Minecraft: 5 Easy Redstone Builds To Impress Your Friends

Video Information

Today i’m showing you the coolest redstone build hacks to blow your friends lines that are super easy to make with no mods or commands watch until the end to see my secrets so you can show up to all your friends so what’s up first well i’ll show you

Except i built it up there so we just need to get up there first guys and then i can show you exactly what i built yeah just kidding guys who was that that there is my super simple slime block launcher that will allow you to scale a six

Block tall wall in a matter of seconds making it perfect to access secret bases and escape enemies not to mention this thing is super easy to build requires almost no resources making it the perfect thing for any base in survival so all you guys are going to need

Is a sticky piston a slime block for obsidian a redstone repeater one redstone dust any random block and then finally a pressure plate yeah guys that’s literally all you need very very simple so the first thing you guys want to do is go ahead and choose which direction

You want your slime block launcher to go and we’re gonna go this way here then you want to go ahead and dig out one two three blocks like so and make that two blocks deep then in the direction you want your slime block launcher to be you’re gonna place down

One sticky piston facing upwards on top of this sticky piston we’re gonna place a slime block and then you’re going to grab your redstone repeater here guys and you want to place it facing into our piston here and put it on one two three ticks like so then

Grab your redstone dust and you want to cover up that redstone dust with any random old block and put a pressure plate on top like so however at the moment guys our slime block is going to attach to these concrete blocks and take them up with it

And the whole thing is just going to fall apart so to fix that guys you want to destroy the blocks on either side of your slime block here and fill these in with obsidian so one up there we go one two three and four just like that and voila guys you’re done

Yeah when i said this was an easy video it’s an easy video but it still is awesome and will impress your friends guys you just gotta run onto here and boom it launches you up and i didn’t make it let’s try that again right on and pop and check that out guys

The perfect way to get up to places and it’s way quicker than a boring old ladder guys who uses a ladder no one not if you’ve got these things which are super easy to make and let’s be real just make you look like an absolute boss when you’re just like oh

Yeah let me just uh get up to my face yeah real quick come on come on come on you can’t tell me daddy said cool isn’t my base absolutely awesome guys bruh wait you can’t see it what do you mean it’s literally right there silly i forgot it’s a it’s a

Secret base and only the person who knows exactly where to put this key is going to be able to get in there and well that person just happens to be me and well soon all of you guys check this out all i need to do is go ahead

Place my key on any random block just a normal looking block and hit it and voila guys check it out a secret entrance reveals itself then i can go ahead and destroy the key and it closes itself off look at this bang boom this by far is the easiest secret base

Door you will ever see that is two by two like i can guarantee you right now guys and you can also go ahead and come on the inside and place the lever here so you can go ahead and also close it from the inside how awesome

Is that like that is crazy cool so we can go ahead and open it from the inside walk here and then destroy the key and then that will close it up this thing is super simple super easy and of course it allows you to hide all of your mystical things inside your

Secret base so that one friend who always steals your stuff i’m looking at you can’t steal your stuff anymore guys it is the perfect way to build any secret base or even just to hide a secret chest behind so if you guys have a look at this the

Redstone is super simple and easy barely using anything and now i’m going to show you how to build it so for this secret base entrance you’re going to need four obsidian two sticky pistons four slime blocks two redstone repeaters a good old furnace 10 of just any random

Block all the block that you want to use as the door so we used dirt before but we’re gonna use light blue concrete here just so you can see it then we’ve got four redstone dust a redstone torch and finally a lever to use as your key so let’s go ahead

And grab each of those items there all right so what you want to do guys is on the blocks that you’re planning on having the door itself you’re gonna break out one two three four blocks and replace those with obsidian that’s gonna stop the slime blocks from pushing those along then

With our pistons here just on the end of rap city we’re gonna place one two sticky pistons facing towards our obsidian in front of those guys with your slime blocks one two three four just like that now here you need to pick which side is going to be the front of your door

