Minecraft | CANDYLAND! (Candy Cane Pigs, Chocolate Dogs, Candy Dimension & More!) | Mod Showcase

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Well then guys check out this amazing thing I have just found out basically you take this red trampa jelly spawning loads of gummy bunnies and watch the magic happen here we go this could be amazing here we go it’s gonna be like an amazing and colourful gymnastics team

Jumping really high but no he gets better take out this and we’re gonna need to there we go take out this and look they just oh my god they’re just best day ever Ain’t everyone down here from the Diamond minecart and welcome to another minecraft mod showcase where today I am really excited because today we are going to be visiting the most amazing dimension ever the one the only Candyland so this dimension is going to feature a ton of tasty goodies including

Candy canes marshmallows caramel mobs combined with candy and so much more as you can tell I am really looking forward to this one so let’s dive straight in now to get to this magical amazing land called Candy Land we are going to need a portal which is made out of sugar blocks

Now how do you craft sugar blocks I hear you cry well you just take 4 little bits of sugar just like this and that will equal one block of sugar which isn’t too bad at all and they actually look quite nice I quite like the look of them they

Kind of remind me of quartz blocks actually but um yeah they look very very nice and then you put them in the portal shape just like this and so mighty you’re actually going to need a lava bucket or a caramel bucket but we’ll get to that in a bit

And then you right-click in the center it won’t drop lava everywhere don’t worry I was a bit worried about that that the first but um you do get this amazing looking portal look at the amazing color this is at a caramel beautiful portal I guess in the lava

Kind of like melts the sugar makes into caramel that’s very very clever I like that nod creator so here it is the caramel portal and now I’m not going to waste any time in taking the pleasure and diving straight in see see a tray or us I’m off I’m sorry by going straight

Here and as you can see it’s pink as anything and you must be wondering what on earth is going on but there we go we actually fall from the sky and the potion effect I have right now is resistant so you don’t die so don’t worry about that and that here we are

It is amazing don’t worry it’s not as boring as this we turn around fly up and look how incredible this is it looks so good we’ve got different kinds of trees we’ve got white chocolate trees normal chocolate trees caramel trees we’ve got a nice little ocean over here which has

Strawberry laces growing out of it and I don’t know about you but strawberry laces are beautiful beautiful pieces of candy we’ve also got I think there’s jelly underneath as well and that green stuff is I forgot what the green stuff is I need to find out now what is the

Green stuff it is mint so you can even harvest mint under the water we’ve got lily pads on the top this is a really nice looking dimension but what we’re going to go and find now is the at candy house which is a really really rare generated structure which has taken

Me ages to find so let’s hop straight over to the candy house and here it is look how beautiful this is it’s very very nice and actually showcases quite nicely the amount of blocks in this mod that you can make and/or find what caramel blocks we’ve got candy cane

Blocks we got marshmallows walls slabs wood absolutely everything and the little taster of it is in this chest right here we’ve got loads of stuff we’ve got shock look we got leaves we’ve got chocolate leaves we’ve got chocolate cobblestone we’ve got caramel leaves marshmallow work benches and loads of

Stuff so you can actually craft loads of stuff out of this and the regular wood which is just here this marshmallow log can be made into wooden planks just like this then craft into normal stuff like work benches slabs we’ve got candy cane blocks ladders walls and everything

We’ve got here flour it’s it’s so cool and even cooler the floor is pudding how amazing is that look oh my god it it just tastes and smells so good oh my god just want to lick the floor but anyway let’s have a look in this candy house you can either

Just smash the the front down because there’s no door or head into the top just like this and you will be greeted with a nice piece of go stone and an amazing chest if we open the chest we’ll get a nice little collection of stuff

From this mod we have a bucket of lava and some sugar blocks which will help you get back to at your other dimension because if you didn’t notice there was a portal there but that was one that I built so you are going to need to refine

Sugar and lava unless you bring some with you to get back to the overworld you’ve also got trample jelly which sounds disgusting but I’ll get to that in a bit we’ve got lollipops we’ve also got candy cane blocks and we’ve got a licorice chest plain with protection –

