Minecraft: Constantiam Anarchy Survival – With FoxMaster [Ep: 17] Update + Temp Map

Video Information

Okay so I’m on constantania with Fox I hear you hey Fox I’m in a what the is this Birch Forest uh it just says Forest uh uh yeah no idea oh uh let me see the chords I’m probably [ __ ] far uh I’m at like negative 700 where are you at Fox

So guys constantinium is being updated and right now this is a temporary map um so we’re now on uh 1.19.4 um Fox told me that what the hell uh okay I guess I’m near some activity Fox told me that um I’m probably gonna starve Fox told me that uh

The owner isn’t gonna switch till uh to the latest version uh 1.20 which is out now until like it’s a until some more things are figured out I’m in a dark Forest Fox where there’s like a lot of obvious player activity here like a lot of trees have been knocked down

But yeah we should probably be getting the old map back eventually here’s a crafting table so I’m definitely near some activity where you at Fox let’s say you’re at uh you’re very far from me and I take it you have nothing as well let me pull up the cords it’s okay to

Show chords okay I’m at 500 I’m gonna try to head to 200. you can say chords yeah that’s fine yeah I’m at negative 500 I’m trying to find you yeah I don’t really have long to record today so it’s my roommate will be home anytime now and it’ll be pretty loud

Also I didn’t stream this morning because I didn’t know what I wanted to uh I didn’t know what I wanted to stream okay let’s look at the chords now of course it’s not gonna be any different uh but I am getting hungry too well we can’t eat some jellyfish

Maybe I could go punch some fish we can also eat seaweed if I could find some um let me put up buffering so I can like uh look at what players are on let’s see buffering just you know just I don’t show anything like uncomfy let’s see I thought someone’s name said zombie ass but it doesn’t okay yeah nothing nothing bad in uh here oh ew it shows uh oh I can’t get rid of can I get rid of that let me see so does it shows a bar on the top which is ugly

And I don’t really want my stuff showing yeah that’s better that’s better me and the foxims a lot of crafting tables I don’t want to starve okay let’s pull up the chords again okay Fox I’m coming to 200 I hope you have some food

Oh I found a fish I’m gonna go punch it eat some sushi got some uncooked fish sticks that’ll do okay getting into the 200s oh it’s getting dark [ __ ] I’m at 360s now Fox are you nearby yeah I’m in a jungle you did say that there was a jungle at spawn

Two three four okay two three four I’m like a hundred blocks away from you I need to find a wild foxy oh chicken Fried Chicken is not ideal but hey make a campfire Fox and there’s a Hank I don’t want no seeds someone stalking me I really should go to court huh

I I’ve been wanting to see other players hey now let’s dare and get Browner all right let’s see where am I at I’m at 2 40. I’m at 241 Fox where are you there’s still a little chicken but still come on let me kill you I have to see chasing

The chicken gotcha I got a tortilla all right I’m waiting for you to show up Fox I got a tortilla oh there’s a village oh [ __ ] yeah there’s a village here what look let’s go eat some carrots probably got grief to all hell though I can’t even run I’m so hungry

I could just eat this tortilla I’m in a village box oh it sounds like my roommate is home another chicken uh my roommate’s home damn it I’m recording right now there’s some um wheat for bread we have just enough for one loaf of bread I need a crafting table

Oh man this place is not looking good where are you fox I’m about to starve I need a crafting table oh I can punch a tree I don’t even know if there’s any wood get away Derek ah [ __ ] off Derek oh my God he did so much damage

I don’t want to die where are you fox I need you gonna pick up the floor let me get crafting table so I can eat cheese sticks all right let me send the chords okay let’s see I’m in a house 360. 369. 83 so there you go please find me

Fox Master is typing it’s further than before well I’m just in a house trying to recover foreign I have one heart left I need to like seriously just chill inside this house this is me sitting on Minecraft this is a fun little random Adventure yeah I can’t I can’t I cannot leave this

House right now because I don’t want to die absolutely don’t want to die in the middle of a very griefed Village all the carrots are gone all the villagers are probably dead it’s so weird like I don’t have my overlay on right now because like I’m

Not streaming so I’m like I have no point to have it you know so I just have my V2 remodel in the little flaxseed next to me all right let’s see what fox is saying oh nothing hey Derek Derek spotted me he’s gonna kill me he’s gonna break down the door

Let me put the crafting table in the way maybe there we go I can’t recover any health holy [ __ ] there’s a word awarding oh my god well that’s not surprising oh my God I just want to meet up with you like have a bed so we can like make a

Spawn so we can spawn together oh my God are you coming towards me sometimes I wish I had uh trying I wish I had three screens so I can have Discord on one screen so I can see OBS and then my game trying where you at I’m at 370 negative 370.

