Minecraft: Dungeon Realms – Episode 4 – The Tower of Hell..Again

Video Information

Hello people it’s not serious ooh intro no just kidding well too bad that’s gonna be the interim hi guys Rebecca Tyga hey be quiet all rights in a few days Oh fullscreen awkward okay so so shadow is going to be telling me exactly last time we did no okay this time it’s

It’s it’s good okay last time we did a video you led me okay you were the leader and it turned out to be crapped well i was actually even worked what didn’t even work and then you drove me into lava and it just it today well i

Have to give credit this guy fatality he found it out but he basically showed bit is help so tell me tell me what we’re doing not exactly what exactly to the end of sentence now what we’re doing specifically but tell me to tell us titty what the hell tell everybody where

We’re going we’re going to the very tippity-top of crystal tower okay and that is gonna be very very fun because last time we did it we went through hell well as long as you okay as long as you bring TP books out of there you’re gonna

Find because i found that trying to go back almost got me killed like if anyone saw my stream yes that last night i guess like if i upload this tomorrow if anyone saw my stream you would know that i went down from about eleven point six

Khp to about 800 in a matter of seconds trying to help my friend get there well that does not terrify me in the lead but it that that only happens if you like what hat okay that really only happens whenever you try to go outside of this

Safe spot cuz and now everyone knows what we’re doing my freaking God well they don’t they don’t know exactly and I don’t really even know either I mean you’re kind of showing me this way first time your good lovin guys the last time we went to the tower we wound up getting

One floor down but those that don’t remember the episode i believe it was episode 11 where i broke my axe i had to scream of a century and we kind of kind of drove me through hell oh yeah this axe i just bought by the way um anyone

My channel yeah it’s pretty LP but while we were at that Tower it broke and I was like oh I got it didn’t I just break but it was as your soul for me me oh yeah safer okay I’m gonna give you a really really

Nice tip when you hit with your ax left and right click yep that’s that’s what I’m starting to do now because that’s what happen I like it went away I’ll cook the grounds like oh my god that’s probably all most scared I’ve been actually I need to show everybody of my

New stats got a new acts I don’t know if this is in my last episode but um got this axe cuz I trade and a sword I have a very interest or interesting story about how all its happened but I think that might get let out during the video

Um chestplate i think is sams before new helmet this is energy regen and then new tier 5 boots which I actually got from a drop off of tier 5 when fighting okay it’s your 5 over the tree over there I was so nice ya love ya um um where are

You exactly i’m currently in I’m in Seneca I need to think if you could possibly buy these two tier 4 items off me so I can repair my calm yourself i’m bringing a stack of gold repair oh that’s that’s even better thank you might just take me a bit to get there

Cuz uh where you at right now i am at what is a gloomy Hallows the gloomy halls area i’m coming to sarah ironic i’m not too far away yeah I brought some TV books with me when we actually do wind up going do you have a TV dinner

Rolls man uh I don’t think so I really have like 200 dead peaks and then like all there’s a trolls been right here but it’s 50 cheese Oh My Jesus yeah it’s just look for a different one into me yeah well I’m doing this you know you

Can be looking for trolls man in the meantime look this guy’s name this guy’s chest name is statue what’s the name what’s the person’s name keoki or that’s my boss yeah I just don’t know set and apparently at cjc 7122 is trying to sell a fake diamond pickaxe yeah take it’s a

Good tip whoa alrighty so come on I mean this okay when was how much holes did we actually have last time we tried go into the tower did I pass oh I didn’t mom I think it’s like I had that I’ve k right you had considerably oh wait I need to

About you to a party he and I are you okay so here’s our health good to see you guys now we had roughly I had roughly about 7,000 health you had about five thousand I think it might have actually only been four thousand i think it was like four thousand yeah your gear

Was considerably less than the what is now is because um that was when you nearly just started the game yet ardian freakin tr4a miss economy mm-hmm oh yeah that was pretty crazy I actually got like here for the second day I played mm-hmm I’m sure everybody else who plays

