Minecraft But All Loot Drops Are Random Again #2

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All right how’s it going everybody welcome back to part two of minecraft but the loot drops are random again the second time we’ve done this in 1.18 the umpteenth time that we’ve done it just overall but uh yeah you know people really seem to be liking it in the

Comments section i’ve seen a lot of people saying yo you keep doing it i missed it i’m glad you brought it back and so you know what maybe we’ll just keep it rolling i i am you know so on youtube when you upload a new video and by the

Way we’re searching for a village right now it’ll give you a rank on how your video is performing uh in comparison to the last 10 videos you’ve uploaded and it’ll be like one of 10 or it’ll be 10 of 10 or anywhere in the middle um and

You know even though we’ve done random loot drops before recently the the episode one of this is actually one of ten on captain sparkles too so that’s pretty cool it means people do actually be enjoying it and stuff so we love to see it well just even though it’s not so

It’s like it’s honestly it’s a bit of a different story when it’s like another episode of a format um or like the first episode of a new string of content in a format versus it being like multi episodes in the same series kind of works differently it’s

Like the same as you know um doing like the minecraft classics where every video stands on his own but it’s all part of a you know overarching series kind of so not exactly comparable you’d expect the oh there’s a freaking village over there let’s go let’s hope

That there’s a cleric in there so we can trade for some pearls heck yeah dude uh but anyway yeah oh my god dude does this village span this gorge that’s um Wow these poor villagers oh they all lived together in harmony and then a massive earthquake created this gigantic ravine right in the middle splitting them apart now they’ve not been able to see each other in such a long time oh no the poor villagers dude imagine imagine oh wow you’re living down there

What what what hmm that person must not get out much it’s uh it’s that’s a rough place they their house used to be up here and then it just fell in or the entire village used to be down there and then the earthquake just pushed it up on each side

Hey i still got a cleric anybody anybody clerics anybody any clerics same clerics um because otherwise i need to figure out something that gives us cobblestone is there anything that gives us cobblestone now come to think of it come to think of it uh you should break the

Mossy cobble we’ll see what we get from that no wait oh we got we did get monster cobble before i just realized we got mossy cobble it’d be cool if we got like chulkies or something we’ve gotten that before um what have we not gotten we haven’t gotten all the crops i don’t

Think like the beetroot and stuff oh a little skeleton right there bro can we get rid of yeah we’ve done that one before what does skull skull give us let’s see uh what is that lime terracotta he used us a deep slate wall gives us a little raw copper we’ve

Already mined the copper bean block so that’s the end of that path right there i could break the composter yellow carpet another banner bro another banner we got another uh sandstone stair a little warp fungi oh great terracotta there dude little iron barded could have made that

Actually could have made that and leads to nothing so that’s pretty exciting okay did we negro silk touch pickaxe will still not give us cobblestone that’s not how it works there’s no way to cheese the random loot drops unfortunately as much as you’d love to see it okay but for reals these

I don’t know if there’s actually a uh what should we call it i don’t know if there’s a church in this village which is going to be slightly problematic if our goal is wait this isn’t going to give us oh yeah i can actually okay i can mind her

Get soul soil and i can build across the ravine pretty cool we just got to see what’s on the other side over there okay i don’t want all this i don’t want it all but if we need to make a bed i guess i do want it all um

Let’s see oh you do oh blackstone into bringston do you guys remember what what made blackstone because i didn’t think to log that bro i did not think to log that at all you usually don’t think uh that that’s gonna be a big thing oh bro hmm Oh it is wrong stream title it isn’t rando crafto it’s rando it’s rando uh droppo you’re right why did i say rando crafto dude this is minecraft but the loot drops are random getting myself confused here oh god i’m useless hey by the way if you’re watching this on youtube make

Sure to like the video maybe we can get to three likes on this that would be pretty dope pretty awesome and uh hit the bell turn on notifications subtitles too follow twitch.tv captainsparklez so that you can see all the things and all the all the stuff that we could ever

Ever do here okay yo let me just build across this gap here really quick then i could have just you know gone over there and then and then gone yeah there were other easier ways to do this rather than spending all the time mining this stuff but i chose not to do them

Because why would i why would i do the quickest way when i could also not do the quickest way and i could do a slower way it’s just more tedious and not good but instead um gets me there nonetheless have we got a church or do i need to figure out what

The black stone was i think i got to figure out the black stone yes siree yes i do hey what do you have for us anything cool oh another candle you guys love your candles out here that you do oh little mossy mossy stairs oh that’s

Hey you know what through a few extra steps the sheep can get us some cooked mutton and we appreciate that yes we do all right i’m gonna i’m gonna stick around here for a moment to do if i can find a place that has just a chest in it or i

Could make a chest and maybe store some stuff and um yeah dude minecraft but the title is random yo anybody want to check out the vod really quick and just you know take a quick look ski doodles and see if you can figure out what gave us black stones so

That we can snag it ah cool cobble doesn’t do anything for us that’s some frick right there bro um what about what about that no nothing nothing at all um okay okay anything else that we can just break in the meantime here i could break the bell what’d you get nothing

We’re striking out here i’ve ruined the village they have no more bell and they’re gonna have no idea what to do with themselves now dude are you guys willing to you guys are willing to help i appreciate that let me just get some wood uh let’s do a little bit of that a

Little bit of that i’m just gonna make myself a chest um because why not why not and i’m gonna start storing a bit of stuff here i think we might spend a few minutes in this village while we try to you know figure out what our what our strat’s gonna be here dog

All right all right there we go there we go looking good looking good dude looking good um and then also yeah i might i might want to get more air no i guess i’m not going to need more arrows as long as we can bro i just

What i really need to do is i need to be able to get these bows combined even though they’re very very very expensive very very expensive extremely expensive man okay let me see let me see what did we get just search for a desert village it would be easier but i no there’s

Something that gave us blackstone it couldn’t have been like that difficult to find so i feel like we can get there pretty easily pretty fast also some levels would be nice they’d be very very very nice um oh god i could slay a bee i wouldn’t feel good about myself no i

Wouldn’t oh let’s get let’s check out what ice drops over here bro could be something good you never know you never know or powdered snow wait let’s see what what do you give us u.s water and a bunch of bone blocks and a fern with a flower pot okay

What about the pack dice packed ice goes to cut copper stairs goes to wow stair to full block that’s moving on up in the world that’s amazing red nether brick wall more copper we love copper out here oh beehive that’s sick cauldron we’ve already seen i’m pretty sure

Stripped spree wait have i done i’m pretty sure i’ve done just regular planks right yeah because we’ve gotten a crapper head before i believe yep that gives us a nug all right we’ve gotten fern without the pot now we do fern in a pot he gets this orange concrete powder which gets this

Chainmail helmet i wonder what loot that is anybody found it yet anybody found it yet where the black stone came from anybody know anybody know any ideas um oh is redstone it was seriously just redstone torch yo if it’s redstone torch that’s huge maneuvers for us that’s gigantic maneuvers we love that

