Minecraft in a dungeon II

Video Information

The um Aiden won yeah Eden okay cool um all right this thing is saying we’re live oh I just need to check if that’s actually the case on my cellular phone see if the stream goes up because it has a habit of just saying upcoming for some reason okay wait this thing

Says we’re alive let’s see if I can see myself I’m starting to get the block nose as well because the cat’s like freaking been in my room again I could feel like the hair is going up my nose them allergies are the bastard where does that sound all right my

Freaking streams buffering all my own phone but anyway it looks like we’re live so hello everyone and welcome uh to another Minecraft dungeon stream uh yeah sounds good okay cool um we should be going to do some things I am joined uh by slow to play with and Dylan for some company so

Hello YouTube let me just take my picture um yo yo what’s up cool I’ll take the picture and then we’ll say we are live and we’ll see if there’s nagpozers want to join us yeah so I don’t do you do you remember nag uh Dylan like the magazine yeah

So they obviously like the published magazine unfortunately died out like years ago 2015-ish um the other day I was a good checkup yeah so the other I went and checked out like uh the website and stuff to see how things will still go because I haven’t

Seen them in like forever but I know you they were still going online like there was the online and stuff and like I found the first thing I found um was uh basically they they uploaded and the entire Archive of every single magazine they released right

From I think 96 to 2015. every single magazine so that was amazing because like I could read all of them now online um which was amazing and then I saw on there uh what was it on their website they had a Discord to join so it’s like this lovely little Community about like

A thousand people so it’s not a lot it’s a thousand people but like it’s 11 little community of people still supporting nags still like talking nags stuff like the you know the writers of Nag and the mods have now got all on there and like yeah it looks like like a

Good little community so I wanted to ask some of them if they wanted to join Minecraft end and see if I can get some of them on let’s see actually if I can be nice it was because of an egg yeah oh yeah those CDs that was so those CDs

Were like I remember buying the magazine I usually bought the magazine on the weekend because like the only time I got the magazine is when my mom or my dad went to the shops and I conveniently went to work but now the trick was my mom and my dad

Sometimes I have to do it when I got to visit my grad but basically the premise was my mom and my dad would only visit Pick and Pay and for some reason Pick and Pay didn’t stock nag magazines only Checkers or Spa did I don’t know why

I genuinely don’t know why but my mom and her dad um like only went to the shops at Pick n Pay so the thing was if they go to the to the to the like the the mall or whatever and they went to Pick n Pay to

Like do the groceries I’d quickly pop into Checkers or Spa with a little bit of my allowance and go buy my nag magazine for the month and then I usually did that on the weekend anyway when they’re done shopping and I remember that CD that came with as you

Said I’d I spend the entire weekend playing demos watching the trailers the interviews I had on it like I was so enamored because like damn it’s a nice city like look at all this stuff because at that point I was dumb I didn’t really like think about like the internet in that

Context like I can just use the internet for this I was like oh my gosh look at all this gaming news it’s amazing most amazing thing of my life I just wanted to yeah yeah it was it wasn’t it was it was good enough technically to like alive with some MC dungeons

We have we have space for two again if you are on PlayStation and want to join us feel free to message me in the chat or just say hello have a good gaming like trying to be a nice guy on this server nice guy ottoman I use my racist almond on the Avenue

Service let’s see it only takes one bad day bro yeah yeah yeah it only takes one bad day and one bad habitat on that thing right it’s like marginalize everyone let’s not talk about that before I get demonetized um actually speaking of the monetization apparently

I don’t know if that’s like I’ve seen it happen on my channel now I don’t know what the thrick like where the money goes but some of my videos are running ads now know if you have like one of the videos like if you have watched some of my

Recent videos some of them are running ads now for whatever reason I haven’t I was confused as well because I’m like well that’s nice and everything but I’m not getting any of this money so who the hell is running ads on my video and in like claiming Revenue

Like I know some of the times I get an email saying like okay you’ve used copyrighted content they’re allowed to be on YouTube but they might run ads on it I’ve seen those and that’s for it because I do use copyrighted content I’m not monetized so I don’t get strike

But they do run ads on my videos now those I’m fine with but it’s these random ones that I had don’t have computerized that like notices of like that um the recent one I think was like a literal the minute long Hogwarts Legacy video that one never got any type of

Copyright notice because it didn’t really have copyrighted music in it and all of a sudden that one had like ads about takealots freaking dove I was watching the video to see how much views I got and I got a dove that I was like what the frick who’s advertising soap

Yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be too surprised but like to be honest yeah it’s it’s cool with me because like I I’m not even close to being eligible I have the watch time and the watch hours like I easily get to watch seven watch hours but my subscribers off way too low

So like they wouldn’t even like touch you know monetize me or whatever so yeah but as I said I’m cool with it like I’ve I’ve pretty much realized a long time ago like the advert you have to put in to make money like profitable money off of YouTube it’s so

It’s so like freaking you have to do so much and you risk so much for possibly that little it’s not worth it so I’m way more than happy just or you get lucky like you you’re the one guy that starts a niche on YouTube like that could be legit to you or you

Just go viral or whatever what’s up man you’re ready for a mission actually uh okay I still got two missions here on the blacksmith so I started DLC but like yeah so I started long ago you know what it’s way more fun for me I can just

Stream and game and make videos of whatever the hell I want for my enjoyment and then like I’ll be more honest and real and stuff in my videos rather than try to chase a trend because honestly like the effort I have to go through just to possibly like make more money

Well not worth it so I just had a nap it’s not worth it I’m just gonna do this as a past no I made like apart from my full-time job because obviously people who YouTube don’t really have a full-time job always they rely on YouTube for money which is

Risky it is risky it’s not a guaranteed secure salary power of the Wind yeah I mean if you’ve got a million subscribers I’m pretty sure you’ll be okay sure you’d like to chat on my diet and you still have confirmed well it I’m gonna be honest with you that I’m like

I don’t think it’s said enough money making on YouTube is damn hard so like how it works is like um there’s a little like thing of your retention on videos and stuff of how you make money basically when you get monitors and stuff they start giving you a commission based earnings per 1000

Views on your videos per 1000 views in the videos you’ll make maybe 10 cents right put that into perspective 10 cents per 1000 views which means if I get 100 000 views I got ten dollars from the video to give you more how the hell did you

Die yeah I’d rather they might give more stuff but like they need to like be sure your subscribers are gonna watch the ads and you have to be sure like you’re gonna have a consistent view counts all sorts of nonsense like now take all this stress right oh frick I was stuck

Where did you die my dude why are you setting me letting me okay wait what I tried this map before I know we played this map before just to really really like reduce my memory because like this is a DLC we’re gonna do this is the one I told you on I also

Just wanted to relive that okay good one good one man good one let me live for the top but yeah honestly don’t like so put that into perspective for about like without your ad driven yourself or one video hey I got a bunch of surprise faces what up Boucher I hope

I said that right I hope that’s not right one the derogatory bird so so if it is um yeah welcome and goodbye forever because then I’m gonna take it take another down on future but yeah I hope you’re doing well if you’re doing a bunch of surprised Pikachu faces

Uh yeah so if you are enjoying yourself but yeah like it’s very respective so that’s about a hundred dollars like this is just a hypothetical amount or arbitrary amounts because that’s what I read about a hundred dollars for a million view videos right hundred dollars that’s literally what it is because now

But now figurative perspective someone who does full-time YouTube how often do they upload you know they have to make like their money for the month they have to secure these deals like it’s just so much stress like you can I think make a good living out of YouTube but like the stress that

Comes with that I don’t think it’s only worth it if you can get a proper full-time job because that the other side of the spectrum is a lot of those people start on YouTube because they didn’t make it somewhere they didn’t make it in their jobs they didn’t make it uni they didn’t

Do this they didn’t do that like it wasn’t it wasn’t always their first choice that’s the thing so like you know yeah but I mean come on now see almost all of us like he has so much like money ridiculously from that challenge and stuff but like good for him he found his

Genre he found his Niche and he ran with it I can’t deny that it really did well for himself but um yeah as I said like how how many Mr B subs and like how many how like how how much of a one in a million was the out of everyone who’s tried

And this is gonna get harder yeah so as I said like I rather prefer my way of doing YouTube but like I just do what I want without really worrying about views without really worrying about what I’m doing what I need to do I just do it

Because it’s a nice hobby it keeps me it’s something nice to do when I’m done with work because I haven’t had this much free time in like forever so that was nice that was what YouTube did for me electrical Hobby keep me busy and that’s kind of why I still do it

