Minecraft: How to Build a Modern Mansion | PART 2

Video Information

What is going on guys i’m back with part two on how to build this large modern house and in this video i plan on finishing the exterior of the house which also includes the layout for the rest of the floors for the house and then i also might end up doing the pool

In the backyard Okay so you’re going to need some white concrete black concrete black stained glass andesite polished andesite gray concrete water bucket and snow so the first thing i’m going to go ahead and do is just bring up all of these interior walls to the same height as the exterior walls

Okay guys so i went all the way around and just brought up all of the walls for the interior layout for the first floor of the house now i’m going to continue using my white concrete and i’m just going to cover up this entire first floor with one layer

All the way around and i just want to leave one block over hanging just all the way around the edge of the house so i’ll start over here at this back corner and i’m just gonna go around for now and make sure i just have one block overhanging all the way around

After we do that we could go ahead and just fill in all of this space with the rest of our white concrete for like the rest of the space on the inside of this shape so as you can see i’m just going all the way around making sure i just

Leave one block over hanging around the edge of this first floor Okay you can also see that i’m still leaving one block overhanging around all of these pillars as well oh whoops i have to go all the way around this so let me go back we have this corner right here just make sure to wrap around that i forgot that these pillars were here

Okay so there we go now let’s work our way around all of these Okay so there we go i think i did it all yeah we should be good so i went all the way around and just went or left one block overhanging now i’m gonna go within that shape that we just put all the way around and i

Want to go on the inside and just fill all of this space in so i would recommend using a potion of swiftness so you could get it done a lot faster so i’m gonna go through this entire shape fill all of this in and then we can

Start bringing up the walls for the second floor of the house All right guys so i just finished covering up the first floor of the house with one layer of white concrete now we can begin bringing up the walls for the second floor of the house okay guys so we have to make just some really really simple adjustments to the

Overhang so i’m looking at it from this back side right here we have to make our way over to this left side and this part actually isn’t going to be overhanging by one block so you can just go ahead and delete it right here and it’s also

Not going to be overhanging around this back side either so we could delete all of this it’s a really simple fix sorry about that i didn’t notice that it was like that i was trying to figure out why it was like looking so weird but then i

Realized oh yeah this is even supposed to be overhanging so just that little chunk right there you can leave all of that it’s just wherever you have like all of this white concrete we’re just gonna be completely getting rid of that overhang so there should just be one

Block right here and not two and then this is just like a solid wall there’s no overhang like we had before and then it just flows right to this overhang right here so just a really simple fix just that back corner over there so now we can start bringing up

The walls for the second floor of the house okay so i have my white concrete we’ll start over here at this left side and we’re gonna have a solid white concrete wall over here so i’m gonna go from this corner for now and i’ll push it up five blocks so we have one

Two three four five and now i wanna go to the left six spaces so we have one two three four five and six so now on this seventh block we’re going to start placing our wall so we want to go towards the left 19 blocks so we have 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19. so i have four spaces remaining on this left side and then you should have six spaces remaining on this right side and then from this wall to the edge there’s four spaces as well

So just make sure you have a strip of 19 of white concrete right there at this at like the back side of the house all right now let’s work our way to this back left hand corner over here you want to continue using your white concrete

And you just want to place from this left side just 15 more blocks and just work your way towards the left so including this block it’s going to be 16 in total so we want 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15. so now from

That corner to that corner is 16 in total now we want to go in one block from this corner and then you want to place continue going towards the left 25 blocks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 okay so just like that so from up above we have a shape like that as of right now okay guys so i’m looking at the original build right now and i did actually notice that there should be a layer of black concrete right there to cover up that

Wall for the interior as well as like right here so for the original build we’re gonna go ahead and just fix that but i thought i’d mention that i don’t know i guess i just like did the interior and totally forgot to add the black concrete for the exterior

So yeah we’re gonna go ahead and fix that for the actual tutorial build so it should look a lot better we’ll just have a strip there and a strip there i think those are the only spaces that i missed so like i said we’ll just fix that with the

Tutorial so i thought i’d just mention that instead of just completely leaving it out okay so now i’m at the front side of the house and we’re going to continue where we left off so you actually want to go ahead and grab your black stained glass now

You want to go right up against this concrete here but you want to go in one block you don’t want to be right here on the edge just in one block so you have two spacers remaining here and then you want to go towards the left eight blocks

One two three four five six seven eight you could then switch to your black concrete and this is one of the spaces i forgot so you can just place it right there now you can switch back to your black stained glass and place ten

