Minecraft Bedrock PS5 Survival #46 – Building A City (Playing With Viewers)

Video Information

Foreign Oh my goodness oh my goodness no freaking way bro I’m doing back to back streams what two streams in two days now this is unbelievable you guys are probably dreaming you guys are probably thinking to yourself man no way I’m probably dreaming right now no way King

Is doing two streams back to back no no no there’s no way bro like there’s actually no way I I must be dreaming right now nope nope it’s all right you’re not dreaming you don’t need to pinch yourself yes I am doing a stream today even though I did one yesterday doing them

Back to back because dude yesterday we had an accident bro we had the stream if the game freaking crashed on me Minecraft crashed on me however there was an update that came out like today there was an update that came out today uh I’m gonna look at the change log real quick

To see what was added or what was changed or what you know what was new it’s a PlayStation 4 only so it’s 1.20.14 Playstation only by the way uh it says fixes there’s only two fixes there’s only two fixes that are noted on this uh patch it says fix number one fixed a

Top crash that could occur occur could occur during gameplay which is probably what happened yesterday we probably had one of those um you know incidents we probably had one of those happen yesterday sadly uh there’s another issue here that says fix an issue on Playstation causing

Players to lose access to the story yes that’s annoying when I was trying to make my Ninja Turtles video it would not let me connect to the store it kept logging me out it kept making all of these take forever to load it wouldn’t even load up so

That’s fixed I think hopefully right but uh that’s what’s new what’s up soxy foxy what up foxy what up man what up foxy how are you man what’s up beef bow methbo hello math but what’s up head of the table AK Jesse Jesse Jesse one of zinc games sneaky freaky

Yo Edward what’s going on Edward how are you Edward good to see you Edward what’s up LOL LOL good to see you LOL how are you Benny’s so chill’s biggest fan Benny’s so chill’s biggest fan I totally forgot you changed your name to that all righty nice fixed issues two bug fixes two

Two main fixes I should say hello relax rylack right Lac how are you so yeah hopefully we get a more stable uh smooth stream today a lot of people were thinking that you know uh it’s probably the custom skins that was making my game Crash because a

Lot of you guys were joining with these custom skins yesterday however I highly doubt that’s the reason why the game crashed I really don’t I doubt it I’m back after 10 years bro where have you been 10 years no way bro where were you I

Just do a Furniture I’m so close to 3K hours on Minecraft you need me to do a 400 hour stream how do you have more hours on Minecraft than me that’s crazy what that’s it I gotta do a 700 hour Stream So I gotta I gotta be Cam’s hours on Minecraft Bro there’s

That’s that’s nope that’s it it’s time to full time Minecraft I’m gonna be streaming Minecraft full time from now on eight hours within a week I should have 600 hours all right sounds good all right guys let’s do this let’s load into the world because we got some things That must be completed that’s right we got some things that must be completed that’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna complete these uncompleted things what up zaner zayners here zaner hi zainer what’s up rylack yo Turtles out Adventures oh my goodness he’s back too yay who made that amazing Banner of yours oh

You know the one and only that’s when you’re supposed to say me I did King I made it can we pray to give us better chances at the Search and Destroy game I’m playing wait you’re playing Call of Duty with your dad oh oh playing Call of Duty with your parent

Might not end very well you little blank he was right there behind you blank we gotta finish this bill today we’re not gonna finish it wrong this thing’s gonna be tall it’s gonna go all the way up it’s gonna go all the way up to the

Sky no joke it’s gonna be as tall as Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated just kidding it’s not gonna be as tall as Doofenshmirtz might be as tall as this building or a little bit taller but hey at least the progress will save correct that is a good thing that is a plus at

Least the progress was saved from the last stream and we don’t have to reset like the previous copy that would suck right that would actually be very disappointing King I meant Indiana without the Jones hey Indiana without the Jones hey they got I got robbed again I got robbed somebody just robbed me

Oh no I got freaking Rob my bookstore got robbed again unbelievable very very upsetting very heartbreaking oh my God guys I can’t do this anymore bro I gotta go drown myself hey yo King guess what I’m in the ER dude why why are you in the ER you have an old PlayStation account

Banned YT cam I have almost 900 on Xbox I have about 600 switch and I got 2K on Windows and I got 400. oh we’re talking about overall probably like a good 10 000 overall bro we’re talking about like overall I probably got on the Xbox 360 I got like

2K at least at least it’s just a wild you know guess but from the amount I’ve played I would say I have about 2 000 hours on the Xbox 360. on mobile I probably have like another 2 000 because I used to play on mobile a

Lot that’s already 4 000 uh on switch I probably like a good 1 000 hours because I don’t really pay that much on switch but I used to a lot um that’s already 7 000 hours on Minecraft PlayStation 5 here that’s an extra 2 000 so that’s already we’re already at nine thousand

And then we gotta take into account uh Windows Edition PC edition I used to play a lot bro like that’s all I was doing no life in PC edition Windows Edition Java edition whatever I brought like a good 4 000 on PC that’s already

Like 13 000 right there I got a lot of hours in Minecraft I could say I’m a certified vet broken micro let me join for freak’s sake for freak’s sake I got you on 4K with RTX 50 90. until I10 ps6 Pro dude that PS bro imagine oh my God

That’s crazy you know what’s crazy to think that yes one day we will get a ps6 pro or not a pro but like it’s crazy to think that yes we will get a ps6 one day and like you know what’s crazy is that when we look at PlayStation 4 gameplay

Now that we’re so used to PlayStation 5 gameplay you could tell there’s a big difference and it’s so crazy to think that we will consider the PS5 Graphics to be like so crappy you know like they’re gonna be like noticeably bad compared to the ps6 graphics it’s gonna

Be it’s gonna be crazy man when it gets to that point where’s my diamond pickaxe John hey my name’s not John man it’s Benny so chill I have an anvil nearby I think I do I think I do have an animal nearby actually I do not have an anvil nearby

Gosh dang it gosh darn it man root and tootin cowboy shooting oh my God it’s cam bro cam left the game it’s good is the Invisible Man back oh yeah good idea good idea yo guys give me more lava uh cam left the game in this

Spot let’s go ahead and build up let’s go ahead and build up let’s go ahead and Surround this area with lava I think this is where Cam uh left right I think he left right here in the middle so let’s just go ahead and hopefully when he joins back he’s gonna join in

That spot inside of these logs and then he’ll burn any shorts though of course man we need shorts all the time Brian shut up L print November 69th King raid X you know it’s crazy I’ve actually been using uh X or Twitter or whatever you want to call it I’ve been

Using it a lot more it’s actually crazy man I’ve been on on X a lot lately when will you be streaming tomorrow tomorrow I don’t think I’m gonna be streaming tomorrow ‘s Wednesday I don’t think I’m gonna be streaming tomorrow maybe it’s a maybe I’m probably watching the streams only enjoying

Lame he’s not joining that sucks L cam guess what motherfreaker was wearing joggers uh don’t tell me it was a guy who lives on two one four what you’re doing on x i bro I just be looking at memes because there’s a lot of funny memes on X and then I also be

Trying to see if my favorite YouTubers have you know X or Twitter or whatever it’s called I’ma still call it Twitter bronica I’m gonna call it Twitter I don’t care and I’ll just be checking out memes looking at funny videos fight videos they got fight videos on the X it’s pretty funny

Or Twitter they got yeah they got fights on Twitter it’s hilarious no did I take a crap on my boss’s desk yeah not yet but he’s gonna get it watch I got something even better coming for him bro oh my God that’s bro cause I have a world of zombie mods and

