Minecraft Encrypted_ – Create Boiler Automation EP7 – Sc-Fi Questing Modpack

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Hey guys it’s the mayor and this is encrypted hope you’re all having a great day let’s go ahead and jump back it is a pretty cool package in between episodes i did a little bit not too much we’ll kind of take a look-see then kind of

Push forward so it did do a little bit of work on the mob farm i kind of broke down some cobalt got it processed here had some more in the system which is great which reminds me i need to do a bunch of cover as well let’s go ahead

Grab some copper here just uh start to process that don’t i have oh i actually have a decent amount i must did a batch okay anyway let’s go ahead and head over here and show you the changes i made with the mob firm which wasn’t much but

You notice i have uh three jumbo tanks full of experience so the experience was going to be a problem very quickly so some of you guys suggested that i should do the jelly babies from mob running utilities and i did that i completely forgot that this solidifier doesn’t take

Any experience but anyway let’s go to mob grinding so i just went ahead and set this up here so you just go ahead grab that really easy to make and that is cool once you have that just make sure it’s on pipe some experience into

It make sure it has one of these xp mold jelly babies right so that that super simple it’ll start making babies and once you have the babies there you go look at that full stack of it if i eat the whole stack at once which you can

It’s a 3200 experience in one go so basically just bulk store for experience in item form and this way is able to keep up versus the other way which wasn’t able to keep up so that is what i did there i’m just using the laser i o

To pull the items out too it has an auto push too where you can like set the side of auto push to an inventory but i already had the drawer set up right so i guess uh didn’t really matter the only other thing i did was this here i went

Ahead and made up some kill so just cellulose and water so i got that done i went ahead and smelted some of them down which probably means these are done too so let’s go ahead and pop those in there i want to go ahead and actually get us a

Hose bully so we get infinite infinite lava from the nether that’s kind of the idea some will need a copper casing so let’s go ahead and grab what do we need here i already have some copper plates on me i guess i just need some blaze

Rods for some fuel so let’s go ahead and grab you and we’ll go ahead and get one of these or two of these recipes done uh probably like four we’ll probably need some more of these later anyway so let’s put like four of those in there

That’s good and then give it a little bit of fuel then go ahead and just turn this crank for a little bit we’ll need another crank too actually while i’m thinking of it to be able to uh power the pulley as well as well as an enter

Tank once we have all that stuff we should be able to go ahead and get ourselves infinite lava really easy so the ender tanks let’s go ahead and grab you that is good i guess we need two of them i won’t die but you can die in set

Channels i’ll just use this as our default channel actually what do we have for dyes we’ll just use blue dye in it that’s fine it’ll kind of mess me up because i usually use white white white for my water channel but i will set this up as

A blue channel even though that should be water do it don’t you just uh dye these little strips or do you have to do it when you make them on these ones oh no you can do it okay there you go there you go so that’ll set the channel

There so any that are on bottom blue will be for lava and then we have the crank oh you can also do another thing with these two i should show that it’s a vendor right let’s go ahead and grab good amount of them i don’t know how

Many it is that you need to use but let’s grab like 20 or so sweet and you actually upgrade the tank size as well so you notice there right now gonna hold 32k but as you shift and right click these on it should go up and up

And do i have enough yeah right there it’s uh 256k looks like the max and any on that channel now will be uh at that level i think right let’s go ahead and break them in them and uh i guess we just need to make our actual pulley now kind of forget about

That got sidetracked what is the last part we need oh i didn’t actually grab the copper casings i’m a total dirt there you go awesome you can actually pull up one of those in there there you go now with this we’ll be able to do infinite lava and with

That infinite lava i’ll be able to actually start making obsidian and mass because that’s something i need for void upgrades i definitely need large amounts of void upgrades and uh yeah i just want to deal with that now before everything starts getting backed up and say our mob

Berm or with our chemicals i’m able to uh produce those in mass right so anyway let’s head over here somewhere because i knew there was a big lava lake i’m gonna hope this is ten thousand blocks i’m not sure at all but anyway some kind of block here there you go

