Minecraft: How to Build a Castle Gate (Minecraft Build Tutorial)

Video Information

What’s up f1 how you’re doing a blue net hey and welcome back my friends slum minecraft medieval dogs well I teach you guys how to build in Minecraft now today guys we’re gonna be building that the medieval gay I know a lot of you have been asking for the gate and

Today we’re gonna focus on building just the gay and next episode we’re gonna focus on the walls now I will be building this in a flat world I will be giving you the exact location of how to build it in at this world so the measurements I’m gonna be giving you

Will be a base from where you build this tower a few episodes back so if you have this tower already built in your world we’re basically gonna be building it from this tower over to the gate here but I will give you all of the measurements in the tutorial is self so

If that being said guys let’s go ahead and build this okey guys here is a layout of the gatehouse itself now as you can see is a pretty simple layout we’ve got our red one block pillars and the blue blocks there are five block walls so it’s a very simple layout here

And should be easy enough to follow along now if you are falling along with this series and you want to build this in exactly the same location I’ve gone ahead and marked out the tower at the front of the docs that we built previously with the pink pink concrete

As you can see it’s a seven by seven block on the left hand side there now the wall itself is all of the yellow markings these are five block long and each one is a one block diagonally down across from the other and there are five sections of this because the wall is

Going to be a repeating pan now like I said that will be in the next episode that’s what we’ve doing the wall next but today we’re going to concentrate on the gate house which is the markings over on the side in blue and that’s what we’re going to be a building today

So go ahead guys pause the video take a look at all of these markings here for the Lau and make sure you have this especially if you are following along in our in our docs world so if you have the world built exactly the same and you

Want this both in the same location it’s very important that you make sure you have this layout ready so that you can build your walls in the right place for next episode now with that being said guys I am going to quickly run through a list of all the items needed so I’m

Gonna run them on to screen now so be sure to pause the video if you need to and these are the resources that we used in the video bearing in mind that some of the numbers on the stone and stone bricks and stuff might be a little bit

Different depending on how you texture your walls but other than that guys you should be good to go okay guys we’re gonna start from the left hand side which is gonna be where the wall connects to the tower that we built previously a case where be from

The outside that a city looking into it now on the left hand side here we’re gonna start with our stone bricks and we’re gonna place a 5 of them in a row like this we’re gonna put a Polish on the site on the corner five more across

The front a Polish on site diagonally on this corner five of our stone bricks a Polish on the site five stone bricks and a pice andesite so you should have a sort of rounded shape like this with the polished and a site in the diagonal corners now on the right hand side here

From this one here we’re gonna leave a seven block gap okay so one two three four five six seven so we’re gonna start from this one okay so we’re gonna leave these ones just here and we’re gonna repeat the same pattern so five blocks coming down one polished andesite on the

Diagonal corner five avowal stone bricks a polished andesite five stone bricks polished on the site five stone bricks and they polished andesite okay now that we have the two towers are laid out you want to go ahead and raise both of these to two different heights so the

Left-hand side we want to raise that one there to eleven blocks high and the one on the right we want to raise that to 22 blocks high okay making sure that you follow the pattern all the way around so you want to make sure you put stone

Bricks on top of stone bricks and polish down the site on top of the polish on site and again guys 11 for this one 22 for this one and there’s the total heights okay so we’re gonna include from the very bottom all the way to the top

Okay now we’ve got our towers in place let’s head towards the back in the middle of the two of them we’re gonna put a stone brick at the back like this so one gap by that there should be a five-block gap between these then leave

A one-book up in front of them and put one adjust here and we’re gonna raise all four of these to eight blocks higher so one two three four five six seven and eight and we’re gonna do that to all of them once done go ahead and connect the

One of the facts together and then connect the ones at the front together and then we’re just gonna put another row across the top of these like this now get your stone at brick stairs and then upside down underneath we’re gonna put two on this side and two on this

Side here just like so now where the stairs you want to go back and then up one it’s a dis one here place an upside down stair there and again for that one there and back and up one that’s our there then place two four blocks on top like

This with free stone brick slabs in the middle like that okay and then on top of that we’re gonna get our stone bricks again and we’re gonna raise it by three more blocks like this okay so just bring a wall of three all the way up and all

