Minecraft Agrarian Skies – Bound And Tied !!! [E39]

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of agrarian skies so guys off-camera I have been doing a little bit of research into blood magic I’ve learned kind of what we need to do going forward kind of so basically what it looks like is our altered capacity is

Currently at 16,000 and a lot of the stuff that we need we need a little bit more than that it also would be nice just to have that buffer so you don’t have to keep watching it every two seconds and make sure you’re not running

Out so what I wanted to do is start making some of these runes of Augmented capacity this will allow us to store more LP in our altar so if we click on this thing we can see that it requires a magician’s blood orb three buckets some flux electrum ingots and and imbued

Slate so the imbued slate I’ve already made a few of these well that’s a reinforce I made a few imbued States slates and the way you do that is by taking the reinforced slate and sticking that in the altar requires 5000 LP and yeah so I’ve been using our villager

Friends over here and doing just making sure we got enough LP in the system so we can just put a reef or sleet in there it’ll do it’s red little swirly things and after just a couple of seconds it will turn into the imbued slate so yeah

That’s really really cool so let’s wait for this to happen there it is BAM so now we got six of those okay so this will allow us to create six of these rune of augmented capacities okay so the Flex electrum even gets that’s another thing that I’ve been working on a little

Bit off-camera just trying to help speed things up so in order to make these we need to get a pyro theum dust and two flux electrum blends so the pyro theme is pretty easy we’ve made this before it’s just blaze powder redstone sulfur and pull fur it’s cool not a big deal

The flux electrum though this requires us to make electric plant electrum blend and put two pieces of redstone into it with a fluid Transposer okay very easy i’ve already this up over there and we’ve been making it we’re off camera so we just need gold dust or pulverize gold and pulverize

Silver that’ll make us the electron blend stick that in the liquid Transposer and it does what we need it to do so I think this should probably be finished up by now yeah we got electric blend there this is all done looks like we are needing a little bit more the

Flexed so let’s grab the 27 more those that I have created stick that in here and let it do its thing okay so then I’ll go while we’re working so it looked like we have 68 of these flux electrum ingots so we should be pretty good to start making what we

Need to make all right so each one of these is three buckets and I want to make six of those so we need was at 18 buckets how many buckets do we have we have 57 perfect we have more than enough than what we need so let’s go ahead and

Shift-click this guy stick that right there and those slates okay so there is six rooms of augmented capacity excellent so now we can come over here to our altar and I don’t know at what point we’re allowed to use these blocks right here for putting runes in I

Guess we could test it right now see so that’s 8,000 LP on a tier three so let’s break this and stick one of these guys not that too scary here capacities to 16,000 so if we put that right there okay no no no that does work so we can

Now use those corners I was told that we weren’t able to use as before but it looks like at some point we have unlocked the ability to do that okay so we’ll go and stick these guys right here this will increase how much our altar

Can hold now I just need a 5 T more spots I guess right here’s one stick you there and efficiency root that makes things go faster we’re gonna sacrifice that gives us more LP per villager that we kill spill speedran makes it go faster and yeah these blocks of redstone

Actually supposed to be blood we’ll have to figure out how to make them a little bit later so which one of these do I want to remove I guess we’ll do a speed rune I guess it doesn’t really matter yeah I think that makes things use it less LP because it goes

That much faster but I think I’d rather store more at this time then make things go faster so right now we can hold 25,000 LP that’s pretty cool so now we can take some of our village your friends over here do this in that and

One of those okay so now we have almost a full altars worth of LP so that’s awesome we’re able to hold a lot more now so we can craft more without having to worry about refilling is often very good okay so now that that’s done I was

Looking at our quest book once again it says we have one quest with unclaimed rewards and if we open that up yeah this one right here still says that it has an unclaimed reward I don’t know about that but it says that we can do it so I guess

We’ll take a reward bag let’s claim that reward I’m gonna put the cows away and we have an epic oh we have an epic reward bag let’s go ahead and open this guy in amarynth trap door that sounds like a junk reward that nobody wants alright so we’ll put the hat one away

