Minecraft Championships 31 Team Blue Bats(with Hbomb94, Krinios, Eret)

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Change my sensitivity for some reason and now we’re ready to change the sensitivity to my mouse it makes a big notification noise like something’s gone horribly wrong Why is my name just e in Discord the Big E wait what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing what are we doing how are we doing this what do you mean oh run away run away we just run away we’re gonna run away we’re just gonna all run

Away just all run away yeah yeah everyone run away everyone run away like run straight backwards yeah we’ll run straight oh they already did it before us we’ll copy them jump at the camera jump at the camera and then just run out the camera are we next I think we have to

Agree straight Arthur Aqua two more teams ahead of us cyan oh God we’re next oh wow that’s a shot no next one after this one my bad wrong blue so I’m running the camera then run backwards no just run backwards okay backwards backwards look at the camera keep looking at the camera

So good foreign guys I’m not gonna lie to you I just stood in front of the camera shift dude I saw that you threw you absolutely we need we need good teams coordination and you’re already not following what I can’t believe you the center of

Attention all right I need to I need the Limelight all right yeah nothing I can’t even remember like aimer’s or the game uh list to be honest I just remember they’re being two parkours that I got upset yeah I’m not a parkour enjoyer personally maybe we kind of play

One of those parkour but yeah I’m not horrible either I just would rather not like hardcore Warrior I think we could do fine in but I hate this oh that was false let’s see the game our skins look great guys I’m just gonna say it yeah

Look at us we’re so Kawaii all skins look at these two having capes on the rowing yeah oh no you guys you have a little eye on the back of you I think I have a mod installed that I should not have on right now he’s hacking he’s hacking I think it’s

Like madica be an issue I might raise for my game after like game one what does that mod do it’s just it’s a schematic overlay mod that just shows like a schematic in front of your screen uh I don’t know if a keybind will show up hopefully not if

It does I’ll just restart immediately so there’s no advantage okay what are we doing first I think we should try doing parkour Warrior first I’m down for that yeah absolutely let’s do Parker Warrior first okay what if you throw it in so we can get other teams interested

Okay we see Rockets play brush meltdown so lime wants I’m very bad a rock and split Brush by the way out I think that done earlier in the game I’m not good at that one at all so the sooner we can get oh my God everyone’s voting for it let’s go this is

Got a strong feeling about this I missed all right it looks like it’s gonna be rocket Spleef rush I was like who slowly put it I mean I’m not complaining I’m not complaining I suck it though it’s probably good for me I think I’m normally good at this but I did really poorly

The Rockets play push that we played first in an event I’ve been regressing in this event for sure I’ve been getting worse oh that’s pretty it’s kind of off-center for me though anymore that’s probably why I don’t want to take off off to find I’m scared there’s a new map on this right

I think the biggest thing is the new tech toss update yeah the other side yeah oh oh who was like what this is a Karma system in that game so if you find someone you get slowness I think or no they get no knockback oh yeah I like that that’s really nice

Did you get started to be punched them too much is how it works I forget if that’s the change it’s obviously it hurts it does it’s not good to punch someone anymore if you punch someone you start getting more knockback right right yeah so like you if someone comes and

Punches you have to punch someone a bunch back further yes you’re encouraged to not punch anyone pretty much yeah oh we’re missing someone we’re missing oh yeah yeah 39 to 40. I know how to count it’s cool as a whole Spanish speaking team this event yeah yeah it’s new the first time yeah

That has to be the first time there’s ever been a team that’s not just full English right yeah I know it is maybe there was a non-canon no I think JoJo is the was on the first full female teams held on the First full Spanish speaking team as well she’s a fellow collector

I’ve collected another hermit this MCC I made it to my total nice I need to collect who do I still need to collect impulse still legs like the trading cards they are training cards to me they started their TCG I’m collecting all of them yeah I’ve collected grian I I think I’ve I’m

Missing an Impulse in one other maybe no you’ve done ran uh yeah you you kind of did uh did we I know we went to dodgeball yeah we did one that was m67 yes you guys ready long time ago in a different time four three two one

I’m very good at hitting my teammates are in this game by the way you’re good at killing your teammates yeah yeah it’s always they’re glowing it’s more it’s nice it rolls your eye yeah I just kind of don’t think I just do oh God that was so dumb of me dude that

Just flew right past my head Oh we’re doing the speed one this time I’m not ready for this oh yeah I didn’t realize oh god oh [ __ ] please be low oh thank God oh no oh no I’m trying to not get too hasty here for fall under pressure Oh no stay here I killed the person oh nice he got sneak yeah purple guy oh dude it didn’t load I had the rocket these little bit just gonna show you when your fly is almost out I think right yeah there’s a little indicator now oh no okay yeah doing this game first I’m glad you’re

The worst of this game I’m notoriously bad at Rocket league for us because I’m happy I’m dead did Best of The Knocks also but do those little wooden bits that stick out aside up drop removed in 10 seconds five four three two one gone they should be right Oh no oh no oh no I’m going down unlucky it looked like you were close enough I hit him like 40 times it’s gonna be one of those mcc’s again where nothing registers for me oh no I hope not I hope not Thank you These little ledges rude Majors I try and go along the side and I bounce off and just hit the ceilings there was no option otherwise yeah yeah they could didn’t have enough momentum to get to the top layer But damn we were the first full team to be white it’s our first game I always struggled in the first game so it’s I’m glad this is first honestly yeah soon so I’m I might have to take off the phone again now ah no wait till after the first hey if

You’re not running sodium what the heck I don’t know how to run sodium okay that’s good that’s everyone needs sodium it’s insult it’s true that’s true oh Bill’s already went down that build that before the top tip I can’t believe that I know perfect I will say Rocket’s belief Rush gives me

A lot of anxiety it is really not a good first game yeah it’s a really bad game to play first it’s hard to play later when I’m not good at it like I when when we played rocket League last that’s when I got like top five

When we played it second I got top five but when I played it first I got like 30th and now I’m on 23rd so I’m not oh Pete one oh wait there’s so many people like Pete I’m actually watch the render this round is Pizza Hut Eagles cake probably got lots

Of kills or something yeah man he doesn’t get kills if he doesn’t like shoot anyone well maybe he did this time I don’t know why he would say he won when there’s like three people alone you’re a PVP non-believer page come on man well not there no like he

Legitimately tries to not kill anyone okay here’s the highest position so maybe it’s just the highest level Music in these games is always just absolutely amazing the first game so it’s really quiet very awkward for me hi Dave God oh no Well that didn’t even boost me no one’s dead yet I don’t like that I wanted to die no please don’t I’ll use your nerves for you just anyone else all right we’re moving I’ll be honest I’m so far away I didn’t expect there to be a thing I couldn’t find the arrow

Yeah I was off I was on the wrong Edge for that it’d be cool if there was like a compass at the top so you can say which direction it is improve team coordination West West West uh I open the inventory oh no no don’t do that yeah that’s like the one thing

You don’t want to do turn the pockets yeah let’s press forward I press like w just bat fingered it Jackman Jack’s gone that’s so unsurprising oh you can hear a directionally yeah yeah yeah it’s pretty good oh come on or not oh my God this is a very small area All right 15 seconds till after gets gone I’m using it hey guys that gave me so much less boost than I was anticipating oh I think I’m done use it use it use it use it yeah oh well Survival game baby get me out of here [ __ ] what what launched

Launched this ever is so small there’s 22 people remaining people no it’ll land we’ve gotten too good at this game this is unacceptable dude I was shifting on a block in order to boost up and I just got sent like diagonal like yo you got a kid don’t

Kill Hannah uh please give me up please get me up oh I’m so anxious right now this is a lot to deal with no you’re doing good you’re playing space underneath let’s go Ryan he was still alive on our team besides me no it’s just you okay your last one left

Complete the mission you have time you have time here by yourself you’re good nice good job foreign So good so good top 10. Let’s go Ryan nice booze no I remember like one with two both of you before it’s my first time seeing me with a cup as well so maybe we can win with all of you guys I go Scott oh my ride though that’s insane it might be the

Best I’ve ever done in this game one point behind Red literally one point and only three ahead of Kings this is close yeah this game so points don’t matter too much yeah yeah I just want to get out of the way first for a game to try and get you warmed up

To playing Minecraft this is not the game to play if this game on Parker attack I’m the worst at I think right now like in my current state then we better not play parkour attack because that is my worst game exactly hardcore tag is I really don’t like yeah yep I heard very silent going bro dude someone blew up the island right below my feet I’m gonna be the first to die oh no you were embarrassed no they got out first I wasn’t first let’s go man what even happened there man did you like just waited to use my Boost

Up so I wasn’t below the islands that’s my bad it’s hard to say to do that but it’s hard to actually do it yeah because like there’s no guide for where like the void is so I’m like I might be right there right now but I have no idea 40 10 people out it’s insane you guys have got this I believe in you Let’s go oh God I need my updraft getting killed let’s go oh oh hello oh God that’s not good for me oh God I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I believe in you thank you can you not punch people in this game I don’t think so no you can someone punched me earlier

I’m just not sure what effect it would have oh boosted oh flying that height though bro like a dog fight dude three of you left and there’s only 13 people left alive uh I’ve trapped in 10 seconds three two one after I’ve gone I’m gone I’m gone wait man get a Kill

Yeah dude you traded you traded I’m going down I’ll take top five this time yeah I think I’m down you guys brought us from nine up to fifth that’s ridiculous you did that man big big huge nice was it purple then beat and we take losing of those two in this

Game yeah I mean if these guys don’t make the top five if any round of this I’d be surprised Here Phil yeah Phil usually absolutely Nails it yeah he died early on like in the 20s and one of the earlier ones or maybe late times something around there fourth place let’s go 39 baby let’s go we’re moving up we needed that we’re moving up with no point at some points

Purple Pete puns alumina five up I would say that makes sense but Phil’s not being in there yeah I was just really not confident in that game but I’m glad I did pretty well later games I’m more confident that’s probably good for us that’s great for us

I’m gonna like talk to us we’ve got this okay I’m probably gonna start my game now if that’s okay yeah I’m gonna watch this update video quickly let them know I’m gonna need to restart just give them a minute if it starts I’m gonna definitely okay sounds good

Oh firecracker’s still here from last MCC let’s go oh my leaderboard Rachel I’m coming for you I’m coming for you no I’m kidding I’m kidding you know I’ll let you have it Cub I was in third beat scar beat scar it was a long way to

You and it was a Goomy yeah yeah I mean just sat there holding on a right click yeah probably a solid 20 minutes during that stream I think I need to let other people have the fun the very very fun the very very fun the very very fun fun yeah

Yeah man I want to go look at the leaderboard I wanna go see if Ryan’s in top town you could be in top 10 too I think you’ll be close I think I’m around I think I’ll be around like 50 okay I’m stuck there we go I think I’ll be like

Around 15th or 16th probably stop heading it I was giving you the wind cub you fool I stopped betting it I stopped betting it I had to go to the elevator man broke the Elder down oh it’s underwater this time I’ll have to go check that out but I

Want to go see that I’ll do that next time I need to go see Brian’s in top ten this is important oh I think I see him yep Ryan’s a ninth nice I must be like 12 11 to 12 brother well I’m in 15 then you got above me so

Yeah you got to be somewhere yeah probably between 11th and 13th I guess and then purple did really good JoJo Hannah fruit cranios Captain Sparkles Let’s Go Oh hello I’m back and I’ll understand how Karma works I’ve been enlightened karma is a real thing I’m back I’m logging on now welcome back we’re in the the voting thing yep okay uh Ryan you’re nine oh really your ninth overall what yep and Cubs in 13. okay I’ll take it

For a game I’m really not good at I’ll take that okay which what are we going for next [ __ ] parkour Warrior yeah I think I also Mark you Parkour Tag apocalypse I think parkour tags are most likely to be skipped so I’d rather just keep that around I mean yeah

I guess so these games probably gonna also not good at but I’m down for Parker Warrior also yeah it looks like some people won’t work shop a chicken where’d that come from that was mean all right three two there it is it’s in boots all right guys I’m no longer cheating don’t worry

I didn’t I didn’t come to play in that game I just want to make sure on how you can vote tied between Parkour Tag and Parker Warrior I’m not complaining okay there’s tug toss let’s get in there that’s like three tickets in there happen I have no idea what happened well

Luckily you watched the update video yeah yeah I think they were in the last MCC I didn’t plan last one but those are kind of cool can we have game music oh do I have game music off oops first round but yeah I don’t hear it now

It’s not playing crime right now okay it feels so empty when there’s not music playing yeah slowly going through a map along with the demons in my mind it’s going to start up at probably like the one minute Mark and start hyping it up and it’s like oh hell yeah let’s go

But I want it now I want it now I feel like I need music I’m stressed out there’s only one chested Ryan winios never heard that before all those videos you know they cut in the side here oh man when there’s a storm outside he’s Ryan wendios that’s a good one

This has changed from the actions okay all right wow shots fired when you look into his car through the the windows and can’t see anything he’s Ryan tintios you look good guys you guys are all comedians I’m here all week I mean I’m not no one is but imagine

I guess just don’t punch anyone that’s always what I’ve been doing for a long time now but cool now it’s encouraged two one I heard no punching sounds like the first two seconds before oh my God I can’t see a thing yeah oh my God if I can’t see [ __ ] I don’t remember it being this no oh I hate this game I got I got this 14. 15th I killed two first let’s go I

Couldn’t see anything through all the people it was fruit did someone knock you off yeah someone knocked me off and then I brute was next to me so I kind of had to I can’t believe it oh fruit is punching like man oh look at him I’ve tilted him foreign Well the good news is I’ve tilted fruit berries which might be a good thing might not be yeah but my strategy is the other side is following fruit that usually works out pretty well so if he’s tilted maybe that’s an advantage for our team whack Stampy

Stampy in this no like uh bat look at the map bad boy Halo wax Stampy so if Stampy must have been one of the the guys oh okay I know Ryan Burgers each problem look at fruit I will never forget is Bruce still running he’s typing in the chat oh

I will never forget this I saw the opportunity I had to take it what happened did you when your comma went down like did you slow down what happened so at the the first round I got punched a bunch punched a bunch sorry I’m trying to

Focus as well I got punched a bunch and I just barely got knocked off the edge and then on the way back I was next to okay I was next to uh fruit berries and I saw the opportunity to just turn around and get them not being able to place three players is

Infuriating thanks for the Boost loser just kidding that’s I’m not like I feel bad if someone that I thought damn it Phil not being able to see through people’s heads yeah it’s rough it’s rough falling over there not a terrible idea I got 11. nice I got 17. where’s the people I keep

Screwing them all right all right yeah far right there’s one in the middle so far right go far right Eric’s got the one on the left and further oh it’s so sad just go up you’re by yourself I really I really don’t like this map because it punishes

