Minecraft But I Build With ONE COLOR The MOVIE! (All Episodes)

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It’s time for a color Challenge and as you can tell from my outfit today I can only build with the color pink to get started we’re gonna let a wheel spin make some decisions for us the wheel will decide plot size amount of rooms what rooms amount of floors and style

First we gotta see what our plus size will be this will kind of determine how big we have to build our options are 10 by 15 15 by 30 20 by 20 25 by 30 and 30 by 30. 10 is kind of small and 30 is kind of big so hopefully we get

Something in the middle 25 by 30. okay excuse me hello okay now let’s find out how many rooms this house will have it could be one or it could be ten let’s see what we get please don’t be one one giant room would be awful oh my

10. oh this is going great so far apparently I’m building a mansion today now let’s see what each room is gonna be our future house could have a living room a bathroom a kitchen bedroom dining room Library plant rooms storage room enchanting room oral portal room but

After the wheel makes a choice I’m not gonna remove that option from the list so we could end up with a giant pig Mansion full of 10 bathrooms that would be kind of weird but let’s see what the wheel decides okay we have to spend this

10 times our first room is gonna be plant room the next one will be a storage room third room is gonna be a dining room please don’t be a duplicate little room we’re getting really lucky so far there’s no duplicates I spoke too soon so far we have two plant rooms okay our

Seventh room is gonna be uh another Library okay please let our eighth room be something different it would be kind of nice to have a kitchen okay there’s only two spins left for this category our ninth room is gonna be another storage room the last room is gonna be a bedroom

Okay well this is an interesting house so far I’m a little scared to let the wheel choose this though we could have one floor or we could have five please be something simple like one or two please please This is gonna be perfect I’m so glad I didn’t get five floors but okay the last thing that the wheel is picking is style will our build be modern will it be fairy tale fantasy rustic Suburban cute or basic fairy tale this is gonna be perfect I made a giant Pink costly fairy tale house I used these light pink planks for the walls of the build dark pink planks for the roof I used the pretty dotted pink block for the floor inside and for these little castle bits and then these stone blocks were used for the base but

Yeah so this is the outside of the house and now it’s time to show you the inside this place is so cute but okay first you walk into this little entryway this isn’t really a room and I’m not counting it as a room it’s just a little entry

Space But as we walk inside you see the balcony up there and if you keep going this way um I’ve already kind of mentally prepared myself to wear all the rooms are gonna go that we spun for so I’m currently standing in the dining room even though the space is very open

I’m still calling it a dining room then back here in this Nook this is going to be the kitchen then because we have a lot of duplicates I want to use symmetry so this space and this space that are basically the same are both going to be libraries then these two front little

Baby Tower areas these are both going to be the plant room than if we go up this ladder here this space in the middle is going to be my bedroom and on either side we’re going to have storage rooms and this will be the portal room now

That you’ve seen the inside of this place to know where everything’s gonna go I think it’s time to start decorating for the kitchen we can start by placing down some counters we could put a sink in the middle and then um this is the only furnace that I have

I don’t know if it’s cheating to use this because there’s no pinking it oh wait if I light it up it’s pink [Applause] I totally forgot and my texture pack I’m pretty sure the fire is pink over on this side I’m gonna make a little makeshift refrigerator with a Pink Door

Above the counter we can add a bunch of cabinets and then over here we can add Islands what other pink things could we use in the kitchen there’s a pink candle item frames and what is this a pink lantern wait could I hang this above the island wait it’s something wait can we

Turn this on oh okay wait that’s cool but I don’t want the fences to connect hold on I have a post wait that’s cool I like it on the island we could add some pink item frames to pretend that they’re plates then with some pink trap doors we

Can fill out these Corners by adding some flower pots that I know are not pink but the flowers are pink so I think it’s okay I’m just gonna pretend that it’s not cheating and move on to the dining room in the middle of this space

I want to add some carpet to the floor just to break up the ground a little bit we could put a table in the Middle with some chairs surrounding it and then on the table we can add a cake with some more pink flowers look at this

This place is looking so cute I only did two spots and this house is already adorable now for these libraries I feel like I’m gonna cheat a little bit the wheel didn’t give us a living room so I want to put some sofas in here first let’s put a fireplace over here I

Unfortunately don’t have any pink flamed fireplaces so we are gonna have to use the regular campfire on the fireplace mantel we can add some more pink flowers then in front of the fireplace we can add some sofa chairs some small tables and some pink lamps now since these

Blocks are very large I was thinking that we could use these smaller pink ones when you place them they don’t have books on them but if you click on them and add your own books they appear one Library down one to go foreign Now for these plant rooms I kind of just want to spam pink flowers all over the place first we can do something like this to display our peonies we could add some pink beams to this space that way we can hang a bunch of pots and fill

Them with different pink saplings we can make shelves out of some more of these trap doors for more plants we could put plants on the floor we could add some cozy cushions and then some Blossom leaves foreign floor is done it’s time to go upstairs to decorate a bedroom two storage rooms

And a portal room It has been done my pink house is complete as you saw earlier this is the outside of the build and now when you walk inside I actually did put a little Decor in the entryway even though it’s not a room I just needed a little something but as you keep walking in

You’ll find the dining room area with our pink table and chairs cake flowers and lights back here we have the kitchen on the right end on the left we have matching libraries in the front we have two plant rooms so there’s one on this side and another on this side then if we

Go up the ladder over here we have the bedroom in the middle a big carpet on the floor and the creeper plushie and then for the storage rooms since I didn’t have any pink chests I decided to make them kind of like giant closets so here we have one storage room full of

Drawers shelves and closets we have a matching one on the other side and then over here we have the portal room well what do you think do you like it Minecraft but I can only build with the color purple last week I did this challenge with the color pink so if you

Haven’t seen that yet make sure to go check it out and let me know in the comments which color you’re most excited to see me do next just like last time we’re gonna let a wheel spin make some choices for us so let’s go spin to see

What we get first up is plot size are we gonna get a tiny 10 by 15 plot size or a large 30 by 30 plot size 20 by 20. I can work with that next we get to find out how many rooms are going to be in this

House last time I got 10. so let’s see what we get this time the whale has been spun and it’s gonna pick hey I like that number that’s a good number but now what will each room be since we got eight rooms that means we have to spin eight

Times and it looks like our first room is a bedroom our next room is gonna be a plant room our third room is gonna be an enchanting room the fourth room is gonna be another planet why do we always get plant rooms I mean I’m not complaining I love plant rooms

But come on this is our fifth wheel spin no more duplicates I’m only accepting one this time our fifth room is gonna be a storage room okay for our sixth room we’re gonna get a kitchen our seventh room is gonna be a bathroom and our

Vinyl room is going to be a living room this is gonna be fun we got some different options than last time besides the two plant rooms we did get two plant rooms last time but this time we actually have a bathroom a living room and an enchanting room now that we know

What rooms are gonna be in the house it’s time to find out how many floors it’ll be please don’t be five please don’t be five three hmm that’s not awful but now our final spin will tell us what the exterior style of the house will be

Our purple house is gonna be built it’s a cute style oh I’m so excited okay it’s time to build a 20 by 20 three-story home with eight rooms that looks cute Foreign this house is adorable does it remind you of anything if you know you know and if you do know then let me know your guess in the comments below but yeah so this is the exterior of our super Q2 toned pastel purple house I used some striped purple blocks some dotted purple

Blocks we have some beautiful star windows and we have two entrances I was able to fit this house in the 20 by 20 space at the wheelchairs only slightly getting close to the border on the front here and the back like last time so as you enter the house you’ll see on the

Left side we have more stairs to get upstairs that way you can get upstairs from the inside and don’t always have to go outside next to the stairs I marked this area out as the storage room and across from this I marked this space as the bathroom but now that I’m looking at

It I think I might swap those two let’s just change this to storage and this the bathroom over here we have the kitchen area then there’s a space over here and a space over here with a star window that I was thinking could both be plant

Rooms then as we go upstairs on the left we have a room that could be for enchanting this big open area could be the living room and then this will be the bedroom just to clarify I know the wheel spun for a three level house so I’m counting this bedroom area as the

Third floor because I was gonna build a basement but I forgot that I was playing in a flat world and I can only dig down three blocks so instead of digging down I built up a little bit okay well now that you’ve seen the empty house tour

It’s time to decorate starting with the storage room even though this is a very small space I think I could still make it look cute first we need some of these cupboards then I found these really cute purple crates that we could use since I don’t have any purple chests I could put

Another crate over here and then in the middle we can add some of these kitchen drawers that actually open look wait did you see that it was so fast foreign but on top of these covered closet type pieces I was thinking we could add a bunch of these shelves going all the way

Across we could add some purple outer frames to the back wall and then I want to display a bunch of purple stuff now I know this entryway is not on the list of rooms to decorate but I can’t just leave it empty we could just add a fun little

Carpet then against this wall we could add a table with a plant a purple potion a purple lamp and we could add a purple wall decoration then to give the space just a little more detail I want to add some slabs over the doorway with some fences now for the bathroom because we

Have like three different Nooks I was thinking that that could be perfect for three different bathroom things so in this Nook we could add a sink with the mirror and this area we can use some trap doors to make a purple tub and then through this doorway I was thinking that

We could add some kind of little getting ready vanity area for this tub we’re gonna have to fill it up with some water better than this purple button could be the spout where the water comes out for the toilet we can use an upside down stair with the trap door this button

Could be the toilet paper and then I want to get rid of this torch add a purple light to the ceiling and then we could add some fuzzy purple carpets now for the kitchen I want to use these really cute counters that I found normally I would use these ones from the

Mr Crayfish furniture mod but these ones are so adorable and basically if you don’t know in the texture pack that I use Crimson is this light purple color and this is what a crimson stem looks like so the outside is light brown with these purple Speckles and the inside is

Purple and that’s what makes the planks and the mod that I’m using for some furniture pulled those colors and made this so we have the purple planked siding of the counter with the cute little polka dots on top now obviously this entire wall can’t just be counters

In the middle we can add our sink on the left we could add this cupboard that I’m pretending is a refrigerator and then on the right I want to out of furnace but because it’s not purple we’re going to camouflage it with trap doors above the

Counter I want to add a bunch of cabinets and then again I want to take more of these counters to make an island above the island I want to make those pretty lights that I did in the pink house so we could start by adding some

Purple posts and then we can hang these purple lanterns because I don’t really have any purple food I found whatever this is in my hand so I’m just going to place down this clear item frame and pretend that it’s some kind of purple snack for some added decoration we could

Pretend that this purple pillow is like a dishcloth or something and then we can add some purple plants speaking of plants it’s time to decorate the plant room since this room is smaller than that room I was thinking that we could just add two chairs for a

Tiny seating area and then we can fill the rest of the room up with plants before we do that though I do want to add a bit of this to the floor then we can add some flower pots here and then because all of my Crimson nether stuff

Is this light purple color the Weeping Vines look like this aren’t they so cute they got little purple mushrooms on them oh you know what else we need purple petal particle effects from the purple Blossom leaves we just hang a bunch like this on the ceiling we should see the

Petals falling adorable but okay now in these plant pots I was thinking we could add some Crimson fungus this pretty lavender plant this Blossom sapling and some Crimson roots for the other plant room I was thinking about adding a little desk area to the space and I found this adorable piece of furniture

