Minecraft Fantasy Mansion Tutorial

Video Information

Let’s build a giant fantasy style mansion hey guys big tony here and today i’m going to show you how to build this big mansion block by block inside and out this video will be just the outside and then the next video will build the interior and the inside was designed by

A couple of my friends admirables mc and mr marvel i’ll have links to both of their pages in the description i’ll give you a full tour of the inside in the interior video but for now let’s get down to business so here’s the layout we’ll be using go

Ahead and start by just building this in the ground using whatever blocks you want the materials list will be in the description but before you go out and collect the materials let me show you some options for this house so we’re using copper for the roof of

This house and obviously you have a couple of options for the colors if you’re in survival you’ll have to start by using the regular orange copper and if you like the orange look you can wax it all so it stays that way but i do recommend letting some of it oxidize to

This first stage before you wax it just for some variation my recommendation though would be to let it oxidize all the way into this blue color although i do recommend waxing some of it at the weathered stage again just for some variation okay so now let’s talk texturing for all

The parts that i built out of stone bricks in the tutorial i recommend mixing in some crack stone brick and sprinkling in a little bit of polished endocyte and i also recommend mixing in some of this mossy stone bricks only where you have leaves or vines and then

For our upper walls i recommend mixing in some regular sandstone with the smooth sandstone now all this texturing is optional and is not included on the materials list but it’ll make your house look a whole lot better okay so i think we’re ready to start now

And here i have the layout in place and we’ll start with some chiseled stone bricks on this front side place one two three four five six skip three for a doorway and then place six more then we’re gonna build up with stone bricks an additional nine blocks for a total of ten

And before we fill in this wall let’s build up our doorway so the doorway will be three by five so we have three across and then five tall then we’ll go ahead and fill up this wall with stone bricks to a total of ten blocks high so that’s nine on top of the

Chiseled stone bricks next we can place our door in there starting with one spruce door then we’ll surround that using spruce trap doors so again it should be five blocks tall and three blocks wide and the trapdoor should be on this side of the block so if you go on the front

Side this should be completely flat all right so next we’ll place a stone brick here on the end then skip three and place another stone brick then we’ll skip five and place another and then three and one more now we’re going to build these up to that height of 10

Then we’ll go across and build this one up as well then at the top here we’ll place two upside down stairs to form an archway now we’re going to repeat this on the other side so we’ll build those stone brick pillars up three more across the top and then two upside down stairs

Now for our door wheel start with a chiseled stone brick on the ground then build up a stone brick near the top of those trap doors place two upside down stairs so those stairs are on the fifth block up now from here we’ll fill in everything else with stone bricks up to

That height of 10. next we’re just going to repeat this block for block on the back side so we’ll start with our six chiseled stone bricks skip three and play six more then we’ll build that stone brick up an additional nine for a total of ten

Just leaving that three by five gap for the door then we’ll fill in our door using one spruce door and then surrounding that with trapdoors then on this end we’ll place 10 stone bricks going up to the top go across here and then build this one up as well three blocks over

Two upside down stairs at the top to make it an arch and then we’ll repeat this on the other side then here we’ll place a chiseled stone brick on each side at the bottom then we’ll go up with the stone bricks and place two upside down stairs at the top

Of those trapdoors and then we’ll fill in the rest with stone bricks now on each side there’s these little extensions here let’s switch over to a world with a finished house so i can show you because you have a couple of options so in my build i use this

Covered entrance with the roof on the front side and then on the back side i made this balcony but if you want to you can switch them up so you can put the balcony on the front and then the covered entrance on the back it’s up to you

So we’re going to start with the covered entrance with the roof and i’m on the front side but you can build this on the back side if you want and we’re going to build up seven stone brick blocks and then connect it across here build up

Seven on this block too and again we’ll connect it then we’re gonna fill this all in with stone brick walls on both sides then we’re gonna place five walls on each side on the front place a block on top of each wall and then a slab leading off from that full

Block now on each side we’re going to place two stairs on top of the full block and slab facing towards the center so just like that and we’ll do this on the other side in the center we’ll place a slab then on each side we’ll place a full block one