You want to show but I’m in the yard today oh we got a world with zombie mods huh how interesting I’ve been playing a lot of Call of Duty zombies lately and brought that fortune pick I need diamonds oh To the line to become X Flight you gotta call it X the everything app how about no no what the heck happened here there is a whole bunch of ladders right here what is going on why are these here these better not be from the inside of my house bro I

Swear Harley oh somebody’s gonna get it no they’re not why is Twitter called X I don’t I don’t know why they even decided to change the name but whatever it happens is enchanting time will back now yes I have it but I think the bookshelves are gone

It’s like we get one thing back but we lose something else yeah bookshelves are gone I’ll joined the kingdom which I’ll do right now I have Discord Broski and still owe me my mod like you promised weeks ago maybe or something Jesse look behind you there’s something behind you Jesse

What do you think about the three apps with X I sent you let’s talk about threads oh I don’t like threads I don’t like threads threads suck where the hoes oh no Dylan plays is here no my like oh my God it’s like we’re having very peaceful Minecraft lobbies lately uh

We’re having fun you know as a community not giving an f about what was going on then Dylan shows up oh my God you never gave me that money I was dude I was gonna give you mod but then the game crashed and then my stream Ended as well

See that’s the only downside about you know streaming off of the places that if you close the app or if the game crashes or just it closing in general the stream will end it’s very sad I hate being on a call with shoddy I can barely hear bro when you’re FaceTiming somebody when

You’re going to sleep with them like you’re FaceTiming them you’re going to sleep and then they keep moving oh that’s annoying sorry buddy I gave you a perma-band lifetime ban so you’re probably not going to be able to see this world ever again sorry buddy you step foot in here

Automatically banned nope get out bye stripe ESPN X next to each other and make one magic word oh I can’t say that I can’t say that I’ll get in trouble nope you’re on ban I unbanned you oh I set up on fortnite zaner I need you to take good care of the zaner

I can trust you only with that please take care of it I can trust you with that okay I know I could put my trust in your hands please zaner don’t let anybody else get a hold of that so what should I say about cancer in the world because

That is false information tooth like and Jonathan stop spreading false lies stop spreading lies all right bro if you tell another lie about me bro like if you tell one more lie about me that’s not true bro I swear bro I’m literally gonna go to your house bro I’m

Literally gonna go to your house literally I’m gonna go like I know where you live no joke legit I’m gonna go to your house bro and you don’t wanna know what I’m gonna do after that bro so if I was you bro I would actually like bro take into

Consideration bro what I’m saying all right bro no one cares about calling indexing using the Emoji and everything second Elon Mikey um Mikey hop on um hop on let me see here let me see one thing Mikey hop on uh ghost of sushima all right I need fish

OMG I just realized something this girl blocked me right but I have her number I have her I had it on the PS5 that was crazy same the girl of my dreams blocked me as well but little does she know she’s still my friend on PlayStation think we all know who we’re talking

About who I’m talking about guys I think we all know who I’m talking about right right right oh no Mikey and Dylan are both here yo video games video games King video games team no fets with a B video games what’s up video games the homie video games back with another

Video I’ll never forget that iconic classic intro truly inspiring truly one of a kind the homie video games back with another video damn video games why is your area a mess people been griefing my man whenever you start your ex I don’t know Minecraft her name is Cam is so hot yo uh

Cam is so ugly more like can you build a house bro if you’re so mean what did video games ever do to you manage you had to grieve them that’s actually so sad that’s actually so sad bro like man video games is the most innocent kind-hearted person you’ll ever meet in

Your life and for you to do that to him that’s so sad you see my comment when I said about you leave my best friend out of this yeah leave his best friend out of this guys don’t involve me I’m not trying to be involved in any drama

Do I look like keemstar to you where are these fishes there they are I was just saying nice things about video games and he leaves it’s it’s heartbreaking hey where’d it go Thank you Jesse thank you for the preliminary support that you’re providing this is indeed a code 3273 or actually a code 2617 thank you man times like this I do need protection I’m gonna cherish the 48 levels that I have right now because since Mikey and

Fez are both here I could lose these levels at any second I’m gonna cherish them do you want a corrupted sword name yes yes I do bro how did I see you live bro and hi what’s up Colin hey no worries man you probably didn’t get the nodi but it’s

All right Colin you made it you made it just in time calling for the grand finale hi Collins it’s good to see you where’s Maverick dude Maverick man I feel bad because Maverick super chatted 25 right and then I had to kick him out of the game

I feel bad bro but then again I did say pick a number between 1 and 100 the lowest number gets kicked like bro come on like it’s only fair and he chose the lowest number like come on I’m not a bad guy am I no no I’m not all right let’s move this

Closer to my shovel get an anvil an anvil I’m so tired man oh my God Michael bro get away Dylan stay back get away go back on fortnite with Brian you traitor oh my God oh my God thank you I met a loss for words right now I

I don’t know what to say bro oh my goodness I don’t know what to say right now dead oh no Who’s Alex oh no that’s Alex from the keemstar video lay your hand in your pants right now good night why am I playing with one hand right now good night good night

You know that one scene of diary Wimpy Kid where they sat next to the trash that was Brian food’s falling on them like oh that’s classic scene classic did you get the shaders I have to download the shaders on my Windows 10 device Windows 11 actually if

You just have Windows 10 bro nah it’s time to upgrade entire Wimpy Kid bro that’s so Random why are you bringing up diary wimpy kid like the most random thing ever stop ignoring me zinc I would never ever ignore you zinc Zinky dinky slinky King for protecting you I deserve mod

And your bodyguard true true you do you really do bad gaming right now nice Nike nice man Fanboy Hooters oh femboy Hooters oh it was Brian’s first day of school today OMG oh this should be a conference room actually what’s up Snake Man yo snake man what’s up man Snake Man Snake Man

Oh crap done is invisible Dylan is invisible we gotta get out of here get me out of this house get me out of this place Dylan’s invisible zaner zainer where are you zainer zaynor please I need you right now zainer come save my life zaner like the new Banner thanks man uh also

Make sure to give um say good job to zinc he is the one who made it without without zinc we would not have this amazing Banner no no no no no no no Dylan’s right here next to me I can already feel him I can already hear him smell him taste him run

Dylan stay away zaner zaner I Need You My Bodyguard tater Vader where are you protect me can I join yeah I’m really I’m Rioni yes if you’d like to join all you gotta do is just be subscribed to the channel send me a friend request and I will get

You in here easy peasy I’m coming baby girl zaynor save me please you know like how in the movies like the princesses would get like this swept off their legs like they would get carried I need you to carry me like that they enter the safety

Ascribe dude you’re the best I’m a Rioni I’m Ryan you’re the greatest person on Earth how does Dylan taste like tastes like crap sorry that right now meat but it tastes like like crap and get him get him zaner get that guy track them down with your hacks and get them

Can I have a red dead copy I’m running low after these zombie maps man monkey guys I will be hosting a giveaway had a chance to win a copy of the brand new release of Red Dead Redemption one that is coming out on August 17th if you would like to enter that giveaway

The steps are very simple all you must do is fill out the Google Docs form that I will provide in the Discord shortly um the steps are as follow it will be requirement of you to send a picture of your credit card information oh Dylan’s in front of me I can already tell

I’m gonna get no cam don’t it’s a real giveaway yes it is no my God freaking cam bro stupid skin that he has well there goes my glass plane my glass pane’s gone never gonna be able to be recovered Mr me now hey why does that name sound familiar

Mr Mino wait I mean that name sounds very familiar oh no fats no fats odds ban him and blow up his house I got a mod pack installed and you had two at day 243 in this world no way can I install this mod on PlayStation or no