That I really want to use and turn into a somehow like that in front of the desk we can have a stool above the desk we can add a bunch of trapdoors to be shelves for plants we can add some more shelves for plants in these corners and

I kind of really want to add a grass carpet yes I may have gotten a little carried away with the amount of plants that I put in this room but it looks so pretty imagine working at this desk every day you could just sit here surrounded by all the

Plants it probably smells amazing just don’t think about all the bugs that are probably in here for the enchanting room I obviously want to add a lot of bookshelves but because mine not exactly purple I first want to add a bunch like this actually wait look there are some

Purple books on these bookshelves never mind but I want to make them more purple so let’s just stack up a few like this and then on top of them we could use this Frame trap door to make it look like the tops are purple that actually looks kind of cute but now you’ve

Probably noticed that I didn’t put purple Tops on all of the bookshelves that’s because we need to have space for purple candles and then I was thinking on this shelf we could have a purple item frame with an enchanted book because the book itself may not be

Purple but the enchantment kind of is now obviously this isn’t an enchantment room without an enchanting table let’s place this down in the middle of the room maybe we can add some carpet and cushions to sit on and then we can add some more hanging Vines over in the

Living room I added a new window because I did not like the plane wall that was here I also added a light above the stairs and I didn’t show you this but earlier I added an armor stand by the front door with some purple armor on it just because

Um I don’t know I thought it was cool but anyway back to the living room I want to put a sofa right in front of the star window and then across from this sofa we can have two smaller sofas behind the sofa I want to add some

Tables that way we could add a purple lamp and another purple plant surrounding the star window I want to add a bunch of these purple bookshelves we could add some cushions on the floor and then on the ceiling we can add some more purple lights also just like I did

To the door downstairs I want to add a little more detail by adding some slabs and fences previously in the bedroom this window did not exist and neither did this indent but I added those two things because symmetry though obviously this block right here is actually the

Ceiling to the room next door so I can’t have two windows well that’s okay I could use it for something else starting with the bed we can use some wool as a headboard obviously we’re going to be using a purple bed then because I like

To hide the legs of the bed we’re just gonna to surround it with some slabs and change these to wool on either side of the bed I want to add these two dressers that way we can have some lamps surrounding the bed we could add some carpet in this area across from the

Window we could just add a couple more plants and then over here in these awkward Corners I was thinking that we could add two of these kind of closet pieces and then for fun we could add some banners it’s done the purple house building challenge is complete let’s go

On a tour starting on the bottom floor we have the entryway that just has a few little decorations to fill out the space on the right we have our storage room which is so small but it’s also really cute across from the storage room we have the bathroom and yes I know that

You can see through the door into the bathroom which we’re pretending it’s a solid purple door but anyway in the bathroom we have a sink over here with a mirror we have a toilet a tub that I actually don’t think I could get it can

I I’m gonna make this work what if I just it works okay get me out of here next to the tub we have this cute little getting ready vanity area and that’s about it for the bathroom over in the kitchen we have some beautiful hanging purple lights an island with a mystery purple

Snack on the table then we have the usual kitchen stuff like some cabinets counters a fridge and a sink to the right of the kitchen we have a really pretty plant room with a giant star window then across from there we have another plant room but this one has a

Cool fuzzy grass carpet rug a million plants and a desk then if we go upstairs the first room on the left is our enchanting room and I did add a dragon head to the space because well he’s got some purple bits and I also just think

It looks really cool in here we keep going this way we’ll enter the living room with our couches and our books this is the other way that she would get outside and then up here we have the bedroom it is time I have seen all the comments so for today’s color challenge

We’re building with blue before we can start building there are just a few things we have to let the wheel decide it’s no fun if I get to pick everything our first category for the wheel to pick is plot size previously we got 20 by 20

And 25 by 30 but today we’re gonna get 15 by 30. now we get to find out how many rooms we have to decorate I really hope we never get one one would be so boring please don’t be one eight rooms that’s what we got last time now that we

Know the amount of rooms what will actually be in them I saw some comments suggesting that I should add some more rooms to the list of rooms so adding on to what we already have we could possibly get a pet room a theater a music room a gaming room a walk-in

Closet or an aquarium we got eight rooms so we spent eight times the first room is gonna be a pet room the second room is gonna be a library the third room is gonna be a kitchen the fourth room is gonna be a bathroom the fifth room is gonna be a

Bedroom the sixth room is gonna be a gaming room the seventh room is gonna be a walk-in closet and the final room is gonna be a living room let’s stop this is actually so fun we got three of the new rooms added to the list besides the regular house things that we normally

Build this time we get to make a pet room a gaming room and a walk-in closet now the real question is how many floors is this house gonna have the first time we did this color challenge we got a two-floor house last time we got a three

Floor house so why do I feel like we’re gonna get four floors this time please stop before please don’t be four please don’t be four it’s four I told you I just had a feeling and that’s what happened anyway our final spin will tell us the style

Modern okay well it looks like I’m building a modern house in a 15 by 30 pot that has four floors this is gonna be interesting Foreign this took a while but I found a way to make it work without it looking like an apartment trust me I tried this a few times and I kept getting something like this but Tada welcome to my modern split level since modern is a very clean style

I only use two blocks for the entire house I used this solid Blue Block for the walls and these blue flakes for the floors and the roofs oh and I was also lucky to have some blue leaves in my game so I can make some modern outdoor

Plants anyway here is the outside of the build it’s uh it’s basically many squares squished together but I think that’s modern and it just so happens to fit perfectly in the 15 by 30 plot now when we go inside we are greeted with well there’s kind of a lot going on one

There’s a lot of glass everywhere because I don’t know I think a lot of glass is modern and two because this is a split level four level home we have a bunch of stairs and little spaces obviously this is the entryway where you can take four different paths if we go

Down to the left we’ll find that the gaming room and Library share this space through the doorway next to the main stairs is the bathroom through the doorway on the right we have a bedroom and then through this doorway we have a walk-in closet I actually left a space

Open here as well so you could access the bathroom from the closet or the main hallway not that anyone actually lives here and has to pee in Minecraft but you know realistically I thought this layout made the most sense now back towards the entryway and up the stairs to the left

We have a kitchen then above the kitchen we have this little lofted space that I thought would be perfect for a pet room since the pet room requires a bit of climbing to get to I was thinking that we could have a bunch of cats up here

But we’ll do that later lastly if we head down the ladder and go up these stairs we’ll find the living room that has two fancy balconies but okay now that we know the layout of this place it’s time to decorate starting with the living room instead of doing fluffy

Couches like I normally do I want to keep it really simple and modern with these now unfortunately these don’t Connect into a big sofa like these ones do so instead we can make this like a fancy formal modern sitting room okay let’s see let’s get rid of that we want

To Center this on the wall like this we could have a table in the Middle With a Blue Lamp on top and we could mirror that on this side well obviously the space in between these chairs is kind of awkward so we could either ride a carpet

In the middle or we can add a big table with carpet around it that’s not bad though it is kind of weird that um there’s no carpet under the table I can’t physically fit any there so we’re just gonna pretend that we don’t see that since this wall is pretty bare I

Did find two things that we could potentially decorate it with we have a box with a plant in it or a clock so we could do something like this or clocks I actually like them both the plants are nice but the clocks could be like one of those modern wall features that displays

Different time zones ones now that this part of the room is done we need something over here I have these cute Cubbies that have blue baskets in them that we can use as like a decorative table area we have these pretty blue candles a blue orchid plant and then we

Then we have these really looking modern pots now for the kitchen I’m actually kind of excited because I found these look how pretty that counter is I don’t think I’ve ever used this ones before look at those modern counters they’re beautiful but we can’t just leave it uh

Like that we need to break this one so we can have a fridge then we’ll break these two so we can have a double sink and over here we can add a furnace and I know it’s not blue so I’m gonna cover it with some trap doors and if somebody

Wants to use it they’ll just have to open it but above here we are gonna add some wall cabinets and then as I always do we’re gonna add an island we’ve got an island some little blue bar stools and some plates now to fill in these empty spaces I was thinking about

Taking an untraditional approach to a kitchen table so instead of having like a big table since we um we don’t actually have room for that we can have a tiny table over here and another one over here it’s kind of weird but it’s also kind of cool moving on to the

Gaming room I it would be really cool if we made a dual PC gaming setup with a console gaming area in the middle we could put a desk over here a desk over here and then obviously we’re gonna add a PC here’s what here’s two then each

Desk can have a monitor with a keyboard and a mouse and we can also add some chairs in the middle of this giant empty wall I want to add a TV for the console games I know the TV is not blue but we have no choice we have to use it also

This TV is actually really small so we’re just gonna uh add a bunch of them so we can have a giant TV on either side we could decorate with those plant boxes that I found earlier and then below the tv we’ll just add like a little drawer

Unit and now I could add a couch to this space but I feel like it could be way more cozy if we added a plush carpet on the floor with some pillows okay now because the gaming room and the library kind of share the same space I mean I

Did add this to kind of Define each area but I want to separate it more and I just thought of the coolest idea first we’re gonna break up the wall a little bit so we can add a bunch of bookshelves and then I want to mirror this on the

Other side I’m probably wondering what the heck I’m doing but just wait wait wait wait it’s gonna be so cool we’re gonna fill in the rest of this wall so that everything is even then we can add some chairs with some tables in the middle some lamps of course and then

We’ll add some wall decor We’ll add some plant boxes and some item frames so it kind of looks like a gallery wall in the middle of the room we can add a carpet and then along this back wall we can add a fireplace now you’re probably thinking Catherine

That’s a really nice library but how are you getting into the gaming room well with the power of my texture pack we have secret doors look at how cool this is it they look like bookshelves but they’re not so now when you walk into the house it looks like very nice very

Modern oh a fancy library and then bam secret gaming room for the bathroom I’m just gonna keep it simple by adding a bunch of counters along this wall then we can break this one and this one to have some sinks we could add some mirrors and then these cute soap

Dispensers across from the vanity I want to add a toilet in a tub but I don’t have a blue tub or toilet so we’re gonna have to use stairs and trap doors again beautiful on to the bedroom you know I don’t decorate ceilings that often and this ceiling looks like it could be

Decorated huh that looks kind cool instead of a feature wall we have a feature ceiling but okay for the rest of this room I found these bedside tables that I thought were cool and modern between those we can add some slabs for our headboard then we can just add three

Blue beds and three blue slabs on each of these nice stands we can go ahead and add some blue lamps and then above them I want to add some more of these plant boxes on this back part of the bed we could just add some blue plants and now

We can add a carpet for the walk-in closet I actually just got rid of the window that was over here and I added a small one on that wall that way we can use this whole area for closet space I’m thinking we could add some drawers over

Here on the ends we could have some cupboards next to that we could have these shelves then in the middle we can add a really big mirror like this and we can make it look like one big built-in unit by adding some slabs on top over

Here I was able to break a few blocks so we could have some more shelves in the corners we could add some little benches so that we can sit and put our shoes on and then in the corners we can have some armor stands no that’s done there’s only

One more room to decorate but that room we could have some platforms above the window for cats to climb on we can make some cute kitty trees out of these tables we can add a water bowl over here in case they get thirsty and over here

We can add a fish bowl in the middle of this space we can add a carpet and then we need toys with this invisible item frame we can have some string on the floor and then we can add a creeper plushie this room is adorable and now