If i ever um did i return this into wait wait wait wait okay we did that one we got that one wait wait hold on did i i must have turned this into the orange uh concrete from the powder right i got no never mind that’s wrong i

Don’t know what i’m doing anymore yo okay cool um anyway if it was actually redstone then that’s huge for us because we can get redstone pretty easily if i can remember how to direct stone how do i get redstone again do i have any redstone did i did i carry that with me

We know how to get wood um how did i get redstone again anybody remember that anybody remember that because i know it was pretty easy to get but i’m kind of forgetting right now cause um i’m dumb was it a flower let me see if i wrote it down

Redstone redstone red stone redstone redstone red stone uh ladders went to lappies was that what i was i didn’t write down redstone anywhere like an idiot like an idiot dude why did i not write the things down did i get no i got yeah i got lappies from

Redstone but it was how do i get the redstone before the lappies you know was it a potted thing dude was it a potted thing um oh was it wait was it drip stone was it a drip stone block well that’s not great for us because that means we

Gotta go all the way back down there rip in pieces dude farmland oh let me let me check farmland let me let me see did that did this lead us back to red no no it was not it was not that if it’s a if it’s a farm um potted plant thing

Or if it’s a potted plant thing then that’s going to be kind of painful to deal with let’s see it was a red tulip was it you was he nope nope wasn’t you um was a red red tulip inside the pot was that what it was was the red tulip in

The pot did that do something for us purple concrete powder was it you did you give us a red stone do you get a stir redstone no you got us to iron you got us to iron that kind of hmm that kind of newbie sucking though

Okay it was greenwald a redstone oh god i know that there was something something easy that was giving us green wool and i just know it but i’m not remembering off the top of my head because there’s just so many things to keep track of here just so many things

To keep was it potatoes was it was it no potatoes or something else potatoes were arrows all the arrows we could ever want ever want in life um was just dirt no no it’s nothing dirt stuff and that’s soul sand unless it was the sole soil itself no no it wasn’t that

Uh frick dude i’m blanking why am i blanking dude you think it’s pot on it was a pot on its own no shop dude no no it wasn’t pot on it so was it you was it you i knew you were something else uh right you’re that you’re that that’s so cool

We love that we love that god dang it dude we got red we got so much redstone and now i’m completely forgetting everything it it it really is probably drip stone block okay i’ve just gotta go back frick i’m gonna run all the way back where i came from

Go get some drip stone and then we’re just gonna call it good unless there’s rip stone down there but i don’t know if there’s drip stone down there dude um pot plus spruce tree all right all right should i um should i jump down there i don’t know

How to jump down there and risk it or if i should go back to where i know there’s actually drips done frick i’m just gonna go back to where i know there’s actually drip stone oh god surely this won’t take a bunch of extra time for us okay then it was redstone

Torch um Frick dude drip stone block gave green wool which then led to that okay okay gotcha dude gotcha cool eliminate donkey you’re not a fan of this donkey huh you want to see what he gives us poor dunk wait would that that would i need to become the donkey slayer ladies and gentlemen

I need to find the donkeys where are the donkeys i need to fight they’re mine now come here donkeys you can give us what i need exactly i need more of you where are where are the donkeys where are they i need you you’re my only hope the donkeys are my only hope

I must get them god whoever whoever was like go forth and kill the donkey you you really like you nailed it how did you know dude that was just crazy but where are they i need to find more donkeys there’s just there aren’t enough donkeys to go around here this sucks bro

I can’t become the donkey slayer when there are no donkeys to go around okay okay it’s over here right i just kind of follow this valley is there donkey up there no donkey frick where are my donkeys at okay this is this is the place this is the place we

Came from here yep yep yep we came from there definitely don’t want to fall into lava that would be super bad and okay drip stone drip stones over here we got em we got em boys we got the redstone and then we make the torch and then hopefully that gives us what we

Need and then i guess in theory i don’t have to slay a bunch of donkeys it’s kind of disappointing dude we found we found what we needed but just not enough donkeys to go around you guys have way too much empathy for for donkeys was that that wasn’t it ah there we are

There we are that’s it that’s it now there’s the redstone dude there’s that redstone and let’s see does the blackstone come from the redstone torch okay You guys are on it all right the donkeys are safe for now i don’t understand all this empathy but you know whatever it is whatever actually i should get more i should get more because there is a chance that the first villager that i trade up doesn’t trade ender pearls and

Then i’m gonna be like i should have gotten more of that and i didn’t and then i’ll be like that’s unfortunate so yeah okay cool and away we go all right let’s go back to the village which hopefully hasn’t succumbed to a zombie raid god dang it should have

Brought beds wait a minute i can make a bed i can make a bed let me just get i need grass prick i need grass where’s the there’s no grass around here where the heck’s the grass there’s no grass growing there’s grass over there i need the

Grass i need the grass i need the grass i can make a pink bed come on before the zombies attack the village frick get get over here come to me come to me come to me there we are very good very good all right got him

And oh we had the four green no but i didn’t want to use the four green one because that would be bad because then we would not be able to make more redstone torches we sleep now dude ah it’s so easy to forget things here

Though it’s so easy to forget what do we got what do we got if we break the pink bed nothing you give me nothing you suck what a disaster i was going to jump over that and then i was like you know what on second thought

Let me not do that because it’s not worth the risk rewards just not there for it okay all right try it smiley face okay all right we’re doing great though we’re doing great things doing good um by the way let’s see i just cropped us to thank you

For the 26 months of submage um and then we got sludge with 20 months uh death swap with this call was good fun oh wait you ever read that when i read that one dude um i’m dumb and then we had exotic butter with uh six months of summit high cap and chats

Time heist with three years happy anniversary dude galaxy chaos six months sub due let’s go i’m definitely not just hitting forward not looking where i’m going while reading off notifications and able to just certainly fall off into a very deep pit while doing that no way i’m doing that ali k

Thank you for the uh two order bits are you using any shaders hello shadow are you using any shaders today yes jardoon i am using shaders today indeed all right and let me see let me see you dude um no no i’m not oh okay i’m not using shaders

I’m not wait was there a donkey i just bypass a donkey oh my goodness i mean i didn’t technically i don’t need to technically like kill any more donkeys so it’s fine the donkeys are safe for now um i’m not mocking i’m not mocking i’m just saying wow doesn’t it look very pretty

Here oh oh there was a donkey in the village i could have just slain you and then found one more i wasted so much time god dang it you guys are so protective of your freaking donkeys bro i swear it’s kind of redonkulous okay all right give me what i need

Give me what i need and nobody gets hurt all right give me what i need and everything will be fine we’ll have no problems here dude no pro it looks like i can get more redstone this way cool cool it’s a bit of a catch-22 though i couldn’t get the redstone without the