One two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and once again switch back to your black concrete and place one right there in the corner so from up above at the front side of the house you should have a shape like this as of right now

So now we’re going to head right back where we left off at this left side and you want to make sure to switch to your black stained glass and you can place three behind this black concrete corner you can then switch back to your black concrete place one here in this corner

Now switch to your black stained glass go on the left side of that corner and place nine one two three four five 6 7 8 9 switch to your black concrete this is the other section that i missed so you can just place it right there

Now you can switch back to your black stained glass and place seven one two three four five six seven and now for this corner black concrete i’ll go up above so you can see what we have so far so there we go that’s what it’s looking

Like we almost got the shape for the second floor done then we’re gonna bring up all of the walls i might also do the layout for the second floor and then the third floor is literally just the master bedroom and bathroom so it’s not gonna be

That long it’s not gonna take as long for the third floor it’s gonna be really small and then i also probably still will end up doing the stone work around the building as well as the pool and the backyard okay so i’m looking at the front side of

The building still we’re gonna work our way to the left where we left off i just like to go back at certain points so you guys know exactly where i’m at because it might have been a little confusing if i started right here so now we’re gonna leave off where we

Left off here in the corner switch to your black concrete or not black concrete your black stains glass and you want to place eight going towards the left one two three four five six seven eight and this is i think the last space that i might have missed i’m not too sure but

You then want black concrete there then three more black stains glass and then black concrete there in the corner okay so it looks like that so now it you can switch to your black stained glass we’re gonna go right behind this corner where we left off once again and we’re gonna place seven

One two three four five six seven switch to your black concrete place one in the corner now go to the left of that corner and place four black stains glass one two three four now switch back to your black concrete and place one right there in the corner so now from up above

You should have a shape for the second floor looking like this as of right now next let’s switch back to our black stained glass once again we’re gonna go behind this corner where we left off and we want to place 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 switch to your black concrete place one in the corner right there switch back to your glass and just bring this towards the left until you reach this white concrete here that we started with and you should

Just have one block right there off the edge okay so now i’ll go i’ll go from the front side of the house i’ll show you the shape so it should be looking like this as of right now and now we can start bringing up the walls for this second floor

Okay guys now i’m gonna go all the way around on the second floor and just bring up this shape four more blocks in height so that they’re five in total so i’ll start right here just one two three four all the way around until you have

All of the walls brought up to the same height and i would actually recommend using a potion of swiftness so that’s what i’m gonna do so i could get it done in half the time so i’m gonna go around do this and then we’re gonna cover it up with

One layer of white concrete and then we could do the third floor which is gonna be really simple then we’ll do all of like the landscaping around the house which there isn’t really too much of and then that should be probably it for part two on how to build this large

Modern house so first let me just go all the way around place four more layers on top of this so it’s five in total and then we could get to doing everything else Okay guys so i went all the way around it brought up the walls so it’s very simple just follow along the shape so it should be looking like this as of right now all right now i’m gonna go around with my white concrete and place one layer on

Top of this so it’s going to be the ceiling for this second floor so i’ll start over here at the left and for now we don’t want to have it overhanging by one we just want to add one more layer on top of all of this white concrete for

Now so just it’s kind of like this back side of the house so let me see we gotta stop it right up here okay so right here and now you want to start overhanging it by one so we’re gonna start right here in the corner just bring this straight across

And as you can see i have it overhanging by one so i’m gonna bring this all the way around until we meet up to where we started which is just right there at that corner Alright so there we go i have it overhanging all the way around by one and then wherever we have all of this white concrete it’s not overhanging at all so i guess i’ll go up above show you what i have so it should be looking like this

Now i’m gonna go within that shape and just fill it all in with some more white concrete so once again i’m gonna be using a potion of swiftness so i’m gonna fill all of this in and then we can start bringing up the walls for this or

For the third floor of the house i almost said second but it’s actually the third not too used to having three stories for a house for a build but yeah after i fill all of this in i’ll start doing that third story Okay guys i actually almost forgot i still want to do the layout for this second floor so i’m just gonna fill in this section right here so before we actually finish doing this i just want to do all of the layout and then we’ll

Cover this all up so let me just do this section so yeah let me go ahead and start doing the layout for the second floor it’s just gonna make it a lot easier for us and then i’ll cover it all up then we can start doing the third floor

Okay so i’ll go ahead and start at this section here where we already covered it up so for this wall at that right side it’s really dark so let me go ahead and just get a potion of night vision and i actually doubled up that wall