Damn I’m short one glass pane I’m short of the one that that fell Underground move to an isolated location no you’re gonna kill me I already know I already know what you’re gonna do fats I wasn’t born yesterday OMG bro oh only on Realms oh never mind then

My username I added you I added you Rioni check in uh check your notice Devi king35 modder hack I’d rather mod not hack ERS suck they suck dude I’m not gonna say the full word of course but there it is the glass plane the glass plane the glass pane

Give me mod or I hack your ex no please don’t wow thank you whoever whoever is giving me glass panes thank you invisible guy The Invisible Man is actually very helpful wow you guys remember the Invisible Man from yesterday’s stream the guy that blew up Maverick thank you invisible guy

Not griefing today is actually being very helpful thank you invisible guy God is selfie King is the one that gave me the glass panes oh my God look at Cameron bro yeah Cameron just standing there looking like a goof looking like a big old goof biggest goofball I’ve ever met look at

This guy oh I could have killed all three I’d rather go wank it wait you left the game bro’s gonna come back post none and be like OMG bro she ain’t even all that bro like oh my gosh bro girls goth girls ain’t even all that like bro they are all that

But he’s gonna go winky that’s funny is it allowed to own your wait what do you see is it allowed to own your own house yeah you could have your own house in this world you could either build it or have one of the uh houses I built

Who’s burning the wiener down there the Cuban girl blocked me I almost tapped as well what do you mean by that her cousin just had to die what deadly King 70. thatly King 35 man bro say my name Ryder I ban you bro like for real bro like no joke bro I’m

Getting tired bro if you never saying my name right put some respect on my name bro for real bro you don’t start respecting me bro I’m gonna ban you bro all right bro all right bro then well he doesn’t give you mod then I will give you mod trust me I need new

Mods the ones I have They’re All Dead for some reason girls can hang out with their cousins should not be trusted why what do they do to you it depends are is like the cousin the same gen like the same um gender as the girl or no well they are not just cousins

And I’m like oh yeah no no it’s like if it’s the girls hanging out with quote unquote cousin no they ain’t they ain’t cousins bro did you just say Broan six six times in one sentence and it actually made sense yes yes buddy uh all right Peter Cameron I think that

Man just died all right Peter the wiener is gone I said he was just a cousin not mine dang nah Roblox her right now bro block her right now bro please don’t wank it bro please bro like I know we I know we taught you that

A while ago so you could save your life but please bro like fats come on they’re so much better no offense don’t do it man please hello it’s been so long I got suspended from my account for a month but I’m back Frosty holy crap where the heck have you been Frosty

At 7 37 it’s not good morning it’s good night good night look what is it sir Noah so when are you gonna make the shaders video I’ll put them on in my next Minecraft video actually no not on the next one because I actually have a really Banger like

Minecraft Survival video planned I can’t tell you guys what it is but just know you might want to keep your eye out for the next Minecraft PlayStation survival video that I have not a live stream I’m talking like the actual series that I have you guys are actually gonna like keep

Your eye out that that one’s gonna be a banger like no joke school has already started for me dang Love from India OMG from India I love you man thank you for supporting me all the way from India truly truly the best all the way from India that’s crazy you are the best oh no can I ask you something what’s it like in India do you guys actually sleep on beds of

Nails or is that just a myth can you ignore me so much I don’t ignore you zinc sometimes your messages doesn’t show up like you guys gotta understand like your messages don’t show up sometimes trust me I see every message in the chat and sometimes your messages don’t just

Don’t show like YouTube just doesn’t just doesn’t show them for some reason yes you guys actually do no way I can’t oh my God oh my God oh my bro take that off today you got your schedule and your spirit shirts hey nice sync may we uh take a look at them thanks

Thank you buddy All right let’s get to the top of this you’re hyped up for school that’s the spirit as you should man everybody should be hyped to go to school school is great stay in school kids I like the video watch this I just you actually did like the video I

Just seen it go up from three to four Jesse thank you man Jesse you’re the best I’m gonna buy some tiger leg monkey frog that didn’t even make sense bro are you 18 years old really seven likes oh my God I gotta have to take a picture and show

This to my mom she told me if I reached seven likes that she was gonna buy me a Happy Meal from McDonald’s and honestly I haven’t ate in like five days bro so this is amazing you’re welcome Broski no Broski you’re welcome nine lives like food oh my goodness I’m gonna cry

Right now I’m waiting for the exhale oh shoot I got carried away no stay back thank you guys for dropping your life in the street man I really appreciate it dude you guys are amazing if you’re new make sure you hit that subscribe button as well man I would really appreciate it all

Looks like the bugs weren’t fixed after all I just had the whole Lobby lag out oh my God I’m ryoni I like it Rioni thank you ryoni thank you so much Rioni on an ALT account that means a lot thank you Rioni I’m not that excited for school since I

Have to redo your senior year again why are you redoing your senior year again huh why Edward why are you redoing your senior Year man why waiting for the ex so why’d you kick me bro that’s it I’m at my wits like you know Mikey no please Mikey please Mikey don’t do any

Do any crazy to yourself Mikey King will you let me Mexican Mexican or all and I want to be too hot yes I don’t understand that question but I’m gonna say yes so thank you yo DJ Wells is here hey yo DJ Wells are you actually a DJ bro because I’m trying

To make some music are you actually a DJ like type one in the chat if you are and type two in the chat if you’re not a DJ I’m actually looking for a DJ yo this thing’s looking crazy this thing’s kind of confusing bro I don’t remember it being this confusing

When I was building it the first time oh wow can I be Mexican because Mexicans are hot I want to be hot um I wouldn’t say they’re hot um I think you’re thinking about you’re getting confused with Colombians and Brazilians they’re not the same trust me

You only pass PE are you serious Edward you only pass PE oh my gosh Edward Edward’s only passing PE man why are you only passing PE Edward what’s your name French mapper I know I have you added but what’s your username what do I make my skin nothing

Well Stampy 9028 there you go Stampy 9028 what the heck there you go this is your second account why do you have two accounts not that there was anything wrong with that I have like seven accounts to be honest there’s nothing wrong with that

Oh no I’m out of um I’m out of sandstone great great great I gotta get more sandstone well guys looks like we’re going on adventure yuppie how was your guys’s day so far it’s very rude of me that I didn’t ask yet how was your guys’s day so far I’m sorry

That I have not asked to be like I said that’s very rude of me dude I was going off in gym today Brody I was dodging them ball huh a lot of them balls like crazy ah you changed versions again no it’s uh the game updated today that’s why

The game updated there was an update today what’s up brother kick roller Keck fan hi buddy good to see you I joined OMG ryone riony’s here Mr wait who’s that on your profile picture he meant dodgeball oh okay okay hopefully that’s what he meant man you know I’m thinking over he’s over here

Dodging of different kinds of balls thank you thank you for the clarification All Is Forgiven let’s see how Mikey’s working on the planet see how the plan is coming out so far Mikey’s building a planet in the sky let’s see how it’s going so far let’s take a look let’s take a look

Mikey what’s up Mikey what’s up Mikey what’s going on Mikey see how we’ll see what Mikey’s up to look at him he’s hard at work what’s going on Mikey how are you man we’re having a great day Mikey hope you’re doing great Mikey you’re doing good Mikey we’re doing

Great man hope you’re having a great day Mikey hope you’re having a great day um what the freak was that Mikey um how did Mikey get up here Mikey has elytro wings he has a lytros this is this is gonna be his home he’s gonna live up here

Mikey said the first person that builds up to him will get free Robux if you guys want some free Robux you gotta follow Mikey’s instructions you give me 10 diamonds for some fireworks it depends how much do you need I swear bro let you read my messages oh your messages are getting hidden