The way across perfect now if we head around to the back it’s gonna be a little bit different round this side so what we’re gonna do for this bit here for the moment we’re just gonna go ahead and raise this wall all the way up by three more blocks and we’re just gonna

Bring it up all the way to about there okay so we’re just gonna leave that like that for the moment right now this start working on the little platform at the top here so what we’re gonna do let’s get our spruce planks and we’re gonna start from this side we’re gonna put

Arrived them across the tops of all of the blocks around here so just follow the shape all the way around down to this section here do the same here bring it across around like this and then we’re basically just going to fill in all of this section here with your

Spruce planks or place if your choice you can do any place you want but I think the Spruce looks the nicest for this source file okay once you’ve done that guys we’re gonna come over to this side here and we’re gonna break one two free and then

Make it free blocks higher as well so got a little free buy free gap here and then just break these free and a center here put in your spruce planks here and then on the inside you want to fill in your floor and add the same height here

Just so you have a platform up for walking on in here now if you are planning a survival I just put in some light in down below and some laying in here so that no mobs can spawn otherwise you’re gonna get mob spawn while you’re trying to build and that won’t make it

Any easier now once you’re done here let’s just put a upside down stare each side of this little doorway just like that to make it look a little bit nicer okay and then we’re going to go ahead and come all the way up to the top of

This tower and we’re gonna do the same thing so let’s run out our spruce planks all the way around the edge like that and then we’re just gonna fill in at the floor at this height as well okay now that we’ve got all of our flooring in

We’re gonna work on some of the little details that go around the edge but before we do that if we head over to the back here guy as you can see that where the doorway is here we’ve got flooring that goes a free book gap in the middle

And then it comes out by one extra what we’re gonna do is break one two three four five six seven okay so that now we should have a corner piece here that lines up directly with that one there alright and then what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put in some details that

Will kind of hide that a little bit now on the very front here guys we’re gonna start right here and we’re gonna place one two three of our polish on the side okay and we’re gonna leave a one-block gap between them base two on the corner

Here and then one in that gap then we’re just gonna bring one on every other block across to there okay just like that nice and easy we’re gonna follow the pan all the way around so we’re gonna go two in the corner one here the a one-block gap between it one two and

Then one two three across this side one two and then one in there which is gonna line up with that side there now because of the way this sides gonna be words you’re just gonna run a row all the way across like that on here and if you

Wanted to you could actually just join up fully to that corner there it’s entirely up to you now on top here I’m gonna go one two three and four even a one block between all of them then on the corners here and all the way around

We’re just going to place one block on top of all of the posts and the side that we’ve already placed and then on the very front on this side we’re gonna place one in the center underneath there down this side here one underneath the center one and round the back here one

Underneath that Center one just there okay now we’re gonna head all the way a background to here and get your polish andesite stairs and we’re going to place one underneath one in that gap one underneath one in the gap and just kind of repeat that all the way around once

We get to the corner here where we have the Polish andesite pillar that comes up we’re going to make sure that both sides are face in against the pillar so upside down facing this way upside down and facing that way then continue the pattern so placing your upside down

Stairs make sure you place one underneath the middle one here and one in the gaps like this again where the pillar is we want to face the pillar like this on both sides and then just continue that pattern all the way around now just even the back out here guys

What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna put two of our polish on the site just in that corner like that and then we’re gonna go ahead and put an upside down one a facing that one like so just so we get a bit more of an even looking edge

Here now it’s entirely up to you what you want to do here I think it probably would look better if you break these buy two more blocks so get rid of that stair that we place before upside down and pull it up by one more block like this I

Think it just adds a bit more detail if you wanted to you could leave it so that you could see the gate from the inside if you wanted or you could go ahead and add two layers on the inside like this of a stone of bricks it’s entirely up to

You how you guys would rather do it but I just had a little bit of a nicer detail on this side now go ahead and get your andesite slabs and on the back here right in the center on these two we’re going to put a slab on top of those two

Then we’re gonna leave the rest we’re going to come to this one here there’s put free slabs on that side leave the two corner ones free slabs here on this side here free slabs and then again we’re gonna go one and two in the middle there like that and I think that should