Just to build a little platform so we’re not uh killing ourselves anyway come across here we don’t need a lot of space we’ll just do a little little plank you know what i mean we’re going to walk the plank over the lava lake or drop a hose and hopefully get

Everything we need and then let’s go ahead and place this down forget how this place is actually i think it’s weird too now that’ll be where the liquid comes out this is where the rotational force goes so we’ll end up having a crank on this side

Go ahead i guess dig underneath it there you go then we’ll want to put a block there so we don’t fall into the void then we’ll end up with a enter tank um these things can be placed sideways too they’re a little strange they’re not

Like the other mud i’m so used to you know yeah it has a little hole there that’s the side that the liquid has to go into on this one i don’t know if they go in the bottom too yeah there’s a hole in the side too so apparently it’s

Either side then we’ll end up pulling the liquid i guess out of that into that let’s go ahead and actually set the extract and i’m going to very much hope that this is a bottom spot or bottomless supply basically i think we just hit the crank down drop

The little pulley i’ll actually do this so you can see it there you go and then you go kind of crank that down should go all the way down to the liquid sometimes too when you set this up i don’t know what determines that but your right click and

The hose won’t go down you hold shift and make it go in the opposite direction i think i had that last time because i thought i was gonna hold shift this time but it doesn’t look like i need to anyway that is good there you have it go right back pop that there

And is this working it’s getting lava and we look there it is a bottom of supply so that is 10 000 blocks of lava our sources i should say so we have uh infinite level now just like that super simple and then i should be able to go ahead and grab this

Upgrade and make it pull the liquid super fast and that should fill up that tank pretty quickly probably like 10 or 15 seconds right not even that super awesome so we have infinite lava now now we’re gonna go ahead and take that lava and set it up in our uh ticker

Smeltery and do our obsidian next probably do that with laser io so i went ahead and grabbed us a few more cards here a couple more laser notes we’re also going to grab one of these uh not a scorch duct this is a wrong duct let’s

Go ahead and hunt that down there duct we want the sear duct so that’s why i wanted the cool ball let’s go ahead and grab that and then we also need uh what are those things called there they’re like copper cans i think just so we can filter it so

It’ll only pull obsidium so that’ll be the idea there and i think that’s pretty much everything we need except for a sink so grab a sink from right here and i think that’s it so that should be fine i guess we’ll go ahead and set it

Up on this drain right here i guess what we’ll do is go ahead and wrap the sink pop it up there go ahead and grab our our entertain frank and i guess we’ll just uh make sure that’s facing the right way by jumping here you go go

Ahead and get rid of that we won’t need this little setup anymore then we’ll go ahead and grab a laser node and uh we’ll have two of them side by side right so one here one here now we’re gonna have lava to i guess power the smeltery as

Well as make obsidium so that’s kind of the idea there uh what we’ll need to do though this is i’ll link these up so see if we can actually find our right wrench so let’s do that net so they’re on a network down then we’ll want to pull

From this tank right so we’ll set two different channels for this too because we’re working with two different liquids probably a good way of doing it uh what just happened okay they ended up over there let’s go ahead and set a extract oh we’re gonna need another item too i

Kind of forgot we need um there’s like filters let’s go to ant laser see what we need for those yeah we need these counting filters right so let’s actually make probably two of those right so let’s grab two of them then we’ll need a set of the basics then

Since you can actually make the countings but apparently it doesn’t like to so let’s make two of them sweet and i guess on this one we have the extract right so that’s fine that’s fine that’ll just pull the lava right i don’t need to set the filter on this

Side so just go to dam go to the fluid guard so that’s going to pull the lava out then on this one i can just do probably an insert and uh what channel did i set that to i didn’t set anything let’s set that to orange let’s set this

One insert on orange we shouldn’t have to worry about the amount there that should just always keep that one full which is fine now when we move the lava here i want to make it so it can only keep a single bucket of lava inside the small tree so the entire smeltery

