Minecraft: How To Build a Modern Hotel | PART 1

Video Information

What is going on guys I am back with another Minecraft tutorial and it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded one of these I think it’s been just over two months and as you can see I’m gonna be building this hotel and this was a request that I

Got a while back and as long as I still have the comment that I’ll have it up on the screen right now there’s a large pool in the back along with a wrap around driveway in the front which is then surrounded by palm trees and Gardens and now for the interior keep in

Mind I’m not going to be doing the entire inside but I am going to be doing the first floor which is the hotel lobby and then the second floor which has two hotel rooms but now let’s go ahead and get right into the tutorial Thank you keep in mind the entire build is going to be 90 blocks by 43 blocks and then the building itself is going to be 30 blocks by 37 blocks so first off just get some white concrete and I’m going to place 90 blocks going from the front to the back Okay so 90 blocks should be looking like that okay now keep in mind I’m still in the back you already got one block right here so next to that you just want to place 42 more so it’s 43 in total on this back side okay so now you should have something like this

You go off to this side and bring it all the way up to the front so it matches And now you could just fill in the middle foreign Rectangle looking like this and now I’m gonna go ahead and just put one more layer of white concrete on top of that Now just so we don’t get confused I’m going to put the letter B for the back side of the build right here Like that now I’m going to go up to the front and put the letter f So now we know that this is going to be the front and that over there is going to be the back okay so now I’m on the back side I’m gonna go off to the right and then I’m gonna count over 34 blocks one two three

Four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34. on this block you just want to skip over two then Place one on the third block like

That and now next to that you want to place 30 or not 30 29 more so it’s 30 in total one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 so now that

Should be 30 in total And now on either side it doesn’t matter I’m on the front side right now you could just fill this in until there’s two spaces remaining so it should stop right there so you got two spaces then you could bring this all the way up to the front so it matches the other side

And now fill in the middle so this is going to be the shape of the building itself and keep in mind the bottom actually isn’t going to be white concrete but that’s just a marker so we know exactly what the size of the building is actually going to be

Now I’m at the front of the build and I’m just gonna go off to the right I’m gonna count 18 blocks one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen and the 19th block you carve out seven so

You got one two three four five six seven and now on each side you could put two blocks of white concrete and then one more behind that and this is going to be the entryway so it should look like that now I’m still in the front but I got

Some gray concrete and I’m just going to make sure that I’m lined up with this right side and I’m just gonna go all the way in until I reach this white concrete Now you could carve out seven blocks one two three four five six seven and just fill that in with your gray concrete so that is going to be the support beam for the middle of the building so as you can see over there we got it going all the

Way up right in the middle now go from the inside of this rectangle right here and just Place six more blocks of gray concrete so it’s seven in total one two three four five six then you can just fill this in until you reach this side and then fill this in so

Now you have a square like that next still on the front side you carve out these two blocks here and here so you have one block in the middle and then one block on each side then you could fill in the two spaces but make sure you go in one more block

And then from up above you should have a shape looking like this the next thing I’m going to do is just delete this first layer of white concrete on each side Like that and then just go ahead and delete one more block right there do the same over here Okay and now I’m going to be using some dark oak wood fences and if you guys are playing on PC and you have the texture pack where your fences are white I would recommend just using those but I’m on PS4 so I can’t do that but I’m gonna

Place one right here so I’m in one block from this concrete and then over one and now just skip over three Place one skip over three more Place one and then three more again just like that and now I’m gonna go on this side and do the same thing The next thing I’m going to do is just delete the white concrete layer on each side Like that and then just delete one more block go over here and do the same thing Okay now with your fence again you go back up to the front and place one right here so it’s diagonal from this one and then you got one space remaining in the corner you can skip over three Place one so you have two skip over three Place one now you have three foreign

