Minecraft, But You Can Order Any Item…

Video Information

Okay welcome to minecraft but i can order any item in this video i can use coins to order any item i want from the minecraft shop this shop contains any item you could ask for from cake to an elytra will i make enough money to buy full netherright armor

Watch until the end to find out and guys we somehow just hit 600 000 subscribers with only 15 videos which is actually crazy but still not crazy enough okay we got a speeder on youtube even faster last month over 13 million people who watched my videos weren’t actually

Subscribed and if even five percent of those viewers did subscribe we would get to one million so if that includes you you should definitely go ahead and join the before 700k club by subscribing it’s completely free and you can always change your mind later lastly let’s aim for seven likes today

And without any more delay let’s go okay so today we are going to be attempting to make as much money as possible in minecraft so the first thing that i want to do is grab myself one advancement the easiest one for me to get right now is definitely going to be mining stone

So we’re going to go ahead and make ourselves a wooden pickaxe and then something crazy is about to happen okay let’s go ahead and just do this and then pick up the stone and as you can see i now have three brand new items so the first one is a cheap money bag

And if i just go ahead and right click this as you can see i have earned pennies now these pennies are the key to getting amazing items from this markets block so as you can see right here i can spend these on things like oak logs or lappers or iron and like the

Rarest items like a totem or an elytra or a trident are very expensive but every single time i complete an advancement i will earn another money bag and after getting 15 advancements i will get a large money bag each time and those contain a ton of coins so basically as we progress

We’ll earn more and more money and i’ll just get really opie items from the market the other item that i have is called a wallet and i can put my pennies inside of this and then as you can see in the top left it shows how much i have

And using this money i can buy any item i want from the market so i think first of all what i’m gonna do is buy some food um we have 12 cooked salmon 10 steak dude these cakes are kind of tempting though i don’t know what i want to get

Um i think i’ll go for the steak to be honest one steak purchase and there we go i have one penny left so what i’m thinking is using it on this iron ingot because that’ll give me an advancement i think actually i don’t even know if it will

Let’s just do it there we go yeah it does acquire hardware there we go so now i have another cheap money bag and that gives me two pennies the money bags can give you either one or two pennies so we’re getting kind of lucky right now actually

Oh yeah and i can use the sell items menu to actually sell my items back so if i go like for a mining trip i can sell diamonds for two coins if i get like a village or a bunch of wood i can sell these for coins and

There’s like other ways that i can earn them but right now i think the best way is just to keep getting advancements so what i’m actually gonna do is put my pennies in the wallet and then spend it on some iron because i can unlock another advancement which is

Having an iron pickaxe so we’re just going to go ahead and do this and we’re about to earn another money bag there we go bang another two pennies dude i’m getting so lucky i think i’m just gonna start saving up now because i have some really good basic materials like i can

Make some tools and i have an iron pickaxe already so we’re gonna start running around and just like exploring now i think and just trying to get like even more advancements oh and i think i just found a ruined portal okay oh yeah i have an iron pick so this

Is really good if there are gold blocks yup we found one okay we can sell the gold for money and we can spend it on things like diamonds so this is actually really good anything in the chest we have a norch apple let’s go i’m pretty sure i can sell that and then

We got a golden helmet a golden sword and just like some other basic stuff the fluent steel is quite good actually second gold block right here so let’s just go ahead and mine this there we go and now we can start selling things so how much does

Five gold ingots gives me one coin all right i’m gonna sell all of this honestly like we’re just gonna get as many coins as possible we have five in total right now dude i could have enough for an elytra soon this is actually insane diamonds cost me

Two coins okay netherrite scraps cost me one coin so i could actually get like a netherright thing really early on like a saddle blaze rods okay yeah enchanted golden apple sells for one coin i’m gonna sell this definitely wait dude there’s a village right here okay this could be really good because i

Think you can sell hay bales as well and i could even buy emeralds oh i found a blacksmith okay dude a diamond three iron and some bread okay and i got another advancement for getting diamonds okay dude we’re earning so much money and another two pennies

Yeah what i can do is buy emeralds and then trade with villagers to get things like ender pearls and just like some food and stuff so this is actually really good let’s just go ahead and kill this golem first before we like do anything else so let me just oh no no

And then let’s just do this there we go seven iron in total right now which is really good okay i might even sell some of the iron and buy something else that’s gonna be like a bit more useful like uh an elytra maybe like honestly getting that quite early could be really good