Like a discipline now I know I know but I started to see it as like well I’m not gonna be the guy clicking the sky just wants to limited my ass so long uh yeah Mr Beast I’ve lived for so long before getting popular that was so true

As I said like it’s not like these guys don’t and like they were on YouTube like getting crap amounts of views and then like uh they knew what they were doing for the side thing but as I said like I don’t want that stress in my life I

Honestly never did so I’m much more happy with my way um but like yeah so like the video editing for me for example was like you know how most people spend their pastimes and stuff like during the week they like to exercise and stuff like that

I like they like go to the gym or they do something else I just realized very early on like I’m not a gym person it’ll be very harder I don’t like going to the gym I don’t like seeing it as a discipline I like taking care of my body

But I like taking care of my body basically by like going to jog with my dogs or going to jogworth Erica you know and the healthy dieting and cooking healthy and stuff like that I like doing that I don’t necessarily have the aptitude to go to the gym and stuff

So I thought okay well I’m not going to the gym so whatever three times do I have I can get better my video editing you know I can make just a consistent thing I was like okay that works for me as long as I’m healthy you know keeping myself busy should be good

Thank you what you put stock on where did you put stock on are you going to teach me always are you gonna teach me a way to stock have you made money on it as long as you’re not one of the Bitcoin bozos to tell me about like on Instagram I

Will Coach you to make the Bitcoin I like those tick tock quote unquote influences and I’ll like all bro do this like side hustle and you’ll make like 100k or some yeah like before we continue this video I just want to show you my skincare routine that I started yeah

Yeah it’s easy you just you get these products for absolutely free you get these photos absolutely free just sign up here test them and make sure to tell your friends about it too foreign guys want to do the Dirty Dancing baby now actually to be honest now that I think

About like what I said about exercise stuff I actually do exercise during the week but see what I said I don’t like a gym setting that’s what I also did like badminton and stuff I like a sport as well because it keeps me active and it’s just something fun to practice

Roy particularly a gym setting like I don’t know what it is if it’s just it’s just like not for me to like keep doing reps and stuff or keep like working on my you know it doesn’t matter explains I fell off twice oh this is like uh focusing on like muscle groups

And stuff like that because I mean like look at my arms does this look like I lift bro the only thing I do left is like I love five kilogram shopping bags for your information that’s about it oh damn wait 40 kilograms that I’m malnourished

Oh yeah I was gonna say it’s a fly I was like oh they’re okay give them food they’re dying no no no no they have to be because oh man come on look at that like that strength you have to have to like get them to lift and stuff um

She’s different than me I could be a flyer but I’ve been 60 kilograms for so long I’m just assuming that’s my way like you 80 85 I think that’s enough holy damn my cousin weighs more than you what the frick oh yes I remember now and I also freaked

Out because I’m like you ain’t more more than my dad but that didn’t make sense to me because it was like I’m trying to put it in my mind not oh well like I said um when it comes to like like I just don’t like enjoy like focusing on my

Muscles like I like having a healthy body but like I said I like doing something like a sport or cardio I’m good at that I like that off stake of that then I wanted to do like yeah I wanted to do like uh cheerleading

I told Erica come on be my flyer she was like no I said don’t worry we’ll practice from home we’ll figure it out she’s like no I’m gonna die oh we did want to do um because you also did and we did also want to do trampolining the only problem

Was it wasn’t in a very nice like time frame but Erica was very keen on trampolining as well I thought I was gonna break my neck if I do it yeah but like I don’t know I think she has more of a like they see consistently now it’s like there’s a trampoline

Underneath her rather than like a me underneath her yeah I think she just wants me like if we ever do that too I think she just wants me to know how to like be a base but before I do anything 50. I think Erica’s more or less first thing I think

I could lift her so like that’s my assumption what I’m going on I wouldn’t say I’d love 50 dead weight see that’s what I’m trying to say I really want to try like I can’t drive because they keep knocking me back what is this video oh what

I don’t know what I meant because on come on that’s so BS I revived you five times because of that dumbass knockback all right well enjoy it was nice hearing from you and as I said if you do have some time again whenever you do that sometime again let us know I know

Well let me know earlier next time and maybe I can hop on some rocket league for you Okay I see well enjoy yeah but as long as that business is making your money you shouldn’t really be like take that advice good for you dude well you have to get started somewhere holy crap okay that’s all on you cheers oh dude they left me in the air and then

Like my stupid Crystal thing is useless I’m just shooting above them they found a hack dude that Crystal beam and then they just lifted me up in the air and I started like freaking rotating like a helicopter playing against and these bars are roofers they’re dropping ice blocks on your bees

And I got no chill nice I guess four gems more jumps oh dude check y’all I like I’m I don’t know if you you you you haven’t checked in a while like I did but check your battle pass dude there was so much Emerald than gold that I didn’t collect

From the battle part I got 2 000 emeralds from one level on a battle pass I was like what I’m back on 5K now as well I should really just freaking start a spending spree but is it this way there’s a chest there it’s like a chest to be here oh no more

Things spawned here I don’t get my decision ah hey Zio how’s it going man I’m just a bit of a panic now because I’m freaking dealing with a lot of enemies that I don’t want to deal with but I’ll be doing good man it was a test actually there’s more

Emeralds okay you can get your Clash of Clans Game Boy what a desire hope you’re doing well man oh woman I’m not actually sure but anyway yeah um I’m assuming you’re from the nag Channel I’m not sure I’m assuming my the videos are from an actor but anyway

Hello welcome to pop in and say Hello uh we’re just busy with some empty dungeons on The Gauntlet of jails we’re just testing out the wind strength and wandering to ourselves why this is not in the standard based game because who knows why this is some really cool stuff and like

Okay just easily put this in your face again because you have the assets Mojang don’t do it yeah so many mobs so many biomes yeah you can just try one spot over but you don’t and I don’t know why hey can I play with you my nickname is Zio malox13

Um yeah why not um you’re on PSN right I want to try and see if I can save this column let me just deal with that guy and then I’m gonna see if I can add you on PSN um I’m just going to invite them to the party huh

I got it I got it fine llama’s like a girded all right um we’re gonna go into ps4x curious the just a blue screen for a second because um I’m not sure can I add people just out of I can search okay I’m gonna search

And I can just get you in a pot with Zio Matlock 13. uh no players found uh is it a cross play I wonder if this is a cross play one and maybe it’s iron Malik’s one maybe the 13 was an error no it’s okay sensitive I don’t think it’s case sensitive

Zion Mallock I definitely spelled that right so is that a is that a cross Play account or a PSN account because we can try cross play um I’m just gonna give a fair warning that cross play and PSN for some reason doesn’t match well in this game like

It’s gonna happen like what’s gonna happen basically is when I invite yourself you’re gonna be able to join and then slow it’s not going to be able to join or I can’t invite them for whatever reason and then when I can invite or join him I can’t invite to

Join you like this game really has a messed up way of doing crossbar I don’t know why um but if it is a PSN account maybe I just can’t search you uh you can let me know but if it is crossword like I said we can try I’m

Just not very optimistic about it because we have tried it before which is unfortunate wait where did you how did you get there hang on I’m just gonna teleport honestly I don’t even know how I can’t even see on the map how you got there

Just log just uh Logics bro I mean it’s it’s really just that simple but what I just teleported and it like it didn’t even take me to you what the trick you got it again is it now yeah because you trolled me the one points and uh

You just had that block huh I see never what I got the quest Market cool weird oh it says it’s because of this I wonder if it’s because I couldn’t pass over the gap of the teleport oh what a random unit drop come from what is your nickname um

So if it’s a cross-plane nickname I’m gonna I’ll type it in a chat for you quickly this is like my cross play and my thingy nickname so let me just type it in the chat for you quickly uh damn it give me one second to the slogan

I see I’m logged out of my YouTube account oh come on and you need to pause this game is logged into my YouTube uh okay I’m gonna pass this Gap right so I’m gonna try quickly just to PSN is this one cross play this one

You can try either or like I’m not sure obviously which one but uh that block scared me um but like I said like we can try cosplay I’m not really too optimistic about it because we’ve had our struggles before but yeah if you want to invite me on

Cross play that’s fine and if we don’t manage to ride up we can always play again together like I I’m usually on more or less every night so I’ll let you know when I’m on Minecraft that tonight doesn’t work out I don’t know that’s not what I’m supposed to get

