Minecraft Dungeons Default Through Apocalypse+ MEGA Guide | Gear, Builds, Enchants, & MORE

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Minecraft dungeons you either love it or you hate it or you just don’t care which is probably the most common sentiment since mojang is so slow to address and fix problems issues and concerns but a fair chunk of us still love the game or have a love hate relationship with it

Due to it being so much fun and new players are constantly joining the scene only to get overwhelmed by the options and choices and lack of helpful in-game info and oh my god why did the creepers speed up as they’re about to explode instead of stopping it can actually be

Even more confusing for people coming from the original minecraft just because how different some things can be but luckily i’m one of those players who knows this game and still has fun with it and this is my crash course guide on how to make this game less stressful and

Much easier to enjoy no matter what difficulty you’re starting this video on and strap yourself in you’re in for a long video so obviously we have to start with default you just got the game you got a sword you think it’s awesome you sweet summer child you’re thinking things

Can’t possibly go wrong but then you start going through other levels collecting gear meeting new mobs and you’re taking more damage than you know how to deal with suddenly your power level 1 sword is starting to look like it may as well be a level 1 feather

Which actually isn’t that bad for its use anyway so now you’re stuck on your own forced to make your own educated decisions on what to do to upgrade yourself all while counter-intuitively at the whims of good old rng to give you something good for you to even know

What’s good to begin with i’m talking of course about the enchantments the things that make or break a piece of gear and since melee is the easiest and most comfortable play style to get into with the limited choices of default mode that’s where i’m going to start now

There are a lot of melee weapon options out there and i mean a lot more than you can count on three friends fingers and toes and more than you should since that would just be weird but on default you don’t have access to all of them just yet

And you can apply this info to any weapon you get on default for the most part you only have access to one enchantment saw on any piece of gear on default mode you might get lucky and see something with two every now and then but we’ll focus on the likelihood of

Just having one so what type of enchantment should you be looking for well for the most part the best standalone melee enchant of all time is leeching an enchantment that heals you by nine percent of every defeated mob’s max hp when you kill them with your weapon why is it the best

Because the only way to fail in this game is to get a game over which requires you to die up to four times in any level which requires you to lose all of your hp each time you die so if you have an enchantment that heals you passively by simply fighting enemies

That’s pretty nice in fact it’s so nice that you can go a full level with only 100 max health while having healed 2000 hp from leaching during the whole run that’s enough damage to have killed you 20 times over meaning leeching extended your life that much

And that could be without having used a single potion now i did say that it’s the best enchantment as a standalone enchantment that’s because there are armors that offer you six percent lifesteal healing which is basically the same as leaching only you regain the health equal to six percent of the

Damage that you deal with every hit the upsides to this are that this works with some artifact damage as well as damage that you deal with your ranged weapon too and this can save you against a tough enemy who’s about to kill you before you can kill it to get your leaching healing

The downside being that it heals on hit so if you damage an enemy down to say 10 percent of their health and then they hit you before you kill them leeching will heal all of that off if you’re using lifesteal instead you will only heal six percent of that remaining 10 hp

That they had left which is barely anything but you can just use light skill healing from the next enemy so it’s still good and you can even combine leaching with like steel armor just to have all the healing making default mode a complete breeze especially with corrupted beacon it’s amazing however if

You have lifesteal armor instead or if you happen to get a weapon with two enchantment slots the absolute best enchantment that you have access to aside from leaching is guarding strike this grants you a nifty little shield after every kill you get with your weapon which lasts for four seconds and

It cuts all incoming damage in half the reason that this is amazing is because for one thing this essentially doubles your hp value because enemies are taking twice as long to kill you but it’s even better because it’s not actually doubling your hp so if a mob is doing

100 damage per second and you’re only healing 70 hp per second you’re still eventually gonna die no matter how much hp you have it would just take a little longer doubling your hp would not solve that but when you cut enemy damage in half you’re also essentially adding

Extra healing value a hit that would normally do 100 damage is being cut down to 50 damage which would be the same as eating that under damage initially and then healing off 50 of it immediately so your hp value doubles and your healing value essentially doubles as well so

If you’re taking say 100 damage and healing 70 of it you will eventually die doubling your hp you’ll live twice as long but you still eventually die but cutting that damage instead in half to 50 and healing 70 you never die so should you be lucky enough to get a

Weapon with both leeching and guarding strike or just get a guarding strike weapon with lifesteal armor you can say goodbye to your health potion button for the remainder of your time in default mode now let’s say that you have armor with lice steel and a weapon with two enchantment slots one having guarding

Strike what would you want to focus on next well you could do leaching and just make yourself completely immortal or you could start looking at damage options on default this isn’t really something you need to worry about but it’s worth going over briefly anyway you don’t have

Access to many solid damage options just yet so your choices are very limited for general melee use those options are sharpness and committed committed being the better of the two what committed does is it boosts your damage by however much percentage of mob’s health is missing when you hit them so if they’re

Missing say 50 percent of their health your attack will do 50 more damage very straightforward calculating what this comes out to in terms of dps damage per second is much more difficult but i made a video going over that for brevity’s sake it’s an average of

36.8 percent more dps with 34 being the average on harder hitting weapons and about 39 being the average for faster lighter hitting weapons next we have sharpness which is a 33 damage multiplier what the game doesn’t tell you though is that sharpness is hiding a dark secret the secret that it’s

Actually a flat buff that doesn’t stack with other flat buffs aside from itself what i mean by that is say you have a weapon that does a hundred damage if you pick up a strength potion your weapon skyrockets to 200 damage a hit because strength potion is 100 damage

Increase so with sharpness being a 33 damage increase you would think that you would go from 200 damage a hit to 266 since 66 is 33 of 200 right well welcome to the sad world of flat buffs they only affect the base stat so both strength potion and sharpness are

Only affecting the original 100 damage meaning that instead of 266 total damage for both combined it’s 233 meaning sharpness has essentially dropped to a 16.5 damage buff just with the addition of strength potion alone other common damage buffs are flat too those being ones you find on your armor or on armor

Enchantments like cowardice so while committed doesn’t work unless the enemy already has damage on them it comes out to a good chunk more damage in the long run especially since it is a full damage multiplier this pretty much covers melee weapon enchanting for default mode nothing too complicated yet though it is

Worth mentioning that there are some exceptions to these rules should you get your hands on a rapier or a bee stinger which you can find from certain daily trials like arkhaven or if you’re lucky enough to find them in shops thundering is a whopping 65.9 percent more dps on

Them because their average damage per hit is so low with lightning focus enchanted on your armor that’s 115.3 percent extra and very satisfying dps for your rapier also worth mentioning is weakening as a defensive enchantment for some weapons like guarding strike it lowers the damage that you take however

It’s forty percent instead of fifty percent and is limited to direct damage from mobs meaning that damage from enchantments like fire trail burning or electrified don’t count on top of that it only applies to the enemies that you hit with your weapon so the ones that your weapon doesn’t touch will still do

Full damage to you but it’s still very nice in multiplayer since it means those mobs do less damage to your friends as well on top of all this there is one weapon specific enchantment that trumps committed and sharpness for damage should you happen to have a soul knife

Eternal knife or truth seeker all obtained from desert temple they are one of a few weapons that have access to special soul enchantments one of which is called enigma resonator which gives you up to a 25 chance with a full soul meter to land a triple damage critical

Hit and this is especially worth noting since critical hit is an enchantment you don’t get access to until adventure difficulty so the soul knife weapon lime has early access to its own form of crit which comes out to a 50 dps increase if you have a full soul meter which you get

From gathering souls by having soul gear equipped when you kill enemies as for what weapon i would recommend that would easily be a glaive even on apocalypse 25 spears are solid weapons due to their long reach and their ability to hold mobs away with gravity and glaives are

Almost as good as spears at doing this while gravity isn’t an option on default mode mobs also aren’t all that fast on default either and glaives don’t need gravity as much as spears do their long reach and wide combo finisher makes them very good at dishing out damage while

Playing crowd control due to their long reach keeping mobs away what’s better is that not only can you get a glee from desert temple as well but that’s also where you can get both lifesteal armors from which is why i ran the level non-stop when i first got the game

Speaking of which for armor enchantments you have quite a few options to choose from on default if you only have access to one enchant slot the two best that i could recommend at this stage is either cooldown or snowball cooldown is an absolute staple for melee builds on

Apocalypse 25 because it means being able to infinitely use ironhide amulet for cutting incoming damage in half while using infinite death cat mushroom for constant double bass attack speed on default mode your artifacts won’t have nearly enough duration to make them infinite but still reducing their

Cooldown time by 38 makes a pretty big difference saving you up to almost 12 seconds on artifacts with 30 second cooldowns for snowball it has a little block shaped snow moon orbiting you that fires at nearby mobs every 5 seconds at level 1 every 3 seconds at level 2 and

Every second at level 3. when it hits a mob that mob gets stunned for at least 2 seconds if not more on lower difficulties meaning you can stun lock at least one mob and now while this doesn’t make a huge difference on apocalypse 25 since it’ll

Often result in it stunning a mob you were midway through chopping the head off of on default where mobs are slower this preemptive stunning actually does a lot of work especially since it stunlocks creepers too which are the ptsd bane of pretty much any new player’s nightmares aside from the

Aforementioned lightning focus which boosts thundering and other electric damage by 75 percent there’s also paradise which boosts your melee and range damage by 40 when you’re at full health and while that sounds hard to maintain with leaching in our lifesteal on top of proper damage reduction this isn’t all that difficult even on

Apocalypse 25 and is much easier on default mode but like i said at this point extra damage doesn’t matter as much and reducing damage goes a much longer way if you’re cutting damage by 50 it’s the same advantage as doubling your own damage against the enemy instead either way you’re still killing

Them twice as fast compared to them killing you on top of that as i mentioned cowardice is also a flat boost as well despite that it’s still solid even for apocalypse 25 but comparatively snowball will make your default mode life a lot smoother now at this point veteran players may be noticing a

Distinct lack of me mentioning deflect while it is an amazing enchant for making you immune to 45 of ranged attacks the reason that it’s so overly useful is because of the many nasty ranged mob enchantments that this blocks which isn’t something that players need to worry about on default mode but now

As for what armors that you might want to go for the best melee options you have available are spider armor the unique of thief armor wither armor the unique of grim armor renegade armor the unique of mercenary armor highland armor the unique of scale mail and stellar

Armor which is the unique of reinforced mail other options are either locked behind adventure in apocalypse difficulty or behind certain dlc and right off the bat weather armor and spider armor have lifesteal built in meaning that you can get away with not using leaching and both of them can be

Found from desert temple along with glaives and even if your luck is worse than a man squashed under 50 ladders in front of a hundred black cats grim armor also has lifesteal built in it just doesn’t have the 35 damage reduction that wither armor has which when you’re

Stacking a lot of damage reduction buffs they kind of diminish a bit so it doesn’t matter as much if you can’t find wither armor right away however if it’s by itself this 35 damage reduction essentially boosts your hp and healing value by over 50 percent they both have

Built in soul gathering as well but a proper soul build is something you should be pursuing on higher difficulties with more enchantment and gear options meanwhile spider armor has 25 more attack speed so it’s even more offensive than the two it just doesn’t add as much offense as whether armor

Adds defense of the other three highland armor renegade armor and stalwart armor all have 35 damage reduction on top of this renegade armor has 25 percent more attack speed and a 20 weapon damage boost aura that applies a flat damage increase for both your melee and ranged weapons which also applies to nearby

