Minecraft Create Mod – My Creations With Create Together

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome to a showcase video of a world that i have been playing in lately on my live streams what you see behind me is the create mod some of you are probably familiar with these contraptions and i’ve really been enjoying them playing the create together mod pack

Which includes the great mod obviously and then a bunch of additional mods to make playing in this world uh super interesting as if this mod right here wasn’t interesting enough and if you’ve never seen this mod before well there’s a whole bunch of wonderful things that you can do of it

I’m in an elevator right now that was amazing so this video isn’t going to be an explanation of what all these individual things do inside of the create mod so it might be a little bit maddening for you trying to understand everything that’s going on but this mod adds loads of really cool

Engineering blocks that kind of capture that redstone feel for making contraptions like this thing over here and you know i don’t actually even know what this does but i’m told it’s a brewery and that is because i have not made any of the things that you have seen

So far this fantastical windmill off in the distance isn’t mine either my pitiful base is sadly underground and one of the things that i never got around to doing was creating like a proper entrance this is it this is literally how you get into my

Base so this video is gonna be a base tour where i can show you all the contraptions and things that i’ve been up to with the create mod during my time playing on here in my live streams and first of all i’m going to introduce you to the philosophy of the pack

Which might sound like a strange thing to say but you’ll you’ll understand what i’m getting at the create mod has been paired with some other mods to make the vanilla grind in the game a lot less grindy for example we got storage drawers and we have a terminal to access it and

This stuff did not take a lot to craft my thinking is that i wanted to take the time out of the minecraft grind and so with that we also included some gadgets right here for building to make building nice and easy and one of these gadgets is

Great for clearing out blocks which can also make branch mining super easy as well so getting resources in this world was not a difficult task and neither was clearing out a bunch of space which is why i actually decided to build my base underground yes i figured that if i just had it

Underground i could clear out all of the space really quickly with the gadget and then decorating would be easier one of the things you’re going to notice is that there’s not a lot of time and effort put into detail this is really about learning the contraptions and the crate mod putting them together

And then having that project look in a reasonably well decorated room we’re going to try and do this tour roughly in the order that i created things so one of the first projects that i needed was to be able to turn my oars into ingots to craft all the various different things

And sadly i believe that this project right here is now actually broken because we had some issues later on with pushing blocks around and whatnot but here’s how it works the items get flung up to the grinding wheels and they will be converted into a different type of ore that can be

Washed into nuggets and that produces more and more blocks so this was early in the game i was producing power with water wheels individually for different parts and so will this work come on come around the corner yes over here it will now slowly get washed into nuggets and those nuggets will

Eventually make their way around here into this whole thing the mechanical press will turn them into ingots and then the mechanical arm picks them up and brings them over and drops them off into this chest in fact i think the contraption is still working or maybe not because it won’t go in

There like i said it got broken okay leave me alone uh over here we have a chest full of bones and that’s because we have a skeleton spawner in our base okay you can’t see the particle effects through the glass but the skeletons spawn they get pushed all the way over here

And then there’s actually let’s break some blocks there’s actually uh lava at the end there and that sets them on fire and they die on the belt and so the items are on the belt and they get carted off into that chest around the corner

And now you can guess why i put my storage area here right so i’d be coming over here to pick up items and that would be activating the skeletons the funny thing is though we never really used much of the bone meal at all i always think of bone meal

As an essential item not so much with the create mod also someone made this for me i don’t know when they did it but i love it thank you so yeah i’ve been playing with my patreon and supporter community from twitch we have a whole bunch of people who play on here

Regularly when i’m streaming and this right here this really cool room is a big project that we did together currently this thing is turned off because sometimes when it runs it creates a little bit of frame rate lag there are a bunch of cobblestone generators and again one of the unique

Features of this pack to make life kind of easy so you don’t have to go out there in the world gathering materials is that you can actually create cobblestone generators and if they have a different block underneath then that’s the type of block that gets generated above

So behind there there are some drills and stuff and you know what we can we can just switch into spectator mode to see this hard to access stuff um there’s just a bunch of mechanical drills pointing at them right and then you can see we’ve got gearboxes and shafts which bring the rotational

