MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP!! | Ft. Grian, Smallishbeans & InTheLittleWood | Team Pink Parrots

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Yeah they’d be like this team yeah they’re pretty much the tenth place i was looking through it i was just getting sad so i just left we need to break this curse it’s like like pete had his curse of like never quite winning greens is we’re gonna make sure he doesn’t come last

Lordships are on the line everybody come up here i feel like we’re just we’re going to start calling each other my lord my lord my lord my lord i hear you my lord we just look there quickly there are only my lord though if we’re in tenth place we’re only allowed to say

If we’re in eight for above yeah yeah eight for above okay cool and then after that we can start calling each other my lord yeah yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll keep track of every single game i can honestly only only imagine like the the stark difference between the multiple streams we’re just talking like

My lord my lord and then we’re gonna win all right we’re gonna we’re gonna go for this game we’re going for this game we’re gonna win right we need to get stanza time that’s my strong seat and we’re just like my lord yeah we’re like oh yes this this chicken

Is a fine vintage yes what do we do we need for the build of my lord but the real question is how did you get to the other side i wonder i feel like they’ve upgraded the fireworks yeah it’s already going on i even know there was fireworks wait those lights always

Heard the slaps and i assumed it wasn’t anybody clapping [Applause] fireworks in minecraft are actually so good i actually genuinely forget yeah look at them i’m trying to figure out if that’s supposed to be a skylight or that’s it maybe maybe this is the season where the decision don’t become sentient

And just walks off because you know what i’m doing i can’t make my mind up i’m leaving right what game do we actually think would be to get the worst ones out there we did this last time right and when you start getting all your worst

Ones out the way and then they add more in you end up not actually playing any that you enjoy yeah just play to our strengths and just go go go for it we just go okay right everything else and the build map bingo i guess we could do it i think

Yeah you guys will kill it at a build mark last time we had three people focused and then one person flex and i i’m happy to play flex again okay run odd jobs see last time i played that i wanted to try a tactic where one person

Like stayed and just said all the blocks or or all four of you go to the different places and just collect everything i’m with you on that like 10 like the whole game you just collect as much as ever of everything you come back put it in

Chest and then just build for the last five minutes but it’s not about how many you do though it’s about if you do them first then you get more points yeah that’s what i mean like you you do so well that you accelerate past them but again like it’s very difficult to test We’re already dressed like jocks we don’t need to be bullied as well because oh look at me my varsity jacket dude look at the right small kid look to the right that actually scared me oh my the heck is that hey let’s take it is this the new one yeah

We’ve got to be careful on this because if there’s infinite blocks from the get-go people are going to be rushing other people’s spawns i think do you still have to like mine them no no yeah that’s what i thought it was yeah it’s three rounds i’m pretty sure

It’s literally not sky wars you know like it’s it’s literally not butter and i can’t believe it right right it will give us the breakdown the point we could figure out what to prioritize i reckon gather resources craft and eliminate your opponent so it’s just like a free-for-all

Three rounds total each lasts for four minutes you only get one life per round so don’t do anything stupid yeah that’ll be me don’t fall sweaty i’m so glad that they’ve hollowed out the middle because obviously sky block uh block always like people would bury in the

Middle wouldn’t he or they go up into the big towers can we like can we just like hide under the floor because that works no because it’s like four minutes long now so basically the the sky comes in as well yeah above and you so you can’t hide up high

You can’t it’s basically just gotta go and fight i’m pretty sure they made this to get rid of people’s camping okay okay this is it your building skills can come in handy though because you’ve got unlimited blocks unlimited blocks i’m too sweaty to play this game

Come on let’s see just go straight for mid i feel like or do you want to go up to that ledge to the left of us let’s go to the left i’ll say who’s on the left blue team remember it’s new pvp by the way new pvp new pvp

Let’s go left it’s got hp yeah get my fault get my fellow hermits let’s do it wait right it’s our left left left left left left left right what’s in this just on my left just do you all get this chest or is it only just one chest

You get the chest let’s all build i’ll start building i’ll start building we should not really have a gap there’s not much danger if there’s no range stuff there we go they’re already up there was there anything in the chest oh gosh look at them oh wait you can break the blocks

Yeah they’re already trying to break us off i’m going to build towards the center slightly no no false no no go martin go where’s the middle joe be careful right there yeah is there anyone above me i’ve got like a bow or something yeah it’s only four minutes per game remember

All right we’re not left oh someone’s like he’s here he’s here i’m in trouble i’m in trouble all right i thought someone was just fighting with me nice nice good job i’m gone what are these there’s like tnt and creepers and eggs and stuff oh wait we

Could go over here we could literally bring you guys um oh gosh i didn’t think anybody would be in the barriers because they can’t get across if they uh yeah yeah that’s true very true careful of careful of the blue team they’re eyeing this up oh god green green we’re just going to

Show you green are coming along get green as they jump in because they’re going to have to come to you oh that’s him yeah i missed the potion i missed the potion mine that lava as well get it up get it That’s it google good two more he get you yeah he got me yeah oh man the board is really close you might just want to strike b yeah go mid i would You got it come on my lord i believe in you wait is it old people is it old pvp or new pvp yeah oh a new pvp i’m pretty sure someone told me wait what my lord do be careful there are men on the left and the right

Okay they’re on your flank get in there quickly before they can knock you off backwards yeah that’s good i’m gonna be right above you there’s two above you to the right oh they’ve got their health back cool cool yeah we’re not last though fifth yeah yeah that’s fine that’s fine my lord

My my lord what a smashing display my lords oh good show good show oh the creeper eggs actually just spawn creepers what oh my gosh oh my lord look at this they’re raining you’re right oh my lord raining i was i was trying to place a block on that lantern

To save it charlie good performance my lord yes yes my lord best in the county best in the county oh look at this one coming down we’re gonna get like you know these people are still alive so our sixth place is just gonna go down and down and down like that

This is the wall pushes in real quick doesn’t it yeah is it is there just one round of this i assume oh we’re down no there’s three there’s two rounds yeah three rounds are there oh yeah we’re good if we get any kills i can um these guys have a good tactic

Of just a void your kills are on your right side did anyone else get out you get points for survival i couldn’t actually read the text earlier i think you do you get points for surviving and then points for kills as well it’s only two coins though you get 50 for eliminations

And 50 if you survive the entire round apparently oh oh my god they’re above it they’re gonna die yeah what’s he doing he’s dead yeah they’re forgetting about the vertical border this is mayhem oh he messed up the jump oh and he’s gone before he’s going to make the leap with the win

Whoa [ __ ] you get so many points dude well it’s because they get the survival points don’t they and the limbs damn ren told me that ren told me that they were practicing legitimately like training for this event oh dude that’s too much for me the first time we spoke

As the team was five minutes ago yeah yeah we had a group dm where we uh we’re giving our skins and that was about it we just got right back yeah let’s go right i’m just gonna try and get straight up onto this ledge i’m too sweaty to play this game like

I’m just my proud uh-oh i think the goal is agreeing i know that oh do crit damage but i just wouldn’t jump everyone just has so much knock back it’s wired yeah it’s crazy i’m just going to stay planted next time i know it might not maximize my damage oh gosh

You need to move guys the border yes you’ve got quick who’s on literally zero to the right of you oh no he’s already long gone oh they’ve got a bow and arrow though that’s unfortunate right green it’s time for you to ninja bridge i don’t know how to ninja bridge we

Could go right we could go right we could go right that’s the first time hey that’s it go for it go for it keep going across green you’ve got time yeah look at that well played ah i know who’s that oh is it not good not good

I’m jimmy god this is jeremy don’t run away you’re fine no i’m not i’m on one heart oh they know you’re there oh yeah you are about to die oh man why am i i don’t know what i could have done differently i just constantly you know

For some reason when i’m hitting them with the sword it does i literally it doesn’t feel like i’m hitting them at all yeah no i was the same it doesn’t feel like i actually saw the numbers decreased like when you were the person that you were fighting on the first platform where you

Had their back to the um the void i was hitting them at the same time as you and they just weren’t budging yeah as soon as my feet come off the floor and i get hit it’s literally like being fired out of rockets i’ve got a kill i got uh mika

I could be brown i can be blue [ __ ] violet you want to talk about exports from the early naughties that was a big one that was yeah i guess that was more mid naughties actually what we’re looking at oh this is tnt for days guys we’re ninth

Got the names okay got kind of the names who’s in that team oh so it’s jerome sb disney and those guys uh the purple pandas yeah this game’s not my strong suit oh none of them are my strong suit for a good guy i don’t think a single one is my strong suit

People in my chat are asking our opinions on this game mode so far i like it way more than sky block already even though i’m like dying straight away sky block always just too much resource management more of a chance in this one yeah yeah yeah i’m way more likely to get an

Elimination in this than the others so my goal next time don’t jump oh my gosh my goal is don’t die really well you’re not really using crit hits so your opponents are dealing more damage per hit yeah i’m trying to use crit hits because i come off the ground

The difficulty is if you jump to do a crit hit they then you know hit you and you go flying mm-hmm oh so if you jump and hit you do more damage yeah that’s what it is you hit as you descend isn’t it so when you descend from a jump as you’re

Falling and hit something with a sword that’s when you get a [ __ ] uh let’s not go left because that’s tommy wilbur and co to the right is technical okay let’s go forward let’s go forward this forward is the way to go four literally forwards to mid

Close to mid let’s just go man that did not get any better oh man that was awesome these guys are so fast oh oh red right in there they’ve got bows oh how have they got a bow i’m just going to try and get over to

The mid yeah i’m at mid i hit wilbur oh how did he stand there no how has he done that to me that’s awful i hate i hate everyone in this game all right how was will i stayed on there oh my god i literally got put in a

Cobweb i had two people one side three the other oh man we are not becoming laws today my friends i was just surrounded it was literally just surrounded by people i don’t don’t want to play his game anymore calvin on one side and wilbur and all that

Tommy on the other side yeah it’s not it’s we’re not getting the best spawn points but that was the last round so at least that’s out the way all i’m right we are finished yeah i want hole in the wall that’s what i want we’ll write this one off as a tenth

Place shall we yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no large ships no just our just our house just merely the boy who brings the wine yes we also we also just hit 2k towards the the preschool so that’s awesome we’re the real winners today because yeah let’s go chat clap on headings

Green’s channel all super chats the greens channel today uh going towards building a school in ghana go do it the queen demands it the queen the man the queen is actually very grateful i must admit i can’t believe here we go you’ve just subscribed i went on a famous birthday

Today have you heard of that website yeah yeah yeah i found that uh qui our queen is on it and she’s like not even in the top 20. she’s like 25th i know she was losing to one direction people weren’t searching her as much no just she just doesn’t get voted as much

Yeah that is a sad moment man because they’re british as well so like oh man i literally have to use famous birthdays sometimes to find out when it’s my friends birthdays like how much of a first world problem is that you haven’t done it for me though right

What you haven’t done it no i haven’t done that because i don’t care when it’s your birthday so oh oh yes i don’t need to yeah same same i don’t care either mom just gonna cancel that moon pig moonpig.com giant card giant card and chocolate giant card chocolates

Redirected to a different address yes to me i’ll take this the last one a snap nap for them for green yeah yeah it’s green blue and orange right orange oh sapna no you’re lying how do you not know that that’s like she has like a half birthday and a like her

[ __ ] i think there’s like a queen’s birthday that applies to like any monarch and then there’s like her actual birthday when she was born i think that she had a queen’s birthday when she was sworn in i had something like that come on you’re supposed to be the one that rubbed

Shoulders with queens you should know all of them casually going for dinner with them two birthdays hey i didn’t i didn’t like this game i liked it i i think we just got sandwiched a lot i just look here’s the thing though like uh if

You if you put us like on a scale of like the the pros at the top and then you just had your average minecraft player we’re not like down there we’re still we’re still like quite decent at the game we’re just competing with literal experts that

Oh yeah day in and day out yeah it’s an unfair comparison agreeing with the top let’s go let’s go my lord no no no no you have not earned your lordship yet at least the point discrepancies aren’t too huge after the first round yeah yeah with the multiplayer next

Round we could hop back up to 748 easy i’ve decided i don’t like the new game i absolutely love your optimism hey i believe we’re all winners okay i also believe that children are the future treat them well and just let them lead the way you know what i mean i feel like

You’re going to understand why timmy’s in charge hey wait what show them all the beauty they possess inside is what i’m saying wait what are you what are you going into my question is just you’ll give him a sense of pride i feel like what is this song that you’re going into

Look we do this job because we want children’s laughter to remind us how we used to know what is this song that you’re saying wait why is there so many scots down here why is it wait what is it like cloning squad this is like the organizer like name scott

That’s this team is gonna ruin people one day they should do that they should totally just genuinely have like four people from the knox crew who have playtested the games loads yeah the players the four scots and just ruin all of us i’ll just give them creative mode and see what happens

Yeah literally yeah this will spawn a mega chicken and mega chicken is human size and will count as three votes instead of one all right well we want to play then clearly there’s only one game this can go to it’ll be oh but it doesn’t gosh are you mad

Okay players we’re gonna win teammates that’s it it’s a whole new team wait where are we checking it mega chicken coming in with a carry real quick oh my god look at his face look at him i can’t believe that martin how have you messed that up um how have you