People who are coming lost like yeah the ending of this map is the worst yeah yeah I’ll pour red oh red I don’t like tug toss and I’m glad it’s just kind of done now yeah we gotta say old we gotta say yeah I’ve got to get inside the way all the way

Until like the last game yeah once we get to the four wait which one is this this is new this is a new one is there no blocks does it just go oh okay just park Horror oh God all right new map alert everyone’s learning it so oh [ __ ] I

Messed up that jump already oh I messed that up what are you doing I don’t know where I’m going this is meow oh what that should have posted me in dude I’m so confused oh I’ve jumped just like a millisecond too late I’m right behind you right hello I’m that’s not a

Good thing actually I can’t see a damn thing I don’t like this I don’t know why they don’t make people invisible in this one because you need to punch them that’s true I got 20 seconds I got 28th I’m so glad they’ve they’ve fixed the uh nice the uh the bug where in the new update if there’s a bug where you hit the edge of a slime block and just doesn’t bounce because I just had that happen to me and it screwed me a bit

Yeah that was a big change for Minecraft oh this one I don’t know what’s finally fixing 10 year old bugs oh this one what am I looking at you try to go up top and then it’s a dropper all the way down okay probably go to an area that no one else

Is going because I think the best bet right now I’m gonna try the corner maybe that’s better I don’t know something during this oh I hate tug toss again to the other side more like a guess at the top so true all right move with people in order to

Win oh my God hit a ladder I got 20. there we go third full team there was there’s a bunch of ladders on the right way down and I just kept randomly like stopping on them yes yeah it’s so true I’m glad there’s not full damage or something because that would

Be fun it wouldn’t mind gives you zoom I’m using like the normal launcher race car no no oh my God scar please wait how did Scar get all the way at the beginning he got lost that’s red Zeus this map is a little bit confusing if you haven’t played it before though

No absolutely but you get to the other side actually get to the top yeah guys I’m gonna say it I’m gonna say it what are you gonna say what are you gonna say I hate tog toss no no I know I’m controversial no I know did we take the potion of

Leaping what do we do here I don’t know how long is this oh it’s one minute 30 so might as well yeah it’s just like will it help or will it ruin all the drinking effect jumpers too oh my God oh my God I hate it foreign

Dude I barely missed it by like a millimeter 16 all right someone someone hit me in the best Direction possible wow damn 25th though it’s still not bad no because I’m not done because oh my God I’m I hate it age keep jumping keep jumping you’re almost there it’s mostly to the right

I hate this video I hate this bloody game it’s so bad yeah I’ve still got one more after this catching off on on the purples I extremely hate Scott is hitting your latest Scott the guy who put the karma thing in place not this one I don’t believe this this one’s the worst

All right is the wing Strat still still a thing it’s a thing yeah I I like to hover and let other people do the jumps and then I’ll just take my time because everyone Falls the late okay oh oh what oh wow that was awesome flavor did that

Menu Zeus we got this buddy I hate this game oh my God so over it do I can’t see the blocks of places in this map I’ll take that this is my least favorite map for oh it was gonna be top five and then I just barely got punched

At the end yo someone punched me twice thanks man punch me Dude not my best tucked off performer what is mythical doing are you just standing there guys mythical why are you apologizing usually get 10 in most of these masks but I wasn’t doing great today I think it’s the new ones I didn’t know how to do them I got 30 thirds don’t worry

About it man don’t worry the highest placement was 17. my highest was fourth my lowest 28th I don’t remember oh I can see that we did good Harris was 13th lowest 37th 21st is my highest I’m so worried about Parker type being played up here but I hope it does get

Skipped because that one if you don’t want to play at all yeah we didn’t do so hot on that one guys no it’s done though we can get it over with and never think about it again yes thank you okay this might be controversial this might be controversial but I don’t

Like toktos no it’s very uncontroversial [Laughter] there’s like five good povs during this game and that’s really it I don’t know it’s not fun it’s still closed luckily it’s only the second game but man I’m just happy that one’s done now yeah we didn’t even vote

For that so we kind of got lucky that we got a second I’m now for a Parker Warrior next by the way if we want to do that one yeah yeah we’re gonna get tilted at the beginning guys we’re playing the bad games for us right now but that leaves us the good

Games for the end where we can make the good comeback yeah it’s working out for us I imagine I’m Not Top 10 anymore yeah I know MCC don’t live to see this Statistics yeah I’m at 18th I can’t let you down yeah you wouldn’t do that would you would you let me down

No I’ve always wanted a team of the age 17 17. let’s go Cub you’re beating me God I love being carried like a dream come true let’s go who was the first who was first on the last one fire breath man fire breath man it’s just cracks through screw

Dude it feels so weird with that not being any music at all it’s usually music in this part of the game what is this what does this mean I haven’t played in like a few months but I don’t know thirto yne whoops if I have any idea what that could mean

Say it again look if you look up above the The Hub there’s like cobwebs up there oh that’s what it says I’m not sure if this is a hidden message it could be maybe that’s why there’s writing in the sky like from a plane or something yeah yeah maybe 30.

Yeah yeah yep you’re right what were you saying come what was it well it spelled it spelled wrong but they mixed up the O and Y it’s just thirdo it’s supposed to be 31. the Liars are just missed we’re doing parkour warriors uh let’s see love bolt hitting a chick

With this bow make it really attract to other chickens really attracted like they will attract to it sexy chicken yeah okay we gotta time this well then I wonder Warrior or what we what we wanted I want powerful Warrior but I’m not going to sky battle Yeah I’m not for

Anything I’m realizing now that I hate most of these games I really like meltdown meltdown can be really fun I’m voting for parkour Warrior Did you see ants scores in the Ace race thing they were insane I have no idea how people even get that for us I don’t know either it’s too much yeah I need coffee doesn’t work I’m reporting this bug the gong doesn’t work noise for you just punch it again like wait yeah punch it whoa it’s like I’m I’ve got a real gong that’s insane my roommate has a real gong it look loud what was this who’s your roommate

How’s it going yeah beef has one yeah good old beef stew remember he’s gone but make sure you guys give yourself plenty of time to attempt the medium the medium’s not too hard I didn’t like it last time actually the only place one I only play this one so yeah I’ve only

Played this once as well so I honestly I forget a little bit uh so Eric you should do the first so like there’s a little branches I’ll do the easiest ones yeah do the two easy ones for sure and then just try finishing yeah like you

You can attempt the medium one at the very end start Ed it feels a Minecraft you made Minecraft Phil’s a Minecraft look at us mommy no not me no Phil you left us we weren’t cool enough nope you can never beat Mr Minecraft I’m throwing score right now

What are you doing to him don’t you bully scar shifting inside him man I don’t like the gnome music I need some sort of music right yeah yeah I need something going on Ryan do you have a plan like are you doing the two easies and like one medium

Or two mediums and then I’ve been doing all the side ones and look at the heart probably yeah I don’t think I always attempt them once yeah if I’m just not getting close on them I just give up and go to the next one oh I can’t jump off the island

I’m never lucky is Scott quoting Taylor Swift he is he wouldn’t do that not my Scott’s major he would never I’m staring Jordan right in the eyes right now and punching him so romantic well he’s not he’s not like I’m looking at him in the eyes but he’s

Kind of going like he’s like looking up into the right a little bit or I guess my left but yeah it’s that is like I’ll go over here I guess maybe this will help a little bit yeah there we go now now he’s kind of looking at me still just waiting

God this feels like a twitch Rivals event what the heck a random stray [Laughter] you don’t know it’s true just end up waiting for like a half an hour why like another thing just happens or nothing happens yeah and then it breaks down and we gotta restart it yeah sorry twitch

Rivals don’t say that my my roommate hosts which Rivals don’t be quiet let me talk to him let me talk to him get him on the line I want to talk to him personally laughs I hit a meeting with a view of the big uh twitch rival people uh after the last

Pokemon event because I was not happy with them oh I I wasn’t happy give a piece of your mind age what happened during the reading it was just not it’s hard to explain but the prizing was done so poorly that they made it be you would make more money if you threw

Like purposefully yes that was the issue Robin where you’d get placed in it and you’d be either in division one division two division three or division four and all the prizes were the same in each division so the best players if you won you’d go to the best division but you’d

Be going up against better players so if you lost like the first couple of rounds you’d just be going against like worse players and then you could just crush them yes exactly that was the issue bro not that I I believe that yeah I I had a long

Conversation with my partner manager and then she got me a nice little meeting with a few of the the heads of twitch Rivals to explain my frustration and why this is an issue and should not be happening should have enjoyed gotcha right as they said he can join middle in the game

Clutched up there’s it doesn’t compare to the time I blew screamed during the middle of the event and everyone had to wait for me it corrupted my drive I had to reinstall Minecraft oh god oh wow and then they said okay we are not waiting that long for anyone ever again

So they haven’t yeah I think a solid three minutes for someone that crashed it probably could unless it’s like happening too often then it’s like okay you’re out of luck now there’s so many people I’m gonna bring Cabo in ignore that I would never ignore it

I punched someone that we do we do the uh the channel Point like gambling thing you can um and I basically said yeah I’m not gonna do good at this please bet your points against me Should be rigging the vote I got the first bonus gun I failed it way too many times I’m not gonna hold it once at the very end but that was it they’re better than me thank you I need you to be better than me today I’m managing expectations is important

I just struggled on the very first part of the the stero jumps as well I was struggling yeah it is again oh I’m excited for the moving ones I like the movie ones Oh that looks stupid that was dumb and stupid might I say I am holding shift on these and I just like sit on the side of it and then just slip off okay I don’t like the moving platform those are not oh I love them they’re the

Most fun but I just failed it so I look like an idiot this this your goat I should have slowed down I’m on the second easy parkour now I’m on the second bonus pass all right all right Dune Follow me on Twitter That was a banger Ryan you absolutely nailed it yeah I could tell how much you were laughing on it sorry I’m very concentrated I can’t laugh I got they got him out of you and I was like wow okay if I didn’t hit as much that wasn’t at you that was specifically

At the park where I was doing okay yeah but it works out well oh you can’t you can take it as it was for you thank you I hate my kids are sweating I might uh no I’ll keep doing this one please how many bonus paths are there Uh like five five bucks okay all the two in two and a half minutes so that’s not too bad I guess Okay okay that’s how that works okay From made the the final easy parkour and like this is a jerk already at the end of the yeah the easy one so I’m not not quite there but Oh thank God I did it this time okay okay got a gold We have six and a half minutes I’m just gonna keep saying the time just to remind you guys yeah thank you I’m not looking at it very much neither am I that’s why I had to tell myself that support for the bonus Parts I didn’t

Realize the first one was a bonus bar uh you should try doing the bonus pass the first two for sure after that you don’t try them That’s a hard jump faster hey I’ll give it a shot oh too far oh no I just looked at it no nope okay he’s got those head jumps I once been four hours trying to practice parkour Warrior like the old parkour Warrior on one Jumbo’s practicing dream gaming to

Help and even I was still struggling with his sleep okay I’m doing one more shot one more shot I can’t get doing this Oh this is so much dammit there’s a wall there right there have you guys on the iron bars one yet um maybe I’m not I’m do I’m done I’m not doing it anymore damn it this is where toggle Sprint helps a lot To go Jesus At this point yeah I was behind halfway I’m like I got I gotta continue uh you can stay behind a little bit because you’ll do the medium one and you’ll do it fast I think like I gave myself to be able to I did it in 30

Seconds last time I gave myself like over two minutes and I just sat there for a minute and a half doing nothing um I don’t like the disappearing block ones it’s hard to like predict when they’re about to disappear yeah they’re so Random like it doesn’t make sense I

Love them I’m not gonna lie to you they’re my favorite kind of cool see how they work like they’re just breaking in a random patterns sometimes oh I didn’t Okay I guess I got that done I have no idea how that one works okay four minutes remaining guys all right that was my last attempt at this guy looks like piglet I’m assuming it’s pink then it is pink and it’s got like lines on it sounds like piglet Why can’t I make that jump sideways fun I’m having fun that was fun I enjoyed that thank you Game letting me have a wee bit of fun okay I can’t do that one I’m giving up on it too warm I’m gonna try the medium really quickly I think I have some time Sweet swings oh make sure I finish this I’m sorry I got that weird Sprint glitch where it’s like you didn’t actually Sprint and it just like Zooms in and out for a bit Yeah Yeah why does I don’t like this at all I genuinely hate this I hate the platforms

Like what am I supposed to do this is where uh don’t do any more bonus bonuses I think oh it goes to the other side okay why is this little candy flavored wasn’t that sweet enough for you a jump conquerors like it sucks because no matter how much I

Practice parkour I never seem to get any better relatable it’s all been done I want to try hard for a little at least one of them yeah you got two minutes I gotta wait I gotta wait on that I’m in line well right now I just passed the final hard one oh okay Let me out two minutes along to the medium final one take it took me like um less than a minute but I think uh give yourself a little bit more time than that so you don’t get stressed out what um A minute and a half Oh my God okay I’m gonna try it easy I’m gonna go easy I think okay I made that jump the first time H yeah I’ve been a left I’m going medium I just got here I’m sorry oh my God I’m not able to squeeze through those [ __ ] Adobe I don’t need to update [Applause] Nice job I might have to go easy I think I do have to go easy and press one more time yep I gotta go easy damn it h all right everyone go easy medium nice good job Ryan Yo Adobe if you keep trying to remind me to update in the middle of the competitive Minecraft event I’m going to explode don’t explode right uh Eric please I’ll try not I will however explode as is you’re right it’s overtime so don’t fall I fell I fell like literally the second the

Overtime happened let me [ __ ] close Adobe Jesus Christ why are you why oh God a lot of people are falling too so bad who’s this uh oh Captain gato I don’t think they’re gonna have time apparently as well as for everybody got one more space nice one good afternoon

I thought I did better last time I thought I like got more of those bonus paths done but I go um I’ll give up on this too quickly I got more bonus pass man I couldn’t finish the final ones I didn’t I didn’t get us the bonus that

Was a big issue not bad guys yeah I got 285. thanks Again we got six I think yo something yeah yeah I think so hey okay whatever wow yeah me and Eric didn’t complete it so we didn’t get the bonuses yeah that’s my bad guys it’s all good it’s your bad it’s all bad we both suck maybe me a little bit more

No no it was not a pretty thing oh I I fell a lot as well but we’re both like okay I’m bad I I will admit that I don’t know I’m sure you’re best than me there we go you’re better than me you’re way better than me look at that but that’s

The that’s just straight up the like bonuses or whatever button get us the easy bonus which is uh 0.15 times multiplier for everyone so I did well during the little bonus side pass but I did not finish which is not good the medium path with like 50 seconds

Left I had to first try pretty much and I did nice nice one you’re insane bracked they made it harder I don’t like the moving platforms it’s hard I don’t like waiting for the platform to comment just really annoying I’m good at it but the the medium one I

