Minecraft: How To Build a Stone Mason House | Medieval Survival House Tutorial

Video Information

Hey everyone how you doing uh blue here and welcome to a brand new build series with myself and andy is yoda where we’re going to be building a medieval style starter village now for those of you who don’t know andy’s yoda is a great minecraft youtuber he has a bunch of cool builds

On his channel so please be sure to go ahead subscribe to his channel and check him out i’ll leave a link in the description now andy has also posted a part one of this series so this is part two if you haven’t checked out part one that will

Also be linked in the description be sure to go ahead and check that out on andy’s channel first now we’re going to take a quick overview of the village and take a look at who’s going to be building what and what’s going to be built in this village and

Then we’re going to jump on to today’s build which is going to be a stone mason so as you can see guys we’ve got a little bit of a layout here and you’ve got a little pop-up with a little image of who is going to be a building what

Now like i said this is going to be a medieval style style village so we’re going to be using a bunch of easy to gather resources that are gonna make these builds easy to do early game in minecraft now with that being said guys let’s go

Ahead and take a look at what we’re gonna build in today’s episode okay guys here is the stonemason that we’re gonna be building today now like i said be sure to check andy’s video out first because he’s gonna have part one i’m gonna link the playlist in the

Description below which will link to both mine and andy’s videos that through the series so be sure to check that out if you want to follow along and catch each episode from each channel now that being said guys i’m going to go ahead and put a floor plan up on the

Screen just now which is going to give you a layout of today’s build now as you can see this is a pretty simple layout we have got the red blocks which are one blocks green is two yellow is three orange is four blue is five purple is six and a pink is nine

Now i’m gonna go ahead and put all of the items that you’re gonna need up on the screen now so be sure to pause the video if you need to and write anything down but with that being said let’s go ahead and build this okay we’re going to start by getting our

Stone blocks and raising all the walls marked in yellow until they are nine blocks higher as you can see we’ve got the back wall the side wall and one little pillar on the left hand front side so let’s go ahead with the stone blocks and raise these until they are

Nine blocks high in total okay using stone blocks we’re going to go ahead and erase the blocks marked in a blue this time until they are eight blocks high in total Okay we’re gonna take our stone block again and this time we’re gonna raise the walls in green until they are four blocks high in a total we will be doing all of the texturing a little bit later on Okay using the stone we’re going to go ahead and fill in some of our gaps so on the left-hand side of the build here we’re going to go ahead and just put in a pillar all the way across here and then we’re going to raise this up until

It’s the same height as the rest now we’re going to go ahead and repeat the same on the very front here so right where this wall is here we’re going to come one block higher put in a pillar all the way across to this side and then

We’re gonna just go ahead and just fill it up until it is the same height as the rest of the walls okay and then we’re just going to head over to the right hand side near the back here and we’re just going to put one row across the very top of this gap

Just to even out all of the top of the wall okay now that all the walls are in place we’re going to head to the very front of the build on this little bit that sticks out here and at the very bottom here let’s break one two three blocks in the

Center and we’re gonna break that all the way up to the top just like this and then we’re gonna put three stone bricks in the center and then three stone bricks in front like this and then we’re gonna get our stone brick slabs and we’re gonna just wrap it

Around this little edge here like so then we’re gonna get our stone brick stairs put an upside down one here upside down one here and then get our stone place one on top of each of those and then one in the center like this okay let’s get in the stairway up to the

First floor so from the right hand corner over here we’re going to come over to this corner we’re gonna go back by one block and we’re gonna place two cobblestone stairs go back one put another one so we got two another one making it three high another one making it four high

Another one making it five high and we should now have a one block gap behind which we’re just going to put a couple of cobblestone in just there now go ahead and get your stone bricks and you want to put a stone brick against all of these stairs here like

This and then one against this one i’m also gonna put one on top of that one as well get your stone brick stairs and we’re gonna place an upside down one against these blocks here all the way up to the top here then we’re gonna place an upside down

One underneath all of these ones going across to here and that gets a nice little stairway all in place then we’re just going to go ahead and break these two here and replace this top one here with an upside down stone brick stone block stair okay that’s looking pretty good