It for the first time is gonna get to your for a rap about to that’s there that’s the problem like it’ll be fixed on open beta it’s not even worth around me honest like tier four drops quite fast right like right now like knocking there was no way but you know I thought

About that myself I thought that’s here for like they up the like drop search here for but I was thinking to myself maybe it’s just because we’re in tier 4 and tier 5 and were able to fight them so easily like it would kind of make

Sense you know cuz if someone who was in tier 3 tried fighting those guys but take em a considerably a long time to be able to do something it takes quite a bit okay I’m uh I’m in the cellar and come back were you able to find CP I

Know it wasn’t well they’re all like 50 I volatile I saw two of them okay so I don’t have another trolls man I don’t have one um just show you where the 51 was I don’t even I don’t even care it was ova here somewhere I think I figure

They’re not here sit there oh look at those damn pains right here it’s sexy where mine oh Jesus yeah that looks sexy plus 2 plus 6 wow I said you Oh spency p do you have those goats crepes killer chicken 13 eat your heart out there you

Go uh yeah I do the gold scrubs how many uh check your durability on your alright so might my chest no no we’re talking acts eater yeah but my chest needs repaired ok so my tier 4 axe has 800 out of 1,500 and then my

Tier five acts has 15 out of 32 we’ll just fill our zoo I don’t think that’ll last too long they’re all right so there’s that have yourself a field day watch it like watch me take one short oh god please no oh god this is 91 okay i’m

At 94 94 so give me two more thank you Lois I’m I just ran by and picked it there’s 14 take dost take those usually one on whatever else you need and then train to the rest of the merchant get some diamond and iron scrubs yeah I’m

Actually gonna I’m gonna keep about six of them on me just for my ex cuz my armory actually goes down quite slow like yeah my armor was at half durability but i think i might repair my armor just cuz i don’t know how much is

Gay i take I’ve never had my arm or actually break on me before yeah I have a neither but my chest plate was considerably low is that like 50 I’m trying to think of the worst results possible right now considering we are going into chaotic zone if we do wind up

Getting killed and my armor does go down thirty percent I’d rather not have it all break yeah that’s exactly what I’m talking about because I think like it’s at the point where if your weapons were to die it’s not the worst thing LOL but if your armor breaks then you are

Screwed yeah i’m just taking out 5000 seeing how much I’ve left up to list okay so do you happen to have a a teleport to like 7i cursing like that cuz don’t know teleport that i have is really not chaotic is dark oak tavern yeah i have a dark oak tavern CP and

Three try poli teepees that’s where i’m gonna be heading out as just stripe only cuz i can run back do you think i must not chaotic I’m fine with do you think I possibly buy one of those just for like 25 I can just won you won dude you can

It’s not gonna be all you need to buy for me well I mean I feel like it’s like that I like it Thank you Thank You Pete shadow I’m on a recording I get paid to act nice oh oh i see i see that was not supposed to have been sent

I love justjust sue me already oh my god this lag its spawn is horrid I can’t yeah but it’s fine it’s fine cuz right now like yeah people that I’m what the hell is my grammar tonight it’s ten o’clock it’s past my drunk hour for anybody’s been in my streams that’s

Actually a ten o’clock right about now so I have any excuses for those to the video yay but um when you’re inside renika the frames go down quite a bit because of all the entities problem is though is that I’m recording this getting is like choppy as hell frames

You guys on the other hand probably just gonna see it’s smooth 30 you man what the hell’s he talking about that’s why it’s probably about me too but mm-hmm okay dude um so I need a trip only trip I to whatever the hell’s got your point

CT book there you go thank you recording rapidly that’s why there’s not too many people on this is also on some other server but yeah you say that like it’s malicious or something that’s okay that’s to provide us five its secret Shh Rana we’re on aussie 7 ya know we’re on

The dev server everybody here is a developer mhm and now you wonder why every and now you wonder wait when are we curse on we need a teleport to choles bane why are you ready I was gonna I was gonna get a workout ok that makes sense

