit it I feel like it kind of went right through but uh we’re actually getting fairly hurt here so let’s uh eat some steaks before we have a major major maker issue on our hands because it will be uh incredibly stuck here in the

Nether if we die I’m getting our items back could be quite difficult in this scenario so what I’m gonna do is we’re gonna go back to this uh nether rack over here it’s sort of easier to get one let’s see if we can get a another song

Maybe now it’s like another song that’s play when we’re in the Overworld in the Overworld songs play them in another I think this one’s another one but anyway we’re going to mine the netherruck here and more or less with that we’ll mark out our pathway back so we don’t get lost

And we’ll go through here and someone says um how many guests will I have to kill to respawn the Ender Dragon um that’s actually a really really good um question so to respawn the Ender Dragon you need four of the end crystals um and to get the end crystals

Um you need to have one gas tier so it depends on the gas tier drop rate um generally you’ll probably get about one I mean if you have looting three which is kind of hard to kill a ghast with without elytra you’ll get a lot

More but more or less how many of our guests you’ll get four gas tiers from um so I’d say on average maybe like two to six something like that depending what you have uh we have a super chat though and it says what is your favorite Minecraft

Soundtrack and why or song and why we like that question um one of my favorite Minecraft songs there’s a cool story behind it I’ve told this story before on stream a little while ago and it is it’s it’s not it’s one of the ocean songs it’s not the one we’re

Listening to right now it’s one of the other ones and in fact I’ll try and pull it up here in a second um but more or less um I really do like the music discs like weight sort of all those ones um but also I also enjoy um

So I’m just gonna find the song there we go there it is anyway um I really do enjoy the music discs because I think that dirt like an actual song or they’re not just a background music and so I think there’s sort of some benefit to that

Um yeah in terms of my favorite song it maybe is one of the creative mode songs I really like those ones um but I’ll show you the song that I have the story about so it’s this one right here I’ll play that and I’ll get

To hear it somewhat uh and as I sort of tell you this story we’re gonna make our way back so basically what we’re going to do is we’re going to sort of go this way so this the story is is that a long time ago this is actually

True this happens it’s so weird as this happened be careful here we get shot off into the lava of a good way of stopping that same go lower but anyway um about 30 minutes before I woke up and you know sometimes um you know I’ll wake up right before I

Actually wake up I’ll sort of wake up for a minute and then I’ll get back to sleep or whatever anyway 40 minutes before I woke up um you know I I kind of woke up a little bit I went back to sleep and when I did

In my dream no joke I actually heard this exact song and here’s what’s crazy at that point I think I’d heard this song like maybe two or three times it’s like I had not been familiar with it at all I remember hearing like once a long

Time ago and I hadn’t heard it for a long time and like if you had told me you know how does this song go you know like before I had that dream I would not have been able to tell you like really coherently like exactly what it sounded

Like but for whatever bizarre reason I have no idea why my brain just remembered that song and decided to play through that intro sound you know that sort of uh wispy maybe flute sound and so it’s really interesting because yeah I just kind of had that happen and um

It’s always why I remember this song is because I’ve never ever heard uh a Minecraft song In My Dreams before until that time I don’t think I ever have since so just sort of interesting story but yeah um in terms of the other coordinate we’re going to go this way again I’m not

Exactly sure if this is going to match up perfectly or not but we’ll find out I think we have to go higher up either way and it looks like James McKay hopefully I’m saying that right James McKay has become a member of the I Squad which is of course joining my

Channel and if you personally viewer watching right now or person watching in the replay even I want to become a member of my channel there’s a join button right next to my subscribe button and if you do that then what you can actually do is you can have

Access to these amazing emotes as well as access to these emotes you can also have this badge right next to everything you see just like you can see that James McKay person does now they have that awesome badge and for the longer you’re subscribed to it it’s a very small fee I

Think it’s two or three dollars a month I forget which but one of those um then you can have access to all of that and also supports the channel and as well as that I sometimes have special Community posts all do so for instance I’ll sort of talk about different things

Ask a question specifically to the members where only you can see that so you can sort of communicate with me more one-on-one if you want to do that so we’ll go around here I think this way it’s going to lead us back I’m fairly certain we’re going to find our portal

Just up here uh very frequently so we’ll find out we’re gonna go up this way and we’re gonna try and find that and uh I’m pretty sure we’re really close this feels very familiar and it is because there’s those slabs from our portal lists we’re almost back that’s so

Awesome I probably should have brought a lot of the loot from the stronghold back but that’s okay and we have a super chat as well and it says your videos have gotten me back into Minecraft and your calm Vibe is great keep up the great content well I’m really glad you like that

Um I definitely I try to do my best to make my videos interesting entertaining and of course something that you can learn a lot about Minecraft from so I’m really I’m super glad more than that might sound that um you don’t make videos have helped so many people get back into the game

Because you know at the end of the day that’s really one of the main reasons why I do this is because I just want to make as many people be interested as Minecraft as possible because I know how cool the game is and I want sort of

Everyone to be able to sort of have that experience so look it’s always night time we go to that stupid lower portal it’s funny um we might try doing actually is if I break the portal here it might work a little bit better I might not link here again so we’re going

To try that one I wish we had some torches with us we do not have torches with us so we’re going to go over here and we’re going to break this someone says netherite armor when well another right armor is definitely on the list of things to do and we’ll try and

Do that as soon as possible but at this exact point um we did not actually have even really diamond armor so first things first of course but once we have that was very loud once we have diamond armor um then we can of course get another right armor because that is a great

Upgrade I do not think I’ll go to for another right before I defeat the dragon just because it’s really not necessary at all netherrates um really an upgrade in the sense that you don’t really need it but obviously it’s quite a useful addition to have especially since for

Things like let’s say raiding a Bastion which in some senses can be much more difficult than fighting the Ender Dragon having that the right armor can help us if we fall on lava we’re not going to die quite as instantly but let’s find our way back up here again unfortunately

We still have to sort of find our way back up here every time but maybe we can relink that portal successfully let’s do this and someone says I wonder when I’ll finally decide to do something other than play in my first world I started the game in the summer uh and this is

One of the first YouTube channels I found to help me well that’s super awesome um if you’re looking for anyone here actually looking for sort of different things to do in Minecraft different worlds to play on um it’s down right now for maintenance but it should be up like very soon

Within like a day or two um I have a Minecraft server play Dot icraftmc.com and we have a multiplayer SMP on there that we have really um heavily moderated to make sure there’s no issues with people stealing things or griefing things if they do we can fix

That on there for you and yeah it’s basically a really cool multiplayer community that everyone sort of helps each other there we have um sort of like these free free armor and items for people if they want that people affirmed from villagers or you can sort of go out to the Wilderness