Block in from the outside then using a placeholder block i’ll place one upside down stair just like that we’ll do the same thing on this side so we’ll need a placeholder block and an upside down stair break that one in the center then right here i’ll place a chiseled stone brick

My original design uses a respawn anchor but obviously that’s not very practical anyway next we’ll place a full block on each side with a slab in between so this is what the pattern should look like from the inside and then that’s it we just have to put a roof on it later

Okay so now for our balcony which i’ll put on the back side start by placing 10 stone brick blocks on each of these white squares next we’re going to make some archways so on the seventh block up place an upside down stair then on this side we’ll place another

Place two stone brick blocks on each side and then a slab in between so that’s what our archway looks like and we’ll repeat this on the remaining three sides so two upside down stairs and then four stone brick blocks with a slap in between we’ll do it again on this final side Next place two full stone break blocks in the center of each of these five block gaps then place two upside down stairs in the remaining spaces Then we’ll fill in the floor one block below the top so it’s the ninth level with stone bricks now in between all these blocks we’ll place stone brick walls then we’ll need a door to get out to this balcony so break this block right here and then these three on the inside

We’ll place a spruce door in there from the inside then we’ll build up two stone bricks on each side with an upside down stair above the door And that’s it for our balcony next we’re going to continue building up the stone brick walls for the base of our house let’s start with our two towers on the two front corners because everything else will be the same height so start by placing some chiseled stone bricks on

The ground on these blocks like so then this part will be two blocks higher than over there so build it up an additional 11 for a total of 12. Okay so now let’s start adding our arches on this block right here we’ll go all the way up with stone bricks no chisels don’t break at the bottom go across to the top and then we’ll build this one all the way up and where they intersect i’m actually

Going to place chiseled stone bricks then we’ll place two upside down stairs to turn that into an arch now we’re basically just gonna repeat this all the way around so build these two pillars up with a chiseled sun brick at the top three stone bricks across the top on each section

And then two upside down stairs for each section to make it an arch now let’s do it on this side Now this final side will get cut off by the rest of the house so we’ll just place two stone bricks and then one upside down stair And now we’re just going to repeat this on the other tower Okay so now let’s go back around to the front and we’re going to build those final wall sections on the front side you can start on either one they’re both going to be the exact same so let’s just go right here and place our chiseled stone bricks down

Then we’ll build up our stone bricks an additional seven for a total of eight and here i accidentally built it up one block short so let’s place one layer of stone bricks going all the way across you can build these two up to a total of eight and then this one too

Then on this side we’re gonna have some windows so in the center of those four black wide gaps between the archways we’ll have two black wide windows so let’s go to this window and build up one two three four five and then we’ll place a stone brake stair there so the window

Will be four full blocks tall plus an extra little bit where that stair is then we’ll build up the stone brick around the window two more upside down stairs here and as i mentioned before i built it up one block short so we need one more

Layer of stone bricks so here you just see me measuring and seeing that i built it up one block short okay so just to be sure we got this right is one layer of chisel stone brick and then one layer of stone wreck all the way across

Four blocks tall with windows and then on the fifth block of that window a place upside down stairs and then one more layer of stone bricks okay so for these outside arches we’ll build it up on these blocks all the way up and go across with the stone bricks

And we’ll build these other two up as well then in each section place an upside down stone brick stair on each side to make arches and then we’re done with this section now we’re going to repeat it block for block on the other side okay now we just have our back walls to

Do and all of the remaining walls will be a total of eight blocks tall just like the sections we just did so on our two sides you should have three black gap and then four black gap and then a three and on the very back side they should all be four block wide

Gaps so let’s place our chiseled stone bricks on the bottom here then on the sides we’ll have no windows you can just build this up an additional seven with stone bricks let’s go ahead and fill this in now then for our arches we’ll build it up eight blocks tall with stone bricks

And go across the tops and then two upside down stone brick stairs on each side so this should be four blocks shorter than the tower okay so now let’s go over to the back side and this time we’re gonna have windows again so let’s start by placing one layer of stone bricks