Done it that higher reach the chicken across the road game dude that’s the first actually i’ve seen someone do that summing up our mcc experience yeah this is a good start oh this is a good game though come on oh man to get green have you done this one

This is basically a frantic race to get to the other side essentially so you’ll have building blocks uh sometimes you’re descending sometimes you’re ascending um or this one you’ve literally gone a flat plane but with ice and boats and essentially once you get to the end

Make sure that you punch one of the npcs that are in the pit at the finish because that’s how you finish right um a bunch of fans basically yeah basically right they say whack it’s the people you got it chief imagine that imagine the fan is one of those ones that goes

Tell this person i said hello because like you get like hundreds of those in a single day just pretend it’s one of those ones no i won’t say hello every every time you go i definitely will mate oh my god oh my god are you agreeing can you tell mumbo i said hi

You’re like yeah i am hi mumbo yeah what is it um basically there was a fan that wanted to say hello his name was jeremy he was 13 from aberystwyth that’s a real place isn’t it no wait what yeah i’ve got to go there now claim that you

Don’t hate me because i’m cultured okay true you are the last time i tell you anybody said hello oh yeah right boats are dangerous on ice so you like you get out right you go you go straight you get out and turn you go on the corners yeah yeah

You or you just what do you what are you trying to try and vote the whole way because i what you need to be really careful of is not to climb into somebody else’s boat because that’s happening that to me and then he jumped out just before

Who’s really good at this game can i just like sneak in their boat yeah maybe i’m going to try that oh i couldn’t get in i don’t think he can seems as though it’s at the start it’s just going to be easy for me to just sprint i don’t know maybe not okay

Apparently everybody else is incredible i’ve just seen cpk jump off the edge he just goes straight oh boy the boats no i almost went off the edge oh my gosh oh my gosh i’ve just been straight i think i got bumped by dream what’s with the thick hips there

Oh man that is disgusting that is filth that’s right i thought i was doing so well i was gonna punch oh man oh man i’m literal last place i think this is um i’ve gotta admit people fellas there’s a lot of luck involved here in

In what you get stuck on yeah i hate everything everyone else i can’t believe dude i can’t believe that as well martin you’re not last keep going oh man i came 33rd oh my gosh someone just like thunder punched a fan from in front of me

It was that wait gria where did you come 20 seconds joel where did you come 28th hey hey come on believe that come on guys come on come does it say 13 30 something 38 for 40. all right there’s two people basically you’ve got to basically try and jump between the various waterfalls

Green and then you’ve got to go up the waterfall and then there’s an ice wall at the end that you have to go towards to basically like thread the needle in um it’s a bit okay This is so great oh come off it oh my god everyone’s in the way there we go nice oh my gosh can i get no no can i get over it i’m trying trying to get over no there’s too many people in the way there’s so many people in the water i’m

Gonna fall off unless i’m careful there we go oh my god oh my god i got stuff on the other side of a block oh no i thought i was gonna fall off me i know we stuck on each other there we go come on no did i make that

Oh get in there oh my god i’m so close nice dude i got 50 there we go nice nice terrifying yeah i made it through the ice and then fell through the other side you know what you can do it really come on really frustrating that

If someone’s in front of you you don’t jump like you don’t go through people on like yeah well it’s because obviously it’s a weapon isn’t it normally yeah like if it hits them then it returns to you so frustrating we were lords for a moment there and i took full advantage

Of it come on joel you can do it come on why is he not moving me where are you where are you oh my gosh 28th again that’s not terrible at least you’re finished this one’s hard that like that map there is hard and those people are on the lower ledges

And they’re trying to make the jumps why aren’t they turning around and going back up the waterfall they have water behind them yeah i have no idea look because look you can’t make the jump how many people didn’t finish nine people didn’t finish then yeah that’s wild

I lost where are we my lords good golly good day oh on this one green it’s probably best to just go directly upwards and then bridge along as you usually be or just follow people yeah i might i might just follow oh i’ve been knocked off absolutely instantly someone just hates me

I can’t place any blocks no no no i have survived this is a strange survival but i’ll take it if someone bm’s me now yo i came fifth i came fifth what let’s go let’s go big i’ll take 18 oh that’s all right top half uh twenty twenty seven

I fell i didn’t really i’m so bad at like that uh what’d you call it ninja bridging or whatever that was terrible i just followed people that was my last one over here making like the mega shape well you got knocked off three times yeah people punched me off as soon as i

Spawned i was off my lawn oh man my lords we’ve done it we i think we stand a very good chance of landing in the top half we’ve cracked what’s this this one you descend i’m pretty sure so there’s gonna be you can’t see it now no no in front of

You you’ll see there’s like well i guess technically a bit like a dropper all right all right i might actually stand a chance it’s lots of individual platforms in front of you i think you can probably land on them or avoid them yeah you’ll see you’ll see in a sec

Guys okay i i understand i can’t i literally can’t see where i’m going if i’m honest oh my gosh me are you having a bubble bath there we go i’m with spiffy and somebody else oh someone just nudged me but it worked maui maui’s not now’s not the time

I’ll take that i’ll take a third place third i can’t believe it yeah i can’t even dudes i’m gonna be last this one i believe in you my lord come hither 17th this is it this is ridiculous i’m gonna be last wait Come on come on come on come on you can do this come on you got this okay lord shipped over oh no come on you’ve got this gone green straight on that one you’ve done it you’ve got it you’ve got it you’ve got it you got it boom

Nice nice man that’s so oh my god i put my head in my hand all right hey god we’re all finished we all finished you don’t have to wear a mask when it’s just you you know and the hands aren’t very good mask mount what do you want i know

My cat thinks it’s too difficult to watch this by chat my chat is literally saying we stan maui oh yeah wacky wings on for this one oh yeah this one is usually a good shot to basically just go straight upwards glide out as far as you can and then you know again yeah

Okay you got it chief I’m gonna go slightly outward there we go how high i don’t know how high to go [Laughter] what’s power’s gonna block me my problem is landing with these there we go i might snag a first place here everyone she won’t know don’t knock me off me off

Uh i’ve got to go higher than that is there a roof to this yeah i’ve got first place oh second quick ticket from me oh third again come on scott i got four got four i gotta go let’s go green gold legend dude look at that we’re the first full team

To finish first oh my gosh somebody call the prime minister he must hear about this i say good job i think this might be some kind of illuminati’s time but i’m just gonna do this good show everyone good job grab your hats we’re going to ascot

Deborah where’s my cane you know i can’t walk far without my cane i can’t walk not from that my cane i can’t that’s why i get driven everywhere oh i’m so happy with that that was the perfect round third overall from that that was the perfect

Round so if we smash this last one we’re gonna be in a top five placement there we’re gonna move up we’re gonna be like overall lords i’m kind of worried that we’re actually going to be lords from now oh this one’s really really tricky oh yeah i remember this the trap with this

One most people run over the cobwebs and then basically there’s loads of soul sand in this one green and it’s a nightmare we’ll see what we can do we might have got ahead of ourselves here boys yeah i think so this is literally my worst map how high is the ledge here

Oh oh boy oh no not go up it’s from there okay come on get out of the way get out of the way get out the way i can’t build oh i’m building above me come on come on something above me oh where are we looking oh there oh no come on

All right or whatever that is in front of me you just knocked eleven not bad i’ll take 18. that’s all right quite top 10. i’m not even done yet not bad you’re there jim you’re there yeah ah 30 seconds here we go right we’re far for overall

Call is is just rampant chaotic no it’s not rampant it’s rubbered rampant did you not call it a gap culture wait is there everyone here other than me from down south uh i’m down south yeah yeah filthy norfolk i don’t know i’m i’m not feeling naughty enough oh

I’m a dirty midlands there we’re just the muddy middle what is the midlands i don’t even know it’s just like it’s a bad sandwich isn’t it you hope the filling’s good and you’re right it should have gone you’ve done well still some of it back we all got high triple digits i’ll take

It guys i know everyone’s chat here but is it quite rude right can we have smiles in the youtube chat and then martin you have the pog yeah i’ll have the pogs let me get some pogs please everyone all on youtube we have the smiles just a smile i think

We’ve we’ve gone and shot everyone and youtube emotes would be like susan it’s just like susan doing the various faces wait where are you guys taking a picture of that so right we’re now we’re now eight so our it wasn’t like too much for win but it’s crawled us back from our

Tenth place starts who’s been currently purple team and yellow team and yellow okay we can stay above them what’s the skill sorry the point difference there’s only 100 points to get up to the next spot that’s one good round that’s a lot of smiley faces that’s a

Lot of pogs in my opinion wow there’s a lot of smiles i mean in my chat and i don’t even really know what pogs is player of the game guys i can see in the audience mr beast gaming watching you no in as an audience member here

Yeah please that’s it i got a paint bucket guys a paint bucket i look it’s our color oh look at that the whole arena is us come on let’s go for why don’t you give it a rocket split for that now i’m just stressing about actually getting the chicken through the

Yeah it’s it’s my oh no what’s this one oh they’re going the battle box aren’t they oh someone just killed one yes no yeah who’s chewing that chicken shoot him oh wait wait what’s that over there i was going to parkour warrior oh yikes oh dude i hate park no i don’t hate

Parkour i hate the glass bit right at the start i hate it no it might not be this it’s close isn’t it five in each or something don’t be battle box please don’t be battle boxing i think i’d rather battle box than parkour if i’m honest with you i practiced it last time

Oh you’re one of those one of i need to redeem myself i’m not looking forward to this i hate the glass bit here we go come on maui come on man we can do it maui’s gone maui and i’d had enough he’s 10th place i’m out there’s a change in the pink section

That looks like on the left there i actually really wanted to make a video dedicated to like maui and just i know he’s already got a couple but he’s gonna say that he’d be oh yeah he needs more he needs more he’s he’s he’s grown since then he

He has his own weird traits what are we doing parkour he grows anymore he’s a dog like i’ll be honest he’s a big cat he’s a big cat he proper talks to me when it’s sunny outside he thinks he’s entitled to go in the garden

He will come up to me look me dead in the eyes wait for eye contact and go wow he comes up to me and goes yeah i think it’s time to go into the garden garden town now that is what that is god is saying you see that sun shining

You don’t see me lying in the grass but you will in five minutes [Laughter] get the keys we’re going to warm up changed right at the start can you see those bits over there on the left that’s new oh it’s not got the glass bits anymore you know you have to go for

Jump through the glass bits the orange bits on the left oh yeah of course um i’ll tell you what they can do they can get rid of the glass from that first slime block bit because i hate that totally i don’t like this is the one that everyone practices right yeah yeah

Yeah i’ve just never bothered people on this one no unfortunately not everyone turns into shoes as well thank goodness i fell off at the first thing i i didn’t make the slime jump so that’s that’s the whole i i still haven’t made the first thing oh my gosh

Okay you have to you have to zigzag that one oh boy The problem is i’m in a really awkward position where basically it’s nothing but a flurry of coins in my face at it’s all real problem it’s a real issue i’m not too bad at like parkour because i spend most of my time just jumping around the stuff that i’ve built

I just saw timmy just stop that again stop that jump there’s weird oh i can’t do it okay why did you put a gap in there i couldn’t see it because of everyone’s big feet what’s going on why is everyone certainly got size 11’s in this game what

Oh mate that’s a nasty little uh tweak that we made i don’t even know where i’m supposed to jump there all right see normally i want to say i want to speak to the manager but now it’s going to speak for the landlord was there a block above me there oh

Wait what how am i feeling this oh yeah i’m with you now joel i’m going i’m good i’m good i’m good oh my word it’s not you don’t know what’s happening man what is that i’m so glad we have a team that is not not sweaty about this because like

I’d be getting if i was like dragging the team down i get so frustrated but the fact that we just we’re just there’s like lordship on them on the on the cards last time i played i was put with some really good players and then on the subreddit and all the predictions

Everyone was like it’s all on smaller speeds it’s all on depending on whether he does good or not if this time there’s too much pressure solid uh tenth so i wouldn’t worry about it oh boy oh they’ve changed this what the heck ah i can’t i can’t get through this bit oh

What oh i’ve literally just caught up with you now to this bit it does that yes it just acts like i’m not sprinting it’s really hard that last bit why is that so hard the thing is i’m okay with taking my time because you actually get quite a long time on this

Yeah it’s just here we go there’s no i’m not getting my second bounce on the slime well i have a second or third okay there you are i’m with you now what happened well how do i tell what players get my second one there i don’t know if you can overall oh think

Of that one yeah i don’t think you get an overall placement i think we only get our team places oh no okay this one’s horrible glass glass pane uh parkour should be illegal because it’s a pain i know it’s so annoying in it but why have they done that

Because they’re the knock screw dude they don’t care about us yeah they don’t care why because they don’t have to play it they just get to watch us first they only have to do it once in practice and go yep it’s doable and then that’s it then they ship it

Like really just blame dream for completing it and making it harder every time because they said they’ll change it every time someone completes it oh really and he couldn’t i’m going to get stuck on this for a long time i can’t do this but which video oh i’m

