Minecraft Hardcore – S4E6 – “DRAGON TIME” • Highlights

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Yeah babies on me more will definitely be coming we’ll see if we get partner if we get partner we’ll find out Wednesday hopefully right if we get partner then I can have like loads of remotes a baby zombies definitely gonna be one of those thanks guys thank you for all for the support

You’re in seeing how about we how about we play some minecraft Hey how about we get back born right so I’ll tap to change the sub goal what we’re gonna do what’s the soap you’re gonna be guys ooh I feel like so these two you didn’t in

The ground right I feel like we should do another vote with just these two and see what happens oh we smashed a thousand viewers many look at that we came really close the last couple of streams we did it mental thank you all so much can we hit two kids okay we’re

Going for it 9 9 9 alright we’re doing it Oh at the clip oh dude this is gonna hurt the watch because we’ve felt this Oh Tim it’s oh dude we felt this guy’s let’s just let’s experience this okay use it you guys didn’t tell them you didn’t tell him you didn’t tell

Musics you evil cuz you knew look it was just like you let him kill himself ah poor guy like we know how to counter it we do out the camera so it’s fine famous last words he saved it Louis commands what a cheater no he didn’t he

Didn’t to take the death like a Miley got the cheese oh come on dude wait we can talk it which is like said alright with that no honor life like for sake I’ll try to get that fixing one point for you pointing to we know how to get

Around it it’s okay that’s like the third person I see you get hit by it too dear yeah it’s it’s pretty consistent like it’s not great how’d you get around the end glitch I’ll show you ready I’m gonna throw an ender pearl at my feet never mind never mind

I’ll show you the other way to do it so I’ll show the glitch happen again okay you ready when you back out of the world and lower the back in it happens 100% the time so normally you can get around it by doing the ender pillar flawed

Thing right but it didn’t work that time so the best way to do it is to throw the under pill through and soon as you throw the in the pill through pause the game ready pause and you just wait for the world a little in once the world’s balls in your fine

That’s how you fix it fog testing you try doing that [ __ ] on Realms does not work all these single-player that fix only works in single-player dude so if you’re on realms you need an admin to fix the end round for you yeah nice well done

Thanks for the bits man well done dad is proud that is proud son now what do we need is there I already know where the stronghold portal is we need slow falling potions that’s pretty essential you hear about anomaly I did we just watched a clip earlier and I thought I

Called you guys out I said you [ __ ] for not telling them that’s pure evil I bet half of the people in that channel watching him at the time knew that [ __ ] was gonna happen in until them you’ll see some 3 episode 1 highlight already a six inch cave I

Feel bad for everyone that’s gonna keep watching it cuz like we we know people who have been in the stream know what’s gonna happen people on YouTube are just gonna be following going on that ride with with us now they’re gonna experience it like you guys did just a little bit faster

Pierce and it’s gonna be a big it’s gonna be big Finn coming dude this 1270 viewers mine we need to do some [ __ ] and we need to get some work done who needs cauldron when you got this bit excessive maybe slow falling potions you need these you need these guys it’s

Not essential but it’s very very helpful aspect game a YouTube sees do you play other games on stream at the moment I’m just concentrating on minecraft I have done rocket League and moths on air in the past and Grand Theft Auto I’ve done a lot of games right there then loads of

Different games in the past alright just wait do I need to do that right now I think I do yeah and then we need redstone to extend the time due to lots of these actually it’s cuz we can why don’t you make any FK fish ROM everybody asks this every single time I

Go fishing if gear fishing farms are boring so liam dude I’ll do one realms maybe like I’ve done it on realms in the past because like us we do I can just get tons of books for people in single-player that’s the symbols Liam boring [ __ ] ever though will you ever

Reboot the five year hardcore map just for kicks so we thought about doing it on realms and having a bunch of people help me with the last project I was working on so we can like technically finish it it was like a group thing other than that no like it’s kind of

Chiti like it’s dead right just let it die keep it dead we don’t want to bury it in the [ __ ] pet cemetery and have it come back to life and like bite us in the ass you know Lego Oh perfect Anyway it’s like I joined – Oh hurts oh the pain it burns I sweeping firedragon now this is so satisfying bamboo is pretty satisfying – we should probably plant that speaking of bamboo we have [ __ ] well you have that [ __ ] and we haven’t planted it well this pug

Means this pogchamp it’s gootecks from cross-counter but he’s from the fighting game scene really but cross-counter was like a show he did on YouTube it was him and Mike Ross that’s where that clip that pictures from like the pogchamp and well that’s him so basically somebody [ __ ] up a camera like almost almost

Broke a very expensive camera or some lighting equipment whilst they were filming is it like an out tix and Mike’s just Mike just calls like that and then gue Texas looks at Mike goes like that’s where pogchamp was born squid no squid good we could I’m trying to like knock