And like my health will not Regen like one player comes and punches me I’m gonna die I don’t want to die two player around me okay I wanna I wanna see other people but I need to recover else because like if one person hits me I’m gonna die

I should I should have put on the new skin that I made I made a nano skin from the anime it’s really cute I’ll do that later I’ll definitely put that on another time yeah I’m just in a house okay Discord okay are they being hostile unsure okay

I definitely want to come out and see but I’m like kind of dying here waiting for a sun to rise There’s a Moon descending I’m doing that because I’m bored okay any second now any second now the sun will be up and we’ll be seeing a fox we’ll be seeing a little flaxseed

The hell is that oh it’s just glass I’ll do the Hank yeah they took all the food obviously Elder’s a Bruno I want to avoid that Fox is typing 120 oops that’s the name um I’m gonna damn you’re far away I got one piece of wheat in my inventory

Oh I found another portal yeah I just had a decimated Village all right let me try to find you let’s see which way okay this way I’m just like a couple hundred blocks away from you yeah Bruno oh my God it’s Bruno he’s gonna kill me okay there’s horses I can’t eat the

Sixth player here okay cool I want to see people oh I see um I see some kind of build I see a structure oh I’m going towards negative 400. oh if I even take fall damage I’m dead oh I found a a little temporary base

Any food oh my God I found food what look what look oh I found food that’s awesome I’m gonna take this cold too I don’t know just just to [ __ ] around a little bit you know that is lucky join us yeah I want to find you guys

I’d put on the chat tell everyone rello says hi let’s say rello’s recording so she can’t show chat oh yeah yeah chat disabled I can’t tell everyone rello this mobile says hi and she’s recording okay let me see where am I I’m at four five five Fox four five five I’m

Definitely in a jungle we need to see the fox master and other people I’ve never seen other players on here Fox only you and deco I wonder if they’re gonna kill me foreign 475 there’s a chicken I’m gonna go kill that chicken and cook them in the furnaces that I found gotcha

Let me type uh the vicinity that I’m in Fox copper block all right let me see I am at negative four first six five five seven I don’t know man I don’t know but it’s we’re we’re not that far from each other so it should be too hard for you to find me

Holy [ __ ] it’s a an amazing cave they killed me oh no oh no well come to where the chords that I gave you killed you did they just punched you to death oh I see a bunch of no that’s not wheat oh my God no it’s not weed it’s a

[ __ ] tree like Dexter’s my textures where are you at now Fox Quest find Fox quest one find the fox master 300 okay let’s see I am at okay I’m at four a negative 465 now it’s getting [ __ ] Dark Again already oh sheep stuck in the wall of the blood that’s right

So I got some wool one piece I see you where are you where are you where’s the foxes Rallo and fox vulnerable oh another chicken took almost 20 minutes Worth to find each other I got some food I saw a red flower I thought it was you for a second another chicken nice here have some Seasons I’m killing you there you go where are we have the five do you need food do you need to eat do you need to eat

You can enable chat uh nobody’s talking well all right well this is just a recording so let’s see check settings here we go oh did my talking not go through what the hell it doesn’t look like I could talk okay so what should we do in here it’s just a tone map huh

Uh make up make a campfire actually you know what I can make a campfire and cook some food I got some coal so pick a spot we’ll make a campfire oh yeah find us a nice spot vulnerable Flexi That’s random all right let’s make a little mini beach campfire come over here Fox I’m gonna cook some food let’s see okay I need some sticks oh [ __ ] I should have got rid of all my logs damn it damn it damn it I need more logs for the campfire sand not sand well

