Minecraft – Awesome Rustic House Tutorial|How To Build|Inspiration Build|Minecraft how to build

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Yo words of God is free 50 and today I’m gonna be bringing you a nice little building tutorial today we’re gonna build this house right here so what we’re gonna need is this foundation we’re come over here and I’ll show you how to build this so you want to do is

Get your dog oak log place 1 1 block in between and basically this will be 5 by 5 by 5 by 5 so it’s all just kind of 5 it’s just squares square square square all 5 kind of wide and now you just want to remove these kind of blocks here

They’re just clearly there for me to kind of get a nice purpose and feel where I’m gonna be placing things and so this is what you’re gonna look like and you just want to build up to a 4 high so everything ad free on top of your bottom

Ones here that will create a nice fort high space we’d actually won that one so we have a nice full house base for the frame and just cross it over there in there like so this will begin it to give you your framework for the build

And which is what we’re gonna be using here and you wanna cross this as well just in the middle I’d end up a four to this so we’re gonna go 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 across those two and then

One so again you’re gonna want to add a number 4 to this 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 now this looks really tall and it’s gonna look really really old at first but honestly when you start voting

It would look a lot better so as you can see this just looks absolutely ginormously well and truly weird and just out of depth so you want to get some stairs and that’s Bruce planks here and then this is what you want to do so you want to

Just go around the sides here kind of fill in at this section here this will be a nice little Foundation roof it’s going to connect up your hop the whole kind of main roof and we’ll do the same for this side before we actually branch onto grating on main roof so we’re gonna

Do here is place upside down stairs one block on top of each one go up by and never step again place the backward stairs on top of those then go up by to place a stair on top of that as well and on top then connected the two stairs with Ames there

Upside down there and then cross like this and you’ll get your roof designed and then you just want to repeat this for the rest of your roof patterns here so we do exactly the same we’re going across backwards here place one block on top of a staircase that was their case

It’s backwards their back was their staircase thank you I know stairs plank plank two planks on top then we had the start then we got the backwards upside down stair and then I say on top and then I stay like this giving us a nice little flick off the

Roof here and then to do the exact same here we want to do it in a kind of each bite each section you want to do once that’s going to end up with a weird kind of triangle triangular shape to roof as you’re gonna get my old shape here and

I’ll check there and yeah it’s gonna this you repeat this kind of pattern the whole way around this bill I know will give you a nice style looking roof for this nice tower here so we’re good up by two and then we just want to repeat this

Four fork on the sides and it’s quite a lengthy process so that is the only downside to this but getting the roof correct it’s something you want to make sure you do so just fill in every bit key roof done and I usually start with building my roof first because I just

Like the way I like to see how I feel that like things are going to come through and I never want to film my roof in into it was completely done so I just want to get a nice little foundation and kind of blueprint to see how I’m gonna

Work with what I’ve built here and so when I build the original one over there poor actually recording this tutorial I was just kind of playing around with ways I could build and I never actually finished building it properly and so I’m happy of the way it looks so

I don’t know filling in my roof until I’m happy or the way it looks so you bet I built something like similar to this but I just don’t fill it in like we’ve done here and that will give me a kind of sense of what it’s going to look like

When I do fill in allowing me to shave off that time if I’m in some sort of a brush or it saves me time filling it in and then realizing that it’s an absolute mess so now that we’ve done that we’ve literally got that all the roof done and

Everything it’s gonna look pretty great from here so now we all just want to grab some dog prismarine blocks and obviously if you are not far enough into the game may be using a different choice of blocks will be a good idea but we’re gonna use the dockworkers prismarine so

You just want to match up with a block and the stairs and give you a nice little design and you also want to grab a dark red marune slab so we can cross here and we’ll do the exact same down here so we go across like so across like

So again so I’m just gonna show you how to build the outside of this kind of building and then maybe I’ll show and interior later on just as it us need to preview although you guys will have seen me build this by hand but I just kind of

Want to show you guys how I go through my thought process and at the same time show you how to build your own really unique and cool house obviously I’m changing up the material or block palette whilst building this will be something that maybe you guys can do it

Would definitely give you an ass bit of inspiration and allowing you to kind of choose your own block palette so you can use stuff like one that I’ve obviously loved building with recently is the groin I I believe it’s granite granite bricks and polished granite I believe so

Just those kind of mixtures throwing them in on tile roof and it looks really good you could do that with most kind of block pallets so just think about what blob palettes going to use I know you can get some really nice unique looking houses here I’m so just you know just