Am I waiting for another one of these freaking man is in a freaking Mission battle already I’m still stuck here trying to get over platform s it doesn’t work it does and now it works nice okay yeah yeah all right turn your allowed to be tp2 on again huh

See I see I see um yeah but I check if you can send an invite or add me as a friend on one of those and then I’ll check off information if we can sort out an invite or a join or something uh hopefully hopefully we can manage

It’d be nice to have um more than two of us because we’ve been meaning to get our friend group on this game but you know they’re all busy they are all busy which I can’t blame them for a lot of them have them full-time jobs and stuff um or they’re just tired

That’s also that’s also a lot of time it’s unlike they sound like the girl on a flirt whatever he did let’s go claim your prize damn common Claymore love it what price I just got gems it knows that I can gamble nice so that is your prize what email do you mean

Oh there’s your price look look Lord have mercy on lots of us oh they’re November so I can’t blame me hey that was that wasn’t bad there’s another one yeah that’s actually got quite a lot of them what is this I bring it there okay it brings the

Whole thing down all right I’m gonna check quickly we’ll check quickly if we can get the invites going on Zion Maddox one my unfortunate black assumption is that we we’re gonna struggle with the cross play but I’m Gonna Keep fingers crossed I will keep fingers crossed

And like I said if we don’t manage tonight don’t worry I play Minecraft dungeons a lot I am sure we will definitely find a way to jam together at some point uh okay I’ve actually got a good loot now for that uh what the thing the ancient hunt guy I

Just want to see I need to take the higher end Loot and keep that common stuff I can use I’ve got armor I’ve got an arranged bow I’ve got melees and I’ve got an artifact the only thing I need to put on them now is this Jonathan that’s the only thing I

Unfortunately don’t have a lot of actually no I lie because if I get my stuff back after the submission I will actually have stuff and I can eat the Highland ax because the Highland ax has got a lot of internal points I can get back

So that’ll be good we just need to do one more mission but we’ll check out if you can do the invite first uh uh cross platform play I haven’t seen anything on my side that’s like popped up over my cross players now toggle off I’m not sure the invite is going to come

Through or not I wonder if I can change my settings like now oh there you go settings game oh you can’t change your cross burning in the game yeah okay but just let me know if you come right there um and then we can try and see if we can

Get across by working the valley just got nothing really I’m gonna check the luxury Merchant because we’re going to blow these emeralds off now it’s nearly armor God’s armor yeah the main reason this Mercy on them is higher really is because I’ve Enchanted it so maybe

What is this what do I have on a burning a fireball because it’s only really then they’re on 20 weapons 35 damage reduction what does this one do per bundle Oh this is so bad but I do have armor already actually that I can like enchant so I shouldn’t I should really 700 damage That’s not bad that’s a good amount of figure damage actually uh random melee weapon bruh you just won that efficiency diamond pickaxe huh yeah oh my turtle looking like you’re dying he’s just flipping on his back dude man’s a suicidal all right I may have just wasted gems on the most useless ever

That’s so nice corrupted vegan bro that ain’t no waste what’d you say oh nice okay I’ll actually take that because mine is worse though I’m gonna scratch that all right good good good good okay um I haven’t heard from Zio again let’s maybe try a oh my nickname

Cross play okay it is cross play okay all right well I’m gonna return to the main menu I’m gonna try the crossplay thing but like I said I am not optimistic about this but again at least I’ll add you then as a friend and if it doesn’t work out tonight at

Least I Model A lot so it’s cool right so I’m gonna go to game I’m gonna turn my cross play on Ryan now how do I invite again until I figure I think I have to go in the game add friend or add friend yeah add friend is like but that’s underneath

Oh so sure by entering the gamertag let’s try Zion madox13 here I think I’m only on the PSN side now matlocks 13. you can now find your friend and a friend’s list friend added oh wait what I don’t know it’s a cross platform play okay like I said I’ve

Toggled the cross platform play now I’m gonna start online game and uh what you’re gonna see like what we’ve observed last time is you’re gonna be able to join my session um or I’m going to be able to successfully invite you and then what’s going to be the UNA reverse card is for

Some reason slow is not going to be able to join our game because for some reason when I click along a cross platform the thing just assumes I only want to play with cross-platform people which I don’t I don’t really get like look at that like so all the PlayStation

People do not have an invite by the next to their name I can’t invite them at all like at all but I can go to cross-platform and I can invite you for example invite failed okay then I didn’t expect that either uh yeah it’s like an ultra owner of it tonight huh

Oh it’s already here that’s why hello how’s it going man now see the issue the issue we have of this is when I try to invite slow for example or learn to join I can see he’s online and I can’t invite him I can’t invite any BS person for example which is like

Messed up because why does that happen and for example I’m going to ask them how slow do you see that I am online even though my profile is currently showing that I am online Do You See Me online yeah but there’s no games that I could

Join there’s no game that you can join you can see I have a camp so you can see that like I’m playing Minecraft dungeons but for some reason you can’t join my game and I can’t invite you to it again why do you do this Minecraft engines why

Is this a thing in the game when you can configure cross-platform play and then just exclude everyone from the platform you’re playing on that’s like reverse Logic on that I really don’t understand that like I genuinely do and the reverse is true as well now so like

Unfortunately I am going to have to leave the game because I don’t promise slow I’m gonna go do the DLC with them and I’m gonna try and invite you now to our game but now you’re gonna see when I actually it’s not it’s gonna by default not work because what’s gonna happen is

Um I’m gonna have to turn my cross platform off just to play with slow but now obviously I turn my cross platform off meaning I can’t invite cross-platform people absolute reverse logic so unfortunately as I mentioned this game’s invite system is balls I don’t like it but that’s unfortunately how it is

So at least the good thing is I do have you now edit as a friend which means I can jam with you for sure um when I’m on again because like I said I am on a lot with the customer dungeons some more cross-play people that is unfortunate though like I said I

Really don’t know what the what the hell this thing’s problem is so sorry about that desire like I said I really don’t understand why they can’t just fix that that seems like a really easy fix to do like a really really easy fix but yeah

But the thing is that I had the same issue with um I still do have this issue with bedrock Edition like normal Bedrock edition of Minecraft the invites the invite system on that thing is also messed up absolutely messed up right so I’m gonna start an online game again

Um but I will definitely jam then some cross play uh later on Zio thank you at least for joining in and friending me and stuff it’s good we should have more people playing Minecraft dungeons it’s a really underrated game now oh you have a PS4 Frick why did you tell me that

Okay then okay that makes things way easier hang on um let me invite you into the party the start of that one next time station hey Zio underscore this is an underscore no that’s a space um oh man like men’s wins and bought a PS4 while we were struggling the hospital

Same day delivery on his Amazon now they just like drove to his house they delivered a that delivered the um console like hey you gotta just set it up at record time all right I think this is the correct on Zio underscore melox I’m going to assume that uh I’m gonna

Edit a party and then what I can do is I can uh uh edgy here effect as well I don’t have to add you as a friend first when they joined the party but yeah that’ll work that’ll work then and we got that okay desires joined the party that’s cool we can

We can I can add them as a friend from here then that should work now okay um cool I think that should work should I I’m not sure if I can see him here yet I gotta use friends now that’s good I can hit invite uh uh with the name sent invite cool

Now we are all here and all accounted for we have finally more than two people in Minecraft dungeon slow can you believe it I only took like three crazy yeah I can’t believe like it took that long when we have that many people who can’t actually play Minecraft dungeons but oh

Well just one of those things the nail stuck cat don’t put your nail on the chair next time when you won’t get stuck uh okay I’m not sure if you can hear us currently desire I’ve sent you an invite on on the PS party uh I’ll just wait you in it and

I’m not sure if you need anything we can do a tower run if you need a tower run um I didn’t I didn’t actually pay attention to like what what is power level and stuff was but if you need the tower run or anything like we can give it to him I

Think we have enough stuff and then we can we can continue yeah we should be Bing chilling I’m actually after this I’m just going to put my mode I’m on charge because I have a feeling this thing’s gonna die if I don’t pay attention quickly also thanks for the

Subscriptions I’m Alex actually just realized now um I do highly appreciate it and I appreciate your support and everything obviously I only do this for fun as I’ve mentioned before below minute did you watch of my the new videos streams whatever it is so means a lot to me so thank you um

Anyway I’m not sure I just want to check the product I’m not sure if you can hear us currently but I did send an invite uh uh yeah it says it invite sent on the unless he has to turn like the PlayStation on first I’m not sure what he yeah