Doesn’t end up full with lava right so that’s why i’m using this counting filter right so just do that then i’ll need a bucket of lava there you go notice it says one bucket but i could change that too like i could actually increase it and stuff like that but i

Just want to leave it at one bucket which is kind of the idea and turn that to orange and pop it right there and now we should have one singular bucket of left in there which is exactly what i want then we’ll do the same thing pretty

Much with water right so we are pretty much good to go let’s go to extract uh that’ll have to be on the top side so just uh pop that out there i’ll probably set that i mean white channel is fine right so we’ll just leave it on white

And this one will be the insert so we’ll want a filter again go ahead and grab a bucket of water that is good and then yeah just insert that into here right and that should start making obsidian right away oh wait what did i do wrong i did something wrong oh there’s no

Connection up there so i did something uh wrong on the yeah i did this wrong this needs to be on up there you go you go and now that should be making obsidian right so that’s good so at least now i’ll just let one bucket of

Water and one bucket of lava in there until the thing is full of obsidium but we’ll have a way to pull out the obsidian as well so what we’ll do is probably break this right down here you go it’s going to stop working actually i’ll probably go one higherness now that

I think of that let’s do that let’s go ahead and throw the shoot up there go ahead and do that basically these shoots are a way of filtering liquids as well so that’s kind of the idea of them they’re actually super sweet i need to go ahead and grab

One of these copper cans so this is how you set the filter it’s on obsidian right now so i should be able to do that now the only liquid that can come out of this is actually obsidian so that is actually cool do we have any more of

Those jumbo tanks i don’t think i actually do actually let’s go to uh jumbo someone just banged a door insanely hopefully they stopped that okay could do that go ahead and grab a jumbo tank and we’ll end up casting that off onto this probably go ahead and grab you this right here

Go ahead and switch that to extract right that is good probably speed that up too just make sure it kind of goes really quick where is uh do i have any more upgrades i don’t let’s go ahead go in here won’t upgrade i guess it’s not ad upgrade i always do

That to add upgrade don’t ask me why just a bad habit let’s go ahead and just grab the second tier for this because that’s probably all we need and then yeah just have this going at a pretty good pace then from here we’ll go ahead

And cast it off right so that’ll be the idea what we’ll do is go ahead and grab one of these right i’ll end up making another one but now that’s fine for right now let’s go ahead and actually grab our basin which ended up over here sweet let’s do that let’s actually grab

A second basin actually now that i think of it because we have multiple sides of this thing no reason not to have it uh doing it at that you know multiple at a time so we’ll just have something like that that there then we’ll go ahead and

Grab probably three of these float pipes probably put one on each sweet then we’ll just set them all to extract they’ll try to make obsidium and then they’ll cool down and then i guess we just need some hoppers and this is pretty much done but basically what

It’ll do is give us a big buffer of the liquidus obsidium and then yeah every time actually is it making it right now or is it getting pulled out like instantly is that what’s happening right now you just do that’s actually crazy yeah it just instantly pulls it out that’s actually

Really cool but yeah i just need some hoppers and then pull that baby into a drawer right then we are finished so that is actually super cool actually let’s just do it this way for right now let’s do this can you pull from the sides of these i can’t remember i’ll do

A little jank until later on when we have a proper inventory system and we just move this stuff into inventory system right so let’s do that do a drawer sweet and this will be the only thing that come out of this anyway right there you go that works so

I’ll buffer 2000 for us which is fantastic and you can see it’s actually keeping the smell tree clear i just don’t know if this is going to get backed up that’s the only thing that’ll probably happen yeah i’d need a lot more of these gassy basins so at some point

This entire smeltery will probably end up with a obsidian liquid obsidium but it doesn’t matter right now because we’re actually using it i’ve already done a big batch of brass and stuff anyway so we are looking pretty good in that regard so there’s our obsidian automation which means i can make body