Brewing stand and yada yada so on and so forth okay a little bit of lappies though let’s go dude let’s go you know i do this enough and all of a sudden people are gonna be like okay you need to start doing the random loot drops without trading with villagers

Because you’re becoming a bit of a donkey yourself by doing this that’s all i’m saying all right let’s get a few little glows oh we haven’t we haven’t done glowstone though yet i wonder what glowstone gives us let’s see let me see what do we have here um little uh

Slab arena there bro quiet it’s not really gonna do anything for us at all cool and oh my man’s is most definitely out here most definitely out here yo let’s get a few more emeralds what do you think should get a few more emeralds i think

We should get a few more emeralds dude why am i carrying around the heart of the seas i have no idea not a clue guys i’m gonna eat a berry right now it’s gonna refill so much health oh no i planted it i planted my berries i didn’t

Mean to oh oh it’s okay because i get a frick load of stuff from it yeah the irony of um the irony of the whole uh berry rant that i i went on in the death swap with this skull huh yeah yeah a little bit ironic definitely

Definitely oh yo i got some cooked salmon out of that bro all right all right i’ll take it i’ll take it i’ll take it wait why didn’t i make some diamond armor bro while we’re waiting on the restunk let me just let me make some diamond

Armor i don’t know why i’ve been sitting on this kind of silly kind of silly though dude cover me with a diamondos oh yeah get bottles xp dog oh that’s so smart that’s so smart oh my god that’s like the smartest thing i’ve ever seen in my

Entire life i am gonna be so wealthy from all of these sweet berries it’s unbelievable unbelievable dude okay i’m gonna i need to get rid of some other stuff dude god these berries are so amazing hopefully i don’t need to find too many more wait if i could get off i could

Bone meal i could just like keep holy crap if i could get if i had a source of bone meal here whoo you didn’t even want to know how wealthy i would be dude you don’t even want to know how wealthy i would be it’s just

Crazy uh what does the cobble deep slate turn into now you can break it and see what happens with it okay all right i think we’ve done strict acacia we hit the mother lode yeah we did yeah we did we hit the mother lode ladies and gentlemen we

Found him we did it we win so um here’s what i’m going to want to do i am going to want to find myself a uh uh i’m gonna want to find myself a savannah i’m gonna want to find myself a savannah and i’m gonna want to go ahead and just

Strip all those trees dogs strip all those trees and um Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what we’re going to want to do dude that’s what we’re going to want to do whoo boy oh bastian chest yeah that would be pretty dope that would be pretty dope too but it’s like what we we don’t even it’s okay that’s just getting greedy now

There’s no need to get greedy dude you don’t need to get greedy out here bro okay all right well um hey it’s it was it was stripped oh was this the the freaking differences man the freaking difference is the fact that you can have a stripped acacia log or the

Stripped acacia wood when there’s a six-sided one in the freaking oh my god i just don’t i don’t like oh frick well come here donkey come here donkey where are you i promise i’m gonna not do anything to you that any nice person wouldn’t do here donkey donkey where’s the donkey gone

Oh there’s the donkey hi buddy you’re not looking it’s fine you’re not even oh frick oh it’s fine everything’s good i thought i was gonna try to do it as painlessly as possible but it survived the first dead so You know sandstone stairs sandstone stairs do we have a means of getting sandstone so yeah it was the six-sided boy uh it was the six-sided boy so desert yeah desert village or temple yeah dude let’s see what oh oh it is it is bastion it is bastion

Loot it is bastion loot that’s so interesting it was not end city huh huh interesting very very interesting bro we could you could straight up rock full nether right going into the end if we wanted to that would be nuts dude that would be mega omega nuts

Okay anyway you you must have restoned no you’ve restocked right right right you have a restock i want to get a couple more i want to be a little bit over budget here dude a little over budget hold up let’s throw that back in there and then also i need to

Let you just get a few more of these bad boys really quick a few more of these bad boys let’s just get some more of this stuff my inventory is going to be overflowing [Applause] all right i think that’ll be good and now a few more of these a few more of these

And then let’s see what we can do i do want to combine the bow it’s really all i want to do is i want to combine the infinity pow 3 actually i don’t need infinity do i i don’t need infinity instead i could combine pow 4 with pow 4 and i could

Freaking get insanity on this thing potentially let’s see all right cool guess i don’t need you yes i don’t need you guys all righty what do we how much is going to cost how much it’s going to cost 13. i can do it i could do it or or less more more

More and yo oh i’ve got a bunch of levels anyway i didn’t even need to use the bottles of enchanting that’s so huge for us we’d love to see that freaking pal five bro pow five is out here nuts absolutely insane all right bend the dragon whoa okay before i bend

The dragon i gotta get to know the dragon first cheese i feel like we’re just skipping a few steps there my god hey yay okay anyway all right anything else i should uh combine up i mean i could do that i wonder what this would cost what would it cost 24

Or 18. i’m gonna get myself to 18 and then i would have a big old big old boy right there dude not even close okay i sleep now all right well anyway what else is there to do man i think it’s time for us to go and

Find the find the spot let’s let’s do it let’s go let’s head on our way if we run into a desert we run into some stuff that allows us to upgrade a bit on the way then cool otherwise you know we got we got a lot of stuff we do

We do have a lot of the of the things many of them tons of them wait you know what oh do i want to do do i want to like i don’t know apply an enchantment to something like like uh i don’t think we need to worry

About silk touch but i could apply prop 3 to something i could apply efficiency 5 to my axe you know might as well why not yeah let’s just make it really cool let’s put these to use boom efficiency five and uh prop three well what’s gonna get prop

Through you you mending prop three this is gonna be such a cool chest plate wow mending protection three incredible ancient debris sure there we go i’m breaking it dude i’m breaking it look at that look at that we’re definitely able to use that pretty well that’s pretty

That’s pretty cool dude getting us that that sick mossy cobblestone to oh yeah nice we got some more bread um obviously probably would have been better to smelt the ancient debris than it would be to break it but um cactus ooh i haven’t broken a cactus yet but i also don’t have sand

Not that we you know need the ancient debris really at all anyway it’s we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re definitely chilling out here dude this has been great progress this has been real great progress i like it i like it a lot dude

All right anyway anyway sorry i got a little distracted there as i was saying let’s make the stuff that we need we’ll take a few extras just in case for now 12 is good and let’s get rid of the hearts of the sea what else should i bring a little

Bit of smelting stuff right there and um yeah take some of that yep yep cool awesome all right efficiency x efficiency accident no i don’t even have i don’t have this stuff for it all right man hey you served us well i appreciate it thanks for giving

Me the right stuff on the first try pre it’s super cool of you to do that and now um i’ll be i’ll be seeing you guys i’ll be seeing you when i see you uh let’s throw this thing off see where it goes see where it goes okay let me get

Away from like ravines and stuff would i throw this so it doesn’t just disappear into oblivion okay where are we going we’re going that way how did i freaking know dude that was negative 22. no wait hold on i’m gonna do this again we’re gonna try to trig it not that it’s