Then we have a two block wide window in the center of each of these four black wide arch sections so now we’ll just build up around the windows to a total of eight blocks tall place stone bricks across the top then on the seventh block up we’ll place

Two upside down stairs to make those windows into arches and for the outer arches we’re just doing the same way that we’ve been doing so i won’t explain it all right so now that’s left for our stone brick walls is to repeat this exactly on the other side Okay so now our stone brick base is completed and next we’ll build our sandstone and wooden upper walls so we’ll start on the front side and at the top of the stone brick place a stair on the end then a trap door and then a slab trapdoor stair and then one more

Trapdoor so it should look like that then we’ll do the same thing on the other side Then on this stair i’ll place a 9 block tall oak log and place one more sideways log going off from here then we have a sideways log going all the way across this front side then on this there another nine block tall o’clock and one more sideways stair going off here

Right in the center we’ll build up a 12 block tall oak log then one block above this log while the side was all going across so there should be three more logs at the top then we’ll place one on the other side as well at the bottom we’ll

Place upside down spruce stairs on each side then in the top corner of each side we’ll place an upside down spruce stair two trap doors like so Next we’ll make some flower boxes on top of these upside down stairs so place four grass blocks on each side then surround the outer sides with oak trap doors then i’m going to place some sweet berry bushes in the flower box but you can also use whatever flowers or plants you want

Then from the inside i’ll place four spruce planks next to that grass then we’ll go around the edges using smooth sandstone so it should look like this then inside here we’ll place four trap doors then four more facing this direction so when you flip them it should look like this

Then place four more against this wall and four more against these trapdoors in the center then we’ll place four stairs to make two arches like so next we’ll place some full glass blocks one block back now we’re going to repeat this window on the other side

Okay so now we’ll make a little roof over the windows on the outside so place a slab on each side and then four trap doors like so we’ll do this on both sides next in this upper corner we’ll place a stair and then upside-down stair another stair and upside-down stair and

One more stair so you should have three normal stairs and two upside-down stairs then we’ll use a placeholder block right here and place an upside down stair so it should be one block inwards another placeholder black and one more upside down stair so it should look like this

Then we’re gonna repeat this on the other side so again three normal stairs and two upside down stairs like so up here we’re gonna have a seven block long horizontal log place holder blocking an upside down stair and then another placeholder block with an upside down stair so this is

What you should have now then up top here one block inwards will place a spruce plank on each side and then a stair and a trap door in between that will build that plank up another level so you should have two planks on each side and a trap door on that plank

Next we’ll use a placeholder block to place an upside down stair so we’re gonna have a circular window here we’ll do that on both sides a trap door in between and then we’ll place three more spruce planks on top and two more on top of that

Next we’ll go back a layer and we’re going to fill this in with smooth sandstone just filling in the holes In this circular window we’ll place a 3×3 of glass blocks and i’m just going to place some extra sandstone around the window so the reason i’m not filling all this in with sandstone is because the glass blocks stick out a level so you can use different blocks for the inside and that

Would mean that you won’t be able to see that sandstone so it’d just be wasted okay next let’s build up the left side on the front so place a stair here a stair in the center and then one more on this side we’ll place some trap doors in between

Then we’ll build up logs on top of those stairs nine blocks tall and we’ll go across here with the sideways log and at the bottom so the center log will only be seven blocks next we’ll place upside down stairs at the bottom and then in each corner we’ll place an

Upside down stair and two trapdoors again we’re going to make some flower boxes but this time it’ll just be two grass blocks on each side again we’ll surround the outer sides with trapdoors i’ll place those sweet berries in there then let’s go on the inside we’ll place

Two spruce planks next to those grass blocks and then surround the outsides with smooth sandstone then we’ll place two upside-down stairs at the top and three trap doors on each side and then we’ll place glass blocks behind so let’s do the same thing on the other side place smooth sandstone around the outside

Two upside down stairs at the top and three trapdoors on each side then we’ll place eight glass blocks on the back side alright so that’s what it should look like then we can just place six smooth stains on here to close this off and now let’s go ahead and repeat this

