Minecraft Five Nights at Freddys – Minecraft Fnaf Halloween Special Two (Minecraft Roleplay)

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Hey everyone awesome news super fun sure calm is having a sale 25% off everything and what orders over $45 you get an extra shirt and we have Halloween merch now it’s all ends November 1st so get your stuff now will supplies last Freddy Freddy put that sword out no no

No no luck no we’re not playing this game right now are you doing stop stop they’re gonna be it’s a weapon Freddy what are you going to hack anymore playing tag Oh monster monster like an avatar huh you lied come back here there was no BOTS through at all yes there was

Fibber you held why is the one helping me my round circle sword makes it more realistic no I’m sorry me hold still frilled nope huh huh which way which way huh wait did I I lose him ready are you gone Oh Freddy what you do ready

Okay go get healthy are you okay up there yes can you throw me a ladder or a rope or something wait we don’t have rope send me a ladder a bunch of ladders sorry my mom’s call it I gotta go get this I’ll be right back Freddy go get someone

Now Freddy Freddy Freddy great I’m stuck in a hole by myself this commotion love it go get help go get help now yeah love it love it are you serious come on I’m stuck in this hole all day I’m down here by myself all alone no one here to talk to

Me won’t girlfriend leaves me down here nope oh hey hey mister I’m here how’s it going mr. rad mr. Mouse I can yeah I haven’t seen your own for a while yeah I prefer you call me Mr mouse mr. Bratt is a kind of offensive oh I’m

Sorry mr. Mouse Hey well I fell down yeah yeah yeah I’m here to visit oh well welcome I’m glad you I’m glad you’re here to visit my home nice I thought you had some kids weren’t where are they I do the route through out at school

Oh Oh what is oh well of course they’re out at school it’s in the middle of the day don’t be silly nighttime Oh for you technically isn’t that the daytime is your nocturnal rounds about nice and rats are technically nocturnal sounds about right to me yeah you’ll see your

Eye color kind of tells me that you can’t be seen this son too much what do you say they go to night school what are you trying to say they are awesome you have great night vision I appreciate that hey did you bring a housewarming gift

You know what I was running and trying to escape I do you have time to pick it up cuz if you know for how Freddy is he doesn’t like ya wait you’re not he’s not coming down no no no Freddy are you up there still no

No see he’s not he’s not up there alright she’s not coming down here why you sit by a fire warm up a little chilly in here yeah you know honestly we should probably get you something to build down here for like like a house like I do some Cheers

Um no afraid isn’t needed anymore he’s probably not gonna have a job after this yeah so yeah you know some chairs some food maybe cuz cuz oh that’s really all I have yeah toilet scandal have to use this running sewer water anymore oh I

Was gonna take a drink out of that too I would not I do I actually would not oh okay yeah that is you’ll it’ll hurt the feeling so how are you to pass the time well I mean I could eat you no no no what that’s good faster time for you

I’ll be I’ll be gone well the I’m will be passed for you to because you’ll be in the past technically Europe no sorry I’d like I liked I like to joke around here we like to have fun here yeah I can tell I can tell hey well you know what since it’s

That time of the month why don’t I tell you some spooky stories oh I love to hear some good go what’s the first one okay now this tale is super spooky oh are you sure you’re you sure you’re prepared for it hmm I don’t know I’m brave I’m a brave

Little fox look at me muscles I’d be careful that fire is kind of hot oh oh thanks see I’m tough I’ll fire it even burn me okay are you ready yep all right here we go and our tale begins we’re slowly are you sure you’re gonna need us you seem like

You’re ready for this by yourself right Wait a minute Freddy we forgot we for the way of something cooking the in the oh yeah yeah yeah we have the cereal in the oven i I do have cereal in the oven you trying to fool a MasterChef cereal Indian bonbon hold me a frayed

Line I don’t really want to go it’s you hurt my foot Oh Oh Fozzie I hurt your foot let me kiss it better huh Oh kind of guy oh yeah I don’t want to get hit by bonbons so I guess we should probably yeah let’s keep going come on guys I

Heard this awesome ghost story about this place wait did you say a good good good good go no no he said uh she said ropes loose roast goose I like I like roasted goose yeah okay okay okay so I think it’s this way we all have the porches right why do I

Have this red torch it’s not like your guys is not as bright hates low on batteries why does it seem like this would actually attract ghosts more so than make him get away oh you know babies worse if lightning was to strike right now on the boat now honey that’s

So scary it’s not gonna happen it’s a physically possible roof what what did you don’t see that no you’re going crazy I didn’t see nothing foxy don’t you try to scare me stop it something okay yeah all right you and bonbon go first wait me no but you go first wait what

Well no that’s awful idea I’ll go in the middle so that way if they come from behind us unprotected or in front of us I’m protected come on you go first yes now my turn can’t wait to see these guys I guys see little foxy are you chicken chicken chicken

It’s not a real skeleton oh sorry will haha there’s a dog staring will wow this is actually not as scary as I thought it was gonna be yeah you know what you I was gonna say I thought this is gonna be a lot more blur yeah good good one bond

Line that was a good prank yeah it’s pretty good yeah it was a funny noise bond bond I didn’t know your voice went that deep I don’t even know my voice can go that deep I can though this good job man wait who’s it did you fart Freddy I didn’t

What is it welcome oh it’s still behind us Freddy where are you I’m right here where are you guys we’re downstairs coming wait there you are Oh too far down Oh are you stuck down there huh a little bit dark guys hold on oh wait foxy run huh why am I by myself

Ready don’t leave me be bouncing noises alright here are you buddy we have to reboot we have the green group quick up on the top of the boat okay Kevin gannets quarters captains quarters there’s glass don’t worry I used my special glass breaking tool I mean

You’re first okay yeah okay we have to we have to make a plan how do we get rid of these ghosts who has the vacuum cleaner none of us oh okay okay bonbon tell the truth are you actually pranking us right now cuz if you’re

Pranking us ha you got us but if you’re not tell the truth right now okay I don’t play my mom scare too and maybe is public bringing us puppet is that you oh you got that Cappy puppet I’m gonna hide under the desk hey come back here Hey foxy ready one bun go I don’t know I think they got him I know I bought bun uh we can only go so high Freddy [ __ ] that forget how this thing worked you mean how this thing worked if we just keep going to hire uh uh foxy my

Torch is not working too well Oh what is that oh I don’t know what that is just keep quiet foxy I have an idea I know how to escape them okay alright let’s wait right here and let’s pretend they don’t exist and then see you foxy you can do it you

Got this foxy oh they’re coming for you but I believe in you foxy oneness once-mighty taught me to spell uh this goes say to smart at all are they ready are you okay Oh Freddy get away from me help me Baba guys come on this is not funny anymore

Holden did somebody and still Oh take this you evil creature of the night wait I just threw my torch at the creature now he has a torch I didn’t think the cells do well tonight I think I heard him I think it’s even angrier than he was before

What is he laughing as he’s chasing me it’s at least laughing ah okay should be safe down here they’re not gonna come down here wait huh got myself into a problem oh they’re not gonna see me over here oh no I’m upstairs they’re never gonna find me up here did it work

I worked ah oh oh I’m still down here by myself oh wait why not just leave the boat I just leave this thing mommy’s not leaving it’s probably a smarter idea just get out of here escape you know you know run away ah that wasn’t that scary no no no at

All are they gonna be okay oh I don’t know I don’t know that’s where the story ends it’s it’s really an open ending and open open and open and open ended there you go yeah yeah you you had it you had it you had it sorry

It’s been a while since I’ve been to school yeah I can kind of tell what no no no oh nothing well there you go we passed the time I’ll see you later yeah yeah yeah see you later man I’ll see it’s anyone up there huh no one’s there are you checking the

Water Oh mm-hmm you told me not to do it oh yeah cuz it’s my water ah you know what tell me another story I guess I guess we need to pass more time Oh a second story uh is that are those apples hold on mr. Ali’s down here huh thank you or did

This lobe if that’s you ha ha ha you know I don’t really like apples hey I’m pretty sure those are mine yeah you can have this for my wife my wife dropping off the groceries for the month thank you Wow that’s all what no no no all right where was I