So we don’t have any random pieces that are just jutting out i just wanted to flatten it out or else this corner right here would be going in so first i have my white concrete i’m just gonna fill in this wall so it’s all flat and then we could start bringing across

The wall which separates this room to the hallway all right i’m doing the last layer now okay there we go so now we have that filled in and we want to make sure we’re lined up with this black concrete corner here we’re gonna bring this across until we have five

Spaces remaining at this side all right and then we want one more block right there at the right so all you have left is just four spaces right there in the middle and i guess i’ll bring this wall up now so we don’t have this area to worry

About so every other spot that we’re gonna do this layout we don’t have this ceiling that’s gonna be covering it up sorry about that i forgot i wanted to do the layout first which like i said in part one i normally don’t do but i kind

Of thought it would just make it a lot easier for this style of build or for this like style of building so yeah we have that section done now i’m gonna do the rest of the layout for this section here and then we could cover it all up and start doing the

Third floor all right guys so as you can see i’m looking at the house from the back side and we’re gonna start shaping out the hallway for the second floor so i’m gonna work my way over here to this right corner and we want to actually be on the left

Side of it and with your white concrete place two and now push this back one two three four okay and now you can skip over four spaces so one two three four on the fifth block place three skip over another four spaces uh the fifth block here you wanna place six

One two three four five six now skip over two spaces place one skip over skip over another two and place three so on this wall you should have six spaces in total from that wall and that wall there and then once again we have three we

Skipped two we have one we skipped two then we have six skipped four three skipped four and then we have basically like five in total right here is that we curved it in one so it matches with or meets up with that corner there

So i’ll go up above you guys can see it possibly a little bit easier so it looks like that so those four spaces are going to be doorways for these bedrooms over here and then those two spaces are going to be the staircase leading up to the second floor and the staircase leading

Up to the third floor so it looks like that once again as of right now okay guys and now let’s start shaping out all of the bedrooms and bathrooms that we’re gonna have up here so with your white concrete still we’ll start right here in the center so we can split

The rooms up so you just go right down the center of this space of three and meet up with that black concrete corner there okay so this is gonna be a bedroom and bathroom and now this is gonna be a bedroom and bathroom the bathroom’s actually gonna be underneath this

Staircase that we’re gonna have here okay now let’s start at this right side we want to leave two spaces here right next to this black concrete right there then you can skip over four spaces and then you want one two three four there all right

So this is going to be a bathroom and then we have the closet here so i guess we’ll go ahead and do that so i would say two spaces on that side and two spaces let’s see i think i had it you could either just leave

One space there and two spaces there is that have a doorway leading to that closet or you can have two spaces there and one space there i’ll go ahead and just have two there and one there i think that’s how i had it at the other house

Okay so that’s going to be the closet leading off of the the bathroom which leads to the bedroom that we’re gonna have here okay now let’s start separating the bathroom and bedroom that we’re gonna have here so you just want one block of space lined up with this black concrete you

Can skip over four spaces and then bring this straight across to that corner there okay so there we go it’s looking like that as of right now so i still have to like place that wall right there which goes straight across from that bathroom but i actually don’t remember

How big i had that bathroom but we have a bathroom there then the bedroom a bedroom there a bathroom and a closet and then that little section right there is going to be the staircases going up oh yeah then this is the hallway and over here is the gaming room so from

Up above i’ll go again up you could pause it if it’s a little easier for you to see i’ll just go up here and show you all right so it looks like that alright guys so now for the wall which separates the bathroom in that staircase

You just want to leave one extra space here at this corner and then just bring this straight across so now that is going to be the bathroom and this right here is going to be where the staircases are going up and down all right now

Let’s just go ahead and bring up all of these walls to the same height as the glass and the black concrete and then we’ll just fill all of this in with one layer of white concrete then we could do the third story so i’m gonna go ahead

Just add four more layers on all of these interior walls and then we could get to doing the one layer of white concrete which covers it covers this up and then we’ll go ahead and do the third floor Okay guys i brought up all of the walls for this second floor for the layout here now i’m going to continue using my white concrete just fill in this area here and then once again we’ll get to doing the third story okay guys now let’s go ahead and start

Doing the third floor so i’m looking at it from the back side of the house right now and i have my white concrete and i’ll go here at this corner i want to go up four spaces so we have one two three four now i want to go to the right six more

One two three four five six and now on this seventh block we’re going to start placing 17 towards the right one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. so we have three spaces remaining on this side and then once again we still have six

