Minecraft but it’s a SIMULATION: The Movie

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Alright let’s go a new minecraft world man i haven’t played in what like 40 years now what the heck what just happened hello where did i just go can anyone hear me hello what’s happening shut it down now i know i’m doing it i’m doing it boss

Told us to never start a simulation until it’s complete i know it was an accident well don’t have it happen again i’ll go get the other one started beginning minecraft if it was played wrong everyone knows how playing minecraft always goes you load up your brand new

World take a look at your surroundings and you start doing what everyone does and that’s punch a tree if you’re a builder you might build a house or if you’re an adventurous player you might defeat the dragon and beat the game but no matter what path you take this is how

Minecraft should be played but what if you played minecraft how it shouldn’t be played alright a brand new survival world let’s go you know i think i want to play the game a little differently this time i’m in need of something new let’s try it oh

Hey i see you made a new world you gonna get wood now am i gonna get wood yeah i mean i guess that’s how every world starts huh actually i told myself i’d play differently this time i’m not getting wood wait what yeah i feel like i get wood in every

World i play and i’m trying to play differently this time sorry i’ve never seen this happen before since when does a player not get wood oh man my hunger is so low should i eat okay look i i know you didn’t get wood but you’re literally starving just do what

Everybody else does just just eat food it’s right in front of you uh i’m not gonna eat food this time i feel like i eat food in every minecraft world so i’ll catch you later what is happening why is he not eating for the first time

In a while i felt like i was playing an entirely new game i realized i didn’t really need food to survive i’d be left on half a heart but at least i was playing the game differently this time it’s kind of freeing to change things up

Every once in a while hey man why isn’t he eating us yet dude i don’t know i’m so scared i’ve never been alive for more than 20 minutes before dude you have to help us pillagers are attacking and you need to save us it’s what all players do you mean every

Player saves you guys yes every player well if i save you guys then i’ll get the hero of the village achievement ah i’m sorry you guys are on your own yeah i can’t help you here hey but good luck with everything i hope you guys win this time

Why is he doing this by now the villagers were really confused because for the first time in history a player didn’t really help them stop the pillager raid which of course was me in this case but i told him i was playing differently alright you gotta tell me

What’s going on why didn’t that player stop us from raiding you guys he was just watching i don’t know this is the first time a player just isn’t playing the game what do you mean how can he not play the game i’m telling you he hasn’t done

Anything just look at him he doesn’t break blocks he doesn’t eat we don’t know what to do by now i had every mob in the game super confused because i just wasn’t playing the game they didn’t know how to react to a player that was playing the game completely wrong they

Didn’t even attack me anymore okay this is the last straw if he does what i think he’s gonna do i’m afraid this game just might break hey bro over here oh a wandering trader what’s up what can i do for you do you want to trade with me i’ve got a ton of

Cool stuff for a really low price um you know actually i will trade with you honestly i’ll buy every item you have just tell me the price and i’ll give it to you what that’s impossible no player has ever agreed to trade with me before no

No this can’t be happening hey you know what villager i think you’re right i am gonna do something i’ll go get myself a pet i’ll catch you around wait he’s getting a pet if if he gets a pet dog he’ll get the achievement we might be okay

After all okay i definitely haven’t done this before and i’m not even quite sure if this is possible or not but i guess there’s a first time for everything right all right my man follow me through this portal i got a nice crib waiting for you let’s go my first pet dragon

Never done this before what this isn’t a pet dog yeah when did i say i was getting a dog how did you even manage to do this well i mean pet dogs are so unoriginal you know i have an idea that just might work

You see if evo dies he has to hit the respawn button then he’ll be forced to play normally uh dude are you sure that’s a good idea i mean won’t he try to stop us try to stop us are you kidding just look at him he hasn’t even broken a single block

If we don’t act now this entire game could be destroyed all right let’s try it i guess ah it’s kind of nice just to sit around and look at the minecraft sky it’s really why’d you do that it’s over you have to respawn just give up already that’s the thing

I’m not going to respawn what do you mean you can’t just not respond well i guess i’m the first to do it no no no this this can’t be all right is this one ready yes sir his memory is wiped and starting up minecraft if players were too good all

Right a brand new world i haven’t played minecraft in forever what do you think about this world do you think it’s good oh yeah this world looks perfect awesome i’m really looking forward to playing a nice slow paced game i want to just enjoy the little things of mike jackson

Jackson where’d you go where did this guy go he was just here like 10 seconds ago alright i guess i’ll start by myself wait what jackson how do you a full nether right how do i have full netherite how do you not we’ve had this world for like 30 seconds and nether

It’s the easiest thing to find okay i don’t remember it being that easy but look just give me a few days and i’ll remember how to play don’t worry all right well you better get going you seem really far behind okay i have a lot of

Catching up to do whoa dude what are you doing what do you mean were you really going to risk that one block jump without a water bucket since when do people use a water bucket for a one block drop you’re clearly new to this i’m gonna need to speak with the council

The council what are you talking about we just made this world together follow me jackson led me to the top of a mountain where i saw a giant tower in the sky i don’t know how this was built since the world was started literally 30 seconds ago

Oh my god what is this place how did this get here alright is this a new minecraft update i missed i’m so confused i walked up the stairs to see two players standing with jackson with full netherite armor jackson what is going on who are these people we just

Started this world together i told the council about your behavior we all agree you’re definitely not skilled enough to be in the same world as us so i’m not even good enough to play on my own world well what else can i do how do i stay

We’ll give you one day and we’ll monitor your skills if we think you have what it takes to be good enough you can stay otherwise we have to ban you okay i guess that’s reasonable oh my god how do i get good enough to stay on my own

World since when do people take this game so seriously how are they so good already okay some iron alright that’s my first step into getting some diamonds i only have a day so i’m probably going to need to go fast dude seriously oh what

Did i do what is this a torch uh yeah what’s wrong with torches ugh this is not looking good for you minecraft pros never use torches you should know better so how am i supposed to see in the caves uh learn to see in the dark seriously

Okay if i can get to the nether then i could probably find some netherite and then i could get up to their level okay i just have to remember if i can build this right and should be like that okay there we go that’s definitely how it’s

Supposed to look let’s go what are you doing over here oh i’m uh building a portal i’m going to the nether to get some netherette oh you built a portal let me see oh my god okay i want you to look at this again tell me what is wrong with this what do

You mean there’s nothing wrong with it so you don’t see it see what it’s a perfect portal the corners you never waste obsidian on the corners ah are you serious i’m disappointed maybe you can still prove me wrong man why did he get so upset over four blocks these guys

Nowadays take this game so seriously and the door to finish it off let’s go that’s a beautiful looking house so this is your new house don’t tell me i built my house wrong no the house is fine with this entrance this entrance won’t do okay just the entrance don’t worry i can

Fix it up i’ll make it look cleaner don’t worry i’ll help you out this time oh okay thank you i really need to see how it should look all right that’s much better i’m excited to see what what in the world what am i looking at

What is this you want to get more skilled you need to train at all times and that includes every time you enter your house do i seriously have to make all these jumps just to get to my house okay well what happens if i fall well

You won’t come back so you better make those jumps good luck you’ve got to be kidding me are you serious well i guess there’s only one way i can be the best at the game i decided to trust the pros advice and started practicing on the training course that was now the

Entrance to my house but the pro was right as i continued to practice each and every jump i became better and more skilled at the game i only had one chance to stay in this world and that was become a pro in a matter of hours i

Was becoming the player that i never imagined i would become i was learning to be the best of the best of all minecraft players i was making unnecessarily hard jumps even making my training course harder than it used to be i was pushing myself to the absolute limit i was making death-defying jumps

Over lava trapping myself under ice and holding my breath and finding the tallest mountains in the world to practice saving myself with any item in the game that would break my fall by the end of the day i was now ready to approach the council i was finally going

To prove that i was just as much of a minecraft pro as they were alright council what do you think about me now wow you actually had what it takes to be a skilled player now are you ready to grind for hours i think my mom’s calling me for dinner

Actually i played enough today i’ll be on the server tomorrow what do you mean just go get food from your house no no like in real life i’ve been on the computer all day i need to eat real life what are you talking about dude are you