Energy all the way over to each of those and then back here we’ve got a water wheel just tucked away powering it all so yeah there were like 15 or 16 different types of material and that’s how we decorated our base we all chipped in and then people frequently come over

Here to pick up blocks which is always a really nice thing to see in the base ah yes over here we’ve got uh a mechanical crafter that’s hooked up let’s see if i can show you this in action so this thing can be pretty essential when you want to craft stuff

That’s bigger than a free by free recipe like you do in a table and i think the audio of operation is that i flick this first to turn the thing on oh and it went straight away i thought i had to press a button anyway that did some crafting and it put

The crushing wheels in there uh behind us we’ve got a nether portal we might check out what’s on the nether side later on in this video and then we’ve got like a massive tree farm project in here that sadly didn’t quite get finished due to me needing to do some redstone with it

Anyway i think the thing to show you next is our first tree farm and i think i can manually activate this if i just power this block there it goes and so with this tree farm i was trying to learn and do things different from how i’d

Seen other people do it so i ended up using a gantry shaft which we control with a sequenced gear shift that’s where we sort of program and tell it what to do this thing though has just given me endless headaches and sometimes i’m not even sure why it stops

Working in theory it should still be traveling back down to the end here but if you look at the layout of the contraption it essentially slides under the farm in this direction moves up it goes across and chops down all the trees with the mechanical source and then behind it

The deployers replant the saplings in its place uh as i said though sadly it’s not working okay here it goes we’ll see in action a little bit and it’s actually continuing to head down here this time that’s great and now it’s going to plant saplings behind it where the wood

Used to be dang look at that fantastic and i thought it stopped again nope it’s actually gone all the way back to the beginning they didn’t plant down all of the saplings yeah this this thing’s giving me plenty of headaches and how did we power that contraption

Well in this game you can make windmills and you can build them underground in a small room like we’ve done right here this thing just continuously rotates it creates energy and that’s how we powered this farm here what is this contraption right here you might be able to tell that it’s a kelp

Farm and this one again uses a gantry shaft but then it’s got these things i forget what they’re called though anyway it goes back and forth picks up the kelp puts them onto this belt over here they get shuffled along and they get smelted by a campfire that’s got a

Fan behind it and then when the right items are on the belt it will take them down into this chest and these items are the dried kelp this one will send them out in bunches of nine which get crafted just like that did you see it

Oh it’s doing it again excellent oh yeah that’s got plenty of capacity here you see it started to back up but just not at this spot so yeah they all get shuffled up the belt they get crafted that’s amazing and then i’ve actually filled up a storage drawer over there with over 2

000 of these now the reason they’re sitting on this belt while it moves is because there’s a filter at the end that doesn’t allow them to go into there if i actually remove this they fall on the ground but anyway this is fuel for tango’s contraption over here which i

Kind of copied from his video um you can see that the fuel should be filling that up but somehow a torch got on there anyway this uses a furnace engine and a flywheel to generate power and the trick here that tango showed us was that you can

Put an item in here to activate the smelting process and then pull it out again so the item doesn’t need to be constantly replenished and that’s why we’ve got a bunch of redstone directly above it and then the power this powers the rest of the projects

That you’re going to see in this video now this is my favorite room and favorite contraption and i can turn it on but before i do there’s a problem there’s always a problem let’s see if i can remember i’ve got to pick up that cobblestone hmm

Okay let’s turn it on run over here because somehow like the wrong items make their way onto this belt every time and then i have to fix it but right now what it’s doing is it’s simply splitting up the gravel that is being created over here so cobblestone drops onto the grinding

Wheels gets turned into gravel gets sent off in two different directions now when you put it through the grinding wheels again it turns into sand and it also produces other stuff like clay so the sand goes in one direction the clay goes in the other now it runs over some shoots which will

Take it off and then it puts them into these sieves now this is where we have a kind of ease of life thing again you can use the sieves to generate all the different types of metals in this pack and i think that might have been a mistake to put it in

Because i believe there are actually ways to do that with the create mod directly but you can see we’ve got copper iron zinc and gold in plentiful amounts so that we can focus on crafting all the components and making the contraptions so anyway on this side the gravel comes across