Okay so I wanted to continue on some more of the blood magic stuff I’m not sure how far we’re gonna be able to get in this because I’m so learning as we go but it looks like it wants to create a bound sword I think all right let’s read

This blood magic rituals can be used to summon resources and create powerful tools weapons and armor create a ritual diviner I think that’s how you see that this tool can be used to auto place the components for various rituals construct the ritual of binding and scroll down

Activate and threw in a diamond sword then run like hell according to the Creator further information and safety tips can be found by reading the blood magic forum the red okay so I’ve been doing a little bit of reading off-camera like I said so it says that we need

Constructive ritual of binding so I don’t know how to do that so this is ritual of the full spring okay so let’s see if we can make one of those okay so there’s two different ones here they both have the same item one says cannot places dusk ruins the other one says it

Can I don’t know what the difference is okay so in order to make one of these we’re gonna need some diamonds emeralds or I guess cannot place can’t please I guess there’s two different ones of these that we can create so we need to figure out how to make these elemental

Inscription tools of fire alright so we needed tier three one thousand magma cream makes one of those okay so we’re gonna have to make some magma cream we’re gonna have to get some gas tears which they should have we’re going to need lapis lazuli blocks which they

Have and obsidian which I also have so let’s see what we got here as far as all that stuff goes obsidian let’s get a stack lapis we don’t have the blocks but we have the loose items let’s go ahead and make a stack of blocks of lapis whoops whoops there we go

Click so there’s one stack of that gasps tears yep we got plenty of those to be killing gas has I’ve been collecting dirt and what was the last one that’s obsidian that’s the lamp is this one is the dent and then we need magma cream we

Only have 19 of those okay so how do you make magma cream I forget our slime ball plus blaze powder okay how much pleased we have we have 600 of those slime yep we got plenty perfect so we won’t even have to worry about forming anything we

Got everything good to go okay so now we have all of these guys when you stick them on the blood altar and it says it requires 1000 LP per and we have 25,000 we got some villagers up here I might have to go spawn some more villagers I don’t really know how many

Actually that’s it f3 this says we have 9 villagers up there so that’s an additional what is that 18,000 LP yeah probably gonna have to spawn some more villagers get this going so let me go ahead and put all these guys in here actually I guess we can do one together

Real quick so let’s stick one of these in there and that shouldn’t take too long if it’s only gonna use a thousand let’s still and we’re doing a stack of these it’s gonna take a bit of time actually that’s taking longer than I thought it would hmm okay well let me go

Ahead and make a few of these I don’t know if I’m gonna do a full stack it’s gonna take that long and we need four times that amount I might just do I don’t know 10 of them or something like that but yeah guys let me go and do this

And we’ll be right back okay guys so I was thinking that these were gonna stack which they don’t or at least they don’t appear to you know they don’t stack I’m actually not sure if we need many more of these than what we already have so I

Stopped at three per color instead of doing like ten stack of each I think that might have been a little bit overboard since I don’t know enough about this mod to know if we need that many okay so we can go ahead and start putting all these things away spend

Double-click these all these guys go in there so now we can make one of these guys ritual or the full spring okay so we made one of those and I think that satisfies this no we need a detection task so we also have to make a bound

Blade okay so I’m gonna have to figure out how to do the ritual of binding so let’s actually let’s look at this again real quick it can be used to create resources create a ritual diviner this tool can be used Auto place two components for varies for rituals

Construct the ritual of binding okay so it tells us to create a ritual of binding but doesn’t tell us really how to do that now I think if we look at blood magic weren’t their ritual stones yeah there were and I think we could have gotten one of these oh man that’s

It’s a little I think we could have done a bunch of these from a reward a little while ago if I remember correctly and I chose not to do that so that might have been the wrong choice let’s see do we have any ritual stones no we don’t okay so I tell

You guys what looks like oh you know what we might be able to creat one of these real quick ritual stone so there’s that these guys go here and then the orb that the magician that work was it the apprentice there it is okay so the apprentice will let us make