Remaining over here okay so just make sure you have that white concrete wall right there all right so now after you have that wall of white concrete you can work your way over to the left side switch to your black stained glass you want to make sure in one block not on

The same layer as that but just in one you can place 12 blocks of glass towards the left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. switch to your black concrete place one now switch back to your glass and place 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight nine ten switch back to your black concrete and place one right there in the corner so right now i’m looking at the house from the front side and you should have a shape like that so now let’s switch back to your black

Stained glass head over to the left side where we left off and place 13 right next to this black concrete one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. so we just turned it like that now right here in this corner you want black concrete

Behind this corner now you want 10 more blocks of black stains glass just like the other side so i’m going to go ahead and just bring this until we meet up with that side and then you want to line up your black concrete and then once again line up your black stains glass

Until you meet up with this wall here and once again you should still have one block remaining at that corner so from up above i’m looking at it from like this back side over here you should have a shape like that all right now let’s go ahead and bring

Up all of these walls four more blocks in height all right guys so there we go i brought up the walls for the third floor so it looks like this as of right now right guys now let’s go ahead and start doing the layout for this third floor so

You can switch to your white concrete and i’m looking at it from the front side of the house right now and you want to make sure you’re lined up with this black concrete in the middle place one block here skip over four spaces and then starting at the fifth block you

Can just bring this straight across until you meet up with that black concrete there now let’s go ahead and just add four more layers onto this so it’s five in total Okay so there we go we have that wall right down the middle and that four space right there is going to be the doorway okay now we’re going to start shaping out the bathroom and the staircase which leads up to the third floor so i’m looking at it from the front side

Right now we’re going to head over here on the left side of this wall that we placed right here in the middle you want to leave one space here and then on the second block you could bring this out four you could skip over four spaces and then place two here

And now you could place three on that side so we have four in total and then one two three more here so then you have three spaces remaining from that glass wall to that wall and then you can fill those two spaces in there so this is where we’re gonna be bringing

Our staircase up i have seven blocks in total right here then one there two there and then four there with a space of four for the doorway all right now let’s go ahead and just bring this all up to the same height as everything else

And then i could i believe we could just go ahead and just cover this all up and that’s gonna be it for the exterior of the house and that’s probably also all i’m gonna be doing for this video i guess i’ll go ahead and do the pool area for part

Three as well as the interior so let’s see there we go we filled that all in so that’s gonna be the big bedroom the big master bedroom and then we kind of have like a little hallway area here and then we have the bathroom and then the area where the

Staircase is gonna go up okay now with your white concrete still let’s go ahead and place one more layer on this side and then you could just bring this straight across make sure it’s overhanging around the glass wall and bring this until it’s overhanging by one wrap it around

Okay just make sure not to overhang this white concrete wall over here on this side where i’m about to show you so right here should not be overhanging okay let’s fill all of this in and then yeah like i said that is going to be it for part two

All right guys so i’m just now finishing up with this layer of white concrete which finishes the exterior of the house so i’ll do a little flyby let me actually get rid of this potion so it’s not too annoying all right so i’ll go from the back side

Which is my favorite angle of the house so it’s looking like this as of right now it’s really dark it’s actually almost impossible to even see i can’t see into that room whatsoever but you guys still get the point across we’ll take care of that in the next video

But it looks like this as of right now from this corner and then we have kind of like the back side of the house right here which is just mainly consists of white concrete all right and then we have the front side of the house so it’s looking pretty good

And as you can see i just added the black concrete that we forgot at the original build or that i forgot in the original build not you guys so yeah that’s what it’s looking like as of right now and that’s gonna be it for

Part two so i said i was going to do the pool in this video but i guess i’ll go ahead and do that for part three and we’re also gonna be doing they’re starting the furnishings for part three all right guys so that’s gonna be it for

Part two on how to build this large modern house and if this did help you be sure to please leave a like subscribe for more and i’ll see you guys in part three you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build a Modern Mansion | PART 2’, was uploaded by Brandon Stilley Gaming on 2018-10-09 20:30:00. It has garnered 672316 views and 9567 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:03 or 1803 seconds.

In part 2 for this minecraft tutorial on how to build a modern mansion, I will be showing you how to do the rest of the exterior of the house, as well as the interior layout of the house.