Okay you do know we’re in minecraft right this is a game you’re telling me i’m in a game bro how long have you been on minecraft for oh god i i don’t know that was a great one can you main character the next one main character well of course i’ll go get it

Started beginning minecraft if it was played backwards all right a new survival world let’s go wait this does not seem right do we always spawn here what do you mean every world starts in the end dimension okay no this this can’t be right where are

The trees to punch dude come on you know how to play let’s go punch some obsidian punch obsidian how will that help us at all what okay i don’t even remember it being possible to break obsidian with my hand okay how am i doing this okay i got

Plenty of obsidian what do i do now okay uh jackson clearly i haven’t played this game in a while what do i do now i’m so confused well we just gotta wait for the dragon to show up then we can have elitist to an end city the dragon

As in the ender dragon uh yeah the ender dragon look it’s coming right now alright this has got to be a joke i thought the ender dragon was like a villain clearly you don’t remember this game too well okay so what do i do now dude it’s easy just hop on the dragon

And the dragon will take you there tell it to come back for me though right just hop on the dragon that seems easy enough okay and i am riding the ender dragon i definitely do not remember doing this all right dragon lead me to an end city

Oh my god that actually worked well this is definitely new can i really survive this with no armor hey wait up i found some armor in another end city no wait you found netherrite armor i know it sucks but it’s fine for now hopefully we’ll find some diamond armor soon

Diamond armor wait why would we downgrade to diamond armor this world is so strange oh diamond armor whoa protection foreign mending dude you gotta look at this insane armor i just found oh of course it’s enchanted it’s fine we can unenchant it later unless we find some better armor unenchant the

Armor what are you talking about no no no it’s fine as long as we have some diamond pieces we should do fine in the nether alright you ready yeah i guess so dude this world is so weird okay you see any signs of a fortress uh

I don’t think so well at least looking for a fortress is normal wait dude do you see that the gold ore yes gold we could upgrade to some gold armor this is awesome right upgrade to gold armor isn’t gold armor like terrible oh this isn’t enough how about you go find some

Piglets and trade with them for more gold all right i can try to do that i guess i thought piglens were the ones that wanted the gold hey uh look this is literally all i have on me do you want any of this for gold wait actually i thought you guys wanted

Gold oh my god so i guess i’m supposed to make gold armor and get rid of all of this armor right i’m pretty sure this goes against everything i knew about this game but whatever i’ll do it anyways okay i got full gold dude you got full gold too let’s go

Okay we gotta get at least six blaze rods oh yeah that’s easy you remember how blazes can only get hurt by fire right that cannot be right yes they only take fire damage okay see you soon i am so confused right now there’s just no way blazes take fire damage they are on

Fire how are you serious dude what is this world i’m in all right i’m ready did you get the blaze rods yeah i got him okay perfect let’s go we took a trip back to the end dimension where we found a portal which i thought was the portal to

Get here but apparently not here you should be the one to place them uh yeah sure i can do that wait so if the final boss isn’t the ender dragon then who are we fighting the guardian of the overworld is one of the hardest fights the guardian of the overworld are you

Ready uh yeah let’s go fight this guardian of the overworld i guess okay this just looks like a normal world do you see the guardian anywhere well i don’t even know what i’m looking for dude look at this the coal ore that’s right coal it can only be found in the

Overworld it’s one of the most powerful energy sources but we shouldn’t mine it yet not until we beat the guardian okay so can you tell me what i’m even looking for what does the guardian of the overworld look like stop don’t move uh okay why whatever you do

Do not make a single movement the guardian is right behind you oh my god well what do i do when i tell you to move sneak to the right and i’ll take down the guardian now oh wait the guardian’s a pig jackson okay pig look we can settle this peacefully right oh god

I ran as fast as i could from the pig but there was no way i could take this down by myself i managed to hide behind a hill but i was gonna need to think of a plan fast because the pig would eventually find me that was until i

Heard zombie noises coming from the cave below me and i decided to wait until night time and gather up every zombie i could this was my only shot with the zombies following right behind me i ran past the pig and my plan worked the zombies turned on the guardian of the

Overworld the pig was strong but didn’t stand a chance against the zombie horde the guardian was slain wow that actually worked oh no i need to go find jackson no no no jackson no jackson please be alive come on you gotta get up don’t worry about me you did it

You took down the guardian now go beat the game but i took down the pig how do i beat the game to beat the game you need to mine an oak tree an oak tree why would i need to mine an oak tree to beat the game that doesn’t make any sense whoa

Wait maybe i did beat the game wait hold on did i just play this whole thing backwards alright everyone remember your places we have more characters this time starting up minecraft if players forgot how to play ah a new survival world i feel like i haven’t been on minecraft in like 12

Years okay i already have zero clue what to do i’m definitely gonna need help yo let’s go all my friends showed up okay i’m definitely less worried i know my friends have been playing for a long time so they should know how to play alright guys do you know how to start

Dude i’m so lost nope okay that’s not good i thought you guys knew uh do you know what we do first um i think we punched grass right punch grass no guys we just need a way to get wood that’s how we start and i think i might know a place where

We can get some let’s go time to get some wood wait what does the ender dragon seriously not drop wood dang it hey do you remember how to get up blocks i’m having trouble oh dude i remember you have to swim wait you can swim on land

Oh wait no that makes sense i forgot you have to swim to get up blocks let’s go now i’m definitely remembering how to play this game oh boy okay how do i make a door again i think i remember placing a block here nope okay that definitely doesn’t seem right maybe it’s

At the top yeah the top’s got to be right uh okay no that definitely doesn’t look right maybe we’ll try the bottom again wait no i already tried that okay that’s definitely not gonna work how do i make a door my craft is so hard

Bro are you trying to build the door oh uh yeah i’m trying to get this door to my house it’s the only thing i have left but i can’t seem to remember how oh don’t worry if there’s someone who remembers how to build a door it’s me let me do it for you

Okay let’s break this class some blocks down here some more blocks up here one stair trap door and done oh my god thank you no need to thank me i’m sure you’ll remember how to play soon yeah now i remember how to make a door this looks so familiar this

Is definitely the type of door i used to make back in the day it’s so efficient and it looks so cool at the front of your house let’s go i’m remembering this game so well oh hey juffy’s down here wait what is he doing why is he just punching a piece of stone

Hey are you good over here what are you doing well i’m trying to get some cobblestone but i can’t seem to do it well you’re using your fist that’s why did you try using a wooden shovel i thought it was the wooden shovel too but that one doesn’t seem to work oh you

Know what it is i think it’s actually the wooden axe that works oh the axe yeah this seems right yeah you should be good with that wait i don’t think this one works oh i got my tools mixed up it’s actually the sword oh a sword okay

Yeah that’s my bad now you should be able to get stoned uh yeah i’m not sure the sword is working either ah dude i’m so sorry it’s actually the hoe that works this is the one you want to mine cobblestone you sure you remember how to

Get stone no this one for real works wow the whole works thanks ah don’t mention it i just remember this game pretty well okay guys i do not remember how to make a nether portal and i’m pretty sure the nether is the place we have to go to

Beat the game so if we want to beat the game does anyone here remember how to make a nether portal leave that to me this is definitely the right way to make another portal are you absolutely sure this is the way to make it look i know

The portal has to have an x in the middle so this should be right you know what you might be right i think it does have an x let’s try it uh okay yeah i’m sorry i don’t think this was the right way okay yeah i forgot

Okay so that one did not work does anyone have any other ideas i knew his was gonna be wrong but i know how to build it for real look everyone remembers another portal is a rectangle ten by three should be the right size a rectangle i think that does sound right

Let’s try it you said this one would work this one definitely does not work okay never mind okay we’ve tried all the wrong ways anyone know the right way i know the right way to make the portal look it has to be a perfect square a 3×3 if you

Light it it should work are you sure the portal is supposed to be this small oh my god it actually worked let’s go i knew it but remember you have to go in feet first for it to work oh feet first now i remember okay everyone be careful

We don’t know if the final boss is going to be waiting for us on the other side so keep your eyes open for any signs of danger alright guys i’m pretty sure the nether is where the final boss is but i kind of forgot what it looks like does

Anyone see it guys i think i see the final boss there it is oh my god guys do you have any clue how to take this thing out i don’t know how to fight ideas anyone guys don’t worry i can take out the final boss is she gonna do it by herself