I definitely want to collect as many hay bales as possible because this is honestly just like free money right now so we’ve already sold one and in total i have nine coins which is really good wait dude should i just do this should i just buy the elytra

Straight away there’s so many things i can buy i don’t know what i want to get dude um like an enchantment table is only three any of these potions oh a potion of village hero dude i’m in a village so like having a village hero potion could

Be a really good thing let’s just do it okay how long does it last for nine seconds ah okay well i don’t really know if that was worth it but like i can basically get a really big discount on something so which villager would i ever want to

Trade with right now um i could trade all dude wait i have a really good idea can i sell emeralds six emeralds for one coin okay i can glitch the system right now by selling wheat to a farmer for a discounted price in those nine seconds

And then i can sell all of the emeralds back to the market and have so many coins and we can just get our elite shirt and like maybe a diamond piece or something oh there’s a horse here too dude i can get a saddle really that is

Definitely something i want to buy right now literally it only costs one coin so that’s such a good investment okay there’s a villager right here turn into a farmer dude yes there we go and he has the wheat trade so i have all of the wheat

Left in this village right here we have like quite a lot and if i just go ahead and drink up this here we go trade with me twelve dude okay i need to be so quick i need to be dude i’m so quick be rich i’m about to

Be so rich 14 emeralds right now let’s go we now have nine coins which means that i can buy myself an elytra do i want to do this yeah you know what we’re gonna do it okay there we go and we got an advancement too all right

We’re only a couple minutes in and i have an electric let’s go yo you good this villager just got inside of his composter okay and we got four coins in total from these uh cheap money bags i think i’m just gonna go ahead and buy myself one bucket of puffer fish

And then a totem could be really good dude i don’t know i want to get myself some kind of weapon there’s a crossbow here and there’s also a trident i’m just gonna go for the trident dude let’s go it only costs three so i think that’s worth it and then

With my final one i’m just gonna buy myself a piece of obsidian to get another advancement because i am so big brain come on give me two no only give me one okay whatever wait hold up i have four pieces of obsidium right now literally all i need for an enchantment

Table right now is one coin so i’m gonna sell some of that excess iron that we have i’ll just sell like one go ahead and put this in my wallet and what we can do is buy another diamond which means that as soon as i get a book which is going to be

Pretty easy um i think there was a cow like yeah there’s one right here okay there we go we have all leather oh yeah and if i tame this horse i’ll get another money bag which is gonna be really good and as soon as we’ve earned 15 money

Bags we’re gonna start getting expensive money bags that contain like 10 coins each so we’re just gonna be able to get like all there we go obtained we’re gonna be able to get so much stuff it’s gonna be insane anyway i think i’m done with this village so we’re just gonna

Take our horse and run oh i found even more wheat dude okay this is kind of good actually yes i found sugarcane okay we’re about to make our e table which is gonna also give us another advancement which is good this goes like this and we gotta put the obsidian here and

There we go we have an enchantment table now we’re gonna sell two of our hay bales and we’re just gonna do this and get our lapis there we go and i’m just gonna enchant something random like my pickaxe so we get another money bag that we go

And we have two coins cool oh wait dude the ender pearls and blaze rods sell for so many coins i actually think maybe i might go to the nether that might be even quicker because if i trade with piglens i can get so many pearls and like we already have

Quite good gear like an elytra is gonna make it quite easy yeah okay we’re gonna go ahead and go down this cave and we’re gonna start mining and then eventually go to the nether i think i’m going to leave this part of it oh no no no okay

That’s carla no no no go in okay he’s fine is this cruel all right we we don’t talk about it okay and i found some iron there we go we’re going to be able to sell this for one coin already honestly if i can get some diamonds we are going

To be rich coal already okay this sells for quite a lot too like we need 12 for one coin oh some gold okay this is very good i think it’s a good vein as well yes dude we have six okay i found another vein of gold this is actually an

Eight vanes so we’re doing really good oh and i found a cave okay and diamonds let’s go lap is right next to it too we’re a rich dude we are actually rich all of these sell for two coins each which means that i can just like spend

It all on i don’t even know do i wanna even sell these like okay i’m gonna buy a blast furnace right now so i can smelt up all of my uh iron and gold and i’m gonna keep two diamonds for a sword and then i’m gonna sell the other five so let’s just

