Minecraft Longplay LIVE (With Commentary) | Windmill Build and Exploration!

Video Information

Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign foreign Foreign hello hello everybody how’s it going hey what’s up what’s up how’s everybody doing today yeah let’s get down to business we have so much stuff to do today and I’m so excited to be back in this world it’s gonna be fun we’re gonna do the windmill

Today like I promised last stream but today we’re gonna work on it how’s everybody doing today I keep forgetting that it’s Friday for some reason when I’m like planning my week out I’m like yes I’m streaming on Thursday but it ends up being Friday I’m

Like Oh my weeks are a little bit thrown off right now oh how’s Ruth Ruth is doing absolutely great right now she’s actually sleeping in a laundry basket full of clean laundry and she like kind of knows that she shouldn’t really be doing that because well it’s clean

Laundry and her hair is gonna get everywhere but how can I say no she’s already like settled in she was like so sleepy she just like looked up at me and gave me the sleepiest cutest eyes and I was like okay I can’t move you I can’t move you

Welcome in everybody it’s so nice to see you all so many familiar faces so many new people as well it’s awesome I saw some people saying that this is the first time in one of my live streams welcome in how is everybody doing yeah it’s Friday

Friday classic song Ozzy a song for the ages I’m just very excited to Vibe out with all of you guys today and just kind of like work on a build we’re kind of gonna work on the Farmland around here I think we’re gonna build the windmill on top of

This hill there’s quite a few things that we kind of need to gather while we do that though so we’ll get all of the resources first so we’re all set to go and then throwing the build up shouldn’t take too long I don’t think so and it’ll look really cute it’ll it’ll

Really solid solidify this area oh bunny I hope you’re feeling better hope you get better soon your kitty does the same thing yeah it’s just like it’s like oh no I might have to re-wash all these clothes but how do you say no it’s just so sweet and I like

I like to believe that Ruth likes to sleep in there one obviously because it’s comfy but two like she likes the smell of our clothing so I’m like I can’t say no to that that’s so sweet yo welcome in Sam how’s it going um yo Matt what’s going on shout out to

Matt another amazing content creator Pro Builder I saw your last uh I haven’t watched the video yet but I saw the thumbnail for your let’s play very very nice looking thumbnail and build when am I gonna be doing a new series I’m I have something in the works with

Some people I can’t really talk about it yet because it’s a secret big secrets and then I’m gonna give that a little bit of time and then I’d like to work on another series uh kind of like a solo let’s play again what are my three favorite colors I

Would have to say I’m really into like orange green and blue I know the blue doesn’t necessarily fit in actually the blue fits into that color scheme because it’s like it’s kind of like a primary color you know but I would say those are my favorite

All right we’re gonna lay out a chest close by over here and kind of get our um items in order for what we need for this build so this is the general area that we’re going to be working with today it’s quite a bit of land I might

Have to terraform a little bit of this actually um because I want it resting a little bit further back so maybe we’ll start by placing some dirt there but for now we’re gonna get a chest down and I’m going to start collecting some of the random items that we’re going to

Need for it like I know I have a ton of leftover Spruce and stone and all that stuff so we might as well grab the resources that we already have and then collect everything that we need afterwards you know yo Alpine what’s going on good morning

To you as well I hope you’re having a wonderful day so far yeah I would say that blue fits in very well with most colors it I find that colors like it kind of just depends on like the tone of them like if they’re really saturated or a little bit more like desaturated

I’m more I’m I’m more into like desaturated colors I would say kind of like pastel oh we got more rain It’s a Wonderful rainy day in this long play world I feel like we need to give this like another name other than Long play world because that’s why I’ve just been calling it

So far but like I want to give it like a cute little world name you know you know what I mean you think blue is a universal color since it’s the color of the sky yes that’s actually a very good point I think so too

Yo JC burden thank you so much for that five dollar donation I really really appreciate it can I get some swag in chat for JC swag swag swag swag swag thank you so much really appreciate that donation your content is so good and I love watching your previous live streams

While studying thanks so much oh thank you so much always makes me happy to hear swag all right let’s um gather some of the stuff that we’re gonna need for this trying to think boom boom boom okay I need a lot of spruce we’re gonna go off into the other area

As well to get some of the stuff over uh by our house Spud World honestly I’m like do I continue the potato Madness over into this as well it’s tempting uh it’s hot over where you are and hearing the rain just makes you feel better well I’m glad it’s like it’s like

Kind of like a placebo effect where it’s making you feel a little bit better anything to escape the heat I feel that I feel that yo Shadow what’s going on how is it going Relaxation Station world you like my streams and my voice is very calming oh thank you so much Shadow and

Also big shout out to Shadow Mac another amazing content creator thanks so much for hanging out I really appreciate it all right let’s gather up so I have like a little Post-It note on my desktop monitor because I I need to like remember all these things and Post-its

Are like my key to remembering everything so I’m gonna need a ton of stone which I’ve got a little bit here we’re probably gonna have to smelt some more Cobble or something like that um I’m gonna need some Moss actually we’re gonna need a ton of sandstone so

Thank gosh we have all of that Spruce we’ve got that jungle wood I don’t remember where I put that I’m gonna have to figure that out all right we need this stuff too I’m gonna be turning a lot of the regular Stone into the stone bricks um

Sorry I’m just taking a sip of water you know how it is hydration life you know if Spruce Wood didn’t exist what would you build with instead that’s a very good question and I actually don’t necessarily know if I have an answer to that because Spruce is like

The foundation to all of my builds I feel like I would maybe I would just build with like um like the dark oak but like stripped more because it’s kind of close to it for like moodier builds but maybe maybe like unstripped Oak as well all right it’s not bedtime yet I thought

It was I got a little bit too eager all right so let’s start kind of like dumping this stuff off on the other side okay here’s our jungle wood that we need this is perfect we’re gonna need a little bit of this Cactus as well for dye um

I had a question for chat oh yes my question is what was it again what how do you make orange dye I forget I forgot to look it up before I dove into this uh into the Stream yo Lord what’s going on how’s my day my day is going great how is yours

Had a lovely morning where I just like kind of woke up chilled out for a bit drank coffee while I was kind of getting stream stuff ready together and yeah it was just like a nice peaceful morning Spruce is the foundation to life exactly oh a flower field would be very nice we

Still have yet to find Lily of the Valley too which I’m really sad about okay it’s orange tulips we’re gonna have to go on the hunt for those two we’re really gonna need those or I can combine red and yellow together okay cool uh what texture pack makes my grass

Green it would be um is it what’s it called why is my mind blaking I use it every single day I was gonna say OBS but that’s the recording software that I’m using OptiFine that’s it that’s it it’s OptiFine so optivine will give you like connected textures where the grass and stuff also

Will uh or the glass will also connect too so you don’t have those like weird borders around each pane it’s very nice very very nice I highly recommend it I know a lot of people are on to fabric but I’ve stuck with OptiFine uh uh Although it’s expensive I would love to explore some builds incorporating concrete yes I agree I agree I would love to use a little bit of concrete in my builds but it is very expensive I’ve kind of like grown to use it for detailing recently because like a lot of

My friends like blocky and stuff have shown me that like it’s really good for gradients but it is very very expensive to build with yo Calvin what’s going on Welcome to the stream how are you doing all right let’s grab some more leaves so we’re gonna need some dye thank gosh

We have beetroot because we can make a ton of red dye out of that uh we’re gonna need some yellow flowers for sure because I do need yellow terracotta as well so we’re gonna have to do that and I’m also gonna need some hay bales for the roof

Of the build I kind of like using those now it adds like a little pop of texture you know what I mean so we’re gonna have to start on that I’m not sure how much of everything we need but I’m going to be safe and get a

Little bit more Cobble and a little bit more Spruce because I always need a lot of that I think we’re good with the Sandstone though I’m pretty sure because that’s quite a bit I might have to burn a little bit more though just for the smooth sandstone

So let’s kind of get that going as well I should probably pop a furnace out here somewhere leaves we’re gonna need cactus green dye I’m gonna need more Cactus I should probably set up a cactus farm chat there’s a lot that I need to do right now there is a lot

Yo continental drift what’s going on and rubal hey how’s it going so many people in chat today so many uh familiar faces as well all right we’re gonna have to go on the hunt for flowers and by hunt I mean they’re literally all right here this is actually so ideal excellent

So let’s grab all of these really quickly and it’s becoming nighttime and I kind of forgot we’re in a survival world because I was filming a Long play yesterday so I was like running around at night being like this is great but now I’m back to reality here

And I realize not everything is sunshine and roses oh I should make a water mill that would I’ve always kind of wanted to make one because I feel like the um water wheel would be like a huge challenge for me which would be really nice all right we’re just gonna run around

And grab a couple more of these flowers just to be safe so let’s grab all of these there’s so many yellow flowers around here I don’t remember did I end up finding my lily of the valley the other day that I’ve been so longing for

Or am I still kind of searching for that I think if anything when we were searching for the jungle I may have found like just one or something like that all right while we’re at it let’s grab a bunch of stone up here as well I forgot I got this sweet op pickaxe

Not exactly the one I wanted but at least we have a little bit more efficiency when doing this stuff now and hopefully by the end of the stream we’ll hit Level 30 again and maybe we can um maybe we can enchant a pickaxe and try to get that sweet sweet Fortune so we

Can gather all those diamonds that we found if you were here for the last stream basically what we did was we went caving really quickly and we ended up finding a ton of diamonds like just a wild amount however I didn’t really grab them just because I wanted to grab them with

Fortune so we end up with more so they’re kind of just sitting there waiting for us and it’s like I’m very eager to get those but I think the best thing to do is just to play it safe you know and just wait until we can grab them and get more fruit

I got three lily of the valley okay thank you empty Pockets thank you I’m so happy that we finally found that three is not a lot but it’s okay I’m pretty sure we can bone meal it right and get more would I rather be faced with a hundred

Chicken size Enderman or ten Enderman size killer chickens that’s a tough question I feel like the baby Enderman would kind of be funny to the point where I’d be like I’m not really afraid of you anymore you know what I mean and I feel like they do a

Little bit less damage as well so I think that’s my choice because the giant chicken even if it was like coming after me I wouldn’t want to I wouldn’t want to hurt it because I’d be like you’re so cute you know is there any way we can work this out together

So that would be my choice what’s everybody’s choice for that question the end of the last stream was a bit of a tragedy what happened at the end of last stream again I remember we got Ruth which was amazing but it took like five hours it felt like so long

Oh I can’t bone meal at Leo the valley oh that’s tragic foreign I hear a skeleton I just don’t see it all right let’s grab all these flowers there’s some more up here too we might as well grab them all even if I grab too many it’s better than too little so

We’re not constantly like running back and forth also how much Cobble do I have oh two stacks this efficiency pickaxe is just making my life so much easier now so happy we got the enchanting started last stream that was a very very good call we’re making progress folks we’re making progress

Oh it was the enchantment fail yes I remember because we were all so persistent and like we were like let’s just keep trying let’s keep trying we’re gonna get fortune and it was just such it was a tragedy tragedy you were right yeah we’re gonna need a villager trading haul quite soon

It’s a good thing that we have a village close by to be honest oh speaking of villager trading Hall I don’t want to grab this without Fortune either so I’m just gonna Mark that there whoa what’s this so cool I want to grab some of that iron and stuff

Here We Go Again classic drift getting distracted whoa okay there’s like a little I’m sure this cave connects to all of the other caves that we’ve kind of explored but you know I’ve got to take a look quick little look grab all this coal coal is one of those things where I see

It and I need it like I can’t like I can’t not collect it but also the worst part about best and worst part about coal is that the veins are so like big it’s just like endless sometimes what do you think Mojang should add in

The nest next update a lot of people are asking for an inventory update which I could see the need for it because there’s so many items I would oh I see you uh-oh I’m kind of cornered here okay okay oh there’s a lot going on okay I

Kind of put myself into a tricky situation here we’ll get it though we’ll do this bye bye I would love to see I think I talk about this in many of the streams I mentioned before but I would personally love to see like um kind of like a wildlife update

Whereas just like adding a little bit more Ambiance to like that scared me okay sorry as I was saying adding like a little bit more like Ambiance to the regular forest and like all of the forests that are already in place I would just love to see like birds

Flying around or different types of like flowers just stuff like that I would be interested to see what they would come up with to make like the like OG biomes a little bit more interesting in some ways and sound effects as well I would love to hear like even like wind

Or like the water sounding a little bit different just things like that ouch yo block what’s going on welcome in friend how you doing creepers really are the worst but they’re also like low-key cute too so I don’t know I’m conflicted here whoops yo rofo what’s going on welcome in how you doing

Deep sleep Emerald I’m not sure have I even seen that is that I feel like it’s like that would be super super rare to find kind of in the way that finding like regular stone like diamond in stone now is pretty rare right I’m so tempted to go down here just to

See what it looks like as always all right there’s a lot going on here and I I have a windmill to build I’m I’m busy today I’m busy I can’t keep doing this all right let’s make our way back up we’ll make our way back up we’ll go back

And we’ll start burning all of this Cobble and make some of our terracotta that we need that was the one thing that we didn’t manage to find the other day we found so many good biomes like the jungle we got a huge Mangrove near us but we haven’t found the Mesa yet

Which is kind of unfortunate because honestly like I love terracotta it’s one of my favorite blocks to build with recently but well we’ll make it the the hard way we’ll just use clay does that ever happen for a generation of emeralds given the ranges I’m not

Sure it does because I feel like Emerald it generates high above right it doesn’t really go too far below all right grab a crafting table and we’ll make a classic station here for us to work I think I’ll do two furnaces at once and then

All right we got lots of coal which is great oops I’m just gonna split this up and I’m just gonna start burning all of this Cobble because we’re definitely gonna need that so we’ve got all of our flowers let’s just turn this all into yellow dye same

With this this can go into red dye and you all said I could combine this for orange oh oh this is awesome excellent I am very excited about that all right we’re gonna need quite a bit of dye I think or maybe because usually you surround the

Terracotta in the die and then it creates like a bunch of dyed terracotta right I’m pretty sure thank you terracotta is amazing you love clay mud base builds too I really need to build with mud I haven’t yet because I heard it’s like a little bit tricky to make

Just because it’s like a lot of um wheat and stuff like that sorry my throat every time every time I start streaming it’s like without fail what got me into Minecraft oh that’s a good question I like that um I started playing it back in college with my friend she actually like

Randomly got me into the game and I was a little bit unsure about it at first if I’m honest because I was like it was like a pretty steep learning curve for me I don’t know if everybody else kind of like felt the same but I find that

When I first started like I was a little bit lost on what to do and especially in terms of building like it was very difficult for me to comprehend why I would be using stairs for a roof because of their stairs I was like why

Why would I do that that makes no sense but then slowly but surely it’s like I kept playing it because it was away for me and my friend to hang out and I became like really into it it was super fun and then it was just kind of one of

Those games it’s like you get busy with it you forget about it but I always found myself kind of going back to it like every couple months and starting a world like exploring and figuring things out and then like leaving again foreign I find that like the multiplayer aspect

Like in the beginning was very confusing to set up but once like me and my friend figured it out like it was like it was just so fun this game is so much fun with friends I find okay we’ll put this here my chests are just like a mess does anybody else have

Chests like this oh wax what’s going on how you doing big big shout out to wax another fellow long player just like the chillest of Vibes totally awesome videos go check out wax if you haven’t how are you doing bud I hope your day’s going super well

Wax fraud the Swag Lord like honestly totally I hope you’re having a great great Friday you started Minecraft in about 2010 but you stopped playing as a teenager so you experience the same learning curve yeah exactly the updates too because you stopped playing for a while and then you

Get back and you’re like what is all of this stuff because I remember playing early on when it was like pretty um basic for the most part and coming back and being like why does this game look different now like what is half of this stuff

So you had to like relearn the game in some ways because there were some pretty big changes in the beginning I’d imagine right from what I remember like I don’t remember exactly when I started playing I think like not too long after the release of it but

It was a it was a good time I know when chanting existed so I don’t know was that there from the beginning though I don’t remember he started when you’re eight and now you’re 18. that’s wild that you like grew up with the game I love that that’s really cool

Let’s get rid of all this Tall Grass I forgot my bucket to clear this off easier that’s okay collect some seeds while we’re at it we’re gonna have to replant some of this stuff we’re gonna need lots of uh hay like I said today for the roofs as well so