On the glass side with the trapdoors i think you’re way ahead of me i can’t i’m getting stuck on this oh did that bit this the one that i was on for about five minutes um last event oh the green trap dot uh cream oh if you hit anything your game over

Yeah the green hanging paint on that one i found is it take it slow let’s take it slow yeah what is ladders they’ve changed that oh my gosh oh i just slipped how did you even do this i can’t even see the glass panes are invisible for me for a second that’s different

Yeah we’re all on the same one apart from the job i’m ahead there’s one that’s really hard later on uh you know what i can see why people practice this because this is this is not fun for anyone it’s not fun for me it’s not fun

No it’s fun for maui though it’s not fun for my sweaty hands i swear the the glass panes are acting like ice it’s wild like i’m landing on them and i’m just pretty crouched how do i slide off of something when i’m crouched because the whole mechanic of minecraft

Is make sure you crouch on the edge scratches on the edge oh nothing they’ve made these ladders over here so hard hey boys i did it so i did it i took it slow i took it nice and let’s do this the last one oh man i failed

Five minutes five minutes of glory green you can do this look maui in the eyes real quick all right all right just just timmy go and complete the parkour i’ll try i’ll try i’ll catch up why don’t i keep just bumping into that one oh it’s because it’s further away that’s why

Okay so you run where are you joel uh i’m on like i’m just on the slime i don’t know if i ever want to continue this martin hi i think he’s beauty you’re dying inside aren’t you don’t mind me i’m just smiling smiling smiling and thriving over here boys driving

You got you got to smile otherwise we’re going to get angry wait wait as a great fish once said don’t worry be happy how do you do the ladders bit fish said that yeah a fish said that great bobby mcferrin don’t tell me you’ve never seen that fish that sings

That don’t worry be happy you had no childhood if you didn’t oh can someone clarify he definitely doesn’t mean bobby mcferrin i’m talking about a fish mate if you don’t know what i’m talking about then you’ve had some deprived life ah man come on joel how do you do the ladder bit

Yeah you gotta like go forward and hold it like it’s gonna you’ve gotta go forwards and jump joel how do you walk how do you walk how do i how do i complete this how do i feel about my taxes it’s like you sort of run and jump with like joe

How do we get first place uh don’t be on a team with me joel how is bobby formed what’s love what’s love okay this is the furthest i’ve got so far i can’t do this but i literally can’t is it the ladders you get you’ll get a hang up

It took me a while i can’t do this everyone’s really really like uh yeah judging me it’s really stressful me i just can’t do it i can do like a four or five in a row but i just can’t get like a sixth one out of it and gosh

That last one tilt is hard do you want to just sit and chat for the last two minutes and forget this i feel like we’re not i can’t do it i mean i don’t want to chat to you because i’ve done it you’re such a i did it i did it

I did it i did the ladders as well imagine great bringing the team down god come on i’m legitimately last player you want to just sit around and talk about no i i want to work dude i want a word to be i want to work

That’s what i want to do good luck on the next one yeah great do you want to sit around and talk about it bro i no i feel like an achievement for me this time i’m gonna have to take this slower but every even if i take it slow it doesn’t work

Oh mate okay i’m actually progressing okay okay oh come off it there we go no you’re supposed to stay on it that’s that’s the ego that’s a tip that jordan tell you oh joel why don’t you tell me that he was like oh you got to go forward you got to jump

And say stay on the left man these change this yellow bit well it’s even harder now stop making the park a harder knocks crew oh come on it does nothing but punish us lords that’s all it does this game is designed for the experts because like this oh my gosh how are you

Supposed to make that one what wait what hold on a minute what happened to the light a bit i know yeah good luck connected good luck my friend it’s literally disconnected what are you supposed to do can’t do it mate understand that’s naughty i’m telling notch i can can everyone just channel their

Someone on green team and we’re both stuck on this if i can beat them i can i can finish this stream a happy man someone in chat’s like you’ve got to be quick do you not see me trying to run across these ladders you’ve got to be quick

Similar advice is to just just jump just jump just just jump easy that’s some power get good isn’t it some power would just do it oh i actually managed it okay oh i think this i’m actually okay i’m back where i got to the last event so guys

I don’t remember this bit from us wait what’s falling off my d key okay i have five four seconds okay i’ve not made it oh you suck it i’ve got new people oh i was nearly there this is the most rough thing oh goodness gracious me okay we didn’t the

Yellow black yaks will last i’m pretty sure so we didn’t do too much at the side down i’m sorry wait what hello hello i can’t believe it i’m sorry customer service can you just let me know how it was possible that i was the one who left the side down there

Uh yeah i think you’ll find what it is too much trash talk got enough morale boosting oh that makes perfect sense thank you sorry yeah oh he’s been laughing absolutely we’re last um we’re last night there goes our lordship there it goes oh the gap’s gotten bigger though

100 points now it’s last place and it’s 600 points to get back up to eight oh no we’ve hit three thousand for the uh the donut nice so uh yeah that’s that’s four thousand total got a little bit more to go you’re going to green’s channel everybody super chat donations go to

Building a school in ghana do it for to help a queen to literally help a queen albuquerque i’m not saying that you’ll become a prince if you do that but maybe there might be a chance unless big asterix at the end of that one one day you might be a prince

Yeah yeah one day you might meet no that’s impossible you can’t meet prince anymore can you unfortunately yeah true some of that purple rain my dude some of these like skins in the crowd by the way a bit wacky yeah i was the one i saw a second ago

Oh wait it’s literally garfield okay it’s not so weird anymore i was looking at the back of his head makes sense now it’s not all right what are we going for we are only 30 points behind yellow um i hate all of these why don’t we go rocket spleef are you

Guys good if i had to choose it be rockets before hole in the wall i can i think i’ve got a barren arrow yeah that’s that’s a good shout out can we get this game i just don’t want the last game to be survival games i mean [Applause] That’s right the entire the player base just felt my wrath i love the games that you can’t punch each other on yeah that’s basically my criteria for a good game not being able to be punched every second of it right remember we’ve got fake walls in this

Now so we’ve got to call out the wall that continues to move yeah yeah yeah yeah are we calling colors yeah yeah color’s bester than i don’t know how to read a compass i remember we played before and then they were like north and i was like wait what

No chance mate i was like do the colors i think you don’t really have to do that if you’re playing with like georgia yes yes although he’s got those glasses now i saw him on the trending page with his color blind glasses he sorted yeah no more poor george in the chat all

Right everyone george poor george dude he’s very curious that guy he is he likes the monkey around that was good i like that here we go come on pink parrots we’ve got this chat hype us up i need to take my night light off what what at nine o’clock my screens go

To like the warm color but i’ve got it set to such an insane degree that it’s basically orange oh man right here we go all right let’s call it let’s communicate let’s keep our heads cool let’s wipe the sweat off our palms yeah we’re going to get our head in the game

Uh yellow purple purple stand mid mid you’re good purple uh 90 degrees after this so every time it can only go 90 degrees oh really it can only be purple or blue now then north um blue blue brilliant i think green needs to stop talking i think green’s gonna cause us the world

Of pain is the noise changed i hate green i mean west there are three letters coming to mind when i hear that noise but i’m not going to say it green again green again south south purple hang in the middle you better stop saying compass directions i swear

I swear purple again it’s the first time you’re gonna jump anybody hot anybody hot the thing that i can’t do is like you know where they’re like swimming and people like swim through like those one block gaps that’s a madness green again oh no i panicked

I almost just walked off the edge i put people off blue blue blue blue so is it case we can only be yellow or green now yellow so it’s yellow yeah do you know what that’s really handy to know yeah blue blue for sure yep man a lot of people are surviving right

Now green again you guys got this that 90 degree rule is a big boy yeah it is green oh no how is pearl swimming everywhere pearl is swimming on my screen australian internet literally what kiddo oh my god that one i did some crazy corner jump nothing exciting for what i pulled off

Purple blue sorry um couldn’t you could i didn’t even get off the floor there i tried jumping on joe you got this joe with it my lord my lord you’ve got this my lord Is everyone is pearl swimming for everyone oh she’s swimming swimming for me oh nailing it oh she’s got knocked off that’s a sit back sorry Oh my gosh and they just jumped off straight away i don’t know if you can go down there i’m not even going to try are you guys playing in f5 mode by the way yeah no i hate that what really for this mode i can’t jump in there

Oh yeah boy wait wait are you going are you saying you’re going for the first place i’m in i’m in third person i’m in third person 100 oh purple no wait no yellow yellow i’m in first person is it easier i’m in third yeah it’s way easier way easier

Blue again blue again blue again it’s blue every single time am i changing tack honestly i think you’ll prefer it because you can see like more of the world and you can also see your position with it as well yellow again Oh boy uh is it so is it always 90 degrees or just around always 90 degrees blue blue again even for the ones that like move when the others stop would it be 90 degree from that one next i’d yes it’s for more from the moving one green yeah green

Oh wait no maybe they might change it because that was no no that was right that was right you green or yellow it’s green green i don’t like this third person malarkey yes really because it’s quick to get even when it’s just shoes in only three other players it’s still so busy

Visually isn’t it just gonna be blue or purple it’s blue quite a few people got got whacked on that one sometimes it just suddenly accelerates doesn’t it oh boy oh get out of there oh that was rough that was rough again double jump purple dude jump ah yeah live jumping yellow There i bounced off of the slime block and i just literally like it was like a gravitational pull to the middle of course you would check grief you can’t shift and check well that’s like as chaotic as me blowing us up with tnt and battle boxing yeah

Right where’s it coming from scott was not a happy organizer at that point yellow oh man oh my gosh don’t oh my gosh let’s see if they did that one wait guys what i couldn’t get i watched greece eight people eight people still got some boys in the game it’s not

Over yet come on lords thank you could be uh screen green that was a lot of fakes i was a lot like again i’ll be honest i didn’t even see the face i saw green and just dedicated to it that would have been a bad time for me

For some reason my i feel my heart pounding right now i don’t know why there is an adrenaline field game but apparently my uh my brain’s kicking in i’m not having like a limitless moment i’m not something gonna be really good i think i’m just getting progressively more scared yellow

Blue oh wait there’s fake calls yet blue stuff i’m going mid yellow yellow purple yellow pet i potentially yellow or green no way i can’t see oh oh wait what what’s happening i had a huge lag spike there dude everything like loads went on there

Yeah i i had a massive like the wall was in front of me and then all of a sudden i was on the other side of the wall and about five blocks backwards man terribly on the last two games i peaked on the first game I don’t know he’s so good at this it’s ridiculous he’s good at everything dude quick’s gone here it is 37 for that round that was bad so what have we got overall there oh we’re lords going into the first one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait oh no come on don’t do this we’re going to be like no we’re still going to be 10th i reckon those are players then in our team there we are that’s good man i i got 300 points on the first game i’m pretty sure 350 or something

Oh yeah oh it’s only a hundred points though to stay off the bottom that’s all we’ve got we’ve got four games to pull it back we could do that easy this is the halfway point is this the break right now we’re with green so we might have some pulling power on the

Twitter poll for once imagine that oh he’s muted though come back i’m gonna call his mobile right now created what are we voting for oh he’s not gonna see it in time is he maui’s probably eating his phone literally right so what’s what’s the vote let’s have a quick look uh twitter.com

Mcg is it mc championship underscore or something like that they gotta fix that name yeah there it is so the choices are battle box sound of sounds of time survival games or rocket spliff i’m gonna go rockets brief yeah rocket sleeve guys if you want to go on twitter

Do it um mc championship underscore there’s a vote you can vote on the next game we’re going for rocket spleef rockets do it do it do it if green stream can hear us rocket spliff everybody rock it he’s deafened how dare he how dare you bro what day

It’s almost like he’s doing something really charitable and that she needs to concentrate yeah at the moment but that would really annoy me so selfish trying to help others how dare you i need help i’m gonna i’m gonna quickly run to the so the um the little boys room oh

Right later back well there we go chat it’s all right everybody um i need to quickly we we are 10th at the moment we’re tenth we’re tenth um not doing great but i’m 31st how have i gone down who’s top at the moment how about my 31st i don’t even know right okay

I’m gonna go to the toilet really quickly i hope you’re enjoying the stream so far we’ve got um four three games four games left four games left everybody we’re halfway through i hope you’re enjoying it um we’re just having a good time just having fun you know all the good stuff

We are um but yeah hope you’re enjoying the stream today hope you’re having a lovely time i’m going to be right back real quick make sure you like the stream make sure you you want to get in the discord it’s down below in the description keep going a retweet on twitter and all

That good stuff i’ll be a second i’m halfway through the event and then we’ll get back to it give me a Second Bye Hey i’m back i’m back i’m back i’m back right how’s everybody doing in chat how’s everybody doing in chat are we good are we good wait should we look at the scores let me look at the scores Oh my gosh we can beat these guys here they’ve got kwig carrying them quick is literally carrying their whole team oh it’s close up here isn’t it that is close that is close man we go we go is it battle box next oh my gosh battle box man voted rocket spleef

I want rockets beef i’d like rocket spleef next i think so rocket sleep would be good um give me one second one second my friends oh your mind is all right here we go Let me unmute right we’re going back everybody we’re going back i really want sands of time Everyone wants battle box everyone wants battle box Hello hello oh my gosh hi is that you i know that voice stop i know that voice look stop stop messing around we need to have a talk what’s the talk um wait what is it there’s there’s no easy way to say this but

