Minecraft Logic Makes No Sense!

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– 31 Minecraft things that don’t make any sense. Plenty of people have talked about Minecraft’s weird quirks and eccentricities, including us. But even with that coverage, more and more seem to pop up all the time. So today let’s tackle even more Minecraft things that don’t work as expected.

And hey, the YouTube janitor bets that you can’t subscribe to the channel before this skeleton sinks down to the bottom. So to prove them wrong, swim to that sub button down below, it’s free and it helps out a ton. Number one. With the 1.16 update, Minecraft of course added in

Two new log equivalents, the Crimson and Warped stem blocks. And sure, it makes sense that these wouldn’t burn to a flint and steel or a furnace, but why can they be used as fuel in a campfire? As you can see when crafting this item,

It’s possible to use the nether stems as the kindling, just like the regular logs, even though they don’t burn in the regular gameplay. But if you’re really looking to cook up a steak in the Nether, I guess this is how you do it. Number two.

Cauldrons are famous for not making a lot of sense, but this might take the cake. Because even though lava cauldrons behave mostly how you’d expect lava to react, it turns out they’re a bit too good at it. Sure, they can burn players and items, but they are also capable of catching fire

To usually lave resistant mobs, like zombified piglins. And folks, that just blows my mind. Every feature that Minecraft adds to the cauldron is like a monkey’s paw, your wish might be granted, but not how you expect it. Number three. One of the best parts of the Caves and Cliffs update’s

First half is the addition of axolotls. I mean, they’re certainly the cutest feature, that’s no contest, but what these water wolves have in the ocean, they don’t exactly match on land. And you’ll see as much of the beach one. They move pretty slow. That is until you tie one to a lead,

And then it’ll move surprisingly fast speeds. Why this happens, I’ve got no clue, but it is pretty hilarious. So I’m fine with it not making sense. Number four. Weight in Minecraft is a funny thing. Obviously it takes some serious muscles for Steve and Alex to carry around stacks and stacks of raw materials,

But what’s even weirder is comparing the strength of Minecraft’s other inhabitants. take the Dripleaf plant for example, while it will bend in a few seconds to an item as light as light as a feather, a literal anvil could hold on top of it with no problem.

And then, weirder still is that if we stand on top of that anvil, it doesn’t bend. Just us by ourselves, yeah, you get the picture. Number five. Minecraft’s textures aren’t always pixel perfect. And while 1.17 took big strides to correct some of those, this block went unnoticed.

As you can see the light gray glazed terracotta is not only a mouthful to say, but also has a deceptively frustrating texture. If you try to line it up, you’ll notice that the pattern doesn’t connect, leaving many players frustrated and confused to just how this slipped by.

Especially when the patterns are the whole point of glazed terracotta in the first place. Number six. Every now and then, Minecraft will lose a feature unintentionally. And what I mean by that is through some update or another, a line of code breaks and the implementation gets forgotten.

For instance, look no further than Enderman and splash water bottles. Now this feature was added in in snapshot 16W35A for 1.11, but I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve never noticed, since in the recent versions, it’s glitch to just teleport them away. Though it has been in the bug tracker for months now,

So hopefully a future update will make this work as it was intended. Number seven. Fishing in Minecraft has long been overpowered, so much so that Mojang decided to nerf the treasure loot tables back in 1.16 for most of the fish farms. However, even the nerfed version of fish farming is still pretty overpowered.

You see if you were to take a random water bucket from anywhere in the world, be it a jungle, the ocean, or even a rain filled cauldrons. And then you place that water source wherever you’d like, you can still fish infinite cod and salmon out of that one block.

I’m not complaining, but it is a bit strange. Number eight. Minecraft is famous for some wild and wacky hit boxes. And if you don’t believe me, look no further than the minecart. In this scenario, the cart can not go pass along this rail while the block is placed like such,

Which seems a bit strict, but I guess it makes sense. That is until you break that block and place one here instead, and then the whole argument’s out the window. Just like Platform 9 3/4, this cart just magically phases through the wall.

And tough for a muggle like me to wrap my head around. Number nine. Steve’s ability to crawl into small spaces is a definite game-changer. But with that newfound ability, Mojang intended for a few different limits. Like for example, how you’re not able to move

From a one block tall space to a 0.5 block tall space using a slab. After all, the player’s not exactly a contortionist. But if we place snow layers in the stack like such, we can just happen to get into space as thin as the slab would allow.

So if the caves aren’t claustrophobic enough for you, this is my to the trick. Number 10. The cauldron might be the ugly duckling of the Minecraft world. And while we’ve talked about its many shortcomings before, this one recently caught my attention as well.