Be good now get your cobblestone wall and just go ahead in the gaps here and put your cobblestone wall you could even use a stone brick wall or an andesite wall if you want to any of all of your choice is completely up to you guys but I just

Like to look at the cobblestone wall okay right that is looking pretty good now now we’re gonna basically repeat what we done on this edge here at the very top here so if we start here we’re gonna go one from the corner day to free

Leaving a one block gap to here one two one two three two in the corners one two three two-hundred corners one two three two on the corners in the middle we’re gonna go one underneath and then we’re going to go around and place one on the top of all of these

Then we’re going to get out and the polish on the site stairs and place one underneath the blocks and then two of them inside the gaps like this as well in the corners here you want to face it towards the underside pillar and then make sure you go ahead and repeat that

Pattern all the way around on all sides just make sure on the corners here that you get where the pillar is here you want the upside down stairs facing in towards the andesite pillar and not the opposite way around okay that’s looking good and then on top again on the side

So we’re gonna place it free on top of these leave the corner to put free on top of these ones on top of these ones and then these ones and then we’re gonna just go ahead and put our cobblestone walls in between those gaps okay now

We’re gonna get a few arrow slits in here so let’s go down to the left-hand tower first of all okay and we’re going to go to the middle block at the front here and we’re going to go up by one two three four five six seven and then break

One block to the right one to the left and then one above it like this okay then we want to go identically across to the same location on this one and break the same two like this and then we’re gonna go up to where the cobblestone

Boys okay so this is the one block above the floor height go across find the middle block go up one and then break one two one two so from the inside of this piece here you’ve got one block on this edge okay just like this now get your stone brick stairs all your

Points on the side stairs it doesn’t know which ones you want to use and you want to place a normal one on the bottom upside down one a top facing that way and then reverse that side to make two little arrow slits like this and we’re

Going to go around and do that on all of these ones that we’ve just broken out so something like that right okay guys we’re gonna add in a couple of a detail so first of all let’s go ahead and get out sprue stairs and on the right-hand

Side here where we’ve got the window here so we’ve got the upside down stairs here let’s leave a one block gap and from here put one upside down stair and then a – like this and then we’re gonna get our logs in place one two three just

Like this now go ahead and get your polished andesite and at the front of the gate here we’re gonna put one in front and it’s still bit and one in front of this bit and then from here we’re gonna skip to this corner go one

Two on the corners and one here and then one every other block on the front flat pieces two on the corners one on this corner one in the middle one here and kind of repeat that all the way around to here and then one and two like this

Now move over to this side and we’re going to go into here remember we’re at the back of the build now so what – in there one two three across the back two in the corners one two three one two in the corners one two three one and two

Like so now go ahead and what we can actually do here is on the front here where we have the five book gaps here we’re gonna put one and on top of these ones here only not on the corners only on the flat pieces at the sides like

This okay do that across there the same across this bit around here and around here okay so that we have something like this now you haven’t got to do this if you don’t like the style of it guys you haven’t got a D it just gives a little

Bit of a kind of a stronger looks and a bottom of the talus here now gonna go ahead put a stay on top of these ones an upside down stair and a bomb where we’ve got the bottom of the tower here we’re gonna put a stair facing in towards that

Polish and a sign on the corner stair on top of the ones here facing in and again kind of repeat that same pattern so where we’ve got the polished andesite there we want the stairs facing in towards it stairs on top of these ones upside down ones at the bottom two

Facing into that one there and just kind of repeat the parent all the way around now we will end up having to break a little bit of this out for the wall literally like this little section in a center here okay but we’ll leave it there for now anyway and then just

Repeat that pattern all the way around guys making sure they stick into exactly the same pan and then once you’re done you should have something that looks a bit like this and it’s really stylish shape up and with the shape of disguise you do not need to add the roof on this

Side you could keep it like this and a roof that we put on this side you could also add it up to the top there as well if you want it it kind of just depends how you want the build to actually look now at this point here guys you can go

Ahead and use any fence of your choice so you could use the dark oak fence you could use the Spruce fence or you could use T never rack they never brick fence now in my texture pack the never brick fence is a black so I’m gonna use that