Right there five six and then seven so you got one two three four five six seven on this side go over here and do the same thing so diagonal and then so you got one Two Three oh whoop that’s not far enough right there that’s good four five six and then one more seven like that okay now this is the back side delete this entire layer And then once again go diagonal so right here you could just go to this side do the same and now you just want to bring it in so it matches up with those ones in the front so just like that go over here and do the same Okay And now from up above and I’m on the back side it should look like this next up I got my gray concrete and I’m still on the back side and I’m going to place one right about here so we got two spaces here and two spaces here if we’re

Paying attention to this fence so we got one and you just want to place four or more behind that one two three four so it’s five in total now bring this over six one two three four five six then just bring it all the way up until it

Lines up with that side so now you should have a shape like this and it’s still lined up at the front one and now I got some black stained glass I’m going to start on the right side here and I’m still on the back you want

To place one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve so you got two spaces away from the fence here and then two spaces away from the fence here and now just make sure your two spaces all the way around bring this all the way

And once again uh two spaces and bring this all the way in until you just reach this concrete and keep in mind it’s not going to be lined up at that side because that only goes back five and this goes back seven so if it’s looking like this with two spaces then

You did just the right thing so you’re perfectly fine go this side and just go ahead and do the same exact thing And like that so this is what the first floor of the building is going to be looking like so this is the entire shape so it should be looking like this from above now I’m going to start bringing this glass up so there’s four more extra

Layers on top of this and there should be five in total So now we have two in total so we just need three more Three in total now we just need two more And now just one more layer and then you want to go to the other side and do exactly what you just did here And there we go okay guys now with our gray concrete we could go on each side of these little middle pieces here and I’m gonna play 61 more layers on top of this so it’s 62 in total Okay so that right there is 61 layers and as you can see it is lined up with that one so we’re actually at 62 in total I just placed 61 so it should be 62 in total let’s go to the other side and do the same thing Okay keep in mind guys going up and down like that was way faster than just doing each layer one at a time and I’m gonna go on this side and do the same thing so 61 more layers so it’s 62 in total Real quick I’m just going to make sure these are lined up and they are and we could just leave that there for now let’s go ahead and keep filling all of this in Real quick guys make sure you bring this one block in the middle all the way up as well Like that and then I just remembered make sure you do these two spaces in the middle too And with the two spaces in the middle you just want to make sure you have it one block below the actual level of everything else Okay now that we’ve got that done let’s make sure we bring this all the way to the other side like that and then do the same with this Middle Point right here So we’ll just leave it right there for now but overall you should have something looking like this Now I’m at the back side of the building and with our gray concrete once again let’s make sure we go up five blocks one two three four five on the sixth block just put a layer like that you could delete this just for right now actually that’s

Always going to be gone so overall just delete that and now you have this so from right here go all the way up to the top until you match that Middle Point right there and now you go ahead and let’s go back up to the front side it should be looking like this

Except for the bottom so let’s go back over here as you can see it stops there so just starting here you just fill in the two spaces And make sure it stops there bring this all the way to the other side Just like that All right now bring this all the way down and stop it whoops stop it right there so this is the back side so this is going to be a doorway right here and that’s what it’s looking like so far and then once again I’ll show you the front side just in case

And then this is the front side it goes all the way down so let’s go back over here fill in this last spot and then I think that should be it for the support beam in the middle All right so it’s looking like this so far Now the next thing we’re gonna do is with our dark oak fence just bring all these little fences up for more layers so one two three four and it should be five in total you could do that all the way around Okay so I went all the way around and did all the layers on the fences now we could take your white concrete and go all the way around on the fences and just put one layer like this make sure you fill in this corner wrap it all the way around And stop it right there and now go off to this side and do the exact same thing okay Just like that and now you can just fill in all the space in the Middle with your white concrete Okay so I’ve just finished putting the layer of white concrete and it should look like this now it doesn’t matter where you are I’m on the back side I’m gonna go from right here and I’m gonna place four blocks of white concrete one two three four and