I think after this mcc i i think i i want to break up why what have i done i mean the chat just gave me a multitude of reasons why uh they say basically what i’m saying is it’s not me it’s it’s it’s you um when you scream the headphones get peaked um

When you roast me about my costumes or my inability to throw into the pit yeah um just yeah i don’t know it’s not working out i i think we’d be better off as friends not as mcc teammates you know what i mean don’t cry don’t cry now wait where is green gone brian

Does he know that he’s muted i don’t know if he does griam come back to us oh my god i think he’s actually pretty well chat he’s all right Battle box yeah sorry where were you i started okay so here’s what happened i started reading out some donors yeah and then it all hell broke loose and i couldn’t stop oh okay yeah yeah that’s fine we’re now at five point four thousand nine six point four including my donor on the

Top so we are we are fast approaching the actual goal i unfortunately youtube take a cut um so we’re gonna have to have to make a little bit more than so basically what you’re saying is you’ve got the roof you’ve got like two walls and you’ve got a door

I think we’ve found the roof in the trailer we don’t have any gcse textbooks no why can’t we take a look at the moment we build a facility for learning but don’t actually provide learning that’s what’s important here what are we playing no this is battle box

So we need one person to take out the wall and maybe one place person’s a replacement i mean i’m i’m rubbish at pvp if you keep them busy i can place the wall yeah jimmy um remover green be the placer or is it this is it one person removes and places

I swear it’s one no one person removes it and places it because they have to keep everything okay and then you protect him with me and joel will go on the pvp yeah yeah yeah i’ll protect him i’ve done this tactic many times and it’s never worked but let’s do it it

Worked last time for us quite well actually yeah we did all right you just start the you start the fight on the flanks like me and joel will if we take one side each and then basically as they start to push on the mid if timmy calls and tells us which side

They’re coming from yeah yeah sort of dog piling all right which side you want mine um i like the right side if that’s okay all right i’ll go left because that’s the opposite of right nice look at that so but if you turn right three times

Dude it’s so important that this is the team that we beat because they’re the team that are above us right now okay that’s what we need i’ll take the i’ll take the question uh it’s already gone sorry you can have a speed next time can you take the cobwebs

Maybe line those cobwebs on the bridge when you uh when you get on there oh there’s no bridges there because it’s like this there’s not even any flanks i’m just gonna see what’s down the sideline here i think we might be okay i’m not doing

The best pvp here there we go oh they’re going for mid um dead to your left oh oh to left yeah yeah i’m fighting okay go go keep them busy keep busy that’s messed up i’m dead i should have gone for the pvp i started pvp

That map was not good for russia timmy they go for it i’m dead i’m dead yeah i thought i’d at least try and take up an extra kill to get some points rather than trying to go for the mid yeah yeah okay well 30 points we’re not last we’re joint last

My problem is they all went left right if it’s gonna be this map our tactic doesn’t work yeah yeah oh man look at this team tommy filzer wilbur and scott you can tell he organizes the thing geez no no no it’s random i have a spreadsheet look at the video

Shut up scott i don’t care right are we doing it again what are we doing i don’t really know oh they’re all going left by the looks of it i’m going to try and uh cut off that part there yeah yeah go mid go mickey go go mid you’re good you’re good

To stop them phil will help me help me uh this is just the last few bits nice last one last one last one that’s one of them get out get out get out guys come on we’re seventh we get lord for one round let’s do this

Let’s go let’s go my lads let’s go my lord let me i’ll go with the cobwebs again okay i accidentally shot my crossbow twice at the start of the round the speed so i was going in the middle right is that pete’s team is going to be

The thing straight away they know what i’m on to but if i let them enter the the train that’s when i went i just went for it yeah hopefully they’re going to enter the train and then we can basically cobweb them away so they have to come around the back again to clear

The mid we’ll see how it goes though i’m going to rush straight in on the left oh it looks like they’re all going mid straight away oh back it up heat slow pete’s life i’ve hit pete with the potion pete’s one tap oh no no i’m dead i’m going to cara cara’s light

Car is on four come on oh boy need to hit some people mark what’s coming in cara’s car has won jordan’s one you’ve got this you’ve got this no go nice well done what is this kills on that one show my lawns we showed them how the fencing class works

For the show today’s show i can’t believe we actually won that you know if you don’t create a compilations and they do a battlebox one it’s just gonna be us just you know it’s been a wonderful good show fantastic time smashing this was blaming brilliant if i do when

I say smashing i mean of course their skulls Right i’m gonna go left and if they try and do the subway uh strat and we can block them off oh i don’t know i’ve messed up accidentally switched my plumbing inventory to the right there’s two oh no no oh we just got destroyed i think we might have a lot of caliber

Ah no no they split up like majorly it’s only you do yeah they split up so majorly there she’s going for it shelby’s going for it i want to get one block blocking Them off on the back left but then they just sort of deviated away all right let’s um remove our lord titles now when oh no no we’re still in fifth place right now we’re an interactive experience from muzzy who that works is it purple uh yeah purple so it’s gizzy jerome

They’ve all got their crossbows out straight away Oh they’re going for it hold up get him i got i’m all right guy oh sb he’s low on the right jerome’s light brown’s gone how is it anybody else there’s long lasting you just hit you just i don’t know how we did that Um dream i’ve never heard of him no i don’t think he is okay call just checking we should target him then yeah maybe yeah i think it was his dream to be in mcc so i think it’s like a fan service thing uh okay yeah who’s that what’s grime are they

Made ryan oh there’s hugh grind oh they’re coming from the left oh yep they’re trying on the left they’re not gonna be able to get him from the left anymore so it’s all all fight or mid all fight on mid oh oh oh there’s one difference behind the left dream

Right and dream to you right now for me uh behind you martin as well wait right yeah i thought i pushed me what in the man i’ve got one kill by the way i don’t know kills no like i know that i’ve killed one all right

Don’t look at me like that i got in my head by calling me grind out there oh is that what they said in the chat oh yeah grind ryan grine growing up in that one before true i know they can break the weather i don’t think they get through the wedding quite

Who’s quickly green guardians uh this is gonna be op team as well these are the these are the guys uh that uh were winning before that round yay here we go it was it it’s uh eric sapnap george oh boy oh boy oh boy i’m gonna try and go for the

Health part on the right we need to decide if we’re going pvp or not uh oh snaps here is oh come on i genuinely can’t tell every slow er slow george is here oh i’m dead i’m back i’m behind george i’m behind george i can help

Ah i got one oh oh was it just me left after that yeah oh we got wrecked again not surprising we got two of them it was a good effort though you get a fair few points for your uh eliminations as well so yeah i think yeah

If that we’re still lords overall though in this mode so we’re fine i’m really appreciating the fact that my chat although they’re watching some of the shabbiest minecraft ever they are supporting me through this they’re not they’re not berating me they’re not saying get good they they are being like let’s

Go let’s go green you got this you got this let’s go grind let’s go i appreciate that that’s the sign why did we play all the like hard team and now we’re coming up against like techno blade and everyone it built up our confidence faster yeah i need to absolutely obliterate our hopes

By the end so where are we going we going left or right i don’t know right all right i got calvin on the first shot someone behind you timmy come back out if you can i would just go for the middle with the shears to be fair they’re all busy

No blade oh my gosh oh wait it’s just you wait who’s the last team we haven’t played um i reckon this time just we got one more game in us yeah we’ve let’s just blue ride foursomes couldn’t come it doesn’t matter if they go left or right let’s just rush mid

Or with our shears and all with our wall and just see what happens i hate the new pvp so much yeah really yeah multiplayer craft yeah me and scar went against corrales in pvp on his live stream it lasted for 30 minutes and only ended because his

Armor broke that’s how broken new pvp is man like i said or go mid or go mid you protect me i’m going cheers you protect me i’m going cheers yeah yeah yeah you’ve got you protected i’m trying i’m getting hit hey i’m gonna i’m dead i’ve hit rent i’m

On the heart i’m gonna pack up for a second honestly it was so close like if you’d just gone for the middle like they were busy they were busy taking the opportunity there was two to break four to place oh it’s my bad it’s not bad though by the

End of this round by the end of it unless the points haven’t added yet not bad yeah eight isn’t bad for this well the yellow yellow yeah still above us that means we’re not coming off a bottom place or not oof unless purple pandas drop i guess maybe

I’ve just i’ve also just had a message that uh the the queen that we’ve been talking about the queen of guard uh knock the queen off ghana a queen a queen of ghana um is watching and she’s very overwhelmed so thank you everyone good evening my queen good evening glad

To be of service shout out to nana i think her name is no no nana nana from ghana the queen that sounds like amazing can we get a watercolor children’s storybook of that that would be incredible i’d buy that i’d buy that for amelia uh an update we are on

Thousand uh plus my one thousand we’re on seven point one thousand obviously it will be slightly less because of youtube’s cut of charity which i disagree with like they have a charity super chat thing but unfortunately it’s not in the uk so i’ve just got to

Oh yeah yeah so but yeah massive shout out to everyone that’s donating it’s absolutely insane in fact i’m probably going to mute between sessions and just thank everyone so i’ll be right back are you okay nana the garner the queen she’s sitting there watching the stream we raised lots of money timmy’s not

Funny wait and we’ll be last in mcc that sounds good right yeah the kids book right there sounds good little jingle on it bit of watercolor painting top seller i think it’s we would be ninth if quick one on that team quick as carrying that team

We would be ninth to be fair mephs and gaming are pretty good i’m 30 seconds i’m 30. if i’m doing so bad no i’m 26 like if i could break into top half of overall players i’d be happy oh okay six places to move up though Literally games arriving what we got gotta go for battle box race we’ve gotta do it you can go but fast 2.5 times multiplier ace race it’s got to be this yeah spacecraft’s big sails i’ve still been wait i still haven’t actually watched a video of the fastest ace race slap just to see if they did anything funny i don’t think they do oh my team was randomly chosen to dunk green

Brilliant someone gonna tell green in his shot he needs to dunk someone get him to dunk an enemy team although they are all like straying over towards build mark and that fox is doing business as well oh i think it’s an ace race but wait a chicken might be over there yeah

It might be build mark votes taking a game from nice you were able to dunk someone and you didn’t i missed the chance you were focused on charity i was focused on charity and um i can now see that my chat is telling me pay attention

Basically you had a bow if you shot it at another team’s uh like podium i guess it basically dunks them into the water so they can’t vote on the car no it’s just funny it’s just funny yeah it’s bragging rights isn’t it it’s your video title i don’t have a

Dream i wish i had noticed everyone’s everyone is literally screaming dunk have you played this one before graham by the way yeah yeah i actually like this one okay badly i i played the first iteration i think it’s been updated since then yeah minimally i’m not going to go for

Any cheesy strats today i’m just going to do the real basic real solid run and see what happens yeah i need to remember what all the pads different pads do spotted ones the red one in the middle there that’s a jump pad yeah arrows obviously move you forward

Faster and the water the water there do we have a uh trident yeah wicked i’m on it we got this wicked we got ace races massive original we got this we’ve got this team we got this we’re tenth but we’re having a good time you know yeah that’s what it’s all about having

Fun yeah taking part wait no yes it’s all about taking part wait hold on what you guys are you guys are being paid wait what what hey they want to they want to pause are we can we pause for quick i think his internet died um

Yeah go now they’re below us do you know what it’s actually how many people take places at 50 people uh 40. 40 people it’s amazing that we can all do this like simultaneously and there’s barely any hiccups i’m just saying like yeah oh yeah organization and the technical side of things

Having 40 people on a minecraft server on its own is laggy so the way that they’ve managed to make it not too bad is phenomenal and then just the everyone being here and everything is superior it’s worthy of a lord’s participation that’s what it is yes it’s up to my quality

Well i have very high standards as you know i already play on the finest minecraft servers i play on the mcc championship i always play a little bit about valley wing crafts don’t i like an mmo eating my pheasant your pheasant i have had fantastic

Person i want is on the uh the pub that poured my alexa i i actually did eat um some pheasant once and it just had bullets in it wow yeah because it’s like is this when you’re still a forest child this is where you were still just in the

Wilds i just imagined it green covered in dirt and just like that all right all right good luck everybody let’s do let’s do this focus on rainbow road and mine the blue shell i can’t see wilbur’s totally people turning some boots on this or not nope i was so hyped wait

What who do you speed that was the biggest faker who do you see uh wilbur’s gone got textures being glitchy apparently look wilber has minimalized graphics on his streams anyway weird textures would just fit his brand he’s got that windows 95 thing going on let it look like windows like xp

It’s fine wilbur’s in red rabbits and so scott so they got the advantage oh i see yeah yeah let’s go let’s do oh oh no i always mess that up it’s cause i always there’s gonna be a drop there ah yeah that’s my problem is so many people are in the way

And this is gonna get interesting what oh wait come on get out of the nice oh there’s so many people in my way oh i hit my head i’m hitting every possible road bump boy oh boy how have these people got such quick swim speeds i don’t know that’s wild come on