Oh yeah the spooky scary story number two really number two it’s almost like as if somebody didn’t create the names beforehand so we’re just making names up as we go no I don’t be silly yeah I know I don’t don’t be silly I know what I’m doing ok

I trust you can I continue with my story sorry sorry go ahead go ahead go ahead no I don’t know if I want to know come on I want to hear the story board all right fine all right fine let me just take a bite of this Apple

Yeah mmm this is good it’s a good Apple good awesome mmm all right here we go our second story begins on a night just like tonight all right it’s yeah sure yeah yeah you’ll go with that it’s always dark down here so yeah I just assume it’s always dark everywhere yeah

You got a point there on a night just like tonight I’m not eating them that’s know why we’re here foxy oh okay I was gonna say I I’ve been going up the ladder the ladder up the rankings the rankings yep I am now not only a worker but I’m also one

Of the managers to help cross promotion and we would like to make a cross promotion between a Freddy burger and your tail why my till cuz it would be great publicity so while my tail be doing for this it would just be in commercials just my tails

Yes just your tail so you will be out of frame it’ll be just your tail but you can speak though and you’ll say Foxy’s tail supports the Freddy burger and that’s it how much do I get paid for this your tail gets paid a nice 40% and then 40

Percent goes to the limit Freddy brand and then the rest of the percentage goes to charity so I make nothing but taking the way I make something as the tail is meat your tail gets the percentage yes so that money goes to me cuz I’m like I

My tails minister your tail I my tails manager really yeah I understand how that works you know I don’t hey hey you were really gonna get better in shape what I need any more shape no you’re not you’re just you’re windy for walking from your room over here

Are you spenders are too tight now that’ll be what it is no I sprint anyways you guys would never guess what just happened what you found you’re a girl I said you’ll never guess so don’t don’t want us a guess oh you found out you’re flying what I

Really knew that you found out where the smell was in your room let’s say you were a doctor at one point you found the cure to all diseases potentially you’re adopted why was but you know what this balmy jeez the it came out of a rock all right what the cool things

Oh so it’s like a like a pebble or a stone so you hit your head against a rock and it broke you’re talking to it they can nail the rock don’t look so sad yeah they look like they’re upset you and your not know from the sky to fall

Into the woods and they came out crawling and then I found them yeah huh it’s so cute you see all these things I like you pop it yeah they really did something like you okay but uh what do you call them I’m whoa stop don’t you do that

Oh guys I think we need to run oh this is not good should we help us just holding her get away are you acting where should we go ah well I did oh they’re following actually they get open doors they get open doors I think was trying to control them out

Putting their foot down come on let’s go let’s go come on my mommy’s on the slime things this is another normal day yeah listen watch this no you like who’s your money on those lines on the slimes I think she’s losing theirs they’re disintegrating some of the walls yeah

Right red where should we go okay I’m trusting you puppy trust your room bill we’ll go to like your bunker well why my room I have a bunker you will another room you know no one’s supposed to know about oh the one that everyone now knows about us trying to use it for

Their own purposes oh yeah but they shouldn’t know come on come on come on if we close the door we could be very very very quiet about it sorry what’s wrong with you okay I want to go upstairs right here and find out what’s up there oh that’s right it’s blocked

Off let’s hide in the bathroom come here come on okay all right they’ll never ever find us in here you know what do you think they are probably slimes they’re gonna eat us our souls and bodies and deprivator and also already this way I haven’t seen anyone

All day oh I think I hear something you think it’s like Freddy maybe it’s Freddie where’s Freddie got the one to look out the window looking out the window I don’t see anything well I make a nice dough mix and I just made a noise oh they’re looking around

They can smell our flesh no they’re destroying everything I you know what we need we need to do something about this I don’t want this from being destroyed guys they can’t go after both of us at once so of us goes to the right and the other

One goes still left wait if I go to the left and you go to the right you’ll be trapped all right then you go to the right and I go to left me trapped let’s both go to the left then okay maybe you know what else thoughts like maybe

They’re hungry oh yeah go back to go I check it out oh why did you stop at the door yes right there well they were pushing me you know I’m going to restaurant thank we’re surrounded by food oh stop that them that’s not a bad idea foxy I wish winter is hitting isn’t

It’ll freeze them what what huh hmm okay we’re saving here who the raid area they’re sniffing us out oh oh no they’re eating everything around our so they’re really here proxy here okay I don’t have any more blurple burgers only have normal burgers well they might want an

Old forgiving old burger okay I’ll go up to them with a normal burger you stay here okay okay yeah let’s can’t go wrong right let’s go wrong at all hello creatures I come to you with an offering I come out little ex I come with this cheeseburger out oh hey this is relaxed

Though that oh I’m gonna go in the corner they’re not gonna find me here Oh foxy it’s okay it’s gonna be safe in here say if it sound safe and sound think of stuff that is nice you’re not gonna be eaten tonight if I don’t talk you won’t see me

Maybe if I won’t talk about no no I don’t want it sighs Birds it burns so bad why seriously oh my gosh are you serious I’m very serious no no no that can’t happen right and maybe it can maybe a kid maybe it can happen to you ah how’s that huh

That was delicate right that was pretty good um what are you scared or no no look I can climb up Oh nope nope can’t get anywhere oh I’d really prefer you didn’t touch those what why what are those are those are the beds so you just

Said we sleep on the rep yeah we wrap ourselves in them and and wrap ourselves to the wall are you afraid of like getting hurt no no mm-hmm I’m a mouse if I lose the leg it grows back no that’s that’s you know what I’m not gonna question it maybe that happens

For you but doesn’t you have others it might be because of all the sewer water I drink I don’t know yeah I did I’m sorry I think that’s what’s happening by the way you know no one does it named the wizard or sometimes I guess I like

Yeah I knew a guy like that he was real cool had a nice coat nice nice nice yeah he’s not that smart though yeah I don’t know where he went yep there’s a little anyone’s coming anytime soon again so let’s continue with the stories oh yeah why don’t I

Just keep going because I mean you could tell me a story but now it’s fine it’s fine I’ll just keep going with the stories here do you want me to tell one no no I’ll do it are you sure I can’t think my dear right

Now I get to sell you my brain I get that idea but you I think you should go next so I can you know I can’t think yeah of course of course of course fine so our story number three this tale is one of the scariest of them all ooh Oh the TV turned off pancake huh don’t worry you’ll be perfectly fine I’m only gonna check the TV I won’t get to watch to this not like I did the five other times what’s wrong oh do you want something to drink or eat no you’re not

Hungry okay I’m going to check the TV now be okay whoa calm down they’ll be fine come on okay I know Italy I know that often but just let me do this I’m not going that far away I’m going literally right here okay okay I’m going to try to see you again

Hmm I need to try to get behind oh that’s not working even if I go over nope nope nope maybe right here huh I can’t figure what’s wrong with it pancake the pit a backache oh no oh no what happened pancake oh I’m just pulling a prank on me worst day to do

That you know I was watching a marathon of horror movies the last one might have been Cujo but that doesn’t mean you can do this guy’s come on ah work okay where what maybe a pair days playing a joke maybe they’re in here no he’s not no puppet hey foxy

Have you seen my dog pancake you’re right my dog he was just down in my room and now he’s gone foxy I am NOT here to joke I’m just I’m trying to work I have a dog they were downstairs with me and now no something happened you will get

Easy in there I’m coming back there like a stuffed animal he’s not here or what is I don’t know what you’re talking about with a bad dog it’s a little dog it’s a little baby that little puppy’s not already told you whatever you’re talking about here come out where are you

I guess I guess he’s not in here wait me you know who pancake is no come on yeah I know you don’t like pancake I know you run from them every or her pancakes I don’t know why you’d name your dog that if you Ted one okay okay I

Know you hate him a lot but come on don’t don’t don’t do this and try nightly doesn’t exist you know what I’m not playing these games they don’t go find my dog jeez it’s rude puppet act like you don’t know my old dog yeah hold you out on that one you’re weird

