Minecraft Junkie SMP S3 | Exploring New Lands And Making A Proper Base! [Part 3]

Video Information

Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign foreign Foreign all right hey guys welcome back to another Minecraft junkie s p season 3 stream what up chat how’s everyone doing today is everyone doing good everyone doing good that seems good all right looks like the stream is perfect all right hello hello everyone hi glad to

See that everyone’s been doing good nice so uh yeah it was before we hop into the stream you guys already know the drill make sure to leave a like on the stream if you guys do want to see more junky s p streams in the future leave it a like

Helps this stream perform well and also lets me know that you guys want to see more streams of the junkie s p in the future but today we are back with a third part to the junkie s p So today we’re going to finally be trying to find a new area

With our team to start building some proper bases so for the past two streams and basically what I’ve had as a base is just like a little tint area and that’s pretty much been my base so well yeah also some stuff did happen between a part two and part three also something

Else I do want to let you all know is that hopefully whenever we do a part 4 stream the server will no longer be on antronose and will instead be on a different Minecraft server it will be on Pebble host so the junkie sap server is getting upgraded from antronose to

Pebble host but it will be updated tomorrow so uh luckily we’re gonna be so I’m doing a stream today so it’s still an introduce but the next time I stream it should be on a different Minecraft server host and what that means is that the server should perform better so

There won’t be as much lag and also maybe in the future that means more players can join the server as well so uh yeah FaceCam not I’m not doing FaceCam for the junkie s p so uh I know I did a couple FaceCam streams during the first season but uh I don’t have

Plans to do it for um for this one so uh yeah it’s very rare that I uh pop out the webcam you know listen if a new FNAF trailer comes out yeah I’ll be more than happy to turn on the webcam but uh for now eh I’m I’m good for right now I’m

Good for right now so well yeah uh also junkie is going to be live streaming as well it looks I don’t know when I think he’s gonna go live in a couple minutes um but yeah so anyways as I was saying a couple stuff has happened between part

Two so first thing I want to go ahead and point out is let’s see who’s online we got a couple people online okay okay okay thank you Chris for the Super Chat thank you thank you it should show up in a second again I don’t know why my super

Chats are like delayed by a couple seconds uh but thank you Chris I really do appreciate that so uh anyways the stuff that has changed first of all guys guess what guess what I have finally finally done guess what guys I now finally have if it’ll load please I finally have

Shaders let’s go I finally have shaders on let’s go so my past two streams I did not have shaders and the reason why is because in the past fun little fact uh when junkie s p season 2 was starting up my Shader is completely broke so I had

Shaders during the first uh junkie s p season and then for season two I didn’t have shaders and the reason why I didn’t have shaders on for season two is because well um yeah because uh my shaders broke but hey I finally got them fixed so now I have shaders so yeah let

Me know if you guys do like shaders or not I actually like shaders um I know it’s gonna be a little weird it’s gonna take a take a few minutes to get used to um since I’ve been playing on the server without shaders in the past few streams

Uh but I actually really do like these shaders these are shaders I’ve used in the past and I’m glad I was able to get them to start working again so uh yeah there you go we got some shaders yeah thank you again Chris for the Super Chat

Thank you thank you I really do appreciate that so yeah so that’s one major thing that’s happened since live stream is that I got shaders now so boom I’ll be playing on the junkie s p with shaders from now on so I just want to go ahead and say that

Again I really do like these shaders so I think they’re nice thank you modern Jack for the two dollar Super Truck why are you guys super chatting all of a sudden thank you what’s the next lore related Freddy and Friends video I do not know again I know I know I’ve been

Slacking on my main Channel I know I’m sorry I’m sorry I got some good videos they’re cooking up let me cook let me cook I’m cooking up some good stuff I actually uploaded a channel member video today so if you are a classic Channel member you’ll actually be able to see a

New video on my main Channel which is a new torture in video so uh if you’re a classic Channel member you can go watch that right now um but it will be made public in a few days um again it is a torturing video so I’m waiting for YouTube to double confirm it

That it is good to be posted before it gets you know that yellow demonetization icon and stuff like that so uh that’s the thing that’s annoying with YouTube um because like for them to like double check especially like with my channel since my channel has a partnership

I’m able to get my videos like confirmed like oh these are good to go but I have to wait a couple days before it gets confirmed so uh hopefully soon I will be able to make that video public and I am cooking on a I am cooking up another

Video which I did make a tweet about which is going to be over a hour and a half long Gmod FNAF role play video um it isn’t Au related though but it is still something really good and I do think a lot of people are going to enjoy

It so uh it’s gonna be a couple more days though before it is finally ready so yeah thank you again Chris you’re a simp why are you sipping I mean I guess I I don’t know do I complain about the Sims or do I not because I mean they’re

Giving me money so maybe maybe we finally support the simps I mean I don’t think Sun’s around so uh I think we should be fine okay I’m getting distracted so anyways another thing that happened since the last stream is um I um so last night I briefly got on the

Junkie s p because fear was doing a live stream and I would say you could go watch fearstream to go see what I did on a stream but uh that stream’s been deleted because uh someone said something and um yeah if you’re deleted the stream because you didn’t want to

Get a strike on his YouTube channel because he already has a warning on it so uh there’s that that was fun um but yeah so anyways um off camera I just walked over here and I found the red base so this is Red’s current base

As you guys can see look the red team has been busy look at what they built man all I have is a tent and they have this fancy house that they built I can’t believe they built this fancy house like look at this house okay yeah they did

Not build this house by the way this was uh generated this was World generated house right here and they just kind of moved into it temporary really I did talk to some of the red people and they are they did say that they are eventually going to move out and make a

Proper base and stuff but for right now they’ve been living in this generated house right here so uh yeah um why is there an Enderman inside there’s an there’s just a regular intimate in their house what hello I guess I guess the house is occupied then

So uh yeah so I was able to find the red base so this is what it was I wanted to show it off oh junkies online too yeah after I’ve done giving a brief tour of the red base I am gonna need a TP uh so I’ll tell junkie to teleport me

Um so uh yeah but anyways this is the red base um you know I’ve just walked on over here you know they they got a nice little base in here you know it’s just uh it’s not too much they just uh put down a couple stuff they do have an

Ender Chest which I actually crafted it in her chest um so once I actually start making a proper Base today I can finally place down a Ender Chest but uh here’s the basement you know this is um fears uh fears bedroom right here so you know that’s that’s nice and lovely so yeah

And you’re probably wondering X-Men why did you go all this way over to the red base why would you feel so special well you know my friends were streaming to them and uh you know I had to make sure you know their base was nice and secure thank you again Chris what are

You doing bro you might as well go ahead and give me your whole Bank Account Details you know I’m just I’m just saying I’m just saying no I’m kidding uh but thank you again I really do appreciate it uh yeah you’ve been donating a lot Mister oh oh stranger oh oh hi hi

What you doing snooping around in red face uh it wasn’t me I didn’t do anything sure but listen I was just I was giving my stream a tour of the red base so yeah I got on I got on last night just for a couple minutes because fear was

Streaming so I was able to walk over to their base you know greeted him said hi hello you know just the nice friendly stuff you know you you know normally the friendly stuff you do that’s all that’s all I do right is just a bunch of friendly stuff

Of course yeah yeah all I do is friendly stuff I think I’m a great guy and that’s the only thing I did all right and I definitely didn’t do anything else I didn’t I don’t don’t look in their back I didn’t do anything else all I am is

Nice and friendly yeah just stay no no no don’t look over there I that wasn’t me I slipped okay I might have slipped and fell a little bit but uh it’s probably fine what are you guys doing here what is happening assassinate this is what is happening he’s kind of scared

Fear I can’t believe you uh you slipped and fell and you made this whole crater right here oh that was a long fall oh my gosh you foolish fools I always come back oh my gosh um what are you guys doing today I was doing good until I got pushed into a pit

I love it I’m gonna get my stuff that doesn’t have my stuff um yeah so uh this uh this I don’t know how this crater got here I I don’t know who would have done something like that um so yeah okay I need to get out of here um

Okay I think I I think it’s okay for me to turn into a bee to fly out of this uh this hole I think it’ll uh be fine unless junkie wants to TP me what do you mean there’s not enough space hey lobber zombie ah don’t throw stuff at me

All right let’s get out of this pit let me out you good oh junkie died on the ground creeper because look I’m gonna become cringy already boss man I have returned I’m here to help oh no yeah I was an iron golem on a fear stream and I was just going around

Helping them out and stuff like I’m supposed to help him I just murdered him thank you very much by the way Harmony it sounds like there’s an echo in your mic I just died yeah 20 levels God dang it got the L thank you Chris for the tennis for the

Super Chat I’m not giving you my bank account please give me your bank account I’ll do anything I’ll murder fear I’ll even murder junkie the owner of the s p yeah yeah I’m I’m okay I just lost like all my levels but I did my enchanting before

Don’t worry I’ll put you out of your misery uh well you were supposed to hit that tree oh yeah oh no wait you want to see something I’m gonna become cringe you ready let me get it I swear if you turn into me I swear not this a get back here imposter ouch

What you mean we’re on the real one no you wouldn’t pop don’t you know I can’t fit oh hey hey ouch wait what dang it no oh my God no okay die die no no no no no oh yeah no yes I got him this isn’t going well guys I’m not happy

About this being what is happening I’m just a villager bro I don’t know what is happening okay I want my stuff thanks man I was joking Harmony needs a TP I accidentally murdered him fine yo what’s up bro um rip now we all have no levels actually I got four so yeah

Oh Chris what you what you bro at this rate you might as well just give me your bank account details you know what I’m saying but thank you I really do appreciate it thank you thank you really do appreciate it hello hi stranger danger hi yeah so

Uh I I heard apparently this stream our goal is actually find a place to live yes because that’s what we were supposed to do at the end of the live stream but then we did it actually I did I did find I did make it I was doing like a bit of

Uh off camera stuff just like you’re doing some all-camer mining bro if we go back to our bases it covered in diamonds please say yes please say yes yo I’m bored you know I’m gonna follow you guys just don’t mind me smoker but um actually you’re not gonna follow us but

Very soon Mister uh because oh I I have something to show you so I found this the spot I think it’s kind of cool I don’t know if it’s a good place to actually put her at base but I’ll show you it just in case all right yeah with

The power of my fingers I will snap him out of existence and you freaking killed me he’s going I didn’t mean to it was an accident I slept what oh here it tastes like for getting out of there I thought I was gonna get assassinated pick second load so I was thinking you

Know we’re making about like four bases so I think we could have had like a little kind of different area for like each base so that was kind of a little flowery area gotcha yeah I need to let my chunks load in see see once it see once uh you know we

Got our upgrades tomorrow it’s gonna be all different ah yeah true yeah new server yeah ten bucks per month but you know at least not paying like 60. there don’t make fun of me look I mean if you have the money might as well that just means my server is better

Well well you have two so yeah this is actually a pretty nice area yeah I was thinking like yeah I kind of around this area I don’t really know like oh what’d you say I remember I was going to say I assume this is it’s gonna be like one kind of

Big building or is it gonna be like a small little area again or was what’s the plan well probably like because again it’s like actual Like Houses this time instead of just like little Huts if that makes sense yeah yeah um major house you know like medium size if

That makes sense like where you can have like two floors maybe two floors in a basement kind of thing yeah that’s true yeah um yeah I was thinking yeah red team is so lucky that they found because there’s like a bunch like naturally spawning structures like the one they

Found and it’s like bro they found like the the cool modern house yeah it sounded like they are gonna eventually move out of that though but really yeah I would move out with them if I were them because like that’s like that’s such a good place though oh no they

Could change their mind I don’t know yeah I hope we can find more though oh fancy chicken that way yeah there’s fancy chickens bro we got all the fancy chickens over here bro there’s so many what the heck why don’t you even get a

Fancy oh y’all like can I give birth I I don’t know if I get okay whatever um I was dealing with a fancy feather I got a fancy feather yay nice I I I know how to use this it’s like I use it for something I don’t know

But um yeah so I was thinking of down this little this little Valley area it’s nice yes it’s cool because it’s got like other trees up there as well I was thinking kind of down there oh yeah that’s true I didn’t even see those up there that’s this is nice actually yeah yeah

Thank you very much I can’t see in it yeah come on Wow thank you Chris again I really do appreciate it thank you thank you oh yeah we need to get you armor because your armor broke again I don’t know how that happened I wonder how hey you can have uh I

Wonder if um it starts with the D in the end of the r oh it didn’t but what’s fancy chicken doing bro he’s like looking at you weirdly I wouldn’t take that from you um so yeah wait right yes Armory I do okay take this oh oh thank you no

Yay you stole the chest plate it’s bad just give me your pity armor okay a full setter Thug look at least give me back in my pants thank you my diamonds I could I want to make a diamond lung sword though I have enough diamonds if I want to

Wow you guys in your diamonds you guys think you’re so fancy I’ll have you know I have one Diamond to my name even though I have three stocks of potatoes I have 40 diamonds wow I have like uh I gave you I gave you ten yeah so I

Have like uh 24 so we all thinking about moving over here yeah I’m thinking uh the only thing is you know Alex is not here but you know it’s at least like a three to one vote so I think yeah like if you disagree so

I think you’ll be fine with it yeah put some there I think yeah because like I guess we could just kind of wing it kind of sort of you know just kind of um build like to our hearts content just kind of think of random ideas and then something

Already yeah I was thinking probably kind of maybe like uh I don’t know what I would say here maybe like a like a a cabin kind of thing where where are you thinking about building I was thinking yeah just I made this little clearing down here kind of like

In this Valley maybe okay maybe over there you know what I call dibs right here on top of this mountain like on the edge of it okay all right so we’re gonna build like separate places yeah yeah but it’s only still gonna be like in the

Same area like a town but like you can be a bit bit more spaced out than like our previous Camp instead of it being like five blocks away more like you know like 20 or like I mean well actually more than like 50 to 100. yeah so I’m

Thinking like yeah maybe around this area I might and we can just like make a bunch of pass and then we can finally make a restaurant over here yeah yeah so like you’re gonna build and it’s like the buildings of the mountain no there’s like this little Edge bit

Right here we got to go up a bit further and I’ll make like a staircase obviously to get up my legs are tired even walking up here in Minecraft oh my god oh there’s like a little gray thing right here but yeah like kind of like

Um chop this like Mountain back some and then like build right oh yeah that’s cool yeah this is stack height I think it’s like called deck or something is it yeah yeah guys it’s cool the cool stuff can maybe make the house out of this stuff yeah that sites

Actually I think there’s something wrong with my sword it looks like regular dinosaur to me that’s my short group oh wow he’s got he’s got long sword it’s crazy wow wow um so I guess we could start working I kind of wanted I definitely want to use

Like some because I got almost like an off camera I got like a bunch of cool uh lugs I got like uh the blue Enchanted logs I think I want to build with these they’re kind of cool nice okay although I might I know I’m actually

Built I might build like the the woods like around here like the uh like Aspen and uh is that like a red oak or something yeah yeah I guess what dude you wanna start working at it now might as well sure that’s the point of the Stream

Wait here hang on hang on hang on junkie come back one sec oh gosh all right yes what’s up hold on oh my God what’s bro doing all right so you know how my stream title is exploring new lands and uh building a new house yeah all right well I think we explore

Some new lands and boom there’s my house stream done that’s it thank you guys watching all right that’s it for this stream we did everything I said I was gonna do let’s go explain without us Alex get on buddy get on Alex Alex I hope you’re

Fine with this area we selected out I think it’s a good area so yeah Alex get on if you can if you can’t I understand but go also that’s a nice profile icon you got thank you again Chris thank you so much you’re sipping simp why am I in a cave

What the hell okay come on check the ends I saved what the others were talking about you when uh when you left it it was very mean I’m aware wait can you hear me hello deafen hello yeah I I don’t know I can hear you now yes okay yeah um

Yeah so cool Alex Alex is in my chat he’s sad that we weren’t exploring without him it’s okay Alex we’ll uh we’ll we’ll incorporate you maybe maybe oh no don’t think about you um yeah we’ll think about you while we’re building our cool bases yeah

Um all right let’s get some of this wood it’s a little a little bit more oh why why I fear dm’d me the same thing that you did Junkie bro first company come on everyone’s just uh you know I feel like it’s like one thing

Is like oh it’s people trying to be nice you know being like hey yo I just want to be a homie just let you know what these people are saying about you behind your back but then at the same time it’s just like reminding of you of like what

Everyone knows yeah I think I might just cry you know hey the benefit of being on a mountain is I can just jump off of it but that’s that’s kind of depressing but you know what oh no I found iron no way I haven’t gotten any of iron at all no way um

Very epic all right let’s start yay yeah mm-hmm don’t take any effect I’m gonna take so much offense I’m gonna go blow him up the next time I see him make sure oh wait X-Men I’m pretty sure all of that um the armor that I broke off that was like um

What you call it that was like donations from other people yeah hey guys thank you for the new armor you guys just gave me oh man I really hope I don’t accidentally turn into a creeper and blow up and lose it all you know this pranks might be crazy

I gave you a purple chest I mean you blow it up rip that’s what everyone one day 121 no way wow we’re building it oh I have oh I I just realized I had an armor in my backpack this whole time oh um oh well yeah so one the only thing

About it I’m pretty sure about the upgrade servers I’ll just reset the day account but that doesn’t really matter too much yeah we’re going back in time boys back in Day Zero yeah royalty X-Men I think I don’t know if you saw me make sure to like whenever

You’re logging off yeah I put everything on the channel yeah the only thing it’s obviously you’ll have to die but then again thanks to you at the beginning of our stream doing those levels anymore so it doesn’t matter if we lose them all right YouTube fun what where’d junkie go

Where did I go I don’t know by the way junkie I need you to teleport me to the camp in a minute fine it will be nice oh right before beforehand I need to make a chest uh there we go okay I ready oh I guess he’s already gone all right

Well I guess I’m getting snapped out of existence listen before I die before I Fade Out of existence oh wait I was I was deafing the whole time we’re junkie guys can you teleport oh I know he didn’t know he went down there junkie junk cake Chocolate cake oh fine uh actually wait can I I have to teleport myself get out of here bro you gotta loud in our gang um all right so go back to the camp yes I just need to go I want to go pick up some stuff out of my chest yeah sure I

Don’t want to walk a thousand blocks yay in here oh hello okay there you go there you go oh no I’m gonna have to like move to Marcus and everything it’s gonna be so long oh yeah you have to move to Marcus obviously I’m not gonna like rip

Out like my structure and like rip everything out of it I just want to get stuff out of my chest yeah I’m probably gonna oh yeah because I’m gonna work on like the base I don’t know if I’ll even finish it today so I’m probably just

Gonna yeah I just want to go ahead and get all my stuff so that way I have my resources over there yeah I might uh yeah I grabbed like some stuff like my Android stuff like that wow that’s weird this is the first time I’ve been to the camp this stream

Oh yeah that’s true yeah well guys it’s probably like oh there’s a stranger here on our property oh no ow there’s another property uh oh no it was great I had to get my dead bushes oh of course honestly like I like I’m even I use all my nice flowers on this

Nice little area here but I’m gonna have to leave it I’m actually I’m gonna bring my uh my Fox Glove because that’s a really cool flower you’re super cool um nothing no space bro what the hell all right um okay hang on oh I got my uh

Likes me right now on my stove and everything kind of breaking it back up thank you who broke my rope I can well I can make this I should ask you so I can just have to make a shield to the Deep whatever that is oh I don’t

Have any more oh wait yeah I do okay um yeah I kind of just broke I don’t scrap it now keep the carpet there then I’ll grab oh hey you said something mean to me didn’t you no no no no no making Children Cry is my favorite thing

To do in my past time I guess you probably will beat him up uh oops no oh yeah he’s on the other team now because of reasons oh yeah so he got he got kicked off his team we can talk about this um junkie I spawned out the red base bro

My spawn was set at Red’s base Aurora you’re sleeping with you say you’re a spawn next to another bed how could you oh good dude he’s cheating in all the blue team how could you wow all right I’m ready to go back all right let’s go yay but actually I

Want to change this because I have a I have little things next to it and I was like oh I wonder if this is actually gonna be the proper blue bass but it is yay why are there like why is there like people from like every other team at our

Base right now or at our camp guess we’ll never know guess we never know what don’t worry about it it’s probably fine sure everybody let’s point out that there’s people from like other teams at our camp let’s hope our camp doesn’t get the story or anything because that would be

Bad yeah no I want to just like leave it there okay well I guess I’m heading up the mountain Harmony where are you gonna build a base I have no idea you should go figure that out yeah all righty all right let me move OBS

Over so I can see chat chat how are you guys doing how you guys doing chat I don’t think withered Foxy’s in my chat no uh yeah I wanted to go and um get my stuffs oh why’d I put this one here oh well um

Um there you go yep just get all my stuff and then move it over here and then what I want to do is carve out this mountain like carve this area back some and then just plop a house down right here I think that’ll be good oh what’s going on bruh

Why is there an IP in the chat what what is happening bro this server is weird it’s probably fine okay backpack I want to throw up mustache yep just throw all of it on the ground good idea yo gotta put my dead bushes somewhere stuff it all in this chest there we go

And oh my gosh all those chests are full okay sweet there we go that’s all of my belongings so I have nothing in my backpack everything I own is in these chests right here nice all right um laughs I can’t believe yeah no if it was actually somebody’s real IP that would

Have been insane bro audio is cut now X-Men what do you mean If audio that’s like a YouTube bug if audio is bugging out for you just reset the Stream reset the stream if you’re having issues like refresh the page yeah no that’s for them it’s a YouTube bug it sucks yeah see audio is fine for me look it sucks yeah

It’s fun yeah that’s fine all right here really quick I’ll be right back give me like one second give me one second I’ll be back in like one one second give me one second Okay I’m back also why the heck did my viewer account go up while I was AFK what the heck also I just realized I forgot to uh I forgot to change the background music uh we’ll just do pinwheel circus here we go thank you for the Super Chat

Can I play uh this is a private SMP also I’m not the owner so yeah thank you no it’s a private SMP I just realized my in-game mic was unmuted okay that’s fine all right chat well I guess it’s just us so it looks like junkie’s gonna be

Making a base down there look at look at junkie look at him down there placing all that dirt look at all that dirt I bet it’s dirty and then I have no idea where Harmony is going to make a base so yeah it looks like this is our new area

For the blue blue base so this is where the blue base is gonna be so I’ve seen red space I’ve seen yellow’s base I have yet to see the green base I don’t even know if green has a base but um I have no idea where green base is at

Or what the green team’s up to I’ve seen a lot of the green members like walk around oh okay it looks like Harmony is making a base right there okay so Harmony is making a base there junkie’s making a base I’m making a base up here and then I guess Alex is gonna

Come over here and make a base somewhere I don’t know where but I was just thinking I think it’d be cool to like flatten out this mountain area and then make a base like up here so the only problem is you have a few little bits of server lag so it’s going

To take a hot minute to uh to mine these blocks some of them break some of them though oh no this is why we need that server upgrade which it will be upgraded for the next stream so just got to deal with it for this stream and we’ll be fine so yeah

We’re making a new base uh what type of house should I make I I think I do want to make it out of this um this like white Cobblestone what is it called diac so yeah he’s tripping bro oh this is 10. I keep thinking this is

Like iron wait is this iron or is it 10 oh this is iron ouch jeez yeah there’s like so many different like custom oars and stuff so yeah by the way Chad you guys like the shaders I love the shaders I think the shaders look great I think this looks amazing with shaders

All the only problem I’m having with the service there’s just like a little delay with the lag yeah homeboys posting his IP in the chat again yeah anyways chat you guys good hey look I’m actually alone right now so I actually have a chance to ReChat so if

You guys want to say anything to me now it’s your chance if you have any questions I will try to answer them yeah lag does suck lag does suck but again it should be gone next time we stream so yeah it’s not even that bad it

Could be a lot lot worse you gotta think like it could be teleporting me back like 10 blocks or something or like completely undo all my work it’s just like a little delay that’s all can you add the FNAF mod again I’m chat I am not the owner of this SNP but I’m

Pretty sure if junkie even wanted to add the FNAF mod he couldn’t because this server is on Minecraft 1.18.2 and the FNAF mod is only available for 1.16 and also 1.19 so there’s no 1.18 version of the FNAF mod so we couldn’t get the FNAF

Mod on the server even if we wanted to yeah when’s the next Minecraft event stream um I don’t know I don’t know I’ve just been busy with a lot of stuff so I haven’t really had much time to plan one I’ve said a million times before a uh

Invasion I mean wait not Invasion a uh oh gosh what’s it called what’s infection infection event I’ve been saying I’ve been thinking about maybe doing one of those that’s like maybe my next new Minecraft event but I just haven’t had any time to like look into

It or set it up or do it so yeah what’s the next FNAF event um have I even done like a Minecraft event what I know I said I did have like maybe some plans to do another Super Chat stream with the new version of the FNAF mod

Because I’ve been streamed or checked like I haven’t done any streams or videos of the new version of the Multiverse of Freddy’s mod so yeah there’s a new version of it out for uh 1.19 and yes I do know that there is a um what you may call it a uh

I do know about Minecraft 1.20 being out yeah no I think that’s cool see I would love to check out Minecraft 1.20 but uh mods aren’t available yet for it so um this s p is stuck on 1.18 niche okay this is a lot more work to do than

I thought but it’s probably fine do you watch anime sometimes is there a Five Nights at Freddy’s decoration mod I don’t think so the Multiverse of Freddy’s mod does have some decorations in it that are for Five Nights at Freddy’s related when’s the next FNAF Wars video I don’t

Know again I already have the save ready for it I just haven’t recorded it like I have like the first like few saves ready for it mainly just like the save of Hoth it’s ready I just haven’t recorded it but it’s been ready forever how’s your day so far it’s good it’s