Go ahead and do this and we got ten coins from that now what i can do is buy myself some obsidian oh dude wait what that was a lot of obsidian okay i did not mean to buy that much oh no and that cost five coins wait can i sell

This back we now have 12 obsidian with three coins left over and i can start selling some of this so we can sell our gold for some coins there and then we can also sell some iron for even more okay we have nine coins in total i’m gonna make

An iron chest plate to make sure that we don’t die and then oh and we got another money bag let’s go okay diamond sword and then we put it in the enchantment table and we’re gonna give it a shot this one and never right scraps only cost me one

Coin so if i buy three of these and then also just like one more thing of gold oh wait no i need one more okay and now i think i should be able to craft myself yeah there we go another right angle let’s go dude place down a smithing table and we now

Have ourselves a netherright sword which is going to do a lot of damage okay okay we’re going to go for the ultimate money-making method right now which is going to be using the nether i’m just going to sell blaze rods and ender pearls oh i just got another money back let’s go yeah

We’re going to sell blaze rods and ender bars to basically get enough money to buy even more blaze rods and ender falls that’s kind of that’s kind of like what but we’re going to do it okay because that way i’ll be able to buy a bunch of diamonds and get

Like full netherright and it’s gonna be amazing we are in the nether now we have another money bag we have four extra pennies which is good oh and also i saw firework rockets i think so we can just start flying around here and i might even buy one potion of fire

Resistance as well just to be safe and let’s see if we can fall dude no way literally right here for my videos i use something called filtered seeds which makes it so there’s always a nether fortress and a bastion in the like spawn area of the nether oh

Dude i got another money bag okay yeah so because i’m using a filtered seed the way it works is there’s always a bastion in the positive positive quadrants so literally like a hundred blocks that way there should be a bastion you know we’re gonna check it right now actually yep

There we go it’s literally right here in the uh like 110 coordinates if you guys want to use seeds like these for your videos then i’ll leave the generator down below because it’s actually so cool like it makes speed running really fun and if you guys want to see me do some

Speed runs with filtered seeds then go over to my twitch right after you finish watching this video i’ll be live for the first like three hours after i upload this so it should be pretty fun anyway we’re gonna go into this bastion i think this bastion is a housing which

Is actually the best bastion like it’s so good dude so what i’m gonna do is dig straight through this wall and below here there’s a bunch of gold blocks like i think there’s eight in total so we’re gonna start mining these oh dude i should just sell this gold i

Don’t even need to trade i can hear the piglets coming oh no dude we have eight in total right now okay how oh no no that’s a bru oh my okay we’re fine that was way too close i’m so used to being in point one where there’s no brutes dude oh no

Dude they’re all here oh i got a rich money bag i got my monster hunter achievement okay now the rich money bag gives you a lot a lot of coins look at this we’re at three or we got a nickel dude these are worth five coins and then the pennies are worth one

So if i put all of these in my wallet right now we have 18 dude and then how much can i sell the uh these gold blocks for um i can get 14 coins from selling this gold okay i think that’s honestly the best bet because if i trade for pearls it

Could be better but like i don’t want to risk it dude okay we’re selling all of this okay let’s run around and loot the chests maybe we can get like another gold block or something but i need to be very careful because obviously there’s brutes like absolutely everywhere uh we have what i

Just got war pigs okay oh we got another right scrap i can sell that okay and then i got an iron block as well which i can definitely sell or i might even use that for armor to be honest we’re kind of like lacking on armor right now uh

Anything good inside of here ancient debris i will sell that okay and another rich money bag where did it go oh it’s in my it’s in my inventory oh my that was way too close i was actually about to go into the lava okay check this out bang bang we got 11 more

Coins dude i can probably just buy my blazers right now but i want to go to the fortress and just make even more money we’re going to be so rich dude i want full diamond armor we’re not settling 43 coins in total okay this is so good we still have firework rockets

So let’s just go ahead and head straight back to the fortress see you later bastian and it was literally just right here that was a blaze spawner too so this is definitely very good yes there’s a spawner right here okay this is good oh no i need to drink my fire as okay

We’re taking a lot of damage i need to remember we don’t actually have much armor yet so i’ll be able to uh get some armor later though another money bag let’s go we have another nickel we’re about to make so much money dude i kind of keep forgetting about advancements

Honestly like there are so many things that i can do i should have traded with the piglet too okay you know what i’m just gonna get a bunch of blaze rods and then i will be right back and there we go we have 12 blaze rods i think i’m just going to leave