And make your own way uh so if anyone’s interested in playing Survival Minecraft um with a bunch of other people that enjoy my content and sometimes I’m even on there and then feel free to check that out and you can get even more info on my Discord server but either way

Um we need to find our way up here without sort of getting powder snowed so I wish we had some leather boots but we do not so we’re gonna have to sort of dig away upwards here someone says is the missed link portal on a chunk board or maybe

Um no so I think the reason why it’s mislinked is because of the height variation so basically the two portals are actually really close to each other in terms of their height like for in terms of their x and z so like the north east south west kind of thing but not

Like higher or lower and so because of that um I think what it is is that the game is sort of just trying to push like place the portal where it makes sense in terms of a y value and that’s why I keep scrolling down there because um they’re actually really really close

To each other in terms of the X and the Z there someone says powder snow is the bane of their existence well here are two good things to know about powdered snow the first one is that water will instantly destroy powdered snow in fact I can show

That right now I’ll show it really quick though I don’t want to destroy all of it but if you look here here’s powdered snow that’s placed on the water bucket Watch What Happens the water instantly just deletes that powdered snow just as if it was never there gone the end so

It’s very very overpowered for that you can see we just cleared out a ton of powdered snow and look we’re in it right now place down water all the powdered snow is gone so that’s a really great tip to know if you have a water bucket

With you if you do not have a water bucket with you leather boots make it so you can actually not only survive in powdered snow but thrive in it and you can go down in it you can sort of move through it as if it’s like scaffolding basically that’s very useful for sure

And one other thing that you can also do is any piece of leather armor will very least stop you from freezing in it actively someone says what variant of mountains do you live on well I live on this one right here so it’s the Frozen Peaks but there’s every type around which is

Really exciting so we have the jagged Peaks which is right there and we have the Stony Peak so this is kind of where we went so there’s one there and there’s one there that’s sort of more so in the direction of where the stronghold is as

I just realized we sold this random hole in the wall we do not have a door to this Castle so we should probably do that we should uh find a place for that and put it in I guess for now we can make a little side exit here our side entrance but

It’s a bit silly to have a castle and no entrance to that so let’s come up with a appropriate colored door maybe a dark oak door they come with a castle castle door you know what I would love to see in Minecraft is Stone doors so you know

In actual castles in real life sometimes not often but sometimes doors would be made out of sort of like a stone mixture maybe with some wood and I think that’d be interesting if there was a recipe for like you know Blackstone doors and there could be deep

Plate doors and stone doors and maybe even nether actors and things like this Jim not because they’d really add any new features but just because it’d be sort of a cool addition like the castle here where it’s like massive castle and we have like these sort of mansion

Looking doors where they still really fit so I would definitely be cool to do that um we could even put some doors here but I don’t think I will just so we can have easy access for now um and someone said a port cooler skate yeah perkulouses are pretty cool you can

Actually make those um with slime blocks they’re really difficult to do but um been on a world before when someone did that so they basically took you know um I believe it’s with gravel so gravel sort of pushes the blocks up and the gravel falls down but yeah there are

Some really interesting ways of making very large doors inside of Minecraft with sticky pistons but just for your sort of your standard small door type um there’s still a big use for let’s say having you know some different door variants would be quite cool um but anyway let’s take a look here

Someone says imagine if the whole Mountain goes down after I drop that bucket of water by accident definitely it is kind of funny to imagine how much of that can get destroyed by just a bucket of water that’s sort of how Minecraft Works here’s something funny

Actually where did my water go it’s sort of gone you can’t really tell it’s there in fact there’s no way of telling it’s there but mysteriously if I can find it myself sort of a mystery for me I will suddenly have water in this bucket when

I find the block that I put it on so you can sort of hold right click and try and locate that but um yeah you can sort of hide things from yourself but there we go so we picked that up and now we have this bucket of

Water and we do have here is we have a couple diamonds and we have sort of a bunch of levels so you know there’s a lot of things we could get I think that a better pickaxe would be really good we could technically go like pickaxe shovel or we could get some

Diamond boots um what I’m going to do actually it’s also often a really good thing to do if you’re sort of wondering where you should spend your diamonds what you should do is look at the enchantments that are possible for that same type of armor so for instance what we can do is

We can let’s say make some iron boots because you know we’ll probably need those in the future at some point anyway and then once we have these iron boots and now that I think about it I should actually get this iron smell thing right here although we don’t have uh the fortune

Doesn’t really matter and we’re gonna grab all that a little bit of coal and we’ll get that smelting as we do our other things because we don’t want to run out of that we actually have a lot of cool so we’re good there um but now that we have these iron boots

So we can see what the enchantment will be so it’s depth Strider three that’s obviously not amazing but let’s say that if it was right there it said something like you know um you know feather falling four which is a very useful enchantment one of the

Best in the game uh that would be something that would 100 spend all four diamonds on because feather falling four is just so important for let’s say fighting the Ender Dragon put our boots back though in some of our building blocks back as well I guess

Another blocks will go in here that we sort of collected over time not sure we have the random Diamond overstorm Runner inventory must have forgot to put it back a while ago but basically we now need to do is need to figure out what else we need sort of upgrade ourselves

So I’m just gonna put these away as we sort of figure this out so basically we’re gonna need scaffolding so we need to kill some spiders we’re going to need some uh of course diamond armor you already have a diamond sword with sharpness Force that’s pretty good A

Really important thing actually is a bow and sort of the items that um are make up a bow so that’s really important thing to do let’s take a look around for sort of bow type items and we can see if we have that also how many arrows do we have so

It looks like we have we have a crossbow we have a normal bow um something like a power four bow isn’t incredibly overpowered obviously it’s called Power four so it should be overpowered but um we’ll do is we’ll take a look at the table what that bow would give us in the

Enchanting table um if it is power four we could make a better bow maybe it is power three so that’s obviously not amazing I have noticed certain enchantments like for instance sharpness and power tend to be at level three more than they would be than you know um let’s say efficiency efficiency is

Always efficiency for if it’s an enchantment tape at level 30 it’s just kind of a funny way of how those things work but there’s Those Eyes of Ender and I guess we’ll just put these back for now but more or less it’ll be something

Good to get as the bow uh we could even do is we could sort of make like a chest and it could be like our end supplies chest that’s always a great idea and also because I you know sometimes grab animals in this world and never name

Them uh we’ll go through this so we do have these names here Loki Bob Helena and Jerry and those are the names of our axolotls out here not axolotls ever a lays out here these would be very unhealthy axolotls if that’s what they look like but anyway these are the delays that are

Unfortunately trapped in boats for now because they were flying into The Nether and almost dying but we will use them for some things at some point soon I mean technically you could even probably use them in uh which are really good use for that would be if you’re harvesting