Give it a minute is there any genres I can do because I need I need to get installments on the stuff I need to donate to the ancient hunt because I said what did what did they say more enchantments means higher chance to meet the ancient mob right

I just want to go read that again what was like there was a like a thing ancient hunt you must offer at least I can’t bloody read because my camera’s in the way offering enchantment points will be spent once you start the mission each in terms will reduce your hero level

Buy one what the hell do you hear a little by the way is that like crap so if I put like 20 in I’m going 20 down I think it works like that I think okay I’m just hanging on has anyone fail to join session oh don’t

Give us this nonsense again we’ve had this nonsense before as well gosh uh okay I want to try and invite again if not uh Zaya if it doesn’t work you start a camp and then we can see if we can join you maybe because that way around can also maybe work

I don’t know also like I know we’ve also had the issue before failed to join like the game address like that first or second day we try to join each other it was also a mess what the frick was that you sound like an Eldritch Horror I can tell

Probably this freaking cosplaying the Enderman or basketball player LeBron James your drama run from the hood wait a frick uh okay random installment on whatever because I can just I could blow anything on the table because it doesn’t matter what an enchant on this thing it just once enchantment points for this internet

Um okay so I sent an invite as I said try and join it if it doesn’t work we can try and join your Camp see if that works somehow someway we will find a ways for us to work because like I said personally we’ve made it work so I’m pretty sure it will

Work okay I think it wants food man he’s been scratching at the freaking table like 20 minutes now and it just sits there with his nails stuck in the damn chair yeah it did want food is that so fail to join the session okay right so let’s try the other way around and

Bloody hope this works Zio you start a camp or whatever and then we’ll see if we can join you because I should be able to see your Camp online and then I can join you directly that’s my hope that’s all I’ve still got in terms of suggestions if it doesn’t

Work scream at mojangs to tell them to fix their damn game again because that’s how we felt on the first two three days we started playing this game invite some freaking work either and then all of a sudden magic just magically worked so I don’t know what it might be

Uh what was this all right I invited to play Michael dungeons let’s hit the join button see if I can connect vice versa keeping my fingers crossed for this see if I can join if not I will try and join and maybe I can join slow

We’ll try and try in every single way possible and man that has been a hot minute I do hope I do genuinely hope you’re doing well it has been a while I’m happy you’re back I should actually make you know what here you go what is a managing moderator

I’m just going to add you the standard mod Ule congratulations Soviet African you’re a mod now get ready for the responsibility of having no responsibility I’m telling you bro being a mop and and Big Mac Daddy’s chats is like the easiest thing ever in the world because you’re

The only one there usually most of the time true well I know I know it actually what’s happening I don’t know like every time someone else knew pops up you just like ban him before I see it and you just delete the chat yeah it’s like some sort of freaking Chinese suppression system

No free speech exactly I can tell Oh it’s so cold in Cape Town holy man is it it’s cool down here in Pretoria as well but not like drastically it’s like been you know he says I am honored thank you nice you look good with a little bit of a tinge of blue and a wrench next time

Um yeah I’m stuck in this infinite loading traveling to Camp nonsense so I don’t know if that’s like no matter problem I know actually how to fix this I’m scared that to actually do it I just realized I was about a close application I realized I’m not sure I think that

Like ends the Stream no I’m stuck yeah I did not know what’s going on this like I’m just gonna sum it up to Zio this is literally what myself and slow went through like the first three days we tried to do it basically what I can tell you is

Um I think the game needs a restart so that it gets in its head that I’m not configured on crossplay anymore or something like it did this with me and slow until I switched cross play off and then it magically worked like I If you have cross Play Con like toggled on at

The moment turn it off like I’d say close your game turn off crossplay and then try and make a camp again because that’s what worked for us um but yeah I would really highly recommend it’s like restart maybe your game quickly just turn off the cross play

Setting and then try and make a cap again because that worked for us like it’s it’s it just like helps a lot when you’re on the same platform uh how the PS5 treating you better than the old Facebook PS4 yes a lot better because first off you can’t hear it it’s like

Sitting right there it hasn’t actually made a noise ever sometimes I’ve I’m like scared like oh it’s dead it does was it cyberpunk that was like his scene a little bit it’s his thing it does hit a little bit like sometimes like it does little no it doesn’t it it doesn’t it

Here because like a little now and then but then like it does um for some games it does heat up a little bit like a little bit like Hogwarts Legacy like it does heat up a little bit if I play it long but it’s not like

Like instantly hot or makes a lot of noise even for like any sort of transition whatsoever so I’m very happy with that like it’s been like handling everything perfectly I think it’s toughest challenge as far with cyberpunk cargo’s Legacy um he does miss the old Jack fight and

Background well you don’t have to miss it too much because sometimes if you do here closely you can hear slows jet fight in the background oh yeah you want to hear it yeah but I put a close set listen listen it’s some Nostalgia for you Soviet there you go

Bro you should cherish when I’m playing ghost or sushima I know it’s the worst one that was the worst one for mine as well go to sushima almost killed my machine I remember I remember sitting in an echoing room you know how bad I was I’m sitting in an echoing room and I

Remember I try to yeah I leave Minecraft dungeon yeah I think just do that quickly and then turn off the cross play setting and then try and re um reconnect or like try that again Zaya because I think that’s gonna work um no like I don’t have a good YouTuber

I’m playing in an echoing room and I’m trying to look I remember I was streaming or something and it’s an aircon all you heard the whole time I was like that’s a whole Reverb you heard like a Reverb in my headset and I was like I was that close to just

Deleting the stream because like there’s you can barely hear any commentary the dialogue is even worse because like you can’t immerse yourself all you hear is as well it was horrible it was honestly horrible he says it’s good but the PS4 nail that cycle sound

It does it does once you once you start that like game like once you open that application of a game it just goes it doesn’t have that like Angelic like that’s okay guys I’ve just upgraded my Ram to 32 gigabytes after my one four gigabyte

Stick diet and now I’m so excited I can run Hogwarts Legacy on recommended that is very good it’s very very good news because now you can simp over Professor garlic and download all those mods like every odd bloody elves playing the game oh he’s already reset the game but I’m

Still traveling to camp this is bad guys I’m scared it’s gonna end what whatever oh I’m scared I don’t want to close the game because I’m afraid it’s going to close the Stream it’s going to fry my GPU though I can believe that how do I get out of this I

Can’t get out of this invite you and you join please please please like I I’m scared to close again because I think it’s literally gonna end the Stream and I finally got my I’ve already got hot in this stream I don’t want to lose him they’re so they’re so pretty

Oh okay I’m I’m literally fingers like all hope or other lies are slow and being able to invite me now and hoping that works otherwise I’m doomed doomed like Doom oh then if I came through John please please please please please oh huge W I think you just saved my life

Oh I think you just saved my life right so poor Soviet African does not know the context of what the hell is going on he’s just been looking at a loading screen this whole time right so so good afternoon thank you for that slow um yeah I don’t know zayo I’m very sorry

Like we can try now if your cross play is turned off and we can try joining you again like but as I warned you this happened to us as well in the beginning so Soviet African just to give you a little bit of context what’s happening here so this game

Promises it has cross platform right you can see I can see you can see over there I can either invite my PS friends or my cross-platform friends right here’s the kicker if I in if I turn cross-platform play on I can invite and I can join cross-platform games but for some reason

Then I can’t invite or join PlayStation people’s parties or and they can’t join me even though like they’re on the same platform as me they can’t join me if my cross-platform setting is turned on and I’m in a cross-platform game it doesn’t work for some reason for some reason

It’s mutually exclusive and it’s messed up like it’s really messed up like and then to play with for example slow Now who’s on a PlayStation I have to turn off my cross-platform play to play with slow but that means obviously I can’t invite anyone that’s not on a PlayStation

We did it we did a gentleman we did it actually went I don’t see him oh there he is hey what’s up man good to see you good to see you good to see you um I think that’s easy level 80 so uh he hasn’t done a tower run yet I’m assuming

Does he want to do a tolerant you want to do a tower run he’s jumping somewhere wait how do you do that tell me how he did that much grub but now that works he’s going somewhere Secret I want to go there right I want to show my stream I I actually honestly

I feel so dumb doing this bro I feel like like somehow like he it’s like a speed Runner trying to show you something and you don’t know how to teleporting how to help you teleport oh wait we can teleport to him I’m being dumb no not that okay good one