That’s why that’s why they’re not showing up because they’re getting hidden you’re typing inappropriate messages zinc all 15 fireworks yeah I could give you 15 fireworks Mikey why are you hiding from me Mikey we’re playing hide and seek okay I got stick drift thanks to Mikey

Cod points yo are you guys gonna get modern warfare three the new Modern Warfare that’s coming out this year November 9th I think it was the release date are you guys getting that are you guys gonna be uh getting the game these dumb Bots are hiding my message

When I’m just trying to say check DMS Oh no I got a blast I already know what he’s building I gotta get out of here man dudes planet is so high in the air that is crazy so high up in the sky one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen you sixteen why not I’m a nice guy I’m a kind-hearted person I’m gonna be generous and give them an extra one because well that’s what nice guys do they give more than they should because they care and that’s true I do

Care ever since I don’t care is a liar I do care let’s go let’s go let’s go no oh I thought that was a trap to my death bro that’s kind of scary somebody should patch this hole there’s a random hole in the ground somebody could die from that I’m pretty

Sure that’s what the uh the target of this was you know it’s in fact that’s what they were going for it would fall to your death that’s dangerous cleanup crew alrighty let’s go to the desert we got some stuff to do in the desert oh wow that almost killed me I just

Smacked right into the woof your Elijah broke zaner no zaner do you need membranes I could get your membranes well Minecraft version am I on I am on 1.20.14 you need membranes all right let me know when it’s nighttime so I could um turn it to normal mode baby make a death trap

I’m gonna make one at spawn just kidding that’s a bad idea let’s not do that actually I was just joking but then I kind of considered it but now I’m just like no I don’t turn it to home so oh Home Security home security it’s so funny Mikey Mikey you’re so hilarious Mikey

Me and Mikey we’re gonna be doing a meet up soon um I’m gonna be meeting up with Mikey IRL we’re gonna do a vlog we’re gonna go to jollibee’s together so if you guys are looking forward to that we’re gonna be doing that over on Instagram I’m

Gonna be uh live streaming the whole entire seven hour drive over there that’s right I will be driving seven hours to go see Mikey and then we’re gonna go have jollibee’s together um then we’re gonna go watch Five Nights at Freddy’s the movie and it’s gonna be amazing

I can’t find it 1.20.14 APK oh uh if you’re on if you’re looking for an APK most likely friends you’re gonna have to wait a while because it did stay on the change log it did say on the changelog that it was the PlayStation only update

So you might have to wait a little bit if you’re on an APK throw a lighter on the cat yeah donate uh blue for twenty dollars man no joke I actually throw my lights on the cactus for twenty dollars money hungry or anything but like I’ll actually do it

Like if somebody is just bam drops of 20 right now I’ll actually throw my lights on the cactus hey King I’m gonna go to bed because I got school in the morning getting so good night I love you baby sorry I couldn’t say no stream like normal oh yeah marching band nice

Although I got a curb curb what’s up curb curb check your check your DMs all right let me see zinc blocked out my school name so I don’t expose my stuff I can still find you like that you still have panthers there the finite Freddy movie comes out in

October that’s when I’m gonna go see Mikey love you babe King love you babe King they gave you five shirts what is that one two three four five yeah I do like the uh I always preferred sweatshirts or hoodies when it comes to like School gear School merch

I think sweaters are better than shirts or you know we also do watch along the night after exactly so we will be over on Discord the the day after uh after I’m done doing my Spider-Man play through because Spider-Man 2 does come out one day before I gotta grind Spider-Man 2 and

Then once I’m done once I beat the game I’m gonna drive over to Mikey’s oh crap how did I get here bro I’m stuck in a hole all right let’s go to the desert or here I must mine desert sand is there any Sandstone I don’t want I

Just want to skip this I want to skip the actual sad part and just go straight to the stone there it is there she is can I have mods when I get my messages hidden yes Zink remind me before I end the stream okay before I end the stream remind me zinc

I like the song that’s playing right now whoa you guys hear the song dude when did Minecraft add these bangers yes I am got a curb got a curb curb curb curb with a curb curb with a curve what do we do with a curve I’m stopping on

The curb gonna park on the curb what you do with your girl yeah you heard oh I’m gonna be racing everyone here once you get memberships because I want to be your first member you know I can actually activate members right now Memphis the thing is I don’t want to

Because I I don’t know what I would do like to make it so that there’s benefits so that’s more beneficial you know because like a lot of activate members just because they want money and although that’s kind of scummy I would I would activate members only

Because I want there to actually be like benefits I want there to be benefits compared to like an average normal viewer you know like a lot of people say you know like for memberships they do like adding special icons or emojis and although that would

Be cool I think there should be a lot more if you’re going to spend like a good amount of money per month you know I gotta go in like 10 minutes my dad is here so I can’t stay up late beg him just tell him please please Dad please Benny so chill is

Streaming please just let me watch The Stream a little bit longer just tell them that zinc bro please don’t want to make special emojis for you no man last time I paid somebody to make something for me I got I’ve literally wasted seven dollars on a banner that had watermarks

What about my mocking so no one hides my message either because I feel like people are hiding my messages oh YouTube Jesse don’t worry I’ll give you two I’ll give you it as well Jesse Jesse Jesse from the show Jessie where am I from I am from California

The United States of a the US of a baby the gold mine just kidding not really it’s not really the gold mine it’s actually the worst place to live really if you live in the United States get out right now right click my username and add moderator all right ready three two one

Wait wait wait wait stop stop stop three two one there you go there you go you are now moderators Inc oh my goodness I haven’t made a mod in like so long zinc is finally a moderator yep so again you want to explain those picks on Discord I sent um good night

Good night nope I do not want to explain those pics do you know I banned you on Discord I don’t know if you saw that but I banned you It’s night well zinc up Zing still got time oh my God you know you you use Twitter now bro they got a better artist you can come there better than whatever freaking website you just brought use Fiverr I used Fiverr to to find somebody that could make me that Banner

And what did I get I got a half excuse my language a double s pathetic excuse of a banner bro no wayzin got time down man guys I gave I gave zinc mod guys because he’s been here for a while like consistently um if you would also like to get mod

It’s not very hard guys you can get mod anybody can get mod you just have to be consistent on the streams show your support on the streams on the videos all that good stuff man you can also become a mod it’s not hard oh my gosh no

I will make more in the future like I said once I have more people that you know are like consistent and show me they want it I will make more mods as well give now or else oh my God please roll a kick please please don’t burn my house down roller cake please

Roll a cake please bro please please bro please I will be broadcast I’ll do anything you want bro if you don’t burn my house down please how you guys dying I barely put the game into normal mode and you guys are dying how is that happening

Oh no what do you mean who summoned the warden what do you mean by that oh no ow chill chill oh no people are dying by a warden oh no I gotta get back I gotta get back to the city hello Airy cat Airy Cat hello welcome

To the stream good to see you I need to get back to the city ASAP there’s a warden on the I mean a sweetie pie there’s a sweetie pie on the loose I need to get back to the city ASAP only I’m the one who can defeat it

Oh no oh I’m seeing people dying left and right that’s the wrong way hurry they need me the city needs me no sweetie sweetie pie doesn’t bite she doesn’t buy but she does kill him hurry don’t worry City I’m the hero you need oh I’m about to die King thinks he’s a ref

I’m better than the ref actually I’m actually Gonna Save the Day sweetie pie where are you come out and show yourself sweetie pie Warren doesn’t Spawn from a sugar plate by his response from naturally generated or is it at is that it right there no it’s not right where’s the warden at

Sweetie pie where are you show yourself oh no there it is oh my God sweetie pie there’s a warden in my city oh no there’s a sweetie pie on the loose in my city guys we gotta be very stealth [Applause] I can hear it I can hear oh my God it’s