Things off the lists of stuff to do I’m trying to make sure I’m forgotten even drowsy how’s it going it although you died but at least it was good for you in the end the joy – right dudes nuts man who woulda thought dying in that world

That was so proud of that we got so far in just wood blue blue my channel out of water into the stratosphere Jesus yeah he hosted me a long time ago when I was fishing I was literally fishing it my friend out pulls he hosted me and then we started

Watching like stupid videos like I of the spider shit’s hilarious jazzy super chill just hung out fishing rod does not need to be in my inventory almost went to the end with a fishing rod you need blocks no I’m good I’ll take some anyway I’ll show I’ll prove to you

That you don’t need blocks I’ll take some distant kiss okay it makes you happier my rendering is 32 chunks until it’s like 16 I think oh that that’s a trap get the [ __ ] out with that you see that [ __ ] oh it’s two ravines no thanks Pass that could have been bad man that’s

One block that an end of them picked that up just for us to fall down big trap big oof it fall so the portal should be at minus a 1 4 5 4 on the x-axis and 5 7 5 on the Z plus that is a

Minus 1/8 to plus 72 in the nether and then we can link one up in the overworld and it will be a perfecto so let’s do that shall we that seems safe enough right here they make sure that we don’t get you to buy gas so I’m trying to cover this up a

Little bit haha bedrock so we need to go to 1/8 minus 1 8 2 + 72 so that we’re and this way yeah right here is it boys then it is pretty scary in hardcore you’re right big sketch especially you mind to never act like this and then lava can just be

Like hey yeah just [ __ ] ruin your deer it moves as fast as water in the over wells so we’re gonna go do the pole at the end portal now and it should link Oh stay the [ __ ] in there dude I need hydro you guys are such good Mimas Jesus

Christ oh my gosh oh my god he’s got a putz and he can’t hear us oh Jesus Christ worthy you’re saying it’s behind me but I’m looking behind me oh I so way back in your puttin up good excuse me that’s why three-door ramen we don’t have feather falling but it’s

Fine we don’t need it we got a little falling all right new travel about a thousand blocks in this direction I am new to your stream and I just want to see that you rock for keeping Minecraft alive well thanks man the response from that video and like like me dying and

Then the montage and everything has just been absolutely insane it’s really cool to see people playing the game again there should be an ocean monument straight ahead to our right pretty soon since we found it on our way back home I think it is over here next to this swamp

Yeah there it is big park future projects my foot it’s behind us what maybe it’s cuz the entrance is like a different angle Oh pop oh yeah oh yeah you do that do that control him literally – game is me games actually love me you see that [ __ ] game

Those game Kano’s game actually knows confirmed ah here it is here we go let’s see the poll of this will back up okay so dragon fights unplayable there’s a high possibility dragon fight might be unplayable because it like that’s what I’m worried about but to be honest even if it does like

I’m probably just gonna power through it well I’m backing up is in case the game crashes here doing this below we’re not in a stable version of the game guys two thousand views or big park that’s like let’s link this up properly that’s why I didn’t go through the poll

Now it’s fully links my view account just like went to zero by the way should we wait am I still alive it says I’ve been live for two hours and 29 minutes so that’s twitches end all right sis give it a sec let’s give it a sec for

Everyone to get back in let’s not and cook everyone out of the dragon fire all right you went offline for saying curse which enabled all your quality seconds sentence oh I was Jesus I don’t dude I don’t know what father honestly I don’t know what the foot

What’s going on I appreciate you guys getting excited but as far as I’m aware we’re not partnered okay we’re going in mm-hmm hopefully the stream doesn’t die that’s why I was waiting I want to say if it would go down again yeah let’s say I don’t need that don’t need that

Definitely don’t need that that don’t need that in the Perl definitely need that on the off hand let’s try not Yi ourselves often edge of somewhere it’s laggy but slagging just like the last time so it’s doable that makes sense all the fries without like ten frames oh whoa But it should be one left I can’t tell where it is oh my god I can’t move – friends – friends – frames literally two frames literally two frames off Oh get away from that drag Pressman this is exactly why I was worried about that should be the last one less this one

Let’s hit mr. whiskey please I can’t predict where he’s going middle get away from those wings Which is so impeccable now ah [ __ ] in that finishing blue guys let’s do it all the fruits not now dude I can’t reach wha literally a peg of Health the freedoms are like killing my inputs we go away it get Rex oh she got punch up before she died though big pot

Alright let’s use this efficiently we have two items that have mending on them let’s do this shall we pick axes fix that fix holy [ __ ] nuts fast okay now let’s get them off inventory now we can actually get levels from this there we go yeah GG he

Should probably turn up the screen and what’s the next fight was it was it bad I can reduce I can reduce it maybe I could I wasn’t paying attention I wasn’t looking being a boys I’ve done that a glitch you know where it spawns where is it don’t there this