Cancel cancel no I’m gonna die okay he says mutually exclusive it’s a cross play but crosswords like exactly but at least at least we can like hack at least we can hack this one to work we still can’t hack Minecraft there’s no way oh there’s no way hey what’s up goodbye slow huh

Teleport dude bro dude you’re not making that clip again dude teleport to me I’m still here are you teleporting I can hear an Enderman where the hell are you wait what the what is he doing stuff again wait I got an achievement for that oh what did you do Secret

Place yeah you went to you went to a secret place dude he’s being cool man he’s throwing cool stuff on my stream what is this place oh what that’s not gonna it’s not a secret area way holy that’s the same man knows okay I’m gonna assume he

Doesn’t need anything from us since he knows that okay no we’re good dude I think I think he’ll carry us all the way in the ancient hunt in the freaking Tower in the freaking everything I’m just gonna like put my controller on Autopart I’m gonna type like the button

Going forward to like move forward oh yeah all right I’m gonna I’m gonna watch him do trick plays um bro how many hours do you actually have I’m very curious naturally wait I got wait what okay holy the chest opened but there’s nothing in it what what did you get from the chest

Got a double edged blade oh I got Grandma yeah I see now but it’s not important so I’m gonna scrap that he knows is this how do you like getting us all the items it’s like hey you want the infinite money glitch I’m so confused about the game what the

All right so save it up again I’m not sure if you like have played Minecraft dungeon over Minecraft dungeon before so this is like the spin-off obviously of the Minecraft game it’s basically a Dungeon Crawler really it’s basically really a Dungeon Crawler type of thing it’s a very cool Dental crawler a very

Simplified mechanics and very like easy to follow stuff but it’s like it’s very cool in that sense like that it’s oh I know this place you need nine runes here from your main missions and then you get a secret level this one I know about I just haven’t bothered looking for the runes

Huh they on every single main mission there’s a rune essentially that you can collect and then like you put it here and then you unlock a secret missions it’s a it’s a reference to Diablo II I know this one man’s as fast as well I can’t keep up

With this guy when he’s walking I’m assuming he’s got like some sort of swiftness on his arm or something because holy ill man zooming I’m so intrigued okay Mission select what really the game but it makes me want to go back and play Minecraft it does because current Minecraft the base game

Has kind of lost its appeal for me unless like where did you start that why are you starting on an apocalypse seven because we have a high power level bro I’m not a high power level we do team power level it’s massive uh that means like his is higher so just

Saying okay well it’s not the mission again sorry I didn’t notice which one am I doing because I I don’t have a I can’t see which one I’m supposed to be doing oh I see you so if our team power right there’s 130 my power is 77 what’s your power 69. 69

That means his power is more or less 200. to be able to average that up to 130. 200 man’s has got definitely a lot of hours on Minecraft that’s fully charged all right you should I’m assuming I’m just gonna watch him clear oh okay well yeah

Bro okay well I picked up a level 80 Katana it’s already better I just wanted to stay back yeah yeah better good for team Power Team Paris massive players to take it out only one guy can actually be fighting huh I wonder how much damage I’m actually

Doing to like any of these mobs like I can’t see because there’s literal depth and destruction in front of me but I’m just curious never mind I throw my TNT I’ve helped I also I’m not sure how I died Oh no no no no no no no no Soul Crossfire and these are a lot of stuff to sell that guy’s got so many arrows in him holy crap my one’s good bow is now useless I’m gonna stand at the way back here and then just shoot arrows honestly that feels like

The most useful eye candy is like sitting at the way back and then just shooting my Twin Arrows and shooting across the ledge I’ll follow my soul Lansing because I’m pretty sure that can help I thought I was him I thought I was him bruh why every time like someone on Steam us

Like if they can join it’s like the most oh people imaginable this has happened three times to me One Thing roller Champion once in um follow the rocket League I think and now in the Minecraft dungeons every time someone else to join your team it’s like the most OP person imaginable

Okay I should just stay back oh my God all right I’ll spend all my errors trying to take out of one guy and I’ve I haven’t even like gotten them [Applause] I don’t mean to do that oh I died from full damage fold them it went that bad bro

All I try to do was like stay in my Lane you know give a guy space all right I was shooting him for a fall I think I’m gonna help now there you go I’m being helpful now man you’re gonna kill them I’ll pick them up

There you go we could just raise each other literally that’ll be our job function yeah I’m gonna shoot these batches in here ah let’s see how much arrows it does like for me to kill these guys it doesn’t like I have created at least on my bus

It doesn’t take too long but like no way could I take on this level when the vindicators can charge at me like Massacre me before I could even like kill one of them I’m gonna stand here I was about to jump on that pad and I realize foreign we are leveling up though

Oh no oh I wonder what his weapon is running just out of curiosity I’ve got so much loot a little Eddie fetty katana yeah as I said um so if it also the really nice thing about this game is it has so many new mobs and so many new

Biomes and weapons and stuff it like it just feels so much more fresh like a fresh marker experience it’s not like it’s trying to do the same Minecraft thing but it’s in a dungeon like I know the irony of my of my uh stream title is that but it’s

Really just far from it it’s entirely its own experience and arguably I’m actually having more fun with this like Minecraft has its charm and stuff like that but like I haven’t been I am not a really that big person on sandboxes like always because like I like sometimes the experience of created

Or crafted I don’t necessarily want to craft the experience all the time myself but I do really like Minecraft identified it’s been a really really like fun experience I want to see how he lays the race and I wanted to finish my sentence I didn’t even finish my sentence

Like I was gonna have a country like what if we just sit at the start do you think you can clear this whole level we just started to start clean instead of the start of the things oh nice I’m gonna try and raise you I was like watching like an anime

Make one hit to just like that bro it feels like being a Supporting Cast one so I could just watch the instructions from like a third person view you’re curious about this game but the combat the combat is fun like don’t get me wrong this like guy massacring everything is very much overpowered

Um he’s like very much overpowered compared to us but the combat in this game is honestly fun it’s very it plays a lot like classic Diablos a very simplified version but it plays a lot like classic Diablos the the bosses the dungeon crawling they’re like if you go

Extra effort you get more loose and stuff like it plays a lot like classic Diablo that’s what made it so fun for me as well and honestly like it’s a game I can like the Amazon thing is like Diablo you’d never dare put that on when you’re like

Little cousin come over and stuff because like your mom would whip your ass if you do that like how could you get him on in front of your little cousins you’ll scar them for life without this game like being a Dungeon Crawler still and everything I can put

What the fix stray Arrow hit me and just absolutely decimated me but anyway like I can play this with my little cousin and everything it like it it just feels the first blend like it’s exactly what Minecraft does I can play with my friends all with my like little

Bros the combat is something new if you bring this comment to Minecraft the powerapps and everything I personally would enjoy one microphones more that’s what I’m thinking why haven’t this game is now three years old and you don’t see any of this in Minecraft like I get it

Because then it would like devalue the experience of both games like Minecraft is its own experience and this gives its own experience but like come on we need new model stuff in Minecraft anyway like why not have this in but I get it like that it does what it

Does mean that’s what like I got a secret mission he’s gonna get the secret mission for us I need all the secret mission on this one I think never mind I know it is a it’s a rune this is one of the runes see he knows the rules You collect nine of these you get a secret like secret secret mission anyway um what was I think so like what also is very exciting for me Soviet is I don’t know if you’ve seen or heard of Minecraft Legends the other action RPG that’s like coming out literally in the

Next month or so but it’s supposedly going to be very much like this game except with more like refined combat in an RPG instead of a Dungeon Crawler and like with more I think party based systems and stuff so I’m very excited for that as well because I mean I think

You could play that entire campaign also Co-op that would be nice because it will be an open world I think Minecraft adventure this is like not an open it’s a level based Minecraft adventure but still I’m very much excited for what that would have to offer as well

That ended level go driving game how many how many ways can I possibly say that this guy’s carrying us like without repeating myself just one that’s like a bro I I like that character like I should just show that clip to someone it’s like what do you

Mean he’s carrying you just gonna show him one shot in the Redstone Golem ah yeah I see nice I found a hack if I stand back here I cannot come back oh no they’re coming they’re broken by the way you guys back here wait are you behind me yeah

Why are you behind me so you go and show you something more gems bro so I can gamble oh I see okay well it takes me forever to kill all these things anyway so you you guys will be fine you should come see how long it took me

Just to kill some of these dude it’s insane come up now that’s so sweet the whole time you guys with that spot I was killing like the whole order he just comes and like clears the rest nice man comes backwards it’s so funny oh no they’re coming down