Though right don’t call me fat Rock lug rock look look at this guy always scares me every I know I feel like this like a guy just sitting ok forget it exactly we say that every recording be I think it’s time they know say what every time every

Time we come just like reading log this happened the exact same time last time it’s not that way it’s this way fool well I think last ok in my livestream I went that way and I made a complete circle around the place nice blog yeah mm-hmm right so I think what we should

Do is just just kind of skip through a lot of it you know obviously not the tr4 cuz they can kind of hurt us but what exactly can you skip through like what are you referring to by skipping the room that’s would be scary as hell if

They get like that if they actually did damage we talked about this last time they shot firewalls it would be amazing fireballs exactly what we’re just running with the golems right now just don’t even fight the goal and just run past them go homes

Are just not worth my time to fight oh I see things are there this tau ok now ok that was like this tower looks different what happened why is there no body well no like it didn’t have the spikes on each side it just had one major spike in

The middle you know where’s the ground I don’t know where is a ground Pete the ground is under you right in your face ok so we’re gonna stick together and you said you wanted to skip through a bunch of crap this this is linear tower boy

You can’t skip the run you can’t get through a big cheese I already freaking I’m sorry it was damage buff for 90 seconds nothing wait wait wait wait wait wait just as you said you’re about to get shot No Kinka shot don’t worry these guys will snap back this chest it’s

Absolute way to make you feel bad dude that zombie up there probably had it you know we’re gonna wind up dying I hope you understand we are not Pete we’re going to 1 i’ve done this two times facedesk does that reassure you Pete why is this guy already have damage

Taken oh no no no no no no why does this guy already have damage taken there’s probably someone here son of a we could take in mind it’s ok I don’t know about that oh look at that sorry I can TV book nice stole I ok um ok I guess

We’ll swap roles in stock do you know what to do there you go and then you go let me out my I hit you up man what okay how was that are robots that’s nice that’s nice okay work for time what sort of a shadow all that oh my god am I

Supposed to do now I got it now I got a cap god damn it now i got to come down with you again no no just I can make it back all you need to do is just go back to wear that thing was you know no I go

Go back to the the door do you need all their hey me enough for this crap ok I’m back up here just open the door for me you know what screw I fell down really really big break my kneecaps why don’t I you really did all my Jesus wait

What the hell I’m in here shadow oh no go in full I don’t know like guy Josh fault how do I get in this though there’s the doors a button to the right all right okay and then I open this for you can I ask you sing up and then you

Open this for me okay Rogers alrighty so that’s a woman and I will end you we made it yes I love it if I felt I remember when I came back dude don’t use your gold access early but look at I can kill them like four hits right but yeah

You know don’t use it until it gets like overwhelming yeah well there actually are two tier 3 h-huh two tier for elites and around here I know that for all that’s true sure by the way I found out you know that one polat there was um

That we were able to go to they won’t attack us from oh yeah like down there i found out why it’s not a glitch or anything it’s something designed with the map it’s yeah it is it’s the fact that wither skeletons are three blocks yeah I feel like that yeah so they can’t

Reach us that’s basically how this other one works but there’s like a ladder in front of it so it’s like they’re like is asleep and down the ladder by the way how many health wats do have on here I have two three four how many health one

Of them is like 750 okay here’s where I go right and that’s it’s here for elite right behind you drew all right I got this I got this let’s demolish it already half health I got packs a punch huh rain lightning you did a 24 swordfish Oh sham oh hello how much

Else does I have I was 10 feet I saw that dude oh i just saw matt what okay um 2200 health well i got a sword too we’re tearfully I gotta drop from the sword 2200 hell for it’s here for that’s pretty good well mine has 3,500 I know

It’s not the best but that’s that’s pretty good yeah that’s that’s definitely pretty good seagate they should drop let bums kitty my god just be quiet dude my why is my axe already like this low this should not be it’s right because you’re using it too much

Not like gold acts my oh you’re dominicks yeah hey I’m gonna use this crappy ass sword I found Wow your pie nice be just let me do all the work well if you need any food you can talk to me about it ok I have like