All it needs is some cats you know what’s funny I actually have a blue cat in my texture pack what are the odds of us getting a blue cat on our first spoon egg honestly probably really low but let’s try what oh my gosh she’s already using the kitty tree

Another one hello friend oh you know we need blue collars well now that we have some cute blue cats our modern split level home is complete as you saw earlier this is the outside of the house and as we go inside you’ll first see this awesome entryway

Down to the left we have a library with a bunch of books in the fireplace behind the secret bookshelf door we have a gaming room then across from the library we have the bedroom with a fun ceiling a blue bed and blue decorations of course next to the bedroom we have the walk-in

Closet with our blue armor and our clothes on our shelves then through this door we have the bathroom with our sinks our soaps our toilet our tub and if we keep going this way we end up in the main hallway upstairs and to the left we have our modern kitchen with our Island

And our weird little uh fibbles up here we have the living room and then at the top of this ladder we have the pet room well that’s the entirety of this blue house what do you think do you have a favorite room Minecraft but I can only

Build with green this if you’ve been following the series and you probably know that before we build we have a wheel to spin the wheel decides things like plot size the amount of rooms what rooms we’ll have in the house the amount of floors and style first up is plot

Size what are we gonna get this time 30 by 30 that is the biggest option next the wheel will decide how many rooms we’re getting will it be one will it be two three four five six seven eight nine or ten ten rooms I think the wheel hates me

We’ve only spun twice so we’ve already gotten the largest plot in the most rooms what the heck I just realized that to find out what rooms we’re gonna have to spend 10 times okay let’s try to speed through this room number one an aquarium number two a bathroom number three

A pet room number four a plant room number five a bedroom number six a kitchen number seven a library number eight a theater number nine another plant room and number 10 a dining room the dreaded floor spin our options are one through five previously

We had two three and four so if I get five this time I will cry I really don’t want to make a house that tall can I have something nice like the number one okay that made me happy but okay final spin is style will we get modern fairy

Tale fantasy rustic superb and cute or basic Suburban okay looks like I’m building a 30 by 30 one-floor Suburban house with 10 rooms Behold a green Suburban from time lapse you may have noticed that I used a green wood for the uh window shutters and these little front porch posts but uh after showing my bill to some people I was told that it looked like a cabin and

The cabin is not the vibe so I swapped the wood for these solid light green shutters and they also added some brick to these front posts that I think looks great either way this is the house I think it’s really cute and I actually found the inspiration for it on a house

Plan website so as we enter the home on the left we’ll have the dining room on the right will be the bathroom then walking into this open space will have a kitchen over here and a library over here right off of this space we have our

First plant room at the end of this hallway we have this second plant room along with the bedroom and the pet room and then across from here we’ll have an aquarium and a theater starting with the center of the home let’s decorate the kitchen we can put some counters and

Cabinets on this back wall right here then I want to get rid of the middle one to replace it with a sink we can get rid of this one to pretend we have a fridge and if you’ve been following this color series then you’ve probably picked up on

The fact that I’ve been disguising furnaces with trap doors so that we can pretend that it’s actually the color it’s supposed to be but someone in the comments mentioned that it also kind of looks like a dishwasher and I love that so today our kitchen officially has a

Dishwasher across from there we’ll add a little island with some bar stools of course and then above the island we’re adding lamps beautiful now since the wheelspin didn’t give us a living room I’m pretending that the library is a living room of course we’ll have lots of bookshelves

For books actually we could fill this entire wall with bookshelves that might be a little excessive but I’m gonna do it anyway it’s a lot of books better okay over here we can add a sofa over here we can add a sofa and then on the ends of both

We could add some tables with lamps now I want to add a coffee table and I know this isn’t entirely green but it has a green plant on it look at this isn’t that so cute now all we need is a Little Green carpet and this library is

Complete moving on to the dining room uh the space is kind of small so let’s see how we’re gonna make this work we could start by adding a little table right in the middle of this space then we can have three chairs here and three chairs

Here oh that’s gonna bug me if you look at the dining room from this way like it looks fine but from this way it’s not centered in this space okay it’s fine we’re making a smaller dining room table no big deal this is much better now

Above the table we obviously have to add some more of these lamps maybe we can add a bit of carpet under the table we could have some fancy plants some decorative wall boxes I know on the table we can have some candles while I was looking for decorations for the

Dining room I found apples there’s a little bowl of green apples in the kitchen I love it but okay time for the bathroom in the bathroom I want to put the sink over here on the wall we could have a mirror of course we need some vanity lights we could add a candle

Over here some soap over here and on this wall we’re gonna have a toilet now I know you’re probably thinking Catherine your toilet is in front of a giant window well yes yes it is anybody coming to visit this house could um very easily see you but look what I found

We have blinds look at how cool this is they actually open and close so now when someone’s coming to visit your home they cannot see you pee it’s time to decorate a plant room plant room number one to be specific let’s start by getting rid of

These torches and since this is um well very narrow space we’re gonna keep it real simple we’ll put a chair here we’ll put a chair there we’ll add a little bit of carpet and then fill the rest of the space with plants foreign Moving on to this awkwardly long bedroom we’ll start by placing a bed under the window now I know this is a white bed but look I have green sheets that is so cute next to the bed we’ll add some dressers with lamps to break up this

Space we can add a bit of carpet to the middle of the room and then we can create a small seating area now since this Build Challenge is green that means we need a green pet through the pet room hehe hello Mr slime oh that’s a that’s a very

Large slime I probably should have spelled him in after I decorated the room but that’s okay I want to know what happens if I replace the floor with a green trampoline slime’s already very bouncy but will this make him extra bouncy hi I’m just gonna I’m just gonna

Scooch on in here don’t mind me go over there he’s jumping on the trampoline stop I’m gonna jump with you oh my gosh look at us jumping on our trampoline this is adorable this is so cute okay wait I need to stop jumping stop jumping

Okay I think our slime pet is in a forever jump Loop and well I apologize to you um maybe um I should make it a little less trampolini and just uh surround the trampoline with some slime there we go that’s a little bit better now on the

Wall we can add a bunch of slime balls for him to play with and I don’t really know what slimes eat I don’t think they do eat but if they did today the diet is green there you go you can have a watermelon and a cabbage we might have a

Problem to get the Slime to spawn I had to change my game for peaceful to easy and well well um now there’s just slimes everywhere hello everybody well it’s a good thing they’re green back to decorating I’m just gonna grab all these plants that I used before and

We’re gonna decorate our second plant room this time we could put the taller plants at the ends of the room them like this and then in the middle here I want to create a table so let’s just add some trapdoors like this that way we can display these potted plants on top now

Of course we’re gonna need some hanging plants so we can add a chain and some flower pots over here and then maybe to make this plant room a little more different than the other one we get out of grass carpet moving on to the aquarium

Um I don’t think we have any green fish in Minecraft and at least I don’t have any mods that add green fish into Minecraft so I was thinking the weekend of a turtle aquarium since we don’t have any green sand we could use green concrete powder as the floor so let’s

Just break all of this up and replace it with the concrete powder over on this side we could add a bunch of water oh my gosh I forgot that that does that actually that looks kind of cool so we got a little bit of sand a little bit of water

Um I do want to add some lights over here we’re definitely gonna have to add a fence we can bone meal under the water actually you know what instead of this fence I just want to have glass okay final thing I don’t remember what turtles eat but I’m covering this wall

With kelp now the last room that we have to decorate is the theater room over here on this wall we can add a giant TV we could place some vertical slabs underneath it so it kind of looks like a little console table over here we can

Add a bunch of couches like this then in between a few of them we can have these little tables that I really want to put popcorn on but uh there is no green and this unfortunately but you know what there is green in regular corn whatever

Comes to watch movies in here we’ll have to eat this delicious now because I don’t have any speakers that are green I’m gonna pretend that these trapdoors are speakers and then on top of these bigger areas we could have some lights that’ll dim during the movie well now

That all the rooms have been decorated it’s time for a tour as we saw earlier this is the outside of the house with um all of our new slime friends then as we go inside on the left we have our adorable dining room on on the right we

Have our bathroom with the sink the toilet and our blinds so that nobody can see us over this way we have our kitchen across from that we have our library with a thousand books next to the library we have our first plant room with some cute little chairs and plants

Everywhere then down this hallway we have our turtle aquarium hello oh there’s a baby yeah hello little baby turtle up goodbye the aquarium looks empty but it’s not they’re just swimming right now a grouse from the turtle aquarium we have our movie theater with our corn then down this way we have our

Slime pet room who’s uh still kind of jumping on the trampoline over here we have our bedroom with our bed and a seating area and at the very end we have another plant room so how did I do dandelions hay bales Coral Bells and beehives what do they all have in common

They’re yellow and yellow is the only color I can build with in Minecraft let’s go find out what kind of house we’re building today our beautiful rainbow wheel will decide plot size amount of rooms what rooms I’m not a floors and style starting with the plot

Size the wheel will give us 15 by 30. now how many rooms will be in this house this time the wheel will decide okay but what will each room be our first room is a bathroom our second room is a kitchen for the third room the wheel will give us

A bedroom next we’ll have a storage room the fifth room in this yellow house is gonna be a pet room the sixth room is gonna be a living room and our final spin is gonna give us a portal room now how many floors will this house have will it be short or will

It be tall the wheel will give us ew I love the number two but okay the final spin is style this time our house is gonna be sick okay the wheel has decided today we’re building a basic two floor house on a 15 by 30 plot with seven rooms Um okay now when I think of basic I think of less detail so instead of stairs and slabs for a roof I just use full blocks but yeah so this is the house usually I’m not the biggest fan of the color yellow but this is actually kind of cute

Probably because uh I’ve been a giant star window above the entrance but anyway let me show you around starting on the right side of the build we have some stairs over here that go up to this like top deck porch kind of area balcony thing uh the words are hard but I was

Thinking that this could be a really cool portal room area I know it’s not an enclosed space kind of room but I have a fun idea for it that might be kind of cute so uh yeah this is where the portal is gonna go then if we head back down

This way and go inside this is what we see so on the left this is gonna be a kitchen I forgot to add some windows that’s my bad I’ll fix that but yeah this will be the kitchen and then I figured our storage room could be right

Off of the kitchen kind of like a pantry across from the kitchen will have a living room and then right off of this living space will be a bathroom then if we go up the main stairs this is gonna lead us to a pet room and then over here

Is the bedroom look at the cute little balcony we can like look out over the whole house I don’t know I think that’s cool but okay I think this time I want to start decorating outside well kind of outside it is outside we’re going over there to the portal room now because the

Color I have to build with is yellow um I’m obviously not going to use a regular nether portal we’re gonna make a pretend portal it’s not gonna be a functioning real portal but it’s gonna be yellow also the reason why I want to put this room over here is because I

Want to use these Sunny Blossom saplings I don’t know what this looks like but I’m hoping it’s cute I had this idea to plant a tree and then have like a portal come out of the tree or something like that first of all I’m gonna need to temporarily um make this grass

Way we can grow this tree and hope that it’s tall oh whoa that’s so cute but we’re gonna have to change the color of these logs look what I found I was looking for yellow things um for a pretend portal and yes we obviously have yellow glass but we also