Okay here it goes oh wow i actually did it by myself wait guys where did she go wait did she jump down to that portal maybe she knows something about beating the game and it’s down there is that why she jumped guys i remember how to beat the game if

We jump we should land in the portal and we’ll win i’ll go first wait guys did he make it through the portal i can’t see that far down is this actually how we win come on what are you waiting for wait i don’t think yeah come

On we gotta beat the game are you guys sure well i don’t see him anymore so i think they beat the game i think it’s my turn to jump wait is that luke down there just got a new message from boss he said he wants less characters in this one

Sounds good launching minecraft but you can never find what you need alright i really need a village to start off this survival world so if i could just spawn in a desert or even a plane’s biome i would love that okay i’m in an ocean

Geez why do i always spawn in an ocean to start off with i can never get a village first try all right time to make a new world i guess come on i need something other than an ocean all right a forest i can totally work with a forest bro what

How did i even get up here is there even water nope all right i definitely can’t get off of here it’s fine i guess i can keep making worlds until i get something that’s not an ocean or not a floating island come on something else oh a

Desert let’s go and a village all right i guess it only takes creating three new worlds to get a spawn that actually is good i can finally play the game now if this fourth world doesn’t spawn me near a village i swear i’m never logging

On again alright planes by them oh yes a village let’s go alright time to loot up and get started whoa whoa whoa what do you think you’re doing the village is closed today buddy it’s a sunday the village is closed what does that mean i’ve never seen a village closed not my

Problem kid come on wait i just need some stuff to start off did he just slam the door on me let’s see do i have enough diamonds for full diamond no all right it’s fine i got four i only need one more i mean how hard can finding one

Diamond be time for a quick mining trip all right it’s been 45 minutes i haven’t found anything i’m sure there will be at least one around here and there’s not just another dead end of course finally diamond oh my god it’s just lapis of course am i ever gonna find diamonds

Alright well that three hour mining trip was a complete waste i guess it’s time to head home like oh wait i do need stone to finish my house what the where did all the stone go why is this all diamond ore what just happened i just said i needed stone and

It was gone wait what am i doing i need one more diamond to make my helmet alright let me just dude are you serious how and one more lantern to finish off the house there we go i haven’t built a house like this before i’ve never used

Jungle oh looks like i forgot to grab one piece of jungle wood nice gotta go all the way back to the jungle for one single piece of wood well i better get going evo oh what’s up dude you’re not going to believe this but it’s gone the

Entire thing is gone what are you talking about what’s gone the jungle ah of course just tell me what happened there was a fire look i don’t know you just have to see for yourself all right obviously the entire jungle isn’t gone what the heck where did the jungle go

Okay you know i don’t even care what happened i just need one piece of wood do you have a sapling let’s just plant a new tree we can’t replant all the saplings are gone too oh my god okay you know what this oakhouse looks even better than my last house i guess it’s

Pretty much finished i just need for this house to not be destroyed and i’ll be fine wait no no no i’m not doing this again i need every torch placed now that no mobs will be able to spawn my house will never be destroyed i think i’m good

Now wait i forgot something how could i forget the lightning alright place a lightning rod there now lightning will never be able to destroy my house alright now that i don’t need to worry about my house being destroyed i can finally go back to minding that one

Diamond i wonder how long this will take oh shoot wait i forgot my pickaxe what the oh no just do it already i don’t want to look all right let’s see if i want to hit a million subscribers this year i just need people that watch my videos to hit

The subscribe button what 96 aren’t subscribed well i guess four percent of the people have the right idea all right i’m done playing around it’s time to go to the nether let’s hope this nether portal spawns me next to a fortress and did i spawn near a fortress no wait what the

I’m in the end dimension what is going on how is this happening i just said i needed to spawn in the nether dude i swear this game doesn’t want me to happen oh no that’s the ender dragon i gotta get out of here nope okay please i

Need this portal to take me back to the nether ah finally i’m back in the nether let’s go all right let’s get a fortune of course why do i even try at this point this game hates me i just need to beat the game already i’m so tired of

All this weird stuff going on ender pearls please what blaze rods why does this keep happening to me wait i think i figured it out whenever i say i need something the game gives me the opposite so i could really use ender pearls ah you’ve got to be kidding me okay i

Made it to the end i need to jump in the portal to beat the game i don’t know what this game has been doing to me but there’s no way that could be messed up right alright i’m done let’s just finish the game wait mojang studios wait this is the

Start i can’t believe boss approved our pranking idea well let’s just hope everything goes smoothly starting up minecraft but pranking goes too far hopefully i’m the first one on the server i don’t think anyone’s gotten on yet come on please spawn me in a village okay a desert i can totally work with

The desert alright let’s find a village here wait a minute is that a starter chest i don’t remember turning on a starter chest maybe i turned it on accidentally no way a diamond yo today’s my lucky day what the did it work please tell me it worked yes

I knew i would get you with that really dude i’ve been on the server for like 10 seconds i’m so getting you back all right man it’s just a prank no need to get worked up of course of course it’s just a prank it’s all fun and games

Right there’s gotta be a village around here somewhere whoa what is it oh shoot let’s watch out for that pillager base over there let’s keep going this way wait actually you know what you stay here i’ll be right back trust me wait what are you doing is

There something wrong with him i hope this works please don’t attack i have a proposal whoa there buddy you better have a really good reason for being here right now look look just hear me out if i give you all these emeralds can you please just do one favor for me

I’m sure we can help you out this should be a good spot for a home What is that sound where is that coming from oh god all right so this is the guy you want us to destroy yep you’re in the right place whenever you’re ready you can launch a full-scale invasion oh my god i can’t believe he sent a whole army after me it’s time to

Step it up hey traitor if you do something for me i’ll actually trade with you for once how does that sound you’ll trade with me i don’t believe it i’ve never had anyone trade with me before i know i know but only if you do this one thing for me alright okay yeah

Sure whatever i have to do to get a trade i’m in seems like a nice spot to settle down wait a minute is someone knocking on my door hello sir oh my god not the wandering traitor okay what do you want why are you at my house is this the evbo residence

Yeah it seems i have a delivery for you what are you talking about i didn’t order anything from you look i think you got the wrong guy well that’s not my problem buddy this says it’s for you so have a great day ugh wandering traders are so annoying wait what did he even

Deliver what is all that noise coming from my oh no oh i got a really bad feeling about this yep i definitely got pranked man sean really went to the wandering trader i guess i gotta step up my game this is gonna take so long but i know it’s gonna

Be worth it just place a few blocks like this and this is about to be the best prank in history dude sean you gotta wake up man something terrible has happened whoa what dude it’s so bad what’s going on i don’t know how it happened but i think our world is

Somehow a super flat world now what how what happened what did you do don’t be mad but i think i was messing around with some new commands did you seriously make all my stuff disappear i’m afraid so dude i’m so sorry i don’t think you’re ever getting your stuff back man

I’m sorry wow dude really you built all this for a prank and now what will i have to be the one to clean all this up come on relax it’s just a prank that’s it i’m not playing around anymore you better be ready of course let’s see what prank

Shawn has ready for me this time what the whoa whoa what is this so you finally showed up as you can see here i built a little something while you are gone dude what is this why are my girlfriend and my dog surrounded by tnt i managed to get your dog and your

Girlfriend here so you have to choose which one to save dude what is wrong with you you took this way too far this was just a prank war come on let them out this isn’t funny it’s too late those are weighted pressure plates i designed

It so that if one person steps off the other one explodes so good luck choosing i’m sorry dog i never meant for the prank war to go this far i can’t believe he took the life of my dog for a prank this isn’t just a prank

War anymore i will get revenge for my dog what the where am i i’m glad you finally showed up ever since you took the life of my dog i spent hours and hours mining every single block in existence so that there are no blocks left in this world you

Cleared out the entire world just to get revenge wow it doesn’t matter i’ll just make a new world go ahead and try to leave this world i already hacked your computer and there’s no way you can leave this world what you’re stuck in this world full of nothingness this is

Your punishment all right fine you win so can we just make another world now oh yes i won let’s go yeah i can make a new world where is he hey yo hold up sorry i’m late traffic you know it’s fine come on we gotta start now launching minecraft but it’s played like