We’re just gonna widen out on this a little bit just to give ourselves some more space for the windmill I think it’s gonna look really cool on top of this hill what’s your favorite update oh my favorite update was definitely 118 like that completely changed the game for me

I find I just find like the like they did such an amazing job on like the new terrain generation it was just so so incredible and it just like it almost felt like a new game going into it like you had to kind of like relearn strategies on how to approach caves and

Stuff like that and even like traversing mountains is just yeah I love it so much and I find it just like even makes like builds more interesting like having like a beautiful mountainscape in the back and stuff like that oh thank you so much bread spark you

Love my Long play building you just joined the Discord whoo yeah welcome into the Discord too also I forgot to mention for anybody that’s new here me and blockdown have um a Minecraft Community called the kickback club we have a Discord you’re more than welcome to join we just kind

Of chill out Vibe uh we’re in the works of building a server as well and all the details on the server will be in that Discord as well but it’s mostly just like a build focused Minecraft Discord where we all just kind of hang out and share our builds and our

Work in progress all of that stuff so definitely definitely join if you’re interested in that we would love to have you there yo SN welcome in how’s it going stairs on the roof meta goes hard could feel like everybody knows about this story now like it’s like a Tale As Old As Time

I don’t know why that just like really bothered me so much when I first started playing I feel like because I came from like playing things like The Sims where it’s like you want to build a roof well you use like the roof function to build

One like why am I using stairs this makes no sense oh geez once I got past that though I started having a lot of fun with it your friend was the one who taught you how to play back in 2011. he stopped playing recently and came back to it and

Now you’re teaching him oh that’s so sweet honestly a lot has changed since then where it’s like you literally if you step away from this game it’s like crazy how you do have to like kind of relearn things because so much has changed foreign this should be a decent amount of space

I think we’ll just close this off really quickly might as well use the remaining dirt that we have and then I think we can kind of start laying out the footprint so we’ll just keep going along like this look at this this is looking great perfect ah we’re done awesome

Yo Carrie with the 70 donation oh my gosh Carrie can I please get some Mega swags and chat for Carrie it’s so nice to see you thank you so much for popping in Carrie oh you’re working today you’ll catch a stream when you get home hope

Yours and chat’s day is amazing as you all are as amazing as you are thank you so much Carrie I hope you’re having a fantastic day as well and I hope work goes okay thank you so so much let’s get some Mega swags in chat thank you thank you thank you

Swag times infinity yes yes hope you’re doing great Carrie all right let’s grab oh I did not mean to do that sad let’s grab some of this stuff put it away and what do we need next I think we need like a little bit more red dye um

I’ll have to replant some of this beetroot the wheat as well these wheat fields and stuff currently look like a disaster but you know what once they’re all filled in and fixed up even though they’re like really messy they’ll look really good I need to definitely start like putting stone walls around

Them as well but at least they’re serving a purpose they’re giving us all the things that we need so um let’s plant some beetroot seeds so we can get more we’re gonna need lots of red dye today I’m gonna go pick a couple more flowers

Just to be safe and I think I’m gonna go chop down a couple of those Spruce trees as well and we should be good then we’ll just start building everything up and it’s gonna look really cool all right let’s throw this in the bone meal machine

Keep that aside ax do I have an ax do I not have an ax that’s very strange hmm it’s probably in my inventory I probably just can’t see it because that happens a lot we’ll make a new one anyway because we gotta go choppy choppy yo nugget what’s going on welcome in how

You doing 118 is a close second For You Pockets yeah foreign You just popped in what are we planning to do today we are going to be building a windmill in our Wheat Field I’m very very excited to get this thing up because I think it’s going to make that whole area look a little bit more complete oh no I need a bed

We should also probably start Gathering some sheep because we just we just need wool all the time for so many things you just started playing The Sims again and you love it and you watch a little simzy is so good hi Ruth hello you are adorable oh so cute

Every time I say Ruth’s name she’s probably like in the laundry basket IRL right now being like what do you want from me why do you keep saying my name you’ve only seen older version Oh videos of the older version of the game I’d love to go back and revisit it because I

Know I’ve seen some build challenges that people like smallish beans do where they go back and they do a build in every single update and there’s like some things that obviously you can’t do like some types of like blocks or like slabs and stuff are missing and it’s just so fun to watch

Foreign stardew Valley on the switch while watching the stream oh that is the ultimate Vibe love stardy so much I need to pop back onto that game I have a world I think I’m currently in year One Summer no fall fall it just reached fall most fun game ever honestly so so cozy

All right let’s grab ourselves a ton of spruce here and then we should be good oh we also need a ton of clay also don’t don’t let me forget that chat if I start walking towards our um little station over there and I don’t have Clay please shout at me you have permission

Build swap is that the is that the thing that I’m talking about rofo is that like the update thing because I know there’s like also like different types of build well there’s also like the one chunk challenge as well too that they do I love those types

Of challenges they’re so fun to watch oh Carrie with the 28 donation oh my gosh thank you so much Carrie really really really appreciate that can I get some swags and chat for Carrie last one as it’s time to start my shift have a wonderful day oh thank you so much

Carrie and I hope you have a really wonderful day as well very very swag blocky you keep keep teasing so many things with Camp cozy but for real it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a big Vibe I’m very excited for it we have like a lot of really amazing people working on it

And putting it together and it’s just like just so excited to share it with you all did as you say Camp cozy as a philosophy honestly of is kind of is how do I get the inspiration for YouTuber building I really really recommend Pinterest um there’s a lot of really great

Reference photos of illustrations that are like kind of fantasy based even real life uh inspiration as well uh there’s also like miniature houses that are really cool to kind of look at I find Pinterest has everything for me I know there’s like a couple of other websites

That people use but that’s the one that’s like most easy for me to kind of organize and a lot of it is just kind of like going through there looking for inspiration in terms of structure but even like build palettes and stuff like that and yeah and also honestly playing with others as

Well because I’ve learned a lot so much from my friends like a lot just like hanging out and building with like blocky rofo just everybody I’ve just like learned so much so many like little like tips and tricks you know ah yo Evan what’s going on how you doing

All right this should be enough Spruce we got a couple couple stacks a couple stacks to go oh I saw a little Enderman dust I don’t know why I called it dust but that feels very accurate I just had the thought I was like what do you think Enderman smell like I don’t

Know why I thought that but I also I I feel like they smell like rubber I don’t know why I don’t know if that’s a weird thing to say but like or like Silly Putty Robo teaches you what not to do yeah look at rofo when you do the opposite

No we’re just kidding we’re just kidding we always have to lightly bully each other just very so lightly Oh sulfur yeah that’s a good one potato yeah they smell like that smell you get in your photocopiers that’s very specific but I also I agree I could agree with that that’s a good one oh no stop stealing blocks stop it don’t do that to me I want one more sapling you’re scaring

Me what you gonna do ah oh no no no no I kind of deserved that honestly oh I don’t know why I did that I just I just felt I felt like I had to something came over me that was not my smartest move all right that should be good

Did I get a pearl from that no I didn’t that’s kind of disappointing oh well that was fun while it lasted they smell like metal and dirt I like all of these answers they’re all like vastly different and I but I don’t know if I can agree upon any of them because

I could kind of see it being all of them foreign Ty exactly this is my let’s play world and I’m gonna take control of it you’re not gonna bully me today oh yeah yeah clay clay clay that’s what we needed I was like oh flowers which

Led me to think oh no I need to get a bunch of clay now hopefully there’s some around here do do actually we could just go detour time we’re going we’re going somewhere quickly we’re going to the Lush caves is it really a drift stream without like

Some random DeTour for whatever reason I come up with I just feel like grabbing clay from there is gonna be the best bet so I think we should just go do it all right let’s put all this stuff away so we have it Um this can go over here

Love my bad Inventory management actually this one’s all bad this looks kind of clean today you know okay let’s make some more red dye and let’s just throw it in here for a bit and we’ll just put all this stuff away too all right let’s go over to

Let’s go over to the Lush caves really quickly yo aspect what’s going on Welcome to the stream yeah Lush caves are the best bet we’ll just just grab a ton of stuff oh you found my channel through wax that’s so nice wax is just just the best human

You wonder what the end smells like I think like I was gonna say stale but like that could mean anything and I don’t think that’s accurate either oh you like my 117 series thank you I had so much fun making that that was like my first ever talking let’s play

And it was like I learned a lot from it it was super super fun yeah it’s like a classic drift side quest we’re gonna go to a lush cave we’re gonna get into like some sticky situations and it’s gonna be fun but also maybe I should grab my bed too

Because remember the last time we were at the Lush cave and I didn’t have a bed and I had to pillar up and it was really scary so let’s grab that first boat let’s go plus I kind of just love going down this River you know it’s super fun

What about the Skyrim let’s play stop no stop bringing that up also it’s like I could easily just unlist it but I’m not going to I’ll take pride in my uh three episode Skyrim let’s play that I tried out I should I should redo that it would be

Fun or at least do a Skyrim stream Skyrim is such a good nostalgic game for me and it’s like super comforting and cozy I feel like it would be fun to revisit on stream you bet the air in the end is cold crisp and kind of smells like incense that is

A very very good explanation and I can get behind that especially like the really cool crisp air like it’s not like freezing but it’s like it definitely makes like the hair on your arm stick up you know yo Lumberjack what’s going on how’s it going is this Java yes we’re playing in Java

Yeah Skyrim stream would be super fun if I had VR I would try that out but I do not have VR although it’s something I do want to I would love to try yeah the unwelcoming sort of cold is the best way to describe it I think

Like it’s just got like kind of like bad spooky ominous Vibes you know azalea leaves all right where is that pillar that I there it is ah I was I was like I made such an obvious pillar yeah I can’t find it anytime all right let’s go on down and get our

Clay I forgot a water bucket uh oh I think this is the cave or is this the cave that I found all of the diamond in it might be hmm we’ll see there’s gotta be Lush cave around though because it’s all attached so I just need to find it

Oh the fruit tastes like something tingly a little bit spicy yes yes I definitely agree with that I love hypothesizing on how the world of Minecraft smells it’s like a very interesting thing to think about it’s like I play this game every single day there’s so many like

Sights to see but like you can’t feel the textures and you can’t and you don’t know what it smells like all right so we have all our diamonds here we’re just gonna look at them we’ll come back for you one day buddy we’ll come back for you

All right we need Lush cave now though hmm it’s got to be attached here somewhere right maybe I just went too far down I might have to go into one of the other openings let’s see yeah this looks very like deep slatey I don’t know if we’re gonna have like much

Luck we might have to go back up into one of the other openings that we found glow lichen really does uh trick the eye honestly I keep thinking I see tons of diamond everywhere but bye bye all right let’s head back up this is not the one that we were looking for

Yo Lou what’s going on how’s it going hope you’re having a wonderful day and thank you for hanging out yes this is the one that we’ve got to go back up no you don’t because if you hit me and I fall I could be a goner so oh I need to eat

You’ve been into a cave twice and it smells like wet don’t Stone and dirt yeah exactly it’s kind of like and the coolness of a cave is like weirdly refreshing too because it has like a little bit of humidity but it’s not like overwhelming it’s just like clammy it’s weird

You think Lush caves might have a permanent odor of rain watered Earth yes oh I was looking at chat classic that could have been bad that’s like drifts open mouth rude rude you’re just projecting you’re just projecting that’s all I can say Mangrove smells like water at theme

Parks that’s oddly specific but I can get behind that you all have like a very like good Knack at like being very descriptive about things oh oh I’m sorry I don’t know if I can do anything to help you here yeah that that might be a lost cause

There’s so many creepers here okay I’m leaving you there okay he’s okay he’s okay all right let’s go find the other Lush cave entrance happening this you there’s two oh geez oh geez go away worst worst mob ever worst mob ever last time you’re here you’re gonna you

Mentioned how you’re gonna prank uh your friends away that me and Matt did to block you did and it was successful and satisfying yes I’m so happy to hear that we love a good harmless prank like on foreign it’s because I’m sharing I’m just looking at chat too much I’m just like

I’m out here in the wilderness getting attacked by things surviving the Wild and I’m like but everybody’s talking and I want to see what everyone’s up to all right focus focus drifty you still haven’t forgiven me I know I know I know you I know you hold

That resentment at the back of your mind you never will I’m just waiting for you to prank me back okay let’s find a lush cave entrance because I see chat rolling and I get fomo and I’m like I have to look and I have to see what everybody’s talking

About because I want to talk too and then I fall into pits it’s great okay so this is kind of where we came from why am I having so much trouble finding like the Lush caves where I came from I think maybe they were like closer to that tiger area

I do need a new boat though because I gave my boat away yeah block has lost all trust with me he can never trust me again and honestly that’s fair that’s fair you think creepers are way worse than zombies I think so too like I think they’re adorable but I think you should

Watch out for them more because I mean literally it’s in their name they sneak up on you and then by the time you want to react it’s just like far too late and you’re done you’re done for all right okay here we go here we go it’s promising

Yes I see Lush cave I see Lush cave we’re good I’m gonna grab this while we’re at it because we can always use this like Mossy Cobble there we go let’s just swim over to this side so we can go down this lovely waterfall imagine baby creepers that run at Double

Speed please don’t give them any ideas I could I could not handle that that would be the end for me yeah I’m gonna I’m definitely gonna have to start marking some more stuff I agree because I like even like the little pillar it took me a while to find we’re

Gonna have to leave some like torches and stuff around starting to get turned around uh let’s grab some of this Granite while we’re here too and while we’re at it we’re probably going to need a little bit more Moss because I’m going to use a lot of it to

Make mossy brick as well make sure to get yourself an enchanted fish in this play through rofo if you I know I know you’re pranking me and I know I’m gullible but if you ever made a real Enchanted Fish Mod that for me please bought it listen

I know I’m being played now I know I’m the gullible one but I know I know it’s not a thing what would the enchanting fish Enchanted fish even have mendine mending efficiency what purpose what purpose stop fooling me now like now I’m like Am I Wrong is it an actual thing

Oh why am I so gullible oh no this glove squid you’re gonna meet your untimely demise I feel so bad for the squids they just like don’t stand a chance against themselves you know grab a little bit of moss but we can get like a stack of moss or something like that

All right what is oh I fell again I fell because I was looking at Chad again classic what is the enchantment on the fish then explain that’s right you can’t oh it’s just a bat that scared me okay it’s not that I didn’t believe in those like apples it’s just I didn’t

Know what they were I just had no idea but I have uncovered those before I found them in chests I just had no concept of like what it was I was like oh just like a shinier Golden Apple you know Yeah you can’t craft those apples anymore you can only um ah you can only find them now right I’ve had luck finding a bunch in chess before it’s just like oh but it would be nice to be able to craft them I suppose I just keep doing this to myself but you

Know what probably having a waterfall run down is ideal slowly climbing my way back up here we go Herobrine or whatever I remember reading about that classic but also if that like actually existed I think it would genuinely very much scare me I would not be able to handle it I would be very very scared my fpsr 30. I kind of like the look of 30 over 60. I

Know a lot of people play in 60 and some people prefer but like for me I find that 30 gives like a more like cinematic look if anything and I I kind of prefer that especially for the long plays I like it better All right I think we’re pretty much good let’s just head back up I think yeah how did I get down from here or back up from here ah all right I think we got more than enough stuff oh Cole I can’t say no to Coal every time I see like a coal vein

I’m like um yes very much yes Plus we’re gonna level up with this I say later on maybe what we should do also if we have time after the windmill build is kind of like get some more Levels by going into The Nether and just like mining a ton of um quartz and we can maybe try for another

Enchantment that would be very nice you agree 30’s just right yeah I I definitely prefer it it’s definitely more cinematic over like the video game kind of look it’s mostly just preference though like I don’t see anything wrong like I I enjoy watching people who play in 60 at 60 as well but

For me I personally just prefer this for sure an enchanted fish that gives the player luck of the sea that would be pretty cool if you enchant a fish and then you eat it and it gives you like a temporary like buff of some sort would be pretty neat

I need to make a new Spruce boat because I put that villager in there uh there we go all right and we are off we got lots of stuff you really loved the Lush caves they seem so calming and you want to set up a base in the giant Lush cave Lush cave

Bases are very very cozy I would 100 recommend doing that they are super calming I find And there’s like a lot of cool things you can do with like the Lush cave base like you could you could build into the walls or you could like build an entire like village of houses in there as well because it’s big enough there’s so many things you can do with them foreign