Just kept struggling to squeeze through the stupid uh window panes I can do it it’s really hard yeah I saw the mini the moving one and I was like no thanks he said do one of the easy like the second one will like the heads on it I

Had one look at it I was like nah I’m 13th now nice were you before that 12 12. nice you’re keeping it one spot you got it we’ve gotten some bad games out of our way now which is still really good where I am right now in terms of

School because I shockingly bad if we if we lose it’s just because my monitor I’ll just blame it on that roof but the issue is I can do fine at like parkour on high pixel or all that like it I do pretty good I think just for some reason

As soon as I get into the event whether it’s nerves or whatever I don’t know I just lose all skill a bit more Dynamic and also new versions have a different uh like jump system like blocks behave a certain way in like newer versions than 1.8 so like it can

Still be fancy High pixel is 1.8 isn’t it yeah so like I think like like chains are different uh I think slime box are slightly different uh it confused me because you can play on Hypixel in any version I forget that it’s still just saying oh yeah 1.8 compact is better

I hate 1.8 combat I don’t know why people still play that same it’s just whoever clicks faster is dumb I do not like it yeah and then there’ll be those people on the chat are like no other strategy behind it it’s like you watch it and it’s just people spam left

Clicking and then occasionally using a fishing rod boring I hope you guys are staying hydrated by the way it’s very important true I’m getting crappy I need more water I just want to make sure I get I keep I keep getting called a wild card in MCC like I’m very unbreakable player

I want to never get below uh top 20 again I want to make sure I’m at least top 20 preferably top ten so I’m trying my best I just want to not be in the bottom 10. I just wanna I wanna be honest I don’t want to be a bad luck charm

Oh I got I got a thing oh yeah Cupid Arrow nice oh we got it again all right what do we want I don’t run is this fun do you want to do grid Runners I want to get sky battle out I I think sky battle is very like is more

Important to go first I’m good at survival games I think sky battle is uh an issue like Survival Games heavily team based subscribe do we have anybody else can you speed bridge on skybattle no that’s the thing I mean I don’t know maybe it would be gonna get it done

First yeah let’s go with that then which one do you want subscribe battle Yeah okay it’s good battle uh it’s gonna be a survival games oh the chicken the attractive chickens move oh that’s absolutely do you like chickens Eric are they attractive to you hey they are delicious all right

Who wants this game who sits there is like I love Parkour Tag it’s so much fun I hate parkour dude we’ve been getting disconnected come in and practice practice the uh practice the course yeah jump down yeah skipped and if it’s not this I hope it’s

Not saying the time we better play Santa time oh yeah it’s very unlikely to be a Santa time unless we save it for last and I’m down skybell I’m down to skip later on is my guess if we can save sands of time and grid Runners for last and second last ideal

Thing I love it I I in that one I’m not that one should play blast in my opinion yeah yeah I agree that’s a team base the team based games is where we shine yeah like I always I always excel at like team coordination games because we can

Just as long as people are not like we’re doing this because I say so but more like we’re doing this because it benefits the team it’s like that’s the best we’re doing this because I said so well there’s there’s always people on some teams who are like hey we should do

This and then the one person goes no I’m running in and like no don’t do that and then they just die like guys why weren’t you there to support me that’s why I got mad at Ollie in an early MCC survival games are all sticking together and then

Ollie just wouldn’t listen I got real mad at him yeah it’s like it’s not just you being a content creator here we’re a team like there’s uh there’s meltdown for example yeah okay all right the hunter is undecided you got this i got this they might not

Get to choose okay oh aluminum uh-oh start okay I’ll go right he is going to the right uh keep going forward yeah you keep going forward Eric just keep running straight I can’t fully see him are we turning off oh he got me damn I hit that wall slightly and just slowed

Me enough all right I’m now ghosting I’m coming towards uh the right of the map he’s right next to you oh I thought there was a window there why is there a window there but next to the one next to it ah sorry all right he’s right behind you turn

Damn them sorry guys no that wasn’t it’s aluminous I was on the right side of the map and there’s a nice little window and then there’s a nice little pillar next to it so I assume there was a window on that pillar too it does look like there might be but no

There isn’t yeah I know then now Parkour Tag always finds a way to tilt me All the games is running or tagging yep Snapchat’s in there good luck I’ll try my best way Oh yeah I have a left in like a frame cold people lost connection looks like five of joined oh my God that why there’s so many people oh I was just press Tab and saw like person from each team wasn’t in the game I think they’re tagging oh we’re not ready Okay sorry I won’t yell at five up all right he’s going left oh shoot oh shoot yeah he’s coming for you he’s coming for you Cub okay yeah I’m probably gonna get tagged yeah oh damn I thought there was enough distance between us oh Jesus he’s good

Who was it it was running was it yeah that makes sense it’s fine don’t worry about it guys all right let me see if I can work out some angles from there oh damn it nice we take those as long as we’re getting like three and doing well on one side I

Think that’s our ideal scenario for this I think yeah because we know this is where we struggle yeah parkour is definitely not our strength oh it’s Ryan’s strength uh but that’s about it yeah chasing me analysis I feel that I’m gonna tag this round I think you

Want to against aqua and then five up right guy and krancy the Hunter okay I think we have two people go left and one person go right uh Eric you go right again okay he’s going to the right yeah uh Cubs stay in their spawn I’m gonna go

Way ahead yep so we can split up can you make callouts right now where is he uh he’s following me oh dude how did he even get on me man he’s going towards you I’m Gonna Keep rotating towards me okay yeah coming towards you he’s coming down the middle okay he’s behind you

He’s moving just keep moving forward yeah just keep oh you’re good you’re so good you’re so good you’re so good what I need call outs right now yeah towards you dead straight dead straight all right guys I got one more got ant huge one more one more to go

Um oh good I just there’s like scenarios that I think I should be fine and yeah that reaches just like a block too far or something and they just come on I got them all nice good job Ryan nice little too late but good job yeah movement games not my strength yeah I’m hoping hoping we can pull this back in the games we’ve laid the higher multipliers that were actually good at it’s like a team yeah yeah it’s like tilting right now but we’re actually not in like a bad situation because we can bounce back yeah all the teams are

Pretty close but like sounds good first to Third yeah we just need so like right now it’s a two times multiplier I’m rotating where is he where is he I don’t know I think he’s running towards me he’s running yeah he’s following you he’s following you Ryan it’s behind you both try splitting off a little bit I think he’s still after you stuff he Ryan keep going keep going ah

Come on each she’s after you uh it’s not for you what how did he throw didn’t even see him all right he’s coming straight for you he’s trying to cut you off in the front JoJo nice nice that’s a win nice good dude good Duke okay he’s just behind you just behind

You just keep on moving he’s gonna try and cut you off at the side here you’re too fast you’re too fast keep moving keep moving I came back I came back I thought he was going to come from the other side no no sorry the cut off was earlier hey we got

The dub let’s go yeah got the win though we’re nice we take those we need orange we haven’t faced orange yet that’s kind of good orange we’re again I kind of want to go again um I felt good yeah I might do next one depending on who it is

My third time hunting is that done or do I have one more you have one more okay yeah all right he’s going right he’s going right towards me I’m gonna hit it right behind him soon cheers any eyes uh he’s in the middle of the map I just

Oh damn still in the mid all right he’s in the middle he is following a person in the Blue Area uh yeah Ryan he’s right behind you literally right behind you just keep moving just keep moving um oh damn right behind you so close he’s in punching distance

All right he’s now coming for you Cub all right just stay alive just stay alive I’m right behind purple nice nice distance on him that’s good he will try to cut you off here turning around ah pulling it back That was purple’s team too that was good who was hunting uh wall bear Wally bear and purple we beat them let’s go that’s good yeah it’s not bad not bad baby that’s a crack team Orange I can do orange mythical sausage fire breath man it’s my time CPK is hunting I believe I

Believe Chronos oh okay Arch race and we’ll do this okay I’m gonna make the call outs uh cup and go far left and keep going I’m gonna stay and spawn a little bit towards the left he’s going towards you Eric come back come back come back

I don’t oh I fell [ __ ] keep running keep running Cub yep all right come here boy here is footsteps hey there cup I’m gonna cut through metal okay once he starts moving forward how does he catch up how did he catch up where is he he’s chasing you just keep rotating

Uh he’s on the ground he’s on the ground which way obviously uh he’s in the Blue Area he’s been the blue area oh it doesn’t matter which way to go he doesn’t know which way to go go oh God you’re so good you’re so good right behind you oh damn

He will try to cut you off if he sees an opportunity um he’s going to escape okay he’s right behind you right behind you get through there gonna cut you off the front goat oh you can see him there I hate this game I think we got it

I think we got oh we could just barely just barely um so close this game is ass sorry I had to say it I get the impression each bomb doesn’t like most of these games hey Parkour Games if you guys want me to uh go for it okay okay Okay right he is going down the middle towards Eric just keep running okay one more workout I’m gonna get those hold on he’s right behind you right behind you right guys survive He’s right behind you on the other side of the wall uh he oh nice Duke nice Duke oh this place again which way you going which way are you going stay over there cup stay over there you’re good you’re good I see I see I see a lot of time

You’re as far away as you can be 20 seconds directly towards you to your left he’s going to cut you off GG I was saying left I uh I got the fastest tag in that round that’s nice 17 seconds got all of them dude you’re like I’ve got them all it’s like already

Yeah I duked a lot of them that was great on that team uh dark eyebrows and that came on oh good job nice nice one Jordan yep interacting of course but you know still all right again uh I don’t see him he’s going towards Aaron it looks like yeah he’s going towards Eric

How does he catch up there dude uh come back towards me come back towards me he’s he’s uh he’s in the walled area he’s coming he’s gonna try and cut you off he’s directly behind the person just on top of those bricks is there let’s come

Um oh he’s on the ground he’s on the ground nope stay frosty oh you’re so good just right dude you’re amazing you’re amazing he’s on the ground he’s on the ground right behind you nice you’re so good thank you cut you off here again he’s on the ground he’s on the ground

He’s on the ground you are fine oh you see him you see him right there oh okay well all right he was in the area where you got the Jukes on that one baby the windows he’s running into mid I got blueberries let’s go okay he’s gonna try and cut you

Off here oh you’re good you’re good you’re good your money that was the first bonus Again by the way 32 seconds because we got our first bonus bro let’s go we’re in fifth we’re catching up I want to hunt the purple purple pandas oh no I want more I think okay then you

Do it you do it okay okay we can’t tell I’m going left I’m going like Elena zoos puns and sneeze oh wait no are they pun skins they’re in the maid looks like he’s going there I think whoa I didn’t even see where they were all right uh they’re in the middle in

The middle coming towards the red wall they are cutting you off they’re jumping up and down towards the green pillars oh damn give names if possible yep sorry I can’t see people’s names so okay they’re coming towards you they’re in the middle they’re jumping on top of the copper blocks

Oh well it is what it is it’s what it’s is that all okay yeah nice good job [ __ ] I’ll take that 40 seconds on the back second half who was chasing you guys uh Zeus is good at this game that makes sense at least it’s correct

Not a bad comeback in that game yeah no that was pretty good Only by 22 points oh we take those oh that was a nice little confidence boost I think we needed it yes we definitely needed that especially it’s Ryan I think he carried that game pretty successfully yeah for real okay thank you I’m stressed no one does stress me out a lot

I can’t believe everyone was purple on that team that that was disorientating purple isn’t even on the team oh he’s not that’s true it’s true oh my cranius you’re supposed to be caring what the hell I’m doing the legwork Apparently Ryan one you doing better dude yeah Ryan what’s up

I got the team lead what the heck ah it’s okay I can’t believe you can’t believe you lose my confidence that’s all you want it’s all been movement game so far I know okay now it’s the audience vote luckily at all games right I think I

Moved back up to 11th nice oh Wally bears in top 10. I would love to get top 10 The Sims you see who I would feel good about that MC championship All Right audience blockout for the next five minutes you control the decision though the least votes will be played

Survival Games meltdown sky battle and grid runners uh uh I think we went Skype right should we vote for sky battle then yeah I think so vote for battle vote sky battle guys twitter.commc Championship underscore I’m linking the Tweet oh no my chat’s already got it never mind

Oh I’m gonna go listen to music and calm down for a second did Parkour Tag just tilts me there’s just like there was a moment I think it was against was it against Pete where I really felt like I was like far apart and just all

Of a sudden I get tagged yeah no that’s not that like it’s so disorientating sometimes you think you’re doing it like far away from them and then suddenly they’re just there yeah hunting some more I don’t know sky battle trap go go battle let’s go battle goes away sky battle

Trying to give me a give me a drink I’ll take it what’s the last game that we didn’t get to vote for because those are the four that are already in there uh grid Runner sky battle Survival Games meltdown and standard time I think yes Santa time isn’t on there at the moment

So I imagine it will be on there when they get reshuffled yeah yeah so we got three rounds to vote for Sands of Time honestly I just want to play sands of time I will be right back guys I’ll be right back okay Chad there we go first half over

Uh whoops that’s the wrong button uh uh right here there we go first half over guys uh yeah be sure to vote in the Twitter Poll for sky battle we don’t want sky sky battle played I don’t think uh for the team we have we prefer all the other games grid

Runners Survival Games Sands of Time stuff like that uh we are in what place 21st Place individually which honestly considering like movement is not one of my better areas uh is not not terrible not terrible for us that’s about where we should like we should be pretty much like right in the

Middle of the pack basically for the moving games our our strengths are pretty much team games grid Runners Sands of Time stuff like that which is good because the uh the next couple of games all actually all the remaining games I think are gonna be hopefully better for us

Because they’re all team based games so we’ll see we’ll see so yeah there we go it’s been fun so far though I like this team gotta put the cat gotta pet the cat gotta pet the cat right we are in ninth place it is pretty close though

1100 points out of second so really it’s still anybody’s game at this point steal anybody’s game who we got see scars teams in sixth it looks like yeah since the multiplier the multiplier goes up as the games progress by the way so we still got the times two two and a

Half and three multipliers so should be pretty fun should be pretty fun oh yeah hope you guys have enjoyed it so far I want to say a big thank you too Stellaris Lex thank you for the 11 months genius thank you for the 39 months uh Ali B is thinking of the 16

Months says good luck today thank you Ali B’s hope you’re doing well today uh gallagh out with the 37 months thank you galagal Gerald me 64 with a 32 months thank you Jeremy uh we got Miss gold Fox for the 35 months it says MCC hype thank you so

Much Miss goldfox for the amazing Sport and Pune Zilla thank you for uh subscribing as well we also have Hades just now Haiti 609 666 thank you for the 26 months uh says MCC let’s go Indy indeed thank you Hades greatly appreciated crafty Mountain Fox thank you for the 26 months

Thank you so very much guys appreciate the awesome support bunch of people now in the 20 to 20 to 40 month range so thank you guys for the continued support greatly appreciated uh thank you crafty mom Fox for the 26 months just now great team today I agree I agree we got