Going after that guy cam oh hell no oh my God oh hell no that is horrible run Mr Mr me don’t run oh that man just got destroyed sweetie pie just killed him oh my God run run dude the Sweetie Pie’s gonna kill me

Next I gotta get out of here I can’t see anything OMG oh my goodness it is too dangerous right now in the city whoever’s inside that book that bookstore better get out bro whoever’s inside better get out I don’t even know if sweetie pie can kill you while you’re inside

Who is that Cam run cam oh no Sweetie Pie’s on the loose guys it’s it’s oh it’s about to end horribly oh two people just got ah no the city’s in shambles right now the city is in shambles I’m on one heart right now one hard challenge

I gotta get the freak out of here Ron Everybody Run if you’re in my city get out of here I repeat get out it is not safe keep your eye on the sky as well the Phantoms are gonna kill you get over here don’t run from me

I repeat if you are in the city run run no cam I will not put it on Peaceful zaner zaner needs his membranes two there’s two Wardens what do you mean sweetie pie and Princess oh no there are two Wardens I’m gonna faint I can’t believe this where are the warnings at

I’m the only one who could take them down are there actually two wardens in my city right now get away run no I’m taking damage run run run oh my God I think I saw them right now I can’t die bro I can’t die I have so

Much stuff I have 48 levels if I die it’s this is I’m gonna break the I’m gonna break my controller Mr me now run run there it is who is it after oh my God it’s after somebody run run I don’t know how we’re gonna stop sweetie pie

Apparently there’s two I only see one though oh get inside get inside get inside the building oh oh my God yeah my sword is not the best Mr me no run we’re under attack we’re under attack and there’s an a manga skin oh my God the city’s Under Siege right now

Get inside get inside sweetie pie and Princess are on the loose I don’t know how we’re gonna kill them bro I don’t know how like I actually don’t know how we’re gonna kill them I don’t have anything to kill them it’s at my door I don’t know how we’re gonna kill these things

We need a hero Zana save us am I unmuted yes I think you’re out of timeout now zinc is there please save us let me brawl your sword dude my sword is not gonna do anything it only has knockback oh my God bro somebody’s breaking the glass no it’s not the glass

That’s how the wardens are gonna get in here [Applause] oh my God are they still outside Mikey what have you done Mikey you did this I killed five bro killed his phone oh my God how did they buy oh I don’t know how they brought the warden over here but if

You guys are on your own man I gotta barricade the doors that’s it it’s time to be a hero the city needs a hero right now and that’s what I’m gonna that’s what I’m gonna be a hero like that stupid Warden over there yes it’s actually a real word in this

Time this is actually a serious Warden moment I think there’s only one I don’t see two there’s people saying there’s two but there’s actually one zaner save us please zaner please save us [Applause] only you can save a zaner please what’s up chaotic creator there’s there’s two

Guys we need to take the warden down go go go go oh crap it’s gonna end very deadly I gotta put my valuables in here in case I die I will probably die doing this but I need to die knowing that I’m protecting my people ah here we go

Only one person can save everybody and that’s me face me sweetie pie face me face me no no oh my God oh I just got freaking One Tap bro no way bro I just got one test oh man dude that was crazy bro I got one tap freaking Mikey

Make that a video for real I’ll probably make that a short if anything they do they just wanted a hug freak as sweetie pie dudes too deadly that’s why you need to put on a chest plate I had every bro I had a chest plate I had a lighter I had everything

And I still got one tapped that’s wild dude that’s actually Wild no I haven’t seen it yet Jesse surviving the warden at night oh yeah I didn’t have a chest plate on you’re right I didn’t oh my god dude I just checked my Red Dead video that thing just crossed 100

Views bro oh my God what the hell I mean what the heck I mean that’s good and everything but oh my God that just took me by surprise bro that just took me by surprise my Red Dead video did good bro oh my God my Iran video did great five nights at warden’s

What did I miss doing not much chaotic bro besides a warden raiding my city besides a warden coming into my city and just wrecking Havoc not much man is it still here sweetie pie needs to get out of here I saved the day bye sweetie pie

Oh yeah I did see your Story Jessie I did man I lost 48 levels thanks to Mikey 48 levels down the drain just like that thanks Mikey thanks Mikey what would I do without you Mikey thank you Mikey and I think I lost my elytros as well I

Think somebody might have picked that up thanks Mikey thank you Mikey everybody say thank you Mikey in the chat thank you Mikey thanks Mikey thanks Mikey I think somebody was behind me when the uh Warden killed me and they picked up my elytres unless it’s under somebody has my freaking Elijah bro

I’m gonna cry thanks Mikey thanks zaner he wanted easy Monk thanks zainer thanks Mikey I lost all my stuff dream all my levels 48 levels down the drain what is that science faders or scientists as I can’t I can’t whoop bro I have your elytra take it this part

Better get clipped oh you know you guys could actually clip um parts of the live streams yourself there’s a tool on the live stream where you guys can actually clip Parts yourself so if you guys want to like if you guys find funny moments in the streams and you want to clip them

You can always clip them and then send them to me I just realized you didn’t have to go on die to the warning because just put it on Peaceful bro you just realized that right now after I died oh my goodness thanks Mikey thanks Mikey thanks Mikey thanks for getting me killed Mikey

Oh my gosh thank you for giving my lighters back and my armor he had my armor too you are the best for that I will reward you with nine diamonds and the humongous skin is back pick that up buddy that’s yours you earned it you did a great deed

You were not selfish you didn’t keep my stuff you had gave it back to me so thank you the humongous skin is bang that’s funny man oh that was that was crazy guys that was actually crazy on oh I don’t even have the lava bucket zaner think somebody picked that up as

Well I think Manuel Mino has it look at that look at that guy because of him we died you guys better run he probably has he probably has anchors hello pratik hi pratik patik hello I haven’t got out of work late in a fat one what’s up Reigns what up brains

Yes I’m getting slower again happen what do you mean you’re getting gun range what happened but I think I’m going to sleep all righty zainer if you’re gonna go to sleep buddy no worries man take it easy zinc congrats on the mod thank you for watching

I could play with you yes you want if you would like to play with us all you got to do is just be subscribed to the channel send me a friend request pretty and I will get you in here what cam what it can just say hey yo

Oh somebody took my map no I already mod a 9k member Discord a 9k member what does that mean I already do subscribe thank you pratik you’re the best prateek the best what’s your username on Xbox or on Minecraft somebody has my map I’m so sad bro

Somebody has my map please give it back bro please I will do anything if you give me my map back if you give me my back right now I’ll do anything I’ll be the nicest person in the whole world stream every day video in my back right now

I will bring back daily streams if you get my Mac right now if you give me my back right now I will do daily streams if you want to take extreme please give me my map back please I can’t live without that map if I don’t have that

Macro without 3.5 seconds I’m gonna be so sad I’m gonna go ahead and be so sad and you like the stream as well thank you petite that means a lot man thank you for your support Mikey destroyed the city my kid bro reset please he killed me

I took all my stuff I worked hard for oh crap my key what the heck oh my God zaner the only thing zaner I don’t have a backup that’s the only thing though Zane I don’t have a I don’t have a copy what beautiful builds thank you pratik thank you man

No my house oh zaner versus Mikey wait a minute zaner and Mikey are beefing oh oh leaner and Mikey are beefing I was getting harassed feigner Vayner Vayner do you have zainer do you have Discord do you have Discord do you have a screenshot of your of uh of what you

What’s your inventory look like Mikey Mikey take my wait what do you say Mikey take my map and Diamond Mikey guys type one of the chat right now if Mike is a stupid just a Euro shower I’m gonna shower I had 1500 Subs what happened though but hi zaner