20 apples 20 bread 20 sake I’m good on food all right now we are coming to the maze ok thought I fell through there this is the maze already yeah party this high up yeah it’s actually really not that hard to think about it I think we

Just like we just blew it out of proportion with our craziness right exactly why do i do you have any gym socks on you I have like what all these things are so nice man yeah I really lend him stacks stacks stacks of trips no I want Jim sacks ok you can pretty

Much your way this entire maze and still find a way out we don’t want to be careful we need to be careful on this cell ok so let’s let’s go through you take them um listen to me though whenever we get past this maze I’ll tell

You wouldn’t like at the end whatever we can pass it we need a sprint like sprint on full on to this place okay you’re scaring me right now oh hello ah don’t acknowledge it’s a health care oh she actually have fun wow he do obviously

Know how does he see my name I don’t know oh okay is it then all right hold up hold up I’d reply stop for a second so I can reply them you’re good I guess sure he’s peaceful I don’t know what I swear to God if he’s in that spot I’m

Gonna be so pissed well he sees our name so I don’t know is he oh wait yeah he’s up there is he really yeah look up let’s try you in the spot I’m walking through okay all right here it is be it and as you can see at the top there’s already

Two your five okay come on follow me Wow okay calm yourself calm yourself bro you’re getting way too cocky enough come on clunk 10 see me I understand I understand um oh my free little come to this ladder come to the slider right here you’re scaring me because become

The letter dude Pete where are you I’m up I’m up you fool up where where the hell am I going where the hell there’s right here those bookcases right here come back to the bookcases dude son of a ice loss to you I lost you I don’t

Know where the headed oh okay when you go up there up the stairs my back seems ready niquette dude I have like fifty thousand people on me yeah i know pete i sorry I don’t freakin know what to do run just like nothing i can do right now

Dude some a i just block myself oh my god okay um yeah I’m sorry I had to bail on you man but I’m come back and come back did we can take him on I’m scared as hell dude I’m so freaking scared he’s come back come back hi I am

Frightened I am frightened died everything oh my gosh dude I don’t know what to do I don’t know to do I don’t know what I don’t know what to I don’t know what to do i’m trying to get out i’m trying to get out i strike on my health pots

I’m going to die no you’re not just keep going temper some rebuff that’s not help I’m backed into a wall I’m backed into a wall oh my god on my feet I got you I got you right behind you oh my gosh okay that’s it this is not oh did we just

Find a way out no no I’m not today I’m okay I’m game shadow it’s okay i’m helping I’m helping you okay yeah get on the chats don’t destroy get up here get up here get up here get up to where I am dude oh my god that ok and my axe was

Just at zero durability what so much look like ok oh no please don’t come this way we can okay seriously though we can still get up there why this is exactly what happened but I was even lower than this like I was below 1 what

The oh ok ok ok ok ok right what let me explain my side of the story so I alright well bars racing faster than i did before yet look let me explain let me explain i sent a story i was following you the difference was you

Were a quite a ways ahead of me I saw all the guys up there and a my original I’d like a you home just like done he was like okay I saw everybody up there I’m like whoa dude back up back up back up and I saw you going I’m like wait

Whoa I didn’t I forgot about this thing so I backed up you are already out there so I try running up there I just see a bunch of guys yes your fault you’re five I couldn’t distinguish where you were ok even so you kept going straight as soon as you went up

Right that’s what you don’t know yeah there were a bunch of bookshelves I try yes when I couldn’t there were too many people alright well what we need to do is we need to kill them off and then primo que pretty much what as soon as

You go up there you turn left you see there’s a whole beer you saw right the whole ton of bookshelves did you see a ladder I think so they’re coming down here by the way but did you see did you see a ladder there it was like a

Ladder to the I’m gonna write some like that I think alright well let me tell left so it’s I it’s hard to like actually tell you how it is but like pretty much as if you’ll do it on I’m taking the pumpkin pie out of this from