Good Vibes today got Good Vibes today I like this dude’s hat Ali Ali Gamers mythical mythical how’s mythical doing mythicals team mythical steam is 10th but they’re having a good time we hope there we go bam screenshotted magnificent magnificent hope he’s having a good time in his first MCC

Aaron thank you so much for gifting a sub to Sham bism96 thank you so much Aaron greatly appreciated very much appreciated very much appreciated sky battle looks like it was not leased by one percent oh dodged a bullet there maybe dodged a bullet there maybe thank you so much for that info DMP

Okay I’m jumping back into the call guys jump back into the call hope you guys are having a good time here this is a fun event so far but let’s jump into the call with the team there we go hello hello hello guys stay focused yeah hey what’s up it

Looks like it’s grid on Earth is it okay that’s so good with me which I thought we would play later but yeah it’s not it’s it’s fine but it’s hard to play early like this true true man I’m not not too worried yeah I think we’ll do well I think we

Have good team comes so I think I think we should do well here yeah I got a blue slushie yeah scar likes to hand out slashes to everybody during the break that’s cool hello hello hello hello hello hello it looks like it’s a cheeky little grid

Runners yeah I was hoping it get played later but oh is it it’s not skip yeah at least it’s not sky battle hope we’d still we serve up the potential of sky battle Bean skip which is good yeah yeah I don’t know if I prefer sky battle or

SG gets skipped SG is better for us I think as she’s more team based than sky battle get carried in well that’s just like everyone do their job and listen to each other and we’ll do good that’s true I’m a good listener okay rude Runners [ __ ] I’ll listen you protect me

Yes protect me let’s get organized that’s a swick logo that’s awesome I love this game yeah gotta communicate keep your eyes peeled stay fresh on your toes um make sure you land on the buoys for this little part here the first one okay so the first one’s gonna be uh like we

Shave the all the dirt yeah you can see yeah over there so Eric can you stay on the low level and like keep an eye out for where the dirt is for all of us and make a call out then me and cub and uh cranios will just try going to the top

Sure I’ll say don’t lie no worries yeah just like get like the bottom part of them because there’s normally a lot of dirt on the bottom that just people skip over yeah all right can we get any any sneak peeks to one’s further back I don’t think I recognize one’s foreign

Like the lamp ones it looks like it looks like it yeah uh so for this game I like to try and keep order I’m gonna keep trying to go far right when we go through like you know how there’s like four yeah so and then Cub you go middle

Left and Eric you’ll go middle right just trying to keep a balance so that we don’t waste too much time when we’re going in the the worst thing yep gotcha gotcha I feed you I hate you oh my game is frozen my game is Frozen uh

Oh god oh no oh no what we went through anyway okay I think I don’t know what’s gonna happen to you Aaron I’m not gonna lie to you uh the bottom ones first I’m getting it I’m getting it through perfect time for it to [ __ ] crash dude what the hell

Looking for someone there’s some in the front can we not it’s probably not a paw situation right you probably can’t pause on this uh I mean if someone can write in the chat if they got a second but yeah we can’t do much right now I’m like underneath it couldn’t have

Crashed like a second before I got two up here uh okay I got up here I guess okay that’s a real bummer I got some of this I got something easy the game isn’t even launching again oh no that’s not good it’s not okay I guess the Top’s done Top’s done we’re

Just missing something somewhere you’re fine don’t overthink it aired it happens yeah no it’s the game’s loading back in we’re missing something guys yeah yeah I’m looking wait is it just because Eric it’s in here I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m loading I think we’re missing a dart okay

Look for we’re missing one dirt somewhere and I crown on top okay it’s on top yeah it’s right on top of the crying oh yeah yeah that’s on me because I was up there okay just get it you see it I don’t see it I actually don’t see it right on top

All right I blame Adobe oh no keep the order keep the order shoot the targets get the one on the on the balcony um okay there’s some far left on the balcony I got it I got it don’t worry I don’t see anymore left I see okay nice

Sorry about that guys nah now we have fun like the lamps now we get okay I gotta get up there just keep looking up and seeing if there’s another way to get somewhere yep like this make sure there’s something I can do here there’s one on the far right close end

That I’m trying to figure out how to get to if you guys can see it yeah yeah um oh there’s a bunch there’s a bunch still over here um how do you get to that one there’s one still over here I think there’s one on top of the Big Orange uh

Thing oh yeah nice okay that’s one there’s probably just one more another one across for me across from me yeah oh that way okay I see it yeah down here and probably through here no not through here okay okay straight Just murder murder oh we gotta go underneath it looks like you guys start I’m gonna look at top for anything it doesn’t look like do you kill the fish too or just the crown kill the fish kill everything I’m glitching yeah that’s it’s a constant thing it’s like a little bit too

There’s a Cod I don’t know if that counts I think everything counts right yeah if you see something murder it that’s always been my motto nice yeah be good how do we get out yeah uh we’re here all in the middle it’s all in the middle all right I’m almost here Massacre kilo

Unlock the exit Okay uh two right two left uh I’ll go I’ll do the parkour okay oh everything where was that that was me what still hold still hold still okay uh over here now slowly go to the left nice you know same thing just slowly walk

Okay hold still and eat slowly Walk This Way slowly there we go and one more we’re good go to the exit okay good job guys I nailed that nice that was fast wait oh yeah I got it I got it I got it oh my God look at my

Inventory yeah it was just struggling I didn’t like me very much right okay the sculpture oh uh okay okay you guys got lapis or blue and iron right blue and I uh we have blue and iron blocks okay okay it’s gonna be a three by three area just the middle three right okay

Okay uh towards the blue end you’re gonna place a blue to the middle left of that on the bottom layer okay and then on the bottom layer of the to the straight and right uh a white one between between the yellow and blue top of that white

Uh wait Eric place on top here okay and then towards the middle and or the blue and red uh bottom level white and then blue okay and then red and green diagonally again blue and blue on top of each other and then green and yellow middle diagonally again iron and blue Iron on

Bottom blue on top and then between all of them one iron on the top level oh on the top level yes nothing on the bottom level in the middle so like Place one I don’t know here uh wait uh between all of them or yes the dead

And they’re very centered yeah okay cool yeah yeah that was confusing we did that well though I think yes oh wait yeah use that yeah okay drop and then way down uh come stay up here I’ll go down okay I’ll call you down if you need you uh

Wait there’s we gotta like the Lance I think everyone has to be down here yeah and then we gotta light the lamps okay yeah everyone come down okay I’ll come down you guys see what I did cranios you see what I’m doing oh you’re doing it over there too

Wait how do we do all of them yeah is there more than four we gotta do them quickly okay okay oh you can only do the ones okay you can do them once but then I think we gotta do them fast because they’ll stay like triggered for a second what do I what

Was the hook need to be on the pressure plate on the pressure plate which one all of them um there’s so many there are times we’re gonna do this fast um I think I should we go up top I think we go up top uh Cubs stay down here

I can’t one person I can’t I can’t fit it okay there’s one um yeah no uh you gotta get under yeah go towards Eric go towards Eric we have to do this like super fast like we have to have a method to this so we

Have to figure out how to so are we supposed to light the lamps to continue go up cup go up go up okay okay oh wait okay so we can stand on a pressure plate oh there’s no way that’s how we do no we can’t stand on

Any of them it’s gonna be the fishing rod so after you let go of the fishing rod the pressure plate stays for a second oh wait you can get down oh yes that’s what I’m saying we can get that on the other side I was confused okay how do you get down

Jump on them and then throw the fishing rod onto the pressure plaid but what do you what do you jump on the pressure plate how do you get it no no how do you jump down okay okay we gotta go to Arizona we gotta get the air

Inside so come through this thing okay oh we can’t we can’t we literally can’t okay am I stuck what’s going on no no they’re down here down here down here yeah you can go down you can’t step on it from down there I can’t jump down is there a way wait

Karina let’s go to your right uh what do you mean right okay watch I keep going straight is there a way up from yes there’s a way up okay we gotta go you go to that side can we fish each other down some

No no no no no wait I’ll do it you get back here I know how did you get down here I don’t do sand I jumped onto the bridge from the start yeah that’s okay so we can’t do that we actually just can’t do that okay so Aaron’s got a pressure plate we

Can do this uh I could do this one quickly afterwards yeah yeah I think uh we need you to get the one underneath us Yeah we need you to get that one so we can get the other ones okay I can get the far one I think maybe I’ll give you the two middle ones Damn it they don’t last very long I don’t know I think you just step on them actually dude that’s on there but it’s nothing there we gotta get down there it’s gonna be somewhere to get down yeah yeah we can get down but we can’t get back up

How did you all right I got the one below you it was the start that he got um this is we can’t it’s weird this feels impossible we can’t get down there how long does this last time hey fish me up fish me up fish me up hook me hook me hook me

Where are you oh yeah down below down below I could hook people up baby I think that’s what you have to do oh from up there yeah that’s probably how you doing yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m trying it’s me it’s the iron bar I love Minecraft I love Minecraft or you

Might be able to pick me up as well there we go I’m gonna not do this one okay I’ll try getting you up I’m sorry I got you Cuba oh you got him no I gotta go I don’t I don’t have the uh the vertical distance okay stay right there

Try to make it the one the one directly below H I’ve got yeah I can’t I can’t get there oh you almost have that you almost had that give them to mine so I can jump over it maybe actually I can’t reach that okay ready cup yeah all right

Okay wait yeah you get that one I’ll get the one close to my cup you get the one close to you there you get the far one oh this one you get the one to your right yeah oh my God the worst one this is the best grid

Runners we’ve ever done oh this one okay I think that’s the last one a minute and a half let’s do this bridge the gap okay we need to make uh we need to make uh what’s it called scaffolding yeah uh stick some string around the map I hate scaffolding I’ll never understand

It no I detest it how do you craft it it’s uh you need sticks and strings string the middle sticks on the sides like all the sides what do you mean sides string at the top just use the just use the book just use the book yeah use the book yeah

I got it please do we have rails okay all right let me let me scaff I I can never figure out how to place these things there we go there’s two up there and then we can move that one to the right I’m not gonna finish

That’ll get the uh the rails ready we need to we need support underneath this yeah Nice okay I’ll go get the thing ready I’m spawning it pushed it get to the exit Ah everything could have gone that was rough everything that could have gone wrong went wrong yeah it was one of those things where it was uh we got very tilted early because of that one uh one dirt block that we missed Gigi’s guys we tried yeah that pressure plate one made no sense

It made sense it made sense you just had to engage brains yeah yeah no like there was nobody there’s no way to jump down no there was a way down I don’t know there was no the only the thing that confused me the most was the

Fact that Eric was able to get down on top of the things Because that’s where we thought how we get down instead of actually fishing the players up yeah fishing the players you had to realize that quickly did you get 10 yeah we got nine not last let’s go okay that’s awesome we were a player down for multiple

Rounds and we didn’t get last let’s go yeah it’s pretty good ah man I was sucking lost dude they got Pete and Phil how are they lost they must have gotten caught on like like we did on the fishing one or something worse than us on most of them and we

Struggled on like two specific ones true yeah I think we did really well other than the fishing one and the um the third one yeah yeah I’m down to the 15th I’m probably yeah I’m 21st yeah we have time um still got sands of time not being my MCC

You know what caused the uh crash era like was there something else open that was like I I was I was replying to a message from Elena I was just like slash MSG I landed and I started typing and the game just ended I thought it was the

Message though yeah that’s what I was doing I can’t imagine that would do anything but that’s why I was so confused I’m blaming Adobe Minecraft has never crashed like that before like literally ever so I’m I’m even more confused just blame it over it is what

It is that’s what it is that’s got to be Adobe hacking yeah [ __ ] Adobe [Laughter] Blame Adobe yeah [Applause] like they finished how does the trip that track bro Adobe legitimately just send me two more notifications and then it got out all right no sky battle and we’re happy yep we didn’t beat Brazen at Fourth Place uh I can’t see the rest of them from my chat logs

Wait say that again oh oh for the room placements yeah we did we got fourth for one room maybe that I don’t know Oh yeah I can’t see much more they probably did a lot of the rooms just really late but still finished yeah yeah beat uh the final one Beach Bridge we did really fast on actually yeah we would have got third if we did it a second earlier I think we should do

Meltdown or sky battle S I got a crossbow I got a crossbow too we’ve all got crossbows what that’s good okay who are we bullying Uh whoever votes for sky battle yeah okay guys get rid of your crossbow like hide it hide it should do sky battle I don’t know so let me just saying dunk blue dunk blue maybe we do SG why dunk us we’re last they’re done for red oh no red dunked lime

That makes sense What will be voicing for meltdown get rid of survival games get rid of survival games kill them both signs of time now down looks like it looks like it yeah meltdown so once we stay together we’ve got this no one run off on your own it’s one shot kills yep yep

Don’t be afraid to F5 as well and put put the put the map in your off hand so you can see where we’re going yeah so something that I do you guys don’t have to do this but I go into chat settings and just get rid of chat

So I could always see the mini map so it’s not covering it you just suddenly matter much in this game huh no you could like me missing teams like dying is fine I don’t care about that I care about how we’re doing this is where we pull it back so look back

This game is all about third partying guys that’s that’s this is the meta that came out so uh I think we go full embrace it what’s full bloody you mean uh we wait for two teams to fight so but a cleanup crew yep I think what

We should do you guys could say no to this I think we chill in the first room for an extended amount of time so that maybe two teams can be fighting in the Gold Room that’s like right in front of us guessing the gold is that’s a that’s big that’s really big

But it doesn’t open up right away so if we could time it well I think we need to time it well I’ll follow you to the death [ __ ] do you guys want to try my method of time let’s try it let’s try it yeah we’ve got three rounds we’ll give

It a shot yeah there’s all to gain here we gotta be careful of teams camping the room though yeah let’s especially on this one so stay in this room grab all in this room in this room yeah okay nice I’ll tell you if I see I don’t see any

They might be all in like clustered in one area I see one I’m gonna take the pick is that all right King all right just hang out in this room just chill and uh we’ll get ready to go to the next uh room which is gonna be

A little upper upper right up or upper right I think we go this way yeah this way so we’ll go in this room next oh can someone grab those yeah I got it get ready to fight oh there’s a team right here there’s a team right here

Yeah yeah don’t you oh sorry sorry guys you’re Frozen there was a there was a purple here there they are they’re there we get their party got one got two nice going going someone broke the heaters there’s someone else here another team somewhere oh yeah yeah

I never saw him oh there he is okay oh damn dude how do they get behind us oh they were right there oh we pushed in a bit fast oh well I think that was the right move that was the right move to push down for sure it was just unlucky because they

Split up so far this game there was three teams in this room man yeah yeah that’s that’s the that’s why I like my method it’s because we get to third party but we just got unlucky with savnap being on the other side yeah yeah I think what we did was correct though