Whichever side is the front you want to get on the other side guys you want to get on the back side of your door here and what we’re going to do is place one repeater going into these two pistons here and you can place it on one two

Three ticks like that then grab your furnace here guys and we’re gonna place this facing backwards just behind this bottom left slam block because furnaces can’t be moved by slime blocks then you want to go ahead and crouch and place this repeater just on top of the

Furnace here placing it on one tick like so then grab out your light blue concrete or whatever other random block you’re planning on using for your secret base entrance i’m gonna place one two three four just in front of the slime blocks like that and that’s going to be

The entrance of your secret base then we’re going to keep using this block here guys and you want to bring it around from the first we’re going to go one two three to the left and then you can bring this out as far as you would like guys so this here

Is where you’re gonna put your key in the end we’re gonna put our key on this block here and you can make this as as far or as short as you like we’re going to keep ours nice and short here guys just so we’re not taking up tons of space

Then we’re going to put a redstone torch on the back side of this block and you’ll see this piston is going to push forward that is a good thing and then with that redstone here you guys are going to wire it from this redstone torch into this repeater here and you’ll see it

Fully extends the door all the way out then all we need to do is grab the lever here guys we’re gonna put it on this side and now when we hit that lever it’ll extend inwards when we click there it’s going to extend outwards just like that and voila that’s simple guys you

Have yourself a two by two secret base when we destroy the lever it’ll stay in that position activate it destroy it it’ll extend back out and of course guys you can make this as long as you like so even if we bring it all the way out here guys we could have a

Redstone torch there and have it all the way back here and then we can put our lever here and it would still work really flexible secret base entrance guys and of course unless you know where to put the key there is no way anybody is going to find this

Too many of you guys died a really stupid death of the nether while trying to bridge across the ginormous lava lakes like dying no not really i’m a creative but i’m sure all of you have experienced this at least once in fact i’ve experienced this multiple times so guys if you have died

A stupid death in another i want to know leave a like right now we’ll see how many of us have died in stupid ways but guys you will never die from bridging ever again thanks to this super easy brand new redstone machine all you got to do

Is place a block next to this observer and it will go cam building you a bridge automatically look at that out of basalt meaning you know you’re not going to have to die trying to bridge across lava again and then you’ll easily be able to walk across your bridge and get to wherever

You need yeah it’s cool so all you’re going to need to say goodbye to dying in the nether while making bridges ever again is one blue ice block six slime blocks two observers two sticky pistons a stone block and finally some soul soil not even any redstone dust now that’s

What i call compact the first thing you wanna do is pick the direction you want your bridge maker to head in we want to go this way then we’re going to go ahead and place down one blue ice block and then the slime block on the left facing towards the

Direction you want to go in above these guys we’re going to place one two observers making sure the arrows are faced this way then we need to grab our sticky pistons here guys and you want to place one on the blue ice facing in this direction and then one facing backwards

On that observer like so then switch black to your slime blocks you guys i’m gonna place one in the top right and one in the bottom left connecting up to those sticky pistons now we want to go ahead and clear the space between our little contraption here guys making sure you come

Down one two three blocks like so and making sure your slime blocks don’t touch any other blocks otherwise they’re going to drag them along and the whole thing just isn’t going to work so what you want to do guys is get under your machine and on the

Left slime block you guys we’re going to build down one two blocks like so bring it one forward under this sticky piston here and then to the right of this we’re gonna place a sole soil so it is directly below our blue ice here once again making sure your slime blocks

Don’t touch any other blocks once that’s done guys you want to destroy the wall that’s stopping the lava from flowing in so it flows in nicely like that and it’s as simple as grabbing your random block and placing it next to your observer and of warm of it guys guys our auto bridge

Maker which you guys can even walk along while it is making the bridge how cool is that guys no more dying for dumb and stupid reasons hi striders hello are you interested in my auto bridge up no they really don’t care guys look it’s cool all right i promise even

