Minecraft Let’s Play | Anarchy Server Ep 1

Video Information

What the f oh jesus it’s night time [ __ ] Me god damn it this is what i get for not [ __ ] paying attention ah jesus [ __ ] christ where’s my sword sorry i need to mark this as 18. because i don’t think i have the capability freak off you’re terrified okay we didn’t have these in minecraft back in my day what the heck

What the heck nah fam be gone cool sorry i like strippers i could say [Applause] [Applause] This is exciting all right is it daytime yet what the [ __ ] what the freak even are those creatures i’ve so it’s it’s it’s been a minute if you were here last stream uh yeah i haven’t played minecraft since i was like 12. oh that’s a lie i was like 14. it was

Like six years ago um which is when i started my youtube channel and i wanted to be a minecraft youtuber jesus sorry i’m a coward especially with those things flying in the air and the fact that i don’t have a chest yet or nothing i just set up the server today so

Yeah i had a lot of different complications with it at first um mainly because i kept wanting to run old server mod packs on the wrong updated versions of java and i also wasn’t running with forge a whole bunch of stuff we got it sorted out now i’m currently running vanilla um

But i’m gonna figure out more mod packs and stuff later i wanted to do a crazy craft but yeah i think the latest version of it that i tried to run is like 1.7 and we’re on 1.18 All right Are they still there [Applause] or did they leave i’m scared to look oh there’s an enderman oh nope they’re still right in there that is terrifying i’m gonna look up what they are real quick A phantom why why would they add this this is what i mean by it’s been so long um i get overwhelmed every t every time i hop on here with all of the updates just reinforces it it’s fine it’s fine i gotta get back up on the

Horse that is terrifying i just got to the point where i am okay fighting off zombies without getting freaked out like it doesn’t terrify me anymore that terrifies me so i’m just gonna stay right here until the sunlight arrives and i can be okay one eternity later okay haha you’re dying

Are you gonna drop anything drop something you’re boring okay so after i get rid of all of this show you what i got so far house-wise there’s nothing special um first thing i decided to do was builds or start building my house uh i spawned like over there somewhere

Um but came over here because water was really pretty also i mined over there song there’s some nice coal and then sugarcane for books and bookshelves which are my favorite thing to make in minecraft at the moment at least i’m gonna find other this is just to make the framework and

The basic walls of the house i’m the substitute materials and stuff later i just want to have some kind of structure i don’t like i need wood i’m turning up spotify sometimes i wish i had a three monitors oh it’s raining that is fine okay that’s all so new i wasn’t just

Seeing things that makes sense that sticks drop from trees however that’s also another new thing i guess this should be a whole series of uh old minecraft player playing minecraft after six years plays minecraft again and is overwhelmed there’s got to be a better title in that but you understand what i’m getting

Around too does anyone even join the discord home nope it’s just me that’s that’s that’s fine to be fair it is 1am where i am right now but i work night shifts so i’m only really awake and like actively doing stuff afterwards uh i know i’ve got this for now

So after this i’m gonna sit around mess with skins again and then also you see old art back in the day of the original alveolar gaming i keep wanting to say hello to gaming productions now because i stopped going by all the gaming for a while and i was allowed to productions

Because i was in high school doing film things and then college and so wanting to use the youtube channel because it still has quite a following on there um so i changed it to a load of productions to make it sound more professional unless at the time i thought childish however

The youtube url could only be set once and it was set as well to gaming so it’s still there so elder gaming is back and i’m very happy about that it’s like a coming full circle moment chicken hi thank you for your service is there another chicken somewhere there’s an egg

We’ll get all the birch in a little bit i’m just i’ve been using this hardwood this whole time so i feel like i need to commit to it okay but before it gets dark i am gonna at least finish the roof in one of the rooms so whatever the [ __ ] came at me

Yesterday hold up before i keep cussing i’m gonna make sure that my stream is set to uh 18 plus let me let me let me make a chest listen it looks disorganized right now but i promise there’s a point to all of it did i really just shush

Do i not know how to make is it okay there we go jesus when i have two crafting cameras it’s been a minute oh all right okay so this is one of these oh that’s oak that’s not even okay so i’m a little sony baloney i might say some stupid [ __ ] oh oh

Hi i’m currently streaming are you watching it i almost got killed a second ago oh jesus yeah what just happened listen this this minecraft these days is new and scary i haven’t played since 2014 oh my god do you understand how many updates there have been since 2014.