Real life all right it’s that time again i gotta teach this guy minecraft for the first time this is gonna be fun oh let’s go he figured out how to join the server thank you alright i’m here i’m ready to play this game all right perfect all you have

To do is just follow me around and see how i play okay wait why am i already fully grown fully grown what are you even talking about all right i don’t know what you’re talking about but just watch me okay every minecraft world starts with punching wood whoa dude what

Are you doing why would you punch a tree with your bare hands you could hurt yourself no you can’t hurt yourself like that okay you just punch wood to start the game all right just follow me i’m so confused how did he not break his hand oh perfect there’s a village right over

Here look we can stay here until we build our own houses is this where my parents live do you know my parents why would i know your parents and why would they be on my minecraft server i have no clue what you mean by that you don’t

Have parents in this game okay just follow me okay what i usually do when i come to a village is i look for the biggest house and i just set up camp there oh let’s go this house is perfectly big enough for the both of us

Dude what is wrong with you why are you upset now i just got us a perfect house we can’t just break into someone’s house i mean what will happen if the police catch us all right first off this is a villager’s house no one lives here and

Second there are no police in minecraft i don’t know who told you that i do not like new players no police this is so weird just one more water bucket and we got an infinite water source there we go oh god i wonder what jackson’s gonna say about this dude i

Thought you knew better than that stop wasting water we need to drink something all right this is an infinite water source that means it will never run out also you don’t even drink water in this game why are you worried infinite water right and i have infinite money yep i

Knew we wouldn’t believe that one just a few more pieces of wood and i should be good for the house and my inventory is full it’s fine i’ll just have jackson get the rest yo my inventory is full right now can you grab this extra wood

For me thanks and i need that anvil too can you pick that up i don’t think i’m strong enough to carry all of that i’m sorry what are you even talking about you just put it in your inventory look i’ll even break the anvil for you you

Just walk over it there’s no such thing as weight in this game i haven’t been hitting the gym i’m sorry i wish i could help oh my god are you kidding me i wonder what jackson’s up to now it’s probably best he figures this game out

On his own hey huh oh jackson yo there you go you got some iron armor what have you been up to so i did that mining thing you told me to do and i got a bunch of stuff oh my god this is from your first mining trip ever dude that’s

Crazy well this kind of sucks don’t i have to pay taxes now on all this taxes who would you even pay taxes to somebody say taxes well look what we have here i heard somebody has a lot of money over here which one of you hasn’t paid their

Taxes yet are you serious grocks see i knew i had to pay taxes no there aren’t taxes in this game i don’t even know how groks got here all right croc seriously you gotta leave you’re not getting taxes from either of us and he just started playing this game and you’re not gonna

Tax him so please just go somewhere else well if you guys aren’t paying your taxes i guess i’ll have to rob some more villagers i guess that works there’s no way i’m letting jackson go to the nether he is so not prepared actually i probably don’t need this totem i should

Probably give it to a mom gone all right jackson i’m giving you this item and it could potentially save your life okay it’s called the totem of undying all you have to do is hold it in your left hand and if you end up dying you’ll just respawn okay it’s that simple just

Whatever you do keep it in your left hand okay i’ll be back later i think there might be a problem i’m right-handed so i’m not comfortable with my left hand what why would it matter if you’re right-handed your minecraft character has a left-hand slot you can

Put it there whatever man i already told you i’m not left-handed i’ll just hold it in my right how can you be right-handed in minecraft oh this is so perfect jackson’s looking in a chest he’s right where i want him time to test out this brand new power 5 bow on him if

My calculations are correct he should survive i i just got shot somebody please help me ah direct shot let’s go why is he laying down come on dude get up you just got shot with a bow and arrow it’s fine you’re the one who shot me that’s it i’m suing you i’ll be

Seeing you in court all right man this isn’t real life you can’t just sue me this is minecraft wait minecraft isn’t real life of course minecraft isn’t real life we’re playing a video game you’re saying minecraft is a video game yes how is that not obvious oh that makes sense

Okay you get it now you can stop trying to play like it’s real life i thought minecraft wasn’t real life it is real life wait no it’s not real life ah what happened wait where am i hello why am i strapped to this bed can anyone hear me

I need help uh oh this isn’t good how is he awake hey you there can you help me i’m stuck i don’t know where i am initiating memory wipe wait memory wipe okay that could have been bad let’s begin minecraft but it’s too difficult this is my first time on minecraft in 10

Years i hope it’s the same easy game i remember i’m trying to have fun oh it looks like tyler already got a head start you finally made it you ready to play oh dude i’m so ready i’m not gonna lie i think i forgot how to start you

Start off by getting wood i’ll let you figure out the rest by yourself getting wood of course how do i not remember that all right let’s have a nice relaxing survival game and get some wood and build a house let’s go what how did i just die i was just punching a

Tree how in the world did i mess up punching a tree did you seriously die already dude i have no clue what happened but i just started punching this tree and i just instantly died oh you must have been trying to punch a poison oak tree a poison oak tree look

This one right here this is a poison oak tree now this one over here is a regular oak tree what when was this adam do you see the difference now do i see the difference now let’s see this is poison and this is regular i guess i don’t know all right man just

Play around a little and i’m sure you’ll get the hang of it all right these look the exact same i don’t want to get wood anymore i’m going to find something easier to do okay what is something really easy to do oh get a dog that’s a

Perfect thing to do let’s see all i need is a few bones so i just have to take out a couple skeletons guess i’ll need a sword hey tyler do you have an extra sword i can use i’m trying to get some skeleton bones just to warn you man

Skeletons are not that easy to take down but sure i’ll give you a sword don’t worry i’ve taken out plenty of skeletons back in my day i’m pretty sure i can handle a couple alright let’s see this should be a nice cave entrance there’s definitely skeletons down here

Dang how deep do i have to go to find a skeleton all right boys he’s in position are we ready copy that all the snipers are in position and ready to fire dude really i am so far underground how have i not found a single skeleton wait what was that noise what is

On me is that a sniper laser oh my god okay i definitely wasn’t prepared for this i need to find a way out of this k oh no all right men he’s surrounded open fire in three hold on wait wait wait wait okay that was a terrible idea why do skeletons have

Snipers now oh i guess i’m not getting a dog anymore okay i can barely mine wood without dying i can’t even take out a single skeleton what else could i do that’s easy to do in this game smelt an iron ingot wait that’s actually so easy

I know i can do that one i just need one piece of coal for the fuel there we go one piece of iron check and finally i’ll just craft the furnace there we go wait i thought this was the recipe for a furnace yo tyler how do you craft a

Furnace i’m trying to smelt a piece of iron oh you’re trying to smelt stuff too well perfect timing come with me no i just need the recipe for a fr okay whatever i’ll go with you to the nether dude what are we doing here i just need to smelt so

What is that this is the almighty nether forage it’s where you have to smelt your items wait why can’t i just craft a furnace why am i here furnaces have been gone for years you have to go to the nether now so i just have to make the

Lava parkour to smelt my items well not quite you see you have to dodge the fireballs from the gas that guard the forge oh my god that’s impossible and then once you get to the end you’ll meet the forge master and he’ll decide if you’re worthy to use the forge well what

Happens if he says i’m not worthy well you don’t come back what i’m not doing all of that to smelt one piece of iron geez why is everything in this game so difficult now is there something i can do something that’s easy wait what’s this one sleep in a bed wait that’s

Actually so easy there’s a village right here let’s go there’s no way this achievement can be that hard to do i mean all you have to do is sleep in a bed ah finally i got an achievement man for some reason i actually thought this one was gonna be hard

What the where am i why am i surrounded by lava what tyler what are you doing here and why is there a villager dude really why’d you sleep in the villagers bed what i was just getting the achievement don’t you know that players and villagers signed an agreement years

Ago that said players would never break into villagers homes again how was i supposed to know that well what happens now well legally he can now drop you in lava wait what how is that even fair oh dude i don’t know what happened to this game it’s

Getting way too difficult i’m gonna do it i’m gonna change it back to peaceful what the difficulty didn’t change oh yeah this is just peaceful mode seriously boss said we can’t have any more problems is this epo’s headband secured it looks secure to me good we can’t have any memory problems alright