Play around it’s always nice to play around pallets or use a palette that you’ve seen somewhere on a build or I read it post I’m just taking that inspiration in to your own builds something that is really handy and will take you a lot further in your burning

Skills I believe so yeah now that we’ve done this you can just add a little bit to the middle there and the whole roof is filled in now the last fold in we’re gonna get some planks so we’ll get our spruce planks and we get our stripped

Spruce logs and we get a stir and we’ll grab a door too so we can get this all planned out and actually while we’re here we’ll grab the glass panes and we start building in and filling in this area so what I want to do is literally just begin texturing

My build just so it looks but you don’t want it kind of looking too similar you just want it throw things in there so that’s what I want my door here and then uh you know just kind of throw down a random amount of kind of looks

Get your nice build or idea going on here so I want a window there and you just want to start thinking about where you want your windows where you’re gonna be placing all your kind of things when building and so this is what I’m doing here

Um I don’t actually want a window on this side I do want to push that up so we got just a nice little pile little blocks going on nothing too similar we just want it all looking quite different and adding in two different kind of blocks to the pallet for example using

The strip the spruce logs and other planks really just spices of your build so I would recommend using those or using a different kind of pallet like these anyway so really just spice up your bird a bit I’m making it look that much better it’s just you know the small

Intricate details that really bring out a build once you’ve done this you literally just want to head up and begin doing the exact same for this so just throwing down some blocks like that you could fill in your windows like so I’m literally just blocks growing different

Blocks at this point so you can literally end up with any kind of pattern you might end up with a different plan to me I will leave a kind of thing at the style video that you’ve probably already said showing exactly how many materials I’ve used during this

Whole like build process so as you can see here this this wall is gonna look different to my wall here so they’re just things that you want to take into consideration anything that you build and I build may not be the same based on the way we texture things so just take

That into consideration I will leave you an accurate representation of how many blocks I actually used when creating this bill so don’t worry about that but as you see it just takes a long time texturing things texturing is just one of those things that takes a very very

Long time it would take you less time if you were just a half a leaf throw down some blocks obviously you’re probably not going to end up with a nice kind of way or style or build or pattern even your builds just generally not going to look as great if you don’t

Extra there’s just one of those small things that kind of needs to be done I don’t really enjoy doing texturing it’s just a lot of spamming different buttons and just placing repeatedly placing a kind of symbol box down and down again and it does get relatively boring so

That’s just one thing I don’t really like doing as you see here we’ve basically got a kind of set outside now so this is pretty much done it now all you want to do is begin detailing so if we quickly pop over here and I’ll start

Taking things off so I can start taking all kind of detailing blocks off so I can just use them in a nice quick fashion obviously I don’t actually think I’m gonna have to carry the majority of these blocks but we’ll give it a good go

So what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna work from the top and come down so I’m actually going to start with some trapdoors would go like this all the way around yeah it’s so giving us nice little effect I believe hanging lanterns on these only seems to work on Java so

I’m deeply sorry for anyone who wants to actually you know we’re doing exact same we won’t hang the lanterns on so well that let’s place that back there we won’t change the lattice of that we will actually put the lanterns maybe on top of here maybe you know no we’ll keep it

Like this and we’re hanging the lenses from there from here yeah so as you can see all here the windows lower on that one that is on this one and it’s just really poke personal preference so I’m just gonna add the lanterns around here otherwise it would be the same so

Although that is different here is I’ve just moved the window down and with the wavy thing down and this middle section would actually be down here and then obviously I would have the lantern up here so we could actually replicate that exactly if we just move someone down slightly but never mind that

We can always fiddle around with that later on and just fix that up if you really want to if you really want to get the exact Sun replication or look at thatmy or any build house and feel free to do that but now I’m just gonna add in some of

These little trap doors not closed gates and some bushes on top of those they just fill out a nice little effect and then I want to add these little bits a lot it kind of stick out here and then just stick some buttons on to those as

Well they will just provide a nice it’s more intricate detail I’m really just doing spy something build a bit and then obviously we can get some more trapdoors if you wish it so I’ve got some here and you can create a nice little custom effect across here and you can’t really

Do on this side so I wouldn’t worry about that too much and once again you can hang some lights on for them I like so that is pretty much it for the kind of top section so if we head down to this kind of bottom window section you can just create a

Nice little trapdoor wavy effect across here too and over here really lighting up the build I don’t believe there is anywhere else around here you can do it so once you’ve done that you nature you can just go around and be build or you could do the small little detail of a