Is it see if are we gonna have to do some really awkward [ __ ] here Oh precip yeah tube of land I was honestly I was really worried we were gonna get that terrible spawn not that but this over here look how and island spawns like in the void

I like portal I should say sorry oh that’s too bad I thought nothing was below us I thought we got cooked no that’s fine that’s fine I panicked a bit so I threw the ender pill like I thought we couldn’t move I was like no way I just saw this I was

Like right we’re not in there we’re not in a kiss because sometimes you get put in the floor right you’re surrounded by that end stone but now we didn’t get that the same it’s fine it’s actually pretty safe that 10 frames a second was

Not fun it was less like 5 in some parts oh you got 2,200 use you can’t leave I mean I have I have work tomorrow so I can leave I don’t want to I’m an adult orhan got the egg I’m happy and let’s skip that – I’m happy fuser pop and I’ve

Good to see it thanks go about fishermen the support is absolutely nuts – why you guys are ridiculous how was that when we saw two baby zombies one had golden enchanted armor just like the one that killed us now [ __ ] well even technically kills but causes much a problem golden

Enchanted a baby zombie and I am enchanted baby zombie was a chair meal that was stupid that was the game just saying haha remember these [ __ ] it was genius literally at the entrance to the stronghold alright guys well I’m gonna call it a night early because I am tired and I think we

Did a good job they’re killing the dragon that’s a good place to end it next stream we can go get ourselves an Elijah by needs I need to get myself like time man I’m like drilling and drilling a job and this and YouTube so I need to give myself time thank you guys

So much I appreciate it you’re amazing the support is absolutely saying yeah see I say Wednesday if we would get the lighter without getting lead into the ground actually guys by bar

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore – S4E6 – “DRAGON TIME” • Highlights’, was uploaded by Ph1LzA on 2019-06-28 17:45:44. It has garnered 1569486 views and 57665 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:48 or 1488 seconds.

• We also get a reunion of sorts before the fight :3 • Streaming Schedule! https://www.twitch.tv/philza/schedule ♥ Follow me on the twitters https://twitter.com/Ph1LzA 😀 Follow meh on Twitch! 😀 – https://www.twitch.tv/philza

“WHY WOULD YOU PLAY HARDCORE OMG WHAT IF YOU DIED” – well the answer to that is simple 🙂 in Hardcore Mode, EVERYTHING you do feels more significant, every decision you make has massive consequences and ultimately I feel I get more enjoyment from the game knowing that I could lose all my progress to one stupid death. Going back to Vanilla just seems boring to me… unless it’s on a server with other peeps to keep things interesting :’D

Version of Minecraft = 1.14 Resource Pack = default

Intro Music – “Quasi Motion” by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.com/

Outro Music – “We are wired” by Kubbi from his album “Circuithead” – Check his stuff out here! http://kubbi.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/kubbi https://www.youtube.com/user/KUBBIkthxbai

Minecraft Skin Art Commissioned by BinOfTrash! http://binoftrash.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/binoftrash1 https://www.youtube.com/binoftrash

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  • EmperixMC SMP Discord New World No Resets 1.21 Optional PVP Community Crossplay Land Claim Custom Plugins

    🌟 Emperix – Now Live and Open for Everyone! Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community! Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we’re dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience. Why Choose Emperix SMP? We Offer: Many QOL plugins and features, such as /tpa, /find item, /rtp, player owned shops, duels and much more!! How to Join: Visit our Discord server to learn more and connect with our friendly staff. Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of a thriving Minecraft community. Join Emperix SMP today! 🚀 Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity… Read More

  • Sphinx, a plus 13, voice-chat, origins, smp || will re-open in a few days

    Sphinx, a plus 13, voice-chat, origins, smp  ||  will re-open in a few daysSphInx−–—a plus 13, voice-chat, origins, smp—–−Hello stranger, I’m Fox, the owner of Sphinx, and I have been so for around 4 years now.Sphinx was recently mass griefed, and we’re now getting her back on her feet. If you wish to be a part of this new chapter you’re incredibly welcome, the server is filled with amazing strong-minded different people and I’m sure you can find your place here.Here’s a bit of information about the server so you can judge if it is something for you:- the player base is majorly between 15- and 20 years old, we do not accept… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Am I right or am I right, peasants?”

