Minecraft Anarchy – Babylon: The Secret Megabase

Video Information

In the midst of a civil war bases were falling left and right one of the biggest group bases had just been grieved which left many players without a place to live at but then a player named athena stone quietly sent out a message in a fallen group’s discords proposing the idea of babylon

Nobody really paid any attention to the message except for one player named silent interroper that’s when babylon was born in this video we’re gonna go over the crazy history of the group that built babylon featuring stories from how they built the server’s largest megabase in absolute secrets how they deputed their

Existence by pulling off the dragon egg heist and how after turning the entire server against them they incited their rival group up until their unfortunate downfall this group has many stories to tell oh and of course i’ll be touring the base at the end of the video so keep

Watching now a little info about the server this all happened on a server that has now been shut down called specterium this was a regular energy server owned by edoc the same person that now owns an easy vanilla that’s why most players it will be mentioned in

This video either play an easy vanilla or have quit after bacterium shut down Babylon didn’t just come out of nowhere to fully understand all the insane stories that i’m gonna tell you guys today i need to set the scene a little bit so there were two big groups on specterium that played a role in the history of babylon the first one was

Created in february of 2020 by a player named liquidity x and royce houghton teamv became a very powerful group very quickly in april of the same year aurora empire is created by razak with solomaker and mindspace they started a small base called fort imperius but soon they would

Invite hci sigma over by and others which would lead to this base growing very quickly as well the server now had these two very powerful groups and razak from aurora empire proposed an alliance with team v well team v accepted this this would later be known as the new alliance the

New alliance was now the sole power of the server ae was expanding fast and forth imperious was getting too small that’s when a member of aurora empire proposed to open up their personal base to become the main base of ae this would be catrapolis but they would also create a new

Sub-branch called the ae army this was a place for new players and these players would stay at fort imperius there was a problem though the aurora empire army started getting out of control which was almost expected because there were a bunch of other geared players that were

Just talking the chat the entire time and they weren’t just annoying team v they were also annoying the community the worst offender was the leader himself razock but with his army our empire now was the biggest group having at least half of the player base in their group at the time

In may the fourth imperius got leaked and team v would grief it this was the first act of war but it wasn’t until two team v members attacked two ae members at spawn when all hell broke loose the new alliance was broken and the civil war began bases were grieved like stigma

Over by solo base the prismarine is yours And catrapolis the main base of ae Almost all ae members at spawn were killed because team v started their incursion and they named it inversion they would simply camp spawn and not let anyone enter or leave the war wasn’t good for aurora empire multiple members left because they didn’t like being targeted all the time

And there was just so much trauma around it all soon after this all ae got disbanded and the civil war ended it was during this war that athena’s tongue proposed tablon silent interloper was the only interested player and he went to babylon on foot because he had

Nothing to lose and nowhere else to go babylon started just like any other base a plot of land they started terraforming the base and athena built the cigarette that’s when stigma overpay was invited but when he arrived the base was still in its infant stages the three of them

Started planning out the base and soon after more players were secretly invited the first player who was invited after sigma was 8zi due to his building skills and his friendship with sigma soon after they decided to also recruit chaosik as his main base catropolis was grieved by team v

Furthermore he was extremely proficient at building farms and he had a history with hci and sigma because they were both in the aurora empire together lastly eccentric cats a famous old player was invited by hci due to them having history together and him being a great builder later on more and more

Players started to get invited such as bow oak real rocket and mindspace the building of the base was one of the most active times of the group when all the terraforming was done the group hopped in the discord call and drew up a map by hand to decide where each build

Would go for hours babylon divided the base into various sections which would be divided by the tall majestic walls of the base in order to prevent burnout there was a general timeline of how long each build would take which would ensure that building wouldn’t stagnate along with having strict deadlines the group

Also had some strict rules which all members had to follow the obvious ones were to not leak chords to not leak any pictures and to follow the theme of the building style in general these were pretty understandable rules however one of the golden rules and the oddest one was to not talk about

Babylon’s existence the democratic leader of the group athena’s ordered for everyone to keep the group’s existence secret even after the group debuted eventually babylon did not consider themselves to be a group on the contrary they considered themselves to be a collection of builders trying to create a megabase each member contributed to

The base on their own way chaosek and hci build farms they built the iron form in the pyramids the gold farm pumpkin bamboo guardian they built it all athena built the cigarette and the walls eccentric cat built a very cute city in one of the sections hci and real soccer

Together built the dock area sigma built the hanging gardens and the tower of babel and also added a few small details across the base most prominently the archways along the pathways silent interloper had built a tavern and a coliseum and the tower of knowledge work was hard but rewarding as after

Only three months most of the base was finished along with it being a megabase it was also known as the one base that had all possible farms imaginable despite no player knowing the existence of babylon it was by far the richest group on the server surpassing team v on

Every front this is when babylon was in its prime the base was just built all the members were active and i think now it’s time to talk about the tales of babylon the insane events that this group was involved in on specterium The dragon egg has been in possession of many people one of the last owners was eccentric cats he dropped the egg by accident when showing it off at another player’s farewell party a player named soytoid picked it up making him the new owner of the egg hzi owed eccentric cat