Good no again the thing I love about these uh junky s p streams is that they’re just nice and chill you know they can be relaxing so you know they’re nice oh my gosh this is so much stuff in mind but hey at least I’m getting resources because again like I

Wanted to build my house out of uh I want to try using these blocks like maybe smelt them down because this is like Cobblestone so like put them in furnaces and smelt them and then get some bricks out of them I think that would be cool thank you

So I’m gonna have to make a few furnaces or I could just make it out of cobblestone the Cobblestone texture itself looks good but could probably just um yeah I think I want to make it out of like bricks and stuff oh there’s junkie chopping down a tree over there

Good work tree man you got it I don’t even know if he could hear me right there or not oh man hi Mystic will he ever try out a SCP game probably not I know what SCP is but um why why is there what why do I have Mossy Stone breaks in

The top left is that like favorites I think that I think I accidentally favorited Mossy stone bricks how do you unfavorit a block having fun in the s p yeah we’re working on a uh my team is working on a new base so uh yeah

Um okay let’s see here I need oh do I have any regulars I do have a bunch of regular Cobblestone somewhere yeah I do just gonna take some of it make maybe four furnaces one two three four there we go and then we just plop them down right

There do I have coal oh I left all my coal in my other furnaces no no okay I do have coal blocks but I left a bunch of coal in my other furnaces back at the camp I’m not going back for it oh well this will work right

So yeah I want to smell some of this stuff is that all of it okay yeah I can just get more um okay and then okay to do what to do okay I guess we gotta flatten this area out some more 12-hour stream when I get back home oh

Nice nice nice nice so yeah Chad if you guys don’t know Mystic is in the s p but uh he’s been out of town so he hasn’t been able to join at all yet um but I’m pretty sure he gets back tomorrow so it looks like Mystic will be

Doing some screens on there so if you want to see more junkie s p streams from Mystics POV it looks like I’m pretty sure Mystic will be streaming it too well I mean yeah because he just said 12 hour stream duh that’s a that’s a one brain cell moment for me oh man

I have I don’t I have no idea if Alex is gonna get on today or not I don’t know he was in my chat earlier but I don’t think he ever said if he was gonna get on or not rip the call yeah rip my old coal I’ll

Never get it back shaders yeah I know I like the shaders I like the shaders you should play Gorilla tag probably not I know what girl attack is on GMod yeah but uh I’m probably not gonna play it now I’ve had people ask me that like a million times

Poppy playtime has a graphic update yep I heard about that chapter one I think it’s cool that they went back and updated chapter one um but um because I mean obviously since they’re working on Project playtime and project play times in the same like uh format as poppy playtime I think it’s

Cool that they’re going back and update in the chapters kind of like how bendy and the Machine was you know how they uh how like when chapter five came out they went back and like completely remade chapter one so I think that’s really cool I’ll get back to 23rd tomorrow is when

I’ll be packing my bags and getting ready to go uh uh okay okay yeah okay so tomorrow’s the 22nd okay so make it so that means probably the 23rd or maybe the 24th when mystical stream my bad chat my bad um okay well there’s there’s the part I

Just talked about earlier about like hey at least the server’s not pushing me back by a couple blocks and now it is now it is oh no hey at least we got some of these orange daisies though that’s nice yeah no and the good thing about the improvements to chapter one of poppy

Playtime is that chapter three is probably gonna look great so I’m excited for chapter three I feel like yeah chapter three is probably gonna come out in a few months I don’t think it’ll come out in July honestly I can see chapter three coming out maybe sometime between like August and October personally

Because uh the first chapter poppy playtime chapter one was was released in uh in October so I could see chapter three being released in October you know because it’ll be Halloween scary month and then also maybe on the anniversary of chapter one or it could come out in like August or

September I don’t think it’ll come out July are you excited for the FNAF movie of course I am of course I am I’ll be I’ll be a fake FNAF fan if I said I wasn’t is the FNAF Multiplayer Survival alive anymore I’ve talked about I swear I’ve talked about this like every single

Junky SMB stream at least once yeah no that series is dead with uh me and junkies Minecraft multiplayer series because um because like at the time in part nine I did it by myself because junkie got busy because he uh because it was like around like August or whatever so junkie

Had to go back to school um and then we both kind of just lost interest in the series and that server or yeah that server we used was on antonose which is what the junky sap is on currently which uh tomorrow junkie s p will be moved to a different server

But uh anyways what I was saying is um with me and junkie’s Multiplayer Survival series that world uh since we were in we were inactive on it for a long time Andrew knows deleted it so that world is just completely gone so yeah what’s the next lava Rises never never

No more lava Rises the lava will never rise again man I’m flying out so much area right now okay I think I wanted to go down like one more layer Probably yeah it’ll be good to go down one more maybe should I go down one more is this good I think one more wouldn’t hurt [Applause] I’m just really digging this whole area out how do you get rid of depression that’s the neat part you don’t [Laughter] um

Oh you’re not gonna do another lava Rises because um because you you because look because I keep winning well shut up I feel like I sound so tired I’m just um luckily with these junky s p streams I feel like I don’t have to be too enthusiastic which is nice it’s nice to

Just be able to do nice chill stream every now and then which I know a lot of people aren’t like uh biggest fans of like chill streams like this one because everyone’s like oh my gosh you gotta do something be funny do haha moments but uh can’t it gets

Exhausted after a time sometimes it’s just nice to be nice and relaxing and calm and peaceful like this until someone comes around the corner and blows you up with a million creepers so yeah oh boy yeah I am using shaders I’m using shaders yeah again the reason why I

Wasn’t using Traders before is because my shaders were broken but I got them fixed so uh now I have shaders so yeah yo oh he’s doing like a checker pattern oh that’s cool that’s cool so yeah that’s junkie’s face Um man everyone else is starting to like build their frames to their houses I haven’t started I’m still cleaning out land maybe I shouldn’t have built on top of this mountain because I have to clean out so much more land than them but I do like the Checker pattern

Uh after I clear this layer I think I’m gonna start building my house oh my gosh my poor diamond pickaxe all right come on now break these blocks break them faster Alex do you think you’ll be hopping on today or no oh ufx over here

I see ufek who fix over here what’s ufek doing buffek is nearby I can see him on the mini map he’s stalking us I’ll be so far back 12 hour stream is going to be mandatory if it makes you feel better Mystic at

The end of so far at the end of all my streams I’ve lost all my armor so I keep having to get donation armor I do need a million Subs I do need to get a million Subs all right I’m not going to want to mine any more

Like flatten out any more terrain after this this is just painful this has been painful to do Foreign video I know Funtime Freddy got added to the game um but it looks like they’re gonna be doing a another major update where they’re gonna add a few more characters and new maps so whenever that update comes out I’ll be making another fast car video so I don’t I don’t want to

Make a video just on Funtime Freddy um because I said in one of my fast car videos it felt like because yeah recently with fast cards um I’m just like I’m really looking forward to the new maps that’s what I’m really looking forward to obviously new

Characters are fun and stuff but for me the maps like I’ve done like what five parts of fast carts um but it’s just like doing the same three Maps over and over again it just gets really repetitive and it just eventually starts getting kind of dull so I’m looking forward to

New maps because it looked like they said they’re gonna add two new maps one based off of sister location and I forgot what the other map was based off of one Maps based off of sister location I think the other one’s FNAF 4. yeah the other one’s FNAF 4.

So yeah so yeah in the next update we’re getting some of the uh sister location animatronics well we’re getting baby and then I think maybe some of the nightmares I can pull it up really quick let me pull up the update log I can pull it up right now uh let’s see

So yeah the next fast car update it’s gonna add nightmare Freddy nightmare foxy circus baby and Lefty and then it’s gonna add a few more skins and then yeah it’s gonna add a finale format and a sister location map so I don’t know what the new maps if

They’re gonna be in the same style as the current three Maps or if they’re gonna be like Mega awesome or something like that I don’t know if that makes sense like I actually have like more props more decorations and stuff instead of it being like a track and only having

Like three to four props thrown on the map so there you go oh my gosh I was expecting more of this stuff to smell faster but I guess not okay so I need to also make a stone cutter I have no iron I know I have raw iron

I don’t have any regular iron or time being I’m gonna throw some iron into that furnace okay I think it’s time for us to start working on building at least an outline or something oh my gosh why’d I choose right here bro you just have this whole like flat back

Area I don’t know what to do I was originally thinking of like making like a cabin type thing like a long cabin but I think I might have to make more of like a tower kind of thing So yeah thank you for the two dollar Super Chat map thank you thank you Roxy

Suck monk wait Roxy sucks Monty’s better what do you mean lies deception that is just that is cap base to map bruh no I have to make a rice for oh no is the server dying no it’s not okay we gotta think about this what am I

Making my house out of so I wanted ironing it so I can actually get a stone cutter which I think I can use diac for it right now it has to be stone do I have any stone I have stone slabs stone bricks do I have regular smooth Stone

I need I need a smelt Cobblestone now oh there we go help this has taken a lot longer than it should stripping a little bit what’s your opinion on cookies cookies are good cookies are good I actually had a cookie shop in the in the first season

Of junkie s p i made like a little cookie shop next to my base that’s something I do want to do is I want to make a restaurant on this s p since there’s a bunch of food mods and stuff set my house idea in DMs

Oh that’s cool that’s nice that’s a nice idea I won’t I won’t I won’t spoil your idea but I do like your idea Alex I do like it okay I guess I can make some stuff out of stone bricks yeah the server’s lagging a bit I think

It’s because like there’s a bunch of people on right now and they’re like all spread out across the server that’s normally what causes lag on S PS like this again server will be updated tomorrow it might get updated sooner I don’t know depending on how long

What’s going on with it you know or junkie go junkie is right there I can’t see them because the trees are in the way it’s like over there somewhere oh I need food what do I do with my food yeah I do not have much food left I need

To make like some type of like personal Farm or something because I need food okay I actually have a bit of an idea for how I’m gonna do this house oh my gosh that took like 10 years to eat that bread is my stone done yet probably not oh my first

Oh no man no it’s gonna take 10 years oh no there we go finally I can make a stone cutter there we go stone cutter there you go uh what I want to do so we can’t well I mean obviously we can use Cobblestone for that but uh regular ones what are

The regular ones look like oh yeah see we got these like cool pillars and stuff and these tiles I think building out of these tiles would be cool I think like maybe using some tiles would be cool I think that’s cool and there’s also like bricks too

Can maybe use that for like the walls or something and maybe like make the ceiling out of this I don’t know looks like somebody was there who’s that oh that’s ufek oh I need a new bed do I have any wool I have one wool oh if I have purple dye

I can make one does this turn into purple dye it does sweet okay sweet I got me a new bed uh do that there we go and then we get some wood and I I was about to say ain’t no way I just made slabs ain’t no way

I’m asleep sleep through the night big chungus big chunky says on the loose oh I just realized it’s gonna take like 10 years for me to fall asleep you gotta fix the wall I just carved out this area leave me alone I’ll fix it I’ll fix it just give me a minute man

So I think what we could do is like either have like an entrance on like this side and then like make like a staircase that like slowly goes down the mountain I think that would look cool or we could do something on this side I feel like maybe this side would be

Better to do it so that way like connects up with everyone else’s house and stuff we’ll probably do it on this side so like I have a front door and maybe like a front porch kind of thing um oh my gosh I need to think about how I’m gonna do this

So I’m thinking about using stone bricks that’s like the outline that oh this would be like a grayish house if I were to do it like that style or I could do I’m trying to figure out what color pattern I want for this I’m I if the server uh switches it’s

Probably gonna if the server switches it’s probably gonna take like maybe like an hour but I I’m fine if it does um I don’t really have any more blacks yeah that’s true because yeah we have to put our stuff in chess so that way we don’t lose everything Could just do a cave house no no no no um I mean oh I could also work with some Cobblestone I guess too I’m just trying to figure out what do I want the outline made out of do I want it to be out of stone bricks or diac

I’m not going to use cobblestone turn around quick no as I turn around um okay give me some dirt I need some dirt to build with so what I may be thinking is like we have an area and then maybe like a staircase that goes down to like

A small room right here and then boom we have a door right there and then that just goes down the mountain I think that’ll look cool but first I gotta make like the actual like frame kind of thing so how do I want to do this

Um and how far out do I want it to that’s the problem with building on the side of a mountain trying to figure out everything um probably gonna have to smell more uh more Stone like regular Stone probably out to like right here And then yeah actually like right here is good okay sweet all right and then we gotta figure out this so where do I want the floor maybe like there and then we go one two three four five six seven Eight nine and then this is where like this will be we’re just working on an outline right now chat okay I think what I might also do is like maybe make like a porch or something right here but then we’ll have like a door right here we’ll have a door and

Then there’ll be a small room here if there’ll be a staircase that goes up here to the main floor then we can like have just like a bit of a long kind of house kind of thing going on I don’t really know And then that should be good yeah I’m gonna have to smell some uh some Stone put that in there uh and then I guess maybe some more and we’ll do more Stone why not furnace buddy oh okay okay there it is oh no oh they’re making some benches yeah I

Need to do that I need to do like some decorations and stuff fear be quiet but oh my gosh don’t listen to Fear okay so like one two three four five six seven eight nine this is ten trying to make sure everything’s even Sorry about that chat how to mute my mic I just sneezed all right brain cells work with me okay so um what I’m thinking about what should I do for the yeah because I don’t want I want the walls I don’t know if I want

The walls on the floor to be the same color I’m trying to figure out if I want to use diac for the walls or diac for the floors I could probably just use Cobblestone for the floors and then dudes die out for the walls I’ll probably do that yeah we can do that

Okay and with the whole porch idea I don’t even know if I’m gonna do that which I think if I do do it now I’m just gonna have to like build it there so this will actually be like a structure here okay foreign two three four five six seven I said seven

This is there you go eight nine ten now that I look at this I probably could have like slid this over some which I still can the porch is a good idea though yeah it is I’m still thinking about doing a porch um I think I might slide it over more this way

Or I could just have it like even bigger have like nine more blocks go out that way because like we have like one section here and then another section so I could either just slide it over some or just add another section I think I might just add another section let’s see

How big it will be if I added another one uh do I have enough numbers I do one two three four five six seven eight nine and then we do that and then this will be our Corner bit but that’s not right and then yeah this is like what it would

Be like to hear so do I want my base to be this big it’s pretty big it’s pretty big ciao what do you guys think do you think it should be like this size or maybe like smaller what do you think probably this is good

I think I think I can make this work I think I can make this work yeah I can make this work yo look at junkie down there I’m spying on him Okay so no matter what we gotta dig out the floor so we have to dig down one more

Layers oh boy I think that’s pretty good size well you make a lab well again this is not well eventually in the future we’re gonna make like Mega bases and stuff but for right now this is just like a smaller base you know instead of it

Being like a you know this is definitely an upgrade from the tent so you know I think we do after I think we do have to appreciate that now we have to mine all of this out I’m gonna have to make a new pickaxe once I’m done with this

Fear what did I do to you why are you being so mean to me fear I think I’ve been nothing but good and kind to you and I went out of my way to to carve out a new area where you could put a swimming pool in your backyard I

Don’t know why you would be upset with me about that all right chat well you know here we are peaceful Minecraft just mining away some locks check the ends what is it that reminds me you that’s what I Alex that’s what I did on

My s p just make a sign in this in this guy that says subscribe but you know what I don’t think there’s anything wrong with some self-promotion you know just make a giant billboard why are you guys having me check DM’s all of a sudden what’s up brought fear be quiet

Shut up here I’m never responding to your DMs ever again now draven’s here hello Drive-In please tell me you’re not gonna cause any chaos like everyone else has been please aha sure you’re a joke and fear sure sure sure sure Amber doctor killed herself well it looks like today is starting to

Turn around for the better I’m kidding I’m kidding that’s a joke that’s a joke that’s messed up I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry that was joke uh okay I’m just I’m just sick of having to break these locks and then break them again for like a second we’ll break a

Few of them a second time I have no idea what ufek is up to oh no ashy’s on yeah it looks like a lot of people are getting on and yes chat I do know about the whole uh Fred security breach MOG where Glam Rock Freddy’s replaced by a Glam Rock Fred

I haven’t decided if I’m gonna do a make a video about that yet or not I don’t know I haven’t really decided yet so yeah oh I’ve been driving zone now yep I told you everyone’s getting on everyone’s saying w itch all right fear yeah no Dave’s been my

Day was good until you showed up I’m kidding I’m kidding oh my gosh it better Draven this better be something important No if anyone else asks me to check the M’s I’m not checking them anymore no no more DMS I’m I’m disabling DMS now no more DMS from anyone no more DMs no more DMs I don’t like any of you guys touch bruh okay um brain cells brain cells work with me

Work with me I don’t know why but I do feel kind of tired right now I’m not gonna lie yo wait what okay I think Harmony moved bases yeah Harmony moved so it looks like Harmony was gonna build on the mountain but then he changed his mind so

Now he’s going over there neck right next to Junkie talked about being close Neighbors all right um and also I know people were saying like oh you gotta make the back of the mountain look nice I think I’m gonna like have my house like be like built

Like next like you know like have it like connected to the mountain and just not have like any windows in the back I think that’ll be fine um okay we are neighbors just not in the same neighborhood of what yeah I bet everyone’s gonna be complaining in the Minecraft chat

Forever about until tomorrow it should have been today but now that people need to put their stuff in there high tree man hello it’s actually going pretty well down there nice are you having fun with everyone with all the complaints oh yeah it’s so fun that’s one thing I’m gonna

Be happy about once the server upgrades people could finally uh shush yeah yeah so what are your plans for space what’s this supposed to be a base a house on the Mountainside yeah that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool um yeah English good I’m thinking I’m gonna do two floors two floors nice yeah

Because what I’m having for my base is like obviously this is gonna be a floor right here but then there’s gonna be like a little basement area and then there’ll be a door like right here and then there’ll be a pathway that goes down oh that’s cool yeah I know where okay

Why does he have to put the space there that’s supposed to be a nice view from my house but okay it’s fine um yeah it’s actually going pretty well I’ve been spending so long breaking down like the red oak trees they spend like this I know you know how long it took me

To carve out this area this area took me way too long to carve out because like every like third block that I would break I would have to re-break it are they just like the more blocks that I’ve broken the more as the longer it takes yeah and again I know why it’s

Lagging right now it’s because there’s a bunch of people online and they’re all like spread out across the map but once again all I’ll have to do is just make sure everybody has stuff in the test then I can quickly download the server upload it to pebblehost and then everything will be fine

And then we can actually get well we’re making progress you know just quite slowly I feel like you should be able to transfer player data though yeah I was actually checking that yeah I think I think I might be able to have a look um you could probably do like a

Test one like make like a new world or something and then just like yeah put some stuff in your inventory and then try doing that yeah because yes yeah because um well I could do I could just like make the server and then I could add the

World and then I could see if I could have to pay it out if that’s the truth that’d be very handy and I could keep like all the remorse and everything and all of our levels it should be nice yeah yeah so I have a little bit a few tests

Later on but uh yeah that’s true yeah thank you and then we never saw him ever again all right yeah there should be a Minecraft player data data where you can transfer uh people’s inventories and stuff because I have that feature with dedicated MC if you guys don’t know I use dedicated uh

Dedicated MC for my uh Minecraft Sops and also my Minecraft like event servers and stuff just eating this potato don’t mind me okay um so yeah I’m gonna make the floor out of cobblestone and then yeah we’ll have like these like three sections and like where the dirt

Is that’s where like a wall is going to be placed I could like split these rooms in half as well because I need a bedroom too so yeah we’re just gonna put that as Cobblestone there we go yep that’s nine four five six seven eight nine that’s good perfect perfect this one

Oh my gosh the Cobblestone bruh break there we go and then the stone bricks and then what the frick oh my gosh the poor server server didn’t deserve this bro the answer no servers right now aren’t like in flames why are you guys all saying W in chat

What happened why is everyone saying W what what what good thing happened today I need context um again we’re just gonna have dirt right here so that way I know we’re like to section off everything nothing everyone’s just saying w why there has to be a reason you can’t just Spam W without a reason what is today just a good day you’re the good

Thing oh thank you chat thank you thank you okay um yeah no matter what if you ever use antonose no matter what people are gonna complain that’s just a given fact oh my God that doesn’t help no no that doesn’t okay yeah people are going to be complaining oh no the timing of

That the time in bro no matter what bro no matter no matter if you use answer notes or not people are going to be complaining bro server crashes oh no oh no the saver crashed the server crashed Oh no bro all my homies hate internets oh no that is not a w ow the server crashed oh no yeah we’re playing with like over 40 mods and that is like antonose is just fried right now rep rip oh no I wonder how junkie’s taking it bro oh poor Junkie oh no

Are you get out here ads I don’t want to add for man I don’t need an ad for Roblox bro I play Roblox what yup junkie’s depressed junkie’s depressed oh this server crashed oh junkies wait junkies listening to my stream and I was listening to history what Oh no I wonder how junkie’s taking it bro oh poor junkies please listen in my stream as I’m listening to his servers are back up everybody we have to wait for it to load Well this is awkward yeah I don’t know what um what to say right now yeah the server died well uh anyways hope you guys are enjoying the stream you know isn’t this some great Minecraft uh gameplay content right now Foreign Sorry guys title screen segment of the stream has ended I think yep title screen’s over we’re back on the server watch us just lose all of our progress from the Stream oh boy where am I at okay first thing I thought I just read undid like all of my work for the mountain

Okay we back okay fine yeah yeah I could place Cobblestone let’s go quick enjoy this before everyone else joins server’s not laggy right now enjoy it before everyone joins back excuse me chat okay Stone yo everything’s everything’s running smooth because not that many people are aligned there’s only four

People online let’s go I gotta build my my face fast uh what was I gonna make it out of probably bricks probably bricks right bricks bricks bricks uh where’s the diac yeah I think out of bricks there’s also these pillars I might use some of the pillars on the inside

But I think if we do this how how big should the windows be found in like three blocks hmm I’m not forcing no fear I already saw your DM bro oh wait did you send a new one yeah fear you’ll be fine bro poor fear bro I feel like fear is just

Walking on eggshells right now when he’s streaming because he’s gets scared of like someone like which I mean to be fair YouTube’s whole hate system is just dumb because like how it works like there’s some people who say like the most messed up stuff on YouTube and it’s fine but

Then there’s somebody else who says something like very light and then YouTube just takes it the wrong way so yeah fear anyways if somebody like makes a joke or something like in your stream just like just like just be like it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s just a joke don’t

Don’t get me wrong YouTube it’s just a joke we didn’t mean anything bad by that just say that just say that bro just say that and you’ll be fine um yeah there we go should I have Windows be this big or what I was kind of thinking of was maybe we go here

Get some of that diac I definitely want to use these pillars and then what we could do is like this but then have it slightly smaller how does this look I don’t think there are Stone pillars no there is no stone pillars there’s the chiseled stone bricks

She might use those I never really used those in builds does this look good obviously we’re gonna put glass in the windows but this looks good looks like a w nice nice nice nice nice and then I want to add some stuff on the outside to make a bit more 3D so like

Maybe some walls and some trap doors and stuff because it looks pretty flat but for right now like the base of it I think it looks good oh you know what I should do is like push out the stone bricks by a block that would look better push all the

Stone bricks out by one block like forwards give it more 3D three-dimensional to it that’ll look good which means I have to break all my stone brakes and replace them Frick no no okay for right now we’re just gonna put all these uh These Bricks down is that right four four

Might put like a door or something right here but for right now I’ll just follow the same pattern and of course I have like all my furnaces right there oh no and then there we go oh wait whoops and I’m gonna leave that uncovered so that way I can actually get to that

Chest bro all my stuff is just like placed in between the window bro this is the most inconvenient place for my stuff to be right now um but yeah so anyways what I was thinking of was like we just like put dirt right here and then

Wait do I have enough stone bricks for this I’ll just craft more See I could do it like this and then maybe put some like walls or something in the middle I don’t really know I think we could do like like blocks like that and then maybe like on front of this pillar we do like walls I’m sure we can make like dayak walls yeah

We can do that and then we yeah we just extend all this by uh by one block there we go I think this will look good I can’t see anything now because it’s too dark I’m asleep so it’ll be day there’s a war in your chat uh oh what

Are you guys fighting about now Gotta chat for the last time mangle does not have a penis alright chat calm down debate is over okay okay we need more Stone breaks all right um let’s see here so we got dirt I have a bunch of diac so yeah what I want to do

Is there we go we’re gonna have it like this it doesn’t help that all my stuff’s right there I probably I need to move that stuff but I don’t want to at the same time because that’s like a lot of effort you know you know chat

Okay I thought it was gonna be short by one nope perfect um okay yeah I think we’re gonna oh I have to move the chest I just realized no oh I don’t want to move the chest I can move this stuff though There we go there we go and I’ll have to move the rest later so for right now I’m just gonna place my stuff like right here there we go uh I should probably smelt some more cobblestone there we go perfect give me a potato all right so I do like this obviously

We’re gonna get some um some stuffy stuffs we need to make this area look a bit better so give me stone bricks And then what we’re going to do is use these bricks hit one two three four give me a pillar one two three four there we go one two pick out and let’s see do we have a diac on me I don’t I can’t tell that’s the problem with dayak bro I can’t tell if I have any like Smooth ones or not I think I need to smelt some more do I have any more coal what I do with all my coal put all my coal go ain’t no way I’ve

Already ain’t no way I’ve already used like all of my coal what that ain’t gonna be enough I need more I’m already out of diac bricks bro what I haven’t even like I feel like I’ve barely built anything there’s coal in the walls oh that’s that’s true there is coal in the walls