Then you just want to place this entire layer all the way around so this is gonna be the balcony so real quick let’s just reach the edge here okay so we got it looking like that and now four more spaces right here and then just bring it all the way to that side And then four more So now after you have it looking like this you go to this other side and just do the same thing foreign Now you guys could get some black stained glass panes and just wrap it all the way around this white concrete so this is going to be like the rallying for the balcony foreign Foreign And now switch back to your black stained glass block and right on the edge of where this concrete is you just want to place it all the way around the same way that you did on the first level So like that but instead of bringing it up five layers we’re gonna have this four layers so just three more on top of this so it’s four in total okay So now it should look like this let’s go to this side and do the same All right so for now you got something like this okay now switch back to your white concrete and this is where it starts to get a little bit repetitive because it’s just the same layer all the way up so I’m switched back to my white concrete I’m gonna Place one two three

Four so I’m lined up with the bottom layer and once again it’s going to be two blocks thick like that and now you can switch back to your black stained glass pane one two three four lined up with that then your white concrete again with two more layers

Then the black uh White stain or not a black stained glass my bad and then the uh concrete again and you just want to keep doing this same exact pattern pattern until you reach the top it’s a very simple build once you actually start to get the hang of it Thank you Okay and now we got one more layer and now you just want to put two more layers on top of this and then that’s it so you should have something looking like this and now you just want to go all the way around so we’ll start right here

Make sure it’s wrapped all the way around until you reach the edge All right bring it in three fill all this in put another layer of concrete on top of this and then you just want to start doing the glass again thank you All right now we got that so we’re gonna put another layer of white concrete on this now real quick guys I do want to let you know one mistake that I had when I was first building this is I actually I accidentally had one layer of white

Concrete like this and then I started going all the way up and I realized it was actually uneven so just in case make sure you go back you should have two spaces here then four then two four two four just make sure you actually have the right number so you don’t do the

Entire thing and then realize it’s uneven because that’s what I did I had to redo it so now you guys just want to do the same thing as you go all the way up to the top it’s very simple so you do the four layers of glass then the two

Layers of concrete four layers of glass two layers of concrete all the way up until you reach the top and real quick I want to show you let’s see how many blocks we have up here we just have one black remaining of gray concrete so just

Make sure you have that and I am gonna go ahead and bring this all the way up to the top Okay guys so as of right now this is what we got and in case you didn’t notice this building is 10 stories tall but now I’m going to switch to my black stained glass panes and finish doing the railings on each layer Thank you there we go so now we have the rallying for the balcony on every layer and I’m gonna go back up I almost forgot you could switch back to your white concrete and make sure you fill in this layer right here it’s just going to be

The same layer that you already have Foreign So now we have the roof looking like this we could put a few little details on here like some vents and fans and stuff but that’s just uh in case if we have time at the end we could do that but overall this is what we got so far

This is this is the back side and then the front side is basically be the same except for that bottom part and real quick just to let you guys know whenever I’m not recording whenever I’m not showing the parts where I’m building I actually use potions of swiftness so I

Could get the stuff done faster so I’m going to be using the speed two it’s 40 speed and then it only lasts a minute and a half so just let you guys know that if you are playing on like PS4 then you could use these potions the other one I normally use if

I don’t want to drink the potion every minute and a half I would use the 20 that’s eight minutes it’s right here but I’m just gonna do this side it’s exactly the same way that you just did this side so I’m gonna start doing this and once

Again so you get this stuff done faster use your potion your potion and uh normally I don’t show this because I don’t want you guys to be annoyed by the particles but overall it gets it done a lot faster but yeah I will see you guys when I get this side done

All right you guys so this is what it’s looking like for me so far and make sure on the top layer you fill in the roof but for now this is what I got so in the back now let’s get our black stained glass panes and we’re gonna put

One two three four five on each side like that sorry if it’s hard to see let me uh just in case put a sea lantern that might help I know sometimes the video looks a little different than my actual gameplay but we got five on each side and now you

