Video Information

Hey guys and welcome back to another episode of the minecraft anarchy series so today we have a lot going on so uh a lot’s happened in the time that’s passed and i’ll kind of show you a little bit um first off we’ve got a little sugarcane farm here

A little potato farm that’s what we’ve been kind of living on for the time being and uh got this whole enchanting setup going so we’re doing pretty good here crazy thing is i learned a couple things about the server that i didn’t know um and as you can see here i am standing

On a shulker box so obviously something’s happened there but um i’ve been kind of just getting set up around here stuff that i didn’t really think was super important to get video of you know so for one i went mining and uh got a lot of diamonds so i’ll just show

You guys this but uh yeah so i got a stack and 15. on top of the fact that i do have some diamond tools here and uh and some other stuff as well so um and as you can see here i learned something very important so as

You guys know i told you that i traveled super far to get to where the uh this base is and because of that i mean i went really really really far and quite frankly i can probably show you guys the chords just because i i’ll guess that in a minute but

Um but i traveled really far and so i found several spawners along the way they were just all too high up on the ground to use as a base and so but i screenshot them just in case so i had the screenshots of all the coordinates and then i learned that you

Could still touch the spawner so i didn’t know that but i’m really glad that i screenshot the uh all the spawners that i found because um now we have four so i haven’t put those like in the actual um spawner thing because i think that there’s like a mob cap on this anyways

Because they all start dying after a minute so if anything we might just have to build a way to like have them land in different spots and we could just run around and kill them all as time goes on but or since it’s skeleton and a zombie we could just do

One of each which is probably the more likely option but but yeah we have four spawners which is crazy and then i also went to the nether and got another right i spent forever getting another right and like i said it’s kind of boring getting that stuff but i got eight

Uh eight ingots and then two of the scraps so we’re doing pretty good on that and uh and it’s not bad at all and it took me a very long time to get a pickaxe that was doing the job so i have like a million over here um i i know that i

Have like three fortunes and whatnot but it’s four four fortune picks but i i enchanted like five or six before i got um the the fortune three that i was looking for and so i’ve used them up and and whatnot and then i have this one as well

And then i was just trying to get a basic pick um an efficiency four to go into the um into the end with in case i died and i don’t want to lose something important so um so i enjoyed some getting these fortune threes

And so yeah so now we have a lot of really good stuff so that’s great and then um i also as you can see i’m wearing some diamond here protection four section three and breaking three i didn’t actually enchant these and then um protection through respiration unbreaking i didn’t enchant that either and

This one which is literally a perfect chest plate didn’t enchant that either so that is all from going to um the end and all that plus all of this so we have a ton of stuff so um i went ahead and actually did uh enchant the the elytra

With some books and i got that to mending and unbreaking three but that’s going to be important because um i want to move basis that’s that’s kind of where i’m i’m heading to right now so i want to move bases and that’s just simply because you know i’ll just show you it doesn’t

Matter we’re here you know this is the coordinates so we’re about two thousand blocks x and then about nine thousand blocks on the uh on the y so pretty far out right but it goes up to fifty thousand fifty thousand so i wanted to get lytra so we could fly

And uh and then go from there and i also didn’t realize and then you can see two we’re at 14 and so 14 is good that was one thing that worked out well because that’s why i ended up making this one my base even though i found four others or three other spawners

Uh it was just the fact that it was so low and uh and then i learned you can just pick them up and set them down so stupid me you know but you do need to pick it uh the silk silk touch so that worked out so i’ve been using that silk touch

And so once i found it you could still touch them i tried really hard to get a silk touch pick and then away from there so um as far as armor goes obviously i haven’t enchanted anything with netherrite um so we’re doing okay i’ve been saving

That for you guys because i figured that pretty fun to do on camera but most important thing to take away from here is we are going to move bases because uh i mean if you guys want to come and blow this old place up feel free