Just because it looks a little bit more like iron and while I’m getting down I’m gonna go one two three four five six down a Fink which gives us a free block across the pond and then we’re just gonna bring that all the way across just

Keep bringing it all the way down like this okay and again with fences like this with the gates you can breathe down as low as you kind of as low as you want it really it’s entirely up to you you could even close it off if you want

It to be a gate that doesn’t get used you could close it right off so it is locked just you know go ahead and make it your own guys however you please and like I said as well you can use any any sort of any sort of fence that you want

I like the neighbor brick fence because is black in my t-shirt pack so it looks a bit more like iron but the dark oak one that does look good as well but the spruce also looks good as well so you know it really doesn’t matter which one

You use guys it really doesn’t okay right now we’ve got a in this go ahead and start working on the little roof on this side and it’s a very simple design this one guys it’s nothing too complicated so first of all this work out the placement for the logs so we’ve

Got five blocks here and then 200 corners so we’re these two on the corner huh you want to place a log behind that one okay two on the corner right behind it okay on all four sides and then raise it so Dee is four blocks high in total one

Two three four I can’t do down all four corners okay guys afford a roof we’re going to go ahead and put some spruce planks on the top of all of these pillars like this and then start from one side we’re gonna come out by one like this and then

We’re going to put a five going all the way across like that and then break that corner one like so because we’re going to create the sort of rounded shape that we had at the bottom of the towers so out by one five across break that one

Out one five more blocks braid the corner one out one five across and break the corner one now on that the top half of the lock here we’re going to place two slabs like this and then at each side you want to place one and then over

One and break that one out one over one break that one okay and then we’re gonna go three slabs across like this and three slabs across like this on the lower half of the planks again on the corner on the top half of the log go into the corners like that

Bring one over to this side one out on over to the side and break that one free across here two slabs here bring one over to here and the same on this side then we’re gonna go free two slabs one here one here and then one in here like

This just to create a little lip around the edge now on the long edges here we’re gonna go free in the center with our slabs and one in it on top run this side here we’re gonna go free slabs one slab on top then this side here again

Free and then one free and then or one now get your planks and you want to place one behind the center block and one each side do the same on all four sides and then we’re gonna get our slabs and in the corners we’re gonna put slabs

On the bottom half Slyke this literally just covering up that gap in the corner do it up all the way around then we’re gonna get our spruce planks again and we’re gonna place one in the corners okay now what we’re gonna do again here is we’re going to go one two free with

The slabs and one slab on top again here free slabs one on top three slaps one on top free slabs one on top now I think here we’re just going to actually put a slab in the corner here just bring this up by one then we’re gonna get out four

Blocks and we’re gonna put one two three one two three one two three one two and three and then we’re just gonna cheat raise those again up by one more blocks to bring those all the way around and then place a slab in the center like this and

I think that’s looking pretty good now let’s go ahead and we’re gonna place a block there and again just bring that around at the edge all the way around just like that and just go ahead and place one in the middle for now as well

As you can see we’re kind of getting a nice kind of sort of slow peek to the center now so now we actually want to take you up a little bit more this time a little bit quicker so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place one here one

Here one here and one here okay and we’re gonna raise those by two more blocks I think place one in the center and then one two three four on top like this yeah and I think that’s looking in it pretty good let’s go ahead and get our

Stairs and at the very tops here let’s have a look now we can either put a stair on top of these ones that will look like that which don’t look too bad but you think you look better bring it down one so let’s just bring this down

One like that and then bring that top block down one as well okay guys and I think that roof is looking at pretty good one thing you can do if you want to you haven’t got to is come up so we’ll come up by here’s the first lip the

Second third on the full flip in okay on this one break1 on this little corner here this full block and then inside here right if we face in we can put a row of at you and just throw in a bunch of planks if we can get into here and so

If we can get in there there we go one two three in there and then just bring them over and then we should bear just go like that there we go so filled that inside with some planks and then change the block on outside here for a slab okay so the corn there

For a slap slap slap corner slap on a slab Corner corner slab slab just like that if we take a little step back there we go look at that that looks all about there we go so we get a nice kind of little curve going up to that top peak