Want to put one skip one and then three so three skip one and one like that now we’re gonna switch to our doco dark oak fence and just fill that in so that is going to be the handle for the door and now in the middle is push this back

And switch back to your black stained glass pane and we’re gonna have just this uh little part going up right down the middle like that and then you could bring it out and make sure you skip this space so whoops it should look like that make sure you guys could see that

All right so that is going to be the back door for like when you walk out and you got the pool right here now I’m at the front of the building and it’s gonna be a little bit different so I’m gonna go to the right side here you

Want to make sure let’s uh get a sea lantern you want to make sure you have three spaces of glass right here and then you want to carve out one two three four like that so you should have five on this side bring this all the way up

Until there’s just one layer of glass at the top right there and now you can switch to your black stained glass panes fill in four spaces on each side and then bring it out the same way that you did in the back and then put your handle like that

Let’s delete these and let’s go to this side and do the same so three spaces then one two three four and then five spaces over there All right that’s looking pretty good delete these so that is going to be the two front doors okay so right now I’m at the front of the building the front side I’m gonna go off to the left over here I’m gonna start at the bottom layer and

I’m gonna have a door coming out for the balcony so go to this right side and skip over seven blocks one two three four five six seven on the eighth block you carve out four like that and then then my bad just bring it all the way up to the ceiling

So you carve it out four and height on the right side you can fill that in I didn’t mean to do that put a rallying there like that make sure you guys could see then on this side you just want to curve it out like that so now you have a door

So you can walk out to the balcony delete that and now you just want to do the same on all the layers going all the way up and make sure it’s lined up with the bottom one so let’s do this one real quick So carve out that space go to this side fill that in rallying they’re not rallying handle handle another handle right there go up and just do the same thing until you reach the top Okay so now if you go all the way down they should be lined up perfectly just like this okay so I’m back in the front and now I’m gonna do the doorways for the balcony on this side so it’s gonna be the opposite from over

There as you can see the door is more on this side but we’re actually gonna have it more over here for this so we’re gonna go to the right all the way skip over seven blocks again one two three four five six seven on the eighth block carve out four

And so now you’re gonna have the doorway right here and as you can see it’s not lined up so you’re gonna have seven blocks on this side from like the uh the right side over here and then if you go to the left side it’s gonna be seven blocks over here

So you just want to make sure you do that and now you just want to do the same doors going all the way up once again Alright so I did the door on this side too and I believe that is it for the exterior of the building oh one last thing I almost forgot at the top I didn’t do this in the last on the last building as you can see it’s

Playing but I’m gonna do it for this one just so you guys could maybe just add a little bit more detail so if you guys are using the city pack then you have the black that looks like it’s metal I would recommend using that but I’m gonna use

I’m gonna use this polished andesite and then I’m gonna get some rails so let’s go right about here and I just wrap the rails around something like that and then we could put I don’t know maybe some N Rods and then uh I don’t know I’ve never really done this

Before with the N Rods or anything but we could do something like this so it looks like it’s connected like that that looks pretty cool all right and then let’s do maybe something else over here have this over like this All right so you guys could do that if you want to I’ll put one more right in the middle right here Oh we could do that too like double it up oh that looks cool yeah I like that and then let’s uh I wish I could curve the n Rod that would be really cool but I can’t do that so we’ll just stick with this and then we’ll have

Maybe a one that’s like three that has three circles All right that’s pretty good but overall that’s just some extra detail you guys could do if you want but yeah guys that is going to be it for part one on how to build this hotel and if this did help you then make sure you please leave a like subscribe for more

And I’ll see you guys in part two later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Modern Hotel | PART 1’, was uploaded by Brandon Stilley Gaming on 2018-05-19 20:30:01. It has garnered 379276 views and 6577 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:46 or 2326 seconds.

I’m back with Minecraft tutorials again! In this video, you will be shown how to build a Modern Hotel. This is part 1, so the exterior of the build is what I will be doing.

