Minecraft, But Every Item is OP!

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Today I have to beat Minecraft but I can make any item overpowered so for example I can throw any item on the floor like this wooden ax and then I get my old people shouldn’t throw it on it like this it’ll transform into its op variant

Oh my gosh look at how cool this is and we can quite literally use this potion on any item and boom now we are in the world and as you can see we have a stack of these old people that this is going to be so perfect I am super

Excited and honestly let’s just jump straight into this we can quite literally just throw this Opie potion onto a tree just like this and it should turn the Opie okay let’s try this and boom it says I will be activated and what on Earth these trees just turned

The diamonds and wait this is actually kind of useless I don’t even have an iron pickaxe yet let it load a wooden one so I guess that means we just have to start off by getting wood normally and then we’ll be able to do some fun stuff with these Opie potions so anyways

Let’s just buy this of course crafts up tools and boom here we go I just crafted a wooden sword and a wooden pickaxe and like I showed at the start we could actually throw both of these items off the ground just like this and this is gonna allow us to turn

These items into their OB variant with this Opie potion and this is gonna be super exciting because if we could turn this wooden sword Opie we could get something that does a bunch of attack damage right off the start and if we turn this wooden pickaxe op we’ll be

Able to buy stuff literally instantly and that’ll just become so so useful to help us beat the game and anyways without further Ado let’s just throw these potions let’s get in a good spot I think I’m ready let’s just throw them now and oh my gosh it says OB activated

And what did we just get well first of all let’s just pick up this pickaxe and look at this this is called the ultimate pickaxe and look it even has a little bit of green on it just like me and I haven’t even talked about this giant

Sword yet what even what this thing is in the ground it is quite literally bigger than me what that is so cool and look at how big it is when I’m holding it so it looks like I could charge this sword up and then let go to do a really

Cool fire attack what okay I guess that’s because I turned a wooden sword into its op variant and because what is a flammable fire block it literally turned into a giant incinerator fire sword so that’s awesome but now that we have this ultimate pickaxe we should actually be able to mine these diamonds

And this is just gonna be so cool and let’s see how fast we can mine oh my gosh look at this and we already have 20 diamonds what okay let’s just bite a few of these diamond blocks like this and we’ll craft some diamond armor but before I craft diamond armor I just

Quickly went into a cave with a bunch of stone and I want to see if this pickaxe can instantly mine Stone because it looks like it has efficiency 5 on it which is really really good so let’s test this out and oh I was right like it definitely instantly mine the stone

Watch this is faster than creative mode oh my let’s go I guess we could even buy some iron bar we’re at it okay and in like 10 seconds we already have a few stacks of cobblestone what well anyways I still have all these blocks of Dimes I

Need to turn into armor so let’s do that and boom now we’re full diamond armor but I want to get right back to using these old people shits because these are so flooded we have gotten some insane weapons from these so for the next thing

I want to throw these on is maybe like an iron ax or something because we have a sword and a pickaxe but we do not have a normal ax so let me just quickly make a furnace smelt some iron quickly craft the ax and boom we got this thing and

This should turn into something even more op than the weapons we already got because to get these Opie weapons we literally just used wood tools so anyways I just came up to the surface and now let’s throw this off the ground and now we’ll get our OB potions ready

Now let’s get in a good spot and let’s just throw these things in three two one let’s go and wait why does it say Opie failed why on Earth did it fail I didn’t do anything different that time okay well it looks like I dropped the book

Here so I guess we’ll read what this says and it says there is a 20 chance your OPP potion will fail and what it does you will be punished by the game master wait what that is so weird so I guess I got that 20 chance that it fails

And it says I will be punished but I don’t notice anything bad happening so I don’t know how I’m gonna be punished or maybe I’m not even gonna be punished at all but wait what was that sound okay that sounded pretty bad and wait why is

There a boss bar at the top of my screen oh my gosh okay I just wanted first person and there is a giant iron ax monster right here oh hello Mr I mean he has the giant op iron ax that I was wanting to get but uh I don’t think he

