Minecraft: 3 Simple Fountain Designs (Minecraft Build Tutorial)

Video Information

Hey everyone how you doing blue here back with another minecraft build tutorial today we’re going to be going over three different water fountain designs so we’re going to have a small one a medium one and then a large design that combines both the small and medium designs together for one big water

Feature so with that being said let’s dive straight in and take a look at the three designs okay design number one is a pretty simple design this one is pretty compact it’s really good for small spaces so somewhere where maybe have a very small little sort of town square or small

Opening in a village and you just want to put something there that’s kind of small and simple just to kind of fill the space and make it look a bit more interesting and this design is great for that design number two is a little bit larger

As you can see we’ve got a bit of a larger scale here it’s not too big but when i’m building things like this and features such as water fountains or anything that kind of revolves around the player i try to bear the players size in mind so this one is a large sort

Of scale compared to the size of the player you know so sort of the sort of size you would see maybe in a larger village in a larger opening on or maybe a bigger town square as a sort of centerpiece of the village i think this is actually a really nice design and

Probably my favorite design out of them all something that i would definitely use probably more than any other design the third and final design here as you can see we’ve used both of the water feature designs so we’ve got both of our water fountains combined we have three

Of them in total so the large one centered with the two smaller ones at the sides this way it creates kind of more of a larger feature these are great to feel spaces that have a kind of a longer walkway where you can maybe have houses

Down both sides and this can be like a split between the two you know so it sort of divides up the street kind of makes a large open space feel a bit more full and kind of a bit more packed with something um i really like this design i think

This is also a great design in places like um castles or palaces somewhere as you come into the castle and this would be like your first feature you would see right at the front you know a nice big opening feature before you walk into the palace for example now

That is the three designs we’ve got so let’s go ahead and show you guys how to build these a block for block so we’re gonna start with design number one okay guys here is a layout of the blocks you’re gonna need now i’m not gonna do

The exact block count for each of these ones because one we’ve got three designs to go over um so each one’s gonna use different amount of resources and all of them are gonna be very minimal amount of resources i mean they’re not huge bills they do only take a few of each blocks

Really so you’re going to just basically need a handful of each at the most now we are going to be using stone bricks stone brick slabs stone brick stairs we’re also going to be using some cobblestone wall some iron bars some smooth stone slabs i’m gonna be using

Some dark prismarine here but you don’t have to use dark crisp ring this is just for the base of the water fountain and it’s gonna be in the ground there are so many options for blocks here that you can use whether it be glazed terracotta normal prismarine dark prismarine you

Can put in just some cobblestone if you wanted there are just so many different options just find a block that you like and uh place that in the ground and that one that will do for the feature i’m also going to be using some sea lanterns just to brighten it up a little

Bit again these are optional you don’t have to add these and you can use glowstone instead if you wish and then of course we’re gonna need some water buckets to fill up the uh fountain with some water and without being said guys let’s go ahead and build a design number one

Okay this first design is a very simple we’re going to start by placing one two three of our stone bricks and this is going to be the center piece for the small fountain once you’ve done that you want to put a upside down stair on the top and one

Normal one at the bottom like this and you want to do that all the way around on all four sides once you’re done on the top you want to place a full block and then another block on top and then some normal stairs going all the way around on top of those

Upside down stairs now facing from one side you want to place an upside down stair here and here and then go to the opposite side and then face them here and here it doesn’t matter if you do them facing from this side and the other side over there or this

Side and that side it really doesn’t matter then you want to get your cobblestone wall place two on the center block here and then one on these upside down stairs like this on top of them you’re going to go ahead and place one of your iron bars

And then one at the very top here and on top of this one we’re going to put one of our smooth stone slabs just like this now starting at the front or one of the sides wherever you want to you want to leave a two block gap between your stair

And then place another block here okay then we’re going to put one more at each side we can do that on all three sides so we make a free from the center from the center two block gap one on each side of it the same over

Here one here and then one on each side and now we can just put two four blocks diagonally on the corners like this once you’ve done that take the block of your choice for the floor and just go ahead and replace your flooring with these blocks once you’ve got your flooring in go

Ahead with your lanterns and i would just place one in the corner here by the stairs one in front of the stairs and just repeat that all the way around so pretty much just running a line all the way around the base like this then simply get your wall bucket place

It against this iron bar at the very top in the center here and there we go the only other thing i would suggest is to get your wall buckets and just go ahead and just fill around the edge here like this just to fill the rest of it up down the bottom