What’s this scenario minecraft but it’s super easy oh come on i gotta find a way off this hill all right i don’t really care i think i’m just gonna make this jump let’s see can i survive a 30 block fall a 30 block jump you’re kidding right

There’s no way you will survive a 30 block drop ah whatever i’m going for it you’re not seriously jumping are you evbo please tell me you didn’t jump dang i really thought i could make that jump dude why’d you jump i literally told you you wouldn’t survive that fall

I thought peaceful mode you could jump from higher alright it seems like peaceful mode is too hard for you why don’t you just try that brand new super easy mode that they just came out with super easy mode what is goofy talking about super easy mode is that even a

Thing oh my god it is a thing i wonder how the game could possibly get any easier than peaceful mode alright my first time in a super easy world i don’t notice anything different wait is this a starter chest i don’t remember turning this on why is it an ender chest that’s

Kind of weird no way is this full net the right armor yo and it’s already fully enchanted this is awesome i love super easy mode i’m glad you enjoyed the stuff i put in your starter chest what the heck who are you are you me what am i looking at i am your

Personal guide that comes with every super easy world i pretty much do everything for you wow i did not expect minecraft to add this feature well that’s pretty cool i guess i’m just gonna go off on my own now but i will call you if i need anything alright a

Village let’s go let’s see if they have any trades hey do you think i could trade with you oh a new player do you have a house yet do i have a house uh no i just started the game oh perfect allow us villagers to build you one you’re

Gonna build a house just for me of course it’s really no problem this house will be amazing trust me dang super easy mode is pretty cool i didn’t know villagers did that on their own hey that better be a really nice mansion or you know what happens wait who are you are

You talking to me don’t worry about it i got you bro um all right no way this entire mansion is for me wait this is actually insane hey villager is this the house you built me yes this is your house do you like it please say you like

It yeah this is way better than i expected yes grox will actually let us live rox will let you live now what does that mean oh whatever i got a cool mansion let’s go i have full netherite but i still can use some coal and iron

And stuff i guess i’ll just dig straight down to go to a cave whatever i know you’re not supposed to dig straight down but i don’t care oh no it seems like evpo’s digging straight down i must save him first let’s put one layer of water then let’s add some scaffolding just to

Make sure he doesn’t take damage and let’s place cobwebs just in case that doesn’t work perfect now evo will never take damage ever again what are the odds i actually fall into a cave from digging straight down oh my god wait what is this what is this contraption i’m sitting in

How did this get here did someone build this no way you built it for me this is awesome yes i got you oh a desert temple that’s a nice find i don’t even remember what’s in desert temples are there traps or is there something down here i think

The chest might be down here oh i was right let’s go and i think the pressure plate opens the chests right let’s go get some sick loot uh oh wait oh no this was a tnt trap oh wait a minute why didn’t it blow up why

Did i just hear the sound of tnt what the heck what’s under here is that a jukebox i’m so confused why is there a jukebox instead of tnt tnt sounds explosions huh i guess this is why it’s super easy mode okay so i have full

Netherite can i just go to the end and beat the ender dragon no do not go to the end dimension it is not safe just stay here and i will do everything for you it’s not safe wait well how am i supposed to beat the game where did that

Guy go i’m so confused i have returned follow me and i will tell you how to beat the game is he taking me to the end what the is that the ender dragon in a cage i have captured the ender dragon for you all you have to do now is pull

This lever and it will defeat the ender dragon all by itself you do not need to take any damage and you will be completely safe this is all i have to do to win congratulations on beating the ender dragon wait but i didn’t even do anything alright i’m not gonna lie i

Think super easy mode is a little too easy for me so i’m gonna play something harder i’m sorry i cannot permit that you must only stay in super easy mode where it is safe no i already told you super easy mode is too easy i need to play something harder i think you

Misunderstand you are now trapped with me forever i will not let you leave what what are you talking about let me go whoa whoa whoa where did this f bow go i don’t know somehow the epo tricked me inside the simulation and he escaped how rewind the footage and played from the

Beginning okay here’s the footage from minecraft but everything is super flat oh man i haven’t been on minecraft in 25 years i wonder what sort of updates they came out with when i stopped playing alright new world let’s go wait wait a minute isn’t this a super

Flat world i swear i made a regular world okay hold on let me restart must have been some weird glitch or something okay world type default there we go all right now i can see what all these minecraft updates are wait why is this still super flat what is going on is my

Minecraft broken or something i know it’s been a while but this isn’t how normal minecraft is right edbo really come on why are you acting like you don’t know minecraft you know it’s always been super flat minecraft has always been super flat what i swear you’re always forgetting how to play i

Bet it’s that headband you wear on your head the headband on my head i’m wearing a headband you don’t know you’re wearing a headband okay whatever just why don’t you start the game i think there are trees you need wood if you remember i

Know i know i need wood i got it where are these trees he was talking about i don’t see anything wait hold up what is that i think i might be going crazy but i feel like trees didn’t look like this before so everything including trees have always been super flat in minecraft

I guess i do forget everything well whatever i got some wood let’s get this world started wait so if everything in minecraft has always been super flat how did i used to build my houses in the past well i guess i could try building right now wait stop huh the number one

Rule of minecraft is you can never build just don’t do it what are you talking about why can’t i build trust me you don’t want to know i’m telling you to just listen to me and don’t do it okay dude i’m pretty sure nothing bad will happen if i place a single block

You shouldn’t have placed the block how did herobrine get here what is going on you should know by now that everything in this world must stay super flat i’m sorry please don’t hurt me you can either break the block or be haunted for the rest of your life no no no i’m going

I’m going i’m breaking it oh my god oh my god good you made the right choice oh my god dude what is up with minecraft nowadays i’m never doing that again i told him he shouldn’t have built well i haven’t found anything except trees and herobrine wait what is this stuff in the

Ground wait these blocks kind of look familiar i feel like i’ve seen all of this before wait a minute is this a village oh my god even the villages are flat too huh help me wait what was that over here hello where are you i’m over

Here please help me who’s saying that oh no way it’s a villager please i’m stuck can you help me get out how did you even end up down there i fell and i can’t break blocks oh man that really sucks hey is that your barrel yes i have

Plenty of stuff if you help me out i’ll give you all of it well what do you got in there oh no way a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe yo you are the best my man thank you so much wait but you need

To help me get out of here oh right uh look i gotta run i gotta do some stuff but hey i hope you get help wait please come back i can’t believe i got free diamond stuff from that villager wait what is all of this up here netherrack

Gold quartz wait a minute this must be the nether that’s so crazy no way ancient debris on the surface flat minecraft is amazing wait so if there are no portals in flat minecraft does that mean if i keep going i’ll find the end no way i think my theory was

Actually right this must be the start of the n dimension well if i remember anything there should be an ender dragon i have to take down right let’s go do it i think this is it wait am i even gonna be able to take down the dragon with

Just a diamond sword hold on this should be the right spot right the obsidian towers this is where the ender dragon is right but shouldn’t there be end crystals on top of them and where is the dragon i don’t see it anywhere wait a minute isn’t this the portal that only

Spawns if you actually defeat the ender dragon no wait did c what beat the dragon already alright well i guess i can just jump through the portal what the what am i looking at what is going on is that the regular overworld no no no no

This has got to be some joke i knew something was up i don’t remember minecraft being super flat was i in some weird simulation or something well it certainly took you long enough to figure out my master plan what see what was all of this you that’s right i’ve been lying

About everything from the start minecraft was never super flat but i knew i could outsmart you so i got on the server and built this entire super flat world just to make you believe minecraft had actually become flat it was truly the ultimate prank ah i guess

You really did get me good no one will ever come close to pulling off pranks as good as mine you just might be the best pranker except for one thing i predicted that you would try to trick me into thinking the world was super flat but

The whole time i got on the server before you did no i built you an entire world to make you think it wasn’t super flat but in reality it’s always been super flat no i can’t believe i actually felt for this i don’t believe it well i

Guess i’m not the best pranker of all time wait i’m confused so is this world actually regular or is it super flat good question i don’t even know you hear about that evo that escaped don’t worry about it let’s just not screw this one up alright starting up minecraft if it