That yeah I gotta make it bunch more those slates so we have to put stone in which turns into the regular slates and we have to put those back in to the reinforced slates so yep that’s gonna take a little bit of time so let me go ahead and start

Working on this and we’ll be right back all right guys so as experimenting around a little bit trying to make these reinforced slates a little bit easier and it looks like if you put it in by hand one piece of stone you can turn that into the slice and you put it in

Again you get to reinforce slate but you can only do one item at a time I can’t figure out how to do more than one then I was just messing around see if we can automate the blood altar a little bit I put a hopper next to it and let’s see I

Put in like I don’t know let’s do four four pieces of stone and sure enough all four of those pieces of stone do you go into the blood altar you can see now looks like there is more than one item there and yeah so it’ll just do it all

At the same time so you just got to watch it for longer but it’s better than putting one item in waiting for it to get done pulling it out putting the next item in waiting for it to get done this way you can just kind of do it all in

One go and I think it makes things of that much easier but yeah it does take four times as long because we have four pieces of stone in there but it should be finishing up here pretty quickly you just got to make sure you got enough lp

In your altar another thing mmm if you click this like if you right-click with an empty hand you’ll cancel this out so if you got a lot of stone in there and it’s almost done and you right-click it you have to start all the way over so

Yeah be careful you always have the divination sigil in your hand if you’re ever gonna click on this thing while it’s going and mass-producing things yeah I found that one out is very frustrating okay so we got this going we can put those blank slates back in there

For the reinforced slates but I don’t think we need to do that at this time so we have a bunch of ritual stones we got 28 of those took a while to get all those done but from what I was reading that we need a master ritual stone

Apparently every ritual needs one of these so let’s make a master ritual stone so we click this net so we needed this orb and then we needed oh gosh what was it was it the stones to do that yes okay so that makes the master ritual

Stone okay very good so now that we have that we have twenty-four ritual stones I believe that’s what we need so with this what is this thing cold I can’t remember what the name of this thing is anyway the little blue stick thing if you shift

Right click it you can go through a whole bunch of different rituals and if I want to see when you hover over this the tooltip there tells you how many of each different type of stone you need for each ritual now I’m pretty sure it said we needed the ritual of binding so

Let’s just click through here into oh that’s a miracle sure one huh ritual the full spring green groove ritual of binding okay so now that that’s set to the ritual of binding let’s take a look at our book once again this tool can be used to auto place components for the

Various rituals constructive ritual of binding activate it and throw in a diamond sword and then run like hell acquired to the Creator okay so I’m not sure where we’re gonna do this maybe we should do it over here I think this is one of those things you make one so you

Can tear it down and you don’t have to worry about it again so if I right-click maybe I have to put down the master ritual stone then do every click ok now that place a Blanc right click right click please send me key how many of these we got

Left I guess I’ll put that in the hot bar so you can see so yeah as I’m doing that it’s placing all these blocks around in the correct place I’m pretty sure we only needed that many of them mm-hmm so I’m not sure how to actually activate

The ritual come to think of it it’s said that we needed a diamond sword so let’s go ahead and do that I think that is all the stones we needed to get this ritual going so let’s get a diamond sword yeah plenty of diamonds and we need a stick

So we got one of those excellent okay so how do I activate the ritual do we have to touch you with my orb I honestly don’t know but I guess we’ll try a few things here I don’t remember reading about this on the K says currently

Harvestable pickaxe I don’t know so if I just place it on here is that activated I gotta turn my magnet off obviously yeah I think I’m I think I missed something as far as activating this thing goes put that there yeah nothing’s happening ok so now um yeah let me do a

Little bit more research on how to get this thing activated and we’ll be right back alright so we had to make a weak activation crystal so in order to make one of these weak activation crystals we have to make a lava crystal which is three lava buckets some glass the weak

Blood orb diamond and some of the flux electrum so we had all that stuff and we are done get that guy out of there awesome so this activates a low-level ritual so you know what let’s take a look at this so there’s a weak activation and the awakened activation crystal ooh this looks