Pets and your online teammates as well this means that you have to run leaching on your melee weapons for healing but the armor is incredibly solid for both offense and defense on top of adding more stopping power to your weapon’s knockback with the extra hit speed then

You have highland armor which offers a 30 flat melee damage boost on top of a level 1 swift footed enchantment giving you a small speed boost when rolling to counter the slowdown that you get during roll cooldown while it lacks 25 more attack speed and its damage boost

Doesn’t affect ranged weapons it’s good for weapons to have an attack speed cap as well as certain other weapons that benefit from extra raw damage now on the opposite side of the spectrum star war armor is much more defensive instead adding a 30 chance to negate damage from

Any hits that you take as well as having level one potion barrier built in which gives you five seconds of ninety percent damage reduction after every health potion that you use it also gives you twice the roll cooldown but people don’t usually care about that since rolling is

Only useful on rolling builds and even then they don’t typically use the actual roll button roll now some may be noticing i didn’t mention potion barrier as an enchant option despite it being available on default that’s because it’s really not needed on default but yeah it

Is an option it lasts 9 seconds at level 3 but i would save that for apocalypse plus difficulty myself now as for where to get both renegade armor and stalwart armor fiery forge has both of them in its loot pool while arkhaven which is the secret level found in pumpkin

Pastures has a small loot pool for renegade armor it only has four items in default mode so it’s not much rng competition now this leaves the question of what should i do for ranged and i’ll be honest and say that i’m not the main person to be asking for that however for

Default use the ranged enchantments that i would recommend most are wild rage multi-shot looting and cooldown shot wild rage gives each shot you land a 40 chance to enrage mobs and much like my drunken uncla christmas parties this makes them hostile to anything nearby dividing enemy aggro and even making

Creepers explode on other mobs very handy for taking some of the focus off of you multi shot has a 40 chance to shoot out five additional arrows with each shot which can be decent on groups as well as for dispatching particularly tough enemies there’s looting which gives you an extra chance for defeated

Mobs to drop strength potions shadow brews swiftness potions or tnts now while that last one is an utter disappointment after mojang butchered tnt damage about as much as the last of us 2 butcher joel this effect will trigger from melee and other kills as well making it a great passive

Enchantment then you have cooldown shot which is a bow only enchantment that sees your artifacts recharging one and a half seconds faster with every charged arrow you fire this can be especially useful on default where your artifacts don’t have the duration for infinite use with just one cooldown enchantment alone

And if you’re fortunate enough to get a soul crossbow or its unique feral soul crossbow or a void collar from archavan or obsidian pinnacle an extra and very handy enchantment that you can use is animal conduit which heals you by six percent of your max hp for every soul

Orb you collect which equals one solar per defeated enemy as long as you have a weapon armor or artifact equipped that has soul gathering this weapon included the healing does depreciate as you get close to full health but it’s still an extra enchant worth noting even if on

Higher difficulties the healing won’t be noticed alongside leaching radiance or lifesteal other solid options like ricochet rapid fire power growing and supercharge exist too and there’s no shortage of other good ranged enchants but for default these are about all you’ll need to complement your build for

Now but as for what ranged weapons to pick on default your options are limited the aforementioned soul crossbow and its uniques are solid choices as well as harp crossbow which is the unique of scatter crossbow that you can find on soggy swamp and obsidian pinnacle because it shoots five arrows with each

Shot or there’s lightning heart crossbow which is another unique of the scattered crossbow because it shoots three arrows per shot and has level 1 ricochet built in which is an enchantment that when you shoot an enemy there’s a chance that the arrow will bounce off the enemy and into

Another enemy and this can trigger three times per shot aside from them and a few others at this point you won’t notice too big of a difference on the ranged weapons so just try them all out and see which ones you like the main goal of

This video guide is not to tell you what to use and i have weapon and armor tier list to help with that already it’s to inform you on how to best use the things that you want to use and to give some recommendations as well because given that they have good synergistic

Enchantments you can use anything on apocalypse 25 i do without needing the potion too are some things better than others absolutely but nothing is unplayable as long as you know what enchantments you want to support yourself with use whatever your heart desires now for the artifacts the one i

Cannot recommend enough is death cat mushroom when you use it it doubles your base attack speed on top of boosting your base movement speed by 20 this is incredibly significant since it essentially doubles your dps and your weapon’s knockback value by doubling your dps you’re killing enemies twice as

Fast to effectively cut the time that they’re hitting you in half therefore you’re having the damage you take from them too while doubling the speed in which you get your leeching and or lifesteal healing from as well to say that death cat mushroom is good for

Melee use is like saying that water is kinda good to have on our planet understatement of the century melee builds do not breathe without death cat mushroom unless they’re running something very bizarre and specific i was lucky enough to get it as my first artifact ever and it’s worth running

Creeper woods early just to get one after that we have iron height amulet if death cat mushroom was the king of melee builds then this artifact would be the queen it cuts incoming damage in half and while it doesn’t always scale to its full amount when combined with other

Damage reduction effects it’s still a significant effect to have when combined with 35 damage reduction armor that’s 60.6 percent damage reduction and 80.3 percent damage reduction with guarding strike on top that makes mobs take two and a half times longer to kill you with just iron height amulet and 35 reduction

Armor and more than five times longer to kill you with guarding strike on top of it aside from that other artifacts worth giving a try while on default are corrupted beacon fishing rod fireworks arrow buzzy nest wonderful wheat and boots of swiftness and if you have access to the hidden depths dlc satchel

Of elixirs is great too while corrupted beacon is best on a dedicated soul build the kamehameha style beam it fires out is devastatingly useful in situations that you might need it for provided use sparingly due to not having much soul gathering yet while it doesn’t have much

Use on apocalypse plus fishing rod is not a bad choice for reeling in the slow mobs of default to bring them to you while stunning them in the process allowing you to single out certain threats and pick them off easily then you have fireworks era which adds more

Bang to your range shots by making them fire actual rockets that do massive splash damage explosions even better is when this is combined with multi-shot to let you completely wipe a small mob colony off the face of the planet meanwhile wonderful wheat summons a llama pet that shoots damaging spit at

Foes which is surprisingly useful on default mode for support damage while buzzy nest places a bns down that continuously spawns bees for a set period of time helping attack and distract mobs the limit of bees you can have out at a time is three per nest but

The fact that it works on a timer makes it incredibly good in hairy situations and it even works incredibly well in apocalypse plus where other summons fall flat considering that mobs on default are fairly slow the 60 base speed boost from boots of swiftness actually lets you run literal circles around the mobs

Especially when combined with death cat mushroom speed boost as well as for satchel of elixirs when used it will drop out two random consumable potions which can be any pair of strength potion shadow brew swiftness potion or sometimes two of the same and if you’re running any dlc levels that have special

Potions like oakwood brew for the jungle sweet brew for the winter dense sprue for howling peaks potion of water breathing for hidden depths and birding brew for echoing void those potions are added to the mix as well that about wraps up the enchanting build advice i

Can say for default mode though if you really want to try a soul build early on and can’t wait for adventure mode you could try getting a soul knife or truth seeker with soul siphon or get enigma resonator on them or eternal knife get wither armor with bag of souls since you

Won’t be needing soul focus at this early point in the game and either a feral soul crossbow or void collar with anima conduit and use death cat mushroom with corrupted beacon and harvester depending on the weapon and enchants you use this would give you 11 to 14 soul

Gathering per kill after getting the 50 gathering boost from wither armor on top of access to two of the main soul artifacts and lifesteal should you have access to two enchantment slots on any of your gear you would want soul siphon and enigma resonator on your soul knife

Or truth seeker anima conduit an enigma resonator on your eternal knife since soul siphon is built into it bag of souls and snowball on your wither armor and anima conduit and soul siphon for your void collar or feral soul crossbow this would bump your soul gathering up

To 14 to 17 per kill not including soul stipend triggers while it’s lacking many supporting enchant options for default mode this would be a very op and breezy build to play with also worth mentioning is soul lantern for a third soul artifact instead of death cat mushroom

It would not only give you a bit of extra soul gathering that the mushroom does not but it also summons a little soul wisp that does quite a bit of work for you aggressively firing projectiles to mow down any mobs in your way it’s also the only soul artifact that gives

You souls when it kills a mob where you’d normally have to kill the mobs with your melee arranged weapon to get souls instead so this actually makes it worth the 50 souls it costs to summon one even when you take into account that it only lasts for about a minute before

Disappearing considering i’ve done this myself i can say with full confidence that you can run a soul build with three soul lanterns and pretty much just waltz through levels until you reach apocalypse plus it’s an experience i think every player should have at least once before it gets ruined by apocalypse

Plus because it just doesn’t work there and now with all this knowledge under your belt you’ve carved your way through obsidian pinnacle and cleaved the final boss and have to unlock adventure mode and boy do things open up not only do you have more gear options but you’ve

Unlocked an extra enchantment slot and now you have access to powerful enchantments too among which are critical hit and void strike which change the game a lot from this point on critical hit gives every hit you land a 20 chance to do triple damage sparing

You the math this comes out to a 40 dps boost on average void strike meanwhile applies a voided debuff to mobs that you hit which gives them an invisible rising damage multiplier that causes them to take more damage the longer the multiplier increases up to 7 times the

Normal damage the catch with void strike being that every melee and range hit the land resets or removes this debuff so this damage buff is more potent the slower that a weapon is because it gives more time for the multiplier to rise in between each hit if you are using armor

With 25 more attack speed and a death cap mushroom void strike is at least a 40 dps boost or more on anything that’s not gauntlets maulers soulfists fighters bindings rapiers bee stingers freezing foils daggers bangs of frost sheer daggers moon daggers sickles the last laughs nightmares bites coral blades or

Sponge strikers basically crit is better on those weapons that i just listed and void strike is the best damage enchant on literally everything else so essentially with adventure mode you get an extra enchantment slot and these new damage enchants meaning that you can just add them to whatever setup you’re already using

If you get lucky enough for it on top of this you also get access to radiance a healing enchant that has a 20 chance to trigger with every hit you land weapons that are incredibly fast and or have incredibly low dps benefit a lot from this giving weapons like gauntlets and

Especially rapiers a more solid healing option than lifestealer leeching it’s also nice for daggers circles and coral blades as well and while useful only on some weapons you also now have the option of using shockwave and swirling both trigger at the end of your weapons combo with shockwave firing a piercing

Wave of energy out in front of you for a good amount of distance while swirling hits in a small area all around you shockwave does less damage but has more reach while swirling also needs the last hit of your combo to actually hit the enemy for it to trigger two downsides

Though for shockwave and swirling that are worth mentioning are that this damage doesn’t count towards lifesteal and it can block leaching if they kill the enemy instead of the weapon itself killing the enemy now while this is the case that shockwave and swirling can block leaching and reduce lifesteal

Healing what’s also worth mentioning is that shockwave and swirling are respectively a non-multiplicative 60 and 80 dps boost on fighters bindings and the entire cutlass weapon line which also means its uniques too this is especially good for fighters bindings since they have 15.1 hits a second with

A mushroom meaning that it uses radiance insanely well so it doesn’t even need leaching or lifesteal you can just pair radiance with shockwave and swirling and not care now in terms of utility you also get access to gravity which is an enchantment that pulls mobs into the

Point where your weapon hits them this is especially good for weapons with a narrow hitbox as it helps do the work for them instead of having to hit each individual mob they get pulled into the hits instead and if you use this on a weapon with long reach you can hold mobs