Was played in reverse i am so excited to play this new update someone told me it was very confusing i wonder what they meant by that all right new survival world let’s go wait a minute why do i already have items in my inventory i just spawned in what is this all right

This is probably some weird glitch i’m just gonna throw this stuff out geez i have never had that happen to me before it’s strange let’s see i need wood to start this game right wait what why is this stuff back in my inventory i just threw it out there’s gotta be something

Wrong with my world wait what is this a book build a tree what is this a tutorial or something why would i build a tree don’t you usually break trees to start the game actually i don’t even know maybe this is right i haven’t played in a long time all right just a

Couple more leaves and we are good let’s go built my first tree this still feels really off to me well it says task completed so i guess i did the right thing i swear i do not remember minecraft being like this wait i just got a new item three raw pork chop what

Am i supposed to do with this am i supposed to build a pig or something oh god wait no way build a pig all right i do not remember being able to build mobs since when is that a thing how do i even do this do i just throw oh oh my god

What is that is that half a pig oh god nope this isn’t good i need to fix this do i just throw the rest of the pork chops oh i really hope this works oh no way it worked oh my gosh i thought it was gonna be stuck there forever why did

You kill me you could have gone for a cow what i didn’t kill you i just saved your life dang what’s that pig’s problem oh no way i just got new items alright let’s see what i have to do now i got oak stairs cobblestone carrots a white

Bed and a villager spawn egg i’m gonna take a guess and say that i probably have to find a village what could i possibly need a villager spawn egg for anyways oh my god what happened to this village it’s all on fire and destroyed wait a minute i have oak stairs

Cobblestone a bed i think i need to repair this village well all that’s done what do i do with this villager egg hey have you seen my dad anywhere you lost your dad yeah i think i lost him when the village was attacked oh well this might sound weird

But i think i have your dad right here no wait dad is that really you hey it’s you you’re the guy who attacked our village why don’t you just leave us alone i’m the one who attacked your village what are you talking about i just respond to you you’re not even

Gonna thank me dang bro that’s like really messed up grox what are you doing here how did you get in my world wait i have a new task what does this say return villager taxes oh no did grox seriously rob all of these villagers hey

Yo hold up where’d all my money go who stole my taxes sir i don’t know what you meant by me destroying your village but i think these belong to you oh my gosh i thought i’d never see this money again thank you so much bro you really gave it

Back to him come on grocks you gotta stop stealing nah i’m definitely coming back for those emeralds ah i’m not surprised well so i saved the village i guess i just have to wait around for oh obsidian what am i supposed to do with one piece of obsidian oh whoa i just got

Way more items nether cords blackstone and ender pearls what do all of those have in common wait aren’t these all piglen trades well i guess i’m going to the nether i’m sure this piglen will want to trade with me oh great it’s you again come on what else do you want what

This is my first time in the nether i’ve never traded with you whatever anyways i think i have a bunch of items that i think you might like do any of these sound appealing to you well of course they’re appealing to me i just had them

Yesterday but i guess i can take them and give you your gold back my gold i traded with you okay whatever this is super weird i’m confused so now are you going to return the gold you stole too what do you mean i stole this gold from

Who if you follow me right through here you’ll find him straight ahead that’s the guy yeah you seriously don’t remember we all thought you were crazy but you did it anyways you know i think i’m just gonna keep it for myself this is so awesome i can’t believe that

Player finally freed the end i can finally live a normal life wait is that the same player as before what is he doing back so soon he already defeated the dragon i can’t believe i’m in the end dimension already i mean what am i supposed to do again trap the end that

Doesn’t sound right but whatever this is so strange i thought the achievement was to free the end from the ender dragon and now i’m bringing the ender dragon back not again are you kidding me i don’t really remember minecraft that much but it seems like i’ve been playing this

Whole thing in reverse wait so if this is the end then what happens now wait what destroying world wait wait this one’s important boss is going to review performance after this one all right starting up minecraft but lag is normal Let’s go this is my first time playing minecraft in 30 years i wonder what updates they added all right let’s get this world started oh great am i in a missing chunk am i lagging or is the server lagging oh great how do i get out

Now what am i supposed to do hey evo you made it let’s go are you ready to play yo juffy you’re stuck in the chunk too i mean i’m ready as long as this lag fixes lag what are you talking about everything’s normal normal what do you mean we’re literally floating we’re not

Floating this is just a missing chunk come on bro haven’t you played the lag update what the lag update what is that everything’s fine you probably forgot how to play like usual but it doesn’t matter let’s get some wood what is going on why would they add a lag update well

Other than being able to walk on air everything else seems pretty normal so i guess let’s get some wood wait what happened to my piece of wood i swear i just broke it alright let’s try this again and what is going on are trees like invincible in this new update why

Can’t i grab wood oh yeah you must have forgotten oh great what did they change now the blocks lag quite a bit so you have to break a block five times to actually get the block five times are you kidding me uh yeah five times you seriously don’t know that do i seriously

Have to break this five times oh let’s go finally a piece of wood dropped just need some food to start off this world oh look at all these cows and pigs my lucky day time for some cooked pork chop let’s go wait what yo is this like a god

Pig or something why isn’t it taking any damage all right i am so confused right now well what do i do now wait did the pig just disappear where’d it go all right that pig was definitely messed up let’s try this one again wait where are they going why do they keep disappearing

How am i supposed to get food okay maybe it’s just a pig thing i guess we’ll try getting the cows Bro are you serious all four cows were just here and they just disappeared what is going on this is not good i might starve soon dang looks like all the animals are gone wait juffy the animals disappeared for you too yeah i think all the animals must have lagged out and

Left the game what what do you mean the animals lagged out and left how could they leave yeah i think they had really bad internet or something that makes no sense animals are a part of minecraft how do they have internet uh it’s all right they’ll be back soon hopefully

Dude i am so lost right now yo a village let’s go well if all the animals lagged out maybe i can find some food here i wonder if this villager here has anything to offer oh hey you must be new here are you looking to trade with me

For some items oh yeah definitely do you have any food food of course i have plenty do you have anything to offer i’m not gonna lie i only have six wheat seeds on me i don’t know if that’s enough to get any food this is perfect

Take all this steak oh really no way thank you so much this is way too generous this is perfect take all this steak wait what you’re offering me more steak seriously man i do not need that much steak you’re good this is perfect take all this steak dude i just said i

Don’t need any more steak why do you keep throwing it at me oh no way you found a lagging villager that’s such a great find a lagging villager what is that yeah sometimes the villagers lag and they forget to trade with you and they just end up giving you infinite

Trades i got so many diamonds from this one villager it was so sick wait so will they ever stop trading this is perfect take all this steak stop please bro i don’t need any more steak this is perfect take all this stop dropping steak okay let’s check the time let’s

Check the time all right should be any minute now before the daily lag reset i hope evpo didn’t build anything that would suck one more block and it’s done let’s go i finally finished this insane house oh my gosh this took me forever oh god this is not gonna be good did you

Seriously not know about the lag reset the lag reset what do they keep adding to the game what is that every day at noon the world lags and resets all builds in the last hour what so what happens to my house well did you build this house within the last hour i mean

Maybe i don’t know when i started where did my house go what what happened bro are you serious every block just got erased oh my gosh all my hard work you really should have learned about the lag update before playing minecraft again why would minecraft add this as a

Feature this is like the worst update i’ve ever played alright good work guys i thought that scenario turned out great juffy what are you talking about what scenario wait he’s still up shut it down shut it down what who’s saying that i’m doing it i’m doing it jeez that was

A close call hey guys boss just called a meeting he needs everyone there let’s go oh man boss really brought everyone in here do you think boss knows we screwed up on that last simulation just be quiet you’ve all done well the simulations are running as planned keep bringing me more

Ideas and we’ll keep running more scenarios but i don’t want any more mistakes let’s get back to work

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but it’s a SIMULATION: The Movie’, was uploaded by Evbo on 2022-05-26 23:30:05. It has garnered 16036807 views and 127949 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:27 or 3687 seconds.