Upgrades whenever i want to so i’ve gone ahead and done a bunch of crafting but i’m also going ahead and does melting off some more brass because this brass here i guess the addiction on the brass has been changed i need to smelt it off into the other form

And uh yeah when i first did it it was this form and now it’s a new form right so i think it’s the one from all the ores and not the one from query itself right actually i’m doing sharpening kits because i’m told dirt but hey good uh

Switch over to the igest and see if that actually works there want to make sure we actually get the proper brass because otherwise the recipe is going to work and uh that’s kind of important there you go there’s the ring brass it gets so that’ll be good for when that point

Happens i also went ahead and made a spout so we need a copper casing some dried kiln made out of blue tanks and i beat us uh nine blaze burgers actually eat more i did this recipe too instead of using it all the blaze i just went ahead and crafted up

In the chemical combiner um more expensive but uh less work i don’t have to go in the mud farm so i thought that was a good idea and i think we pretty much have everything we need oh we need to go ahead and make actually the steam engines let’s go ahead and

Grab nine of those actually i should have enough for just nine of those i think let’s just put an eight just to be safe yep there we go that is cool let’s drop that off i think we have everything we need to actually go ahead and actually build our boiler

So let’s go ahead and see if we get that done i’m going to do a little temporary area too because i’m going to be working on the base probably in between episodes as well so what we’re gonna do is uh probably end up moving this anyway right

So that’s the thing go ahead and grab the blaze burners they’ll go on the bottom they’re gonna be what heats up water that will be in the tanks right so i’ll have to set up a sink here in a second let’s go ahead and place those down right that is good that is

Good there i think if you kind of get it right too yeah you could actually place nine blocks per level after you have the initial kind of multi block set up so that is going to be what that kind of looks like there then once we have that

Set up we need to get water in this puppy so what we’ll do is go ahead and break that block um actually i want to have actually no that’s fine we’ll put a sink right here go ahead and grab ourself a fluid pipe pop that there make sure we’re on the

Right wrench move water into this and that’s fantastic i think i made a speed upgrade so we should be able to fill that pretty quick i’ll see if that’s fast enough that should be fast enough for the setup here if not we’ll go to a higher level

Then we go ahead and actually grab the steam engines right so the steam engines are what actually produce the power so we go ahead and put them down notice that the multiblock kind of changed the second i did that it talks about the size now you have information about

Water so it has a ton of water it doesn’t have any heat but even in the sun i guess passively it produces 2048 stress units don’t ask me why it just does let’s go ahead and get those all done then i guess after that we’re ready to

Shafts because we have to get those kind of multi-blocked as well so let’s do that sweet it’s good to grab like two more sets awesome then we’ll go ahead and try to get these placed here notice there’s like two little floaty dots there i want them to go kind of

Vertically so i need to be careful which way i kind of put them down as well because otherwise i’ll go like sideways so i don’t want them to go that way because i just think it’ll be easier to tap into the power this way it’s a

Little weird with the arrow too it likes to be in weird spots sometimes i could actually hear that they’re working if it wasn’t producing any power they wouldn’t even be moving right down but that’s good and then we’re gonna have to have our blaze burners we’re gonna have access to

Them again so i’ll have to dig down here a little bit just kind of get this ready then we’re gonna automatically power these with blaze rods right so that’s kind of the idea the way we’re gonna do that is with a mechanical arm right uh

Is that all of them no that’s all of them right there sweet i’ll be able to fill this in after we’re done cool kind of make it so we just get up there so that’s the initial kind of multi-block right so that’s what’s going on there now the other things we’ll need

Is going to be a rotational speed controller that’ll be one so we’ll need a brass casing oh yeah i made this to the spout this is going to be for the brass casings let’s head over here go ahead and grab this depot because we will need a depot then the spout will

Probably go like two above that so that’s good we’ll need some liquid brass in there so it’s actually a good time to do it if we get enough brass for these right now probably so let’s actually turn that off so i can access that brass there then i’m probably going to break