Zainer if you remember I can gear you zaner I can gear you can give me can give me a YouTuber role in your server I have over 600 Subs okay well you’re in my Discord server okay yes I will give you I wish I’ll give you whatever you like whatever you want man

Yeah zaner uh just send me a message on Discord of what you had like a rough guess you know it doesn’t have to be exactly what you had um send me a rough guess of like what you had and I will um gear you I’ll give you back or I’ll try

To give you whatever you had you know hi top hat dog hi top hat dog can I have YouTuber roll two yes yes make a battle arena for me Mikey you know what that’s gonna be my next build after I’m done after I’m done building this you know

This farm that I’m working on I am going to build a PVP Arena now he did have a lighter because I gave him one King unbanned me all right let me see let me unban you I don’t want to unband cam but he wants me to unban him

I won a PVP Arena that’s what I’m gonna build next that’s what I’m gonna build next a PVP Arena yep bill they call us seal oh that’ll be crazy imagine here let me um all right I gave YouTuber roll to the person that wanted it I gotta unban Cameron

Even though I don’t want to I have to unban him you see bands oh you know Cam’s not even banned anymore bro you just gotta you just need to link to join back it’s in the description all right I’m gonna keep going no I’m not gonna give you money on

Discord Cameron what the heck you’re gonna do inappropriate things with that I could play a Minecraft PE I don’t know if you could if you could play on that version Pretty because we’re on we’re on 1.20 you’re like a whole major update behind so I don’t

Know if it’s gonna let you join you could try I already added you give me up in Minecraft I’ll fix the city that’s okay I’ll I’ll take care of that um off camera it’s all right I’ll work on that off camera I’ll do some off

Camera I’ll fix up the city I know there was a major explosion and the road is kind of messed up but I’ll fix that later don’t you worry my friends don’t fear kinky wingy is here to save the day you’re updating all right I think I’m

Gonna take these last couple of or not last couple but I think I’m gonna take a while this stuff smells up I’m going to just chill talk to the talk to the viewers while I wait for all this your Minecraft city is very beautiful thank you pretty thank you man it’s only

Gonna get better trust me I’m this world is only gonna get better like I have very big plans for this world even though I have not been streaming as much as I should this world is like progressing very slowly I have very big plans for this

World and it will look very amazing once it’s all done we are barely we’re not even on stream 50 yet we have a good amount of progress we have three major builds done oh well everybody just lagged out you hate to see it you hate to see it

Go check spawn what did you do to spawn cam what did you do to spawn cam get me anchors I’ll get you anchors oh no all my stealing ideas who said he’s stealing ideas what happened at spawn I can’t leave this area because then my things won’t smelt

Wait mefbo are you the one that are you the one that was texting me on Instagram today meth but was that you oh my God dude it’s a giant Among Us oh my God it’s coming towards me no no get away no I’m about to get eaten no please oh my God

That’s scary bro that scared me the giant Among Us oh my goodness that’s actually very scary I gotta go to spawn though somebody said go to spawn can’t go to spawn what’s going on there oh my God what happened that spawn why is there like a giant hole dude I gotta pack I

Got a fixed spawn that’s like the main one of the main things that needs to get fixed spawn and the nether spawn on the nether I’m gonna do some off camera work and fix these things up that gianto manga skin is very scary I gotta stay away from that

I can’t see modest skins oh it’s a giant TNT block one hour of off camera and fixing yes yes I gotta go see Oppenheimer tonight and since I won’t be streaming tomorrow I’ll probably uh do have cameras or tonight or tomorrow before I go ow my God everybody’s fighting I gotta get

Out of here everybody’s killing each other bro it’s all bloodbath down there nope Mikey’s on his way Mikey’s on his way Mikey’s on his way he’s gonna kill everybody I told King to build a Coliseum a few streams ago I don’t know if I’m gonna build a Coliseum because that’s a little

Oh my goodness what the heck happened here somebody has hacks somebody has hacks I’m scooping that Rice right now bro do you ever eat anything besides rice comment your Gamertag King your you freaking messed up your sword it’s all right man could always make a make a better sword in the future

My gamertag um check in the description check in the description prateek you will see my gamertag right there deadly King 35. wait this is your house where’s the walls where’s where’s everything I’m assuming it’s that oh never mind the elevator is the elevator oh you gave me a map thank you buddy

Thank you man thank you clap clap boy thank you man I asked Reigns this but he said no do you Mexicans eat beans like we do rice no bro we don’t we actually enjoy other things besides of just beans Mikey and no it’s not tacos Mikey’s so racist man

Hi zinc zinc I thought you were sleeping with those 40 levels you could make like a fully maxed out godsword I could have man but thanks to Mikey it’s gone bro all that down the drain thanks a lot Mikey did I I just remembered I poured a whole

Can of soda a Sprite shout out to Sprite it’s really good and I think I forgot about it until right now so it’s all watered down now and it’s probably not gonna taste that good foreign dinner on Insta oh my God I gotta take that out of my

Phone I wish you could see pictures on like PC version of MF really have a shout out to Sprite dude Sprite is good I don’t know what you’re talking about let’s see damn Mikey what is that is that chicken bro you don’t even have soy sauce you don’t even have soy sauce

On your rise you can see pictures on PC you first for me it doesn’t show them kind of lame might be a racing it might be might be this stream was crazy bro like no lie this ring was actually crazy we had people dying wardens out here killing us

Dude I’m just like kind of I’m kind of like I’m just happy right now because like my video My Red Dead video did great and so YouTube scales your videos like a one out of ten So based on your ten the past 10 videos they’ll like scale

You know which one did good and right now it says it’s a one out of ten so it actually did better than my Ninja Turtle videos even though that one has like more views it’s crazy if I’m rounding was 18 then I am 72 oh math Bo you’re such a funny guy do

You know where I can find spruce uh Spruce Spruce where you can find spruce um I would say just look around sometimes you might find a tree here and there but if not I probably have to go exploring to get you one because I don’t I don’t actually know where the closest

Tiger Biome or Spruce biome is at all right we got some more blocks here my 48 level is gone just like that the snap of a finger thanks to Mikey for your mini house let me see I think there’s Spruce if you go that way yeah if you go that way I think

Funny I know I’m so funny I know account for this build to be done dang Mavericks art is insane yeah you’ve seen that it’s pretty crazy I’m not a noob I’m just rushing out my house oh yeah guys also if you haven’t oh my God hold up hold up hold up hold up

If you guys haven’t yet man make sure you join my Discord server whoa how’s he doing that what the heck hey those are my blocks make sure you guys join my Discord server if you haven’t yet I’m gonna try to make that server like more active right now it’s not that active

I also you need to be more active I but it’s kind of hard man like being active on the Discord because most of the time I’m either at work or I’m making a video where I’m live streaming or I’m just busy with stuff man

But like the time that I do talk on but like I see everything on Discord like I see everything I may not talk but I do see what’s going on you know like when you guys are fighting how you can see it always remember I have notifications on

So I see and hear everything oh my God that was big it’s active when it’s time for us to do scare some subs away on DC it’s I’m always active when it’s time for us to Nuke a server any more ice on Discord no Mikey no no you don’t Mikey no

I already know what you’re gonna do Mikey how am I gonna cover this part of the part right here let’s see it’s a f word on the side that’s funny man So Random oh my God I just seen that giant massive wiener that was built out of dirt

Play FNAF already because I’m using that one month free DLC tries like a stream in a full 1080p dude I still got like two months well actually I should stop waiting because in like two months that’s crazy you know I should have the second game done by the