Wall section on the right side so Okay so now we’re going to build up our towers and again it’s going to be the exact same for both sides let’s start by building up a 12 block tall oak log in the corner and these don’t extend out so it’s just straight on top of the stone brick

Then we’ll place a sideways log going across and another 12 block log on the corner then in the center we’ll build up a seven block tallow glock and one block above that we’ll place a horizontal line going across so there should be three more blocks at the top

Down here we’ll place three upside down stairs in each section then in all the corners we’ll place two stairs and three trap doors just like this and there’s no flower boxes for the towers so we’ll just go on the inside here and we’re gonna fill this in with smooth

Sandstone with a four block tall one block wide glass pane window right in the center so do that for both sides now this side is going to be exactly the same as the front side so place a sideways logo and cross and then a 12 block tall o’clock

In line with this one place a horizontal log going across and then a seven block total clock in the center place your upside down stairs at the bottom then in the corners place upside down stairs and three trap doors on each side then we’ll fill this in with our

Sandstone again four by one windows in the center using glass panes then right here which is the far right side of the house we’ll place a log with one block of space between that other log then we’ll place two oak logs one block away from the sides and we’ll fill

In these spaces with spruce fences and on the inside i’m going to place planks behind the fences so it should look like this don’t do it on the front side but we will do it on this side so first of all place four sideways logs here

Then we’ll build up a vertical log seven blocks tall then we’ll have this sideways log going across and use a placeholder block to place that vertical log then we’ll take a horizontal line going across here we’ll just place two horizontal logs then two upside down stairs and he’ll place one stair and two

Trapdoors then we’ll fill in one more layer of sandstone right here with no window then for this part we’ll start with our three upside down stairs then fill this in with sandstone leaving a four by one window And on this side we’ll place two stairs and then three trapdoors place one plank right here then on this side we’re gonna repeat what we did on the other side so build up this vertical log then we’ll place a horizontal log and two more vertical logs down here

Then we’ll fill in the gaps with fences and place some planks behind on each side of the front of the house place a four block tall oak log and then here we’re going to have a big clock but you can also replace the clock with glass to make it a circular window

So in each of these corners place a stair if you’re doing the clock if you’re doing the window you can also place some trapdoors but you can’t place the trapdoors if you’re doing the clock so anyway next three blocks up we’ll place a placeholder block and then

Another upside down stair in each corner so it should look like this then we have a horizontal log going across then place a four block tall vertical log with two planks on each side now for the clock face we’re going to fill in this 5×5 area with a mixture of calcite and diorite

And in the center i’m going to place a chiseled stone brick now to decorate our clock face i’m going to use three dark oak fences and you can also use fence gates if you want to show a different time but then i’ll place three black stone buttons on each

Side all right so now on the back side we’ll start off the same way with four o’clocks on each side then the top we’ll place a placeholder block with an upside down stair then we’ll place two trap doors on each one here we’ll have our five block wide horizontal log

Then two vertical logs on top with two planks on each side now on this side instead of the clock face we’re gonna fill this in with our smooth sandstone okay so now we’re just gonna go ahead and repeat this exactly on the other side So Okay so now that we got our two towers in place we’re going to start working on the walls on the back side of the house so you can start on either side they’ll both be the exact same i’ll start on the right side and in line with these stone

Brick columns at the top of the stone brick place an upside down stair with trap doors in between And let’s go over to this side and we’ll build up a 10 block tall vertical log then on the other side we’re going to build an 11 block tall vertical log so it should be one block taller and then at the top here we’ll have a horizontal line going all the way across

We’ll have one going across at the bottom too next above those upside down stairs we’ll build up two seven block tall oak logs then with one block of space we’ll have another horizontal log going across and here we’re going to place a vertical log every other block

So on one side you’re gonna have a double log it doesn’t really matter which but on my design i had the double log towards the back side next in each of these archways we’ll place an upside down stair in the corners and then some spruce trap doors to round it out

Then at the bottoms we’ll have upside down stairs going across then in all of these little holes i’ll place spruce fences and on the inside i’ll place a plank behind each fence then we’ll start filling in our sandstone for the walls and for the two three block wide sections we’ll have a