Because i’m getting kind of low and then i’m going to sell five of these for 10 coins so we have 66 in total right now i’m gonna buy six netherright scraps so i can make two more netherright ingots because we’re about to have like a bunch of gold from

Our blast furnace so now i can just go ahead and do this and we have two more netherright ingots okay and we’re about to buy so many diamonds dude like we definitely have enough money so let’s just go ahead and do it 11 diamonds that we go

And then i’m gonna make a diamond pickaxe i think okay diamond pickaxe and then also should i make a dimension no i’ll make diamond leggings because i already have an elytra this goes in the smithing table and we got another rich money bag and then we have netherrite leggings that we go

Bang and we have even more money actually to be fair i do need ender pearls so i’m gonna have to spend 14 on these and then the rest of my money can go on like diamond blocks or something uh one diamond block is 14 so we can do this and then make ourselves

Full diamond i think wait hold up helmet boots oh no it’s cost of binding are you kidding i swear i get cause of blinded every single video like it’s actually insane okay another right helmet that we go on dude can i like break the helmet by getting hit by these blazers i don’t

Know if that’s a good oh no no no no that’s not a good idea that’s definitely not a good idea okay i’m going to make my pickaxe netherright as well because i just want to go overkill dude so let’s go ahead and do this and then

Do this and then we can enchant it as well i’ll enchant my other pieces as well protection one protection one and efficiency one okay i think we’re ready to go honestly so all i’m gonna do now is just go like this way and if i travel at like

150 150 or just like kind of near there i’m guaranteed to be very close to the fortress so we’re just going to go ahead and do this and then we can just light the portal the flint steel actually came in kind of handy i didn’t have anything to light this portal so we

Can actually buy one and now we are back in the overworld okay stronghold is this way so if i just start flying it probably won’t be very far oh and it went backwards okay it’s gonna be very nearby i bet it’s this one i bet it’s this oh no it’s this chunk right

Here okay now we’re just gonna go ahead and dig down right here and we should be right on top of the stronghold staircase so oh dude that was so quick okay and then we have another money bag just in case i need to buy anything else like a diamond

Chest plate for the end fight okay i found the library maybe there’s gonna be a good book hopefully no way dude shot three that is actually perfect okay anything else we have depth strider two fire aspect one i mean we oh riptide three dude i have a trident as

Well okay well for three coins i can buy myself an anvils so we can go ahead and make ourselves some godly weapons right now we have a sharp three netherright sword and then a riptide three trident that we go i’m actually going to buy some wood and

Also a bunch of string because i want to be able to use beds on the dragon to kill it like super quickly okay we gotta speed run this oh water there we go now i can actually use my trident wait what dude i found the portal room but with

Like a different entrance okay well there we go i think i have everything i need i’m just gonna toss out like the extra stuff and i might as well just spend the rest of my coins so we’re gonna buy a crossbow and then some arrows so i can

Shoot down the like tower things oh dude i kind of want to totem actually um okay i’m gonna sell my iron anything else i can sell i could sell one enderpearl actually yep there we go okay we have a toastman dying now anything else that could be useful a

Potion of levitation um a portion of strength okay yeah that’s my final coin it’s going on the strength plot here we go we are finally ready goodbye market block you have served me well let’s do this oh another money bag okay well it’s kind of useless now okay let’s

Place down some water and then charge up our trident and if we just launch ourselves into the air we can now start using our elytra and crossbow to start getting these crystals literally the only two left are the ones that are in the cages so

Let’s just go ahead and do this or dude i’m getting kind of low drink up our strength potion and just do this then block clutch and bang all of the crystals are done already dude now i’m gonna craft all of my beds we have so many dude okay yeah

Okay we’re going all the way up here and we are going to get our beds at the ready with an enderpearl as well hope the dragon’s about to come down okay uh we just gotta do this please work dude i really hope this works i’m definitely gonna mess up but

We gotta try okay here we go one two three oh let’s do this insane five come on yes let’s go dude that actually worked yeah i’m a good at minecraft speed running it’s whatever anyway that’s all for this video as i said before i’m gonna be streaming on twitch

Right after i upload this so come say hi i’m gonna be speedrunning and it’s gonna be super cool so yeah thank you guys for watching and i will see you later peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But You Can Order Any Item…’, was uploaded by SpeedSilver on 2021-04-30 22:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft, But You Can Order Any Item… Follow My Socials: • twitter: @SpeedSilverr • twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/speedsilver​​ …