And blast protection one it’s amazing it smells great in here but we’re gonna go out of here for a second I’d love to kind of come across this and just use this as my candy fort so right here you can see I got loads of chess prepared

And I’m gonna go through a couple of bits in here just to give you a taste lick quite literally of what is included in this mod so there are actually two new ores one is liquorice and one is jelly beautiful pieces of candy now with the liquorice you can make

Quite a few things mostly tools and armor and when you mind that crisps you will get this and you actually need to smell to it but in a different way which I’ll get to on a second I’m in the jelly chest but you can make loads of stuff

You can make a whole toolset you can pretty much everything as normal as a +5 attack damage sword so that kind of gives you an impression of how powerful is we also have a new weapon called the short sword which I’m guessing is dropped by something because it doesn’t

Actually um have a crafting recipe but I think I just remembered where that comes from so we’ll get back to that in a second you also have all the regular stuff like pickaxes shovels and stuff but then we also have an armor set now

I’m not sure how much of a um armor stat this actually gives but to craft that you just use your licorice in the normal and traditional armor recipes let’s just have a quick look of what it looks like on here we go here we go it’s just plain

Black at the moment but this mod is brand new it’s almost exclusive for you this is a brand new mod and maybe he’ll make it more liquid she I guess in the future but anyway that is the cool I’m gonna leave that on for now so let’s move on

To jelly and this is what the all looks like looks very very nice and and jelly I guess so this one kind of looks like Cole’s you can get the two confused but this one nice bright and green and these are the two things I just mentioned a

Moment ago there’s one thing called the sugar factory there’s another thing called the sugar furnace so the first thing is the sugar factory and that’s to craft it you will need a four licorice four marshmallow sticks which is just normal marshmallow would put in the stick recipe and one candy cane wall and

You’ll get a sugar factory now what this does is when you place it down you can transform any block in this mod into sugar so let’s just grab a piece of pudding put this into here and you will be able to transform it into sugar you

Will need a lot of sugar for this mod so it’s kind of handy all that leftover dirt and cobblestone you usually have to turn it into sugar it’s tasty it’s brilliant and here we go into sugar excellent and you’ll see why we need that with the sugar furnace now the

Sugar furnace does require all this licorice through crafts which isn’t too bad so I’m guessing you don’t I guess you can just mine this in the licorice comes out but anyway you do need this for the jelly this is what it looks like looks very very cool and when you

Right-click it it’s just like a normal furnace but it will take instead of cold it will take sugar to smelt so let’s go ahead and put this in the a fuel slot just like this which it’s very very cool and why would you want to do this I have

You ask well you need it to smelt your jelly or and there’s different kinds of jelly I’ll just show you in a second so when we smelt this original jelly or we will actually get our first form of jelly and then you can smell that to keep getting different

Kinds of jelly which will make sense in a moment it sounds pre pretty difficult but it just saves having lots of different jelly ORS so the first one is trampa jelly which we did come across before and this is what it does if we just place it in this hole here walk

Over it it will fire us into the air do be very careful though cuz if you land back on the trample jelly or on the ground you will lose your full damage equivalent of where you are and it’s quite high look that’s quite high if you fall from

There you will lose a lot of health but there’s a solution to that in a moment which I’ll go over but let’s melt this once more it seems weird saying smelts when you’re using sugar as fuel but here we go let’s carry on smelting this with our

Sugar and we will get a new color of jelly which happens to be it happens to be red Champa jelly now this is very cool because it’s like normal trampa jelly but it does this oh my god it’s ridiculous so if you go on that in survival mode you almost certainly die

When you hit the floor and it doesn’t matter if you hit the jelly again because you will just you will just die you will you’ll certainly die you won’t bounce back up again you’ll just meet certain death now how can you how can you stop this from happening

Well smelt your red trampa jelly again and you will get a blue a kind of jelly which is a kind of like a resistant jelly which is kind of like a safety mat if you like so here it is it is called a shock absorber now if you put this next