If the striders don’t care guys i can’t they still don’t get yeah this try to kick no he doesn’t no he does okay i’m sure you guys can if you think this is awesome labor life but we definitely still got some more awesome builds to impress your friends i believe i can fly

I believe i can i need to stop singing that song but yes i do believe i can fly because of my brand new plane with almost no redstone needed just a few sticky pistons and some good old honey you can make yourself an awesome looking plane

Just like this so to explore the skies just like my honey plane is doing right now all you’re going to need is nine honey blocks some stairs or two slabs of any kind your favorite color preferably then two observers two sticky pistons and then any random

Button so first you want to decide where you’re going to build your plane and at what height so you can go ahead grab any random block you guys and just build up a pillar to as high as you want your plane to be then we’re going to start with the back

Side of the plane here guys and you replace one honey block like so and destroy the block it’s connected to because uh yeah if it’s stuck to it we’re gonna have a little bit of a sticky situation guys i apologize i won’t make any more really bad honey jokes okay just be happy

That was bad i’m so sorry guys okay i’m with the build right bad drugs aside the video must continue we’re gonna place a one honey blog like so and then you wanna start building in the direction you want your plane to fly in so we’re gonna place one two three

Four five six seven and then behind this front block we’re gonna destroy those two honey blocks like so grab out your observer here guys i’m in place one make sure the arrow on top of that observer here is facing to the back side of the plane and then

One sticky piston there then you want to jump around on top of this observer here i’m gonna place this observer on the second block of the honey make sure now the arrow is facing in the direction you are flying and in front of here we’re gonna place a

Sticky piston and a honey block in front and that’s going to keep our whole plane together honestly this thing will fly right now but then it’ll just be like a flying caterpillar or something or other guys which is not very cool so we need to add a little bit

Of deco with our stay here guys we’re going to place this on the back that’s going to be our spoiler for our plane and then on the right side of this observer we’ll place one slab and then another on the left side wait a minute those wings are very tidy

Those are baby wigs that’s what we want guys okay whoops i made of mistake we gotta place one honey block on the left here one on the right and then go ahead and place slabs on either side and now our planes wings are a little bit normal size

Now what we need to do to get this thing started guys is jump on the back because it’s honey it will stick to you which means you can even go ahead and bring your pet along for the ride on your plane so if we grab ourselves a wolf

And some bones all right there we go we’ll put our wolf here bam bam bam bang he will stick to the honey as well which means all you need to do is go ahead and crouch and place the button here on this observer and vol you will start flying and look

At this me and ey pop are going for a serious flight across the atlantic ocean or the minecraft ocean it’s really not as impressive as the atlantic but the point is guys we are flying we are exploring onto the next build today oh what a great day of mining just

Ignore the fact that i’ve been creative and have literally nothing from mining and we were just on a plane um look guys it’s part of the role play all right so i come over here i want to get out of my mind i just gotta stand on this pressure plate on this platform

And warm guys i start heading up to the skies on this elevator now as you guys can see this is the most compact and easiest elevator i have ever shown on my channel now it’s not the most aesthetic looking thing if you guys want the coolest looking elevator that is still really

Easy to make i actually made a dedicated video to that on my channel which you can check out by subscribing made an elevator that looks really cool and works however this is the easiest elevator you can make hands down if you don’t care about looks so let me

Go ahead and show you exactly how to make this bad boy the items you are going to need include four redstone dust three observers two oak pressure plates two sticky pistons four slime blocks any kind of slab an obsidian two spruce planks a trapdoor and finally

A button now i’m going to stress it again this is not the cool looking elevator if you want that check out my channel and the dedicated video but this is definitely the easiest elevator you can make that almost requires no resources so the first thing you want

To do guys is where your elevator is going to be you’re going to dig out one two three blocks in this backwards l shape and then break out and make that two blocks deep then you want to go ahead with your redstone dust and wire that all across the bottom now above

The razor dust on the right hand corner we’re going to go ahead and place an observer facing upwards and then you want to go ahead and place a second observer facing upwards just in front of that then we’re going to go ahead you want to fill in the block just