Rather complicated I’ve never seen most this stuff before so yeah I assume that’s how you do the more advanced ones okay so we have the weak activation crystal and I’m pretty sure we have to just right-click that on this gosh good let me see okay well I just clicked it

On there oh I think the problem was I had to click this in midair so it bound to me so now it says current owner myself then I clicked on the stone and I got some particles I think we are good to go my magnet is now turned off so I

Should just be able to queue that on there yeah oh yeah look at that right there boom bound sword very cool okay so yeah blood magics taking a little bit for me to get used to it but I’m I’m getting there okay so now we have the bound blade caution may cause a

Bad day deactivated so if I activate this I believe when it’s activated its using some of my LP let me see if I do this 18 950 yeah there we go now it’s using a little bit okay so let’s turn that off that’s what it turns into like it or

When it’s turned off and it turns into a sword when it’s turned on huh weird okay so now that we have this what does our book tell us activate through the diamond sword then we run like hell across the thing further information and safety tips can be found by reading the

Blood match form okay so that’s all we had to do is just create the bound blade so that’s gonna give us a full heart reward bag in some of these runes and now we have plenty of sacrifice I think we should probably get some more of those argument to capacity if we’re

Gonna get any of those but I’m just gonna get the reward bag because I like rewards as long as you’re not the more Vedic or rewards which are just a waste of space so click on this thing oh that’s awesome that was totally worth it more fluid storage awesome love

It okay very very cool so let’s take a look at this once more and this is gonna oh this is how we get okay unlocks requests elsewhere so this is gonna make us the large bloodstone bricks that’s what we need to upgrade our alter to a

Tier 4 and yes so we have to replace these redstone blocks with those so let’s see let’s read this real quick once you have your balance sword you can active I activated by a sneak clicking which we already did doing so will use life as in stored in your blood network

Hitting a mob with the activated sword will give you a chance of getting a blood shard okay blood shards are needed to make blood bricks to upgrade your altar to tier 4 awesome okay so we need large bloodstone brick so let’s look in nei real quick right so how do we make

These so stone and a weak blood shard oh that gives us 32 of these Wow okay so I guess we only need to kill now did it say hostile mobs are just any mob that uh just as hitting a mob with us activated sword will give you a chance

Of getting a bloodshirt so I wonder if doing on villagers will work we got a pig over here hey Pig okay that did not give me anything so let’s come back over here there’s some cats around I think we’ll leave those there’s some more animals over

Here each EEP okay I should also turn on my magnet once again we got to remember to turn this sword off we can’t leave it going because that’ll just drain all my life points okay that one had some particles when I hit it but yeah I’m not seeing those shorts so

Maybe it has to be a hostile mob I am Not sure I don’t see any more animals around oh wait there’s a cow over here we’ll trade it one more time and also a sheep and a villagers we can try a few different ones case there’s that there’s that

Yeah no chard let’s try it on the villager nope okay so it might have to be a hostile mob um so where are we gonna get some hostile mobs around here we only have them available in this thing so it might go to the nether and

Try and kill a few Pigman or something hmm I think we can handle that let’s do it yeah on second thought probably attack you this Pigman is probably not a good idea I think if we can find one by itself it might be okay but groups of

Four yeah here’s one guy over here let’s go ahead and activate this thing well it looks like there’s two but I think we’ll just trade on the one okay so there we go blew up on us but we got the thing we needed so let’s turn our sword off and

We’ll come back over here into your thingy awesome so now we should be able to combine those shards with well I guess just one of the charts we need combine that with a piece of stone for 32 the large bloodstone bricks so stone one of you and one of you large

Bloodstone brick okay so I believe all we got to do to upgrade this for tier 4 is now replace this stuff with these and hopefully that’s what we need to get this to the tier 4 other than that we’re gonna have to upgrade to a tier 5 by

Using beacons and I think that’s a little bit beyond us at this point we don’t have any nether stars yet okay so we placed those all down oh you know what we also need to put the runes or in between here what are these things

Yeah the runes do we have enough do we have any ruins we have eleven plus one yeah we don’t have a right now okay so we’ll do that probably next time all right guys think that’s gonna do it for today we’ve mess around with blood magic quite a lot discovered some pretty

Cool tricks and tips these last couple of days I’m going to continue to do some more reading and figuring out more things that we can do with the blood magic to make our life a little bit easier but yeah guys that’s it for today thank you guys for watching remember to

Leave a like on this episode if you liked it and we’ll see you next time first

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Agrarian Skies – Bound And Tied !!! [E39]’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2014-07-09 13:00:02. It has garnered 23463 views and 915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:09 or 1509 seconds.