At the tip of the weapon’s reach so they can’t even come close to hitting you and for weapons with both a narrow hitbox and long reach this is worth using over guarding strike if you had to make a choice so essentially you’d want to use either leaching or radiance for healing

On top of guarding strike for defense but if you’re using lifesteal armor you can use guarding strike in either void strike or critical hit or you can use gravity along with either damage enchant and if you’re lucky enough to get something with all three enchant slots

Open running void striker crit on top of guarding striker gravity and leaching or radiance tears through adventure even better with lifesteal since then you can run void strike and crit together also if you want more detailed info on which is better between leaching or radiance and void strike or critical hit i’ll

Provide links to those info sheets in the description down below as well and now i know some of you might be saying where is exploding it’s a powerful enchant and you’re right but it’s kind of difficult to place it does add damage and it can be effective it’s just not

Strictly a better option to the ones that i’ve already mentioned what exploding does is when you kill a mob with your weapon it explodes and deals damage to surrounding mobs equal to 60 percent of the exploding mob’s max health the weapon it benefits most are ones with naturally low dps because it

Scales with mob health instead of your own damage and it works well with gravity to keep mobs grouped into the explosions for this reason rapiers and coral blades make pretty good use of it but rapiers benefit massively from thundering getting a potential 115.3 dps boost from it and coral blades

Benefit from swirling with a 95.2 dps boost instead so it can be difficult to find a place for exploding outside of personal preference but it’s by no means bad as for what weapons you now have access to that would be ideal for adventure you have spears especially whispering spear

And fighters bindings which at this point would be the most effective base game weapon radiance and swirling alone give you a massive dps and healing boost and since the weapon hits its attack speed cap with just a death cap mushroom you don’t need to use armor with 25 more

Attack speed so you can run say styler armor or wither armor for more tanking ability and speaking of armor now that you’re on adventure you now have access to full metal armor the unique of plate armor which can also be found on fiery forged conveniently enough and it makes

You look like what you might have looked like the first time your overprotective mom let you sit on a bike or was that just me i love you mom well dorky looks aside it is absolutely one of the best armors in the game having the exact same bonuses as stellar

Armor only trading level 1 potion barrier for the same 30 melee damage bonus that highland armor has while again this is a flat damage buff it does act essentially as free constant cowardice albeit just for melee and just the 30 melee damage the 35 damage reduction and the 30 chance to negate

Hits combined gives you a 185.5 damage advantage to enemies just for putting the armor on by itself which in multiplier terms is almost three times an advantage and i think it goes without saying that this pairs really well with fighters bindings but running any spear weapon with gravity on top of

Either spider armor or renegade armor to keep mobs away is incredibly useful too now as for when a chance to run on your armor not much actually changes you do gain one enchantment that you would want to run on your armor for any melee build which is chilling it slows mobs down by

Sixty percent for one second every two seconds which equates to mobs being all around slowed down by 30 it’s not bad since it means that mobs overall are doing about 30 less damage to you over the span of whatever level that you’re playing so with your extra enchantment slot you could easily run

Cooldown in snowball or cool down and chilling if you want the difference is that chilling can slow down all mobs around you while snowball only affects one mob at a time but snowball can stunlock enemies and chilling can’t however if you get any armor with three enchantment slots then you can just run

All three of them and make your life much easier now should you be running any weapons with elemental damage that you feel like using like fire aspect and void strike which actually is a decent damage over time combo or should you get your hands on a vine whip or encrusted

Anchor or if you’re using any speedy weapon with thundering especially rapier then going with cooldown plus either of the appropriate elemental focus enchants is perfectly valid too along with snowballer chilling if you have three slots and with the same mindset using three enchantment slots to go with cooldown cowardice and either chilling

Or snowball isn’t a bad choice either now once again we move on to ranged and this one i’m actually excited for because you’ve unlocked my favorite crossbow in the entire game now i say this quite literally that out of all the runs and all the builds and all the

Videos i’ve uploaded this is the absolute best piece of gear that i have and have ever had you know that feeling of joy you get when you wake up on christmas morning heart pounding with anticipation for the long awaited unwrapping of the christmas list you’ve been reciting for months as you approach

The tree riddled with gifts that have your name on it yeah that’s the same feeling you’ll get every time you fire the imploding crossbow the trigger may as well be the alt f4 button for mobs hp bars every shot you fire explodes on impact dealing splash damage that will

Hurt mobs whether you actually hit them or not and what makes this really good is that one of the main weaknesses of ranged weapons is that they’re all woefully single target weapons even the shortest reach melee weapon can hit multiple mobs at the same time but with imploding crossbow this splash damage

Means that if you fire into a group every mob in that group is sharing in on the pain that’s right you heard it imploding crossbow did shared pain before the starless knight even tried to make it look cool this also means that if you trigger multishot to fire five

Additional life-seeking rockets of doom they will all damage every enemy in that group should it be a group of 10 enemies that’s essentially 60 shots worth of damage you’ve done with just the single press of a button does your controller feel heavy now and as if that wasn’t already amazing enough

This crossbow absolutely carries later on when moms start getting enchantments like deflect and thorns which imploding crossbow doesn’t even take the time to bother to laugh at because it just ignores them entirely that’s right imploding crossbow shots cannot be deflected and you take no thorns damage for them now while this sounds absurdly

Amazing i do have to be fair and say the one downside of this weapon is that it has abysmally low ammo but this is where infinity comes in it’s not used much but giving you a 48 chance to regain any arrow you shoot goes a long way for practically doubling and floating

Crossbow’s ammo and it’s the one ranged weapon i cannot recommend multi-shot on enough if you happen to get an imploding crossbow from fiery forge or redstone mines or from the mushroom level that you now have the ability to unlock by collecting a rune from each of the main

Game levels and placing them in the church in the camp after you visit the church for the first time when you unlock adventure mode and that imploding crossbar has both multi-shot and infinity or hell even if it’s just a firebolt thrower which is the other unique or the exploding crossbow which

Is the base version of the weapon with those enchantments then you can say goodbye to needing any other ranged weapon for a long time and by a long time i mean forever and if you do happen upon one that has three inch shaman slots look for wild rage or tempo theft either

Enrage mobs that happen to survive or get a 50 running speed boost with every shot you land you absolutely cannot go wrong with that now sadly for the most part there aren’t really any new artifact additions i could strongly recommend adding at this point in the game though if you have the

Hidden depths dlc sancho of elixirs is probably your most potent option for now the chance for a strength potion to double your base damage pretty vastly outshines other artifact options however if you want to run a soul build you do have an extra helpful addition in the

Form of a new weapon pumpkin pastures and archaven as well as the mushroom level can drop a soul scythe as a sole support weapon soul sides not only look cooler especially the jailer scythe unique but they support soul builds better too for one thing soul sides attack faster this lets you get more

Hits in so you can trigger soul siphon more often while you’re hacking away at a mod that’s luck by snowball the weapon also does less damage per hit than a soul knight too so you can get even more hits in on a stun locked mob for farming

Souls of soul siphon and sides also have an incredibly wide swing area both making it hard to miss your attacks while also letting you hit more mobs per swing so you have a higher chance of triggering soul siphon on at least one of them and in case i haven’t mentioned

It before soul siphon gives you a 5 chance per hit to cause 6 soul orbs to spawn for you to collect each worth whatever your soul gathering is you really want this to trigger there are other uses for assault signs aside from this but for now these are the upsides

That matter and should you happen upon any soul weapon with three enchant slots you would want to make sure that it has anima conduit soul siphon and enigma resonator for maximum soul gathering after that if you happen to find a wither armor with three enchant slots as

Well adding soul focus to snowball and bag of souls will increase the damage of your soul artifacts by 30 percent allowing you to take out archie and heart of ender even faster so you can speed onto the quote unquote final difficulty mode as for the void collar

Or feral soul crossbow going for anima conduit soul siphon and tempo theft if you have three enchant slots would definitely help or you can go with wild rage if you think that your death cat mushroom speed is enough speaking of the mushroom adventure mode adds the lightning rod artifact to your soul

Build arsenal it targets a mob before dropping a powerful lightning bolt for massive precision damage not unlike a nuclear warhead should you shoot them up with your gravity imbued void collar just before the devastation happens it will pull in all nearby surrounding mobs that you fry them all together it also

Adds plus one soul gathering so it’s very worth dropping your mushroom for it if you’re doing a soul build that is if you’re not still just running a soul lantern or three because they’re pretty hilarious until you get to apocalypse plus when the joke gets turned on you

And speaking of which you do get access to the love medallion on adventure which is easily a team from arcavin which turns three enemies nearby into your allies with increased health it can be fun to toy around with and i would suggest you get all that out of your

System now before the artifact becomes completely useless later on due to enchanted mobs being completely immune to your advances and being able to trample over the mobs that you do convert in a second now with default adventure neatly tucked out of the way you’re finally ready to move on to the

Game’s final difficulty apocalypse mode and this is where you finally get to the good presence that you’ve been waiting for under your christmas tree because this mode opens every option up to you not only are three enchantment slots brighten the norm for apocalypse but you get even more gear options than before

Two of them being double axes and katana as well as their uniques which are amazing weapon additions to the game still for the most part you’ll probably find fighter’s bindings to be the game’s easy mode but the dynamic does shift later down the line as for enchantments

Not much really changes because no new enchants are added instead one of the existing enchants ever since default mode starts becoming a lot more useful apocalypse mode starts introducing a noticeably larger amount of enchanted mobs than before mobs that have inherently about 2.5 times more hp on

Top of also having deadly buffs such as double damage protection regeneration thorns burning chilling electrified etc the list goes on and often we’ll have a combination of up to three of those in chance but that’s where enchanting comes in an amazing melee enchant that straight up doubles your total physical

Damage against any enchanted mob killing them in half the time it would normally take so that you can hurry up and insta die to a piece of falling ceiling later in the level definitely not salty about that one mojang now while this sounds like a slice of

Pure heaven the question is is this more useful than void striker crit which does extra damage to all mobs and yes unchanting doesn’t affect normal enemies so maybe not it’s your gaming experience and if normal enemies aren’t a problem for you while the enchanted ones are

Beginning to shove a stick up your rear then unchancing is probably the damage enchant for you however if you’re using armor with lifesteal you could just do critter void strike along with unchancing and guarding strike to cover yourself against absolutely everything the game has to offer otherwise the typical combination of critter void

Strike along with guarding strike and either leeching or radiance will pretty much carry you through apocalypse aside from weapons that benefit more from things like gravity thundering shockwave or swirling of course worth noting though is that hard of ender does count as an enchanted mob so if you do get

Access to a decent weapon without chanting on any difficulty enjoy making short work of the game’s unironically hardest boss now for the weapons themselves while you will probably find fighters bindings with combos like shockwaves swirling and radiance to deal with mobs the easiest you might find a whispering spears keep away game with

Void strike gravity and leeching or enchanting to be a bit more comfortable then you have cursed axe and whirlwind or even just a double axe they have almost as much base dps as fighters bindings and get a nice minimum 55 dps boost from void strike on top of that

Every attack is a full swing around your entire body hitting mobs all around you every time you attack this makes them not only great for lazily cutting through large groups but also amazing at spreading weakening to drop the damage of every mob around you by 40 if you have lifesteal armor and combine

Iron height amulet alongside void strike with guarding strike and weakening on any double axe or its uniques you’d need a magnifying glass to see your hp bar actually move from the hits you’re taking aside from that void strike guarding strike and leaching works fine same for katana especially masters