Worked for us so far but we’re gonna try we’re gonna give it a go okay so like right out right here so it was like this let’s get the exact angle negative 100.2 and one two three four and negative 100 points loser negative 100.7 negative 100 it’s about 2000 blocks away all right

2000 blocks away so where the frick did that thing go oh there it is um i do have a way to get saddles yeah yeah but i don’t remember i didn’t mark that one probably should have but anyway okay so that 2000 blocks away would be what they’d be like negative

Feel like negative 1500 probably ish somewhere in that ballpark yeah it’d be like negative 1500 cool cool how does the math work it’s it’s uh it’s like a total approximation but kind of it’s kind of a speed god dang it god dang it i hate it here

This is the worst give me the freak out give me the freak out of here dude give me the frick out of here ow i hate oh powdered snow oh that was powdered snow though wait did that oh they gave me something new give me crimson a fungi hold on hold on hmm

I think we’ve broken that before haven’t we yeah we did that one did we do in a pot though perhaps we did not do it in a put don’t need you anyway didn’t like you anyway dude and off we go off we go that’s gonna take a little okay so

Anyway so i got a little bit distracted with the whole uh trig thing so trick thing is basically you toss you toss pearl number one look at the angle and then you want to do approximately like three sprint jumps plus a little bit more um going you know kind of perpendicular

Tangent to it and then at that point or you know tangent to the circle uh that goes around it and then you throw a another one and then approximately if you do a thousand divided by the difference in the angles it’s approximately how far away the stronghold is from you again

Very approximate and it’s failed us before from i mean obviously it’s my own fault on like how far i’ve jumped or calculating the difference between the angles and all that stuff it’s my fault but you know anyway we’re going for uh 1500 in the x direction here basically

It’s yeah it’s you know instead of using a calculator to do trig and the distance formula using a slide rule all that stuff you just do it in your head and that is definitely bound to do good things for you can we get the frick out of where i’m inevitably going to fall

Into powdered snow and it’s going to suck god dang it i didn’t think i was gonna need to keep leather in my inventory i really didn’t think about this i really didn’t think about this and i’m totally about to regret this at any second when i fall through

Okay never mind we’re go oh a little pillager tower there okay that’s interesting you just see what they drop you know what let me make let me just make a shield real quick dude oh okay hello i thought we’d have to get a little bit closer before you were gonna try to

Attack us but um oh you just gave up hello frick where you guys coming from dude what the heck they drop a villager loot including crossbows a very very interesting can you frick off for like just a second while i’m collecting my bearings my god i think he might have

Just dropped his crossbow as like a crossbow drop you know but anyway all right i’m gonna make a shield just for stuff like this all right anyway should i get more varies if i find them around here just you know in case maybe yeah sure why not

Oh there’s a bunch of berries bro there’s a whole bunch of berries has totem uses shield yeah cause i just don’t feel like taking damage you know you guys are being awfully annoying like i’m just i’m helping harvest your field and stuff like that

And i i can show you you don’t need to attack me to get riches you guys you guys have an incredible source of riches right here around you and instead what do you do what do you do you you shoot at me that’s actually probably why they’re

Defending their their source of riches i i understand um but here we are hey guys uh your banner dude your banner does that drop anything cool anything cool at all what are we on here dude where where was it where’s the never mind oh your banner’s up at the top okay

I’m just gonna go up dude i just want to see what you guys are offering up here bro what are you guys offering up here man oh yeah birchwood bro birchwood what is nothing you get nothing from you how generous uh yo warped fence that’s an incredible pole with nothing in it

Bye-bye well once you get a little enchanted book what those enchant whoa whoa whoa a little what little prot three on breaking three huh well prop three i’m breaking three dude where are we getting that from maybe you need to farm you guys up a little bit huh

Dang i mean yeah why not just get incredibly super duper geared unnecessarily before we go into the end who wouldn’t do that you know who wouldn’t what we got there oh yeah we’ve done that before okay let me just i need to go get some wool really quick and also hey guys [Applause]

Levels levels levels levels don’t break my armor though don’t break my armor that’d be like supernatural of you guys at all god dude the books are great what the how do they did the books are so oh it’s it’s freaking done uh yeah it’s stronghold chess stronghold chess that’s what it is

I was like bro these enchantments are way too good they’re way too good um cool yeah all right thorns you know your thorns depth straight wow a depth rider threes kind of cool do we want it and we don’t need that that could be cool for the pro don’t really need you

Don’t really need a lot of uh piercing piercings seems to be really really popular smite 4 smite 4 could be kind of dope sure or we could just go sharpness a lot of piercing a lot of impaling what about uh what about over here what you

Giving us what was that oh sharp for mending oh that’s a good one for a sword right there yeah don’t mind if i do bro don’t mind if i do for wither oh you guys you guys are wanting to see a wither huh now you’re

Wanting to see you know we could do that as an objective for for one of these come to think of it it doesn’t always have to be the dragon and the problem is though that you have to find something that drops wither skeleton drops and that’s actually kind of hard to

See i feel like it’s kind of hard to realize that it is wither skeleton drops you know well that just fell into a whole mess there oh yeah the banner you’re not worried about it i’m not worried about it at this point hey any grass oh frick dude wait hold on oh this

Is gonna be annoying actually this is going to be annoying because there’s no grass around here out out freaking what we’ll never know no i’m gonna leave you hanging in suspense hey i did show you at the beginning in the last episode what the seed was so you can always

Actually generate this data pack yourself and then you’ll figure out what the banner is dude if you want to know if you want to know you can you can discover why are you slaying a skeleton yet i don’t remember if i have that’s it okay why did i turn off that um

We’re going we do be zooming we do be zooming i really just i want to get wool so i can get a bed and stuff too much effort wow if that’s too much effort okay you don’t deserve to know if you wish to reach knowledge you have to do the work

You don’t want to put in the work you don’t deserve the knowledge all right i don’t have i dumped the green wool bro i dumped the green wall but i can do a little quick enchanty boys here all right let’s do this let’s do this real quick bro easy game easy life how

About a little bit of sharp4mendy looks good with me maybe a little bit of um where was it where’s that prop 3 unbreaky maybe on the helmet oh shoot i don’t have enough levels for this that’s balls bro that’s balls um how much is it going to cost

That’s not how you do that that’s not how you do that at all done six you want me to get six levels unbelievable unbelievable what you requested me cause i definitely need this 100 definitely well we’ll just continue along on our quest i’m spending way too much time dilly dallying rather than just

Going to the freaking stronghold um titles chips with 200 bits find out what the banner is bad cap man i pay the my bar tips for it what are you guilting me now are you guilty me now into going back and seeing what the banner is bro i’m going to look

It up in the freaking data pack and tell you why why is this so important what the heck i don’t understand dude i don’t understand what the frick is going what what is this dude s m my mother trucking h swear to god bro i swear to god