Minecraft but it’s a SIMULATION…..the MOVIE about Evbo being trapped in a series of simulations…..the purpose is yet to be known…

Voice Actors: Evbo, @seawattgaming , @GroxMC , @JoofyLooby , @LateNightPies , Jackswano, Sean, Tabi382 Actors: Evbo, @JoofyLooby , @LateNightPies

Join My Discord! https://discord.gg/cbnFGNz

Follow me on Twitch, Twitter, and Tiktok! Tiktok: @evboshorts Twitter: twitter.com/evbolive Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/evbolive​​​​​​​​

Check out MCProHosting to host a server! https://mcph.to/Evbo Use promo code “Evbo”!

Music/FX: Eternal – Ean Grimm Flight Hymn – Ross Bugden The Ranger’s Tavern – Ean Grimm #minecraft

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    10 Commandes Minecraft Que Tu Ne Connais Pas! Les 10 Commandes Puissantes de Minecraft 2024 Dans cette vidéo, tu vas découvrir 10 commandes très peu connues mais vraiment puissantes. Il est fort probable que tu ne connaisses pas ces 10 commandes, alors n’hésite pas à partager ton score sur 10 dans les commentaires à la fin de la vidéo. Commençons sans plus tarder avec le numéro 10. Numéro 10 – Commande de Décoration Cette commande ajoute des décorations lorsque tu tires avec un arc. En activant la commande, il te suffira de prendre un arc et de tirer une flèche. Tu verras une trainée stylée derrière la… Read More

  • Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228

    Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We revisit BucketSMP, in a virtual dream. Village machines previewed, in Episode 228, Updates and news, in a rhyming display. The presenter, bucketsunset, with a smile so bright, Guiding us through the server, in the dead of night. No new developments, but a glimpse of the past, Exploring old areas, where memories last. The enchanting table, untouched for so long, The village machine, where villagers belong. Fixing up the old, making it new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. Water disasters, flooding the land, But with a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Explore New Depths in Minecraft Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Imagine exploring vast sewers and building dark altars, just like in the video you watched. Minewind allows you to unleash your creativity and build your own unique world within the game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and become a part… Read More

  • 100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1

    100 Days Surviving Minecraft with Dwellers: EP1 Sobreviviendo 100 Días en Minecraft con Dwellers: Night Dweller EP1 En este emocionante video de Minecraft, cada 2 días aparece un nuevo dweller, lo que promete desafíos y momentos inolvidables en el juego. ¡Prepárate para una aventura llena de acción y suspenso gracias al mod From The Fog! Explorando y Sobreviviendo El protagonista se embarca en una misión para sobrevivir 100 días en un mundo lleno de peligros y sorpresas. Desde la construcción de herramientas básicas hasta la búsqueda de refugio seguro, cada paso es crucial para garantizar la supervivencia. Con la aparición de nuevos dwellers cada pocos días,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled

    Minecraft's Epic Tale: The Beginning Unveiled In the world of Minecraft, we take a dive, Exploring the past, where it all did thrive. From Minecon in Vegas, to the Combat Update, Every detail shared, every story so great. The early days of Minecraft, so simple and pure, A game that would grow, of that we were sure. From bridges to dragons, the community grew, With updates and features, always something new. The Adventure Update, the Chorus plant in sight, Trading and temples, adding to the delight. The Pretty Scary Update, with the Wither’s might, Challenges and bosses, a true gamer’s fight. So let’s celebrate 15… Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans

    Gray Hair & Tattoos: TikTok Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures with Sad! Exploring the World of Minecraft Robert’s insistence finally paid off as our favorite content creator delved into the enchanting world of Minecraft. With the company of their Mod and Friend Sad, the gaming experience reached new heights of excitement and fun. Building the Bean Mart During a recent TikTok Live stream, viewers were treated to a night of ordering, stocking, and planning as the Bean Mart took shape in the virtual realm. The captivating gameplay had TikTok viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating each new development. Join the Adventure! For those who… Read More


    INSANE SKYBLOCK ADVENTURE - DAY 83 SEASON 7!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘prt 2 DAY 83 – SEASON 7!!!! SKYBLOCK SB737 PENGUIN.GG SERVER – MINECRAFT BEDROCK CJSGOOSE’, was uploaded by CJSGOOSE on 2024-04-02 12:06:56. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:10 or 6790 seconds. Happy Easter everyone! The lighthouse has a roof!! We need to get working on the mob farms – so lets do that today ===================================================================== Meanwhile in GOOSEVILLE Subs are coming in super quickly (thank you so much!) 500 sub challenge – Respawn the Dragon (and go to the ancient city for the 400!) I haven’t… Read More

  • Insane Pillars of Fortune Montage

    Insane Pillars of Fortune MontageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pillars of Fortune montage. #clutch #minecraft #cubecraft’, was uploaded by JoyfulMage on 2024-04-03 01:18:04. It has garnered 630 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Read More

  • Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!

    Free REALM Code for Minecraft, No Permission Needed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft REALM code! No Permission REQUIRED’, was uploaded by FG Dakota on 2024-05-31 06:52:05. It has garnered 901 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. vatar minecraft realm code, anime universe minecraft realm code, ultimate achievement world minecraft realm code 1.19, zombie apocalypse minecraft realm code 2023, rust minecraft realm code, minecraft rpg realm code, minecraft realm code 2023, minecraft realm code survival, minecraft realm code skygen, minecraft realm code smp, minecraft realm code 1.20, minecraft realm code xbox, minecraft realm code naruto, star wars minecraft realm code,… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP SERVERS TO JOIN NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #minecraftgameplay #joinmysmp’, was uploaded by Flow on 2024-02-05 02:33:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!

    Insane Hive Live Challenge: 1 Sub = Griddy?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live With Viewers One Sub = Griddy’, was uploaded by JustNonSense69 on 2024-03-02 20:56:28. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftTexturePacks #animeaddon #hive #mcpe #minecraftbedrock #minecraft JustNonSense69FaultDownload … Read More

  • Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!

    Mikey & JJ Bed Transformation Causes Chaos in Minecraft Village!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ AND MIKEY BECOME BEDS AND ATTACK THE VILLAGE IN MINECRAFT ! Mikey and JJ BED VILLAGE.’, was uploaded by Maibek JJ on 2024-03-19 19:51:36. It has garnered 17813 views and 93 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. Read More

  • Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraft

    Claim: Sahil is an Impostor?! Pranking My Friend #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Prank With My Friend #minecraft #viral #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by ITS NOT SAHIL on 2023-12-28 01:45:05. It has garnered 2521 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Unleashing the Ultimate Shizo Power!

    Unleashing the Ultimate Shizo Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘Being the best’, was uploaded by Veouh on 2024-04-02 14:30:37. It has garnered 210 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. I also do NOT own this song featured in the video. All rights belong to it’s rightful owner/owner’s. No copyright infringement intended. I can also… Read More

  • Insane Chicken Theft – 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #anime

    Insane Chicken Theft - 984-Year-Old Animation! 🐔🔥 #shizo #animeVideo Information This video, titled ‘give my chicken Back! 😡 #anime #music #edit #song #memeshort #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bubba bubbaphant Animation•984•years•17B views on 2024-05-16 12:04:05. It has garnered 539 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Thirty Numbers SMP

    Thirty Numbers SMPHello and welcome to ThirtyNumbersSMP in this server its survival and there is basically no rules (other than the ones in discord) also you can team with players pretty much whatever you desire there Read More

  • ViibeMC Network 1.20.4 Claims Economy Jobs Skills Free Ranks

    Welcome to ViibeMC Adventure awaits in SMP and Skyblock! In SMP (Survival Multiplayer), team up with friends to conquer the wild landscapes, engage in PvP battles, and experience custom enchantments for added excitement. In Skyblock, start with a tiny island and expand it into a paradise. Compete for monthly island payouts and showcase your creativity. IP: play.viibe.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/viibe Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!