We’ll okay got some sticks okay we need more logs yeah get us some lugs we’ll make a very mini beach camp and we could probably just like um what the how do they get that we could make like a little tent too oh I need a I need oh there we go yeah

One two three okay stick stick hole campfire alrighty let’s cook some food having a Campbell okay let’s uh make a little safety spot like maybe just dig into the wall or something okay how much food do you got oh you took the burritos I got the brownies okay

Yeah go ahead and I got two brownies oh I hear a drowned oh get out of here Ike nobody invited you to our beach campfire yeah go back home go back to New to New Mexico he took a wrong turn in Albuquerque another classic joke I have vanilla Albuquerque oh we got a

Lot of them some of his cousins they’re dropping beer at least wow yeah all right don’t burn yourself you dorkus ooh beer two beers four beers ew now these honestly won’t do us and you gotta take your beer back somebody died to a Derrick oh

Let’s go hike oh my god oh it’s dead fox make us um dig into the wall dig into the wall all right let me dig into the wall oh this is just more dirt melons he stole my melons oh no I think I hear Phantoms damn it it’s just bored it’s more stone

In there but we can we can build a little um a little dirt Hut here fox make a door make a door I’m gonna make us a little Hut crap I need more dirt damn it here put a door put a door right here [Laughter] to get there we go

Make a softer and more comfy floor it makes this a little lighter let’s make a dirt mansion come what’s in there now all we need is a window we just need a window and we’re good and a bed that’ll do hahaha I got one piece of cotton for a bed

We just need like how many more all the eggs and stop burning yourself that one has a fishing rod I would love to have that fishing rod smack him with them no would you kill her campfire all right swimming with Ike that sounds fun yeah he’s actually my ex Ike

This is so fun look at the fishing rod as well I got his fishing rod that’s so cool why’d you destroy the campfire you monster [Laughter] ah you destroyed it um I have more coal left thankfully but we just need more logs and stuff let me see if I can get us one

Maybe see if you can make um a furnace and smelt some um like get some glass for us we can have a couple of windows for a lot I guess I’ll just turn off the chat no real reason to keep it on like anyone cares to talk to us

Pretty soon we need to find some sheep let’s just see how long we can survive in here we got really lucky to get the fishing rod though but yeah we’re absolutely set with uh oh I see something on the water over there I wonder what that is it looks like um

A raft I want to go check that out okay go ahead and get the rest of that tree all right um let’s see get away yeah get away oh we found a foxy sign we should go to the player until they’re there we should go to player to layer.com

Uh actually let me get um let’s get to Foxy signs resource pack on so we can see that little flexi signs yay we get [ __ ] system foxy signs I can minimize this card now um you want to go find the players I got um I gotta we can fish

Let’s get some food first just want to see I’ll end this uh video when I die or when we both die I don’t know something something let’s see how long we can survive on the temp map I’m so lucky to have gotten a fishing rod yes

You want to make some windows Flacks or maybe some fence for Windows foreign here here take this make a make a couple fence posts uh go ahead and take everything and make a chest Maybe [ __ ] I missed the fish oh there’s some fish in there go get them sword yes

Save some food for me can’t just live off this warm beer Flex this sun I love it uh we must walk that day losing time okay all right Fox take your sign all right let’s do whatever you want to do and you’re the you’re better at survival than me hello

Goodbye to our little mini beach base you should um use the resource pack the fox sign so you can see it too I hope you’ll give me some food I don’t have any on me we see a sheep let’s get him foxy signs player will help or kill us yeah it is

What it is there’s a pig up there I’ll give them some beer but they won’t see it as beard they’ll see it as rotten flesh you’re like [ __ ] what are you doing so I won’t do like a peace offering oh chicken we hunt for food oh nice got a tortilla

I have a little bit more coal foreign where did he go where’d you go oh there you are okay hey there’s a Hank hey what’s the seller’s propane and he always wants to give a demonstration on how deadly rowing can be oh my God I hear it dude we are near the [ __ ]

Warden someone spawns it up here you see I wonder how they do that unless they’re an admin shouldn’t we build a oh hmm shouldn’t we build a campfire and get more food or something and also where’d you go I I need food I’m getting hungry

