Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 “Mage Armor for Dummies” (Silly Role-play Adventure)

Video Information

Huh well hello is uh oh oh elephant that’s you on the roof of my mage tower you’re still there oh okay what time is it anyway oh oh no I slipped in oh I think I fell asleep reading in bed again Oh even that happens I was after reread

What I was reading so we hit we have mage armor for dummies by sharp-dressed mage ah good thing I found this down in the library it saved me some time in trouble let me just recap here are proper mage wares exquisite duds crafted specifically to aid him in the use of

Magic ax as well as to stand out among the less scholarly and civilized mundane armors are right out there are four types of armors with varying protection and powers but all mage armors share the ability to self repair by draining mana yada yada yada I already know that

Wearing a complete set reduces the mana cost ok mage armors also reduce damage from magic sources yes I knew this and are highly enchanted this is why I wear Mage Armor right now four types one apprentice armor which is what I’m wearing now your first set of

Armor mana stable at level six mage no special properties right and the practitioner armors when I made yesterday however it says you’re specially imbued armor mana stable at level 16 drains roughly four-and-a-half mana per second Wow although it does have magic properties the hood provides a little bit of water

Breathing short duration the tunic regeneration short duration trousers water shield Wow against fire and lava nice boots feather fall single bounce only in the protection equivalent of mundane iron armor okay well I’m not quite ready I don’t think for the practitioner Armour so it’s quite fortunate and

Rather convenient that I found that book otherwise I would have worn this armor out and proper good morning buttercup house level 1 oh nice well you’re not eating stuff in that box are you what did I have in that bot did you eat everything in the junk drawer yeah well somebody did

Hello puffs good morning to you uh yeah I think what I’m gonna do here is just swap my hold on Rebecca I don’t think I’m quite ready for the practitioner Armour I don’t quite think so I don’t want it to drain all my mana when every

Time I get damaged so I think hope you’re listening to me I need to talk to someone down here let’s make I make that armor again I’m gonna I’m gonna make it anyway let’s see it’s a hood practitioner hood leather crocus ruin I need a crocus rune and a

Bottle of water oh that’s because it imbues it with the water magic right okay let’s grab that I have the leather I just need a water bottle I should have some here in my laboratory and well what’s uh let’s do it right here I suppose that that was it those leather

Here and the nice local ready good oh look at that hoodie huh very nice however as I said I’m just gonna stick it up there for now oh I can’t wait to wear you cuz it’s magical ah darn oh well what did you by the way

This did you do this I just happen to notice this out of the corner of my eye this looks like it’s someone’s moved it it was kind of flush before was it not how are you trying to kill the fish are you you wouldn’t do that would you

Let’s get me are you nodding you tried to kill the fish no I hope not because this is the only friend you’re gonna have down here for a while so get used to the fish I’m out of here my friend I’m gonna go and get I’m

Gonna get some levels what am I at right now yeah I want stable armor so level 16 and I think what we’ll do is head down underground get some more diamonds I need more diamonds I need I want to make it less pick but silk touch on it

And I’m gonna do lapis and levels lots and lots of levels I’m gonna go train I’m going to fight lots of monsters and train myself for the ultimate battle against rock mage when we find him I will be prepared I shall be prepared so let me just make sure we have everything

And open up a rift and get a large rift open here and put stuff in it then I’m going to bring I’m gonna head underground and do lots of fighting resources experience etc I’m gonna just put that in there it’s good to have to have some iron just in case my horsey

Book you’ve got some extra food in here coal I don’t think I’m going to need all this coal I’m sure we’re going to be finding a lot of coal I think to come ready puff I think I’m ready armor how about a backup look now I’m going full mage all-out mage

I think I will make a new shovel though and just replace this one of course I do have a dig spell and that’s how I roll these days but it’s nice to have a handy backup just in case yeah all right puff I’ll see you later my friend you’ve