The food keep the bread there so this just as nice fun ok but ok as soon as you run up there the stairs you turn on the left and it’s like you turn around basically going to the corner there and like in the middle of the bookshelves

There should be a ladder hanging there and then under it that you can go inside of it and there’s two ice ok i think the developers like up to something with the building these safe spot it’s like ok when you go under there under the ladder

What the the hell are you doing boy Pete don’t moves in you it doesn’t see maybe if we stay real no it’s staring at you continue what you were saying it ok so he’s just he’s just he’s just my translator he’s yet but pretty much as

Soon as we get up there you have to turn like immediately left and then you go and it’s like the ladders there in the bookshelves and that’s pretty much what we do just go it climb on the ladder go down the ladder and then go forward

Mm-hmm but we could we can seriously we could easily like that hold on hold on you seem to be forgetting one minor detail hmm that’s that’s the situation for in a little bit the situation that we’re currently in right now we are cornered there are a tier five guys and

Tier four lined up the ass yeah are we supposed to do this I guess this guy’s our friend I mean he nut hey he’s a little bruised up he’s not yeah I consider my axes daughter oh right and left click room yeah even though a bit of epic grip alrighty so we should

We can take them on like one at a time okay if I pretty sure we can both do this either we have 20k especially when other people were doing this and they only had like five girls okay oh oh someone else to come into learned

What’s his name no no it’s like a mob oh okay scheduling crap out of me oh there’s a little right here okay say I’m mom nah oh I felt I don’t think there’s anyone actually here so that’s a dead end right there I only think sneaking actually does anything to help us like

Pete clump sorry I was just dealing with a person okay do not lose me if I’m not moving you wait until I am continue moving was that like a happy enough frowny face to combine your Z’s have like one what what what yeah he needs to

Get that checked I of dog though I like I had to see you walk around the corner and to see you explode back there we’re in stealth mode right now it’s scary okay uh which door do we take I think we go this way yeah yeah this way this way

And then there’s oh my cup we’re fine calm yourself I just I I see the site of a tier 5 and it’s just like to your vibe of archers scare me nothing else and this guy’s an archer this guy’s exactly what we’re afraid of oh now there’s no

One okay and then there were 20 jams just exploded out of everything oh my goodness okay I just like see myself inventory but full of gems now I just got three stacks of gems off that one killer let me go first okay okay it’s your four nights here 5 i’m gonna bring

It to your 5 back I got oh did he just did I thought I was doing like 600 day of each each hit him do you have thorns uh do you have the thorns in channel no we just went completely yes went backwards okay well at least week we’re

Cleared out some mobs alright so now we know we build England I think we can actually like walk now no no yeah we can oh we can always walk where did you come from can we just clear others one left in here awesome never mind there’s definitely more than that there is a

Comb don’t destroy it’s just what away don’t destroy any chess in here we could use them to get up to the top half here so they can’t reach us see you like what I mean whoa baby yeah yeah I see that gem school okay so SE cuz this guy this

Guy can’t hit me rehna hilarious until I TV something yeah I love how often I block on this dude so my armor you have thorns on your armor by the way um like when a person hits you you deal the exact same I damage back I just took our much freaking legs

no I do not men want to heal up a bit I’m gonna go on pills go first ok I’ll just eat here don’t lose me trust me we’re fine ok does it ok fine I kind of panic for a second and then I realized wait now we’re fine I would

Love it if I get your pod drop or if we get your off of this don’t like make my night yeah I know aside from the fact I didn’t die my nights kind of already made mm-hmm that really was scary that what dude you don’t even know

The definition well yeah you do you went lower than I did but that dude oh and also bad news for that too um I’m a lot of health potions now I am too I wish I still had an egg but I had to use that

To save my life won’t stay to fight I’m gonna be so ticked about leave the sex you’ll be fine because here’s the thing if one of us dies we can at least stay here and try and get the other person’s stuff oh my god go back go back shadow