Gotta sleep oh yeah most movies are filmed at 24. hello oh it’s just a squid scared me I hate to like widen out this part of the river we’re surprisingly using this like river system a lot which I like should probably like build along it kind of that’s what I’m picturing like kind of expanding some stuff out towards this area I think like we were talking

Earlier about building like a Watermill of some sort I think this area would look really cool with that so we’ll definitely have that in mind this part of the forest feels like more like Enchanted fantasy Vibes whereas this feels like all of like our workstations and stuff are going to

Go like the Farmland we could have like a cute little Sawmill or something down here just stuff like that how would I feel about Minecraft adding cooking recipes into the game I think that would be super fun like having more uh food options I would I would enjoy it for sure

What do you all think of that like I like the idea that you can like craft like a cake and stuff like that so if there’s more options to do like cute little items like that it would definitely add to like the aesthetic for sure foreign what’s going on Welcome to the stream

How you doing oh yeah we got everything we need so we’re just gonna start cooking it up and we’ll go from there yeah we’re definitely gonna have to like terraform that Canal a bit to make it look a little bit nicer for sure you want pies to be a thing yeah oh yeah

There’s cookies I forgot about that how does one craft a cookie all right let’s start getting all of this clay sorted so I make it into yeah I make it into clay first if I had just put it in as the clay ball and made bricks accidentally I would have been

Devastated that would have been really bad okay so let’s get all this into clay balls or actual clay and then we’ll start smelting this and we should be good to go so a lot of this stuff what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna grab a stone cutter really

Quickly actually I can probably just craft one here so oops stone cutter what do I need oh do I not have that oh yeah I just don’t have that in my inventory classic all right so let’s just build another stone cutter here and we’ll pop it here

And we’re gonna need a ton of stone bricks we’re gonna leave like at least a stack of um the regular Stone just to kind of mix in for detailing purposes but let’s just turn most of it into this and I’m gonna need some Moss as well

And we’re going to turn at least a stack of it for now into Mossy stone bricks all right perfect oh yeah there’s a I keep forgetting that there’s a pumpkin pie I would love to see like a food update kind of in the way like stardew Valley

There’s so many food options and it’s just so satisfying to cook all of them I would love to see that for Minecraft that’s like something that’s like not super necessary but would be fun one day for like a cute little update you know but it’s not like totally high up on my

List for things I would like to see All right let’s get that going so we’ll go back and we’re gonna lay down our bed and we’re gonna start building everything because I think we’ve got everything that we need now I think we did a chat I think we did it sweet okay terracotta let’s go oh one last thing I

Need to do I need to make like a miniature cactus farm because I’m gonna need a little bit more green dye than this okay one more thing I’m so sorry let’s get that going I just want to have everything prepared so we’re not like waiting for it

Um towards the end of the build because if we’re waiting for cactus to grow and farm itself is just gonna be like waiting for paint to dry you know Yeah I would love to have more placeable Foods as well I think that’s what what’s missing like I love having like a random little cake on a table for like a bakery or just like makes your little kitchen look so much more warm and inviting I would definitely love to have more

Placeable items because like I find that I’m always using flower pots and like sea pickles and stuff like that and it just kind of gets overdone in some ways add cocoa beans we we do see that’s the thing we have the cocoa beans so if we could craft them into like making

Chocolate or something like that that would be awesome okay I just need to make a quick little cactus farm here um let’s do it right here how do I do this again oh yes I remember it’s gonna be like very not anything substantial we’ll build out like a real one

Eventually but for now let’s just like build one that will get the job done okay I’m gonna need a little bit of sand here I feel like having like two or three uh at the time at the same time should be enough so many zombies and skeletons what are you doing here

So let’s grab a little bit of sand and we’ll go back and we’ll make up a little bit of a farm okay so if I do okay let’s make this a little bit bigger I will thank myself later for this maybe we can do one two three four something like that

And then what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna place the water in the corner here oops and realistically it should just like kind of swim down and then capture all of the um the cactus and then put it in a hopper right here we do have an extra Hopper I

Can use for this actually which is great you’re so excited for the windmill I am very very excited to finally build this I really love the design that I came up with so I’m very stoked to share it all with you hey everybody Welcome in China you’re

New to the channel welcome in welcome in I hope you’re having a wonderful day fruit bowl would be really cool to have on the table that would be so awesome foreign they should add more structures to biomes like deserts than jungles yeah I would love to see like more random types

Of structures around for sure like some things that you could kind of just like stumble upon yeah we’re doing windmill today okay what was it that I needed again oh yeah my Hopper where’d it go there it is and we’re gonna need probably just one chest foreign

I can’t see us making like an abundance of cactus although the cactus farm is actually like surprisingly kind of efficient I’m just gonna light this area up so no catastrophes could happen either This is not my uh finest work but it’s okay it’ll do so let’s get a little chest in this little area right here oops chest goes here and then the hopper will go on top and hopefully everything will just like kind of fall into it oops

I don’t think I connected that to the chest let me try that again so like that and then do I have seeds I can drop in to see if it works yeah that’s perfect that is literally all we need so then what we’re gonna do here is

We got to get a little bit of fencing I place it this High I think yeah yeah so the fence gets placed on this block and then every time the cactus grows it’s gonna hit that fence and then pop off and into the hopper there we go

It might get stuck on some of these edges that happen sometimes but it’s pretty efficient so like it’s not a huge deal if we end up losing some all right let’s give it a shot Can I stack two on top of each other no I can’t

I place this on top of it okay I can just gonna see if that worked uh oh where’d the Terracotta go Did it break and get lost I’m so confused where’d that go oh well it’s okay it’s okay I’ll check back on it in a second and if it works that’s great if not I’ll have to reconfigure this sorry I was in major concentration mode so I missed out on chat

You’re gonna go clean your bunny’s cage all right see you later brick thank you so much for hanging out will I make a redstone Farm sometime we’re definitely gonna have to get it into some Redstone territory eventually it’s gonna be a struggle because I’m not great with redstone but we definitely

Will we’ll get into that stuff I feel like I know the very basics of it and like my Farms that like I’ve made myself aren’t very efficient but mumbo’s a huge inspiration to your Redstone builds yeah Mumbo is like incredible At Redstone Redstone builders in general just like

Blow my mind because it’s something I cannot like wrap my brain around I play Oh I place it because of the fence okay breaks on contact with the cactus all right should we just wait for it to grow this I did place it at the right height right I’m pretty sure

Pretty sure I did let’s break some trees around it just to make sure it got it gets enough sunlight you know oh it was deleted by the cactus okay okay because if things fall on Cactus they’ll literally like just break right ill mango is also such a great Redstone Creator same with Cayman

Mystic has so many great creators and honestly like they’ve taught me so much in terms of redstone because otherwise like I would be so lost foreign which is wild to me thank you all like honestly I can’t I quite literally could not have done any of this without you

All like the support on this channel is unreal I know that I say that a lot but I super super appreciate you all like coming to hang out and it’s just like just been so much fun times you know what I mean and I’m just so happy that I’ve started

Streams and like been able to get to know a lot of you more too it’s just been it’s just been wonderful I just wanted to say thanks ooh Mr Cat live streams I actually haven’t caught one of their live streams yet I would love to though

Yeah the redstones is very very good and they um their videos are so well structured in a way that it like makes a lot of sense for me when I’m like kind of like learning how to build something I’m like ah yes you explain this perfectly all right nothing yet grow grow

I feel like I’m just being impatient I think it’s right so maybe I’ll just leave it and let’s just get started on the windmill Okay so I’m just gonna build out a little bit more dirt here just to be safe foreign was one of the first Redstone builds you ever made I think I I think that’s a redstone Farm I referenced in my in mine as well and it worked out really really

Well like I got a bunch of honey and honeycomb from it what is the time now for me uh right now it is actually oh it’s almost 12 30. time is flying by today it always does when I stream though I look at the time

I’m like before I know it it’s been like four hours and I’m like oh yell at the cactus more honestly at this point yeah I’m just gonna stand by it and just be aggressive I’m just kidding Cactus I love you please grow anything yet nothing it’s okay

It’s okay it’ll happen before we know it all right let’s get started on this windmill yeah it’s like the same thing with saplings when you want them to grow I feel like they’re like no I refuse and you’re just like please I need you to grow as quickly as possible got enough terracotta

No no go away hello yes you’re here to make a trade with me do you have anything good oh light blue dye packed ice I don’t need any of this I don’t need it you’re just gonna get in my way again and you’re kind of annoying Uh chat uh I’ll be right back Sorry about that oh the watering wandering Trader’s gone that’s so weird oh that’s funny huh anyway windmill build time let’s do this let’s do this all right let’s get rid of this little dirt tower that we have yeah he just spawned I don’t understand I think the game just like kind of

Glitched out or something so weird he just left he just left yeah no wandering Traders were harmed in the making of this video none laughs so weird he just like kind of like he’s kind of rude he just randomly leaves sometimes I don’t think he likes me very much

No comment no comment all right let’s build up let’s build up this windmill now I feel like I’ve hyped this up so much what if the windmill just like doesn’t look good or like I’ve messed it up somehow like I’ve made like a grave mistake I hope I hope you all like it

We’ll see all right let’s start on this it’s been a long time coming we said we were gonna do this last stream here we are now the extreme windmill build all right so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna start with I think it’s like a five by five structure so one two

Three four five but I think what I’m gonna do is like have like a gap here so one two three four five is this too far back I’m gonna I’m gonna put it a little bit further forward this is like the one thing about building that always gets me is like

Perfectly positioning something I always find that like I change my mind a lot but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing so one two three four five one two three four five I just want to make sure that like if we’re approaching it we can like see it properly

Like if we’re coming down from here the path is going to be winding something like this you know what I mean and then I want to make sure that it’s not pushed too far back and then there’s like a lot of awkward space around it in the front like I do want to

Fill it with things but I don’t want it to be like too far back I think something like that is fair that leaves us like a nice like path all the way up like this and then it also leaves us room to put like little cute items like a wagon in

Front of it and stuff like that all right so I think that’s good enough for now one two three four five then one two three four five counting with drift this is my favorite part of the day two three four five so we got like a little five by five structure but

Really it’s more like a seven you’re just not placing the block right here and then we’re gonna go up by a couple blocks and I think what I’m gonna do here is also attach so one two three four five yeah and then one two three four five

So we’re gonna attach like a little piece right here as well it’s basically just gonna be like a bunch of like shapes like collapsing down where like it goes into like a smaller build right here so finally this one’s gonna be a five by three I think one two three four five yeah

Then one two three this little part of the build isn’t necessarily going to be functional like you can see it already it’s like not gonna look great on the inside but we can kind of just like fill this in or something like that it’s gonna be more aesthetic purposes than anything for the

Outside or what we can always do is maybe I can always like um you know what I want the roof to be kind of tiny here I was going to suggest that we can also like widen this out a bit but I think I want like a really

Shallow tiny roof so we’re just going to compromise by not really using this space here it’s going to be a little bit of like a dud room you know what I mean that’s the beauty of Minecraft we can change our minds and move things exactly that’s what I like about it it’s it’s

Kind of like a tedious process but I always find it’s the most fun you kind of just like figure things out and then take your time placing things and you’ll be happier for it at the end I think you love that Waddles has the Mob head

Mod he uh puts water heater head next to a stone cutter he’s just like me then just like detest the wandering Trader that’s so funny I love it that’s a great mod by the way too I’m starting to wonder if this is just not working because it’s not producing

Anything and I’m a little bit worried did I do this right I feel like I must have I’ll give it a little bit more time yo drifty what’s going on welcome in will Newton why be the window worker yes yes we have to bring Newton Y into this as well

We’re giving him a new start oops all right so with this piece right here what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go uh five high so one two three four five oof I also forgot so what I need to do is also mix in a little bit of regular Stone as well

I’m gonna start detailing that in a little bit too just a couple here and there I miss Newton why that was like the most tragic thing like genuinely I remember coming back up from that cave and just like realizing My Grave mistake of leaving that villager in a boat

Unattended while I was like still within the chunk border or whatever so he just he just got picked off by mobs clearly I wish I could have seen it I I feel like if I went back to that replay footage I would have been able to see it but I

Didn’t think to look at the time I don’t want to know what happened though it’s too tragic it’s still still too fresh in my mind poor Newt he didn’t deserve that his unsolved murder is still the biggest world one truly truly I feel like I should

I should have just gone back through the video evidence I had it in replay footage oh cracked Stone yo actually that’s a great idea I always forget about cracked Stone okay I’m gonna pop some regular Stone in in like a minute and then we’ll we’ll re-texture that towards the end foreign

Things don’t spawn here and we have a sticky situation on our hands do all right slowly but surely making our way up there we go that was kind of that was kind of sweet oh swag foreign I don’t know if that I’m kind of weary of this cactus farm for some reason I

Don’t know why it’s not really doing anything I’m a little bit disappointed I thought it was gonna work there we go just gotta fill these in too boom I always feel like I chat less when I’m in uh build mode because I’m just like concentrating so hard on it I’m like

Must figure this out must properly place blocks yeah that texturing looks okay so far but I think it actually would look better with cracked brick as well yo what’s going on just a little bit how’s it going welcome back put a little potty in that room okay

I’ll make like a little Outhouse sign on the front of it on like the inside though that’s definitely gonna be this is Newton’s why newton-wise living quarters after all so he has to have like all the amenities why aren’t you working what is happening um yeah I’m Aussie Cobble too is a good

One we’re probably gonna keep it within like the stone bricks though but okay so what I’m gonna do is 40 That’s that’s quite a bit maybe what I’ll do is I’ll do 30 to start with for crack Stone I think I’m already going to need a little bit more Cobble though

So let’s go grab a little bit more just so we’re safe all right but from the hill like um from coming up the hill you can kind of see already that this is gonna look pretty decent I like that I like that positioning it’s gonna frame this Farmland very nicely

And then we’ll kind of work on I think we should maybe change a lot of these paths once I get a better um a better shovel to like a bunch of stone and stuff like that I would prefer cobblestone in this area and then we can

Really go to town decorating it I think it would look really cute and this area needs like a lot of coarse dirt and stuff like that too I feel like it would be more cruel to keep the wandering triggers around like that rather than the the um the untimely despawns foreign

Oh this efficiency pick is so good I’m so happy I have this now what a treat what a treat this was such a good shout on doing the enchantment the other day because I think we’re I don’t know if I intended to do it then I asked you all I was like

Should I just get this done and you were like yes so thank you chat thank you for pushing me to get the enchantments done plus we’re almost at uh level 30 again so maybe we can try our luck with another one foreign swapping the fences for glass panes it’s smaller hitbox oh

Yo that’s smart okay I’m gonna try that out too I’m gonna try that instead because I found that yeah like sometimes the cactus just kind of flies Every Which Way that could be its issue actually maybe they’re not maybe they’re not spaced far enough foreign Newton y will forever live in our hearts

Even if Tony replaces drift as traveling BFF yeah that was like what was that that was rude that was I felt like extremely offended by that but I still love Tony you know like I think he was just kind of getting sick of me as a travel buddy and I

Understand that but at the same time like he could have just been honest with me you know we have another Tony In This World by the way I don’t remember if we name tagged him yet but there is a Tony close to home all right let’s try the glass panes

Really quickly as well because I think that could solve our issue because this is clearly not working uh do I have a shovel no I do not that’s okay I will just use my hands we only need a couple for glass planes anyway foreign a furnace

Because I’m like what could I be doing wrong with this I’ve built these so many times and they’re so simple I don’t understand what’s happening oh iron iron bars would work well too that’s a good suggestion as well thank you oh we got one we got one except I’m

Gonna still change it anyway because you might be right where it’s just like completely destroying it or something so let’s get this out quickly get some glass panes going and it should be okay oh you’re watching the stream while studying for exam I hope your uh

Studying is going well and good luck on that exam oh you’re cleaning the room to my stream it’s been fun that’s nice to hear I love having like streams on while I do chores and stuff as well it’s like ultimate comfort you know yeah I feel like we’ve got to name him

Tony the second I don’t know if we can actually name him like just Tony I feel like it’s got to be the second Tony Jr I I yeah I like Tony Jr that’s a good one should I try oops so should I try spreading out the cactus then because I can just make

More room right it fell let’s see okay we got two we got two I’m still gonna replace this anyway just in case so the way I’m gonna do this so I don’t like break a bunch of glass is I’m going to attach the glass to these parts you’ll see what I mean

Oh no I need to sleep oh no oh no let me go to bed really quickly I don’t want to risk it if that just gets blown up by a creeper I’m like I’ll be done I’ll be so sad you’re studying security so you can make a career change oh that’s very exciting