Katana which actually not only has more base dps than fighters bindings thanks to the built-in crit but void strike adds more than 60 more dps to it minimum plus katanas have good reach fair knockback and 180 degree swings which means that it hits the entire area in

Front of you so you can run the exact same enchant combo that i just mentioned for double axe and its uniques void strike guarding strike and leaching will carry you well no matter what armor you’re using now admittedly you don’t get many new armors for the purpose of

Your current build but you do get champions armor and no that’s not the unique version the unique is actually hero’s armor it’s just that the extra perk of heroes armor only adds having your health potions heal nearby allies which isn’t really useful for a melee build in single player and it’s a lot

Easier to just farm champions armor instead with champion’s armor what we’re looking at is 35 damage reduction and 40 reduced potion cooldown this is especially good at this point in the game normally i would suggest you to use your three armor and chance slots for cool down either snowball or chilling

And then deflect and we’ll get to why later but you can combine this reduced potion cooldown with refreshment and potion barrier to make the most broken melee build in the entire game like i said potion barrier reduces the damage you take by ninety percent for nine seconds after you use a health potion

That’s dividing the damage you take by ten with forty percent reduced potion cooldown it means your potions recharge every twenty seven seconds 9 of which would be potion barrier so this means that you have 18 seconds of no potion barrier while refreshment reduces your potion cooldown by 3 seconds for every

Mob you kill with your weapon see where this is going if you kill just 6 mobs in the 9 seconds that your potion barrier is active you can use it again and again and again and again and again constant 90 damage reduction pair this with cooldown on your armor and surprise

Gift to give you between 1 and 2 different potions or arrow bundles every time you use a health potion so you can have constant strength potion boosts you have yourself the most effective melee build of all time aside from that though the reason that i mentioned deflect for

Your general armor and chance now isn’t for the 45 chance to avoid projectile damage from ranged mobs no no no it’s their enchantments through sheer negligence on mojang’s part ranged mobs have the most overpowered enchantments on them out of any mobs in the game they have gravity to infinitely hold you in

Place they have fire aspect to deal massive damage to you with just a single shot they have poison cloud which does insane damage they have critical hit which lets them do insane damage they have weakening which cuts your own damage down nearly in half and they have

Levitation shot which may as well be the take your life count and reduce it by one button since it lifts you in the air for a few seconds disabling all of your controls in the process mind you which leaves you open to free hits from all

Mobs around you and then drops you down for a good chunk of fall damage on top of all of that so yeah i’ll take the 45 chance to not deal with all of that please and thank you and now speaking of ranged apocalypse does add some more ranged options but for brevity’s sake

I’ll just say that aside from imploding crossbow you might get some use from a void collar or soul hunter crossbow for melee the added caveat being that they can have anima conduit for extra healing but from lots of experience i can say that if you have leaching radiance or

Lifesteal with the appropriate weapon the extra six percent of your max hp per mob kill isn’t going to make a live or die difference at all plus you lose out on the combination of safety and raw destructive power from imploding crossbow the bonus to soul hunter crossbow is that the triple shots give

Wild rage more than a 78 chance to trigger per shot the downside is it only drops during daily trials that add burst crossbow to the loop pool like fiery forge or underhalls which is the secret level from high block halls the thing with ranged weapons is there’s a lot of

Combos that you can run depending on your build bows can use a combination of burst bow string cooldown shot and tempo theft or void strike to support with more artifact cooldown while ones with multiple shots like heart crossbow make great use of multi shot chain reaction and gravity or infinity with multiple

Fireworks arrows for right now if following the skype for solid melee builds the best support you could get would be the imploding crossbow that i mentioned with multi shot for mass group destruction infinity to counter the low ammo count and either wild rage or tempo theft to either split up mob aggro or

Give yourself a speed boost to run circles around your imminent victims and now while i don’t have much different to say about ranged weaponry for apocalypse by far the biggest change comes from the artifacts and oh boy is it a change maybe not a change in number but

Definitely a huge change in potency likely if you’ve been following this and using a melee build or if you’re still listening to this and want to use a melee build you’re thinking about going with iron height amulet death cat mushroom and satchel of elixirs because strength potions sound pretty nice right

Well how about an artifact that not only reduces the damage of all nearby mobs by 25 percent but also triples the damage of everything that hits them because my friend that is what gong of weakening does found in desert temple did i pick a good level to farm or what

This artifact is the absolute best get out of a bad situation free card in the game you can be a second from death and be saved by this artifact just for the sheer damage boost it gives alone not only does it make mobs deal reduce damage but killing them three times

Faster also divides the remaining damage they could have done to you as well while also speeding up your leaching and or lifesteal recovery three times faster too and like i said it’s not just the physical damage that’s tripled all damage that the enemy takes gets tripled

As well and this triple damage does not affect the recoil damage that you take from thorns mobs you still just take the normal recoil damage you would have without gong’s influence now compare that to satchel of elixir strength potions which a are just a two times base damage multiplier b are a flat

Damage buff c only affect your physical damage d do not have added damage reduction and e make you take increased thorns damage on top of that if you’re using gong of weakening you can still get strength potions to drop normally or from looting or surprise gift and then

You have that boost on top of your gong there’s simply no comparison if you’re in a jam and need some mobs dead or if you just want a mob dead gong of weakening is the absolute best artifact for the job in its momentary duration it

Is more of a damage boost than death cat mushroom or strength potion and if your armor has a damage buff and you have void strike gong of weakening could be more of a dps boost than both death cat mushroom and strength potion combined now there is actually another artifact

That i want to briefly talk about and it’s one that you’ve had access to since starting the game but now is when it’s the most potent satchel of elements is an artifact that anyone can obtain from the added gauntlet of gale’s level from the windswept peaks mountain which does

Not require owning the dlc to play and now what it does is it targets up to seven mobs in a wide area around you either freezing them to slow their movements setting them on fire to deal massive damage over time or strike them with high damage lightning bolts that

Are each close and power to a lightning rods and its cooldown is only 10 seconds and i can hear you all asking yourselves why hasn’t shin mentioned this artifact until now well if you’re a new player who’s still watching this video then it’s not too late to go get it

But for a melee build it doesn’t serve it as well as iron height amulet deathcap mushroom and gong of weakening do it’s better for a mage build and that’s something you can do now apocalypse gives access to splendid robe it’s the unique of a battle robe which

You can find in redstone mines and creepy crypt which is the secret level of creeper woods on top of 30 more melee damage the armor gives you 40 reduced artifact cooldown and 50 more artifact damage if you couple this with cooldown fire focus and lightning focus you have

A very powerful mage build with just two sets of elements for offense and then a wind horn to blow mobs away in case rng decides that it’s funny to give you the useless freezing effect five times in a row and no i’m not joking that happens a

Lot more often than you’d think and after that a soul melee weapon with anima conduit void strike and looting along with a soul ranged weapon with anima conduit looting and either wild rager tempo theft will help round out the rest of the build though if you’re still going the pure soul build route

The recommendation still remains a jailer’s site or any site really with anima conduit void strike and soul siphon then wither armor with soul focus snowball and bag of souls void collar with anima conduit soul siphon and wild rage and finally your artifacts being corrupted beacon harvester and lightning rod and if you

Want to have fun with soul lantern still this is your last chance because apocalypse is the final difficulty mode that will let you do that without violently kicking your teeth in speaking of which there’s just one actual final difficulty mode left for you to conquer in this game something so hard it’ll

Make you wish mojang had just stayed in bed the day they’d even thought of it a difficulty mode spawned from the bowels of the devil himself one so frustrating and so unfair that you will find it impossible imagining that the devs actually play tested it i’m talking of course

About apocalypse plus but lucky for you i’m talking about the first original version of it where the mobs were twice as strong twice as tanky nearly three times the speed and had a 25 chance to revive over and over and over and over again every time you killed them safe to

Say that pretty much every fan complained about it so eventually mojang completely reworked and rebalanced it so now it’s a lot easier to conquer and in this guide i’ll tell you how the difficulty mode itself is pretty straightforward for all intents and purposes it’s just apocalypse mode but

It gets harder as you climb from apocalypse one two plus two plus three and so on and so forth and the way you do this is by clearing designated boss missions on the minimum required difficulty that the game tells you if you do the same mission twice it won’t

Register unless you’ve unlocked the next set of plus difficulties and aside from mobs getting increasingly stronger and your loot also getting stronger the mobs and you are given special modifiers that make the game harder than normal by the time you reach apocalypse 25 mobs will have fifty percent more health do fifty

Percent more damage have eighty percent more movement speed be almost completely resistant to all natural forms of hit stun aside from a few weapons there will be 3.3 times the amount of enchanted mobs the normal apocalypse mode and on top of all that all forms of healing

Will be reduced by 30 for you sounds fun right well it’s actually not as bad as it sounds you have access to all the tools you need to deal with this but first off you need to get to apocalypse 25 in the first place if you’ve gotten a good set

Of gear and enchantments that are working well for you so far you want to upgrade them so you can keep using them as the mobs get stronger because of this it’s good to have two sets of gear so you could have one upgrading with the blacksmith while you use the other one

To complete levels i’m also going to tell you a little trick that’ll make it take less time for you to upgrade your stuff to higher power what power your stuff is when you get it back from the blacksmith depends entirely on what your equipped power level is when you load up

Camp so as you’re doing the three runs on whatever difficulty the blacksmith tells you to you want to keep all the highest power gear you find in those levels the highest power melee armor ranged and artifacts before you finish the third and final run for the blacksmith equip them all to get your

Player power as high as possible and then finish the level to load up camp or you can finish the level equip all of the gear at camp and then exit to the main menu before going back into the camp either works as long as you haven’t picked up your gear yet and you’re

Loading the camp with that power level now money might be an issue for you so the best advice that i can give is running creepy crypt and killing all the mobs and opening all the chests between emerald drops and loot drops you can get around a good two to three thousand

Emeralds from one run i sometimes will get four to five thousand myself if you keep doing this you’ll be able to climb apocalypse plus pretty efficiently now while that’s all well and good what do you actually do to combat the stronger mobs with their new nasty enchants and

Extra modifiers well this isn’t too difficult mobs might have 50 more hp than they normally would have but you’ve had experience dealing with mobs without any damage buffs on your weapons so adding critter void strike helps to cancel out their hp buff and similarly you never really need iron height amulet

For default through apocalypse mode i never used it and that was back when guarding strike wasn’t even a thing with those two combined it more than counters their 50 damage increase on apocalypse 25. the speed increase also doesn’t matter that much since usually it speeds them up running towards you so you can

Kill them faster it’s only really annoying when chasing ranged mobs the healing nerf though is a bit more noticeable even if mojang hid the modifier from view like the scumbags that they often are i still haven’t forgotten the whole let’s add invisible mobs to the game without telling players

In patch notes thing if you think i’m still salty about that you’re damn right i am but even with the player healing nerf on top of the mob damage buff adding iron height amulet and or guarding strike cancels out the healing nerf by reducing the damage that you

Take by a lot as long as you’re using leaching lifesteal or radiance appropriately you should have more than enough healing to not need to worry about even having to potion for the most part honestly the thing that you’ll notice the most is the fact that mobs

Are no longer getting hits done by your normal attacks anymore and aside from certain weapons they never will on top of that a lot more mobs are enchanted too giving them more than 2.5 times more health and adding all sorts of nasty abilities but because of these things