In front of that observer again and put down your pressure plate then with our sticky piston here guys we’re going to place this on top of our observer like so with our slime blocks here guys we’re going to place one or two slime blocks on top of that

And then we’re also gonna place two on the left of our observer and our sticky piston then back to our observers here guys we’re gonna place one facing downwards in the top left corner and then another sticky piston again facing downwards so we’ve got a little

Bit of a mismatch pattern going on here then with our slab guys we’re going to place this on the left and this is going to stick to our slime block so it will take us up and we’re able to stand on here when it travels up now at the moment

Guys this machine travels up all you got to do stand the pressure plate and warm it starts heading up into the sky except problem is it’s just going to keep heading up and up and higher and higher until it reaches the moon so we need to go ahead and stop it at

The height you want it and to do that guys we’re going to go ahead and place an obsidian block just on top of the slime like so then you want to come to the left side of our obsidian just above this observer here and place a spruce

Trap door just above and that should send your elevator down and if it does that means you’ve done it right don’t stress about that then what you’re going to do guys is you want to go ahead and you want to crouch and you replace an obsidian block here

On this side of the spruce trap door now this can be a little bit finicky to get there we go and it should look something like that then we’re going to use our spruce planks here guys and you want to build out one block there and then without

Redstone dust guys we’re going to place one two redstone dust connected to the trapdoor here and underneath this block here we’re going to place our button that’s allowing us to travel back downwards again so let me demonstrate guys you stand here on the pressure plate it starts heading you up you stand on

This platform and it will go up very very easy and just take its time we need some elevator music okay you click this button it activates that trap door and sends you right back down again couldn’t be more easy than that and then for our next build guys

Ah you’re gonna have to watch the next video because that’s all the time we’ve got for today hope you guys enjoyed if you did like subscribe for more videos like this and i’ll see you in the next one until then hey lost your mouth bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: 5 Easy Redstone Builds To Impress Your Friends’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2021-05-16 11:00:09. It has garnered 1411459 views and 42738 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:59 or 899 seconds.

Top 5 Best Redstone Things You Can Make in Minecraft That You Didn’t Know with No Mods and No Commands in Minecraft Bedrock and Java Edition w/ Eystreem

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❤️ Tik Tok: https://direct.me/eystreem 📷 Instagram: https://direct.me/eystreem 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing 🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

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    INSANE BANK BUILD | MINECRAFT TUTORIALVideo Information This video, titled ‘@minecraft|| HOW TO MAKE A BANK 🏦 IN MINECRAFT || Tutorial ||#minecraft#viral@MrBeastGaming #132’, was uploaded by SKY GAMER 0005 on 2024-03-12 14:31:10. It has garnered 335 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft, #minecraftbuilds, #minecraftmemes, #minecraftbuild, #minecraftpe, #minecraftpc, #minecrafthouse, #minecraftdaily, #minecrafters, #minecrafter, #minecraftideas, #minecraftonly, #minecraftmeme, #minecraftserver, #minecrafthouses#minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters#dankmeme #follow #game #minecraftmeme #art #shitpost #dailymemes #gta #games #minecrafter #minecraftonly… Read More

  • Magic Network

    Magic NetworkThis is a Lifesteal and PVP Server. With Tons of Ranks, Crates and More. I hope you enjoy and have fun! magicsmp.mc-connect.xyz Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist Hermitcraft-like LGBTQ+ Friendly Community-focused 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula Project Nebula Hey! Thanks for checking out our server! Project Nebula is a Hermitcraft-style SMP where we focus on community and fun gameplay. Our goal is to grow a friendly and diverse community of players who enjoy playing Minecraft together. Quick Links Nebula Photo Album Dynmap Discord About Us & Values Project Nebula is run by college students who love playing Minecraft and fostering a welcoming community. Our server has been running for over 5 years with a focus on providing a fun Vanilla experience. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming Community-driven & transparent Mutual trust & respect Commitment… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Sunrise? More like lava-rise 🔥“Who needs a real sunrise when you can wake up to blocky pixels instead? 🌞 #MinecraftLife” Read More

  • 24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains?