Even though we can play as a whole buckets worth of water in this thing, it still doesn’t allow for the Riptide enchantment on tridents. Which would be fine if Riptide also didn’t work on waterlogged blocks. But as you can plainly see, even standing on the virtual puddle that we have on top

Of a water logged chest, you’re able to launch yourself just the same as standing in the ocean. Number 11. While Minecraft clearly isn’t going for realism with its graphics, there is one tidbit that cracks me up whenever I see it. And no, it’s not just that Minecraft’s square

And rectangular mobs cast round shadows, though, yes, that’s weird too. But as people have pointed out, these shadows can even be cast through solid rock slabs and perhaps the cherry on top, it’s possible to have those shadows appear on top of light sources like lava.

And folks, while that is a laundry list of weird things, I guess they do give Minecraft it’s visual charm. Number 12. When you’re traveling, nothing breaks your stride quite like water. Sure, if you have a boat you’re just fine, but on your own, we tend to move a lot slower

Through the water source blocks. Then if that’s the case, why is it that when you water log a ladder, it becomes faster than a regular ladder. No joke, the game somehow combines the water swim speed with the climbing speed of the ladder and makes the operation all the quicker.

And while the science would likely disagree, I’ll take any excuse to get to sky limit faster. Number 13. Every now and then society likes to debate back and forth on certain topics. Whether that’s the color of this dress, whether it says Yanny or Laurel,

Or of course what came first, the chicken or the egg? And now I think that Minecraft might have one of its own. Given the two truths that gravel falls when it’s unsupported and a lantern can not be placed without a roof as support, then answer me this:

Does the gravel hold up the lantern or the lantern hold up the gravel? Really, I’ve got no clue either way. Number 14. Now waterlogged stairs are a surprisingly helpful addition to Minecraft, because as you’d expect, the stair allows water to pour out one way, yet the next step will prevent water

From leaking out the back. Though, if that’s the case, then this cobblestone generator doesn’t make much sense. Since flowing water is required to make cobblestone post generation, how does the cobblestone format the back when it should be sealed by the step? But, go figure, it still converts the lava just the same.

Number 15. Turtle eggs are perhaps the most fragile thing in Minecraft. Truly, just about anything can trample these, whether that’s us, baby zombies, or even bees. Yeah, that’s right, bees. Now I get these bees are pretty chubby by most standards, but I thought their wings would make them a little lighter

On their feet. But apparently, according to Mojang, mixing your honey and scute farms together, isn’t going to happen anytime soon, which when you say that out loud, that part makes sense. Number 16. Insta-mining is one of the simple joys of Minecraft, which is why it can be frustrating when something breaks your stride.

And while plenty of things can do that, nothing bugs me more than cobblestone. As it is, cobblestone takes longer to break than normal stone. And maybe it’s just me, but it seems odd that a block that’s clearly already broken and smashed up takes longer to break than a solid like regular stone.

Unless Steve adds some concrete or paste to cobblestone after mining it, I think it just doesn’t make sense. Number 17. Blast resistance is a funny thing. And for an example, let’s compare an iron block and an iron chain. Now clearly both are made of iron,

But the block costs over seven times the iron ingots that we need to make a chain link, which might have you to believe that the block should be stronger than the chain. But as you can see, that just isn’t so. With both having a blast resistance of six.

So if you’re looking for a solid iron wall around your base, maybe opt for the chain link fence instead. Number 18. Gold tools might get the least amount of playtime in a Minecraft world. After all, without a gold farm, these things are pretty expensive to craft.

And when you do, you barely get any durability anyway, But this might be its single biggest embarrassment. As you can see, every tool in Minecraft can break its respective material. Wood breaks wood, iron breaks iron, netherite breaks netherite, except for the gold one.

And folks, you know it’s bad when even the gold ore is unimpressed with gold’s performance. Number 19. By having skeletons and zombies burn in the daylight, Mojang found an ingenious way to encourage players to explore during the day. But while that mechanic is a solid piece of game design,

It does have a few odd quirks as well, such as how all of these blocks can’t stop a skeleton from burning but the cobweb does. Now I get it, things like a chest are a transparent block, and they’re coded as such. But a cobweb, that just doesn’t make any sense.

And if you ask me, if it let’s light get through, then it should still apply to the sunrays as well. Number 20. Iron Golems can be a decent bit of help if you need it, and at the very least, they’ll work the graveyard shift at your local village.

So just round up the iron, set it up like this, and the job will be done, or maybe not. You see if the pumpkin isn’t placed last, the golem will not spawn even when it’s in proper formation. And in fairness, this is likely a holdover from the older versions where you couldn’t

Even place a pumpkin unsupported. So as such, the code never accounted for the possibility. Number 21. Of course, TNT explosions can pack quite the punch. That is until you put these underwater, and then that demolition dream fizzles out. But apparently, since Minecraft turns primed TNT into an entity instead of a block,

We’re able to put other things like sand into that same hit box. And by doing that, the TNT will explode just the same, even if it’s at the bottom of the ocean. It’s absolutely a weird feature, but if you want to get rid of ocean ruins,

This lack of logic might be your best solution. Number 22. Now it’s common sense that if you’re on fire, water’s the cure-all solution. I mean, even cauldrons uphold that fact, they aren’t exactly for consistency. But if we all know that to be true, then I ask, how in the world does this work?