Well I really really wish you luck you’re you’ll nail it I’m sure of it you’re gonna do very well all right so this hopefully will kind of help things out let’s do that we’ll just let these fall except they’re not falling they’re just hanging out on top of the glass ow ow

Ow ow there we go okay this should be good then we got two so far so that’s okay I think now we can probably leave it I don’t see like if we do lose some that’s okay as long as I know it’s kind of working that should be okay

And by the time we’re done with this um the main structure we should have enough for green dye I would think so we can definitely just keep going okay we got Croc Stone we’ve got a regular Stone and we’re just gonna have to keep making way more Cobble into stone just because

We’re gonna need a lot and then you need that sweet sweet silk touch pickaxe soon swap a couple of these while we’re at it the um crack stone is like kind of a pain to make just because it’s just like you have to put send things through so

Many times in the furnace but it just looks so good I personally love it I don’t know about you guys we’ll just swap out a couple here and there though and that should be okay do I have an Instagram account no I don’t currently have one for anything

Um I am on Twitter though and of course on Discord if you all want to join the kickback Club that’s where I mostly hang out um I heard that Instagram’s algorithm is kind of just like a mess lately and I’ve noticed that as well kind of just like

Through perusing it here and there and I it’s just no just a no for me right now maybe if it changes I I would get into like posting my builds and stuff there but for now I’m just like I should make an unboxing bit of the creeper cereal I got the creeper cereal

And it’s actually delicious is it worth it making a super smelter for the Cobble a super smelter definitely would be worth it we’ll have to look into making one of those for sure there’s a lot of things that we gotta like add to the list for our builds and

Stuff like that I’m super keen on getting done all right back to building this structure so we have this part done now what we’re gonna do is we’re going to move on to this piece which is going to be four blocks high and by four blocks whoops

I have to knock that out because I think this is like part of this one two three four five yeah so it’s just gonna be one lower than the main structure and we’re just gonna keep going with that hello chicken how are you today [Laughter] thank you that was uh that was something

It just walks away what that was really random yo slushy what’s going on welcome in how are you doing yeah the creeper cereal is really good it’s not too sugary I find which is what I like about it it’s just like it’s like a hint of cinnamon kind of

I don’t know why but that chicken really got me that made my day that was super good oh gosh all right okay I don’t want to brag because if I brag I’m gonna end up like falling to my desk but I’ve been playing a little bit

Of Parkour in my spare time and I’ve gotten better at jumping between things I’ve noticed not like that but you know what I mean I’ve gotten a little bit better parkour is actually very fun in this game I’ve become kind of a little bit addicted to it All right this last final structure I think I’m only gonna make it three High and I’ll show you all what it looks like when it’s done oops no not my porta potty we can’t close it off like that So something like this boom all right now let’s take a look back at that Yo Teo what’s going on welcome in you play in your new player in Minecraft Bedrock how’s that going for you are you liking it so far that’s gunpowder not cinnamon uh-oh oh no he looked so proud of the gift he left yeah he did it was he just like looked

Up at me like hey Yo pory you gotta go all right enjoy the rest of your build and thank you so much for the stream Take Care thank you so much party it was so nice to see you creator of potato discs thanks for hanging out let’s memorialize the egg

You know what let’s do it I hope it’s still there yeah it is let’s make an item frame right now uh okay so obviously the entrance is going to be in here I’m gonna put the item frame somewhere in there oh and look at that we have leather in here I wonder why

Isn’t that convenient I’m gonna be really do we just name this egg yes we should I’m gonna go over to my Anvil what should we name this egg to memorialize it yo rovas yes this is gonna be the windmill that we’re working on today the highly anticipated windmill that I

Said I was going to build last stream but forgot not forgot just didn’t have time because I was just literally all over the place last stream even though it was very fun yo Ally welcome in you actually got to catch a stream of mine even loving the

With commentary stream that makes me so happy I was like kind of like a little bit afraid to do this and not afraid but like I was like are people gonna wanna watch me like stream with my voice and you know what surprise surprise this has

Been really really fun I’m so happy you all you all dig this what should you have for lunch you can do chicken sandwich or Southwest black bean soup with vegetables I would do the chicken sandwich I love chicken sandwiches all right Stewart’s I love that King Charles

Eggbert okay I’m gonna we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to do a poll for this we’re gonna do three options Stuart Eggbert oh there’s so many good ones hide the egg chicken drift oh God I’m just okay you know what these are these are the three that I’m going with although

Everybody had very good suggestions those are the those are the three choices I had to just make a split second decision because otherwise I would be here all day because they’re all really funny and those are the suggestions so it’s Stewart chicken drift or Eggbert of course chicken drift is winning of course

Oh gosh there’s so many good ones all right I’m gonna go for a quick break for a second I gotta refill my water and stuff I’ll let this pole run and I’ll be back in literally like a minute and then we are going to name this egg together okay

All right I’ll be back foreign Thank you foreign Foreign okay what was the winner of course it’s chicken drift let’s go awesome all right so chicken drift one close close call with Eggbert there all right let’s do it so we just gotta get this here and it’s gonna be chicken drift enchantment cost is one and I would say it is highly

Highly worth it if I drop this egg while we’re going it’s gonna be so tragic can you imagine I would be so sad you’re probably my favorite YouTuber oh thank you so much I really appreciate that chicken drift 2022 let’s go friends let’s go this is this is what being productive is

Working on a windmill and then halfway through thinking Hmm I should rename this random egg that I found on the ground excellent you know what this makes the build like that much more special though chicken drift it’s so silly okay back to building so as you can see we’ve got

All these builds kind of like collapsing down into each other you know what I mean so it goes from like really high to really low so the main structure is going to keep going up and we’re going to kind of like transition into Spruce and sandstone and then just kind of work

Our way up that way okay so I’m just gonna pop out two windows here and I think I’m gonna do two windows here as well except I might close these off because I think we kind of decided that’s going to be a porta potty and I want to just like

Have respect for Tony because you know don’t want him to have like a bathroom with like just like open windows or we can like stain glass them make them fancy you know what I mean okay random egg in the ground was yeah that’s that was a little mean the

Chicken gave me a gift you’re right you’re right that was that was not very nice of me yeah I definitely add some like silly lore to the world that’s for sure okay let’s continue with this thing so now I think we’re kind of done with the stone

I think we’re gonna move on to some spruce and all of our Sandstone as well all right how did I go about building this again so I think what I’m gonna do is I have like the general shape of it pretty fresh but like it’s been a couple

Weeks since I actually made this build so it’s gonna turn out different which is kind of nice oh I’m gonna need another shovel and another ax many mistakes were made here it’s like stairway our way down new ax got it new shovel got it perfect yo up here what’s going on how’s it

How’s it going what time is it for everybody for me it is almost one o’clock now oh we get it yes we could have the pains with Spruce trap doors inside for privacy that’s nice I like that you’re gonna make the windmill in your world yes please go for it and if you

Are comfortable with sharing it you can always share it in the Discord too because I would love to see that also I know I keep like plugging this but like join the Discord we have me and blocky have a Discord called the kickback Club it’s where we all hang out we share

Building tips and tricks stuff that we’re working on it’s just like super Chill Vibes like this stream and it’s just a really good time here I’m gonna throw the link down very very quickly for you all uh where do I have my link oop so if anybody wants to join you are more

Than welcome to and you also get like usually like updates and stuff from me from when I’m going live and stuff like that just in case you miss it on other platforms oof I forgot I need to close this off really quickly okay we’re going back down going back down we

Got to get some more Stone thank you foreign we will be opening up a server uh me and blocky are working on it it will be opened up uh soon probably where we’re currently currently in the midst of making it and you’ll find all of the details about

What the server is going to be like on the Discord we are very very excited for it it’s going to be a super fun time and yeah we’re going to be hosting like events and stuff like that where me and blocky are going to be playing on it

With you guys so there will be like server-wide events it’s there’s just gonna be a lot of stuff I don’t want to spill too many beans about it but it’s it’s going to be super fun I’m very very excited the Discord has multiple levels of fun oh I’m glad you’re enjoying it

Yo Todd what’s going on welcome in welcome welcome all right so let’s start building this thing up we’re gonna go up I think five two three four five this is gonna be a bit of a fall out one two three four five all right uh oh I went the wrong way but

I can parkour now because I’m a pro yeah Oops I Did It On the wrong one my bad we’re gonna leave the front piece right here um why is this connected here why did I do this I made a mistake in my own build how could I I thought something looked off there

Oops one two three four five uh oh I think I made a mistake everybody I got distracted and made a bit of a boo-boo so this is like technically Six Wide one two three four five six yeah I gotta I gotta condense this all by one block my bad

We’re making slight changes to this I apologize just when you think you’ve got it all figured out You miscount by like one block and everything just falls apart doesn’t it I think that is usually like the worst mistake that I make sometimes is miscounting something and then it

Like the shape is just completely messed up but we caught it at an early time I think this is probably correct so I’m one two three four five one two three one two three or five do I have regular Stone no I lost it all because I had to break it that’s sad

There we go you’re loving the idea for the porta potty honestly me too I think it’s really funny it’s kind of ridiculous but it’s very on brand with all of us in general we’re all a little bit uh silly aren’t we we’ve gotta make it a comfortable place

For Newton to live you know like I don’t want him like having to walk all the way out to like an outhouse in the middle of nowhere don’t you hate that when you go camping and the Outhouse is like super far away I know that’s like really random conversation but there’s like

Nothing more terrifying than going camping and like having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and the bathroom is just like super far away also I just realized I was right the first time because now this is one two three four why did I do that

Oh no I’m having a moment today chat I’m so sorry this is what happens when I build and talk I’m so sorry you saw nothing we’re just gonna fix this really quickly the biggest loss that I have is not the time it’s like me breaking down this

Like Stone back into Cobble which is such a waste this is just classic drift moment in terms of building oh oh this is painful all right one more time I’m gonna fix this up don’t worry I gotcha I gotcha why’d I do that yeah this is how it was supposed to be I

Don’t know why I thought it was like suddenly very wrong it’s okay one yes this is more of what I’m looking for and then this goes one two three four five across and then one two three four five all right now we’re back on track we’re back on track after a brief

A brief brain fart I’m gonna call it we’re back to where we should be everything’s good again oh he’ll keep supporting thank you I appreciate it just means longer stream exactly which is good for you guys exactly that’s that’s a good way of looking at it it’s just it’s just more

Content it’s fine it’s fine we got this and that’s just like honestly the pain of building I don’t know if anybody else goes through this a lot where you just like make just like minor mistakes that’ll just set you back and you just kind of have to power through it and

Then you’ll get there eventually you’ll get there eventually it’s just because I’m having a great time chatting with you all and then the chatting leaves leads to the inevitable distraction but that’s a good thing one two three four five there we go porta potty is back in

Action it’s back in business let’s go you had to pause the stream to talk with your boyfriend and you came back to a change yeah a change that was unfortunately not necessary don’t worry you didn’t you didn’t miss anything you missed me going that’s wrong and then realizing wait that wasn’t wrong

What am I doing there we go there we go we’re back we’re back in business all right now I can continue with the upper part again and let’s just get all this stuff back and we got our Sandstone all that stuff all right we’re good to go we’re back in business Yeah we need our silk touch pickaxe so bad level 28 we’re almost at 30. I say we try to get that second pickaxe that we got um Enchanted again and then we’ll hopefully get fortune or silk touch because we need one so bad mm-hmm you never forget how you messed up the

Proportions of a cathedral correcting it felt like forever ooh a big build like that I can imagine that would be brutal I’m gonna have to change that to Stone I left it I’m gonna change this bottom piece to Sandstone so I remember to kind of swap that out for stone I think

And then we should be back on track I think yeah Then we’re just gonna go up five high again and then this one needs to go up one two three four yeah I gotta go to sleep there we go we’re good we’re good all right let’s go to sleep really quickly foreign we’ll see you super soon burden uh Fortune pickaxe basically what it

Does is when you mine like certain oars and like diamonds and stuff it’ll give you a chance to obtain more so like if you’re obtaining or if you’re mining one diamond or it can give you up to two or three diamonds instead it’s super useful and like imagine like it multiplying

With coal and stuff you end up with like a full inventory it’s so good all right now all we really have to do is start stripping these beans and then we can start filling this in with Sandstone as well except what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna

Grab a little bit of sand and sandstone foreign just so we can mix it up a little bit and texture it just a little bit it’s been a week since you subscribed to me and you’ve enjoyed it oh that’s so nice to hear thank you so much

Very very glad to hear that you’ve been enjoying it and I think somebody asked me earlier if I get tired after the streams and honestly like in the um after the first stream I did I got very very tired because it was like there was just like so much going on in

A good way like it was very overwhelming and exciting that I think I literally just like fell asleep right after but now I’m a little bit better I usually go eat lunch after I stream lately and um I’ve just been like either doing a workout after because I find workouts

Kind of like energize me again but I’ve been a little bit better lately with that the first time though I was like actually so tired I fell asleep on the couch I think for like three or four hours it was ridiculous but it was just like so fun it was like

An adrenaline rush subscribe to me when I started making the long plays didn’t know I could go this far oh thank you so much honestly I feel the same way though like I just when I first started making the long plays and stuff like I I truly

Didn’t know what was gonna like come up this Channel and like it’s just been so nice like seeing this channel evolve over time and like especially getting to know all of you more I think that’s been my favorite part so far definitely doing these streams has been

Like such a fun addition to the channel it’s something I wanted to do for a long long time too but it was just like I guess some of it a little bit of it was like getting the courage to do it but some of it was also yeah like

Finding the time as well but very very happy that I did that all right that should be good on this side let’s eat before I fall and one more row across here and then we’ll go up I just realized I need to fill this in so I’m putting dirt here

Yeah I need to fill this in as well perfect there we go sorry if I’m not chatting as much I’m in very very high concentration mode I always get this way when I’m building and I’m just like basically me whenever I’m doing like a long play or something it’s just like

It’s literally pure Silence of me just focusing on doing the build and just grinding away at it because it’s so fun there we go I think that should be good the long plays got you through long nights when your baby boy was first born oh that’s so nice that always makes me

So happy to hear oh and yeah for sure Katrina do not apologize for being new I am still learning so many things about this game I feel like like the knowledge to play this game is never ending like there’s always something new that I learned it’s wild I’m even constantly asking questions to

Chat being like what do I do here how do I do this that’s the best thing about Minecraft though is like it’s very communal and like people are always willing to help you and they’ll they’ll always teach you something new foreign what’s my favorite thing to build in Minecraft oh

Honestly I think like overall just like cute cozy structures in general but I’ve been kind of wanting to like expand my reach a little bit further and like learn to build like like more castles and like more fantasy style builds that like have a little bit

More lore to them if that makes sense like I find that my builds are very like cute and structured but I would love to build something that has like even more like lore and purpose to it like a really stylized like fantasy bakery or something like that that needs to be

Stone I don’t remember what I said no we’ll leave that for now I think that’s good all right so we got the second part of this one well done we’re getting there we’re getting there now what I think I’m gonna do is I’m gonna build out this piece right here

One two three so we’re gonna have to put a spruce beam over here as well Does anybody else have the corn stone song stuck in the in your head I know exactly what you are talking about because my girlfriend sings that song literally every day is it the one that’s like it’s corn I know it’s a wonderful thing literally like I think nine times

A day as soon as she gets home she starts singing it she walks in the dark it’s corn so funny I never used to be into streams or long plays you have me and Zay pixel ah Zay pixel is an incredible Creator as well just like amazing amazing builds Streams are very very cozy to watch oh for a second I was like what is that I forgot it’s all of like the billowing campfires that I have crisis averted all right so we’re gonna build a little structure on top that is like the same palette as this it’s basically an

Extension of this going on to on top of this build so it’s gonna be the same old thing with the sandstone and stuff like that and we’re just gonna build it up fill it with sandstone and then whoops we’re nearly there for the build your mom’s obsessed with the video it’s

Honestly like very funny and very cute and endearing it’s just like I hear the song so much it’s so funny I’m not gonna lie it’s very catchy I just realized I should probably change out this little piece of sandstone just to I think I do want the spruce coming all the way down here yeah that’s good strange I just remembered remember when we were in the jungle the other day we

Actually never ended up finding bamboo now that I use scaffolding much but I just had a realization that we actually never came across it once do I have any pets in my home in game we have Ruth and IRL I have Ruth I have a calico cat and we found we also found