You’re weird huh maybe he’s with pompon maybe they got bonded or something ba ba I know oh yeah what’s up foxy what’s with the desk I’m working and studying Hispanic again their package are you in there pancake no I don’t feed them pancakes bad guys are you right

There do you feed my dog to them what no I won’t feed them bang cakes and I’ll definitely not feed them a dog give me my dog back is my dog downstairs I knew it what you seeing rocky in here okay pancake what Betsy what about if I go

Back you’re not policy no I know the policy and you guys said it’s okay I have a dog where is he she pancake foxy you don’t have a dog unless you just got one recently that I didn’t know about no I have a damn where’s where is it okay you know what

I’m telling this game you’re a puppet of pulling a sick joke you know you guys have to stop this me some me I know what you’re not listen to you not listen to it no no don’t play jokes on me man wrong I know it barely spent sound with

My dog but come on ah Laura has to know Laura are you gonna keep have you seen my dog have you seen a dog I asked a question my dog what pancakes where no my dog pancake your dog is a pancake no my dog feeder keys you know

Sometimes I wish I had a pet too and it was a waffle no I have a dog where is it you have a dog oh you have a hot dog no where’s my dog they’re having had that duck no where’s my dog your dog your dog it’s not talking this

Hey I’m saving you oh well you think that back huh awkward okay I’m making to look around for my dog wait you have a dog they’re too late yeah you’re trying to hide them for me hey Joe lucky for you you talking about he’s played in a circle I know I did

Okay seriously Laura I know I don’t handle my dog a lot we can’t act like I don’t have what I do where is he taking about foxy geez everybody’s acting like they don’t remember my dog you’re all working together he’s your work no no it’s your

Dog none of this where’s my dog no does your dog have eight legs beurling’s four legs just for this has four legs oh my oh my gosh you know what I’m out here you guys are all work together I’m going to your lopa to help me hey a hamburger hotdog bun no hotdog

Oh my gosh Loeb it’s gonna listen to me love it’s gonna believe me lo Barrett love it what I’m upset why no one’s no one’s believes in pancake they keep saying they’re that pancakes not real my dog of course pancakes are real no my felt my dog pancake

Hmm I don’t know what you’re talking about but can you help me fix my TV well that’s what started all I try to fix my TV well you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about my daughter ankud you have a cat I have a dog they don’t like each other

Mmm you’ve never had a dog no I have a dog pancake uh pancakes sounded really good right now oh gosh you’re all right here you know what I’m going back to my room don’t look around for evidence and unless I know who did it why are you freaking out

Cuz I can’t find my dog no one remembers my dog you guys are all working together I thought you don’t bigger this a little bit oh you weren’t bad yeah I’m gonna find you and we’re gonna play together every single day best friends for life okay I’m coming I’m gonna come and find

You I’m gonna find evidence and we’re gonna we’re gonna save you I’m gonna save you cuz no one believes me they all did it together okay I’m coming I’m coming girl decade um why are your skills is there a pancake no I don’t like this pancake okay I

Don’t like this at all pancake okay that’s not you what’s going on Oh No um I need to go talk to someone that that one made me remember oh I hope you’re okay are you gonna you gonna talk to there’s no one really you can’t story’s no no no no

I’m just saying I mean you know I I you know there’s a reason why you haven’t seen me in a while what yeah remember I used to see me like every day almost and I have it shown up yeah cuz it’s cuz I’m actually trapped down here there’s no

Way out yeah yeah yeah yeah how’d you get stuck down here I had my series of tunnels leading up and around but something weird happened like I don’t know like an earthquake and all of them closed oh wait why is it an earthquake that’s kind of like an

Explosion yeah I think so sounded like one but I just I don’t know Freddie again oh it’s always Freddie isn’t it yep always ready Wow what it what a crazy guy that bear you know I don’t like him too much not gonna lie to you

Yeah he’s okay but he has oh you know what on says she’s not talking negative about him cuz he might be up sorry up that hole and if he hears me saying bad things he might not run you out that’s like super high though does he have like

Really good hearing at times you know I don’t know Freddie smells nope nothing huh well maybe maybe he left maybe he just abandoned you down here well you know what that’s fine I’ve always needed a good friend awesome right girl be friends for life now somebody’s always

Saying that’s food that’s a good have an apple oh thank you use but I kind of no choice to this point oh oh you know what you need you need an apple of some sauce on at home let me grab one no I got it

There you go if I grow a tentacle or something I’m gonna be upset that would be cool oh yeah we’re cool like you can have like a third arm Oh awesome yeah you can carry three bags of groceries at once instead of to a betta what do you want to tell the next

Do you want to keep going mmm you know what I’ll go one more time to give you some are those those pencils no they’re carrot to keep sending us out here they’re all right yes you got some carrots now do you like carrots I love

Any kind of food it’s not often we see food down here yeah I can I don’t know you must have some kind of friend up side yeah they’re helping you get food but not helping us get out of here you know they’re gonna send ladders uh why

Are you why are you yelling trying to get you’re just like oh I’m sorry okay it’s fine no it’s fine yeah where were we ah the next story can you make what about Freddie this time oh you know what I can I have this story planned and it’s

Definitely not stolen from anywhere and I came up with it by myself awesome I’m just gonna cross out the character’s name put Freddie okay here we go number four okay pour that into that one okay not too much not too much see we made a purple color we did that is a

Solid purple if you ask me okay so we’re gonna we’re gonna use this for oh well you know it’s probably shirts maybe I am maybe we don’t know maybe I maybe I’ve been studying his secret foxy you are a dumb dumb dumb you’re a dumb

Tom you like the gum gum get out of here Oh why’d you Freddie don’t let me catch you here again without my permission so we can come back in then no oh whoa he’s mad he’s so mad oh he’s so rude that guy he was hey wait

You guys wait you did well I got a spider uh-huh why you have a spider some more decoration oh come on no I don’t like spiders oh they’re creepy yeah we weren’t we just got kicked out of bonbons lab cuz we’re missing with his laboratory stuff oh yeah that reminds me

Automation pissed I made the best sig ever what would you make what you make well well I kinda I kind of I’ve really wanted the best piece of chicken ever so I in here smile a little bit but towards the end bonbon kind of rushed us and I

Spilled a bunch of stuff on it so I’m sure it’s fine though are you ready yeah yeah oh this we lost down there that’s okay don’t worry the grammar points to one patata well that’s really cool Oh shiny hey don’t look at my chicken get out of here ready you’re just you

Staring at you just want to show us it do you mind I’m trying to relax it eat my chicken get out of here wow that was really mean get out go away fine fine we’ll go well no yeah go go you’re being a bully no uh you’re a bully

Ow you know what you’re gonna turn oh oh oh sorry sir you dropped this oh oh oh oh thanks foxy oh no Brown here I’ll just I’ll take that if you don’t mind what was with that you’re being really weird get out of my family’s told you I’ll do

It stuff I’m trying to you by polar okay I think I figured it out okay I think put two and two together oh I think I know what’s going on see how did how’d you get the chicken hey do you mind if I uh do you mind if I take no Kay okay

Okay I will I will okay so I think I figured it out he gets angry when he has chicken so he doesn’t have any chicken anymore he’ll be okay I’m sure this chickens okay get this special here you go oh thank you so much Fred I appreciate what did I tell you

About touching my chicken no don’t break just stop breaking things hey tall hit me don’t hit me keep the peace hey where’s oh yeah now none of you can have it oh that feels really weird I oh man my head kind of feels funny well you just smacked me real hard what

I would never smack you foxy clay you don’t remember any silly I remember we we did the thing i enhance my piece of chicken oh look there it is hey wait how’d you get the piece of chicken I don’t think you should have this wait what we just we worked so hard

To make that what why would you don’t even like chicken I bet well yeah but not as much as you but but I really I really think I should just have the chicken you know you should get back to him yeah yeah I think you know what yeah

Well it’s fine if nobody wants it I’ll dispose of it huh in the proper containers here we go I’ll just take the chicken and all good what to do it’s Tara to me again I thought I told you not to stare at me he’s getting worse

This time I poured you where are you going little bit don’t leave me behind we need to go back to the scene of the crime oh no escape for you today huh get back here there’s no escape ba ba ba ba come on we need your help