A lot he made him not quit the server and because of that he found himself in babylon so hci decided to take the egg back from the one who took it he came up with a plan to deceive sword swords hci asked babylon members to help

Him create loads of combos so it looked like he was capable of duping he then showed this proof of duping to soitzoids and told him that together they could dupe to dragonack as to not scared soyzote away hci promised him that he would come alone and naked however hci did not show up

Completely alone on the other side with the portal from where he and sawyed were meeting eccentric cat and silent were hiding waiting on hci’s signal so it was time to pull off the scam in order to get soito’s car down hci came up with this

Fake dupe he told him that if you break a chest while at the same time remove the item inside it one item would go in your inventory while another copy of it would drop from the chest so he put the chest down saw it so he put the dragon egg in and

The second hci took the egg out of the chest he logged out that was the signals for the others to go through the portal and take out switzerland the heist was pulled off successfully and babylon now possessed the only dragonag this was also the revealing act of babylon as a team

After so so it was dealt with its dialogue back in and gave the dragon egg back to eccentricat the rightful owner of the egg The lawrence case this is one of the biggest things to ever happen to the server the events took place not long after the dragon egg heist so after babylon revealed themselves as a group a lot of groups took notice some wanted alliances and so a large alliance of

Teams was made it was called the second alliance and it was organized by triggered cat every big group in the server joined this alliance to keep peace including team v and babylon this caused for a spawn event where all members of the alliance would do a spawn meetup as a show of fate

Almost all members of the alliance came to the event including babylon however a mysterious new player named lawrence s d also joined the spawn events along with the rest of the server soon after another mysterious player named frost’s sight came to the spawn event and started to attack players

Crystalling lauren’s st in the process many players in the alliance tried to kill frost sights soon after but he got away after the event that ended many players including babylon accused frost sight of being a team v alt team v profusely denied this and as there was no

Conclusive proof at the time the accusations were not met with action a couple of days after the event the mysterious player lawrence st had come back and this time he had written a 15 page manifesto outlining his grievances of team v the manifesto was written in old english and it outlined the creal

Nature of team v and their crimes against the server such as griefing bases killing random players for fun and ganging up on smaller groups many people did not take him too seriously though now this lawrence guy was extremely well geared despite having a fresh join dates

And he even held his spawn event where he gave away 50 free kits at this point it was very clear that lauren’s sd was wasn’t out for someone the question was who after spawn event organized by lawrence the server became more friendly towards him however that all changed when there was another

Second alliance event the second alliance event was also at spawn this time at the reunion castle a famous spawn structure made out of obsidian once the event started lawrence started attacking tv members some tv players were killed and he even caused liquidity the leader of team v to combat log once

Team v got re-geared they started to hunt lawrence down lawrence finally fled after more and more players started to join the fights and the very next day lawrence along with some other players started to creep this castle many players of the alliance including pavlon members started to

Fight lawrence and try to stop him from grieving it sadly it was not enough and teamview members called on everyone to stop preparing the castle as it would only give lawrence more obsidian to mine true it had seemed that lawrence had won despite being an enemy of the alliance

There was a good portion of the player base who did not hate lawrence players found steamv increasingly unpopular and when a player was finally standing up to them it was met with sheer support after the scuffles between team v and lawrence worsened there was one instance where

Storm a member of team v again was killing players at spawn and stealing their gear this was the final straw for lawrence and he gathered three chokers of tnt with a simple goal he was going to eliminate all the dmv bases and that’s what he did

Lawrence grieved all three of the team v main bases in one day arenas team v’s research base equilibrium tv’s member base and finally ebola dmv’s magnum opus who was this lawrence guy and how did he grieve every team fee pays out of nowhere well it’s time to reveal the truth

He was paul oak a member of babylon secretly the leader of babylon adinas knew who lawrence was all along lawrence didn’t just find and grieve those team v bases out of nowhere babylon had found all these three bases before by base hunting because well team v was the

Biggest threat to babylon so babylon needed some sort of power to hold over team v if it ever came to that babylon members spent the days base hunting for these team v bases athena found one base chaosik found another and 8ci found the last one so babylon had all the chords to the

Teamv bases but i suppose i just didn’t want to grieve them right now in fear of teamv coming after babylon but now knowing that paul was in babylon and all these courts to these bases were already gathered by babylon it’s not that weird that he griefed he’s all in one day right

And actually athena and cayotic grieved one of these three bases in the name of lawrence now after this all happened steamv was obviously visibly upset they had lost all their progress and resources in their discord they were discussing who lawrence could be until a player named milhandro used some

Deductive reasoning to work out that it was very likely a player named paul oak a member of babylon lawrence’s name history was very sus the book he wrote was very like larpy something that paul would do and a lot of things just matched now after teamv came with this conclusion they confronted silent

Interroper about this and silent just admitted it once teamv confirmed this to the rest of the server all hell broke loose team v confronted paul oak about it and well paul claimed that he did it because of all the terrible things that tmv has done in the past creating

Prismarine shores and all the other bases and killing all the players soon after team v went to the second baptist church the group base started by bao and griefed it after being berated by team v even more athinas the leader of babylon admitted that he knew about paul oak’s identity