Now on the right hand side here we’re gonna head over to the back where this little bit sticks out here not the big main bit here this one here that sticks out now we’re going to start by going in by one block and we’re going to go one two three four five

Then we’re going to come down by one two three four five six seven and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put one block on this corner here and one block on this corner here we’re gonna get our upside down stairs and we’re gonna put our stone stairs

Running all the way down the side here and also across the back here now i’m going to get my cobblestone my stone bricks again and from the back here we’ve got one block we’re going to go to the stem we’re going to go one two three four on the fifth one here we’re

Gonna break that and put a full block which will give us three blocks at the front here now from this one here we’re just going to extend that all the way underneath this little edge here like this and then we’re just going to fill this all in with our stone bricks

And then underneath the edge there we’re just going to go ahead and just fill that with stone bricks as well and also this one here and this one here then get you stone brick slabs and run those across the front here now we’re going to go ahead and texture

This up a little bit later on but for now we’re going to leave it as it is let’s place one stone brick on top of the stone bricks that we’ve already placed here and then coming over to this wall now we’re gonna leave two blocks on this

Side and then break one two and three and then we’re gonna go up by two more making a three by three square place some stone stairs upside down in the corners like that okay let’s go ahead and get our floors in place so if we come to the inside

We’re gonna go ahead and just the one book above the ground here we’re gonna go ahead and fill this in with some spruce planks you can use any flooring of your choice it doesn’t have to be the spruce but i think the spruce just fits well in this style

Okay once your flooring is all in place make sure you come over to this little edge here where you got these free stone blocks and just replace them with some stone bricks like this just so it matches the outside area then we’re going to get our spruce

Planks again and right here at the floor level here we’re going to go ahead and put another one here so this is the bottom of the door we want to make sure that we go ahead put a flooring in here it should be from our planks here we

Should have a three block gap and then the fourth block here should be the flooring so let’s go ahead and fill all of this in okay now that we’ve got our floors in place let’s go ahead and start doing a bit of the texturing

So i’m going to show you how to do it on this little bit of a wall here then i’m going to speed it up for the rest of the video but the idea is pretty simple we’re going to start at the bottom and on the first three to four rows we’re

Just going to scatter in about a 70 cobblestone now this hasn’t got to be exact or anything like that guys we’re just going to do something kind of like this um bring it across maybe something like that just a bit kind of random like that you can even just go ahead and

Put the odd one in something like that now we’re going to do the underside and what we’re going to do with the undersides we’re going to go to the top of the build and we can actually kind of do the reverse we’re going to do the same but coming downwards okay so the

First three to four rows coming down let’s go ahead and just scatter in some of this this time i think the anderson might be a little bit bigger thicker maybe about 80 roughly but like i say guys there is no exact amount you just kind of want it to

You want the colors to kind of look darker at the bottom of the wall and then you want to see it kind of fade slowly as it goes up the wall okay so you just want it to kind of blend in like a kind of gradient as it

Goes up the build so something kind of like this at the top now gee stone bricks and stone bricks i kind of just put in between everything kind of something like this that one can stay as a cobble um just a few the the stone bricks i use very sparingly just a

Few of them kind of dotted about nothing too crazy with these something like this maybe one here here here something like that maybe another one on here and one about there be careful see how it kind of looks a bit panny we’ve got quite a lot on that

Same level let’s try and adjust it a little bit maybe one there and about here there we go that kind of looks a bit better something like this and then finally i will go back to the andesite and i will just start placing in a few of them further down the wall

Here again not too many we just just a few to just kind of break in a little bit of kind of color amongst all of the stone something kind of along these lines so that it kind of looks like it’s starting to blend and then we’ll go ahead and we’ll get a

Cobblestone and we’re just kind of dot probably just just the odd one or two here or there up the wall we don’t really want a lot of them just a couple something something kind of along these lines something kind of like that okay that’s the kind of pattern we’re going for

Okay so we’re gonna go and do that i’m gonna speed it up now guys i’m gonna go ahead and do this on all walls all of the stone walls we have we’re gonna go on all of them now when you get to the little walls