Nice because it’s so good I actually bought left for 15 Rand when jamming that game that’s actually a game husband dying to try out because I never have and like I thought it would be a legitimately fun game to try is lead for bed okay just don’t get uh back for blood against

I’ve heard I remember a lot of time you won me against it as well I think the only good like sort of one similar to live with it I think they said World War Z is pretty good but Left 4 Dead I think like Originals will be pretty much everything else that’s been

Offered so far but I do know I live with it like I know it’s really good because it’s got that director system like that like basically like it’s it keeps the level it keeps the level fresh based on like how you’re doing in the level like for example if you’re struggling it’ll make

The AI easier in the level while you’re playing and if you’re getting finding it easy it makes this AI more difficult as you go along like that was insane for its time again it’s old yeah it really is uh what’s going on health is not even funny

I now the not a moment of truth comes uh I’m very curious how many hits do you think he does on the boat you think he wants Hot Pot be like probably like two Max I wanna I wanna genuinely see like does he one shot the boss that we me and you

Struggle on sometimes I wanna I’ve been left for dead is just because time to pick my cousin’s eye about 30 minutes zombies we were on normal I know I know Left 4 Dead has hordes that are scary a lot I think day is gone it’s supposed to be

The only one of like close enough of that five people are watching the stream by the way hello to everyone and uh welcome to the stream where you’re gonna watch me and slow basically get the backyard chilling and watch this guy Opie hit everything oh my God he’s spamming the hits

Nice holy oh my God Nice or just actually wouldn’t hit him he’s the main character ever heard of a speed run this is the speedrun boys I treason oh man hey we got a trophy for that because technically we completed an apocal of difficulty even though we didn’t like he might have completed it so we

Didn’t do jack is like three million and then you check our damage too yeah 64. item news yeah boys one billion look at that’s one billion damage dealt I like I think like two percent was us if even but that’s one billion damage that is nothing

That is not that’s like ESO levels of boss fight oh God there’s apocalypse plus no I didn’t know that there is enemies that can respawn now what the frick bro you know it’s like items like God oh my God I just realized not you know how many items I got

Stormlander oh my God look at this thing actually I can use this ax but enjoyment points then I don’t have to worry I have a literal f4x and I only reals now oh nice this this night these knives are even better now by the ways man yo is that the invite found

Greg I’m I’m still I’m still throwing out stuff what do you mean accept the invite soggy cave apocalypse Plus 18. what is this mission dude holy we are actually getting carried oh I mean there’s no more doubting that dude even on apocalypse this is apocalypse Plus 18. oh gosh yeah

This is like hurting my brain about how like underpowered we are this is like trying to one tap the Elden ring boss when you’re just starting the game like you take the shortcut and join like Speed Run the game but you have no idea how the game works actually he’s actually getting damaged

Look at how much he’s getting damaged now imagine us okay now it doesn’t really show it all that well okay nice right next to itself when he jumped his arms hold me hold me in there in the world I like nice hey at least my bike can do some

Critical yet is there anything I’m good for when I’m hitting Critical Hits oh the witch can one shot me that’s bad the witchkin one shot is the oh gosh heels heels like uh and uh I know okay I have one thing I’m good for oh never mind going down yeah

Yeah why are you welcome me dude that literally looks like you pulled a fast one on me literally I I wish that you could flip that in my scene dude you have to you have to see that replay so good it feels like this video another

Video and tell me that that revive not look stuff to you I’m doing like this is my highest damage I can do and look it’s doing nothing quiet literally I spent all the souls I just harvested on that I’m like I did zero oh wow why are they on the door

Look at oh he’s actually going to get really hurt now oh yeah well this is a mess this look at this guys just rolled off look at how many witches they are okay wasn’t wow wow okay then maybe he has a trophy for he needs to

Get at like 1 000 revives and he’s just using us foreign yeah come on llama don’t leave me my alarm is about to get one shot now oh we have to do this again doesn’t matter which one we start in like oh I’m scared to actually go mine

I’m just kidding I don’t want to go wait isn’t this the one with like the doors lock and you have to do a try oh it is oh that is I’m so I’m so dead I’m running it was a bad idea to go on my own

Dude I’ve got two witches on my body usually I’d be happy but I’m not we’re coming we’re coming we’re coming we’re coming bro I’ve got two baddies on my body oh good for one thing and then I die Manchester I need to revive trophy there ain’t no way

Oh what the flick it’s kind of a stupid poison dude like I’m standing in the poison look at that look at that action that is definitely a wing I can get him I can get him never mind I can’t kill him your turn the problem is the problem is we can’t

Even do the rivers like I can’t say okay let’s play an hour level because the thing is like what’s he gonna do yeah he’s literally gonna like pull out his corrupted Beacon and like laser the entire map like one shot how did you Emoji I found emojis never mind

This is my furry hour at you boy I don’t know the sequence you it up I can tell I always have spam it I always just Spam it dude like because it’s easy like if you just Spam it eventually it comes up I don’t know whether the sequences I guess I just Spam it easily

Ah there we go I have no idea what the sequence is there but like I always just Spam it did I love that it’s like a mission success even though me and your success are very tainted right now oh oh I was like wait why did you die and then

I went into investigate which was a bad idea in of itself I’m gonna stand like way over here nice I’m coming that’s me dude come here come here come here don’t go there we said yeah we sit here and wait is it over we can come out now we won

We it up again man he’s laughing at this family dude there you go what the trick was that on my head uh uh oh I got it I need homeless oh nameless blade I was like homeless blade what the frick so like gonorrhea on a freaking blade come on homeless lady

Give me your shoes return to the boat okay that’s the last that’s like the end of the mission now dgs I’ll just show you a while you guys say get Victory I’m chucking out stuff nice nice everyone did an equal contribution it’s like replaying GTA 5 online all over again

No idea what’s going on so they just give you like the most amount of money bro okay you’re better guys but like you get the one guy that’s so like out of this world good wait what the frick ah there we go never mind I was floating

In the ocean for a hot second day nameless blade weakens enemy attack survival combo this actually looks like a really thick blade that I can’t reuse I’m trying to just check stuff hang on uh I’m going to check this I can suck this all right ah

I’m not sure if you can hear me um Zaya do you want to do an ancient hunt with us because like we were I was about to like plan to invest some stuff like I know I think kind of works now I was gonna invest

Some stuff and see if we can like do it because I was curious about it I’m good at thumbs down boy uh because I’ve got like 18 on the ax so I can donate the ax and then I’ve got the range weapon and then I’ve got the armor and I’ve got the artifact

Oh he’s going to the gift wrapper oh no he was about to receive something bro he’s going to the gift wrapper you’re gonna get a gift now I want to just see it like if I go in here and I can put all my stuff in I just

Want to see what it like says now because like if I give it this which is oh envelope I’ve gotten I’ve gotten holy crap okay okay I humbly accept I will say nothing like the girl who like is reliant on like that one that one guy and only fans

To give him everything everything they’ve ever owned oh yeah okay um I think I’ve gotten this down like are you doing the internet like I was I don’t know if he’s like standing just close to the thing because I have stuff that you can put in

Let’s watch now is the world noise and channel this is going to be like apocalypse Plus 34. probably you know this Escape he just gave me is a level or power of 101 Emerald robe how much health do you think it gives me 3K 4.3 k and it burns nearby enemies

It’s insane I’m gone dude I don’t know how much like power you could possibly have this is Thanos level power all right hang on oh he’s standing there let him cook lemon cook all right I wanna put my enchantments on this thing uh Gravity Falls we can do poison Focus

Poison damage deals increase lightning Focus lightning damaging dealings increase why damage why damage details increase well this one’s better for now a night okay that is a level 207 degree he has put in at level 191 armor he’s put in my brother this man is good

This man has gotten like it’s like an Elon Musk levels of wealth in this game level 207 is double more than double the closest item I have and the closest item I do have was a gift from him saying that is nuts that is honestly like it boggles me mind now like

How many hours that it is because that has to be like oh that has to be a lot of hours though I like I’m still assuming like this this doesn’t mean like I could like this difficulty means like we’re pretty much screwed as well Nice I know nice enough to move yeah crap down never mind look at all the taste of you imagine a zombie I got left for dead I’m so scared there’s many of them all right then yeah I can’t even kill the fighter okay we can’t do nothing on this