Yeah they have flying phantom bats now oh no and and that was apparently in 1.13 we’re in 1.18 now oh no it’s terrifying but it’s fine oh jesus oh it’s fine yeah yeah totally it’s fine no i’m still trying to like half build my house at night without hiding

Like a coward because i’m on a stream you know i gotta be a daddy oh jesus like that’s so hard to do and i’m sort of terrified and we’re listening to skrillex no i know what i’m trying to do and i know why i’m feeling right What happened no so i’m trying to get a certain look for the roof river hey we love the rain i know that’s like one of the only two things that you really do in minecraft i just love that you have to explain being a noob for my friend yes [ __ ] off

Do you see that i’m almost dead i’m oh no all right pete look i died in front of everybody how embarrassing this is so embarrassing i hope my stuff is all still there they’re scouting out the place man look at them they’re all looking at me they’re like no oh there’s a zombie

Dying the skeleton went and [ __ ] off are you serious i’ve lost all of my stuff i’m gonna cry that’s fine i am i am crying this is so sad all of my word oh god that’s what he said my wood’s gone it’s so deep oh yeah i don’t know who the third

Viewer is but this is tony tony’s my friend say hi tony oh no oh it might be anubis i saw that anubis followed me a few minutes ago this is very irritating because now i have to spend ah i think i need to change the loot rolls

For my loot rules for my server and make sure it doesn’t because i know you can set it so that you don’t lose your loot when you die i just it’s been so long i gotta figure out how to do everything again but also like i spent so much time hyper

Focusing on minecraft for like three years makes sense it’s just like not jet lag just like a little bit of shock i i don’t know what the word is that i’m trying no yeah i i get that yeah yeah yeah oh yeah look at this cool cavern over

There i’m excited to explore that i have a whole cute little chat thing and no one’s even using it this is a tragedy tony you should type something in the chat i got true and watch it pop up on the screen anubis okay i gotta fix it i gotta move it hold up

Okay there we go oh this is fun yeah i’ve only streamed like maybe like three times before this one but i i didn’t have anything to like reliably stream because final fantasy 14 it’s not something you can play and really interact with the chat a lot

And like i want to be able to interact with the chat to like you know hang out but also grow a viewer or follow me i haven’t heard the skrillex album and so long i bought this with actual money on itunes instead of pirating it like i did

With all of the music back in the late 2010s oh no we’re packed down to three people no we still got four okay at least that’s what it says on my dashboard it shows three on mine but i could be wrong maybe i’m one of the viewers

But i’m watching it from like my stream managers so i don’t know or maybe then maybe there’s more okay cool we spent half the day getting that wood get that one [Laughter] so maybe i can actually get something done baby there we go it’s nice nice for sucks heck yeah

I’m i’m trying to at least have one room sealed off so i can work on the rest of the house but not be in constant fear at night time of not having a place to like run back to and hide because i usually just make like a

Little dirt house but i’m so close to having a room a little dirt house yeah a little dirt house okay yeah this is what it looks like from the front so far it’s very trashy but i like the little stairs thing this is going to be

Like a wrapper on porch kind of deal not the not the trashiness it’s so trashy but it’s so great i mean not that trashy but i agree i appreciate it okay i think everything i do is i need to make a new x since i don’t have any cobblestone anymore

Oh i hate allergy sometimes is it the seasonal allergies kind of yeah they’re the worst are you allergic to cats at all uh like low key but not really that’s sort of how i am but the anti-anxiety that i take is actually an anti-history so my anti-anxiety cures my allergies also yes

Once it gets night time this time i think i’m at least mine under the house a tiny bit just to get some cobblestone i’ve already changed my uh phone text message notification tone to an enderman teleporter yay it was a little final fantasy 14 creature little moogle sounds no okay

No don’t tell me i lost all of my coal too i’m gonna scream I could have sworn i didn’t nope i did i had so much i just lost wow wow this is what i get it’s fine i just need enough cobblestone for a furnace that was my other mistake i didn’t make a furnace fast enough take take me downtown You now have a furnace i also have a stone pickaxe and an axe and a sword yay Actually i need to be stocked up do i have any wood no i just have food can you can you burn planks now have they had gut or can you still only burn blocks of wood wow out of all the updates and they didn’t change that nice i guess

Yeah honestly they’re stupid i’m gonna be salty yeah i’ll be salty with you i appreciate what is that lapis yeah okay and then i can make uh the why is my brain the theme the fire I got concentrated mining this like cobblestone man is some intense work i bet i bet listen i don’t know what else to do in in the night time when i’m obviously a coward everybody’s asleep this is tragic i miss some new biz i feel like anubis is still here oh someone’s chatting