From the very beginning and that he along with chaosek grieved vs megabase ebola however this outback fired on babylon of course and put a massive target on babylon’s back this all brings us to the next story operation mirage after paul oak had been outed as lawrence st the player that killed many

Team v members and destroyed all their bases tv as well as the entire server condemned babylon all members of the base were put on kill on sight with massive bounties on their heads understandably babylon was starting to sweat there were many players who were hunting for babylon with malicious

Intents and it seemed that at this rate babylon would be found very soon after some discussions in the babylon discord the group decided that they would employ some heavy countermeasures to protect their base and most importantly expand and widen their horizons player sigma overbuy would start the concept of a dummy base

About 6000 blocks away from the main base he created a small base with a lot of resources beacons farms buildings and the nether portal would lead to the dummy base and sigma of course hoped that base hunters would be happy with all the resources that this small base

Would offer so they wouldn’t go look further and surprisingly this strategy worked notorious team v members named mihandro found the dummy base while base hunting for babylon and he was fooled by it although the strategy was successful the group knew it was a simple short-term solution to a long-term problem that was

Likely never going to fade this was when the idea of a second base was brought to light a second base would be a good fallback base if babylon was ever grieved and it could be a good opportunity to invite new players and expand the member count this second base

Was eventually dubbed castra nova like babylon it was going to be a massive undertaking if the group’s expectations of the base would match reality there was no doubt that castronova would be the successor to babylon however there was one obstacle on their way team v after losing their main base and their

Other farm bases due to babylon they were out for blood and desperate to salvage some of their pride they were constantly camping spawn paying players to go hunt for babylon and doing anything that would inconvenience bamloon just a little bit eventually stigma overpaid and hci cooked up a foolproof plan operation mirage

Pow oak wasn’t the only person with a secret alt sigma over pi confessed to hci that he was shrank 23. sigma had built up shrank to be a famous base hunter in the server he had used strang’s accounts to grieve multiple important bases from courts that were

Sent by actual base hunters like athena chaosek and himself so in the eyes of the server srang was just this very good base hunter that somehow found a lot of bases and sigma over pi was going to use shrine to complete operation mirage the operation had three main goals the first

One was to distract team v by getting them to leave spawn so the members could move valuable resources from babylon to the new base without getting caught or followed the second one was to convince team v and the rest of the server that the base was actually located in the end

The last goal was to inside team v using shrank 23. two weeks before operation started hci athenas and silent went to the end and created a fake outpost about 80 000 blocks away from spawn in order to make the outposts as legitimate as possible the outpost was littered with various

Resources such as building blocks xp farms ally trust g-sets and everything that would make it credible enough two weeks later the operation was greenlit shrank 23 would go end hunting for babylon and would come across the outpost by sheer luck soon after he would dm liquids to coordinates and send

Screenshots after he did this strangled ambushed and he had to log out but his logo spot was strapped by athenas and hci liquid made his way all the way to this end outpost and started to 2v1 8ci and atinas during the fight atinas made a big mistake by accidentally putting on

Their chest bait instead of their elytra and they fell onto the voids so hci was left to 1v1 liquids but he had to get his armor repaired so he threw away once hci ran away this gave liquid enough time to freeze shrank the entire ordeal looked realistic and looking at how

Stacked the ant outpost was it would be clear that the eblon was located in the end furthermore it was also confirmed that silent and the others had moved all the resources to castranova finally after some chatting in the vc and the team v discord strength 23 had

Finally been given the member role in the team v discord meaning that sigma had successfully incited them babylon against all odds completed operation mirage successfully Sadly things didn’t start to look too good near the end of 2020 member silent interroper was showing a screen share of babylon to triggered cats but he had his coordinates on soon after trick travelled to babylon but once he arrived there he found the base too beautiful to grief

So he decided to keep it a secret sadly another scuffle would occur soon afterwards with hci accidentally screen sharing the base to perspex a member of team v things were turning really bad now almost all active members of babylon came online preparing for a self-grief however hci managed to convince berserks

To not grieve babylon how well they knew each other in real life and they didn’t really want to have a fight about minecraft so perstrix agrees not to grieve babylon this created a ceasefire between team v and babylon and this was commemorated by a statue after this alliance some select

Members of team v and some other popular players cut coordinates to the base players like milhandro waxer and mopo visited the base and saw it in person it looked like things were going pretty well for babylon however that all changed when a new group called the holy inquisition was founded

The group was unironically racist and homophobic and graffin himself was the worst offender on february of 2021 the holy inquisition demanded that the group babylon changed its name because it has a sinful reference to the bible babylon refused this and the next day babylon would be grieved by dhi Is [Applause] [Applause] So The grief lasted for about an hour but the griefing had to stop because thai ran out of tnt and flint and steals after this i left the base was surprisingly recognizable however after the grief baron had to say goodbye to the base state terrorists and they continued to work on the new megabase

Castranova some time later castronova got grieved as well and later on the server shut down It is time for the base tour oh my god i have spent hours so many hours days working on this video it’s finally completely edited and and like done you know everything you guys saw before is done by now and i waited all the way to