Unchanting and stunning get a lot more use now way more than they ever did in default through apocalypse mode and now unchanting is already nice to have for apocalypse but with a sheer amount of enchanted mobs and apocalypse plus and the fact that they’ll be the ones more

Likely kicking your teeth in it can get void strike and crit a serious run for their money as your weapons soul damage enchant just from the trouble you save yourself on enchanted mobs alone though of course weapons like fighters bindings that get 80 percent more dps from swirling rapiers that get over 115

Percent more dps from thundering and lightning focus and weapons like claymore that get a minimum 76.7 percent dps boost from void strike those are better off with those instead of on chanting for their main damage enchant even soul knives and hammers which get a minimum 70 dps boost from void strike as

For stunning this is your answer to mobs being nigh immune to natural stun lock each hit has a 15 chance to stun the enemy for about two seconds naturally this means that the faster the weapon the more likely you are to unlock the enemy with weapons like sickles and

Gauntlets you have over a 91 percent chance to keep enemies stun locked with daggers you have over a 95 percent chance with rapiers you have up to a 97.7 percent chance with the added reach and with fighters bindings you have a whopping 99.3 chance to keep enemies stun locked

Meaning it’ll be your next birthday before the next time you see a mob try to attack you again for a quick and easy frame of reference if the weapon is growing staff speeder faster that being 4.3 hits per second you have over a 75 chance to keep mobs dunlop with stunning

Assuming that you’re using death cat mushroom with plus 25 attack speed armor that is the minimum stun luck that i go with but boy does it really help with a 75 or higher chance to keep mobs unlocked you could look at that as reducing the average hits that you’re

Taking from them by about 75 or more which is the same as a 75 dps reduction it’s mainly for this reason that rapiers are among the best weapons in the game and if you’re still having a hard time believing that a rapier or stunning could be that good just check out my

Vids using a bee stinger or my soggy cave daily trial run of fighters bindings and it’ll show you the power of stunning for yourself stunning is comfy enough to use a bee stinger on a build without iron height amulet gong of weakening or guarding strike and still

Not need the potion now as for armor because of the increasingly tough and even more increasingly enchanted mobs potion barrier becomes a lot more of a useful lifeline if the rest of your build can’t cut it on top of that having deflect save you from the throws of

Nasty ranged mob enchants will save you the most trouble in the long run as an added aside at least when your iron head amulet reaches around power 170 and your death cat mushroom reaches power 200 they become infinitely sustainable with just one cooldown enchant if you wanted a truly solid build for tackling

Apocalypse plus all the way to plus 25 my suggestion would be wither armor or spider armor with potion barrier cool down and deflect while using either a fast weapon with crit unchanting and guarding strike or slower weapon with void strike instead of crit and then the imploding crossbow combination that i

Mentioned along with iron height amulet death cat mushroom and gong of weakening however running a rapier or fighter’s bindings with gravity stunning and radiance on any armor that you can find with those useful enchants i mentioned would be more than enough as well pretty much any mob that comes after you will

Get sucked into that black hole of stun lock that it can’t escape from until its inevitable demise now while this is nice for helping to deal with the challenge that apocalypse plus throws at us mojang didn’t leave us high and dry with nothing extra to show for it while this

Has been something you could go for since starting the game on default they’re the most useful now i’m talking about gilded items items that on top of their set number of enchantment slots come with an extra enchantment built in that can be any enchantment that the piece of gear could

Normally get but unlike with unique built-in enchants gilded enchants can be level 3. i should preference this by saying that they don’t start showing up as level 3 enchants until you’re around apocalypse 21 difficulty so you shouldn’t be seriously farming for an endgame gilded piece of gear too early

But an extra enchant is still useful nonetheless as for the gilded items themselves you get them by doing ancient hunts which you can find in a cave under the camp and access by offering up different combinations of gear that has a rune combination that aligns with different ancient mobs if you have a

Rune combination that aligns with any ancient you can start the ancient hunt which takes you to a level that’s comprised of three random sections you find throughout the game each hunt is littered with any mob that you can find throughout the game but most commonly you’ll find piglens wither skeletons and

Blazes since you enter ancient hunts through nether portals in the first place these hunts are filled with what are called gold rooms which are filled with chests that give gold instead of emeralds or some giving both sometimes though these rooms are special and house an ancient mob inside their

Stronger versions of normal mobs with different enchants on them and are accompanied by enchanted minions these minions can be anything including even mini bosses every ancient mod has its own drop pool and when you kill it it’ll give you a gilded piece of gear based on that drop pool

But we don’t care about that the rng luck that you need to get a gilded unique to drop with good enchants and a good gilded enchant built in at level 3 is abysmally low instead you want to do enough ancient hunt runs to unlock all three inventory slots in the piglet

Merchant shop so it doesn’t matter what gear you offer for the hunt as long as it lets you start a hunt in the first place once you have all three merchant slots unlocked and you’ve gotten a pretty large amount of gold you want to back up your save either online on a

Flash drive on another pc folder or just by uploading your hero to your game’s hero storage then you simply just go into the game and restock the merchant over and over to look for something that has the god rule and chance that you want if you get nil after running out of

Gold you just restore your backed up save and try again rinse and repeat until you finally get a gilded piece of gear worth buying now skipping past all of that assuming that you have the luck of a god or access to a way to make whatever you wanted or know someone else

Who does this is generally what you would want to run for the best balance on your build generally if it’s a fast weapon that doesn’t use void strike well you’d want to run crit unchanting guarding strike and radiance or if you’re using lifesteal armor you can run committed or gravity instead of radiance

Now if it’s a slower weapon that does use void strike its bread and butter would be void strike unchanting guarding strike and leaching or if using lifesteal armor you can use gravity weakening or even crit instead of leaching depending on what the weapon benefits most from whether you use

Weakening or gravity depends on the weapon weakening benefits weapons out of a wide hit area because you’re able to affect more mobs per swing and gravity is good for weapons that have a narrow hit area because it pulls mobs in so you can hit more mobs at a time it’s also

Good for weapons with long reach because you’re able to hold mobs at that distance so they can’t hit you and if the weapon has both a narrow hit area and has long reach gravity is just one of the best options for it and for any of these weapons be they fast or slow

You can always use refreshment in place of guardian strike if you want to spam potion barrier and surprise gift aside from that fighter’s bindings and coral blade can run a fun combo of gravity stunning swirling and radiance while other fast weapons would usually prefer critter ambush instead of swirling while

Rapiers do better with either exploding or the combination of thundering and lightning focus for damage instead as for your armor potion barrier cooldown deflect and chilling would be your best overall choices if the army you’re using already has any of these built in you can always just throw in cowardice or

Snowball instead or any of lightning or poison focus if the weapon that you’re using has thundering or as jungle poison which is different from poison cloud and i’ll talk about that in a bit and for a ranged weapon like the bombastic imploding crossbow multi shot wild rage infinity and tempo theft is the

Combination mine has and it’s the one piece of gear i have that’s done by far the most work i can not stress that enough and finally for artifacts ironhide amulet for defense death cat mushroom for offense and gong of weakening for both and to get you out of

Pinch situations by far serves you the best with this build you have at least 50 to 60.6 damage reduction at all times with guarding strike on top it goes up to either 75 or 80.3 percent damage reduction depending on if your armor already has 35 reduction builds in it or

Not for general dps you’ll be doing anywhere from plus 40 percent to more than a 100 damage boost while doubling all of that against enchanted enemies and boosting your dps further by 75 to 100 with death cat mushroom to put this into perspective compared to your character without any enchants or

Artifacts offensively you’ll be multiplying your dps by up to over four times defensively you’re dividing incoming damage by either two times two and a half times four times or over five times the normal damage increasing your base advantage by up to over 20 times from normal and that’s not even

Including gong of weakening in dangerous situations that somehow manage to threaten a build like this you could just use gong for 25 more damage reduction on top of tripling your total dps against the enemies that you want to alt f4 out of existence meanwhile on other builds you can have between 85 to

88.2 damage reduction with weakening or divide the overall damage you’re taking by between 4 to 100 by stun locking mobs to death with stunning in short apocalypse 25 shouldn’t give you any trouble at all with this setup in fact in comparison it would actually seem harder to start the game all over

Again on default with a fresh character by that point while this technically concludes this guide for default through apocalypse 25 i want to take some time to go over the weapons themselves i mentioned a few but there’s a lot of amazing weapons here and as you can see

I’ve divided them up by tears based on their potential their ease of use their performance on apocalypse plus and their performance compared to each other i ranked them that way because if it was just for how they handled apocalypse plus then the lowest tier here would be

A even for the lonely old coral blade down there at the bottom on its own as for the weapons themselves first off we’ve got the og of og the king of fisticuffs and prevailer of jojo memes itself the tried and true fighters bindings with 15.1 hits per second their

Overall speed is rivaled by none able to fill up over one third of your health bar per second with just radiance alone has over a 99 chance to keep mob stun lock with stunning and gets a massive dps boost from shockwave swirling and even thundering the pushback of each

Machine gun punch can push mobs out of reach of attacking you no problem they don’t fear thornton’s mobs at all and there’s not a single other weapon that can run as many enchant combos as them and as if that wasn’t enough they even have incredibly high dps on top of all

That not the highest but it’s pretty far up there the one meta enchant they can’t run very well is void strike and even then it’s not the worst thing in the world on them and to top it all off they hit their attack speed cap of 15.1 hits

A second with just a death cat mushroom alone so it doesn’t even matter what armor you use with them in short is there even a question why these fists are so overused it doesn’t take a scientist to notice how these things feel like you’re wearing double infinity gauntlets just snapping mobs out of

Existence left and right next you have double axes and i’m just going to include the whole family line here because whirlwind’s added shockwave and cursed axes added exploding don’t make the biggest difference in the world especially at level 1 but they don’t need to these weapons have a base dps

Almost as high as fighters bindings and they get a nice 55 damage boost minimum from void strike now unlike fighters bindings you do need to have armor with 25 more attack speed to get this base dps but it’s still amazing and they can easily surpass fighters bindings on top

Of that each attack is a full spin that hits all around you all the time this massively multiplies the total damage that you do to groups allowing you to very recklessly move through them as you’re cleaving everything in half it also serves as the best refreshment

Weapon because of how many mobs it can kill per second in groups and weakening works amazingly well on it since you’re hitting everything around you all the time these weapons basically embody the perfect balance of offense and defense pokemon sword and shield nah how about both then next you’ve got moon daggers

And i know that they’re not ss tier according to my list but there’s a reason that i’m mentioning them now they might have a lot of the same issues that daggers have such as short reach small hit area no push back but the built in enigma resonator gives them a 30 dps

Boost at a full soul meter which skyrockets them up the dps totem pole well beyond fighter’s bindings and to top it off they can use stunning really well too but do they still have problems reaching mobs even with gravity yes but can they make you invincible with guarding strike

Well every weapon can but the higher the dps the better it does it and it makes an okay soul weapon too even if sides do it better then we have nameless bleed another s-tier entry it does lack in raw dps but it has better reach and much

Better hit area than moon daggers it also gets the same 60 dps boost from shockwave and 80 dps boost from swirling that fighters bindings do but it’s the built-in weakening that matters here that 20 damage reduction alone really helps the weapon stand out since it gives you a free 25 damage

Advantage against any mobs that you’re hitting but due to how weakening and void strike interact it also means void strike goes from a 40 dps boost to a 52 boost for free as if the weapon even needs the damage to be awesome and you want to know what the best part is