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    Insane Chaos in 2024 Minecraft Skyblock! (#2)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Skyblock in 2024 is Pure Chaos… (#2)’, was uploaded by alftooka on 2024-05-07 09:33:38. It has garnered 126 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. hope you all enjoyed 🙂 Video Title: Minecraft Skyblock in 2024 is Pure Chaos… (#2) BUY MY CLOTHING AT: https://alftookaclothing.com/en-gbp/ THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/3ZHm94HDms SECOND CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_7y0U_98iBskDvONZdufzA ——————————— People in the Video: Barkalot: https://youtube.com/@BarkalotHero?si=kAoh6fJo1w4N6pNx Left: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSr31uk3EzfSaJ12rogl_Wg Wyuttt: https://youtube.com/@Wyuttt?si=kgIiKF6i9Ksxsong ——————————— Twitter: https://twitter.com/alftooka Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alftooka/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alftooka_yt?lang=en Anything “business” related, email me at: [email protected]. i am 17 years old though, don’t send me anything too… Read More

  • Intense PUBG Animation: PAN MAN’s Epic Moments!

    Intense PUBG Animation: PAN MAN's Epic Moments!Video Information This video, titled ‘PAN MAN 😎 || PUBG ANIMATION || FUNNY 😂 MOMENTS || ANIMATION STORY || @NuclearP’, was uploaded by Retusa Linn on 2024-02-28 03:30:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. PAN MAN || PUBG ANIMATION || FUNNY MOMENTS || ANIMATION STORY || #viral #freefire #funny #minecraft #gaming … Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT SAVE: Shadowbell VODS #twitch

    EPIC MINECRAFT SAVE: Shadowbell VODS #twitchVideo Information This video, titled ‘I JUST SAVED HIM! #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by shadowbell vods on 2024-05-04 22:18:03. It has garnered 2881 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Tricks 🤯 #viral

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Tricks 🤯 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Parkour #minecraft #viral #parkour #shorts’, was uploaded by Whitey Gaming on 2024-05-04 21:15:00. It has garnered 11555 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft King Spawner Beacon Trick! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft King Spawner Beacon Trick! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘one more crazy beacon idea Minecraft | King spawner | #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by King Spawner on 2024-04-20 10:03:02. It has garnered 489 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. one more crazy beacon idea Minecraft | King spawner | I hope u guys enjoy the video ☺️ Don’t forget to like share subscribe 😉 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Thanks for watching Subscribe my channel Subscribe my channel __________________________________________ #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #youtuber #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #bandhilki #youtube #youtubeindia #minecraftpe #minecraftlive #youtubegaming #tiktok #trending #trendingvideo #trendingshorts #tiktokviral… Read More

  • Pandablock

    PandablockWillkommen auf VALIANT-Z, dem ultimativen Zombie-Apokalypse-Survival-Server! Tauche ein in eine Welt, die von den Schrecken einer postapokalyptischen Landschaft heimgesucht wird, wo jeder Schritt ums Überleben kämpfen lässt und jede Entscheidung über Leben und Tod entscheidet. Unser Server bietet ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis mit besonderen Zombies, die nicht nur hinter jeder Ecke lauern, sondern auch die Möglichkeit bieten, Infektionen zu verbreiten. Jeder Kontakt mit diesen Kreaturen birgt das Risiko, sich mit dem Zombievirus zu infizieren, was das Überleben zu einer noch größeren Herausforderung macht. Doch VALIANT-Z wäre nicht komplett ohne seine aufregenden Events. Freue dich auf Helikopter-Drops, die wertvolle Ressourcen und Ausrüstung… Read More

  • Create: Genesis Modded SMP Fabric 1.20.1 Whitelist 17+

    Welcome to Create: Genesis Server! Hello everyone! I am the owner of the Create: Genesis server. Our modded server is centered primarily around the Create mod. We have a chill and friendly community with rules to prevent against harmful behaviors. We are looking for mature players who will enrich our server. Modpack Highlights: For engineers: Create mod and various add-ons for automation. For farmers: Let’s Do: Vinery, Farmer’s Delight, and more. For builders: Chipped, Supplementaries, Macaw’s Bridges, and more. For adventurers: Better Archeology, Create Jetpack, and more. For community-oriented players: Simple Voice Chat, Create: Numismatics, and more. Quality-of-Life Changes: Custom… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Swindled by piglins, feels bad.