In the center now on the very top here we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna go one two three four of our spruce fences for I said there we go and then work out a direction you want the winds to be blowing cause if you’re doing a lot of

Flags and that around you want to make sure your flags are all kind of pointing in the same sort of direction so for me I’m gonna have the wind blowing in this way so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna go to the left hand side at the top here go

One down from the top and I’m gonna face in a white concrete and in a scion concrete underneath now place one next one white one next to it and one backwards so you get a little sort of dip going back like that and we’re going to do the same with the Scion underneath

Like that to make a bit of a straw and in fact I’m gonna actually alternate that around just put the Scion like that and then the white underneath like that okay so we get a different path so it doesn’t look like a stripe now we’re

Gonna make it come down a little bit and go back again at the same time so we’ve got sign there let’s go for white so now we’re gonna go one there one back break that one and then underneath fit place a scion see the flag is coming down a

Little bit now and then we’re gonna bring the flag back in a little bit so it sort blown over so let’s bring one there and one there okay and then on a very tip I think we’re gonna go ahead and put a cyan like that and I think

Overall that gives us a pretty nice-looking little flag now obviously guys first of all you want to make sure that you go ahead and light up your aerial as you can see it’s pretty dark in here so go ahead light it up and if you want

To make an entrance way up to the top here what I would probably do is find your Center block which is gonna be this one here I believe right in the center yep go ahead get yourself maybe what we’re gonna go for let’s go for a stripped spruce lock I think for this

One but you can use any lock you want go down break this one here go all the way down to your ground floor on the ground here you want to make sure that you break out all of your flooring and make it the same as whatever the rest of your

Flooring is I’m gonna go with the Spruce so let’s go ahead and quickly first of all just pull this out okay once your flooring is all in place guys go ahead and find that Center block and then raise your pillar all the way up to the

Top of the roof okay make sure you bring it all the way up until you reach the top of the roof like this okay if you really wanted to you could just put what you know put one in there you could put one there you can even make up a

Flagpole you know and have another flag if you wanted to it’s entirely up to you then all you’re gonna need to do now is get yourself some trapdoors and some ladders and all you want to do is work out a side for the actual little flap

I’m gonna say this side is gonna be so we go ahead we’ll break that one and it’s probably a good idea to start from the very bottom floor down here okay and then if you’re in survival put your ladders going all the way up bring your ladders up and again don’t

Forget your lighting guys very important now once you get to this point here and you’re in line with your florist hike go ahead and put your trapdoor in there then you can go ahead and continue the rest all the way up and again on the very top go ahead and put in your

Trapdoor just there now first of all we’ve got a little doorway over here so let’s get a little shelter in here so put two fences on each side like this and then you want to go ahead get your slabs place one on top diagonally over

One up bang the other one up and then we’re gonna go down then here we’re gonna place one in front of that one and in fact before we do that let’s place one here one over on this side here we’re gonna place one there one over one

There one over and then one in front of the bottom piece there there we go just to create ourselves a nice little sort of them little overhang to walk in to the entranceway there and I think that’s looking at pretty good but other than that guys just a couple of little things

You can do is one place and a spruce fence underneath there get yourself maybe some iron bars and some lanterns and then you go ahead and maybe go say 103 to go up it one two iron bars and then a lantern underneath it like this I think that looks pretty good

And then maybe a spruce barn just on that little tip right about there and then other than that guys I guess it’s just kind of decorating it to your own sort of style so maybe put in a few lanterns underneath that little edge like this just to make sure you’ve got plenty of

Light up here something like that maybe one in this gap here definitely add some torches or some form of lighting in here because it is a very dark in here and also down below as well make sure you put some lighting in there okay guys and

Of course the last thing you want to do is go ahead and do a bit of texture in now I do have a certain way that I like to texture build so let me just go over and show you what I like to do so let’s

Start from the top half of the areas now it doesn’t matter how tall it is even if the lower halves like this for small ones I work the same with kind of most of my things and what I like to do is add a top here this start in by just

Adding in a few patches of stone so something kind of like this maybe a few bits of stone there and we can bring that kind of down about halfway somewhere along these lines make you kind of random it hasn’t got all be next to each other or in any certain pan but