We got this i wish everyone was boots why is this a thing yeah yeah i think people should be boots on this one i literally can’t see oh my word i love the sound effects on this yeah it’s so good there we go time to get a big boy trident oh

Let’s go let’s go there we go i got a couple decent ones howdy oh no i’m stuck in trident mode again not again please i can’t see any higher than one block now this is like honey i’ll show you all right i’m 20. i can’t see what i’m doing

I’ll get him out of it it literally doesn’t let you out of trident mode until the next time you do the uh the trident oh boy oh come on come on come on come on nope not quite oh i’m making the gains are you wait how

Are you supposed to get out are we oh what that is wild rewind what no i’ve got over another entire obstacle before getting here what are you talking about that is nutty dude i can’t believe that’s the thing oh man i’ve messed up big time i didn’t i don’t know the

Course enough that is nuts i’ve lost all my gains gone Overall we’re doing good though come on over there making me feel bad wow bad teammate toxic dude toxic pog tactic to this right here we go nice nice i got a good oh no green you’re right in front of me we can do this i got i just got

Kissy get out of the way man get out of the way come on come on am i not sprinting anymore it feels like i’m not sprinting yeah it does feel like that sometimes doesn’t it yeah it’s so weird it’s because the speed boost makes you feel like you’re going faster

Right right behind pearl i can do something here i’m right behind you green i’m 20 years what position you guys uh 28 i’m so close oh i can see you guys i think oh no nice got a good run i’m worried that one sprint glitch is gonna kick out yeah that’s the worst

Right i think i’ve nailed that one oh my gosh we’re going jump pads go away oh man someone is all in my visual space i hate when you have one misstep and you can literally just i’m stuck inside of other people’s heads this is a nightmare go away george no

Oh are you kidding me you didn’t give me the glider for that what yeah i know the gliders uh it’s rough are you kidding me again what what’s the guy gotta do is get a boost around here my feet were on the floor no it’s that

One is that one every time i pull back a bit of momentum it just it gets eradicated man oh man i’m losing my loss oh boy i’m with you boys as well oh yeah this has gone wrong i’m with you we’re all three of us are in a line

Time now oh it’s all going wrong come on there we go it’s cramping Oh i hate this waterfall thing we actually like can do with it’s not like it’s not pvp based man oh i just gained a couple of positions doing that oh come off it how did i’m just this this lap’s not gone well for me go away temple

Apple has been like sniping me every time i’m doing well he just like ends up ruining my day a risk that wasn’t worth it oh man i was doing so well now falling behind oh you are kidding me no chance dude absolutely no chance oh my gosh the last checkpoint thing because i

Think i’m stuck i don’t think i can go any higher oh no i’m good i’m back scott’s swimming next to him i know i could see him it’s just wild i have any of the events in this like competition i genuinely think that this one should be my strongest but

Somehow i just never manage it nuts boy oh boy come on being supportive go on you can do it no i fell what the heck i saw that it glitched out that one i had a few had a few just like catastrophic errors i just like you know jumps that you just

Like that why didn’t no i’ve just been done he’s actually there honestly i was on the red thing i jumped and it just like you know didn’t activate and just got launched off it come on i’m gonna complain to the ref right let’s see if i can get this this is where i

Keep actually yeah yeah it’s cool it’s cool oh man i came 16th yeah i got 18. it’s not bad i don’t i don’t okay i don’t know what’s happening now i don’t know what’s happening there is literally nothing in front of me to hit just i just stopped mid-air

Literally nothing in front of me other than skye scott literally beat me by a millisecond oh no he’s never been someone on the knock street that’s invisible just like player bumping it’s got to be here it has to be fallen chained specifically on you oh dude you have no idea come on

Not bad not bad 33rd you’re okay you’re fine you’re fine brian where did you man uh i came 22nd what are your guys lap times can you see those uh 6 55 637. oh best lap oh two minutes 13. oh wait where’s that oh one for 59.

Whoa mine was 218 my fastest one was yours joel yeah all right 145. oh that’s really interesting joel yeah i really like that one do you reckon that um he’s not even muted does he nah i don’t think he is maybe he’s going to afk yeah

All right chat we do this every stream if you’re in joel’s stream if you can hear us if he’s gone to the toilet tell him there’s a spider on his chair when he comes back i want to see the results is that me oh no nothing really nothing

No spider i’m not afraid of spiders anyway so now it was timmy told me to do that i don’t know why i say that we were saying what’s your best lap time my you can say it in the bottom bottom right two minutes nine seconds

Oh i turned it right there i got 159 that’s a speedy one this is really well i’m just going around again who are we waiting for quick it’s quick dc dude oh what’s going on yeah quick look that happened again sometimes when i come off of the red

Bouncer and go through the glider i just get hit by nothingness and i just fall wait yellow have done pretty bad in this we could actually take knights oh yeah quick still trying to finish quick probably seed oh no i think it’s glitched him or something yeah i don’t know

But we’re still uh we’re not sure i’m hitting my head though i genuinely don’t think i am we’re like two we’re like a hundred and something coins ahead but the multiplier is not so i don’t know if we come if we steal ninth in this event

Ninth is our position yeah no it’s not we’re tenth aren’t we i mean that’s what i’m saying all right yeah yeah we need that what’s happened to quick why is he just chilling in that spot my guess is this internet went again but you would have thought by now it’d have timed out

Weird it’s just quick oh there you go finster’s just finished wait we gotta wait two minutes 26 seconds for quick to finish it no it says seven seconds seven five oh wait a glitch for me it said two minutes for a second he’s still in the it’s yes it says on my

Screen wait what did he glitch out for him or something yeah it must have right because when that person finished a moment ago yeah look at that lap time oh boy what hey i got 159 i was close to that man seventh place hey we did all right good job my lords

Smashing we know how to run don’t need a horse no damn 41. that’s a whole minute quicker than me how does he do that 7 14 might as well just delete my channel no we’ve got two events to pull this back we’ve got two events

Creep and crawl out of last place to be fair if we got a good round we could move up to eight we could actually finish this we could we we need like buildmar or bingo i think to yeah i need to make sure that i understand bingo properly because last

Time i didn’t understand the color the color like signifiers on it so i was there like mining and looking for stuff that was already cashed in a bubble bath if you’ve not got it it’s full green if your team’s got it red if you’re it’s went out sort of thing ah okay

If it’s on red i can’t believe we’re we’re still 10th hey i’m 25 i’m 25th i went up dropped i’ve got lots of 31st somehow i’m 30th i was 26 so like i’ve slipped there big time i never realized the clock outside the arena still counts down at the start of each

Um yeah each game decision yeah that’s pretty cool attention elevator safely i’ve got my harness i’ve got my buckle i’m helping people ab sale life skills over here yeah very true give me that time to look at clocks let’s go for bingo or spill bar i’d say spilled mark that sounds really slippery

I think that’s the most ways to happen wait what are we going for i didn’t see a wet floor sign oh maria went for sansa time i think i don’t know what to go for we got 15 seconds to decide i’m just going to go

Oh i’m so sorry oh no wait let me just hide him let me hide him what do i want to vote for we can do build mart i guess i’m sorry okay i’ll put it on the line and we’ll see where my chicken decides to go mega chicken it’s in rocket league

It’s moving along though is it going to turn into how is it if it’s on the line is it going to turn in i know they say you know i think a lot went in there oh another tide vote man oh no oh no no no no no

Green is one of those games where you know that you didn’t like the ones that hit each other this is it he’s not here he’s hung up the phone oh may oh no okay right let’s see what happens survival games man that’s such an olympic ring entrance look at this

All right guys how to play no let’s look at the point system so i want to see whether some like is it better to survive or is it better i think eliminate i think we should just don’t go to the middle just run off in a direction let’s just get some loot

Get some good stuff try and avoid everyone we’re going to try and stay together as well so if we pick an opponent we we stick to it yeah yeah let’s see we’ve got infinite levels for enchantments on anvils in buildings that’s good what’s that every two minutes oh an

Airdrop will fall from the sky okay is this just classic hunger and survival games yup this is actually a segment i think from their map which is called what is it um edrock marketplace millionaire mansion was it update we are at seven point three thousand so eight point eight three including mine

Need two more grand chapters a little bit more because youtube are taking their cut yeah personal limbs for 60 10 points every time somebody else dies 150 for survival until the end right let’s let’s run down should we go let’s go yeah yeah directly straight oh wait tecna’s going that way

Should we go should we go that way look at me green are going that way as well let’s hit the red barn first baby [Applause] you know what just kick quick out never let him play again yeah oh wait we’re next to the work two worst teams we could go again Are you ripping for red barn couple chests oh yeah yeah yeah i’m decked out uh there’s an axe in there somebody who wants that oh my gosh they’ve got something it’s upstairs on your left yeah i’ll grab it i just fell then they’re falling there’s a yeah there’s some in there

Do some work right i’m gonna start running up the street it looks as though they’re in the yellow building so be careful of that i need food already can you get this guy where are you now we’ll leave him for a sec uh leather trousers

Oh yeah let’s go this way let’s go like directly green team are down there though so it’s a habit from playing with other people there is someone from green team here so just be careful coming into these buildings okay as long as we stay together we can goon squad

Yeah i need to make sure i eat some health regens on the go pumpkin pie i was right next to someone someone was in this building here might as well whack an enchantment on something wait wait wait wait where are you oh there’s people in the street outside by me yeah yeah

They’re so split their team let me run back to you let’s go let’s go they’re on top of me they’re on top of me his dream what this is that wait how much health did i wait i need i need a clip of that that’s good yes

A moment of my life yes how much i i need to see how much health i had before he hit me with that axe because that was over here one bomb or maybe two there’s some stuff on the cops just take the stuff yeah we’re going for it i’m pumped i’m pumped

Wait i need a good weapon let me see what i had You’ve just killed tubbo as well oh come here come here come back green if you can yeah yeah yeah what’s he up to oh no i’m dying i’m dying i’m dying is anyone in water i got fire resistance here you go i’m running yeah just keep running joel don’t stop one of them

One of them split off so you’re good for a moment but you’ve still got one right on your tail with the bow although he might run out of arrows by the way i just checked dream killed me in literally two hits oh man i don’t know which way to go i’m

Not even near joel simple taps jimmy i’m going to come towards you okay her chat is going are they are they still going for you it’s going they must have both been critical hits and that must have been some kind of enchanted axe because boy oh boy

From green killing them yeah they’ve got a wooden knife dude i don’t know what happened i just just got like pumped got one kill dude i can’t believe you killed them i can’t what do you have do you have an axe what an iron axe oh yeah that’s

Sick just got an iron axe the other guys and i got a couple of uh arrow kills and i was like yeah go for it oh my god apparently an iron axe does oh iron axe is eight hearts without armor if you get a crit i think you just play for placement now

Timmy you can pick off kills in the final circle let’s fly ahead and ghost for you a bit um and i was saying just before this i was like muted i was reading out doughnuts and i was like yeah i better concentrate because i suck at this that’s mad

It’s a is this car got anything in it i missed all the action so i’m going to need to look at green’s perspective after this it wasn’t genuinely like wasn’t that impressive i just i just chased after them and bought them i need food man uh let me find you some chest nearby

Let’s have a look i’m guessing we can’t like snipe for him right can we not see every anyone else we don’t have outlines but i’ve got golden apple in here oh nice it looks like this whole building’s been looted dude i’ve just been to the

Uh pretty much the top of it and there’s nothing okay i don’t think we can look at the contents can we orange are out yellow are still going but purple are out and we are doing better than them at the moment so if you can survive

I’m i’m pumped i’m happy i feel like i feel like a championship [Laughter] you feel like you’ve won the championship i feel like that can i get my lordship now please to be fair for killing dreaming survival games and then and then then doing the rest of the team

As well i can’t believe you killed three of them it was just weird seeing it in the chat koreans killed dream koreans did someone take the kill that i was chasing after the guy did someone else kill him i thought i killed him that would be my first kill

Aqua team to your left yeah i’m getting away from them there’s nobody in these fields from what i can see how many are left oh there is a chest in this field by the way dude um so just slightly forwards yeah basically in that field on that flag there’s a

Chest at the bottom of it there’s the flag oh there in the next field along oh that one yeah you’re right yeah yeah oh but there’s a yellow team there so they’re gonna avoid avoid avoid avoiding they haven’t seen you i’m getting so many crowns in there oh they’ve seen you now

Seen you now have to keep running just keep running your miles away this way you’ve got all this into that behind you quick and uh oh there’s three of them just this is a running moment this is a get out of there first that’s a b swift if i can get the

Man to run into another team like sat nap here if you want to do that then move yeah yeah himself oh he’s got lava there be careful he just picked up that lava a moment ago he’s going to get you he might have to turn and fight

I put harmon on him nothing happened what what health is he on 50 still got 15 hearts i don’t understand the heart so is when it says a heart above their head is that half a heart on the hot bar or no yeah yeah right okay 20 20 hearts is uh

20 because that always throws me off as well yeah damn yellow are doing pretty well i’ve earned minecraft street cred you literally have i think you have yeah that was nuts this is popping off because i’ve never never pulled off anything like that ever do you like the games now do you like

Pvp now no you love people i’m coming out never again oh megan’s dead there we go blue team come on my fellow hermits who else is on the oh h and fruit around there as well but let me know yeah and they told me they’ve been like literally training for this so