You’re gonna cause me to waste this food which i will never be able to get back this is time this is time spent in my life fighting mobs taking arrows getting hurts things shooting me i don’t even remember where it was where the heck what watch watch i am about to show you

That this stupid banners are gonna drop nothing nothing at all i don’t even where is it dude where was it all right was it over here uh there’s drops on the ground i’ve been this way i’ve been here before is it this way where the heck was it

Dude how far away did i i didn’t even think i came that far since i was last at the thing but apparently it’s just omega far away there it is there it is no i’m not lost i’ve never been lost in my entire life shh what does that give I don’t know what that does for us but i’m gonna break it it’s cool now we get to figure out the uh yellow concrete on both sides of we’ve done that before we’ve done that before so wow what kind of book what kind of book is

It pow 4 depths rider 3 loyalty 3. nope get the frick out of my life i’m going to get the banners and then i’m getting out of here dude god dang it of course is all the way on the other side okay all right you guys this banner i guarantee you drops nothing

Nothing it’s going to be nothing at all drops an acacia pressure plate okay got it cool you know what i need to do i need to make a bucket bucket of water are you happy we’ve been through this we’ve done we’ve seen the dead bush before it’s dead

Like my soul now that i’ve stopped for this when i was so close i was so close in proximity to getting to the tall grass so that i could have made a bed slept through the night but no but no mother of truck really there we go oh you’re not dropping anything okay

Okay we go we go now we go now we go we zoom get me out of here was it worth it was the dead bush worth it was the knowledge worth it it was okay great quicker thank you guys thank you i’m glad it was worth it

I always like to hear when it’s worth it this is just what like the terrain on this place is crazy can we get to a place where i’m not just scaling mountains i know i was just talking about putting in the work in order to get what you

Want but i didn’t i didn’t really mean me for that i meant i meant you guys i want to just be spoon-fed terrain in order to get to the portal like i i wasn’t being serious about that okay this is ridiculous okay i no i don’t need to make a boat yet i

Don’t need to make it but not yet until we run into a true ocean okay cool cool um now now that it’s daytime we’ve hit a place where i can actually make a bed so that is exciting bro um title chips with twitter bits jordune my dissertation is due at 11 a.m and

It’s 3 a.m uh or 10 am is 3 am why do you have to start streaming now i’m in scotland thus the time at bt dubs uh wait when you’re when you’re a phd do you you like a due date on your dissertation do you

I thought that was kind of just like you know you do that and you kind of you know you figure out what you’re gonna do and then you just and then you just do it over time you execute it eventually i thought so i mean what do i know i

Dropped out of school i know nothing actually but ow great that’s a bummer dude i hate deadlines deadlines stressed me out dude here i just want to get i want to get some wool for the sake of being able to make beds whenever i want it’ll make life easier all right cool

Very very sweet all right let’s let’s throw this thing off let’s see if i was right what if i’ve overshot this by a massive amount i have not bro i feel like i might be on point with my with my 2 000 block guesstimate it’d be huge have we signed a cow yet

Uh oh oh oh he gave a sea res okay i was like that looked a lot similar to the tall oh yeah that’s because it was i broke a tall grass cool great job me great job i’m trying to avoid these mountains ah make a bow to repair my bow uh

I forgot what gives a string otherwise i i would do that a hundred percent oh hey dude there’s more uh sugar cane i don’t know if we’ve broken sugar here we’ve done corn flour we’ve done corn flour for sure oh look another village that has a church to it

If i had just known to run in this direction then i would have found it you know easy hmm well that’s it’s kind of cool i guess huh you know that would have been nice to have found earlier probably probably would have been would have been good would i yeah

I would have been a fan of finding that one earlier definitely definitely would have been no doubt no doubt about that mm-hmm yeah yeah okay so continuing along from there great yep if only i didn’t just sit in the corner i i could have found that earlier but you know we got there

We got there through other means and the berries give us way more than just diamonds you know that’s that’s just not diversified enough you got to diversify your portfolio and and the berries the berries are like an etf you know sugar cane that’s just like picking one stock and hoping for the

Best and uh it could be risky we like we like to be safe here okay stonks indeed we’re still going we’re still going pro my 2000 my 2000 is going to be on point i swear you idiots my 2000 is going to be the sickest guesstimate that the world has ever seen

Love stonks talk bro that’s what you all come here for i know i know um imsa thank you for gifting a sub burn bunny with 20 months of subage and um shelly with one year happy anniversary not to tommy with a sub and top hat leon with a sub alleged

Gamer with 10 months of subage and um let’s see casey zero seven zero five with 16 months here’s the 16 months of fun hope you have a fun and exciting month and always remember dot dot dot where’s where’s the other casey the other casey i don’t know where the

Other case is we’re waiting on the other casey’s message oh oh the angles change the angles change ladies and gentlemen i think we’re getting close i think we’re getting close all right see how good my math was because we’re right now we’re at like 21 2200 blocks out

Have i broken sand yet oh yeah yeah it was target block yeah yeah okay did we pass do we pass did we pass we did bro my mouth was sick my math was insane oh my god dude my trig is unparalleled pretty cool pretty cool dude that we

Pass oh back over there okay give me give me rick who did it just go down oh yep all right here we go boys four four where is it where’s four four are you at four four nice okay i have a bucket of water this time that

Differentiates it from the last one so i can dig down with more confidence and also i have efficiency five wow the times have truly changed for us here incredible all right let’s actually do this just so you know that how far down we go okay here we go everybody

There’s no way that this goes terribly wrong wait what are you okay deep slate brick stairs oh yeah dude duh easy easy totem and there we go all right we made it be gone begun be gone and heck yeah did i bring blocks i mean not really but

We’ve got a lot of arrows you know we’ve got a lot of arrows and stuff and i could collect some blocks to do a bridge or something i don’t know we’ll figure it out bro uh you know it would have been cool if i brought some torches down that would have been nice

I could just grab a torch off the wall and hold it i’m gonna do that i’m not gonna do that i forgot what we were playing that’s not how any of this works uh yeah i’m not gonna be doing that um you know what i should have done i

Probably should have brought like i don’t know wood so i could i could have you know what i need i i i don’t i can’t make a bed you know i’m going to go back up for i’ve i i’ve got a little bit ahead of myself here

I meant i i should have actually probably just yeah not done what i’ve done and instead done something else but okay stone bricks they drop a block that i can use in order to build up or or silverfish too no it’s not what i want at all this is not what i’ve wanted

I probably can’t die you see the problem with that is there’s always a chance that a freaking dragon eat ruins my life it could always happen and then i’m gonna feel really stupid about having not made a bed really stupid unless something else here gives me wool

Do you give me well maybe maybe something here will give me wool you never know like like this like this this could give me whoa i don’t know Maybe or something maybe you’ll give me wool no you haven’t but you give me another sign okay and then give me an arrow great add it to the total all right sorry i i meant wood i meant wood yes wood that’s that’s what i meant yeah correct you are annoying