One last stream too so I named it Ruth I mean I had to I had no choice we have to honor my sweet baby girl she is currently sleeping in a laundry basket right now full of clean clothes which means I have to probably re-wash them

But that’s okay I love her so she gets away with it she’s too cute perfect even stuck for weeks building a windmill now you’re getting ideas good that makes me very happy to hear I hope this helps you out for sure windmills are tricky I was building one

The other day like building the concept for this the other day and I definitely struggled with the actual like windmill shape of it I actually ended up going like very simplistic which I’m very excited about it looks pretty cute regardless all right so got all this done

And then the final part is just gonna have a roof here so maybe what I’m gonna do now is kind of like start Roofing out the bottom just so we have a little bit of structure and shape to the bottom and then we’ll get to the top portion after

So this is pretty much all just going to be like Spruce Roofing so we’re gonna need a ton of stairs and some slabs as well there we go lots and lots of slabs and stuff to work with good to go let’s check up on our cactuses to see how they’re doing

Hopefully they’re doing a little bit better got anything seven look at that it works it works we are in business baby we’re gonna have lots of green dye to work with cactus farms are so simple to make I love them and they’re also very like aesthetically pleasing in my last let’s

Play I made like a cute little like Garden area with like an exposed cactus farm because I think they just genuinely look very cool do you think Minecraft finally should finally put a purpose to the chain armor set yeah I I would like to see it I don’t

Know exactly what they could do to it I don’t have any ideas but I would like to see it have like a little bit more purpose oh no your cats have fleas right now and you have to re-wash them oh poor things I hope I hope you get rid of them soon

I think chain armor like the most use that it has is like aesthetic like it looks really cool in an armor stand yo logical gameplay what’s going on welcome in how many years or months have I been playing Minecraft um I’ve been playing on and off for like

Honestly a very very long time I don’t even know now probably I think since like at least like when did The Game come out 2010 I think I’ve been playing at least since like 2012 ish okay so I think I’m gonna place yes this is what I’m gonna do all right

So I’m just gonna Stone cut a stair really quickly just so I remember to do this and we’re just gonna pop this out to give the front entrance like a tiny bit more shape and then I’m gonna build up a tiny little like roof piece to go above this

And it’s just gonna be upside down stairs going all the way up across just like this and then we’ll just like finish it off right here and then we will do the same thing on this side go back up on the other side and then maybe what I can do here to add

Like a little bit more shape to it let’s see up at the top is let’s try like something like that or maybe hmm maybe something like this we’ll leave this for now we’ll kind of like switch that up a little bit but basically what we’re gonna do here

Is I’m actually gonna take out these pieces as well right here just to add like a little bit of extra detail and what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna make stairs out of them just to give them a little bit more shape because it feels like very clunky oops

So you’ll see what I mean in a second so let’s add like a stair here let’s turn these two into stairs as well so instead of having like a full brick here let’s go stair right here and then we’ll go on the other side and we’ll do the same thing

It just adds like a little bit of extra detail to that spot right here and then things are going to get switched up along um this Edge as well anyway you know what though I think maybe what I’m gonna do is I want this this is sitting a little bit too far down

I want this one block higher I think let’s try that out um so I would start like that this it was just sitting a little bit too low and it made like the thing look a little bit too hot like top heavy because there was like too much Stone on

It so let’s try this instead and then we’re gonna add something here like Planters and stuff after so I won’t worry too much about that part so we’ll go like that really quickly and then attach it with a final slab like that or stare sorry I always mix up

Stairs and or no slabs and planks I don’t know why when is the next uh Long play coming uh honestly I think I’m gonna release it tomorrow it’s already it’s uploaded and ready to go I’m gonna I think I’m gonna release it tomorrow so and you’re so excited for Camp cozy

Yo I am very very excited for Camp cozy it is gonna be a really fun time for anybody popping in we do have a me and block down builds have a server in the works and um there’s more details on our Discord if you want I’ll pop down the link again

If you want to join the Discord that’s where you’ll get all the info about it and yeah it’s gonna be super super fun yo Yuko sorry I missed you earlier hi how’s it going sorry I’m in like Mega concentration mode with this build when I get when I reach building mode

It’s like I miss a lot of things going on uh you want to see another let’s play series will I do another one I will do another let’s play series eventually I just have a couple of other projects going on that are in the works right now

That I’d like to get done before I start on anything again but it will be back for sure okay so we’re gonna kind of continue this like facade over onto this roof by literally just doing a plain old roof right here and I think what I’m gonna do is

I’m just gonna make it like a regular style roof We’re not gonna do anything fancy with it we’re just gonna do classic roof up like that so in the ways in which you can join the server it’s either gonna be through Channel memberships um Discord server boosts or

Um we also are going to be hosting build competitions so if you win that you’ll gain access to the server or just reaching level 20 in Discord through chatting have I ever done PVP I am very bad at PVP very very bad um oops actually we’re gonna have to get rid of

All this stuff I try every time I’m like I’m gonna be good this time at it no I just Panic that’s my problem anything PVP related I just like go into a full frenzy and I’m like I can’t do this all right so we’re just gonna do a basic little roof shape here

And on this one what are we gonna do for this guy so I think I wanted resting like one block lower so right here and we’re just gonna go across like this with stairs and then I think we’re just gonna fill in the rest with slabs so it has like

Um a little bit less of a slope than the other ones do so we can probably just start it off with slabs like that and then work our way up like this and then it just like rests like nice and low nothing too fancy you know what

I mean and this is where we’re gonna need our terracotta actually so maybe we can actually start burning some of that uh Cactus for some lime or is it green no it’s green dye it’s not lime dye my bad last week he built my Mangrove boat oh

Nice how did it turn out I love that build boats are a really really big challenge for me getting that shape down I find that I really struggle with boats and like kind of like organic um types of builds and stuff like that like doing like tree stumps which

Spoiler alert that might be tomorrow’s Long play something tree stump related I hope you like it I tried my best with it I’m trying to get more into like doing organic shapes to get a little bit better at them oh am I a full-time YouTuber yes I am

I forgot that sea pickles could do green dye yeah the cactuses are um lime or sorry green dye though which is good I forgot that you could possibly make die out of sea pickles I didn’t even think about that just realize I’m starting to like run a

Little bit low on food not super low but with the amount that I’m falling it’s probably best to feed our cows really quickly feed the cows we’ll get some more steak there we go and then we’ll keep working on the windmill hello my friends hello how are you

I want to get to level 30 so so bad Yeah I think I had really good timing from when I started my channel for sure it was a very very good time everybody was at home oh no I’m so sorry to hear that kitty I’m very very sorry to hear that that’s really rough all right we’ll see you later Pockets

Thank you so much for hanging out you struggle with boats yeah I struggle with boats too it’s it’s the shape it’s just like something I’m not used to building because most of the builds are obviously in like Square shapes and then that one just like completely throws you off

Oh I forgot I fed the cows but then I did nothing after we need beef very badly hello sorry oops there we go there we go that should be good actually did I grab all of the oh missed one can’t do that all right let’s go to sleep really

Quickly I left my bed in here right yes I did thankfully I grabbed the other bed which I knew I wouldn’t really be needing yo Betty what’s going on welcome in look away it’s cow killing time this is a blocky stream we would be queuing the metal music that he always does

Which is like the best running gag anybody has ever had for their channel it’s so good foreign we’re back on track with food which is excellent oh yeah that’s totally where I got that leather in my inventory from it was couldn’t have been the laundry Trader it never no don’t even suggest that

No no no all right we’re pretty much good with this we’re we’re going at a steady Pace I would say so let’s make some of this terracotta into green terracotta oop 56. that’s a lot I didn’t realize it’d be that much I mean we’re gonna use

It for other things but that was just like an alarming amount you know I wasn’t expecting that and I don’t think I need that much your cat fell asleep in the laundry basket too Twins your cat and Ruth are definitely twins I love it it’s too cute like I I feel bad

Because I’m not gonna move her you know what I mean because she’s so cozy I’m like you leave me no choice I do have to leave you I think there we go and then across here we’re just gonna do some slabs we’ll just continue it like that

And then do a little design like that at the end and that roof is pretty much done see how that looks oh yeah that’s looking fresh very fresh I forgot we need to pop out the windows here porta potty Windows let’s do it may I post a link to blockdown’s channel

Oh most certainly like legit I’m gonna I’m gonna pull that up quickly let me just grab that for you big recommendations on that channel very good series he has a hardcore series right now and he does like a lot of um like editing to the beat and stuff like that oh another egg

Thank you just gonna collect it at this point maybe we’ll have a chest in here what’s my gaming history oh that’s a really good question um yeah I grew up uh the Super Nintendo was my first console except I was honestly I feel like my dad played that

More than I did he was like obsessed with it and then um that was mainly like I was a little bit young for that and then I remember specifically getting my super or not supernoons Nintendo 64 I just played so much of that um I was super into like the Super Mario

Is it 3D or was it just called like Super Mario 64 I think it was something like that that was one of my favorite games when I was younger like Banjo-Kazooie and all that stuff and then I moved on to I didn’t have an Xbox I moved on to the PlayStation 2

Which was just like absolutely like wild I feel like I wasted not even wasted I just spent so much time playing games on that they had like such a large library of games to play oh yeah you will not regret subbing to blocky he’s so good your first childhood console was the Wii

Uh the Wii was so much fun did you all like really heavily get into Wii Sports because like that was just like I remember playing that with friends and like it was like quite literally very competitive in the most fun way possible like people would take like bowling and stuff like too

Seriously and the baseball I would I don’t have a Wii because I don’t think I ever had one all my friends did because that’s when I got the 360 but I would love to get a hold of a Wii and just like play that stuff again

Unless I heard there is like a new like kind of like Wii Sports for the switch though so maybe I could just play that instead so this is looking pretty fresh so far except one two three hmm I like this but it’s very flat I’m wondering if I should like shift it

Back one block Maybe or hmm maybe what I should do instead sorry I’m just thinking out loud with how I want to do this now I’m going to leave the shape for now okay so from here is when we’re gonna need the Terracotta I just didn’t like how the two walls

Right here are super flat I could recess one of them also if I want but I’m kind of thinking about whether or not I should because then it’s going to be very thinned out up here it’s gonna be like one block and that’s going to be like a little bit much I think

So I might leave that for now I think I can add detail in other ways he used to do family game nights with Wii Sports oh that would be super fun I love the competitiveness of it it’s all just like light-hearted fun yeah the bowling it was really nice yeah

It’s like super easy to get everybody involved in it and like because there’s not much of a learning curve but like there is like a certain little bit of a skill set to it and I I found that most fun all right let’s pillar up and just start

Getting the roof done on this part gonna give myself a little bit of a platform to work with here and I think honestly like there’s just something about the plain roof that I just love using so we’re just gonna do like a simple roof all the way across

I think what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna connect all of it like this like I think I do want all of this to be like one whole roof set I think we can add detail in different ways so we’re just going to do the classic roof nothing too high nothing too fancy

And we’ll add detail in other ways to make it a little bit more interesting I’m really excited to detail this like I like the structure of it but adding details to like builds like this is like my favorite part I would say so we’re just gonna go all the way across like this

So I also had a thought for this build oh yeah Spruce buttons for this build as well would look really nice that’s a really good idea Spruce buttons look really good with Sandstone the chicken’s back I feel like we need to I have a lead I feel like the

Chicken should be part of this build too because he’s just been like so nice to us okay so what I’m gonna do is I’m just gonna pull her down really quickly spilled a little staircase first of all first order of business chicken I want you to be my friend

I don’t know why I just like feel like me and the chicken are just like vibing today so we’re gonna keep the chicken we’re gonna have to find a name tag for him too no come here yes excellent hello friend you’re just gonna stay here and we’re gonna keep you safe because

You are my new best friend I just really like you good thing I have those random leads in that chest I don’t know where I could have possibly gotten those from that’s so weird let’s do 32 terracotta because we’re gonna need some for the top of the roof that’s orange as well so

Those Wii remotes were dangerous with bowling yo I remember that do you remember seeing videos of people like the Wii remote would get loose from their hands and it would like smash their TVs so funny yeah it’s so strange that we have all those leads so weird can’t possibly imagine why

All right this is actually starting to come together this is looking really nice so far so you can kind of see the direction that we’re going with where it’s like kind of scaling its way up and the final like the tallest bit is gonna go up way higher

Um but I’m gonna start by building out the uh terra cotta roof with the yellow and the hay bales I’m gonna need to get a little a couple more hay bales though we’re doing pretty good in terms of like Inventory management and stuff though we have pretty much everything we need

Which I’m very proud of let’s grab a little bit more of this wheat we do have some back in our little Steakhouse as well that I can take oh yeah what I was gonna ask you chat was okay so we have obviously Newton Y is gonna live in the windmill

We’re gonna have to go find him however what do you think that the windmill should have like any other purpose rather than just like housing him like could we possibly like stick a farm in there that might be like relevant to the Farmland what do you all think

We should do with that like with that lane because it would be nice for it to have like a little bit of a function as well just so it’s not just sitting there and like we never go in it you know I mean I guess Newton y could be used as

Like a Trader that we trade with as well so you wonder how many of those WeMo accidents were stage that’s true like he’d have to fire the remote from a cannon to do that much damage yeah some of them were like very dramatic foreign bowling that’s such like a classic like

Kid thing to do to like try to break the game just like test its limits I feel like they have to expect stuff like that When developing the game though like somebody’s gonna like abuse this in such a weird way I feel like we could use a couple more hay bales possibly

An agree with some chickens in there the KFC you built had hay bales is the floor that is so funny that you built that I love it that’s such a great build Ozzy random Comet air fryers are just adult Easy Bake Ovens oh my gosh don’t even

Get me started on the air fryer talk it’s like honestly I wish something like that existed when I was in college because it like would have made life so much easier but yeah I’m I’m in that camp as well where they’re just like countertop ovens basically Foreign there we go this should be enough hay for the roof I’m pretty sure I think that should be good oh chicken Sammy I hope you enjoy it that sounds so good I’m gonna have to make something good like that for lunch when I’m done this stream for sure might make a sandwich

We shall see I have to see what I have in the fridge though yeah honestly though like a lot of the people I know who have air fryers like as long as they’re getting used like I know people who thank you for your egg gosh

I know a lot of people who genuinely do use them like all the time so at least like they are getting used and stuff like that which is nice rather than them just like being one of those items where you get it you use it for like three

Days and then they you it just never sees the light of day again all right let’s start filling this part in so let’s use a mix of yellow terracotta and some of this hay for this part perfect I wish that um the yellow terracotta had more yellow

Blocks that were very similar to it because I find the ones in like the item inventory I don’t really have a full inventory on me but I find that like a lot of things unfortunately don’t kind of match well like even this yellow is like too light for this terracotta and I

Just wish there were a couple things more so when you texture with that with this that like you can match it better that’s what I would like to see for another update sorry just taking a sip of water you’re a big kitchen gadget nerd yeah it’s I don’t really have the space for

Them but if I had a bigger kitchen I feel like I would have so many more kitchen gadgets and stuff like that yeah I’ve heard it’s like amazing for like fries and stuff like that they get super super crispy let us combine beef and potatoes and

Carrots and make a pot roast that would be awesome that would be so good all right let’s just finish off this roof really quickly out of hay bales but that’s okay that should be enough all right this is perfect looking really good we’re gonna have to find a name for that

Chicken too by the way all right now we’re on to the last part minus the actual like windmill part of it we’re on to the last piece of the structure and this is where things are gonna get crazy we will have to make a few more stairs though

Throw these in make some more stairs honestly probably more than that yeah out of all the kitchen gadgets I’ve definitely heard that air fryer is like the most useful for sure honestly I wish like growing up I never had a toaster oven and some of my friends did and

That’s one that I kind of wish I had because like I don’t know it’s just like so much easier to make like little Toasties and stuff like that instead of like toasting your bread turning on the oven to make like a nice little toasty sandwich you know what I mean

How much longer I plan on streaming for how long have I been streaming I don’t even oh around two and a half hours probably for a little bit longer I would say at least like an hour more I would say I would like to finish off like it like

Majority of this windmill for sure get it done so it could be longer we’ll see alrighty so I think maybe up in here I’m gonna pop this out and then go one two And then across like this I want to make sure that’s right so I want it to be like in line basically what I want is ah oh no terrific basically what I want is a smaller Tower coming out of here so what I’m gonna do