One wide four tall window with glass panes and then on the outside i’ll have some oak leaves hanging from these shelves and that’s just on the two three block wide sections for our four black wide section we’ll have a flower box so start with two grass blocks

Then two planks behind then we’ll take the smooth sandstone around the outsides for the window place two upside down stairs at the top and then three trap doors on each side and then we’ll place full glass blocks behind and for our flower box we’ll take these oak trapdoors and sweet berries

Place the sweet berries on the grass and surround it with oak trap doors now from the side of this two block wide window that’s towards the back of the house we’ll go straight up and build a six block tallow clog then skip three towards the front and build another six block tallow clog

Next we’ll place an upside down stair with a stair on top another upside down stair one more stair and then a full block next to it and where this wall connects with the tower i’ll place one more upside down stair right here and we actually need one more sandstone block right here Alright so now on the other side we’ll place an upside down stair and stair we’ll keep going to have two upside down stairs and two normal stairs and then we’ll place a plank on the end next on the edge here place a placeholder block and then upside down

Stair and then another placeholder block and upside down stair so it should be going one block inwards with each level up here another placeholder black and upside down stair and one more time then at the top of these logs place two upside down stairs in the corners and then three trap doors

We’ll have three sideways logs going across the top and then one plank at the very top here again we’ll go down with those upside down stairs using placeholder blocks to place them at the bottom of this arch let’s place three upside down stairs then i’ll have some oak leaves hanging off from it

Now i fill this wall in with sandstone with a 1 by 3 window of glass panes and then we’ll fill in the sides of smooth sandstone as well okay so this is what it should look like and now we’ll still freshen our minds let’s go over to the other side and repeat it

Do do so next we have the back sides and they’re pretty simple it’s basically the same thing that we did on the front sides over there so start by placing an upside down stirrer the top of the stone break columns and go ahead and place trapdoors in between

Then on the end here we’ll place 10 vertical logs so it should be one block shorter than that one on this side we’ll place a nine block tall vertical log then we’ll go across with the horizontal log at the bottom then above these two inside stairs will build up seven blocks And we have a horizontal i go across the top so this lag should stick up by one then in the tops of the arches and the corners we’ll place upside down stairs and two trapdoors for each stair We’ll place our upside down stairs along the bottom then we’ll have our two black wide flower boxes so place down two grass And then berries on top of the grass and then we’ll surround the grass using oak trap doors on the inside we’ll place spruce planks on those grass blocks then we’ll go around the edges with our smooth sandstone then for each window place two upside down stairs at the top

And then three trapdoors on each side and then we’ll place our full glass blocks behind all right so that’s all there is for this wall section and again we’re going to repeat this on the other side Okay so now all that we have left is our very back wall and this will be pretty similar to the front side but with a few differences just for the balcony so let’s start on the left side with an upside down stair trap door and then a slab and another trapdoor

Then we’ll do the same for the other side up here we’re going to build up a nine block tall oak log we’ll do the same on the other side down here we’re going to place five sideways logs on each side then i’ll place one vertical log on each side

Then we’re gonna place three trap doors on each side then we’ll use some placeholder blocks to get an upside down stair above those trapdoors again we’ll do it on both sides then place a stair on top of those upside down stairs and place a door in between the upside down stairs

Then we’ll build up 10 logs on top of that trap door and above the door we’re actually going to need three more stone bricks so one block above those side logs we’re gonna have a sideways log going across and stop it one block short we’ll do it on both sides

Then in the corners place an upside down stair and two trap doors for each stair at the bottom you can place some upside down stairs going across Then there’s no flower boxes but we’re still gonna have four spruce planks on each side of that stone brick Then we’ll take some sandstone around the edges now we’re going to copy those window details from the front side so place your spruce trap doors in there four blocks tall and then flip them all and at the top we’ll place upside down stairs to make those arches

It should look like this then we’ll have our full glass blocks on the inside now we’ll repeat this on the other side okay so now for the shelves on the outside instead of a flower box i’m just gonna have some leaves draping over of course if you’d rather you can also