That’s what i meant oh cool i found wool guys what i meant to say is i need wood that’s what i meant to say but i was incorrect about the whole thing for just a second there yep okay guys no no maybe i’ll be able to find a wood giving thing here

It’s also the leather that i needed before you do you give wood by any chance a little bit of wood a little bit of wood from the black great that’s never coming back hey that’s awesome thank you great that’s so cool what gave me the polish diorite stairs doesn’t matter we’re good

Okay cool uh wait is there more wait what gave me the polish diorite stairs oh that gives us more wood anyway easy game easy life i was the mossy brick gotcha all right anyway we’ll do this and yeah okay once we find the portal room we can do everything else make a bed

Yada yada we’re good wow finding wood uh a lot easier this time around than it was in the random crafting thing i’ll tell you that much oh i hear silver oh that’s spider i thought they heard a silver fish but they did not you know i never made an iron door but

We don’t need that now okay where are we going where are we going where’s the where’s the portal room dude where’s the portal room is it over here is it that nope nothing please please don’t tell me we’re gonna have another geode situation on our

Hands it’s not what i need in my life right now you you brought it out you brought it up just as i said it you brought up the geode situation we don’t i don’t need this in my life i don’t need this in my okay you guys want to see what happens if

With this yeah okay fine another candle okay we love candles nothing okay what happens when we do this nothing cool sorted out we’re good you know i didn’t i didn’t make things like diamond blocks and stuff i could potentially do that maybe even though it’s not necessary to do

We’ve broken iron bars before that’s been done why Please please where the frick where the frick is this place why does this suck what the heck that leads to nothing as well i’m sure this place is full of dead ends or undead ends you know lots of oh waxed oxidized copper that’s so cool oh gold blocks

Cool i think we already broke gold block before hello anybody down here yellow oh okay keeps going down hello anybody home bro where’s the portal room this place keeps going down hey deep slate oh yeah we’ve already mined you that’s great this is just a gnarly gnarly place okay nothing there hey yay

Okay it’s clearly not down here you guys want to see what buttons give all right cool mineshaft loot yum yum oh have i tried bedrock no i haven’t that’s a good idea i probably should okay i don’t think i need the infinity bow i’m gonna make the tough call to bench that

Because we’re never gonna get enough never getting in enough levels to do that thing how do i have so much difficulty finding portals and stuff like the portal rooms are just such a nightmare for me every time it’s just crazy that’s where it came from right what the heck

Have i marked my path no i haven’t because like i don’t have the blocks for it oh my god hey on the plus side if i run into more some more skeletons and get to level six i can apply protection 3 to a piece of armor and i’ll be super duper safe

This is ridiculous yeah okay i saw this button here and lo and behold they what is it with me what is it with me getting strongholds that have these stupid concealed branches why does this always seem to happen and i’m sure it’s back here right it’s gotta be what the frick

Or maybe it’s not maybe it’s not back maybe it’s just not back here at all my god oh my god all i needed was diorite in order to get the leather in order to walk on the batteries mother trucker dude this thing sucks i’m pausing again hold on

Don’t tell me don’t tell me it was actually wait no this is where i’ve been this is where i be what what is this stronghold this place is the worst this place is the worst why why are you like this oh my god what is happening here

All right everybody so here’s the deal this is where we came in so we came in great what i did is i went down there you know what i should have done not gone down there should i come right over here walked on down this staircase walked on down this staircase and found

The portal room immediately that’s what i should have done but instead i didn’t do that and instead i wasted a million years wasted a million exactly one million years i have just wasted a million of them you’re now a million years older i don’t know why we’re all still alive but a million

And i’m not okay i am not not okay i’m very much not okay so hey you know what’s exciting we can put protection three onto our helmet you know that’s the the great thing that’s come out of all of this is that so there we go everybody there we go we win these

Heck yeah heck yeah now i’m super protected against the dragon also we love live editing thank goodness the good folks on youtube didn’t need to deal with any of that you want to see what a diamond block gives us let’s see what a diamond block gives us we haven’t done that yet

Right here we go you’ve all been waiting the moment of truth gives us more wood there’s so many things we could do with this we could just do we could strip this we could turn it into the planks i’m just going to break it straight up

And see where it goes from there oh cobble slabberino i’m pretty sure we’ve already broken that and then a torch the torch that i needed in order to walk through here being able to see because optifine but instead i broke a torch off the wall so that was good two

Okay let’s totem it up let’s do that and then yeah great awesome and then a couple more of these bad boys and then we’ll be good bring blocks you know the thing is i i don’t have those really i have a few a handful of them i’ll bring some wool just in case

Just in case anyway but it really it’s all good because are we gonna die hopefully not hopefully not okay yeah we i mean we got we got a lot of arrows we got a big old bow here dude we’re popping off everything’s fine everything’s great i’m even bringing i’m

Gonna bring in all the arrows there’s no way that this could possibly fail us and uh yep away we go watch us start very far away 11 blocks not going to be enough watch it happen ah we’re fine dog we’re fine easy what’s awesome though is that we get nothing from

From endstone so uh nope no blocks here for us no blocks at all all right why is the end so bright shaders bro i mean what we’re not using shaders eat what does obsidian drop you know what with our efficiency 5 pickaxe i’m happy to check it’s nothing

This is we’re really striking out here dude what the heck well that was a missed one got him okay you’re going crazy firing off that stuff can we chill got it let’s get these this is the most boring random drop end of all time can we can we get that

Can we please hello what the frick excuse me thank you hello thank you appreciate you okay what else the big big boy up there big boy up there can we get it did i get no i didn’t get it that’s a bummer ow well good it’s great that i didn’t need it anyway

I didn’t need it anyway got it great awesome cool got it let’s go i’m about to get heated i’m about to get heated hold on oh let’s go okay no no no let me go around let me go around you take take your time take your time long perch long

Perch easy long purge oh yeah let’s put that sharpness to work oh there’s one more you oh god dang it not cool not cool can we do it can we do it before you heal what the got it let’s go let’s go now let’s put that let’s put

That pal five to use huh what is the ender dragon drop uh experience you know experience oh i didn’t go flawless i was doing so well i was making all those hits all right oh yeah go for perch go for a perch buddy let’s do it let’s do this

Come on come on come on come on come on easy easy easy ah why do you do this it’s okay we got this few more shots plenty of arrows we don’t miss legolas is in the house what a champion one more we done we got him oh he’s invisible

It’s the ghosts of the dragon oh so spooky oh my god oh and then it’s rematerialized we’ve done it oh wait now the end like changed what the heck i didn’t know work that way that’s so weird dude what the the lighting i didn’t know there was a difference in

The lighting between before and after hey guys i hate this i hate to ruin your day but the egg drops the egg we have been over this before it’s uh it’s unfortunate what are you dropping in what was it i forgot what you guys give me

Oh blocks hey you know if i really needed to build up i could have uh collected some netherrack and it would have been a good time and then candles you know great stuff food i have everything i need to start a life here in the end um yeah we tested it last time

But anyway thanks for tuning in make sure to like if you like subscribe to captainsparklez2 follow on twitch.tv slash captain sparkles to catch more random minecraft episodes and stuff like that since people seem to be liking them maybe i’ll do more in the future and stuff like that hit the bell turn on

Notifications check the playlist for episode one and other you know random drop stuff that we’ve done before and um check out our sponsor mcprohosting.com sparkles 25 off your first month of server hosting also astro dot family slash captain sparkles for five percent off any headsets on the site

Including george gta 40s thanks for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But All Loot Drops Are Random Again #2’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2022-05-04 17:00:14. It has garnered 70861 views and 3655 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:40 or 4420 seconds.