Uh you gave me beer I don’t need any more beer I need food I got an uncooked tortilla I love this size player near us okay let me how the hell did they [ __ ] things up already controls let’s see chat shown okay I want to say hi to them

Ooh and under chest not that we have a need for it spider web all right let’s see two player diagonal you said oh my God I’m finally gonna see someone I just hope they don’t kill us oh there’s Bruno hang on let me kill this pig we need a campfire

Give me some food ooh snow give me some of that cooked fish man you don’t have any okay I’ll have a beer [Applause] okay where you got Fox oh I am at 400 blocks away well that was boring well I don’t know if I really care to do anything anymore we already had a foxy fun little foxy Adventure but then like um some guy just killed us so that was boring

You want to keep playing fox or do you want to just um let me pull in Discord yeah yeah I know I found a wolf ah want to go get back on Fox I want to go get back at him want to make some TNT what do you mean we can’t foreign

Why don’t we go prank him with some TNT oh you gotta go you gotta go all right that’s fine all right that’s gonna be it for today then

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Constantiam Anarchy Survival – With FoxMaster [Ep: 17] Update + Temp Map’, was uploaded by Ralodosmovo on 2023-06-09 17:03:57. It has garnered 33 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:34 or 2554 seconds.

Server: Constantiam.net

FoxMaster on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FoXMaSteR001

Ralo’s Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ZyUzddA2PK

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Ralodosmovo

Ralo’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ralodosmovo

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    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation!

    EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Build: Blaze Trap & Ruins Excavation! Minecraft 1.21 Preparation: Excavating Journey Ruins and Crafting a Blaze Trap Lantern Exciting Adventures in Minecraft Survival Meikyan embarks on another thrilling Minecraft survival journey in the Java edition, normal mode. With a focus on creating a stylish world, she delves into the world of exploration and survival with a touch of elegance. Catering to both newcomers and younger audiences, Meikyan aims to provide an enjoyable experience for all. Exploring Journey Ruins Venturing into the ruins of a journey, Meikyan uncovers hidden treasures and mysteries. As she digs deeper into the ruins, she encounters fascinating artifacts and structures, adding… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

  • INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in Minecraft

    INSANE REACTION! Jenny Belle vs Kibbles in MinecraftVideo Information hey Kibbles I got something to show you if it’s another horse I swear to God no it’s got nothing to do with horses are you familiar with the video game Minecraft uh yeah of course it’s Legos but on a computer yeah yeah I was on Twitter and I saw slippery T had a new animation in the works um slippery te slippery tea give me a [Music] second oh God oh God oh come on you know him he’s the Jenny guy uh ah hold on I got to call a friend um yeah Andy’s making… Read More


    ULTIMATE FIRE CANNON DEFENSE REVENGE!!Video Information welcome back to Squid Island the server in which me jelly and crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft and we’ve got to be friends in reality that doesn’t happen that much anyway it’s just me on the server today and oh we have an action packed episode of things we’re going to do I also wanted to give you an update on the bco tower look at this thing it’s looking good okay we are going to make some progress on that today we’re also going to build another Factory we’re going to… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Update Reactions with Blauski & Roomies! 🔥Video Information my are you okay my feet okay well listen we’re we’re very much closely approaching that time yay the new Minecraft update tricky trials it’s about to go down can we kick squeaks from this Discord why what happened um I can’t I can’t actually we you’re going to have to RP this out Leslie’s the judge go ahead um squeaks Che in a game of One V one valerant and he also griefed Ellum in he’s a better player than you you have to accept it no he’s not he’s not he’s better than you in val… Read More

  • Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮

    Join me in Minecraft while I battle illness with Remilia 🎮Video Information d o d hi I’m d d I’ve Got The Power of dark and white on my side hi I’m r e f i l i a [Music] [Music] I’m r e l i l i aiaia [Music] he o I’m I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] I’ve got to power all Darkness and Light on my side hi I’m r e m i l i a [Music] [Music] hi I’m r… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Bedwars – No Idea How!

    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

Minecraft: Constantiam Anarchy Survival – With FoxMaster [Ep: 17] Update + Temp Map