Huh well well well would you look at that that might actually be kind of helpful thanks chat I don’t know where I’d be without y’all whoop oh my mini map is going to look weird whenever I put a roof on yo junkie’s house is looking good hello stranger danger hi

Hi how are you playing about coal so I get I I came here to give you something oh thank you hey guys I just realized something me and Asian’s house look the exact same sex man’s the only one who’s like slightly different yeah what the heck you guys are just little little wooden

Buddies I know I I have no idea how to make mine kind of cool I have a little additional you guys like my floor what’s a here hang on let me see it’s mine I can’t tell I can’t see it uh I like the dirt part

But no your actual floor it’s like check your phone that’s cool I like that that’s nice thank you all ufx going over there what’s he up to he’s just walking around our property yeah I’ve always been walking around for ages minimap homeboys on his own adventure

I heard collapse was supposed to be like coming over but I know what where he’s up to he probably got lost probably he keeps dying so I know what’s up with him like that yeah exactly well I want to tell me that’s the uh because the thing about it turns you can

Actually see like how many times people have died I don’t know if it has on the new one but hopefully it does didn’t kind of see some like let’s see how many times have claps died so he’s played the server for nine hours he’s killed one person and that was his

69th death wow nice nice literally all right so hmm so I want to have like a little I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna connect these rooms and where do I want my bedroom to be like I guess this side could be like the bedroom kind of thing like cut it in

Half maybe because I want to have a staircase right here that goes downstairs and then we could put like chest underneath the stairs I think this will look cool like we have a staircase that goes down and then boom door right here I think that would be good so

Um trying to think trying to think that that’s what I’m doing I’m trying to think how do I want to connect these rooms together obviously we’re gonna have more bricks and then I think we’ll have should it just be one block or three blocks because I mean we’re gonna have to put

It I want to put a door in but the pillar kind of throws it all off so I don’t want this whole area just be like dedicated to a staircase too um uh brain cells work with me work with me work with me probably just like that and

Then actually oh yeah and since this is on the inside what we could do is like extend the pillars you know so we’ll have like a walkway right there uh I don’t know how mimic just died like that but okay and what we could do

Is like that I think this will look good yeah and then we just do the same thing right there there we go and then give me some dirt right there and then same thing right here there we go I think that looks fine and then obviously we’ll uh have Cobblestone right there

There we go look at this it’s all coming together and then we’re gonna add some bricks in between yeah and then we can like put stuff on the walls and stuff nice uh there we go I think this looks good okay so we need I need more oh

Okay well those have not been smelting good to know good to know yeah I mainly need to need more of these bricks so this is going to be like eat up a bunch of my coal but I think it looks really good and now I’m gonna have to cut out this

Back wall by one block and because then that’s where the rest of the ball is gonna go but yeah no I think this looks good there we go so maybe this room right here could be like a kitchen I think yeah we could turn this into a kitchen this can be my bedroom

Kitchen up here is like a little walkway but then there’s gonna be stairs underneath here will be like a storage room and then like an exit and if I need to I might make one on this side of the house as well but I don’t know yet we’ll see we’ll see Or I could have it identical like there’s two exits on each side and like have two separate Pathways go down that might look cool actually instead of just being one pathway and then if we were to do that we would have to have the staircase somewhere else

And then we just have a huge thing underneath okay okay I think I have an idea I have an idea um question though where put staircase where am I gonna put the staircase So I think what I’m gonna do originally I was gonna have a staircase here and then have like an exit right there but I think I’m gonna have the same exit be on the other side as well and this this would technically be the second floor of the house and we’ll just

Have like one floor underneath so we need to carve out even more space hooray um but then what would I do I need to pipe a staircase down so I can get down to the bottom floor where would I put that because I want to be like kind of even

So I guess maybe in the back and just have like a double staircase okay I have an idea I think I could make it work I have idea I have I have brain cell idea my brain cells they start working and now it’s night time again so I’m

Asleep we don’t like night time here it’s only gonna be day yeah I have some ideas But with my ideas it just means I have to carve out more area we oh I probably should have gotten some more Diet before I just hop down like that how’s everyone else’s house coming along see yeah look at junkies junkie’s house is nice that’s nice

I feel like my house is definitely a lot bigger than it needs to be but um I think it’s cool oh all right so we got more stone bricks and then we got more of these regular bricks so for right now I need a carve I

Need to carve out underneath part of my house this is gonna take a minute this is gonna take a while maybe I could get some people to help me I don’t know because we got a carve all of this out oh we’re gonna have to go like two blocks deeper too

All right hey look at least we got more coal though let’s go get more coal yep yeah I just gotta carve out the hole underneath part of my house oh boy but no this will look really good once it’s done and then I I don’t know if I’m gonna do

The whole porch idea if I’m doing this so I don’t know we’ll have to wait and see how it comes along but yeah no since we actually have like a proper area where we’re gonna live at obviously we’re gonna have our bases and stuff but I think it’ll be cool to like

Make other buildings and stuff like obviously like maybe like a a town hall for here like our base is Town Hall so like we can have like a place to meet up and stuff um and then probably some like other fun little structures like a restaurant or something again I think making a

Restaurant would be fun but we’ll have to wait and see make a McDonald’s I know I want to make McDonald’s bro and yeah we’ll eventually go to the end too so we’re just like waiting like about a week before the end opens up and I’ll be streaming uh when the end

Opens up so yeah don’t don’t you guys worry make a make a Mr Beast burger no I don’t know man Mr Beast Burger has expanded to random Minecraft s p servers oh boy yeah see we gotta go one block lower and then we’ll have to go down even

Another block so we can put the floor in I’m gonna need a new pickaxe I like white points and stuff I don’t know I feel like that’s that’s probably in player data all right um what was I going to do what was I going

To do I came up here for a reason and now I can’t remember why what was I gonna do chat I didn’t even say anything oh okay I got more coal oh well those furnaces have a lot okay we’re there we go perfect oh I wanted to get a new pickaxe

That’s what I was gonna do because I think I had some rubies or I think I still have my iron pickaxe somewhere efficiency three oh that one’s about to break this one had another one somewhere yeah this one probably use this one I have diamonds I

Can make a new one then I think I also had some rubies oh I only have two Okay I guess I’ll use this iron one for now because my diamond ones about to break which I’ll probably just let it break honestly okay this is a bit fat oh this pickaxe is nice I should have been using this one it’s fast but it doesn’t have as

Much durability so it’s probably gonna break before I even finish this but yeah no efficiency three this is helpful all right time to just dig all of this out make a KFC I don’t know maybe maybe you have all the materials you need for your house well they’re they’re cooking

While I’m mining at the same time so I think it’ll be fine oh something else oh hi you scared me hi yeah how’s it coming along oh it’s good it’s good it’s good I’m starting my second layer see it’s it’s definitely not similar Jason’s or anything nice

Under 100 yeah yeah I like the the that guy stuff it looks very nice yeah I think it is nice I was actually coming over here because I need to figure out how far I’m gonna mine out oh here awesome well you have fun with that okay

Thank you very much thank you for stopping by please come again yeah I will maybe I’ll think about it maybe what do you mean maybe okay perfect yeah that was just a couple off okay sweet so now I know how far out to mine yeah so I’m digging out the whole

Section underneath the house whole section so like see that and then we have to go this way some and then dig back why is everyone just saying KFC chat maybe we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see about making a KFC maybe maybe we can make a auto chicken farm in a KFC

No maybe we’ll we have to wait we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see calm down we’ll see I don’t know maybe maybe I don’t know yet I need to finish my base first make a statue of yourself I made one on my s p and then got turned into chick of

The chicken so uh I think I’ve learned from my mistakes alrighty um oh boy okay so I don’t know if I should have Windows or not on this bottom floor because like it’s like covered in Mountain kinda we’re trying to make this area look a

Bit better or I might just get rid of it I don’t know one two three Boop one two three four there we go now I have to get rid of this layer too what is this copper yeah there’s copper it’s so weird that there’s two types of copper because you have the regular

Minecraft copper but then there’s a modded copper in here it’s so trippy all right all right just gotta keep on mine in but again the good thing about mining this out is I I get more resources to build my house with so yeah yeah it’s also again it’s kind of funny that

Harmony and junky are building their houses side by side while I’m just on this mountain I would reach at but the chat just says KFC so I I don’t know what else to read but KFC it’s A no fear I would definitely not use your house to get clicks no no no I would never do that yo this pickaxe is oh because it has I’m breaking three I’m like this pickaxe durability is like lasting a long time I forgot I also had to Unbreaking three

Okay well that’s perfect for me perfect okay excuse me mimics an amazing building yeah yeah y’all definitely built that y’all 100 built that house definitely definitely built it definitely didn’t find it y’all definitely definitely built it all right a hundred million billion percent all right he rented it okay

Let’s turn night time again at least the sun’s nice all that is bright that is bright that hurts my eyeballs ouch but yeah no I’m I’m really happy that I um that I added shaders finally I think it’s nice I don’t really know what to talk about I’m gonna be completely honest You put the KFC no I should totally go to you and talk if you can make the journey over here fear I know junkie could just TP you but I think it’ll be more funnier to watch you have to walk all the way over here time you get over here all right guys

That’s the end of the Stream actually I don’t know if that’s a good idea because then you would have to load chunks and that would probably kill the server you can probably just get junky TPU if you want Much sleep we’re not we are not making a KFC cult chat we’re not making a KFC cult yet have you been X-Men I’ve been good um but I have learned today that my chat is obsessed with KFC now now it’s raining now it’s raining Chad look at what you guys did you guys

Made it rain it’s all rainy now now my house is gonna get wet oh no I’m wet look at what y’all did chat look at what y’all did way to go now everything’s raining bro uh well they’re having to work on their houses outside in the rain while I’m inside okay so

It’s gonna be the pillar wait I’m confused and folded died again not surprised and then there and then we have pillar and then one two three four and then that should be I can’t see anything do I have a torch can I get a torch I need to hold the torch bro I

Can’t see anything give me a torch that’s the funny thing like while you’re on the S P you have no idea if anyone’s like watching your stream or not okay so wait one two three four Boop and then with three four and then this will be Stone

I hear zombies oh I think there’s a cave nearby bro and there’s definitely cave like right next to my house all right good luck trying to get over here fear chat who do you think has the best house so far me junkie or Harmony my house is

Just kind of floating right now to find the laws of physics uh junkie’s house doesn’t have any walls yeah he has no walls to his house and then Harmony doesn’t have a roof or windows so oh boy uh and once I dig out this row we should

Be about done and obviously I’m gonna have to tear up the floor and replace it with Cobblestone but then we should be good fear I don’t know how to take that message I’m kind of scared oh I just realized the little red dots on the minimap are item drops oh I

Learned something new see how yellow ones are hostile mobs white dots are players and then red dots are item drops gotcha okay that makes a lot more sense my pickaxe has finally gotten down to half Health we’re almost done we’re almost done the end is in sights

The end is in sight shot we’re almost done how long have I been live I’ve been live for about two hours dang that’s insane yeah oh yeah I’ll keep streaming till I finish my base and I think I might end it afterwards so I’m still probably gonna be live for at

Least at least one more hour so yeah oh my inventory is full again right now it’s storming look at what you guys did dorm and bro how rainy look at what you guys did and folded died again l ol all righty let’s go I need to dump more of my stuff in my

Chests yeah I’m gonna have a storage room in the downstairs area it’s gonna be a small one not like anything major okay let me just put some of my stuff up load furnace load furnace furnace hear me furnace there we go there you go okay sweet now I have a bunch of bricks

Which I wonder yeah since it’s storming I can sleep through this I might as well make a day I’ll make it nice and pretty there you go rain’s gone Rain Rain Go Away yo we can actually get a better view of their houses now yeah no they look good

Why do I keep putting all my food in my chat or did I oh did I eat all my food yeah I think I don’t I think I’m out of food I think I ate all my food uh oh I got two potatoes got poisonous potato I got apple and that’s it

I have no food chat I’m gonna starve I’m gonna starve to death oh no we need Alex Bro Alex was the one who got us all of our food before oh no I guess I could go pay a visit to everyone else’s house and see if they got food

But I can I can wait a minute um foreign there we go I have one two three four five six seven eight nine there we go and then we got one two three four five six eight nine I don’t have any Cobblestone bruh what do you mean there we go

And then yeah this would be Stone thank you and then Yama put a door here and then a door over here and then everything else is just gonna be solid like this which I’ll probably don’t want the door to go up block or probably not no

I’ll have it like that yep so while the door there and then we’ll have a door on the side hello stranger danger hello I need to go get more wood oh okay hey by the way do you have any food if I could get a donation that would make me really really happy

Is there any food in particular or would you just like any food just food I’m out of food oh wow well see it’s a good thing that um Alex made that baked potato farm yeah bruh uh all right I’ll give you that and do you have that too Alex Alex

Is in my Chinese like why why haven’t you guys made a farm because Alex that’s your job you need to make a formula for us now this is very fancy wow it’s almost like food yes I’m downstairs we need food as well right now I’m upstairs foreign

Yeah there’s there’s a hole there’s a whole potato farm back with the other way it’s not actually it is like 900 bucks so it’s a pretty pretty long I don’t want to walk all the way over there well I don’t have any food to spare unfortunately and fear died on the ground

Oh I think the other one this one you have the potatoes little gift that’s probably fine exactly that’s what I’m saying make an automatic storage far no I’m not making automatic storage room no it’ll take forever all right I think the base is coming along pretty good

So I need to dig out this back wall and then yeah do some stuff there I need oh I need a room I need to remember to put lights in my house too I’ll probably use like maybe lanterns and stuff and then I can actually get rid of this um

No One’s Gonna See it so it’ll save me a couple blocks all right we’re gonna rip out this back wall then we’re gonna make it look nice and then should I go ahead and do the floor as well all I need to do for the floor is just rip out that layer and

Just replace it with a cobblestone yeah I probably should finals are terrible oh yeah you’re doing finals LOL what shaders are you using uh if I go here video set in shaders I’m using these shaders right here these are the shaders I’m using which I think these

Are the ones junkie is also using but I could be wrong good luck fear bro fear and folded just keep dying oh rip it was you know after I like cleared out this whole area it’s that one moment when you realize I could have just turned into a creeper and just blown

Everything up and then been been done with it oh well right now instead of stone bricks I’m gonna use Cobble wait what oh boy your last day of school is tomorrow well I hope it goes smooth and then you’ll be on the S P 24 7. all right

Again for now I’m just using cobblestone as temporary block oh I’m gonna need more pillars how do you make pillars do you just like take these and that’s how you make tiles I don’t know how to craft them I can get more from my stone cutter

Oh well actually no I had a perfect amount sweet perfect let’s go I need to do that wall and then I gotta replace the floor with Cobblestone but other than that it’s good alrighty um this house is going to take me a lot longer to make than I originally thought but oh well

And then yeah I’m not having a floor about this this is like as big as my house is gonna be one two three four stone cutter that’s not a stone cutter but okay uh pillars hoop one two three four and I just built that completely wrong because they’re supposed to be an

Opening for a window well I think there is what do I have it on this side do I have two windows on this side I do okay then I’ll have one on here and folded died again rip I’m pretty sure fold is just bad at the

Game you know I think that’s the reason why he keeps dying over and over again There we go foreign [Applause] so I’m trying to think should I have like this like dirt like he’ll be here or just cut it out probably cut it out honestly yeah cut it out cut it out like I was trying to say like should I have like some grass like being like

Covering up my base a little bit but nah get this out of here it looks ugly so that means more terraforming yay my favorite in harmony died rip oh they’re back nice and then yeah Paul probably put like torches and stuff on the pillars I wonder if there’s custom torches I feel

Like there probably is like modded torches I could use I feel like that would be cool to do Maybe Yeah I’m a new pickaxe soon oh boy and then do that there and then we connect this on up perfect and then yeah I guess we’ll have more windows right here that’s not a window or bricks and there we go see I think this is looking pretty pretty good

And then we’re gonna get rid of these stone bricks because the wall is going to cover it up so this is our saving resources nice um alrighty let’s go up here why is somebody dressed as me and booster Among Us hello hello just don’t mind me are you my replacement oh maybe maybe

Welcome how did you walk all the way over here yep and I died so I walked all the way back oh boy fun well welcome do you like the area I actually really like it Um it’s nice see so yeah you got junkie’s house and then Harmony’s house over there this is looking awesome ugh yeah do you want to help me with this oh yeah sure all you got to do is just dig out this floor down by a block just

Dig this out and replace it with cobblestone our bed um okay mine is working frequent town of it nice all right chat and that is how you get other people to do your work for them wait yeah that’s how you get other people do your work

All right here you got this buddy I appreciate you coming all the way over here to help me out and give your company because you’re lonely lonely I’m very now junkie’s more lonely than me huh or let me go help him back I’m glad he’s not over here though what wait what wait

I’m kidding hi guys because I’ve decided to uh copy you uh just like my videos I’m kidding bruh that’s it permaban you’re never coming back in the junkie s p ever again no more I’m gonna go emo I’m stealing junkie’s thumbnail you know until I get mine don’t ask

Oh wait no Witnesses there’s a lot of stealing going on huh yeah that’s what I’m saying I’m just checking getting some gun kite or that site it’s it’s pretty nice it is really nice to borrow some let’s not give it back what well you know it doesn’t own it doesn’t

Belong to you it belongs to the the world it belongs so you’re stealing from the world then yeah well I own the world so it’s like I’m stealing for myself you know what trust trust and process all right that’s what I’m saying I don’t oh okay well I got two stacks so I’m

Leaving bye well uh snack that in room steal some stuff and then leaves dang thank you I finally got a gift wait who wait which one’s which wait oh I generally thought that was you wait oh no this is me um I’m the real one I’m

Real I’m gonna be for real I think Asian and like fear sounds so similar what I know sometimes I sometimes I know it’s like a star away enough it sounds exact same kinda yeah well that’s great oh all right well bye do I get paid no no no

Shut up shut up everyone quit that yeah just for that no no I’m gonna put a staircase here but I’m trying to figure out how I want to do it all right imagine if I broke every block that replaced it just replace all the blocks you broke so how have you been

You know I was doing good but then you’re here so I’m kidding oh that’s been good just nice chill stream you would break that black one at you yeah I would I like this ASMR what what the block ASMR oh so refreshing I sleep through this every night

I feel like this I’m not really liking the staircase I want to have it just like one-sided um it’s just the nukes going off don’t mind them oh yeah all right I’m done okay put Cobblestone down wait what yeah place it all is called okay can I have that nope

Fear do you have any ideas for the staircase um no I don’t think so okay that’s very helpful thank you yeah no problem wait does the block you have for um the walls doesn’t it have like a um a steering variant yeah I mean like I’m keeping a cobblestone

But I’m just figuring out like how I want to place the staircase because I want that to match with the floor I think I got an idea so what I’m gonna do there we go actually do you remember do you remember seeing the the Enderman while you’re walking by uh which Enderman

Oh yeah there’s like one over here that was me oh you stalker I was praying that you didn’t see me well I didn’t okay see that’s better we can actually have the floor there that’s some nice dirt thank you I really love dirt yeah Sam I don’t know if you could tell

Or not thank you for your humble donation no problem bro what are you stealing I was calling the the blocks that were um the other a cobblestone incident uh Cause I’m lazy but you would be lazy and then what I can do is maybe get some pillars

I wanted that what so have you been working on a base at all or you’re just still living with mimic right yeah actually um oh it’s like what is that sound using my stone cutter wait why is my monetization off the shirt it won’t let me turn it on okay

I actually got a good idea I’m really liking how this is looking I think this looks good I mean free thumbnail what are you stealing my content how dare you how could you yeah bro what’s wrong free content everything’s wrong do you know why why I don’t know that’s why I was asking

Wait what is this one the best lot I’m stealing your idea I mean why stop being mean bro I’m gonna I’m gonna steal your whole idea and then just add an extra Fork no there you go I think this is looking good um X-Men what’d you do now

Um this even me this time what I didn’t need to kill him walk all the way back over here oh no Oh my God oops oh that’s like 2 000 blocks away Oh my God welcome back oh my God that was hilarious so sad I didn’t mean to kill you I was just like I was gonna say Hey you care for a spot of tea oh yeah how long were you there for I’ve been here for multiple minutes oh boy

You’re scared well you finally got noticed yay yay I’m just over I’m over there on my shack in the wood oh boy like 7 000 blocks away oh no no uh no uh if you look uh one sec let me see I I built a little Shack in the

Woods about a few about yeah I put a little jacket look at the Minnie Mouse just go into the mountain and just scroll up go to like a bit and you should see it like look in the mouth and you should just oh I do see it all right it’s a little square

Yeah I walked over a thousand blocks just for this one joke oh my gosh why did I do it I don’t know bro you felt like it this is worth it well congratulations okay I’m asleep so will be day why are you watching me bro

You know I’m gonna um go in your bed and make a waypoint what no not like that bro I don’t know how I feel about this there you go that’s your home chat should I be concerned yes now the Waypoint is right on your bed so I can stalk you every every morning

No Okay I’m sorry okay fine alrighty um I keep losing my turn of thought because of you how dare you I thought you were here to help me that’s my whole purpose now you’re just distracting me okay bad old system um I don’t know anymore you just sit in the corner all right but

So how’s weather like what how’s the weather no comment all right so anyways chat we’re back to just being me myself and I um I mean fear if you want to do something come here all right come here bro slacking on the job yes what you can do is like carve this

Out just by one block and then on the other side of two uh Buster built in my house like um tomorrow okay I thought you’re about to say okay I’ll build my house right here yo junkie’s house is coming along it’s good bro he’s got nice he’s got like a little

Flower garden and like he’s cooking something you should go steal his food looks like he’s cooking something in that pot I mean I don’t mind go fast a little bit be sneaky All right there we go all right Chad I’m trying to decide what I want to do so this could be like a bet now I have a lot more space than what I was originally going for so maybe this could be like a kitchen that’s a kitchen bedroom

But what about a storage room because I feel like maybe this could be a storage like one of these rooms could be a storage room but what would the other room be I don’t know or maybe we have upstairs maybe this is a storage room I don’t

Know though chat I don’t know I don’t know or is there like some other room a bathroom I want to use some of the uh stuff I don’t are there toilets can I get a toilet no there’s no toilets I don’t think so there’s fridges though you can like I

Want to make a kitchen I’m not making KFC yo wait we can get shrimp yo fried shrimp would be good the furnace room the enchanting room I’m not no I’ll just use someone else’s enchanting room um oh man I know see I feel like if I have a storage room

Here and you have a storage room on the other side which I don’t really need that big of a storage room since we have like the iron Chest mod can make an Armory could maybe what we could do is like split it up into sections

But and no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no hmm you can make like an Armory type thing could I don’t know I got too big of a house mine in storage room piston room

Enchanting room okay I guess what we could do this could be like a kitchen or this side will okay this will be the kitchen over here you can be like a living room area yeah a kitchen living room area all right all right all right I think that’s pretty good and then up here

This could be the bedroom and then I guess this could be this could be like this could be the storage room okay we can do that we’ll do that we’ll do that we’ll do that which do I have I need more pillars bro do I have any regular diac I have some

Not much I’ll actually wait okay right here we go then we just gotta do this then we’re just gonna fill this hole in and then there we go put some nice little bricks and then yeah we can make this like a bit of a storage room thing of a thing

Or something I don’t know we’ll figure it out and then Remove the bed you know what we’ll have it right here you can do like nightstands and tables and stuff like that in here man fear we’re supposed to dig this area out fear’s been slacking what you up to I have a door I have a door give me your donation

Oh thank you it’s just no door thank you I did it I was like I was expecting it to be like some type of special door but it’s just outdoor okay good all right thank you thank you for your donation I’ll definitely use it my place you got here also thank you

Thank you Kinda Yeah just like a double-sided staircase thing I think it’s pretty much it just gonna put a roof here that’s the bedroom this is storage room uh down here this room will be like a living room area and then the other side will be a kitchen

And that’s pretty much it yeah we’re at the base even where you can keep both kids ah yeah wait wait you need a leash you need to tie them up no boys somewhere oh no I’m scared so one of my child just said we should go bomb junkie’s house as a prank yeah

Just go blow up his house that’s a nice piece no I’m not gonna I’m not gonna go do that chat Oh there’s a b hello B hi yeah but it’s a Michael area found here I mean No stop hell I need thumbnail oh I’m becoming cringe yo I was joking I was joking wait I haven’t even set my spot okay no no wait you haven’t because I moved my bed foreign Thank you okay you’re welcome he just showed up out of nowhere with food what did I say food I’m gonna you know I’m gonna do some charity real quick here you go oh thank you oh thank you I got a entire stacked with that crap I

Love how we’re on opposite teams but you guys are helping me thank you yeah as a professional builder myself I would say no no it takes so long to recharge what doesn’t even do that much damage I did like a hard but I was like three years this is a week

I don’t want your kitty just so you know that was a diamond block worth bruh what a waste I’m not even joking that’s a waste thank you for the food I’ve needed food oh thank you wait where’d he go oh he’s there oh and now he’s gone mimic where’s my totem

My totem’s gone oh my gosh you just phases thank you for the food you’re welcome dude okay it’s took me that long to realize I had sold it I didn’t even notice again all right can I see your Shack uh yeah no yeah he took a little Quick Shack I built I

Wanted to have a joke about something like that yeah what if I just traveled with thousands of blocks just put a house nice remember I’m just gonna copy and paste X-Men’s house I’m a good I’m a good climber you see I have a backpack that makes me a good

Climber we all have that we also do what is this I just quickly built that it’s actually nice I have wooden pickaxes in here oh iron for somebody in my chat so um X-Men doesn’t need any soaps anyways guys but not like frog I’m gonna kill you