The end to record the base tour so i can actually like take it all in after studying specterium and babylon to the fullest i read over the wiki like so many times i oh my god the script writing for this view was terrible it was like the longest process ever and

The editing dude don’t even get me started on editing it was terrible but it’s it paid off i love how the video turned out and i can’t wait to now finally explore the base so we begin here in the hanging gardens built by sigma over

Pi also the house of the dragon egg is right here and sadly all the books don’t work they weren’t put into the world download which is pretty sad but you know some things just get lost in time it just it happens like that but man these hanging gardens sigma over pie is an

Insane builder bro like everyone at this base not just stigma everyone that lived here was insane at building so let’s start here at the harbor harbor is one of my favorite places of the base it’s so cute it’s built so beautifully oh my god can you imagine that ships actually

Worked in minecraft dude i wish that would be so cool maybe one day you know that would be a nice addition to minecraft now here’s the first building of babylon the cigarette built by tongue and i don’t think i fully shown the cigarettes in the video like the

Underground part of it you could see it a little bit in the grief part but let me show you guys because this is insane this is actually insane look at this it’s an entire like filter trading hall but like mega mega level you know what i mean

It’s insane look at how big this is what a trading hall beautiful place you know the attention to detail to this megabase is actually insane all the walls are detailed you know the work that sigma will bite it without these things man this beautiful village i wish i

Could build villages like this you know even though they’re all the same house it doesn’t you don’t notice it right because when they all come together it’s like one big city and that’s what makes it so cool i just can’t get over these walls they’re so epic bro these walls oh

My god hell yeah then you have all the farm areas by hci chaosik i think it was that helped him with it and while this world download was taken before the entire base was finished there are a few more buildings in the finished base but sadly they didn’t take a world out of

That because well of course they couldn’t know that the base was about to get griefed right here is the gold farm it’s a not massive one you know it could have been bigger i love when bases don’t just think about the farms but also think about aesthetics around the farms

Every building in here has his has its function right the cigarette has the trading hall this has the gold farm and under a pyramid is a massive iron farm and even this iron farm just looks so good and that’s what i like about this place that i don’t just focus on

Building the farms because everyone can make a farm it’s special when groups focus on the aesthetics of a base more than you know the efficiency of farms and something that i haven’t mentioned in the video is that the tower of babel actually is one big creeper farm look it’s creeper farm

So even the tower of babel has its own function and yeah this tower is also built by sigma over pi but yeah you can go all the way up here and here we have a little room for music discs i don’t know but it’s a beautiful place to to be at

To look at the city like i spent so many hours learning everything there is about babylon and the groups that they associated with on specterium that walking around here i just feel it’s it almost feels like i i lived part of this history right just reading so much about it

It’s so insane the gates to babylon also look amazing on video i one of the most fun things i found about this place is that it’s very aesthetically pleasing so making replay mod footage is a lot of fun and the render that schnozmok made i don’t know

If you guys have seen the thumbnail but the thumbnail was actually a render completely made in blender so it took many hours and zono schmuck actually made that he’s super talented kai also plays on an easy vanilla so shout out to josh mock the pages looks so good when

It’s rendered and just looking around like bro it’s so beautiful now guys i wanted to do something so you know how now we’ve seen the base in its full glory now i asked edok for a road download of babylon but the griefed version so specterium shutdown but edoc

Of course still has the world downloads of the entire server so i gave him the court of babylon and he gave me a road download of the grief babylon so i could look around so let’s take a look at it and see how much damage was actually done to this beautiful megabase well

Right now we are standing on the same place where we started the previous base tour damn bro the hanging gardens have had better days oh yeah this is really really up um there’s not much recognizable here you kind of see the outline a little bit

But it looks kind of sad and take a look at the rest of this base oh my god yup this is babylon hey this that ship is still pretty much intact right i mean the gold farm is pretty recognizable and the arena let us see better days as well well

This is not how the base looked after the holy inquisition grieved it by the way not at all the base looked way way way more intact after the holy inquisition came true i’m just guessing that a lot of other groups came to babylon to grieve it or the holy

Inquisition just came back to grieve it more but after grief the base was pretty much intact and you can probably see it at the end of the grief that not that much damage was done by dhi in the first grief but right now yeah this base is is

Gone there’s no uh there’s barely any wall left and the tower of babel is just just a lava cast yep oh my god man what the why would people go to such lengths to grieve the base like it was already gone and destroyed like come on man it’s like unrecognizable right now holy

it’s just like tnt bomber went over this but yeah this is how babylon looked like on the last day of bacterium before it shut down pretty insane looking back on it you know on all the things that babylon did as a group and this beautiful base that i built if i

Wasn’t here to make this video even though it took me way too long and it was like terrible to write the video and make it at the end of the day i’m very happy that i made this video i just think it’s a very cool story that i had to just

Tell now of course i didn’t do this video all by myself i had a lot of help like the stories everything came from sigma over by and hci they provided me with most of the information and of course the wiki so anyone that’s you know edited the wiki back when

Specterium was still live well you guys helped me make this video as well yeah but especially sleeping over by he helped me so much and he’s a super nice guy so shout out sigma over by thank you thank you but right now i think it’s finally time to end the video that i’ve

Been working on for so long so if you haven’t subscribed yet please do join the discord and you know leave a like on the video while you’re at it you know i don’t know if liking videos does anything but why why the hell not right

I hope you enjoyed the video i i really enjoyed making it i guess this is how every bass ends in energy

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy – Babylon: The Secret Megabase’, was uploaded by Skotose me on 2022-09-21 15:00:06. It has garnered 3875 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:43 or 2023 seconds.