Here so it looks like it’s more full once your water’s in place the one last thing you can do just to kind of smooth it out and make it look a little bit nicer is place a stair here and a stair here on each side and then one in the middle

And then we’ll do that all the way around and then just go ahead and place one in these corners here as well just to kind of finish smoothing out the look of it and i think overall i think it looks pretty good it’s a nice little feature

And i think it’ll look nice anywhere where you’ve got an empty space and you want to fill it with something go ahead and throw one of these in and it should make the area look so much nicer now that’s design number one let’s go ahead and take a look at design number two

Okay design number two is also a very simple design as well so we’ll start placing one two and three of our stone blocks then we’re gonna put a normal stair down the bottom just like we did on the last one and then an upside down one on the top one

Then we’re gonna get our stone bricks and we’re gonna put one on top of all of these like this like a little kind of plus sign then we’re gonna put a stair in front of the blocks facing outwards like this all the way around okay then again facing from one side put two

Upside down stairs from one side and then go right across to the other side and put another two upside down stairs like this then we’re gonna place two normal stairs on top of those upside down stairs like that facing outwards and then two on this side okay so we should now have

This one here pointing out in the middle okay on all four sides now for this bit we’re gonna put an upside down stair here and then upside down stay here and we’re gonna do that on all four all four of these corners okay so just one on the side of the

Stair upside down and then one on the back of that stair again upside down all the way around until we get to here now at this point we’re going to go one two and three just like this and then we’re gonna put another upside down stair against the top of these ones

Like so okay then at the very top here we’re gonna put one two more blocks in the middle a normal stair facing inwards on top of all of those stairs now because we’ve got these stairs on this side facing in we’re gonna keep the same pattern at this side and we’re

Gonna put an upside down stair against those stairs there making sure they face inwards and then go around to the opposite side and do the same thing again just like this okay and that is most of the feature shape all in place what we’re going to do now is the upside

Down stairs here we’re going to put one two leave this one in the middle and then these two these two and these two okay and then at the top we’re going to go one two three and four in the middle one two iron bar on top of that one and on top

Of all of these cobblestone walls all the way down just like this once you’re done go ahead and put your smooth stone slab on the top and now for the base of this one we’re going to get our stone bricks again this time from the bottom here we’re

Going to leave a three block gap so one two three on the fourth one we’re gonna place a block there and then one two at this side one two at this side come around to this side one two three block gap on the fourth one place one

Here two blocks this side to two blocks this side let’s do that for the other two sides as well And then again in the corners we’re just going to place two full blocks just like this to create a nice big circle now before we move on guys you can also do this a little bit different if you want to okay so here’s one option and

Then you can put your slabs around the corners like we did on the last one so you can put like a slab here here here and then here maybe because we got a longer edge you could repeat that on this side all the way around and then in the

Corner put your slabs like that okay so you could do something like that or if you wanted to make it look a little bit more compact on the bottom here what you can do is you can break these so you’ve got three rather than four and then you can go two blocks

There and two blocks there and then on this side you can break these ones and then have two blocks going in from there like that again on this side we can break that one break these ones here and we can go two and two break that one on that one and then have

Two break that one and then two so you got a bit more of a smaller ring for the wall fountain um it’s entirely up to you how you want to make this little ring it’s your it’s your build make it how you please and then again

You can just put some slabs like that maybe one in that corner there in fact one we can leave them corners and we can just do that all the way around and i think that looks pretty good like that if you wanted to you can add an

Extra one in the corners here or you can go ahead extend this around like this there’s so many different options for the bases here guys just find a style that you’re happy with and that you like i think out of all i think this is my favorite design for the base where we

Have three a slab at each side and one in the center and then we have two we join on to two on this diagonal corner and then back to the free again at this side now once you’ve got that all in place go ahead and fill the floor in here with a

Block of your choice i’m just gonna go with a dark chris marine again but guys you could use the normal prismarine or so many different blocks the glazed terracottas are great here as well especially the white one i think it’s the white and blue one um there’s so many different options so

Just find something that you’re happy with once your flooring is all in place guys just go ahead and add in some lighting now again guys we could go ahead and do the same pattern by placing one here one here one here oops one here and going

All the way around to doing that um but we’ve got a little bit of a bigger gap here so we could do something different so where the stairs are maybe diagonal we could do something like this um two here to here making sure that we don’t miss