    24-Hour Training: Epic Gains or Epic Pains? In the gym for 24 hours straight, Pushing limits, feeling the weight. Stretching, cardio, feeling fine, Ready for this marathon, feeling divine. Energy bursting, two hours in, But the challenge is about to begin. Fatigue setting in, feeling the burn, But I won’t stop, there’s more to learn. Maintaining energy, nutrition is key, No time to rest, let’s continue with glee. Second wind, feeling reinvigorated, Ready for more, feeling elated. Hitting a low point, this is tough, Praying for strength, feeling rough. Every muscle aching, but no giving up, Pushing through, filling my cup. Steroids giving me the boost… Read More

  • “Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds” 🔥😂 #shorts #viral

    "Bedrock Logic: When you dig straight down and find diamonds" 🔥😂 #shorts #viral “When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft Bedrock but then accidentally fall into lava and lose them all… Troll Face be like ‘Gotcha!’” Read More

  • My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story

    My Human Lover: Minecraft Animation Story Minecraft Animation Story Love: “Human is my Lover” Season 1 [Part 2] Exploring Chiang Tung City In this episode of the Minecraft Animation Story “Human is my Lover,” the characters find themselves in the vibrant and bustling Chiang Tung City. The map used for this episode provides a stunning backdrop for the unfolding events. You can explore the city yourself by visiting the map here: Chiang Tung City Map. Immersive Soundtrack The episode features an engaging soundtrack that enhances the viewing experience. The music sets the tone for the story and adds depth to the emotions portrayed. Here are… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak Secrets

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Insane Cloak SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Time’, was uploaded by CloaK on 2024-05-29 21:10:37. It has garnered 17 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:08 or 12128 seconds. Read More

  • Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild Adventures

    Presidents Play Minecraft: Wild AdventuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft 1-7’, was uploaded by Game_Mood on 2024-05-18 11:18:43. It has garnered 53041 views and 1519 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:13 or 3733 seconds. USE CODE: GAMEMOOD in the Item Shop #Epicpartner Support Our Channel By Being a Member https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-iynlGv3vLIEFyhsvnU_PQ/join #shorts ✋ ✋ #minecraft #gaming #clips #Minecraftshorts #funny #troll The US Presidents play Minecraft, Donald Trump Joe Biden and Barack Obama start their own Minecraft server and mess around This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way… Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!

    Uncover the Secrets of The Tomb of Mythical Sausage!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SOS – Ep. 15: THE TOMB OF MYTHICAL SAUSAGE!!!’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2024-05-02 14:30:02. It has garnered 40538 views and 3539 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. Welcome to Minecraft SOS Episode 15!! Today we’re doing a pet challenge on the server, and building up our recently bought cemetery plot from Jimmy!!! My Friends: Fwhip – https://www.youtube.com/@fWhip Joey – https://www.youtube.com/@JoeyGraceffaGames Katherine – https://www.youtube.com/@KatherineElizabeth_ Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady Mog – https://www.youtube.com/@Mogswamp Owen – https://www.youtube.com/@OwengeJuiceTV Pix – https://www.youtube.com/@Pixlriffs Sausage – https://www.youtube.com/@TheMythicalSausage Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname Shubble – https://www.youtube.com/@Shubble Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans… Read More

  • Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥

    Dying in Game Turns into REAL LIFE DEATH 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘KiiBOOM emerald switches 🌿’, was uploaded by Lifeafterdeath Gaming on 2024-01-03 21:45:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #mojang #thankyou #gaming #update #portal #portal2 #dropper #thedropper #2022 #viral #original #dimensions … Read More

