Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “SHE’S IN LOVE?” #4 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)

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What kind of magic do you have after all i am a mighty water wizard what could i possibly join maybe you’re already abandoning the idea of a new guild protectors guild our merch is back with more coming soon get a shot now to prove you are my favorite students I is breathe give you one more day Is You You stop by anytime and i’ll give you all more cookies so that’s me cookies not the spear sorry it is fine and i could have guessed i could smell the cookies on our way here that’s my whole goal the whole protector skilled island smells like cookies anyway so we should probably find balloon

Catch i have a feeling he’s over here yep there he is my bad balloon hello just feeding balloon he refuses to come down you know him just floating all the time i have someone to introduce you to um nyx this is lefou my pet and

Uh oh this is nyx i mean i am not the pet person ah i suppose you are the mighty warrior and master of the protector skill luffo a pleasure to meet you really a pleasure to meet you as well oh you see this one knows how to show respect huh

What do you mean i know how to show respect i give you cookies every single day yes multiple times a day i suppose but that is not precisely what i meant so what did you say his name was the name is nix nice to meet you nix i am a

Not to uh toot my own horn but i am a great warrior visit oh you should have seen him lebeau i was walking in atlanta and i thought i walked up on a murder scene because he was just standing in a circle all these dead bodies surrounding him

But it turns out all those dead bodies they were like thieves and like murderers and stuff and he wiped them all out and he said he was doing it to protect atlantide really really cool i will clarify that they they had tried to come after me before

But they would not spend time so so you’re saying you defended yourself and intimately i did and he defended atlanta because imagine if all those guys were just walking around the city it would have been really bad so i suppose so but you know how we like to capture people

Rather than you know end them but they they all ganged up on him and there were 12 of them what was he supposed to do i can personally say that they have all been behind bars at least 10 times each and they have not been behind protectors guild bars

True but if we had been there to help him i’m sure uh he would have uh you know captured them again right i am quite certain that with your eight it would have been possible but alone even i alone cannot hope to subdue all that many wizards at once plus

Oh guess what he likes cookies well who doesn’t like cookies i don’t know probably some people i must say i am quite impressed with your with your establishment here i’ve heard that protector skill was still one of the only ones standing after the incident with the grand master was

It yes there was a bit of a mix-up with all of the uh magic users in atlanta and a lot of people were hurt but with the help of the protectors guild and the city things are coming back to normal i am um it would be an honor if i could

Join your guild oh so you want to join the protector skill yes miss k dear convinced me that that it would be a better way to protect the people see he likes protecting people he fits right in and he likes cookies come on lefou protect attack importantly snack yeah it

Kind of fits that exactly at at least hmm well it’s been seems to be more than able to defend himself he seems to have your vouching although they feel like anyone who says yes to cookies would probably have that i can even give you i can even give you a background

Pound i am highly edgy i was highly educated in the magic academy academy ranked one of the top ranks ranks for joining the magical the wizard military terry i sadly i did not join i did not choose to join at the time because it was not necessary for me

I have extensive combat training and knowledge on all and knowledge on magic and he likes cooking yes i know that he likes cookies gay i understand your business is going to be booming and if anything can help i even know how to do paperwork easy nice

So we do have a induction ceremony to be had later this week you know as long as you arrive show off a bit of your magic i suppose should be a nice and quick chewing ah yes yes what kind of magic do you have after all i am a mighty water wizard

What a mighty what a wizard um i forgot to mention that uh he he’s being a cat and all he doesn’t really like water oh my opponent having one on your side yes it’s just makes everything better no i don’t like the water

I i know i know i mean do do not fret unless you were my you know enemy or something i would have no reason to use my magic on you exactly if we have him on our side and then if he joined another guild we know him in the grandmother good point good

Point yeah exactly so plus he can like use his magic to redirect the water away from me true yeah he could he can help you in that regard it is indeed doesn’t it yeah no don’t think about it doesn’t uh that given us media guild is that still around by the way

Technically yes doesn’t it have like a water wizard as well yes yes it does do not fret i shall keep all the water away from you then excellent seems to be a good fit can we get a little taste of your magic like somewhere else like

Over the water okay let me show you water burst bubbles a small a small demonstration i can still do something a bit more if you want to uh you could do it now or you could save it until after the induction ceremony when we give everyone their class

Rankings fair enough i do although have one thing this is a more just to make assure you that i do not intend to kill people this is one i normally do to subdue people with i am hope i might apologize k but i need someone to

Test it off but don’t worry it will not harm you okay bubble magic oh sorry miss kate oh that was fun do it again do it get do it again but i would have referred not to not to my magic is only for the wrong wrongdoers that bubble is one of the