You want to do the same effect but a little bit sort of less so for instance it’ll be the top two rows you’ll have as uranus sight you know just flicking in a little bit and then maybe the bottom two rows with your cobblestone something like this

Something more like that and then you put your stone on whatnot okay because you still want to have the top bit here looking like uh the underside and a little bit a bit more cobblestone so go ahead do that on all your walls and get it all in

Place and then i’ll catch you guys once you’re done okay once you’re done guys you should have something that looks a bit like this as you can see we’ve got a good scattering in of all of the textures in there and i think it looks pretty cool

Now heading back around to the front here we’re going to come up to the top main ball here and we’re going to leave this first block and then we’re gonna break one two three then leave one block break these three leave one block and break these three and at the very top

We’re gonna put an upside down stair now you can use any stair whether it’s a stone brick stone or cobblestone it doesn’t matter any one of the three will be perfectly fine now we’re going to come around to this side down here and from the floor up we’re going to go

One up and one across break these two and these two and then replace the top ones here with an upside down stair of your choice you can even mix and match them so you can put like one stone one stone brick it doesn’t really matter now over to this side here

We’re going to come up to which will be the floor level so one two three four five this will be the floor level so guys six on the seventh one you’re gonna go one and two okay leaving a one block at the side we’re gonna break

These two these two and these two making four windows across the side here okay and again at the very top here let’s just go ahead and put an upside down stair of your choice i’m gonna just mix in a couple of different ones like that and that looks pretty good

Now around the back here we’re gonna add a little balcony so we’re gonna go to the middle block which is this one here we’re gonna go one two three four on the fifth one here we’re going to break one two and three and then above it we’re going to break a

Three by three gap okay so we’re gonna basically have a four block high by three blocks wide gap where the planks are here we’re gonna place three more and then another three just in front of it and then get your spruce stairs and place some upside down

Ones all the way around the edge like this and then underneath we’re gonna place a slab here and a slab here okay leaving a one block in the middle and then just place your spruce fence around the edge making a nice little balcony at the back over this side here we’ve got these

Three blocks we’re gonna go to the middle one down one and break that one there and then just put a upside down stair at the top like that and then on this side here we’re gonna break this one here leaving a one block gap here leave these two in the middle

And then place one here okay and again put yourself on upside down stair just to make a little window edge like this now finally over here we’re gonna go to the edge of the floor so this is the ground level so you’re gonna come up by

One come all the way over leave a one block at the side break two here one block gap and two here so the window should actually sit on the floor level here and then of course just put an upside down stair at the top

And again i think i might just put in a brick in there as well just to mix it up a little bit okay that’s looking pretty good we’re going to quickly grab ourself some stripped spruce wood and we’re going to go starting at the front here

On the inside here we’re gonna put a row right here of three and a row here of free like this okay and then we’re gonna put an upside down spruce stair in the center like that make it a nice little doorway up to the top floor here we’re going to

Do exactly the same so let’s go one two three we’ll do four here and four here then we’re gonna put an upside down step we come down from to the outside on the third block up so there’s a two block gap here for a door

Place one on there and on top of this we’re gonna go ahead and place in another one just to clean it up a little bit on that side and then finally around this side here where we’ve got this little workers area for the stonemason we’re going to go

Ahead and put a pillow here one on the opposite side we’re going to place an upside down stair from the outside facing in in the middle and there’s our little doorway perfect okay that is looking pretty good now so i think the next step is gonna be

Getting in the roof so we’ll start with the little roof down here we’re gonna put some spruce stairs across this top edge of the block here so we’ve got three blocks underneath it’s the fourth one that we want to put the stairs across and then we’re gonna put an

Upside down one just here we’re doing the same over this side so we’re gonna put three here overhang by one upside down one here then we’re gonna put another row of stairs on top another row of stairs on the top put an upside down stair an upside down

Stair and then we’re going to run some slabs across the back so that it’s on top of that stair same across here then again in the middle as well and then we’re going to put one slab in the center so we have a kind of sort of curved looking roof