Oh it was zero from um oh yeah yeah he i [Applause] him from another server of mine he’s really cool i think you’ll like him hey i appreciate yeah i know i i really appreciate you for spreading the word and inviting people of course of course and you know there’s more present themselves worthy enough to become part

Of the server i’ll invite them to what is that i have no idea copper oh jesus look at that look at that a lot is weird Raw copper what the [ __ ] do you do with rock hopper y’all for real my time didn’t used to last this long back in my day back in my day we got the internet through the mail oh my god i’m so tired of hearing old people talk about dial up internet

I don’t care that you couldn’t go online on myspace at the same time as somebody else in your house making a phone call exactly your [ __ ] knob right that sounds like a you problem period yeah yeah i guess i’m just gonna stock up on cobblestone i mean it’s not a bad thing

I found some coal right as my pickaxe broke but it’s okay because i have another one look at that wait is that cool yay what’s this not the cold i’m just saying dialing up with a big issue it came all the way from stream just to see it why

Well actually at this exact moment i’m playing games with my friend and my brother and i got so upset about the dial-up thing that i had to come say something i know it it’s it’s a it’s a trigger word for a lot of the generation that was like two years before mine

I literally two years old wait how old are you i’m 21. oh yeah yeah tony why are you bringing me in here what do you mean i’m just kidding He’s probably the youngest person in the server for being on this oh baby i’m 25 going on 26. yeah i’m [ __ ] 34 did i say 20 i was you have to be um 27 just go with it anyways i’m okay yeah although there’s 27 all right 27 234.

I’m not lying i promise i’m 34. [Laughter] i am a coward i’m fine with being a coward but i’m a coward hey at least at least i’m self-aware and i’m honest at least i’m so aware okay all right it was nice meeting you and nice to have you guys are you coming back

I am the zero hero i never come back number seven i might it depends on how long we game and depends on if you guys are on okay all right i like him what do you think he’s cool he’s cool yeah he’s pretty chill what was i doing Oh yeah i’m making stairs eventually i want to get marble and make a marble house at the moment it’s whatever the [ __ ] this is okay i know what i did yes okay that’s the one thing i don’t like about what is in the water there’s a pouch of something now

Oh it’s a an ink sack duh because there’s squids I don’t like it see where i’m going with this it makes it look like a roof owl more ink thank you i’m honored i’m gonna harvest the sugar I think what happened to my music it got quiet i think that album ended oh no you don’t like that right what the frick singles baby you the sun is already setting but that’s okay because it means oh dangerous I never posted anywhere on my social media i did not advertise this at all i just hopped on i didn’t even pull my phone out of my backpack before i go right after i got home from like i’m back here i was talking about how i just realized that i didn’t uh like

Promote this on any of my social media or anything oh my god i’m well done right like i’ve just been sitting here this whole time just like holy hour into the stream and you haven’t even advertised jesus i can’t believe you it’s such a shame no no above to say listen listen [Laughter]

When you say that it’s funny listen you listen about that about that okay i have to practice okay you can practice move yourself real quick and then and then no no it’s going to take me longer than that i haven’t done it in so long it’s like i’m a virgin at it again

I’ll get there i’ll get there okay okay okay no i haven’t done it in like months I’ll get back to it i’ll get back to it i believe in you okay okay okay oh um i um i forgot you can do that voice and trip me help that makes sense My in case i die let me not have all of my cobblestone sir oh Um No Stairs are always so tricky because you gotta play some of the writing let’s try it Every day did you ever Oh It Um interviews Turn all the lights well it’s so close uh um uh thank you All right has everyone burnt to a crisp yet Just Time so okay he’s sleeping you see my problem yes oops I’m so confused are there like are you talking separately what listen there we go are you talking separately in your minecraft chat no no it’s because i i keep hearing your voice i’m pretty sure it’s just like playback from what you said but like i don’t know I might just be lagging maybe are you listening to the stream also other than my discord race yeah that might be your phone because it is lagging technically it’s fine no big deal Um as as there is to everything it’s gonna be okay are you okay i’m fine no i’m not fine and i walked backwards oh listen fallen die no No i said don’t fall in touch you cut out with the don’t so all i heard was fall and died i’m sorry yeah oh my god listen okay but like sugar canes because you can make books out of it and then you can make bookshelves and bookshelves are my favorites