Shadow ok we’re good we’re good max is gone ok thank you for getting only like left click button right like that’s what I’m doing right now very nice I’m moving in for the kill diamond on tier 5 baby efficiency all right keep those skipped escape yeah so it’s like as soon as you

Come up here Oh is he all the way out there holy alright so as soon as we go up there we need to turn immediately this way and go this way look at me like the direction I’m going to go this way like here I’ll show you well sneak sneak

Well I’ll show you exactly where we go go on kill this guy off kill this guy off bring him down a bit ok now we tuck right click left and right click don’t call your brother it’s done a little bit more and then a little

Bit more calm down a little bit more ok keep them keep them at this back all right so I’ll following you and dude hold on hold on let me tell you something real quick good I’m good hmm if in fact they do wind a bunch of them

Do wind up chasing us first off there’s a chest right behind us try and use that to get up to the second layer because that’s what saved me was using its chest to get up to the second layer I think so if you run through try and find any

Chess and just use it get on it and jump to the top bull oh oh so to your finally I’ll know they remove those from the game Pete I don’t have energy club I don’t have much either but you know what fun it’s all good man by

The way um if your axe actually does I’m talking about so you’re five here if your tier five acts actually does need quite a bit of repairing I have 28 um gold repair scraps on me I brought those just in case mm-hmm alright so if one actually look money great so look let’s

Go with this guy kill the sky off he’s done we want people to just kill them off and walk over there I think so yeah cuz dude it just seems to be working out fine for us until I want to respawning right d sorry their ladders DCM Jesse go

To those Parker on water solemn go all the way down we can go do it now now now on ok I’ll following him go look you can’t follow me in here oh it was that it yes I want the complete into the ops look oh my gosh

Are you serious I’m serious this is still this is legitimately what the hell are we doing I don’t like this at all well I this is just like this is just this is scary what the hell are we doing oh I’m still like shaking though

From this mmm gonna look up wha cha cha ki done peak it done see pizza livery he scares me okay that’s all we can get in there cuz he’s pleased on something we’re gonna be hanging out in this one spot right now I don’t I don’t feel

Comfortable with this you know what do you need I feel like I’m abusing something yeah I mean it’s I feel like this is a Catholic thicker like the mad creators put this in here just like for their own use I’ve seen the map careers do a few things before Janna mm-hmm I

Mean if we ever just want to like farm tr5 we can just easily come here and do this but I don’t know Bernie gm’s watching shadow brought me here I do not approve okay I’d there’s a helmet there’s a helmet there let’s see that yeah for my inventory is full you me a

Second i’ll pick it up just gotta put some be sure yeah hold on p sure there’s a tier five right there is like 2 tier fives you talk like you talk but there’s orb piece right there too oh yeah there it is sup most suck a thanks for the

Helmet by nice nice bed now hold on hold on if we were to go further up oh I don’t have any energy if we were to go further up what’s up there I’m is that the top is that the Talia’s cuz you can see them up they’re still right yeah cuz

I think by then it would be all tier 5 because right now we’re getting a mix of t4 and t5 i I really don’t want to go through Pete well I don’t want to stay here this is this is just but like we can’t leak ill all these guys off and

Then just walk up there like he probably has a to the health ok if he can have a god I feel like there’s some elites but I you know the story of how there were cr5 elites that had like fifty thousand help but they removed it from a game because they were too

Powerful mm-hmm that’s that’s the scary stuff man how much health that helmet head by the way let me check actually pretty decent 768 health 68 argyria 10 dodge eight percent to one’s nine percent damage it’s got thorns thorns our doors are really good Oh money hi hi

Oh hi forgot about you guys oh I went up what’s up then apparently i went into a crafting table just just the ladder just a ladder or death oh ok well in a second we can treat you get out of here when TP is yeah I don’t I don’t want to be here

You sure we want to be out or do you kind of want I can’t want to go back down like a back down yeah you do realize that’s it’s kind of dangerous cuz it’s gonna have this could have the same effect as last time going down not

If we’d not have we kill off into your 5s and head back down there because the reason it had the same effect as last time was because of all that’s your fives have a lot interesting Pizza where you folks you’re fond bro oh my gosh gems are everywhere yet it’s crazy i