Minecraft Anarchy: A secret mega base was created. In this video I tell the stories of Babylon and at the end of the video I will tour the megabase.

Specterium was an anarchy server like 2b2t created by Edok, the owner of Uneasy Vanilla: UV is a 1.19.2 no hack anarchy server or vanilla anarchy. It’s like Purity Vanilla, Simply Vanilla, eusurvival.

Uneasy Vanilla IP: play.uneasyvanilla.com (1.19.2)

World Download of Babylon: https://www.mediafire.com/file/enjk50l5qrr2d9s/Babylon_Latest_Copy.rar/file

Thumbnail Render By Znojmok: Follow him here: www.reddit.com/user/Human137

Chapters: Intro: 00:00 How it Started: 1:18 Story 1 – Dragon Egg Heist: 7:26 Story 2 – The Lawrence Case: 9:24 Story 3 – Operation Mirage: 15:50 The Downfall: 20:45 Base Tour: 24:43 Outro: 32:17


📲Discord: https://discord.gg/KkAV32ckXh

🐤Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skotose_me

🤖Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skotoseme/

🎵TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@skotoseyt

📷Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skotose_me/


Not FitMC on 2b2t best minecraft anarchy server. Purity Vanilla Thesto why i play purity vanilla is in the Uneasy Vanilla no hack anarchy series. video. The best anarchy server in minecraft. mega base grief

#minecraftanarchy #uneasyvanilla #minecraft

***Sources*** Dux: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3vjuN16ZkIDGk8Tq7eHng Tieion: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF47wSHkmh3MS2M5AyCRzbg Michi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3tVMKZYg-FCqtntYtEEiuA Crafn: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5rwYHJb1n87DQT7ChsrOkA Liquidity: https://www.youtube.com/c/LiquidityRL Lachie Auden: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnM97KXKspIb6rTWvupW9kA

The Wiki: https://specterium.fandom.com/wiki/Specterium.com_Wiki

Music: -@veedahmusic6571 https://youtu.be/t6MP3Ri0L3o Giga Chad Music Orchestral -@NoelMalekarMusic https://youtu.be/LNYt9gLdayw GREGORIAN CHANTS

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    Exploring Abandoned Mountain Village - Minecraft Hardcore Exploring an Abandoned Village in Minecraft Hardcore Gameplay Abdul Moiz, also known as Topi Master Mogala, recently embarked on an exciting Minecraft Hardcore Gameplay adventure where he stumbled upon an abandoned village nestled in the mountains. Let’s delve into the thrilling journey and discoveries made in this virtual world. Discovering the Abandoned Village As Abdul Moiz ventured through the rugged terrain of Minecraft, he stumbled upon a hidden gem – an abandoned village perched atop a mountain. The eerie yet intriguing atmosphere of the deserted village piqued his curiosity, prompting him to explore further. Uncovering Mysteries and Secrets Within… Read More

  • Glass Prison: Villagers Trap My House in Minecraft

    Glass Prison: Villagers Trap My House in Minecraft In Minecraft’s world, a tale unfolds, Where Villagers’ mischief takes hold. My dream house, a sight to see, Trapped in glass, how can this be? The challenge is set, the mystery deep, As I navigate this glassy keep. Villagers’ secret plan, unknown to me, Will I break free and finally see? Join me on this epic quest, To uncover the truth, put to the test. Minecraft madness, chaos abound, In this glass prison, I am bound. Like, comment, subscribe, don’t miss a beat, As we journey through this Minecraft feat. Maxi playz, your guide in this land, With rhymes… Read More

  • Nether Shenanigans: Minecraft Survival Ep. 22

    Nether Shenanigans: Minecraft Survival Ep. 22 Minecraft & Mods: Explore the Nether in Minecraft Survival #22! Join the adventure in the world of Minecraft survival with exciting mods! Experience adventures, relaxation, and much more in this thrilling gameplay. Key Mods: Falling Tree: Enhance your gameplay with the Falling Tree mod. Watch trees fall realistically as you chop them down. Iris Shaders: Immerse yourself in stunning visuals with the Iris Shaders mod, bringing beautiful lighting effects to your Minecraft world. Fabric API: Improve your modding experience with the Fabric API, providing essential tools for mod developers. Serene Seasons: Witness the changing seasons in Minecraft with the… Read More