Do the flower box Okay so for the upper part of this wall it’ll be the same as the front side so let’s start with a stair and then alternate stairs and upside down stairs until you have three regular stairs and two upside down stairs so now let’s do this on the other side

Then we use a placeholder block to get a sideways log going across seven blocks wide here we use a placeholder block to get an upside down stair and one more it should look like this same on the other side up at the top here we’ll make a circular

Window like over there so place two spruce planks on each side then a stair on each side at the bottom then a trapdoor in between and one more on each side then we’ll use a placeholder block to get another upside down stair on both sides trapdoor in between

Then three planks on top and two more now from the inside we’re gonna start filling this in with our sandstone and for the window i’ll have a 3×3 of glass blocks then i’ll surround the edges with sandstone and now we’re all done with our walls and ready to build the roof

So for our roof let’s go around to the front side to start and we’ll build the roof for this little covered entrance so let’s start with a trapdoor here and then a slab and alternating trap doors and slabs so the slab will stick out by one

And i’ll repeat this on the other side now on the end here we’ll place another slab and then a full block next to it then another slab on each side and now we’re going to increase the slope with a stair then an upside down stair on each side another stair

And in the center we’ll place an upside down stair and then a full block on top now from here we’re going to alternate full blocks and slabs so now we’re just going to fill in the roof with our copper just following that frame let’s also go underneath and clean up

The roof a little bit so i’ll start by just placing some stairs on each side then at the top i’ll place spruce planks then i’m also going to place three chains in a lantern okay so now let’s go around the entire house and build all of our frames and

Then we’ll fill it in afterwards so start on this front side one block below the top place a slab and extend that out by one then we’ll start by going up with stairs and upside down stairs until you have four normal stairs so that’s four normal stairs right there

One more upside down stair and then we’ll place a full block and from here we’re going to go for the steeper slope just placing full blocks under the stairs then once you get to the center we’ll place an upside down stair and then two full blocks on top

Now we’re going to repeat this on the other side so start with our two slabs one block below the top then we’ll go up the stairs and upside down stairs until you have four normal stairs one more upside down stair and then we’ll go with our steeper slope and there we have it

Now go over to the sides and we’ll just place slabs going across at the top of that log and you can just skip the end here next we’ll build the frame for our towers so start with slabs one block below the top and extend that out by one

Then we’ll go up with stairs until you have two stairs one more upside downs there and then we’ll go up with full blocks and stairs once you get to the top and upside down stairs then two full blocks then we’re just gonna go back down so from here we’ll place the slab so

I’ll just go all the way across the side here then we’ll repeat the frame on this side And again we’ll take these slabs all the way across so that’s our wooden frame for the tower now on this side we’ll have slabs going across one block from the top and our frame for this side is just going to be all stairs and upside down stairs

There’s no steeper slope and you can also place an extra upside down stair here just to fill in that hole so at the top we’ll just place that upside down stair and then a full block on top Over on this side we’re just going to take these slabs all the way across and i just realized i forgot to fill in these gaps you can just place seven sandstone on each side if you haven’t already so our frame for the back side will be

The exact same as the front side so you can just copy that over here and well the rest of our frames are also just mirrored from the other side so i’ll stop talking now Okay so now that we have all of our frames in place it’s just a matter of following those frames with copper to fill in the roof and at the tops of the frames we’re just gonna go across with alternating spruce planks and slabs and there’s not really much more explaining

I can do here so i’ll save my voice and i’ll be back in a bit Do Do Do So now we just have some more details to add to our roof on the front and back side i’m going to place an anvil and a cobble deepside wall with a dark oak fence and finally an iron bar and we’re gonna do this on the back side as well

Now we’re just gonna add in some dormers and a chimney to our roof so let’s start with the dormer on our front side four blocks over from the tower and three blocks up we’ll break this one so it should be two stairs below and three to the left we use some

Placeholder blocks to get a vertical log there and build it up five blocks tall break these three and place three grass in their place use another placeholder block to get a vertical log and again we’ll build it up five blocks tall you can break out these stairs behind