Is this the shack where your lord little kids over here yeah yeah you see uh I start by telling them I have some candy then I feed them cold oh lovely all right I need I need wood foreign yeah oh dark oak okay I want to use this

One I don’t I don’t I don’t know why I traveled all the way out here just to build a shack well it’s now here congratulations yeah you don’t on the very top of that like Top Mountain right there nothing creepy I probably actually yeah it’s just like just a

Creepy cabin in the woods but um yeah all right you want this um music disc I already have it oh I have it too thank you I’m pretty sure everyone has it from like dungeon and stuff yeah they are all right the [ __ ] oh I’m gonna oh wait this is spruce

Yeah my favorite building types in this game there’s like dark oak and then I’m confused why was there a dark oak tree the log of Minecraft are very weird oh no do you guys want to help me get wood oh my God this is huge this is first one

So I might as well get this one wait have you tried using the multi-tool uh no yeah pretty much a mix of shears pickaxe ax shovel and hoe so nice have you been using it yep oh hey at least some of the tree got broken that freak

Oh my gosh how big is this tree uh uh well after this I about have a stack yeah oh my God bro this tree is Jack we’re turning it down bro yeah the question is worth the Lorax chat named fan of X-Men 723 and everyone else in the group what oh yeah wait

Stalker stalker wait I need to check on the call yo oh yeah we’ve had a call going on like almost three three four days now a what yeah we’ve been in a Discord call for like almost a week why like straight without leaving I don’t know we’re bored yeah oh boy I got

It you know what guys I’m gonna help break down this tree some I have an idea all right boys we’re getting we getting wood today we getting some wood all right there you go I think that worked I just want to make sure I didn’t blow up his cabin

I love the creeper morph oh boy let’s see I needed wood yeah exactly did that help um like it did nothing what um calm down What do you mean it didn’t do anything he’s about to blow calm down today try something it actually did a lot oh you did yeah oh yeah no we can’t do the top pop all the tops all the way up here oh yeah no oh whoa whoa I know that did something

Yeah I like all the one thing that can fly like the actual flying yeah X I got up I got a lot I got about a pack of first one nice all right oh my God stay clear no I’m coming in hey skeleton bro that is I’m getting wood

Oh I’m blowing up a tree oh do you want to come over here there’s a shack mimic made a shack oh yeah he showed me it yeah yeah he traveled all the way from like red base it’s kind of crazy I was I was breaking a tree next to it

Oh next to the shack that’s a bit risque ouch yay the tree’s gone X-Men I’m I’m so stupid what all I had to do was enable my monetization what you didn’t do that bro no hey at least you guys can get monetized like it was

It was before but not did we not get any block drops from that oh yeah no I did I collected yeah you shouldn’t complain there right because I got monetized well I got thank you oh my gosh thank you perms no problem like December 2021 I didn’t get

October 2022. I went from like what 1K Subs by the time I got monetized I was at like 20K Subs so yeah oh my God you do not know how much oh boy I I missed out on yeah that’s fine more no way really no way it’s crazy let

Me see I want to see Walnut can I have them on this I gave it oh we did huh thanks not very good that’s fine there are then more stuff for my uh my cooking I’m gonna do a cooking stream I’m gonna like get the the recipe book The junkie cookie stream

Yeah I hope you end up like somehow accidentally burning down your house oh that would be hilarious wouldn’t it yeah definitely good we need to go we need to go to Ireland get grab something steal and burn his house down good idea you will never find out where my house is

All I need to know is that I am in the South somewhere oh trust me there’s no escaping the rat rabbit oh gosh I believe it’s a rat rabbit and rabbit it’s like hot I don’t okay look I made it up and it okay look people called

Mimic a rat and a rabbit and I had to I had to prioritize oh we got [ __ ] so junkie is your house it’s actually going up pretty well I’m almost done the only problem is that the dust side’s taking like 10 years to smell it so that’s why I want to know

The funniest thing I told the I promoted myself on X-Men stream but I promoted junkie on his own stream sure time for a minute what’s up guys and folded drowned again he’s trying to go on a killing freak to kill uh redact apparently oh because he’s sick of her killing him yeah well

She’s not even on he’s sick of her killing him but yeah he’s the one who keeps killing himself yeah one sec uh yeah would you like to see some of my previous builds in the past and I have I’m really gonna build it like if you can find them yeah

Uh yeah I’ll just send them in wait where do we check on them you could just put them in the server or something yeah I’ll probably I’ll probably do that maybe I need to find them first oh wait cops in them yeah I may or may not have held plastic gun

Points on them the junkie mukbang strength what uh guys it’s a family-friendly Channel by the way remember that smack mimic okay ow I’ll be I’ll just send them in uh uh okay actually I’m gonna I’m gonna ping you uh ping yes I’m gonna paint no

That’s too evil bro that is yes I am a monster I love cotton competing felonies dang can’t believe he would do this I’m trying to get a good image I’m trying to find the image I didn’t copy bro okay uh okay yeah here’s our two images of what the base is not that

Project is oh nice yeah what do you yeah what do you think I think that’s great yeah I’ll do it in survival really yeah even the netherright I don’t want them oh boy that’s impressive thank you thank you it took forever to build by the way do any of you guys have it

Like one Ruby you could spare uh wait let me check my backpack yeah here we go thank you yeah I don’t have I have two times was Ruby better like than Diamond no but my diamond pickaxe is about to break it’s probably leveled like iron or something it’s it’s better than iron I

Think slightly better oh yeah there is my diamond foreign depression be depressed throw yourself in the building don’t worry about it buddy your neck is snapped hi guys there’s a stranger ow hi well hold up I’m good oh my God oh my God oh my God depression I’m going to start a cult

Oh my God I’m done with the KFC that’s concerning that is definitely concerning yes very you have you have an interesting fan bait thank you Meanwhile my fan base just doesn’t even want my content at points oh boy what seriously creation Loop if I remember what the Vault or trap or my channel

Yeah my family try to put up Nam content freaking gets deleted so we get more Gmod FNAF content one no I’ve already I’m already heavily believe I’m gonna put crap I’m gonna work on this crap gotcha trying to figure out what I should cry after tables

What are you guys doing I’m gonna look into each other’s eyes wait what I don’t want to know what’s going on over there they’re way too close if you guys were looking into each other’s eyes home I’m scared oh my gosh there’s violence going on in my house I’m scared oh yep

He’s gonna have to walk back over here I think that’s turning not the first time I’ve consumed someone what the first time moving life form mimics a boy I will consume all of existence oh assault taken you’re stealing Souls again wait yeah mimic did you just sleep in X-Men’s bed yeah

You may just spawned on his bed or what what the hell it is Max man why do you have two corpses in your house now I don’t know don’t ask me I’m already dead um oh wait the corpse disappeared yes looks nice welcome ow en I’m going with that I’m gonna set a

Title on fire what what are you setting people on fire bro because I can no you can’t it seems kind of oh okay okay oh yeah I hate them oh thank you oh I feel like I’ve made some cherry I I need beer blades I need to go to buy

And I have 12 whole blocks what it’s okay it’s not okay y’all are concerning me what is going on in this corner I I don’t know it’s kind of scary it is pretty scary yeah so anyway what oh I got a present for you see I’m gonna roll their equilibrium who wants a

Present ano is excellent no oh a maggot yummy oh oh I’ve eaten these guys before they were in my eye sockets okay um I know I’m scared don’t worry I I take care of it you can’t Get it but you’re alive now but I’m already dead I’m dead no you’re alive you just responded Chucky I’m scared they’re killing each other in my house oh oh that’s not the dead oh gosh darn it I’ll meet the Buddies he’s gonna disappear I like your staircase it’s very nice thank you I’m

Here that’s what I could make I I did a skit where what someone in my chat was saying for me to swear and then I muted myself and started swearing but then it banged my hands so yeah oh wait I got something all right yeah that sounds about right what I’m um okay

Everyone said they’re expensive I don’t know who are you people get out of my house I don’t know if you guys saw I accidentally I did a little flower bed thingy and there was a sapling and then a saplinger and one of the red trees you

Can see like the oh yeah I see it yeah it kind of grew sorry yeah let’s go check out Jackie’s house let’s go yeah it’s not done yet what huh what the hell is going on is cool we’re I I’ve already I’ve already I’m being stuck you know

Guys I’m watching him free concert free content he’s moving he’s moving oh my God he’s picking flowers hello I’m here for some charity so you’re gonna grow trees up here I see well I I was planning not to but then that kind of happened on accident oh oh

No wait I see another freaking I always leave one log there back so no exactly Tower back up just freaking grab it oh boys we’re cooking good tonight yeah we are I’m gonna do my channel picking up something good in here where’s the crack there you go that’s better bruh where’s

The well I’m gonna do more Oh that’s nice um please help me out of your misery okay that’s it good no no not My Level oh my God um it wasn’t me okay he don’t pushed me into it I didn’t do it oh man all right thank you okay all right hey what the [ __ ] wow

Oh what’s going on huh huh does everyone have any sand uh and slash or a glass on them per chance oh my God myself soon yeah I need to get a little Escapade over to because I think the other campus had like a place coming along nice come on uh great I guess

No it looks nice yeah I am making sheep sounds actually this is oh nice you got two beds you’re fancy exactly nice this is you have a friend too in here oh God guys we gotta we gotta end stream because now she’s here oh no not ashy oh no that’s scary

Oh no X-Men oh no I’m another person in my team why are you are you scared of your team yes oh boy my team is reducted Warrior and Ashi like come on good luck hello there I’m a sheep right you know Ashley yeah yeah you know

So much yeah oh no say hide them oh whoops all right we are thinking I actually wanted to teleported refer to ashy yeah well actually wanted me to actually meet wanted me to teleport uh him to his way but it’s fine it’ll work out I need it I’m bored

So yeah do you want to hear about how I accidentally destroyed an entire livelihood of a man one word no I don’t want to know actually I don’t want to know actually never mind never mind I Don’t Wanna Know too scared you are the one man I’m gonna have a basement

What the what I don’t want to know what’s in that basement I’m scared bro these people are scaring me now we’re at now we’re about to hit the three hour mark thing okay so it’s decorating my bedroom I’ll go ahead and sleep that way it’ll be daytime I think draven’s over here too

Everyone’s just hanging out over here um what I want to do in their crafting table you know there we go nice and fancy there you all like how that’s looking we got a nice little desk I kind of want to maybe do like a plant or something in the corner

Which I guess I could use like dirt I could use like this type of dirt I think that’s kind of cool and then maybe some trap doors yeah uh what type of trapdoor should I use I could just use Spruce ones which I do think I am going to use dark oak doors so they’re always fancy and then my whole purpose is doing oh no

The stranger dangers are bad I mean hi welcome All right I went through your window why no I’m in your home what why are you inside my house um no questions should I be concerned um you should be oh I’m scared I’m trying to figure out so I want to use trap doors because I’m gonna have

Plants in the corners like where those Outlets are I’ve already seen them oh um I’m trying to figure out what trap door oh wait what about these ones hold on this might be kind of cool what does this look like yeah it’s these maybe a couple minutes so I’m just uh

You know go back to my area okay are the minutes up yet I’m kidding I’m kidding wait what why I accidentally um you didn’t and I couldn’t hear you oh probably for the best okay um anyways if you want to do something for me you can go on a quest

I’m not sure what isn’t clay clay clay clay but Clay’s scary I need clay all right bet no no don’t do it you almost fell although I didn’t realize there was a huge Ravine right there um oh no I don’t think that was supposed to happen right there I don’t think it was

Either oh no well uh hey well otherwise that we all have our happy little accidents yay oh God yeah oh I lost my love again yeah it’s hard to keep your levels on this server it holds my sword this will work that’s probably fine good luck all right um wait

No there’s not okay I was curious wait how do you make a oh you need concrete okay nice told driving to make his player models nah it’s kind of a dead meme but no I think it’s cool that draven’s making more player models stuff who is disguised as me I see you On the mini map it shows my icon on you on my menu I’m not actually what nothing hello I’m here to be enough I’m here to be a newton oh all right oh frick I always come back no okay I’m trying to think so I’m never going near the window again why I did not get it not me I have no idea Cool I’m gonna um head to my area together all right later that was not me oh hi driving so more people show up no no not again you are never free all right thank you for death um yeah oh hey do you want me to get you some sand I

Need clay but yeah if you want to get me some sand too that would be good I I guess I can get clay as well because there’s like a little area next to there I guess thank you guitar no problem how much you need uh just a

Bit like maybe like because they’re clay ball so like a stack of clay balls oh yeah yeah they’re easy to get that’s fine yeah why are you me everyone’s just flying out this area you better make this look nice are you stealing your um walls are you me yeah sure maybe maybe we

Shouldn’t like ruin the X-Men’s little little area you know maybe just carve a little bit on the top oh my gosh it gives you more Ashley oh my God no it’s not fire oh my God I’m dumb yeah Mike he’s just teleported okay uh I have enough that’s right all right I’ll um

I’m at his friend no don’t beat me oh look at this stuff like half the Surfers over here that’s crazy you might need a TP also X-Men how much should I do yeah I think it doesn’t need uh maybe like stack or two I got you yeah that’s fine

That’s one problem with having like bases really far away is that uh you know you have to do a lot of teleporting yep alrighty um I’m gonna finally move this stuff how’s your building going on it’s going good people have been a little thank you wait where’s my corpse wait you kill me

Oh my gosh I hate seagulls so goddamn good they just want to steal your stuff they’re like chasing me as I was getting it so annoying I think they just wanted to be friends they got a nice face just kidding it’s really ugly I hit it So Draven when one of those player models six okay my chat was curious all right let me start the let me start the timer Elder chat I’ll chat dude do unspeakable things what commit I came I came here to give you free content and I have delivered

Free content well let me tell you it’s really bad so I get out I was about to say hey standing here are you doing anything yeah man um actually I’m doing a lot of things um I’m having my heartbeat I’m having blood pumped I’m bleeding I’m breathing you’re

You’re bleeding I’m doing your mom what Mom that’s right oh you don’t know this is concerning anyone want to go mining for some diamonds I think that’ll be pretty cool no I want to finish my base I’ve been streaming for over three hours what do

You mean I think this is pretty I think this is true this is pretty finished yeah I spent an hour on one staircase oh uh where is it it’s a pretty darn good it’s a pretty darn good looking circus if you ask me uh I think this is finished yeah

He’s using a flying morph Phantom don’t play in the fight the quiet game the quiet game I’m not gonna clearly I always lose first I wonder why I don’t know I guess this just because like I’m so like good uh just stop [ __ ] right now right now I’m just gonna have torches there

Not lanterns poor man I think I have Lantern I’ll make some I said for right now oh well there you go you don’t have to make them well you know what thank you very much I really appreciate it here’s lanterns I don’t need them it’s only three oh boy

I have 19 iron nuggets so I guess you could take that I make lanterns thank you Elsa here’s some oranges thank you I love oranges and they love me here’s a spirit s there I don’t okay you’re giving me trash I don’t need that you have this hot eating tomato bro shot ow

Did I get a good feel pain that makes me happy you want to see something cool I killed what oh let me find it I found it a while ago oh damn where is it what oh here it is open it’s a monster oh iron monster

But yeah this is the thing that’s weird drops the uh magic dust I figured that out I found iron monster why are you guys obsessed with magic dust what you guys doing with this stuff snorting it well where you can make sapphire and ruby armor with it oh gotcha what yeah

I think it’s better than diamonds it’s like almost better it’s it’s almost uh as good as Diamond but it’s not it’s not quite as good like a like a lollipop like a popsicle stick I look like uh yeah one of those frozen popsicle sticks you know yeah what the [ __ ]

You know I’m not gonna lie the 2D version looks better yeah that’s cool but then when you’re wearing it it’s just um it looks like I don’t know what it looks like all right where’s the joke on the stick where’s the corny joke that is no who put a glass block right here

I don’t know no one bro Jesus Christ himself okay you haven’t heard I can’t work on my face I can’t think I don’t know what to do now I can’t turn into a baby zombie I’m gonna cry oh no what the heck it’s those things that live that I can’t say that

Yeah please please have a filter bro I I do I do I swear I’ve been practicing you’re swearing bro I thought you just said you needed you had a filter what are you doing bro what are you doing what huh you can’t fly Can we kill this Phantom you know the worst mob in the game go ahead I thought you’d never ask put him down out of his misery I would not suggest being a zombie here your server will be restarted in a few seconds to adjust the system load well well Oh no oh no are you serious bro are you serious oh no The server just like I I’ve had enough cringe so it was like I ain’t putting up with this no more commit to die yeah the server just shut itself down it’s like bro I can’t be fed up with this what killed it that’s right amazing why’d you guys make the server kill itself

Hey ex my like our clay and sand that that’s something thank you yeah you’re welcome the server didn’t like us so it just killed itself yeah no yeah junkie didn’t restart it the server just automatically did it yeah I know someone in my chat was asking yeah

Yeah so once again yeah so I know it might be a bit uh difficult to well the lag actually kind of subsided after a while but I don’t know yeah so again I think it was because there’s a lot more people on it earlier and they were all spread out

That was still a few people but yeah oh yeah but now like because but then everyone’s like in the same area right now oh yes it’s fair enough yeah uh so yeah so now so um yeah hold out if you can just for like another powerful long at the mic

Before you log off make sure to put all your stuff in the chest yeah all right I’ll be right back you probably have to die so if you’re using love well I can give you the levels if you have to kill yourself to get your backpack off

I lost how many levels because of X-Men yeah so junkie um I actually have like this to take out everything out of your backpack oh yeah you could do that you could do that too yeah yes yeah I mean I did that actually yes oh really yeah do you know

I have like 32 levels yeah I can give you levels back if once we’re on the news yeah it’s fine my [ __ ] went off dang yeah but guys look all right so you got you got you got the old uh stinky Virgin uh junkie s p but if you look in the

Screenshots you can see we got the new cool one oh my god with no lag it’s a paid one we should like literally like literally get on that like the moment the server opens like literally we should literally like wait until tomorrow and then I’ll do it like literally

So let’s go I’m crazy all right bro yeah you do um yeah the only thing is that um I can’t figure out how to do I change the hosted by Pebble host but that doesn’t matter because as long as it’s a good server it’s all good yes

Yeah I’ve been streaming for over three hours wow that’s crazy Jesus crazy wait so who’s streaming right now yeah Please the server comes back up yeah I think a Mystic and we’re gonna join too um once um yeah Warrior said once um he once the server gets upgraded he’ll join yeah and then Warriors gonna change go to Yellow that’s not gonna happen though he’s he’s staying on green unfortunately Unfortunately well I thought you were just complaining because you’re just saying that you know who’s gonna switch to yellow and I thought that’s what you want no no he’s my homie well in that case yeah so he’s staying on uh green lucky for you how do you like your Minecraft thumbnails genuinely here

So basically what I did um yeah I think with you did you did you ever do the the thing like I showed you with those models from sfm or did you just like yeah because of like the how how like the arms moved but I can’t but uh

Oh my God it’s so hot are you is it’s not as good as the X-Men s p thunder so those were like top notch All he does is he change like the background but like from my ones I hope serves up um I just um I have to like Repose them because I I got like the Steve model in sfm and then I just installed all the different textures for the the models and some of

Them are kind of goofy because like some players are missing but um yeah the posting is well aren’t you cool oh no About your thumbnails while I’m AFK huh well I I like all I’m saying is that I think my thumb is take a little longer because I actually have to pose individually every single model differently instead of just you know changing the background that’s what I’m saying no please

All right well I’m gonna switch back to in-game chat all right have fun alrighty well that was something else uh-huh broke that okay honestly like my friends always talk about like bro how do you do like something people like I that I randomly do it in

Front of who don’t often see me do it like I don’t know they just go like bro that’s like so like accurate no it’s not it’s like a certain part of your skin that’s just glowing white I have that for you like on the side of your helmet

Really it’s not right now it was earlier before the server died uh well anyways oh draven’s on for here no no Raven does not exist uh it’s like when you’re wearing yeah God damn it I was muted like look at my stream ashy oh oh okay

Yeah I guess I’ll give you watch time what are you I don’t know why he does that with everything like every oh wow that’s weird I don’t know why it doesn’t I don’t know why yeah it’s only on the side it doesn’t hurt every single entity and

I need to task manager streamlabs I’m gonna cry just freaking froze for me out of nowhere good oh wait how do you oh wait a minute crafting table crafting table load please please please please craft and table it’s not loading oh God another eterno’s moment there you go

Wow that was the spike and a half can you know that was a really bad one it was there’s no couches there aren’t that’s sofa it’s called sofa oh sofa man these people in there slang how dare they call it a sofa it’s called a couch

Yeah I’ve never heard somebody call it a sofa yeah they’re British I know some people who call it a sofa I need wool all right that’s what we know my donations boom and boom thank you I need water yeah sadly no that’s like we need a shoe Farm

I gave you your okay I’m saying this I’m saying this wait a minute actually hold on hold on we might actually have an alternative I’m a cave spider oh my God we can just break these and get infinite wool it’s gonna take forever though you have fun with that I’m not helping you

Bro someone to make a sofa yo we could easily troll somebody by just covering their base and cobwebs like this yeah that’s an idea you go really fast yeah I know oh boys we’re getting some wool this is uh this is how real men make a wool Farm oh yeah

Um that’s actually like an engine that white sticky stuff I hate the sound I know it doesn’t help what the hell did I don’t worry we’re doing some manly stuff right now welcome welcome don’t mind us just doing our videos gotta take care of it one way or another oh my gosh

Placing them down to a joke that this happens what are you just holding down listen we gotta get caught we gotta get viewers up one way or another chat leave a like on the stream for more sticky white spider stuff I don’t think any more appropriate you

Want to get some more this is probably more than enough to be honest but uh probably I almost have a stack of cobwebs I know I have half a stack ooh what’s this uh a winter suck balloons that sounds odd oh I just threw a cobweb down there I want the boys

Hey junkie junkie look look come here oh look see your base over there yeah I do see it oh oh you’re gonna get cobwebs all over it oh why are they floating what wait I I have one thing to say this [ __ ] is getting covered in cobwebs come on man move in

Wait wait I am one thing this I’m I think the city worked man what that one thing is okay this is definitely more than enough okay we need I need a source which I have a sword okay start breaking that oh yeah I need to throw myself on my building now

I think I have one in my chest now I can finally and now I could probably commit suicide what in Minecraft of course wow yeah he just did Minecraft yeah there we go all right and uh let’s go inside 56 top whips I thought destroying the bed would

Remove my spawn apparently does not all right get to Breaking Boys yes sir oh boy I know I’m stuck hey we get we get wool out of this though oh this is for a couch by the way all of this work yeah bro what color should the couch be oh I

Should have it should be yeah oh no um nobody could have guessed that can you break please thank you you’re sad you don’t know how to break up all right here you are oh God not more oh thank you Nice okay um I need to go look at something bro who needs a spider farm I do okay I do have the perfect spider farm when we are the spiders this doesn’t turn into purple dye does it no that’s pain Spiderman Spiderman it’s a 4×4 like a two by two here is

Nine more shirts um nice thank you you know I feel like glowing oh you can’t do that oh well you can only do with the big ones oh he’s trying to get away trying to get more dye out of that oh am I glowing on y’all’s end yes yeah

It’s not showing it for me because it’s on the side of your head I just realized your backpack yeah he’s got a sheep oh how many feet did you Slaughter for that why why’d you take a little baby sheep and carve him out and turn him into a backpack huh I

Got a I got a cardboard oh pure enjoyment Bro nice uh you know affordable home oh no no [Laughter] I paid 900 for this in California really I thought it was America inflation no really I thought I was America I said California oh my gosh teleporting isn’t in America you [ __ ] idiot I thought it could wait huh California’s in America

In a way I mean I was doing that for that content no you weren’t stop lying to yourself [Applause] oh my gosh I need more food I just went through all five stages of grief in three seconds okay um how do I want to do this

Do we need more white sticky stuff sir casting count okay because I wanna so we can’t have a TV but what we could do instead is like put something on the wall so is there TVs no unless it’s called something else uh I’m gonna have to like search 38 pages

Of everything I know something that’ll work hmm I mean maybe we could uh get like a bunch of black concrete and make a map and put it on some item frames but I feel like that’d be too much effort gotcha wait what shut the [ __ ] up don’t give any Questions ever again uh um yo wait you can make flamethrowers there’s guns wait wait give me a craft tables can I have a gun please hang on where’s any couple any couple uh upstairs upstairs oh wait I have some in my bag pretty sure it’s I don’t think they

Actually work no but I want to make one I think it’ll look funny okay cool it’s got like a gun casing or something yeah I got it yo look at this gun case in aren’t I so cool guys give me all your money So I will say you know those those two those two mods that um I added for the new version um yeah the um there’s a bunch of stuff there’s like motor boats and stuff and there’s like uh can we go to space go to space knows all the space stuff

Wait do we have another portal over here yet no don’t do you um I was thinking maybe for next stream we could go like deal with like dimensions and stuff I wanted to I need I want to go there temporarily how many other dimensions are there I’m

Gonna go work on my house upstairs which is like a new thing yeah I already went in another yeah already yeah and I got a bunch of police can we make up another portals let’s go somewhere for temporarily yeah do you wanna make one look here I

Was just leaving the space here I’m working on this living room right now somewhere out like in between our houses oh y’all’s houses are looking good hold up before I go what junkie uh redactor wanted me to ask you something oh do you know where to

Get the uh ether logs ether yeah she was asking me before I have no clue type it in sir well it says she has a portal made out of glowstones set up and everything I don’t know if she wait that that’s the Aether this is just the ether this different thing oh

Yeah I don’t think yeah I wish that there was there’s no stuff yeah it should be yeah 1.20 update yeah like turkey wings I don’t want to hurt my legs fine okay thank you subscribe he’s gone now yay oh finally he’s gone huh what yeah it’s taking me forever