  • Crafting Kings: Episode 0 – A Rush of Introduction

    Crafting Kings: Episode 0 - A Rush of Introduction Welcome to Rush of Kings Minecraft, a game so fine, Where ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle shine. With cards and tiles, they navigate the grid, To become King or usurp the throne, they bid. Each turn is crucial, with cards in hand, Protecting, moving, or sabotaging, they command. Power Cards await, with dice rolls to activate, Changing the game’s state, players must navigate. Inspired by Mario Party and Game of Life, This game has been in development, a labor of strife. If you have ideas to improve the game’s lore, Share them in the comments or on Discord, explore. With music… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft x D&D DLC FULL Walkthrough! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft x D&D DLC FULL Walkthrough! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft x Dungeons & Dragons DLC – Full Gameplay Walktrough’, was uploaded by DoctorHg on 2024-08-31 13:33:27. It has garnered 724 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 04:18:41 or 15521 seconds. Full Gameplay Walktrough of Minecraft x Dungeons & Dragons DLC in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition ======================================= Check Out Other Playlist: ➤Minecraft Bedrock Map: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLID3euNO1Af-4st8WHjQjrW34zJeR0UCr ➤Minecraft Boss Fights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLID3euNO1Af_JS6Lj372X1gvu6pI8VOKT ==================================== #minecraft #dungeonsanddragons Dungeons & Dragons and Minecraft have a lot in common. Both games need you to use your imagination (is that a dirt block, or a new house?). Both games reward… Read More

  • Sneaky Tactics: Minecraft Collab with Friends!

    Sneaky Tactics: Minecraft Collab with Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Getting help from Friends! | Minecraft Create ep. 3’, was uploaded by PuffsGaming81 on 2024-05-19 06:01:27. It has garnered 9433 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:31 or 11671 seconds. Today I am trying to build some farms, lets see how it will go. The mod pack is called Create: Perfect World made by mrbeardstone https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/create-perfect-world ———————————————————————————————————————————— ➽ Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/@PuffsGaming81?sub_confirmation=1 ———————————————————————————————————————————— ➽ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PuffsGaming81 ➽ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/puffsgaming81/ ➽ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@puffsgaming81 ———————————————————————————————————————————— #createmod #minecraft #puffsgaming81 Read More

  • Insane Solo Minecraft Survival – LIVE 💥 #shorts

    Insane Solo Minecraft Survival - LIVE 💥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴Live Minecraft Survival solo create world #shorts #trending #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devexa on 2024-09-07 19:18:09. It has garnered 99 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:32 or 12872 seconds. GPAY: imrohit0511@oksbi Watch as we embark on the epic adventure of building a massive castle in survival mode! From gathering resources to battling mobs, join us as we show you step-by-step how to construct a fortress fit for royalty in the harsh wilderness. Get inspired to elevate your own survival game with our tips and tricks for creating an awe-inspiring… Read More

  • INSANE AUTOMATION!💥Creothina Automating The Powah Orb!💡

    INSANE AUTOMATION!💥Creothina Automating The Powah Orb!💡Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Episode 46 (Automating The Powah Orb!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-04-17 11:00:15. It has garnered 1627 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:05 or 5825 seconds. Hey everyone! So it’s that time in my Modded Minecraft journey, I FINALLY automated the Powah Energizing Orb and well…it went pretty much as expected. lol If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a “like” on it/subscribe if you haven’t already and I’ll see you in the next one. #minecraft #survival #letsplay #series #atm9 #allthemods9… Read More

  • Insane Productivity on Loyalty SMP! | Minecraft Bedrock

    Insane Productivity on Loyalty SMP! | Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Being Productive? / Loyalty SMP Live / Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by SurRisen on 2024-03-04 07:37:56. It has garnered 119 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:54 or 3954 seconds. #smp #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Welcome to the stream! – QUESTIONS – – What’s your discord? – https://discord.gg/WAKyRhnYyG – What texture pack are you using? – Faithless, you can download it from my discord in the texture packs channel. – TAGS – minecraft live,join my smp minecraft live,minecraft live smp java and bedrock,join my survival smp live,minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft live smp,minecraft live smp live,minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Demise – Insane blockin skills! #clickbait

    EPIC Demise - Insane blockin skills! #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clean blockin.. #shorts’, was uploaded by Demise on 2024-02-17 08:53:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #bedwars #minecraft #bridge #clean #trending #juke … Read More


    SHOCKING! MINE KRISH ENCOUNTERS LUNAR MONSTER 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARY LUNAR MOON AND MONSTER 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-02-29 08:49:09. It has garnered 1548 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:28 or 328 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror apk minecraft… Read More

  • GamerKid’s Mind-Blowing Rewind Montage 3! Watch now!

    GamerKid's Mind-Blowing Rewind Montage 3! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Press – Rewind Montage 3’, was uploaded by GamerKid on 2024-07-14 21:09:40. It has garnered 143 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Montage of RewindBox’s trident server. SONG: Press – John Keith #rewind #rewindbox #minecraft #boxpvp #motm #roadto500subs SUBSCRIBE SO I CAN GET MEDIA EDITED BY @GamerKid0nYT Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go… Read More

  • Insane Death in Minecraft by LiddyKunner

    Insane Death in Minecraft by LiddyKunnerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Death – Minecraft’, was uploaded by LiddyKunner • リディクナー on 2024-09-03 20:29:45. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Music: Death Composer: C418 Platform: PC, Mobile, Nintendo 3DS, PSP, PS3, PS4, Nintendo Switch, HTML5, Raspberry Pi, Apple TV, Windows, MacOs, iPad, Xbox 360, Xbox One, FireTv, Playstation Vita, Win Phone, Wii U, Linux, Android, iOS, Universal Windows Platform, Fire OS, Kindle Fire, Windows Phone Flappin’ Flippers!, Looks Like Someone Needs to Read the Channel Description Read More