And we’ll play some sandstone and put a 4×3 with a 2×1 window in the center then place three fence gates across the top use a placeholder block to get three sideways logs on top of those fence gates and then one more plank on top now one block below the top will have

Slabs going across and extend out by one the frame of our roof will just go up with stairs and upside down stairs And in the center of an upside down stair and a full block on top then from here we’ll go across with alternating full blocks and slabs just like we did with the rest of the roof now we’ll just start filling this in with copper and connect it to the main roof

And for the sides here you can just fill in these holes with sandstone so it should look like this from the outside and it’s finished filling in this roof And again we’ll fill in this side of the wall too and we’ll steal some of these oak trap doors and place them on the outside of this grass so that’s our dormer and now you can just repeat this block for block on the other side Now for the chimney you can really place it on either side it doesn’t really matter but i’ll place mine on the left so on this first row of full blocks we’ll go across and then over here and skip one stair and place it with stone bricks we’ll go across three and our

Chimney will be a three by three going back so we’ll fill this in so that on the front side you have six stone bricks sticking up i’m gonna fill in the whole thing inside here we’ll place a hay bale with a campfire on top then at the top we’re gonna place upside

Down stairs going all the way around now our dormers on the back side will be a little bit different and they’ll be in line with the windows down below so start by going up on the third copper stair and break that third one from the right

Place a vertical log there and skip two blocks and place another and two horizontal logs in between we’ll build those vertical logs up an additional three for a total of four then at the top we’ll place two upside down stairs and two trap doors on each side to make this arch

Then use a placeholder block and place two more sideways logs at the top then we’ll fill in the sides of these walls with spruce planks just going over from those vertical logs Then for our roof will have two stairs sticking out then on top of that place two stairs facing in two upside down stairs in between and then two more stairs on top then we’ll just connect our copper to this and finally on the inside you can just place some glass blocks

So now we’re going to have three of these with one block of space in between each one so they should line up with those windows down below so again on each side of those four block gaps we’ll place a vertical log and then two sideways logs in between

Build those vertical logs up an additional three for a total of four then we use a placeholder block to place two more sideways logs on each one then we use our trapdoors and stairs to make an arch we can break out these stairs and place some glass behind

We’ll fill in the side walls with spruce planks then for our roof we’ll start off with two upside down stairs on each one then we’ll place our stairs and upside down stairs for the frame on top of those and then we’ll just connect the copper to the main roof

So there’s our backside dormers and as you probably guessed we’re gonna repeat it on the other side Okay so now our roof is completely finished i’m just gonna go off camera and do that texturing that i talked about at the beginning and then we’ll add in a few final details so first of all around the entryway the front and the back of the house i’m

Going to replace some of this grass with mossy cobblestone now let’s go around to the backside and do the same thing So i’ll place a couple of lanterns up here in the balcony and then down below place three chains in the center and then two chains on each side and a lantern hanging from each chain on the inside of the house for these lower windows with no glass i’ll make

Some shutters using spruce trap doors so you can make your shutters either open or closed it doesn’t really matter but if you want to keep your house safe then you’ll probably want them closed so i’m just going to go around to each window and add some of these shutters

And i’m going to use a mixture of open and close shutters Okay so next up we’re going to add some oak leaves around the base and where if i put leaves i’m also going to add some mossy stone bricks around the leaves also for the towers i’m going to use oak leaves as vines so i’ll just kind of

Place them snaking up those bare sides it’s kind of hard to explain but you’ll see how i do it So i’ll just go all the way around the house now and i’ll put this on a faster speed so we’re using oak leaves and adding bushes around the base and vines around the towers and then i’m adding some mossy stone bricks around the leaves Okay so now we’re completely done with the exterior of this house the interior video will be coming soon it’s gonna be a long video so it’ll probably take me a while to make it but if you’re watching this in the future it’s probably already out in which case

It’ll be here on the screen as always guys thanks for watching don’t forget to leave a thumbs up subscribe and i’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fantasy Mansion Tutorial’, was uploaded by BigTonyMC on 2021-10-18 14:45:01. It has garnered 884445 views and 23549 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:05 or 5345 seconds.