To it just like this and you fire yourself into the air and land on the blue jelly shock absorber you won’t take any full damage whatsoever it’s kind of hard to aim so if you have like more of them just like this it makes more sense

And just kind of wrap it around your jelly just like this that would look amazing and be fairly safe just just be worried if you hit the red one again you will die so there you go that is how jelly works and I think that is an absolutely fantastic and

Innovative idea so there we go those are all the jellies we’ve got a few more things to go over let’s go over a few other random things we’ve got some new types of seeds here now I don’t know if you’ve noticed but all of these we’ve got lots of different types of sweet

Grass and when you break these these will give either one or two things they will either give drag of us or they will give your lollipop seeds now you can actually plant these and grow both drag of us and lollipops but you’re gonna need a fork to do this instead of a hoe

So you can’t use a hoe whatsoever and the fork just requires three iron ingots just like this to make that and what you do is just take pudding right click it and you’ll then be able to plant stuff why did that turn into flour but anyway this is a plant these

There you go those drag of us and lollipops let’s just grab some bone meal and see if we can bone meal them up I’m not sure if you can that’s to see here we go there you go there’s drag of us and here is a lollipop beautiful that is

What they look like very very colorful and then you can use these to make both lollipops we don’t make them that’s what you get from it and you can also make drag of us on a stick so when you grow and destroy a drag a bust you will get

This back so it’s just kind of like a way of creating more than one add that to a fishing rod and you’ll be able to make this now it looks kind of weird but I’ll explain what that does in a moment now the lollipop is actually pretty cool

Because it can heal both players and mobs so you’ve got a pet sheep or something and it keeps on getting hurt or you’ve got a pet dog that you don’t have any untreated steak and stuff just right click with the lollipop and it’ll be happy as can

Be so that is very very handy we’re also going to need that for later too so oh my god it’s night this place looks amazing at night check this out it’s just so good some of these blocks are emitting like actually it might be the glow stone in the middle but look it’s

Just a really really pretty dimension now this is quite this is quite apt actually because now we’re gonna go into the mob section now most of these will spawn at night some of them are peaceful as well but we have a collection of six mobs the

First one is a candy cane pig egg now we are going to take this and try something I haven’t actually tried out to shake so I thought it’d be super hilarious and it’s going to involve the drag of us on a stick we just talked about this is the

Candy cane pig looking excellent he’s super speedy though where you going sir excuse me excuse me they love drag a bus where you going where has he gone where is that I can hear him but I can’t see him where on earth did he go anyway let’s spawn in

Another one oh there he is oh my god what are you doing oh he’s running away from me I see let me just get some drag a bus it might kind of coax him towards me hello mister piggy how are you okay oh you okay are you okay let me just put a

Saddle on you there we go we got him we saddled him let me try and get on the back of him come here come here come here oh my God he’s really pesky he’s gone through these chocolate trees come back come back right now I want to get on the

Back of you come here where it is so fast it’s kind of like an ocelot way they just run away from you it doesn’t look like I could get on his back oh my god this would be amazing why is this not happening come here come here

No it doesn’t like it’s gonna happen but anyway I gather that in the future version of this module be able to sit on his back with the sad om news drag abyss on a stick to ride him which is going to be pretty damn cool let’s move on to the

Next mob which happens to be the choco dog now this sounds tasty and it is and it’s just a normal minecraft wolf but the chocolate version so of course he’s going to eat stuff like candy canes here he is he’s looking so cute look at that

Oh my god he’s so cute so that’s right click with a candy cane and he will be tamed to me and after a certain amount of time these guys will actually produce caramel on their backs yes this is weird but it works and the caramel trees I believe those orange ones and apparently

It happens more often if you are underneath the caramel trees so we cannot leave this guy here and hopefully he will create some caramel which we can get and you harvest it by your putting a bucket on his back so just right click is back with the bucket let’s see if it

Will come over here under this caramel tree right here and get him to sit down and then by the end of the review we’ll come back and see if he’s got any caramel so stay there and produce caramel please ok let’s move on to the