Grabbing some trapdoors and just filling in next the windows here I’m giving you some kind of window shutters they just fill in a bit of room on the build and also don’t make it look so flat from the outside that’s when you’re looking at something like this looking at the walls

That look very flat but adding things like these window bars or window shutters in it’s just a small detail and they slightly bring out the build wall so it’s one of those things that I would recommend then you just want to go around and add in some outside

Decoration for example I’m going to use some composters with leaves and put those there and we’ll get some grass I can add like grass there I guess hope track those as they work a lot better it’s I’ve used a lot of spruce in this build and then we can place a flower

There it’s just the small things like this so I just want to play around with kind of different styles of using this little place – here’s one I’m just playing around with obviously the outside details and designs I’ve been playing with here I felt I could repeat

The first thing that this a lot but it’s just using it the like literally the small little details actually see here really bring this foot out so if you’re not using things like trap doors but the kind of natural outdoor gardens you’re not really gonna bring this bill

To life or your bill to life and that’s one way you can really kind of improve on your burning is creating small things just like adding small things like this they really just help bring out the be able to say as you can see I’ve added so

Much like foliage around here it’s all beginning to kind of show and stand out so it’s looking pretty good and so yeah let’s just finish this build off now so we can do a little design round here they’re never going to be the same and

That’s a copy of exactly how I want like exact for usually like exact hopefully replicas so just playing around with how you want it to look is something that you should do but take into consideration things I’m doing it’s adding these little flower benches and

Adding in other kind of designs a way of like composters and leaves on top or trapdoors and things like that you can also add barrels and I chest at the front door here just fill in a bit space like someone’s maybe just moving in so they’ve only just start to arrive and

Move in and also if you want to add a light add one on top of the virus as well it just kind of gives it a small little purpose and it just looks like if someone’s moving into this build and really starts to bring things it’s a

Kind of life giving you that law and for the final kind of section of this we’re talk about or not to talk about but we’re just quickly very down at some throw down this chimney here that maybe you want into your build so what we do

Is we punch out this book here and we start building up in a random kind of pattern we get to here we put that there kind of just cut across here around a random selection of blocks again I kind of choose how high you want it so I’m

Gonna go one lower get a camp fire trapdoor which I’m going to use this on place these around the edge here no not on that one place two matching on the camp fire like so like so and then obviously out of stare there if you really want to just detail

Out of it get some slabs as well and you can kind of create a nice little broken effect around the back here so we can do someone like that and it just really makes it like it’s kind of crumbled and broken and as you can see here with the

Gravel on course you look so much better and yeah this is pretty much everything you will need to know on how to build this build here you can obviously change the tops like I’ve done with the windows but just remember when burns think you can completely take the house for

Example but when you build decorating the outside you might find different designs that fit you better or something that you like more than mine so feel free to use your own and but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial I’m only going to show you really how to do the

Outside if you want to decorate the inside or something I would recommend looking at my 20 decoration interior decoration design videos I’ve got quite a few of them I believe I have three of them now so feel free to go and check them out and they will give you some

Inspiration on how to build the inside of these builds but yeah thank you guys for watching I’ll see you all soon peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Awesome Rustic House Tutorial|How To Build|Inspiration Build|Minecraft how to build’, was uploaded by FullySpaced on 2020-05-22 15:59:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft – Awesome Rustic House Tutorial|How To Build|Inspiration Build|Minecraft how to build Fullyspaced Shows you …

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    Chill Bear Thrills: Frozen Planet Minigame Madness In the frozen tundra, where the bears roam free, A mother bear protects her cubs, you see. Facing challenges, dangers, and icy terrain, Surviving together, through snow and rain. BBC Earth and Minecraft unite, To bring awareness, shining bright. In Frozen Planet, the minigames unfold, Teaching us lessons, stories untold. Join us on this journey, through the Arctic’s embrace, Learning about nature, in this frozen place. Stay tuned for more adventures, in this icy land, With Minecraft and bears, hand in hand. Read More

  • Minecraft Logic: Burning Hot! #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Logic: Burning Hot! #minecraftmemes When you spend hours building a beautiful house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. Minecraft logic be like: “Well, that escalated quickly.” #minecraftmemes #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 5-Day Farm Challenge: Minecraft Fail

    5-Day Farm Challenge: Minecraft Fail Challenging Minecraft Farm Creation in 5 Days In a recent Minecraft speedpaint video, the content creator took on the challenge of creating a farm within the game in just 5 in-game days. The challenge was set against the backdrop of a speedpainting session, adding an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. Speedpainting and Minecraft Challenge The video showcased the content creator’s multitasking skills as they painted while navigating the complexities of Minecraft. The challenge required strategic planning and quick decision-making to ensure the farm’s success within the limited timeframe. Engaging Content and Community Interaction Throughout the video, viewers… Read More

  • Crafty Chaos in Minecraft Creative!