Around this side here we’re gonna go with two slabs and then one on the corner then we’re gonna go two slabs one on the corner then we’re gonna put two stabs here and then we’re going to start stepping it up coming out by two at a time do the same

Over this side so that it ends up equal we’re gonna then place a stone block in the center there and then put slabs in these ones and then cover them like that and then one just there to create a nice little kind of roof here with a little

Bit of a different style to the other one now for the main roof it’s going to be pretty much the same thing so start from the corner here we’re going to put a stair here overhang by one upside down stair behind it we’ll do the same over here stair here

Upside down one behind it now we’re going to do another stair with an upside down stair then we’re gonna put in a slab another slab next to that one with a slab on top and then one in the center and then a slab there and then get yourself some andesite or

Stone and just put five blocks behind like this and again if you want to you can go ahead and maybe even mix up one of the blocks a little bit if you want something like that for the roof now go ahead and simply just extend that

All across the top of the roof obviously we’re not going to do the inside part of this match but from the outside here we’re going to basically put stairs then stairs then slabs four blocks across these ones and stairs across there so okay so just

Take it all the way down to the back and make sure you overhang up by one and then match up the same pattern that you have on this side okay once you’re done you should have something that looks a bit like this now we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna

Come over and just put a little roof on this side here so we’re gonna go ahead and put a slab here and bring it out by one put a slab on this bit overhanging then we’re going to run a row all the way across this side

One on this corner and then one against that stair there then we’re going to break those stairs between those slabs so let’s break that one there all the way across like this and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to put a row of planks across there

We’re going to put a row of slabs across here all the way around slabs in front of these ones here like so just to create a nice little roof off of the edge there okay before we move on guys one small little error i made here the window

Should actually be down one lower so break this bottom block here like this replace the stair at the top there with a full block of your choice and then go ahead and put an upside down stair on the next one down okay so you should have something like that the

Bottom of this ledge should be in line with the flooring okay so make sure that you go ahead and do that across all of those windows okay now let’s head around to the left hand back side of the build okay round to this side here we’ve got this little

Bit sticking out and down the bottom here we’re gonna go up by one block and we’re gonna come over to the third block okay so it should be a two block gap break these two here and the third one there we’re gonna just put an upside down stair

Now we’re gonna break that one in the doorway put a stone brick there we’re gonna put a stone brick here and we’re gonna run that all the way down like this then we’re gonna just bring that out so it is free wide okay so one two three all the way to here

Then we’re going to get our upside down stair put one here and we’re just going to run it all the way down the side and round this little corner here just like so on the corner here i’m going to break this one and put in two full blocks like this

And then i’m actually gonna go ahead and we can actually just break these two and then break that one there put two full blocks there i think that would look a bit better a little bit more sort of fitting on the corner and then we’re gonna put a walnut in in

A minute but that gets that area in let’s go ahead and put all of our doors in place so we’re gonna put a door in from the inside on here one over here in fact before we put that door in there let’s go ahead and put a

Stone block in the middle and put one right there and we’re gonna do the same over here stone block in the middle door there then we’re gonna come over to here we’ve got this little window area here let’s go ahead and break one two three of

These in the middle here and what we’re going to do is get our slabs or full blocks rather we’ll do the slabs let’s go to there to there and there and then we’re going to just bring this one all the way down like that on this corner here i believe this is

Going to be seen on the outside it is so what we’re going to do is just go ahead and put some four blocks on these corners here like so now underneath this edge here we can do the same thing so break one two three in the middle here

Get your full blocks fill that top bit up and bring it all the way over joining in with this floor and again i think we’re just gonna add some blocks in here to uh even out this corner here here and here i’m gonna put some stone bricks and then i’m gonna

Just go ahead and mix in some stone as well like that just to even the walls off and that just gives us a nice entrance way into the build here giving us a nice bit of room to kind of do what we want with now while we’re down here let’s go ahead

And put in some fence posts in where the windows are okay we’re gonna use the fence post as our window so they’re the only ones we’ve got on this floor let’s head back outside and we’re going to go ahead and fill all of the other ones in with the post as