Next mob and I’m not sure what the next one is the next one is a sue guard now this sounds a bit weird and it most definitely is because this is a hostile mob and I think the other two are hostile as well so this is a brand new

Mob nothing to do a fridge ”’l minecraft and it’s very very cool it’s kind of like a candy cane guard and he is very speedy as well and he will attack you at night or if you attack him first he won’t attack you straight away and I think you’ll realize what this

Sword is it’s the short sword we was looking at earlier without a crafting recipe so I think when you kill this guy you will get the drop but I think he’s super cute he’s super fast and will destroy you at the same time so watch out for these they spawn again at night

And underground as well so they’re very fast very small and hard to hit and they have 30 L so to be very very careful their sword also deals 5 damage so yeah be very very careful of those next we move on to the gummy buddy now I haven’t

Tried this out but apparently they like licorice here is the gummi bunnies look amazing are there in so many different colors they’re bouncing like mad Oh God they like they do like licorice oh Jesus can you tame them oh my got to call these bunnies that I’ve got I don’t

Know if I can tell them to sit or whatever but oh no I bred them all oh god there’s gonna be gummy bears absolutely everywhere calm down sir calm down Wow lots of gummy bunnies so these guys like licorice you can tame them you can breed them with this and they will out

What are you doing no I guess old Jesus oh no they’re all flying in the air are we died did he drop his sword I don’t know but oh he did he did look at this oh my god that was so unplanned but awesome that was amazing go gummy bunny right

Into the air oh my god where’s he gonna land he dies ah but anyway be careful of these things Jesus I’m cuddling and bring tray or so Grimm here that wood got destroyed right then moving on to a nother mob and we’ve now got the cookie creeper now I’m gonna

Take him over here cuz he has a special effect with the lollipops oh here we go over here this is the cookie creeper he’s awesome when you slay him let me just show you that quickly he will drop cookies I’ll have a chance drop cookies

And this is a gunny I didn’t want you I’m sorry I didn’t want you but anyway up here is the cookie creeper if you hurt him just like that and then try to heal him with the lollipop you will hear that he will hiss quite vigorously and

And explode quite a lot calm down it’s okay bye eh hey sit down sit down sit down sit down there we go silly little dog it’s okay he blew himself up but look how crazy this is it’s like a ten times maybe 20 times the creeper explosion it’s awesome and yet just

Don’t heal a creeper there’s no point whatsoever and do do take note that those creepers do only have five health as well now we’re getting near to the end of this review and we’re going out in style because what we’re going to be doing now is fighting a boss yes there

Is a boss in this land and you usually find them on top of the candy trees here so you could find them anywhere around here and and it is this the slime queen so let’s go and find somewhere to spawn this in come on let’s go let’s just go

Round here and spawn her in here this is the slime queen she has four different ways of attacking you the black one means she’s not interacting with you whatsoever until you interact with it and it won’t attack you but when you slap it it will turn color you have that

Amazing looking bar at the top pink means I think they’re going to attack you there’s also one where they jump and try and squish you and there’s also another one when they jump try and squish you but explode at the same time now I don’t

Know how well this is gonna go but let’s try it let’s go let’s kill this slime Queen see look she’s just she’s just jumping quite high if she squashes me she’s gonna do a lot of damage just try and take her down I love this health bar

By the way it looks amazing maybe if you get her down to like half the health she’ll start to do that exploding one nope ow ow yeah that hurt the licorice armor isn’t too bad actually it looks like trees are good trees are good because they stop her from destroying you oh my

God I like the enchanting stuff that’s coming out the bottom of her owl dude proper squashing me get stay back stay back I’m gonna kill you I want to kill you here we go here we go we’re almost halfway down it’s a really cool boss for a dimension like this actually not too

Aggressive but still kind of cool come here get off the trees will you that’s better yeah there we go she’s blue she will now explode when she tries to get you apparently but you know it’s a work in progress Mon so it might not work come here come here right now come come

Here come here there we go oh yes we got some right in I’ll know she’s gonna squash me right let’s go into game mode one and just finish this off right let’s do this and she will drop to a very cool things or a collection of very cool