Bob on we we need we need your help wait for what for Friday’s going crazy he’s trying to kill us no with that chicken eggs he made him here he’s going crazy I’m busy you’re busy now come on Marion I need your help don’t just happen look I’m busy cleaning up

The mess you guys made we did where we did me well Freddie made the mess I did oh no I can hear I wasn’t a part of this yeah a little bit try to go Finn Simon help foxy Scientist slash wizard code that you have to help there has to be no the wizard magic is dangerous and don’t only use it at your own risk foxy well this design me makes me very angry if he’s gay more angry where are you there’s been a way to stop this you sent

Me as the chicken goes crazy but when doesn’t the chicken doesn’t remember anything and it gives warning the chicken back afterwards there’s only one thing you guys can do what you destroy the chicken okay Oh destroy him so we destroy Freddy oh I gotta throw the chicken so we have no

Choice with your story Freddy that’s what I’m hearing right here or destroy the chicken I’m really hearing destroy Freddy because then you know he’s not gonna just give up huh what who it is bun-bun you’ve betrayed me again huh you’re working with the enemy how dare

You bought body bulb it you dare strike me get away with this I gotta get back here okay I do chase music done that I’m done oh no oh come on love it I got a plan Freddy can I see your beautiful piece of chicken of course not

How dare you even suggest such a thing now now don’t hit huh okay got this smack the chicken else now Ichigo no you can’t have it back oh oh oh I got the chicken no way you guys came back right give me a chicken no no okay oh this

Chicken here is too dangerous for you do not chase after it with what [ __ ] somebody doing for too dangerous we worked no we worked so hard on that okay I threw the chicken at first I tried to destroy it but he wanted it so bad we were never here

No we weren’t we’re no Baba I say did he did it and then he sacrificed himself because he didn’t want to be blamed for the crime uh-huh why do you close yourself in there I I have to go I have to fix something okay okay bye huh um

That sounded a little too close to actual reality well it could be or could it not be the world may never know oh boy in the scary stories you don’t know if they’re real or not Oh more carrots oh yeah they were sitting there for a while I didn’t want

To tell you and interrupt the story oh thanks that day I’ve been kind of rude no problem exactly and being rude is something I’m not about here you know yeah I I’m being good to you I’m listening to all the story then talking exactly thank you I really appreciate it

Yeah cuz if you interrupted halfway through the story I’d have to eat your limbs wait what what what what Oh whole is that uh intruder yeah there’s an intruder in my house so having seen you bring ladders with you uh-huh was I supposed to do we could get out of

Here what is this yes I just I thought you enjoy my company I do but I you ought to get out of here too don’t you I guess uh it’s my home I mean where are we where we’re trapped welcome you’re in Wow um welcome to my house

It’s a hole in a hole I guess you’re just calling it a hole now fine only shared my hospitality with you and you call it a hole don’t drink the water oh I was so close yeah we’re stuck down here yeah bring down a housewarming gift or anything or

Ladders it’s crying too rude if you don’t bring a house yeah I didn’t know do you mean a couch cheers Cheers be nice backs upon oh that’s if I had known then yeah I would have brought all that good stuff wait so was it you who brought the apple

And carrot huh I guess it wasn’t her huh wonder who it could have been then weird I happen to have this on me oh boy I love birthday cake oh well it’s a it’s a housewarming gift so it’s for the owner of the house what about all we get a

Rain water for this place no very nice warmer well that’s what the campfires for you know eventually I was gonna go lower you know right now I lit like there’s like seven logs in there and each love burns for like an hour each set seven hours of burn ton yeah what

I’m getting dripped on don’t worry oh yeah if you start to burn then yeah stand somewhere else I’d say don’t worry well we’re telling each other well he’s telling me stories and we’re telling spooky stories come you go well now we gotta like kind of hold on I got it yeah

We had to arrange ourselves now yeah this is a good spot yeah we had the perfect spots too and kind of you know I’m gonna go ahead and move Mike she’s saying I messed it up a little yeah well that’s not too good huh yeah we were a pair that real quick on

The crime just go let me see you go go perfect yeah see did he give up yeah you sit right right there well I guess we should probably start back at Story number one no no no no that’s fine if I know now we can all we

Can start we can we can tell another story yeah how many stories are have you guys been telling for oh yeah four ah want an apple no I wish I had some birthday cake me too all right this next story this one is actually based on true events oh this

May or may not have actually happened are you guys prepared yeah sure okay it all started way back when you know I think we should add a little bit more lettuce are you sure I think I think the order is a-okay by itself as it is sure

Yeah are you positive I think we can do better tomatoes I don’t know that may make the burger too soggy no no I think we should try to make sure to put it on top and not the bottom oh I got the tomatoes right here all right

No the tomatoes a little bit to the right Try it out puppet see what a story okay I don’t know I don’t think it’s gonna be that great but all right I know I think what tomatoes that she’d be good yeah whoa well it’s really good see tomatoes doing it better and also I know what it is it was like that

Specific tomato that that bonbon touched actually tasted really good I almost kind of added a little bit more flavor to this like a special ice yeah I mean I have been using seasoning ah I see hmm yeah you gotta tell me like what you did exactly in fact I’m I’ll put down

Another burger and then you just show me what you did foxy can you go out there really quickly and just check the fridge for more ingredients yeah yeah sure you need some tomatoes or anything else more Tomatoes check for stuff oh yeah we need

The back you know oh okay um I guess I’m not allowed to see this guy yeah he’s gay there ah are you guys fighting again I told you guys it’s just a burger come on oh hey we found out we’ve had we had enough supplies to make another one huh

Oh okay I’ll go talk to bonbon real quick oh you left Eli class he’s not there yeah he’s he was in a hurry wow that was probably uh I heard was yeah over this again he didn’t go down easy but yeah he did get ki tripped over

That ah silly silly bunny mm-hmm you know I think would be great who’d really love this new taste why is that below cuz it’s cuz it was based off the blurple burger but there’s no blorp on it don’t worry I think I think well Laura would like it

Really think so yeah let’s go she can make an awesome new dance for it can I do that by the way no no no no no you sure anyone yeah there’s only one oh man and maybe she could if she has a little bit of dandruff maybe shake off alone

Hey wait a minute what how did bombon trip he had no feet with his hands he likes to walk on his hands sometimes oh you have a point here point a right for matter he made a salad you ate him but that’s not possible hey boy yeah

She could hear her but can’t see her oh oh you upgraded No someone broke my other one put this fake in here no this is a new improved one no it’s not look at those are in five thousand it’s all the witches use your when you read the code room five

Thousand come on it’s awesome look at him you know those folks everything it’s a fairly green blue pop bubbles Laura Oh what do you want your hair looks really cool my thank you we I saw something in your kitchen that it would you mind getting uh getting some spices for me to

Borrow for a little bit spice yeah a new burger recipe yeah this one I’ll point out the ones I want foxy how do you look at that thing for a little bit okay okay we’re we’re Bora where are you okay they’re all right I got the spices the burgers turning out great

Fox Oh awesome hold on I I swear I heard Laura in here hold on I’m checking these I’m not seeing anything no no not seeing anything did you go downstairs oh she must’ve gone downstairs Oh bathroom I can’t I heard those bro huh noises I I guess so I guess I guess so I guess so but uh look I think you know who would

Be really great to show one of the head people Oh baby yes I wouldn’t want to run past this with that way so you have a little bit of oh we have a little bit of like looks like blurs make up in here right here hold on I get

That did she smack you she doesn’t brush her hair so there’s a bunch of it floating around every I’m sorry all right quiet it’s quite good looking you just you know it’s really weird that that everyone just keeps disappearing hey hey baby I always talk

To the baby head is over here that’s so creepy what my pumpkin she mean your baby head pumpkin no I painted a pump oh okay yeah but that’s not it’s not weird right no please tell me it’s not weird no it’s not weird okay you’re painting

Your room is not weird it’s not weird there’s this new burger I’m trying to promote and I would like to make a variant for it for for a kid’s meal would you like to try it out maybe surprise yes yes we can but I should really run run like the legal stuff with