Looks too friendly uh why is he walking towards me at the hello Mr hello oh why is this wicked his action whoa he just tried to hit me okay this guy is certainly not friendly uh why did he do that okay I guess this is what the game

Faster Beats by I will be punished so maybe I have to fight this guy now and oh no that does five hearts of damage I’ve been full diamond armor and this guy knows so much damage okay I have to be very careful but thankfully I already

Have this op sword so this shouldn’t be too hard so let’s just try and charge this thing up and use that fire attack and what he just stopped the ground okay let’s try this and let’s go and what that doesn’t do any damage okay there must be something I’m doing wrong

Because every time I hit him my sword just bounces off and I don’t oh my gosh I just got launched up okay the problem here is that I have no food so I cannot heal up at all I think I’m about to go over to some of these animals and

Quickly cook them so let’s charge this sword up and hopefully this will cook the beef for me so let’s do this and did it work and yes it did look at all the steak right here let’s go we have a stack now okay this sword was truly op

But now that we can heal we could try and figure out how to defeat this thing anyway what is that look at that there’s like a diamond sword in its back wait is that how you kill this thing okay maybe I have to go up and hit it from the back

Where this diamond sword is so Mr monster if you don’t mind I’m just gonna hit you and oh it turned around I barely dodged that ax attack and okay I gotta eat a little bit of steak and okay let’s try and hit this week’s butt oh I just

Dropped my sword okay picked it back up at Dallas go back here and come on okay looks like it’s static still oh my gosh this is so hard and wait that’s actually how we do it this thing start to take damage once I hit that so let’s just

Charge this up so hopefully we can start it like that and now let’s go back here and come on I need to hit it it’s not working okay looks like it’s done for a second so let’s try and get some hits on this it looks like I only have to get

One more hit on it but I’m also getting very low on health let’s heal up one final time and let’s go in for our final hit come on Mr monster you’re done for now oh it just hit me this is a lot harder than I thought it would be come

On let me just wrap around the back of this thing and let’s go one final hit we killed it and once you look at this it drops some items after it died and what on Earth is this okay it looks like I got a how bad look at how cool I look

Now but it looks like it also dropped the ax that I was looking for from the start if this old people didn’t fail I would have just got this ax right away but I guess this is actually kind of cooler because now I have a really

Cool helmet too and as you can tell we could completely destroy animals now whoa okay I think we should go back in the mines and then we’ll be able to go mining and see if we can find anything good again okay I’ve been mining for a

Little bit and I’m really hoping I can find some diamonds because I actually want to try something anyway there’s diamonds right there what are the chances okay let’s block up this water so I could do the thing I want to do and then let’s also block up a little bit of

Lava just so this does not get affected now what I want to do is throw the oppose on to these diamonds and see if we get turned diamonds into their Opie variant and what an Opie Diamond looks like because diamonds are already so op so when they turn more Opie they’ll

Probably be ultra Opia so let’s back up a little bit and I really hope I don’t get that 20 chance that this fails because I do not want to fight a diamond monster but anyways let’s just throw these now okay it says I’ll be activated and what look at this okay so thankfully

It worked and it turned those diamond ores into these new super dark diamond blocks these are definitely not normal diamond blocks let’s pick some of these up real quick and okay so I got three of these block of super diamonds what okay we have to see what kind of armor these

Can make just let me make a crafting table real quick tore these into their normal super diamond so then let’s craft so we just made a super diver chess play we’ll make some leggings some boots and we already have this helmet so I don’t even need to make a helmet and now let’s

Take off our normal boring diamond armor and put on our super diamond armor and look at how much our armor these things give us a what look at how cool we look if we jump in the lava let’s see how much damage we take in oh my gosh we

Barely take any damage this armor isn’t even Enchanted or anything and we were swimming in that lava for like five seconds before we started to take damage and that is what I like to call super op diamond and I guess we’ll save these eight other super diamonds just in case