That then probably grab ourselves another one of those ducks one of these puppies cool and then we’ll just filter out the brass so it’s the only thing you can pull again because that’ll be a good way doing it so it’s on that right now got ourselves a can let’s do that

Go ahead and throw that into here there you go now i can just go ahead and use a fluid pipe to pull that into there and then we’ll have a recipe to actually be able to go ahead and make our next casing so to make the other casings

Right you have to have the copper ones and you pop those down i can’t remember if we need copper casings but we’ll just make four of these either way because i think i need for the brass ones and they just get automatically just kind of spits on them and you get yourself

Automatic brass cases here which is awesome then outside of that what else we need here we need the rotational speed controller two precision mechanisms and a mechanical arm i think right so let’s do these first right so we need brass casings nuggets cog cogwheels and large wheels so let’s get nuggets

Uh i guess i need four because we’ll rate two of them they’ve been changing this uh pack too i don’t know if it’s been changed with the pack or the mod but they used to be made differently and that’s for sure so that will have two of those

I think it was two of these and then one of those right oh one of those for each recipe and i think there’s two of those for each recipe so that should be everything we need there let’s go ahead and see if we can actually get everything into here you go

Then we’d have to heat this thing so let’s go ahead and grab ourselves some blaze sweet go ahead and do that right there and now this set up here is going to get us a ton of rotational forces one of the reasons i want to do it i don’t know

What i’m doing right now though let’s go ahead and just use that and then see if we could actually turn this thing there you go we actually have the right recipe for once so that’s fantastic get two of these bubbies and then we’ll be on to the last part here oh i thought

I made uh two anyway i swear i made enough for two of those apparently i didn’t have the right ratios of something so what was it it was this it was two of these one of those and how many nuggets it was four that’s what i messed up

Let’s go ahead and grab some more nugs sweet i guess we just need four of them fantastic and then we finally got our second precision mechanism we’ll be able to automate all the stuff in time right it’s just uh we’re just trying to get there anyway that is good

With that we should have actually we need some of that brass as well right so let’s go ahead grab you apparently we already had it go ahead and grab a hammer because i know we need some brass plates as well i’m not sure how many it was but

Let’s just grab a batch of them that is good we should be able to make our mechanical arm and our rotational speed controller right there you go so with this we can kind of get this thing kind of all working so what we’ll do is uh grab ourself a depot

Probably pop it like right there for all that matters then we’ll grab the mechanical arm we’ll have to configure this in a second i want to get these kind of all wired up together too before we get started so what we’ll do because uh the rotational force i should

Explain these two these um what are they called there these steam engines each one of them actually produces i should say can move 16 000 of the stress units right so you have to have them all linked up kind of together to be able to have them work out as like one single

Power source right so that’s the idea there we want some chain belts so that’s what i’m looking for you know how many of these do i need that’s uh i don’t know what that is let’s get that out there definitely need some more nuggets so do that

Sweet chain belts are one of my favorite ways of removing rotational force um probably need one more of those yes do i have casings i think so right oh i have these there you go i can just do it this way let’s just go ahead and make some key things really quickly we

Will just do the in-world crafting version awesome go ahead and hunt down some andesite cool it’ll be nice to be able to be at a point to actually automate all this stuff so we don’t have to do this stuff manually but it’s uh it’s about time anyway let’s do

That there then we’ll go ahead and actually get this stuff kind of crafted here right uh let’s go into here grab ourselves a key chain drive and the main part of the chain drive just to move around partitional force it’s way better than the cogs of shaft though and uh the

Main reason it is better is you’ve got to get them going different ways at the same time right so notice this one’s a different direction so i go like this here kind of turn it like that you go so it’s going this way along this

Line then all of a sudden this is going this way right then i’ll be able to make it go over here and actually power v what is this thing called the mechanical arm uh maybe i’ll put this one more high yeah let’s actually do this let’s do that this mechanical arm

Actually has pretty good range too so it’s actually quite nice like that you know so let’s get it configured the way you configure this thing is you’re just holding your hand and you right click on inventories so it’s something from like rape some things can be used as deposits other ones could be