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➤ Music Used In Video: ● Fredji – Welcome Sunshine

➤ Intro Song: ● Oshóva – Amazing Day

➤ Outro Song: ● Dazed – Chuki Beats

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT REALM - JOIN OUR LAZY ADVENTUREVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT | NEW START | JOIN OUR BEDROCK REALM🔴’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-07-06 10:47:54. It has garnered 179 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:43 or 6103 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft! Feel free to join the bedrock realm and the discord! — JOIN THE DISCORD — Discord Server: – https://discord.gg/BGpyeV3vFR — CODE TO JOIN REALM — Realm Code: By4vxuw58BA Lets see if I can get 700 subs by the end of this livestream!!! Day 31 of Daily Livestream!!!! Read More

  • EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE – Day 100 in Minecraft!

    EPIC SKY ISLAND CHALLENGE - Day 100 in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 hari Minecraft sky island part 2’, was uploaded by DPG_78 on 2024-02-03 06:51:27. It has garnered 341 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:52 or 352 seconds. 100 days of Minecraft sky island part 2 is my struggle to survive for 100 days in Minecraft sky island with the sky island version error 422 #minecraft#skyislands#100daysinminecraft Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PvP – 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC kills

    Insane Minecraft PvP - 金錠GT gets 10 EPIC killsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP 10 kills’, was uploaded by 金錠GT on 2024-02-19 09:17:18. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. ║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Server: zeqa Read More

  • “Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft” #crazymonsters

    "Dancing with Linkin Potato in Minecraft" #crazymonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft monster ” #music #song dance”‘, was uploaded by Linkin Potato grant on 2024-09-12 03:53:59. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!

    Insane transformation in VSMP server! Kawaii RPG village build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building RPG village in #VSMP server!【Minecraft | Production kawaii】’, was uploaded by Lethe Bonapuchi Ch. レッテボナプチ 【kawaii】 on 2024-09-18 14:14:34. It has garnered 610 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:37 or 13477 seconds. ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ Buy me donuts? ✦ Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/lethebonapuchi/tip Special alert at $6.66, $20, $50, $69, $100, $200, and $500! ╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝ Ohapuchi! Let’s eat! ♡ Welcome to my channel, everyone! My name is Lethe Bonapuchi from Production kawaii. Thank you for checking out my videos! ╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗ 🌌Ephemira Debut Merch🌌 ✦ https://productionkawaii.booth.pm/items/5541616 ✧ 🌌Ephemira… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT HACKS - AstralMC PVP & MORE! 🚀🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #astralmc #hacks #minecraftmemes #cpvp #humor #minecraftpepvp #fortnite #clips #resucting’, was uploaded by asadito on 2024-07-05 03:28:17. It has garnered 548 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Si ves esto dale like y suscribete 🔔 tags (ignorar): #minecraft​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #Hacks​ #PvP​ BEST REGEDIT EVER+ DNS✔️0 KB/OP REACH✔️+ FPS BOOST [BadLion & PvPLounge] 😋😋😈 THE BEST REGEDIT FOR PVP + DNS | NO KB AND OP REACH (TESTED) 💎GET 3 MS PING & 0 KB & OP REACH 💎🌐BEST REGEDIT REACH + .BAT 🌐1.9 ✔️1.7 ✔️ 1.8 ✔️ COMO… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!

    Insane Minecraft Music and Epic Val Clips by Kwaixy!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft music + val clips’, was uploaded by kwaixy on 2024-03-21 16:04:51. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:35 or 215 seconds. had no music ideas In-game Settings: Sens: 0.175 DPI: 1600 Crosshair: 1-6-2-2 inner lines white Resolution: 1440×1080 Graphics Settings: All low (ignore tags) Minecraft music, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft music video, Minecraft building, Minecraft parodies, Minecraft funny moments, Valorant clips, Valorant funny moments, Valorant highlights, Overwatch clips, Valorant, Phoenix, Aim, gaming, fps, First Person Shooter, FPS games, movement, valorant, valorant montage, minecraft, valorant highlights, montage, montage… Read More