The bookshelves are my favorite Is Oh yeah i was like it’s too late to do a come watch my stream so i just did a thanks for the stream guys it was fun jesus listen they neglected you they should feel terrible we’ll make we’ll make them feel bad tomorrow it’s okay are you gonna go to bed soon yeah

I’m probably gonna have to make the next 10 15 minutes yeah i’m feeling pretty sleepy myself of course know you still um among us i would have invited you yeah um but yeah no yeah i’ll i have rooms going i got rooms going on like every day so we’ll play hell yeah

Yeah let me know put it together okay then hello well i’m glad you had a fun stream and yes i had fun with you have a great night have a great night tony bye well that was it guys honestly i think i’m gonna hop off too um

Thanks for hanging out and watching this was super fun you know it ended up being nighttime so i was like that’s perfect place to stop the stream because i’m sleepy but uh yeah join me next time i guess it’s like an outro whatever thanks for watching you guys good night You

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Play | Anarchy Server Ep 1’, was uploaded by Alelda on 2022-04-03 05:07:00. It has garnered 148 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:01 or 3661 seconds.

Hihi whats up!

Made a minecraft vid… like the good old times ^-^

Featuring Tony I love that boy ;-;

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  • JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!

    JOIN US to slay the Ender dragon!Video Information This video, titled ‘We kill the Ender dragon, TOGETHER!!!’, was uploaded by KareAkern on 2024-08-04 06:15:47. It has garnered 96 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:18 or 10998 seconds. The magnificent masters of the KareAkern Minecraft server have gathered us all to kill the ender dragon! This will be a fight to remember, and it won’t be like a classical dragon fight, Easyidle has some surprises for us! There are more things going on in this stream, apparently a statue shall be revealed as well. I can’t wait! Want to join the server,… Read More

  • Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!

    Insane Hack: Download Texture Packs in LocoCraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Como descargar texture packs en Minecraft java’, was uploaded by LocoCraft on 2024-07-09 05:36:31. It has garnered 139 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:14 or 314 seconds. How to download texture packs in Minecraft java Likes goal: 3 The video on how to download mods in Java is on my channel and there is also the version for bedrock pages to download resourpacks: planet minecraft: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-packs/ forge:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?class=texture-packs&page=1&pageSize=20&sortType=1 Read More

  • Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥

    Corgiguy2022 builds EPIC mansion- LIVE! 😱🏰🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVE: building a mansion on a minecraft server | chill | building | minecraft |’, was uploaded by Corgiguy2022 on 2024-09-07 15:03:47. It has garnered 585 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:43 or 4303 seconds. Read More

  • Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚

    Forbidden Love: My Strange Obsession with Rice Girl 😍🍚Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl rizz 😂😍’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-18 14:57:33. It has garnered 94 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s a spitter in… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Tips – Ultimate Minecraft Guide

    Insane Minecraft Tips - Ultimate Minecraft GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hino do Minecraft Center’, was uploaded by Tps do Rafael do Minecraft on 2024-04-08 17:11:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft album

    Insane collaboration brings epic Minecraft albumVideo Information This video, titled ‘@Ksenonmusic @mpapkaa @bemon_ #music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay’, was uploaded by 🔷Doublea06🔷 on 2024-03-01 06:43:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. music #album #minecraft #2d #3d #but #dota2 #ep #gameplay #games #ksenon #memes #3000$ #remix #song #ukerstream … Read More

  • FaberNetworkMC

    FaberNetworkMCMinecraft towny with dungeons, quests, PVP, events, and hundreds of custom items whilst preserving the vanilla style. Integrated leveling system with mobs/bosses and custom loot that becomes stronger as you progress. Dungeons and adventures with different difficulties.No limit on progression. Economy takes an important role in the server – Grow your empire by working jobs, trades with other players and even selling towns.Own custom pets with custom coded abilities. Custom boss/mob models for a fresh feel. play.fabernetworkmc.net Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Blocky Burn Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Blocky Burn Edition Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of parkour in Minecraft. If you’re a fan of parkour, you’ve probably seen videos like the one from Faster Gaming Plays, where players tackle challenging parkour courses in the game. But what if we told you that there’s a whole new level of parkour waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server? That’s right – Minewind offers a unique parkour biome that will put your skills to the test like never before. With… Read More

  • Sneaky CN Tower Build in Minecraft Toronto!