That one and maybe two here we could do something like that um you can even add one here as well if you wanted you could leave this and just put them in the corners here or something you can make up so many different designs you can even go ahead and replace one like

Here and up here if you wanted with the sea lanterns i’m gonna just stick with the stone bricks for this but you know there’s so many different options guys just just play around and you know find a way that you’re happy with it and then of course

Put your water bucket at the very top there and it should flow all the way down to here now what i like to do here because here is all dry here i like to make it look like it’s flowing up here so put a wall bucket against the block at the bottom

There and then one on this stairs here to overflow it let’s do the same again here all the way around the stair there and then around this side we can do it on that stair there and i think that looks really cool and then again just like the other side guys

Go ahead and put some water buckets down around your edge down here just so that this looks like it is actually full of water okay and once you’re done you should have something that looks a little bit like this okay now this is again great for places like larger town squares or somewhere

Where you want a nice big feature maybe even right in the front of a smallish castle you know like a nice feature right at the beginning as you come in or the front of a palace or something like that i think that is the perfect spot to put this kind of a build

Now that’s it for number two guys let’s go ahead and look at our third and final design Okay the last design is pretty simple guys we’re basically gonna build the large water fountain in the center and then the small ones to the left and the right of it and then we’re gonna surround it in a nice big oval shape so to start this one like the like the

Last one we’re gonna go one two three of our stone bricks stone brick stairs around the bottom upside down stone brick stairs around the top On top of these we’re going to place four blocks Upside down stair facing outwards from the front of this block here all the way around then basically pick a side to face i’m just going to face from this side and then put an upside down stair here and here then we’re going to go around to the

Opposite side and do the same against these blocks okay so they’re facing opposite directions now place an upside down stair facing forwards from here so if we face this way for this day here you want to make sure that the stair face is the opposite way on these two stairs and then turn

Around and make sure you face two stairs in that direction for those ones so that you kind of got an upside down stair like this and then one like this on top then for each one of these corners we’re basically going to put a stair against

That one and then one against the side of it do that all the way around Now grab your four blocks again and we’re gonna go one two three in the middle upside down stairs around the top two more four blocks in the middle with normal stairs on top of those upside down stairs Then again facing from the front where we place these upside down stairs down here we want to face the same direction and on that normal stair at the top there place an upside down stair there and there and then round the opposite side stay there stay there

Place a cobblestone wall here and here on the corner and do that on all four sides on the top here just place one on the upside down stairs and hit the top here place two in the middle block here then we’re gonna put an iron bar on top of

That with a smooth stone slab on top then put your iron bars on top of all your cobblestone walls coming down Okay that looks good now if we look at this being the front of the fountain we’re gonna go to the stair here and you want to leave a one two three four five block gap on the sixth one here we’re gonna place a block then we can break these five blocks here

Then on the opposite side do the same thing one two three four five six block there break these five you don’t have to place them five i’m just doing it so that you can see the measurements so we’ve got a five block gap on this

Side and a five block gap on this side now let’s go ahead and go one and two on top of this normal stairs around the bottoms like so upside down stairs on top On top of this two full blocks then upside uh the normal stairs on top of the upside down stairs round to the front we’re gonna place an upside down stair against the two normal stairs there then round opposite side we’re gonna do the same thing like this cobblestone walls on these corners

Two in the middle one on top of that and then a slab just on that like so and then don’t forget your iron bars on top of these cobblestone walls here as well okay let’s go ahead and finish up and do the same thing over here so we’ll go

Over it one last time put two more on top of there to make that free high stairs around the bottoms upside down stairs around the top two four blocks in the middle normal stairs on top of the upside down stairs from the front here facing uh towards it

We’re gonna place an upside down stair against that stair and there around the opposite side do the same cobblestone walls on the four corners two in the middle iron bar on top of there stone slab on top and then iron bars on top of the cobblestone walls down here

Now let’s go ahead and get our stone bricks and right over here where we’ve got the large one in the middle where that stair is we’re gonna leave a one two three block gap and place a block on the fourth one okay and then from here we’re gonna go one

Two three four five six seven to the right so we’re basically in line with the center of this one and then do the same over this side okay so we’re in line with that now basically on the corners we’re gonna go two blocks like this diagonally one

Here then we’re gonna place another one here and then turn to the side and continue that so we go two three four five okay so we’ve got a center one here which is right in line with the uh water feature then we’re gonna go one here two here