I I felt like we were able to screw over I don’t know we got the drop-off we got the drop on purple which was that was that was really good yeah but I I just I just neglected this room up to the side here I didn’t even see that

Or not I don’t know if we got the kill for that or no I mean we were shooting them so I think we got some points yeah we’re at six at the moment which is pretty good yeah because I hit two of them oh and then like the so I was really

Confused their heaters just disappeared and I don’t think it was one of us I think the team might be Kneeland yeah but they’re they’re like they weren’t dead at that point their heaters just kind of disappeared with there there must have been somebody lurking and I just couldn’t find them

You have no idea or they expired I don’t think no oh they do don’t they do they I think they do like they’ll just go after a while oh I didn’t know that oh my God red Built differently FPS players again Maybe all right there’s a lot of people in this middle area actually knows just like four teams four whole teams yeah everyone else got wiped and I guess that’s the only way you die in the games if you get left behind or something

How’s that we got we got we I think we wiped purple yeah I think we did oh okay it doesn’t say how many kills you’ve got which I kind of wish it did on the oh it does on the top right right yeah they’re trying to place it but they

Can’t yeah if I got two and somebody else got one yeah so we yeah we white purple then I guess this game why I don’t like how it’s designed the map particularly is because it’s all about third partying and it’s so frustrating as a player because like

We third partied another team got them frustrated and then we got third part yeah there’s there’s two teams in one area and we have to we’re forced into that area yeah well I always did it was just you rush it and just get the stuff first

You can then take up positions in the main Central room and if anyone else tries to push in you’ve got the best places so yeah so the thing with our position like specifically like we’re on the bottom left I think because we were late to guess who you into that room

Everyone else in better positions and light Heidi places when we would try to enter which is no idea oh no we were able to kill them that was like ideal it was just uh we saw lime on the right side of the map and then sapnet came

From the left side of the map but he was able to third party Us by himself because we didn’t know that he’d be over there yeah I think what we did was actually correct it was just unfortunate like we can’t do anything because we’re so the position

That we had on the very bottom left of the map means that we’re probably gonna run we’re for sure gonna run into a team on the left side and then we have to hope that we don’t run into a team on the right side so it

Was just my game froze again what the [ __ ] is happening oh uh my chest disabled can someone fell in the Box my chat’s disabled too uh Cub do you have chat or no uh I can I can show my game is frozen I can’t see [ __ ] foreign

It’s to warn you for the future Aaron you’ve been a bad boy for Christmas tonight they tend to decide on like May so that way they get ready for December so yep they get started they get started pretty early in the year all right here we go can you move I’m loading in

Adobe you bastard you’re moving everything okay where are we on the map uh oh we’re on the same position flipped you good Eric yeah okay yeah I’m in all right turn off chat again we’re in corner again do you want to do the same strategy or we want to rush it this

Time I I think we should because we’re in this position okay so just hang out linger in here we go we go to the right is that the room we’re gonna go to yeah by the way oh there’s a two boxes there get them I have one whenever I can take it yeah

Take it take it I can’t take it yet hang on wait guys we’re like are you guys in the Next Room you’re far okay I’m in the same room all right come to me it’s another one we’ll go into this room next so the little wrap around you know yeah

And then we’re gonna go in the Gold Room you guys ready the box right there yeah yeah thank you I’ll have a heater ready in case we need to fight someone I’m at five and just checking every corner I think we’re good in this room and now we gotta go

This way yep through here right orange they’re winning the next one they win the next one let’s go let’s go let’s go follow them you guys ready we’re about to fight I’m behind you wait uh firemouth man uh is the car over there they have a heater

They have a heater at the heater come get me she’s got no heater she’s got no heater you just gotta push I’m Frozen or Frozen oh just pushing Eric nice good job see ya you guys got this she’s got the heater on behind me behind me I gotta is that everybody I need it that’s all of them yeah go pick up your heaters good job that was great that’s that was more than ideal okay okay all right I’m getting the the cube oh wait it’s on cooldown yeah who’s got it why can I not do

Anything who’s got the pickaxe yeah I’m trying to I’m trying to place it sounds cool yeah there we go nice Ryan nice you got it you got it that was so good actually guys that was insane okay okay we’re we’re now we’re now where do we go I can’t see this way uh

I’m Crouch over here nice this is the next room do we just wait before we push in uh we can grab an angle we could do either nothing over here okay uh let’s hang out in the spot then watch behind us so don’t peek don’t peek and just F5 if you can

I got two F5 stay in this corner yeah I’m looking I’m looking at you on this angle here that’s good it was a good spot yeah and then let me look at the map really quick we have to go oh my God she’s racing man all right better room’s open okay this

Room’s melting down yeah should we push in uh let’s linger for a second I want to watch behind us so cranials get behind the wall make sure you’re not peeking just in case someone’s following us where’s the door it’s like right here I think yeah it’s right here let’s go in all right

I see no one linger around here I’ll keep watch behind over this way you guys keep a watch up top let other teams take out the other okay arrows like yeah I heard arrows dude there aren’t many people left yeah I’m keeping an eye out over there

Just keep shifting here so that more people die nice good okay axolotls down has anyone in the middle yet do we know I don’t think anybody I could go where are the pickups okay big is there just one team remaining it’s just us versus yellow so yellow oh

On me I I got for a second for a second okay right in front of me right in front of me Wally bear nice try to jump into the middle right on the other side yellow is directly below you directly below this guy’s right here nice Got it there’s a Jordan right here okay where this last one I don’t know about these guys here we go we played that unbelievably well we played that so yeah that was really good another two we got first let’s go why did it say I finished 40th in the

First round because I disconnected he’s done us I got 39 there it’s all I thought there was a team that died before us maybe they got kills or something that’s weird it’s not telling us to stop I don’t understand oh I have Chad off he said you all need to stop

What do we do I don’t know they paused I thought were you in trouble are we getting banned wait are they paused because of us for some reason no I think it’s something no we’re good we’re good okay all right let’s do it again I guess all right

Um we go to the we go to the room straight on we go to the room straight on I think all right that is probably the most ideal secondary room where I’m gonna pick it because we’ve got four boxes here yeah I want to

Hear also I I’ve got the big on me on me uh there it is I’m watching both of the exits right now they’re good uh crowd share it Eric come down here come down here so no one sees us I’m watching both of them just because a

Team can come through here very likely actually trying to think of a timing on one we should go maybe 4 45. yeah that might be good okay thing there goes a two purples already gone damn okay wait which one are we going to straight ahead one straight ahead so do

You see the like this one I think this would be the good the best there’s a team team to our right team to our right let’s fight let’s fight let’s fight where where where to our right the other exit no way they went away that’s right okay

Pick up your things again this room this room yeah this room this room this room and then stay crouched I hear movement I think maybe that was us I want to watch I’m gonna watch the is it over here Eric can you go yeah watch the window I’m watching through

The window okay I’m watching the room behind us that we just came through dude the boxes weren’t taken in here so I think we’re good in here for now okay let’s start grabbing it then the rooms behind us are breaking thank you uh okay let’s start going in the Next

Room actually yeah we gotta go right all right come in here come in here towards me don’t show don’t let them see in case they’re fiving all right you guys ready yeah what’s going on ready push in push in Red’s right here Red’s right here okay I’m

Gonna look around I’m gonna look around okay I got JoJo but I’m frozen uh uh I got one I think maybe not I don’t know but I’m unfreezing myself which is ideal I broke the heater nice I think I’m in I’m I’m outside the I’m outside

The heater got it got it got it are they all dead where are they no they’re they’re all alive I think they went up they went up this ladder right here okay where do we have to go we want to go oh they’ve taken it [ __ ] that’s fine

That’s fine that’s fine as long as we survive that’s a big thing for us right now This way get ready to fight be aware of people coming behind us because I think that’s probably gonna happen oh there’s a there’s a dead guy right here dead guy right here the room’s gonna melt down again just watch this he’s punching he’s punching keep going let’s go

He’s calling probably ghosting which is an issue yeah yeah follow me guys middle just opened we have to watch behind us so stay right in the same this corner stay in this corner I’m gonna have five okay you guys okay you guys watch that angle I’ll watch this angle

We have to make sure that person that was behind us doesn’t get unfrozen and kill us yeah okay I’m gonna go this way we’re melting down that person’s just screwed yeah that’s fine we go through here I see a blue aura to our left oh right here right here on us

I just bought one one just went down I’m watching behind the computer’s got the heaters okay who’s this Frozen Okay that was a dead team dead team fall back in this area fall back in dessert I was seeing if it’s unlocked yet how many teams all right it’s just this

Remaining ten players remaining it’s yellow and purple going in someone’s here get the heater got one on yellow got one on yellow Frozen oh Bros down oh they broke oh purple from behind come on purple geez man the one man team purple view are cracked that was on me I thought I got

Three of them and I thought it was awesome he was on me I was outside my my like one block away from my heater I just got wrecked wait I’m gonna try to jump oh yeah and I thought that meant that was us and one other team I didn’t realize there

Was three teams left that’s why I said there’s one team in purple yeah purple from his friend that came from behind me yeah was the Wild Card in that one when I heard that I thought you meant it was the team that was like all purpose oh no

We that that’s team purple it’s team yellow to be honest no we did so good actually we did really good yeah that was just me at the end not understanding the situation and we won one of those rounds how we came sick there’s Beyond me after winning around but yeah it is

What it is it is what it is we’ll take it that was fun wait whatever I didn’t say replacement what’s the placement now yep I went through and destroyed the entire team I just couldn’t get Scott damn dude Mel dance probably my best game yeah that was really good all of us did

Really good yeah we did really good during that we did really really good yep good job ass how far are we behind second two thousand four hundred okay baby steps two games I want to get this tenth place uh we’ll get you there we got two games remaining

Baby steps towards it we get sands of time we’re in business I’m in 20th holy green is away yeah you got a minute 20. vote for me I don’t think I can do that I was telling my chat like green was a hit a heavy lead in the first half

It made sense because there were so many movement games they have purple than Wally Bear yeah no movement is I think our teams at least mine yeah like Kryptonite is really not good it’s mine too yes I I feel I like I feel so uncoordinated like

I’ve been practicing as I said and I didn’t have a seams to make me improve We Believe we’ll blame Adobe from or adobe today yeah creative cleansing you need to update your Adobe Flash Player I mean that’s not even a thing Adobe Acrobat there we go that’s what it’s only I need

To update thanks I get to look at PDFs very important very important man I I didn’t realize there was blue bats on the far left uh I’m upset with myself I made a really bad call out by making us go in it almost worked out but it was I

Thought it was just us first yellow and I was like okay we have a chance I said purple and yeah it is what it is don’t worry don’t beat yourself up about it God damn it why is there a team just dressed like purple because they’re purple I hate them

They weren’t even in that I got trolled by it there’s two games left I think we definitely do save the time in throttle games I think SG next for sure yeah I want to do Survival Games finale not Survival Games stanza Time finale so I

Think it’ll be fun yeah I just I just want to play Sands of times I kind of want to vote sands of time right now I’m going Sans I’m not risking Thank you oh no snig snake snake say sand yeah he said save the time why is he punching them out you bastard sneak Snips more oh snake it might still be oh I think it’s uh maybe maybe it might be it might be survival games okay that’s actually what

We wanted so there we go that’s fine I swear to God if we play sky battle instead of I know how it’s gonna go I know like we’ve seen the script multiple times team’s gonna get a power up and it’s just gonna turn the entire thing he’s

Gonna get like the burn one and then we’re gonna be screwed and then we’re gonna play sky battle and I’m gonna be mad I just wanna play Stand the time with h-bomb that’s all I want to do it’s the most fun game but there’s gonna be a way to troll it

All right we gotta run away immediately huh yep we stick to ourselves like it’s the same thing as meltdown we kind of tried a third party yeah yeah I think I proved through those three rounds just from rpov alone how incorrect that map is because it just promotes third

Partying yeah it’s it’s that that meltdown map needs to be fixed it needs to be changed somehow remember to stay hydrated it’s very important I’m out of water actually I gotta get more later thank you for the call out I will do so right now all right uh we’re gonna go relax

Yeah I don’t know the map should we go to that school building or go past that even we’re going into the middle or just and then just run back sniper’s nest on the water tower anybody huh is there a grace period yeah there’s a grace period but yeah

Is it worth going into the middle trying to get something then no yeah it’s all right the loot’s kind of good in there but it’s just better to be safe they did some new stuff with the loot in the update video so it’s like just I mean if

Aqua’s not going in maybe we should go to this yeah three two one for 30 seconds let’s go towards that yellow building actually let’s go past let’s go past let’s go past it was literally right next to us yeah they’re on top of us are they actually They’re copying us bro

Yo this is my strategy man come on bro go left go let’s follow up left come this way yeah get away from them they’re looking to fight us wait that’s so lame I know I I hate Great Glass in this yeah you can’t break an eye out can you stick

Together guys if you can nothing in the Spencers uh I need that weapon thank you uh I have pants for someone who wants pants I hate pads I need anything um uh I’ve got leather armor potion of damage make sure you stick us I need anything but uh pants Eric can you turn

Around uh yeah thank you okay do you have a weapon that’s better does anyone have an extra weapon that’s not a wood sword uh no no okay who’s up there come back stick with us me uh sorry I was grabbing some Grandma you’re good just making sure we’re good I think

We want to check out this truck wait wait guys you can buy glass don’t forget that okay and we got arrows for me hey arrows uh I can drop you something else uh you want an iron sword yes I saw a crossbow pants or uh boots his arrows as well on

The floor if someone needs something take these I got pants and boots I also have a potion of damage but I’m always worried about miss doing that yeah perfect I’m watching for name tags really quick uh Stone ax iron helmet who needs a helmet I need a helmet

Uh I’m upstairs behind you oh hello yeah you’re doing it I mean this is great there you go anybody have arrows I think we have extra arrows I have 15 arrows okay yeah yeah there you go sure anyhow if anyone has a chest plate I don’t sorry no okay

Um let’s go out and just keep looking for that wait we took upstairs too if we got a minute I’ve checked upstairs I mean not thoroughly but okay let’s just jump out oh no there’s another chest here helmet here a speed potion another iron helmets uh does anyone else have an iron helmet

No we want to buy helmets all right I need a better chest plate too yeah okay all right guys come to this window let’s jump down wait do we need food I have no food I just have I’ve got lots here I got here I got some I got some chicken thank you

I’ll take any extra food oops sorry cake oh I threw all my chicken that was me back okay okay uh um let’s go loot these things really quick let’s stick by the border no one’s dying which is upsetting uh does anyone need iron boots design boots in here

I’ve gone on boots oh I’ve got iron legs iron boots gold and apple I don’t have no chest plate I feel so naked right now put on some clothes I’m sorry does anyone need iron boots or iron helmet no alarms I have to chess player pretty

Much yep I have the same exact Loadout as you okay um is that a team did you see a name tag no I did not I’m imagining things all right let’s start pushing in this tiny bit oh there’s some loot here there’s some loot here uh leather tunics saluted I’ll take that