Her Oh could you like go down just so you know it’s confidential yeah alright see you in a bit yep I’m gonna go sit over your way for you I just sign right here Wow it sounds like it’s really like hard negotiation up there are you sure you don’t need my help I’m technically wanted people in charge guys hello alright paperwork has been is finished Buffy do you look a little little bigger okay yeah you put the paper working oh

Okay I see yes and my suits yeah that’s what your paper work goes oh man but uh even though I got the paperwork from baby to make a branded baby burger I need the head honcho of the make Freddy brand himself That’s not me right make Freddy brand silly you know it

Sounded like you were numbing on her like you’re chewing and like stuff like that you know that was just us talking about business related stuff we’re just so far away you couldn’t hear us oh really just sound like you’re like chomping down real hard hey Freddie hey what’s uh

What’s going on here fellas can I uh I came to talk about I came to talk to you about sufficient Mik Freddie burger business Oh Masumi you don’t need my help I will sit here in the candy corn yeah come over here we’ll talk about it oh yeah good idea

So I’d like to talk to you about yeah whooping stop habit put that down puppet stop get away from me is it okay fall down yeah puppet get away what are you doing with that spatula and that knife hacked pump it put that Gopal legs ha oh you like something’s weird

Oh hope your acted really weird this still make this easier puppet your be really odd right now you need to stop I feel like this is not a normal thing for a conversation to go puppet this is not how a normal conversation should go you need to get away from me Freddie just

Get it in my mouth come in here okay that sounds very suspicious but I think they’re talking about like paperwork help help [ __ ] I’m gonna start chopping you up I’m up he’s gonna eat me help Wow no no puppy please don’t puppet public please please stop please right I want

To borrow some stuff okay whoo you have hackers I love that movie I hear this sign right here oh and and right here oh the conversation went down oh mighty have a spatula Oh what do you mean oh this is a just a new branding thing yes yes why

Covered in like blood no reason that ketchup it is yes wow you’re very observant I know right where’s one love it well you ran piano go to bathroom hmm that sounds like a 30-minute bathroom breaks mm-hmm would you go I’m right behind you and we’re all walking yeah I’m a little

Bit tired oh all that paperwork you know yeah whoa take another small break yeah I hope let me have some candy she’s so sweet and nice oh boy no I don’t think Oh the candy I wasn’t worried we’ll just we’ll just cut straight to the chase hey I’m gonna eat

You what what I ate everybody wait no you didn’t funny funny paperwork doesn’t put on this many pants whoa what happened to you hi everybody I’m started think he’s telling the truth I’m not exactly sure yet freddie was there a lot of good points yeah you ready no I’m

Gonna eat you I wasn’t messing around that still that doesn’t matter hey paper towel or something nobody tote not helping you please I am my mouth is dirty and I would like to wipe it I’m not helping with this okay I know how to fix a problem you can join

Everyone I guess I have four seconds hi how are you doing this I know what a joy now down no down I fine I’ll get the crossbow give me a second that’s a really good job at this I don’t be a skewer oh no I Steve idea for a new recipe I

Have so close poppy we get it oh that’s like hunting huh huh and I’m gonna start off with the tail no well why the tail I’m gonna eat it like spaghetti no no it tastes good yeah it did now you don’t have a tail no no Sasquatch why

Why just decided it all just cook me on the barbie make me big if you if you do make a meal out of me make sure to add some cajun spices and make it tasty all right will do so that whole entire thing about eating people was that actually

True well all’s it wasn’t about you but who knows it might be real it might not be real it’s up to you to decide that’s not really real I think he’s watching chairs around and that’s why he doesn’t have any family left yeah be hot air I want out oh wait wait

Um he’s trying to trick us show me this kids stories carrier good job hey thanks I try I mean I really don’t really have anything else to do accept come up with scary stories all day every day so I’m glad I finally had people to tell them to for the rest

Of our lives you mean of your life cuz you’re propagating he’s gonna eat us you do understand that right yeah once I run out of apples and carrots I mean I never had animatronic before huh I pray it probably tastes fine a metal oh I’ll probably eat that all right you go first

Nobody’s knocking us yet no not yet don’t be silly I still gotta tell you the rest of my stories well I’m guys over here all right that’s fine are you not gonna be able to hear the story though you’re too far away I can hear you

All right fine are you guys ready for the next story are you two still a little shaken up I’m ready I can do this I’m a brave man bucks are you ready a girl Fox I don’t I don’t think okay your name ball bit all right

Are you ready I guess I’ll take that as a yes so this next story has been passed down in the mouse family for generations so it’s a mouse tail no it’s just it’s just known bite by a lot of mice oh don’t be rude where was I no jokes only stories it’s

Almost time for bed deb-deb why you do they have on them hey there dab on them haters balloon boy did you learn this from Callum oh really you taught him this Kelly yes wait till I tell you mom all about this what do we

Do we we dam on them haters dab on them haters really that’s all that’s what you gonna do you know death all those haters yeah you’re a hater we’re gonna dab on you dab on them haters huh you know what just cuz of that you’re talking going a

Bit early what no dad you’ll be a bad you know baby honey watch you she set up this back room yeah yeah it was give me a surprise your own private room for tonight you but you’re ruining it was in the air like uh oh look at this really wanna go

To bed okay you know what’s gonna up and then the boogeyman is gonna get you the boogeyman mm-hmm if you don’t go to panda listen to me and get the bug Ned’s gonna get you know I I heard he’s fake oh oh no do

You hear that oh you hear that no oh no we should maybe go the bed column you know what I’m gonna see do you guys want some chicken or steak or fish for dinner for dessert we should go to bed so then the boogeyman doesn’t get us good that’s what I thought

Don’t worry in the ducky that protects you and here you go she kind of decorated for the Halloween spirit hope you don’t mind uh you don’t mind huh that’s a creepy doll it is which one do you want Callum oh why do I get to sleep next to the creepy though

He’ll be okay just lay down lay down Oh fine okay there you go I’ll be right back you two stay there huh so creepy I mean anything oh my out here okay okay then okay nice day nice day down in front all right there the boogeyman is moving

The doll the doll it’s cuz we didn’t go sleep weird stay awake huh sorry you take it all promised oh hey you’re doing this just to try and stay up I see how it is no the boogeyman moved it you only move your beds then yes please I don’t

Think I can it’s gonna be really hard I don’t think it’s gonna be possible you never know the you know I don’t trust this I’m not moving the beds you sleep on the ground you wanna sleep on the ground bed please please move the damn

Bed okay I’ll try okay one bed oh this doll is so creepy up I only have one day left I apparently broke the other one which one I can you check the the red one can you check the chest to see event another one I always carry an extra bit that’s okay

Fine I’ll put the feds right here from the fireplace there you go you know what to make this even better I’m gonna cover it up so you don’t see it okay this is such a fire hazard you know you know you guys get burned it’s

Not my fault dad can can you stay with us no I need I need I can’t see it but Calum can still see it ah it’s so much harder for me yeah you can you see it Calum No okay okay you to lay down and try get some sleep here the warm fire

And only call me if you’re burning no more this joking around and say you’re the dolls moving I know you guys are doing it okay are you sure you can’t stay what am I gonna do sit here and watch the doll all night yes why would I do that

Okay look look the dog won’t eat you if you sleep with your covers on you know the dolls you know that’s out how are they saying monsters can’t catch you if you’re under your covers but I can’t give up and did you know did you all your vegetables tonight No Oh dad I

Don’t want the big man to get me oh you know I’ll talk to the boogeyman about not getting your non-buddhist there just in case he’s watching over you know that’s creepy oh yeah okay I’m sure it’s fine okay sleep well see the dolls all covered you

Can’t see it and can’t get you huh okay going back to my oh great my TV’s not working again come on trying to fix this thing together to work dad dad what this time it moved again really and moved you in oh oh I’m balloon boy I’m scared of a

Little doll that looks really creepy okay okay I can see why you’re scared I can understand why you’re scared of it okay you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna whoa well that’s you trying to scare you just try to steer Cowell no did he try to

Scare you no where did you were any other try to stay up no dad can we just sleep in your room uh-huh you know what I’m calling baby about this this is weird this doll is really weird maybe a weave is motorized I’m gonna ask her how to turn it off okay