Is just pop out two windows like this to kind of give myself like a marker point if that makes sense so yes this works so one two three that’s gonna be like the middle part and then that means I need to take out this block put a spruce

Beam here and then put a spruce beam here on this side and that will be the middle point of the build just like this yeah that should be good and basically it’s just going to be filled in with Sandstone which I have no more of no

We’ll do the beams first we will do the beams first I think I’m gonna go up like one two three four five six seven High I think that should be okay foreign yeah I think this should be fine and then we’ll start the roof around here maybe okay

Sorry I’m in high concentration mode oh that scared me that was very close you still use your toast and toaster oven for lots of stuff too oh you used you made brownies in them oh brownies are so good all right we’ll see you soon Kitty sandwich in the skillet is so much

Better yeah I agree sandwich in a skillet is just like delicious especially if you like put like a little like Pat of butter in it and stuff like that I love like toasted sandwiches they’re just absolutely delicious maybe that’s what I’m gonna make for lunch when I’m done this yo bricks welcome back

All right uh taking a lot of damage but that’s okay we just have like iron armor that I don’t really care about too much so it’s all good all right so we’re gonna do the same thing across here as well pop down a spruce Bean here

Go across one two three and then pop another Spruce beam right here and then we’re pretty much good to go one two three four five six seven excellent oh we have just enough uh Spruce logs for this one two three four five six seven excellent should have uh stripped them as I went

But that’s okay excellent now we just need to grab our Sandstone quickly and we’re pretty much like done the top structure of the build which is wild like I said the um windmill part’s gonna be like the most tedious part but it’s gonna just like look so good I’m so

Excited for this build my first time doing a windmill too which is really cool I think it’s gonna look really cozy on top of this hill we just need to add some like cute little like chimneys to it have some smoke coming out of it and then it’ll look so cute during sunrise

And sunset I’m gonna I’m so excited he loved toasted sandwiches with tuna and tomatoes oh I want a tuna sandwich now on toasted bread I think that’s what I might have you haven’t had a good tuna melt in a while that’s um that’s like a very big staple in my

House for sure if we don’t know what to make that night it’s like we usually resort to tuna melts because they’re just like super simple but like it’s definitely like a really big comfort food I love it we also do these things like we call them just like tuna bowls where like

It’s quite literally a can of tuna over like rice and then we put like cupid Mayo sriracha and soy sauce on it it’s just so good how much do I actually plan on eating for lunch I mean I’m really hungry right now I just had a bagel earlier and now

I’m like I’m starving but now I’m getting kind of carried away so I’m like I need to pick one thing and stick with it you know uh one two all right it’s time for the roof let’s get all this stuff organized this is where we’re gonna do like a

Little bit of a funky roof here we’re gonna add like a couple couple of like logs to it okay let’s build ourselves up quickly I’m running out of dirt even oh my gosh all right so I think on this one we’re gonna do the roof kind of going this way

Whoops goodbye thank you so all the roofs are going like horizontally this way this one will go like the opposite way just to add like a little bit of difference to the shape of this roof and for this one what I want to do is oh it’s raining again

Each step I’m going to add a log like this and then a stair on top and we’re just going to keep going up until we reach the Middle Point just like this yo first order welcome back what’s going on Bagel sammies are good oh fried egg cheese I love breakfast sandwiches so

Much those are like my weakness ouch yo SP what’s going on you’re from Thailand and you love watching clips of my following it so of my long plays oh thank you so much really appreciate it you might make cinnamon buns this weekend I haven’t had cinnamon buns in

So long so good though with like extra extra icing absolutely delicious parkour I can’t believe I actually made that swag so good I’m telling you that like parkour that I’ve been playing has like improved my game skills significantly oh yeah the view from everything like

From up here is so nice we should make like a little like Lookout window or something this is like a very good vantage point yo rofo what’s going on you’ve returned with coffee you are reminding me that maybe I should go make a coffee or something it’s about that time

Maybe I’ll do that in a second once we get all this stuff done and we move on to detailing I’ll sip on a nice iced coffee while we do that how’s that sound chat you make caramel corn in the fall um you know what I loved I I just had

Recently that I hadn’t had for years candy apple I like had one recently and I was skeptical I was like this I feel like this actually isn’t good because I remember when I was a kid I was like back and I ate it I was like no this is like actually delicious

Yo Rosie what’s going on how are you doing today has anyone made cinnamon who’s looking at chat I don’t know if I would ever be good at playing hardcore while streaming because it’s just like I feel like that would be a nightmare for me Earl Gray tea with a pint of lavender

And honey ooh tea would be nice right now too I have a question drift have you asked chat if they’ve all pressed like I have not if you feel like liking this stream hit that like button I never asked that actually but honestly though if you’re

Enjoying it hit that like button I would greatly appreciate that it definitely does help out the streams thank you for reminding me rofo and also join the kickback Club join that Discord yeah my Panic screams are like classic it’s okay it’s it’s just entertaining content let’s see how that looks from here

Oh yeah that’s looking better that’s looking way better this is very exciting candy apples are very sugary but like weirdly kind of like refreshing I don’t know it’s got to be done with like a granny smith apple I find for that like tartness caramel apples are very good too like

The fancy ones you could get like you said that are like covered in different stuff so delicious all right we’ve gotta make one more thing for our roof and that is orange terracotta I think it’s just gonna be all orange terracotta 32 I hope I have enough do I have more

Clay in here or no oh I don’t chat that’s a problem I think we might be okay I don’t know what do you think we might not have enough for this that’s okay we’ll try it out and if it doesn’t work we’ll um just go into the

River and get more because we don’t need that much more clay I have done a mass amount of falling in this game today it’s been kind of comical oh no I need more dirt too I’ve done too much scaffolding as well pancakes are always a great treat for me

I find I don’t like them too much in the mornings because like for breakfast I usually have to eat something a little bit like less sugary otherwise it makes me feel a little bit sick but I love having like one pancake with like a big breakfast or like having

Them like a little bit later as like a treat my guilty pleasure is honestly frozen waffles though then they’re like when they’re super buttery and like syrupy I can I can’t get enough of those they’re just so good you found an awesome underground cave in Minecraft and you’re currently building

A world there yo underground cave builds are just so cool I hope that’s going well for you welcome do you have like a certain theme that you’re doing with it or anything yo next train moving you’re almost there rofo I’m so happy to hear that you’re almost there bud you’re almost there

Yo Helen welcome back and no worries no worries we’re just here vibing okay I’m just gonna go on the other side to get up I really I don’t think I have enough terracotta for this though let’s see maybe what I can do to compromise is like fill this in with uh Spruce instead

This yeah this might be a better bet let’s go across like this too there we go yeah that’s more than enough I think that’ll add like a nice pop of color and then the spruce kind of like breaks it up which is kind of nice too I do like that

So I’ll just connect it like this and then let’s grab our slabs and we’ll just finish off the roof this way just like this and that’s pretty much done and let’s break I almost broke that while standing on that that would have resulted in a quite the fall

You don’t really have a theme you’re just winging it yeah that’s fair no you’ll come up with something as you go along and get inspiration what’s my favorite Mario game oh I would say um I actually really enjoyed Mario Odyssey and I would also say maybe some Mario 64 is one of my

Favorite because it’s just like super nostalgic for me so I’m gonna try building this um this structure like recessed one while in see and then maybe on this side I’ll make it flat because I’m not like too concerned about how it looks on the side here in terms of depth

I forgot to finish off this part of the roof too let’s do that quickly just attach it there and then just kind of work our way up slowly again we’re going to need some more sand I think let’s fill in these gaps that was a mistake making the roof first because

Now I’m like kind of stuck while I’m making this there we go and then let’s go like that perfect excellent oh no I thought we could go one day without these Bots no be gone be gone sorry chat yo thanks rofo thank you yeah say goodbye to the Box [Laughter]

The elite 150k club let’s go we’re nearly there which is wild I just like I still cannot believe that chat it’s and it’s all thanks to you guys like I said before like honestly just like super appreciate you all and these streams always look forward to

Them I have so much fun doing these like you have no idea I feel like 90 okay this is looking this is looking fire what do you all think I really love how this is turning out what I was gonna say earlier though is I feel like we like 90 of our

Conversations are about food and I kind of love that yeah I just just total Vibes this is just such a good time we all know how to Vibe out and just like talk about silly things thanks rofo I quite like it as well this is like definitely one of the

Bigger builds that I’ve done which is nice it’s like a really nice challenge I think that’s what I’m super stoked about but also like it’s pretty cute too all right what do we got going on here excellent do I have any more sand yes I do

All right so we’re done with that side and maybe what we’re going to do now let’s fill this in before I like fall through this like death trap and then we’ll finish off the roof this way and we are nearly done with the structure and it’s just windmill time

And detailing and it’s done which is super exciting So once I’m done this Sandstone I will go for a quick break I really want a nice coffee now that rofo mentioned coffee I can’t not now so I’ll grab a quick coffee and we’ll just keep powering through this build I just realized I made a big mistake here ah

I don’t know if I’ve like talked about this in like past dreams but like what does everybody feel like how does everybody feel about like the efficiency five or whatever shovel because I do not like it it’s like it’s too fast I’d rather just use like a regular um shovel just for terraforming

Yeah the shaders definitely add so much like life to a lot of these builds especially like the swaying leaves and like the way that the light hits it’s just like it definitely just it’s a bonus I would say although Minecraft without shaders is still very beautiful

It’s just a different vibe I would say he’s throwing some torches just in case I don’t trust like zombies not spawning in here and then maybe we can get like a cute little ladder up here with like a little Lookout Point because it’s very pretty it’s very pretty indeed What’s going on here oh I see I just didn’t fill that in I was very confused I was like oh I didn’t make another mistake did I You like it unless you want to remove a ton of blocks and you’re not after Precision it’s a pain to use yeah exactly like it’s super fun when you’re like I need a ton of sand and you’re like let’s go but when it’s like you’re trying to do Precision terraforming it’s

Just too much I just don’t I I feel like I have no control and I’m like screaming while doing while like shoveling stuff I’m like it’s just chaotic oh the day after my last stream you went on holiday how was it how did it go hope you had a great holiday

One thing I wish I did a little bit actually I didn’t even do any this year was campy and that would have been very fun I didn’t really get around to it I was a little bit too busy All right this is almost done it’s done except for the other stuff but we got like the main structure done this is so cool okay let’s uh go back and take a look we’re gonna need this still so I’m Gonna Leave This here yo Andre what’s going on how’s it going

Better late than never that’s what I always say okay this is looking pretty swag yo boxy what’s going on nice to see you here camping is scary you know what I agree I’m I’m hiding right now just to hide the um the build until I do the big reveal

But I do agree that camping is like kind of low-key scary but I also really love it but it’s just like at night I get a little bit scared I’m like what if there’s bears and like I don’t know just like there’s just too many things to consider

Or if you like get stuck in a thunderstorm so scary it’s night time so you have to sleep oh no worries Rosie thank you so much for hanging out and I hope you have a very good night alrighty are you all ready for the big reveal whoa that was weird

Oh it’s so cute it’s a cute little structure we have a lot of detailing to do to make it look better because it’s still very boxy and clunky but it’s it’s gonna look really cool although I do wish I recessed the walls here I actually might change that I had a

Second thought it doesn’t look right we’ll fix that though so basically all we have now to do from here is like the actual windmill part and then like a ton of detailing just adding a bunch of cute things to it and it’s gonna look really really good I’m

Very excited I’m gonna grab a quick coffee though so I’ll be back in a second Thank you foreign thank you foreign this iced coffee is so good it’s exactly what I needed oh it’s so good yum okay all right all right so first order of business fix that wall I guess uh okay let’s do it oh wait the sun’s about to set let’s

Collect some of this in the meantime we’ll just kind of hang around before the sun sets so I can go to my bed and yeah honestly this could just eventually get turned into like a cute little Garden area or something we could just build that into something cute and just have

It running there forever oh thank you so much Katrina I appreciate that smash the like button that’s what we like to hear am I a dog person or a cat person I am more of a cat person just because I didn’t I didn’t really grow up

With dogs so I was like a little bit afraid of them um for quite a while until I met my friend’s dog who was like a doberman but a huge sweetheart like that’s what like got me into like not being afraid of dogs it it was like crazy because she

Was just like so sweet and just so kind and so gentle and like yeah but I still like cats like I’ve been living with cats for such a long time that I just love them they’re so sassy can you say hello to my niece she loves

Your videos oh hello I hope you’re doing well and I hope you’re having a wonderful day of course you put some chicken thighs in the oven and while that’s cooking you have a three kilo bag of Cherry Cola bottles candy oh so good so good

I wish I had candy right now I had Cherry Blasters for one of the streams but I I finished them I ate them all I love Cherry blasters and Sour Patch Kids just so delicious honestly any of those like the super like sugary and like sour ones are my favorite

Yeah it totally depends on like each individual animal’s personality for sure and I think that’s like what I eventually finally learned like growing growing up I was like hmm I’m just like super thankful that my friend’s dog like got me more comfortable around dogs because like they’re just all like there’s so many

That are just like so kind and so sweet does anybody like carrot cake I love carrot cake it’s so good it’s like super like moist and delicious especially with like if like the icing on it is really good oh absolutely delicious you’re all like making me so hungry

There I think that’s a little bit better although we may not like be able to make it necessarily like a cute little like lookout tower I like the way that the recessed walls look so you found a UK supplier of retail boxes of candy so you use that now that’s what

One of my friends does it’s like big bulk bags of candy and I’m like you know what I respect that mmm lemon drizzle cake is also very good all right I think it’s time for us to start like actually I think we gotta do okay I’ll

Start detailing out a little bit of this and then we’re gonna work on the windmill so I’m going to start by adding little um changes to like the windows to put the upside down stairs in just like minor changes like that and maybe like a couple of leaves and

Um little structural pieces which will allow me to like decide exactly where the windmill is gonna start okay so what we gotta do first is I want to grab some smooth Sandstone probably a couple because we’re gonna need a couple of these windows and look at that another egg

Thank you so much chicken is there another one here I should really just put a hopper there at this point I’ve been collecting so many all right let’s put all the stuff that we don’t need away so we don’t really need any of this terracotta anymore or anything uh let’s see

Really all we need is a bunch of like Signs we’re gonna need some trap doors that’s for sure and we’re gonna need some Spruce signs so let’s craft up actually a couple more of those and then what we’re gonna do is we have fences right I think I do yes

And we got our slabs and then we just need some leaves that I’m gonna start decorating with and let’s just I don’t know let’s just go to town on this with decorating things so let’s start off by like popping out some of these parts and then just popping in

Upside down stairs like that and then we can add little things like Spruce fences to the windows that’ll add a little bit of detail here and there and what I was thinking was like right in front of here we have a space like this which would be perfect for like

Leaves that look kind of like flower beds so we can just place this here and maybe what we can do is like an upside down stair like that and maybe like a flower pot or a lantern on top of it and let’s think trap doors on the sides

All right uh now let’s move up a little bit and get another window popped into here so this is one two three four five six seven High trying to think so maybe we can do is throw these here what are these little like Awning Parts called I always I always forget the word

For like making a little detailing right here if anybody knows you need to use colored gloss more yeah I really like the frosted glass yo is it your birthday happy birthday Andre I hope you have a wonderful day yeah I think it’s awning I’m pretty sure

All right so we’re gonna have to pop out this dirt unfortunately uh maybe we’ll get the window going down this far and then we’ll pop the um window top right there oops and then we will cover it up like this I think something like that is good yeah this looks pretty good

And I think somewhere like the windmill is going to come out somewhere along here this is gonna be the tricky part we’re gonna have to figure this out for sure so one thing that I want to add to a little bit of the detailing yeah that’s looking better already

Actually maybe we can do it to this window these windows as well I’m gonna have to add in like the stone up top there and then we’re going to add a window in here as well all right let’s add in some signs like this and then maybe a trap door in between or

Something like that yeah that looks good there we go trapdoor on either side possibly yeah yeah yeah yeah okay and then we’ll do another window in the middle like this I’m thinking like another double window to match that one as well there we go ultimate concentration mode no that’s upsetting out

I was literally just gonna say guys look at how good my parkour has gotten never mind there we go yes I am still alive still alive probably for another while longer I really want to get this windmill finished so I think we’re gonna be at it for a little while

Am I gonna do the windmill sales which do you mean by that I’m gonna be doing more of like a really like basic shape for a windmill though um okay so what do I have left I have all these like pieces of scaffolding everywhere it’s awful perfect that’s done