Got the fort now hopefully we’re getting some fights on the way out of here okay go ahead hit me I dare you come on go ahead touch me all right just a little practice little experience there and now Barney what happened to you you’re all hurtin oh my dear Lord

Yeah me what no no let me off let me off let me know if I just want to spray you down with the healing ray oh there’s a slug in there Barty just eat him maybe that’ll help give you some rat meat okay I guess the

Ray is working it’s just I can’t see from here your health condition push back okay I don’t know what happened to you but the purpose of this Hut was to keep you safe what pulse wolf doing in here let’s go down jump the fence all right if I recall there was a

Lovely-looking cave Oh ooh you might make a fine companion for puff but you know what I’ve got I’m good to concentrate focus traffic out here this morning ah beep how about right over the top mmm that’s a much better idea I agree a long way down

Dark Oh watch it oh don’t break an ankle please oh no I got you don’t worry am i healing you right through those guys fast oh ok no problem oh here it is yeah right down there but there’s bears and tigers and oh cute little bunny day

I don’t think anything’s gonna eat you hear hear zombies sounds like a lot of zombies so you can just graze right here okay okay this looks nicer here there you go put this down I’m gonna make a chest and put the horsey stuff in here since I don’t really need it that and

That okay now it’s time it’s time for some experience whoa hold on his fastest another one it comes the rain all right Oh ah I wasn’t quite ready fighting just yet let’s use the beam s it’s kind of loud it’s much better for short-range think it does more damage well that’s

Interesting maybe it’s a lot of zombies in one place oh it’s an ancient ruin Oh with a magic monster generator and what do we have here treasure chest nice and oh oh oh oh the same darn thing – the same yes my thoughts exactly so for under water or is that just the

Rain coming through oh hi dark oh it’s right up top I I will leave I’m gonna actually gonna leave these here need them right now so leave it all here although maybe I’ll take a bucket for lava just in case hmm sure I can’t hurt and let’s make up some torches just go

Full complement and maybe I’ll grabs extra coal’s with my dig spell there we go oh that’s the sound I heard the cave sound it might be a cave over here somewhere another cave whoa there it is would you look at that let’s get underground that rain is so loud deeper underground

Deeper and deeper alright let’s put our markings here so we know better not be my horse that’s taking damage think Tigers and big cats target horses whoa check this out so there’s two ways down oh that’s a long bow that’s a long fall looks like a creeper down there rain though

All right it’s a little porky snack and let’s just go down this way so we have fire ruh and I want to get some things ready here generation for me it’s more helpful than the other one blink I have blink feather fall so I blink ready dig oh don’t forget about furnace

Touch finding the iron I can think I can turn the iron ore right into iron blocks and rocky I’m gonna try to use some rocky if I can alright let’s go need Oh Oh alright yeah let’s try it out here then so here’s my dig spell get this out

Like so just to expose the iron whoo big storm out there everybody’s ok at Pine Grove alley a lot of monsters coming out around now and furnace touch oh man it is that you oh that’s bright hurts lecture what’s the range on this thing ah now the one issue I see with this

Said I’m not gaining any experience on how to smelt I gain experience when I smelt iron using a real furnace so maybe I’ll just stick with the rail for us I need all the experience in this world that I can get ok that’s out ah

Let’s try feather fall da da da da oh my man is coming really slowly what’s feather fall gonna cost me 20 minute oh there’s a bad guy down there it was nice first I’m gonna have to get back up but I can use my vine to get back up can’t I

Good blink all right oh you know it’s got to be nice mr. hoodie when you finally get recall I have mark spell but I don’t have a call and here Oh mine shaft old dwarven mine shaft and love these loaded with treasures usually potentially monsters ah

Alright again I like the first touch but not going to give me the experience I seek so we’re just going to do this the old-fashioned way that sounds like a nasty rat you know and to save on mana we actually just use kick occasionally my mana gets low I’ll