Kind of can I have crap in Detroit oh hell no they took my ass I’m not even getting like the Spider-Man people they just bite you you die I’m just gonna stand here at the back again do my usual stick this is riveting gameplay by the way

Just for me hearing the sounds of the of like mobs getting killed and then I’m walking I was like oh we’re like 20 mobs here foreign literally took half my health dude when I walked through it ah oh my God I’m shooting at the back I can’t even tell if I’m hitting stuff

It’s a pure fact that like I did not want to go even near I know same thing happened to me dude fireman what I didn’t even get a warning that I’m getting damaged I’m just getting like dead I know the cliff I declare diagnose you with the dead damn it

It’s like the Medieval ages that can help Let’s Take on the stream as well okay uh yeah it seems to look okay thank you as well to everyone who wants to get this much tonight has been inventful got on it my sword two million damage yeah I can I

Can tell I think I think we can tell that moment we’re not geek and he can he can he can chat in my stream while he’s playing and carrying us dude kind of thumbs up you know this whole playing experience for the past 20 minutes or something

You haven’t also that my highest ever damage like in a level was 2 million and your sword output is that is uh saying something anyway I know I have decided this definitely oh my God did you see it look at it I’m telling you no wonder we get up so fast

I don’t even know where to go nice I leveled up it’s meaningless to level up right now but it’s okay all the way there the funniest stuff ever yo look at that gold the zombies are knocking them back exactly entertaining to watch you can’t race because the dog makes kept knocking him back

Never mind welcome to the four people watching um I’m hoping you watching just a let’s play that not my let’s play because it’s the space that are we on we are incapable of helping here whatsoever we are we made a little bit of an Opie friend and uh

Well I think turned out it’s it’s just like it’s just like more of a oh like more of a watch and a cow behind the nearest fella well he does all the work what the frick what add slimes you’re kind of pissing me off bro um

This fire killed the Slime did you see that freaking the roast himself like a marshmallow but we can’t even hit him once oh gosh BattleBots okay nice bro I said I can’t tolerate this this is why um like I can’t handle this High difficulty because like it’s so like it’s so essentially just

How how little can we die like it’s not even a a matter of we’ll read I was like can we do it in less attempts and last time in a personal best of like 34 deaths anyhow like as I said the distance ah the Street’s going to an end soon anyway

It’s just been for your chaos the first hour I’m not bothered we made a good we made a good friend for whenever you need to open it just came to come online bro the zombie this tiny zombie dude I know everything that is related to look

That looks like it can run like it’s on cocaine I’m staying the hell away from who you call it our Runners Barrel I know I know that’s the other problem I’m dying to every single little thing like I’m trying to run away from every single mob it’s just chaos

You think he has from this Mission alone well you’re gonna find out at the end of the mission I think it’s one of the stats it says can you see currency or what I’m gonna guess 25 currently I’m gonna guess it’s gonna be I have 50 by the end of this mission

The 25 for me 25 for you so you’re just gonna set me up like I don’t know tell me that there’s fire like by the the entrance okay not like I can see anything my character just Falls over and then I know he’s dead I don’t even get damaged foreign

I have to wait like 10 million years to heal because my healing potion is like only halfway on cooldown now when they’re shooting from afar I’m pretty sure I’m hitting literally nothing oh look at all that gold oh no I’m staying here hello good luck bastards I’m not I’m not going

Close to that I’ll just be the camera man bro what the freak no the Goblins going to want me I’m gonna stand in the corner a nice thank you he saves me from one organ and proceeds to go back to fighting 50. no come and check on me

The corner trying to move what away oh holy crap these women get a little fast bro they did Athletics dude I was going to imagine we got through this whole mission right this whole mission for Grand business thing and you DC right at the end I would hate that

My stream just ends like because I I forgot to charge my motor My Stream just dies the whole game just dies all that works for absolutely nothing well the fine work because what we’re doing literally is being fodder they’re just farming revised yeah I totally I’m sure there’s a trophy like

500 revives like he’s like yep I’m gonna get these two halfway there boys pretty cool there’s so many nah I’m getting gold so you’re just gonna leave me okay bro go get the gold yeah the gold that I hardly worked for oh this is like real life

Is this capitalism at its finest our friend over here is just trying to show us late stage capitalism how long is this I’m Not Again Play it’s like some twitch stream torture like this is something your viewers set up to like torture your ball sack basically because like they hate you [Applause]

I know standing like way over here dude I don’t trust Jack oh nice we’ll get the coins that’s so [Laughter] that’s so stupid and it’s funny gosh no this is literally like like this is one of those you know that um that Dark Viper Au guy that does the GTA stuff

And it’s like sometimes he’s got those chaos speedruns where like his this feels like that like someone’s just doing a chaos speed run on this and like they they just they’re just thinking of every single possible bet oh you just I just see fire surrounding you I just walk straight into that one

Ah whoa through the valley of the shadow of death that TNT strike the 38k damage that’s like the most damage I’ve ever done so far in this damn mission look at this look at this I can’t even see his health bar move I emptied in the whole quiver just to

Not see a health bar move look at that [Laughter] let this Mission end I just I just want to go home the emerald is such a high level it falls in your head and you get killed by its weight okay oh we just died by Massive cope okay

Nah bro nah bro you gotta take this serious bro what the hell are you doing okay honestly I don’t think you can possibly take this serious and even worse and then go that way I’m gonna send in my llamas a test subject bro oh nice oh no I just phoned me here

Frick I spawn in front of him the law must be scared dude look at the Llama he’s just chilling at the back of me don’t come do not okay you can come now you gotta slave no never mind never mind never mind never mind and put some stuff back here foreign

The way back here again oh he wants to no not another one please affect you like like this is the polar opposite it’s supposed to be good but it’s not like someone overfed you ice cream and like please is it like it sounds like ice cream in your mouth oh oh

Why am I taking the lead what the hell I know what’s gonna happen now hell no dude I’m I’m freaking standing here at the back I’m collecting gold when you guys are done I’ll put my B down this one there you go if I’m just instant eyed the moment that he’s born foreign

Oh wait is that the end yay oh no it’s not the end is it the end it’s just the beginning bro oh Boston I’m stuck in the court I’ll put one down here for you bro there you go you can have your bees oh no I just got 360. uh 90 cracks

By a eight-year-old essentially pretty much yeah on that like I can be safe here dude there you go I’ll blending you’ll never see me come here as a signal let’s be a cheer squad dude this cheers card [Applause] s I died man I was a tear Squad bro oh my gosh

Listen to the ticking damage on that guy oh it’s another guess great there you go you can have the chest nice foreign oh we’re not close today and actually at all because finally exit means we still need to go through the portal oh Boston what happened why am I locked out now

Oh gosh he’s on one side of the way stuck on the other side this is not good it’s fine we’re good let’s see the emerald there’s them oh all right I said I almost walked into it again oh no your favorite activity huh oh no do you walk into it again

I don’t know what I’m walking through at this point I think I just died by just falling bro but the full damage is also level 30. foreign points I’m so tired I’d like I literally just want to enter the internet like I’m not even interested in loot anymore

It’s got to that point like I’m dying so much to everything like [Laughter] there’s so many of vocals actually invokers don’t damage you never mind they do they left me foreign I damn well notice there’s a phantom scary bro I can take the spider find the exit run bro book it oh gosh

Oh gosh I’m gonna book it to the end and then like watch the moment of panic set then like when he goes down and we don’t know what the hell to do wow I thought that was I thought that was him I thought that was in the way down

Oh I was gonna like drop my controller because like what the hell oh okay I’m staying here right dude I can’t I actually can’t oh I’ve I’ve certainly considered like he stayed back all the way and it’s just waiting for him to like walk through the whole level and then just teleport to

Him and like stay here at the portal the city end like let him go and then just set up one I’m gonna get a bag of chips wait put a Time on put a Time on I gotta go I’m gonna put a time on him I told you that’ll move I told you

Together so you could raise me bro we usually just stay here where I am hell no just stand up to me dude I’m gonna put a time on him one minute I should not make it two minutes two minutes like we’re just gonna have a nice and chill chat look

I’m saying like we only started streaming now who is up everyone and Welcome to our stream tonight um yeah you know I’m just chilling here getting all my stream stuff ready they’re just like running the practice runs I’ve already ran my practice around so I’m just letting them run their

Practice runs a bit before we get to the real concert tonight you know it’s your boy you’re gonna be cranking the 90s yeah with another tracker thinking Slim Shady got them real hazy All right wait where’s my timer I’ll follow in now time has got about a minute left I’m so watch it watch this thing just like say victory Bros you’re making a big mistake no I’m good you good huh 55 seconds left anyway like I said I’m just letting