The chorus fruit to break the chorus fruit and then have those Lays pick up the the chorus fruit on the ground for you um but either way more or less we have those and we also of course have our parrot here which is Granny Smith and so it’s kind of cool to have

Um animals and things like that in the Minecraft world definitely adds a lot to them so we need more string we can get all the items for the end journey in the chest we just put down here so I guess I’ll just grab those right back over the chests

Um more or less we’ll need that some other things as well is kind of having the ability to not um die so obviously what’s going to be really important is to make sure to have things like a water bucket might seem really basic and it kind of is but it’s

Really important to know is that you know not only are water buckets good for obviously saving your life in the end but also for actually like stopping Enderman so like the best defense for we’re not dying from Enderman basically the trick is that you want to put down a

Water bucket and they’re going to kind of stay away because Enderman will not enter water because they’ll get hurt as if it’s like sort of like lava for them basically but anyway uh but in terms of like the main thing we need is basically just diamonds uh I think that because of that

Um we should see what the enchantment right now is for the pickaxe because if it is um if it is fortune 3 we absolutely need to spend our diamonds on a new pickaxe because that is so important for getting what we need it is efficiency for and

The problem with efficiency four is we have no idea what it’s going to get but I think at this stage we probably should just risk it because we’re going to need another pickaxe anyway because all we have is silk touch and this one’s almost broken so let’s risk it let’s make a diamond

Pickaxe we’re gonna have to do a bunch of Mining and maybe the next episode will be about sort of preparing for for defeating the Ender Dragon um let’s get ourselves this pickaxe and of course what’s really cool is a lot of people have been mentioning how we

Haven’t gotten like a massive amount of progress done throughout the series although of course you know this is only part five but a lot of that I think will change we get ourselves the materials from the uh and dimension of course and I think from that point on it should be

A lot easier and now we do actually have some lapis ore in here we’re gonna have to mine that um because we’re running really low on lapis already the great thing about lapis is that no matter what you’re gonna get a lot of it um so not always

Like a massive amount but I think on Fortune three a single piece of lapis can give you 36 so it’s definitely a very powerful that way it’s efficiency for we’ll see what we get with this I hope I actually think and I kind of did a prediction before

But I’m fairly certain this is only going to be efficiency for but let’s find out and it is only efficiency four and again just sort of because the way these things work randomly it’s like that now this one’s on breaking three I think just because again based on how

These usually work that is going to be um something that’s going to give us a fortune as well but let’s find out could also be silk touch could be nothing and look at that fortune three there we go so that’s actually very rare and the reason why is that usually what we have

There is we’d also have an efficiency four so generally what happens when you have an additional enchantment is that additional enchantment is efficiency four and then sometimes there’s Fortune three but there you go I am sort of uh predicted there was Fortune there and you know it’s not always the

Hardest thing to do that just based on the fact there’s not actually a lot of enchantments that the pickaxe can have from the enchanting table in fact I think just four and so because of that um you get the uh the pickaxe here but anyway we had now the fortune pickaxe

That’s actually a really big deal she could not underplay that at all because this Fortune pickaxe is what’s going to enable us to actually mine efficiently we’re also going to need um quite a few pickaxes um just of mine in general it’s always funny because I mean to be fair

Minecraft is called Minecraft but you need so many pickaxes and sort of breaking material through the game I was making a turret of like what items a player needs as they play through Minecraft and like one of the biggest ones is just materials to sort of break

Things and mine things with but anyway the point of us building this massive sort of strip mine that we’ve been dealing with before uh is to get diamonds is to make a strip mine that’ll lead us to Diamonds and so what we can actually do for the rest of this stream

Uh as we can see if we get lucky on some quick diamonds I think that there’s a very high chance of that um I don’t know how high of a chance we’re gonna find out when we start mining around so let’s throw these items we don’t need In Here Also almost out of

Food so I think we’re gonna start by cooking these potatoes in here as we do that we may as well check on our crops up here um as we’ve been having these crops right over here that have been sort of growing the entire time now we don’t

Really need to harvest these um at every point just because we don’t need them but we can see over here that a lot of these are grown and here’s actually something interesting let me sort of change the topic for a second here is that there is a one horned goat so when

Horned goats can mean it one of two different things the first thing is that the goats actually lost their horn it’s on the ground somewhere and maybe a despawned but the second thing is that they can also just spawn into the world that way so potentially this sort of funny looking one-horned goat

Um is like that because uh it’s natural or it could also be like that because of a fight looks like it jumped up to sort of complain that I uh was a little bit rude to it there it sounds like it’s a little bit annoyed about that very funny

But anyway we’ll go back up here there’s another one horn goat I see actually so turn on hitboxes and see if we get lucky and if there’s like a random goat horn on the ground it’s uh incredibly unlikely but it would be something interesting to take a look at if there is that

Um I don’t think so but there is another one horned goat here so it seems like they have been losing their goat horns so it’s something to look into maybe he has to make sort of a uh a goat horned farm and actually a long time ago not

That long ago but around the release of 1.19 I made a video on how to farm goats how to get their goat horns and um yeah it’s still up on my channel it didn’t do very well but if you ever want to know sort of more information about how to get

Yourself that I do have an entire goat horn farm tutorial in that video uh sort of an interesting design of goat horn firm 2 where like these Pistons push up blocks and stuff and so if you’re interested in that and sort of getting goats definitely you could check out

That video and I may even build that exact firm design on this world just then of course we’ll have the sort of ability to um have those quote horns because they’re quite a fun item especially fun in multiplayer actually because the sound of the goat horn reaches a massive

Amount of blocks so that goat horn sound I believe can be heard about 200 blocks away maybe even a couple more and so because of that it’s really just a cool um item especially for multiplayer but let’s put these sort of armed crops away we now have actually a decent amount of

The bamboo we also know the Eyes of Ender but I’m not sure really where those will go maybe with the sort of special materials I guess makes sense and we’ll put the rest of that iron away um I can’t think of too much else we’ll

Need I guess actually I can think of a big thing we need we don’t have as torches so let’s make 24 coal worth of torches and a good thing about torches and where we are is that you know something I’ve heard people complain about a lot and for good reason is that

It’s often very difficult to find coal in Minecraft 1.18 and onwards but because we’re in this massive sort of Stony mountains um there is a massive amount of coal here because it’s all sort of exposed and so because that’s not too much of an issue but 15 baked potatoes should be

Fine there’s actually not that’s actually not a lot of torches so maybe it will craft up to 16 here and speaking of one point uh eight eight one point eight let’s say 1.8 but 1.18 um we actually have one of the amazing 1.8 song or one is it 1.8 again one of