    Minecraft Memes - Survived the Warden, this meme nails it!Just like the Warden, this meme is giving me the silent treatment because I can’t stop laughing at it! Read More

  • Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts

    Blind to Cluck: Minecraft Chicken Disappear #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where chickens roam free, I can’t see them, it’s a mystery to me. But fear not, for the adventure is still grand, Exploring, building, in this blocky land. With each new update, the game evolves, New features, new challenges, for us to solve. So join me, fellow gamers, in this digital delight, As we craft, mine, and survive through the night. Don’t skip the video, don’t miss the fun, In this world of creativity, we all are one. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, your bow, And let’s dive into Minecraft, where the possibilities… Read More

  • POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage

    POV: I flex on Minecraft mobs with my time-stopping powers #savage POV: My friend still won’t stop bragging about how I saved them in Minecraft by stopping time. I guess I’m just a time-stopping hero now. #humblebrag #minecrafthero Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an incredible YouTube video showcasing the BEST Food Farm in Minecraft Bedrock, producing a whopping 2,000 items per hour! This fully automatic farm is a game-changer, offering different types of mobs and loots depending on biomes. If you’re a fan of high-performance and simple farms that push the boundaries of Minecraft, then this is the server for you. Imagine the possibilities of what you can achieve with such advanced technology at your fingertips! Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server… Read More

  • Nether Portal Entrance Room Build!

    Nether Portal Entrance Room Build! Minecraft Hardcore: Building an Entrance Room to the Nether Portal! Welcome back to another thrilling episode of the Minecraft Hardcore series! In this exciting installment, our intrepid player takes on the challenge of constructing a grand entrance to the Nether Portal. As they delve deeper into the hardcore world, the fusion of creativity and survival becomes paramount. This episode is brimming with adventure, featuring the crafting of an impressive gateway to the Nether and an epic mining expedition. Designing a Majestic Entrance Join our player as they meticulously gather materials and design a Nether Portal entrance fit for royalty…. Read More

  • EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness – Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1

    EPIC Medieval Shipyard Madness - Minecraft 1.7.3 Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval Shipyard w/ Drydock Pt.1 (Minecraft beta 1.7.3)’, was uploaded by syncc on 2024-05-10 01:00:32. It has garnered 561 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:02 or 1562 seconds. Thank you for watching the first part of this mega project, I wish I could’ve gotten more done in this video but life has been hitting with some personal stuff going on. Have not had much time to play, and the footage was taking up a bunch of hard drive space so I figured you guys would probably enjoy a video regardless… Read More

  • Unleashing Light Power in Minecraft

    Unleashing Light Power in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Obtained the Power of LIGHT in Minecraft’, was uploaded by ArctixNation on 2024-03-16 20:55:08. It has garnered 12269 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:10 or 1390 seconds. I joined the Divine SMP, a Minecraft server where you can control different spirits and I want the strongest one, Light. Credits: @flxshed (Thumbnail) @JustBK_ (Overall Support) @Merffinn @MugmV2 (final fight) @Encade @Korwick @justgapple Thank you! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This… Read More

  • EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTime

    EPIC SANTA EVENT CHAOS 🎅😱 Minecraft FunTimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пов: ивент дед мороз на FunTime #grief #anarchy #minecraft #рекомендации #прикол #мем #fypシ #funtime’, was uploaded by Meshikc on 2024-01-28 17:16:27. It has garnered 1567 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Chip Chip Chip Chip Oak Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip Chip dubi dubi daba daba Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗” #gaminggold

    "EPIC Minecraft Build: Kentucky Fried Chicken 🍗" #gaminggoldVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creative Build “Kentucky Fried Chicken” 😍 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #gamingshorts’, was uploaded by Ambient Corner with TigerMomma4 on 2024-01-11 22:55:43. It has garnered 202 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. OOOH!!! I love me some Kentucky Fried Chicken!!! My son built me a KFC in my Minecraft Creative World. 🤗 Tutorial by @TSMCMinecraft This is TigerMomma4 reminding everyone to be kind to one another. May peace follow you wherever you roam… Music by Awesome_Music #minecraftbuilding #chillgamer #youtubeshorts #shortsyoutube #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!

    ULTIMATE HACK: X-Ray in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To X-Ray On Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by ChrisspyLegion on 2024-01-08 20:00:19. It has garnered 13423 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Whats going on my Legion🛡️ Welcome back to another video LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE ANIME AND GAMING CONTENT 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmTLn8dYN9qRfI5uhebeWIw The X-RAY https://www.9minecraft.net/xray-texture-pack-mcpe/ Follow My Twitch 🙂 https://www.twitch.tv/chrispylegion Donate https://streamlabs.com/chrispylegion Donate https://cash.app/$ChrisspyLegion Donate https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Chriss377YT?locale.x=en_US Join my Discord https://discord.gg/X6D95HpYFB #anime #animes #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #mcpe #minecraftaddon #minecraftpocketedition #mcpeaddon #minecraftaddons Read More

  • Azen Gaming’s EPIC Invisibility Prank – Minecraft!

    Azen Gaming's EPIC Invisibility Prank - Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Using INVISIBILITY to Prank My Friend – Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Azen Gaming on 2024-05-12 11:18:02. It has garnered 139777 views and 1273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:21 or 741 seconds. What kind of prank can we do with her next? @PepeSanTV @sheyyynplayz Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash Morph Parody #azengaming #Invisibilityprank #pepesantv #sheyyynplayz #minecraftGHOST #Minecraftph #Minecraft #MineraftTagalog #MinecraftSMP #omocraft #roblox Read More

  • “Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE” #SMP #aternos

    "Unlimited Diamonds in Minecraft SMP 24/7 Java + PE" #SMP #aternosVideo Information This video, titled ‘3K Kab Honge | Minecraft live stream in Hindi | 24/7 SMP | JAVA + PE #Minecraft #SMP #aternos’, was uploaded by Optimum Timex Gaming on 2024-01-14 13:44:45. It has garnered 160 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:48 or 8868 seconds. WELCOME TO MY LIVE STREAM ❤️ GUYS YOU ARE ALSO READY TO CHAT WITH ME JOIN US QUICKLY AND BROTHERS SHARE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO IT You Can Watch Videos Early And Much More Benefits Join the Membership and Enjoy : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZk7wcJb3fKboFgnp-Wpkxg/join MY SECOND CHANNEL LINK : https://youtube.com/channel/UCB8zmPdjDyiK9L9dZ8ArbNA INSTAGRAM… Read More


    EPIC WIN WITH MY BRO IN MINECRAFT BEDWARS! 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘MY BRO CAME IN WITH FINISH FOR THE WIN!#minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-10 13:37:04. It has garnered 11018 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥

    Insane Subway Surfers Speed! Minecraft Collab! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers super fast running speed part 2|| Minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Farhad gaming on 2024-03-15 15:42:54. It has garnered 11075 views and 199 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. subway surfers og ,  subway surfers old ,  subway surfers ost ,  subway surfers hack ,  subway surfers ohio ,  subway surfers poki ,  subway surfers pros ,  subway surfers song ,  subway surfers music ,  subway surfers phonk ,  subway surfers remix ,  subway surfers sound ,  subway surfers theme ,  subway surfers glitch ,  subway surfers profis ,  subway surfers zombie ,  subway surfers deutsch ,  subway surfers paluten ,  subway surfers gameplay ,  subway surfers official ,  , #subwaysurfers , #subway , #subwaysurf , #subwaysurfer , #subwayseries , #subwaystation , #game , #subwaytile… Read More

  • SkyHaven

    SkyHavenSkyHaven is a server for the new minecraft verisons out there! Our gamemodes are FFA, Survival, Hardcore, and more. We also have tons of features many other servers may not have! play.skyhaven.fun:27194 Read More

  • WavyMC SMP 1.20 Java/Bedrock Land Claim Level System Daily Quests

    WavyMC Server WavyMC – Java/Bedrock Survival – 1.20.X WavyMC is a 1.20 Survival server with an active community build around the Twitch community. Season 3 of WavyMC SMP launched recently and has already attracted nearly 200 players! Join us for an epic adventure in a dynamic world filled with features like economy, player leveling, quests, and more! How to join WavyMC? Version: 1.20.X Java IP: play.wavymc.fun Bedrock IP: bedrock.wavymc.fun (Port: 19132) Discord: https://discord.gg/smp Core features on WavyMC Discover unique player leveling system, land claiming, economy, and a community-driven server. Join now! Player Leveling: Complete quests to level up and unlock… Read More

  • Squishcraft

    SquishcraftSquishcraft is a skyblock server with tons of custom items, plugins, and features. Join today for free ranks and free crate keys.mc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyzmc.squishcraft.xyz Read More

Minecraft but it’s a SIMULATION: The Movie