Modded Minecraft Agrarian Skies – *LIKE* to see more!!!! 🙂

——————- We started in on Blood Magic last episode and I feel like we should continue on that quest path today as well! Let’s see what else we can do in this mod! ——————-

Series playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLriprjos26ps99Rygon6ysReVuilkDOMM

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FTB: http://feed-the-beast.com Agrarian Skies v3.1.1

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    "Insane Herobrine Chess Battle! New Minecraft Animation" #viral #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine chess mei mei in normal speed | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 06:30:24. It has garnered 81 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine chess mei mei in normal speed | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you… Read More

  • Mitzitime takes the Minecraft Server to the Nether! You won’t believe what happens next…

    Mitzitime takes the Minecraft Server to the Nether! You won't believe what happens next...Video Information This video, titled ‘THE COMMUNITY MINECRAFT SERVER MUST ENTER THE NETHER!!!!!!! (JOIN US!!!!!!)’, was uploaded by mitzitime on 2024-03-12 00:14:50. It has garnered 111 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:08 or 12608 seconds. YOU SHOULD JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/NRzDp6w65M Minecraft Server IP in the discord (join) ((now)) ^^^^^^^^^ #jjk #anime #fyp #animememes #girls #gojo #deathnote #light #lawliet #ldeathnote #animememe #minecraft #vtuber #envtuber #minecraft #minecraftserver #smp #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #twitch #twitchstreamer i’ll take a potato chip and eat it playing minecraft with viewers ♥ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mitzitime_ ♥ twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mitzitime ♥ discord: https://discord.gg/NRzDp6w65M Read More

  • “Insane Mob Battle – Royalblade vs. Herobrine!!” #minecraft #shizo

    "Insane Mob Battle - Royalblade vs. Herobrine!!" #minecraft #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mobs vs Mobs #minecraft #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-09 11:17:28. It has garnered 31821 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Mobs vs Mobs #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft spawner minecraft 1.20 public server power worker minecraft speedrun minecraft manhunt minecraft dream minecraft speedrun vs hunter minecraft speedrun world record minecraft challenge minecraft best seed minecraft best seed 1.20 minecraft best pvp hacks minecraft best tiktok hacks minecraft best sword build hack minecraft best tnt cannon minecraft… Read More

  • Ahmed the Ultimate Gamer: Music, Love, Covers, Minecraft Madness

    Ahmed the Ultimate Gamer: Music, Love, Covers, Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘#song #music #love #singer #cover #gaming #tharmanzer #musicgenre #minecraft #thargamingxyz’, was uploaded by Ahmed gamer on 2024-04-25 02:17:11. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Moonlight Field

    Moonlight Field﹒Moonlight info Moonlight field is a server dedicated to both a twitch space, and minecraft server! We offer people to connect with similar interests. Along with safe spaces for others with a accepting community with many people to befriend. Read More

  • The Bagelverse Modded SMP Greylist Cottage Witch Recast

    Join the Cottage Witch Recast Server! Get access to the Cottage Witch Recast server here: discord.gg/bagelverse The Bagelverse now offers a whimsical Cottage Witch Recast server! Modpack and Server features: Pack version 1.5.3 (Latest) on Forge 1.19.2 Over 250 mods including magic mods like Ars Nouveau and Hexerei, decoration mods like Fairy Lights, and Create for automation. Explore the Ghibli-style spawn with shops and mobs dropping coins for in-game goodies. Access /rtp /back /home and /tpa commands. Chat through Discord and enjoy proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat. No pay-to-win, only donations for support. Join the Bagelverse Discord server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    me when I f**ked up my gear by forgetting mending