The interesting 1.18 songs playing and it’s sort of cool how much you know 1.17 1.18 really changed the game for the better but anyway I think we have everything we need so I’m going to go down here actually someone said that they think this place is really beautiful should I

Try shaders on it um I actually think I can enable those for a second here because I have uh I have um sodium on I think I can do cylinders vibrant or I think so let’s take a look or disabled enabled there we go let’s take a look see if we

Can do that look there we go there’s um there’s shaders so I won’t do them in the strip mine because you know it’s kind of impossible to see what’s going on but yeah if people want to see this beautiful mountain area with shaders then let’s do it so that might take a

While to render in but there we go it’s very bright um death is definitely not my favorite Shader pack I think there’s some better ones out there but I haven’t done too much work with shaders these are just some random ones I had from a very long

Time ago but you can sort of see the entire area here definitely makes those trees look just a little bit too bright so I think it’s because of the Shadow distance thing actually so if I change this to maybe high and then I go to the um

Oh I see it’s like a fog thing it does okay that’s interesting yeah I think if I change this to uh Shadow distance to here this is really laggy so I might get like very small frames here we’ll we’ll uh go through it basically um yeah this

This should be probably the best like we could get because you can sort of see in the background of the Shadows sort of slowly rendering in further but this is this area with shaders we can sort of see the Sun there um I know there’s a really cool Shader pack called

Complementary shaders that people have been talking about quite a bit and I might have to look into using that for this but everyone wondering here’s sort of the uh this beautiful there’s like a really nice view there you can sort of checker area of this very nice and um even that

Like that sort of the Shadow there of that mountain Ravine uh very beautiful looking but anyway there is your wish granted there is the shaders but you’ll see why I don’t usually use shaders and that’s the fact that not only is it very dark in most areas like here but also

When we go underground you’ll quickly see uh that actually looks really cool wow these women are going down like that with all the Torches but you’ll see here in a second um why we don’t which is of course down underground that okay that looks very

Cool to be fair but it’s also very low visibility like that actually looks like really spooky like perfect for Halloween really like all these lights like like actual sort of torches so that is really cool to be fair but um still it’s it’s not the uh the best

Obviously because in terms of visibility we just don’t have that as much but still quite a cool Shader pack I believe this goes down a little bit lower to actual strip mining level it’s only like right here it doesn’t look the shaders are on like we can’t really tell that

They’re on right now um but then of course when we look around we can sort of see that more so we’ll turn that off but it is kind of cool to have those on If people really like the shaders I can probably have them on more often

Um I don’t know I just oftentimes want to make sure there’s enough frame rates and stuff for things like that we’re actually gonna use the iron pickaxe for now just to use it up and of course go through here I’m going to go through and sort of try

And find diamonds someone says please keep the shaders um what I’ll look into is I’ll look into some different Shader packs there are ones that sort of you don’t have that lost visibility indoors I want to look into a lot as complementary shaders and yeah once I’ve done some of that then I

Will potentially look into having those on for more things I know for the tutorials themselves they shouldn’t have the shaders just because um a tutorial is sort of meant to be all based on like learning things so if things are a little bit hard to see it’s

Not the best yeah people want it I could have the shaders on for more of the streams for sure you even have very appropriately uh Sweden playing in the background which is of course one of the best Minecraft songs there is so we’ll go through here and let me just actually

Change that shadow distance thing down so we can have a bit better of a frame rate here and sort of render that through my computer is good I want to make sure that I don’t um after you know 30 FPS or something for everyone but here’s some

Redstone the great news is that because we have that sort of Fortune 3 pickaxe ideally we should be able to get like enough diamonds for all of our armor out of like maybe two good clusters of diamonds and with diamonds having such a chance for generating in such large amounts

It’s actually not sort of impossible to think that we might find a diamond ore with like sort of 12 pieces of it you know sort of 12 uh 12 to 12 blocks in that vein basically And someone says BSL shaders are very good I don’t know about underground visibility though yeah I’ll definitely look into some different options there I know that um there’s also different shaders for Minecraft there’s even uh for Bedrock Edition there’s the special RTX shaders and that’s not possible for Java Edition but

Um might be an interesting video is trying out the RTX shaders on Bedrock Edition because I do have an RTX card so um I don’t know it’s sort of funny too because I used to think with those sort of RTX Shader things on Bedrock because everyone talked about them you know I

Think even moojing had a bunch of videos on them um that they were something that were actually like sort of vanilla like you just flick a setting and it’d be there I think you actually have to like download a um like a uh RTX shaders thing from

The marketplace to get it to work so it’s not quite um fully in the game but it is something where it has that ability to use those someone says do I intend to choose the Wither by the end gate or fight it for unsquare uh probably fairly for the

First time I think that you know obviously if you’re getting like you know five Mega beacons or something you need like 30 Withers to die um it’s just kind of a bit silly to fight them all the full way but yeah for the first one um my personal favorite method is the

Sort of underground method um but even that one’s definitely a lot easier than it should be really so I’m not sure which one I’ll do but probably underground but if I feel really risky maybe we’ll go to like a Mountaintop or something interesting and uh fight it

From there but here’s some gold which is great I mean again it sort of seems like we don’t really like we have a lot of items at this point we actually have very few so we’re gonna keep mining through here there’s not a lot of sort

Of grindy hours that have been put into this world and I saw on the unload there are some lava and there is the lava so we’re gonna go this way kind of funny how that happened we sort of saw that a bit early always important to be aware we’ll go through that

And someone says I’ve been subscribed to for a couple weeks you taught me a lot since it’s been a couple years I touched Minecraft thanks man and you’re really welcome I really do try my best to teach people everything I can about Minecraft and um in the future I want to definitely

Expand into more things as well and more things that are going to really reinvigorate people into the game and help them play it better so let’s go this way and we also need to find that someone says are you trying to plan out a super

Flat world in the future a lot of fun possibilities there I have seen some people do that so I know there’s this Creator called MOG swamp that sort of jumped up a lot recently A lot of my viewers have watched them him so I’m sure that some people here watch MOG

Swamp and uh yeah it seems like they sort of do videos about Minecraft super flat they’ll um survive in a world I think they’ve done for 10 years on there which I definitely would not do it world for 10 years just because especially on super flat I’m sort of someone who

Enjoys the game don’t necessarily need to to punish myself that way but um it is definitely an interesting concept super flat and I think that something I actually wanted to do a while ago like a very long time ago probably about a year ago was a world with super flat challenges so because

You can do custom super Flats you can for instance do like a TNT run super flat where it’s like pressure plates then sand then TNT and so because of that you have to run around trying to find resources from Villages it’s actually really fun and I might do um I