Hold on we’re gonna go to your room okay have fun in there okay okay here we go hi baby mm-hmm hello baby there your help by the way how’s your night going I know you have me watch your kid how’s things going tonight it’s going good for

You pretty good yeah I’m getting a lot done but how are the kids you don’t believe there’s there they’re saying that the that creepy doll you left in the room is moving around how do I turn it off Hey what are you talking about if you

Had all the room that one do you put there um I put some beds in there I didn’t put a creepy doll in there well there’s a creepy darling you know I feel like I was told before I feel like that’s a story I’ve heard before no no

No no no trust me you’ve never heard that story ever your entire life she fell she fell asleep or is she possessed by the evil spirit of Halloween no scary stories huh were you that bored oh just a bit whoa you know let her take that one you may

Need to know what you know what fine I have I have one final spooky story to tell you and if this one doesn’t work I’ll eat you both how about that know what that sounds good to make it do it first can I treat you guys to some

Carrots some apples no no I’m good maybe maybe some clean fresh water No more you have the better okay you’re right it’s always good to have a nice big glass of water will you eat your dinner all right where was I tell stories oh yeah you’re right uh-huh well this one is especially

Spooky because in this tale hey come closer come closer mm-hmm this tale wake up hey hey come on it’s a good story because this story actually happened a few days ago oh yeah Not really they’re really creepy why right it looks like they’re looking into my soul especially there’s one the big honker I’m just about to say the same thing I’m talk about his honker oh look at this one it’s like missing half his face did you get this one off like a

Garage either gods you have feelings you know this one looks like it could eat me this one looks like it’s watching me for Christmas he is he’s made sure everyone’s nice or miss was kind of cute though what do they want money or something I

Would you spied on yeah there was a lot really cut them off eBay you know you can’t trust a bay yeah you can I went to to to uh toy dolls and huh hey I got the cheap a lot of money uh you know what they’re probably worth you know what the

Guy was so cheap they probably have like razor blades inside him or something what no bugs they’re probably make you itch you you guys are itching everywhere well more than you already do how do you think I stink i I ate so much because I stink well

Technically you do shower a lot so I can’t say you you’re not well clean did you natural scent I hope something does happen to you I hope these things come to life and do something to you that won’t happen let’s go grab a snack from your back

Room over here once you have a kitchen do you have any cupcakes left over well yeah maybe let me see umm no see nothing you are both for now I had ordered another batch speed which I’ll go to my laptop end and what just cook another batch one

Why no what the Laura did you do that did you did you move them when I was not looking what no I I was my dad see you like huh what worthy where’s that red one red wine cruise me off the most your tapers tapers is okay I was over

There another one just move the red one Oh red he likes to move he’s like uh you know self cranking up well that’s all creepy you know this feels like this is from like a video game yeah what Ron still the life way that one moved

Oh you mean that one moved it moved again what I told you red moves by himself yeah is a self cranking mechanism you know what I’m feeling not so safe in here so I’m gonna go out of here I’m going over here whoa let’s go here ahh

Where’s Fred Chapel we need him oh right spray choppers out with the kids Halloween oh why does he make a look like this this so weird he doesn’t make them look like that what highways this is this is more creeper than their dolls like I don’t want to go back to the dorm

It’s kind of gross I think they’re fine I’m gonna drop them my mother holding on to him ah ha ah there’s one missing I’m very creeped out we’re surrounded where’s where’s red oh there he is where is he bread’s over here in the hallway Oh silly right he’s always up to things uh-huh

Elfi papers well you do understand this is not no that’s not normal now I went down a step hey don’t don’t make fun of his home did your head just move yes my head just moved oh oh that’s not creepy at all oh my gosh I I’m I’m agreeing with you I

Think we should keep our distance I’ll just turn around I witnessed it turn around that was some more steps up again I’m out of here yeah same here well they’re my room yeah I’m a grown girl or going to a room you guys this is a fun game no it’s not a

Fun game how about we open the door and save there right there or not oh no no no no stick close to me and oh yeah I don’t even have any there this door right here at the front well they’re yours too fast I’m gonna do it I

Won’t do it that is the foot Gabe booboo I don’t like this game what no no I’m not playing really green light oh no no nope nope nope where’d the other one go those only three they’re three oh I think oh no he’s right there beyond the

Bush oh hello baby where are you scared they’re gone yeah well this close the door he moved I looked away – oh hey you look worse wait have to get in here how day it’s only one in here hmm the other ones are missing did you pick

Them up and bring them in no oh yeah it just moved his head oh that’s creepy oh This one’s over here oh no the red one disappeared love it love it where’d you go low-pitched oh there’s red oh they’re moving closer oh that one just both as witness they move woman’s moving them obviously that she’s not here where’s Lobell that one just no I ain’t there moving I’m looking

Wait did you buy these dolls from haunted are us oh okay you know the factory in our speaking makes it even more creepy they can’t reach the door handles so they’re suck in there no any stopping before look I bet you they’re cylinder right in front of the door

We’re dead you know that right nope it’s already good where’d you buy these for us oh I told you eBay what part of eBay ah that’s the special offer kind special offer in what way the one word you know all the things that can’t be sold is

Goes into the very cheap bin that isn’t your spies are out here by the way yeah I’m gonna stop looking away from them it’s like see my look away they make angels ever made out stone you can’t stop looking at them okay one two one two

– one two three of them there’s still one missing one two three does maintain eye contact keep them in front of you I looked away for one second you applied are you giving eye contact I don’t know don’t ask you some questions they were safe for now

There’s no activities oh I also got them off the haunted dolls section I sure that have raised red flags no actually didn’t bring up any plagues as you brought with them a money sigh what oh there’s boost ash I’ve got all four in front of us this

Maintain eye contact on them I don’t do my work it works no no by a thousand nope nope nope nope nope nope can we just burn them all what it’s not following me I’m not liking this I know they follow you not me oh there it is

There’s one oh I guess they had to use the potty uh no I think what they’re doing they’re doing a yes yes surrounding us and there you go so this is one barren oh nevermind – two right there yep one right in front of us and otherwise oh there’s another one

It sells on the shelf what do you think it’s doing hey stop it stop it Hey Oh bye oh love the Lord don’t leave me here like this you know what it’s I like this I don’t want to die again okay there’s been enough of this in this one okay let

Me go I’m gonna go back to my room you got your fill of murder ma’am Frankie’s probably in his room we can probably do the same thing to him I’m just gonna go by you oh that is way too creepy you won’t turn around as I turn

Around oh that is that is too creepy no you do not move your do not crouch no you should I sling for it no no no stop it stop it this is very creepy no I know that going like this I’m not going like this I

Swear one of these are you serious know what I do you come on you a knife whoa okay we never talked about you people now does that about that one that is that’s was it how would you know about that would have been stuck down here I

Hear things but uh that a golden fellow the one that teleports he comes down visit sometimes oh okay he’s nice oh cool it doesn’t really give me any food though so it’s not too nice but that one was that one even more scary especially since I told it so close yeah very scary

Well that’s about that time all right climb in the fire no no no no no what’s what’s this hold on can I read this book it’s kind of my last thing oh all right fine go ahead missing in which our search continued is no sign of foxy or

Lopez some are saying a little bit kidnapped foxy others say they ran it together another news your dude will never be found how romantic I know right you kidnapped me why would you get hurt me huh well yes you guys have been missing for quite some time

You like that police they already have the missing reports done come on time for lunch are you coming to the coming of the fire no no no I’m not coming to the fire she’s just looking at me weird come on come on the fire come on okay me it was

Behind you hey hey wait no no I don’t either Freddie when I get up there I’m gonna get you how do these grow anyhow I guess cuz it was so musty down there yeah I must be Freddie are you ready no get away from me were you listened to all those stories

Got scared yeah they’re so scary I don’t I don’t want that stuff to happen to me I don’t want it to be Halloween anymore make it a different date good idea go down the hole it’s safe down there whoa that one yeah oh look at this

This place is neat yeah yeah oh it’s you hey what are you doing hey hey stop stop that’s not beauty help help help me are you just kidding what are you doing okay now that’s murder mm-hmm you were never here we’ll lift this book though oh well you’re still here well in that

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This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fnaf Halloween Special Two (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Minecraft Five Nights at Freddys on 2018-10-31 21:00:04. It has garnered 1498298 views and 17004 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:56 or 5336 seconds.

