Hello everyone today as you can see we’ll be learning all about the fresh recipe and as you can see here like any other server um the first thing you might want to do is vote you just do slash vote and it’ll appear here you click on it and you Click on the link here and you just go through this link as you can see I’ve already voted so I don’t need to do that again and after that when she voted uh you will get vote keys and if you just right click this you should get any one of these stuff like You can get money you can get some oh you can get some obsidian pose some armor and then after that you can do daily Rewards which is uh right over here you can just right click or like right click on it and as you can see I have Already did it so I need to wait another hour and 18 minutes and as you can see here if you want to join a team as you can see on the right hand side you just do slash team join and you need to get an invitation to join it or permission and then As you can see here there’s also a balance and the balance is basically money one way to do that is um as you can see I have some stuff here you just hold the item you want to sell you do slash uh so then you do the Amount for example if I just do 100 and if I go to slash R which is basically auction house you can see here I have sold this for 100 you just left click it to remove it and you press remove and it’ll go to the expired items here um You can also customize that amount you can sell um dirt for like one million dollars which I don’t know why you would do that no one was gonna buy it and another way to get money if you don’t have anything to sell is quest which is right here you just click it And it will show you all the quests like this you can get money for that you can get like money for all of these you can get money for like all of this and for some of the impossible quests like this um you can actually get a lot more money As you can see and also once you do all the voting and the daily rewards and you can start a few quests also you can just type slash Quest here and instead of clicking on the auction house you can just do slash r and then once you’re ready you can just Hop into the portal right there and it’ll take you to the wild as you can see here and there are some wood and get some Cobblestone mind some oars and it’s you can also tap type slash Wild and this cool down to it and it’s a pretty good server so um Consider to join the coders at the top play.fresh smp.fun at the top right corner and oh there’s a creeper here Village and once you get awesome stuff you can make armor out of it and you can also just sell the oars and be sure not to like sell it for too Much so no one would buy it buy it and if you sell it for too cheap and um it’s not going to be worth it and on This Server you can actually claim land as you can see here so if I try to break this it’ll say you Don’t have stone notifiers permission to um build here and also um I can claim that also all you need to do is type slash claim and as you can see here this is this is not actual glowstone or gold this is just not real and this is Like the land I have claimed so no one else if I put this here no one else can break it and no one else can place bloxy or Big Blocks so that is considered if you want to prevent griefing and if you want to unclaim it you you just type on slash unclaim And if you want to trust other players you can type slash trust and they will have access to your land you can also type slash untrust if you don’t trust them anymore and that basically makes up how it works foreign also on the shops you can type slash Shop and it will take you here just so you know you can not actually buy the spawners it doesn’t work um there’s Redstone here as you can see these cost money this combat just so you know Diamond gear would um actually cost not as much as you think As you can see here they’re not really expensive um but diamonds on the other hand cost like if I remember correctly you um just over one thousand dollars um so instead of buying diamonds on the server when you get money um you should consider buying the um tools or gear itself And you can there’s also some tricks to selling for example I can go to slash shop and for example I can just buy this I can just buy this and I’ll have this and I can just type slash R so 300 so then you will actually make a profit of 75 But then I don’t know why you would do that because players would rather buy from the shop so there’s actually other ways um to get profit which I will show you in my next videos and that basically makes up how it works also there’s um I forgot to show you if you Go to spawn um there’s actually other crates so this crates over here as you as I’ve shown you this is the vote crate you can get stuff from voting this is a 20 hour cooldown and this um it actually costs like um actual money not in game money and Then um you can get any one of this there’s also a disc crate and this crate and there used to be the spooky quit here persons um Halloween is over they removed it and this also kits here the Zen VP kits so you can buy it Um but as you can see I don’t have a rank or kit so then I don’t have any of this and be sure it all cost game money this is ranks so if you get God rank um as you can see it will show you um you get extra 2000 gems four thousand Blocks to claim which is quite good you get access to 10 slash homes um dirty R listings which is considerable because normal people can only sell three items access to 16 team members access to exclusive plus Club and access to um slash in the chest and Infinite Flight which is pretty cool ultra Um there’s just this you can look at it yourself this Legend this nvp and there’s VIP and there’s also in-game armor for example um like this VIP armor it’s maxed out armor with level 3 enchantments and if you’re wondering what the clubhouse is um it’s just that little house that spawn This is so exclusive Clubhouse you need to purchase a rank here to enter and you can’t get a rank without actual game money and as you can see here I cannot get in because I did not purchase a rank but there is actually a way to glitch into the house um So basically if you just hold right click on any stairs or carpet as you can see here um I just I can sit on this if I just right click and then if I move I just get teleported out of the house so I can just glitch in Like this but if I move I just get tped back to the house um just to be warned if you use this glitch for too long you can actually get kicked out so you’ll have to rejoin back in because um it’ll say something about a firewall so yeah it’s a pretty cool House and just make sure not to stay in there for too long to glitch in or you might get um kicked and there’s also server rules so some server rules are like um you can’t like kill players like be sure you don’t kill players when they um have PVP off Um unless you’re just PVP for fun this is um also um a bunch of these NPCs and as you can see here this help and those are the kits and there’s also server rules which um will tell you the rules and I see as um I already I’ve already told you um You can not kill players without their permission um when they have their PVP turned off so you just type slash PVP and it’ll say my PVP is enabled and I type slash PVP and it will disable it and then um another rule is no TPA trapping so Normally when you TPA under a player will spawn in front of you so if you TP them into a hole and if you claim the land they cannot break through it so and then by that um you can kill them with lava um which will not drop their Stuff you can kill them with drip Stone which they will lose their stuff and also you can kill them with a puffer fish which is not recommended because um it is bannable another rule is that um they’re using x-ray I mean if you want to use x-ray go ahead but Um it’s not wise and it’s um you could get banned if you get caught and also no scamming so if you um if you say hey um I’ll trade you a diamond pick for a diamond sword and he drops you the diamond sword and you don’t give him the diamond pig Um if an admin or helper or mod finds that out um they you can actually get banned for that and on top of getting banned for a few days or maybe a few weeks or a few months depending how serious it is you also get your inventory cleared so if You have any gear um it will also be clear uh Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fresh Smp guide part 1’, was uploaded by Mc Tutorial Guide Juncy on 2022-11-05 06:14:04. It has garnered 10969 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:16 or 736 seconds.