  • “Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!” #wintersmp

    "Uncover the Secret to Invincibility in Minecraft SMP!" #wintersmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Becoming invincible #wintersmp #minecraft #smp#shorts’, was uploaded by Qeco on 2024-04-06 12:01:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ATM9: SAY GOODBYE TO REFINED STORAGE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Stream 18 (Bye Bye Refined Storage!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-05-22 02:28:37. It has garnered 649 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:45 or 18345 seconds. Hey everyone! So, I finally decided to just do the thing and switch EVERYTHING over to Applied Energistics because Refined Storage needs to go sit in a time-out for a while and think about the temper tantrums it keeps having. xD Note – I’m going to add a little blurb here since I got asked this several… Read More


    EVIL BOYY EXPOSED IN VIRAL MINECRAFT HACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hack #minecraft #viral #shorts #trending #gamer #shortvideo #game #mcpe’, was uploaded by __EVIL__BOYY__G__ on 2024-01-16 14:06:57. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “LordS_Dr1p1ng – Epic PvP Kills!” #minecraft #hypixel #skywars

    "LordS_Dr1p1ng - Epic PvP Kills!" #minecraft #hypixel #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Views! #gaming #pvp #minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #bedwar #bedwars #hylex #skywars #mc #shorts’, was uploaded by LordS_Dr1p1ng on 2024-01-10 18:03:25. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!

    SNN Shadowy pulls off insane trick! 😱 No gliding allowed!Video Information This video, titled ‘How did I hit this? 🤣 No gliding for you!’, was uploaded by SNN Shadowy on 2024-01-13 08:03:32. It has garnered 2474 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. My public discord user =sxvh My discord server =https://discord.gg/29ztr3t7rY Minecraft ign = elementalown fortnite main account = SNN Own Valorant account = Shadowy#rizz my tiktok page = SNN Shadowy #fortnite #fortniteclips #gaming #ps #fortnitecommunity #memes #fortnitememes #fortnitebattleroyale #gamer #fortnitebr #fortnitegameplay #xbox #twitch #meme #fortniteclansrecruiting #dankmemes #follow #fortnitenews #fortniteleaks #funny #like #fortnitemontage #youtube #k #fortnitegame #playstation #pubg #game #fortniteps #pc… Read More

  • MysticalB0x

    MysticalB0xA brand new amazing box server. we have grindable ranks, active staff, no p2w system, and a very diverse gameplay style. we have mob arenas, pvp arenas, mini games, but most importantly, a box, with grindable, OP gear. MysticalB0x.minehut.gg Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon SMP, Java & Bedrock 1.20.6, Mature Community, Player-driven Economy, Grief Protection, Custom Features, mcMMO, Progression-based Tools

    Join Our Community at Stormy Lagoon Embark on a survival journey like no other on Minecraft versions 1.20.4-1.20.6. Join our welcoming community established over four years ago on January 4th, 2022. Dive into a player-driven economy, explore unique features, and enjoy our exclusive Stormy Tools for endless enjoyment. Server Details Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Connect with Us Discord: Join our Discord Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Tiktok What Makes Us Unique? Chat Report Disabled for hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels for guidance Quality of Life Commands like… Read More

  • ChaotiCraft: The Wild Woods

    ChaotiCraft: The Wild WoodsHello and welcome!Thanks for stopping by.We’re a newer little server that’s just starting to get it’s footing.We’re a friendly bunch and we’re hoping to invite more people so we can make more friends.We have homes you can teleport to and from.We have McMMO, which has a bunch of skills and features.We have NPCs which roam around and can both give you quests and be shopkeepers.We have a Discord server for hanging out which also has a channel linked to the ingame chat.We are actively polling our community and taking suggestions wherever we can.We would love to see you come and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Solo crafter conquers nether & end.

    Minecraft Memes - Solo crafter conquers nether & end.I guess you could say this meme is 14 times more popular than any other crafting meme out there! Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft store cutter meme “Why go to the store to buy a cutter when you can just mine for one in Minecraft? #gamerlogic” Read More

Minecraft: 5 Easy Redstone Builds To Impress Your Friends