Well so let’s do that all the way around this is the spruce fence post but you can use any fence post you want or you could use glass if you really wanted to i’m just using the fence post because it kind of feels a little bit more fitting with the style

Then once you’ve done that get your doors again and on the top floor here we’re gonna go ahead go to the inside and we’re gonna place our doors on the inside one here and one for the back door just here as well and while we’re here let’s go ahead and

Just raise the spruce planks there all the way to the ceiling and i think we’ll leave the rest as it is get your spruce stairs and i do apologize if it’s a little bit dark here guys it should be bright enough to see because this is quite bright for me

Hopefully youtube doesn’t make it too dark and we’re just going to run some upside down stairs on this corner and upside down stairs across this corner just like so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna quickly just get in a couple of lanterns so you guys can see what i’ve

Actually done just in case it’s a little bit too dark for you to see so let’s just put in a lantern here we’ll put another one here and let’s put one approximately in the middle okay so there you go guys as you can see we’ve got the upside down stairs running

All the way down the sides and out stripped wood up there on this side here i’m going to go ahead i’m going to break these four blocks here then we’re going to put in a spruce slab on there and then underneath here let’s just fill that with our spruce slabs as

Well just so it goes down a little bit nicer and again like you did before if you wanted to guys you could go ahead and just fill here with your um with some of your blocks just to even out all of your edges just make sure you’ve got all of your

Windows and all your doors all in place now okay let’s just take a quick loop around guys so you can kind of just get a little overview of how everything is looking now we’re gonna go ahead and texture up our little stone areas on the bottom

Here for the walkways so here we’re just going to use in a few crack stone bricks we don’t need to use it too many here just a few dotted about here and there be a few underneath the stairs here something like that and then maybe just a couple of cobblestone blocks as well

Not too many again just a few of them here and there uh maybe we’ll go something like that yeah that looks pretty good and then just remember to do the same on your floor around this side here as well now just make sure you don’t break any of

Your stone brick stairs here on the outside just do all of the ones on the inside i’m going to keep the stone brick stairs on the outside as they are something like this and then just add in a few cobblestone as well like so then we’re going to get our cobblestone

Wall we’re going to put a couple in here run it across this edge here and then also around the back here over to this one we’re doing the same thing we’re going to join this one up to here down here and all the way across to here

Then we’re just going to put one on top of this wall and one on top of this wall but not one on the front wall then place two spruce fences on top of this and then we’re going to get our campfire and we’re going to head over to the wall

Here just one below the window and we’re gonna stretch the campfires placing them all the way across to the fence post and we’re gonna bring them all the way across until we reach the other fence post and if i might just bring over one more just to create a little ledge

Overhanging on this side and then just throw some water bottles or wall buckets over all of your fires to put the fire out okay now i’m just going to go ahead and just put in a couple of cobblestone i think like that on a little edge there

Just to make that look a little bit rougher as well but overall i think this is starting to really shape up and look nice now now you can go ahead and put in some window ledges underneath your windows you can use either a spruce slab like

This which i think looks pretty good or you could also use a stone one it doesn’t really particularly matter i think the stone ones blend in nicely with the actual build but the the spruce wood ones also look quite nice so go ahead and place some underneath your windows

You won’t be able to put one underneath the middle window but put one on each of the side of the windows there and down this side here we’re going to go ahead and do the same and then around the back here we’re going to just stick one underneath that window as well

Then we’re going to get our spruce trapdoors and we’re going to just put in a couple of shutters like this okay next to the windows now there’s several ways you can make these shots you can put them like that on the two high windows we can do a double one like this

But if you wanted to you could also just put a couple of temporary blocks on the side there and then put in a trapdoor here and here and then break your blocks and it looks like the shutter is a little bit open so you can go ahead and

Do that as well if you want to i’m going to leave the ones at the front here i don’t think they need shutters on it and i’m going to leave these ones down the side as well um i might put a shutter on this one here just there right okay

Let’s um let’s get our spruce fences and on the corners here i’m gonna put a spruce fence there then i’m gonna leave one gap put one here and one here again leaving a gap in the middle one here one here every other block all the way down the side here