But yeah we’re going to move bases so first things first let’s just uh take what we got left here and uh and then we’re gonna get this show on the road you know uh i mean i’d i i like this place but i have kind of decided that i really do

Want to make like a huge huge base underground so i’d like to be able to go as far as i want and uh and do what i want without the fear of getting raided just because i’m literally so far away from spawn and nobody’s going to travel that far

So let’s just go ahead and get this all up and then we’ll get a move on and i don’t know if you saw in the chest but i got so many shulker boxes because um basically they’re not made yet i only have three mate but i have a stack of shulker shells

So um i went to three three different um of the like the end castles and stuff and uh three different ones and the third one is the one that finally had the elytra so it took me forever to get one that actually had elytra in it so

That sucked and uh and because of that i still went through and got all the shulker shells and everything so excuse me and uh yeah so i went through and got the shulker shells regardless the fact that it didn’t have the the elytra in it so with three end castles you can

Imagine i got a lot of shulker shells and i killed every single one there so i got three shulker boxes plus a you know like an entire stack of shulker cells so we are doing good and uh we’re gonna actually have to make some of this into some more shulker boxes because we

Got a lot whoops there we go and then let’s just go ahead and set these bad boys down but yeah boys we are moving moving away even though we just just got here uh i know i know we just literally just got here but um but i want to change things up so

I want to be really safe not to worry about getting raided and whatnot so i think this is the easiest way to do that and yeah so i’ve been also just grinding away as you can see so there’s a lot of that in there and then

Trying to think we do have a lot of iron as well let’s go ahead and grab all this bad boy up all the important stuff we’ll put that away in the same one blaze powder name tag saddles and whatnot yeah so we got we do

Have a lot of good stuff which is great we’re sitting real pretty as far as everything goes right now so let’s just throw it loads in and then the gold all right and then the rest let’s just dump all this in here this is just important stuff

Perfect and then yeah so as far as like tools go we have so many at this point because um indian castles they just have a ton of stuff and so i saved pretty much all of it that stuff sucks i don’t know i kept that don’t want to bring stuff we don’t need

You know i’m breaking too honestly we just don’t even need that we got so much crap that’s a good one we can uh make it a little better here all right goodbye to you goodbye to you and goodbye to you burn that away and then need any of that okay and then let’s

Just start grabbing all this up and then we’ll just move it on into the shulker boxes over here just like so we’re gonna need that and hopefully we don’t get like killed on our way out because i swear it’s pretty dangerous out there isn’t that easy to just travel

In this world there’s so many people on and i mean i guess not so many but a good good chunk of people on you know and so it gets dangerous dangerous real quick but uh yeah so i’m gonna go ahead and collect the rest of this up

And i’m gonna get our spawners get all this um unfortunately i don’t think we have a show or like a soap touch pickaxe or axe maybe we do no i don’t think we do yeah so we’re gonna have to remake all these books but that’s okay

We’ll be fine so anyways i’m gonna get all this collected up and then we are gonna go ahead and move on so i’ll be right back all right so as you can see we are pretty much totally stripped here we’re pretty much totally stripping this place so i didn’t even leave the wood

Because honestly it’s kind of hard to come by wood just because i don’t like going to the surface that often so i was like well i’m gonna have to get it sometime anyways so just went ahead and stole it all up we got everything in here pretty much all our goods

So we’re doing real good you know uh and also something else i forgot to tell you guys is for one this server you can’t use um enter chests so it’s really difficult for that reason and then you can’t make gold or super golden apples which i like

Both of those things i think it’s pretty cool so um the interchange i wish we could kind of have a little bit but the super golden apples i’m very happy that that’s turned off i hate those hate those things so much totally ruins the game so super thrilled that they’re not doing

That and uh let’s get a little bit of last xp here and then we can go ahead and grab our spawner and then we will be on our way out of here i suppose i should have left some there we go get some cobblestone just we have a building block of some kind