  • DragonShieldMC

    DragonShieldMCWelcome to Dragon Shield! Embark on an unparalleled MMO RPG Adventure in a world of magic! Explore & Conquer: 500+ Dungeons & 300+ Biomes await! Cast spells, forge custom items, defeat foes. Forge top-tier armor with Custom Ore. Easy to Hardcore RLC Craft Mode. Join our friendly, no-grief community. Earn Playtime Ranks, explore unique realms. Dive into an ever-evolving quest line. Fair, immersive MMO RPG experience. Play, Explore, Create Memories! drgnshield.com Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware – 3 Years Old – No map resets – 21+ – RPG-inspired – Claims – Dynmap – Discord-MC chat – Nether Roof – One-player Sleep – Shopping District – Aura Skills – 1.20.4

    Welcome, Neighbors! Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that’s been public for over two years, and we’re excited to welcome you to your new home! Where to Find us: IP: HomesteadCraft.mcserver.us Live Map Discord As an RPG-based server, we’ve got a unique game-play experience that’s tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Our community is made up of players from all over the world, and we’ve got a large number of regular players who enjoy playing together. Our main goal is to provide a fun environment with an… Read More

  • Surviving with Mr. Tingu: Part 1 – Crafty Adventures Begin

    Surviving with Mr. Tingu: Part 1 - Crafty Adventures Begin Welcome, dear viewers, to a tale so grand, Where Minecraft survival is the plan. No creative mode, no help in sight, Just me, Mr. Tingu, ready to fight. From challenge 1 to 100 days, I’ll navigate the Minecraft maze. No easy feat, this hardcore run, But with your support, it’ll be done. Follow me on Instagram, stay in the loop, For updates and antics, a Minecraft scoop. Gaming is the name, Mr. Tingu’s the game, Join me on this journey, it won’t be the same. So subscribe, like, and hit that bell, For Minecraft adventures, I’ll surely excel. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft Super Dog VS Hotdog 🌭

    Minecraft Super Dog VS Hotdog 🌭 Minecraft Super dog vs… the dreaded vacuum cleaner! Who will emerge victorious in this epic battle of barks and suction power? Stay tuned to find out! 🐶🚀🧹 Read More

  • The Most Logical Minecraft Myths

    The Most Logical Minecraft Myths Minecraft Myths: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where myths and legends come to life, shaping the way players interact with their surroundings and each other. Unraveling the Myths While exploring the vast expanse of Minecraft, players often come across myths that add an extra layer of intrigue to the game. From hidden treasures to mysterious creatures, these myths spark curiosity and drive players to uncover the truth behind them. The Legend of… Read More

  • Lewis 0978 – Insane Pixelmon Server Start Now!

    Lewis 0978 - Insane Pixelmon Server Start Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live Minecraft Modded Server Pixelmon #1 | Check Description to join Server’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-08-04 20:11:38. It has garnered 255 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 06:33:32 or 23612 seconds. Download Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/download/app on curseforge look for Pixelmon then versions and download 8.4.3 (it must be this version will NOT work on others) https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pixelmon IP: yomods.apexmc.co Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.21 and enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284… Read More

  • Unseen Tricks: 1-Min Minecraft Banner!

    Unseen Tricks: 1-Min Minecraft Banner!Video Information This video, titled ‘1-Minute Minecraft Tutorials – Friendly Ghost Banner #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by CCM Time on 2024-08-02 16:00:51. It has garnered 415 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. It’s a #minecraft #banner #tutorial in 1-minute or less. Check out the Coffee, Cannabis & Minecraft Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/767085214082112 (Adults only, sorry kids it’s not personal, it’s a legal thing.) or for those who prefer something a little less spicy we have a family friendly highlights page you can like and follow here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561059189282 *”CCM Time” videos are intended… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Prank: Ice Cream Truck Surprise

    Epic Minecraft Prank: Ice Cream Truck SurpriseVideo Information This video, titled ‘I OPENED AN ICE CREAM TRUCK IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by ProBoiz 95 on 2024-05-15 13:55:44. It has garnered 4714633 views and 91912 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:56 or 1436 seconds. So today, I Opened an Ice Cream Truck Business in Minecraft and my goal is to become the no. 1 seller in Minecraft, but it isn’t easy because there is a competitor @junkeyy 😶 FOLLOW ME: Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/proboiz_95 Twitter – https://twitter.com/proboiz95 Business Inquiry – [email protected] About me: I am Paresh, Aka ProBoiz and I make gaming videos that will surely… Read More