Yo what’s going on Welcome to the stream thanks for popping in it’s looking good you’re still at work thank you for helping me pass the time oh I’m glad that my work or my stream is helping you pass the time at work it’s very nice to hear did I hear pillagers

I’m gonna be very upset if I did can we just go like one day without them without them just absolutely bothering me oh the big propeller bit yes and I’m like doing like I don’t know how to explain it like a little different like attachments to it to give it like a

Little bit more shade because it’s like super super basic just like planks of wood you’ll see you’ll see foreign what’s going on so nice to have you in the chat you and blockdown are watching while you make hot dogs oh I’m so jealous I hope you have you really enjoy the hot dogs

How do you what do you guys put on your hot dogs like does do people in chat go all out with hot dogs or are you more like just like ketchup mustard you’re prepping for New York that’s the way that’s the way next up on your list is

Gonna have to be like super flat New York style pizza foreign you’re super happy watching the stream but you have to go um all right we’ll see you later Helen thank you so much for hanging out it’s so nice having you around you love chili dogs yeah chili dogs are very good

As well oh another egg thank you I like how I’m just manually collecting these eggs by the end of this we’re gonna have like 20. chili cheese dogs are very good I like just like classic ketchup and mustard but if I’m going like all out with like

A street dog I love having onions and like sauerkraut on it tiny chopped onions pickles and all the sauces that’s the way to go dress it up all right see you later Fatima thank you so much for hanging out coleslaw pickle relish and mustard is good oh yeah

See this is this is what these streams always devolve into it’s just food food talk but I wouldn’t have it any other way I love it you like the hot dogs in Ikea say no more say no more me too honestly like if half of the excitement of me

Going to Ikea is like getting a hot dog after they’re so good you put homemade chicken teriyaki and a hot dog bun the other day and it was so good that sounds delicious I like I like how adventurous some of you are with like your hot dog dressings

It’s kind of like inspiring me all right I think it is time to make the actual like propeller thingy I’m kind of nervous for this because I’m scared of like messing up the shape but I think we got this I’m gonna need a couple grindstone those

Uh messed up my words I’m gonna need a couple of grindstones so let’s get about four of them oh I made eight but that is okay because we are gonna need them anyway what am I missing here sticks how do I not have any sticks I’m slacking today foreign

You always go for the Ikea meatballs those are so good too I always buy like the Frozen packages of those the Swedish meatballs with the sauce I remember last time I went there though I mistaken the sauce for hot chocolate like because the I don’t know what it is about the label

On the Swedish meatball sauce but like it looks like a bowl of or like a mug of hot chocolate so I was like that I can’t find it I can’t find it and then one of the staff was like that’s literally it and I was like Oh I thought that was a

Picture of hot chocolate my bad All right let’s start making this windmill propeller enough enough slacking drift we gotta get this done so we’re gonna need jungle wood for it we’re gonna need our grindstones which I forgot to make because I was too busy talking about how I thought hot chocolate or Swedish meatball sauce was hot chocolate

And anything else I just need a bunch of slabs spruce fence we should probably make a couple more of those and then we should probably make some buttons as well because buns just add like a nice little bit of detail you know I just think they’re neat

Do you do any hot crafts or Hobbies you’re crocheting a little bat right now oh I would love to learn how to crochet it’s definitely on my list I heard it’s like a little bit tricky at first but um most of my hobbies honestly include I do

Play guitar but haven’t played it in a long time and what else I like I love puzzles puzzles are so much fun that’s just like definitely a relaxing hobby for me it’s like put on a couple like cozy movies and like just do a puzzle you always watch my streams after I post

Them finally get to watch them live oh so nice welcome in I’m so happy you’re here for the live that’s very nice and also like it makes me so happy that you all watch those vods it’s super awesome I’m glad that they’re like still there’s still a value and entertaining after they’re done

Okay so this I don’t want to mess this up I’m scared okay okay so I think the windmill what it’s going to do one two three so maybe on this piece it’s gonna come out by like a couple blocks and then what we’re gonna do is

We’re gonna get a full uh Spruce log thingy and put it here I think like popping out at like three is probably good so then from here this is gonna require a lot of like maneuvering but it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be fun sorry if I go into like Ultra

Concentration mode again all right so we’re gonna need a couple grindstones on the sides like this okay pillar up to get the top one and then what we’re gonna do is okay so we got this basic shape so then what we’re going to do is we’re going to start attaching like

Um Jungle planks to the grindstones like this and then we’re going to work our way out slowly I like I said before I tried like other shapes to begin with with the windmill and I found that like the simpler the shape the better it looked when I gave

It like way more curve to it I’ve seen those builds before and they look so spectacular but for some reason it just like did not fit well with the vibe of this so I went for a simpler shape and it turned out very nice all right so after this one we’re gonna

Drop down one more and then go out two blocks like this and then in between we’re just gonna keep breaking the blocks that connect them all right let’s go out one more and this is just like one propeller done one down three more to go after this all right

My one complaint about this though is that this is like touching this I actually might I know this is like a super picky thing but I think I might actually break this and like go out one more block just so it’s not touching this you know what no no I think it’s fine

I want to see what it looks like from the ground though let’s take a quick look out I think that I think that sticks out far enough actually if it went out any further it actually probably start to look like a little bit unnatural the one thing I’m considering though is possibly

Dropping it down one more block I’m not sure let’s see I want to see it from higher up that looks pretty good actually this is like just like a mega scaffolding stream today you know what I like that I think that I think that looks pretty swag we will continue

Yeah any further out I think it’s just gonna start looking like super awkward so we’re just gonna leave it there and even if like the propeller is kind of touching that I think it’s okay foreign so for this block I think we’re gonna go out one more like

That and then break this one and that should be good it all kind of starts coming together when you start adding the details to it like it’s a very basic propeller shape but I find that it just like it’s just so much easier to like handle

So then we’re just going to do the same thing all the way around I’m going to attach one like this and then I’m gonna I’m gonna scaffold out a bit less this dirt honestly break the Connecting Blocks and then we’re just going to keep kind of moving up that way

I’m basically building like a giant dirt structure around it with all the scaffolding that I’m doing it looks so silly so this one’s gonna Point upwards basically all right we gotta sleep really quickly and you know what worst case scenario like I know I’m like

Hyping it up in my mind being like this is hard to build but really it’s like once we get the basic shape down it’s not that difficult if I do want to change it quickly it’s very very possible oh no we got the Bots sorry y’all I’ll get rid of him really quickly

Be gone I’m always like afraid of accidentally like hitting one to mod by accident because they’re so close to each other in like the the panel I’m like that would just be tragic sorry everybody we got him oh these this looks like a like a farm

At this point like some form of like mob farm that looks so ridiculous yeah that would be really really bad if we did that by accident I’m gonna need a little bit more dirt for this scaffolding because I’m just going through so much at this point honestly props to us for making this

Little tiny Cottage thing it’s actually come in handy yo this is already looking so so good it’s adding so much more character to this area I’m very very excited about this Foreign let’s finish this off where were we okay yeah so now we’re just gonna do the same thing very very simple two blocks like that and it’s done so if anybody like wants to like do this build as well just know that the propeller is pretty easy for the most part

It’s not too too tricky same with this little spot we’re basically doing the same thing it’s like it goes out by one block for two blocks like this and then let’s start connecting them again like this with two blocks going down and one more there we go

All right we have one more to do just gotta connect it to that Grindstone foreign I think the hardest part of this build is going to be getting rid of all the dirt scaffolding if I’m honest now swag windmill swag let’s go all right where are we attaching this ah right here perfect

Last one oh now I gotta work my way down okay oh I am in a predicament right now here we go I feel like there’s more efficient ways Oops I meant to go down not to the side I feel like there’s more efficient ways for me to scaffold but you know what I

Just I just really like using the dirt I can’t I can’t not I’m not I’m not a bamboo gal you know foreign sorry if I don’t pronounce your name right you you meant oh my gosh I’m so sorry if I don’t pronounce it right but thank you so much for becoming a channel

Member I’m pretty sure I see you on our Kickback Discord as well if I’m correct I that is a familiar um profile picture but thank you so much for becoming a channel member can I get some swags in chat swag swag swag yeah Rito thank you so much I really really

Appreciate it that’s awesome and welcome welcome to the channel membership let’s go swag all right we have one more to build out I think I just do it like this I think I did it chat this is it this is it chat can I parkour this oh I did it

Wow I’m so proud of myself parkour Master over here oh no I need to get rid of this scaffolding too oh okay that’s that’s not what I wanted to do add more scaffolding to the scaffolding I want to get rid of classic classic okay let’s take a step back and take a

Look at what we’ve created and go oh ah [Applause] and I need a sip of water while I’m at it [Applause] all right let’s fix this all up I am very excited about this parkour wow oh no my shovel’s almost broken okay before I destroy all this stuff we’re

Gonna just like go down and take a look oh thank you for this egg oh my gosh amazing got like a little Egg Farm going there I love it we have we have six eggs so far this is very efficient all right let’s take a look-see

Yes that’s exactly it so now all we have to do is detail it um let’s see I want to just like take a quick look up as well [Applause] oh yeah that’s looking good that’s looking good really basic shape but honestly I feel like that’s the way to

Go with Windmill and then you can just like kind of add your own detail to it like at least it all looks like it’s like spinning in the same motion and yeah nah this is this is the way to go and then we’ll just fine tune it with

Some like some buttons and trap doors and all that stuff you know very very easy all right that’s looking pretty fresh now it’s like kind of the fun part of the I mean everything about this build has been fun but it’s my favorite part of this build I would say is the

Detailing so now this is where we get to add in all of the flavor of the build I think we’re gonna need a couple more trap doors and stuff like that um we’re gonna go pretty heavy on that we’re gonna need some Spruce planks we’ve got plenty of those we’ve got

Maybe a couple more stair or uh fences 44 should be good so I’m going to start by detailing out the windmill itself the propeller and then we’ll kind of move on to the rest of the build from there oh thank you so much burden thank you

And I will see you later I just realized you’re heading out as well sorry I was just sipping on iced coffee oh it’s so good I’m so happy so happy I made that okay so let’s just start detailing this out really quickly that was like way too high that was like unnecessary okay

So I think what I’m gonna do is just like add a little bit of shape by adding in like fences here and there just like this so something like that looks good and then maybe towards the bottom down here some more fences there and then on top

Of Parts like this we could add like planks and then maybe underneath where can I add this get rid of this guy add in some trap doors just for like a little bit of extra um detail right there yo Jayden thank you so much I appreciate that yeah cozy windmill vibes

So I think for this piece right here what we’re gonna do is I’m gonna do spruce fence right here and then we could do one on this side as well maybe one right here the trap door scaffold down so we can reach these parts as well and then Spruce fence right here

Oh we need to do buttons as well but we’ll add those in last foreign Yeah like that oh a trapdoor up there would be nice too we’re going every which way with this scaffolding it’s like a little maze that I’m creating it’s kind of cool that’s perfect all right you can’t build as nice as me oh I’m sure that’s not true everybody has their

Own Styles and honestly a lot of as if you practice a lot you’ll like get better and better in terms of skill set too for sure even if you feel like you’re not fully there yet you will get there if you just keep building

Like I said a lot of times like I found that building was like a very very steep learning curve for me in the beginning especially like figuring out how to build like even basic shapes I very much struggled with and then it just took like a lot of practice and figuring

Things out one step at a time and yeah I got there still learning a lot too though I feel like it’s like never ending what can I put on the bottom here probably fences something like that this is so hard to detail out because I just don’t want to fall

But if I build out lower like this over here am I missing out on the bamboo scaffolding I feel like I’m kind of making this more difficult for myself with dirt but also get I don’t know oh yeah eventually exactly you’re gonna reach a point where you’re like

Like good to like do your own designs and stuff like that you’ll 100 get there I guarantee it you built a dirt house without any door and you’re scared of mobs honestly I could like when I first started playing Minecraft I could barely survive the first night because I would just like

Literally panic and run through the night and then just get blown up by a creeper or some something untimely I kind of missed those days though like that’s fun those were just like fun chaotic days of like learning to play Minecraft you know foreign house I built kind of like a brewing

House during my let’s play but I would be down to do like another like fantasy style witch house as well we have um we have a swamp nearby in this world that we could kind of maybe build one in okay so the detailing on that one is done

The only thing we really need to add now are the buttons to really like kind of pull all of this together all of that dirt is going to despawn and I’m gonna be very sad aren’t I okay how do we get up there I’m gonna have to rescaffold this I’m

Sorry I’m sorry chat I’m very all over the place today there we go something like that is good I think we should go take a look to see what we’ve done and then collect the dirt down there so it doesn’t necessarily all despawn and then I lose

All of my dirt and I can’t scaffold how’d that happen oops there we go all right how does that look your style is massively detailed symmetry to the point of it being heavily chaotic for anyone but me I would love to see that if you have any

If you’re in the Discord and you have any work I would love to see oh no it’s back it’s back bye they are Relentless now jeez sorry I’m just removing all these we got it yo Christine what’s going on Welcome to the chat how’s it going yeah that’s I think that’s more than

Enough detail for what we want I think that’s pretty good huh all right we might as well just keep going with the other propellers all right I’m just gonna add buttons to this one really quickly we’re gonna have to make more buttons though I fear that I did not make enough

Come on there we go excellent two more propellers to go and we’re done detailing it let’s go chat let’s go 43 buttons should do it all right let’s start with this bottom one boom boom another button there now we just need some like fence posts and stuff like that there we go

This is looking fresh there we go all right so on top here what we’re going to do is we’re going to add one more button here and then we are gonna get probably some trap doors thinking a slap here trapdoor and then maybe like a little fence post

Right here they might all be like a little bit varying in the pattern of it but I think it uh I think it’ll be okay so last but not least we’re gonna do this little section here let’s get some fencing boom there we go I’m thinking a slab right there yeah

And then let’s get a little trapdoor and we’re pretty much done with this chat for the most part I just need to add a couple trap doors to the edges over here and we’re done I think we like kinda nailed it with this one hmm door there and last but not least

Actually you know it doesn’t need one there it adds like way too much to the edge there we go yo Nico what’s going on welcome in how are you doing ah there we go now we can clean up all this oh scaffolding mess I thought I just like put myself on a

Floating island I was very scared for a moment all right how is this looking I’m so excited to see what it looks like let’s go back here for the big reveal yo Silver Fox what’s going on welcome in how is your Friday going lovely very very lovely

Oh this is so nice I love it cool all right now we just gotta detail the heck out of it I know scaffolding is like more convenient but like I can’t I don’t know why I just can’t figure it out like why I don’t know why it always goes sideways

When I try to build it up and then vice versa and also we haven’t found any bamboo in this world yet to be fair I think maybe once we find bamboo though I will give it a shot because I do recognize that the dirt isn’t the best

And my day is going great thank you so much silver fox all right the one thing I’m Gonna Change up here quickly is I’m gonna add a little bit of detail I’m gonna move this window up by one oof where did the stair go uh oh I lost it oh no huh

What am I doing okay let’s go down this way yeah I was shocked we like found a huge jungle biome the other day and for some reason like we looked around quite a bit and it was a pretty big island yet there was no um there was literally like no

Bamboo in sight which was really odd I think we’re just gonna have to go back there there’s probably like another Island close by or something like that and we’ll be able to get some because I feel like I need to learn how to use the scaffolding proper properly

Thank you Galaxy I I really like this build too I think it’s good it’s Swag yeah yo sweet tea what’s going on how are you doing and thank you so much and yo Mario try please try to keep everything PG here we’re all just trying to have like a a good time

Oh you want to join the Discord okay okay wait I got you I got you I’m gonna throw the link out I’m gonna throw the link out if anybody wants to join the kickback Club please please join the Discord hang out with us um we do like building competitions we

Have a server that we’re working on that’s going to be up and running hopefully soon um there’s General chat there’s a lot of like tips and tricks and stuff like that and yeah just come hang out it’s like super Chill Vibes me and block down builds have put it together and yeah

Join if you want foreign Ty let’s move this up by one and then what we can do is fill this in there we go uh oh I need to sleep I need to sleep yeah we would love for you guys to all come and hang out yo Theresa welcome in how’s it going

You’re so excited to finally be able to join the live stream you’ve always oh I love that you watched the recorded ones as well it literally makes me so happy that you all go back and watch the vods you don’t build a lot is it okay if you