In this Minecraft tutorial we are building a big, fantasy/medieval style mansion! The first part of the interior is here: https://youtu.be/Aw9xD1uAOYs

The Socials! My Discord server https://discord.gg/hbQewJRxM4 Instagram (more builds) https://instagram.com/bigtonymc

Admirables – @Admirablesmc on YouTube, Instagram: https://instagram.com/admirables_mc/

TiitMarvel – Instagram: https://instagram.com/tiitmarvel.mc/

Materials List:

*Wood Blocks* Oak logs – 15 stacks Oak trapdoors – 1 stack + 2 Spruce planks – 5 stacks Spruce stairs – 10 stacks Spruce slabs – 3 stacks + 8 Spruce trapdoors – 8 stacks Spruce fences – 32 Spruce fence gates – 6 Spruce doors – 3 Dark oak fences – 7 Dark oak fence gates – 1

*Stone Blocks* Stone bricks – 28 stacks Stone brick stairs – 2 stacks Stone brick slabs – 7 Stone brick walls – 1 stack Chiseled stone bricks – 2 stacks + 40 Mossy stone bricks – 1 stack + 32 Mossy cobblestone – 1 stack + 40

*Other* Cut copper – 5 stacks Cut copper stairs – 18 stacks Cut copper slabs – 10 Smooth sandstone – 11 stacks Calcite – 28 Diorite – 20 Glass – 3 stacks + 40 Glass panes – 1 stack + 2 Oak leaves – 4 stacks + 32 Grass blocks – 38 Sweet berries – 38 Polished blackstone buttons – 24 Cobbled deepslate walls – 2 Iron bars – 2 Anvils – 2 Chains – 10 Lanterns – 6 Campfire – 1 Hay bale – 1

Texture pack: Default Shaders: BSL. Download here: https://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/

Music by C418, songs (in order): 1. Taswell 2. Oxygene 3. Far 4. Danny 5. Dreiton 6. Excuse 7. Minecraft 8. Blind Spots 9. Ki 10. Door 11. Flake 12. Sweden 13. Aria Math 14. Dry Hands 15. Dog 16. Moog City 2 17. Mutation 18. Blind Spots 19. Subwoofer Lullaby 20. Moog City 21. Alpha 22. Beginning 23. Equinoxe 24. Haunt Muskie

Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed the video, consider subscribing as there will be more builds like this on the way! Also, if you want to help me with the algorithm, leave a thumbs up!

0:00 – Intro 0:30 – Layout, materials, etc. 1:30 – Front Center Base Wall 3:30 – Back Center Base Wall 4:45 – Entrance and Balcony 7:50 – Tower Base 1 (w/ Narration) 9:45 – Tower Base 2 (No Narration) 11:35 – Front Side Base 1 (w/ Narration) 13:15 – Front Side Base 2 (No Narration) 14:30 – Back Side Base 1 (w/ Narration) 16:40 – Back Side Base 2 (No Narration) 18:15 – Front Center Upper Walls 23:15 – Front Side Upper Walls 1 (w/ Narration) 25:05 – Front Side Upper Walls 2 (No Narration) 26:45 – Tower Upper Walls 1 (w/ Narration) 31:45 – Tower Upper Walls 2 (No Narration) 35:55 – Side Upper Walls 1 (w/ Narration) 40:15 – Side Upper Walls 2 (No Narration) 44:25 – Back Side Upper Walls 1 (w/ Narration) 46:30 – Back Side Upper Walls 2 (No Narration) 48:35 – Back Center Upper Walls 52:55 – Entrance Roof 54:10 – Main Roof Frames 1:00:15 – Filling in the Roof 1:11:05 – Roof Details, Dormers, Chimney 1:21:25 – Final Details 1:28:45 – Outro

#Minecraft #Mansion #Tutorial

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  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

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    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the serverGoodluckDiscord:discord.com/invite/SHvzfr9Z5G Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

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  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

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  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

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  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

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  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

Minecraft Fantasy Mansion Tutorial