We need it later but I really really want to use these open potions again and I’m not even gonna look where we throw these let’s just go in first person and instantly throw them and see what we can get so let’s go first person now and it

Looks like we have to throw it in lava so let’s throw it like this I know it says open oh my gosh there’s a giant monster right there okay it looks like this thing is trying to attack me but it looks like it might be stuck in the lava

For a second so I guess I just got that 20 chance that this old people should fails and it turned the lava into an old beat boss okay I have to try and defeat this thing did that last night boss I just thought was super hard and this

What looks even more strong look at this oh it’s setting an attack towards me oh my gosh okay I’m on Fireside to be careful and wait did it just teleport me to it what okay I’m taking a bunch of damage look at this even with the super

OP armor I am taking so much damage I’m already on half health so this is so crazy and look at how big its Shield is all it just stopped to be what okay I’ve only got three hearts come on I have to run I’m on one and I I am so low down

Okay I need to think of a game plan before I fight this thing this is very very very dangerous so it looks like every time you get near this thing since it’s in such a small cave area you always get stuck and take a bunch of

Damage and I do not want to risk dying right now so I guess the gameplay might actually be to stand back a little bit and use this charge attack on it so let’s try this out let’s just slowly move over to it and come on get this

Ready and then let’s let go and let’s do this okay it looks like I missed by a little bit so we’re gonna have to try that again in a second and I really really wish I had a ranged attack right now we are going to have to make sure to

Get that after we kill this boss let’s try this again let’s move it charge this off and let go and okay we barely did any damage with that okay we have to think of something else okay what can I do I have no idea and wait a second I

Still have eight of these super diamonds left so I actually thought of something that might actually work so since we have a crafting table right here what if we put a stake in the middle like this and then put our eight super diamonds around it like that and as you can see

All of these items are laid down on top of the crafting table so if we throw an OB potion onto this it should actually work and combine this into an enchanted super diamond apple or something like that I mean that would be ideal because I really could use an enchanted golden

Apple right now and since I’m crafting this would stick it’ll probably become even more Opie than an enchanted golden apple so I really could not afford for this to fail and let’s just throw this right now and let’s go it says OB activated and look at this I was right

We got a super duper opiate enchanted golden apple this is called an enchanted super Golden Apple let’s go so let’s eat this up and see what kind of effects we get and what look at this I am super fast I have a whole extra row of hearts

And I have a bunch of other effects as you can see at the top right of the screen so let’s just rush it in with our sword and let’s start to do some serious damage come on mister I need to kill you oh it’s attacking me okay I fella

Dilemma this is Baton come on I could not really see anything right now let me just try Dodge’s attacks and hit it and I think we’re getting a little bit of good damage on this thing and we barely take any damage this is awesome let’s

Try and use our super op iron ax attack so once it stops attacking me I’m just gonna swing in like this and wait what that just instantly killed the boss watch and just look at all the items it dropped for me that is very very good

Look at this it looks like first of all we got a new helmet let’s take off this old one and look at this new one this one’s also really really cool and then it also drop these ignition engines and then last but not least it dropped a

Stack of blaze rods this is so good because my goal is to beat the game and to get to the end you just need Blaze shots and ender pearls so that means next time to get some ender pearls but before I get ender pearls let’s see what

These ignity minions can do and here we go I just crafted all the armor now let’s quickly put this on and look at this oh my gosh look at this chestplate I have it literally has an elytra attached to it whoa I could fly okay this is definitely very opiate I’m happy

I was able to defeat that op boss but like I said with a stack of blaze rods so we need to go get some ender pearl so we can complete this okay well I just went up onto the surface and as you can see I thought an Enderman and of course

We’ll probably be able to one shot this guy with our open sword and come on we’re starting to kill you and boom there we go it dropped an ender pearl just like I wanted it to but since his ender pearls are already on the ground I’m wondering if maybe we can throw the

Old people should not do it and see what kind of op into Pearl we could get and hopefully we’ll multiply it to a bunch of different ender pearls so we’ll be able to get all of our ender pearls and turn them into Eyes of Ender and without