Might do some super flat Challenge videos or even more fun maybe like try and get a bunch of people to try them you know like um 100 players try to survive and super flat world or something so there’s definitely a lot of interesting opportunities there and especially with

That reduced resource load with like The Villages being like your only source of items it definitely does sort of restrict the game much like Skyblock and forces you to use sort of unconventional methods of getting different items really like kind of making you have to

Play the game in a way that’s uh really kind of technical so it’s critic there’s some cool stuff to that for sure someone says do I think that villagers are overpowered I would say that yes um but they do solve some issues so like I would say overall like I do think that

There’s some certain villager trades that um just take more from the game than they add so like is a very controversial opinion but I don’t really think that diamond tools or armor should be able to be obtained from villagers I understand why and I don’t really think I would

Remove it even if I was in charge of Mojang and I totally understand why people like that completely makes sense to me um but in my own opinion to me what that’s single-handedly has done is it’s mean that every single late game player never Minds I mean as it is mending

Basically did that with mending combined with infinite armor and infinite you know tools of every type it literally means the only point of mining at a certain point is more or less just for fun if you enjoy just the idea of strip mining so you know it depends on how

People use them I think at the end of the day villagers are here to stay in Minecraft with the trades that they have as there is no point not utilizing them fully getting all those armor and things but I would say that they are definitely overpowered in a lot of ways even things

Like the name tag trade from the uh from the librarian eventually getting name tags for one Emerald each or like one piece of stone to a name tag it really does sort of ruin the value of certain items to a point but again it’s all

About how you use them and kind of what you do with your villagers see here we’re gonna see if we run into any more lava again and we just remember pickaxe which is not shocking but I kind of was trying to not do that but I guess I was

Not thinking there’s a lot of lava down here so I guess if we ever need lava um to First out there’s renewable lava is not that important of a concern um we will have a way of doing that easily so we’ll do this if anyone’s wondering by the way what I’m doing for

Strip mining you want to Minot tunnel you want to sort of make a side tunnel like this you can run into then I’ll mark out a spot two blocks apart but I’ll actually start by going five blocks apart because there is a slightly higher chance for getting diamonds although

We’ve not found any yet and then from that point you can sort of um work on the shorter tunnels that have less of a chance for diamonds so those ones in between so kind of starting with your mind at high efficiency then going a bit lower with that I found is good

And although we haven’t found any diamonds we’ve actually been fairly lucky with the Redstone we’ve gotten quite a bit of redstone here which is nice and you know mining in 1.18 plus is definitely a lot different so different that it’s like the biggest videos I’ve made more or lesser about mining of

Course in this update but I think that you know it’s really important to sort of make the effective system of Minds to get it the most out of it because a lot of players don’t really like how difficult it is and sort of how few things you find I feel like the ultimate

Strip mine experience was 1.17 because you had every single type of ore deep slate and stone varieties all at the exact same y level and they were all there at the most plentiful amount so I remember strip mining in 1.17 there was just so many things you’d find so if

You’re someone who just absolutely love strip mining something you could actually do when you create a new survival world is create it in 1.17 generate you know a decent amount of terrain maybe explore around 500 blocks from Spawn then upgrade it to 1.19 and let all the new terrain come in but for

That small amount of the world that you explored already you can still strip mine at level 12 level 11 and get yourself that really nice source of the materials and a very quick method so definitely something I would suggest if you kind of do not like the new mining

System is to purposely give yourself an area that’s at the old system someone says I’ve been really enjoying strip mining the nether because of how fast the blocks break it is definitely very fun you had to do the thing where you’re sort of running through the Nether and having the blocks break in

Front of you I definitely think that strip mining in the nether is actually one of the best things to do in terms of mining in the game of course forgetting netherrite and so uh it’s one of the main suggestions I have in my old or another actually very old netherright

Mining guide about a year ago actually I made that um I’ll probably make a new netherite mining guide eventually and I’m hoping that I can sort of integrate good info on there like for instance um you know I think that Elise could be used for that somewhat but anyway enough

About netherrite we found diamonds and we have Fortune three so here’s what I find so annoying about Minecraft it seems like sometimes you get unlucky I just you keep getting unlucky so as an example you know every one of these might drop only one Diamond except for

One of them would have two Let’s see we have I don’t think it’s too many diamonds we’ll find out I hear lava but I think we’re fine so fortune 3 and we won’t see any diamonds we get to the chance to remind one or two or three or

Four or five or and six or and actually exactly what’s here is one of the reasons why I sometimes suggest mine a little bit higher up is because you notice they’re how that generated it’s very likely one of the diamonds would have been like where this Bedrock is but

The Bedrock generated through it so sometimes binding up is just a little bit higher up like let’s say maybe negative 56 negative 57 you can avoid that but anyway 17 diamonds look at that that’s awesome so that’s enough for the chest plate would be eight the leggings

Would be seven so between those would be uh 15 I believe and then of course we need the boots which is four and the helmets that’s nine plus fifteen so we should need 24 diamonds although I might have done the math they’re incorrect um but that’s honestly like almost

Everything we need already so that’s what’s so awesome about fortune 3 is it enables you to sort of you know really um effectively utilize those diamonds that you’ve got so I definitely uh enjoy that and uh do that someone says how does Fortune actually work what’s the algorithm well that’s a

Really good question and it’s something I’ve been wanting to look a lot more into is sort of the random number generator for Minecraft of course there’s a lot of them because like basically everything in Minecraft is sort of made interesting by the random number generators in it you know like

The random world the random chance for loot the random chance for numbers of diamonds but the actual exact way that fortune Works in terms of just um non-technical is that normally when you’re mining diamonds you’ll get one to four diamonds and fortune or sorry that’s untrue I said opposite normally

When you’re mining diamonds you’ll get one Diamond always so you’ll never get zero you’ll never get more than one so you’ll just get one Diamond per piece of ore sort of like mining iron or uh sort of like mining iron or let’s say coal without Fortune

But then if you have the uh fortune 3 what will happen is it’s a one to four so it’s a completely random chance 25 chance for any of those four possibilities which means that 25 of the time you’ll get four diamonds from one ore and sort of basically between all the averages

Um I believe that it averages out to 20 uh 2.2 diamonds per uh or so let’s see mine like 100 diamond doors you have like a massive sort of sampling of random numbers uh then it’s very likely that you would get um let’s say 100 diamond ore you get

Probably 220 Diamond door on average So within maybe 10 10 diamonds of that so that’s kind of how that works but there is definitely some weird mechanics to Minecraft’s random generation I found like you know I’ve heard of people having this happen I’ve had it happen to

Myself once or the first time you do something with the high random number it’ll sort of like instantly happen correctly so for instance the first time I ever bred axolotls in this one world that I was recording uh tips and tricks video in I got the blue Axolotl and actually showed