    Crafty Chaos in Minecraft Creative! Exploring Creativity in Minecraft While many players focus on survival in Minecraft, others find joy in unleashing their creativity in the game’s Creative mode. One such player is currently hard at work building a template for their Central Void Alter in their Creative Testing World. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft creativity! Building a Central Void Alter The player is meticulously crafting a template for their Central Void Alter, a structure that will soon come to life in their world. This process involves translating their ideas from paper into a stunning 3-Dimensional creation within Minecraft. The player’s dedication… Read More

  • Stresmen vs Horror Demon in Minecraft! – SURVIVAL KOLOR #2

    Stresmen vs Horror Demon in Minecraft! - SURVIVAL KOLOR #2Video Information This video, titled ‘KITA KETEMPELAN SETAN PALING HORROR DI MINECRAFT!!! – SURVIVAL KOLOR #2’, was uploaded by Stresmen on 2024-07-24 09:15:02. It has garnered 252410 views and 12344 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:29 or 1349 seconds. Stressed playing SURVIVAL BERAK – Subscribe guys – Don’t forget to Like – Watch until the end!!! email: [email protected] ————————————————————————————— Follow my social media Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spelemen/ ————————————————————- Read More

  • Sly Showdown: JeromeASF vs Herobrine’s Dragon!

    Sly Showdown: JeromeASF vs Herobrine's Dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine’s Ender Dragon! – Minecraft From The Fog #6’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-06-15 22:00:21. It has garnered 10227 views and 710 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:53 or 1193 seconds. Herobrine’s Ender Dragon! – Minecraft From The Fog #6 Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Or Caveman Jerry Will Cry ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow… Read More

  • “HEROBRINE JUMPSCARE in Minecraft! 😱” #shorts

    "HEROBRINE JUMPSCARE in Minecraft! 😱" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE 😱 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MUSTAFO UZ on 2024-05-11 14:38:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • “Unbelievable HERROBRINEE encounter! Must watch!” #Minecraft #shizo #viral

    "Unbelievable HERROBRINEE encounter! Must watch!"
#Minecraft #shizo #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HERROBRINEE attitude status #Minecraft #short #viral status’, was uploaded by GT EDITZ on 2024-02-16 06:11:50. It has garnered 8174 views and 532 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 1. #Minecraft 2. #Herobrine 3. #Gaming 4. #Creepy 5. #Mystery 6. #Adventure 7. #Survival 8. #Gamer 9. #Exploration 10. #Building 11. #BlockWorld 12. #Redstone 13. #PixelArt 14. #VirtualWorld 15. #Multiplayer 16. #OnlineGaming 17. #Fantasy 18. #Imagination 19. #Legendary 20. #Mythical 21. #Fear 22. #Suspense 23. #Action 24. #Roleplaying 25. #Crafting 26. #Strategy 27. #SurvivalHorror 28. #OpenWorld 29. #DigitalWorld 30. #EpicAdventure 31…. Read More


    INSANE 24/7 MINECRAFT SMP SERVER! JAVA+PEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIFESTEAL SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #shortsfeed #shortslive’, was uploaded by ARONTEX GAMING on 2024-04-26 11:45:41. It has garnered 482 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:30 or 7710 seconds. MINECRAFT SMP LIVE 24/7 SERVER | | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #shortsfeed #shortslive Minecraft Live SMP And Bedwars 24/7 || ARONTEX GAMING || JAVA + PE #shortsfeed #shorts #shortslive MINECRAFT 24/7 SERVER | LIFESTEAL SURVIVAL SMP | JAVA+PE | #minecraft #live #phasmophobia #stream join my public smp🤩 for java+pe 24/7 online || free to join ip port… Read More