I’ll take that any any ages Golden Apple in here another bow just take all that stuff I don’t need it I’m taking that sorry my dog is barking he’s upset at you guys I saw a picture was popping up in my uh my photos album or whatever and it was a

Picture of you just holding Lincoln I think wait where is it yellow in the middle wait guys guys there’s a name tag under here to the right oh no those are the Border Wait no that’s not middle supporter lime and purple are fighting over here that was me gotta Sean Jordan

Scott get Scott oh [ __ ] oh God I’m fighting Hannah I just got slowness potions lime’s honest lines on us okay let’s push let’s go to the left let’s go back do you need gold now okay you’re eating let’s go just push back just push back don’t bite this we don’t need to

They’re following us I don’t have blocks are you stabbed I’m dead okay keep running keep running keep running we’re gonna try just follow me follow me okay that’s fine next to you I’m next to you I’m gonna try getting over to you guys in a second here oh yeah I think you’re thinking

Right yeah I think I’m screwed him hey just keep going keep going oh maybe no maybe not oh oh you see over here okay oh they slowing us harrowed me dude oh my God do both slowness arrows can really screw you just allows the pack to catch up yep

Let those two fight let those two fight all right uh there’s guys in the field they’re coming directly towards you cyan you’re Spanish between two teams just get out of there dude head directly towards the field with all the hay bales in it there’s no one in there okay could

They stop pursuing they stop pursuing I think orange yeah we’re gonna fight here I think all right let’s go uh there’s a bunches Red’s right here Red’s right here they’re coming onto you turn right turn right You split you split get out of this get out of there keep trying to follow me if you can oh yeah there’s two on each of you there’s two on each of you keep running keep running the plan I have a plan nope never mind my plan is dead

Oh damn green right here oh my God you just we just got sandwiched between teams repeatedly man yep that’s how survival games yeah you get stuck very easily oh well we did a good job it was just constantly no matter where we go we’re getting sandwiched yeah

And as soon as you lose team members you just screwed there I hit I hit one person I think they can’t have thorns I don’t think Thorns is even a thing that might be there’s there’s enchanted books everywhere so it might be a thing yeah everyone just seems to be full ironed

Really quickly this time especially again saying everyone from Paris nowhere to go where to go I was just killing it right now yeah no lime yeah Hannah’s Bed Wars just insanely good yeah no that’s if any other team was going to clean up I mean it was then oh there we go orange is cleaning up lime though oh my there’s three teams here four teams here

Headline’s running away baby’s just chilling in the barn Dave with barn strands amazing Barn Strat let’s go bomb boy oh Dave Crouch crash he’s going for the third party you’re in a leather chest plate you could get Jack always make it satnap maybe Getting squished I’m like that was a good attempt though yeah let the chest point Damn Red’s still got a full stack man yeah is red good at PVP I I don’t know anyone other than JoJo yeah I mean JoJo’s just insane so I’m I’m yeah JoJo West here for sure I’m not surprised these guys are doing well we beat yellow oh it’s it’s the

Car we did beat yellow yep it’s root berries either gets first or last it’s always a thing and you got last again oh my God yeah red really clean that up damn that’s how SG goes you either get unlucky or you just roll stop now all

Right it better be Sans it’s got to be sand gotta be everything’s not gonna vote Sans the Sans line does not want Sands I think dude uh well hopefully if lime it’s less likely when you’re doing good to get power-ups so if they’re doing good they shouldn’t get power ups yeah we should

Have power ups we should have power-ups I we should but we know that’s not how that’s gonna go we need to save the time oh sneak just wants it stands the Time finale what are the top teams here red lime green ah don’t be lame no it’s gonna be sky battle Nads

Of time I just want Sands I don’t care about anything else let me play the game that I love I don’t care if we do poorly I just want to play it so I can watch Once More I Love sands of time well today has been an unfortunate turn of events

Oh do you want to be the sand keeper I actually think yes that that is my role every single time basically perfect he saw my current game my current placement in this event was you yeah you’d give me sound keeper I think sandkeeper is the most important like sandkeeper is the hockey goalie

It’s the most important position it’s I always want the person that’s loud and we can make sure that we can listen to that’s why I think you’d be good at it with your deep voice and also why Michael mcshill is so good at it [Laughter] he’s loud yeah he’s very loud

Everything’s possible guys I’m 17th right now hey Trump being told Sylvie Sylvie said that sky battle was more fun than sands of time because people told me to tell you that that’s a very ill take cringe sky battle yeah kind of cringe man kind of cringe I don’t know why sands of time

Is the best mini game that’s ever been made in Minecraft or any video game ever no I really like Santa’s time is a really cool concept it’s just fun yeah the theming is definitely on point yeah it’s awesome and it’s not like we can’t constantly play it we can only play it

During MCC which is like what like one of the games you can’t actually practice for it needs good team coordination and all that yep it’s kind of a every part of the game of playing Minecraft as in Sansa time let’s go I have the time you know what

To do all right save that for the end so it doesn’t walk around much but do you remember to shoot it ah well the issue is sky battle is right next to it as well yeah I know it I’m really close I think everyone knows that it should be Santa time otherwise the top two teams there’s a lot of people yeah all right uh Cornelius can you voting them back up uh yes thank you five seconds throw your votes throw your votes let’s go and then blue chicken slowly descends

Down as long as he does there we go there we go dude I don’t think sky battle got a single vote oh it did but they’re all gone now so there’s no legit let me that like when it’s finally counted who did it who it didn’t get a single vote there’s not

Not a single one who did the the fire democracy did it I’m no longer mad at snig we’re getting us to play Survival Games all right it’s it’s time it’s time boys the sands of time the sands of time but all right let me let me collect all the

All the sand and stuff in the middle I can try offhand your retortions offhand or torches how can I fan the carpet but no you do not do that I’m sorry you do not do that Ryan is this about time I never I never viewed same at the time before no that’s fine

But I also just don’t bother be regardless that’s why I don’t know how we do it no I I don’t VOD review to make me better I just really like watching Santa die I was interviewed if I thought I should be better at this game but I don’t know you

Would be like that that is maybe too powerful maybe it’s old that’s gotta be it yep that’s okay um if I’ve interviewed um okay Aaron knows what to do I don’t think I need to tell you anything uh Ryan where I want you to go is directly underneath us like there’s a

Little tunnel directly underneath this portal I want you to go check that out first and then you’re gonna go to the left if there’s no nothing out there so you go like kind of counterclockwise like or clockwise to left uh cup Fan Bar left just look at the doors and see if

You can spot anything pick up anything that’s not sand and uh gold I’ll go to the right side okay Carla do your best all right good luck King the puzzle Abram is down here oh and Eric always give half of your rusty Keys how do you do the puzzle room yeah

The letters one uh vault is in top left top left okay it takes a second to warm up So yeah whenever whenever someone drops down uh sand for you just give them half of your rusty Keys yeah it makes life very very easy you want some keys uh sure sure watch out for that creeper travel creeper and if you find uh the blue Vault or

Anything like that I might be in the blue tunnel to be honest I’m not paying attention is it worth doing those like uh like side rooms which you put sand in I mean maybe if we’re doing well we’ll see uh no don’t ever exchange sand for anything until the very end

I got I got the red red key nice nice look for the red tunnel if you can okay I’m on Gold Path uh so Eric grab the uh blue key if you haven’t yet too just hold on to it How will I know there is that there’s a

Do I have to go further in to see it there yeah if you go in there should be right on the right and left all right I’ll go kind of call I’ll go clockwise then uh Ryan you need some rusty keys I got one I’m good I’m dropping one more

You want more always just keep dropping dropping sand right here see me jumping see me jump drop it drop it drop it I need you guys going down funnels we need to make sure we’re getting sand right now yeah I’m going down I’m going down tunnels now uh

I’ll go up here I guess thank you for the sand very nice donation I got Emerald key that was a nice gift for Eric I see blue in here if it’s blue on the left and right like on the walls like too high that means it’s the blue Vault okay this one you

Can look at your channel I should go find retinol instead uh Cubs are you done right now yes yes it’s a short time ago you can go back and get the blue key and go down the blue tunnel and then yeah okay this is not very long uh where’s the where’s the Bluetooth

It’s uh it’s on the bottom I think uh clockwise of the portal if you’re facing out from the portal is to your left okay like we’re responding go right to your left and up okay how you doing I’m saying bud I’ve got three lips here uh also here let’s hear okay hello

Behind behind you I dropped nine fan on the ground describe it thank you nine Sands yeah busy I’m goated I’m sorry I’ve only gotten one so you need to carry me on this one this one has like no sand unfortunately iron sword Oh it keeps going I got I found green ball by the way if you find green tea I got green tea already I’ll come back and drop that offer once I’m ready to come back okay I’m not gonna come back bro okay yeah yeah it’s always at the beginning

I’m trying to find more tunnels I can’t find the red tunnel uh this one’s not been an explored yet oh she’s just a puzzle all right thank you I found myself found it that’s nice nice how much sand do you have Eric I’ve got 13 Bloomberg to deposit a bunch okay

Um how much Sandia I have two seconds that hitboxes too [ __ ] small all right did you say you had green Keys yeah I’ll bring them when I come back don’t worry I’m really far in and I don’t have much sand so I I shouldn’t be going back

Quite yet all right I’m gonna come back I can come back I have a couple sand now unfortunately if you don’t need to if air doesn’t need sand right now you’re fine yeah I’ve got nine I’m all right more would be nice I got eight sand so I should be good now

I love this game thank you it’s red how did you guys get out the most annoying moment okay Phantoms exist so not the most annoying yeah In this game they win yeah Still looking for blue Vault I have four sand but I’m a bit deep in a red uh Tunnel right now so yeah but I’d rather I want to get the Vault first yeah seven sand seven sand seven seven sand and Aaron how much sand do you have uh

Five and we’ve got an almost full timer it’s just down three blocks so okay I’ll start entering my way backwards yeah I got some dropping off to do for you I got a little gift thanks King okay this is where the gold vault is there’s something up here uh Aaron is

This you come back come back in here hello nice perfect Red Bull let’s go we have red key right keys uh that’s all my keys perfect thank you that’s all I need so Common’s looking for blue vault is this stuff make sure you mark your tunnel so we don’t get confused

That one you just went in I hadn’t uh I just opened it oh no oh okay okay don’t do it you’re right right I’m in a weird spot I mean crap by Blazers right now if you can get to a safe spot and just heal you’ll be good okay let’s go

Oh wait where’s Greenville where’s Greenville it’s in it’s like at the beginning of one of them it’s gonna be just like somewhere like immediately uh in one of the tunnels you said it was top left or something like that yeah hold on I’m sorry I’m really focusing right now you’re good keep focusing

It was like it was like wait what are you asking I’m sorry what was the question it’s pretty cool yeah it’s um you know where we spawned it’s like across the way and top left yeah like Northwest of that okay so did I do everything up here Go back down both time money is that the revolts we got I don’t know I got I got red Vault uh green Vault we also have right yep and the Cub got uh red ball right yeah we’ve got 3 100 coins that’s pretty good how much then how much I’ve got nine on

Me yeah we’re just building up the timer uh I had nine Cent I can go back with that coming back with 14 sand coming back for 14 seconds oh my God I I’m scared about dying uh but yeah yeah you heal up really fast so just get

To a good spot and then you’ll be fine I’m gonna get spot right now I just know I don’t want to keep risking it so I have one third of our coins on me okay I trust you yeah there’s no worries you’re good at Minecraft I believe a new boss really

You’re you’re uh you play game good I’ve never seen a good or all right we’re gonna go I’m gonna go one more sand left so I’m like I’ve got no sand left so I’m gonna need need people to come back yep you have no way she’s

Getting back in time I should be back in plenty of time yeah yeah I see you coming close I have two sand on me uh pretty sure all the levers are pulled dropping sand here nothing stand here uh Denise fan I have 11 I can bring back uh

Okay I’ve got 15 from Cubs so we’re good for good for quite a bit okay okay yeah I think I’m done with right funnel anyways I’m gonna head back regardless because I’m already done here I’ll come back with a lot of sand so amazing you guys are so good whopping 12. Jesus

Whopping 12 forget to play this game for so long more of this game oh my God I love this first time and there’s like 40 mobs here you guys are marking your tunnel a little bit right yes I am yep okay that was just sand sitting uh Uh what can I do I pulled all the levers I could try the parkour that I don’t think I’m gonna do too well just keep looking for stuff what to do around the spawns poke your head into everything someone had to be in there’s so many mobs I’m just trying to responding here

Wow oh we’re not risking time right we’re so good almost there yeah I’m coming back I’m coming back I ran into a tough spot I had 12 coins coming back or 12. Sam coming back okay yeah it’s all good uh we’re good okay I got 13. we can we could

We could investigate more tunnels uh we could we’ve also got spare sand for maybe the things at the front like the two like mini bolts um do we have any more colored Keys here just take take all that uh there are other teams still playing so

We’re not the only ones at this level yeah yeah this is a big boy Lobby yeah other side this is a tunnel here which uh doesn’t have any foreign should I try it unless you really feel up to it I know where the gold vault is so we can try we

Can try if you want to do you feel confident gun um not particularly then don’t do it it’s not worth the risking the phone that we had if you wanted to do it I’d give you full permission to do it but if you’re interested it’s down blue tunnel

Should we try a chat I don’t know I don’t know uh how much time uh I’ve got eight sand left with a full timer should I bang I could bank and try it I I think you should just rip it go for a cup I believe how many coins

Over a thousand not golden boys go for it so I can find it just saying no gold isn’t worth gold is worth if we can get it believe in you Cub you got this I’m trying it do the funny do the thing got it got the key come on I’m coming back

I’m coming back we’re gonna go get the gold vault I’ve got it’s gonna build on me we’ve got 90 seconds one sand I can bring back I got 11 here where are you Cub I’m coming into the main timer main timer okay I’m I’m in the middle Aaron I’m gonna drop you some

Sand I don’t know where you are all right hello all right follow us follow us we’re going down the goal okay sand right here right here thanks King I think it’s this way we’re gonna hope that I can remember my way back keep giving us updates on the time Eric of

Course I’ve got 13 sandwich full timer that’s two minutes plus 13 and each of those is what 10 seconds say that again so sorry say how much sand 13. 13. okay look for if there’s it’s not down that way okay so no it’s not this way we’re all having fun right now it’s

Not this way what about the one it’s not that way there’s nothing it’s it’s somewhere up here it was backing up it was one of these two how much time this way how much time Merit uh 90 seconds and again I’ve got 13 cents so yeah 13 cents oh my God yeah

Did you not hear me say that like three times sorry not very I’m very zoned in uh cranios can you grab those two yeah grab those two and bring it back to Eric okay unless all the people still going still yeah there’s a lot of sand in this one