Have yellow crystals and these glow there’s also a full block and it gives off magical particle effects oh this is perfect uh okay I did a thing I don’t know if it’s a good thing but um I made this it’s it’s like a magical yellow tree portal thing uh I don’t know

It’s kind of cool I added a bunch of these crystals everywhere put some fuzzy carpet on the ground and I also brought some of the leaves down from the tree to make it look more like fancy what do you think I kind of like her magical portal

Tree it’s mysterious but okay time to decorate the inside for the kitchen we can start by adding a bunch of counters but this time I want to kind of loop it around a little bit like this then instead of this one in the middle we

Could have a sink next to that we could have our pretend stove or dishwasher on the right we could have a fridge and then on top of that we can have some cabinets on either side I thought it could be fun to add some shelves and in

The middle of the room we can add an island some stools and the buff we can add some lights over by the sink we could add some carpet we could pretend these gold pressure plates are actual plates then over here we could have some flowers a

Bowl of golden apples and on the island we can have a banana an egg and a wheel of cheese now if you noticed I did do a little something under the stairs because I had this awkward little space it’s not a room it doesn’t count as a

Room in the house but like it was just a weird spot so I did go ahead and add some drawers a lamp a clock and a flower moving on to the storage room that I’m gonna be pretending is a pantry to our kitchen we can start by adding some

Drawers along this wall some drawers over here then on top of these drawers we can add a bunch of these cupboards above the cupboards we could add some slabs and then above the slabs we can add some bookshelves we could add a little bit of carpet on the floor and

Then in these two Open Spaces we could add a bunch of garden frames for the living room we could put a TV on this back wall we could have some of these Yellow Basket cookies underneath and on top we could have some flowers and then surrounding this entertainment area we

Can have some bookshelves as you can tell from the post on the ceiling we’re gonna add some more lights on this wall we can display some pretty flower boxes and then we can add some couches between these two we can have some light yellow carpet and then because I don’t really

Have a lot of space for end tables and lamps I was thinking that behind this couch we could add a little drawer unit table that could hold our lamp we could have some pretty flowers on display and some candles for the bathroom I want to

Start by adding a mirror to the wall and below that we could have our sink and a little counter around the mirror we obviously have to have our vanity lights over by this wall we can make a tub out of some trap doors again add a button

For the faucet and then fill the tub with water okay again because I don’t have any colored toilets we’re gonna have to pretend that we have a colored toilet by using an upside down stair and a trap door we’ll pretend this button is toilet paper a lot of carpet by the sink

And of course because there’s windows in here we gotta add some blinds now the bottom floor is done there’s only two rooms left to decorate first we’ll work on the pet room and then we’ll finish with my bedroom for the pet room I wanted to add some hay bales in the

Corner over here and over here then on the floor we could just mix match a bunch of different carpets together we could put a food bowl over here a yellow creeper plushie over here and then we can spawn in our sheep hi hi it’s it’s going to be a little beautiful

Fluffy friend your room is up here hi one second uh hello what’s the bathroom come here silly you couldn’t explore the house later you can go outside but for now I want you to see your new bedroom oh my guys look at my little yellow sheep here be free are you

Having fun sitting on your Creeper toy is that what you think of creepers just gonna put your butt in your face yeah nice well anyway on to the bedroom first we can add a dotted yellow headboard under the star window then we could put a bed in the middle surrounded by some oh

Hello did you want to hang out with me in here I’m gonna cry my little sheep friend wants to hang out with you you are so adorable ah I love you but okay hold on we gotta finish doing this gonna put some slabs around the bed then on either side we can have

A bedside table with a lamp instead of doing dressers in here because I feel like that might take up too much space we could just have some bookshelves on either side of the bed and then I actually really like the mix matched carpet over in my sheep’s little pet

Room so all around the bed we can do that too on this back part of the bed we can add a little yellow dandelion flower and I want a yellow creeper plushie too what do you think did I do a good job yeah I do like it

Thank you oh you’re gonna go you’re gonna go now okay bye okay well now that I’ve finished decorating the yellow house it’s time for a tour starting on the outside of the build this is what it looks like if we go to the right we have our amazing beautiful mysterious and

Magical yellow portal room as we go inside on our left we have our kitchen with um our bananas and our eggs and our cheese next to the kitchen we have our storage room Pantry area with all of our food and yellow blocks under the stairs we have this little bonus area across

From the kitchen we have the living room and I actually really like this one I really like these little cubby boxes and the books going around the TV we’ve got some plants on the wall some cute yellow couches and a bunch of other yellow Decor right off the living room we have

Our yellow bathroom with the essentials like toilets and steaks and bathtubs then as we go upstairs we have my yellow sheep in their pet room and right next to that we have the bedroom if you’ve been following this color series I feel like it’s hard to pick a favorite house

At least for me every time I build one it’s like my new favorite even though I mentioned earlier that yellow isn’t my most favorite color I actually really like this house let me know what you think which house do you like the best so far Minecraft but I can only build

With the color orange so far we’ve kind of been making a backwards rainbow we’ve done pink purple blue green yellow and I would eventually like to do a rainbow house so if you want to see that then let me know in the comments but for now

We’ve got a wheel to spin our first wheel spin will tell us the plot size our options are 10 by 15 15 by 30 20 by 20 25 by 30 or 30 by 30. 20 by 20. now that we have a 20 by 20

Plot how many rooms do I have to fit in it hey now we get to see what each room will be room number one is a plant room room number two in the kitchen room number three is an enchanting room room number four will be a living room room number five is gonna

Be a portal room room number six as a library number seven is a bathroom and number eight is another library for the amount of floors the wheel is gonna pick ew and finally the wheel decide on Style Suburban all right it’s time to build a two-floor Suburban House in a 20 by 20

Plot with eight rooms Foreign Foreign We have an orange Suburban this house is so cute it reminds me of Cheeto dust but anyway here is the outside of the house as you can see it has like two sections a cute top floor window in the roof and a tiny front porch because the wheel

Gave us eight rooms and two floors I decided to keep this build simple and just put four rooms on the bottom and four rooms on the top so as we go inside you’ll see well the first thing of Sierra stairs that’s not the best view

But that’s where I had to put them okay so yes stairs are in the middle of the house but on either side we have two rooms over here and two rooms over here and it’s kind of the same upstairs too so basically this is going to be a

Library this is going to be the living room over here we’ll have the kitchen and this will be the bathroom now when we go upstairs we can either make a left or a right to get around but let’s start by going left to up I forgot to fill in

This part of the wall once I second there we go anyway this room is gonna be the portal room over here we’ll have a library this is where enchanting will be and the room with all the windows is the plant room starting with the bottom floor of this build let’s decorate the

Kitchen I’d like to add some lower cabinets under this window with a double sink in the middle on either side we could either pretend that we have one refrigerator or two refrigerators or one refrigerator and a taller Pantry I don’t know but I like the symmetry so we have

Two of these above all this we could add a bunch of wall cabinets and like the majority of my kitchen designs were at in an island Let’s see we could put four of these counters right in the middle and then instead of using these shorter stools like I normally do we can swap

Them out for the taller ones on the counter we could add these orange pillows um that I know are like floor cushions but we’re pretending they’re plates above the island we can add some lanterns for even more lighting then behind this area I’d like to add a small

Carpet by the sink and because it’s orange we can add a carrot this looks pretty cute but this side looks pretty empty and this might be weird but I kind of want to put like baby trees in here if we put some grass down in the corners

And surround them by trap doors they kind of look like giant orange plant pots and inside each of these we could add an orange post with some orange leaves to make baby trees I don’t know about you but I like it it helps to fill

Out the space and well it’s orange so it works moving on to the living room I want to make a spot for plants and knickknacks under this window we could start by adding this dresser drawer that I found and then if we add this to the

Left and this to the right it kind of makes a really cute Furniture unit on either end of this piece we could add some orange lamps and then in the middle we can add an orange flower and some orange creeper statues now since I don’t want to block this by adding a couch

Like right here let’s put two sofas facing each other this way between both of these we could break up the floor a little bit and now this week block to make a fun carpet for some extra seating we could add these little pillows to the

Ground and then to fill out some more of this space we’ll decorate the corners I’m not going to do anything too fancy so we’ll just add some slabs as floating shelves and then on these shelves we can add an orange plant with the banner hanging on the wall behind it and over

Here we can have another orange plant with a clock on the wall behind it now for the library you know what would be really fun since this is basically open to the living room and I didn’t put a fireplace in the living room we could have a fireplace on this wall in the

Library we will unfortunately have to get rid of these windows but we’re sacrificing them for The Vibes now let’s see if I type in stone will there be any fun blocks we could use for a fireplace I mean there’s ones like this but I’m being picky for no reason but look I

Like these but I don’t like the grout color is that dumb I just don’t think it looks good so instead of those we can use these that’s much better cute now instead of adding some more of these orange sofas proceeding in the library we can use these orange armchairs look at our

Look it out I love how they’re angled towards the fireplace oh it’s so cozy but okay should we add a carpet in here too to make it even more cozy yes yes we should okay now all we need to do is add a bunch of bookshelves and this Library will be complete

Just kidding I want to add one more thing I feel like the lighting is a little bit dark in here so let’s add some more floating shelves on this side and then we can add some lamps in the bathroom we could start by making some of these windows smaller actually I’m

Just gonna get rid of this one and then this one over here can be like this now on this wall we can have a double sink with some counters a little bit of carpet under the sink some mirrors above the sinks and then we can surround them with some vanity lights

Across from the sinks we could put a toilet in the corner and then instead of a tub we’re gonna add a shower so this could be the faucet then we could break up the ground right here so it’s like a different pattern for the shower maybe we can add another button to pretend

That there’s like dual shower heads and then we can encase this area in glass upstairs in the portal room I decided that I wanted to change things around a little bit mainly I want to get rid of this wall and I want to fix the roof I

Just feel like the ceilings are kind of high and awkward in here so we’re just gonna pretend that they don’t go up that high the wall is gone the roof is fixed now I just want to make this a little bit smaller and at a railing by the stairs

That looks better but now it’s time for portal stuff like the yellow house I decided that I want to make this portal out of Crystal blocks one because I glow too because they’re animated and three they have particle effects also I did not know this before but uh apparently

These Crystal blocks grow wait for it what I told you but we don’t want that there I decided that instead of another portal shape I want to do more of an End Portal shape so this portal is going to be on the floor so we’ll have these four

Crystal blocks in the middle and then I want to surround them by some orange wool slabs with a little piece of orange carpet in the corners like this let’s add some more slabs here add some more slabs here make them orange and then add some more carpet now to make this portal

Stuff a little more magical well actually as you can see this stuff is already like coming out of it but I want it to look like magic through up we could put a crystal sheets over here maybe an orange lantern we can have a big Crystal there a smaller piece of

Crystal there over here we can have another Lantern and then I’m just gonna keep spamming this stuff until I think it looks good a glowing orange portal now to make this room more interesting I’ve decided that this portal leads to the honey dimension in so obviously once

You get back from the high dimension you’ll want a place to store your honey luckily we have these really cool shelves to store all the honey from our trip we can even display some more fun items like some Honeycombs honeycomb blocks and honey blocks now since the

Space for the library upstairs is much larger than the one downstairs I want to make this feel like a proper Library not like a public library more like somebody’s really impressive collection of course we can start by lining these walls with a bunch of bookshelves we’ll have some more over here and then