Hello friends get lost bro let me load all right oh no no no no no we made a mistake we made a mistake that is not the silk touch pickaxe whoops i bet it’s in here that would have been really bad would have broken that right up

All right here we go there it is perfect all right that’s uh that’s everything i believe let’s touch pick back put that in there and we are good to go i mean look how set we are now though like this is all stuff i just wanted to do off camera and oh

I found these books too all right now so i enchanted that one and i found this one oh shoot hello sir i’ll take you give me your meat thank you but yeah so i found that one and i found that one as well um those are both i believe

They were no actually i don’t know oh i think those were in the uh the nether actually that i found those ones yeah all right but we are all set so let’s kill these last few guys here get our last little bit of xp put this up because we don’t need it and

Then uh what was that i don’t know oh i turned into his uh a different guy okay yeah so i’m gonna go up to the surface and then when you’re gonna get some flying on out of here and uh do we have any better armor though hold on hold up helmet wise

Protection three okay that’s basically the same deal ah we’re we’re fine we’ll be okay we’ll be fine if we see anybody we’re just gonna oh shoot man i am not prepared hold up i need the electro jeez if we see anybody we just fly on away and uh there’s what 40

People on right now it’s not too terrible i guess it’s not great but yeah all right so i’m gonna get up to the surface and then we are going to roll out of here so say goodbyes real quick it was nice your first base that last one episode

All right guys we made it to the top so it’s time to get a move on and i’ve chosen this here direction so here we go and off to our new base all right guys so cool stuff here we got a whole new place set up and it’s pretty much just the basics

Here i know it looks like i’ve done a lot but also really did was just uh clear at this area throw in some chests a little corner for that and then get a floor and that’s pretty much it so i did get another portal but that’s just

Because i wanted some of this and uh i never ran out so i decided to go ahead and throw the nether portal in but we’re just uh just getting started over here and uh i kind of have some cool ideas so kind of walk you through it so

Right here this is gonna be a passageway just to whatever you know it’s just like an open area where we can add more to this place but this is going to be the main like central room and then right here i think i’m going to put a an automatic chicken farm for food

Uh because we’re gonna need that i don’t know why that wasn’t the first thing i thought of whenever i was trying to think about food i thought of like potatoes because it’s like the only thing you can grow also excuse me a little bit i’m kind of nasally so

I just woke up and uh yeah so a little nasally in the morning but anywho uh but yeah so the automatic chicken farm so that we can get food around the clock and then right here is where i’m planning to put the spawners so i have two their skeleton two that are

Zombies so i’ll just do two and two and then split it up that way which would be super cool and then um what else we got over here um you know let’s just kind of do some stuff i uh i wanted to get this little corner set up

No no no that’s not what we’re looking for there we go this stuff is pretty cool like uh it looks a little strange if you don’t use it properly but but when you get it right it’s pretty cool so i like this little corner area and then

I think what i’d like to do is be able to take this whole thing up all the way through here with bookshelves oh how do you make a loom because a loom looks like a bookshelf if you do right let me see here i guess research searching there it is

Oh hey we can do that we can totally do that yeah i totally forgot how to make a loom i am not i’m not very with it oh is that all the string we have aha perfect perfect perfect and then we need some wood go right here and then let’s just start with

Eight don’t want to use up all that string if i don’t have to and then let’s knock all this out so we’re gonna have to make is that right can we do this uh the one thing that’s gonna be tricky is well this can oh i hear lava

Let’s make sure we’re not going to burn our bookshelves okay we should be okay okay we should be fine i just don’t want to get going and then burn my bookshelves i did that at the other base and it was the most irritating thing so prefer not to do that here um

Yeah can does this work we can’t replace this either because we don’t have soap touch so let’s get this right i want to be able to use bookshelves whoa whoa whoa whoa lag we can put two there for sure because those are actually going to be hidden

But we needed to be able to get us to 30 levels but if we do these it’s not going to work properly i don’t know um it might be okay let’s just see here loom there and let’s do nope cut this out and then maybe we’ll just just go with that