Have there until 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 stacks ever more work okay um you almost ready to go back huh I feel like I don’t know this isn’t this is fun but there’s two problems number one I don’t think this is very entertaining yeah

Uh second off I feel like I’m abusing something it just doesn’t it just doesn’t feel morally right to me and third I just I actually want to show you a different area so I definitely like tier 5 I don’t know if we’ve not to your

Five not to your five we could go to with your fireplace if you want to it’s a actually you know we you know what I want to do take me back to that one place that had the button take me back there all right let’s we can go we can

Take this guy yeah let’s sign up I’ll head back up let’s go this always gets it a lot but what’s your séance okay let’s take these guys out I when I kind of look at this tier 5 get let’s hear jobs anything I was gonna I was gonna

Say i kinda want to wait until he drops into your five but i don’t think that’s gonna happen probably not for a while almost a helmet there is a diamond comment really pick that up we’re right to the right underneath the kabul and circle I see it is it go I don’t know

Yet I’m gonna trade a iron arrow that one guy that shot seriously who’s Pizza Hut 727 HP what’s the other attributes on 68 HP a second and reflection five that’s pretty decent yeah so we actually got some pretty good loot I also got a t5 sword or not t5 sort to your four

Sword alright dude we can just use them here have you noticed that like it really abusing a glitch just know this is this isn’t abuse English at all just that wasn’t even a glitch it was just it was an app creators fault holy I want to

Pick them all up pick up all the gems did we need to get some like really high-end pouches I know but it comes out of the point where you think like with all the pouches you could get are you technically spending more money than you could really even like you know you

Counter get I was saying mm-hmm well programs dude I have so many gems in my inventory it’s honestly and really you want know how many stacks I have company um hold on first off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 stacks of Jim’s going on

One two three and then a bunch of other pouches full gems which I think totals up to 150 100 250 400 600 700 yeah that’s crazy I don’t know I’ve got a good huh not really good a man I don’t know if one pouch on me so

Come onto your five dollars pupster oh I distracted a few yeah you did there I think this is gonna be our goodbye little kill spree here let’s go ahead and because here comes from tier 5 please then you take me back to that one other place I don’t really know what

You’re talking about but ok one place of the bottom on the whole of the last I went there today yeah yeah yeah bring my lip there during my student get down a little bit Pete so he comes down the steps either just stayed in there anything no gems sprouts press and then

Sup to your five all right you’re gonna be our last one you’re fat bro always behind his chest stupid I like a silent we are I feel like I don’t know I feel like we have to be silent in the game who’s that here I’m gonna punch

This to your five okay I can’t I’ll get him sup yeah he’s gonna all right side to kick some booty I still love the fact that the party uh like having the life of the party bring down Bray down bring down bringing up I like having the life

Of the party show it’s kind of like a duel like I said this before but it’s kind of like we can both watch each other’s perspectives knowing how much health we both have yeah oh no t5 okay yeah it’s not dude did I tell you what happened with the tier 5 conversation

Thing no was it um I asked in a global chat when I was on I was like hey disabled you know because I was forming a couple 001 close I was asking uh hazel you know the percentage he’s Shepherd anyway know the percentage of what’s your fives drop or like the percentage

For two fives and a builder said I’m not gonna name names here but a builder said sorry we don’t give out percentages and immediately after a player mod says oh it’s a 0.8 I’m just looking and he just free sighs like I told you say this is like it was just the

Funniest thing ever that is pretty good which way do we get I don’t remember here’s what I think trying go the way we want to go and then we’ll line up going to place you don’t want to go I think we’re just gonna heading back to the

Same place we just went yeah I know right yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Dungeon Realms – Episode 4 – The Tower of Hell..Again’, was uploaded by Buscha on 2013-04-22 23:46:40. It has garnered 2766 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:04 or 2404 seconds.

►►Audience challenge: 45 likes :DDD Thanks for watching! Leave a rating if you enjoyed!