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Minecraft Fnaf Halloween Special Two (Minecraft Roleplay)

Is everyone ready for this years spooktacular halloween episode. A bunch of stories all in one episode!!

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WARNING: This Series is not meant to follow what happens in the games. This is fan made With Fan Theorys and Ideas.

This FNAF Sister Location Minecraft Roleplay based around the Five Night’s at Freddy’s Game – Sister Location, The series revolves around the Animatronics and what they do when no ones around.

This series is based off our speculation,fan theorys or ideas of FNAF Sister Location(and other fnaf related topics). There will be developments in this game’s story that do not directly follow the finished game.

All music comes from Incompetech

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  • Dwarven Gates: Minecraft Worldbuilding

    Dwarven Gates: Minecraft Worldbuilding Exploring the Dwarven Gates in Minecraft Survival Worldbuilding 1.21 Embark on a journey through the intricate world of Minecraft Survival Worldbuilding 1.21 as we delve into the creation of the dwarven gates. In this episode, the focus shifts to the interior of the dwarven gate, where the great hall and main street of the dwarven city come to life. The Great Hall: A Majestic Centerpiece The great hall stands as a majestic centerpiece within the dwarven gates, exuding grandeur and history. As players venture through its towering arches and intricate stone carvings, they are transported to a realm of… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Horse and Donkey: A Secret Rhyme Unlocked

    Minecraft's Horse and Donkey: A Secret Rhyme Unlocked In Minecraft, a secret fact, let me share, About the horse and donkey, a unique pair. When they breed, a mule is born, With traits of both, a hybrid adorn. Horses are swift, donkeys are strong, The mule combines, a balance lifelong. So next time you see them in the game, Appreciate the mix, their genetics proclaim. CraftyRohit here, with Minecraft news, Bringing you facts, in poetic hues. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and imagination talks. Read More

  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

    Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting Welcome to Daosao Gamers’ New SMP Server! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and Crafting and Building? Join Daosao Gamers’ new SMP server for free and start your adventure today! No sign-in required, just pure gaming fun. What is SMP? SMP stands for Survival Multiplayer, a game mode in Minecraft where players can interact, collaborate, and survive together in a shared world. It’s a great way to connect with other players, build amazing structures, and explore new territories. Joining the Server Joining our SMP server is easy and hassle-free. Simply follow the instructions provided… Read More

  • Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3

    Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3 In Minecraft Vanilla, we’ve found a new home, A bastion we raise, no need to roam. Sign up, leave a like, share the delight, Enjoy the vision, it’s a beautiful sight. Subscribe to FishingANDdiving, don’t miss a beat, Follow me on TikTok, where the fun is sweet. Watch the full video, see the house construction, In this Minecraft world, there’s no obstruction. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhyming zing. Keep it fierce and funny, engage with delight, In every pulsing line, let the truth take flight. Read More

  • Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft

    Crafty Artemia: Ship of Robbers in Minecraft Artemia and I, on a mission so bold, Investigating robbers on a ship, we’re told. In Minecraft, a mod brings the challenge near, Illager Warship, danger lurking, so clear. On RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, we share our quest, With Discord and Viber, we aim to impress. Join us on this journey, filled with thrill, As we uncover secrets, with skills and skill. Stay tuned for more, on this gaming ride, With ClaDiamond leading, we won’t hide. Minecraft adventures, in rhymes we’ll bring, For all our viewers, let the fun ring! Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Thrilling Survival Experience! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting Minecraft episode by Swordartgamer1063 where they are collecting woods from their tree wood farm in their survival series. Watching players explore, extract raw materials, craft tools, and build structures in Minecraft is always fascinating. If you are a fan of Minecraft gameplay and enjoy watching survival series, then you definitely need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine the thrill of exploring a procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain made up of voxels alongside other passionate Minecraft players. Minewind server IP is YT.MINEWIND.NET. Join now and immerse yourself… Read More

  • Users Playground

    Users PlaygroundUsers Playground is an SMP experience provided by https://youaremachines.com Enjoy your time exploring the Dirt Palace. Make friends and create amazing things together. It is your playground. We believe in the vanilla experience. No crazy plugins, no ranks, no micro-transactions, no inflated virtual currency. The players of Users Playground create their own economy through barter. Major updates will be presented and voted on by the community. We are excited to meet you! Kiri, an important part of the You Are Machines crew, is planning to make an appearance soon… What kind of story will unfold when she shows up? usersplayground.com Read More

  • World of Elak – Semi-Vanilla

    World of Elak [java 1.20.1] Features: Survival Gameplay: Build, explore, and survive in a rich and dynamic world. Land System: Create and manage your own town with friends, or join one and become part of a thriving tribe. Custom Discord Map: Use our unique map to buy and conquer regions with our in-game economy! Economy: Trade, earn, and spend with a detailed market system that makes every decision count. Custom weapons: Equip yourself with unique weapons such as knives, katanas, cleavers and much more! Custom brewing: Brew ale, wine, whiskey and more, including custom recipes! Tribes: Form or join tribes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why wasn’t this an option?! 🔥

    Maybe they were worried about players getting too distracted by trying to tame and ride the villagers around town. Read More

  • Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita

    Bacon Kingdom: Crafting the Casita In the Kingdom of Bacon, Day 6 is here, Crafting a Casita, spreading cheer. Starting in Minecraft, with a fiery spark, Taking you on a journey, from dawn to dark. Follow me on FB, Insta, and TT, For more Minecraft fun, just wait and see. The music is playing, the vibes are right, Join me on this adventure, day and night. So come along, let’s build and play, In the Kingdom of Bacon, we’ll make our way. With rhymes and laughs, we’ll conquer it all, Minecraft madness, standing tall. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness

    Minecraft Parkour Biome Madness Minecraft Parkour Biome Episode 39: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the Parkour Biome in Minecraft with Faster Gaming Plays! Episode 39 promises heart-pounding challenges and adrenaline-pumping obstacles that will test your skills to the limit. Exploring the Parkour Biome In this episode, players will navigate through a specially designed biome filled with intricate parkour courses. Jump, run, and climb your way through a variety of obstacles, each more challenging than the last. The Parkour Biome offers a unique setting for players to showcase their agility and precision. Mastering Parkour Techniques To succeed in the Parkour… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!

    ULTIMATE Zombie Craft Tunnel Survival Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-05 13:00:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SURVIVAL IN LONG TUNNELS IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!

    Stealthy Catnap vs Fortified Base: Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP vs Most SECURE BASE In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-06-12 16:15:02. It has garnered 875069 views and 6525 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:17 or 7817 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!

    Colder LiquidBounce: Ultimate Minecraft Hacks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Client LiquidBounce | More Bypasses (Hypixel, CubeCraft, BlocksMc)’, was uploaded by colder on 2024-07-10 19:36:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Client : LiquidBounce NextGen Server : CubeCraft cfg : .cfg load cubecraft #minecraft #liquidbounce #client #best #free #hack … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore: My Epic Escape!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Heart-Pounding Minecraft Hardcore: My Near-Death Escape!”‘, was uploaded by God gaming 27 on 2024-06-23 04:56:26. It has garnered 122 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:40 or 1000 seconds. **Welcome to God Gaming 27! Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Hardcore with me as your guide.** 🎮 **About the Channel:** At God Gaming 27, we’re all about pushing the limits and taking on the toughest challenges that gaming has to offer. If you’re a fan of high-stakes gameplay, strategic thinking, and creative building, you’ve come to the right place. Here,… Read More

  • Ultimate Dungeon Raid – Don’t Miss Out! 😈

    Ultimate Dungeon Raid - Don't Miss Out! 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Dungeons Raid😱 Join now !!’, was uploaded by Nexos Gaming YT on 2024-05-21 19:52:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Have you ever thought of playing Dungeon in minecraft? Dont just think Join now and Slayer the Dragon !!! Server is ready and … Read More

  • Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotes

    Unlock Your Potential: The Mindset of a Winner! #BlueLock #Isagi #AnimeQuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-13 15:39:12. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream

    Dangerous Journey in HrdaCraft Survival | Minecraft CZ/SK StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘HrdaCraft Super Survival 3 | Minecraft CZ/SK Stream #9 | HYPE 790 odběratelů!’, was uploaded by Pan Krumpáč on 2024-02-17 22:06:15. It has garnered 67 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:32 or 10352 seconds. 👍 Join me on an unforgettable Minecraft adventure! We’re going to have a lot of fun, action and creativity in this stream. If you like the video, don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe with the bell for more epic streams! 👍 ————————————————- ————————————————– ———————— Support us (donate): 💸 https://streamelements.com/pankrumpac/tip 💸 (optional) ———————————————- ————————————————– —————————… Read More

  • Crafting perfection in Minecraft – insane building tricks and adventures!