  • CHIP: Insane Drone Massacre!! (2024’s Top Animation) + Minecraft

    CHIP: Insane Drone Massacre!! (2024's Top Animation) + MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Binge Murder Drones *(BEST ANIMATION IN 2024?!)* AND Minecraft!!!’, was uploaded by CHIP on 2024-09-14 09:55:55. It has garnered 112 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 07:14:58 or 26098 seconds. Happy Friday the 13th Chip Family. Today we are going to be having some FUN with a long stream to celebrate YOU. SCHEDULE IS AS FOLLOWS: 2PM– START — TERRARIA WRAP-UP (PART 1) — BINGE MURDER DRONES — MINECRAFT Tune in for some fun!!! (MURDER DRONES) MURDER DRONES **FIRST TIME WATCH** EP1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mImFz8mkaHo EP2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z8DO1KhPFo EP3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djsJqNAGMuY EP4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63bUBEIhpNk EP5:… Read More

  • EXPLOSIONS and DRAMA! SMP LIVE Minecraft (Part 9)

    EXPLOSIONS and DRAMA! SMP LIVE Minecraft (Part 9)Video Information This video, titled ‘SMP with viewers LIVE | Minecraft (part 9)’, was uploaded by elismart13 on 2024-06-14 20:38:33. It has garnered 110 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:43 or 10903 seconds. SMP with viewers LIVE | Minecraft (part 9) – Join The Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/rDJn8hB – If You want, You can Donate Here: https://streamlabs.com/elismart To Support me and get access to new stuff: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzoMuOTBgq5U72r6L-UM3JA/join My New Schedule! Videos: Saturday 3:00pm ( Ireland/UK Time ) Streams: – Friday 7:00pm – Saturday 7:00pm – Sunday 3:00pm Some of the music you hear is made by… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Stoneopolis with Infinity Gen & AE2!

    Ultimate Minecraft Stoneopolis with Infinity Gen & AE2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Stoneopolis | INFINITY GENERATOR & APPLIED ENERGISTICS 2! #10 [Modded Questing StoneBlock]’, was uploaded by Nik & Isaac on 2024-05-02 19:00:21. It has garnered 6343 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:19 or 3139 seconds. Minecraft Stoneopolis | INFINITY GENERATOR & APPLIED ENERGISTICS 2! #10 [Modded Questing StoneBlock]with Nik and Isaac ★Minecraft UniversIO | CRAFTING THE SUN, THE EARTH & GRAVITY!?! #1: https://youtu.be/Qe0nqz8AWJU ★Join the Nik & Isaac Discord: https://discord.gg/R2FnaCryrq ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine Stoneopolis- https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/stoneopolis Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound #Minecraft #Stoneopolis #Modded Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Secret Square with Unique Disguise!

    EPIC Minecraft Secret Square with Unique Disguise!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PETAK UMPET BARENG TEGUH SUGIANTO TAPI JADI KECIL & NYAMAR JADI HIU BLOOP DI LAUTAN RAFT !’, was uploaded by Presiden Gaming on 2024-04-15 03:00:29. It has garnered 13469 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. MINECRAFT HIDE AND SEEK WITH TEGUH SUGIANTO BUT BECOME SMALL & PRETEND TO BE A BLOOP SHARK IN THE RAFT OCEAN!!! Join to be the Team President: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvkoNv4XZWcoLmOsvQYuYPQ/join Help Donate For Channel Progress:https://saweria.co/evansugiantoyt Come on Subscribe/Subscribe for Free: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvkoNv4XZWcoLmOsvQYuYPQ?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evansugianto_yt/ Business Email: [email protected] Also watch other interesting videos at:… Read More

  • ReverieCraft

    ReverieCraftReverieCraft is a towny based server with multiple worlds, mini games, an economy, and expanded Minecraft content. The server has MMO elements that allow for different playstyles to shine in unique ways. The Agate world is a survival world based on building for creative players, while the Opal world which is reset every week with a different theme is for resource gathering and adventuring. The server has somewhere near over 500+ custom items with custom enchantments, over 200+ different enemy variants, and tons of tough bosses spanning over several worlds with quests! With lootcrates, shops, quests, and present codes, this… Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Draconicraft is a community-focused Minecraft server where the world is your oyster – within the 20k world border. With each Minecraft update, the world expands instead of resetting, allowing you to work on builds and farms with the community while enjoying new features. Features: 18+ Whitelist Semi-vanilla Custom Datapacks and Plugins Community of players from around the world English as primary language Additional Datapacks: Anti Ender Dragon Grief Anti Enderman Grief Bundles Custom Armor Statues Custom Nether Portals More Mob Heads Mini Blocks Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Silence Mobs Villager Workstation Highlights Configuration Info Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft server jogar.endercraft.com.br

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: jogar.endercraft.com.br (GL HF) Read More

Minecraft – Awesome Rustic House Tutorial|How To Build|Inspiration Build|Minecraft how to build