One here which is now in line with this so now we’re gonna copy the wall from the other side and run it parallel all the way across until we’re in line with this one here then we go two one one here and bring it across to make five one here and two here

So that gives us a nice big shape here to put in our base Now at this point guys we’re gonna go ahead and fill the floor in here with the block of your choice i’m gonna just go with a dark prismarine but like i keep saying guys just play around with the block choices you can use the glazed terracottas or you can use a cobblestone

If you want or even just stone it doesn’t matter just find a block that you’re happy with and place that in your flooring down here okay once you’ve got all the flooring in place go ahead and get your sea lanterns or the lighting of your choice you can

Use any light in here um not obviously not torches but maybe glowstone instead if you want i’m going to go ahead and i’m going to copy the first design here by putting in our sea lanterns all the way around the edge here like so and i’m

Just going to do that same thing for all three of the water fountains Now the lighting doesn’t have to be like this guys you can put the lighting in however you please here it really doesn’t matter it’s entirely your choice then once you’re done i would say probably best to get out your wall bucket and go ahead and just put the

Water in the bottom here first go all the way around your edge once you’ve got all of your water in place go ahead against your iron bar at the top there and go one more bucket there One water bucket here and then finally a wall bucket over here and then just to finally finishing complete off on the large one here in the center i’m gonna put a wall bucket against the block here on the edge and then that’s there in there

And we’re gonna just do that all the way around Just like that so it looks like the water is flowing in that little section there and then i think one final detail here guys is probably just going to be some slabs on here so two stabs there one and then one one one and then two like that and then

Down this corner here the same thing just like that and i think that just makes such a nice little feature it’s really cool there are so many ways you can do this guys there really is just so many ideas i mean you could put some upside down stairs across here if you

Wanted to give it a little lip um you can go ahead and make it look a little bit kind of um i guess like a kind of castle like this with this effect every other block down here so you could do something like that if

You wanted as well just to give it a little bit of extra detail as well which i think does look really cool actually i really like the way that one looks there’s just so many different options and of course you don’t have to build it in stone bricks you could build this in

Polish underside or in stone um probably even work in quartz or smooth quartz there’s so many block choices again guys that will just work so well with these kind of designs so go ahead and mess around with it mix it up try some different block combinations and uh yeah

Let me know what you think in the comments anyway guys i think that’s gonna wrap this one up just there so as always thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy please don’t forget to smash that like button and if you’re new to the channel please consider

Subscribing just don’t forget to hit that bell so you get notified every time i post a new video but for now this is blue nose signing out and i will catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 3 Simple Fountain Designs (Minecraft Build Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2020-04-09 13:10:04. It has garnered 98456 views and 2676 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:30 or 1470 seconds.

Welcome back to another Minecraft build tutorial. Today I have 3 simple fountain designs for you to use in those empty spaces to give a bit of life to your villages and towns.

These designs are very simple designs that fit the size of the player, they use simple materials such as stone bricks, cobblestone wall, iron bars and some slabs.

Thank you so much for watching, and i’ll see you on the next episode!! Give that LIKE button some love!!!

#minecraft #howto #build #medieval #castle #tutorial


► Medieval Castle Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ36uW8BdjiIOv97eaT6M0dYHj6Z43Ys ► Medieval Docks Village Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ36uW8BdjhTh0iS5xWsyvJRXDzr2rye


► Texture Pack: Default with Jermsy Boys Better Leaves ► Shaders: BSL ► BlueNerd Texture Pack: http://bluenerdminecraft.com/bluenerd-1-14-vanilla-plus-texture-pack-download/


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  • Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One Click

    Destroying 16 Minecraft Servers in One ClickVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Crashed 16 Minecraft Pay-To-Win Servers With One Click’, was uploaded by 6x9c on 2024-06-14 21:58:54. It has garnered 1974 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:05 or 425 seconds. Watch as i crash 16 minecraft pay to win servers this video was insane and very old so pls like 😀 —————————————————————————————– if you have any questions or if i said anything incorrect dm me btw pls join my discord 😀 discord: https://discord.gg/qN77bT6K7g —————————————————————————————– this is a very old video so the method probably doesnt work anymore on most servers. this… Read More