    Minecraft Memes - <p>me when I f**ked up my gear by forgetting mending</p>Looks like my forgetfulness is really racking up the points in the meme game! Read More

  • Noob roasted by Pro! 🔥 #minecraftfunny

    Noob roasted by Pro! 🔥 #minecraftfunny "Noob: dies from falling into lava Pro: casually builds a bridge over the lava Hacker: teleports to the end and claims victory God: creates a whole new world and starts from scratch because why not" Read More

  • The Ultimate Weapon in Minecraft (Mace)

    The Ultimate Weapon in Minecraft (Mace) The Best Weapon in Minecraft: The Mace (Buzdygan) Welcome to this episode where a new weapon added in the 1.21 update, the Mace (Buzdygan), takes center stage. If you enjoyed the video, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel! 🎉🎉 Chapter Breakdown: 0:00 Introduction The video kicks off with an introduction to the new weapon. 0:11 Gathering Items Watch as the player collects the necessary items to craft the powerful Mace. 3:38 Trial Chamber 1 The player enters the first trial chamber to test the capabilities of the Mace. 5:14 Trial Chamber 2 Explore the second trial chamber and… Read More

  • 1Aidk & Gogibtw – The #1 Secret to Transform Your Life in 7 Days

    1Aidk & Gogibtw - The #1 Secret to Transform Your Life in 7 DaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why you should do this for the next 7 days’, was uploaded by 1Aidk & Gogibtw on 2024-06-11 22:10:53. It has garnered 2260 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:07 or 247 seconds. My discord: https://discord.gg/Pg7pGCcmpE tags (ignore) : #hypixelskyblock ​​ #skyblock ​​ #hypixel #minecraft #investing #skyblocktips PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTt73_s7glYeIZy4O7L_ZAA?sub_confirmation=1 Read More

  • JermsyBoy Unlocks Magic Academy! | Minecraft LIVE

    JermsyBoy Unlocks Magic Academy! | Minecraft LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Nearly finishing the Magic Academy! | Minecraft Survival 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-03-15 21:02:00. It has garnered 2195 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:35 or 9035 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/jermsyboy Links: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Second Channel: @Jermsyy Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jermsyboy Twitter: https://twitter.com/JermsyBoy Discord: https://discord.gg/Ku478Wt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jermsyboi/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Datapacks: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ My Worldgen Datapack: https://modrinth.com/datapack/jermsyboys-world-overhaul Invisible Item Frames: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UpPi… Custom Roleplay Data: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Custom Nether Portals, Armor Statues: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/data… Climbable Chains: http://mc.voodoobeard.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resource Pack Downloads: ————————————————————————– Jermsy’s Vanilla… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Survival on Bedrock!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Survival on Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore survival Episode 1|Bedrock edition beta’, was uploaded by M.Hussain Abbas on 2024-05-08 13:57:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:31 or 1651 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Stream with MackGall!!

    INSANE Minecraft Stream with MackGall!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live stream’, was uploaded by MackGall on 2024-04-09 11:24:23. It has garnered 52 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:40 or 9880 seconds. #live #minemen #hypixelbridge #minecraft #bridgescrims Read More

  • Bukkit Mod Gone Wrong! EmilyTheDemon’s Crazy Minecraft Adventure Ep 17

    Bukkit Mod Gone Wrong! EmilyTheDemon's Crazy Minecraft Adventure Ep 17Video Information This video, titled ‘Bukkit Misadventures – Minecraft 1.20.4 Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 17’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-04 22:00:11. It has garnered 55 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:25 or 9805 seconds. It is with a heavy heart I share this video in which I make far, far too many mistakes herding frogs. Enjoy my cringe. XD Huge shoutout to Nitro for being a very patient BAMF. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Complementary Shaders: curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders Texture Packs from https://vanillatweaks.net/ [Feel free to… Read More

  • Insane 1v1s & Epic Events with Fenwo – JOIN THE STREAM!