Until we get to the corner one on this corner here two on these corners ones here again leaving a one block gap on the corner here i’m going to leave this little piece here we don’t need to put one there but then i’m just going to bring them across like that

Now get a lantern put a lantern above the door like this down at the very front here we’re going to go ahead and put a fence post at the bottom and then a lantern on top at each side like this and where the work area is over here

We’re going to put one sort of diagonally in from the corner here so one there we’re going to put one there one there so we have one back from the front and one uh no not there sorry guys not that one one further back than that so we’re diagonally in

And then we’re gonna get the spruce fence gate and we can run that across this edge here and we’re going to run that all the way around the other edges as well there we go just like so now while we’re over here we’ve got our um stairs out

Let’s put a spruce there here make sure it’s upside down and then another upside down one there for a little table put one in this corner and then go two over and make an upside down one there and then put a slab in the center there like so just for another little workbench

Okay now to finish up the little workstation over here we’re gonna go ahead just put in a stone cutter and a crafting table we’re gonna put some barrels underneath these stairs here so let’s put three across and then two then one then we’re going to put two then one

Then on the corner here let’s down one there and we’ll put another one just here standing upwards if we can i think like that that looks good let’s just put a little lantern against that barrel just there and maybe a flower pot on this one here

This wall here where this door is we’re going to put three of our scaffold blocks and then we’re going to put in a um a chisel stone brick a chisel stone brick uh maybe even a couple of chiseled stone bricks over here so it looks like

There’s like a bit of work going on then all we’re gonna do is put a little flower thing in that pot on the table here we’re gonna put in a lever uh facing this way because it looks a bit like a hammer i guess and then we’re

Gonna just put a stone pressure plate there making it look like again a little bit of a work area and i think that’s about all we need on the outside there now around the background this side this is going to be a little kind of storage

Area so we’re going to go ahead and just pile up some maybe some of the polished granite like this we could go ahead and whack in a few chiseled stone maybe even some of our diorite the polished versions like this to make it look like it’s just been stacked up there ready to

Um ready for someone to come and collect or even if they’re gonna be doing a bit more work with them but yeah i think that looks pretty good okay guys and one last thing just go ahead maybe add a few sort of barrels here and there just to make it look like

A little bit of a work area something like this get yourself in a nice pathway and then don’t forget to come down to the bottom here get yourself some spruce fences make sure you put your fences on the corner here and here to match up with what we’ve done above

And then get a trapdoor the spruce trap door and we’re going to put one one there one there like every other block we’re going to do the same over here one here one there and then we’re going to do it down the whole side here so on every other block in those gaps

This just helps add a little bit of detail to the edging of the roof we’re going to do the same here so one there one there and skip around to this bit we go one there and all the way across making sure we put one on the corner there we go

Now guys that pretty much finishes up this entire build let’s go ahead and take a look at what i’ve done on the inside to give you guys a bit of inspiration and some ideas for building in your own stonemason okay guys let’s take a little quick

Overview of what we have here so as you can see the stonemason here i think is looking really nice let’s start on the ground floor at the very front here so as we come on to the inside we can go on the inside here and this is kind of like

The shop area as you can see we’ve got a bit of storage on the side here a little work counter looks like the stone mason is getting ready to prepare some work he’s got cobblestone in a frame here um and then he’s got a hammer on the side

There which is the lever over here we’ve got a bit of storage with some labels on the barrels and you know what’s inside some polished eye right here and some polished granite here chiseled stone over the back here just stacked up looks like he’s either been crafted and ready

To maybe send an order out to a customer who’s doing a building we’ve got a little workstation over here with another one of the stone colors a chisel stone on top so it looks like something he’s actually just finished crafting one he’s got a table tripwire

Hook on this side another one on this side some tools on the wall a bit of storage over the back here a grindstone for sharpening some of these tools um and that’s about it guys for in the shop here it’s pretty simple at the back

Here is sort of takes us out to our little storage area and then if we go over to this door over here this takes us out to our little work area outside where we’ve got more of our chiseled stone in place and a little work area for doing some more