As long as you’re on apocalypse all of these weapons that i just mentioned can be found from soggy cave so you can rest easy knowing that farming it over and over and over and over is not an active idiocy next up we have the entire battle

Staff line they have a long and dare i say stylish combo that has decent speed and knockback on top of dps that surpasses even moon daggers and they get more than a 50 dps boost from void strike on top of that it’s also worth mentioning battle staff of terror and

Growing staff separately because they’re actually a bit slower than the base battle staff this does hurt battle staff of terror’s dps a bit since the built-in exploding isn’t consistent damage but growing staff has committed built-in so it not only has more dps than battle staff over 3.4 million at base with top

Speed but it gets a bigger dps boost from void strike on top of that to say that battle stabs don’t hit like a god damn truck even without any damage enchants would be a bolt-based lie up next we have masters katana and to be fair this extends to dark katana and

Even normal katana as well it’s just that masters katana has built in critical hit that boosts its base dps to over 2.9 million on top of it having good reach a 180 degree hit area good knockback and over a 60 dps boost minimum from void strike this gives them

Very nice stopping power on top of just their normal killing power and the best part is that on apocalypse you can get both battle stabs and katanas from lower temple cheers next we have whispering spear which in fairness includes spear and fortune spear as well they have middling speed

And dps along with abysmal hit area and just a moderate dps boost from void strike but they make up for it with their absurd reach the final hit in their combo can hit from eight and a half blocks away eight and a half blocks oh what’s that

You want to get your friend’s attention and he lives on the complete opposite side of the country from you and just poke him with a spear not this sharp end now just poke him with the blunt hand so if you combine this long reach with gravity you can potentially hold mobs at

The end of your weapons reach so they can’t hit you at all ever for this purpose the built-in echo of whispering spear is actually really good adding extra hit now and then to add to the weapon’s pushback and killing speed so that mobs don’t reach you before they’re

Dead this does require a bit of positioning but the weapon’s very easy to abuse from behind objects or around corners or even just out in the open it’s one of two weapon types that you could run fairly comfortably without guardian strike or iron knight amulet the other being the rapier line in terms

Of potential dps these weapons are abysmal it’s barely over 1.5 million and they can’t even use void strike whatsoever it’s so low that even with all the physical damage boosts you could give it neither lifesteal nor leeching can beat the healing per second that radiance gives them and to top it all

Off their hit area basically doesn’t exist but if you’re using these weapons for damage you’re using them wrong for one thing they have pretty long reach allowing you to use gravity with them to hold a lot of mobs out of reach of hitting you it’s real easy to pull mobs

Into this black hole of little jabs of slow death but on top of all this is their speed as i mentioned before stunning gives them a 97.7 chance to keep mobs stun locked until they die so good luck to anything ever hitting you again let alone killing you before

Radiance heals you right back up on top of that the combination of their reach gravity and initial low dps makes exploding not just a good damage enchant on them but a really good damage enchant on them or you can just slap on thundering with lightning focus and watch everything disintegrate in front

Of you with over double your original dps including the fact that the lightning spreads to other mobs as well and to top all this off bee stinger has a built-in chance to spawn bees with every mob you kill which only helps you when the mobs are so busy becoming ping cushions as

They fight off your little army that they don’t even care about you coming up to stab them in the back absolutely for free i do not say this lightly on apocalypse 25 this weapon can legitimately carry you through a level without iron height amulet gong awakening or guarding strike really the

Only downside to these weapons is their scarcity they only appear during daily trials for high block halls arch haven nether fortress and frosted fjord as well as from the solemn giant ancient a possible reward from the tower and if you’re lucky you can find them in shops

Too so yeah they’re very rare now the next entry is actually two weapons because they’re both very similar the pickaxe line and truth seeker both are narrow hitting weapons that have high damage per hit and are a little bit on the slow side but their raw dps is incredible both breaking 3 million

Pickaxe gets a 55 dps boost from void strike while truth seekers is a whopping 70 boost and on top of that it also has more reach than a pickaxe but still both are very solid weapons and now because of the lacking reach and lower damage

Per hit than a truth seeker you can also run shockwave and swirling on a pickaxe since they trigger every hit and add decent damage but you might prefer gravity for both of them instead since you can funnel mobs into the multiplied damage hits of void strike and enchanting as well as any

Other physical damage buffs that you have going on too 20 weapon damage boost aura 30 more melee damage cowardice strength potion reckless all of those get multiplied by void strike and enchanting shockwave and swirling they do not and while pickaxes and truth seekers are mainly single target weapons

That you would want to use gravity with their high dps makes them really good at maintaining guarding strike if you want to use that instead since they can absolutely massacre a mob in less than 4 seconds flat and then next up we have heart stealer it’s one of the claymore

Uniques set apart by the built-in leaching this lets you run it on any armor that you want to without having to use an enchantment slot for healing this allows you to run another damage enchant if you want instead like crit to help give it monstrous potential dps on top

Of that void strike gives the weapon a whopping minimum 76.7 percent dps boost couple that with its reach hit area and knockback and you have a really strong weapon that i might have one shot hard to vendor with oh and speaking of claymores the echoing boy dlc gives us obsidian claymore and

It’s unique the starless knight think of claymores only without the middle combo hit and somehow even slower on top of looking big and hulking and absolutely gorgeous the weapon not only has pretty far reach in a 360 degree hit area around the combo finisher but it also

Has a monstrous 3.1 million base dps and change which also gets a whopping 100 percent dps boost from void strike minimum so to put this into perspective since the second hit of the combo is twice as strong as the first and since that second hit would hit twice as hard

With void strike the first hit only needs to do 20 of an enemy’s health in order for the second hit to completely annihilate what’s left of it on top of all that it is an absolute beast with on chanting able to one shot a lot of enchanted mobs with just the second hit

Alone without void strike and it can make amazing use of both guarding strike and weakening as well and now to continue with the echoing void weapons we have backstabber and its unique swift striker now since both weapons are very fast the built-in echo of swift striker is only adding little over one percent

More dps so it’s negligible rather while they have very short reach in almost no hit area they more than make up for it by having over 3 million base dps on top of getting a decent damage boost from void strike as well they’re also fairly fast so they can use stunning with more

Than an 80 chance to stun lock mobs on top of this since they have ambush built in as well they do a free 15 percent more damage to those stun locked mobs or if you blind them with income glow squid armor which is always fun too and to

Finish the echoing void weapons we have void touch blades and bacon and eggs i mean beginning in the end anyway it’s about time we finally got some dual wield swords in here anyone who’s been with my channel from the beginning knows that i originally started out as a sword

Art online game channel well technically it was actually smash bros brawl hacks castlevania symphony of the night and pokemon stuff but my channel only really picked up when i started playing sword online so yeah dual wield kind of my jam and now while these two weapons are slower than backstabber and have about

The same reach these weapons have massive base dps literally just 149 short of 3.5 million and this is partly due to the built-in void strike that they have as well as beginning in the end having leaching built in too so you can focus more on running damage and

Chance when fully enchanted beginning in the end easily has the second highest legit dps in the entire game and yes that means that there is a weapon that’s stronger and we’ll be talking about it shortly and on top of this massive dps the weapon also has a full 360 degree

Spin move that hits all around you making it great for spreading void strike and weakening as well the spin does have a blind spot directly behind you but the mobs have to be right up against you to be in that blind spot to begin with beginning in the end can also

Run refreshment really well too the only downside is their short reach but just like kitty toe they excel in close quarters combat anyway and make you look damn cool while doing it too and in the end doesn’t that really matter most after that we have sponge striker the

Unique of coral blade from the hidden depths dlc and i know what you’re thinking shin how can a unique of the worst ranked weapon on your list be estier well my understandably confused friend that’s because of one simple thing you’ve forgotten and that is mojang’s programming incompetency you

See the weapon is supposed to absorb the damage that you take while attacking and dish it back at the end of the combo but due to a coding oversight this damage skyrockets into such a high number that it has even scrooge mcduck’s bank vault looking at it with envy well okay it’s

Not that high but still it’s a big number because of this it’s not uncommon to see occasional damage numbers in the billions with this weapon now until somewhat recently you used to be able to force this damage to trigger with the damage that you took from pain cycle 2

But mojang passed that out still the weapon is ridiculously strong without it with gravity and swirling you can do a good amount of area damage to the mobs around you while weakening allows you to tank hits easily while triggering the weapon’s massive damage from those hits you’re taking while radiance and

Lifesteal from spider armor keep you healed up that would currently be the best combo for spun striker because it has the most synergy you’ve got gravity grouping mobs together so they’re all getting hit by swirling and all being affected by weakening so you can easily tank their hits and deal that insane

Damage back to them while just as easily healing it all off or at least that was the best combo i could come up with for them the one downside aside from the weapons small region hit area is that any kill that happens from this absurd damage spike will not trigger things

Like refreshment leeching guarding strike exploding or anything else that requires a melee kill to trigger so as a result the only chance that really matter are gravity radiance and weakening the reason why i mentioned swirling in my combo is because even with gravity you can only affect one mob

With these insane damage hits at a time all of these things combined are what keep sponge striker from being an ss tier weapon though it’s still an absolutely amazing weapon regardless especially for taking out strong individual mobs either way i strongly recommend at least one radiance and lifesteal armor for added healing

Because ultimately the only thing that matters with this weapon is survival since its effect will take care of the damage for you and now remember when i mentioned jungle poison earlier well take whatever you know about poison cloud and just toss it out the window like jeff from accounting because that’s

Not what we’re talking about here a whip with poison cloud isn’t going to be doing you much good a vine whip on the other hand that’s a completely different story just like with coral blade and sponge striker you see again that whip and vine whip is another case of the

Unique version of a weapon being on almost the entire other side of the planet in terms of a weapon tier list while a whip has ok 2.1 million dps and decent reach the hit area is almost non-existent and even if you use gravity to group mobs into one spot so you can

Hit more than one with each attack you can only do a hundred percent of the weapon’s damage to one mob at a time the other is only taking 10 percent of the full damage so what you have here is an okay weapon with some defensive capability with gravity and a decent 70

Dps boost from void strike but vine lift is where things get extra spicy see unlike poison cloud which has just a 30 chance to spawn a 345 000 dps cloud of poison in one spot when you hit an enemy jungle poison is quite a bit stronger not only does it always trigger with

Every hit and it sticks onto the enemy that you hit but it adds even more poison dps to start with over 400 000 at the same power and the poison damage scales up with most damage buffs as well so if you use say unchanting the poison dps completely doubles against enchanted

Enemies and with void strike it’s also about 70 more however since voice strike is a rising damage multiplier that will increase up to plus 600 percent as long as you don’t hit the enemy again this allows the poison damage to climb and climb and climb and climb after just one hit it is

No joke when i say that this weapon can quite literally one shot any enemy in the game including bosses now for some of the bosses you might need the help of poison focus and gong with strength potion some might need shadow forms damage boost and some might need both

Strength potion and shadow form but still this is a feat that not many weapons can claim to be able to come close to pulling off and while this poison damage can also only deal full damage to one mob at a time when you’re hitting multiple mobs at once the

Defensive power of gravity and the speed of the hits allowing you to hit any mob and move on as the poison kills it makes this a very solid weapon to run in careful hands and finally last but not least we have the king weapon line of minecraft

Dungeons the anchor and it’s unique the one and only the alpha and omega the almighty and crusted anchor if you needed a reason to play hidden depths this was it anchors have a massive seven block reach with every swing that also hits all around you on top of that the