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➤ Music Used In Video: ● Joakim Karud – Longing

➤ Intro Song: ● Oshóva – Amazing Day

➤ Outro Song: ● Arman Cekin – California Dreaming (feat. Paul Rey)

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    Jack Pattillo takes on Assassin's Creed Mirage! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Jack plays Assassin’s Creed Mirage Part 1!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2024-05-28 20:14:51. It has garnered 3710 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:59 or 13859 seconds. Jack wasn’t feeling Minecraft, so instead he launched Assassin’s Creed Mirage and went nuts! Why don’t you watch along? Join Jack live on Twitch! http://www.twitch.tv/jackpattillo Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server now!

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wbijaj na LineEu.icsv.pl #minecraft #minecraftserver #minecraftserwer #polska #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by shizak2 on 2024-05-18 13:31:13. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserwer #minecraftserver #minecraftseries Minecraft Pet simulator X Pet Sim X PSX HUGE CAT HUGE PET MYTH POGROMNY MYTHÓW OPENING ROBUX ROBUXY OPENING EGGS 2023 PRESTON BuildIntoGames Hack TITANIC MYTHICAL mythical titanic hack preston robux robuxy robuks opening opening eggs huge cat titanic balloon monkey titanic jolly cat pet prices partner fake roblox studio how to send robux free robux for… Read More


    DylanMC - UNCOVERING THE HEAVIEST BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUÁL ES EL BLOQUE MÁS PESADO DE TODO Minecraft’, was uploaded by DylanMC on 2024-04-22 17:23:44. It has garnered 1374850 views and 107489 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. ↓ ↓ ↓ FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE ↓ ↓ ↓ ► instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dylanmccortos/ ► twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dylanmc_live ► discord: https://discord.gg/NF53cCzeCj And now… if you’ve read all this, subscribe xd #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO – Giant Planet House

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: NOOB vs PRO - Giant Planet HouseVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: GIANT PLANET HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-09 17:00:13. It has garnered 241658 views and 4172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:12 or 2052 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build Giant PLANETS houses! Who builds the planet house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • “Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥” #minecraft #mod

    "Insane Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft! 🔥" #minecraft #modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom Superhero Gun Game in Minecraft #minecraft #gaming #superhero #mod’, was uploaded by Arrzee on 2024-03-07 00:02:14. It has garnered 10004 views and 526 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Arrzee and friends simulate the classic Gun Game mode using Custom Superhero suits from the Enhanced SMP heropack! If you like Marvel and DC Superheroes, check out Season 1 the Enhanced SMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB2BswZeb7v2Oqtek9jJHJJ881Yas4uW9&si=Ya6GqswOB6HZ6c2S Thanks as always to ALL of the Patrons who have supported me over the last 7 months, I couldn’t keep doing this without you! Get both the… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!

    Ultimate Minecraft Survival Material Collection!Video Information This video, titled ‘Siap Siap Ngumpulin Bahan Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-15 13:36:13. It has garnered 6095 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:10 or 3310 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia… Read More

  • Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179

    Insane Pranks & Epic Wins: Minecraft Bed Wars #179Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS #179’, was uploaded by LuisKly on 2024-04-05 21:00:20. It has garnered 3385 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. MINECRAFT BED WARS SIGMA # HYPIXEL HYLEX MUSH #bedwars #hypixel #minecraft Read More

  • Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmp

    Raiding Richest Base on LifestealSMP! #crackedsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Raiding Richest Base On Public LifestealSMP #lifestealsmp #crackedsmp #minecraft #cpvp’, was uploaded by Emiron on 2024-07-12 07:32:07. It has garnered 842 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP IP ➤ lifestealsmp.com SMP Port ➤ 19132 SMP Store ➤ https://store.lifestealsmp.com SMP Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/lifestealsmp Kindly, if you have… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮

    Unbelievable! Critical Damage in Minecraft 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft nostalgia 🥺’, was uploaded by Critical Damage on 2024-02-16 05:47:19. It has garnered 2576 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft but minecraft survival nostalgia Minecraft nostalgia minecraft nostalgia that will make you cryfunny memesdank memesmemes compilation Memes minecraft but challenge Minecraft trending minecraft mod minecraft speedrun minecraft challenge fresh memes minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo,… Read More

  • EndyCraft

    EndyCraftEndyCraft is a BRAND NEW lifesteal SMP that is striving to create a fun, challenging and safe environment for all to enjoy play.endycraft.net Read More