  • Veggie Tech: Minecraft’s Auto Farm Score

    Veggie Tech: Minecraft's Auto Farm Score In Minecraft, we built a farm so grand, Automatic veggies at our command. Carrots, potatoes, wheat, all in a row, Harvesting them all, watch them grow. The farm is massive, the work is tough, But the results are worth it, that’s enough. We toiled and labored, day and night, To bring this farm to life, shining bright. Now the crops are growing, the farm is complete, A masterpiece of automation, oh so neat. So tell me, dear viewers, what do you think? Of this farm we built, in just a blink. The next episode, what should it be? More… Read More

  • Minecraft slays Roblox 🔥 #gamerhumor

    Minecraft slays Roblox 🔥 #gamerhumor When you can’t decide between Minecraft and Roblox so you just end up playing both and neglecting all responsibilities in real life. #gamerproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10

    Ultimate Iron Farming in Minecraft EP-10 Minecraft Survival Series EP-10 | IRON FARM! Unlimited Iron Glitch In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player showcases an impressive Iron Farm that promises unlimited iron production. The farm is not only efficient but also easy to build, making it a valuable addition to any player’s world. Building the Iron Farm The video demonstrates the step-by-step process of constructing the Iron Farm, highlighting key components and strategies for optimal functionality. Viewers are treated to a detailed guide that ensures successful replication in their own gameplay. Special Reward To keep viewers engaged, the creator teases a special… Read More

  • Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38

    Gold & Quartz Hunt in Nether | Minecraft Ep. 38 Minecraft Episode 38: Collecting Gold and Quartz Blocks in the Nether World Survival Series Minecraft, a game of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities, offers players the chance to reshape the world and embark on epic adventures. Whether battling monsters or building magnificent structures, Minecraft provides a unique gaming experience that can be enjoyed solo or with friends. Returning to the Nether World In this episode, our protagonist sets out on a mission to collect gold and quartz blocks in the treacherous Nether World. Armed with determination and a hunger for resources, they delve deep into the fiery landscape in… Read More

  • MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!

    MERMAID FALLS IN LOVE with JJ & MIKEY in Minecraft!Video Information hey everybody this is JJ I got a new car I bought it for $100 I’m surprised it can even keep working for that kind of money it’s the engine that makes so much noise and heat and in general this car drives like a total Turtle I think I can drive to my garage and figure out what’s causing that loud noise I hope this engine doesn’t blow up my car how slow it’s going oh my God I thought I was going to drive this car like some kind of cool racer as usual I had… Read More

  • 51 Items Minecraft Will Never Add

    51 Items Minecraft Will Never AddVideo Information this tool makes building a breeze and this is a mirror that can duplicate any item and these are 51 insane items that Minecraft needs to add like this building Gadget this item revolutionizes Construction in Minecraft helping to significantly speed up the building process and while players can instantly build in different patterns and sections with the help of these items they can also copy cut and relocate whole builds with ease like this upside down Bridge even if the only way to cross it is with this awesome new slime armor it offers unique traits and… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Building Skills – MUST WATCH

    INSANE Minecraft Building Skills - MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘#chill #minecraft #building #comment #rate #content #gaming #contentcreator’, was uploaded by Lulival on 2024-02-26 21:47:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!

    Discover Insane Trolls in Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update in Belgium!Video Information hey guys welcome back to another video on my Channel today I’m going to be showing everything new in Minecraft 1.21 we’re going to start with the big obvious features and then we’ll cover the small minor features at the end now I’m not sure when this video will go live but the update is scheduled for June 13th so I’m planning to upload this either on the 12th or the 13th the first feature and this is the biggest feature is the trial Chambers this is a new structure inside of Minecraft 1.21 that spawns in the… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!

    Minecraft SMP: Thanatos 13 EPIC Cringe Fest!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft cringelad SMP season 2 Ep 6’, was uploaded by Thanatos 13 on 2024-01-14 22:06:04. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 04:59:15 or 17955 seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/thanatos13official Read More

  • bambe – Another Day In Minecadia Arcade…WTF

    bambe - Another Day In Minecadia Arcade...WTFVideo Information yo what is going on guys Bambi here welcome back to another video on my channel as you guys can see we are already at the arcade so it’s going to be an arcade video but I hope you guys are enjoying like the PvP videos uh but like I said if you guys want something new comment down below like what should I do should I do uh you know pvps or stuff like that but yeah uh let’s go for a like go of 50 likes guys hope you guys do enjoy today’s video and let’s… Read More

  • Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viral

    Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viralVideo Information Wah ada Karu nih oh aku punya ide aku putusin a jalannya Biar dia gak dapat Oke aku pakai batu ini Yey aku dapat hartanya yang banyak loh tapi gimana cara aku balik jalannya udah hancur Waduh tolong Waduh Woi tvan tolong aku bikinin aku jalan tolong bantuin dia gak ya guys Kayaknya dia udah jahat Guys kita gak usah bantu dia guys like like like lah guys biar kita gak usah bantuin dia biar dia terjebak di sana oke Guys Terima kasih yang sudah like aku enggak mau bantu kamu mending aku pergi ke sana no gimana… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!

    Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!Video Information [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to the chat stream hope everyone’s having a good day today and uh Happy Mother’s Day to the all the mothers out there uh say I know I play play Minecraft last week but I decided there was something I wanted to work on so I’m going to play some Minecraft today as well uh maybe next weekend we’ll do the Sims if I play on Sunday we’ll play it by year uh anyway I guess we’re just going to jump right in here [Music] are on Kennedy’s realm again excuse me uh… Read More

  • Jeffrey’s Shocking Discovery in Zafiroland | Slam Craft Ep. 19

    Jeffrey's Shocking Discovery in Zafiroland | Slam Craft Ep. 19Video Information [Música] B [Música] aquí Bueno te te pongo un contexto rápidamente para no alargarnos y hacer esto incómodo hanamichi ellos son Yo soy el recluta del equipo y estas dos son nuos integrantes que quieren buscar la paz y el privilegio y el bienestar del pueblo los mismos objetivos que nosotros exactamente eh como pudieron ver los compañeros por si se dieron cuenta acabamos de hacer justicia en el juicio no como en la mañana que fue un juicio extraño sino que esta realmente se cumplió una condena s me entienden sí como pueden ver no hay sangre… Read More

  • Dawn of the Backrooms

    Dawn of the BackroomsDawn of the Backrooms This server is a Factions | Survival and Exploration game but in the many different levels of the Backrooms. In case you are wondering which factions plugin we use, we use Saber Factions. Server Requirements: – Minecraft version 1.18.2 – OPTIFINE 1.18.2 – Read the rules on our Discord server We make use of a custom texture pack for certain entity models and weapons. Hence the requirements, Thanks for understanding. Have fun exploring our 22 Backroom levels, more are well on the way! Backrooms.zip:25786 Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

    Silvermons Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server has a custom level cap and rank progression system that includes Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. In addition to the progression system, there are Weekly Tournaments, a Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more! Server Information: Server IP: play.silvermons.com Running Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-pixelmon-modpack) Read More

  • 1P9W

    1P9WIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*The server only has anti x-rayYou can join the server from 1.12 to 1.20.6youtube.com/watch?v=MGVDiTMaz-4&si=L05dQ-a7XAnnZu_a Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Piglins of Hell causing chaos in the mortal realm

    It turns out even Piglins and Hell have internet access to check their meme scores. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂🤣 #minecraftlove #creeperproblems #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Ultimate Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping!

    Ultimate Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping! Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping! Exploring the Minecraft Survival Series In the latest episode of the Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series, EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew embark on a new adventure. Alyssa proudly announces her successful acquisition of slime balls, a crucial resource for crafting pistons. With a sticky piston in hand, the duo celebrates their victory in true Minecraft style. Expanding Horizons Andrew unveils an ambitious plan to expand their humble abode, proposing the construction of a bridge to claim new lands. The prospect of a larger home base excites Alyssa, who eagerly examines her blueprints for… Read More

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Mace The mace is a new and powerful weapon in Minecraft, and with the right enchantments, it can become a deadly tool in your arsenal. In this guide, we will explore the best enchantments for a mace in Minecraft 1.21, helping you maximize its potential in combat. Damage Enhancing Enchantments There are three key damage-enhancing enchantments for the mace: Density: Increases the damage dealt by the mace’s smash attack per block. Smite: Boosts the mace’s damage against undead mobs like zombies and skeletons. Bane of Arthropods: Enhances the mace’s damage against arthropod mobs… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft – SpellBound ModPack #minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft - SpellBound ModPack #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-13 08:40:31. It has garnered 425 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: https://t.me/spelsbound Read More

  • CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11

    CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11Video Information This video, titled ‘CURSED minecraft (0_0)’, was uploaded by ARYAN_AR11 on 2024-01-07 09:03:50. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. IDK what to do with the gold helmet -_- Read More

Minecraft: 3 Simple Fountain Designs (Minecraft Build Tutorial)