Thanks to MCProHosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://mcph.to/captainsparklez Random Loot Drops Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyEY8N-G80d81Nr2G_GnoKm Bluephones: https://astro.family/JordGTA40

Randomizer site: https://fasguy.net/minecraft_randomizer/

My Links: ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● My headset: https://astro.family/JordGTA40 ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

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    INSANE NEW UPDATE: SUN AND MOON IN MINECRAFT FNAF RPGVideo Information This video, titled ‘SUN AND MOON ARE HERE | Minecraft FNAF Security Breach RP’, was uploaded by TheRepublicGamer on 2024-03-09 16:30:26. It has garnered 261 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:21 or 1161 seconds. #fnaf #fnafroleplay #minecraft #minecraftroleplays Hello everybody, TheRepublicGamer here and in todays EP Sun and Moon will be arriving at the pizzaplex to meet the Glamrocks… Anyways enjoy the video… Join My Discord Community Server TODAY! ➤ https://discord.gg/AxfjZj2ExJ ➤SUBSCRIBE! Today if you haven’t yet and or if your new and interested to the channel… ➤LIKE! the video for more videos… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3

    UNBELIEVABLE: Hidden Villages In Naruto Mod?! | Ep. 3Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-06-04 22:00:19. It has garnered 4122 views and 209 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:14 or 1994 seconds. Minecraft Naruto (Ninshu Origins) Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4fSPLCtse8 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs VILLAGES ARE LITERALLY HIDDEN FROM ME! Minecraft Naruto Mod Episode 3 #NARUTO #Minecraft #ModReview Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide to Building Hawkins Library in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Behind the Build: Hawkins Library from Stranger Things!!’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2024-06-12 08:01:22. It has garnered 170 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:16 or 6556 seconds. Hello Assassins!! Here’s a chill build stream for behind the build of my Hawkins Square from Stranger Things!! I’m just here finishing up the Hawkins Library before completing up the street near the cinema!! I hope you can come and say hi!! 😀 —————————————————————————————————————————————— If you build this tutorial or any of my tutorials for a video on your own… Read More

  • INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!

    INSANE: Our Plane POSSESSED in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-05-08 13:00:19. It has garnered 253314 views and 3227 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:20 or 2540 seconds. Our PLANE Got POSSESSED in Minecraft! This video Dash, Ruby and Cam hop on a plane for their vacation! But suddenly the power goes out, and strange things start happening… Will their plane land safely? Watch till the end to find out! #minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash Read More

  • 🔥FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!🔥

    🔥FREE FIRE VIRAL VIDEO Revealed by Mr.Ansh!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-29 15:51:58. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Free Fire New Viral Short Video #freefire #viral #shorts Free Fire Viral Loop Short | #minecraft #viral #shorts Free Fire Rank Match Reward | #freefire Free Fire Zombie Hunt Mode Special Wining Trick | #freefire #ajjubhai #gaming Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment,… Read More

  • LittleDigPlanet | Vanilla 1.20.2 | Whitelist | Age 25+ | No Claims | Smaller Community | Max Render Distance | 10+ Year History

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! My wife and I have been playing Minecraft for over a decade and have built a great community to play with. If you’re 25+ and looking to join us, please use the link below to join our Discord. We aim to provide a vanilla experience with a few exceptions listed below. Our world border is currently at 10k blocks in every direction, but will expand in the future. Community Guidelines: No kids or annoying players No ranks or moderator positions No area claim plugins Maximum 32 Chunks render view distance Hard difficulty Additional Information: New… Read More

  • Wild Jail Breakers

    A mix of Prison and Survival Minecraft Version 1.19.4Server in Beta StagesThe server is now playable!!!Looking for members to promote to staff Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: What the hell?!

    It’s like Minecraft is trying to flex its meme popularity on us, but we’re just here like “nice try, blockhead.” Read More

  • Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV

    Crafty Evil Cheater: Trapped in Minecraft Hole! #ShortSV In Minecraft, a friend turned foe, Locked me in a hole, oh no! Cheater’s tricks, a funny meme, Watch me struggle, in this scene. But fear not, I’ll find a way, To escape and live another day. Minecraft adventures, full of surprises, In this world, where creativity rises. So join me in this virtual land, Where blocks and mobs, go hand in hand. Let’s craft, build, and explore, In Minecraft, we’ll never be bored. Stay tuned for more, in every rhyme, As we journey through this pixelated time. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Laughs Guaranteed! 🔥😂 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting an Indigo Park Portal in Minecraft Minecraft’s Indigo Park Portal: A Gateway to Adventure Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new and exciting features to explore in the game. One such feature that has caught the attention of players is the Indigo Park Portal. This mystical portal offers a gateway to a whole new world of adventure and challenges. Discovering the Indigo Park Portal The Indigo Park Portal is a hidden gem in the vast world of Minecraft. Players must embark on a quest to uncover the portal’s location and unlock its secrets. Once found, the portal opens up a portal to Indigo… Read More

  • Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods

    Raiding Farms in Minecraft with Shader Mods Farming and Raids – Minecraft Episode 56 German: With Shader, Mods The paths are long, the world is endless. Starting in a beautiful Minecraft world in Survival Mode on Hard, let’s see where our journey takes us. Why Watch? Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, there are valuable tips and tricks to learn here. Engage with other Minecraft fans in the comments and enjoy the stunning visuals of Minecraft with shaders. Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe to the channel and hit the bell icon to stay updated. Have fun watching! Leave a like if you enjoy the video… Read More

  • Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! 🔥

    Unbelievable Phoenix Flare in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phoenix Flare on 2024-06-02 02:53:56. It has garnered 81 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:22 or 11002 seconds. Minecraft minecraft minecraft ——————————————————— Twitter: https://twitter.com/phoenix_flare69 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/phoenixflare69/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TPnjmRm9MF Profile, banner, and PNG Tuber made by @astrogummi8610 : https://agummi.carrd.co/ Streaming Loading Image by mondobutter_ on discord Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go Crazy

    Minecraft Mod Makes BocaJ Go CrazyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Scary Mod’, was uploaded by bocaJ on 2024-04-05 16:00:26. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:40 or 1900 seconds. Truly was terrifying. Check Out Friends In The Video Here: @lhoenpedia7901 Read More

  • Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!