Things let’s destroy look at this 10 damage per hit while she’s now orange will she do the exploding one now actually let’s find that out yep she’ll do this now oh Jesus I need to kill this where is she oh god I was gonna destroy everything quick killer killer killer killer

I died no I’m back at the lab what the hell I need to rush back be right back guys yes yes I failed okay I’m going back Jesus where is she she’s back here somewhere there she is no way she did not heal that hole no no

Way you know I’m just gonna kill her she didn’t no way did she heal all that it might be because she’s touching water I’m not sure but she healed so she kills you she will heal and and just try and destroy you so the orange is where she will attack you black is

Where she’s not attacking you pink will where she just jump on you blue is where she’ll jump on you as well and let’s just kill her let’s kill her very very nice more mod should support this kind of health bar at the top it’s very cool

Here we go final blow you little punk and she will drop what did she drop lots of experience she also dropped I think it was just this it’s the slime queen secret record and a slime dungeon key now this is a work in progress this will

Be added in the future to give you more rewards and stuff but let’s just grab a jukebox and see what kind of tunes the slime Queen listens to so here we go let’s try this it’s a Swedish remix I have no idea what it is but I think I’ll

Be a nice tune to leave for an outro so that is pretty much what this mod has to offer and it’s only just been released it’s awesome it’s got so much potential it looks beautiful and if you want to try out yourself which I highly suggest you do go into the description below

Where you’ll find a link to download this mod now can I find my wolf or did it get killed let’s have a look where is it where is it where is it I told him to sit over here you haven’t produced any caramel for me

Buddy or did you let me just try and find buckets here we go did you get any caramel for me let’s try this no none at all you are useless doggy you are useless but anyway thanks a lot for watching guys well this is like a remix

Of a song isn’t it this is remix of the Minecraft song very very cool let’s turn that off for now because you know YouTube’s being where the copyright stop but anyway that’s a different story thanks a lot for watching guys if you happen to be new to the channel then

Please do subscribe and join team TV and today for the daily Minecraft videos and if you did enjoy the video our like would also be greatly appreciated too and if we can get to an amazing 10,000 likes that would be awesome also please do go ahead and suggest mods to me and

On my Twitter page which is in the description below you should see it on the top bar is twitter.com forward slash diamond minecart thanks again for watching guys thanks for his support and I will see you all next time good

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | CANDYLAND! (Candy Cane Pigs, Chocolate Dogs, Candy Dimension & More!) | Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by DanTDM on 2013-12-14 20:19:30. It has garnered 7656148 views and 72936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:34 or 1234 seconds.

“CAN WE GET TO 10,000 LIKES?” ► Next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IAHa1MVbn8&list=PLUR-PCZCUv7Te0KbzR6rpaD9rXORtYib2&index=24 ► Previous: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJX7V6m_kzg&list=PLUR-PCZCUv7Te0KbzR6rpaD9rXORtYib2&index=22 ► Subscribe and join TeamTDM! :: http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 ► My Twitter :: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart ► Mod Showcases Playlist 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHDL8BVUOFc&index=1&list=PLUR-PCZCUv7Te0KbzR6rpaD9rXORtYib2

Today, I am really excited to be able to show you the CandyLand Mod which allows you to travel to a BRAND NEW candy-filled dimension. Think of Peppermint Pigs, Sweet Slimes, Candy Houses, Chocolate Dogs and tonnes more! It’s beautiful.. It’s tasty..

► Get the CandyLand Mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2197096-candycraft-alpha/

► Want To Send Me Something? :: The Diamond Minecart / DanTDM Office 34 67-68 Hatton Garden London EC1N 8JY UK

► Merchandise! US: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.com UK: http://thediamondminecartuk.spreadshirt.co.uk EU: http://thediamondminecart.spreadshirt.net

Enjoy & remember to like, favourite and subscribe to support me!

— Find Me! — Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecart Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheDiamondMinecart Instagram: DanTDM Skydaz: http://www.skydaz.com — Easy Mod Installers!