That in the video I forget which video it was you’ll have to sort of dig through the icraft MC catalog to find that one out but um yeah I got the Axolotl the first time and and so that’s a very rare chance of course um but as well as that I’ve actually

Someone on my SMP had the same thing happen where the first time that they bred Axel almost they got the blue one and the first time they bred pandas they got the brown ones so you know these sort of would seem to be incredibly rare chances happening and I think that

Because of that oftentimes you can sort of tend to use that but it is interesting how you know things like Fortune you can sort of just get like a chain of of luck with that and I think oftentimes with things like let’s say the Minecraft speed runs you know half of what

Determines if someone succeeds or not is just on the random sort of number generator of you know what they get there but either way no before okay that’s a weird perspective here either way this is the end of the stream I hope you enjoyed it I would try to do these

Survival live streams much more often um well at least once a week anyway I think we’re not done once a week before but we’re gonna try for once a week next one probably defeating the Ender Dragon so make sure to stay tuned for that one and

Maybe check out through the rest of the parts this series to try that out again you can always watch the replay it should be up as soon as this is done and you can enjoy all of the amazing content of all the hours here and all the

Previous ones as well there’s also a playlist be sure to check that out so goodbye to everyone who joined on hopefully you all enjoyed it thank you to all the people who became members of the channel thank you to all the people that decided to uh have super chats and

I hope that all of you will have a good rest of your day it looks like I’ve just been donated right at the end of the stream a 50 donation so thank you very much for that I do appreciate that a very large amount there

Um but anyway I will talk to you all later goodbye Foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live – Ep 5’, was uploaded by Eyecraftmc on 2022-10-21 19:39:32. It has garnered 81886 views and 1328 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:05 or 11165 seconds.

Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live – Ep 5

🔵Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tMM6B8Nc3M 🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/eyecraft_mc 🟪Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/eyecraftmc

Watch Eyecraftmc Play Survival in Minecraft 1.19 to teach you how to play Minecraft! Enjoy this Minecraft Survival Livestream for Minecraft 1.19 the Wild Update and Caves and Cliffs Update Java Edition where you can learn how to play Minecraft Survival Live as I play it!

  • Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial

    Ultimate Chunk Loading Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Force Load Chunks – Chunkloader Chunk Loading Are you looking to keep certain chunks in your Minecraft world loaded at all times? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will explore how to force load chunks using a chunkloader. What are Chunks in Minecraft? In Minecraft, the world is divided into 16×16 block sections called chunks. These chunks are loaded and unloaded as players move around the world. When a chunk is unloaded, it stops processing and can cause delays when reloading. This is where chunkloading comes in handy. Chunkloading with Chunkloaders Chunkloaders are devices or mechanisms… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting Minecraft episode by Swordartgamer1063 where they are collecting woods from their tree wood farm in their survival series. Watching players explore, extract raw materials, craft tools, and build structures in Minecraft is always fascinating. If you are a fan of Minecraft gameplay and enjoy watching survival series, then you definitely need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of exploring a procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain made up of voxels alongside other passionate Minecraft players. Minewind server IP is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Join now and immerse yourself… Read More

  • Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft!

    Creating Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Creating the Most Adorable Townhouse Shops in Minecraft! Looking to build the coziest townhouse shops in Minecraft? Join in on this creative Minecraft build where you will be guided step by step to create these cute townhouse shops. This video showcases a unique approach compared to the previous videos in the Cozy Mountain Resort series. Feel free to share your thoughts on which style you prefer! Building Process In this video, the focus is on constructing charming townhouse shops that add character to your Minecraft world. The step-by-step instructions make it easy for players to follow along and recreate… Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Challenge: Can a Villager Complete This Parkour? In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible within the game. From building intricate structures to surviving in harsh environments, the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players know no bounds. One popular challenge that has been circulating recently is whether a villager, one of the game’s non-player characters, can complete a challenging parkour course. The Parkour Course The parkour course in question is a series of obstacles, jumps, and puzzles designed to test the agility and skill of any player attempting it. From… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Hack Client The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Modding Minecraft Bedrock Edition has captivated millions of players worldwide with its endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the ability to enhance gameplay through mods, such as the (FREE) 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice. What is a Hack Client? A hack client, also known as a utility mod, is a tool that allows players to customize their Minecraft experience by adding new features and functionalities. The 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock – Solstice offers a range of exciting options… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Servers 1.21!

    Ultimate Minecraft PE Servers 1.21! Exploring the Top 5 Best Servers for Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21? Look no further as we bring you the top 5 best servers that will take your gaming experience to the next level! 1. Lifesteal SMP IP One of the most popular servers for Minecraft PE, Lifesteal SMP IP offers a unique gaming experience with its focus on survival multiplayer gameplay. Join forces with other players, explore vast landscapes, and battle against enemies to emerge victorious. The IP address for this server is a must-have… Read More

  • Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed!

    Flight Fiasco: Dreamcraft #4 Takes Off, Chaos Unleashed! In Dreamcraft #4, we finally take flight, But the topic’s gone wild, it’s out of sight! Minecraft news, with a twist of fun, Updates and changes, we’ve only just begun. Join the adventure, with Mustafa in tow, Crafting and building, with each new show. Stay tuned for more, as we soar and we dive, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come alive. Read More

  • Portal Hunt: Nether’s Ruined Maze

    Portal Hunt: Nether's Ruined Maze In Minecraft trial, a portal lies in ruin, A sight to behold, beneath the moon. Search high and low, in every biome, For the portal’s location, you must comb. In version 1.21 and above, it can be found, A treasure waiting, deep underground. Giant and grand, a portal so vast, A challenge to conquer, a journey to last. Underwater or on land, it may be, A seed to explore, for all to see. So dive in, explore, and never fail, To find the ruined nether portal, set sail. In Minecraft trial, the adventure awaits, With ruins to discover, behind… Read More

  • Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help

    Crafty Modding: Minecraft 1.21.1 Fabric Help In the world of Fabric Modding, questions arise, But how you ask for help is key to your prize. Provide details, be clear, don’t be vague, So others can assist and your issue engage. Start with a greeting, a polite hello, Then state your problem, let the information flow. Include your setup, versions, and mods, So helpers can pinpoint where the issue trods. Be patient, be kind, as you wait for a reply, For the community is here to help, don’t be shy. And remember, in the world of modding Minecraft, Asking for help with respect is always a… Read More

  • Launcher Drama: Minecraft’s Truth Bomb!