So the dust side is taking so long to go imagine not being finished with your houses well imagine actually not spending like how long do you spend on the s p Sy I don’t know I don’t know how long what is your bedroom it’s a work in progress It’s like a it’s

Like a flower place imagine redacted talking and she doesn’t know that she’s Stefan I’ll be funny as though yeah yeah one sec why is she staring at me I don’t know it’s probably somebody because that’s what I was about to say okay yeah because uh I think in the Modia it

Changes like yeah it changes your voice it changes the voice icon no driving gold don’t make me press T right now I changed I’m out of there chat the reason why I was wanting to go to Netherland was so I could get lava buckets and then make a flamethrower but oh well Mr seal what do you want do you need to be put down we’re trying to reach here three cars extended warranty no

I can’t get up I’m bad congratulations now how does that make you feel right you put it here why not you have weird design I never said it was final where would you put it yeah I’m just gonna stare at the wall I’m gonna put something there thank you

Do you want it just to be like all the way on the Apple what oh thank you I do like green apples you haven’t gotten the green apple no I have not Damn addicted I guess yeah just a couch like this And then we could have it do something then I can eventually put something there it’s driving paw but elephant just said I need to go upstairs hey can I get the green apple sure whoops are you special now yes nice alrighty oh but now I need to craft some more trap doors better

Idea what you’re up to oh Corner couch and then like the table table like here uh-huh I feel like at that point you would need to extend the couch a bit more yeah do it like that which I need to go get one more then which I need more purple how

Do you make purple dye again it’s just pink and blue or it’s yeah this red and blue oh yeah red and blue yeah yeah red and blue I don’t know if I I think I should have some I don’t know as far as a better table

Isn’t there like a coffee stamp yeah I there might be one you can look I think so yeah yeah there is yeah I get that yeah I think that’ll look better okay so like it’s three dark oak and then like two planks and then now that I got that oh I have

To do that twice oh my brain hurts okay so do this those in there you go put that put that here we go to do Perfect Isn’t building so much fun I know right yeah just for one couch sofa just wondering where we would put a TV if you wanted it well did you get the coffee table or I didn’t make it oh you want me to make it materials I don’t have the

Material okay okay I’ll make it oh it’s just like a table but shorter okay yeah okay I got it yeah that’s nice yeah that’s better nice little coffee table put some paintings around the house so there isn’t a TV in here I mean yeah not in the mud okay

So should we just we could just make one out of a painting I guess yeah okay where are we gonna have it probably just like right here I’m like okay maybe do that oh look nice yeah uh let me go across the table even though there’s just one in the other room

Yeah no I don’t like that okay there we go I made one oh it’s like that uh cool that sport is [ __ ] yeah I know we can move that Uh yeah maybe get it better painting the skeleton gotcha how many other ones are there I think it’s just mainly those two for that mm-hmm and then what I wanted to see was do I have them in my bag oh my gosh I have to keep running upstairs because

This is where I have my chest at temporarily I made a villager breeding oh nice yeah I think I checked with junkie like uh so I need to turn the [ __ ] up like what oh uh yeah night like both yeah anyways I think you have like 13 hours

13 hours yeah he told me that 13 hours just because on the server oh in total Oh that does not look as good as I was thinking it would uh actually we can just replace it with like desks right here I think this would look a bit better yeah yeah I just need one more desk how do you make it okay it’s like this but the tables um

Oh what are you holding there oh this it’s a field better Shield I just think that looks better spooky scary skeletons don’t you like the spooky scary skeletons hello hello wow very nice um that’s in the mods what oh my god oh no Alex is just joining now bro raggy

So I’m thinking I could either maybe put like a plant or just like there’s burgers yeah yeah there’s a bunch of food stuff that’s why we’ve been talking about making a restaurant over here you could use this I might do my cooking stream that’s why I got the clay I

Wanted to make flower pots yeah cooking stream yeah I’m gonna do my cooking stream for 24K I’m like I’m close I’m actually close to 24K yeah I’m like uh I’m less than 200 Subs away everyone’s on right now holy yeah but but the yellows yeah yeah still one

Person yeah but only me yeah are starting we’re making Warriors yellow team’s the best right yeah I think I think blue team’s the only thing you know it’s like I can play on like all the time yeah you can just hold tab ufek oh you got Misty damn no one’s online yeah

I am going to switch the lanterns and stuff the thing about is that Jody is seven hours ahead of me and then I’m seven hours ahead of you guys so it’s like 12 hours wait yeah he’s in Australia so he’s seven hours ahead of me so for him right

Now it’s five in the morning it’s seven so five hours ahead of me yeah so it’s five in the morning for him so yeah the chances of him kind of being with his team is kind of low okay I think that’s gonna be like stuck with that side oh yeah imagine w um

Okay it’s upstairs I guess I’ll just do regular ones yeah oh we’re gonna need more eye here actually I don’t know I’m pretty sure getting killed that way oh oh this is uh oh did you spawn here I think I I think I’ve run into my tomboy what are you doing wait what

Sorry about this oh wait that’s a beach I’m scared Raven you want to see a magic trick what I’m gonna tell me a [ __ ] okay oh my God it’s Lobster wow Okay so yo guys yo I’m um the fun is over okay how do I get rid of some Mars I forgot you don’t uh backspace

You can delete them yeah what bro you can backspace wait what the [ __ ] I have a single when bro I’m a single oh that’s cool you’re being a seagull I can’t say I’m surprised you would be a fancy chicken now did you just take my life yeah oh oh my God

Wait I can I actually kind of liked it better the other way yeah I think having it and buy one is better yeah it’s cool that you can delete them so you can huh oh yeah I have mimics so I forgot what we just left mimic sword because uh he killed people

And oh this is cursed it affects the side of effect sword is doing the white glitch thing pull out your sword yeah look at my stream you’re just holding the white square oh I could I can see it yeah or if you go on F5 oh

Hey I think it’s all yeah it’s pretty much both shaders yeah well me it’s okay yeah I was using complimentary right uh if that’s what that’s what oh yeah it happens with everyone like a certain side of everyone there’s like a white side I think it’s pretty much with like some Enchanted stuff

What the hell your sword is Enchanted right because Ashley’s helmet was enchanted yeah it isn’t tangent yeah yeah that’s the thing is Enchanted is like Vulcan it’s dying well it seems like it was something everything no just everyone I’m looking at it every single thing that’s Enchanted is broken really yeah

Yeah pickaxe is fun and then all my other stuff is that’s not that has the white yep that has the white that also has a so it’s just like anybody else who’s holding something that’s Enchanted or wearing something Enchanted wait yeah because I don’t see it for me

Yeah your chest plates white for me uh wait well I mean it’s it’s an iron chest plate but it’s also Enchanted yeah yeah okay it doesn’t change anything against all right lagging pretty badly it’s probably fine do you like the lights I like them yeah it’s I was pretty confused I was like

What no mm-hmm how is it being the the last one selling from your team huh driving are you just carrying your whole team I mean yeah are you Alex I made a house uh what else oh I need to smell the sand I went mining a ton I have like what the [ __ ]

I have no like yeah really and she hasn’t done [ __ ] yeah yeah oh boy I think she has like almost a day on the service oh my gosh most of the time whenever she redacted on here she’s just like messing around bro I have like five hours on the server

That’s how long my first stream was wait I think conducted us most hours on the server I’m not sure if not I’m probably the most oh fold it’s dead again no surprise okay oh my Goofy Goober servers are like in bed I know um foreign foreign oh no

What was I gonna do oh I need a chair wait how do you do it it’s just like how many times have I died not enough three I’ve died three times I’ve died a lot because I’ve blown up as a creeper a bunch yeah I blow up as a creeper once but uh

One time I I jumped off a cliff because I was in spawn and like spawned on top of oh boy like you know what I mean yeah so I just killed myself and then a junkie killed me Ah that’s it lovely does he want advice though Souls of the innocent my favorite

And I’ve only killed one person oh who’d you kill uh mimic ah since can I put this in a pot probably can’t nope I need to get more flowers more power more different types so I can decorate my house with them isn’t there that one I’m buying where

It’s just like all flowers yeah the flower biome yeah oh well we make do with what we got why is it just like a little oh that way you can open this chest yeah so I just haven’t moved my chest yet the guy that has most hours on the server is deducted

20 hours bruh 20 hours bro live driven you up 12. bruh is this am I the second and no yo yo the third junkie has 18. okay that makes sense X-Men nice what places that put me in fourth uh being like people yo it’s a competition now I’m never leaving the server

Oh wow I’m gonna get the most hours yeah see what we’re done I’m assuming who I told you very much is 20 Draven I have 18 then yeah I’m surprised if so much I feel like it was on the server too much but I guess it was well I mean because you’re

Probably on like helping other people oh yeah that’s true yeah that’s not a bad idea but the only problem is time zones kind of screw people over sometimes that’s funny I need more Aspen yay Aspen time it’s gonna get glad what huh okay yeah what based oh I need more flowers

Okay I need to work on a kitchen now you get um is there like a stone Raven you’re gonna get the paper that says you have no life but that’s it oh boy What is happening said to not hurt them so I was like I will oh boy rehearsal based does anyone have a gravel gravel no no no I need more food I’m running out of stealing my food oh seagull still killed yeah yeah they stole your food too bro

Oh I only have two there’s like two of them chasing me while I was going here in my boat they’re just chasing me for my food I need this it didn’t happen you didn’t see anything I was looking now I was like oh there’s gravel I was about to say there’s gravel

Down there yeah oh yeah because he didn’t get killed but yeah wait I need to spend ow hey oh I have levels oh my gosh look you hit me the window okay get me out of here wait let’s go let’s go let’s go oh some water lovely

Yeah just leave them down there no okay I always come back all right hey hey yo chill bro no no oh yeah he put me with me yeah um all right okay I was gonna do something and then y’all oh I need I need I might die which I can

Get from bones okay balance do I have any bones no I have some in my chest hey Devon give him some of your bones no no all right Alexis there is Alex there oh no oh no yes oh yeah look he’s looking good he’s what it’s the surgeon he’s gonna do

Surgery on us oh shut up I am a surgeon I am a surgeon he’s gonna kill us just because I’m black doesn’t mean yet whoa whoa what no one said anything about that the spot I set up to like show off like all the way over there oh my God

So Alex if you didn’t um no [ __ ] way like to win plenty yeah thank you so Alex you’re losing we’ve been also I’m here in a bad way let me eat it oh my God what is the house thank you guys did you get it I did nice I saw a bit

Turning into it hello that’s your job Alex we’re waiting on you you got to make the farm first if you wanted to have the farmer skin yeah yeah yes you are the maid you are the maid guys get back to work guys we got a problem this is actually my house why is

Everyone in my house we’re here to rob you oh get out of here I apologize I actually say that again say it again say it again say it again actually say it again say what say it again about what you were gonna do this place

Is gay well I thought you had to stand here what’s wrong with that yeah too much okay okay it’s lagging why are you iron golems hey guys let me get my dick hey guys okay okay oh my God hello guys I’m redacted and today wait wait hold on hold on hold on give

Me a second all right guys I’m gonna be on the S P for over 24 hours and I ain’t gonna accomplish anything now bro I don’t read like this okay this is just bullying at this point all right next up base to make fun of you I want your skin

Oh wait no you already have it yeah I forgot everything before anything happens can I kill you for your skin I feel left out yeah bro hey guys it’s me hey guys it’s me boy can I uh I’m a outcome your stuff’s over here oh [ __ ] I’m still missing my

[ __ ] uh what’s it called this what oh you [ __ ] what attacking the Innocence he did take her off I don’t know how he’s got my hand um guys I found a sword I found a sword I don’t know where it came from well I guess these are mine oh boy oh

Boy I’m just getting kind of hungry hmm really gonna eat some is yeah okay bro I forgot what it’s called oh [ __ ] here you go I believe these belong to you oh yeah thank you oh that’s actually earthquake dude yeah this morph mod hurts my head I know bro

I got my glasses on this is hurting my brain cell oh imagine making a multi-tool yeah can I get back to my mimic sword no kill them well for damage yeah but here you can have a diamond sword can I have it back though oh I was answering for them the casting couch

I just tried to teleport get back here you hit him because he’s black whoa wait you need a filter yeah you need a filter bro hey can you please hold on a second who invited this guy on the couch thank you do junkies being harassed by Phantoms I’ll go to sleep what

Wait what you’re the one proportions bro okay I do not remember throwing a party inviting all these people and all these random animals here okay guys it’s time to get out except get out dog good never mind Minecraft animal chat Minecraft animal ah who broke my flower no wait oh um

Guys don’t look outside the door look at my eyes I dare you guys go outside go outside look outside look outside look outside oh [ __ ] you don’t have to do this okay that’s in the sky and it’s gone to outer space rocket ship it’s gonna be there waiting oh my God I don’t I need some food I’m just I’m glad my house is made out of stone so the blaze doesn’t burn it down I could I can fix it directly I’m gonna try to destroy all these I’m kidding I got them [ __ ] dies thank you I believe in you ow

You just hit me oh my God this wasn’t me bro oh my God I’m ready to fight oh my God my soul oh hey there thank you hey yo don’t blow up my house if you blow up his house you will be banned from the vehicle oh God it’s about a blow

Oh my God remind me wait there’s so much random stuff going on my brain can’t process this is the dark Sonic for the dollar Super Chat thank you what the [ __ ] what the hell is this oh my gosh well I’m for real dad bro okay bro what I was originally trying to do

Man I’m dead oh yeah forgot about Bridge okay um so nice it is what time is it I gotta get my pay redacted what are you doing I don’t know why bees can take fall damage yeah you forgot how to fly so much I don’t want to be around you guys okay

Good point where is junkie to the damn door so Chad it’s a nice another peaceful day right right please okay fridge I crafted what is happening dude I wish there’s a blue one look at my eyes look at my beautiful purple eyes purple’s your favorite color right

So we are not looking at black guys wait what huh you get black guys because I don’t know it’s weird wait is it oh that’s the stupidest thing in the world I hate that fridge burn it bro it’s been still on making it Upside down I am I would say you should kick it yourself now that is something she would say yeah I don’t know my brain cells are hurting um I was gonna do something I just lost my shirt of that oh now I remember oh God what are you doing

I might not be able to practice what was your idea yeah I might not be able to because I can’t make a lemon vote I’m gonna cry get the [ __ ] out hey yo hey yo look for you oh I thought it was raining car crash oh no car collision

Hey you forgot to disable collisions yeah was blood up too I don’t know junkie you missed it earlier there’s like 20 people in my house I’m scared hey yeah like hey look at this I know I know oh good bro where are all these like big stuff finally

I’m taking her multi-tool oh no I gotta do that that’s legal what else does a kitchen need obviously I got made a stove uh sink bro here just message me saying great job oh I don’t want to use concrete for this you look like you’re holding up the

Plants to the dusters I’m holding a shield I don’t think that’s how you hold it wow that’s how I hold it and it looks really cool I like that you can see what you’re crafting that’s pretty cool okay you know what should I give her her

Multiple bag because I kind of want this like I think it’s cool why is that a question you asked I mean should I I’m asking I’m asking the code or here you’re stealing he’s trying to steal from us oh my brain hurt my brain hurt all right so should I keep the

Multi-tool yes or no that’s up to you it’s not even useful yeah basically every tool tool you know it’s a multi-tool I’ll give it back how do I make a sink for this you need to make like an island uh you need concrete so much concrete all right I don’t know

I’m not gonna have enough iron anymore I’m running on iron okay It’s like that oh Spruce kitchen sink oh which one the light or dark probably because they’re doing lights and stuff yeah yeah oh it makes two do you want to sink I’ll probably make my own yeah that’s a weird placement here I’m gonna move it actually

I’m just trying to figure out how I wanna but he has so many earnest I’m gonna move the fridge to like right here like right there you can go there well can I wash my hands cabinets up top here yeah any crop some it’s like a little tiny table as well oh

And there’s drawers I can make too yeah yeah okay see I’m glad I blooped that tree earlier so I have enough resources first enemies I’m gonna do that yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what you want oh my goddamn food food I worked hard for me

All right this was his first block down pick your neck I’m gonna move this stuff over actually what is that thing though I don’t know what it is thank you cheddar cheese Chuck E cheese Chuck E cheese uh then cabinets The cabinets uh those are the drawers oh you good there buddy I I wonder what uh folded and oh my gosh your mic is dying anyway oh you just make it sideways in my life no yes you’re fine okay so I wonder what is here right now are they killing each other again

If so I wouldn’t be surprised like oh wait what the okay I just realized something okay look so for this block right here you have to use a chest to craft this right and that’s how much space you get this one up here you don’t

Use a chest to craft and look at how much space is in there that makes no sense bruh I think smokes you know this is rigged looking brain cells again yes you can’t fall uh Farmer’s delay what’s in there but with your like it’s like bands all right I have a frying pan

It doesn’t do anything here we go the more the merrier there you go that’s more than enough cabinets it’s a lot actually look at this different cabinet it’s still mine yeah um oh I didn’t know you can make these ones these ones are cool the white one yeah like where it’s like

Oh no oh no and then oh wait hello uh yeah don’t look about redactors yeah what is that thing it’s like a chicken or something I don’t know that is not a chicken bro what type of chicken is that no no look at me enderman’s learning how

To place blocks oh no it’s so stupid soon and Enderman yeah oh I mean well let’s see well she was actually calling it something else it’s like another word for chicken but it can also be used for a male body part and uh yeah what oh

No why should that would that also was a uh there was a building of a oh my God you have so much more space I know I got way too much space now oh so you guys know my house they’re from my house I don’t know

How much that does not fit up there with the rest unfortunately maybe maybe like uh on the ground I know where we could put it Foreign yeah that’s not the chicken what the hell junkies junkies going up to give them no sir go away yeah that’s probably the best thing to do what the hell oh my God wait CCC what the [ __ ] another one You can see them talking bro is this the mating season but for all their stuff what is that two Enderman he’s alone he got rejected wait let me go check it out what the hell is going on over there it’s so sad it is bro um I feel violated okay buddy

Did you see the Enderman maintenance season going on yeah it was it was so great um oh wait all right you should go donkey Batman so [ __ ] dumb I don’t wanna know did you see me later on yeah field foreign [Laughter] you should go to the bathroom you should add a little dining table what the frick this doesn’t mean that you control other people with like the whole crap and stuff but you can yeah you can pull it out quit something thank you anyway huh crush it that quick yeah okay

Wait a minute oh no do you want some glasses what now what about them I do have some damn what do I have what babe saplings no I’m good yeah I’m very very sure Spain without the case I don’t want to know let me look from the window

Oh I thought junkie’s house was on fire but it was a zombie nevermind Chucky’s house is just burning down in the background what wait what it’s supposed to not make sense what no no no wait uh hey you’re so confused what that’s a nail where did that happen

I don’t know oh hopefully it wasn’t in a house I think wait junkies out oh no I think he wasn’t just you know oh boy you see the blocks that uh you can see it again wait let me see there we go there’s like a lot of Vlogs there what the [ __ ]

Chat I don’t even know what’s going on I haven’t really been commentating because I’ve been letting everyone else see all the commentating for me ow hi so Xmas yes do it do you eat mangoes with the skin on huh do you why why do you want to know

Because my dad said he does I don’t really eat mangoes I should just let my dad’s a monster What the hell yeah what just happened what um I don’t even know what happened zero sense as to what just happened what happened I don’t know I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to so okay chairman I have a question for you oh no what do you eat mangoes with the skin on

The skin on yeah I don’t eat mangoes that’s what I said well huh huh you don’t eat mangoes neither of you oh same with me huh who the [ __ ] yourself oh [ __ ] God damn it [ __ ] you you see that’s why my team sucks actually in Minecraft a floor shot is

That question just like do you mean mangoes yeah guys what are you obsessed with mangoes all of a sudden What did I miss I don’t know and honestly I don’t want to know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait was it like wait wait a second do you like mangoes was it like that no she’s like I got a question for you man like like

Wait wait wait what hey it’s Raymond Raymond I have a question for you do you eat mangoes the answer is no that was your day oh [ __ ] one two three four five no I don’t I’m gonna run away before you [ __ ] Gonna Be Alive here uh yeah go with your mangoes

Oh them where’s the purple all right I’m trying to figure out so I want to have more furnaces should I put the front do you think the furnaces would look okay like up here yeah yeah right there um did you kill her oh you did nice good

Job she was flying and uh I just I broke her helmet before killing her nice base beautiful taste upside down bro shut up about a fridge the fridge has feelings too you know is there any other last minute thing y’all can think I need to add to this shut up

What is this in the corner um it’s just it’s like a wall right there so it connects the top part what it’s not supposed to open this block I’m fitting the sink with water oh no not the house oh no the sink is cool bro

I’ve been live for for four and a half hours so I will see it I was not playing on streaming this long but you know what it is what it is you know I probably would have been finished with my house by now if everyone didn’t

Distract me but you know what it is what it is I still don’t have a roof to my house thank you they don’t think he’s supposed to do it you should I think he could also make him move I don’t know why I hurt you but like you

Don’t have a roof yeah I think I’m oh my God it’s a Frank pen abwa Skillet bad feeling okay move kill the table now laughs you know I think I’m actually just gonna have crafting tables in the corner oh yeah that’s nice but you can see the crafting from here

Wait can I come from move away I want to try something I can can you can you yeah oh my God you can oh my God okay I changed my mind I don’t want it there you can cook you have a nice backpack yeah yeah don’t go in it let me look at

Your backpack nice backpack give me a nice one yeah laughs oh boy hey hey um give me my own oh hey what are you doing homeboy bro like I’m trying to build stuff No he got some seed s yeah yeah you go oh yeah I was thinking about putting in like a diamond area but I don’t know where oh [ __ ] out be gone okay it was like I stole your soul I took your soul eat that yeah what bro I need your souls

Does that look fine just walking and then boom yeah I don’t know I don’t like that my ACT oh my ax is gonna break soon nice and now it’s back to Knights of people bro I swear like like sometimes like no one’s in my house I’m like ah

Nice and calm and all of a sudden like half half over half the servers in my house I’m like what the frick is happening okay you did get this stuff yeah don’t mind the dead corpse outside I still need to make a pathway down there I

Don’t even know if I’m gonna be able to do that this train because like I want to make a pathway down there that connects up with everyone else but haven’t had a chance to yet okay um what was I gonna do make a table I was thinking about maybe having a

Dining table but I don’t know I think it might be better without one because we got like the couch you know I think it’s fine without it and I can just do the repeat the table thing where it’s like this and that just feels a little repetitive but it

Does look nice oh what oh junkie’s dead oh junkies getting off done I think I might just go to my house finished I just went through this is everyone just leaving all of a sudden keeps on look at them bro oh boy doesn’t know what what a personal bubble is what is that

Oh no oh I almost died Oh my God you little rat you’re real You’re a Rat oh little Rogers coming in stealing bro I don’t know what’s more annoying the seagulls or ufek okay okay they’re going through your bag bro that’s why I’m just standing in the corner so he can’t open my back

I got you covered bro he’s trying to rob you again I know no I’m just having to stick towards the walls yeah yes they have to stay in the corner oh my gosh I don’t want this I don’t want that where you took my armor yeah oh my God

What’s happening yo what up bro come on oops save me oh my God yes you stay away Mister players open my backpack I’m just I know I just see that text at the bottom of my screen Yeah it tells you when someone’s like opening your bag laughs bruh they broke the server would you break this time I I still so hard oh my gosh damn it last last time I promised this shouldn’t happen again I stole something from you just stopped again do anything

Okay I can’t even do anything about you [ __ ] stealing soon I think I was just placing a a dustite brick stair or a that’s a brick wall and I just broke yeah I was just watching fears I wasn’t even doing anything yeah I’m like almost there like almost in the

House I’m like a couple pieces away I’m done my armor for my backpack Oh I’m definitely for a second bro yeah the server crashed well we gotta wait a minute um yeah I’m Gonna Keep streaming I saw someone in chat ask if I’m gonna do a four second AR stream soon I do know about their anniversary event going

On they added a skin for totem panic and Freddy I believe it’s the bake totem Panic skin and then the celebratory Freddy skin which was from Au special delivery um I do plan on doing another four second AR stream sometime soon might end up doing one on Monday I don’t

Know something else I do have planned is I do eventually maybe you want to try to do a a you special delivery stream like on the Roblox game because on my third Channel I mainly just been doing four second AR streams and that’s like the only fan game on

There that I’ve been streaming but I think it’ll be fun to maybe do a Au special delivery stream sometime in the future so uh yeah um but yeah no I do know about the Forsaken AR event and I think that’s cool so yeah but I’ll definitely do another four second hour stream sometime

Soon uh I might wait for one more skin to come out and then do one so maybe a four second Airstream maybe sometime next week maybe I don’t know I’ll have to wait and see what’s going on so uh yeah Uh but yeah so I I think I can actually I’m gonna test I’m actually gonna check because I think I can if I go to like files and I go to player day I go let’s do like five it’s like seven I need to go thousands of meters it’s gonna take a while

It’s gonna take like a couple minutes I’m gonna see if I can figure out how to move the player data well this gives me a chance to work on my thumbnail oh no oh thanks why why yeah all right hang on one sec uh I need to adjust my audios connect

Why is it making sounds headphones hello uh I can’t hear anything I don’t know if you guys can hear anything oh you probably can’t the music’s probably dying for you guys no headphones now I’m having audio hey at least the server crash right now so perfect time

For me to have a few audio issues I’m trying to uh switch on my headphones because they’re about to die um now they’re not wanting to connect oh my God they connected and I click disconnect I hate Bluetooth sometimes connect okay okay now I can hear again oh okay servers up everybody