Have the matter for combat when I need it it seems like a nasty rat doesn’t it oh there is hello rat pair rats take care of me oh nice oh no no no no spider spawner in here somewhere yeah can I blast through these no I cannot but there’s an old miner trick

That I learned from the miner in Pine Grove Valley huh there we go and I’m actually gonna be a sword to get to these which guess what I don’t have one Oh suppose I’ll have to make one so I wonder if I can burn through these

Things I bet I can help oh no I don’t want to burn the whole place down though whoo wait a minute don’t burn the wood just Brenda just get the cobwebs okay that’s not good I’ll just I’ll just make a sword quickly but let’s check out

What’s in here II that’s not so hot it’s all bad guys I I want to make sure I have my weight out and then I know which way it is there well we go down here whoa there’s a lot of lava that’s scary um you know what I don’t have I

Really should have brewed one up fires issed I don’t think I have proper ingredients for such a thing are some experience the more the better ah music to my ears oh that sounds like that sounds like a werewolf indeed see up or down I happen to have a way to deal with this

Guy they sometimes have good stuff on oh wow there’s a lot of lava truly sounds like it Oh sounds like more than one Here I am quite the werewolf hunter whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh no oh no I have the wrong weapon out I got the wrong

Weapon out Oh run spell wrong spell this is the one I want and that actually does some damage jeez okay plan of action let’s kill these guys quickly and then we’ll go underground down here to the deep lava level where we might be able to find what we’re looking for

Such as diamonds okay let’s get rocky ready where’s Rocky I think we’re getting farther away I think that down here yeah this is somebody oh oh I think I see one I know oh hello there well oh no you can get me here how do you like the sword

This is a silver sword skeleton sword yes mm-hmm mm-hmm here tell you what play with my friend while I stab you get him rocky oh nice you dropped so rocky see your job is supposed to protect me from guys like that silver sword seems to hold up

Pretty well it’s golden apple nice oh it’s a white one ah yeah oh I prefer to use magic but sword is far more effective honestly because you could say it as a magic sword so that’s kind of the same thing but not really all right we want this in rough form XP

Good good good okay now down down down down to the lava what kind of protection do I have from this lava pretty much water only have any water shield spell or anything do I whoa okay gold is gold down there that’s nice that’s nice all right now let’s see if we can find

An easy way down or safe way down anyway I would like to block that off thank you very much I think I just messed up my stone alright I love is real close now let’s go up hmm ooh did Bowie siren that’s skeletons right over here I think aha

Just a small pool of lava could be a dead end here Oh diamonds oh yeah diamond diamond diamond diamond at least one diamond alright let’s just do this carefully here I’m sure there’s nobody about um let’s say no lava underneath alright gravel will go away now okay

So I have it this is a dig – so I should be able to kick this gut it nice okay and I get the experience now that’s the way a mage gets diamonds ah six diamonds I like to have you know what let’s just grab some never know

Lava might come in handy just don’t want it in my hands okay so I slip and fall now let’s try my blink spell oops yeah right okay let’s not do this now let’s try blink you should be able to blink all the way up then yeah I am a

Means use all the tools you have hoodie that’s your disposal the way it should be now I hear bones or bones oh there’s another tunnel whop Oh somebody government limiting oh man it’s just a skeleton whoa woo hoo silver skeleton don’t listen water’s pushing me right back into the lava yeah

Okay man about two-thirds mana level right now I have to keep an eye on that need the gravel I’d bring rocky into play here but he’s so far proven himself to be fairly useless skeleton I hear ya but I don’t see it maybe there’s a skeleton dungeon

I hear bones and looks like a dead end it’s gold more lava somebody splashing rats let’s grab the gold seven gold or over 30 iron ore and I’m almost ready whoa whoa Pope my sword ready and I my sword ready and I my sword ready let’s get him into the lava

Get me the lava it’s sort get the sword no you don’t go in a lot get not okay that’s my arms okay okay oh let’s go get him first really like to block this off look off the water so I can maneuver hello hey Klaus come here hey Klaus here Klaus