Because we have so much space I want to have some bookshelves in the middle of the room like this and then on either end we can add some sofas to make these bookshelves look more impressive I want to line the tops of them with some slabs

And there we can make it look like there’s beams crossing over that’s pretty but okay now we gotta fill the room with stuff I was thinking it might be kind of cool if I get rid of a couple of these bookshelves that way we can display some sculptures I don’t know I

Feel like every impression the library has some kind of art on display especially art that has a light up of it that means it’s fancy and probably expensive Do you see this I think I’m in love this library is amazing but now it’s time to work on the enchanting room now I’m well aware that this is not exactly orange so we can kind of make it orange or at least cover it up with a little bit of

Orange like that behind the enchanting table We’ll add some bookshelf blocks which again I know they’re not orange but once I stack them up I can cover them at trout doors on the ground around the enchantment table we can add a bit of orange carpet and then all around the

Wall so we can add some shelves I could put a shelf here we could put a shelf here a shelf over here here here and here on all these shelves we can display some magical Enchanted items like some enchanted golden apples pumpkins orange dye and a ruin to finish off this space

We can just add a few more orange lanterns and then we have one more room to go Foreign Now that all the rooms are done let’s go in a tour as you saw earlier this is the outside of the house and now as we go inside to the right we have a kitchen with uh some pillow plates and a carrot next to the kitchen we have a bathroom

With a double sink and a shower across from the kitchen we have a really cool living room with a bunch of knickknacks and a fun carpet and next to this we have a small Library as we go upstairs you’ll find the portal to the honey Dimension next to that we have an even

Bigger Library full of books art and paintings over here we have a small enchanting room and finally we have a plant room what do we think think about the orange house do you have a favorite room Minecraft but I can only build with the color red let’s go see what our

Build options will be we’re going to be spinning a wheel for plot size brooms what rooms amount of floors and style what are you what do you get this time 10 by 15. that’s literally the smallest option oh no I’m scared how many rooms am I gonna

Have to fit in that space please don’t be ten this is literally so small seven okay I mean yay seven it’s not ten but it’s still a really big number okay let’s find out what each room will be room number one is a closet room number two there’s a kitchen room number three

It’s a dining room for room number four we’re gonna get a music room room number five this is a bathroom number six this is a bedroom and room number seven is a pet room but okay it is now time for the floor spin if I get five I’m

Gonna cry please be nice to me three I guess that could work but finally what’s the style gonna be basic okay today we’re building a basic house with three floors and seven rooms and a 10 by 15 plot good Our basic house is complete it looks so cute it’s also very blocky and blocky is basic so it works now if we fly around you’ll see the outside of the house this is what it looks like it is very red but now let me show you the inside as we

Enter on the left this first area is going to be for a kitchen over here we’re gonna have a dining room and then I made a basement because I didn’t want to make the house like super tall so if we go down the stairs this way this is

Gonna be a pet room and then down this uh really weird and awkward hallway we’re gonna have a bathroom now since this plot is so small I couldn’t really fit another set of stairs in here to go upstairs without it taking up too much space so

Instead of another set of stairs we have a ladder it may not be the most practical way of getting around your house but you know what it works so as we go up this ladder the first area is gonna be for the bedroom right here over

Here we’re gonna have the music room and this little space is gonna be for a closet well now that you know the layout of this place it’s time to start decorating I think I want to start on this middle floor then we could decorate the basement and then we can decorate

The upstairs starting with the kitchen I actually want to add a few more blocks so that everything is a bit more symmetrical it also helps divide the space a little bit so that the kitchen doesn’t just flow all the way into the dining room but in the kitchen we could

Add a couple of these drawers over here I actually want this one to be a sink and then this cupboard could be the fridge in the corner above this we can add some wall cabinets and to bring in some more light I would like to punch

Out these blocks and add a few more windows to help fill out this empty space I think it would be nice if we had some shelves above the cabinets and then in front of this area we can add an island at the island we obviously need

To have some bar stools to sit on hello and then on top of the counter we can use these red pillows as red plates and you can display a bowl of red apples like all my other houses above the islands I want to add some posts hanging

From the ceiling so that we can display our lanterns I love these lights which I think I think you know because I use them all the time but anyway I want to add a bit of carpet right in front as you first enter the house I also want to

Put some over here by the sink and then to add a little bit more red to the kitchen we could have some berries over here and some spices over here now I know that not all of those spices are red but uh at least one of them is so

It’s fine now because the wheel didn’t give us a living room or a library I’m putting bookshelves in the dining room I figured since we have like this air area by the window and like this little area actually wait that should also be a window one second

Since we have these two little areas I was thinking that we can just kind of decorate the space with some fun little things and some bookshelves and then have a dining table in the middle so on this side we can have a bunch of these red counters on this side we could have

A bunch of these red counters and then we could just surround the entire area with bookshelves now in the middle of this area we’ll place a small table we’ll surrounded by some of these red sofas even though I yes I could be using red chairs but I like the contrast of

This darker red against the lighter red so we’re using sofas on the table itself though we can add a few more of these pretend red plates and then above the table you guessed it more lanterns now that we’ve got the dining table figured out it’s time to decorate the bookshelves

As I make our way down to this lower level I was actually thinking that this wall looks a little bit plain so we could dress up these windows with some red banner curtains now as you know this rumor here is gonna be the pet room and

Because our color is red can you guess what our pet will be the first thing we have to do is get rid of this floor and replace it with mushroom blocks now that we have this we can just flap down a bunch of mushrooms everywhere we could

Put some mushrooms inside flower pots we could put a bit of carpet on the ground some food bowls over here a couple of red beds in the middle of the space a squishy red creeper plushie and finally our moose room oh my gosh look how cute

He is my little mushroom friend and I love you do you like your new room yeah is that a yes he loves it but okay you stay here and I’m gonna go decorate the bathroom for this bathroom I actually want to make another shower like I did in the orange house so we

Could do that by adding a bunch of glass panes just like this and then to separate the space a little bit we can add some fun tiles now all we need is a red button for a shower head and the shower is complete next to the shower

We’ll use an upside down stair and a trapdoor for our toilet and then over on this part of the wall we can add some counters the sink and a mirror on the floor by the sink we can add a bit of carpet and then we could also add some

Carpet by the shower too and then on the counter we’ll pretend that the red pillows are towels this time and the button over here is gonna be soap up hi oh what’s it uh uh moving on upstairs we’ve got a bedroom to decorate I don’t know why but

I love this room honestly actually it’s probably because of the skylights I love skylights but anyway for this space I thought it’d be perfect to Center the bed with the windows so we can have a little headboard back here with a couple of end tables on either side so we could

Have some lamps on the back of this bed we can add a bunch of flower pots to display some red tulips then in the middle we’ll have our bed we’ll surrounded by some slabs and then we can add some cozy pillows and Carpets on the floor there isn’t really uh much space for

Anything else in here I decided that over here we could have some item frames and inside of each one we can add some stairs which you might be asking why and well if we rotate them all the way around they look like hearts now because I don’t really have anything for a music

Room besides a note block and a jukebox and these two red music discs we’re gonna have to get creative with the Chisel and bits mod I made stuff first let me display the stuff that I didn’t have to make so we have some note blocks a jukebox and then we can add some item frames on the wall with our music discs now I know that these are not exactly red so like I’ve

Been doing throughout this series we’re gonna cover it up with some red trap doors now don’t make fun of me these instruments aren’t the most detailed things I’ve ever made in my life but look we red guitar a little red pan flute a triangle and a piano Actually the piano is pretty impressive I’m proud of myself for that one this one is cute this triangle however is questionable and the guitar is only two blocks thick because I just I didn’t really know what I was doing but anyway let’s put another guitar over

Here one over here one over here and maybe we can add another triangle over here this is actually so cool but I kind of want to know what these sound like I actually don’t know hold on hello can I have this all right I’m in creative mode it just

Disappeared one second what does this sound like oh this is cute okay what’s this one Okay that’s not how it goes but you know our final room to decorate for today is well the smallest one in the house and that’s because it’s a closet I know it’s probably uh kind of weird that I have a closet to the bedroom on the other side

Of a music room like I understand it’s kind of awkward but I couldn’t really put it anywhere else so this is just the way that it is because this space is so small I’m obviously Gonna Keep it really simple and we’re just gonna put some drawers on the bottom like this and then

On top we can add this cool wardrobe with some shelves on the side on the floor over here we can add a bit of carpets to make the space feel a bit more cozy and then I want to add an armor stand cute now that the rooms are

All done let’s go on a tour what the heck so here’s the outside of the house and as we go inside the first room we’ll see is the kitchen with all of our red food our red lights and red cabinets next to that we have our red dining room with

Our table and chairs as I go downstairs we’ll find our mushrooms room and then if we go past the mushrooms bedroom we’ll find the bathroom on the top floor of the house we have our red bedroom with our red bed of course some red flowers lamps carpets pillows and heart

Pictures then over here we have our music room with our custom made piano pant flutes triangles and guitars and then last we have the closet what do you think do you like the red house I think my favorite rooms are the music room in the mushroom room but what are your

Favorites Minecraft but I can only build with the color black like all my previous color videos before we get started we’ve got a wheel to spin alright first spin is for plot size this time we’re gonna get 25 by 30. now how many rooms do we have to build

Okay room number one is gonna be a living room room number two is a kitchen room number three this is the bathroom room number four there’s a storage room number five is a theater room number six is a gaming room number seven is a bedroom and our last room is

Another living room all right how many floors are we gonna get please be one or two please Pizza one or two we got to okay it’s time for our final spin what style are we gonna get that was almost fairy tale but we got modern all right it’s time to build a

Black modern house with two floors and eight rooms It is done well I mean it’s empty inside but you know what I mean this is our black modern house it’s basically like a um a giant rectangle because I looked up modern houses online and honestly they’re all basically rectangles so that’s why this looks like this I think

It’s cool though it has loads of Windows as you can see um but the outside is it’s pretty simple let me show you the inside I don’t know why but I actually really like the layout of this house basically when you walk in on the left we have the stairs

That go up to the second floor over here this entire area is going to be for the kitchen then through this opening this is going to be a storage room and over here is gonna be the bathroom now my favorite part about this house is actually right over there behind me but

You know how the wheel gave us two living rooms I was gonna separate the spaces but I decided I had to kind of put them together into one massive space it’s gonna count I know it’s technically one room but I’m counting it as two are you ready to see it This room is huge maybe it’s a bit excessive but I really like it there’s so many windows in here and also there’s a little balcony up there from the second floor looking down it’s beautiful but okay as we go up the stairs this way the first area is gonna be for the

Gaming room this over here is gonna be the theater and if we walk over this way the room with the balcony is the bedroom you know normally we’re decorating my houses like downstairs first and then upstairs but this time we’re decorating the bedroom first this is literally so

Perfect the furniture mod that I have has so many black furniture items look at this they’re fancy modern tables I wonder what it would look like with the lamps on it though okay but wait we need a fancy modern bed right there that’s black this is literally so perfect okay wait and then

We can add a bit nope a bit nope a bed sheet this is cute I don’t actually like how the lights go gray when they’re on though so I’m just gonna turn them off why am I not using fairy lights okay wait a second we have options we need