Uh for removing items selected depot set that to take items from depot that’ll be where it actually picks up with blaze rods but now it’s set to deposit all the items into all the different place burners there so that’s kind of the idea and we should be able to

Uh place that down hopefully hopefully that works the gal arm has one inputs and nine outputs so that is good there and we should be able to test this real quick too and if so we just go ahead and grab ourself a inner chest and move the blaze rods over here

Automatically so i guess we just need a hopper test it let’s do that right there do this go ahead and do that and we just need to get the rotational force into that puppy so this thing needs a cog on it uh we’ll just go ahead and do

Something like that uh we probably want that rotated though why are these things so hard to rotate sometimes i just messed up everything i just destroyed christmas let’s go ahead and configure this one more time sweet yeah the cogs are they’ve always been problematic for some reason just to

Uh wire up i don’t know why anyway let’s do that there then once we have that we need to cog let’s just move across first right so let’s grab the shafts i will need one more gearbox too actually or i should say one gearbox so let’s go here go to gearbox

Yeah we need one of these puppies so i probably need some more of the cogwheels let’s do that right there sweet i feel like all the recipes are changed too like this isn’t all normal recipes for all the stuff like this is normal but a lot of these other recipes

Like precision mechanisms a lot of the other stuff in the pack doesn’t feel normal to me i don’t know if it’s just with the new version apparently i already had a gearbox too so anyway i just wasted time go ahead pump this damn that’s a vertical one though so it moves

It up which is the way i want it then we just need ourselves a i guess more shafts always with the shafts there you go and then finally a cogwheel what do you mean i don’t have any wood let’s do that you finally you awesome and then just move that down right

Are you gonna start uh doing things okay it’s gonna start doing its things it’s gonna do it pretty slow but you’re gonna see this kinetic energy jump up massively once it powers one of those there you go so you notice it says level one so that’s because one of the blades

Burners is running with all nine of these powered this should get up to level nine i believe the max is level 18 so you need uh i believe the blaze cake automation for that but this should produce close to a hundred thousand i guess stress units it’s good to get to

Sped up too because this is kind of miserable i’ll need uh what do we need here a large cog wheel let’s go ahead and grab one of them let’s go ahead we’d have to put the rotational speed controller way down there but that’s fine go ahead and put it way down there i’m

Going to break this real quick put a large cog wheel that thing will actually multi-block then we go down here and change the rotational speed and we’ll turn that up to 256. there you go so this thing’s now going at max speed i believe actually i don’t know if that’s max

Speed or not on that oh no that’s a default line isn’t it i always forget that that this one line here is not uh max speed is the rest the actual fast lines that come off this rotational speed controller are this side and there’s another one on the

Other side actually so our main lines will come off that this doesn’t have to move at max speed though this is actually perfectly fine and now this thing’s producing 147 456 dress units via nine engines and making a lot of noise doing it so pretty cool pretty cool this first time

I’ve actually set this up like i said before this i only did a tiny one in uh creative so pretty cool and uh not too bad at all and not too bad of a footprint actually either except for these arms there’s no way to make that look cool

You know i mean it looks cool but you mean to like build it make it look even and symmetrical stuff especially how i like to do things there’s no way i can make that like look symmetrical and like awesome unless i did like a whole bunch

Of arms on the bottom level i guess that could look pretty cool in a different setup maybe i’ll do that later go with 12 arms but anyway it doesn’t matter each one of these arms too i don’t know if i mentioned that yet you can move 16

384 stress units that’s why you need the multiple uh arms there right so um it’s the exact amount for this level level nine broiler for what we need so this is uh pretty much gonna run forever except for we actually need a ender chest right so go ahead and grab a enter chest

Uh under chest fantastic let’s go ahead oh what is the other thing we did here we need the pouches that’s the pouch pouch let’s go ahead and grab two of these cool and cool let’s go ahead and grab some kind of die for this too because i will definitely