And I have to reset my texture packs before I can join uh minute because now my micro sounds messed up are you gonna go to VidCon I don’t have plans dude no not this year maybe in the future I might end up going to one but I don’t have plans to go to

One this year I don’t know it’s like with events and stuff I think that’s cool and stuff to be able to do that and like IRL meet a bunch of people and stuff uh but at the same time it’s like kind of kind of kind of scary you know it can be a little uh nerve-wracking

Sometime technical difficulties they always find a way into every stream true true I just got back from getting a drink what did it happen uh the server died and uh now I’m having my own problems isn’t that perfect yeah so I’ve been I’ve been live for almost five hours dang I’ve been live for four hours and 40 minutes I’ll

Definitely go uh hit the five hour mark I don’t see me streaming more than six hours I do want to finish my house I was I was not expecting it to take this long the main reason why it’s taking so long is because everyone’s on my property and

I keep getting distracted and I can’t focus but that’s fine that’s fine it’s content content content yeah the server crashed again isn’t that lovely but yeah next stream the server will switch to a different server host so the server should start running smoother from now on

Do you want to go back what are y’all up to I took his gold you are you stealing hey how are you doing I’m triggered I’m scared You’re Not Safe anymore oh thanks stop oh my God bro now it’s raining look at what you did in fact you made the sky cry exactly

Back up Social distance six blocks of way six blocks okay feel like you could probably still reach my bag from six blocks that’s my super ability no no wait wait I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to hmm oh and he’s dead no I’m not

Hey I’m gonna go break my bed and then we can kill him all right um well anyways I wanted to make another fridge oh finally the other one is upside down for someone wait why do why do we have in your freezer oh what the [ __ ] hey you’re driving what the [ __ ]

Um you should look at it you know what say hey yo I’ve been thinking wait oh wait did I even talk oh hey did you hear him I think you should uh Alex thank you I deserve these finally I guess I get paid for painting wait these were my

Were these fine give me my [ __ ] missing you okay thank you Harmony foreign I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s like let me know what the new one oh thank you oh wait wait oh wow okay wait well okay bro um yeah yeah I went all right bro um

Oh my gosh come on I think I’m almost done I need more iron does anyone want to donate it’s the book that I gave thank you I’m gonna probably I might need more but that’s good enough for now thank you David would you mind if I put stuff so

I’m going to my backpack oh my God what do you do why is there so many seeds what I don’t want to know what wait when you build your house I’m gonna use this okay I just need two more what are you doing my backpack I’m scared oh [ __ ] this died good

Oh my God you couldn’t understand that because it’s 1am right now bro bro this dude so many messages of someone going into a backpack and doing this I didn’t take anything bro my excuses Oh put in mind first think nice is gonna kill me if I do stop look at him put this in the store that’s a coffee table no bro don’t do it I’m Jewish but please what what I’m Jewish what I forgot the whole thing about opening other people’s like

Backpack it’s like a very bad design I had no way it exists oh oh you want to see why are you able to disable it I don’t think so sadly no go away go away my house now yay you do you do well you wouldn’t mind yeah

Super sexy bro my house is done kind of sort of like some furniture let me put some of my windows in and then we can go like you know you need some entrances I want my house to look fancy fine my house is ugly it doesn’t have

Windows I need Windows someone give me windows going into the backpack’s just gonna get old real quick I know let me get your Woodway bruh okay I’m ready yeah let’s go yay also it’s very bittersweet because it’s gonna be the last junky s p like stream like

Ever to have a turn up it’s gonna be so sad I forgot wait I think my s p season three might have started on internet so I don’t remember yeah I don’t think so all right so this is my little this it’s the kind of Baron yeah yeah you got this

You got you got you got you got stuff over there maybe and then over here it’s like an open wind open top thing look at that stuff up here I’ve had like uh some benches or something so yeah you like my new spices my house is um super duper yeah which is nice

I had um yeah one of the saplings I grew and then it turned into like a big tree a junkie question junkie yes Mr Crow is this a cool thing to do wait wait no oh yeah um that’s crazy died again bruh yeah okay uh

I kind of want to end stream but then I also I want to get Demarcus back but like I’m gonna have to walk so long just to get the Marcus I don’t know if it’s worth it well he’s worth it I know but like I’m gonna do it it’s only like it’s

Not that long of a walk it’s like we’re like halfway to the dungeon and then the like that last engine we went and then that’s like the halfway mark to our camp I don’t find that that’s that’s I’m gonna end my stream I’m gonna go get Demarcus so I’ll

Bring him back all right I’ll be back like I’ll be back in like 10 minutes yeah okay have fun yay okay wait let me how did we get in his house what the [ __ ] you don’t I I think you don’t oh all righty Keeps on opening the backpack I know who’s oh hi not a game I’m waiting for everyone these moments one is a real Enderman that teleports next to me I just hit it and just attacks me laughs bro you’re a live streaming okay um unless you need to add you

Should I don’t trying to you know you should make us a roof maybe well I wanted to make a uh [ __ ] pot I need more iron oh wait I have enough what’s out hey I don’t see any iron in your in your breakfast what are you gonna do anything yeah there is

A rat in my house oh I don’t trust you being because there’s two rats in my kitchen a silverfish he’s on zero what I mean okay you know what to follow my cover I have a shark Thief I don’t want it you want the shark tooth no no everything it’s not my fault

Do you even though it clearly is oh no okay I need to make another stove so I can have a cooking pot and then I need a campfire almost died good okay all right what the [ __ ] all right what else do I need uh damn

Yo what’s going on I was trying to get a screenshot hey hey okay okay let me let me fix it that was my iron I dropped it if I picked it up yeah yeah no don’t steal an Enderman it took like 10 years thank you God damn it out of my

Hey yo I’m Jewish whoa I don’t think religion is uh is it Minecraft oh I cannot steal stuff from the coffee though oh how sad yeah I’m trying to get screenshots oh who took my skin whack you on the head with this [ __ ] backpack give me my Sapphire bag [Laughter] um

Let me bully oh how do you use the cooking pot you get damage from that oh you know oh I made the wrong cooking pot there’s two different types I made the wrong one is there how did you make the long one because there’s two different mods that have it dude

I have two of them at my house well I can just make another one buy any more iron yeah yeah yeah go on driving iron oh I need four oh I have three but uh it’s not good it’s okay if I have yourself thank you and then I need a shovel again

I already have it no you know yeah check your backpack in fact do you have a water bucket hello bruh all right oh yeah I do can I say it for one second okay yeah after today been so what my home I didn’t realize that you’re talking about alrighty thank you

I don’t have Draven skin here’s your bucket let’s scale him I need no you can’t have my skin oh you have excellent skin well it’s time no get them back oh my God yo I want a brave would you like to be cooked well no yeah boy you get a nice breakfast

Then boy you get a nice Bakery foreign get out of there hey wait wait wait wait wait the my diamonds he doubled hey I duplicate this house no you done it bro bro I duplicated the diamonds what the [ __ ] hey you got it wait actually you have

Your diamonds back I because I took them off your dead body yeah it wasn’t two cents what the [ __ ] no there’s only one well I’m gonna take a seven thank you thank you yeah give me my stuff out you don’t have it yeah yeah [ __ ]

What are y’all oh my God wait can I have my seeds back what no why not fine hear your [ __ ] stupid ass seeds Oh every yeah I almost died yeah oof stop don’t hey I wanna put stuff in there no you cannot put your trash in my bag sorry no boy I want to put my seeds in here what the frick no I’ll get the skillet again spooky oh ah

Oh seats oh iron you want this oh I will kill you Draven try to take my eye on I don’t care that’s redacted Zion just you know oh boy wait can I pick your items on your mouth wait no you came you came yeah what wait what what happened

What you can make custom bars like because like instead of iron bars you can make gold bars and stuff bro your fridge is still broken what the [ __ ] shut up you the Hitler oh my gosh eye Lobster get in the pot okay All right I’m just getting cooked wait yeah you remember that thing hey did you just break through my house no I’m trying to fix it ouch hey that’s fine he’s armed no no no no no okay that’s so stupid oh my God okay hey I just use it for cooking I want cookies you know like you know those islands and kitchens where you can put like you know what I mean yeah this guy might feel something from your backpack by the way you should look you should look I put something very very

Good what’d you take for my backpack I didn’t put seeds in there I already had seen so I mean oh that’s I I’m dying thank you for the enchanted book Let’s see we have here protecting [ __ ] kind of bad but yeah it doesn’t matter hey that’s right wow yeah thank you

Yeah that’s a reduction thank you nice now you should I want to get money hello um I got DeMarcus back I feel like wait wait I could like add like furniture and stuff to my house but I don’t know if I won the end stream or not because it’s like backpacks

Oh thank you yeah appreciate it yeah you should have bunted pen what’s it called a skillet I feel like you want to like use there’s more stuff than you add to my house but I think probably before ironing a break they are aren’t cooked okay hey that’s

My Iron Man hey I got this one that’s always going to take your iron yeah but back to Skillet if I can have that iron okay since I took his but back to Skillet oh yeah all right I just need to look what it is airfare in fact here you

Can have a brick for it I’m all good yeah you can have a I have this try me huh nice stuff you got though we’re gonna settle things everyone has to they both have to get rid of the armor pull out a skillet it was done kid I wonder I give him a

Little Skillet to the end back you break my did you just break my floor how dare you I would kill him right now with a scared I would never um hey you should make I think you protected X-Men bro no take off your elbow like you hit me back yeah I hate you

Because I try to eat it your food you have a flower pot what what that’s a normal flower you have any problems what oh wait I won very yummy I’ll be cooked alive Food can I have food no oh And plus this is the last piece of my food I have really gonna let this poor fish die yeah oh yummy yummy yummy take your slime oh you just murder someone that’s my kill murderers hurry up hey yo I didn’t do anything sorry that’s it I’ma take his backpack move away move away

Come on settle this no yes bro stupid as fighting a skillet ready wait wait a minute okay can I have my scooted back I dropped it ow well huh oh what’s on your body gosh just launched them off the mountain ah I’m low no no please oh my helmet bro easy oh

Really I don’t think I have like yeah thank you I need some food I only got two I just wanna cook it that shower for Hunger I will make you my fools you idiot I didn’t get my stuff I love the sound it’s a metal pipe out that’s perfect diamond that was

Perfect time and I killed it right as you played that bro I got hit with a metal pipe No no food please okay sorry Harmony I shouldn’t hit you you gave me food I only got too big potatoes wait wait please yay oh my God I was stuck in your chair did you take my flower hey Alex I have a question can you kill us she follow me

You can have this one though actually isn’t even on the server I know all right hey do you have any dirt I do one oh well you are dude there’s a difference I’m gonna go back to my house I think all right then you say that like an hour ago

Yeah let me help you no you got dirt uh is there some in this chest I’m just gonna build my house over there yeah oh no don’t kill me I got it can I have your voice oh my gosh just get it over with yo Jordan can I have your morph no

Almost 40 levels you cannot have it foreign I’m sorry you should be wait I don’t want your maggots I get a few [ __ ] food I have food I don’t and I’m actually gonna go now I’m the foreign all right come upstairs I need to go this way thank you over there

Crafting table no up like all the way up there oh yeah I see it dang oh I see it yeah nice yeah I want to build up there so you clear out the trees you know it’s not lagging maybe I might build like a rope Bridge connecting our houses okay

Yeah what do you think of that nice that would be a donkey I think ow don’t you have a home effect why are you here no I don’t and now he’s dead you’ll never have I don’t know go home or take your Skillet I don’t have a home you should go work online

Too she’s bullying me yeah who’s your other teammates so basically every simp in the server yeah I’m just saying you gotta elect yourself as the leader of course the dominant me bro who’s the leader of our group I don’t know I think I feel like junkie is yeah

No I’m still having to finish my house bro I’ve been streaming for over five hours working on this thing I want to get it done and over with so wait I feel five oh well that’s me high school class yeah since I was in high school bro I’m sorry yeah I mean I

Get out tomorrow so I mean oh tomorrow I get like uh yes you don’t get out I did that get out yesterday you don’t get out of school I mean like summer vacation I like this I like this it’s cool definitely have like one more yeah oh bro bro

Okay [ __ ] wait hold on I’ll make a sandwich let’s go no whoa oh that’s what I need to make I need to make a stereotypical woman’s skin um we’re gonna get canceled what am I gonna be awesome please don’t be ashy oh but I’m streaming now yeah I

Think you wanted to know when I was gonna go live you’re swimming right now here X-Men you should probably add like one more because because that’s on the middle well technically it is without the furnaces in the way you could do too much oh well because of

This in the way oh I see what you mean now yeah that’s oh yeah I think you did that a little wrong it’s just it looks weird on the top of it though that’s a problem see if you like place it like that you have the back of it looks yeah yeah Now

It connects but like look at the top of it though like the texture see this is like two of them could add carpet on it actually I probably could oh cotton board yeah I didn’t know there was one in this mod I have ink sucking they put them oh

No oh no and since you guys are basically starving because I know about yourself not you you don’t live here oh thank you thank you I don’t even know why you’re here go home go back to your cup that I was gonna do something brain cells brain cells brain cells work with me

I’m gonna go back to my little areas all right have fun I I don’t know what to build though because I do not know how to build but I’ll try it you’ll figure it out you should be able to make a farm while you’re at it how about you jump off a clip

There’s one right outside it’s gonna mess up your retail I got it all right I’m not the knife there’s like probably a different knife you have to use because there’s multiple mods oh my God the cooking blood is so bloody okay here move this thing no oh

My ax broke I I knew it dude you have rubies or Sapphire or something I have some I have something better or amethyst oh that’ll work no hey backpack sealer have you just been great you’ve been grinding on the server haven’t you Harmony yeah I feel like whatever I need to just

Give it to me thank you apparently um hey in the effects the one who’s stealing all my stuff you had diamonds you’re late all right um what are you saying okay I’m sure there’s a better way to connect them yeah thank you I did not need this

You could have put it in your backpack and I was just taking it oh yo oh my God X-Men you got like foot and steel no uh why uh because there’s a tree that just won’t break is it diffusing yeah it’s like The Lorax came to it and

Said you got this what The Lorax I don’t I have I think I have a piece of flint in the chest that’ll do yo Alex can you tell me how badly that yeah here it is I got it but you have like a what do you have an enchanted Stone huh why not

You never know when you’ll need that efficiency one if you want to use it you can since you’re the farmer I would oh yeah hey Alex hey I got them off wait you got Alex small um yo also as you know I’m streaming so if you get tired of streaming you can send

Reviews over to me yeah of course of course oh yeah yeah of course of course this junkies junkie’s still streaming isn’t he yeah yeah he’s gonna send me his I think I hope we’ll see did you ever enable that feature where you could um yeah I did yeah I didn’t I didn’t okay

I’ll go I’ll go check no no oh my God no I just also just wanted oh my God okay now in game and game of course in game nah I’m addicted this because he’s streaming game okay pleasure friendly yeah now wait but but I’m reductive she doesn’t kick

I’m surprised redacted hasn’t uh has she gotten this channel warning she gets like two strikes yes bruh for hate speech bro I’m just saying oh [ __ ] nearly [ __ ] me up bro um wait this I forget where to I forget where I’m supposed to look for the other thing

All right guys it’s cooking class yeah we’re making that good stuff today I pulled up the Whiteboard for this one you go to settings and Community wow and you just scroll down there should be a check box for it gotcha oh oh okay oh no oh it’s blue you can find etherlock oh

I had no idea they were like custom paintings yeah I’m gonna kill myself again give me some of that either no okay I’m keeping the lug hey I’ll give you this what is this one thank you bro you just joined it for you foreign so he’s not making one

Wait after 20 hours redact is finally doing something what oh 24 hours exactly yeah oh my gosh she’s being in a day and did nothing I I saw stuff like I don’t trust you bro nice little computer I I told you nothing I mean what the [ __ ] is happening before the

Mimic why is it killing each other I don’t know it’s better not it’s better to not question it wait you took my everything I forgot let me make one more time probably is that like it will spawn like at the other spawn locations okay uh Alex said the wind oh Alex is

Is to go to him oh why is the flipping on fire was there like a why was there something here what was that was the the meth board meeting our students about how to cook meth I wanna learn it’s a pain no you don’t Peyton’s my coaching class is already over

Yeah wait there’s custom paintings yes yeah ow dude I’ll do what I’ll do never mind oh sorry Torch on it yeah oh oops wrong thing wait okay get the torch up put it on this one bro you right click directly right that’s it bro you need a knife I’m gonna kill myself in game let me know [ __ ] [ __ ] bro bread and bread with the potato mixed

Potato bread yeah the bread is not good not bad yeah so as you can say I’m probably gonna end my stream now uh I finished my house which is nice going to bed because he’s tired excuse you well yeah take time though yeah super super cool

Yay okay I need to keep you reductible so yeah tomorrow yeah yeah so sometimes the um the lag is okay sometimes it’s not but in the other times it’s just like it’s whatever oh but um yeah I like your house it’s very neat it’s very nice looks like

Oh [ __ ] wait hold on I need that okay you only kill myself yeah I’m gonna finish up my house so I’m probably not gonna be lied to it I’ve been live for like five hours and 30 minutes I do want to finish it though yeah is

This could be your longest drunk s p season three stream wow could be the last one Technically the season two ended on part three for me so uh yeah you never know yeah this is part three oh yes well I think overall like this how many hours of the server you’ve um streamed you’ve already played longer on here they have the season two wait a minute yeah

24 hours on the silver oh oh she is probably like 21 I’d say now I’ll check I think she it’s still in Fall because yeah it’s 21 21 hours and 20 minutes yeah Focus I’m staying here on light yay uh but see it’s looking for you guys

Because it’s like it’s been like seven o’clock so like you know first midnight yeah that’s true this is crazy because like for um so if like for my part one stream I wasn’t too late for my part two stream I ended at like uh midnight for

Part three I ended at 2 A.M and now part four I’m gonna get Midnight again so that’s great who took my stone cutter sorry that’s yours um right there for an hour yay that’s great there’s actually a mod you can get where like if you actually

Go on the stonecutter like hurts you I should get the mud that’s so fun right now that’d be so cool yeah okay um I’m gonna end my stream now so I’ll see you guys tomorrow with that cooler service yeah yeah that’s awesome but once again I’ll I’ll probably just add everyone in

This good service everyone knows but make sure to put your stuff and yeah I put stuff in just got it yeah put all my stuff in the fridge I didn’t even know there wasn’t one in there I’m good so I was just like using your level if

Anyone has to die to get the backpack off and they’ve levels on I’ll just give them back the levels once the new server starts no I think some I think everyone should like put stuff away even if they’re in if even if it’s in the backpack which I never know oh yeah as

Well yeah so yeah you’re making like making like a gold chest or something just probably everything yeah just make a chest and put everything no no I do not need help There’s five including you yeah that’s five including me soon to be four eight three actually hey give me my diamonds yeah let me do that that’s crazy um I guess I think it’s gonna drop the signs uh anyway I’m gonna head out so I’ll see you guys with cool server tomorrow yay

Oh gosh foreign nice man okay I’ll be nice you gave me stuff okay I I am X-Men yeah I I got something for you I cooked something up that looks disgusting what is it that’s what kind of toast oh laughs who put a crafting table here when there’s one right there

I did it just kidding it wasn’t me oh my gosh bruh what nope wait is it is he he’s got he’s gonna go in history yeah well I’m X-Men and I and I love and kids here we go again yeah that’s me no that’s me nah that’s me that’s oh my gosh

Okay the kitchen’s good Paul doesn’t make me oh boy all right I think the downstairs area is good enough for now I need to work on the upstairs um but you still don’t have a rooftop I know I need to work on a roof oh my God Stone Cold what the I know

But no what it got really quiet all of a sudden um what should I make the roof out of should I use like stone bricks I don’t have that many or should I like make these into slabs is it your bedtime all right good night

What I don’t want that oh and he’s gone oh he logged out in my house okay ufek had to get off yeah it looks like a lot of people are going off right now yeah I’ll probably get off like 30. if you want to give me your donations

What kind of delicious uh no donations never mind Put The Knife away please all right okay never mind yeah I don’t need any I think I’m all good all right I I’m gonna go now all right see ya yeah how about first I’m gonna get my stuff

Because uh yes alrighty you’re good let me look at something all right [ __ ] see ya okay I was just checking something chat Alrighty oh let me see something let me do this before I forget so I’m gonna go ahead and set this up where is oh hold on Jack give me a second all right let’s go here settings change this there already so wait all right yeah we’re gonna keep going

We’re gonna keep playing why don’t my viewers leave I just want to have gay for like one second don’t leave don’t leave I’m sorry I had to check something I had to check something really quick um I want to do the roof the roof is

Going to be a pretty flat roof but it’s going to be like kind of angled up I’m gonna make it out of slabs at you oh hi I had you okay thank you I’m sleeping in your bed now why watch her somewhere dies watch her somehow die as the bat oh no

But yeah I’m gonna make the roof what should I make the roof out of I could use I could do stone bricks I think stone bricks would look cool or I could do oh I don’t have enough bricks um I could do stone breaks

Or I mean I could get bricks but I have to go all the I know where I could get bricks from the uh one uh dungeon I’m trying to talk to my chat Uh bruh okay so anyways I could go over to the dungeon and get bricks or I could um what you may call it use stone bricks chat what do you think what do you think I should use for the roof because I was thinking I could use

These things but I feel like that’s just gonna blend into the house too much so I think I’m probably gonna go get bricks so yeah and yeah junkies off rip junkie I’m guessing junkie into this stream dang okay I need to put some my stuff in my chest and then we can go

Alrighty Oh well I don’t actually have to put it on Xbox One why are you putting eggs in my house why are you putting eggs in my house bruh hey everybody just you just broke my hair I didn’t want to do that but bro let me let me work on my roof perfect

Put stuff in your chest before you leave yeah I remember fear I know all right um I guess I’m gonna go get some breaks which I need to walk over here I wish I saved the Waypoint for the dungeon I I ended up deleting it I know where it’s

At though it’s not that far so yeah I’m gonna go to the dungeon and I think I’m gonna go loot it for breaks there’s also a bunch of stone bricks there too but uh that way I can make my roof out of bricks and then we have mimic Shack

Right here yo like yeah everyone got off the server I just realized everyone’s like offline it’s only me Alex redacted and folded and folded has just been killing himself the whole time and then redacted is just the one player who just always stays in line and does absolutely nothing who’s how stat

Is that like generated that’s generated yeah all right we’re going on a quest yeah this is definitely generated you know look at this little house look at this house I wonder if anyone’s been in it oh yeah if it’s been teared out oh there’s cake I just ate it all nice

Trying to get my second 100 subscribers special oh I gotcha gotcha all right well anyways I think I can look on the map is that’s the dungeon that’s the dungeon right there so okay I gotta go this way some because that whole thing’s made out of bricks

So I’m just gonna go tear it down and I shall use that yeah once I finish my house I’m probably gonna stream I’m just really close and I don’t want to leave my house without a roof so at the minimal I just want to finish the

Roof but yeah I’ve been live for uh five hours and 40 minutes We let’s go on an adventure man this feels so weird that the server is so quiet all of a sudden yeah see there it is here’s the dungeon this is the dungeon we explored in the last stream right here yep see here it is made out of bricks I

Want to see really quick is the inside made out of it like the first level of the dungeon or is it just made out of stone I think it’s made out of stone bricks if so I’ll tear it down here it doesn’t look like it is it looks like

It’s stone bricks not brakes oh no let’s double check oh oh nope it’s stone bricks see this is the perfect place to get like a bunch of stone bricks from cool bricks though that it’s made out of there’s also a good handful of wood too yeah see there’s like bricks and stuff

Should I just tear down the Tower or chat what should I tear down probably the tower you know I’m just gonna get the most bricks we’ll do that already brick Tower time to be destroyed I’m going to loot you for your brickety bricks so I can put them on my house

We are reusing and recycling so we’re gonna go up to the top and we’re just gonna destroy this whole thing alrighty here we go so another time to just sit down mine and break some stuff so how is everyone doing is everyone doing good see this

Would be a good moment of fear if somebody else was online so that way I could just get them to break all this stuff for me sitters are looking nice yes thank you thank you junkie thank you again I’m really happy I finally got shaders and now it’s raining

Now I can’t like see anything great what is your monitor I have a widescreen monitor a wide screen curved monitor it’s a Samsung it’s good though I like it it definitely does have like some issues with some games because like some games are just locked in full screen mode

Um but no I like it but it’s pretty much the equivalent of just having two regular monitors side by side but it’s just nicer you know unless I can get up to 4K resolution if I wanted to without dying just like that Let’s say can I not pick that up okay yeah my inventory is T you know how much money is my monitor cost over a thousand dollars so yeah not not cheap that’s all I will um that’s what I’ll say it’s not cheap what’s good I like it

What are we doing right now I am destroying this Tower so I can get some bricks and I’m gonna use bricks for the roof of my house what is that demonic Screech I just heard what animal lies in the wilderness isn’t this very entertaining chat it’s mine in some bricks

So all I’m doing right now is mining some bricks because I decided hey I think my house would look cool with a brick roof exactly this is the best content you can get and it’s storming oh lightning lovely oh that struck right there oh lovely it’s probably fine I won’t get

Struck by lightning it’s just a hoax it’s a myth lightning never strikes anybody foreign yeah we could either destroy this Tower or go diving in the ocean and try to mine clay and then wait forever for it to smell so I vote the tower which I am also getting a bunch of

Polish what is it Granite yeah oh ashy’s on break in the tower that’s what I’m doing hey someone’s sleeping thank you yay now the rain’s gone but all the blocks are kind of wet all right I’m gonna pick up some stuff brush he’s not on Broach oh no okay