Over here buddy I will bust through the wall you know I can oh no see you just don’t you know what second dog don’t dine along I want you stuffs Oh gotcha must be a den of werewolves down here it’s the third one former farmer that one

Apparently dad the bar llama I think it’s time to head back maybe grab some more of these oars smelt it up get some more experience and gain a couple of levels maybe magic levels that is o gold rats come on rat chow for the purple stuff kinda hurts I see you Oh zombie

Zombies Andres I heard something alright doing okay here oh my gosh it’s a hole Dan of rats okay rat I’ve got something for you let’s try let’s try this oops nope all right slow down rat try something Oh didn’t even work darn it Oh ah that sometimes it’s not easy getting the

Right spell prepared especially when they’re old low via the little buggers and all right a little cork here before we head down this last hole may be all right and this is gonna be the last one I think I want to cook up some of this

Iron just have to find a good place to do it okay nope there he is let’s just take him down he’s gonna get in close fast though because they can teleport so I like to make low ceiling and then zap him Arius hey hey what do think about that

Does that work on you look this could be a problem Oh yeah it’s pretty good at dodging actually well could kill with water it’s gone Oh is a sneaky one is a sneaky one have short memories this is good whoa oh oh oh oh oops Oh No get that back oh that’s good

Back in my shoulder quick lost yeah oh okay okay okay glass bottle what how much mana that didn’t put a whole lot of mana back did it okay pal well I know you don’t like water my man is still being used oh no he’s got an

Anti water magic get him get him Rocky get him Rocky no around the corner you goof look a little a little bit this thing shoots so fast Oh kiddo sneaky here’s a sneaky one think we can do this hundun whoa man ooh okay close to the water they don’t like the water

Ha ha oh no no rats please no rats I lost them like little ninja so I gotta be cautious oh you I think he’s gone hit that water and then he disappeared okay well I suppose it’s time now to cook up some of the stuff that I have here and then

Let’s make a couple furnaces let’s take some more here there get some torches okay I think I’m just going to hang out right here and get reorganized all right see what kind of levels we get out of this huh safe for now safe for now my

Iron so I’m like we’re gonna have to decontaminate the Jeep because I told these guys it would be no one direction in my Jeep because it’s just gonna it’s gonna Tate it right so and then of course I gave in and she played a little one direction but then last night so

Jimbo said yeah now we’re gonna have to exercise this gee oh my gosh so I think a proper exorcism is in order in fact on the way home from school even tweeted this I did play some Led Zeppelin as loud as I possibly could on the way home after dropping the girls

Off at school that was a proper exorcism by the power of the Zeppelin I compel thee begone foul beast begone follow music

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 “Mage Armor for Dummies” (Silly Role-play Adventure)’, was uploaded by paulsoaresjr on 2013-08-28 13:30:05. It has garnered 150872 views and 2340 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds.

Modded Minecraft “silly” role-play adventure! Follow Hoodie the Mage on his journey to become the greatest wizard of Ars Magica, defeat the Dark Mages, and restore peace to the realm! (or something)

Discuss at punchwood.com: http://bit.ly/15QICDg

Mods: Ars Magica – http://bit.ly/13kXc2x Mo Creatures – http://bit.ly/Xqi3zN ExtrabiomesXL – http://bit.ly/ZLGxRs BiblioCraft – http://bit.ly/17PpVxs CraftGuide – http://bit.ly/13Hipmg

Thumbnail by BonePen: http://www.knochenstift.wordpress.com

Intro Track “Jungle” by http://www.Machinimasound.com

Background Music by JewelBeat @ http://www.jewelbeat.com Kevin Macleod @ http://www.incompetech.com Machinima @ http://www.machinimasound.com Jewel Beat @ http://www.jewelbeat.com

Get Minecraft here: http://minecraft.net

WEBSITE: http://punchwood.com TWITTER: http://twitter.com/paulsoaresjr FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/PaulsoaresjrPub