Goes into the chutes the deployers activate the sieves and at the back there you can see there’s some water there’s actually fans behind there and what that does is it washes these items and eventually they’ll get converted into nuggets which the smart shoots below them

Will then pick up and dump onto a belt and send it back to our storage system also that the room the room here just looks really cool doesn’t it so behind our wall of drawers we have even more storage space right here and you can see those items being carted into

Our storage system we actually just use a funnel to send it into the drawer controller and then that knows where to send it around here and if i go into the back area you’ll see some undecorated spaces that are not too flattering and then i can travel in this direction underneath that room

You can see that this is where all the items come from now before we head up these stairs i’m reminded of a room that i don’t really use so much anymore and it’s all the way back here and if this room looks a little ugly

The idea here was to just decorate it as quickly as i could i was like okay granite’s on the floor this jasper material on the walls and then basalt for the ceiling and so we put all this together and then lined up a whole bunch of contraptions for different types of processing so

You’ve got mechanical mixers here you’ve got a mechanical mixer with a blaze burner underneath if i go and grab some of this coal and chuck it into that barrel there it will get picked up by the mechanical arm and put onto the blaze thing down there to

Uh power it and then you can mix different sorts of things in here anyway further across we’ve got a mechanical press here and another one there that’s configured to do slightly different things and of course the grinding wheels again so if i go and chuck this in here

That thing should eventually activate it kind of looks like it’s broken i don’t know why but yes this was a processing room and to be fair it didn’t really get a lot of use and one that got a bit more use was this smelting array right here

You put items into the chest and then down below some hoppers take it onto a belt it goes around the corner it cooks everything and goes into our storage so in this pack it is indeed possible to pick up mob sporters and and bring them around to other parts of the world and

One of my philosophies with creating a contraption is you’re just gonna get an idea in your head and then give it a go it’s not about maximal efficiency and stuff like that so i needed to kill blazes for xp so down here we’ve got the collection

Area you can swing your sword at them and then do some enchanting behind but then the design as you can see here has the walls coming out and then pushing the blazes along unfortunately it is a little bit flawed okay so we got some freshly spawned blazes from the spawner up above which

You can barely see and this place lights up because the light shines through those blocks that were blocking the wall and here you can see the contraption uses these things that can extend like pistons but for a much longer distance so let’s pop into survival this block right here the sequence gear

Shift i mentioned it before but i never showed what it does you can tell it how long to wait how long it needs to push out wait and then push back in again and so that causes these things to run when our wireless redstone link activates it

And here is the problem the contraption is just kind of unreliable every now and then it kind of goofs up and you got to wait for the timer to activate and reset this thing and also blazes can quite easily get pushed inside of these blocks which i did not know before i

Built this but like i said it’s all about just building something and learning okay and that’s pretty much most of the ground floor here so let’s head up the stairs this room i really love it’s nice and bright and wow does that look fancy or what we have

A windmill in the middle this is like a self-generating farm here because it directly attaches to this contraption which goes around in a circle and yes it is a wheat farm now this block at the end here it’s eventually going to hook up with this one over here and that

Allows it to take all of the items that it’s currently harvesting and by the way you don’t need to like replant the seeds or anything it just picks up the wheat like just there and puts it into this container it actually misses that one and possibly this one here as well but anyway

It’s then gonna drop it off into here and they’re gonna go onto a belt right now the seeds will make their way around to our storage system but the wheat is actually going to be fed into a contraption from quark when i say contraption i mean that block right there the feeding trout

So they go in and they feed and it puts them into love mode and then they’ll make a baby and the baby will actually get pushed around and fall down through the iron bars and then down into a little cooker contraption that activates every minute or so

Keep forgetting that i can just shim sham into spectator mode you know so inside of this no surprise there is some lava and then a redstone clock to activate it briefly every now and then and if they’ve grown into an adult it’ll cook them and we’ll collect their drops which go

Onto this belt so that of course made for a great food supply and also a supply of leather which we used to make bookshelves for the blaze farm that you saw and the idea with this room is that there was going to be a farm on each side however over here