The crafting table we could either do regular lights or have stars and moons I love that oh stop that is so cute okay I want to put stars and moonlights everywhere I mean it might not fit the whole modern Vibe maybe it does I don’t know where else could I put them

Um maybe uh would it be weird if I just like kind of do that no I love it these are the cutest fairy lights I’ve ever seen in my entire life I think it would be nice to have a little black carpet go around the bed over here we can have

Some of these black cubby baskets we also have some of these smaller ones and then on them we can have some statues a cool lamp and can I individually place these Stars around let’s see if I stand here and Crouch can I place you stop wait okay why is it like a lollipop

Wait wait wait wait wait wait oh I’m gonna cry that’s so completely what does the moon look like Moon I I can’t right now I I love fairy lights but okay we also have a couple of plants that have black pots I don’t know if that’s cheating with the touch of

Green but I’m going to allow it I think it looks nice let’s put a couple more plants on the wall by the bed maybe we could put a clock over here and then in the corner we could add a laundry basket with a couple of pillows on the floor

Moving on to the theater room I want to start by raising up the floor a little bit with some blocks and slabs that way we can put some sofa chairs up here and then some lower over here because I don’t really like how flat these blocks

Look next to each other I want to add a couple of trap doors that kind of make it look nicer and then on the floor in the middle of the room we can add a carpet on the size of the room I want to add these little theater lights and then

Because I don’t really have any black speakers I’m gonna pretend that these wall boxes are speakers in the middle of this back wall will have a TV under the TV we could have a little table that way we can make some popcorn since the popcorn that I have in game is red and

Yellow I can’t place it in this room but we could pretend that this microwave has popcorn cooking in it on the entry to the theater room we can add a bunch of these black Banners To kind of pretend that they’re curtains so that when you watch a movie you could just like cover

This up and you wouldn’t get light from the window in then to make this place feel even more like a theater we can alternate these blocks to look like soundproofing foam I have just discovered something this whole time you could turn the TV on I feel so dumb I

Had no idea look at how cool that is but anyway let’s go decorate the gaming room we can start by adding a glass desk on this back wall just because it looks very modern then on the desk we obviously need our monitor our keyboard our Mouse and our PC we could put a

Shelf on the wall with a little plant a chair can go over here we could add a fun checkered carpet over here we can add a dumbbell to a pretend that we stopped gaming some times to work out yeah I don’t do that but then one last

Thing for the space is I kind of want to do the same soundproofing foam that I did in the theater just because it looks really cool and a lot of gaming setups have stuff like that so we can cover this wall with pretend sound foam for

The kitchen we can start by adding some of these kitchen drawers to this back wall but instead of this one we’ll have a stove and instead of this one we’ll have a cupboard to make this look a little bit more modern I do still want to cover this up with some trap doors

And then above the stove I want to have one of these vent things and then we can add a bunch of cabinets because this is kind of um floating and not really connected to anything I’m just gonna cover the top of this area with some black carpet so it

Kind of looks like it’s put together sort of but now over on this side we could have a microwave we could add a blender over here and we can have some salt and pepper across from this we can make a big island this time we could put

A sink in the middle a plate rack and like you usual we’ll pretend that these are also plates because this house is modern I was able to find these really cool bar stools and we also have this really cool light now on the floor over

Here by the sink I just want to add a bit of black carpet and then I want to punch out some of these blocks for some more storage now because this wall over here is two blocks thick I was thinking we could add some lights above these

Windows and then we can add some plants I was also thinking that this wall by the stairs looks kind of empty so we could feel the space with some of these black item frames to kind of pretend it’s some kind of Modern Art because this home doesn’t really have a proper

Entry area we could put a little something over here in this empty space we could have this counter here with a clock on the wall some more of these funny little creeper statues of plants over here and the plants over here in the storage room uh I think I’m actually

A little too excited for this but you all know how I love symmetry look at this space there’s four blocks here to the way window four blocks here to the opening and five blocks here so basically everything’s gonna line up and be chef’s kiss our pattern can be drawers

On the bottom cupboards on top black basket Kobe is on top of those and then we can surround it with the smaller Cubbies chores cupboards Cubbies Cubbies drawers cupboards Cubbies cubbies do you see do you see this room do you do you see it but enough with the storage room we’re

Going to the bathroom well we’re not going to the bathroom we’re in the bathroom we’re decorating the bathroom and what’s really exciting is that I actually have a black toilet granted there’s a little bit of brown on there it’s not the brown you’re thinking of you know

What I mean it’s just it’s nice we don’t have to use an upside down stair with the trap door this time we also have a couple of black top what’s the difference between this one and this one a slight shade difference okay and then there’s also this one I don’t like this

One this makes me upset no matter what I do this tub won’t be centered in this room I mean I could put it like this way but then it’s just sticking out on Awkward I’m gonna have to use this one Whatever we’ll have the tub there the

Toilet here and then this is probably weird but I actually have a black shower head and I want to use it so I’m gonna put it right there even though like um it makes no sense this is actually awful nope I hate it one second

This is much better as much as I want to use the tub there just was not enough space for all the things so the tub got sacrificed but anyway the final two rooms to decorate are the living rooms look at what I found these sofas just so happened to perfectly match the chairs

In the kitchen so obviously we’re decorating with these we’ll put one over here leave a space add a table leave a space add a sofa because this is technically two living rooms in one space I I am gonna do the exact same thing to the other side though there

Will be some minor differences because if you notice this wall is not the same on both sides but that’s okay we’ll make it work I thought that this would be nice for a coffee table because it’s got a little plant on it so we’ll have one

Here and I’ll put another one on this side on either side of all these sofas I want to add a bunch of these modern glass tables that way we can add all of these lamps and then want to add some plants on either side of this Doorway to

Help separate both sides of this living room I was thinking that we could kind of um modify this wall a little bit and put a giant fireplace in the middle of the room we could place three campfires three of these little black fireplace guards and then we could just build up

With this block all the way to the ceiling obviously we’re gonna have to break a couple of these blocks over here and then to give it a little more Dimension We’ll add some slabs above for a mantle since we have a fireplace now we obviously have to add a cozy carpet

If we can add a couple of these floor cushions now because there’s a little extra space over on this wall we’re gonna fill it up with some books and just like that the black house is complete let me show you around when you walk in the first thing you see is this

Beautiful black modern kitchen we’ve got some fancy modern bar stools we’ve got a sink in the island with some plates drying we’ve got a microwave and we even have a blender over here we just have a decorative Little Drop Zone and then behind the kitchen we have this

Beautiful storage room that we leads us to the bathroom in this bathroom we have two vanities with our beautiful vanity lights some mirrors uh our pretend soap bars and some incense we’ve got a beautiful shower and a toilet over this way we have a huge great room that has

Two living rooms in it we’ve got a seating area over here a seating area over here a big fireplace in the middle and some books on the wall then as we go upstairs we uh we see my attempt at Modern Art but if you keep going up the

Stairs you’ll find the gaming room with our cool RGB gaming setup we’ve got a fun carpet some soundproofing foam and then next to the gaming room we have the theater if we head out of the theater and go down the hallway we’ll find my favorite room the bedroom I don’t know

Why I just I love this room so much it’s so cute I love the bed I love the fairy lights and I love all the random decorations on this shelf but what’s your favorite room Minecraft but I can only build with the color white what do

You think the wheel would have said for us this time first let’s find out our plot size will it be big will it be small oh medium 20 by 20. how many rooms will we build one two three four five six seven eight nine ten oh geez

This will be interesting let’s find out what each room will be number one a plant room number two a bathroom number three another bathroom number four a kitchen number five a library number six a living room number seven a bedroom number eight a bedroom number nine another bedroom and number ten

There’s a storage room our house would be two floors and the style is gonna be cute all right looks like we’re building a cute house in a 20 by 20 plot with 10 rooms Is this build familiar to you if you guessed ex-life you’d be correct I loved my ex-life build and since our color is white I felt that it was fitting to rebuild my floating cloud house because my plot size is 20 by 20. this house is a slightly smaller version of the

Original but still cute I felt like the shape of this house was perfect for how many rooms we have to make because well the house is basically a giant plus sign and that gives us lots of little areas to build in let me show you the inside

As we float on up to our cloud and open up our iron door this is what you see we have this first little area to build in that will probably be a storage room obviously we have these really cool stairs I found these I thought they were

Perfect because yes they take up a lot of space but because there’s space between them you can still kind of see through it so it’s not like too claustrophobic but anyway over here we could have a library over on the opposite side we could have a living

Room behind me we could have a kitchen and then everything else will go upstairs uh wait do you see this what wait go downstairs go downstairs look at how you walk up these steps it’s like I’m floating and walking weird but now that we’re up here

Um this is gonna be a plant room this will be the first bedroom that’ll be a bathroom this will be the second bedroom and this will be a bathroom and then over here we’ll have a pet room starting downstairs in the kitchen we can place a bunch of lower and upper cabinets that’s

The sink no over here we could have our sink and I actually have like five different refrigerator I don’t hold on look so we could pretend that our fridge is this cupboard like I’ve been doing for a while we have this fridge we have this fridge we have this fridge and we

Have this fridge this one’s cute I want to use this one let’s put a furnace over here and see how this looks above that we could have this little thing we should probably add another cabinet over here to make this entire area feel put together and then above the cabinets

Slide a bunch of white trap doors okay now let’s see I have some white paper towels I have a white soap set yes the little bar of soap is blue but it is fine let’s go go ahead and add an island to the center of this space we could add

Some white bar stools a couple of pretend white pillow plates and above the island we can have some lanterns I decided that I dislike the trap doors above the cabinets so I have destroyed them and instead I just want to add a bunch of these bookshelves now because

This kitchen has these awkward little Corners we could kind of fill the space a little bit more by making some baby tables that have trap doors and adding some plants now I would put food out on the table but I don’t have much food that’s just white in my game so the only

Food that we have in our kitchen is an egg moving on to the library we’re gonna fill this place with bookshelves beautiful now obviously we need a place to sit and read these books so we could put a couch like this and a couch like

This on the floor we can add a bit of carpet maybe add some ceiling lights and then we can add our books foreign we obviously need a TV on the wall below that we could have some of these white storage bins and then on top of these we

Could have some white creeper statues we could put a sofa over here a sofa over here and then because there’s like this weird awkward space behind these sofas we’re gonna add some more of these storage bins and lamps on either side of these tiny baby windows we can add some

Of these banners to pretend they’re cozy curtains we could put a coffee table between the couches surrounded by some carpet we could add a few of these pillows to sit on and we can add fairy lights for the storage room because it’s kind of also the entryway and a little

Small let’s keep it simple we could put some of these white baskets on the floor by the windows we could add a couple of cupboards and then on top we can add the tiny cubbies all around this entryway we could add a bunch of item frames and we

Can use these to display a bunch of random blocks we could have wool terracotta glass the shulker Box glazed terracotta concrete striped blocks planks snow diorite and a birch log on the floor by the door we could have a welcome mat slash baby carpet we could add some pretty white flowers to these

Empty spaces by the windows and on the ceiling we can add some lights now for the upstairs I did not do what I did downstairs and I should probably do that I realized what I just said clarify is nothing um basically I mean I didn’t put walls

Up here like I put walls downstairs and I feel like we’re gonna have to do that to separate these faces a bit okay how’s that I think that works there is a little bit of a hazard since I don’t have a space to put a railing up over