Not be using the white white light sorry white white white channel for this because i always use that for other things we’ll have to go ahead and hunt down our blaze rods they’re right there i’ll definitely want to move that i don’t have actually i do i have that

Goober paxil don’t i let’s move this there you go go ahead uh hopefully actually i don’t know which ones was i wish i told you oh it does tell you now that’s fantastic let’s put it there do that there do this there you go go ahead and actually grab ourself a ender chest

Now we need to get it colored though so what we’ll do go ahead and put the blue on one of those lines this one right here maybe you go that is good then we’ll just go ahead and pipe in this stuff automatically wait a second why you know connect that looks like oh

It’s a fluid pipe system i am such a dirt let’s go ahead and actually grab our item pipe you go i’ve been working with fluid so much today not even think it’s straight let’s go ahead and uh i guess we’d pull out of the drawer right that should end

Up in there we would also go ahead and use some eyes and enter enter on that as well although it doesn’t matter too much but i’ll show you anyway do that do this here go ahead and use couple i don’t know how many you use i guess it

Goes up to 27 but that’ll increase how many slots it has there too you can also use a diamond on it to make it a private network so someone else has the same channel they can’t access it so that’s gonna kind of how that works there and then

All we have to do is pipe these into the uh depot and then we’re effectively done on our power setup here so let’s go ahead and get rid of you you go already go ahead and grab a chest fantastic maybe fantastic there you go good do that and then hit a pipe right

And then just boom hey boom you’re not booming oh i didn’t set the channel yet let’s go ahead and make a boom here in a second boom there you go so that is fully automated now we’ll never have to touch that again so i mean other than i’ll have to move

It probably when i do my base build but now we have uh 147 000 dress here to use as we please and honestly i could probably have done this half the size and never had to worry about stress in the pack uh for the rest of the pack i should say so

That’s pretty cool so let’s go ahead and actually tap into some of this rotational force here and kind of get the benefit of it right so let’s do that let’s go ahead and break you there we go got our mixer set up again i want to see

If this thing can actually reach that too that might be able to reach that they actually have pretty far range but i can’t actually remember all the range there but if so be able to get it uh doing that one as well would be fantastic so let’s do that be that as well

Then go ahead and hit over here link up to that one and see if it actually reaches that stuff i’ll have to give it a second but it may yeah they can reach that so that’s awesome too so we could use the same one for the same setup anyway that

Is good there got a vertical gearbox here just moving up rotational force i will need a cogwheel right here let me just go ahead i guess and pop that there and there awesome and now we should be able to just make andesite to our hearts content

Right so if i wanna go ahead and make an endocyte now it’s um endocyte right so let’s grab like half a stack of that and then nuggets and this should make like 16 right here right so that’s what i’m kind of going for yep do that and then i want some kind of

Fast pipey option i guess i already had a chest from this too right so we’ll just do that right there we had to grab a idle pipe and we’ll be able to do this for all our setups now right so we just move the force around and how much dress

Units is that using a thousand so that’s like the max for that machine if we went over that it would actually stop working anyway go ahead and grab the what’s this one here the extract you go now i should be able to drop those off and hopefully once it all gets in there

It starts doing the thing there you go it’s actually starting to do the recipe and as it gets more should keep doing it so i’ll need a extraction but we can deal with that later just want to have everything kind of going at max speed awesome so that is cool that’s cool

That’s super red and we don’t have to touch it anymore just no more cranking that’s kind of the main thing right get ourselves into sight whatever we want then we’ll have a setup for all our different casings this one will have to be a little different with the fluid but

Uh not that big a deal i guess probably just do big backlogs of the molten brass and kind of leave it like that like jumbo tanks or something but yeah super awesome super cool and now we have boiler setup in a way to kind of move around mass amounts of rotational force

So pretty cool i think we’ll go ahead and actually end this wood here though so as always guys like this video please hit that like button really liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated when you guys all have good one see you guys at the next video later you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Encrypted_ – Create Boiler Automation EP7 – Sc-Fi Questing Modpack’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2022-08-05 23:18:39. It has garnered 11250 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:36 or 1896 seconds.