How many break oh I’ve already gotten like over a stack of bricks this is probably enough but I do want to go ahead and just mine down a bit more of it we’re shrinking the tower bro the tower is shrinking let’s go can you make more videos on your main Channel

Um yeah like I already said earlier I’ve just been busy with stuff so you know and I am cooking up some videos but they were taking me a lot longer to work on um but uh there is a video available for classic channel members right now so if

You’re a classic Channel member you can watch a video but it will be made public soon in a few days and yeah like I said earlier I will also do another four second AR stream sometime soon What time is it for you right now it is 7 37 P.M so yeah I’ve been playing for a while I’ve been streaming for in 15 minutes I will have been live for six hours which I do not want to which I’ll be honest I was not planning to stream about six

Hours on the junkie s p today I’ll be completely honest um so I am probably gonna do it yeah probably around the six hour mark I’m gonna end Stream So I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna do my roof and then I think I’m gonna probably in stream

Because I’ve been alive for a long time my pickaxe has gone on break soon I love how I’m just leaving the center staircase I think I might just leave that there instead the brick Towers now the brick staircase perfect yeah I think this is enough what do you think Chad you think there’s enough probably enough yeah because I’m gonna make my my roof out of

Slab so I’ll get double the amount all right well there’s the brick Tower bro yo why does this look like a dead Among Us like the Among Us just got killed by The Imposter and the little bones sticking out oh no I will guys I was the Imposter I just

Murdered Among Us Tower it’s dead among his Towers no more ripping rust Among Us Tower all right well let’s go back home and then finish my roof looks a little wrong what do you mean oh and redacta died again no surprise oh sheep wait there’s sheep

I just my brain cells look do I have weight do I have we I don’t have wheat no we need a sheep for actually and we don’t really need a sheep farm because we just did the whole spider strategy so not worth it I was so excited because earlier we were

Talking about a sheep farm that’s Alex’s job to get a farm together not only is it a crop Farm but also Animal Farms so yeah I need to figure out what I’m gonna do for the next stream I don’t know I don’t know what I’m gonna do next

Stream probably like probably improve on my house because like the upstairs needs some more love like the downstairs is pretty much almost done but I need to attend to the rooms upstairs new upgrades to serve about to be busted I’m looking forward to it looking forward to it but luckily since

Like most everyone left the server is now running smooth ow eventually I only get some proper armor Oh No Effects back oh boy Free Willy oh no not a whale alrighty extreme X-Men is going to hit the gritty no I’m not no I’m not and folded’s dead again let

Me pick a couple flowers because I wanted more flowers for my base I’ll take a couple of these there we go alrighty heading on back oh I finally get some of these flowers thank you oh and then I want to get some of these bro I’m just going flower picking right

Now I’m picking flowers I’m using the flowers to have big chungus as did you guys see that wild big chungus there’s a big chunkus over there big chungus wild big chungus on the loose alrighty um oh yeah my dead bushes I need to put some dead bushes in a potted plant I can

Do that in my bedroom I’ll do that so much to do so little time oh there’s more of these yay I’m picking I’m going flower picking he’s picking some flowers I know what the whole swords whole storage room I don’t really need one right now because it’s still the start

Of the s p so you don’t have that much stuff on you but eventually yeah it might be good hello who [ __ ] is moving out two frames per second nice nice nice all right um okay wait Where’d I put my regular bricks are they in my bag they are they have more clay

I oh wait I think I’m out of oh I’m out of bricks I have I mean obviously I have these brakes but like regular brakes uh you can’t turn them into regular bricks can you know I wanted to get more flower pots okay that’s a problem for later

Okay so what I wanted to do was the roof I don’t know if I’m gonna use stairs or not um and then I need to move these chests too okay wait I wanted to get some stuffs right now give me stone cutter then I need a crafting table there’s one there

Roof X stuff oh he’s gone ahead and putting his stuff in the chest okay okay gotcha I was wondering what ufek was doing okay um so I guess I’m gonna use slabs yeah just turn like those in the slabs and then maybe what we could do is like something kind of like hmm

So obviously you’ll have this and then should it be an extension of that or on top of it probably on top of it I think maybe remember remember I’m trying to think stuff dirt I love this dirt which I don’t want to use okay um I’m just trying to think about how I

Want to do this so we need to connect the dish up oh boy you’re gonna be like oh boys boys oh no sorry I’m on my map it looked like you were morphed as me oh that’s why I said oh boy here we go another X-Men imposter but no that’s a

Bug sorry not bad I have a life I have a life thank you he says everyone else earlier I got a better thing to do too then impersonate you gotcha how’s your base coming along oh it’s flat nice crafting table over there so thank you thank you that’s so hard

I’m just like clearing up at the top and I have to fill in that cave over there uh cover it up because I don’t I don’t exactly want the want that on my land you know yeah kind of racist against caves oh I just want to cover them up I just

Want them to be real estate you know gotcha lovely yeah so definitely uh I’m and I have to clear out that forest and besides just like mining it usually I found another Flint so um oh nice yippee yeah how did I miss uh oh he’s dead there’s another one right here

And then after uh maybe after I build a house I’ll probably I’ll probably make your farm then yeah I gotcha oh good no rush I’m not risking that no you got it go get him oh my gosh you got so lucky look at how lucky you got oh my gosh just one block

Off I had my water bucket so I could have lived it I pushed junkie down there at the end of History [ __ ] what I had to get get him content but yeah I have a nice area just take a look at it yeah I know it is nice you simp and sound

Hey you hit me first fair enough we even know all right how’s your house coming along it’s going good I’m just gonna do the roof and then I think I’m probably gonna get off afterwards is it it’s gonna be like a flathead room it’s gonna be a

Made out of barrex it’s gonna be like kind of flat it’s gonna be like made out of slabs that’s what I’m thinking oh yeah I’m gonna just stand on here so you don’t hit me off all right oh you should probably eat yeah that’s what I was doing

All right well I’ll get back to mine alrighty I think mainly I think mainly this stream might just be like a terraforming stream and then I’ll do like a house building in the next one who knows yeah I gotcha okay although I’m much just building because I gotta like yeah yeah yeah

All right oh good luck thank you and again send me your view I’m kidding it’s no I actually have it set up so when my stream Enzo is redirect to yours yes I get 100 people see ya yeah Chad so once I in my stream I’m gonna redirect you guys to Alex’s stream

Because Alex is going to be streaming a lot longer because he only just recently started streaming on here I think he started stream like about an hour ago-ish um and it sounded like he’s got a lot of stuff to do he wants to build his house and then also make a farm

So because he’s gonna start streaming when we all streamed because uh he was doing taking a final um but uh yeah so after I end my stream I’ll redirect you guys to Alex’s Stream So if you want to see some more live stuff on uh the junkie s p you can go

Watch Alex’s dream but we gotta finish my route first so how do I want to do this do I want to be like hmm trying to figure it out I think I might do something a bit crazy something I normally want to do with the roof I

Think we’re going to go up like two blocks at a time if that makes sense oh and then obviously this needs to be like cobblestone because that’s where the um that’s where the roof’s gonna I mean the actual like interior roof because the inside roof is going to be made out of Cobble

I think just slowly going up like this and then I don’t know about having something like an attic maybe in like the center area like maybe like a small room or something I don’t know yet maybe we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see so yep building a roof

And then I’m gonna extend it outwards but for right now I’m just doing like the center area of it all right look at that after that and then that should probably be enough oh my pickaxe is about to break man I just crafted this pickaxe this stream

I should have asked Harmony for more diamonds before he got off oh well why are you putting dirt right there because I need a I’m gonna add a cobblestone roof and the Cobblestone roof’s gonna go on that row and you won’t be able to see those dirt blocks afterwards

So yeah anytime I use dirt like in the walls or something it’s like a place where holder block like see how there’s stone bricks right there I need it I should probably go back and dig those out and replace this with dirt so that way I can save those stone bricks but

I’m probably not going to because I think I actually have enough Sunbirds for now foreign look a bit nicer as well which I mean which I guess I could just have this like area right here be kind of flat That is the equivalent because it yeah there they’re there and then how did this start it was just like right there on the corner of it okay gotcha alrighty that’s half the roof done we’re gonna do the same thing on the side and then again I’m gonna put some more dirt right here

Foreign there we go that’s don’t know why I built all the way around like that but yeah slabs can be kind of fun to work with I kind of I mean not really there we go perfect now all we gotta do is just fill it in

And then I think this will be a nice little roof nothing too special just nice and simple foreign amount of slabs wow not expecting to run out like that but okay then yeah no matter what I need to push this bit oh is there a tree right here serious Mr tree that’s like

Not the best place to be well I guess the trunk isn’t there so I guess it’s fine yep just gotta go and push this all back you Tran I hope you hit 1 million subs thank you appreciate that thank you thank you oh okay I need a new I um

Any new pickaxe should I just make a diamond one I think I’m just gonna make a diamond one it’s about to say don’t tell me I have no wood pickaxe sweet what’s your one million sub special gonna be um all I’ve really said before is

Something I would like to do when I hit it around the time when I hit a million Subs is do a 24 hour stream but I don’t know that could change but um I don’t know I don’t know I need to think about that more see I still feel like I’ve probably got

Like a month or two before I end up hitting a million Subs just at my current sub right but you never know what the security reach ruin around the corner that could boost it um but I should probably think about that a bit more so I don’t know because

I could do I could do the stream or I could do maybe something like a um some type of Virgin much enough role play special or something about something I don’t know because I know in the past I’ve done I did like FNAF on a bridge for like Milestones the

Forest is being burned down in the background there’s somebody committing arson over there oh no also yeah I can turn my frames up just a bit I’m gonna turn them up just a bit more There we go well they’re not loaded in but they can go a bit more oh don’t you guys love the nice peaceful Force being burnt I can’t English anymore see I’ve been streaming for so long I’m tired and I can’t even think straight that’s what happens when you stream for too long

Which I’ve been live for over six hours so yeah this is the longest junkie s p season 3 Stream So Far So yeah I don’t know when I’m gonna do a part four stream because the server will be updated tomorrow so it won’t be as laggy and stuff

But I don’t know if anyone how many other people are gonna be shooting and stuff so I don’t know I mainly hopped on today because a lot of other people were on so I was like hey you know what lots of people are on might as well hop on so I don’t know

Alrighty so this is not the finished roof this is just like the main cover to it so I still need to tear down these blocks right here and I need to go back even one one more row further and then yeah right now all I’ve done is

Like put this like weird brick bridge over my house that’s what it looks like it’s a bit more yeah I think it actually looks good I’m gonna switch to a um a b so I can actually see what’s going on I wish you could like move like the Morse

Because the Morse are organized based off which way you unlock them but like something like this and then obviously it looks pretty thin but I’m gonna I’m gonna bring it out more like have it overhang by one block over there after the stone and then I’m

Gonna go back and make it a bit thicker on the outside so I think we can make it look cool which I think I’m actually gonna stay as a B for right now so I can actually build this properly like build it or easier More bricks did I drop any blocks um all the little chicken grew up there’s just a chicken living outside my house well good for him yeah where are the cars that can drive over your Brit be quiet be quiet Faz knows oh I need any more bricks tonight yep I

Leave my left my stone cutter oh my gosh I’m actually about to run out of breaks I might have to go back to the tower to get more bricks oh my gosh oh no I think I might have to because I need to do the back side too

Oh this is it after after I run out of these slabs I’m out oh I’m gonna need to go get more breaks looks like I have to go back to the Among Us Tower um okay so obviously I’m gonna use more of this stuff do you have any more smooth stuff

Of it no oh because I haven’t been smelting anymore am I all out do I have any dayak I have Cobble die hack I don’t want a cobbledayak I want smooth diac I’m all I have to go smell more and I’m running low on coal again okay give me some

Give me some cobblebayak from my chest okay pretty much all that’s like in my backpack okay to the furnace room see now I’m glad I got like a million furnaces all right so okay draven’s back on Cobble Cobble Cobble bubble bubble Cobble Which I probably don’t need that much to finish the roof but you know that way I have some for the future I need to move my chest too which I don’t want to do because there’s so much stuff in these chests but I need to move them I just don’t want to oh

I could upgrade one of them to a diamond chest actually because you only need two diamonds for that so I think I’ll probably do that I don’t know where I’m gonna put them I’ll probably just could leave them in my room for now I’ll probably put them on the crafting tables for now maybe I would maybe put them there but this is where ufx stuff is bro ufek does not have that much stuff bro all that stuff um okay so I need to go get more bricks yay and then

I don’t know I need to do something else I guess I should go mine bricks I don’t want to uh I could move my chest I guess for now oh I could do that where am I gonna put where do I want to put it for temporarily because I want to make a

Diamond chest how do you make a diamond chest obviously you need the gold chest for it but Diamond chest and then just any type of glass okay it can be regular glass okay I got that perfect so I’m gonna turn one of them into a diamond chest and I think

For time being I think I’m just gonna leave them in my bedroom on the crafting tables unless there’s a better place again I would put him like right here but I don’t know which I guess I could move ufx chest over by one okay we can do that

Oh boy here let me um time being let me put these these blocks here so all my stuff doesn’t go flying off the mountain oh boys we upgrading our chest here we go explosion has there’s TNT in there uh okay where’s the chest there it is

I have a roof I have a roof it’s not finished but it’s kind of it blocks out the rain and then yep and then we are going to make ourselves a diamond chest so this gives us more storage yay and for right now that right there not to manually move

All my stuff in here oh I just put all my tools in there too okay oh that’s my ax give me my main tools back that’s my tool that’s my tool everything else can go there we go put all that in there and perfect I think I’m gonna put the Jukebox right there

Nice and then I think I’m gonna upgrade that one but if I want to do that I need more glass and I’m gonna go smelt some more all right to the basement we all right basements let’s leave we’re cooking up all this stuff so for right now rip that out some

Glass in there and then we gotta let that cook um what else do we have to do I know get more bricks but I guess while we wait on the Bricks Like while we wait for that to smell we can maybe start doing like oh well that’s why I was wanting diac

So I could start like doing the bricks on the inside dirt and that’s pretty much it okay because yeah we can have this all be dirt right here because we’re gonna build this area in with some cobblestone Now I need more dirt nice but thick so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna finish this off oh wait you can’t which I mean that’s a problem that’s a problem because I can’t put any right there because that would either have to be bricks or what I do let’s break that

Then um they could maybe just do like a line on the inside or something I don’t know we could maybe do some like roof designs oh but see yeah because then it’s gonna be like the same here and then the other thing is I need a pillar right there too

Do I have any more Killers I think I do pillars pillars do I have any pillars I do in my bag and then we break that put that there and then we need stone bricks which I got some and I have to break that too

Oh no see this is what I was saying we need to make the roof like slightly thicker oh boy hey at least I get some brick slabs back out of this there we go yeah kind of like that and then oh well I gotta get rid of that there we go nice

See it’s coming along it’s coming along it’s nice it’s okay it’s all right um oh fearjoined I’m gonna sleep through the night really quick so I can actually see it’s tired so he ain’t gonna do the success voice the sus Voice or the sun voice since

Yeah I will admit I am kind of tired you know after stream for six hours yeah that is uh pretty tiring yeah oh I want to finish my house though I’m not gonna lie I do kind of want to end stream I kind of want to get off but

Uh so I’m getting tired but I do want to finish my house I don’t want to leave my house unfinished I just want to at least do the roof so close um okay oh you know for this top part what we could do is like small like flat windows

Yeah I think that’ll look cool imagine being tired at eight bruh it’s because I’ve been streaming for six hours like yeah streaming gets tiring like bro I’ve I was like yeah I need breaks for my computer believe it or not like just staring at a computer screen

For like over six hours isn’t always the best yeah you keep telling yourself that Draven can’t sleep well that’s a problem in itself oh man after I finish my roof I can’t keep like flying over into it how do I I think there’s a gap in the back yep

Uh what was I gonna get oh I was gonna go ahead and do the other Diamond chest so what I wanted to do was I want to move ufx stuff over so for right now throw this in our bag and then I’m gonna move X chest over by one single block that’s all that’s is stuff and then and yeah he hasn’t in chest since the server is going to reset so he just wants to make sure he doesn’t lose his stuff so boom moved over by one block and then what I wanted to do was upgrade

That chest um give me my stuff back there we go and then uh need two diamonds all right so what we’re going to do is if my brain cells were click again if they will load together we’re gonna have to break this and then that way I can actually finally

Fix this window because these chests have just been here since like since I first came to this area where I first put my chests all right just gonna lag the server by having a million item drops the gold chest there it is it’s always like the last one that you

Pick up is the chest and boom Diamond chest so what we’re gonna do put it there and I’m gonna dump all my stuff in here hey thank you Matt thank you for the five dollar super shot X-Men so so you know how forsaken air exists and they did a oops and they told

Us not to open the game for two to three days until it’s okay to go back in uh what a what about that huh I’m a little lost I’m not gonna lie are they doing like another troll event or something oh no or if they if they’ve tweeted something

About that I have not checked Twitter today So I don’t really know I’m gonna be honest don’t really know please educate me on this subject I’m not gonna take everything out of this chest and then I can finally finally make this heart look nice Jody’s on what um what no way rare side in right there rare side in

Chat rare sighting that we get to see Jody on and then he died rip he instantly dies oh no oh I threw my Shuffle in there there you go so that’s like all my current stuff right now and then there’s ufx stuff it’s just it’s like yeah

These fancy diamond chest is still more stuff and then you just have a regular chest that has ufx stuff in which is like barely anything except for destroying my bed uh oh he’s back at spawn should I leave this chicken out here or should I kill it he’s gonna get killed eventually

Oh no no into the pit he goes into the abyss he’s going into the Ravine say goodbye to Chicken Little oh no goodbye chicken bye bye buddy buck buck he just wanted to learn how to fly no he’s gone he’s out oh no well the chicken was never seen from ever again

When I put on my glass put it in here oh see now some of my see the problem with moving all my chest is like some of the stuff I need I put in here well this is only two chests to go through that doesn’t help when they’re giant chests I got on to store my items are rip rip I’m sure driving can take it from your courts and put in a chest if need be oh no but yeah but you still have to walk back anyways oh who’s out who’s on my properties oh it’s Alex hi buddy

You just in a group by yourself breaking my walls yeah I was trying to see if people joined from like out of out of pocket you know what I mean she’s coming I was just coming to check up on you because like I know how I know how it feels it’s

Weird to see more than one yellow so I was afraid you were stroking out I know it’s tripping bro I I didn’t I didn’t know there was more than one yellow at all I didn’t know they existed yeah I’m scared man like I don’t know who knows

What they gonna do with the power of like one yellow there they’re slightly cool but like when there’s more than one it’s you have a white line in you it’s scary I need to find my potatoes I’ve moved all my chests finally so they’re no longer in my window

Yeah you’re gonna eat for Comfort bro I know your efficiency one Diamond hoe I know you gotta be safe you know It’s gotta be stored away I need I need to make an interview so I can keep it safe I’m pretty sure I made an energy just

One time but then I think somebody took it oh you’ll be safe so you don’t take if you land on that you won’t take fall damage but uh good thing to Emoji with you know yeah make a trampoline or something I don’t think there’s a trampoline

Oh wait there is you can make a trampoline you can but you need slime balls for it and it’s just wool and iron yeah I I ain’t doing all that respectively hell no you can make a big old trampoline and have a party again respectfully not gonna do that [ __ ]

I don’t need it me because I’ll probably just turn into a creeper and blow up and lose it anyways all right you gotta go up next time you’re gonna blow up at the end of your of your stream looks like it’s a tradition you know no that’s happened at

Both of my prior one and part two stream I just lose all my armor at the end no I’m not doing that with this one tradition no it’s fun come on you gotta you gotta fit the mold you know oh gotcha but yeah five dollar Super Chat pretty

Much what happened is that if I opened the game you’ll lose your progress which ended up in 100 000 players oh fun so it turns out apparently according to math what’s gonna happen to us if we don’t according to a map he just super chatted he basically said apparently a hundred

Thousand players lost all their data and forsaken AR GH bro that’s your response oh no that’s all right yeah if you’re gonna know life a game is that going on right now or is it like something that happened before uh yeah look my air my area is a lot flatter oh nice

Oh it’s happening right now oh dang that sucks oh yeah yeah I know I hope your area pause okay I’m gonna go on forsaken AR so I lose all my data oh yeah I’ll be I’ll be on there I actually don’t even have them what is first it’s basically a um modded version

Of of a of the special delivery you know the FNAF mobile game where it’s like augmented reality you look around your room it’s a uh it’s basically it takes that game but then adds like a bunch more animatronics and more skins to it so basically it’s actually good unlike the other one

‘s about right oh yeah but I just want to cut down if you want to cut it you can cut it I just want to cut it down because like I it’s like in my rendered distance but it’s just like some of the leaves yeah you can chop it down

But I also just don’t want to you know because it’s like because I know how big these trees are yeah oh my God honestly that one tree could probably give me all the wood I’ll ever need foreign I don’t remember to put my stuff away yeah you gotta remember to put in the

Chest or something I’ll just tell my chat to remind me yeah it’s probably fine I like having I like having a portable uh reminder that actually is weird people and not like some bot um well I like I like your roof it is nice I’ll give you that yep it’s still a work

In progress though I need to get more bricks that’s it I dare you here I know how to make it better all right oh [ __ ] no no oh God I have to go all the way down there to get my stuff sorry dude you know what happens when I get cranky uh

Sorry bro no you ain’t here you want a water bucket so you can clutch yeah I hear oh wait here actually now you use that okay don’t worry I’ll clutch I’ll clutch this up all right what I don’t think it worked um you want another water bucket I got it chicken okay Sorry about that bro no you’re good he’s a cook I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity I still hated how you can’t fly as a fly you know yeah you can’t like modded modded animals don’t work with the morph mod all right all right I’m gonna go fly over before I don’t feel like running all the way through this true and and type little

Rubber it just might be my mode of transportation yeah yeah I think a rope Bridge would look cool also please fix this like it’s annoying it’s fine just a big old hole it’s fine I can see your body down there oh that one still has an ender pearl on it hey free Cobble

I get that’s in my body would despawn let me up let me up oh by the way chat you guys get ads in 20 seconds have fun I’ll give you a heads up enjoy these final 20 seconds while you can the countdown is happening until you get an advertisement

All right um oh my gosh I need to finish the roof I need to go get more bricks I don’t want to go get more bricks that’s mainly what I have to do is go get more bricks you know and then I think I am probably gonna I

Don’t want to but I should probably put like another layer brick slabs on the top oh that’s something I don’t want to do but so it would cover up all that stuff any more bricks I don’t want to get bricks chat I don’t want to go get bricks Yeah we’re gonna keep going but uh before I do go get bricks I’m gonna check on something chat I’ll be right back I’ll be right back I need to go check on something because I am I still want to keep streaming but I need to go check on

Something first so I’ll be right back I’ll be back in like about two three minutes um and then when I get back back to get more bricks and hopefully we can finish the roof so I’ll be right back Thank you Foreign Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign I’m back sorry about that that took a little longer than I expected I just need to go downstairs and check on something alrighty I’ll keep playing for a bit I’m probably not gonna stream too much longer uh because we did order food so when my food gets here I’m probably

Gonna end stream and it should be here within 30-ish minutes um so maybe when we hit seven hours which right now I’ve been streaming for six hours and 40 minutes so that gives us 20 more minutes originally I wanted to stop streaming at the six hour mark

But uh we all know I’m still here man that’s the weird thing about an hour ago I was going to get I was going to go get bricks which I did and now an hour later I’m going back to get more bricks like what the heck

So yeah anyways chat what I missed I miss anything important Map said that Roxy was mid what okay that is it I’m Banning I’m Banning them from my chat that is it you get banned get banned I’m kidding I’m kidding where the heck is the Tower oh that’s it oh all right back to mine and Bricks oh that’s a creeper actually

Thank you that’s done it really helpful thank you alrighty best tower ever I know I need so many more breaks this is the best tower ever I know it is dark if somebody would sleep that would be great but it is what it is oh

Someone just throw an egg at me oh it’s the lobber zombie go away I hate the lobber zombie they’re so annoying over here I only had one of my bricks hey someone slept thank you no oh my gosh bro why am I getting attacked by all these mobs all of a sudden

I deserve this yep the brick Tower is gone using it for resources laughs bruh all I’m doing is getting bricks I need bricks from my house don’t judge me oh then Jody got off yeah so he only got on to store his stuff in the chest gotcha Join group oh oh hi oh [ __ ] what were you guys talking smack huh uh yeah he is I’m not because you know blue team you should talk to each other I know is it because like did he suffocate because you like built a house or something no no

It was because uh I did error for me and like I was like there’s a cut off yeah I don’t like it so I just made it roll off or whatever oh gotcha and apparently he logged off like in the middle of it I figured he logged off somewhere else

And then he wouldn’t tell me the cords of his body Can’t Stuff despawn oh wait no Bonnie nevermind sorry bodies don’t despawn they just sit there well yeah I say bodies don’t despawn they kind of just said I really don’t they actually don’t think no they just sit there until you pick up

All the stuff which is nice but it also doesn’t help with lag I mean it doesn’t really like not that much but but that’s because like no bodies have been around uh actually I’m sorry to tell you exactly what’s going on in my chat but this dude’s begging us for me to tell

You you said hi exactly all right I saw that coming but yeah once I finish my roof I’m gonna get off even though I said that already like over an hour ago you did you did this take me a lot longer to do than I thought it would

No to make the roof of it it’s seven hours well no the main reason why my it’s taken me this long to work my house is because throughout most of it people keep coming in I kept getting distracted and stuff I couldn’t work on it well I know what that sounds like X-Men