Cutting and stuff like that on the outside why are we here guys you can also go ahead and add in some vines and stuff like that as you can see the vines really add a lot of detail to the build and bring everything together nicely

Add in some tall plants as well if you want some rose brushes also adds a nice bit of color um but yeah really helps bring the place to life now let’s go ahead and take a look on the upstairs and see what we’ve done in here

As we come on the inside you can see we’ve got a little sort of um table here for sitting down and chilling out then we’ve got a little sort of breakfast bar on the corner here which leads us into the kitchen we got a stall a little area

To sit down and have something to eat plenty of storage if you’re planning survival as you can see we’ve got tons of barrels in here for storage we’ve got a little cupboard in the corner here with some more storage a brewing stand a little sink over here a tripwire hook a

Smoker with a lectern and a iron trapdoor to make it look like a kind of bit of an extractor over the back here we’ve got a balcony which leads out here as you can see this is pretty cool and then we come back to the inside and

Over here we’ve got a nice little bedroom for the uh stonemason to sleep it’s pretty simple but again we’ve got a nice bit of storage and some of the essentials that we need in the house uh but yeah that’s about it guys it is pretty simple

Okay that just about brings us to the end of today’s tutorial now if you haven’t done so already be sure to head over to andy’s channel and make sure that you check out part one of the series and it’s a really cool builder and he’s got a lot of different kind of

Perspectives and ideas to builds than i have so it’s nice to see a sort of variation in the different build styles using the same blocks and the same kind of principle it’s gonna be a really cool little series where you guys can get a few different ideas from each of us and

Kind of maybe put together and build your own builds or follow along and copy the ones that we’re doing in this series now like i said guys make sure you check out part one on andy’s channel and be sure to subscribe to his channel and hit that notification bell so that you get

Notified when he posts his next videos as well there’s gonna be a playlist link in the description as well along with a link to his channel and part one so stay tuned and make sure that you check out all of those guys but for now we’re

Gonna go ahead and wrap it up just there so as always thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy don’t forget to smash that like button and if you’re new to the channel please consider subscribing just don’t forget to hit the bell so you get notified every time i

Post a new video but for now this is blunder signing out and i will catch you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Stone Mason House | Medieval Survival House Tutorial’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2020-02-14 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome to a brand new Minecraft medieval survival village tutorial series with me and AndyIsYoda. We will posting alternating …

  • Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter’s Quest

    Crafting Kingdoms: The Hunter's Quest In the kingdom of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, The Hunter sets out, brave and bold. With sword in hand, and armor gleaming, Through forests and caves, he goes dreaming. Monsters lurk, in shadows deep, But the Hunter’s resolve, he will keep. With every swing, and every strike, He fights for his kingdom, with all his might. The viewers watch, with bated breath, As the Hunter faces life or death. Will he triumph, or will he fall? Only time will tell, in this Minecraft brawl. So join us now, in this epic quest, As the Hunter faces his greatest test…. Read More

  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

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  • Ultimate Gaming Background for Minecraft Videos

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  • Blockageddon: Ohio’s Minecraft Mayhem

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  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Caves with Crystals

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  • Minecraft Meme Madness

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  • Reverse the Verse: Minecraft Animation Reversed Video Fun

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

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  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

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  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

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  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

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  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭

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  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

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  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

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  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | www.minecuby.com ⥈ Discord ⇴ discord.minecuby.com

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

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  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

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  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

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  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

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  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is telosrealms.com If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! http://www.twitch.tv/cebmofroz This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/order-of-creepypasta/ Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on DonutSMP.net Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sachinverma11748 business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at http://twitch.tv/axialmatt Crew: Ray: Ray: https://www.twitch.tv/ray Chibidoki: https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki Nagzz21: https://www.twitch.tv/nagzz21 Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! https://twitter.com/axialmatt Join the Mage Discord! https://discord.com/invite/RBUeWRG Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SharkMages YT Team Sky: https://twitter.com/Skyboltt ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: SSMP.io Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

Minecraft: How To Build a Stone Mason House | Medieval Survival House Tutorial