    Launcher Drama: Minecraft's Truth Bomb! In the world of Minecraft, launchers are key, To access the game, they set you free. But controversy arose, causing a stir, Let’s clear the confusion, let’s make it all blur. There are many launchers, each with their own flair, From Prism to MultiMC, they all have a share. Licensing and security, important to note, Respecting player’s choices, that’s what we promote. Clickbait and alternatives, let’s have a chat, Making the community more welcoming, how about that? Join the conversation, let your voice be heard, In the world of Minecraft, let’s spread the word. Discord, Telegram, and Matrix too,… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME ON FIRE! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Minecraft Live 2024: Developer Shenanigans

    Minecraft Live 2024: Developer Shenanigans The Pale Garden: A New Biome in Minecraft Exploring the Eerie Biome During the Minecraft Live 2024 Developer After-Show, players were treated to a sneak peek of the upcoming pale garden biome. This new addition promises to bring a sense of unease and mystery to the game, offering players a unique and immersive experience. Key Features The pale garden biome is set to introduce a host of new features, including eerie flora and fauna, mysterious structures, and challenging gameplay elements. Players can expect to encounter new mobs, resources, and environmental hazards as they explore this unsettling setting. Developer Insights… Read More

  • Predicting Minecraft 1.22 Update Changes

    Predicting Minecraft 1.22 Update Changes The Exciting Updates of Minecraft 1.22 | Minecraft Live As Minecraft enthusiasts eagerly awaited the latest updates, the community was abuzz with speculation and anticipation. The recent developments have not disappointed, with Mojang delivering exciting changes that have left players thrilled. Splitting Up Big Updates One of the most significant revelations from Minecraft Live is Mojang’s decision to split up big updates, providing players with more content throughout the year. This strategic move ensures that players have a steady stream of new features and improvements to look forward to, keeping the game fresh and engaging. Increased Variety and Frequency… Read More

  • Escape the Zombie Village with Joji and Mimi!

    Escape the Zombie Village with Joji and Mimi!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Save TV WOMAN witch SON in ZOMBIE VILLAGE! JJ HELP TO ESCAPE HIM! Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Joji and Mimi on 2024-08-23 06:00:06. It has garnered 25075 views and 278 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:58 or 1018 seconds. JJ Save TV WOMAN witch SON in ZOMBIE VILLAGE! JJ HELP TO ESCAPE HIM! Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his… Read More


    SECRET TREE HOUSE STAY-CATION! | Venom Star LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tree House Me Rhena Hai Yaaro | Minecraft | Venom Star Live |’, was uploaded by VENOM STAR LIVE on 2024-07-22 20:30:47. It has garnered 88 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:41 or 11501 seconds. Hello Guys, Welcome to my channel. #venomstarlive Please support my channel to grow. Like, share and subscribe. #minecraft #viral #gaming #live #viralvideo #trending ——————————————————————————————————————- Discord:- https://discord.gg/uN67maSxPh _____________________________________________________________________ Music Credits:- Stream Starting Song – Malik Bash – Ghosts [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: https://youtu.be/-9Z5Nhsm7GA?si=IXS61izUDbMn67XM Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/GhostsCr Stream Ending Song – Warptech ft. Cory Friesenhan… Read More

  • Become Ironman in Minecraft PE & Defeat King

    Become Ironman in Minecraft PE & Defeat KingVideo Information This video, titled ‘EP-1 I BECOME IRONMAN IN MINECRAFT PE AND KILL THE BIGGEST KING IN MINECRAFT || MINECRAFT PR’, was uploaded by King Horror on 2024-07-08 08:25:59. It has garnered 208 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:29 or 869 seconds. IN THIS MINECRAFT VIDEO I STEAL A IRONMAN ARMOUR FROM AVENGERS TOWER AND KILL THE BIGGEST KING BECAUSE IT WAS NOT GIVING ME GROUND SO WATCH THE VIDEO AND DON’T FORGET ABOUT LIKE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE ⚠️CREDIT To The Real Owner Of Thumbnail background and BG Sound And The Game Addons ⚠️CREDIT… Read More

  • Secret method to create epic grill in Minecraft!

    Secret method to create epic grill in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to make grill in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Blind-line on 2024-01-11 14:05:53. It has garnered 4832 views and 105 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Memes + Trump Dance Challenge

    INSANE Minecraft Memes + Trump Dance ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #dream #dreamsmp #music #funny #comedy #dance #trump’, was uploaded by Twoshorts on 2024-07-31 04:29:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Crazy Money Madness: Ian’s Global Currency Adventure | LIVE #110

    Crazy Money Madness: Ian's Global Currency Adventure | LIVE #110Video Information This video, titled ‘Dollars Cents Pounds Pents Pesos Centavos | IAN LIVE STREAM #110’, was uploaded by Ian on 2024-06-09 01:27:10. It has garnered 56 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:13:50 or 11630 seconds. Bargain and Jack ig Patent Pending we’re playing MINECRAFT Donate to our patreon to support small youtubers 🙂 #roblox #minecraft #recroom #multiversus #garnetsolos #games #stream #idamensional #bargainbox #shaqbookair #aghostman #fallguys #fortnite #quizizz #kahoot #amongus #vr #hilarious #great #cool #awesome #brooo #ittakestwo #undertale #undertaleyellow #yellow Read More

  • Insane Superflat Minecraft Tour! 1.20 Hardcore Let’s Play

    Insane Superflat Minecraft Tour! 1.20 Hardcore Let's PlayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Superflat Hardcore Minecraft | Tour in description! | 1.20 Lets Play |’, was uploaded by RipMonts on 2024-03-26 00:07:19. It has garnered 59 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:23 or 12923 seconds. Brand New Video out NOW! https://youtu.be/oBkr00HOvIU?si=DtVqbFZCnHJy8-_2 This Minecraft Live is all about superflat hardcore minecraft How to make a villager trading hall How to get Diamonds in hardcore minecraft Today i am building a mountain in hardcore superflat minecraft! Minecraft 1.20.1 How to Build a base! Insperation from @Mogswamp The World is now fully in 1.20 lets go… Read More

  • Insane 4000+ Day Minecraft Challenge! Watch NOW!