It should look pretty cool oh yeah yeah yeah good stuff good stuff now let’s do doing right here as well and we’re gonna run out of bookshelves here but that’s okay we’ll fill this up eventually um can we fit a lumen anywhere else no no that’s okay let’s just do it like

This and we should be good to go on level 30. yep we’re good perfect so yeah we’ll try and take that all the way up make it look real cool and fancy and stuff but uh but yeah this is a nice little setup and then um and then i’m trying to think

About what i want to do here i obviously got this going right here and then we got to figure out something for this corner as well we may honestly end up just making that another storage area which would be fine you know um can i never have too much storage so

Um so yeah we’ll see what we want to do oh the other thing i want to do too is i kind of want to get one of those automatic fishing farms in here somehow um i don’t even know i think they still work um but maybe maybe some of the new updates have

Messed that up i don’t know i haven’t really been keeping in touch with that but yeah this pretty cool setup and uh and i think what we’re gonna do is have like farms down through here and and whatnot and so i know this place is pretty big

And that’s kind of not the direction we were trying to go before but that was also because i was pretty worried about getting raided and uh where we are now i am not very concerned i’m not going to tell you where we are but let me see if i can find these uh

These lights right here uh they’re in here somewhere oh that was that yeah okay so i took the one trip the one trip with unbreaking three on these and that’s how much it damaged them with mending on it so yeah we are far out here because i flew in a straight line

Straight to a specific spot and then just dug down so yeah we’re far out and we’re very far down so uh i think we’re safe should be good and uh something i’d actually kind of like to do if it’s all at all possible is i’d like to get

Horses down here and then it’d be kind of cool if we had like a little horse in here and the hallways were huge and we could just like ride down them on the horses to get around you know i don’t know we’ll see that’s a pretty ambitious project

But um i don’t really know what would we even use down there but maybe something so um so yeah we’ll see but i’m going to get to work on this and see what else i can do maybe come up with some more bookshelves and whatnot but uh

Yeah i will be back all right so we’ve done some pretty good work here as you can see and i think this place is looking really good so not totally sure what i’m going to do with everything here but as of right now we’ve got a pretty good setup going so

Whole wall here just a big chest wall then we got nether portal which is super cool and then you got a little furnace area just for everything we’ll need and then right down here as you guys have already seen we got the bookshelves got a cool little setup with everything

Filled this whole thing out spent a lot of time getting that ready and then made this corner basically just where we’re gonna have the spawners so skeleton zombie right there we’ll just split it up and uh that’s where it’s gonna go still gotta do that but that’s a lot of a lot of

Work a lot of digging all that crap so i’m just gonna chillax for today because we’ve done a lot so uh but everything’s looking good i got this cool little dome thing going in the middle and uh and yeah i got a lot of cool plans for this place but

As of right now i think we are going to call it a day i think everything looks really good did a lot moving an entire base over basically created a whole new one that sounds like enough to me so thank you guys so much for watching i do appreciate it as always

And don’t forget to comment rate subscribe and i’ll see all you beautiful people in the next episode

This video, titled ‘Minecraft ANARCHY Ep 4 NEW BASE’, was uploaded by Ember100 on 2021-03-02 15:00:20. It has garnered 198 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:43 or 1423 seconds.

Hey guys! Today we get to work on an awesome new base and come up with something pretty awesome! Let me know what you guys think!

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    🔥 Join 24/7 Crazy Rich Minecraft SMP! FREE to Join 👀 #live #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraft’, was uploaded by 🇮🇳Crazy Rich gaming on 2024-06-19 18:34:45. It has garnered 226 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:01 or 2881 seconds. Minecraft SMP LIVE || PUBLIC SMP 24/7 JAVA + BEDROCK || FREE TO JOIN #live #smp #minecraftmeme / discord ip bharatsmpnxtX.aternos.me:44923 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! 🔥 livestream , youtube member , youtube algorithm , Breaking Youtube Live , youtube experiment , youtube live , youtube… Read More

  • Insane 2000 Day Japan City Build in Minecraft!