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    Roasting the Bible in Minecraft: Review Minecraft Teaser Trailer: A Christian Perspective As the Minecraft Teaser Trailer unfolds, players are drawn into a world of creativity, adventure, and endless possibilities. The trailer showcases the game’s iconic blocky graphics, diverse biomes, and the excitement of exploration. But how does this virtual world align with Christian values and beliefs? Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players are encouraged to build, explore, and survive in a vast open world. This mirrors the concept of stewardship found in the Bible, where individuals are called to care for and cultivate the world around them. The game’s emphasis on creativity and… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Builder: Hilarious Transformation!

    Becoming a Minecraft Builder: Hilarious Transformation! Transforming into a Minecraft Builder: Embracing Creativity Discovering a video by chance, a player stumbled upon a valuable tip that revolutionized their Minecraft building experience. Thanks to P3luca96, they learned to construct efficiently and swiftly, overcoming previous obstacles. The Journey to Becoming a Skilled Builder With all credits due to the original creator, @P3luca96, the player found their knack for building structures in Minecraft. Each day brings new learning opportunities, allowing them to create grand and spacious constructions. Efficiency at Its Best The tip provided in the video offered a quick solution to common building problems, streamlining the construction… Read More

  • Uncover the Shocking Truth About Minecraft’s Broken Enchantment System

    Uncover the Shocking Truth About Minecraft's Broken Enchantment SystemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enchanting: Minecraft’s Worst System’, was uploaded by FishStickOnAStick – Gaming on 2024-09-28 14:01:20. It has garnered 36697 views and 3831 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:14 or 1634 seconds. God and I don’t even mention the stupid curses that’ll randomly be on loot sometimes, that’s so stupid, who even asked for that, it’s not like the loot is ever good enough to warrant something like that as a tradeoff, and the fact that villagers can have curses for their book trades? Stupid. Rebalance Servers: http://badweaponrehab.tf/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FSoaS_ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/fishstickonastick Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCye6_KEq7IJnA62LyY8Plog Discord:… Read More

  • Exploring Minecraft’s Dark Secrets

    Exploring Minecraft's Dark SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘What’s Hiding in Minecraft’s Most FEARSOME World?’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-09-19 21:00:29. It has garnered 25723 views and 1234 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:52 or 3772 seconds. What’s Hiding in Minecraft’s Most FEARSOME World? W/ @Darkomode @RageElixirMinecraft If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited! #NxTLvLUnited DISCORD: https://discord.gg/7r8AZCJPPN GET YOUR MERCH: https://yaboiaction.merchforall.com – CHECK OUT MY OTHER CHANNELS- @actionvlogz [Horror Games / Reactions] @YaBoiActionMusic [Music] @NotActionTbh [Vlogs / Streams / PG13] @ActionAFool [More Minecraft] – Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE! Day 80

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE! Day 80Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 80’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 23:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 80 Mods … Read More

  • SPIDER IN MINECRAFT HOUSE?! BeastboyJot #shorts

    SPIDER IN MINECRAFT HOUSE?! BeastboyJot #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house 😀 #shorts’, was uploaded by beastboyJot on 2024-01-07 05:58:49. It has garnered 3122 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave.  I wanted to do another minecraft animation, and I got inspired by a TikTok audio that Tubbo made. but then I wanted to add another thing onto that. and another. and yeah I got very carried away. hopefully the end product is worth it though! minecraft animation… Read More

  • I became a millionaire in one stream! #shorts

    I became a millionaire in one stream! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MELLSTROY Задонатил МНЕ 3 ЛЯМА РУБЛЕЙ Прямо На СТРИМЕ #shorts #майнкрафт #hypixel #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jeckye1 on 2024-05-04 14:27:52. It has garnered 112409 views and 6859 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Thunder Blast in Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Thunder Blast in Minecraft Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #mcpe #jjminecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Thunder Blast on 2024-08-29 06:47:25. It has garnered 590 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dream Animation! 🔥🎮 #viral