It kind of goes where the blaze farm is so there wasn’t really room for anything over there but on this side we got a really cool minecart contraption and i i kind of felt like the minecart stuff was a bit overpowered so i avoided doing things that way uh but here you’re

Gonna see a really cool use of it and there it goes it’s like a machine of death so yeah it just comes over here chops it all down goes back behind the chest at the top is a little contraption to uh to hook it up to you know a little

Storage unit back there and yeah really cool stuff but like i said that’s i think that’s like the only contraption that i built with the minecart so you’ve seen pretty much most of my base which brings us back to this room it’s massive so that jungle trees can grow in here

However we kind of ran into a fatal flaw which would have required me to do a bunch of trickery or redstone that i wasn’t quite prepared to figure out but this was something that i saw in zeddaf’s video he decided to put the deployer behind the mechanical saw and it will

Actually plant saplings through that space which allows you to go out chop down the tree and then come back again now the issue was that when you put an observer at this height the the sapling isn’t going to grow when you put it at the lower height

It detects too many things like the tree growing and then the tree being chopped down and then the sapling being replanted i would need to have made some sort of advanced redstone to make that properly work and when i say advanced i mean just beyond my ability because if i could

Have got that to work then it would have worked like this you know every time a tree grows this thing’s going to detect it and then it will get to work but the issue here is that it’s going to detect things twice and that broke it because it detected

The sapling um being put down again it’s going to keep doing that no oh dear what have i done now if i had have gotten this to work we would have had just some self-sustaining tree farms in this area constantly chopping down trees and getting wood for us and

So i think it’s fitting that i showed you a contraption over at golf space that i was really impressed with goff is one of the moderators on the server and he is a master builder also very very slick and inside of here the decorating he did with the blocks available in this pack

Was just wonderful and again i talked earlier about how this is a mod pack not just the crate mod we also have quark in here which added so many of the really cool textures that you’ve seen in the various rooms that we’ve been in but anyway oh

I think i closed it the wrong way down here yep there is a tree farm and this is interesting using the rotational energy of a windmill um it just goes round in a circle it’s kind of kind of hard to show you here here we go yeah look at this so your

Deployers are on the back putting down the various different types of saplings and then it just continuously goes in a circle it gives the trees tons of time and space to grow and then you get all of the wood sent up when this thing connects which

It’s about to do and there you go it’s shooting away all the items so i’ve been streaming this series over on twitch and i’ve been uploading the vods to my second channel and there’s gonna be another episode that’s already come out actually over there like a final

World tour where we go and check out all the other things people have been up to so if you want to see what everyone else was doing on the server then that is over on the second channel and we will also come to this place which i’m going to tell you

Is amazing inside of here there is a series of rooms that are like little challenges and they get better and better so i thought i’d tease you a little bit but what’s ahead you’ve got like a a run and jump and and don’t get killed in here oh and i just survived

And then in the next room uh-huh belts and drills and then further along in the contraption moving platforms to jump from and it gets better and better you should definitely go check it out if you if you like the look of this place and so i’ve had an absolute blast with the

Crate mod and i’ve really only scratched the surface of some of the cool things that it can do so i’m probably going to be hopping back into this world from time to time to keep tinkering around with the create mod because it is just so very

Very cool and i’ll be doing that in live streams over on twitch so be sure to go follow me over there and i hope you enjoyed this tour video it was really nice to do something a little different on this channel so anyway if you enjoyed it leave a like

Thanks as always for the support and i’ll see you soon with another one bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create Mod – My Creations With Create Together’, was uploaded by xisumavoid on 2021-06-14 14:15:01. It has garnered 427587 views and 12801 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:58 or 1258 seconds.

Minecraft 1.17 Showcase Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKgxIAR0_8td4Bzb0uU7h8tp As I wind down my streaming plans for this modpack, I decided to do a tour of my base and the contraptions I’ve created so far!