I’m bringing back to sand That’s why I love using the time let’s go we got all four we got all four balls four times let’s go I think we’re only 8 000 away from first before but we still have time no way we still have time we have so much time you’re the Gladiator until we

Can go down and try and get more coins but uh there’s like two uh we also have the two little boxes at the front here which take two sand each so I could just use that on there if you just guys want to come back we can how much time tell

Me how much time sorry uh I think that’s 19 no it’s 100 90 seconds plus eight sand okay it’s time to go back let’s go back up okay yeah I think we can Bank out and just should I use my sand on these you’re here uh maybe this way or it’s either yeah

Okay oh man all right any extra sand no no I’m out here I got this for you I got I healed you you’re welcome thanks bro and the time performance today because you’re making your way out yep we’re here all right if you if you get ready almost

Get ready on the portal you’re gonna spend some sand wait wait how much time do we have I’ve got four sand I’ve got four sounds pit with some coins if you guys want to kill tries like one ravager in there let’s just go let’s just go okay let’s

Get this in we’re good we got all four that was awesome yeah we take it good job guys good job give me all the points we can get if you want to you know get up in the leaderboard as well we’re gonna we’re gonna get the 6K I think

After Eric grabs those oh we’re so close we’re so close to Six okay man I’m telling you is there any more it’s fine we have 70 seconds have you done the park work have you done the parkour 50. don’t go too far guys you know let’s try

The parkour I’m gonna try the parkour uh if I can okay get into the eggs I get the eggs I get to the exit okay I believe 30 seconds yeah let’s go I got it come on come on come on let’s go coming fast don’t die don’t die on Fall damage yeah

Yeah that would not be good be good 6K baby let’s go Let’s go green versus red that’s how you play Sands of Time ladies and gentlemen that was awesome what what place did we go from was it like ninth or fifth ninth the fifth guys let’s go let’s go oh man stands of time for all the games

Let’s go guys that was so good we knew that would be our best game we knew it yeah oh my God I wasn’t even close oh my God that was so good Jesus ggs ggs guys well done that was our way to end it that felt so good I thought we

Started off so rough but man being able to pull it just gonna make or break I love it yeah absolutely we went from ninth to fifth based on that final game yep I think Santa time does it so all it’s a team game so you don’t get things for

Individual I got a thousand points off that last one anyway yeah we got you the green tea and then we got you got you gold at the end all pulled our weight on the game I got 11. you got 11 oh you just missed it that’s still really good yeah

Sorry I I haven’t played in a bit I barely practiced for this uh 11 is not bad for someone who’s not done any practice you did best with me and I was I was [ __ ] I practice naturally goated oh my God up to two clutch parkours

There yeah and the last one to get us a little bit over the six thousand yeah I gotta push it man gotta push it that was a crazy sound of time oh is red the full Spanish team oh my God he made it to the finals that’s so happy

For them I’m so happy we were predicted like ninth and 10th by the way just overall you know on the same page we really we were predicted to do really bad okay to be fair for most of the game we weren’t doing great yeah and then one of our best games got

Screwed up it was grid Runners yeah yeah a disconnected [ __ ] game Crash twice [ __ ] Adobe can’t believe it we weren’t big brain enough to know that we need to fish or each other yeah it’s always one room can screw us up everything teams finish when we’re in

That room I was like oh no each team’s finishing and we’re still doing it oh we kind of knew that was gonna happen after the first uh little room just because yeah who are you rooting for I’m going red I’m going red we bounced back so well we

Did that all right wait it was on Green Oh there’s at least one new winner like I don’t think Snips won one either yeah I think you have to go red First full Spanish team ever in MCC you got it yeah Spanish speaking at least I’m happy with either one of these winning

But I want red to win specifically Oh oh he doesn’t know stay behind a lie charging forward yeah he really wanted to go murder someone Jesus won apparently punch people oh yeah first uh win right yep yeah so yeah but it’s Wally Bird’s first time playing yeah dude I thought he’d been in Bunch before

No he was in other tournaments but I don’t think ever MCC oh damn well I could just love Wally he’s great I’ve actually never talked to Wally bear so I’m gonna say that I hope he’s a great guy okay he’s a great guy like wait velvet also hasn’t won apparently no I think

Red’s got into a dodgeball before but number one yeah oh we’re taking our sweet time with this one yeah go Get It Go Go Get It Go Get It Go Get the arrow get him you gotta go get him Okay now I’m really happy I went for uh red because Green’s doing the old Strat that I hate which was just let the other team shoot never get the arrow I hate it it just means that like so you’re guaranteeing an advantage with two arrows and then you could just sit there for

Like an hour and a half not doing anything wins as well I’d say yes considering they’re all purple let’s be real we’re all winners oh damn the Ali yeah we have both yeah I have both the only person on red team I really know is Jojo same it makes sense because their Spanish

Community speaking so it’s like yeah no absolutely beard purple’s roommate I think he is the game lineup was actually really made for green like it makes sense that they’re here even with Wally bear being new yeah a lot of people gain a lot of movements yeah like the entire first

Part of the game was just old purple Diamond purple I want to see watch it I don’t know how to say that in in Spanish good shot wow oh get the arrow get the arrow oh my God he got it yeah yeah Let’s go dude he went and got the arrows on the other side that was clutch now green gets both all right green gets both of them if you leave me going to get at least one person here Yep there we go that’s gone purple still has his Arrow they’re bunching up okay there we go oh Molly Bear’s angry oh my God JoJo get them together okay JoJo we need you to breathe take your time quick shot by Jojo I don’t like those quick shots Why other people do like the edge weird jumping thing it’s so it’s hard to hit it’s so hard to hit I I struggle with that it’s my kryptonite it’s very scary and you could die but it’s it’s worth it if you don’t die because you’re so used to the movement

That they have on the normal eyes but when they’re on that they don’t have the ice oh because it’s the edge of the block oh it’s just going to the new update oh my God you’re right oh that’s awesome wait what’s the new update you’ll obviously uh fixed a 10 year old

Bug where the edges of blocks um don’t have the effect of what the block is so forth like falling on the edge of a slime block won’t balance you yeah yeah it won’t slow you down or something like that right no it will slow you down now

I will slow you down but that was the glitches with wooden yeah it’s exciting yeah it is I will say it like uh a lot of Parkour is gonna get scuffed because of that but that’s okay it’s worth it yeah but at least the blocks will actually work how they’re supposed to

Work there’s been so many times in doing parkour land on the edge of a slime block it’s like you’re taking full damage yeah yeah that’s annoying yeah glad that’s gone 10 year old bug they fixed a few of them in the new update yeah about time what’s the thing that drives you crazy

Cub it’s the uh not the smithing table the Fletching table please of purpose yes give them French people purpose please it’s been four years it’s time to delete your Minecraft world if you touch it that’s what I think until they fix it true every time you touch it your world gets deleted

Like a pizza for you or something these brands are taking a while at least this one is the previous one went quite fast yeah it was a sweet 4-0 oh they missed both oh JoJo was taken out on right I didn’t even process that yeah no that happened

Just it wasn’t even really paying attention gato’s got this gato’s what was he even aiming for he got his own second effort he’s got this I’m not I’m not going to criticize it because in in the moment this is your heart rate doubles Everyone’s Watching You your viewership triples like it’s it’s ridiculous No the music too oh both come on come on red so you can get the arrow see if you can get the arrows wow oh like I like they’re sharing I don’t like when one person shoots I know Red’s very nervous around is it two to one now yeah it says

Mammals like the Spanish version of Let’s go yeah yeah vamos all right green gets both arrows again because they’re at a disadvantage guys there is no Edge swim boots yeah like we’re gonna miss the first one while he missed his first purple has got the arrow still I’m gonna re-watch my

Sands of time tomorrow and I’m just gonna see my forehead just full sweat laughs It’s like that Meme of you giving yourself a medal yeah exactly dude I think that’s probably the best Santa time I’ve ever done yes the purple Mist as well I mean that’s the hate in the time and I love it that’s the you guys you guys amazing Runners I mean I I was

I was sand boy we I just keep holding down the thought you guys absolutely Gary dude but I thought it was like like rock is too brushed I did a lot better than I thought I would stainless I did really good on that I don’t think you understand how important the same keeper

Is yeah it’s frustrating me that you guys it’s by far the most important I’ve always been sandeeper so I don’t know what it’s like to have a bad sound even dude they just wipe too but you should uh there’s an old sense of time like a Connor that you should go

Take a peek at after this event oh God link it to me link it to me and just look up Connor Sands of times you’ll you’ll know exactly when you see it it was a very funny one it was somewhere in like the tens of them it’s MCC 16 or 17

Somewhere around there it’s uh it was a treat oh God it shows the reason why you actually do have to have uh new players like you don’t really need to mod review any game but if you’re new you have to watch people’s Sans of time it’s too stressful

Sometimes the time is one you can’t practice for a tools dude 3v1 again can he do it can he do it can he do it again I believe I believe he’s got this name for a reason [Applause] he’s got to do it I believe it’s getting closer he knows what he’s doing

He’s picked up arrows on the other side twice now yeah he’s lines up the enemy in here he doesn’t like him he saw two people on that side purple’s going to the other side don’t overthink it just take out one of them when you see an easy shot don’t just aim for purple

Yo good try okay okay okay he’s a cat wait I need to see the front of his skin are we sure he’s not a duck it looks like a llama captain cat oh it’s okay oh I didn’t I knew that that makes sense oh dude everything away

Okay an actual close dodgeball for once what is it I guess I got purple first Oh dude Wally went right in between two people there do you aim for purple here aim for purple you aim for whoever you feel like you can get a good shot on yeah as the round goes on further the shots get easier on specific people so it’s

Like the the Border shrink so they can’t go as far oh dude they missed both shots they pull this back I’ve never seen them lose before all right they haven’t lost I’ve seen purple dudes before I’ve never well he’s just waiting three of the red Lucy before it’s taking a sweet old time

While I’m very about to shoot Okay I felt that was an excitement Get a good good uh if you get good um angle on that you just you can wipe people out before they even know what’s coming I’m a firm believer that when you have the arrows you can relax a lot more on the other team will be stressed out okay 2v3

Purple’s still alive please I won’t ride the shoe Ali you’re way too close I’ll lay back up oh we went off the side oh my God Ollie Orient sound isn’t in this event but that was something that Ollie would do okay that’s true they’ve got both arrows

They can take their time they’re both aiming for purple I think oh they got red all right JoJo you’re playing very interesting update okay okay oh it’s so it’s so exciting inducing come on doing he’s taking his time like purple right now examples you do he’s got your dude

Come on Jojo Jojo take your time please breathe breathe please please please just take your time let him stress out let him stress out you can relax right now oh this one first shot missed the first shot In the event and they win that was awesome amazing damn it they’re better than us we English speakers suck hey that’s it insane oh yeah they’re gonna walk up for the screenshot come on walk up let’s go dude congratulations to them congratulations it was really fun it was really fun the

First few games not so much but the rest yeah it I was saying it while we were doing it it’s like these are our worst games we just have to power through and yeah God I hate doing that but it’s something I’m glad I’m glad we did all

The games we didn’t like first but I don’t think that Putin’s in a good position anyway yeah you just got we just got put too far back No it’s it’s fun because that’s the only time we get to play it keep it accessible I never want them to release it on MCC Island I I want to be that greedy yo screenshot screenshot screenshot in the middle screen show let’s get a team screenshot on our thing where do we do

This near the Dome yeah on our very Kawaii looking skins you know hey guys anyways I’m almost there we look the cutest smtc I’ve been saying this there we go that’s true get out of here Mike get out of here yeah I know okay just got married yeah simp ly it’s true

Everyone stand up let’s get one standing on one crouching stand up okay all right Crouch there it is perfect perfect oh GG boys oh my god dude this was a blast I’m actually hosting a party tonight guys I’m gonna come over and hang out no okay I was a joke

I want to drive this into your guys’s head we’re the second team to ever get four vaults and sands of time yes second team ever yep JoJo uh God I don’t remember uh Pete Cara and Michael Mitchell got it last event and now we’re the second there might have been someone

Else that got it in this event bro that’s insane yeah 6 000 points and Sands of Time sense of time is probably the most team involved game and it’s also not just relying on like one skill think so technically we’re the best team is what you’re saying that’s what you’re saying

Yeah that’s what matters it’s an all-round thing good team communication so we’re obviously just the best we didn’t win the event but we’re just the best at Minecraft in general and team yeah we didn’t lose a single time so no

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Championships 31 Team Blue Bats(with Hbomb94, Krinios, Eret)’, was uploaded by Cub Two on 2023-05-25 17:00:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Cub’s point of view for MCC 31 which originally took place on May 20, 2023. Minecraft Championships is a Minecraft competition …

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  • Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Embark on an Epic Adventure with Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you ready to start your own adventure in the vast world of Minecraft? If so, we have the perfect server for you to join – Minewind! While watching the exciting gameplay of “How To Starting the Adventure Minecraft!” by @gsxproooo, you may have felt the urge to dive into your own Minecraft journey. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving community of players on Minewind server? With endless possibilities for exploration, building, and collaboration, Minewind offers a unique and exciting Minecraft experience. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting… Read More

  • Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster

    Kraken Sushi: Catching & Cooking the Sea Monster The Epic Minecraft Adventure: Hunting the Kraken for Sushi Setting Sail for Adventure Embark on a hilarious Minecraft journey with Knarfy and his crew as they sail thousands of blocks in a pirate ship, facing off against the mighty Kraken and exploring dungeons in search of food – sushi, to be precise! Meet the Crew Joining Knarfy on this epic quest are his trusty companions: @syszee, @CringyGull, @CragDyna, and @GarrettTheCarrot. Together, they brave the treacherous seas and face formidable challenges. Mods and Tools of the Trade To enhance their gameplay experience, the crew utilizes a variety of mods, including… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Update: What’s New?