Ren was very it’s like we trained we will win and i didn’t think he was being that serious well they’re doing well they’re number one in this game at the moment yeah yeah all that training’s paying off yeah go on i’m oh god kick it get it ah

Too busy got tunnel vision all right here we go this is it this is the last two no the red team is still alive and and siren creepers they’re all alive they’re just like chilling oh quick because i’m a cheeky one no no no no one was it go on yeah quick

Quick manage to pick up a bow kill running away it was good yellow died ah right how he’s surviving for that long just behind them he’s just chilling i think rhett is it ren ren’s got a multi-show shot on his crossbow he looks mad every time

Look at pete pete’s got that multi shot as well he’s not like the spray yeah yeah My chat has been non-stop crowns [Laughter] what happened to turbo and his team green killed them all yeah what happened i won so many in my chat’s trying to make it canon that because i got killed by by their team that you then went on a ranger because of it

Uh oh my god oh that’s sneaky that is sneaky he just killed himself no he put resistance on and he’s trying to hide in the lava but that is he’s wait can you shoot through oh hey that’s a good tactic like that i guess at least the loot is like stuck in

There now so they can’t take the spoils oh my god this is getting busy in the middle now go on scott scott he’s got doing what he could though come on we’re going for blue team here oh world was in lava that’s a bad start

Was he also doing the same it’s gonna be blue versus that resistance potion uh that that harming harm in one arm where’s tommy where’s he hiding oh yeah oh he’s a [ __ ] look he’s behind blue he’s chilling they have no idea oh no oh i hate just seeing him pages on him oh

Oh my gosh seven thousand two hundred points i don’t think i’ve ever seen a score that high dude the dreams team was lost yeah it was bad that was insane tommy stole two kills at the end there look at that fruit h and brennan they’ve taken players immediately 100 they’ve gone

They’ve gone top now combination look at that look at that green gorge nice guys we’re 500 coins away all right we can do this i reckon i reckon we go for um rockets belief we go for it well i haven’t had it for that one i’ve

Only played it once i hate rocket speed what about billboard or bingo we can do those i’m up for build mart to be fair bingo i just find that i never find it any resources yeah it’s all it’s awful we can catch pip we’ll have to wait and see how many

Points is it again is i’ve moved to 27th high blue are now because of that game they got 7 000 points that’s insane i’m 36 i’m like four away from being the worst player in the entire event how did that go from being like 24 for whatever it was

Suddenly this how could this happen we’re the first to die in survival games right drinking yeah i think so he just two tapped me and i was gone thanks for playing i had a beautiful time going to be in dodgeball again he’s got he could win

I think this is his third win it could be yeah he’ll be the first one to do it because i think scott and uh shelby are the only two-time winners or maybe pete’s now there as well not it’ll be sure right then what’s it gonna be please

I imagine a lot of people are gonna vote for sands of time i can see that happening stands up time’s actually my strongest event i think statistically i don’t know why i turn this into the weakest link statistically martin performed why are you all going over there they’re just running straight over

What were you voting for by the way okay yeah it’s a good game it’s just so unique isn’t it oh my gosh everyone’s going for it i’ve got all the chickens coming over to build that oh they’re illegal who wants to be a spawn buddy anybody i’ve always been

Buddy so i’d rather i might be in spawn buddy i will say i’m decent at exploring the the tunnels and stuff but i don’t mind means one but if i need to buddy i don’t care like i’ve never done it before i guess it’s my time i’ll do it leave all that basically

Leave all the central stuff for me oh yeah yeah yeah you just guys just go running off and then just keep us like really up to date with like how much sand we’ve got left or if you need some more absolutely yeah do all their skipping green shell shots honestly i’m just

Kidding i’m getting some donuts from people saying i just watched dream’s perspective and he was in shock this is our time my lords we pull it out the bag in this round and we can get out of last place yeah this is like the last one i go

Straight down the tunnel yeah yeah yeah okay i’ll go to the right at the beginning remember who’s in the middle to Yeah the entrance yeah yeah so when you when you hit dead end circle back as soon as you find that that pathway then block it off basically you got a chief yeah you want me i tell you what if you guys um so yeah timmy you go right green you go left

I’ll go beneath the timer to begin with and then i’ll come back up leave that for joel it’s big under there isn’t there is it big under there or it’s not huge no it was about stay in the middle because there’s lots of stuff to like get on the wall yeah right

Right you’re going under yeah i’ll go i don’t know whether to go on the top of the right bit or go straight under tell me which right you go through if you decide and then go down so if we do this systematically because the last thing

You want is to end up going in uh the same tunnel okay yes so let’s go top layer first i’m going left you’re going right mine’s going underneath and then once we’ve done that we’ll go to the bottom layer it won’t take me that long to do

Mid if it’s anything like last time so you then go far side i think the far side of the sphinx isn’t it yeah yeah yeah i think it spins basically let’s just go down one of the side paths that you guys don’t do and we’ll go from there yeah remember if you

Find the key if you find any color key other than even rusty ones to be fair just make sure you call it out so we can keep an eye out for the vault doors here we go one go right i’m going straight mid oh yeah leave all this stuff let’s see

What we got today boys let’s have a look all right there’s a green door over here on the right side oh my god money to begin lovely spiders galore spiders galore got silverfish not the best right i’m the bunch of dollar in the middle i love it oh gosh

There’s mobs here i don’t know if i’m going to take oh my how are they still hitting me i’m leaving them for now i’m going under a blue alt key by the way a blue what sorry volts key worth it you can just kill it everywhere they’ve reduced the price of the sphinx

I’m pretty sure so i can’t i can’t do this one there’s too many pillages in the way it’s a waste of time i’m just gonna die if i’m not careful anyone finds the blue vault let me know i’ve got the key cool i literally don’t want to do those like

Four pillages there waste of time oh right cool i’ve done left downstairs that’s that sorted i’ll try right downstairs it’s all just parkour down here today last time it was like this really like relatively pointless puzzle why am i getting just i’m in the roughest time here guys

Do i have unlimited arrows no i don’t have any arrows oh get out of there i’ve got some sand from downstairs that i could bail you out with if you do die at the moment so don’t worry about that picked up a rusty key if anybody needs those at any point

Uh downstairs is clear by the way downstairs is finished there’s so many spawners yeah yeah there’s so many spawners yeah you can break this one is here and also you can put uh torches on them as well it tends to help what where’s that skeleton coming from i forgot that

Um joel i’m gonna whack the sand in the middle here we’re about sorry i hate pillagers so much does anyone need any keys because i’ve got multiple players there’s your send cheers um right which way did you go guys go at the start i’ve got so many mobs here you wanna

Come with me mine which way are you um up here um you’ll be able to see me i’m at spawn uh yeah yeah i got you guys come with me oh man i think that was a dead end now because there’s so much here just be

Careful have you not gone down the other pathway up here or you have yeah because well there was a widow there’s an emerald door here yeah i said that i said that yeah okay if you find the please let me know come on i think emerald keys the main focus right now

Oh rusty keys rusty key was just in the middle by the way right i’m gonna make my way over towards you in a second have you banged it have you you’re banking that oh yeah there’s some more sand uh from timmy’s direction joel right i’m on my

Way to you now timmy why did you bank agree i’ve opened up something over here because you you lose money losing 20 percent i think they made it 10 now but i’m likely eye and stuff huh i’m gonna i’m gonna push through timmy yeah if you think you’re likely to die it’s the

Yeah it’s a good option yeah i’m not confident enough that i’m gonna actually make it to the dying let’s get out of here get out of here how are we doing joe we’re on full at the moment but i’ve run outside now i put i threw some sand in the

Middle for you a moment ago so if you run this circle you might find some i have got i undo i just always there you go cheers sounds like there’s something really devilish down this way i’m not a fan of this no oh no i fell into a pit no way i’ll

Call you i’ll come to you i’m gonna get a bit of it i think can you guys just uh silver fish in here open the rusty door oh no but there’s there’s those weird little angel things i need to come here uh potentially yeah yeah i’m running to you

No no i need a better sword because this is going to clear this out there’s a lot of money in here to be fair you’re saying just hold on to the gold and don’t bank it yeah because you can run out the doorway at the end and get full yeah

Oh i got a red vault key nice need to find a green one we need that one green key blue vault oh oh my gosh so many mobs oh my word oh no there’s a focus down here now what did you bring them down here

No oh boy i’m probably going to die here oh it’s just okay just survived there’s money galore in this oh man how do i get out of this do i have to use what’s going on oh yeah the gold is going down there okay i’m good i just

Got out of here i think he’s worked my way backwards a bit there we can go down there but there’s no point i’m going to run this sam back real quick oh my gosh i’m going to put a blue tiles down here to me so which way is the way back

To the uh yeah this to that nice so then how much explore that way how much sorry many coins uh i’ve got nine two seven nine two seven we’re on seven seconds but we need more sand hey i’ve got four century right here look just at the top

Of here all right yeah come to grab it all right i’m going to push back through um that section timmy are there any side paths off of here are you anywhere near the start yeah with the ladder did you go up the ladder or no oh

There’s loads of sound up there joe look there where oh that’s not being up here jimmy did you explore the sand way um yeah no oh no that’s a bad time that’s a real bad time yeah that’s where the skeleton’s careful yeah that’s why i didn’t go in there

If we can deal with them though big money i reckon i can get there before it spawns i think i’m out of arrows potentially good job dude tell you what i finally get that support oh no let’s fine it’s fine whoa there’s so many creepers in here i’m in trouble i’m in trouble

I’m probably gonna die to the wither skeletons timmy come in yeah help go i’m gone okay i’m gonna we’re good we got it all nice can we get standing on full time at the moment i’ve got one bit of sand right two bits of sand there’s another

One in there i’m gonna go up these pillars real quick keep checking the branches timmy to see if there’s any uh other rooms i’m just gonna spare money whilst i’m healing sometimes the room just isn’t worth it oh my gosh just shut my sword away there we go all right that’s done

There’s a rusty oh another rusty here sweet oh boy i’m gonna run back to you joel real quick i’ve got three cents to deliver about switzerland i’ll come straight back to you timmy okay there’s a zombie in there oh is that it just a copy i’m coming over we’ve still got so don’t

Worry yeah thank you oh boy i’m just gonna wait for this passive regens kicking i’m gonna follow the path you were doing to me i think yeah or shall i go the other way is it looking okay where you are okay we’ve got full time but i’ve got no sound again so

I can bring a couple back i if i look back on myself somehow oh wait it’s fine oh not every time i’m messing this up oh yeah i got to go down oh wait what oh the mobs are teleporting now this isn’t good for me all right this one is now complete i’m

Gonna run wait oh there’s a there’s a rusty key door there which i could probably do if i can survive for a bit how much time we got all right i’ve got arrested i just need to not die do i risk this parkour probably not they’ve got a vault um oh wait somebody

Said somebody shout out a green key where’s the green key do i have the green key i’m not risking it i’m coming back i’ve got three sand to give you chat where’s the green key okay go back to where i was timmy this way green key i need to give him something

Running out okay okay okay okay uh there’s three at the skeleton sport okay chad i got it i got it i’ve gotta deal with the skeletons oh yeah see i see the green key i’m coming back to mid because i’ve got the green key cool this is gonna be a big volt big

Volt where is the vault vault’s in mid uh just off of mid all right i’m coming back thank you for that i would have gotten that in a second anyway chat but i’ve risked it trying to go for it there man um uh where is the doorway is it down here

Oh no where was it chat it was it was from it was um it was the other way wasn’t it so the left side wasn’t it this way where someone check one of the pathways off a spawn the green the green vault yeah mine me me me me over here opposite

Side opposite side yeah okay okay come on come on come on come in i got one sound joel don’t know where you are uh just throw it on the ground i said there’s another stand by the portal by the way you just picked out mine there you go right let’s do this

There’ll be a mob in here right or no there we go action for everyone by the way there’s there’s some nice axes in here oh wait did you oh yeah i got one uh i’ve got a spare axe here for anybody that needs it where’s green

Down under here okay have you got any sand um no there’s one more sand by the portal i think i just saw yeah there’s one there oh my gosh how am i not spotting this my one job let’s head back this way to me i reckon huh

Aren’t worth the time or anything uh we’ve still got eight sand actually i’ll put our filler up and then we’ll have to go this way five left and we got full time at the moment i’m forgetting which way we’ve been timmy i don’t even know where you are i’m

Trying to remember which way which way did you get the start of this was it to the right i think you’re in the opposite place mate yeah sorry i’m messing up here you just keep pushing through push through that ladder way if you if that’s the way you’re going

For anything okay not found a what sorry no not yet not yet is it this one it must be this one just keep an eye on on the time no no no no 90 seconds still and i’ve got five sands so don’t worry about that okay i’ll be catching up with you in

Just a moment timmy i’ve got some rusty keys but yeah i need you to come to me i’ve got a red there’s a rusty key by me or do you want me to come to your door come to me i’ll come to you i’ll come to your door okay guys

Man you’re really far away uh we’re getting kind of like closed have i’m outside there’s loads of money in the bottom of this pit as well full time i’m not entirely sure how to get to you if i’m honest oh there’s some really nasty skeletons down there has anyone got we got 110