Worst experiences you can go through i’ve done it well either way i suppose you can pretty much at this point consider yourself in i am honored but i will wait until the introduction ceremony to officially join very good so do you need a place to stay

Would you like us to help you find somewhere you’re welcome to stay on the island i will i am very much appreciated but i feel like until i’m a fully fledged member i’ll just look for somewhere else to stay until then it shouldn’t be that uh troublesome very good

Not the respect of this one it’s quite a ray of sunshine a breath of fresh air just like me right oh you’re a breath all right now if you will excuse me i will still i will go back to atlanta to see if there’s more people i can throw people i can

Capture you know wrongdoers and all that until then it has been a pleasure miss k and it has been a pleasure master lofo the pleasure has been all mine that’s some somewhat mine no time for your bubble bath no i don’t want a bubble bath no please come back no this is good

It is almost time soon we will get new members to join the protectors guild and then only then will we be able to continue is that um hello hello what are you doing in the protector skill what are you doing oh it does sir yes you are with uh la carnival correct

Yeah yeah yes what brings you to the protectors guild um i i wanted to apologize for jazz and flurry’s behavior towards you for uh you know calling you uh unpleasant names yes a lot of people don’t understand how offensive it is to just see someone with fur over their body and assume they

Want the head pads and they are scratches and belly rubs no i do not want them okay god i won’t it’s very offensive and demeaning to my people oh okay i i i like it when we all can see each other as equals you know or you know feel each other as equals

I can see you oh okay good purple eyes so you can see through the um the eye bandages not really no it’s uh it’s it’s a bit of an advanced form of sixth sense i can see my surroundings almost perfectly hmm how many fingers am i holding up you’re

Not you got me there you got me there actually a little paul well uh it’s been something i’m sorry it’s just understandable i’m sure you are going through a lot of stress trying to get the whole guild set up huh um not really i found a place and flurry and jazz are

Finding people i think very good excited to see if you can actually become a guild you know it’s been a little dry around the atlantic lately some fresh blood uh of course master lefou is there any other reason you came here is i know you’re probably biased but what would you say about

The protectors guild like is it you say it’s the best or it’s good i mean every guild has something different to offer you know the protectors guild i think are probably the friendliest around atlantide right now but not a lot of competition in that regard we’ve at least for the past many months

Been doing the most quests to help people but between you and me some of the other guilds have seemed a little more powerful in the past but we’re always getting stronger and i can’t say that about every guild because i was you know never mind sorry what if you have any question

Any request you can ask lawful could i possibly join maybe you’re already abandoning the idea of a new guild no it’s just i don’t you don’t believe in your friend’s ability to create the guilt because i was a little unsure as well but i mean

If you are then trees you have no hope in creating this guilt i don’t really know them oh how long ago did you meet them a day oh almost two well that is okay that is a lot that is two days almost 48 hours indeed i understand

Nine lives i’m pretty sure oh crap there you go again it’s okay that that one is at least not one that people do a lot it’s fine i’m sorry and to be fair i do kind of have more lives than most people i have life magic so life is

Kind of what i work with what about your magic what do you have uh thunder electricity that sort of deal it’s pretty cool know a few electricity wizards more so the thunder in the storm i brian led me over here um he said that there was that that tiffany’s magia

Guild leader is richie indeed why is he wasn’t he the one at the meeting yes he was one of the strongest storm wizards you know i’ve ever met before he’s drunk he’s at this current time not very focused meaning his his guild has been you know weakening for it and he’s

Drunk yeah uh i’m not it’s probably i’m not going to ask any personal questions but yes it’s a lot a lot happened last year and it’s just never been the same nothing in the city has been the same yeah especially all the giant holes everywhere yeah there’s a lot of those you know

What people try to repair them and then more holes get created it’s like a huge hole near my market yeah like yeah he had like doesn’t have a wall next to it with a hole in it as well yeah that one i i stumbled upon not

Stumbled i fell into it fell into that one like oh a couple hours ago really yeah they should really get some of those filled up i mean it’s expensive to repair all the damage that powerful wizards can do to a city and there’s always more threats but you know guilds like depot

Okay so only the protector’s guild has been trying to keep the city safe but still it has been working thus far you sure you want to consider joining the protectors maybe i don’t in the future possibly i just all right well we have an induction ceremony coming up tomorrow i’m not saying you

Have to join but if you want to watch you are welcome to show up if you don’t show up i i understand i know your answer but you know protectors killed you know with my biased opinion is kind of the best guild i’ll probably be too busy helping jasmine flurry with whatever they’re