    Mind-Blowing Dream Animation! 🔥🎮 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dream X Animation🥶🥵⚡……… #dream #minecraft #shorts #animation #viral .’, was uploaded by Decon Deedz on 2024-01-18 10:45:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dream X Animation ⚡……… #dream #minecraft #shorts #animation #viral . Read More


    UNSTOPPABLE INFINITE RAID FARM - MINECRAFT PE || HINDIVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 1.21+ RAPID RAID FARM FOR MCPE||RAID FARM FOR POCKET EDITION||IN HINDI’, was uploaded by INFARNO KING on 2024-09-07 07:06:26. It has garnered 1047 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:06 or 1146 seconds. MINECRAFT 1.21+ RAPID RAID FARM FOR MCPE||RAID FARM FOR POCKET EDITION||IN HINDI So Guys My Name is Aman and this is my New channel, in this my new channel I will upload tutorial video till I got 1k subs and then I will start uploading gaming videos. So pls like and subscribe to this new channel. Credits:-… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Irene_wolff 😱🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Irene_wolff 😱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | capítulo 32 :D’, was uploaded by Irene_wolff 🐶🐱 on 2024-07-22 06:39:35. It has garnered 526 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:45 or 12105 seconds. I’ve been watching Resident Evil and some others, my favorites are survival horror but I also play Fortnite. My favorite is resident evil 2 Read More

  • Veldt Survival

    Veldt SurvivalDive into a world where classic Minecraft survival meets exciting new features! We deliver a semi-vanilla experience that maintains the core gameplay you love while introducing thoughtful enhancements. Our server is designed to be non-pay-to-win, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive, regardless of their contributions. Enjoy a balanced economy where every player’s efforts and achievements matter. Our active and friendly staff are always here to help, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. As well, Join us for regular events that bring our community together and add a touch of adventure to your survival journey. Join Veldt Survival… Read More

  • The Marsh SMP – Semi-vanilla, whitelisted

    Welcome to our SMP Server! Hello! About a month ago, I started an SMP with viewers from my small livestream channel. Our server is still new, and we plan to keep it running permanently so everyone can keep their progress on builds and farms. In the future, we might all start fresh in a new part of the map, but participation will be optional. Server Rules: No griefing No hacking No stealing No random PVP (we host PVP events) Our server is a great place to meet new people, collaborate on bases, or go off and do your own thing…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hype turned to nope for this casting 😉

    Minecraft Memes - Hype turned to nope for this casting 😉Well, at least this meme is getting higher ratings than some Hollywood casting choices! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft Pet Show

    Crafting Chaos: My Minecraft Pet Show In Minecraft, I have a pet, a trusty little cat, Always by my side, in adventures where we’re at. We roam the lands, explore the caves, Together we’re brave, never afraid. My furry friend, with eyes so bright, Helps me in battles, day and night. We chase the creepers, hunt for treasure, In this blocky world, we find pleasure. So if you see us, roaming around, Know that in Minecraft, we’re forever bound. My pet and I, a dynamic duo, In this pixelated world, where dreams can grow. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #shorts #memes Read More

  • Ultimate POI POI Tutorial for Minecraft

    Ultimate POI POI Tutorial for Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Poi Poi Mod Embark on a journey through the enchanting world of Minecraft with the Poi Poi Mod, a delightful addition that brings a touch of whimsy to your gameplay experience. Dive into the vibrant landscapes and engaging gameplay that this mod offers, creating a unique and entertaining adventure for players of all ages. Discovering the Poi Poi Mod The Poi Poi Mod introduces a fun and quirky element to Minecraft, allowing players to explore new features and mechanics within the game. From adorable characters to exciting challenges, this mod adds a fresh… Read More

Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 “Mage Armor for Dummies” (Silly Role-play Adventure)