Further Ado let’s get these bottles and let’s just start throwing it and whack it says open tonight are you kidding me oh my gosh that is so unlucky it is literally only a 20 chance to get denied and we’ve got it like twice in a row now

Oh my gosh well anyways I wonder how we’re gonna get punished this time but what is this I guess we can mine these things and what are these okay by the looks of it these are ender pearl blocks what okay these active Roblox sound super super super op wait wait can we

Turn this into normal at the Frozen yes we can okay well I guess my problem of not having ender pearls has been solved and oh my gosh I forgot it looks like this is how the game master is deciding to punish me it spawned in like a

And okay I guess I have to either fight these or run away and I cannot run away because I’m literally going blind I can’t see anything okay well I have a bunch of Android Pro so I might be able to end the Pearl out of here but look at

How many there are let me just try and use this sword on them and see if I can get any damage in but this is not working so let me try and throw it at the Pearl and okay let’s eat up a little bit to heal and there we go okay maybe

I’ll try to use this giant ax because this killed that fire monster really fast so hopefully this will work let’s go ahead and try and use this like this and okay that’s not working I’m just taking so much damage yeah I don’t even know if there’s a single way I’ll be

Able to kill all these mutant Enderman probably not so honestly I got my ender pearls and Blaze without so let’s just Purl out of here let’s go okay they’re still chasing me so I just have to go even faster let me try and get some elytra boosts going and here we go now

We’re going really really fast and now let’s try throwing Pearl come on and here we go for the most part it looks like we might have got away and here we go I just crafted myself some ice vendor let’s see where the stronghold is it looks like it’s over here so I’m just

Gonna continue in this direction until I’m there and let’s go I made it here and as you can see I put the Eyes in the portal and let’s get rid of this stupid summer fish spot ever because I do not need any silverfish get out of here okay

This guy is dead and let’s just kill this one and there we go I think we should be good to go to the end and completely destroy the ender dragon let’s go and now we are in the end let me get some Cobblestone and we’re just

Gonna build up like this now I actually have a very very super crazy plan to kill this Ender Dragon and while I was on the way to that stronghold I collected a bit of sand and gunpowder and made myself a nice TNT and you might be asking yourself what am I gonna do

With this TNT while you are about to find out so let me just bring this up here and what I’m actually gonna do is throw an OP potion on the TNT yeah so why don’t we just get to a good spot like right here and we’ll put it right

There and what I’m hoping this does is turns this TNT into a supercharged TNT and then I’ll be able to instantly kill them the dragon and I can instantly just get out of here and complete the challenge that would be perfect so without further Ado let’s just go up

This little staircase and let’s start to spam these op potions come on work and okay it says I’ll be activated and what is that that is not a TNT anymore at all the Ender Dragon’s right there but I feel like my screens kind of changing colors like look at the End Stone

Everything seems a little bit more blurry and uh what is happening is that being caused by this TNT well it looks like that TNT is turning white does that mean it’s about to explode and okay the colors are starting to look really weird everything’s getting really blurry okay

I might actually have to start stepping back and maybe start hiding by this obsidian because look at this this is not normal what is happening okay maybe I should build a little barrier like this and wait why is it doing that what is happening when it’s exploding what

Well I just got the achievement free the admit I could not see anything right now so I killed the engine Dragon but uh I just died well I’m back at spot odd because I just died in the end and okay I just beat the Ender Dragon so I don’t

Really know if that counts as a win I mean I killed the end of a dragon but I didn’t go through the portal and I’m just gonna count that as a win thank you everyone for watching the video this was so fun and if you want to see more

Videos like this make sure to subscribe like seriously just subscribe guys so many of you guys watch all of the videos but none of you guys are subscribed so please just check right now I’ll give you three seconds three two one thank you for subscribing and make sure to

Click the video on the screen bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Every Item is OP!’, was uploaded by Carty on 2023-04-02 17:25:00. It has garnered 301824 views and 2804 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:18 or 1098 seconds.