Doing very well and you know as strange as they are if it ever comes down to it and their plans do fall through they can always find a home here as well trust me we are very opening to many uh strange happy and eccentric people like brian

If if you would believe that brian is probably one of the most normal people in the guild really he seems a little eccentric at times oh yes yes he is but oh it gets it gets heavier than that i’ll i’ll i’ll leave your word i’ll yeah

It’s good seeing you again uh you too again thank you for allowing well sorry for jazz and flurries it is fine i get it all of the time you really shouldn’t yeah well especially when people don’t know much about my people or myself it is hard to blame people

But i do it anyway sorry for assuming that you are blind it’s a long story perhaps one day you will tell me maybe but for now i must get back to work many plans to make obvious yeah yeah see you see you later see you later three two one

Okay okay are you in here oh uh yeah i’m i’m in here ah good to see you sorry i did not have time to talk the other day it seemed like you wanted to speak about something oh let’s speak speak about something i don’t know what you mean after the whole you know

Time warp again and that’s the situation it doesn’t uh does it ring a bell i do hear some bells ringing do not hear any bells what do you mean well um actually i don’t know there’s just uh something happened and i’m pretty happy about it what happened you get a new cookie

Recipe or something well no but oh well i mean i made some cookies if you want some um not it’s not a not exactly something even better um what what is it what is it i can’t guess uh well i don’t know how excited you’re gonna be about it um

Look if you’re happy i’m happy what is it really of course well that case was though yes i think i’m in love what see i know you’re not again okay listen let me tell you about him let me tell you about him this is not like the other one it’s it

Was super super nice and we just ran into each other in the woods when i was on a walk and it was like it’s meant to be our eyes met and it was like this whole magical moment and i accidentally uh he kind of pushed

Me over a little bit but i wasn’t it does not sound like a good start no no no listen listen i wasn’t watching where i was going and he kind of wasn’t watching where he was going so i accidentally fell over but then he was like oh are you okay

And he was super nice oh yeah yeah i head over heels and then he told me i smelled i said he said he was gonna stop by the bakery sometime i think when he stopped by he’s gonna ask me on a date because i was like well

You know i spent a lot of time at the bakery but then he was like oh well uh i’ll have to stop by sometime and it was it was great oh and then i met another kitty person so you’re gonna have to meet him soon haven’t all right

Well i had an exciting day it sounds like it i suppose if this person is as decent as you say they are and they are making you happy then then yes i am going to be happy for you they really are lovable i can’t wait for you to meet him

Hopefully when he comes over to the bakery all right i suppose yes it makes sense i’m good to hear you met another cat person seems like they’re just popping out of the sky i’m very excited about it um also what are what are you up to to today

Today i have a meeting with some of the members of a grim shade they are reforming their guild and well you know protectors guild has been doing quite well lately so i might give them a hand can i come um it might not be the most appropriate sort of meeting

But i just made a whole bunch of cookies because i you know how i get when i’m happy i just i bake a lot and i don’t really know what i’m gonna do with them and i don’t really want them to go to waste so they just figure

If you’re having a meeting maybe i can buy just give them some cookies you know you’re not sure sure maybe some cookies would be good for them yes you gather up the cookies and you can meet me in the uh protectors guild hall perfect we’ll do all right see you soon

See you soon hello is anybody here anybody at all oh hello oh it’s the cat yes yes oh yeah this is your guild hello cat alamos viper It’s just a jump to the left Put your hands on your hips

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “SHE’S IN LOVE?” #4 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2020-09-17 23:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “SHE’S IN LOVE?” #4 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay) w/ Xylophoney! ☆ SUBSCRIBE …

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    Crafted Chaos: The Blockbuster Minecraft Movie! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Updates and news are what we all want to see. From mobs to new features, we’re always in the know, Thanks to our favorite reporter, with rhymes that flow. The improved Minecraft movie, a sight to behold, With Tiktok clips and stories that never get old. Subscribe for a cookie, a sweet little treat, And dive into the world of Minecraft, so neat. From foxes to phantoms, the mobs come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where players thrive. So hit play on the video, don’t miss a beat,… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • Corrupted Minecraft World?! | FreedomIAm

    Corrupted Minecraft World?! | FreedomIAm The Mysterious World of Minecraft Dwellers Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Dwellers In the vast world of Minecraft, players often stumble upon mysterious creatures and entities that lurk in the shadows. These beings, known as Minecraft Dwellers, add an element of thrill and suspense to the game. Encountering Modded Creatures Venturing into the depths of the Minecraft world, players may come face to face with modded creatures of the night. These unique beings bring a new level of challenge and excitement to the gameplay, keeping players on their toes as they navigate through the virtual landscape. The Legend of… Read More

  • Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 – Zay’s New Start

    Insane Ironman Challenge: EP-1 - Zay's New StartVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Beginnings – True Ironman EP-1’, was uploaded by Zay on 2024-10-03 19:30:22. It has garnered 39 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. hi guys hope you really enjoy this series looking forward to it and to posting more! Why are you reading thisthis Minecraft YouTube video was made on Hypixel. Hypixel is a server with lots of games, such as Bedwars, Skywars, and Minecraft’s biggest MMORPG Hypixel Skyblock. Hypixel has has a lot of notable players, such as Dream, Technoblade, and Tommyinnit. Hypixel Skyblock is Hypixel’s… Read More

  • Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!

    Ranking My Friends in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Rating My Friends In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-18 03:00:06. It has garnered 2399954 views and 22168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:53 or 1433 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico rates his friends in Minecraft! Nico makes a gameshow and judges his friends! Who will win Nico’s game show?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!

    EPIC Old World Showcase Minecraft Maping Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Quebio Scale Old World Showcase #minecraft #maping #history #mapper #worldgeography’, was uploaded by Ocolotog on 2024-09-27 17:31:13. It has garnered 321 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock Reborn

    EPIC TRANSFORMATIONS! Haven Caveblock RebornVideo Information This video, titled ‘TRANSFORMING RESOURCES | Haven Caveblock Reborn | Minecraft Stoneblock Modpack | EP 7’, was uploaded by MrPorkerson on 2024-09-04 15:15:02. It has garnered 2540 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:07 or 3367 seconds. Today we’re diving into a brand new Stoneblock style modpack! That’s right it’s Haven Caveblock Reborn. With custom recipes, progressions, and a new way to use create and a whole slew of other mods, this adventure is sure to be a crazy one! So join in and enjoy the minecraft modded masterpiece that is another Stoneblock styled… Read More

  • Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmp

    Become the Ultimate SMP Powerplayer in One Day! #lapatasmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I became the most powerful member of this smp on the first day#minecraft #lapatasmp’, was uploaded by Genuine gamer2.0 on 2024-05-16 04:52:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ’s EPIC Emerald Heist!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Mikey & JJ's EPIC Emerald Heist!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-08-16 18:30:24. It has garnered 16499 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:12 or 3912 seconds. How Mikey and JJ Found THE BEST WAY TO STEAL SCARY VILLAGERS EMERALDS! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School – Minecraft

    Insane Zombie vs. Squid Game Doll in Monster School - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by GA Animations on 2024-02-13 10:00:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie x Squid Game Doll Rich and Poor Parents – Minecraft Animation Hello! Thank you for coming to GA … Read More

  • 🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰

    🔥 OP Minecraft Enchant = FREE MONEY?! 💰Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS ENCHANT GIVES YOU MONEY FOR PLAYING ON MY OP MINECRAFT PRISON SERVER…’, was uploaded by AkumaMC on 2024-09-28 11:32:10. It has garnered 484 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. » Server IP: fun.AkumaMC.net » Bedrock IP: Bedrock.AkumaMC.net » Store: https://store.akumamc.net » Discord: https://discord.gg/akumamc » Forums: https://www.akumamc.net IGNORE THE BELOW Discover Our Minecraft Prison & Skyblock Server – Where Community Thrives! If you’re searching for the best Minecraft prison server or the best Minecraft skyblock server, you’ve found your new home. Our server isn’t just another place… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epic

    Insane Minecraft Movie Trailer by Siyan Biswas! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft movie trailer. #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Siyan Biswas on 2024-09-11 08:30:02. It has garnered 272 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Welcome to my YouTube Channel @siyanbiswas, your one-stop destination for a diverse range of content! Dive into the world of trending songs, movie updates, and engaging shorts. Explore the depths of space and science, enhance your knowledge with educational insights, and stay updated on the latest in technology. Discover handy tips and tricks, delve into the art of photography, and join captivating vlogs and… Read More

  • Nova Anarchy 1.21.1

    Welcome to Nova Anarchy! Nova Anarchy was created on 9/23/2024. This is an anarchy server with no rules other than what can bypass the anti-cheat system. Join today and start your adventure! Server Information: JAVA: nova-anarchy.us BEDROCK: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The creaking grind of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - The creaking grind of Minecraft“The only thing scarier than the creaking in Minecraft is trying to navigate the endless maze of crafting recipes.” Read More

Minecraft Fairy Tail Origins – “SHE’S IN LOVE?” #4 (Anime Minecraft Roleplay)