Weapon does a whopping 2.1 million damage and change per hit while actually having decent natural stun on enemies as well as built in gravity the one downside is that its actual dps is only a bit over 1.9 million because its swing speed is even slower than trying to drag

Fly paper against melting molasses but at the same time that’s what makes the weapon so strong because aside from the fact that it can still one shot or at least two shot most mobs in the game with just on chanting alone void strike gives the weapon a minimum 175 percent dps boost absolutely

Assuring that you’re going to be two shotting most things that you hit for scale that means that the second hit is almost three times as strong as the first hit so when you land those two hits you are doing almost four hits worth of damage right there now the

Massive hit area and high damage does make it incredibly dangerous to attack thorn’s mobs but with just 35 reduction armor and iron height amulet you can run on chanting and still hit eight thorns mobs at the same time without getting yourself killed 16 if you have guarding

Strike active do keep in mind though that if you have a strength potion or other buffs active and that safe number of thorns mobs that you can hit is gonna be less especially on the second hit when void strike takes effect now on top of everything that i’ve mentioned this

Weapon can also spread weakening really effectively to cover any mobs that don’t outright die to your herculean hits with the 2.75 times damage from void strike and 40 damage reduction from weakening it’s like you’re attacking with a literal melee gong of weakening at all times and now i know what you’re

Thinking how can a weapon as godly as this possibly get any better well naturally you just add jungle poison to it because that’s not broken at all is it well actually yes it is and that’s exactly what encrusted anchor has with its slow speed and high base damage

The poison alone takes it from 1.9 million base dps to over 3.4 million top that off with void strike increasing this monstrous poison damage the same way that it does with vine whip and you have a weapon that can one shot notch himself if vine whip can one shot any

Boss in existence encrusted anchor can do it even easier on top of having an even more massive hit area to spread the poison its one downside is at slow speed leaving you open to taking more hits but at that point does it really matter this weapon can even one shot a theoretical

Mushu monstrosity on a tier 3 daily trial with 3 threat banners a 200 mob health increase banner and a 60 player damage decrease banner it is that strong now both anchors do have a blind spot if a mob is directly in front of you which causes the weapon to sometimes swing

Harmlessly through its skull but isn’t that the safest place to be when you’re up against a weapon that can hit you from anywhere on the planet mojang seems to think so anyway while that covers up the top two melee weapon tiers honorable mentions include bone club and its

Unique bone cudgel both found in the nether dlc they have fairly decent 2.4 million base dps with equally decent-ish hit area and nice reach as well as pretty good knockback with each hit the thing is that they’re almost as slow as an obsidian claymore but that also means

That void strike gives them a hefty 85 dps boost one downside though is that while they do have a decent hit area their animation shows an amazing 210 degree swing with a hitbox that’s actually about 150 degrees this can cause the edges of your swings to seemingly pass harmlessly through mobs

And the hit area is so narrow up close that you won’t hit anything that’s not directly in front of you if they’re up close if you get swarmed by creepers outside of your hit area cheers other honorable mentions include the entire glaive weapon line which includes venom glaive and my personal favorite grave

Bane they’re very similar to spears only with less overall reach and a much wider hit area on the final hit their swing speed is also slower giving their 2.1 million base dps more than a 60 boost with void strike and pushing their dps past the spears their long reach does

Let them use the same gravity strategy as spears but the spears have more reach so they use it better but this also means that while glaives can’t use gravity as well their wider combo finishers means that they don’t need gravity as much either and they can run guarding strike more comfortably than

Spears too and now lastly for honorable mentions is resolute tempest knife a unique of tempest knight found in howling peaks they’re similar to swords except their attack animation is in reverse they have more speed and they have more base dps with 2.7 million compared to a sword’s 2.3 million they

Also get a respectable minimum 40 dps boost from void strike on top of a massive one second speed boost after every mob they kill to add to this resolute tempest knife has committed built in to take its already amazing dps up to over 3.2 million so why is resolute tempest snipe the

Best of the three tempest knives only in a tier it’s because the weapon for some reason has really short reach and much more ridiculous knockback per hit than it should have making it hard to actually keep any mobs inside the combo to use all that glorious dps in the

First place because of that they practically need an enchantment slot for gravity to help hold mobs in place which still doesn’t fully help them this not only means having to sacrifice an enchant slot but their dps is still a bit gimped compared to a pickaxe which often runs the same enchant combo

But i’d be lying if i said they still weren’t fun to use while chill gale knife is an utter waste of a unique because it has freezing built in which literally does nothing it’s still one of my top 10 favorite minecraft dungeons weapons of all time now this isn’t at

All to say that none of the other weapons can be used because i use them all and many of my favorites are farther down the tier list but if i said that all weapons were created equally well i’d be a right out liar wouldn’t i however it does also depend on the build

You’re using some weapons can be the only choice for your build because it fits exactly what you need speaking of which i want to take this time to go over some of the other builds that at least i’ve used myself besides melee the first is obviously a soul build because

I’ve talked about them throughout this guide but now with a gilded mindset what you want to be using is a jailer sight or any site really with void strike to multiply your soul damage anima conduit for extra healing and soul gathering enigma resonator for soul gathering or weakening for defensive support and soul

Siphon for lots of soul gathering the fast weak and wide attacks help for soul siphon farming and for spreading void strike and weakening for the armor you would generally want wither armor for its life skill healing you with all the artifact damage you’re doing but soul dancer robe with its 50 extra artifact

Damage works too albeit more challenging to use you would want soul focus for more soul damage snowball to save yourself against certain enemies since your melee combat will be dog water and it helps you to farm souls off of stun lock mobs with soul sight too then you

Would want bag of souls to give you both more soul gathering and 599 max souls in your soul meter in case you need to really let loose and finally lightning focused to make lightning rod even stronger next you want void collar for its gravity to pull mobs together so

They all get struck by lightning rod in one shot anima conduit and soul siphon provide more healing and soul gathering while wild rage helps split up mob aggro and finally tempo theft makes up for the build’s complete lack of speed and of course the three classic soul artifacts

Of corrupted beacon for groups at range and narrow hallways harvester for less packed groups and mobs surrounding you and lightning rod for mobs behind walls or in other rooms especially powerful single targets you want to nuke or small pack groups you want to vaporize at once

All in all this build would give you 15 to 17 soul gathering per soul orb and 102 souls per soul siphon trigger and if you wanted to tweak this build slightly you could go with cooldown instead of snowball on your wither armor swapping jailor’s sight for moon daggers with

Stunning soul siphon guarding strike and void strike the moon daggers would have solid dps on their own without even factoring void strike in healing you with life steal while triggering major soul siphon with their mushroom hit speed and naturally you would also have anima conduit on your ranged weapon to

Add extra healing as well if you are using a lightning rod the same void collar mentioned before is fine otherwise saw hunter crossbow with those same enchants works wonders you wouldn’t need gravity and the triple shots would give you nearly an eighty percent chance to trigger wild rage while also giving

You a higher chance for soul siphon you could also try sol fists replacing guardians check with gravity to help them but moon daggers still do this better in every way now related closely to soul builds will be mage builds and these mean serious business among one of

The best builds in the game they use satchel of elements or rather should i say they abuse it for these builds the melee weapon doesn’t matter as much as long as it’s a sole weapon with anima conduit and void strike sides are usually the better choice for their wide

Swings a standard mage build can make use of any scythe with void strike anima conduit and either two looting or two prospectors now for the armor you would want splendid rope they unique a battle rope that you can find on levels like redstone mines or creepy krypton

Apocalypse which on top of 30 percent more melee damage has the ultimate synergistic mage combination of 40 reduced artifact cooldown and 50 more artifact damage talk about busting right as for the enchants you would first want fire focus and lightning focus for the satchels then cool down to help recharge

Them quicker and then either snowball for defense another cooldown for defense and offense potion barrier for the occasional super defense or death barter if you’re going with prospector for the ranged weapon i would go with void collar using anima conduit wild rage and either tempo theft with looting or

Prospector or two looting or two prospector looting being for the chance of swiftness potions and shadow brews being all over the place and artifact wise you would want to use two satchels of elements in case you get stuck with a bunch of freezing effects which do bug

Or all or if you’re not killing mobs fast enough windhorn to blow mom’s back and massively slow them down does wonders for helping recharge your satchel safely or you can use corrupted seeds for this purpose in which case using cooldown with fire focus lightning focus and poison focus on your splendid

Robe would let you run a full elemental mage build i’ve done both and they’re both very fun now if you want to sacrifice that potential fun to make yourself an efficient based murder machine we can tweak this build just slightly the melee would be the same only 100 using two prospector instead of

Looting for the splendid robe you could do lightning focus cooldown electrified and death barter your ranged weapon on the other hand would change quite a bit being a bow of lost souls with anima conduit burst bowstring cooldown shot and either tempo theft void strike or another prospector and instead of

Windhorn or corrupted seeds you would want to run light feather the idea here is to spam your satchels while also spamming light feather each time you roll with it bow string triggers which then triggers cooldown shot allowing you to use all of your artifacts again immediately and then rinse and repeat

And since you’re rolling a lot electrified isn’t a bad option while death barter and prospector help you in general and against deflector thorns mobs specifically you are essentially just spamming the artifact buttons and clearing the screen of mobs without feeling like you’re really fighting anything but it is by far the best way

To mix both a speed run with a 100 clear run i fully cleared mushroom island in six minutes without a scratch it is seriously no joke another mage build would be a shadow mage builder this one is my design and is by far the cheesiest not too much actually changes with the

Build you still run cooldown fire focus and lightning focus on your splendid robe but you also throw in shadow surge as well the melee weapon doesn’t really change either you still want to run a scythe with anima conduit and void strike but now you definitely want to

Run to looting and for the ranged weapon you still want to run void collar with anima conduit the difference is that you can either run wild rage with two looting or you can run three looting and for the artifacts you’d only change the last one running two satchels of

Elements with a shadow shifter the idea here is to get a bunch of kills with your satchels early on so that you have enough souls for shadow shifter once in shadow form no mobs will attack you leaving you free to nuke them at your leisure and while in shadow form shadow

Surge will trigger with each kill you get giving you an instant 16 additional souls per kill you see what’s going on here this build allows you to easily stay in shadow form for the entire level freely obliterating mobs with your satchels as if you weren’t even there

And in case you somehow run out of both souls and shadow form or when you’re just starting off the level i have looting included to help make shadow brews drop really easily so you can enter a brief shadow form to start triggering shadow search for your shadow

Shifter which lasts well over 20 seconds in comparison to shadow brew which only lasts 10. and let’s just say that this build is so incredibly brokenly cheesy that i can do tier 3 six banner daily trials without taking a single hit now for a shadow build that’s not as

Broken i came up with a shadow rolling build too and i mean this bill can do levels hitless as well but it kills slower and is much more difficult to use and now the melee weapon is kind of similar to a mage builds only the scythe instead uses on chanting an ambush on

Top of anima conduit and looting the idea here is anima conduit and looting for the same reasons as the shadow mage building while enchanting an ambush is to deal the most single hit damage to a tough enchanted mob group as your shadow form is about to run out for a whopping

23.2 times a side’s original damage just don’t try doing this to any thorns mobs because you will die now again this is only for when your shadow form is about to run out because your main source of damage is going to come from your armor itself that armor being unstable robes

For the explosive teleporting roles in soul gathering which you can find from the echoing void dlc using cooldown electrified lightning focus and shadow surge the idea here is to enter shadow form and just start rolling around mobs dealing both explosion damage and boosted electrified damage to them since