— Credits — All titles and images created by TheDiamondMinecart Title song: Super Street Fighter Remix – AntoineLavenant – https://soundcloud.com/antoinelavenant Spy Theme: Hitman – Kevin Macleod – http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1300013

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    Server Information Server Name: TwoBearsOneGame Server Location: United States CST Discord: Join our Discord server Access and Whitelist Info: Whitelist Access Form Version: 1.20.1 Mod pack: Better MC [FABRIC] 1.20.1 v23.5 Modpack Link: Download Modpack Description Two bears looking for mature 18+ players to join our modded server. We are a relaxed play LGBTQ+ friendly server. Fill out the short form linked above for server address and whitelist access. Server Owners: 51-year-old male who builds like a 5-year-old, focused on hunting and gathering 45-year-old creative type who has been playing since beta Rules No Griefing or Theft No advertising Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mending NOW, or I Die

    Looks like someone is getting impatient for some mending in Minecraft! Maybe they need a good book to calm down instead. Read More

  • Crafting Feast: Minecraft’s Emotional IQ Buffet!

    Crafting Feast: Minecraft's Emotional IQ Buffet! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan entertains with humorous refrains. With animations that bring joy and delight, Each video a treasure, shining bright. From funny classroom moments to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, set free. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad Read More

  • CraftyRohit’s Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build

    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick The Secret Chest in Minecraft Have you ever wanted to add a touch of mystery and intrigue to your Minecraft world? Creating a secret chest might be just the thing you need! In this short video by VABLOCK, the process of making a hidden chest in Minecraft is showcased, sparking creativity and excitement for players. How to Make a Hidden Chest in Minecraft Creating a secret chest in Minecraft involves cleverly concealing a chest within the game world, making it invisible or difficult to find for other players. This adds an element of surprise and challenge to the game,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASF

    INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up jome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome Minecraft fil live stream except that’s a lot cuz there’s a perfect Ty there we’re doing Minecraft Lucky Block SkyWars with the Mario Lucky Blocks the way it works is we have 20 minutes to break these Lucky Blocks then we do a 15 lives battle Steve isn’t here with us today he’s off to war so instead we have the budget Steve AKA The Intern who’ll be tabing in for Steve which means Levy all your targets to that man… Read More

  • Escape Room Chaos with Marzian

    Escape Room Chaos with MarzianVideo Information doing how do hi comments of vaud Watchers hello vaud Watchers if you guys are watching past 2024 say yo I’m in the future 2024 man nothing Happ that year that’s crazy is it already over I mean it eventually yeah okay that’s true okay let me get I’m predicting that nothing happened this year but it could be nothing crazy nothing crazy like like Co 2 could happen what if we just like make predictions and it’s in this 2024 VOD oh my no no Co 2 oh covid-19 was worse enough I don’t want Co 2… Read More

  • Shocking Twist in Aria’s Strike SMP Mayor Election!

    Shocking Twist in Aria's Strike SMP Mayor Election!Video Information it’s live it’s unlisted right now so you can’t actually watch it yet huh I got yeah I’ll do a public stream if you want I got Comm I got got I could do a pivate as well which is just so you guys can watchever can you even stream the yeah yeah it’s a content creator SMP it’s like you meant to make content on it crazy crazy why am I on this game why is this [ __ ] actually got me gambling bro cuz gambling is good for no this isn’t gambling because we’re not… Read More

  • Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!

    Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!Video Information okay I think the stream started wait for people to get in whoa let me load in the hive okay and I’ve already got cs’s server suspended D that’s weird Hello Universe I’m already getting surrounded I’ve been on for like 2 seconds okay let’s start a party because do you know what happened yesterday yeah yesterday spofy gave me high Plus for no reason so that’s W okay wait who have I not invited let’s go for off msh yeah yeah we could find all the banners I haven’t been bothered to find him fight just died… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!

    Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!Video Information sh he [Music] ow [Music] a fu f [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 707 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle|| minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮

    EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮Video Information क्यूटीज की चैट ये देख रहे हो इसको हेलो स्नेहा बोट पे चढ़ा नहीं जाता है स्नेहा भाई आ जाओ सारी जल्दी करो चलो चलो गाइस टाइम नहीं है बिल्कुल चलो वन टू थ्री गो चिप्पी चिपी चापा चापा रूबी रूबी राबा राबा मैजिकल से रूबी रूबी बूम बूम बूम बूम चिप्पी चिप्पी चापा This video, titled ‘Mlg God Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 05:30:07. It has garnered 1831 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥Video Information [Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are… Read More

  • 🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information how to build a cool wall in [Music] Minecraft [Music] sh This video, titled ‘How to build a cool Wall in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-03-07 09:00:07. It has garnered 522 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Wall Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song… Read More

  • Wet Hands Surprise Singing in Minecraft

    Wet Hands Surprise Singing in MinecraftVideo Information B B B B B B B B B [музыка] [музыка] мммм [музыка] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B This video, titled ‘WET HANDS, BUT I SING IT… (goofy style) | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kev1nTheKev1n on 2024-06-03 03:41:09. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. #minecraft #kev1nthekev1n #wethands so uh i got bored again and decided to sing another song this time i did… Read More

  • Hyde Network

    Hyde NetworkHyde Network Earth SMP! Join us today to enjoy the best Earth SMP on Minecraft! We have active staff and an active community for you to take part in! Read More

  • GALESTA – semi-vanilla roleplay, nation-building, magic

    Galesta Minecraft Server Welcome to Galesta Minecraft Server! We offer a completely unique and unmodded Minecraft experience, where you can enjoy our custom features: NEVER BEFORE SEEN COMBAT SYSTEM: 12 Unique classes and items for customizable combat styles WORLD BUILDING & POLITICS: Create nations and engage in wars 20K X 20K WORLD MAP: Hand-painted by our team RICH HISTORY: Community with deep lore CUSTOM ITEMS & PROFESSIONS: Form communities around professions Join us now! IP: PLAY.GALESTA.COM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/aVqQzbUQfN Read More


    FLEETMC | GENS | MINING, DUNGEONS, PAYOUTS, FARMING, GENERATORS, CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | JOIN NOWWelcome to FleetMC, the ultimate Minecraft experience where adventure and innovation collide! Explore our unique, dynamic and ever-changing mining area with shifting terrain, elemental zones, and a plethora of resources waiting to be discovered. Each visit promises new challenges and rewards, ensuring an exciting and fresh experience every time you delve into the depths.Craft custom tools and armor with advanced recipes, including our exclusive “Enchantment Infusion” system. This feature allows you to acquire powerful enchantments and apply them to your items using an anvil, enhancing your gear’s performance and unlocking unique abilities. With tools like the Silverstriker Pickaxe and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost and Forsaken

    Looks like this meme got lost in the world of Minecraft, but at least it’s not forgotten with that impressive score of 1625! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive!

    Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this Minecraft video I survive 9000 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world, Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had, unfurled. More 100 Days Episodes, the… Read More

  • Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Warden Girl Slaying Golems 🔥 #minecraftmemes Looks like Warden Girl is about to have a “rocky” time with all those golems! #minecraftstruggles #watchoutforflyingblocks Read More

  • Crafty Cafe Build | Minecraft Madness

    Crafty Cafe Build | Minecraft Madness Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Cafe Creating a Cozy River House In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking to enhance their survival experience. One popular way to do so is by building a cozy river house. In a recent tutorial by Lazycial, players can learn how to easily construct the best river house in Minecraft. This simple guide is perfect for beginners looking to add a functional and charming home to their world. Building a Cafe in Minecraft For those looking to add a touch of sophistication to their Minecraft world, building a cafe… Read More

  • Crazy CARBALL in Wild West! Charity Streamer Dan

    Crazy CARBALL in Wild West! Charity Streamer DanVideo Information [Music] you’ll speak when spoken to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ye Run for the hills we got a raid [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 1 2 3 4 [Music] welcome welcome come on everyone it’s a carnival party and we’re going to have some fun step up and try your luck out you could win a prize friends to spend your time with and then the man himself of course he’s always family friendly you don’t have to fret he’s the hokiest joest cowboy on the [Music] internet wellcome welcome come on take a… Read More