Get the modpack here https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/createtogether

My Links! 💜 Main Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/user/xisumavoid 💛 Second Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/c/xisumatwo 🧡 Xisuma Says ► https://www.youtube.com/c/xisumasays 💚 Xisuma Music ► https://xisuma.co/xisumamusic 📺 Live Streams ► http://www.twitch.tv/xisuma 📝 Music Blog ► https://xisuma.blogspot.com/ 🔷 Twitter ► https://twitter.com/xisumavoid 💻 Website ► http://www.xisumavoid.com 📧 Mailing List ► http://www.xisumavoid.com/mailinglist

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    Bandit's True Identity Revealed: Pro's Real Name Unveiled! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Bandit Adventure Life, a story untold. Pro’s real name revealed, a mystery unmasked, In the realm of gaming, where legends are tasked. Monster school antics, Minecraft mods in play, Every episode, a new tale to convey. Herobrine’s strong family, a bond so tight, Noob vs pro vs hacker, in a fierce fight. Animation vs Minecraft, a battle so grand, Alex & Steve, with swords in hand. Stickman animations, fights in the night, Minecraft memes, a source of delight. Join the Discord, for more fun and games, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • nether portals with different ranks gets me to… hot lava spa! 🔥 #minecraft

    nether portals with different ranks gets me to... hot lava spa! 🔥 #minecraft Nether portals with different ranks gets me to… the same place but with fancier decorations! #minecraft #shorts #meme Read More

  • Dragon Soldiers & More in Oyunverse Minecraft!

    Dragon Soldiers & More in Oyunverse Minecraft! Welcome to an Epic Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to Oyunverse channel! In today’s video, we are embarking on an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft. Join us on this thrilling journey filled with dragons, soldiers, and much more. Watch the video to discover the adventures we will encounter and the experiences we will have! What to Expect in this Video: Epik ejderha savaşları: Get ready for epic dragon battles that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Askerlerle büyük kapışmalar: Engage in intense battles with soldiers that will test your skills. Keşifler ve maceralar: Explore new lands… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where the latest and greatest in the Minecraft community is just a click away! Today, we’re diving into the world of Gamerfleet and his hilarious adventures in the gaming universe. But why stop there when you can join the fun yourself on Minewind Minecraft Server? With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on this exciting server. So, why wait? Join the action-packed world of Minewind today by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your… Read More

  • Sneaky 4-Player Minecraft House Build

    Sneaky 4-Player Minecraft House Build Minecraft New 4 Player House🏠 Building the Best River House in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to enhance their gaming experience. One popular way to do this is by building unique and functional houses. In this quick #shorts video, players are introduced to a tutorial on how to build the best river house in Minecraft for their survival world. Creating a Cozy and Functional Home The tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on constructing a cozy and functional river house. This type of house is perfect for beginner players who are looking… Read More

  • MirukuTeeaaaaaa goes CRAZY in Minecraft MOD FORGE 1.20.4 LIVE Indonesia

    MirukuTeeaaaaaa goes CRAZY in Minecraft MOD FORGE 1.20.4 LIVE IndonesiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘LIVE [MirukuTeeaaaaaa] #Minecraft MOD FORGE 1.20.4 Indonesia’, was uploaded by MirukuTeeaaaaaa on 2024-06-09 12:27:06. It has garnered 129 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:46 or 13606 seconds. Hello!! Those of you who have clicked on this video, I say thank you very much! STREAMING RULES 1. Do not discuss POLITICS, SARA, or OOT. 2. Do not force to play other games or do other things beyond miru’s will 3. Do not mention the name of the vtuber or discuss other vtubers unless miru mentions/discusses it first 4. Do not SPAM,… Read More

  • Haunted Cave Exploration in Minecraft

    Haunted Cave Exploration in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Cave is very Haunted 😨 || MINECRAFT STORY’, was uploaded by Hash F Plays on 2024-04-01 05:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Checkout Description This Video Is A story About A haunted Cave What till end to know what will happen Subscribe Like And … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Griefing with TheAdam! ft. GyroKeksz 🌟

    EPIC Minecraft Griefing with TheAdam! ft. GyroKeksz 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Griefing #8 | UseEmpire | 60 ons | feat. gyorikeksz’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-07-24 19:32:23. It has garnered 121 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. hi bazsii LunarAlts Website: https://lunaralts.info LunarAlts Discord: https://discord.gg/J9zXmfGQJ9 My Discord: https://discord.gg/5BXSRKEb9d Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked bedwars skywars sw astolfo novoline sigma 5 sigma5liquidsense moon rise sight zeroday exhibition flux cracked crack fdpclient jartex network lucky pika… Read More

  • Dino Gopi’s Epic Minecraft Jurassic Battle!