    Dunners Duke Hunts Epic Griefed Stash in 1.20 Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t updated to Minecraft 1.20. Griefed Base & Stash Hunting.’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-04-19 21:07:17. It has garnered 134 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:10 or 7750 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2b2t has become a legendary realm where chaos reigns supreme. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world where the only limit is their imagination. Prepare yourself for a journey like no… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Shorts Going Viral! 🎮💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft most viewed shorts🔥🎯🔥//#dsgamingyt #4 on trending #animalmoviesong #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by DaRk ShAdOw GAMMING YT on 2023-12-18 05:55:00. It has garnered 2771 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #live #youtube #funnyshorts #memes #alpha #newvideo #tiktok #gameplay #explore #subscribe #sub #youtubeguru #youtubeislife #shortsfunny #shortsbgm #shortstiktok #shortscomedy #shortsbts #shortsasmr #shortsadoptme #shortsanity #shortsbeta #shortsart #shortscooking #shortschallenge #youtuberlikes #playstation3 #rainbowxsix #gta #playstation4 #ps2 #playstation1 #consolegamer #ps4 #love #ps5 #fortnite #playstationvr #ps1 #ps3 #like #playstation5 #rdr2 #reddeadredemption #psvr #grandtheftauto #controller #playstation #consolegaming #playstation2 #console #granturismo #photooftheday #xbox #fortnitecommunity #season 12… Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuck

    The Ultimate Minecraft Server RebuiltBuckVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft Server Ever’, was uploaded by RebuiltBuck on 2024-05-24 02:34:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey, what’s up. Say hi in chat and let me know how your day went. First time here? Check out the other videos on the channel to … Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving 100 Days in Cave World! CRAZY Minecraft Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a CAVE ONLY WORLD in Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-23 19:09:22. It has garnered 459319 views and 10279 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:29 or 4589 seconds. I set my hardcore Minecraft world to CAVE ONLY but added a tonne of great mods! ⭐ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/SrXZUKTqVb (I POSTED THE MODPACK HERE) ⭐WANT A MINECRAFT SERVER?⭐ Visit: https://wisehosting.com/cfg Use code “CFG” to save 25%! Minecraft Hosting for Bedrock and Java with Worldwide Server Locations! Huge shoutout to Suev for making the modpack! His cave only video… Read More

  • Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱

    Insane Noob Server w/ Eli, Monte, Sidney & Co. Must See! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘😂😱GEILER Noob SERVER mit Eli, Monte, Sidney, Willy & Co. Neuer Minecraft Server ist Fantastisch!’, was uploaded by Trymacs on 2024-01-05 11:15:05. It has garnered 192685 views and 11667 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:52 or 832 seconds. The new Minecraft server with Monte, Eli, Abu, Willy, Sidney & Co. is fantastic! ► The new Sony #INZONE headphones: https://shorturl.at/rvT57, H9: https://shorturl.at/pyX36, H5: https://shorturl.at/hwO34 and INZONE Buds: https://shorturl.at/ktG59 #advertisement ► LevlUp discount with code “Trymacs” https://bit.ly/38kgCjk * ► ESN discount with code “Trymacs”: https://cutt.ly/9woa0zac * ► Podcast with UnsympathischTV + Varion https://spotify.com/offline+ehrlich ► AMA… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Armor Hack Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft armar build hack/Minecraft armar build hack Explained’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-123 on 2024-03-07 07:45:02. It has garnered 491 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. The Beginner’s Guide to Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft armar build hack Explained Minecraft armar build hack Theory: Behind the Scenes A Chat About Minecraft armar build hack How to Master Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack The Insane Story Behind Minecraft armar build hack Minecraft first water bucket clutch@PAYALGAMING @Gamerfleet_yt #shorts MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video… Read More

  • ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught… No spoilers!

    ResterMC Mystery: They burned, caught... No spoilers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Спалили, словили и… Лучше вам не знать) Майнкрафт анимация #minecraft #resterplay #animation’, was uploaded by ResterMC on 2024-04-13 11:04:55. It has garnered 495 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. They burned, caught and… It’s better for you not to know) Minecraft animation Original https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPwp2jPlaTA #minecraft #resterplay #funny #shorts #animation #minecraft #funnyvideos #animation #rester #rester #suddenly got rich #grandfather #nostalgia minecraft, minecraft, minecraft animation, animation, animation, minecraft animation, minecraft but, in minecraft, shorts, fixplay, monster school, creeper, tiktok, monster school minecraft, stupid guy, creeper, alex, steve, yuni, minecraft… Read More

  • The After Effect

    Welcome to The After Effect Minecraft server! This is a difficult survival pvp server in a world which is a wasteland. There is no grass, no animals, limited food, and dead trees. The nether is disabled. This provides an incentive for PVP and battles since certain resources are so scarce. Join for a fun time in a journey to survive the wasteland with your friends on The After Effect Minecraft Server! mc.theaftereffect.org Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Chill No-Reset

    Server Information: IP: reunionsmp.com Discord: Join Discord Origins: This server is the sequel to Union SMP. It was created after the original Union SMP was shut down right before the 1.20 update. Union SMP was known for being promoted by Youtuber Salc1. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item sellable to the server are diamonds ($100 each). Players can set up shops at spawn and use the money earned for transactions. An auction house is available for one-time sales. Ranks: Various ranks are available on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Farm complete, need pro tips?

    Wow, that’s a high score for a meme about asking for farming tips in Minecraft. Maybe the secret to meme success is cultivating a good sense of humor! Read More

  • Kerem’s Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale

    Kerem's Mafia Mishap: A Minecraft Mayhem Tale In the world of Minecraft, Kerem falls from on high, With the evil mafia, they take to the sky. An action-packed episode, full of thrill and surprise, Watch until the end, don’t believe the lies. Subscribe to the channel, for more tales to unfold, Join the Discord, where stories are told. All in good fun, with characters so grand, Imaginary worlds, created by hand. Using Blockbuster mode, for a cinematic flair, With music by Kevin MacLeod, in the air. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs

    Minecraft Meme Madness 🔥 #viralLaughs Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • 25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures!

    25 Must-Try Minecraft 1.21 Seeds for Epic Adventures! Exploring the Top 25 Minecraft Seeds for the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest Minecraft Seeds that promise to elevate your gaming experience to new heights. These 25 exceptional seeds have been carefully curated for the 1.21 Tricky Trials update, ensuring a fresh and exciting journey every time you play. Discover the Diverse Worlds of Minecraft From sprawling landscapes to hidden treasures, each seed offers a unique setting for players to explore. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will captivate your imagination and keep you… Read More

Minecraft But All Loot Drops Are Random Again #2