Seconds guys 100 now oh wait have i potentially oh no it’s just an aquatic bit uh all right that’s done oh you were kidding me sorry i’ve just got a quick parkour section yeah we’re gonna have to run back guys i think you that we got

Working so yeah green i’ll come to you you’re in here right lag is taking me out oh come on i need to do i need to come back or no throw the sand down to me if you can and it’s only two that’s fine that’s

Good i’ve got i’ve got one i could have had two but i went back on it no i can’t i can’t do that it’s glitching too much we might have to run back boys yeah i’m going to run back or 70 seconds another parkour which way is it nope not

That way oh boy i’m getting caught in a dead end if i die now it’s really bad because i’ve got a lot of coins all right let me let me through that three three i’m back i’ve got one sound yeah i’ve got one i’ll whack it on

How much time we got left he’s come back yeah come back we’ve literally got 60 seconds green come back i haven’t got any sand no no i mean we’re gonna have to bail out yeah yeah we need to get out the wait you’re not getting coins on you or me

No we need to bail out if you don’t bail out we need to get come to this outline keep an eye on the time we’re just going to keep it 30 seconds 30 seconds you’re good dude yeah there you go you’re good all right 15 seconds oh wait i don’t i’m bailing Let’s see oh [Applause] can you all dr draw us as lords please for everybody we want canes and we want to all be we all want to be riding forwards on a pheasant that’s what we want can you have like each of us have one plot of land or something

Next year and i’m pretty sure i must have got out with like one second yeah dude it was going oh i was pooing i was pooping towards the end i had this um this jump which was just a regular piston jumping but for some reason it was really acknowledging the

The part in the piston which is just the stick and my character just kept like flickering into it it’s like i’ve never had that happen before but it was just not the day i came 27th overall we may have come eighth but i feel like we won for some reason

Yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ve broken your curse that’s good we’ve proved read it wrong read it stupid they don’t know yeah and um i think we’re basically the best players in the entire game just saying i’m just saying but now everybody it’s time for dodgeball

Can’t wait can’t wait it’s got to be a blue win right it’s gotta be fine green and blue it’s green and blue alton renner and blue team yeah i’ll get the blue banner all right get a blue banner we got it we got to support

Support the cause but i am going to mute and just say thank you to the people that are still donating because it’s uh still good yeah total after this as well afk who are we rooting for blue for sure all right so this as well yeah i’ve got

A root for bloop what a day see i i i would much rather watch a live stream like ours where it’s like a oh will they won’t they rather than it’s just someone who’s like good and you just know like oh yeah they’re gonna get like top three or something

Today as men we finished today as lord as the lord great back at all time telling you man timmy our strongest game is stanza time for sure it literally is everything we have smashed it back i love when you just come out of the game you’re like

Where did we place and we’re like wait we actually did good waiting for our scraps we’re waiting for right i might do my over-the-top commentary um i can mute if you want me to oh no do it do it you should do it by the way i mean like i can be johnny

Smooth i need some like ladies and gentlemen it’s time to dodge ball in three two one lining up on the right hand side is false symmetry releasing the arrow there is not a single soul there to be picked off two hours on the green side george has one sapnet has the other

Who’s gonna land the first shot [Applause] little bit of dancing a little bit of romancing critsy taking a chance and it’s really quite a bad shot [Applause] i think it might be georgie porgy holding him bye-bye here it comes i think fun oh no i would be more disappointed in my entire life

Oh it seems to be two arrows on the blue side right now nobody can get comfortable you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but i think ren might surprise everybody here today come on ren come on false powers this could be 2v2 if they get both these hits

H will get one of them he will he will he’ll hit one missing the first shot but he’ll probably connect with a second i knew it i knew it nice it’s one arrow each right oh they got better inside falls lining up you’d like to think it’s shooting fish in a barrel

Oh my gosh come on no this oh two green arrows round number one of dodgeball for minecraft championship number nine go oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s longer than expected oh false release in the first shot can she get the duo here she goes creeping towards the line

If she gets too close she’s going to lose the ball stay still steady that shot no one gone this is intense folks false gonna go for george first i think see you later buddy get one come on get one oh my gosh this is insane quick shot quick shot quick shot

Oh my what is this coming up here are they drunk this is a pg family event come on false hit the shot false oh my lord oh my lord one v one two arrows for eric none for false let’s see if she can dodge out the way dip dodge

Time for the first one straight into the lava water oh that was close right next one second round off back and forth yeah literally we’re all missing it’s terrible but also tense and yeah yeah i’m glad it Happened a little bit of a fake out in the middle a little bit scared of the first arrow to fly out it looks like eric might have the first arrow h-bomb mvp player of this event in the past statistically one of the strongest before false is gone

She went out last last time line it up line it up gotta take your shot while it’s hot the lava below you gotta go and shoot come on someone shoot blueberries oh two misses two misses which means two hits looking pretty spicy right now i think it’s going to be a heart drop

Hit him with a sap they know that h-bomb’s the one to take out he’s the strongest performer can they do it all right he’s given up what what’s going on shoot oh look at him i have no dream i know dream yeah yeah yeah get your head in the game kid no one

Cares who you’re friends with here we go christie lining up misses the shots oh wait pick up both harris they’ve got both h-bomb’s got them as well shot number one’s gonna miss second to land i guarantee it chris is going out next watch this everybody the numbers never lie there’s a big red

Cross on the back that’s a target that’s a bad case again we’re about to fight there he goes you weren’t right you were right there oh for fruit berries to pull it out the bag otherwise it’s gonna be two to the green guardians come on He’s taking a moment he’s thinking about it he’s sat there thinking about it figure out the location assess the situation boom make the crowd show some appreciation here comes the first shot what that that that’s not the enemy folks uh you gotta shoot to the other side

I don’t know what’s happened come on i think this fruit shrinks the battlefield oh that was a straight shot wasn’t it that was literally nothing to that that was clean last round this is it last one come on i’m all there for cloggers what gentleman in darkspawn in three two one go

Straight in with fruit berries trading with sapnap let’s see what happens everybody’s dancing romancing taking a chance in brook’s gonna release that’s just close enough to the line to make it his best possible odds gearing oh he’s going to take out aaron princey’s lining up nobody’s paying

Attention to chrissy on the far side they’re getting excited they got an arrow but that middle point is gonna be a hot point to drop on pritzy’s waiting for a collection but this is like dhl that never arrives on time just better go for the arrow

Dude it’d be so good if you passed over the center line if you just eliminated you immediately yeah that’d be so good like the thick black line in the middle blue team are gonna pull this one out of the bag v2 what you gonna do both arrows on the green side i think

Chrissy i think is calling for an arrow but george is like uh no dude you gotta buy it on amazon but then chris is like i don’t have prime he’s like well i guess you’re gonna get it tomorrow or the day after instead george lighting up with his amazon prime

Time shot and there we go for the second shot by the skin of his teeth both arrows in the blue run line it up doesn’t have a single elimination just yet i don’t think let’s see what he can do to change that right running through number one like a hurricane i’m not

Entirely sure what’s going on they’re dancing to the music somehow koreans can’t maui managed to get into chrissy’s setup looks like they’re having some problems line them up line them up yes second shot connect going and killing the arrow the arrow’s somehow on the far side now it’s getting spicy this is interesting

Spicy times 2-1 first you had my attention now you have my interest matched point number two three two one [Applause] h bomb with the arrow almost eliminated immediately they know what they’ve got to do to try and secure the dub today green guardians luckily they don’t have those weird

Beams like actual guardians do because if they did probably cheating h bomb lining up sat napping george having a nice leisurely stroll like they’re going through the park on a sunny day but you can’t do that right now because of cove it wear a mask two feet apart

Barry’s about to take a start and when somebody shoots george lining up i think he’s just trying to call in jarvis to get some auto aim assistance they’re lining up for pearl hey they’ve been fruit they’ve hit fruit 3b2 3b2 it all comes down to this h-bomb

Strong performer can you earn himself a fifth round finish for a second time page for closing don’t run off the edge walking all the way back to the locker room that you’ve done george in the 1v3 situation is in his corner tommy’s in his corner buddies mean that red’s gone

False lining up she connects with this we go to the fifth and final round folks here it comes in three two i actually lost the revolt because she moved too far forwards boom walk false false false start and then h-bomb’s going to pick it up oh my gosh it’s a tool

Oh my gosh wow uno reverse card right here a first half can’t lie this is it we’re going into a fifa final round of dogs in three two one Nobody from blue feeling pray for that that was an awful shot right there tingling h1 lining up fruit’s got another one as well bruce had a high hit ratio so far today let’s see if he can make it a little bit stronger let me see that percentage come on

The long lineups kill me i’m british and i enjoy queuing but i speak to the american accent when i commentate how does that make sense come on i really would like someone to do something look at them both like standing on either side with the bows oh yeah stage

Waiting sometimes helps oh my gosh oh the blue bats are gonna take it all survival games champions seven and a half thousand points two down in dodgeball and they go all the way to the top false that was badly two arrows two players let’s see how this one plays out chief

Come on chrissy has some strange moonwalking tactic which so far has been pretty good look at them go Both lining up they’re very close together their patterns are forming but i think these arrows are going to be swarming chrissy going out first i’m calling it right now three two one look he’s looking for people he’s looking he’s looking up he knows the clutch is coming look he’s looking around he’s looking

Around he knows i just want you’ve got this bro go into the corner trying to speak to the admins for some reason i don’t think they’re going to help you out if you here if he hit both of them that’d be nuts i’m actually scared i’m actually scared

It all comes down to this the thing is oh no it’s it’s got to be a win isn’t it it’s going to be a win it’s going to be a win for blue back for the hatch or something like that i don’t know what the saying is but

I know that in dodgeball it means nothing two hours at the same time that’s not a brave move only one should release and then you still got some defense to scare him off i think ren’s going to go for it to take it home and he misses fruit should go for it

When they collect the arrow Keys move wow holy moly that was nuts oh do the walk do the walk go those crowns dude look at those must be nice to be able to wear one of those huh yeah i’ve never known the feeling so close last time but is everybody that’s still in this core

Right yeah all three of us have been in second place in this event so far yeah none of us have ever claimed that sweet sweet victory look at everything it is gg’s event that was fun dudes it was very fun that was really fun i can’t believe we got eighth

Look at that yellow yaks and purple we were quite close to seventh as well we could have what was the point difference oh 100 300. i think if i hadn’t have gotten confused as to which direction me and timmy were exploring after we did the vault

Yeah yeah we could have cashed in just a couple more coins yeah i got i got so lost so often but it was fun boy oh boy oh boy there it is it’s actually quite nice to see like different i don’t know i i kind of expected those

To win like a good ratio to win but like when you see teams like dreaming stuff you’re like oh it might be just simple as but i feel like he’s underrated everyone always like oh yeah i think he might now be the first triple winner i think nobody else has won three three

Total yeah who are top ten that’s matt i want to go see the top ten free berries number one h1 fourth wow what’s that on the overall player standings today yeah technoblade 2. crew barry’s 3.8 k he absolutely smashed it i can’t wait to see the um the analytics for dodgeball

Like all the other analytics of like how well each player does it’s so dependent on event and by like which games you play yeah for the coins but dodgeball just seeing like the hit and miss ratio is always super interesting to me oh look right here look most global most event wins h-bomb

Oh yeah right here middle right-click event with no data nothing no data oh yeah oh boy global most earned wait is there is there one of these signs for um for sounds of time that’s what i’d want to see because that’s like my only decent event uh sky block or rocket spleef no

I’m gonna go downstairs there’s some more down here isn’t there all right i’m gonna end my stream i’ll speak to you guys in a bit one sec yeah i’ll quickly end my stream and then i’ll keep talking yeah yeah let me see them all right everybody that was it

I hope you guys enjoyed the stream man oh man what a stream huh um there was a couple of donations that um i hadn’t seen merlin thank you so much for the 20 uh bro i really appreciate that also two dollars from rolling bear thank you so much

Um merlin with the two fives as well and became a mega hero so thank you so much and robin became a hero while i was gone and we had a tent from milgrass as well seeing the ozone green stream and saying hello thank you so much everyone i hope you

Guys enjoyed the event what i can’t remember how i placed last time i’m pretty sure i got higher place this time right because last time at this time i’m 27th personally i’m pretty sure that last event i came like 30th or something i can’t even remember

Um i hope you guys enjoyed that we came seventh which is better than better than 10th i literally thought we were going to come 10th so i’m very very happy with where we came today um i’m very happy but yeah thank you so much for watching everybody i really really do appreciate it

Honestly it was was super super fun um i’ll be back tomorrow probably gonna be streaming some x life tomorrow back at normal time of 6 p.m um eight 10th ninth oh yeah eight we’re eight we’re eight sorry i couldn’t count for a second um we’ll be back normal time tomorrow at 6 p.m

Uh bst so make sure you’re you’re you’re around it’ll be lovely to see you here and um yeah thank you so much for being here everybody thanks for liking watching supporting the channel supporting pink parrots and um yeah i hope everyone has a lovely rest of their evening morning afternoon

Wherever you are in the world i hope you have a lovely time uh bye enjoyed swim thanks for the five merlin i really appreciate the support today dude i really do but yeah have a lovely rest of your day morning afternoon make sure you do follow me on my socials

Absolutely uk on my twitter that’s all about gaming on my instagram join the discord as well if you’re not in the discord get in there and yes i will sign off today as lord jim a lord literally i’m a lord now right i love you all see in a bit

See you tomorrow 6pm You

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP!! | Ft. Grian, Smallishbeans & InTheLittleWood | Team Pink Parrots’, was uploaded by Solidarity on 2020-09-13 12:42:21. It has garnered 56566 views and 2117 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:12 or 9192 seconds.