    ULTIMATE Minecraft SMP - CRAZY TWISTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘The *PERFECT* Minecraft smp…’, was uploaded by indianajmh on 2024-06-15 08:43:09. It has garnered 54 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:59:15 or 21555 seconds. Today is the start of the Well That’s Funny SMP! In this livestream, the group gets to know each other while the chaos begins. Hope you all enjoy and have a great day! Don’t forget to join the Discord server, leave a like, and subscribe! Want to join the smp? WTF Application Form: https://forms.gle/o1nbdnK1LEXHrgrJ7 Discord Fanbase: https://discord.gg/cm7zwwztZC Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCEaojqqS40GuOVC1OttU-A?sub_confirmation=1 Read More

  • 🔥Best Nethpot Texture Pack Java + Pe!🔥

    🔥Best Nethpot Texture Pack Java + Pe!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made The Best Nethpot Texture Pack! Java + Pe!’, was uploaded by KsxdPlayzZ on 2024-07-20 14:01:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to KsxdPlayzZ here you can get all Minecraft releated Stuff! #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftanimation #funny … Read More

  • Epic Battle: Ninja vs. Mr. Beast vs. Dream in Minecraft! 😱 #viral

    Epic Battle: Ninja vs. Mr. Beast vs. Dream in Minecraft! 😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WHO IS BATTER! MR BEAST PIG KING DREAM 😱 big fight #viral’, was uploaded by NINJA GAMING on 2024-03-09 12:31:03. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Description 382K Likes 20 Jan 2024 minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and… Read More

  • Insane Dancing Comedy Trend! MARE LAGAL 🤪

    Insane Dancing Comedy Trend! MARE LAGAL 🤪Video Information This video, titled ‘MARE LAGAL | #trendingshorts#viralshort #shortviral #shortvideo #shortsfeed #dancer #comedy’, was uploaded by Power Star Kushum Raj Official on 2024-04-04 10:30:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #short #short video #ecraft short #shorts #minecraft shorts #funny shorts #shorts videos #youtube shorts #respect shorts … Read More

  • Insane PvP Half Heart Escape 😲

    Insane PvP Half Heart Escape 😲Video Information This video, titled ‘HALF HEART ESCAPE IN PVP 😱 #shorts’, was uploaded by AbdullahXd Gaming on 2024-08-20 13:16:41. It has garnered 230 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #minecraftpvp #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #pvp #minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftsurvival #minecraftonly #funny #minecraftpe #minecraftdaily #skywars #minecrafters #youtube #freethenipplemovement #minecraftbedrock #zovax #fortniteitiemshop #freevbucks #hypixel #minecraftideas #minecraftbuild #fortniteskins #ps #minecrafter #mcpe #gaming #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Exploring DARK CAVE with EPIC Music – NO COPYRIGHT | Minecraft Game Music

    Exploring DARK CAVE with EPIC Music - NO COPYRIGHT | Minecraft Game MusicVideo Information This video, titled ‘DEEP CAVE Music – Minecraft game music | minecraft | background music’, was uploaded by VLOG NCM (no copyright music) on 2024-02-20 12:53:34. It has garnered 1980 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:42 or 102 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmusic #minecrafthindi #backgroundmusic #royaltyfreemusic #nocopyrightmusic no copyright background music for youtube videos that is free use. please subscribe to VLOG NCM (no copyright music) channel. link : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3SyQtNKo5-BCIn9CkqW5w ……………………………………………………. *************************************** You’re free to use this music in any of your videos. Music : Deep cave music music provided by VLOG NCM (no copyright… Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4

    CONNECT WITH: PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server focusing on mostly vanilla gameplay and strong community. Join us and experience the sense of belonging you’ve been looking for in Minecraft! Watch the intro video and read our introductory post for more information. Visit our website for additional details. PvE Our non-PvP server where players collaborate to build towns and cities in survival mode. Join us for fun events like Escape from Pompeii! Upcoming Event: Escape from Pompeii on Friday at 7:30pm EST and Saturday at 1:30pm EST! Creative Explore our open world creative server with… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie: Hot Steve Model

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie: Hot Steve ModelLooks like Steve is finally getting his big break in Hollywood! I can’t wait to see him square off against creepers on the silver screen. Read More

  • Diamonds Unearthed: GTA V Hindi Minecraft Madness!

    Diamonds Unearthed: GTA V Hindi Minecraft Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where diamonds shine bright, Our hero sets out, with all of his might. Digging and mining, with tools in hand, Exploring the depths of this blocky land. With each swing of the pickaxe, a treasure is found, Diamonds and emeralds, scattered around. Building and crafting, creating new things, In this pixelated world, where adventure sings. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we uncover the secrets, hidden out of sight. In the realm of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Our hero’s story, forever remains. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pool: Minecraft Meme Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Troll Pranks

    Ultimate Gamer Troll Pranks Minecraft Fun with fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣 Introduction to fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣 fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣 is a popular segment in the Minecraft gaming community, known for its hilarious and entertaining content. The videos feature fleetbhai engaging in various antics and pranks, keeping viewers entertained and engaged. Key Highlights of fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣 Some of the key highlights of fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣 include: Interactions with other gamers like jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, OcTogamerZz, and GamerFleet Engaging in funny moments and pranks within the Minecraft world Featuring entertaining content set to the backdrop of the song “Memory Reboot” Notable Moments in fleetbhai Troll 🤣🤣… Read More

Minecraft Anarchy – Babylon: The Secret Megabase