These stairs now so you could just fall but it’s fine all right after a little tweaking this is what we have starting with the plant room we can make a couple of white trap doors for our plants to sit on maybe we can try using some of

These shelves and then I want to have some hanging pots and this one we can have in Azure Duets here we can have a lily over here we could have a tulip and then we can add a flowering oak sapling on the floor in front of the window we

Could add a bunch of taller plants like this one this one and this one and then on either side of these shelves that I made we could put a cactus in the Middle with some smaller potted plants on either side then because these shelves actually display items we can display a

Bunch of flowers like this now for both of these better and bathrooms since they’re opposite of each other I want to make them the same we could place a bed in the middle of the star window surrounded by some slabs to hide the wooden uh bed posts on either side of

The bed we could have some nice stands with lamps on them and then in both these Corners I want to add some Cubbies put two baskets on the bottom a baby cubby on top we could add a lily a banner for decoration and a Moonlight to

Fill up the space even more we could add some cupboards for closet space a box cubby on top the entire area above the bed could be filled with bookshelves and finally we can add some fairy lights Um I just realized that these bathrooms are really small I only have nine blocks to work with but that’s okay I like a challenge but hopefully I can fit everything I want in here we can start like we normally do by adding a sink with a counter we could have a mirror

Surrounded by some vanity lights then of course we have to have some soap over here we can add some towels and with that we’re left with six blocks of space Oh geez um okay well let’s just shut the toilet in the corner um and then the toilet paper no that’s

Weird the toilet paper can go here I could put some more towels here then all I have left for a shower is this spot okay luckily I have this really cool White Modern shower head and I guess to kind of separate it from the rest of

This space we could just add a few glass panes does that work I think that works as a final touch we can just add a carpet by the sink and then we can add a door What um where did that music come from that was really weird Okay Games haunted moving on the last room to decorate is the pet room what is white fluffy and looks like a cloud a sheep hello friend oh oh my gosh because of my overalls we

Match today this is so cute I actually want a little bit more light in here so I’m gonna break this part of the wall and just add some more glass in then I kind of just want to make this entire area look like a giant Cloud so we can

Pile up a bunch of wool add a bunch of cozy carpets we’ll put a fence in a gate in just so my beautiful little sheepy friend doesn’t fall down to their death and if you want to see something cool that I found I did not know that I had

This in my game but I present to you a bottled cloud Unfortunately they um they don’t last the kind of evaporate but there are so pretty but okay everything’s done so let’s go on a tour as you saw before this is the outside of our beautiful floating cloud house and then as we head inside the first thing we see is the

Storage room that’s full full of storage and blocks to the left of this entry storage space we have a living room with some beautiful white sofas some white lamps banners fairy lights and Cubbies next to this we have a very white kitchen with beautiful lanterns some pretend pillow plates we got a cool

Fridge some paper towels and we have an egg over here we have a simple library with some couches and a bunch of books and then as we slowly go up these stairs you’ll first see the plant room with a bunch of different plants that I know

Are mostly green but there are some that are white like the Tulips and the lilies and stuff on both sides of this plant room we have mirrored bedrooms and bathrooms so over here we have a bedroom with a big bed lamps storage a bunch of decorations and fairy lights and over on

This side we have the same thing the only thing that is slightly different is that in this it’s the button the but the button is making sounds like why as I was saying though this bathroom has the toilet and towels on the left side with the shower

On the right side but this bathroom has the toilet and towels on the right side and the shower on the left side so they are exactly the same but opposite and finally we have the adorable pet room that looks like a cloud for my sheep what’s your favorite part of this build

For me it’s the bedrooms those rooms are really nice oh but also the Sheep room obviously but I have but I can only build with the color brown before we start building let’s go see what the wheel will choose for me the wheel will decide plot size amount of rooms what

Rooms amount of floors and style first up let’s see what our plus size will be this time we’re getting 15 by 30. now how many rooms are we making today will it be a lot or will it be a little nine alright it’s not the most rooms but it’s basically the most rooms

See what each one will be the first room is going to be a dining room the second room is a storage room for the third room we’re gonna get a bathroom room number four is a pet room room number five is a portal room number six

Is a living room room number seven is gonna be another bathroom room number eight is a kitchen and room number nine is a bedroom how many floors will this house have will it be one two three four or five three and finally the style is gonna be fantasy

I get to make a poop Castle just kidding that’s not what it’s gonna be maybe I don’t know but today we’re building a three-floor fantasy house with nine rooms and a 15 by 30 plot It’s a brown Castle are some of those windows suspiciously shaped like little poops maybe maybe not it’s it’s called a house mixed together we have this central part of the build that feels like a house and then we have cute castly bits with flags on the corners

With balconies on the front back and sides as we go inside you’ll first see staircase leading up to the second floor but first let’s go over here so this space would be for the storage room because it’s right behind the kitchen and I thought it would make a great

Pantry area speaking of the kitchen that’ll go right here in the middle of the space below the stairs will have the dining room and then over here we’ll have a living room with two bathrooms behind that wall as we go upstairs this entire floor actually is going to be for

The portal room and then if we go up any of these ladders this top floor will be for the bedroom and pet room now because this is a castle and because I put the two bathrooms next to each other I thought it would be fun to have one for

Kings and one for Queens with the Chisel and bits mod I was able to create some crowns to go outside the rooms and now that we have these they can decorate the bathrooms since I want this wall that separates both of the bathrooms to be an accent wall we’re just gonna quickly

Break this and replace with this I realize there’s a habit forming I’m pretty sure I’ve used this block for all of my showers so far if not most of them but anyway yes this is going to be the shower area for the Queen’s bathroom and

This is going to be the shower area for the king’s bathroom this time I want to make a combination bathtub and shower so we can add some slabs like this to make a bathtub for the shower head and faucet we can just use some buttons and then

We’ll fill it with water on this side of the bathroom we can add a sink with some counters a mirror in the corner some pretend hand towels over here we can have some soap above that we can have some incense and then over here we can

Build a toilet and now yes I do recognize that um there are windows in these doors that see but we’re just not going to worry about that moving on to this bathroom we’re gonna do the same thing but opposite We’ll add a sink with some counters a

Mirror some incense soap a towel a toilet and a shower for the living room we could start by adding a TV on the wall below that we can have some drawers to store games and TV controllers above the TV I want to add a couple of trapdoors and make them Brown that way

I’ve got a shelf for some random knickknacks we could put a Glock on the wall some assorted Brown pots and a dead Cactus to make this area feel a bit more put together we can just surround everything with some bookshelves and then over here we can add a couch in

Front of the couch I want to have a coffee table but first I gotta break some of these blocks so we can add a carpet now on either side of this couch we can add an end table with a brown lamp on it so it can display a few more

Decorations I want to add some counters under both of these windows and then on top of each one we can have these fancy block sculptures and we can have some dead bushes moving on to the dining room I want to break some of these blocks and

Replace them with wool so we can have a carpet under our table speaking of a table we’ll put three of them like this we’ll add some chairs to either side and then on the table we can have some pretend pillow plates and a bush since I don’t have any brown lanterns above the

Dining room table we’re adding fairy lights and now to make this area by the window feel a little less empty I want to add another counter and then I want to surround the window with bookshelves but not just regular bookshelves we’ll have some regular bookshelves but we’ll also have these basically the

Bookshelves in the mod that I use only lets you put books on them but these ones let you display items because this is a dining room I figured we could pretend that this is kind of like a china cabinet look at this I have a

Plate and if I click on the Shelf the play goes on display man I just got so sad I was about to fill this entire area with some plates when I remembered that these plants are white and not brown therefore I cannot use them that’s okay instead of dishes will just display

Bowls for the kitchen I want to make it Fancy by fancy I mean we’re gonna have two sinks and two refrigerators we’ll surround these sinks by a couple of lower cabinets We’ll add some more of them along this part of the wall but in the middle We’ll add our furnace and

Surrounded by some trap doors We’ll add some upper cabinets above the lower cabinets and I actually want to put a few trapdoors above that too in the middle of the space we’re gonna add an island with a couple of bar stools on the island we can have some more plates

Oh wait actually we need food over here we can display a steak here we can have a cookie over here we could have some bread and maybe on the island we can have the coconut there has been a change of plans I found some really cute decorations so

Um the food that was out unfortunately had to be sacrificed the bread that was in this item frame is no more because we have this this is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen it’s bread but we don’t just have a bread loaf we also

Have a bread slice now back by the stove we can displace some knives and utensils then we can have a blender and some kitchen spatulas I also have these really cute shelves that I want to put somewhere maybe they can go above the refrigerators we can grab a few more of

These pillows to pretend that they’re hand towels by the sinks and for a final touch We’ll add some carpet now because the storage room is really narrow I’m gonna focus on putting all the storage stuff on this wall we can start by adding a bunch of drawers then on each

Space that doesn’t have a window we can add some cupboards we can put some crates on top and then on top of those we can add some bookshelves even though I said I wanted the majority of the storage to be on this side of the room this side is now feeling really awkward

And empty so I think it would look nice if we added a few more drawers not on every single block to make it feel too closed in but just a little bit like this then above each of these we can a bunch of item frames to display a bunch

Of items we’ve got cocoa beans coconuts mushrooms dead bushes bowls start a stick books and cookies now upstairs in the portal room I want to make it look like you’re going to dirtland so we have to make this place look as naturey and brown as possible

Luckily I do have some dead Brown bushes and these Dirty Glass paints to take us to the dirt Dimension starting with the portals I think I want to put one here and one there so we could just fill this entire area with these dirty paints it could surround the portal with different

Types of dirt and we can have a bunch of leaves everywhere on the ground I want to use a bunch of these framed trap doors along with these framed pressure plates so we can make some different dirt paths we can add a couple different shades of carpet and then we can add

Some dead bushes look I found mud maybe we should make these mud on the bottom and just have the leaves hang from the ceiling and then surrounding the open parts of this dirt portal we can add a bunch of mud balls obviously we need to have some brown fairy lights in this

Area and maybe even a couple of these pillows I have done things and I’ve made some changes but look at it wow I like the leaves but it also just wasn’t really the vibe for dirtland so I replaced the leaves with more mud blocks and because I used mud blocks I could

Also make mud slabs oh and I did put a bunch of coconuts everywhere because I’m pretending they’re mud balls now let’s just quickly mirror this on the other side of the room by making our dirt portal adding our dirty dirt glass panes playing some more mud from the ceiling

Add a bunch of mud balls add some pretend mud balls and then we’ll make the floor ah yes the portals to the dirt Dimension beautiful but now that this is done there’s only two more rooms to decorate because there’s quite a bit of space up here I’ve decided to make this

Bedroom a shared space so we can have one bed over here and one bed over there starting with the beds I actually want to make a storage bed we can do that by making the drawers the headboard to make a place of bed in the middle and

Surround it with slabs on the back part of this bed we can add a lamp on this side with a bush on this side and then to give this area some contrast so not just tons of planks everywhere we can add a checkered carpet because there’s

Not much wool space in here I want to ask some shelves above the bed like this then we can add a couple of bookshelves a plant and this may be kind of odd but I want to add an armor stand now above this bed we obviously have to add some

Fairy lights and I actually want to put those along the middle part of this room so we can have another set of fairy lights in the middle and then one more over here now to make the ceiling a little more interesting I want to add a couple of beams going across like this