That sounds like you’re blaming other people for your problems oh my gosh I wasn’t gonna say that I was gonna say you problem but you know how that works too dang it was my problem and I am dealing with it if I finishing my house a lot later

Than I thought I would be with what I don’t know bro shut up remember me sorry villager goddamn let me do a thing all right guys so this is my final junkie s p season 3 stream hope you enjoyed because I didn’t no I’m sorry have you heard

You heard the Villager cover oh no I don’t know if I want to what those yeah I’ve covered yeah no I I saw those like a couple like villager AI covers of songs and it’s so cursed because you can actually hear words from the villagers yeah

It is so messed up we making it out of the village with this one you think they’re copyrighted probably I definitely be willing to play them during my streams yeah they’re probably absolutely well yeah because those are official yo Hamza you tended they’d like these Holly trees or whatever they’re called uh

They’re pretty nice trees oh hey what’s up B hi you know what I don’t exactly want to build up all this so I’m just gonna talk oh yeah while we’re on the topic my dog’s dead oh okay not that dark fast kidding not yet I don’t know uh no last week but hey

You good I’m just waiting to see [ __ ] stupid ass dogs killed by sheep bruh and that and that is why you I’m not gonna say that what were you gonna say actually you know about it that is not YouTube friendly what I was gonna say yeah please don’t get my stream taken though

I don’t want to get my stream more about mushroom s wow I mean you still promote all the time I don’t know what you’re talking about I never do that I’m gonna ask here exactly I’m gonna ask here if you do that he will say yes yes

He does no I I’m gonna go ask him right now I would never I would never send my viewers back to my stream just to subscribe to me because there are our viewers are basically yours upsetting our viewers your viewers are your viewers my viewers are your viewers too

Oh wait I’m confused my brain hurt all of our subscribers come from you yeah so they’re my viewers yeah oh now you get understand what I’m saying that’s what I said originally my viewers I think I’m gonna have a stroke like I already have thank you

God I like I like I love these big trees God damn it but they’re so big big trees yeah excuse me no this is treaty King yes this is very entertaining yes it is yes it is like and subscribe leave a like to me yeah don’t comment subscribe to Alex

You don’t have to okay by what I mean you don’t have to I mean don’t you [ __ ] you know all the good thing I said about you I take that back when did you say something good about me uh yeah I don’t remember these things yeah not to him

I’m not gonna I’m not gonna read this stuff thank you sometimes kid to know your [ __ ] weird though I’m just kidnapping them what a what a nice guy I mean what else do you think he would do with sheep don’t answer don’t don’t answer that okay you can answer that

That’s okay that didn’t even mean to oh I need more lanterns you need lanterns yeah so I can be cool I’m not gonna make lanterns I’m gonna wait till we get like a villager I might just go over the draven’s area and just do his I only have two right now I’ll bring

Them I’ll read them hey yo hey it wasn’t messed up till you said anything what that’s still pretty messed up I’m gonna breed them well what would you rather I say I’m gonna kidnap them from Craven exactly better no oh no it’s all messed up

The day and age we live in don’t make no sense to me too sheep again two sheep yeah [ __ ] oh no no no no no [ __ ] swearing please thank you whoa I’m gonna [ __ ] a swear word no I never did I would never oh I have like no eyes

If I have no iron go mining mining stream no we can’t mine off camera oh one of my friends is calling me I cannot pick up right now though right now I’m just gonna use torches he’s gonna be so pissed at me and my brother yelling

Timing be like what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] homie make babies yeah have sex I actually really I actually really like this uh this Stone I think I want to use it for my house I’m gonna try to use the dialects down uh what’s it is actually going yeah diet the white one yeah

The white stone it’s kind of nice hey yeah what about you can make it all Blackstone imagine not having another portal well I mean I have one I just don’t want to make one right now I also just don’t have a foot of Steel my base on my s p

Was made out of Blackstone now now we’ve switched to diac not the last one yeah yeah the last one no well not the last junkie I mean not my s p yeah yeah I know I’m saying not the last house because you moved oh well I was building a wall with the

Wall was out of it that’s all I did I built a wall and then that’s it that’s my last dream building the wall yeah that’s literally the last experience built the wall also I I like black oh wait I could do like a mixture between the two there you go

Oh my God I’m a Minecraft genius the [ __ ] [ __ ] Mojang I’m I’m taking over the company no you just realized you just found out what common sense is but you know like uh I found some of my chest don’t come near me I wasn’t planning to that’s something I

Just don’t want to do I need to I’m gonna I think I might do it off camera because frankly I don’t think like there’s some often reminded yeah exactly yeah but except this time I’m not gonna cheat yeah yeah I hacked you know whoa no I don’t have to I don’t either

Pumpkin eater if if I would if I was cheating don’t you think I’d have like full diamond and netherade at this point no he would have enchanted diamond another right armor um I need to get um because I feel like it there you go Chad you guys like my attic look at my

Attic it’s nice can I see your attic it’s just torches I know I I have a feeling I can look through the window wow this is cool I really like my house though I need to decorate it how do you get down you don’t not yet at least right now all right

All right Chet that’s the end of the stream I feel like if I leave it like this eventually someone’s gonna live in the Attic yeah you should probably fix that because people will try to move in with you it’s probably fine thank you for your Super Chat iron metal how can I be

Friends with you on Discord I don’t actually I don’t add fans sorry so I’m about to say no I appreciate it but yeah no I don’t know sorry that isn’t too big what oh yeah you can also split your attic and a half good dude good oh no this

Stream’s gone on for long enough well you finished your trip that was that was the whole goal well the roof still isn’t finished okay shut up the whole goal is just your house the house is now covered because like if you look at the roof you

Can see like all these like spots or blocks see when are you well now you’re not gonna get water damage that’s right true they just switched them more like I should probably build another portal but I need but I need a flint steel head yeah yeah but I have like burning down

Items no how do you not have a feeling still that’s broken easiest things ever a broken leg I was using it I can’t I don’t have Flint and yep Flint it’s not that hard hey [ __ ] damn wait a second thank you very much Old growth Birch Forest what about Foxy boy he asked you and you said yes because foxy boy’s my friend I’m friends with foxy boys that’s that’s why I make videos for foxy boy someone eating oh [ __ ] yeah that’s me my gain is probably still messed up

Thank you for the same job yeah sorry remember like the whole stream there was a time before where I used to add fans but that was like years ago um but yeah but with foxy boy yeah no we’re friends so that’s why I have him added so yeah so how is it

You know those basements are like outside of the house no no doors are open what is this strange Contraption you speak of I don’t speak none of that I feel like you’re being sarcastic I actually haven’t heard of it I don’t I don’t know it’s like usually in backyard it’s like some houses

Where like the doors yeah yeah that was in cattle too tattletail fans I’m using it to connect with the younger audience because they’ll understand no they won’t they don’t know what tidal tail is like 2016. right I know there’s people born in 2000 that might be watching this that’s so long oh

There’s no way like what five seven is an option yeah I don’t like where this is going almost like because it kind of sounds like we’re talking about like kids in this context debating when there’s one you just made it weird yeah I know it was weird to

Begin with though no it wasn’t no it’s weird I would like an explanation but oh it’s weird I’m gonna wait chat I’m gonna end straight in here anyway I got that Flint nice thank you burn down another force and like another [ __ ] bless you you’re well sweet I just love doing that

You’re welcome whenever someone says bless you gotta say you will you’re welcome well that’s [ __ ] random thank you it’s so funny to see the reactions thank you for your Super Chat foxy boy my friend is better I always like happy oh it’s a fox that’s so cool die did I get it

How do you not know because it’s like at the bottom oh it just turns into a normal Fox yeah damn I killed that Arctic [ __ ] for no reason [ __ ] it’s fine I just hope Mystic doesn’t watch My Stream you know right now is he

I don’t know I’m not I thought it was in your chat for a second he was earlier I don’t he’s not right now oh thank God Chad go tell Mystic what Alex did oh [ __ ] you you know I’m just gonna I’m just gonna get like a DM saying how [ __ ] dare you um

Uh Mystic education I see redtex why would you try to pass it I don’t think so I don’t think he’d be that never mind wait just try it no I didn’t try it but I I don’t have to try it because I think I know the

Outcome if I told him I guess that’s kind of iron metal I do mainly read out super Travis thank you for the Super Chat yeah yeah see I try to read out chat as much as I can obviously I’m gonna call with some people right now so

I’m not really reading that chat but I do read out every single super chat message so thank you for subscribe appreciate it it is I hope you guys know everyone else in regular chat I appreciate you too thank you for watching the stream I really do appreciate it leave a like if

You want to see more junky s p streams oh it’s my stream delayed what’s up oh never mind you’re just stream is really delayed your delay Yuna you’re white sorry [ __ ] yeah wait I can’t be racist towards white people oh gosh no we don’t need this again bro I’m getting fast car

Episode one flashbacks no no no no I I didn’t watch that video so well no it’s because it’s edited out of mind because they’re in it because 11 was there and he said something about white people and then it got like almost everyone’s part one video taken down for hate speech

Oh really yeah because he said something I know he was obviously joking about but YouTube’s like no that was that’s not a joke we don’t like jokes here God I never thought it would happen for white people bro I know anyways let’s just change subjects please yeah yeah my bad you’re good

This roof hurts my brain all right I’m going to the nether to pick up some Blackstone all right all right and someone like sleep no I can’t I can’t it’ll be really nice I mean I’m in yeah sleep in another sleep in another You get you get an achieve when you’re first I don’t want to lose my levels or I would have turned into a creeper to kill myself but politely don’t want to lose the levels so I think I’m good okay fine I’ll sleep all right give me one second I’ll be

Right back all right no you won’t you won’t be back he never comes back ever again let’s go let’s go you look okay this looks better and I mean look that’s not that bad yeah I’m trying to figure out what to do for the sides though like how to connect these up

Properly why is the house so big though why not bigger the better right it’s a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be I’m gonna be honest yeah oh well it’s special like that are you gonna build like a little uh staircase to get up to it

Yeah I’m gonna make like a pathway on the sides of it but not right now not today I think I might do you break this off I want to see what this would look like this one’s oh that’s anything yeah I totally didn’t say anything it sounded like when you said special it

Sounded like you said sputtle yeah you didn’t hear it what’s a spedle I don’t know I’m just saying that’s what it sounded like I’m actually not these should I make the basement you should make it deep what okay that does not look good I liked it the white before we’re switching back to

Bricks I want to see if I can make like an outline to the roof but nope uh I kind of like it unfortunately I just feel like it doesn’t match with like a stone though I think it kind of does I don’t know I think I’m gonna leave it as bricks

Make sure to leave a like if you like bricks if you leave a like on the stream right now Alex will blow himself up as a creeper yeah no did you know yeah really yeah like I was mining down like the netherite level so I could like uh start

Looking for uh Blackstone and I just came across one this actually might be oh it’s the same one from our other area so if we wanted to like a quick run back to the uh other area we have a we have a way to it nice thank you very much

Thank you for the Super Chat do you still check out Gmod saves no I don’t I mainly did that for the Gmod going on around a FNAF 9 says but I just I don’t know it just got really really repetitive for me so yeah because it was

Like the same map but I don’t know I’ve said I might bring it back but I haven’t fully decided yet so as of right now I don’t but in the future might change might not I don’t know only time will tell bricks Goldberg building how long have you been streaming

I’ve been streaming for a little over seven hours that’s nice yeah I don’t even know what my longest ring was I’ve been streaming for two hours that’s nice I know for a fact my longest stream is 12. yes but then there’s again I think there’s a

Few other times where I did that but the Spider-Man one was the first time I ever did a 12 hour stream Spider-Man PS4 my final episode I was on my main Channel like a million years ago when Spider-Man PS4 first came out oh yeah yeah because yeah you are

Like 10 million years old so it makes sense I never played a single Spider-Man game wow I have a childhood yeah what I was sitting in a chair as a bee I guess I could go get some more clothes what’s the best Spider-Man game besides the PS4 games

Uh that’s like really the only one I’ve played oh really yeah but it sounds like they had a gas mask on because I had I was drinking lemonade foreign oh there’s all my gold to my smokers I think Noah guy that owns a gas mask

I own a gas mask all right yeah I think for now I’m done with the roof okay blow up your house okay we’ll do that’s the thing though I feel like it’s gonna happen one stream like I spent all this time like making something and then

Someone comes by as a creeper morph and just blows it up at the end oh yeah that’s gonna happen thank you again bro you remind me of somebody who used to be in my check like Mr wallet man or whatever I would always Super Chat thank you for Super Chat I really do

Appreciate it I don’t know thank you thank you that you don’t care whoa okay this this house is a little trippy Harmony’s house bro it’s like one angle of it oh my god it feels like it’s chopped in half and that’s true that’s weird oh yeah it’s just this first part’s like

So skinny what is oh I know blow it up become a creeper it’s not bad but like if he decided to like build out yeah it’s not bad it just looks it just looks like the house got like chopped in half like it looked like it was supposed to

Be like another one of these especially besides like long enough I feel like this one needs to be extended by like one more section or something but yeah the roof is weird yeah I think he just wanted it to look weird maybe it describes his personality

I don’t think he’s I think he’s somewhat mentally sane oh the vents wait what a secret he has a secret ventilation system wow it doesn’t go anywhere I’m definitely gonna build a basement with my new house yeah I’m building my basement ew bless me excuse me originally the this first

Floor right here which has my kitchen in the living room that was supposed to be my basement but then it just kind of took over like the main mountain so you know okay I do like your kitchen thank you I like it too that’s probably my favorite

Room in this house is the kitchen I um I want to get more lanterns I’m gonna do the lantern style that I did in the kitchen for all the other rooms but for now it has to be tortured oh yeah that’d be a good idea

You I think you know what joke I was gonna make but I I kind of know yeah I didn’t even hear what you said don’t worry I didn’t say it as far as you as far as the world knows I didn’t say it say it I’m good why not

Uh because I do I don’t want to get either of our channels deleted so message me accidentally says it in this stream chat what the [ __ ] why are you typing it okay oh okay okay yeah okay all right okay now do you understand yeah because I didn’t hear what he said

Yeah I wasn’t paying attention usually I’d make the joke but I gotta be a bit like oh like hear me out I’m okay with ruining someone’s career not my own there you go so yourself attitude yeah I mean so is every streamer let’s be honest here true

And not me really you’re not a streamer yeah you have a streamer Channel with like one sub ject it has like funny steps yeah 140 same thing bro if only like your subscribers oh if only your subscribers gave up their lives and decided to just watch your

Streams like so you all your subscribers would be in chat you know What’s up most of my Subs are from X-Men yeah same and they don’t even watch mine there you go congratulations at least my portion of X-Men viewers at least tuned in a little bit while underwater with shaders is trippy yeah it is but I can’t even see anything I need I can’t see

Anything to turn off shaders there could be I think there is uh I don’t know oh it might have been for Bedrock Edition yeah I think that sounds about right chat I need to play but I can’t see anything in the water just turn off shooters but that’s gonna be actually that’s not

Too much effort or you can just like go into Shader options but whatever that’s too much effort oh yeah I think that’s what for once I can agree with him a lot and after I get this play I’m gonna end my stream because my food’s about to get here

Oh what’d you order sushi sushi okay I’m in head Sushi that’s good you should try it I’ll definitely could just start off with something like simple but I recommend it as good like my experience he’s been from like those uh from like those Chinese restaurants where he just like Barton

It’s like all you can eat yeah yeah oh this is so weird playing with playing without shaders now yeah you know why I play with it all all the time now yeah no I played Without shades for my first two streams I have not I’ve been I’ve been full of

Just shaders the whole time there’s a season very hard to see with but it’s fun I might try to stream them on stop promoting [ __ ] what I’m just saying it was a prank bro don’t ever say that yeah yeah I felt my balls retracting as I said it oh what thank you

Should I add into my basement how is your house uh it’s basically finished I might change oh you know I’m gonna set a waypoint here because I actually want to come back here but like yeah I need to like decorate and like I don’t know changes some of the shape

Oh yeah there’s clay over here boy because I could probably get like some rare [ __ ] from here oh 1.20 has OptiFine now that’s good nice doesn’t I can finally kind of like I can’t believe we got it’s funny 1.20 sound all right we’re playing modded 1.18 that’s true foreign

Okay this is definitely more than enough play I just want to get clay so I can make flower pots oh yeah oh [ __ ] you good you see Alex and I think that’s enough mining for me nice I got a good amount of Blackstone I’ll come back later yeah

Well yeah just to like pick up materials because I don’t want a whole stream just to be me like uh oh what the hell is that You just got like intruder alert notification in your summary oh yeah I was doing a submarine that’s what it sounded like yeah no that’s my uh that’s my Google oh my God it just starts doing the radar sound effect is here a loud crash yeah

Oh for a second the server just run like froze for saying I thought the server just crashed yeah imagine if we couldn’t put our stuff in the chest yeah all right my food’s here so I’m gonna go in my stream and I’m gonna get off all right all right thank

You guys for keeping me company and Alex but Alex my uh my viewers will go over to your stream okay see ya why don’t we hear the Last of Us oh boy all right I’m gonna leave this group see you guys all right All right anyways guys I’m in my stream here we made a lot of progress and I finally got my house built but before I do in my stream I need to stuff all my stuff into chest so that way it doesn’t get deleted because next stream I’ll

Have to take all my stuff out of my backpack are you serious oh my gosh uh oh and mimic died oh boy um but uh yeah so next stream um the junkie s p will no longer be on antronose and will be on a new Minecraft servers icons or new Minecraft server

Platform and that way hopefully the server won’t die whenever a million people are online and that way it’ll be less laggy I’m gonna have to make another chest for right now I don’t have enough room all right make a new chest this will be a temporary chest

And this will have my stuff in it oh boy please be big enough I’ll have to make another chest to make it a double chest and there we go oh I have all my stuff on me okay there we go put it all in there and perfect there we go

Yep my backpack is empty take that off put that in the chest there you go I’ve lost all my stuff so yeah so anyways again next stream the server should be on a better server platform and that way it won’t lag when a million people are

Online so I’m going to be ending My Stream here but Alex is actually streaming right now so when this stream ends YouTube will direct you guys over to his stream I’m gonna go and turn shaders back on before I forget um but yeah so once I end my stream

YouTube will take you guys over to Alex’s stream I really recommend you guys go check out Alex’s stream if you want to go see what he’s building and stuff and and go mess around with him go troll him a little bit he’s he’s still new to streaming so uh y’all can go mess

Around with him and stuff once I end my stream so yeah and uh anyways make sure you guys leave a like on the stream if you guys do want to see more junky s p streams in the future I streamed for over seven hours today which is a lot

Longer than I thought it was I was only gonna stream originally I was aiming for like maybe like three to four hours but uh nope we went above and beyond but hey we got a new house at our new base location for the blue team so let’s blue team so uh yeah

Anyways if my shaders will oh my Minecraft is not responding okay that is great that is perfect perfect timing for the end of the stream oh boy okay there we go sweet I just wanted to go ahead and put shaders on before I forget so well yeah anyways I

Gotta say I really do like how my house ended up I love how it turned out um so I’m gonna turn into a b really quick just so I can show you guys my up to turn into a b there we go so yeah I really do love how my house came out

Again there’s still a couple things I do want to work on uh probably in maybe maybe unless something else happens but right now my plan is for the next stream to go ahead and make some Pathways from these doors like make some Pathways down the mountain so that way players can

Easily get up them so we’ll have a pathway on that side and then we’ll also have a pathway on this side which just you know brings it down just a nice little staircase pathway that brings it down to the other houses so well yeah so anyways this is junkie’s house that is

Harmony’s house and then up there is going to be Alex’s house so uh yeah anyways yeah I gotta say my house up there is a lot it’s a it’s a lot bigger than I thought it was gonna be but uh it’s still I think it looks good you

Know this is a different style of house that I haven’t really made before um but it was fun working on this and obviously there are a couple things I do want to maybe do in the future like more adjustments to it um like maybe make some like put some

Fences in like in like these frames and stuff or like trap doors or something that way it gives it a bit more 3D and uh maybe we could also put some of those like uh what is it like instead of stone bricks uh chiseled stone bricks like

Right there I think that would look cool in the corners or all the connection bits I think that would look cool so there’s definitely a lot more stuff I want to do to my house um but for the day stream I’m really happy with how it turned out but there’s

Still a lot more stuff I do want to do to it so well yeah anyways I don’t know when I’m gonna do my next junkie s p stream um I do plan on doing an A4 second AR stream whenever another character comes out and also apparently according to map

Apparently forsaken AR is having some troubles right now so if you log on you lose all your stuff um so whenever that gets fixed and whenever a new skin comes out um I’ll probably do another four second hour stream and like I said earlier I do

Kind of want to do a Roblox Au special delivery stream sometime on my third channel so I make sure to look out for that because I think that would be something fun you know a different type of stream so uh that’s something I do want to do sometime soon but yeah all

Right anyways I’m gonna go ahead and go I’m pretty sure my food I ordered is at my door so I’m gonna go ahead and end the stream here if I can turn it back into a morph oh I’m in F1 I was like what what did I just favorite that how

Do I okay I I accidentally favorited the seal morph but uh that’s a problem for later I guess the seal morph is now my favorite morph oh boy anyways I do love how my kitchen turned out and then we also have a nice little living room and then up the stairs you

Know we got this nice little stairway which probably needs some improvements this is gonna be this is just this room’s empty uh I was thinking about maybe turning this into a storage room but I might end up doing something else because again we do have the iron Chest

Mod which just lets you store a bunch of stuff in your chest um so this right here is like all of my stuff that I own this just is just oofx stuff so uh yeah anyways that’s it for today’s stream hope you guys did enjoy and I’ll see you guys later alright bye

Stream bye guys thank you guys so much for watching bye bye stream I accidentally took a screenshot bye guys go watch Alex’s stream go check out Alex’s stream it will take YouTube will take you there right when the stream ends so go go support Alex’s stream for

Me all right thanks guys for watching bye bye guys thanks for watching bye bye stream thank you guys so much bye had so much fun today I’ll see you guys whenever I decide to do another junkie s p stream in the future bye uh bye guys bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Junkie SMP S3 | Exploring New Lands And Making A Proper Base! [Part 3]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 4 on 2023-06-22 05:20:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Sneaky Wedding Area in Minecraft SMP Minecraft: Creating a Wedding Area in SMP 303 Episode 54 Join the adventure in Minecraft SMP 303 Episode 54 as the player embarks on a creative journey to build a wedding area in their server. The virtual world of Minecraft offers endless possibilities for players to express their creativity and imagination. Building a Dream Wedding Area In this episode, the player dives into the task of constructing a beautiful wedding area within the SMP 303 server. From designing the perfect altar to decorating the surroundings with flowers and lights, every detail is meticulously planned to create a romantic setting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do itThat’s a pretty high score for a meme about placing blocks in a virtual world! Read More

  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

    Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change In version 1.5, I built my dream alive, But when I slept, the game took a dive. Version 1.6, a whole new mix, Caught me off guard with its tricks. Waking up in 1.7, everything seemed fine, Until a twist appeared, like a sign. Nader and Belize Rod, a quest so grand, Finding the village, with tools in hand. Version 1.8, not much work to do, But in 1.7, the adventure grew. Like and subscribe, show some love, Supporting me from high above. If you spot an error, don’t be shy, Let me know, so I can rectify. Thanks… Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya's tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes “Jack Bhaiya trying to choose between building a house in Minecraft or going on an adventure is like trying to choose between diamonds and dirt blocks.” Read More

  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

    Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4 Minecraft Adventure with Dziru! A Fruitful Expedition In the latest episode of Minecraft with Dziru, our intrepid explorer sets out on a new adventure! While the journey may not have been long, it was certainly fruitful. Back at the home base, a new companion has joined the ranks – a trusty weapon-wielding ally. And to add to the excitement, the skilled craftsman Andrzej pays a visit to offer his services! Interactive Experience Dziru encourages viewers to engage with the content by commenting and sharing their thoughts on the gameplay. Suggestions for future games to feature on the channel are… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem: A Clash of Titans Get ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft! The Warden, a fearsome new mob introduced in the latest update, is set to face off against every type of Golem in the game. Who will emerge victorious in this ultimate battle for supremacy? The Warden: A Formidable Foe The Warden is a powerful new mob that lurks in the deepest, darkest parts of the Minecraft world. This blind creature relies on sound to detect its prey, making it a formidable opponent for any player brave enough to challenge… Read More

  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

    Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition】The block game sure looks different today…【#1】’, was uploaded by Nurl Whurl on 2024-09-19 16:00:38. It has garnered 102 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:01 or 9301 seconds. Originally streamed on September 1, 2024 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/nurlwhurl Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

    Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10Video Information This video, titled ‘Rate this 1 – 10 💀⚠️ #minecraft#horror#shorts’, was uploaded by GJ GAMER on 2024-06-18 00:35:21. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP 🐦-Twitter ➜ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 👾 Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

    Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie WhispersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-06-23 18:00:09. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Production I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before. Let’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V https://saweria.co/akidn89 Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id:19132 *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: discord.gg/gqt2xg93cB GC: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LozYIl47GuE1ddKEAs8fUa… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Ohv0u1O6Qz4nSdABvolyw/join 🗝️MMOGA ► https://www.mmoga.de/?ref=61457 ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► https://argonpads.com/products/topography?ref=bengx ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord►https://discord.gg/UPAJt8eRc5 🎥Twitch►https://www.twitch.tv/bengxyt 🐦Twitter►https://twitter.com/FaZe_benGx 🎬Kick►https://kick.com/bengxyt ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/s7umpi [Discord] https://discord.gg/WW7ayyUY [Twitter] https://twitter.com/luminisklio ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

Minecraft Junkie SMP S3 | Exploring New Lands And Making A Proper Base! [Part 3]