    Insane 1v1s & Epic Events with Fenwo - JOIN THE STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zeqa 1v1s & Events! (JOIN!) (stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-17 01:17:15. It has garnered 818 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 02:49:47 or 10187 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Get Fit Fast: 1 Push Up for Every Subscriber

    Get Fit Fast: 1 Push Up for Every SubscriberVideo Information This video, titled ‘1 Sub = 1 Push Up’, was uploaded by razmoose on 2024-04-11 23:32:20. It has garnered 1387 views and 70 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:41 or 3281 seconds. -Socials- discord: https://discord.gg/jzWKSxNPfQ (subscribe if you read this) This minecraft hardcore series is inspired by Wadzee, Luke TheNoteable and sandiction Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, sandiction, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian, it’s actually just razmoose LOL. this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft… Read More

  • Maizen: Epic Pro vs Noob Minecraft Chunk Duel

    Maizen: Epic Pro vs Noob Minecraft Chunk DuelVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: CHUNK BATTLE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Maizen on 2024-05-11 11:00:09. It has garnered 3416616 views and 10157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:02 or 902 seconds. Today, we’re playing PVP! One of our islands is made or dirt, while the other is made of fabulous and valuable materials! The first person to break the other’s beacon wins! We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Maizen Merchandise ► https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ Read More

  • Insane Surprise! Watch Shadow Lefty in Minecraft!

    Insane Surprise! Watch Shadow Lefty in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Shadow Lefty plays: Minecraft P.E. “Normal” World (Read description) #1’, was uploaded by Shadow Lefty on 2024-05-28 22:30:05. It has garnered 116 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:09 or 1869 seconds. Disclaimer: Any music used in this video is not mine, and by all ©️copyright goes to the original song owners/artists. Question: What should I name my 1st dog? Put down in the comment section, please ( -_・)? Read More

  • theravenAU MC

    theravenAU MCWelcome to theravenAU SMC Creative Step into the thrilling world of theravenAU SMP and Creative, where survival pushes limits and bonds are built to last. Dive into an unparalleled Minecraft adventure, where every choice matters and challenges pave the way to lasting friendships. Dare to experience the ultimate game – where only the strong thrive! mc.theraven.au Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla, Just Opened, Whitelist, Nice Community!

    Join the Discord Here – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few days ago with my friends and after the success of season 1.19, we decided to make a season 2 in 1.20! The server is entirely vanilla and the community is insanely chill 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this adventure! Just join my Discord and I’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “15 Years of Crafting Chaos!”

    Minecraft has been around for 15 years and this meme only has a score of 14? Talk about getting creeper-blocked! Read More

  • POV: Minecraft movie ending – it’s lit! 🔥

    POV: Minecraft movie ending - it's lit! 🔥 POV: You finally defeat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft and the credits start rolling, but then you realize you forgot to save and your game crashes. #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP

    Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP Minecraft Mega SMP: Exploring the World of Siro and NeyuQ Join Siro and NeyuQ in their latest adventure in the Minecraft Mega SMP world! In this episode, the duo delves into the mysterious realm of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc, encountering thrilling challenges and exciting discoveries along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc Giáo Hội Cá Nóc is a hidden gem within the Minecraft Mega SMP universe, filled with unique landscapes and formidable foes. Siro and NeyuQ must navigate through treacherous terrain and outsmart cunning enemies to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic location. Teamwork and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Info Items Add-On

    Ultimate Minecraft Info Items Add-On Exploring the Info Items Add-On in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Embark on a new adventure in the Minecraft Bedrock Edition with the Info Items Add-On! This exciting addition brings seven new informational items to your worlds, enhancing your gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of these new features: Guide Book The Guide Book serves as your companion, providing valuable information on how to craft and use the new Info Items. It’s a handy tool to have as you navigate through the world of Minecraft. Vanilla Items Enhance your gameplay with the Depth Meter, Speedometer, Light Level Sensor, Biome Sensor,… Read More

Minecraft Agrarian Skies – Bound And Tied !!! [E39]