Month of September and like the whole month of August you know we could you know the remaining of August I could just finish the first game then we jump to the second game in September and then boom the game will probably you know probably gain a little bit of popularity on my channel

And then come when the movie comes around people like oh yo this guy King man like Bros Got jump scare bro like his shorts on Tick Tock and YouTube are doing great I do got to get back into that game though no joke I really do

What time is it right now it’s eight o’clock man it was crazy I gotta be up another hour actually I gotta stay awake another five hours because I’m gonna go watch a movie that’s three hours and like two hours so I’m gonna be awake until two in the morning

Oh yeah Mikey that’s a good idea yo Mikey I don’t work this weekend I’m off Saturday and Sunday I get off at around 6 p.m on Friday so we got three foreign did you make a second Channel called King gaming what’s the point you already played games on this channel why all right

So the reason I made that cam is because for two reasons actually no they’re not the reason let me explain because I actually need to break this down like thoroughly so you guys could understand me you guys gotta I have to break this down so you guys could like like understand

Right so on this channel I do Let’s Plays I do Let’s Plays I do I do Let’s Plays and you know even though let’s plays are on this channel a lot of people know me for like Minecraft like a lot a good majority of my viewers

They know me for Minecraft which is not a bad thing like I don’t care if I’m known for Minecraft but I also wanted to have like secondary content which is why I uploaded Let’s Plays however um I didn’t want like my two like I guess fan bases not fan bases but like

Because I know there’s people that enjoy me for my Let’s Plays and then there’s people that enjoy me for my Minecraft videos and then when I upload one video like let’s say I upload a uh let’s play video well guess what though the people that watch me for Minecraft they’re

Gonna be like yo what the hell bro like why is this guy uploading this you know I’m watching him for Minecraft I don’t want them to be like yo nah this guy this is upsetting boom unsubbed like I don’t want people to like Clash you know I don’t want the two

Communities to clash so I made a second channel so that I could throw all my Let’s Plays over there but however I’m starting to realize that you know GTA 4 did really good on this channel I feel like I want to kind of finish one more game here like actually finish the

Game here and since Red Dead is coming out GT4 season 7. season seven dude since Red Dead is coming out I’m thinking about doing a let’s play on this channel just to see how it would do and if it does grade well then maybe I’ll just throw all the like main game

Let’s Plays and all the secondary you know by games that aren’t very that like that known like Zelda on the other channel or the other games like Terraria you know Terraria would be done on this one but other games that are like aren’t hyped up and like aren’t up to date

They’ll probably be thrown on the other channel you know what I mean it’s a really weird to explain then again I’m not really great at explaining things but I think you could kind of understand me let’s play hive I’m banned on the hive you play Terraria no I don’t but I I do

Plan on playing it sometime this year like I do plan on making a let’s play of it sometime this year I’m banned on build battle bro I’m banned on the hive I was making a video and I got banned oh my God zombie piglin zombie piglin oh

My goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness zombie piglet get over here I thought these things were wait that’s the old skin wait a minute zombie piglet ah you’re not running away from me zombie piggling not on my watch the zombie piglin guys I just saved everybody from the zombie

Playing why didn’t that thing kill me don’t those things attack on site oh he took his he took his dude man he’s not gonna be happy hello like later like later oh he had some of your stuff well at least give him that chest plate back

Give him that chest plate back at least you know zainer hello goodbye since I’m nice I guess I’ll give it to him bro said I guess it’s only two are bad at first I think oh is it oh maybe I’m unbanding yeah I guess I’ll give it back

Look diamonds are raining from the sky look turn around diamonds are falling from the sky that’s all I can give you man I’m broke Daddy’s kind of broke since Feliciano isn’t really like he has a job now guys in case you all are wondering or care because I don’t it was like a

Big part of my previous world not the one like well I guess yeah the previous he was a big part of the previous two worlds and since he’s not here for this one because he’s working hard at McDonald’s getting that mcbread I’m going to pay tribute to him I’m gonna make his

Iconic brick and a white square Tower because I know that’s that’s what he would wanted me to do what’s up Maverick yo Maverick I did check the images I put a heart on them did you see there you go I made some we need some sand why are you building wieners who’s building

Wieners is Cam bro it’s the one doing it you got to keep an eye on cam he’s the one doing it not on the second one oh I haven’t oh wait you put a second one I gotta I gotta check that one out right now hold on hold on Maverick Maverick Maverick Maverick

Oh my God a Shrek oh my God get out me swamp Shrek is destroying my bills Shrek is griefing me Shrek Shrek why are you doing this Shrek why Shrek is griefing me Shrek no Shrek just griefed me guys what’s good Phantom for real phantom for real what’s a phantom for real

I can’t believe Shrek just Grieves me guys I have been griefed by Shrek I never thought I would say that but here we are do you have any bones I do have two bones check the second picture all right what happened to the people in the last

World who also put wieners and stuff now everyone as well as just what cam you don’t even do anything in this world oh it’s a nice picture Maverick not gonna lie cam was better in the old world he was actually building they made a giant skyscraper and he made a McDonald’s

Cam was better in the old world I’m gonna lie I think we could all agree that cam was like cam was cracked basically cracked give me give back my nine diamond and King map wait you had my map yo hand me that map oh my God it’s Sonic it’s freaking Sonic bro Sonic

Oh my God he’s so fast he’s such a fast Builder I do like the guy has custom skins I don’t know how he gets those but they’re really cool whose house is this whose house is this I’m gonna tear it down if the the owner does not come forward and

Tell me whose house it is I’m going to tear it down I’m Mining and I can’t build when these kids keep killing you bro you just have to mind your own business like they’re not gonna well people are not gonna beef with you if you just mind your own business like zinc

Zinc always Minds his own business and you don’t see him getting killed well that’s a lie he did get killed earlier by Mikey I’m not sure how you’ve been but hopefully it’s been amazing I’ve been pretty decent Phantom thank you for asking buddy it’s good to see you man good to see you

No I don’t have a full enchantment table somebody took it somebody broke it a hater a hater hater with a small wiener broke it sadly it’s good to see you man good morning good night nope it’s time for me to go to sleep I gotta go to bed what are you

Gonna do use it what am I gonna use the 25 that you sent me what am I gonna use them all as a great question fan I mean Maverick what am I going to use them on what am I going to use them on that’s a great question 25 um

I think what I’m gonna do is save the Maverick and I’m gonna I’m gonna save them and then I’m gonna take it out of my bank right I’m gonna take it out of my bank and I’m gonna put it in a picture frame and I’m

Gonna hang it on the wall in front of me and that’s gonna say the first time Maverick ever donated to me or donated to anybody because that was his first Super Chat ever so I’m gonna take it out of my bank put it on put it in a in a picture frame

Hang it on my wall and I’m just gonna keep it there I’m never gonna touch that money I’m never gonna you know break the glass frame and you know steal my own money it’s just gonna be there to remember Maverick a hater hater with a small weiner yes

Can I have some grass blocks oh I don’t have any yeah I don’t have any man I’m sorry sir no way I’m sorry to let you down so no one please don’t get mad at me bro please sir no one please I’m sorry I let you down

Off camera tonight good night I can’t goodnight yeah I gotta stop with these farts now it’s so childish but like then again I haven’t grown up so I’m still a child in my mind I thought you had a silk pick I have a fortune pick Fortune pick Fortune Fortune Fortune

Fortune Fortune what’s this fortunes yeah I got four chins I don’t got double check I got four chins good night good night farts oh man good night can I get mod it’s been a while mavy wavy mavi wavy can I do a meeting for fun yes who’s in

My world I need everybody oh wait but the building was griefed man what’s like building building yeah it’s kind of what the heck is going on here I caught you red-handed you I caught you red-handed I caught him griefing we gotta get him or you’re not fast