Just kind of adding in a bit of stone so we get a bit of kind of patchwork like that then I’ll get the anti site and then I’ll start replacing just the odd one or two blocks here and there with some andesite again knows no particular

Sort of pattern or style to this just a few here and there a little bit less based out there in a stone we won’t be using as much of the andesite as we do with the stone now this is pretty good a for the top I will go ahead and maybe

Add in just a one or two sort of odd sort of patches of polished andesite here and there but again these are probably less than the normal andesite at this point so something probably like that then once we get down to the bottom here we slightly change up the way that

We do the textures so what I do is the very bottom here I try to put in more of the cobblestone okay so it looks a little bit more rough a little bit darker there’s been a bit more damage so it’s kind of a bit more rubble rubble looking if that makes sense

Something kind of along these lines I think like this yeah something a bit like that okay so now that we’ve got our cobblestone all done at the bottom there say gives us a bit of a different look to the top of the castle now at this point here I will

Probably just add in a couple of stone so do something like this maybe a few more coming up here and then a couple of little patches to sort of blend in up here again we will so also bring in some andesite but only just a few not much of

It here at all and then finally some of the polished and aasaiya again again just a few and you can switch up a few here and there if you put some and you just filter polish and a site might look better go ahead and maybe replace some

Of them but yeah overall something kind of like that okay and you want to do that for all sides of your towers okay guys and now record a texturing in and as you can see it looks a pretty good it really adds so much more detail just by

Adding in those takes just sort of walls and stuff and it just makes a castle look so much nicer now before we finish up guys it’s just to last little bits a detail to add so first of all just down here right where the gate is gonna drop

We want to go ahead and put a row of dispensers or droppers so that it looks like the gate could actually drop down into something something a bit like that and then on each side just go ahead and put a row of polished and a site like this

Something like that it just makes the gate look a bit more realistic like it will actually go down and lock into the ground now other than that guys it’s just one more little detail just around the back here now you can build this at any height on this tall tower here so

Where the tall tower is pick a point that you want to have a window so for me for instance I’m gonna go roughly the height that the window would be here so this is this one here is the floor level we’ll leave one block above so I would imagine a window

Would be about here so this break that one there the flooring is about there anyway let’s break that one down there as well and we’re gonna make a free by free hole okay just like that for now now we’re gonna turn this into a little kind of protruding window thing that

Comes out so all we do is break one two three like this and put in free planks across here so that the flooring extends then place a plank on each side like this put a upside down stair in the center and one underneath and then put

One on top of these two here and then at the side we want one faced in that way and one facing it of that way now on the side here we’re going to place one two three four of our oak logs and the same on this side four of the oak logs we’re

Gonna put a slab in the center there with four of these strips spruce logs in on top of them on the sides rather like this and then we’re gonna put an a normal stair on top of that one there like that and an upside down stair at

The very top like so now place a spruce plank on top of all of these ones and then just go ahead and just fill that gap up at the back there as well and then this is just gonna be really simple really we’re gonna put a slab on the

Lower half of those ones the lower half of these free and in fact you know what we’re just gonna do one up like that okay here I think I’m gonna just run that one just one back so it faces at the wall okay so you get something like

This now if you want it to at the very top you could break that one there and put aside woods log so you get a little bit of the wood across the top like that I’m just entirely up to you and then for the top here guys literally put free slabs

Across the back one on top and one of the sent up and there you go there is a nice little roof there we’re gonna go ahead and get some spruce fences and we put two of them at this side and serve them at that side and then it’s just a

Case of putting in two of your glass panes of your choice this is the light gray stained version and then guys I think that is about it that is this full castle gate complete with a little windy here and remember like I said you could

Put this down or lower if you want it you just have to make a stairway that would connect to it or some kind of way of getting to it but yeah other than that guys I think that is just about it for this castle now so as always I hope

You guys have enjoyed it if you did please don’t forget to smash our like button and if you’re new to the channel then please consider subscribing just don’t forget to hit that Bell so you’d get notified every time I post a video but for now guys this is Brad sign it

Now and I will catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Castle Gate (Minecraft Build Tutorial)’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2020-01-08 17:00:24. It has garnered 1633089 views and 33999 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:01 or 2281 seconds.