    Crafting perfection in Minecraft - insane building tricks and adventures!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 27’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More


    UNREAL SCARES: MINECRAFT MULTIPLAYER HORROR - POISONVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HORROR MAP MULTIPLAYER – POISON’, was uploaded by B4N OP on 2024-09-28 23:19:45. It has garnered 165 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:40 or 13960 seconds. BECOME AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL: https://livepix.gg/b4nop/membro livepix: https://livepix.gg/b4nop Read More

  • Pegasus

    PegasusPegasus Survival The best non p2w cracked Minecraft lifesteal server Welcome to Pegasus Network, a unique Minecraft server designed to offer a fair and lag free survival experience for all players. At Pegasus Network, we prioritize a vanilla like environment where your skills, creativity, and teamwork define your success, not your wallet. pegasus.fr.to Read More

  • Arcadian Lands Server 1.20 – PVP Survival

    Welcome to Arcadian Lands! A world of contrasts awaits you: build your shelter, forge alliances, and prepare for war. On our server, survival and domination go hand in hand. We are waiting for you! Join Us Server IP: us.arcadianlands.com Discord: https://discord.arcadianlands.com/ Read More

  • Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft’s Slowpoke

    Speedy Sonic Outshines Minecraft's Slowpoke In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a trailer that’s caused quite a scene. But Sonic, oh Sonic, he’s stealing the show, With his speed and his style, he’s ready to go. The Minecraft movie, it’s facing some woes, But Sonic’s here, with his highs and his lows. The music, the gameplay, it’s all in the mix, With Sonic around, there’s no need for tricks. So let’s give a cheer for our blue hedgehog friend, In the world of gaming, he’ll be there ’til the end. And as for Minecraft, well, it may have its flaws,… Read More

  • Ping 999 in Minecraft? More like Ping 911!

    Ping 999 in Minecraft? More like Ping 911! “When you ping 999 in Minecraft, you know it’s serious business. Either that or your WiFi is just as reliable as a creeper in a TNT shop.” Read More

  • Real-Life Scary Minecraft Seeds Test

    Real-Life Scary Minecraft Seeds Test Exploring the World of Minecraft: Testing Scary Seeds and Myths Embark on a thrilling journey into the depths of Minecraft as we delve into the realm of scary seeds and myths. Join us as we uncover the truth behind these eerie tales and put them to the test in the virtual world of Minecraft. Unveiling the Mysteries of Minecraft With its vast landscapes and endless possibilities, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, the game offers a unique and immersive experience like no other. Testing Scary Minecraft… Read More

  • MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 – Minecraft 1.20+ 😱

    MICE CRAZY! 🔥 Iron's Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3 - Minecraft 1.20+ 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Everything Iron’s Spells & Spellbooks: Part 3!! – Minecraft 1.20+ Bit-By-Bit’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice on 2024-09-27 13:30:34. It has garnered 2327 views and 196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds. #MischiefOfMice #BitByBit #FreshAnimations Fresh Animations and Fresh Animations Extensions are resource packs that can be used to give new and interesting animations and looks to the entities in your world! See the list below for what you may need to get it to work! ~~ LINKS ~~ REQUIRED: Fresh Animations (Made by FreshLX): Modrinth – https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/fresh-animations Curseforge… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bingo Showdown

    Ultimate Minecraft Bingo ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BINGO! [Minecraft: LOCKOUT] w/ Noobstar’, was uploaded by Vorend Vorteri on 2024-07-16 05:27:45. It has garnered 44 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:09 or 18609 seconds. It has been too long since I last played minecraft… surely skills don’t rust! ================================================ Subscribe!: http://bit.ly/vorteri Rate, Comment, Subscribe! I look at all comments and accept all feedback! Read More


    💰 POWER = MONEY 💰 | GRAND RP CHAOSVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWER IS MONEY & Money Is Power | GRAND RP’, was uploaded by Lawless Gamerzz on 2024-08-28 00:52:11. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:45 or 1485 seconds. Sabse Bada Sawal आखिर कब होगा खौफ से Meeting | TLRP Hey Guys My Name Is Abhishek I Play Gta v , Minecraft , Free Fire And Many More Games If You Want To Watch My Videos SUBSCRIBE 📷FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM – https://www.instagram.com/lawless_gam… ☄️JOIN MY DISCORD –  / discor d Thank You ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Tags… Read More


    MINECRAFT LOGIC 😂 PART 22 - INSANE BUG! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LOGIC😅(part 22)#shorts #minecraft #music #bug #viralshort’, was uploaded by Ksaweriusz on 2024-05-29 07:25:43. It has garnered 3221 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. SUBSCRIBE😉 -My dream is a silver button, help me get it. (thanks) Read More

  • EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1x

    EPIC TAVOR SESSION in Minecraft! #pan1xVideo Information This video, titled ‘ТАВОР НА СЕССИИ #stalcraft #сталкрафт #minecraft #pan1x #stalcraftx’, was uploaded by pan1x on 2024-09-20 14:21:04. It has garnered 9122 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. My referral link ▸ https://stalcraft.net/s/Ng0xR4 My welcome promo code ▸ PAN1XTOP24 My Telegram channel ▸ https://t.me/pan1x_yt My Discord server ▸ https://discord.gg/pan1x My VK ▸ https://vk.com/pan1x_n My Twitch ▸ https://www.twitch.tv/pan1x_t0p Nick in the game ▸ Panchicks #stalcraft #minecraft #cutting streams Read More

  • Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯

    Insane MODDED MINECRAFT on Console! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MODDED MINECRAFT ON CONSOLE! w/antils_gaming’, was uploaded by Work Lawyer432 on 2024-06-19 03:15:34. It has garnered 76 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:17 or 17177 seconds. ENJOY LINK TO DISCORD https://discord.gg/XX6VnczjmK Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our Marriage

    Ultimate Hardcore Minecraft Stream: Testing Our MarriageVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stream date that will Test our Marriage. Ultra Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by KungFuPenguin on 2024-02-17 05:06:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:05 or 13025 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io https://www.tiktok.com/@kungfupenguintv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kungfupenguin Gear I use to make videos & stream: https://www.amazon.com/shop/joelheslop Feel free to use code: kungfupenguin in the item shop. (epicpartner) Penguin Costume: https://amzn.to/2UL03Dy https://www.instagram.com/kungfupenguintv https://twitter.com/kungfupenguintv http://kungfupenguin.tv/ KungFuPenguin Merch: https://store.streamelements.com/kungfupenguin https://www.quitthebuild.com/kungfupenguin Read More

  • Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in Minecraft

    Shocking! Build an Easy Starter House in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Starter House in Minecraft All Version | Beginner-Friendly Build’, was uploaded by Rutu Stark on 2024-08-25 02:30:04. It has garnered 516 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:30 or 390 seconds. Are you just starting your Minecraft adventure and need a simple yet stylish house to keep you safe from the dangers of the night? This easy starter house is perfect for beginners and works in all versions of Minecraft! In this step-by-step tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a cozy and functional starter house using basic materials that… Read More

Minecraft Five Nights at Freddys – Minecraft Fnaf Halloween Special Two (Minecraft Roleplay)