Enough faster than me boy you’re not faster than me boy it might be Sonic but you ain’t faster than me I’m faster than you Sonic I’m faster than you you think you’re faster than me I’m actually faster than you Sonic I’m faster bro you can’t catch up to me

Sonic I could beat you in a race Sonic what’s going on with him but get him get him he griefed me get him get him get him he griefed me he’s drowning he’s trying to drown himself get him flat boy time for the finishing blow [Applause] come here come here Sonic

He’s going into the jungle he’s going into the jungle I repeat you’re going to the Jungle requesting put him in support go three two seven three code three two seven three code two six one seven this has turned into a code two six one seven

I repeat this has been a code two 2617 a breach in the system we must get this man we must take him down hunt him down we got a wild Sonic guys this is literally Sonic 3 the movie Early Access this is a leaked scene from Sonic 3 the movie oh

Yeah Sonic 3 Sonic 3 the movie more Shadow I’m Shadow where’s Tales he can’t save you guess what tels is not here to save you and I’m Shadow and I’m gonna kill you I’m gonna get this guy I’m gonna get him I’m gonna get him go cut

Him off cut him off top boy get him get him get him get him get him from the front I got him from the back hey yo pause that kind of sounded very sucks I’m gonna get this guy I’m gonna get him I’m gonna get him come here

You think you’re fast get him Playboy yeah get him get him get him beat him beat him beat him up beat Sonic’s ass get him get him get him go go go go I’m coming after you Sonic come here come here you’re not you’re not faster than me

Oh this guy’s this guy’s pooping himself right now man this guy’s crapping himself man I gotta smell the poop running down your legs good job Playboy we did it good job here lies Sonic here lies Sonic here [Applause] bro said here less ah I’m dead bro said here less

I’m dead man this guy said here less oh all right pedo rip yo Tyrone versus cops is on sale you just got a sneak peek of that in Minecraft the DLC the crossover of the century here less Sonic Never Gonna forget about that high speech oh that was funny man you’re less Sonic

That was hilarious bro there he is again there he is again dude I gotta do off-count work man everything is destroyed and there’s my bills are getting grief and oh man this world’s a mess right now I hear fire you could hear somebody doing you know placing fire

Oh my goodness and my game is lagging dude look at my map I don’t know if you guys thought look at my map look at my map dude it’s literally an icon of Sonic that was an epic chase that was intense I’m not gonna lie that was pretty intense

All right guys but I think I’m gonna wrap it up here man we’ve been playing for almost two hours already guys I’m gonna wrap it up right here hope you guys enjoyed the stream if you guys did make sure you guys drop a like hit that subscribe button and if you’re new

I’m not gonna lie bro the stream was pretty fun what is Mikey inviting me to bro I was Underground can’t wait for the next stream yeah I can’t wait that’s gonna be fun this one was pretty crazy you’re not gonna lie this was a pretty wild stream good night Sir Noah

This is so stupid I don’t even know what’s going on anymore that’s good chaotic wish you the best of luck man on your journey it’s a long journey man it’s a long journey I’ll tell you that I enjoy the king very nice hey thank you Phantom thank you Matt

I’m glad you enjoyed let me know on IG whenever you do off-cam [Applause] bro Maverick just copied Phantom this mess I’m dead man that’s funny not this again oh my goodness minor King oh minor King’s not gonna be happy when he comes back and he sees that freaking Maverick freaking Maverick man

Hey guys I appreciate everybody for watching whether you’re on the stream or you’re watching on Playstation I know there’s some of you that watch me like on Playstation without going into the streams hey I appreciate you man I appreciate you you guys I’m the king of mine

Can you join already thanks I’m trying man and what do I get get mimicked you get mocked by fan by Maverick it’s not very nice of him Mike you send the invite again I was kind of too late to get that Mino Mino looking like a rhino looks like an

Albino way no stop oops someone timed out math couldn’t be me this is the name he chose to have for a couple of weeks you know I’m really concerned about cam I actually am like I’m getting worried about you know I’m getting worried about cam bro like this is alarming

I’m kind of worried about him foreign I said you look like one Although that is not a very nice thing to see I will admit I will admit cam needs the Bible or something I’m not making a joke out of this yeah he really does he needs he needs something he needs help join your world join my world we’re gonna wrap up the stream right

Here already I subscribed and liked you from two accounts oh my gosh you’re the best Rioni you’re actually the best bro is this the blue screen bro I’m never gonna join if it’s the blue screen world I’m never gonna get in bro you’re trying to crash my stream no

Can I get my shoulder back on um until you build the skyscraper in my world again I’ll give it back Ryan if you come for five more streams I’ll give you mod five more streams I’ll give you marioni no joke there’s a lot of bad things yeah he

Really does say a lot of bad things a lot a lot of bad things all right guys well I’m gonna wrap it up right here I’m gonna call it a night appreciate you guys for watching hope you guys had a lot of fun I had a lot of fun

Playing Minecraft with you guys today very nice uh catch you guys on the next stream I won’t be streaming tomorrow just a heads up there will not be a stream tomorrow most likely probably back on Thursday Thursday or Friday we’ll be back uh with another stream

So until then you guys have time to you know enjoy Minecraft watch your favorite YouTuber or something um steamed activity no bro I actually want to watch this movie I actually do want to see this movie I’m interested in it however this three hour length I don’t know about that but

We’ll see we’ll see how it goes yeah man uh make sure you guys check out my Red Dead Redemption video If you haven’t seen it yet um it’s crazy how good that video is doing right now but yeah if you haven’t man show some love to that video

Join my Discord if you haven’t link is in the description I can’t watch my favorite YouTuber when he’s not streaming oh wait who’s not streaming right now Corey Kenshin oh you’re right it’s not even uploading either so sad I miss you Corey come back please pause on your profile picture

I love it I love it Phantom phantom for real I see you changed the world like last week or something not bad I like it fits you man what do you think about my new Banner oh wow Camp said I’m his favorite YouTuber dude thanks [Applause] how are we supposed to watch our

Favorite YouTuber tomorrow if they aren’t streaming oh guys dude I got a banger Minecraft PS5 survival video dropping this week man it’s gonna be crazy bro I’m planning for you to drop it Friday or Saturday like it’s actually bro like this one I could give you a hint it’s gonna be

One of those like so and so joined my world that’s all I could say I can’t tell you who it is just know that you know it’s gonna be one of those videos where like so and so joined my world it’s gonna be crazy man it’s gonna be crazy but yeah guys I’m

Gonna wrap it up right here appreciate you guys for watching man hope you guys have a good rest of your night you guys have a great day tomorrow um until then love you guys all man I’ll see you guys later until the next one man peace good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock PS5 Survival #46 – Building A City (Playing With Viewers)’, was uploaded by King on 2023-08-09 15:51:38. It has garnered 222 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:03 or 6843 seconds.

Minecraft PS5 Building A City (Playing With Subs and Viewers) Welcome to my channel, where I upload gaming videos and also do livestreams! Most of my videos consist of Minecraft and other games. When I livestream I typically livestream Minecraft and GTA. If you enjoy make sure to subscribe thanks!

🎮 ONLINE USERNAMES 🎮 PlayStation: TheBooteeLuver Xbox/Microsoft: DeadlyKing35

DISCORD SERVER: –https://discord.gg/3yDhGYTKM6

MY SOCIALS: -Snapchat: bennysochill -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bennysochill_/

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  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

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  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

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  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

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  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

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  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

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  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

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  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

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  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

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  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

Minecraft Bedrock PS5 Survival #46 – Building A City (Playing With Viewers)