    Minecraft 1.21 Update: What's New? The Exciting Features of the 1.21 Minecraft Update As the 1.21 Minecraft Update draws near, players are buzzing with excitement over the new features and additions that are set to arrive. The first Pre-Release of the update has already been released, giving players a taste of what’s to come in the Tricky Trials Update. New Biomes and Environments One of the most anticipated aspects of the 1.21 update is the introduction of new biomes and environments. Players can look forward to exploring lush forests, mysterious caves, and even underwater realms filled with unique creatures and resources. The addition of… Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths

    Exposed: Minecraft PvP Truths The Intricacies of Minecraft PvP A Brief History Minecraft PvP has evolved significantly over the years, with various updates and changes shaping the way players engage in combat within the game. From the early days of simple sword fights to the more complex mechanics introduced in recent updates, the world of Minecraft PvP is as diverse as it is challenging. Reach and Schooling One key aspect of Minecraft PvP is the concept of “reach,” which determines the distance at which players can strike their opponents. Interestingly, schooling can actually make you better at PvP, as it hones your reflexes… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Forever Frozen Night Finale Conquering Minecraft’s Forever Frozen Night: The Epic Finale As the sun sets in the world of Minecraft, Coolguyapf embarks on a daring adventure into the End of Minecraft Iceland, where darkness reigns for 24 hours straight. Armed with determination and skill, he faces the ultimate challenge of defeating the fearsome Ender Dragon in this thrilling conclusion. Episode Recap In this heart-pounding finale, Coolguyapf navigates through the treacherous terrain of the End, facing off against hordes of Endermen and other dangerous creatures. With the help of powerful mods like Cold Sweat and Sanity: Descent Into Madness, he must maintain his… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Craft MC – Unbelievable! Every Dad is a Hero! #Minecraft

    Craft MC - Unbelievable! Every Dad is a Hero! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Father Is A Hero To His Child.Minecraft Animation #minecraft #shorts #vairal’, was uploaded by Craft MC on 2024-05-06 00:00:04. It has garnered 13223 views and 734 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More


    INSANE 360° CREEPER VS HEROBRINE SHOWDOWN!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Gegagedigedagedago vs HEROBRINE But it’s 360 degree video’, was uploaded by Lucky Creeper on 2024-05-01 18:45:00. It has garnered 5928 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. All Gegagedigedagedago vs HEROBRINE But it’s 360 degree video For more Funny Minecraft video,Visit my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@LuckyCreeper?sub_confirmation=1 #vr #360 #video #animation #viral #360vr #360video #360vr #360 Read More

  • Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish Ever

    Insane Kiddie Rod Catch! BIGGEST Fish EverVideo Information This video, titled ‘BIGGEST FISH EVER CAUGHT on KIDDIE ROD!(FISHING with NORM…’, was uploaded by Adrenaline Rush Adventures on 2024-04-16 21:00:08. It has garnered 37703 views and 2676 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:10 or 2050 seconds. Norm and YakPak are in town and we challenged them to a kiddie pole competition! Barbie rods, Spiderman, Minecraft, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, LOL, and Moana are all competing for the biggest river monster! Come see who pulls out the official/unofficial world record! Who do you think will get the WIN? Comment down below! Please LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT!… Read More

  • EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems – Who Will Survive?

    EPIC SHOWDOWN: Warden vs Golems - Who Will Survive?Video Information This video, titled ‘Who will survive….. Warden or Golems’, was uploaded by Mr. HK on 2024-04-06 11:32:18. It has garnered 481 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. who will survive Warden or Golem…. #shorts minecraft friends 2, minecraft icrimax, minecraft house build, minecraft rp, minecraft paluten, minecraft song, minecraft lusa, minecraft parodileri, minecraft friends 2 benx, minecraft german, minecraft zozo, minecraft quarry, minecraft zombie sound, minecraft sugar cane farm, minecraft raid farm, minecraft train, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft zombie villager heal, minecraft quartz house, minecraft quest modpack, minecraft quartz farm,… Read More

  • UltraVanilla SMP 1.20.6 Survival Dynmap Build Competitions Events No-Reset Collaborative Wiki Brewery Discord Bridge

    UltraVanilla UltraVanilla is a small-scale community Minecraft server with minimal enhancements to the core game. Founded in January 2019, the server maintains the same world it started with, where everything is built in survival. With 30 player slots, it offers a tight-knit community feel without overcrowding. Community Projects are suggested and discussed on Discord, welcoming contributions from anyone. Server Details Address: play.ultravanilla.world Java edition: 1.20.6 Looking for 1.20 land? Go to /outpost. Community Features Extremely friendly community Old-school Minecraft server vibes Minimal enhancements to the core game, no pay-to-win 5 to 20 active players online most of the time Key… Read More

  • Phone Server

    A Minecraft Survival Server ran on a old phone the version is 1.12.2 it’s a vanilla server and the port changes when we have to completely restart the entire thing which shouldn’t happen much except when it seems to freeze. If you have any requests or suggestions for the server email me at [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Heh funni Creeper meme

    I guess you could say this meme is really mining for laughs with that score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java

    Crafting Chaos: Speed Up for Big Update in Minecraft Java In preparation for the update, I’m on the grind, Crafting fire-resistant gear, exploring the Nether to find. Nether fortress and Piglin fortress, my goals in sight, Growing sugar cane faster, a challenge to ignite. No bone meal for sugar cane in Java, it seems, But with patience and care, I’ll fulfill my dreams. Expanding my village, setting up a new base, No time for devices, just exploring with grace. So join me on this journey, as I speed up my days, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity plays. 6/13 is the date, the update is near, Let’s dive… Read More

  • The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    The day I cheated on the test in Minecraft! 🔥😂 “Quando você cola na prova e ainda assim tira nota de Minecraft: 100k em criatividade!” 😂 #escola #shorts #viral Read More

  • Minecraft Mud-Making Madness

    Minecraft Mud-Making Madness Creating Mud in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide Have you ever wondered how to make mud in Minecraft? It’s a simple process that can add a realistic touch to your in-game creations. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to create mud using water and dirt. Materials Needed: Dirt Block Bottle of Water Step 1: Crafting a Bottle of Water To create mud in Minecraft, you’ll first need to craft a bottle of water. This can be done by using 3 blocks of glass. Once you have your bottle of water, you’re ready to move on to the… Read More

  • Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build

    Modern Minecraft Aquarium Build Welcome to a Modern Minecraft Interior with a Large Aquarium! Materials and Measurements In this Minecraft build, the creator starts by gathering materials to construct a sleek and modern interior design. The measurements are carefully considered to ensure a spacious and aesthetically pleasing layout. The Aquarium One of the standout features of this build is the large aquarium. It serves as a focal point, adding a touch of tranquility and beauty to the space. The underwater world within the aquarium is meticulously designed, showcasing a variety of marine life. Exploring the Space As we venture downstairs, we discover more… Read More

  • EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded Minecraft

    EPIC ARTIFACT HAUL in SKY VAULTS EP63! Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SKY VAULTS EP63: So Many Artifacts! – Vault Hunters 1.18 (Modded Minecraft)’, was uploaded by S1ipperyJim on 2024-05-19 17:00:29. It has garnered 155 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:11 or 9491 seconds. I play through a Sky Vaults (sky block) version of the Minecraft mod pack Vault Hunters 3rd Edition. Playlist for this series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg_RNyj68Wstj3RLt3jMuTpcW0WbLHudF Follow me on Threads: https://www.threads.net/@UC1vC-ilz2dyS-TGy7IxyErQ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/vault-hunters-1-18-2 Vault Hunters is an RPG based modpack focusing around the mysteries and dangers of a dimension called The Vault. It features many Vault Hunters specific items and mobs, like… Read More

  • Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOX

    Sneaky Crossover: MINECRAFT in ROBLOXVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IN ROBLOX (Voxel)’, was uploaded by Blorp on 2024-05-16 20:15:00. It has garnered 14894 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:13 or 1153 seconds. Today I play Voxel! A game that looks very similar to minecraft (MC) but in ROBLOX! I’m excited for the future of the game! Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/16819234096 Song Used: Suggestions – Wii Party I make semi-ironic/casual content on roblox! What is Roblox? Roblox is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    Insane Twist in Minecraft Gameplay - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information This video, titled ‘just a normal day in minecraft’, was uploaded by Cooled gaming on 2024-05-08 09:57:17. It has garnered 167 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. minecraft trending minecraft trending topics minecraft trending topics 2024 minecraft trending tags minecraft trending shorts minecraft trending content minecraft trending hashtags minecraft trending skins minecraft trending topics 2023 minecraft trending mods is minecraft trending on youtube minecraft popular adventure maps minecraft popular anarchy servers minecraft popular again minecraft armor trends popular minecraft addons popular minecraft animals popular minecraft app what is trending in… Read More

  • Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!

    Unleash the UNBELIEVABLE power of Setev in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘power of setev #minecraft @Sachin_gamer_099’, was uploaded by Sachin gamer 099 on 2024-05-17 13:09:45. It has garnered 432 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Building Hogwarts in Minecraft”**: This video showcases a massive project where players recreate the iconic Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from the Harry Potter series within Minecraft. It went viral due to its impressive scale and attention to Minecraft Timelapse: Epic City Build”**: Timelapse videos of large-scale city builds in Minecraft often go viral. They demonstrate the dedication and creativity of players… Read More

  • The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You’ve Been Waiting For | Apply Now

    The Ultimate Bedrock SMP You've Been Waiting For | Apply NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Is The Best Bedrock SMP Yet | Applications Open’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2024-04-14 23:51:15. It has garnered 6984 views and 589 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. This is Minecraft’s Deadliest SMP, The Dragon SMP. On Season 3 we have 10 lives with special abilities and multiple custom items! If You Are A Small Content Creator Looking To Grow Their Channel Fast And Have Great Content Apply Today! Join The Public SMP Discord – https://discord.gg/5UfJqKqgr5 ================================================== #dragonsmpbedrock Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE NEW REALM REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I MADE A NEW REALM!! – Minecraft Live🔴’, was uploaded by TuBS on 2024-05-21 21:20:00. It has garnered 97 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:55 or 7015 seconds. ❗C L I C K H E R E F R E E D I A M O N D S❗ https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👉 My Upload Schedule: Every Week On Saturday At 10:00PM AEST 👉 My Stream Schedule: Every Week On Sunday At 6:00PM AEST 👉 Donation Link: https://streamelements.com/tubs_au/tip ————————————————- 👇 My Socials 👇 🔽 Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/mkF3tJeRPT 🔽 Subscribe… Read More

  • Dracula Broo’s Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member’s Base

    Dracula Broo's Revenge: Destroying Ex Team Member's BaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why i Destroyed My Ex Team Member Entire Base’, was uploaded by Dracula Broo on 2024-03-22 16:48:43. It has garnered 44 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. Dracula Broo: Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft SMP Adventures ANIME SMP SEASON 5- IP:- ANIMESMP5.aternos.me PORT:- 27812 🙂 Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe @rgs47ff Join Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/fTnQUk7j Description: Welcome to Dracula Broo, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft SMP gameplay and videos! Join us on our epic adventures as we explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and battle… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS in Minecraft HARDCORE Survival… (LIVESTREAM)’, was uploaded by Seyto on 2024-05-25 12:25:28. It has garnered 262 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:59 or 14159 seconds. We may never get to see how some challenges start but you could see how it goes from beginning to end just by tooning in and see where it goes from here! I dont have any minecraft on my channel as of right now and it should be. so if you are liking the stream and wanna follow along dont hesitate… Read More

  • Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASF

    Ultimate Pixelmon Tycoon: Capturing OP Pokemon with JeromeASFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-05-30 21:38:12. It has garnered 14837 views and 661 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:39 or 8739 seconds. Catching The STRONGEST Pokemon In Minecraft Pixelmon Tycoon Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – @jeromeasfroblox 🎮Gaming – @JeromeACE 🎮Main – @JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me… Read More

  • Ethis SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Tight-Knit Community 16+ LGBTQIA+ friendly Whitelist

    Welcome to Ethis! Hello there! 👋 Welcome to Ethis. ✨ A warm, welcoming community awaiting your arrival. 🏕️ Server name: Ethis Server location: Germany Server Type: Fabric 1.20.4 What to expect: Chill vanilla, Hermitcraft-esque experience An inclusive community, where everyone knows each other, and everyone can be friends. Here’s a quick rundown of what could interest you: 📝 Thorough Applications: Solid applications are key to a great community 🎙️Voicechat: Voicechat mod installed for easy communication 🗺️ No TPA/Land Claiming: Keeping things nice and vanilla 🎮 Gamenights: Weekly fun gamenights 🗓️ Regular Events: In-game events to keep things exciting 🕰️ A… Read More

  • NuCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {1.20.6} {Crossplay}

    Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!CrossPlayJava IP IP Port: 25608Basic Quality of Life/homes/rtpand much morePremium Plugins⭕ Lands⭐⭕ AuraSkills [​Formerly Aurelium Skills] ⭐⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐AuraSkills: Now features “Jobs” so do /skill or /skills to gain all jobs, unlike other server they only provide you 3 jobs, On NuCraft we provide all “11” jobs to gain more profit for other needs in the server.This is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I don’t get the hate 🌶️

    Well, apparently this meme is doing better than most of us in school! Read More

  • Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024

    Cocomelon Portal: Minecraft PE 2024 In the world of Minecraft, a new portal’s in sight, Cocomelon-themed, shining bright. With songs and fun, it’s a joyful sight, Bringing smiles and laughter, day and night. Crafting blocks and melodies, hand in hand, Exploring new worlds, across the land. With each step taken, a new adventure begins, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity wins. So gather your friends, and join the fun, In the Cocomelon portal, under the sun. Let your imagination soar, let your dreams take flight, In this magical world, where everything’s just right. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme

    Hot Minecraft Brawl Stars Meme When you can’t decide between playing Minecraft or Brawl Stars, so you just end up looking at memes about both instead. Priorities, am I right? Read More

  • Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft

    Crafting a Giant Fish Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Giant Fish Portal (Zoonomaly) Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you dive into the mysterious world of the Giant Fish Portal, also known as Zoonomaly. This unique feature in the game offers players a chance to explore new realms and encounter exciting challenges. Let’s delve into the details of this fascinating Minecraft phenomenon. Discovering the Giant Fish Portal As you navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, stumbling upon the Giant Fish Portal can be a truly awe-inspiring experience. This portal, with its intricate design and mystical aura, beckons players to step into a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Jackbhaiya Ka Idea 🤣 #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts”? If so, you’ll love the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Join players from around the globe on Minewind, where you can unleash your creativity, engage in thrilling PvP battles, and explore unique gameplay features. The IP address to join the server is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers a dynamic and welcoming community for all. So why wait? Dive into the adventure today! Read More

  • The Ultimate Friendship Story

    The Ultimate Friendship Story The Story of True Friends in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with the latest trailer from MineMixeGaming1. Discover the power of true friendship and teamwork as you explore new lands and face thrilling challenges. Join the Adventure Step into the shoes of brave adventurers as they navigate through treacherous terrain and encounter mysterious creatures. With the support of their friends, they must rely on each other to survive and thrive in this vast and unpredictable world. Key Features: Collaborative Gameplay: Work together with your friends to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Exciting… Read More

  • US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft Maps

    US Presidents Play Spooky Minecraft MapsVideo Information This video, titled ‘US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps 1-3’, was uploaded by Presidents Universe on 2024-03-13 16:57:03. It has garnered 107326 views and 2026 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds. US Presidents Play Minecraft Horror Maps DISCLAIMER: The following video contains AI generated voices of several real people. These voices are fabricated for the purposes of entertainment, and the depiction of these characters do not reflect their real life counterparts. Read More

  • Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!

    Breaking all the rules: Epic Minecraft house build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft house 🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by Br craft on 2024-04-24 15:10:09. It has garnered 3314 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Championships 31 Team Blue Bats(with Hbomb94, Krinios, Eret)