As it happens, if you’re on fire in a boat, you’re able to submerge yourself in water and still burn the same. Stranger still is that you’re still here drown in that very water, even if it doesn’t put you out. And folks, that’s the definition of a lose-lose situation. Number 23.

Anvils should be one of the strongest blocks in the game. I mean, with a crafting recipe that almost requires a half stack of ingots, you’d definitely hope this investment could hold up. But apparently, even the smallest flower in the game can still break a block like this.

As shown, you could drop an anvil on just about any decoration block in the game, it’ll break upon landing. And then, just as you start to understand that logic, it still manages to break this dead bush, making the whole thing even more ridiculous. Number 24.

Beacons are a high value block, so it’s understandable that you’d want to be careful around them. However, if you’ve been breaking this with a pickaxe, then apparently that’s overkill. If you just use your fist, that’s enough to do the trick. However, that logic seems flawed considering that none of the blocks

Needed to craft the thing can be obtained with your fist. So whether the glass shell made you reach for silk touch or the obsidian had you thinking of a diamond pickaxe, none of those are necessary here. And it’s confusing, but I’ll take that easier option. Number 25.

Trapdoors and ladders go hand in hand, so much so that whenever you put a ladder in your basement, it’s almost a guarantee that you have a trap door on the next floor to seal it off. Though, strangely enough, they might have more common than you think.

See, because we’re able to climb a trap door like so when it’s above a ladder, that means if you make a pattern like this, you’re fully capable to climb up multiple trapdoors in a row. But obviously you can’t climb iron trap doors by themselves so the whole thing it gets confusing. Number 26.

Fences are a staple in a Minecraft build, so we’re all pretty familiar with their limitations. That said, it makes sense that not us, nor any other mob can jump over the fence block. I mean, it would make a pretty lousy wall if it could.

Well, you can’t jump over a fence or a wall by itself, if you add a carpet on top, making the whole thing taller, then you can clear the jump. Don’t get me wrong, I like using these wall and carpet combos in my builds, but do I understand them? Not so much. Number 27.

Breeding animals in Minecraft is a fairly simple concept. And thankfully so. But the strangest bit about the parrots and the bats in the game might just be how fluid the mechanic is. As it’s laid out, even if you have a wall separating the two mobs, you can still feed both of them

And cause a baby to be born. And while I’ve got no interest in diving into the many questions that raises, I guess it does prove the old adage true huh? True love truly know no bounds. Number 28. Beds in the End are safety hazard to say the least,

But that’s not news to anyone. And in fact, it’s the reason why we use these to take down the dragon in the first place. But what we all see as weapons, villagers see as any regular bed. As it turns out, if you have a bed in the End,

Or the Nether for that matter, then a villager will still find a way to sleep in it. Why this happens, who knows, but granted they can’t respond, so I guess that balances it out. Number 29. Farmland has some weird restrictions that dirt doesn’t. Mainly, it’s not a full block,

So we’re not able to place decorations on the side. This is the reason why torches and ladders don’t go on the side of farmland. Which is a weird limitation, especially for the torches, but I guess it’s understandable. Though, while those don’t work, for some reason signs do?

And honestly, putting a torch on the side of your farm land seems a lot less crazy to me. But if you really want it, just type torch on the side of the sign, and there, that’s the closest you’re going to get. Number 30. Water has a long time ban for the Nether dimension,

But like any rule, there’s a way to break it. Because sure, while the water evaporates when you pour it on the floor, then obviously getting out a hot metal cauldron does the job instead. And jokes aside, that logic is truly difficult to wrap my head around.

But if it allows us a few seconds of reprieve during a Blaze fight, I’ll gladly take this option, even if it doesn’t abide by the laws of thermodynamics. Number 31. The clouds are an odd remnant of Minecraft’s code. I’d even wager that most of us have turned them off

By this point, since they just tend to get in the way of things. But before you turn them off for good, maybe check this first. You see if we’ve positioned ourselves right above the cloud coverage during a storm, you’ll notice how it even rains and snows above these clouds.

So if you got yourself an Elytra and you want to see it rain above the cumulonimbus, it is a cool view, albeit completely nonsensical. And with that folks, confuse that sub button below, and have a good one, all right.

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic Makes No Sense!’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2021-06-21 15:33:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

Minecraft Logic Makes No Sense!