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    Welcome! Me and my two friends are starting a new Minecraft realm/server for a fresh Minecraft SMP experience. We aim to create a beautiful world with a friendly community, possibly including a grace period and clan wars. If you’re interested, please add me on Discord (dkiro). There is no limit on the number of players, but basic rules include being 18+ and welcoming all genders. We do not tolerate griefers or toxic players, and rule-breakers will be removed. Our launch is coming up in the next few days. Discord: dkiro Read More

  • LumixMC

    LumixMC🌟 Welcome to LumixMC! 🌟Embark on the ultimate survival adventure in our dynamic MMO server! 🌍 Dive into a vast, beautifully crafted world where your journey is only limited by your imagination. 🗺️🌟 Features of LumixMC 🌟⚔️ Custom Items: Discover and craft unique items to aid you in your quests.🏰 Challenging Dungeons: Brave perilous dungeons filled with fierce mobs and epic bosses.📜 Unique Quests: Complete exciting quests that take you through an immersive storyline.💀 Epic Boss Battles: Face off against powerful bosses that will test your skills and teamwork.🌟 Vibrant Community: Join a friendly and welcoming community ready to help… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft Realness”

    Looks like this meme really knows how to πck up some laughs! Read More

  • War’s Start in Minecraft: Consequences Unfold

    War's Start in Minecraft: Consequences Unfold In Minecraft’s world, the war has begun, The consequences are felt, under the sun. Facing challenges, both good and bad, Our hero fights on, never feeling sad. With updates and news, our reporter shines, Crafting stories with rhymes, in clever lines. Spinning tales of victory and defeat, In every beat, the truth we meet. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, In every rhyme, let the story take flight. Minecraft facts and news, in playful delight, Our favorite reporter, shining bright. Read More

  • They killed the baby villager 🥺😭 Minecraft meme 😂

    They killed the baby villager 🥺😭 Minecraft meme 😂 Haha, looks like the baby villager got caught in the crossfire of a Minecraft battle! Poor little guy never stood a chance against those ruthless players. RIP baby villager, you will be missed. 😂🙏🏼 Read More

  • Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft

    Sheep Get Roasted in Minecraft Minecraft: A World of Adventure and Creativity Minecraft, a game loved by millions around the world, offers endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From mining for valuable resources like Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis, Diamond, and Emerald to building magnificent structures, the game captivates players of all ages. Exploring the Depths of Minecraft One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is delving into the depths of the world to uncover rare resources. Players can embark on mining expeditions to collect valuable materials like diamonds and emeralds, which can be used to craft powerful tools and armor. Building and Crafting… Read More

  • 😱 INSANE Minecraft Stream with Bobby Brotherhood

    😱 INSANE Minecraft Stream with Bobby BrotherhoodVideo Information I think we’re live let’s see let’s see let’s see should be live and it says upcoming oh wait check this out hey we’re live we’re live oh [ __ ] no it’s gonna do the thing hold up I got to you’re throwing earbud in never mind they’re dead Okay um yeah um I’m playing some Minecraft um just kind of going to create a new world and um see where we go from there been kind of feeling Minecraft been building in creative mode a lot but yeah just going to kind of just do a… Read More

  • Freky19 Downtown SMP Livestream: Dig Again!

    Freky19 Downtown SMP Livestream: Dig Again!Video Information This video, titled ‘DOWNTOWN SMP LIVESTREAM – MAGBUNGKAL ULIT! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Freky19 on 2024-03-28 04:59:02. It has garnered 92 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:17 or 8957 seconds. Subscribe or else Music used: https://youtu.be/Z2hnKAObsA4?si=4y6_-NjRZjmGYC_T Thumbnail by: CerbzMC #minecraft #filipino #downtown Read More

  • 🔥 TOLK FIRE – Shocking Truth Revealed! 🤯 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 TOLK FIRE - Shocking Truth Revealed! 🤯 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information like a baby I of This video, titled ‘They Are Favourite But….🥀|| #shorts #edit #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by TOLK FIRE on 2024-05-27 11:30:01. It has garnered 513 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. जय श्री राम Title – They Are Favourite But….🥀|| #shorts #edit #minecraft #technogamerz #iyecommunity #iyeedits #iye Edited by – @TOLKFIREOfficial & @ObsessedBanda Youtubers in this video :-@GamerFleet @BeastBoyShub@YesSmartyPie @AnshuBisht@YesSmartyPieShorts1 @TechnoGamerzOfficial@UjjwalGamer @NotGamerFleet Song Name – none Inspired – @SSEditzs55 अगर आपको यह वीडियो पसंद आया तो लाइक और सब्सक्राइब जरूर करें🔫☠ Ignore Tags- minecraft pvp minecraft minecraft pvp… Read More

  • Doknes Haunted Skyblock Troll Prank! 😱👻 | Minecraft Madness

    Doknes Haunted Skyblock Troll Prank! 😱👻 | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information na moim serwerze powstają naprawdę bardzo dziwne domy i aż Dziwi mnie fakt że tak mało osób buduje po prostu domy w powietrzu jeżeli popatrzyć na to z drugiej strony to niebo wydaje się dobrą alternatywą do baz podziemnych bo na niebie też ta baza jest ukryta jakby nie było ale w dzisiejszym odcinku spróbujemy zbudować Skyblock nad bazą Widza z tym że ten Skyblock będzie nawiedzony jak na to zareaguje widz oraz czy się wystraszy o tym się dzisiaj przekonamy A wy Zostawcie koniecznie łapkę w górę i subskrybujcie kanał filmy codziennie No dobra więc przechodząc tutaj… Read More

  • INSANE money hack on OP Minecraft server!

    INSANE money hack on OP Minecraft server!Video Information today I joined the biggest Minecraft server and became the best player in 24 hours first when you join go to your private mine and then start mining as many blocks as possible and for every single block you mine you will earn orbs to upgrade your pickaxe then right click your pickaxe and upgrade the orb greed enchant and this enchant will multiply the amount of orbs you earn per block and make it easy to upgrade This video, titled ‘i found the easiest money making method on op minecraft prisons server is super op…’, was uploaded… Read More

  • 🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿

    🌿Ultimate Minecraft productivity in Gamer Garden!🌿Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello oh I didn’t put the game on screen that’s what I forgot oop oops forgot to get the actual game on screen hold on oh [ __ ] anyway hi hi I guess give me a minute to figure out how the [ __ ] I’m going to get Minecraft on here why isn’t it working amazing start to the stream H hold on hold on also let me get chat pulled up on my phone I haven’t had to do that the last couple days cuz um I’ve been playing like… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!

    Insane Challenge: Saph sings for every 5 likes!Video Information yes what you good luck foreg some U uh it is I am I see how it is megie I see how it is you left me I see how it is I see she was in stream I see how it is megie I see I see you leaving me like that huh what the hell over yeah here I me Missy it’s fine you should probably recognize don’t say it out loud don’t say it out loud but on on your streaming still but do you see I was already checking but nice I mean I’ve… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!

    ULTIMATE Jeffy Minecraft Marathon! 5 Hours of EPIC Videos!Video Information This video, titled ‘* 5 HOURS* OF “BEST” JEFFY MINECRAFT VIDEOS!’, was uploaded by Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! on 2024-05-10 23:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome To Jeffy Minecraft Fandom! We post daily Jeffy Minecraft videos, to keep our viewers entertained. Minecraft is a sandbox … Read More

  • Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Mewing Technique in Minecraft!Video Information byebye by bye byee [Music] This video, titled ‘Mewing #minecraft #short #animation #prisma3danimation #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Block Studios on 2024-04-22 00:13:15. It has garnered 3516 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. ⬛⬜Thank you for watching ⬜⬛ And I hope you are always healthy. Don’t forget to press the play button (subscribe) and the like button too, if you want to share this video, that’s very welcome and will help to make my latest video viral and I will make it for you entertaining 🖤🤍❤See you next video people❤🤍🖤 Template by… Read More

  • DaemoniaCraft

    DaemoniaCraftWelcome to DaemoniaCraft, Immerse yourself in a unique Minecraft experience that blends the charm of medieval history with the excitement of an SMP Towny server. Features: – Medieval Kingdoms – Thriving Economy – Dynamic World – Intriguing Ranks – Resource Kits – Community & Events Join us at DaemoniaCraft and become a part of our medieval world, forge friendships, establish kingdoms, and embark on epic adventures. Your destiny awaits, noble traveler! Daemoniacraft.mc-play.org Read More

  • Falloutcraft: modded

    IP Address: Welcome to Falloutcraft! Are you craving more post-apocalyptic vibes in your Minecraft experience after watching the Fallout TV show? Look no further! Join Now! If you’d like to join the semi-exclusive Falloutcraft server, simply leave a comment with your Minecraft username. I’ll whitelist you and send you a DM with the server’s discord link! Read More

  • Survival Quest 1.21 – Free For All survival

    Welcome to Survival Quest 1.21 – your ultimate destination for a pure, unaltered Minecraft survival experience! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey, Vanilla Quest offers a simple, classic survival world where your creativity and skills can truly shine.What We Offer:Pure Survival Experience: Enjoy Minecraft as it was meant to be played. No mods, no gimmicks – just pure, unmodified survival gameplay.PVP Enabled: Test your skills against other players in our open-world PVP environment. Form alliances, battle foes, and claim your dominance!Server Rules:No Hacking/Xray: Fair play is our top priority. Any form of cheating, including hacking or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty or Trashy?

    Minecraft Memes - Crafty or Trashy?That meme must have some serious mining and crafting skills to have such a high score! Read More

  • Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft’s Hidden Door Encore

    Craft a Sneaky Portal: Minecraft's Hidden Door Encore In Minecraft, a hidden door we shall create, With redstone and items, we’ll demonstrate. Place a comparator on each side with care, Add an item frame, the secret to share. To close the door, just add an item inside, Turn it a bit, the entrance will hide. Remove the item, the door will reveal, A hidden passageway, a secret appeal. Subscribe for more tutorials, tips, and tricks, In Minecraft, creativity clicks. Stay tuned for more #MinecraftShorts, Where gaming fun always transports. Read More

  • Which pickaxe is the hottest?

    Which pickaxe is the hottest? The one that’s been upgraded with turbo boosters and a built-in espresso machine! Read More

  • Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents

    Becoming the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard | Scarlett Presents Exploring the Magical World of Minecraft Mods with Scarlett In a thrilling video, Scarlett takes us on a magical journey through the Minecraft universe, testing a series of incredible mods that turn him into the greatest wizard of all time. We follow every step of this mystical adventure as he experiences new mods that add magical abilities, powerful potions, and ancient enchantments to the game. Origins of Magic Scarlett begins his magical quest by selecting the Origins mod, specifically the Magic Origins, which introduces a variety of classes. He chooses the Druid class, turning himself green and gaining nature-related… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a mysterious Minecraft legend in a video by RSmoody. The video titled “GİZEMLİ MINECRAFT EFSANESİ SHADOW BENİ EVRENİNDE HAPSETTİ!” takes viewers on a thrilling adventure as they try to unravel the mysteries of the SHADOW legend. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it showcases the endless possibilities and excitement that the Minecraft universe has to offer. If you’re a fan of fun, mystery, and adventure in Minecraft, then you’ll definitely want to join… Read More

  • 15 Epic Minecraft Seeds for 1.21!

    15 Epic Minecraft Seeds for 1.21! 15 Perfect Survival Seeds for Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update! Introduction In the latest Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update, Seed Hunters Jereaux & Knight have discovered 15 perfect survival seeds that promise exciting adventures and diverse biomes. These seeds are compatible with all Minecraft Bedrock Edition platforms, including Xbox, Windows 10, Nintendo Switch, PS4 & PS5. Let’s delve into the world of these incredible seeds! Exploring the Seeds From Seed 15, which boasts every Overworld biome within reach of Spawn, to Seed 1, offering a blank canvas for your creative builds, each seed presents unique opportunities for exploration and… Read More

  • Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀

    Unemployed man builds starship from dust! 😱🚀Video Information [Music] again [Music] [Music] nice [Music] you [Music] [Music] well well well if it isn’t the forbidden food hello hello chat it’s been too long I got a new shirt I got this shirt today how’s it looking who we got tell Rock gray magic remove CL hi Moss how are you Kathy long time no subathon how you been Mark Mark salute hello to the Boys wormus music a little too loud you’re so right thank you okay it’s the song’s changing it’s not gone I promise I promise audio balance audio balance my uh my face… Read More

MINECRAFT CHAMPIONSHIP!! | Ft. Grian, Smallishbeans & InTheLittleWood | Team Pink Parrots