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Hunger Games: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPbbha2Tbss&list=PLTiME4vx509JjcCdjw1R1-DMa1qwYFiCo

Minigames: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3_VCtAZfZA&list=PLTiME4vx509JIBq7LXESVOirglUOuuRcd

Mod Spotlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kq6su2uM2fY&list=PLTiME4vx509KQ9QA2QYiMrHD2OGWoHOJp


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  • 😢 SAD BOY MINECRAFT SERVER 🔥 Join now on telegram! #shorts

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  • Unbelievable Highcraft Gameplay by Emerson King!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft World Creation Tutorial

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  • Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C A

    Villager AI in Minecraft Has a Secret Dance at Y M C AVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villager – Y M C A (villager ai)’, was uploaded by PvPhubSMP on 2024-01-12 06:49:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. womp womp Minecraft,minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft animation,minecraft funny,villager ai cover,villager animation,grox … Read More

  • Terra Nova SMP 18+ Java Whitelist Community Driven

    Embark on a Journey to Terra Nova 🏰 Experience a vibrant Minecraft server where medieval tales and modern adventures intertwine in version 1.20.4. Terra Nova is a haven for mature players 18+ who share a love for the game and community. Features: Diamonds drive a player-driven economy with 15+ stores. Weekly events include parkour challenges, building contests, and PvP tournaments. Explore Terra Nova on BlueMap: Discover Terra Nova Join the 18+ Community: Experience kindness and camaraderie while engaging in activities and exploration. Progression is based on hard work, not pay-to-win schemes. Embark With Us: Visit us at Terra Nova SMP… Read More

  • Better Towny – OP – PYRO Fishing – Towny – MCMMO – Jobs – RANKS

    Welcome to Better Towny!The better version of the game mode you all know and love. Experience ultimate progression with a never seen before leveling system (/level) Grind your mcmmo skills, Level up jobs to make money, take part in events to earn epic rewards, earn gems to unlock OP gear, fight in dungeons to get shards and gems, and so so much more!Server was launched on the 1st of June!Don’t start behind everyone, now is the best opportunity! Everyone is starting from the beginning, so if you love becoming the best player on survival, now is your chance to become… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Villager Baby outshines the competition

    “I guess even in Minecraft, kids will always find a way to annoy us with their questions and demands.” Read More

  • Big TV Man’s Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown

    Big TV Man's Toilet Tango: Minecraft Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Big TV Man faces Astro Detainer, their skills collide. With a skibidi toilet addon, the challenge is set, Who will emerge victorious? Place your bets. The crowd is cheering, the tension is high, As Big TV Man and Astro Detainer give it a try. With every move, every spin, every jump, The excitement builds, the fans start to thump. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always a new run. So keep on crafting, keep on exploring, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Hot girl gets faded in Minecraft! 🔥 #meme

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Cara Membuat tempat tidur lush cave di Minecraft” that showcases the creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players. While watching this video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine being able to bring your wildest Minecraft creations to life in a vibrant and dynamic community of fellow players. With Minewind’s unique gameplay features and exciting events, you’ll never run out of adventures to embark… Read More

  • Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft

    Childhood Anime Fans in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the World of Blocks Step into the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join 方块轩, a renowned creator in the Minecraft community, as he brings laughter and joy through his original animations and content. Discovering the Minecraft Universe 方块轩’s channel is dedicated to providing child-friendly content, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all viewers. With a focus on humor and entertainment, his videos showcase the endless possibilities within the Minecraft universe. From Funny Animations to Educational Series Whether you’re in the mood for a good laugh with… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | Wynncraft

    SHOCKING: SHREK in Pyro Swarm? | WynncraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘They Put SHREK In MINECRAFT??? | Wynncraft’, was uploaded by Pyro Swarm on 2024-05-20 10:42:55. It has garnered 279 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:22 or 1882 seconds. We find Shrek! Read More

  • Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!

    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

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Minecraft: Dungeon Realms – Episode 4 – The Tower of Hell..Again