    Dino Gopi's Epic Minecraft Jurassic Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by Dino Gopi on 2024-06-14 10:44:29. It has garnered 818 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:25 or 805 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! A Pirate’s Epic Start in Multiverse SMP LIVE!

    UNBELIEVABLE! A Pirate's Epic Start in Multiverse SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘A PIRATE’S BEGINNINGS! | Minecraft Uncle Zeek’s Multiverse SMP (LIVE)’, was uploaded by JoltoTCR on 2024-01-05 03:07:00. It has garnered 27 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:10 or 7090 seconds. Today I stream the start of Uncle Zeek’s Multiverse SMP Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Map Revealed! (Cartocraft CTM)

    Unbelievable Minecraft Map Revealed! (Cartocraft CTM)Video Information This video, titled ‘The CRAZIEST Minecraft Map You’ve NEVER Heard Of! (Cartocraft) Minecraft CTM’, was uploaded by KVT on 2024-07-20 14:00:34. It has garnered 365 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:45 or 4665 seconds. 16 Different Dungeons, 16 Different Mapmakers spanning across several countries. This huge CTM Map has some of the craziest mechanics you’ve ever seen and you’ve NEVER even heard of it. The Cartoland Community banded together to make a Mapwreck-styled map and came out with this bad boy. Welcome, To Cartocraft. feat. @bsm_ctm @Narfu1 @renderXR ========================= ➤ Minecraft CTM ➤… Read More

  • HUGE Minecraft Giveaway – 4000 Cakes for Subs! 🔥

    HUGE Minecraft Giveaway - 4000 Cakes for Subs! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Start: 4000 Cakes For My Subscribers In Minecraft Survival SMP [ Vertical Stream ]’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-05-09 00:28:50. It has garnered 117 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:46 or 13546 seconds. 📗 Hello, everyone! Welcome to yet another of my minecraft survival challenge livestream. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as I perform some of the craziest, wildest, and intense challenges for the number of 100s of subscribers I’ve gained, oh and thank you by the way to everyone for subscribing to me! ✨ 🚀 Please become a… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Minecraft Factions Flame Live Stream! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Minecraft Factions Flame Live Stream! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘AO VIVO! Minecraft Factions Flame AO VIVO!’, was uploaded by yFast Games on 2024-07-05 10:54:48. It has garnered 45 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:08 or 2528 seconds. 🥰 Hello, I’m Claudio, I’m back with my yFast channel to bring back the magic of a good factions 🥰 ‹ Contact📞 › • 🐦Twitter: @Claudinho1227is • Discord: yFast *Purple site: ytyfast_ Video ‹ About the Video › • IP: RedeHeavy.com.br * Port: Normal *Store: • Status: Online • My Nickname: YTyFast {Extra Tags} Ignore factions op server with free vip, factions… Read More

  • GRIL vs BOY! Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!

    GRIL vs BOY! Ultimate Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who is Better Gril Or Boy #minecraft’, was uploaded by FAHD GAMING on 2024-02-14 20:44:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Who is Better Gril Or Boy #minecraft gril or boy, girl or boy, girl or boy symptoms in pregnancy, girl or boy challenge, girl or boy … Read More

  • Open World MC

    Open World MCOpen World MC is a multiplayer Minecraft server where you can explore, build, create and play! Open World was created by Game Box Entertainment, which is a development team looking to make games for the gaming community! Game Box created games in platforms such as Roblox, and Minecraft! play.openworldmc.com Read More