    Insane 2000 Day Japan City Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2000 Days Of Building A Japan Inspired City In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Izumi on 2024-06-08 19:30:03. It has garnered 1170 views and 132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:27 or 927 seconds. Time to unpack 668 hours, 40,000 minutes, or 2000 MINECRAFT DAYS worth of building in this lovely little world inspired by some of my favorite anime as well as general Japanese architecture! Enjoy! Hi darlings!! I make Sims 4 Videos, Indie Game Let’s Plays, Game Dev Logs, MCTV Series, and MANY OTHER types of content here!! Hope you find something… Read More

  • ClassicSMP

    ClassicSMPClassic SMP is a lifesteal smp with severla different plugins such as TPA, Teams, etc. There are over 1k players in the discord so join now! Discord:https://discord.gg/AqvpBhrCYE Ip: classicsmp.net classicsmp.net Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding – Factions SMP Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server looking to allow players almost total freedom in determining the history and politics of the world. Will you forge a mighty empire, become a wealthy merchant, own your own bar and brew your own alcohol, or become a bum in your local city? This and more in Hardrada Worldbuilding! We promise minimal admin intervention and an unbiased staff team. As well as balanced and fair rules and we are open to suggestions from the community. This is pure, vanilla worldbuilding without any dumb rules or plugins. This is meant to let… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spaghetti Boi Supreme

    That’s a pretty high score for a meme about spaghetti hypostasis. I guess carbs and philosophy really do go hand in hand! Read More

  • Elemental Power Play: Stresmen & Odo Test Minecraft Magic

    Elemental Power Play: Stresmen & Odo Test Minecraft Magic In the world of Minecraft, Stresmen and Odo, Testing elemental powers, putting on a show. Animations so funny, for Indonesian kids, Bringing joy and laughter, in every grid. From Bang Channel, the original source, Kulpi Semungku’s animation, a creative force. Characters like Stresmen and Odo Kentang, Brought to life by Haikal Hibatulloh’s hand. Explore the world, in this amazing creation, Each frame a new adventure, a unique sensation. Support Kulpi Semungku, with a like and a share, For more unforgettable moments, beyond compare. Funny animations, in the Indonesian style, Minecraft facts and fun, to make you smile. Stresmen and… Read More

  • “Bedwars Shorts: The Ultimate Fakeout” #minecraft #memes

    "Bedwars Shorts: The Ultimate Fakeout" #minecraft #memes When you wear fake Bedwars shorts, you’re not just cheating in the game, you’re cheating yourself out of true comfort and style! #fakeituntilimakeit Read More

  • Friendship Destroyed by Terrible Ideas

    Friendship Destroyed by Terrible Ideas Minecraft Challenge with Friends: Redactted and Harrisane Introduction Knarfy, a self-proclaimed Minecraft professional, decided to put his skills to the test by challenging his real-life college friends, Redactted and Harrisane, in an epic Minecraft showdown. The stage was set for a thrilling competition filled with creativity, strategy, and friendship. The Challenge Begins As the challenge kicked off, Knarfy, Redactted, and Harrisane dove into the world of Minecraft, each armed with their unique set of skills and ideas. The goal was simple: to showcase their creativity and teamwork while navigating the vast landscapes and obstacles of the game. Building and… Read More

  • Ultimate AI Builds EPIC Castle in Minecraft | XGaming

    Ultimate AI Builds EPIC Castle in Minecraft | XGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but AI can build a castle for you | #shorts #short #youtubeshorts | XGaming’, was uploaded by X GAMING on 2024-04-24 16:34:41. It has garnered 621 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Experience the magic of Minecraft as AI constructs a majestic castle for you! Sit back, relax, and watch as your dream fortress comes to life. Join us on this epic adventure! Join Discord Server For more information: xgaming.club/discord Thank You 🙂 Read More