    Minecraft Memes - Swindled by piglins, feels bad.Why did the piglin trade its gold for trash items? Because it was feeling a bit ‘pig-headed’ that day! Read More

  • Legend SMP: Crafting a Mansion Fit for a King!

    Legend SMP: Crafting a Mansion Fit for a King! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, I’m your news reporter, here to revive. Crafting updates with rhymes that ignite, Bringing you news that’s always a delight. In the world of PUBG, where battles are fierce, I’ll break down a clutch play, never a pierce. Surviving tough situations, I’ll show you the way, Avoiding mistakes, making sure you stay. So join me in the realm of gaming delight, Where stories unfold, shining bright. Like, comment, and subscribe, don’t be shy, For more gaming content, give it a try. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Hotness!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Hotness! When you accidentally hit a Minecraft villager and they start chasing you yelling “Oi Oi!” like they’re auditioning for a British punk band. Read More

  • Bedrock’s Big Problem

    Bedrock's Big Problem The Challenge of Hardcore Mode in Minecraft Bedrock Edition Minecraft Bedrock edition offers players a unique gaming experience, but one particular aspect has been causing quite a stir among the community – hardcore mode. In this mode, players face the ultimate challenge of surviving in a world where death is permanent. Let’s delve into the details of this intense gameplay feature. The Permanence of Death In hardcore mode, the stakes are high as players have only one life to live. If they die, their world is deleted, and they must start from scratch. This adds a thrilling element of… Read More

  • Breaking News: Duraglover’s Secret Revealed!

    Breaking News: Duraglover's Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘duraglover announcement video’, was uploaded by duraglover on 2024-06-12 17:58:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. hello gangy just a lil short video about some future channel stuff along with my discord: discord.gg/PcwdSXY3wv #minecraft … Read More

  • Escape Rat Roblox: JJ & Mikey’s Scary Night in Minecraft

    Escape Rat Roblox: JJ & Mikey's Scary Night in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary CHEESE ESCAPE RAT ROBLOX is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-04-09 23:00:23. It has garnered 40355 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:23 or 3143 seconds. Scary CHEESE ESCAPE RAT ROBLOX is WANTED by JJ and Mikey Family At Night in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing: Yb1 Saves Africans in Minecraft! 😱

    Mind-Blowing: Yb1 Saves Africans in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘😱ПОМОГАЕТ АФРИКАНЦАМ💀#shorts #рекомендации #recommended #minecraft #майнкрафт #memes #мем’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-03-26 11:53:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Africa is starving! Who will come to the rescue? Of course, that same friend. This video does not intend to offend anyone … Read More

  • Teaching My Sister Minecraft VOD

    Teaching My Sister Minecraft VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Taught My Sister Minecraft | VOD’, was uploaded by HansumFella VODS on 2024-05-12 21:00:13. It has garnered 10657 views and 282 likes. The duration of the video is 05:05:21 or 18321 seconds. This VOD is HansumFella teaching his sister how to play minecraft (streamed 10/10/23) Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hansumfella This is the full VOD, not cut up into funny moments however sure does include a lot of them, as seen on tiktok for funny moments #HansumFella #Minecraft #Livestream Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Logic! You won’t believe this 😱 #viral #cool

    Insane Minecraft Logic! You won't believe this 😱 #viral #coolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic 🤔#viral #cool #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ANNU OFFICIAL 86 on 2024-02-10 17:05:29. It has garnered 3389 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • UNDERWATER CITY CHAOS! – Silver & Friends Minecraft

    UNDERWATER CITY CHAOS! - Silver & Friends MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNDERWATER CITY ADVENTURE! – Silver & Friends Play Minecraft Part 8’, was uploaded by Silver The Hedgehog on 2024-07-25 23:42:33. It has garnered 5040 views and 330 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:12 or 8652 seconds. Thumbnail by AlexaLynnSTH: https://www.tumblr.com/alexalynnsth 💙Support The Channel💙 Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss a new video or live stream: @SilverTheHedgehogYT Becoming a member and get access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYlY63xhWjwGQtp6opx1yQ/join If you’re feeling generous, feel free to donate to the channel! All donations are appreciated: https://streamlabs.com/silverthehedgehog12 Buy channel merch here: https://www.futuristicmarket.shop… Read More