  • Divinity And Beyond SMP 1.12.2

    🌟 Join the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Divine Journey 2! 🌟 🔥 Expert Pack | Magical Automation | 1600+ Quests | 600+ Custom Items | 5000+ Changed Recipes | 19 Dimensions | Community Dungeons **🔥 Are you ready for a journey like no other? Welcome to our Divine Journey 2 server, where epic quests and magical automation await you! Dive into an expert-level modpack with over 1600 quests designed to challenge and excite even the most seasoned players. Discover 600+ custom items and explore a world with 5000+ changed recipes that offer a fresh and unique gameplay experience. 🌍 Explore… Read More

  • Shadowed SMP

    Hello everyone. About 4 years ago i was part of a Minecraft smp with a player base of around 12-15 players and it was the most fun i had ever had playing a game. Now i know my past experience of playing on an smp is not so important to most so lets move on. I wanted to create a new smp just like the one i was part of 4 years ago. Just normal vanilla with around 12-20 players just so that everyone knows everyone. The server isnt some free aternos. Ilt is paid for and if required i’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Explosive Minecraft music obsession

    Minecraft Memes - Explosive Minecraft music obsessionI love Minecraft music so much, I’ve started listening to it on repeat while I do my taxes. Read More

  • Moye Moye Madness: Gamerfleet’s YouTube Shorts

    Moye Moye Madness: Gamerfleet's YouTube Shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, with rhymes that gleam. Crafting updates with a grin and a spin, Each fact shared in a playful, light din. With eyes on the scene, sharp and keen, Describing moves, each one a scene. Fierce and funny, with emojis bright, Bringing gaming news to new heights. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your beats, your art. Spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness! Why did the Minecraft Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! #rockon #minecraftband Read More

  • Mutant Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mutant Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft: Mobs Bermutasi! 🌟 (Mutant Evolved Mod) Welcome to the most epic Minecraft adventure yet! In this exciting journey, players will encounter mutated mobs that have evolved into terrifying mutants. With the Mutant mod, every encounter becomes more challenging and thrilling! Get ready for epic battles against mutant wardens, Ender dragons, creepers, and many more. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and ring the notification bell to stay updated on more exciting videos! 🎮✨ Exploring the Mutant Evolved Addon The Mutant Evolved addon introduces a whole new level of excitement to the Minecraft world. Players will come face to face… Read More

  • Top Minecraft-Like Games You Didn’t Know!

    Top Minecraft-Like Games You Didn't Know! Exploring Minecraft-Like Games You Didn’t Know About! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for similar games to dive into? Look no further! In this video, a selection of games that capture the essence of Minecraft in terms of building, survival, and creativity are showcased. Each game has its own unique style and appeal, making them worth exploring for any Minecraft enthusiast. Let’s delve into these exciting adventures and expand your list of favorites! Game Number 1 Starting off the list is a game that shares similarities with Minecraft in terms of building and exploration. Dive into a… Read More

  • LilMissEaster’s EPIC Sibling Minecraft Fail!

    LilMissEaster's EPIC Sibling Minecraft Fail!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sibling MINECRAFT hardcore ep33 (Might drag our feet in defeat)’, was uploaded by LilMissEaster on 2024-07-17 11:03:52. It has garnered 40 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:59 or 6959 seconds. Donations: https://paypal.me/LilMissEaster?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Yovey: https://www.twitch.tv/yoveytron What’s this… MY GRAPHIC NOVEL IS OUT! WHAAAAAATTTTT!? Book 1 and 2 are available! Book 1: https://a.co/d/cmuzCO0 Book 2: https://a.co/d/4tV8IXC Read More

  • Minecraft Legends: Real or Fake?

    Minecraft Legends: Real or Fake?Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Legends That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-07-20 14:15:02. It has garnered 1167428 views and 19849 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:02 or 1322 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – http://preston.gg/subscribeplayz 👕 FIRE MERCH – http://www.firemerch.com/ 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – http://firemerch.app/download 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@preston ☛ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/prestonplayz/ ☛ Twitter – https://twitter.com/Preston 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ https://fire.vip/discord —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video… Read More

  • MikeytheGoat faces EVIL mobs in Minecraft Hardcore!

    MikeytheGoat faces EVIL mobs in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by MikeytheGoat on 2024-07-11 16:07:20. It has garnered 261 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:40 or 4420 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Create Mod – My Creations With Create Together