  • Insomnia SMP

    Insomniacs SMP – The Minecraft Server That Never Sleeps! Hey there, night owls! Looking for a Minecraft server that’s up and active 24/7, just like you? Then come join Insomniacs SMP—where creativity and adventure never rest! This is a Minecraft Bedrock server with plenty of add-ons to enhance your gameplay. Why Join Insomniacs SMP? Active and Supportive Staff Growing Community Always Active Laid-back Vibes Server Staff Owner: Billyjr(Definitely Real) Founder: Fumi/Sam Co-Founder: Deadpool Head of Admins (HOA): Cody Head of Staff (HOS): Existing Admins: Existing, Cody, Deadpool Ready to dive into chaos and adventure? Join us now and help create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Demise of the Villager #9 🔥

    Looks like Villager #9 didn’t quite make it to level 10 in this game of life! #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

    Blockageddon: Ohio's Minecraft Mayhem In Ohio, a crisis, blocky and bold, Minecraft players, stories untold. Milad FPS, the channel to see, For all things Minecraft, come join the spree. Tutorials for beginners, tricks for the pros, Adventures and challenges, where creativity flows. Mods and plugins, reviews galore, Milad FPS, always wanting more. Subscribe and activate, don’t miss a beat, Join the FPS family, where gaming is sweet. Lenovo laptop, specs so fine, For Minecraft adventures, it’s time to shine. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #boom #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock

    Crafting Custom Superflat Map in Minecraft Bedrock Minecraft: How to Create a Custom Superflat World on Bedrock Editions Are you a Minecraft player using Bedrock Editions and looking to create a custom superflat world? Look no further! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of making your very own unique superflat world on Bedrock Editions. Minecraft Versions Before diving into creating your custom superflat world, it’s essential to know the Minecraft versions you’ll be working with. For Bedrock Editions, ensure you have the latest updates to access all the features needed for this customization. Shaderpacks and Resource Pack Enhance your gaming experience by incorporating shaderpacks and… Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

    Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VODVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Thoughts On Minecraft LIVE and Working On The Zoo – Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD Stream’, was uploaded by GoodVodsWithScar on 2024-10-03 14:00:45. It has garnered 60936 views and 690 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:22 or 11362 seconds. I share my reaction and thoughts on Minecraft live and the new update / drop. I hope you enjoyed the Hermitcraft live stream see you in the next video. ———————————————————- My Links and stuff: * Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=21298347 * Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/GTWScar * Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/goodtimeswithscar * Instagram: http://instagram.com/goodtimeswithscar *TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goodtokswithscar *Business Inquiries Send to: [email protected] ———————————————————… Read More

  • Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarry

    Ultimate Goo Canoe Tutorial by BushMasterHarryVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial – Goo Canoe’, was uploaded by BushMasterHarry on 2024-01-21 01:00:15. It has garnered 73 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:29 or 149 seconds. This is a neat little flying machine that can be used for traveling long distances! Whether it’s the nether, end or overworld, you can set the control down and watch the slime do the work! Thanks for watching and leave a bushy like and/or comment! Help me hit that 7k sub mark for 2024!! Read More

  • Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!

    Emotional rollercoaster in Minecraft Story Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FEELS: Minecraft Story Mode Episodes 2-5’, was uploaded by Azetlor146 on 2024-09-16 02:46:11. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:25 or 21685 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► https://discord.gg/sword4000 ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► https://discord.gg/fkHNmnkfE4 💬 Events Discord ► https://discord.gg/phytor 🔴 Twitch ► https://www.twitch.tv/airokunlive 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! https://www.patreon.com/fearsona 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 https://streamlabs.com/fearsona/tip ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/FEARSONAYT ✨INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/fearsona/ ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops mc.rajce.pro by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘mc.rajce.pro dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- https://discord.gg/hkAgVFZd #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: https://discord.gg/Yga84m78bJ Read More

Minecraft: How To Build a Modern Hotel | PART 1