  • Lifesteal anarchy – semi-vanilla, anarchy

    Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Anarchy SMP We are a small and new community playing on a semi-vanilla server with lifesteal abilities, /home, and /tpa commands. We welcome all types of players, from serious to casual, even griefers! There are minimal rules, with the only restriction being no spawn killing. The server is located on the east coast. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist and get the IP! https://discord.com/invite/M5hM6u8yMa Tags: Minecraft, Lifesteal, Semi-Vanilla, Small Community, New Server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers Chug Mountain Dew to Charge Up

    Looks like those creepers have been hitting the Dew a little too hard! Time to switch to decaf, guys. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft 😀 (Minewind)’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 01:22:39. It has garnered 5 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: mindwind.com Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol

    Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol When you try to prank a stray in Minecraft but they end up pranking you by stealing all your diamonds instead. #karma #minecraftstruggles #strayshavetheupperhand Read More

  • Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft

    Exploring The Death Hole in Minecraft The Death Hole in Minecraft: A Legendary PVP Experience Are you ready to dive into the heart-pounding world of Minecraft PVP? Join the adventure as players face off in The Death Hole, a legendary battleground where only the strongest survive. Into The Fray As the countdown begins, players brace themselves for the intense battles that await. The adrenaline is high as they enter The Death Hole, ready to prove their skills in combat. First Fight At the sound of the horn, the first clash erupts. Swords clash, arrows fly, and strategies are put to the test. Who will emerge… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where players embark on exciting adventures, face challenging tasks, and explore endless possibilities. In this particular scenario, players encounter a unique challenge known as “Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Structure.” Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing gameplay. Trading with Villagers In Minecraft, players have the opportunity to interact with villagers and engage in trading activities. Villagers offer various items in exchange for emeralds, providing players with valuable resources to enhance their gameplay experience. The trading system adds depth to the game, allowing players to acquire… Read More

  • OMG! I’m Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberlive

    OMG! I'm Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberliveVideo Information [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] next Don’t don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor me [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Halo the people of the world ketemu lagi sama nekro di [Musik] sini halo halo ada netizen random ada alion Halo Kak baru spaw iya boleh Mamang aing live juga cepa openening keblet boker gue ya elah tinggal boker Ya bokertinggal boker first time kagak telat gue Anjay Muhammad yulias halo halo yang baru datang Jangan lupa di-like dulu ya teman-teman Aku suka main Minecraft Iya nanti ajarin aku ya Aku juga baru mau main ini baru… Read More

  • Yasha’s Minecraft Meltdown

    Yasha's Minecraft MeltdownVideo Information bro are you oh my [ __ ] God bro all right I can’t [ __ ] this Bro [ __ ] this bro oh my [ __ ] God bro like I know it’s small bro but bro this is like for another day bro I don’t know I do not [ __ ] know what oh my God bro oh my [ __ ] F [Music] God bro you already did your [ __ ] damage bro why would you do this oh my [ __ ] God bro oh my God [Music] man This video,… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Punishment – Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viral

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Punishment - Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viralVideo Information как же сломать бедрок в Minecraft Ну все мы знаем что это невозможно но так говорят в слухи на самом деле можно если ломать бедрок киркой то уйдёт много времени и ничего не выйдет но что если попробовать взорвать его при помощи TNT стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарий бедрок по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили но и TNT не смогли сломать бедрок Это что получается невозможно но мы просто так не сдаёмся добываем и из неё делаем мотыгу добываем мир что… Read More

  • Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hi JJ tell me do you have a big car I would really like to move all my things to the city Mikey I’m sorry but no I have just a great idea JJ let’s build a truck today wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone dear friends Mikey and I are going… Read More

  • Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!

    Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!Video Information आज भी प्रॉब्लम सेम ही है गाइस प्रॉब्लम तो रोज का होता है मगर बस ज्यादा ज्यादा हो जाता है यार कभी-कभी लेकिन कोई ना लेट्स सी आज तो मैं प्रेयर करता हूं भाई प्लीज आज बस थोड़ा अच्छा चल जाए थोड़ा सा चल जाए बस इतना इतना बोलूंगा मैं फिर दो घंटे स्ट्रीम आराम से भाई मजा आ जाएगा नहीं तो भाई पता है ना तुम लोग को यार नेट का कैसा दिमाग खराब होता है नेट का प्रॉब्लम ही प्रॉब्लम है गाइस यार एक मिनट सर्वर ऑन कर रहा हूं फिर बाद में आता हूं दो… Read More

  • Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft – ZS’SKAYR #shorts

    Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft - ZS'SKAYR #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-23 14:45:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral … Read More

  • Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

    Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯Video Information [Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re… Read More

Minecraft: How to Build a Modern Mansion | PART 2