    Insane 4000+ Day Minecraft Challenge! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘4000+ DAY HARDCORE MINECRAFT – Episode #46 – J Stiz Stream Archive’, was uploaded by Stiz Archives on 2024-09-18 17:00:05. It has garnered 59 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:38 or 14018 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of Hardcore Vanilla Minecraft with @JStiz ! Sit back, relax and enjoy hundreds of hours of Stiz’ journey through the Hardcore Minecraft game-mode from his Twitch livestreams! This playthrough was originally started all the way back in (July?) 2020! Join the chat and watch as J_Stiz starts from the beginning, creating a brand… Read More

  • Insane! Saving Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft

    Insane! Saving Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🖤I Save my Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-07-04 09:47:00. It has garnered 49124 views and 527 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. WATCH THIS AMAZING 😎😎II Save my Friends as LEGO SPIDER-MAN in Minecraft | TAGALOG | OMOCRAFT | TAROPAVILLAGE 🖤🖤🖤FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] 🖤GUSTO MO PURO JEYJEY ? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1ox4n8KAwm5cwOcQI4fpoUxfJ7h2MhbR 🖤KIMMIE CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8-NNERYwzVpVVIdsqTpX3Q 🖤FB PAGE : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091704975754 🖤FB GROUP : https://www.facebook.com/groups/1834996580306653 WATCH IT GUYS !! @Clyde_Charge @Moira-YT @EsoniTV @ArArPlays @OLIPTV @JUNGKURT @tankdemic @potpot @VicccTv @shannelph @sheyyynplayz @PepeSanTV @micolee_9713 @Kimmie1129… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy

    Nova AnarchyNova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server… therefore there are no rules besides what can bypass the small anti-cheat, no doxxing, and certain things that hurt the server! Come join and start your adventure today! There is a playertime based ranking system. nova-anarchy.us Read More

  • GroveSMP – SMP, Ranks, Chestshops, Playerswarps

    Welcome to GroveSMP! GroveSMP is a Minecraft SMP server where everyone can enjoy a variety of features such as ranks, lands, custom fishing, jobs, and more! Server Details: Java IP: GroveSMP.net:25565 Bedrock IP: GroveSMP.net:19132 Join our Discord for early access: discord.gg/2S6F88sJJR Read More

  • Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss

    Crafty Clash: Minecraft Box Boss In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan is the master, the creator of dreams. With humor and joy, each video brings a smile, Child-friendly content, going the extra mile. No pirated copies, only originals here, Cube Xuan’s channel, bringing laughter near. From animations to songs, each video a delight, Subscribe and join in, let your worries take flight. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft rules, Cube Xuan’s channel, the place for cool jewels. Stay tuned for updates, in rhymes we reply, For in this world of blocks, we reach for the sky. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts! 🔥 #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” #minecraft #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode

    Chunky Survival: Hardcore Mode Minecraft One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge In the world of Minecraft, challenges come in all shapes and sizes. One such challenge that has been gaining popularity is the One Chunk Hardcore Survival Challenge. This intense gameplay mode pushes players to their limits as they strive to survive in a limited space with heightened difficulty. The Basics of One Chunk Hardcore In this challenge, players are confined to a single chunk of the Minecraft world, which measures 16×16 blocks. This restricted space presents a unique set of challenges, as resources are limited and dangers are ever-present. To add to the… Read More

  • 💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥

    💰Unbelievable: NEW Elemental Only Server!💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Joining an ELEMENTAL ONLY Server…’, was uploaded by Cash on 2024-07-11 15:00:21. It has garnered 1325185 views and 12240 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:51 or 6171 seconds. Today, Cash and his friends look back at all the times they were turned into ELEMENTALS in Minecraft! What is your favorite moment? Watch to find out! Merch: https://cashandnico.com Socials: https://solo.to/cashtv #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Cash #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shorts

    Ultimate Evil Minecraft Fails #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts’, was uploaded by DEVIL GAMING on 2024-05-22 12:28:00. It has garnered 12592 views and 218 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft 🤣😂#shorts #shorts #trendingshorts #viralshorts #gamingshorts #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #minecraftlogic #shortsviral shorts Hamid t gaming spider-man ultimate techno gamerz balveer bhutiya kahani hay hay hay hay hay hay hay hay how to apply online driving licence sabse bada ladka short video sonic exe song techno gamerz robloxwwe shots रियल माइनक्राफ्ट minecraft techno gamerz free fire shorts hamid t gaming serbian dancing lady maizena minecraft video… Read More

  • Isaac’s Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft Updates

    Isaac's Terrifying Ultra Hardcore Minecraft UpdatesVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Updates are SCARY in Ultra Hardcore Minecraft | Stream Highlights’, was uploaded by IsaacDumpsDirt on 2024-07-20 02:46:14. It has garnered 9 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:38 or 878 seconds. This is a stream highlights video of my second Minecraft Ultra Hardcore (world 2) stream. This is a minecraft series in the version 1.20.6 where I am playing in ultra hardcore mode. Ultra Hardcore mode (UHC) means that I do not regenerate health once I lose it, so in order to regenerate I need to use items that give… Read More

  • Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village – EPIC!

    Insane Micropig Builder: Surviving in Coastal Village - EPIC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival – Limelight 12’, was uploaded by Micropig on 2024-05-05 09:26:56. It has garnered 731 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:31 or 631 seconds. 🎉 I built a Coastal Village in Minecraft Survival which will be filled up with minecrafty stuff one day, maybe even villagers 📝. I really enjoy building in Minecraft and the creative aspect, this was a lot of building in Survival Minecraft was a real challenge collecting all the materials needed I even did a bit of building on a… Read More

  • Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!

    Insane Gear Unlocked in Hardcore Trio Ep 3!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Trio Season 1 Ep 3: Op Gear!’, was uploaded by RealRandom_boy on 2024-08-01 21:55:17. It has garnered 85 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:57 or 417 seconds. I got Op gear!!! Yes i wont be out of this series anytime soon! Ignore this: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs Streams

    Insane Minecraft Speedrun with Chat Controls! SuperMcGregs StreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Speedrun but Chat Controls the Game part 1/2’, was uploaded by SuperMcGregs Streams on 2024-09-24 14:00:02. It has garnered 41 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:17 or 6977 seconds. 26:44 Gameplay start Feat. @markenator Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/supermcgregs Hi, I’m SuperMcGregs! Welcome to my VODS channel. I like to play video games and stream them on twitch. I am a variety streamer. Need a server? Use my link to create a server for your favourite game https://bisecthosting.com/super. Don’t forget to use the code SUPER… Read More

  • 💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯

    💀SHOCKING Minecraft 483 Tricks! Subscribe Now!🐯Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft please subscribe my YouTube channel 👻🤍🐯🤡😈💀☠️🐅👹🎃♥️’, was uploaded by mr.minecraft483 on 2024-06-12 11:45:02. It has garnered 405 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Mr Thyme’s CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!

    Mr Thyme's CRAZY Minecraft Changes Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Added Your TERRIBLE Ideas to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr Thyme on 2024-07-26 17:29:45. It has garnered 653 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:09 or 849 seconds. all resource packs, addons, and datapacks created by me with the exception of: Swagcasters 90s car pack (test version0.0.7) by Swagcaster Create Mod by simibubi Legacy4J by Wilyicaro special thanks to @G1ppied for command block and function help Read More

Minecraft 1.19 Survival 🔴LIVESTREAM🔴 Learn Minecraft Live – Ep 5