Those don’t break your shadow form for that purpose we’re gonna be using shadow shifter on top of two light feathers so you can constantly keep rolling and finally the ranged weapon is a veiled crossbow which both has the chance for you to enter shadow form when killing a

Mob with it and the first shot that you fire while in shadow form will not break you out of shadow form the enchants on it are gravity void strike exploding and looting void strike is to help kill mobs faster or for you to tag a tough mob

With it while in shadow form so that it multiplies the lightning and explosion damage that they take next you have exploding if the veiled crossbow kills a mob and triggers your shadow form that shadowform only lasts for three seconds so exploding is for that mob to potentially kill another mob within

Those three seconds first shadow surge to trigger and give you more souls then you have gravity which is to defensively hold mobs away from you if you need it while also grouping mobs into those explosions and finally looting is for the chance of shadow bruise dropping the

Same reason as the shadow mage build the next build is probably one that you wouldn’t expect especially coming from me because i would be the first to say that pets are complete trash on apocalypse plus their ai is just awful i have seen them standing still next to a

Hogland that was about to charge me or watching them take hits while their back is turned they will force you to take point when exploring even though you are built to make them stronger and can’t defend yourself and even then pets often get steamrolled by enchanted groups wasting your artifact slot you would

Need to fully build yourself for one pet by using lifesteal iron height amulet and enchanters tome just to power one pet up and even then they’re still not that good however while pets are absolutely awful on apocalypse plus these are not only good but they are downright busted already you can see

Here that i have a normal melee build that uses a bee stinger with bee hive armor the build is comfortable enough that i can get by with just a death cat mushroom while running two buzzy nests no ironhide amulet or gong needed is this partly due to the beasting or

Having stunning a little but the bees themselves are so good that i have a build that allows me to go through an entire level without taking a hit or launching a single attack i just use three buzzy nests with mystery armor that has both reduced potion cooldown and reduced artifact cooldown using

Cooldown beast burst beast boss and tumblebee even though the bees don’t last long due to dying after three stings and also not having that much health to begin with the fact that buzzy nest works on a timer alone makes it ridiculously overpowered if i cycle the

Nests i can keep a group of mobs busy infinitely while their numbers whittle down especially with beast bursts now and then and for the melee and ranged weapons i just used the same jailer strength and boycott that i do for my normal mage build it’s not like i need

Them and now the last build that i can think of is the explosive range build that i like to use which includes archer’s armor a jailer scythe and a harp crossbow with three fireworks arrows probably unsurprisingly the scythe isn’t really used at all instead it has anima conduit for healing and any

Choice of void strike and 2 looting blade strike looting and prospector if using death barter or just three looting for the armor we definitely want at least two cooldown after that chilling is incredibly helpful for the last slot you can either go cowardice for more range damage which admittedly doesn’t

Stack so well on this build or cool down for even more reliable fireworks arrow spam death barter for a pinch last minute save or snowball for an additional defense along with chilling finally we have the crux of the build the harp crossbow itself for the most destructive fireworks arrow potential we

Want multi shots so that each of the five arrows it shoots has a chance to fire five more then we want chain reaction this is so that upon impact with mobs each of those original five arrows has a chance to split off into five more arrows to create even more

Widespread explosions and after that we want gravity to pull mob groups together so that they take more of the concentrated explosion damage and finally infinity is to help spam more fireworks because if infinity triggers while you have a firework primed it will shoot the firework without actually

Using it this not only lets you shoot the firework again immediately but it also triggers the artifact’s cooldown to start even when you still have it primed for fire suffice to say that this build can not only do runs hitless but it can do them without mobs even getting close

To you anyway this concludes my enchant guide and my brief weapon and build guide for default through apocalypse plus i hope you all enjoyed or at least found it somewhat useful and especially that you even made it this far and i’ll see you all again in the next video

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons Default Through Apocalypse+ MEGA Guide | Gear, Builds, Enchants, & MORE’, was uploaded by Shin FTW on 2022-06-17 20:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

This video was a long time in the making. The first bits that I had started typing out for it were back on March 3rd of this year, and …

  • Kevin Gets Pranked in Minecraft ARGs

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  • Fishing Frenzy: Minecraft Ep. 02 – Where’s the Fish?

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  • Village Life: Minecraft’s Normal Delight

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s First City

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Exploration

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  • EPIC MINECRAFT RPG CHAOS in Hasturian Era! 🔥

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  • Unbelievable: Create Your Own Dimension in Minecraft!

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  • 🌿Leafy McTreeface vs Creepers! What Happens Next?! #shocking

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  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft: Power Unveiled!

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  • Shockingly OP Player Destroys 600+ Queue | Bedwars

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  • 🔥Increíble descubrimiento en el mundo de Minecraft! 😮🗿

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  • Unbelievable: Minecraft 2 out now 🤯🎮 #2

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  • TheGoodLands

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  • The Chaotic SMP – semi-anarchy

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  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.21) // take your HELICOPTER 」

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  • Crafty Moves: Minecraft’s Update Grooves

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  • Fill My Hole Mod vs Big Gaps #funny #minecraft

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  • The Last Block: Minecraft’s Heroic Adventure

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  • Ultimate Survival Raid Farm

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  • Minecraft Prominence 2: INSANE Base Building!

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  • Foxin Off: Minecraft Memes Pt. 7

    Foxin Off: Minecraft Memes Pt. 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Wait What Meme Part 7 (Nextbot Goofy Dad)’, was uploaded by Foxin off on 2024-07-11 18:30:07. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:43 or 643 seconds. Dive into the horror of Minecraft with this spine-chilling episode! Watch as Giant Villager, Giant Steve, and Giant Herobrine face off against the terrifying Scary Mutant Alex. Featuring crazy Minecraft glitches, hilarious “wait what” moments, and creepy creepypasta elements, this video is a must-watch for all Minecraft fans. Don’t miss the horror, the memes, and the “we’ll be right back”… Read More

  • Palworld New World Day 2 Stream: Let’s Go Minecraft! 🚀 #StreamingWithAnub #Clickbait

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  • Ultimate Relaxing Minecraft Longplay – No Commentary!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE!! Iron to Diamond in Minecraft 🔥#epic

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  • Choose Your Devil Fruit in Minecraft – All Lies!

    Choose Your Devil Fruit in Minecraft - All Lies!Video Information This video, titled ‘Choose Your Devil Fruit in Minecraft BUT They’re All Lies’, was uploaded by Senpirates on 2024-10-16 11:00:32. It has garnered 62800 views and 3000 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:26 or 1106 seconds. 💙 • Subscribe for more: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/@Senpirates ⬅ 🤍 • Become a member: ➡ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNvn2JfdylGusS9owkDM0Q/join ⬅ 🎮 • Mods: • https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi 🌍 • Map: https://www.planetminecraft.com/project/one-piece-world-project/ 🔊 • https://discord.gg/xHh47u7Xbg 🐦• Follow me: https://twitter.com/senpirates 📧 • Business: [email protected] 💻 • Editor: https://twitter.com/OH1gor #Minecraft #mod #onepiece Read More

  • EPIC Survival in Romania – Minecraft Hardcore LIVE

    EPIC Survival in Romania - Minecraft Hardcore LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.21 Hardcore 🌍 Romania [LIVE 7]’, was uploaded by SnakeMC96 on 2024-07-08 19:01:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Donations: https://streamlabs.com/snake-lpK0xR/tip ♤Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snakedac ♤Donate weapons/cs boxes: … Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Horror: Moose’s Terrifying Bath

    Shocking Minecraft Horror: Moose's Terrifying BathVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE BOY AND THE BATH minecraft horror mod is actually HORRIFYING…’, was uploaded by Moose on 2024-09-14 15:10:09. It has garnered 44444 views and 1197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Moose survives 5 days with the boy in the bath, similar to the boiled one from the doctor nowhere creatures. This minecraft horror mod lurks around in your world, while you try to build a minecraft base with traps to defeat it… craft powerful guns and see how you can get rid of the bath… Watch till the end… Read More

  • Insane Mashup: Sonic vs. Mario in 3D Minecraft!

    Insane Mashup: Sonic vs. Mario in 3D Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘SONIC IN MINECRAFT 6 Ft. Super Mario! [3D MINECRAFT ANIMATION]’, was uploaded by FuturisticHub Archive on 2024-04-22 05:02:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATIONS: Sonic The Hedgehog has made his way in Minecraft Animation. Sonic continues his adventure in … Read More

  • WeCanGoMining BoxPVP – Anarchy, PVP – 1.20.1 to 1.21.1

    WeCanGoMining – BoxPVP Minecraft Server Experience fast-paced box PvP action, level up your gear, and dominate other players at WeCanGoMining! Join today and have endless fun! Features: Kits Shopkeepers Coin System PVP Leaderboards 🚀 New server alert! Join our community and help us improve your gaming experience! 🚀 Information: Server Address: wecangomining.pvpserver.xyz Version: 1.20.1+ Discord Community: Join us on Discord Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Me, Minecraft, and Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Me, Minecraft, and Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, with humor and drive. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, Creating animations that astound. No pirated videos, only originals here, Cube Xuan’s channel, spreading cheer. Daily uploads, a smile to bring, Subscribe now, let happiness ring. From classroom series to song adaptation, Each video brings pure elation. So join the fun, in the Minecraft land, With Cube Xuan, life is grand. Read More

  • Steve’s Hot Minecraft Memes #shorts

    Steve's Hot Minecraft Memes #shorts “Why did Steve go to therapy? Because he had too many blockages in his emotional inventory!” Read More

  • Ultimate Soartex Fanver Texture Pack for Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21-1.20

    Ultimate Soartex Fanver Texture Pack for Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21-1.20 Exploring Soartex Fanver Texture Pack for Minecraft PE/Bedrock Soartex Fanver is a popular texture pack for Minecraft PE/Bedrock that enhances the visual experience of the game. In this article, we will delve into the features and updates of the Soartex Fanver texture pack for version 1.21.x. Enhanced Visuals with Soartex Fanver The Soartex Fanver texture pack brings a fresh and vibrant look to Minecraft PE/Bedrock. With updated textures and designs, players can enjoy a more immersive gameplay experience. From blocks to items, every aspect of the game is visually enhanced with Soartex Fanver. Latest Updates and Features The latest… Read More

  • Creating El Gran Maja Portal – Minecraft PE

    Creating El Gran Maja Portal - Minecraft PE The Mysterious El Gran Maja in Minecraft PE Exploring the depths of Minecraft PE, players may stumble upon the enigmatic creature known as El Gran Maja. This hypothetical sea monster, possibly inspired by the Bloop phenomenon, stands out for its immense size compared to other underwater creatures. With razor-sharp teeth and a slightly recessed mouth, El Gran Maja is a sight to behold in the vast oceanic world of Minecraft. Unraveling the Mystery of El Gran Maja El Gran Maja’s presence adds a thrilling element to the underwater exploration in Minecraft PE. Its imposing figure and unique features make… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Realms – DRAGON Showdown!

    EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Realms - DRAGON Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Realms | TIME TO FIGHT LE DRAGON!!!’, was uploaded by MoltenmapG on 2024-07-13 18:46:15. It has garnered 241 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:11 or 8591 seconds. JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER: linktr.ee/moltenmapg Read More

Minecraft Dungeons Default Through Apocalypse+ MEGA Guide | Gear, Builds, Enchants, & MORE