  • Insane! Pensioners MASTER Minecraft with MontanaBlack

    Insane! Pensioners MASTER Minecraft with MontanaBlackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Twitch: MontanaBlack88 | So spielen Rentner Minecraft! | #montanablack #twitchclips #viralvideo’, was uploaded by GermanTwitchClips on 2024-01-06 10:49:08. It has garnered 3185 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Follow for more Twitch montages! _________________________________________ Follow me on TikTok and Instagram for more clips! TikTok: germanstreamclips0.2 Instagram: germanstreamclips0.2 Send me a DM on Instagram if you want your Twitch clip to be uploaded too!!! E-mail: [email protected]. _________________________________________ Here are all the links to the people appearing 😀 Twitch links: MontanaBlack: https://www.twitch.tv/montanablack88 Read More

  • Minecraft Red Meteor TNT Cannon 🔥 #GamingExplosives

    Minecraft Red Meteor TNT Cannon 🔥 #GamingExplosivesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Long Distance TNT Cannon in Minecraft #MinecraftTNT#TNTCannon#RedstoneEngineering#GamingExplosives’, was uploaded by RedMeteorStrikes on 2024-05-13 12:04:46. It has garnered 3526 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Dive into the world of Minecraft engineering as we unveil the blueprints for our most ambitious creation yet – a long-distance TNT cannon that will revolutionize your gameplay! In this video, we’ll guide you through every intricate step of constructing this marvel of destruction, packed with powerful TNT propulsion and precision targeting mechanisms. With keywords like “Minecraft TNT cannon,” “long-range,” “explosive,” “redstone engineering,”… Read More

  • My toxic friends in Minecraft | VIRAL #shorts

    My toxic friends in Minecraft | VIRAL #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: All of my friends are toxic #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Ans Gaming on 2024-05-19 09:10:25. It has garnered 1992 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hello guys in this video I am playing Minecraft which is adventuristic game In this video gameplay I Made a Best shorts For You Of minecraft all of my friend are toxic in this i killed a villager for money if you like this video and you are interested in playing games so please click on the subscribe button below 👇… Read More

  • CovenantMC

    CovenantMC1.20.4 MINECRAFT EARTH SERVER W/ CUSTOM NETHER Join and create a Town on a 1.20.4 1:750 Scale of the Earth! Over 1 MILLION BLOCKS TO CLAIM. A custom nether with custom items! play.covenantmc.net Read More

  • AlexandriaSMP 1.21 Bluemap Voicechat 16+ Community-driven

    Why AlexandriaSMP? Community Driven: Every major decision is voted on by players, ensuring a democratic and inclusive environment. Anti-Griefing Measures: With CoreProtect, we maintain a secure server with robust anti-griefing and rollback capabilities. Online Map: Navigate our expansive world with ease using our online map here Regular Events: Enjoy bi-weekly activities such as building competitions, PvP tournaments, and more to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Shopping District: Participate in a thriving in-game economy with our well-organized shopping district. Many fun addons: We have a few fun addons such as vanilla tweaks, improved terrain, and simple voice chat. Join AlexandriaSMP… Read More

  • Starglade Falls SMP

    Starglade Falls SMPStarglade Falls SMP-> We are an Origin SMP-> We are a 16+ community-> We have lore-> We are a LQBTQ+ community-> We would love to have you as part of our server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – r/minecraftmemes be like: blocky savage banter

    r/minecraftmemes be like: “Wow, this meme is practically a diamond in the rough with that score of 277!” Read More

  • Bedrock Edition’s Glitch Fix Mix: Top 10 Tricks in 1.21!

    Bedrock Edition's Glitch Fix Mix: Top 10 Tricks in 1.21! Welcome, gamers, to the glitchy scene, Where Minecraft bugs are wild and mean. From Bedrock Edition, we bring the news, Top 10 glitches, sure to amuse. Flying pigs and disappearing blocks, Teleporting players, wearing socks. Creepers stuck in mid-air, oh my, These glitches make us laugh and sigh. But fear not, dear players, for Mojang’s on the case, Fixing bugs with speed and grace. So keep on crafting, building, and exploring, In the world of Minecraft, always adoring. Thanks for watching, stay tuned for more, Minecraft news, rhyming galore. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Waiting for Creeper to explode!

    Minecraft meme: Waiting for Creeper to explode! “Waiting for the end in Minecraft is like waiting for your crush to text you back – it feels like an eternity!” Read More

Minecraft, But You Can Order Any Item…