  • Top Minecraft PE 1.20 Seed ft. SpunkyInsaan20

    Top Minecraft PE 1.20 Seed ft. SpunkyInsaan20Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unearth the Wonders: Best Seed for Minecraft PE 1.20″ ft. @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by EPIC ADOTIC on 2024-04-11 04:30:34. It has garnered 86 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. “Unearth the Wonders: Best Seed for Minecraft PE 1.20” discord:-https://discord.com/invite/pd4WXUUAc4 INSTAGRAM:- 😺 _____Insipiration_____ @SHLOKUS1 @NotTatya @ZuPlayzOfficial seed:- 1669320484 your queries 🧬 1. Minecraft 2. Minecraft PE 3. Minecraft Pocket Edition 4. Minecraft Seeds 5. Minecraft PE 1.20 6. Minecraft Seeds 1.20 7. Minecraft PE Seeds 8. Minecraft Pocket Edition Seeds 9. Best Minecraft Seeds 10. Top Minecraft Seeds 11…. Read More

  • Summon Herobrine! 🎮 Minecraft’s Terrifying Urban Legend! 🔥

    Summon Herobrine! 🎮 Minecraft's Terrifying Urban Legend! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘本当にできる??💥マイクラ都市伝説のヘロブラインを召喚する!!😨🔥【まいくら・マインクラフト】#shorts #らた #minecraft #ゲーム実況 #まいくら #mod #マイクラ’, was uploaded by らた。 on 2024-04-20 03:36:44. It has garnered 1377872 views and 34242 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Is it really possible? 💥 Summon Herobrine, the Minecraft urban legend! 😨🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DICE-lDzNOU&ab_channel=GEVids ▼Subscribe to our channel here!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG1e-9pKpszEIn7nPAGm6Dw?sub_confirmation=1 ———————————–▼SNS▼ X (formerly Twitter):https://twitter.com/RaTa_090 ———————————–▼Playlist▼ ●Carefully selected videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ospLPBpZebnBJXW3cRc7r2Gyr0rjOJ- ●Homemade MOD https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ospLPBpZeZddq4iaLHEbMxJnWGatLUk ————————————————–▼Recommended videos▼ ●[Maizen]This is the result of completely recreating the video of making a shelter to avoid being attacked by poison?![Minecraft] https://youtu.be/n6tRygqXUfw ●[Maizen]Mikey Wiggle vs. The Strongest Security House 🏠😨[Minecraft] https://youtu.be/1QBNeANVBXU ●[Maizen]The… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Security House Mod! 🛡️🔒 #MinecraftPocketEdition

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Security House Mod! 🛡️🔒 #MinecraftPocketEditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Security house mod download || Minecraft house security|| #minecraftpocketedition’, was uploaded by GAMING HEROIC on 2024-02-25 23:13:43. It has garnered 758 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:08 or 308 seconds. Minecraft Security house mod download || Minecraft house security|| #minecraftpocketedition ____________________________________________Hashtags✓ #minecraft #trending #viral #minecrafthindi #adventure #emerging #explore #firstepisode #gameplay #gamer ____________________________________________ hello guy’s today I am giving you a best mod for Minecraft pocket edition. this is a house security mod it can easily find on a playstore app Minecraft addons you can download from it but watch… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Insane Perfect Rush on Hypixel!” #hyppoe

    "Unbelievable! Insane Perfect Rush on Hypixel!" #hyppoeVideo Information This video, titled ‘This rush was absolutely PERFECT! #hypixel’, was uploaded by Hyppoe on 2024-07-09 17:16:51. It has garnered 512 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #hypixel #hypixel #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020, fps boost 2021, hypixel, cheating on hypixel, hypixel… Read More

  • Therapy Gaming: Sequel Demand!