    Looks like this meme sure knows how to score points with its humor! Am I right or am I right? Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges

    Mastering Minecraft Survival Mode Challenges The Challenging World of Minecraft Survival Mode Minecraft, a beloved sandbox video game, offers players the opportunity to immerse themselves in a blocky 3D world where creativity and survival skills are key. In survival mode, players must mine resources, craft tools, and build structures to navigate a procedurally generated world teeming with creatures and hidden treasures. Survival Mode: A Test of Skill and Strategy Survival mode in Minecraft is known for its challenging gameplay, requiring players to gather resources, fend off hostile mobs, and explore vast landscapes to thrive. From building simple shelters to intricate castles, the possibilities are… Read More

  • SkyWars: Minecraft Global Domination Challenge

    SkyWars: Minecraft Global Domination Challenge Exploring the Exciting World of SkyWars in Minecraft Are you ready for the ultimate challenge in Minecraft? Look no further than the SkyWars Minecraft Impossible Challenge! Dive into intense battles and experience the thrill of PvP combat like never before. Get ready to dominate your opponents and emerge victorious in the epic SkyWars mini-game on the renowned LackyWorld server. The Thrill of SkyWars Step into the arena and prepare for heart-pounding action in SkyWars. Whether you emerge victorious or face defeat, the true essence of SkyWars lies in the thrill of dominating your adversaries. Engage in intense battles, showcase… Read More

  • Dr Gafro’s Hilarious Scary Game Failures

    Dr Gafro's Hilarious Scary Game FailuresVideo Information This video, titled ‘I suck at Scary Games’, was uploaded by Dr Gafro on 2024-07-09 18:35:33. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:41 or 7361 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/drgaffro Parmacaroon @Brawlhalla @minecraft @hypixel @MCC MIGUELRUNNER Ren Read More

  • Massive Hive Viewer Tournament – Win Prizes NOW!

    Massive Hive Viewer Tournament - Win Prizes NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 HUGE HIVE VIEWER TOURNAMENT w/ PRIZES!!! | Hive Live | !rules !prizes !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-05-19 21:29:16. It has garnered 522 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:38 or 11798 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: https://discord.gg/2w9qWzb5Cm #hivemc #hivelive #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock #pvp… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Soul in the Ultimate Bedrock SMP! Apply Now!

    Unleash Your Inner Soul in the Ultimate Bedrock SMP! Apply Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘I made minecraft bedrock SMPS simple again… (Applications open)’, was uploaded by souls on 2024-07-28 14:54:00. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:08 or 128 seconds. I made a minecraft bedrock vanilla server so that people can not deal with the excess lag and ping delay and all the confusing plugins BUT.. it is an anarchy server that means **GRIEFING** **PVP** **STEALING** all of that good stuff is all allowed BUT only after 4 days Here’s the discord server so you can apply for the server https://discord.gg/zRJzg3wkwQ… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Server Build LIVE Now! 🔨🌟🎮

    EPIC Minecraft Server Build LIVE Now! 🔨🌟🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘”🔨🌟 Creando un Servidor de Minecraft en Vivo: ¡Únete y Construyamos Juntos! 🎮🌐” MineLand’, was uploaded by Nida XYZ1 on 2024-04-05 20:04:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Join me live as I create a Minecraft server from scratch! We’ll explore the ins and outs of setting up a Minecraft server together… Read More

  • Discover Secrets of Minecraft’s Wardens & Mobs!

    Discover Secrets of Minecraft's Wardens & Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘What’s inside various wardens and mobs in Minecraft? Find out here!’, was uploaded by Mythos Craft on 2024-07-09 09:00:01. It has garnered 6469 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:09 or 489 seconds. Thanks for checking out my video! I hope you enjoyed it. I make captivating Minecraft videos with mods and texture packs on various maps! If you like my content, feel free to subscribe to my channel, Mythos Craft. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1: INSANE new trial chamber + crazy potion tweaks!

    Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1: INSANE new trial chamber + crazy potion tweaks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1 | New Trial Chamber Room | Potion Tweaks’, was uploaded by xisumavoid on 2024-04-10 17:03:16. It has garnered 195195 views and 10591 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:43 or 523 seconds. Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre Release Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk Minecraft 1.20.5 Pre-Release 1 is out! This means we will see a full release real soon. All My Links In One Place 🔗 https://linktree.xisuma.co 🙏 Support Xisuma Directly 🙏 💜 Membership ► https://www.youtube.com/xisumavoid/join 👍 Patreon ► https://www.patreon.com/xisuma 📺 Subscribe ► https://www.twitch.tv/subs/xisuma 00:00 No Update Merge 00:50 Revaulting 01:15 Ominous Trial… Read More

  • Amazing Minecraft Pocket Edition Year Award Winner! Like & Comment!

    Amazing Minecraft Pocket Edition Year Award Winner! Like & Comment!Video Information This video, titled ‘hello Minecraft pocket edition of the year award untuk Android…. jangan lupa like dan komen bye by’, was uploaded by ratu hafizah setiawan on 2024-01-15 12:53:54. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks Revealed!! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft Hacks Revealed!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 01:59:44. It has garnered 151 views and 72 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

Minecraft Hardcore – S4E6 – “DRAGON TIME” • Highlights