  • Family Face-Off: JJ vs Mikey Locked in Tower – Minecraft Showdown

    Family Face-Off: JJ vs Mikey Locked in Tower - Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information hey Mikey it’s morning and I think we should go downstairs and see what our family’s doing oh hey JJ absolutely let’s go oh hi my family I missed you guys so much so what do we have today oh you’ve got such a table for us this is so unexpected thank you my wife and JJ’s wife wait wait wait before we eat I noticed some really weird stuff in the window oh my God it’s two huge beds I’m shocked how did this happen let’s go outside and see what’s going on come on we’re already… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft 2B2T Torre

    Unbelievable Secrets of Minecraft 2B2T TorreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2B2T’, was uploaded by Torre on 2024-07-08 21:24:14. It has garnered 521 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. #shorts #minecraftshorts #viral #minecraft #minecraft2b2t #minecraft #iceberg #español Experience the chaos and adventure of Minecraft 2B2T in this epic gaming video. Join the mayhem on the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft! Read More

  • Minecraft Prank Wars with Arnav x Beast 🤣🎮 #TrollFriends

    Minecraft Prank Wars with Arnav x Beast 🤣🎮 #TrollFriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Viral ways to troll your friends in minecraft😂| Minecraft | ArnavxBeast’, was uploaded by Arnav x Beast on 2024-05-26 15:12:27. It has garnered 12 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #capcut #troll #viral “Minecraft” is a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios and initially released in 2011. It has become one of the best-selling video games of all time, known for its blocky, pixelated graphics and virtually limitless creative possibilities. Here’s an overview of its key features and gameplay: Gameplay 1. Modes: • Survival Mode: Players… Read More

  • INSANE Map Creation with EPIC Shaders! | MCPE 1.20

    INSANE Map Creation with EPIC Shaders! | MCPE 1.20Video Information [Musik] Halo guys k lagi di channel gold kali ini gue mau showcase map yang buat showcase shader atau tekstur ya guys ya kalian bisa lihat tuh di bawah itu buat showcase ya buat showas tekur atau shader nanti gue kasih linknya di komentar atau ak deskripsi ya guys ya langsung aja kita lihat ada apa aja ya let go a l di sini ada pintu-pintuan ya guys ya Terus di sebelah sini ada GL dan sini ada kayu terus ya giniilah ini buat apa coy t gua pada ini cuk bentar wa nah terus ini mungkin buat… Read More

  • Insane Fan Art Reactions w/ Philza in QSMP Minecraft!

    Insane Fan Art Reactions w/ Philza in QSMP Minecraft!Video Information book to write review I will thank you all right awesome uh let’s go let’s go start from here I was like starting on the left side here and just working my way around cute very cute some crocodile art yes yes I wonder if like people call him Croc for sure or something you know what I found out I found out that um like the the the necessary way to say my name filza the the [ __ ] like sounds don’t exist in the in the Korean alphabet like so when AKO like called me… Read More

  • 🔥Bihari Ninja’s EPIC Minecraft Adventure! Join NOW! 🔥

    🔥Bihari Ninja's EPIC Minecraft Adventure! Join NOW! 🔥Video Information तो कुछ आ रहा है हां तो आ ही रहा है अबे सबटाइटल बंद कैसे हो च जरूरत भी नहीं ओ हम साला जानते हो ज्यादा चालाक बनने के चक्कर में पिलाए बहुत भयानक वाला नहीं बनी चला कोई नहीं अब चालाक नहीं बनेगा ना सब काट के लेके चला जाता तो दिक्कत है अप हा अपने एमपी में ही है हम अच्छा बाबू बताओ तो क्या गोल होता है गोल सर्कल होता है बाब गोल क्या होता है बताओ तो ओ मुखी तेरे से कुछ पूछ रहा है य क्या किस क्लास में पढ़ता है मैं तो… Read More

Minecraft | CANDYLAND! (Candy Cane Pigs, Chocolate Dogs, Candy Dimension & More!) | Mod Showcase