    Therapy Gaming: Sequel Demand!Video Information This video, titled ‘This game NEEDS a sequel…’, was uploaded by Unlicensed Therapy Gaming on 2024-05-21 20:46:20. It has garnered 51 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:45 or 9045 seconds. Jeth has a brain fart Reece is an egg LIK AND SUBDIDE #funny #minecraft #minecraftdungeons #diablo #utg #gaming #dungeoncrawler Read More

  • INSANE OVERWATCH 2: Flashpoint Map SUCKS?! | Ft. Minecraft

    INSANE OVERWATCH 2: Flashpoint Map SUCKS?! | Ft. MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Flashpoint as a map SUCKS! | Overwatch 2 and Minecraft | Stream VOD’, was uploaded by MyDarlingBella on 2024-04-07 04:01:09. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:51 or 14151 seconds. ₊‧°𐐪♡𐑂°‧₊ Hello~ Still trying to unlock heroes and comp! The games in this one were a little crazy, especially the flashpoint matches. Flashpoint is one of my least fave maps, it makes me like push more….. which is saying lots… Second half of stream is minecraft! Enjoy some chill minecraft gameplay after chaotic overwatch gameplay lol. BTW… Read More

  • “Insane MCPE Survival House Build & Epic Minecraft Adventure!” #minecraftpe

    "Insane MCPE Survival House Build & Epic Minecraft Adventure!" #minecraftpeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic MCPE Gameplay: Building a Survival House And Starting A New Journey In Minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by GamerEpic on 2024-03-23 08:27:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: Survival series EP-2 in Hindi | I Made Survival House | MCPE Gameplay Hastags : – #minecraft​ … Read More

  • 🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Rarest Sword Found in Minecraft! 🔥

    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE! Rarest Sword Found in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🍋 I found the rarest Minecraft sword in Uncharted Expeditions #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lemen 🍋 on 2024-05-05 22:00:05. It has garnered 10148 views and 321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. 🍋 https://www.twitch.tv/Lemen 🍋 https://www.twitter.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.instagram.com/BradleyLemen 🍋 https://www.discord.gg/Lemen 🍋 Use code Lemen in the Fortnite shop 🍋 Donate – https://streamlabs.com/lemen1/tip 🍋 Subscribe – https://www.twitch.tv/subs/Lemen 🍋 Treat – https://treatstream.com/t/treat/lemen 🍋 Wishlist – https://throne.com/lemen #Lemen #Streamer #Highlights #Fortnite #Lemon #ttvLemen #twitchLemen #highlights #youtuber #minecraft #modded #allthemods9 #communityserver #viewers #discord #server #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbut #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenge #camman18minecraft #minecraftspeedrun Read More

  • Unity Network

    Unity NetworkLifesteal & Fps Bosst Minecraft Server | Make History | Ranks | Media Use paper 1.20.1 as the native version. supports 1.20.1 with viaversion plugin. player cal also play on +1.15.x but not below then the native version.to run the setup you will need java 17. Note : I don’t Give support for version below than native version. want to buy click here ⇲ play.unitynetwork.fun Read More

  • OrdinaryCraft Modded SMP Whitelist NA 1.20.1 18+

    Welcome to OrdinaryCraft! Experience a new world of exploration and challenges on our modded Fabric Minecraft server. Uncover unique dungeons, participate in special events, and enjoy a variety of mods that enhance your gameplay. Our server encourages active participation and offers a level playing field by unlocking mods gradually throughout the season. From physics-based mods to improved combat systems and decorative options, there’s something for every player to enjoy. Join our friendly gaming community today and bond over your love of Minecraft! Connect with us on Discord to get started! Read More

  • USA Server 1.20 – 1.21 java & bedrock

    USA Server 1.20 - 1.21   java & bedrockBedrock Ip: port:25565Welcome to MoreFun- USA 1.20 – 1.21 JavaSince 2020, MoreFun has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we have a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family! §bNo Server Resets, Online Map, Discord, PVP, §r §aEconomy, Shop, Claim land, Survival, No Phantoms, (apexmc.co)Join our Discord… Read More