These boys do a practice run and then we’re gonna get to the real deal real soon not really please no my torch there’s no way he threw a cross map Molly and it hit me I feel like I’m going up against CS go Pros fashion server

All right time is up I’m gonna go send Telly to him how far is he gone Hey can I have a lot of bees dude that’s all I can offer you honestly don’t worry I can’t die to another slime again my bees are literally getting wiped by a single slime all of my beads just got wiped by a single slime block not a big one a mini one

Actually that TNT might be the only use I have they got you bastards did I do something oh please tell me this is another slime another slime another one bro I ain’t gonna help I’m gonna you’re not gonna be with much help man okay you know what we should have done

I don’t know why you didn’t come with this idea we should stay with the portal oh dude they had the way back on the phone anymore I can’t even make it too meters but for one of them damn slide blocks just gets like freaking cocaine in his ass and

Then runs towards me and lightning speed before killing me zombie making cocaine zombies forget cocaine beer cocaine zombies are damn sequel under the standing on my heel practice my wolf John honestly oh bro you’re not in Twilight well I am Twilight gosh what the freak was that what I come towards us

Across the whole map I don’t even have arrows anymore dude I thought you rejected me from what with what now come on man there’s no way you just told me I am protecting you when you damn well know I might as well bro you had their attention okay

I bought a full second before they set their eyes on you baby you don’t protect me uh one more I’m gonna remove you from my friend’s list oh I’ve got a by the way dude I I freaking rolled on to the other side ain’t no way they’re getting me here

They can’t hurt me anymore why are you at the back of the map are you good brother yeah very good daddy actually when nothing can harm me look at that now all I can do is walk like a freaking piece mode over here like I’m playing Minecraft in peace while click all the

Emeralds you guys drop bro dude this CS go players man I’m gonna lose my I’m like the king from Clash of Clans Clash Royale ah slime I take a couple slimes oh my gosh I actually killed slime I am goaded with assault how the hell that’s on you better

No it’s because of you you didn’t protect me but uh you’re standing next to the op guy and you’re telling me I didn’t protect your ass ah oh God everywhere do you see how much like a spider’s theme in this goes encased it and you should have seen like five of them nice

Thanks I’m not into it at this point I’m really just numb to it I just I’m just accepting it as part of my dog so oh gosh wait what are we doing yeah by the way okay I’m gonna go get a bag of chips you just pretend like the

Streams I’m going in and I’m all here no no not schizo invisible yeah so the people watching this stream is completely schizo like you are not watching anyone no one you’re watching absolutely no one the person you’ve been watching has been absolutely no one Okay I’m kind of just throwing right now yo we just did a massive raid what and uh we did a massive raid and we’re kind of rich nice I’m amazing welcome back everyone to the stream you know I’m just on a little bit of a

Stream break as I said my boys out there doing a practice run I’m gonna take a load off they got this I’m gonna pretend like I’m playing here and you’re just gonna watch a manual camera eating chips doing absolutely bugger all that’s called customized content that’s um do I actually do

I’m gonna take my headphones out so you don’t have to get it the whole time what do you like the SML do you like this oh hell no bro you won’t move that or not no do it bro do that one more time one more time

One more time and I’ll block you and remove you as a friend yo come here bro it is okay I’m gonna do the right back meme well I’ll wait for you guys I’m gonna do the Ryback meme with the chips oh okay dude three million HP no wonder this man

Ain’t done he’s got a three million HP who am I hang on foreign and it’s all perfect wait who are you actually cosplaying as you know that Ryback guy the bald ass guy was eating chips in front of us like yeah yeah wait that guy band

Give me a rewind on the stream it’ll swim by the way what chips are you eating Doritos the cheese black one [Applause] w Big W and the thing is now I’m I’m contracted I’m contractually obligated I can’t help you until I’ve finished this because I mean I’m gonna get this on my

Controller so I can just chill I’m legally I’m legally required to chill until I finish this bag of chips far away because um desire hasn’t seen my room yet let me give you a room tour with the camera his bow doesn’t mind me to do this okay

Welcome to my room though like I said I’m finished I have to finish this damn bag of chips first before I continue and while you guys got this let’s just be honest um anyway that’s my that’s my uh what the is that oh it’s my door I’m so confused I can’t I

Count on the camera I’m so disoriented that’s uh that’s my potted plants as well as this um it used to have four pot plants and three of them died one of them is still survival which is good some photos I got up bro they freaking just died like I I gave him water

Unlike everything bro bro just wants suicidal they just died and that she’s the only one surviving uh these are my lights as you can see quite nice lights mood lights kind of like they’re not really all that bright it looks way brighter on stream than they actually

Are they’re like this very dim orange side um I have left there’s you guys look at that guys you guys are carrying me well done well done well done uh that’s like some nice some nice painting of uh dreams that I wanna like when they go to

That’s my the way I’m checking you guys on the stream chat that’s my bed had some photos of me graduating with my with my hopes of becoming a full-time job person which luckily the country there’s the PS5 gosh I can’t control this thing several that’s a curtain there’s my uh bedside thing

Here’s my penis then twitch I forgot I can’t do that on YouTube there’s a globe it’s a charger there’s the thing that’s like giving me all the Wi-Fi that’s gonna be charging victory yeah it’s only contributed well done everyone well done to equal contribution [Laughter] types of vlog stream

Honestly yeah I think I’m gonna have to I’m too scared to do another mission because it’s gonna go until like 1am next time he defeated a thousand three hundred enemies almost you have 81 items used how many of those were healing potions 18. on these ones

Anyway no I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna ask the industry there anyway because um yeah I’m it’s getting late but thank you for Zio I really do appreciate you guys joining you you made the stream very very fun because like I mean I could just sit back and do bugger all

And I just enjoy life and like see how difficult Minecraft damage could really be because I’m out of Mario thinking like um you know we were we were getting good and like oh yeah we can help pretty much anyone at some point and we’re gonna get through it but anyways yeah thank you

For everyone there thank you for everyone in the chat as well there’s been a lot of interaction in the chats from returning people like uh obviously Zio first time one booster was here slow was yoga first uh I said African was here and everyone else there was a lot a

Lot of views and interaction in the chat thank you so much for that um I know my camera work is going to be horrible but I I really couldn’t care because I’m very cheesy fingers I wanted to move to move the camera again um but anyways I’m going to say goodbye

Thank you again for streaming we are you guys are definitely going to be doing this again soon maybe we’ll find a little bit more appropriately level dungeons or levels at some point but again thank you uh for Zio for carrying us thank him slow for joining me here

For us again and we’ll catch you guys soon stay tuned on the channel bye for now bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft in a dungeon II’, was uploaded by BigMacDaddy on 2023-03-28 21:53:05. It has garnered 169 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:01 or 7741 seconds.

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  • Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in Comments

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    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sachinverma11748 business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at http://twitch.tv/axialmatt Crew: Ray: Ray: https://www.twitch.tv/ray Chibidoki: https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki Nagzz21: https://www.twitch.tv/nagzz21 Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! https://twitter.com/axialmatt Join the Mage Discord! https://discord.com/invite/RBUeWRG Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SharkMages YT Team Sky: https://twitter.com/Skyboltt ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: SSMP.io Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: https://x.com/xPlooshi mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-22 01:19:33. It has garnered 62 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:21 or 2301 seconds. Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!

    🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hardcore (Stream 1)’, was uploaded by DeputyUSMarshall on 2024-03-22 02:15:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Group: https://web.roblox.com/groups/32006679/The-Deputy-Club-of-supporters#!/about Join me … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live w malik and friends smp’, was uploaded by Just will cool playz on 2024-03-06 04:15:05. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:00 or 1560 seconds. Hi! I’m will cool playz For those who are new to my channel welcome! I make gaming videos, mostly Minecraft, and will do play through of other games such as FNAF hello neighbor. I post daily, and will occasionally post other content like reactions, but for the most part i focus on Minecraft and other games. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!

    Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by More Bubbles on 2024-04-10 23:00:05. It has garnered 9584 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Will Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON? Watch Till The End To Find Out! Make Sure To Like And Subscribe!❤️ The Game “Who’s Your Daddy” is Rated for Teens This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content (This video is not made for kids) #bubbles #gummy #bubblesandgummy #whosyourdaddy Read More

Minecraft in a dungeon II