Welcome back to another minecraft build tutorial! Today I will show you how to build a castle gate minecraft tutorial.

Today we are back in the docks working on the main gate that leads outside the city to the lower class housing area. This is a fairly simple build that use’s easy to gather materials such as stone bricks, cobblestone, stone, oak logs, spruce planks, polished andesite and some other easy resources.

Thank you so much for watching, hopefully i’ll see you on the next tutorial!!

► Want more like this? See the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKZ36uW8BdjhTh0iS5xWsyvJRXDzr2rye&playnext=1&index=1

► World Seed: -3818011030321027201 ► Coordinates: X= 2108 Z=1381

► Texture Pack (edited version of JermsyBoys pack): http://bluenerdminecraft.com/bluenerd-1-14-vanilla-plus-texture-pack-download/

#Minecraft #Tutorial #MinecraftTutorial


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► Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlueNerdYT ► Discord: https://discord.gg/mmPqzEK ► Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/bluenerd


Intro/Outro Music By No Copyright Sounds ► Marin Hoxha – Endless

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  • Insane Gaming on Caffeine: Minecraft Submerged – EPIC Underwater Questing!

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  • Insane Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art – Mind-Blowing PPL Request

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  • BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1

    BOOST FPS IN MC JAVA w/ INSANE MODS!! 😱 | 1.20.1Video Information This video, titled ‘Boost Minecraft Java Edition FPS with These MODS | 1.20.1’, was uploaded by CraxyBoyXD on 2024-03-31 03:30:20. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. HELLO AND WELCOME GUY’S ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🜲 ➳ { ᴵ ᵃᵐ 🄲🅁🄰🅇🅈 ⚚ A MINECRAFT GAMER / YOUTUBER ⚚ } 𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎’𝚜 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 ✦ Mods/Add-on/Map/Mcpacks ✦ Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks ✦ Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi ✦ Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes ➤ All Minecraft Version ➤ Minecraft Java Edition ⤐ Java ➤ Minecraft Pocket Edition ⤐ Mcpe ➤ Minecraft Bedrock Edition… Read More

  • CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!

    CRAZY CHALLENGE: 24 Hours in Hardcore Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by PixelPlayss on 2024-04-09 14:30:16. It has garnered 2095 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:00 or 1080 seconds. I Tried To Survive 24 Hours In Original HARDCORE Minecraft Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel. In this video, I’m going to show you how I tried to survive 24 hours in 1.0 hardcore Minecraft. Thank you all for 4000 subscribers I appreciate you all. Our channel is about the game Arm Wrestle Simulator on Roblox but we also… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena – Let’s Play #17

    Ultimate Minecraft GameChanger! Zombie Villager Round 1 Battle Arena - Let's Play #17Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play | #17’, was uploaded by Nr 1 GameChanger on 2024-02-26 15:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft | Battle Arena | zombie villager | rond 1 | Let’s Play #minecraft #battlearena #minecraftspider #spider Minecraft, minecraft … Read More

  • Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shortts

    Ultimate PVP showdown in Lillyville 😈 #shorttsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PVP Devil in Lillyville 😈 #shortts #minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by Cyber_0680 on 2024-05-29 07:15:00. It has garnered 993 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. PVP Devil In Lillyville Creati:-@CritRoundOG tags:- lilyville smp,lilyville,lillyville,warlilyville,join lilyville,who is coming inlilyville,gamerfleet lilyville, lilyvillewar,lilyville day 9,lilyville stream,minecraft in hindijack bhaiya lilyville,pvp devil,gamerfleet pvpdevil,gamerfleet attitude edit lilyville,techno gamerz pvp devil vs gamerfleet pvp god in real life,techno gamerz pvp devil,the pvpdevil,herobrine in ujjwal,lily ville,minecraft all-rounder pvp devilmastermind #shorts#ytshort#youtubeshorts #viral#viralshort#trending#minecraft #minecraftshorts #best#edit#pvpdevil #pvpgod#lillyville#himlands #herobrinesmp#critround#yessmartypie#gamerfleet#ujjwal Read More

Minecraft: How to Build a Castle Gate (Minecraft Build Tutorial)