Today I have to beat Minecraft, but I have the ability to turn anything in the world OP!

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    INCROYABLE MOD CHIENS pour MINECRAFT! 😱🐶Video Information This video, titled ‘ce mod pour les chiens dans minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by royal Natoux on 2024-05-29 16:52:41. It has garnered 1633 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Read More

  • Watch NOW: Astrea Follick’s Epic Viral Gacha Edits!

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    Watch NOW: Astrea Follick's Epic Viral Gacha Edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fypシ’, was uploaded by Astrea Follick on 2024-01-12 13:39:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ever wondered what happens when a weird strict dad enters the Roblox universe? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as we … Read More


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    INSANE NIGHT WALL PVP MONTAGEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL|’, was uploaded by NIGHT WALL GO on 2024-05-31 16:24:08. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. MINECRAFT PVP SHORT MONTAGE | HYPERSTEAL| #music #edit #firemc #minecraftlifestealsmplivestream #sigma #song #comedy #entertaining #funny minecraft,minecraft pvp,montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft crystal pvp montage,minecraft combotage,pvp montage,minecraft crystal pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,minecraft combo lock,minecraft sumo pvp,minecraft sumo,sumo minecraft,smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft pvp montage,minecraft smooth,insane minecraft,minecraft sumo 1v1,sumo 1v1 minecraft,crystal pvp montage,minecraft combo,minecraft hacker,minecraft sumo tournament,minecraft 240fps Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 – Balance of Power Ep. 27

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    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Ultra Steve Returns in Season 2 - Balance of Power Ep. 27Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Balance of Power (Season two) episode 27 – The return of Ultra Steve’, was uploaded by DarkLight on 2024-02-15 03:29:39. It has garnered 250 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:17 or 2657 seconds. join the wolf pack Discord link https://discord.gg/P4wpnbA4UD Instagram link https://www.instagram.com/_itsdarklight_/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@itsdarklight_?lang=en Credit @ChaosProductionsYt @SpringStudios1 @kams3679 #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftRP #MinecraftStory #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftSeries #GamingRoleplay #RoleplayCommunity #MinecraftCharacters #minecraftstorytelling #minecraftroleplayseries #favremysabre #favremysabreart Read More

  • Imagine Pvp

    Imagine PvpThis is a 1.8-1.19.4 Minecraft server that will be releasing this summer. There are a BUNCH of cool and exciting features and an amazing PVP system. ImaginePVP.join-mc.com Read More

  • 🐚Hermit servers: SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Hermitcraft-inspired, community, Whitelist, Season 9

    👑 Hermit servers season 9 – New season! 👑 Best time to join – NEW SEASON Bedrock and java (including Playstation, Xbox and Switch) Hermit servers is back for a 9th season and is looking for members. We are a Hermitcraft themed server that follows many of the things they do. Hermitcraft inspired gameplay Shopping district, business district and more Mob/player heads Visual/fun add ons Major player events all the time Elected positions including mayor and king Tribal towns where players work together Player made mega bases Weekly builds Whitelisted server Active community that help each other For more information,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The true blocky heroes

    The true heroes in Minecraft are the ones who can perfectly execute a creeper explosion and still come out unscathed with all their diamonds intact. Read More

  • Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle!

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    Infinity Gauntlet: Boat Build Battle! In Roblox, I crafted the Infinity Gauntlet so fine, With all the powers, like in Marvel’s design. Each jewel recreated, shining bright, In Build a Boat, a true gaming delight. From Discord to Instagram, I share my creation, With each update, sparking imagination. Join the empire, be part of the fun, As we craft and build, until the day is done. So come along, on this gaming quest, Where creativity and fun never rest. In Roblox world, where dreams take flight, With the Infinity Gauntlet, shining so bright. Read More

  • Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness

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    Hot and Spicy Minecraft Madness When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you blame it on your cat walking across the keyboard. #RelocoCat #MinecraftProblems Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Build Epic Worlds Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I BUILT A GAMING ROOM IN MINECRAFT 1.20” by @Shreyu_is_live from Epitome Gaming. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft offers. Imagine being part of a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, build incredible structures, and embark on thrilling adventures. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a dedicated community… Read More

  • Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6

    Top 5 Must-See Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 1.20.6 Update Embark on a thrilling adventure with the top 5 best seeds for Minecraft 1.20.6 – The Trails & Tales Update! These seeds are specifically tailored for Minecraft 1.20 Java Edition, ensuring an exciting gameplay experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the Minecraft universe, these seeds offer a diverse range of landscapes and structures to explore. Seed 5: Mountain Circle Seed ID: 19401855602 Discover the awe-inspiring Mountain Circle seed, where you’ll encounter a unique ring of mountains that will leave you breathless. Traverse through the rugged terrain and… Read More

  • INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥

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    INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER ADVENTURE | Prince plays MINECRAFT (Part 34)’, was uploaded by CasualPrince8 on 2024-03-22 23:25:12. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds. Join the Casual Discord: https://discord.gg/Z7m9mBsTfr Donate here: https://streamelements.com/casualprince8/tip Part 34 of my adventure into the ever-changing, ever-brilliant world of Minecraft! Read More

  • Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)

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    Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)Video Information This video, titled ‘I added The Goatman to my Hardcore World…(#2)’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-24 16:29:33. It has garnered 87880 views and 4362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:52 or 1732 seconds. THE GOATMAN IS HERE! Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted, empty and desolate wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller and now the new goatman update is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn… Read More

  • Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraft

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    Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rompiendo MITOS de MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Fersse77 on 2024-03-19 13:22:20. It has garnered 7699 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Today we are going to play minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraft #shorts ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram🧡: @fersse77 Twitter💙: @fersse77 Tik Tok 🤍 : @fersse77 ———————————————– —————————– ——————— ————————————————– —– Contact information: [email protected] ———————————— —————————————- ———- ————————————————– —————- #minecraft #minecraftstories #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts Youtubers that I don’t copy (I inspire) are: Awita, Jardred, Bobicraft, danomc, minecraft 1.20, xturbo, minecraft animation, bobycraft, mcjardred, minecraft challenges, minecraft myths, minecraft… Read More

  • “INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft” 🪑🔥

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    "INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft" 🪑🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘is your Sofa Looking Like This? ||#shorts #minecraft || Voice Credit: Space antiquity’, was uploaded by Ultimate Edits07 on 2024-01-06 11:40:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Voice Credit: Space antiquity Design Credit: Space antiquity. Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Item OP AF – Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #Dreamsmp

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    Unbelievable: This Item OP AF - Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #DreamsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘This ITEM is stronger than CREATIVE MODE #minecraft #dream #dreamsmp #gaming #funny #tricks’, was uploaded by panso on 2024-05-24 04:47:42. It has garnered 2321 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. The stronger item in minecraft ——————————– Twitter: https://twitter.com/vibexmc Discord: https://discord.gg/zFTXnQqnJV Server: no sever Resource Pack: vanilla Will I add you as a friend?: hell no Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

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    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

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    Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘This combo was SO clean! ( 17 hits) !!#minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-21 21:34:09. It has garnered 630 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack : Minemanner.zip, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥

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    Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor forma de matar a los mobs en Minecraft! 🤔’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-05-31 02:00:16. It has garnered 97268 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

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    EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral’, was uploaded by TOKYO766 on 2024-02-14 03:40:07. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:08 or 428 seconds. I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral Testing CLICKBAIT Minecraft Traps That Are True 12:22 NOW PLAYING Spending 10,000 Rs. In Minecraft 💵 208K views 1 day ago MrGamerJay Background Music By Epidemic Sounds [This Video Is Editing By AG Media-https://bitly.ws/34GDd] New No Download , Click To Play Here has many girl games,… Read More

Minecraft, But Every Item is OP!