And like this and now let’s mirror this bedroom on this side Um now because my color is brown and we’re technically in an attic our bedroom has baths hello everybody oh look how cute they are when they hang upside down but okay obviously I’m not just gonna spawn a bunch of baths in here and call it a

Day I’ve got to decorate at least a little bit first of all I thought these posts would look kind of cool over here um unfortunately this little man’s Gotta Move hello excuse me thank you then I know that these are bats and not dogs but look at these cute little animal

Beds they’re cute and they’re brown so it works also I know this food bowl is yellow but the food inside of it is brown and we can just pretend it’s a bunch of bugs or something so we’ve got beds in the bowler there we can put some

More Fez in a bowl over on this side and then in the middle of the space I want to make a bat carpet well now that all nine rooms have been decorated it’s time to go in a tour as we head inside the giant brown Castle on the left we have

Our fancy kitchen with two sinks two refrigerators we have a bunch of cool utensils and kitchen gadgets and we have bread behind this kitchen we have a storage room full of all the essentials like sticks back through the kitchen and Under the Stairs we have a beautiful

Dining room with some tables and chairs Brown carpets and pretend China cabinets next to that we have the living room with our TV a bunch of brown decorations and a sofa of course then through this door we have the Queen’s bathroom and through this door we have the king’s

Bathroom as we head upstairs we’ll find a lot of dirt and dirt portals that take us to the dirt Dimension and then at the very top level of the house we’ve got a bedroom and pet room on a scale of one to ten how much do you like the brown

House the Minecraft but I’m building with all the colors throughout this color series I’ve done pink purple blue green yellow orange red black white and brown so for fun we’re gonna put all those colors into one build since I want to use every color we’re actually not

Gonna let the wheel decide the amount of rooms this time we have 10 colors so we’re building 10 rooms we will let the wheel choose everything else though speaking of the wheel let’s find out our plot size the wheel has been spun and it’s gonna give us the biggest plot okay actually

Considering the fact that we have 10 rooms to build a 30 by 30 plot works even if it is ginormous since we already know how many rooms we’re building this block disappears let’s see what this room will be room number one there’s a kitchen room number two

There’s a closet room number three we’re gonna get an aquarium room number four is a theater number five is a storage room number six is a bathroom room number seven is gonna be a pet room room number eight is a bedroom remember nine is gonna be a

Dining room and room number ten is a living room this house is gonna have one floor and the style is gonna be cute okay we’re building a cute one floor home with 10 rooms and all the colors I’m gonna be honest I didn’t know how this was gonna turn out but uh it’s actually kind of cute I thought all the colors might make it look ugly but it actually kind of looks like a fun bouncy castle kind of house anyway let me show

You the inside as you know I made 10 rooms because we have 10 colors so on the right we have a pink room on the left we have a blue room in the middle of the house we have a black room and a white room then towards the back of the

House we have a purple room a yellow room there’s a red room and an orange room over here and down the hallway this way we have a brown room and a green room now real quick before we decorate I decided to make a rainbow neighborhood I’ve seen all your comments requesting

That I put all the colored houses together and honestly that’s a super cute idea so I’m gonna go build like a street and stuff and I’ll be right back Thank you Welcome to the rainbow road the road with every house I’ve built in this color series it’s kind of crazy to see them all lined up like this I didn’t realize I built this much as you can see we have this lovely long road with sidewalks and Street lamps I also

Planted a bunch of trees to match each house and down in mailboxes starting over here we have the basic red house next to that we have the orange Suburban over here we have the basic yellow house the green Suburban next to that we have the Modern Blue House at the End of the

Road we have the cute rainbow house that we just built then across the street we have the cute purple house we have the pink fairy tale house the next to that we have the modern black house the cute white cloud house and the brown fantasy house I love all these houses but which

One is your favorite they all look extra adorable when they’re next to each other like this oh but you know what’s cool when you look at it from the sky La la la La doesn’t this look so cool well anyway now that the neighborhood has done it’s time to decorate our colorful house starting with the blue room we’re making a bathroom and yes I am aware of the ginormous window looking in but it’s fine because we have blinds Now You See

Me Now you don’t it’s perfect but anyway for this bathroom I want to make a big vanity area along this back wall um we can have two sinks two mirrors some soap a pretend blue towel and some lights below the sink so we could add a

Bit of carpet and now I gotta figure out how to fit a dub in a toilet in here I would have more wall space if I didn’t make all these doorways so big but it’s fine we’ll make it work let’s try putting a toilet over on this wall this

Little button can be the toilet paper and then over on this side we can just make a good teeny tiny tub we’ll fill it with water and add a button for a faucet across from the bathroom the pink room is going to be the dining room for the

Dining room I want to break up the floor a little bit that way we can put a pink carpet under our table we could put the table like this then on each end we could have a fancy armchair on either side we can have some regular pink

Chairs and then on the table we could have a cake and some plates moving on to the black and white rooms the white room is going to be a kitchen and the black room is going to be a living room for the kitchen we could put some drawers

Over here in the middle we can have our oven in the corner we can have a refrigerator and then above all this we can have some cabinets across from this I want to have a big island so we could put three counters like this three counters like this then in the middle we

Could have a sink some soap and some towels on the other side of the islands we can have some plates we can have some stools and then above this we can hang some lanterns now back over here we could have some paper towels some salt and pepper an egg

And I actually think I want to make this kitchen symmetrical so we’re adding another fridge with a cabinet on top in the living room we can put a big TV on the wall then under that I want to have a bunch of these Cubbies on top of the

Cubbies we could have things like plants we could have some creeper statues and pots and above the TV I want to add a bunch of clocks I know it might be kind of weird but I did do something similar in the blue house or basically I kind of

Just pretended that each clock was representing a different time zone but anyway on these side walls I want to add some of these little black and white flower boxes then in the middle of this space we can add a cool modern carpet a couple of single couches that we can

Make a larger sofa and then we could add some end tables with lamps on them now as we make our way towards the back of the house this purple room is going to be a pet room this yellow room is going to be an aquarium the Red Room will be

For storage Orange will be the theater green will be a bedroom and brown will be a closet for this yellow aquarium I’ve decided to fill it with puffer fish obviously we first need to make this place look pretty though first We’ll add a bunch of sand then we’ll add a bunch

Of water and we could build with some Coral blocks add some smaller coral pieces and then we can add our puffer fish oh hello little baby hello look at them swimming for the purple pet room even though it’s for a pet I actually want to make it look like a

Bedroom so to start I want to break this floor so we can make a fun checkered carpet then we get out of bed with a purple cover on either side we could have some end tables with purple lamps of course on the sides of the room we

Can add some mycelium with purple grass and then over the bed we could add some banners and bookshelves oh well this is your bedroom now I hope you like it moving on to the main bedroom I think I want to do something similar but because we have all these

Windows the bed is gonna have to go on this wall we’ll place the bed right here in the middle add a green blanket of course we’ll add some green nightstands with a couple of green lamps we’ll surround the bed with bookshelves and then we’ll add some banners oh shoot

I totally forgot that I wanted on a carpet hold on and now I know that brown room behind me is going to be a closet but I still think under the star window we could add a few drawers with a plant and the creeper plushie for this closet I want

To start by adding a bunch of drawers over here then I want two more over here and two more over here above the drawers in the corners I want to add these cupboards so we can store like longer pieces of clothing than above these drawers I want to add some shelves and

Wall cabinets on the floor we can add a carpet over here we can add a mirror then over here I want an armor stand here I want an armor stand and over here I want an armor stand on all of these we can display um all of our Brown clothes so we’ve got

Our Brown hats our Brown Shirts our brown pants and our brown shoes speaking of shoes we can display a bunch on these shelves and then we can add a small bench so that we can sit and put our shoes on now over in the storage room I want to decorate a little differently

Normally I use all those dressers and Cubbies and stuff but this time I wanted use these red drawers on top of those we can have some red shulker boxes on top of that we can make some custom red wool shelves with a bunch of item frames and

Some mushroom chests look at how cute they are we’ll do the same thing over on this side with the Shelf item frames and the mushroom chests then to fill out the space a bit more I want to add some banners and we can add a carpet lastly for this theater I just

Realized that this floor isn’t gonna work I like making my theater rooms with like levels so that it actually feels like you’re in a movie theater so we’re gonna have to dig down a little bit so that we have something like this now we can put a bunch of cozy chairs

Everywhere you can add some tables for snacks we’ll hand some banners with lights on the walls we’ll put the TV over here and then all these tables we could have carrots cheese pumpkins and pizza we did it not the colorful house is complete it’s time for a tour as we

Enter this house on the left we have our blue bathroom on the right we have our pink dining room over here we have a white kitchen a black living room then we have a yellow aquarium a purple pet room for our sheep over here we have an

Orange movie theater a red storage room and then down this way we have the green bed bedroom and the brown closet what’s your favorite part of this colorful house I think the bedrooms are my favorite but what do you think let me know in the comments below and if you’re

New make sure to subscribe

This video, titled ‘Minecraft But I Build With ONE COLOR The MOVIE! (All Episodes)’, was uploaded by Katherine Elizabeth on 2023-06-17 16:59:13. It has garnered 566363 views and 4003 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:11 or 7511 seconds.

💜MERCH! https://katherineelizabeth.junipercreates.com 💜 Minecraft, but I can only build with X color challenge series together in one movie! In this series each house was made with one color and a wheel spin helped decide what the builds looked like!

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#Minecraft #KatherineElizabethGaming

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    Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘combo 1.9 #bedwars #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #minecraftshorts #vime’, was uploaded by P1aNo_Shorts on 2024-09-23 18:15:52. It has garnered 11 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, combo, minecraft combo, minecraft smooth, best minecraft combos, minecraft combo lock, 1.9, minecraft combotage, sumo, mc pvp, sharpness pack, pot pvp, skypvp, minecraft sumo tournament, combos, sumo pvp minecraft, sumo god, minecraft sumo 1v1, bedwars, serb-craft, insane minecraft, sumo combos, sumo combo, minecraft 240fps, how to combo in sumo, sumo tips and tricks, minecraft hacking, minecraft sumo,… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft build with a creepy twist! 🔥👻 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by MR GAMER 08 on 2024-02-04 11:07:00. It has garnered 2488 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft game 🎯🎮 creepy build 😱😱 tick tock heck 🎯🎮 #shorts #viral #minecraft #gameplay Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

    Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make a Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft using Aternos (Free Server Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BoltX79 on 2024-02-26 15:58:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Make your Lifesteal SMP Like Loyal SMP Using Aternos #subscribe #like #aternos #aternosminecraftserver #minecraft … Read More

  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : https://youtu.be/PUl87Qnlcp0 Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

    Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock The Easiest Iron Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Farm Details Looking for an efficient iron farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21? Look no further! This iron farm, designed by OinkOink, is a game-changer. It operates in MCPE, PC, PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox, making it versatile for players across different platforms. The farm, built in a Minecraft 1.20 Survival Farm world, is a fully automatic setup that guarantees a bountiful yield of iron and poppies. Farm Performance The farm boasts an impressive performance, producing between 300 to 350 iron ingots per hour. This high output ensures that players have a… Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

Minecraft But I Build With ONE COLOR The MOVIE! (All Episodes)