    Sneaky CN Tower Build in Minecraft Toronto! The CN Tower Rises in Minecraft Toronto Server Excitement is in the air as the Minecraft Building Toronto Project announces the construction of the iconic CN Tower in the virtual world. This monumental build is set to captivate players and visitors alike with its impressive scale and attention to detail. Witness the Marvel On Monday, players will have the opportunity to watch as the CN Tower takes shape, rising majestically against the digital skyline. The intricate design and precision of the build are sure to leave spectators in awe, showcasing the creativity and talent of the Minecraft community. Join… Read More

  • Unbelievable Win in Spellbound Caves | Must Watch!

    Unbelievable Win in Spellbound Caves | Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Super Hostile: Spellbound Caves | Victory Monument’, was uploaded by gameBlend on 2024-10-18 20:00:11. It has garnered 11 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:49 or 2269 seconds. Join me as I play through Super Hostile: Spellbound Caves!!! Spellbound Caves is a survival Minecraft “CTM” map where our goal is complete the Victory Monument by collecting wool blocks from massive dungeons. This map was released by the legendary Vechs for Minecraft version 1.2.5, so that is the version we will be playing in. Please make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to… Read More

  • Henry’s Ultimate Bedrock Cheat Client

    Henry's Ultimate Bedrock Cheat ClientVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best Minecraft Bedrock Cheat Client | Scald Client’, was uploaded by Henry Time on 2024-10-01 11:27:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHECK OUT COMMENT SECTION SCALD CLIENT WEBSITE AND DISCORD! Scald Client – Usable on any Server/Realms Like … Read More

  • Unbelievable OP Loot from Mob in Minecraft! #ytshorts #SHORTSFEED

    Unbelievable OP Loot from Mob in Minecraft! #ytshorts #SHORTSFEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Mob Gives OP loot#shorts #ytshorts #SHORTSFEED #Minecraft #friendshipday’, was uploaded by RAFEDO YT on 2024-08-07 18:30:11. It has garnered 984 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Video made by:@rafedoyt8087 Minecraft gamerz Shorts proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon minecraft hardcore ytshorts SHORTSFEED Read More

  • Mind-blowing revelations in Rifter Archive after 15 years | Minecraft

    Mind-blowing revelations in Rifter Archive after 15 years | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’15 years later | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Rifter Archive on 2024-10-15 18:00:06. It has garnered 1303 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:41 or 461 seconds. Minecraft was key to my life as a gamer and creator. Come with me for my thoughts on the current landscape for me with this beloved game. Read More

  • 🎮Minecraft POOLROOMS are HAUNTED?!👻 | U_Pablo_U

    🎮Minecraft POOLROOMS are HAUNTED?!👻 | U_Pablo_UVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Minecraft POOLROOMS are TERRIFYING |Minecraft Poolrooms’, was uploaded by U_Pablo_U on 2024-09-13 19:34:52. It has garnered 4559 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:02 or 1502 seconds. Swayle’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCS3Iac7JbyHzuXmYj34weRw Swayle’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O8DvIKCJ0w&t=334s ————————————————————————————————————————- Time stamps: 00:22 gameplay start 00:57 exploration start 24:38 exploration end 24:39 outro ————————————————————————————————————————- Hello everyone, in this video I will be exploring the minecraft poolrooms, if you wanna see more don’t forget to like and subscribe! ————————————————————————————————————————- A lil about me: Hi I make minecraft horror mod related content that people can watch and enjoy…. Read More

  • Get ready for an EPIC Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon!

    Get ready for an EPIC Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kai x Speed Minecraft Marathon’, was uploaded by Okayleb_tt on 2024-08-21 02:40:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. i still read the chat my mic js off ask me sum ill unmute Support the stream: … Read More

  • Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viral

    Unbelievable Sacrifice in Minecraft! 🌟 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Great Sacrifice 🥀 #shorts #minecraft #viral #shortsviral #trending #youtubeshorts #ytshorts’, was uploaded by BeastBoy BAJWA on 2024-09-22 07:51:45. It has garnered 15 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing #minecraftxbox360 #minecraftsurvival #minecraftisawesome #minecrafthousesshorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #myth #challeng #challenges #myths… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!

    Insane Minecraft comeback after long hiatus!Video Information This video, titled ‘After a long time MINECRAFT!!’, was uploaded by xom gaming on 2024-05-07 07:44:47. It has garnered 8 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Get ready to BLOCK and CRAFT! It’s Minecraft Live time! Join us for a block-tastic blowout filled with exciting announcements, upcoming features, and the Minecraft community you love. Tune in to see what’s next for the world of Minecraft! Don’t miss out on: Exclusive reveals of new content and features! Live Q&A with the Mojang developers! Epic community creations and builds! Let’s build the… Read More

Minecraft Let’s Play | Anarchy Server Ep 1