Minecraft Encrypted_ – Official Pack Release EP5 – Sc-Fi Questing Modpack with Systemcollapse.

🔴LIVE on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/SystemCollapsed

►Support me on Patreon https://bit.ly/2JwuSmz – (no current servers but working on it) ►Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/FApBUtR ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/SystemCollapsed

About Encrypted modpack: Enctypted_ is a Sc-Fi questing modpack for Minecraft 1.18.2. It contains technology mods such as [Mekanism/Create/Thermal] and magic mods such as [Occultism/Nature’s Aura/Hexerei/Mana and Artifice]. It also has CHEMISTRY!

Modpack Download: https://bit.ly/3cIX7CA

#Minecraft #Encrypted_ #Modded

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like!

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  • Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft

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  • Kingdom of Madness Rises Pt. 2: PrinceZam VOD

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  • Insane 100-Day Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Armor Stand Dance! 😱 #ViralHacks

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! My CRAZY Adventure in Minecraft Treasure Hunt

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  • Casco – The Scariest Minecraft Horror Mod!

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  • INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!

    INSANE: Jeffy Transforms Into a Minecraft Ninja!Video Information This video, titled ‘Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Marvin Minecraft on 2024-01-14 17:00:24. It has garnered 115601 views and 1215 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:21 or 621 seconds. Jeffy Becomes A NINJA in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Maizen, Nico, Cash, GEVidsTV, Jeffy Minecraft, Jamesy, MongoTV, Wudo, and Omziscool! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! SUB TO @heresmarvin ! ►► SUBSCRIBE to Here’s Marvin for videos inspired by SML! Including Marvin gaming, Marvin reacts, SML Movie & more! If you don’t like and subscribe, Marvin will BEAT JEFFY! #minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂

    EPIC Minecraft Horse PEE Fail! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Prominence Ep. 19 – Horse Pee’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-03-19 17:00:01. It has garnered 17546 views and 719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:47 or 5927 seconds. In Prominence II: Void’s Invasion, we must defend the world from the void because an old dude got a bit too old and can’t do it anymore. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Prominence Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZxI3UfnUfgE-uizeScOO-Yx My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● Servers (code… Read More

  • Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft Parody

    Surviving Every Country in Minecraft?! | Adventure Craft ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive In All COUNTRIES In Minecraft – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-03-24 08:41:55. It has garnered 7576 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:01 or 1441 seconds. In this hilarious Minecraft parody video, JJ and Mikey take on the ultimate challenge of surviving in all different countries within the game. From navigating through the bustling streets of Tokyo to exploring the snowy landscapes of Russia, the dynamic duo must use their wit and creativity to overcome various obstacles and dangers. With their… Read More

  • CornutSMP

    CornutSMPjust a smp server absolutely no rules but if you get annoying you will get banned, 13+ only, you can team with anyone and make sure to join the discord Cornut.mc.gg Read More

  • SentinelCraft SMP 1.20.4: Husks Towns/Claims, Server Map, McMMO, Jobs, Stats, Community

    Server Information: IP: play.sentinelcraft.net Minecraft Version: 1.20.4 Features: Survival, Towns, Claims, Economy, No Grief, McMMO, Jobs About SentinelCraft: SentinelCraft is a mature and friendly Minecraft server established in May 2013. Join our community for a unique survival experience with no raiding or griefing. Build, create towns, make land claims, and participate in community events while forming long-lasting friendships. Join Us: Visit our Discord here or our website here to learn more and join the fun! Check out our server preview on YouTube here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ever been this screwed in Minecraft?

    “When you realize you’ve been mining for hours and it’s suddenly morning in real life but still night in Minecraft. Time flies when you’re placing blocks, am I right?” Read More

Minecraft Encrypted_ – Create Boiler Automation EP7 – Sc-Fi Questing Modpack