Share some pics of the things you crocheted oh my God absolutely absolutely so we have a we also do have like an art and photography section and I think some other people were like sharing some like crocheted style stuff as well so there’s like a couple of

People in that Discord who like are also very into it we would all love to see it all right let’s just start adding leaves and stuff to this build and make it look all cute and stuff all right or are we gonna throw this you joined the discard when we first

Posted you’re just quiet oh yeah no worries we have lots of people who we have people who chat people who lurk and anything is fine by us like you are more than welcome to do whatever you like in that Discord and don’t yeah don’t don’t feel like you

Need to talk in the server there’s plenty and plenty of lurkers there’s no pressure at all even if you just want to like hang out and just like watch chats go by that’s totally cool there’s no pressure oh no that almost got me that almost got me

You don’t use Discord at all you just joined to be there on the Discord when you open a Discord once a year oh yeah I know that feeling actually I use it a lot more to communicate with friends and stuff now but I used to be that way as well

Oh that was a close one yeah I felt that in my ankles like IRL as well all right we’re not gonna add too much detail to the top of this build I think like that’s pretty much good where’s the little platform that I have okay it’s right here what am I doing here

Uh this is a bad idea we’ll go from this area and break it my brain is like starting to oh that wasn’t Dean I’m so sorry Chad I’m so sorry you have to watch this me fumbling it’s always about this time in stream where I start making all of the mistakes isn’t it

We’re almost we’re almost done with uh the detailing though which is good no more scaffolding okay soon I apologize the most pressure we have is driftering parkour I know I feel like I’m keeping you all on the edge of your seats here because it’s just like I doubt that I’m

Good but I’m actually not that great at it foreign oh yes we always in that Discord we always love pet pics always pet pics are what like I feel like they would they’re what drive that Discord you know I think it’s like the first thing that I

Usually check in the mornings too when I wake up I’m like any new pets around all right we’re gonna keep it Chill by just detailing out the bottom now because I’m scared I just don’t want to get hurt again it’s actually changed put that there there we go

Like a little bit of a leafy line coming down here and then we can do that here I honestly love like the little trick that blockdown taught me where it’s like instead of just placing leaves on top of everything like replace some of the blocks with leaves so they look like a

Little bit more like built into it like that I think that’s just like a really good General Building trick to have I think it’s made a difference in my builds too because sometimes the leaves just like jut out too much but with that they’re like a little bit more like

Built into it you know I much prefer it all right what else we got here so we’ve got tons of leaves on this side oh I know what we’re missing I know exactly what we’re missing we’re missing like a cute little chimney so I need to get some granite and brick

I don’t know if I have any probably have some around here you love The Greenery on my build oh thank you yeah I find that like adding Greenery especially if you have like the moving like with the way that the leaves move and stuff like that it just like um

It really adds a lot of life to the build I’m playing on Java Edition I said I need a brick and granite right okay I’ve got the granite but do we have the brick anywhere I do not think so oh we got a bit that should be enough I think I can get

Away with three this looks so cute oh wait before I scaffold up I need to make a couple campfires I got to I got too excited you know okay let’s steal some of this coal do I have sticks I do not have sticks I’m starting to run low on resources

Aren’t I there we go let’s do something like that make a bunch of campfires and we have trap doors we do but maybe I’ll make a couple more oh we’re running low on Spruce Wood we used a lot of it actually that should be good you’re stuck in the verify channel on

The Discord if you click on when you go to the verify Channel you have to like click on like I think the check mark and that will allow you in ah yes people in chat got your back for that he taught me that ever since you first

Started watching my long plays oh like The Greenery I love that that’s awesome I’m gonna move quickly these two though um I’m gonna move it over one something like that and then I’ll remove this little slab instead just because it’s too close to the other leaves I know that’s like super nitpicky

But I just wanted them spaced out like a tiny bit more you know foreign you always seek the nearest Village to survive and fi in survival it is honestly a very good strategy to do that for sure because you got everything you need there you know I know a lot of people in

Hardcore especially do that circular Farm around the windmill yes definitely lots of like Wheat Field around it and I’m picturing like some wagons and stuff like that we’ll detail it out for sure okay so with this piece what I’m thinking maybe is some Granite here a little bit of brick

And then we’ll do another one I don’t know why I’m always like really into the double chimney lately I always do two beside each other I just love the look of it I think it just looks really cute place the trapdoors around like that wish I had flower pots on hand but we

Can always add those in like a little bit later I don’t know if anybody else does that where like they like build something and then they go look at their build like a little bit later and just kind of like pick away at little details I feel like builds are never finished

For me because I’m always doing that ah there we go I think that looks good yes yes this is it this is the one chat I love this one woohoo oh yeah there’s if you go into the Discord there’s so many good builds to see we have a lot of talented builders

In chat honestly like it’s it’s been so fun to see what everybody’s working on like there’s some like just so much creativity I find and a lot of people like giving out like tips and tricks and stuff too it’s just like really cool and super supportive I love it okay

Um my tips for building would be honestly like I think just uh like once you get like the structure and shape down it’s just like adding in like the really small fine details that make a build kind of like come to life it is good though to

Like kind of like start with like a really good base structure like if you get a really nice color palette that you start with and it’s like really nice to have something like let’s say like this like I initially start out no started out knowing I wanted to make a windmill

And when I kind of like started working on this I chose a color palette that all worked together I find that like Stone sandstone and Spruce work well and I wanted to have like a cute and cozy Vibe and then I think just like once you have

Like a good base Foundation just like really adding tons of detail it will make it look good because like right now this this build looks nice but it’s still kind of lacking in what’s around it you know what I mean once you build like landscape or landscape around it it’ll really really

Come to life I forgot about this it’s so silly all right let’s start adding in a little bit of detail to the surrounding area because this is kind of looking like a build plopped on top of a hill no go away get out of here get out go they are Relentless today

Oh my gosh sorry I’m just removing them really quickly sorry chat you always have to look at tutorials tutorials help you figure that stuff out though and then eventually you’ll be able to do all that type of like detailing and stuff on your own which is the best part

It wasn’t the first egg in the world so what happened earlier was um I was building this thing out and then like right behind here a chicken just like randomly laid an egg and looked up at me and I was like you’re a real one actually it’s the chicken right here I

Decided to keep him as a pet because I think he’s really cute don’t know what I’m gonna name him though it was just like a very weird moment but it was awesome pots suck love your content thank you Alan yeah they do they really do trying

To kill the vibe but they can’t they can’t all right so for this build what I was thinking was I want obviously like a cobble path but do I want like brick path or cob like Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone what do you think chat should we like do a little bit of a

Variation around the build to make like at least like the landscaping around it look a little bit more rugged and then I was thinking about placing like fields and stuff around or do you think we should like kind of Keep It In theme with like the bricks and stuff like that

He looks like a Greg I love that he kind of does or Anna oh we’re gonna have to do a poll if I have a name tag around we’re gonna have to do a poll for this again yeah wheat’s definitely going around it for sure

Let’s see if I have a name tag actually rugged I’m thinking rugged as well just to switch it up otherwise it’s gonna all blend into each other all right let’s try to find a name tag first I swear I have tons hanging around there it is

All right here we go here we go to our Anvil we’re gonna name this uh chicken really quickly cookie oh my gosh there’s so many good names I’ll put out another poll in a second between those names uh I’m gonna start a poll what should what should we name the chicken Greg Anna

Or cookie all right the Pole’s out please vote this is very important KFC or nugget oh Jeffrey there’s so many good names it pulls out though it’s between those three oh geez oh wow cookies in the lead oh Greg Greg Greg is creeping up oh hello Ruth sweet little bean

Forgot you were here oh I could use this wheat from our Bales because we’re going to need them anything else of value around here not really I’m gonna grab this wheat though we’re gonna start a wheat field anything else anything else Oh it’s very close okay we need a couple more votes somebody vote because it’s like literally a tie between Greg and cookie oh oh okay okay everybody Last Chance forever hold your peace Greg cookie or Anna the chicken looks like a Greg I have to go with the pole though I

Gotta go with the pool cookie it’s cookie guys it’s cookie all right cookie wins friends that was close that was like one of the closer polls that we’ve had foreign all my levels that I’ve been wanting to use on like enchanting for just like name tags and stuff Craig deserved better

Honestly if I if I gotta be honest I think Greg was probably my choice too but this is a stream for the people you know we got it we gotta do a fair poll cookie it is a worthy sacrifice either way either way we’ve got we’ve got our good friend

Cookie you know like he’s here he’s helping out he’s chilling oh look at that okay this this looks fresh looking very fresh all right here we go we’re gonna go name cookie hello friend bye cookie yeah let’s go everybody everybody throws some swags into chat for cookie

Or main friend maybe we can like bake cakes with the eggs that he’s given us we can’t like put them to waste you know we gotta do it we gotta do it just gotta take a sip of water quickly I just have to like I always say that

Out loud because I just have to remind myself to hydrate swag for cookie swag for cookie our best friend all right time to start detailing out this little area it’s just going to be straight up a ton of terraforming not terraforming just like pathing really we’re gonna have to

Um next stream probably pop Newton Y into it because this took quite a while but at least we’ve got like a pretty good home for Newton why I would say and yes we will definitely build out that section into a potty there’s no way we’re not going to congratulations Silver Fox on the

Winning name cookie um oh I just realized I might need more Cobble a long time yeah I will all right I’m thinking instead of doing um like Cobble actually I feel like Cobble would fill like would fit that Vibe too I don’t know if I

Um actually no no let’s do like let’s do wood I want it to feel like warm and cozy in here we’ll do spruce wood whoops oh carrot cake I love carrot cake it’s so delicious honestly it’s like very underrated I find okay we’ll just fill that in quickly

Do I even have any more I don’t think I have any more Spruce to make even a door this is wild I can’t believe I used it all foreign we have no choice but to go cut down some trees that’s okay because I wanted to grab a

Little bit more Cobble anyway for the pathing so we need Cobble we need some gravel because I want to make some coarse dirt and then we need some Spruce so that’s on the list chat just so I don’t forget if I walk away from this area without grabbing any of those

Please just yell at me just say drifty forgot that it’s okay we’ll have plenty we’ll have so many more animals and villagers and just like inanimate objects to to name don’t worry poles like these polls they’re just the beginning of it all do not fret we’ll have many

Opportunities for some Greg to come along like look at that that could be Greg or the pig behind could be Greg too you never know Never Say Never I always feel um like weary building with slabs for some reason like it doesn’t feel right I don’t know why or at least for the

Flooring I’m always like I feel like this should just be like full planks there we go you just made a 10 year old I love building tents in Minecraft especially in like the Taiga Biome it’s super cozy love it #camp cozyvibes you know Francis the pig I love that name that’s so sweet

I’m mining cobblestone just because I want to grab a little bit more Cobble for our um just for the pathing that we’re going to be doing so we need Cobble I need a little bit of this gravel for some coarse dirt as well and then I need spruce

Although I am gonna have to find a bed in a second otherwise we’re gonna be in trouble and Francis you’re gonna have to save me I don’t think Francis intends on saving me foreign you found this channel three days ago and you can’t stop watching the last one

You was building a boat oh thank you so much I really appreciate that I love that build too The Mangrove uh boat that’s one of my favorites for sure except Mangrove wood just such a pain such a pain to collect it’s awful I know I said I was gonna grab Spruce but I literally have to run back to this bed because I’m terrified I’m too scared of the night Oh we gotta keep cookie safe you know all right back to it that should be enough Cobble for the most part we can always go get more kind of later but I just want to do like a little bit of detailing on the outside of the area and then

Um be done with it for sure ah what was that scary just hiding in the trees ow bye see ya alrighty let’s go to our little tree farm I don’t think I’m gonna cut down a big tree there’s no point but oh no this is a big tree as well I think

I have a smaller one somewhere do I not this whole area is kind of turned into a mess oh no okay I literally just want enough for a door there we go that’s enough that’s enough we’re good we’re actually oh chat I don’t know maybe I need to chop one down

Because I just realized we’re gonna have to build out like a wagon and all that stuff okay we’re just gonna we’re just gonna do this chop down one of these there we go we definitely need to get some uh more levels going so on the agenda for the next stream

What do you all think that we should kind of focus on we’ve got ourselves like a cute little windmill so I think it kind of it doesn’t complete the farming lit like the Farmland that we have but I think it makes it look a little bit nicer but what other types of

Things do you think that we should focus on because I think that we need to get Enchanting sorted out so do you think maybe we should like I don’t know start villager stuff I would really love to get like full diamond armor for sure better tools sorted another Highway oh

That looks so good honestly nether highways are so efficient but making them is just like so stressful draining ocean yeah we go from building like a cute cozy little windmill to an ocean Monument draining session oh just like two extremes you sometimes roam in your world and appreciate everything you built yes that

I feel like that’s very important to do in Minecraft is like kind of just to take a step back and like realize hey I built this and just like actually kind of like actively live in it you know what I mean that’s why it’s always like really good

To give your buildings a lot of purpose to them and function so you’re kind of visiting them and you’re taking those moments sounds kind of cheesy but I think it just makes the game that much better yeah enchantments that’s the one enchantments for diamonds in the caves I

Think that’s it so how should we go about doing that then because like we can just like go kind of like scrape for levels or do you think maybe we should kind of work towards villager stuff like we won’t set up like a huge villager trading Hall but we could like kind of

Work on it you’ve had the corn song from Tick Tock oh it’s stuck in my head now oh gosh every time oh yeah there’s a lot of stuff that like I’ve started in Worlds and just have never bothered to finish it’s just like so easy to like kind of get carried away

And then forget about it I I’ve been there too for sure ah did not mean to do that that’s why you love your single player world because you because you know you did all of it exactly and you can go at your own pace that’s what I love about

Like single player worlds as well like there’s just no real pressure to like actually complete everything in like a timely manner just go at your own pace you do what you need to do and like every little bit is progress no matter what even if it’s

Like a little bit it’s like well I still accomplish something I find that I’m definitely somebody who takes this game like very slowly just naturally foreign I kind of like that I like I really like the early game I think it’s fun like even for this build this is gonna

I mean we’re not gonna be done it right away but we’re basically just gonna kind of like outline most of what needs to be done today so by that I mean like we’re gonna finish off like the field and stuff like that but I’m not too concerned about fully

Connecting this stuff properly that’ll come with time definitely a work in progress this area but that’s okay Trading with villagers gives a lot of XP yeah I feel like maybe we that’s what we should do next is get a couple villagers that’ll help us um do a little bit like of the trading stuff I think we need more XP and also I was like oh we should technically maybe do

Like the Villager curing but also like it’s a lot of work it’s so much work to start it I’m almost like just tempted to just not do that even though it’s like it’s as tempting as it is to get mending for like one Emerald or whatever you can get it for

How did I fill up this chest so fast of course dirt here we come all right let’s start filling in the edges with coarse dirt to add a little bit of pizzazz to this there we go that’s nice that’s very nice we’ll filled this outside area with stone as well

Just to kind of like detail around the build and then we’ll like um complete the edges with some coarse dirt as well you pick a new world a new spot spot in your world and start from the beginning so do you kind of like leave everything in your old

Um like your old base and then just like start completely fresh in that area or do you like bring some of the stuff with you because that would be really interesting because if you have like a long Running World you’ll have all these builds that are like separate but

They’re ultimately connected which is kind of cool foreign whoops do I have any more though yeah I really like the idea of having like all of these like random places scattered across the like the Minecraft world that you can kind of like Bop between and they’re all like different

Themed and stuff like that like if you had like a savannah base and like a forest base and they’re all different but if they connect in some way that’s so cool foreign biome yeah what’s everybody’s favorite biome that’s a good question jungle I find has like the most interesting stuff in terms of

Like the animals and stuff like that however I find it like kind of a pain to live there especially for my frame rate it’s like very taxing on my computer um not as bad now that I upgraded my card but I think I really like the standard Forest the most

I think right in this spot here we’re going to start adding in some Fields as well so let me get these ready I’ll get a water bucket and maybe what I should do is I should actually start kind of transferring everything over slowly into the um the windmill

I’m just gonna throw this junk in here really quickly something like that just anything that we don’t really need for now we’ll worry about the organization uh later that’s a later me problem classic good night Silver Fox thank you so much for hanging out and thank you for um naming our chicken cookie

Foreign Oak Forest me too I really I really wish they would kind of like change them up a bit same with Birch I feel like they do need a revamp with like extra flowers and just different stuff to make them a bit more interesting the huge Rivers yeah I love rivers in

This game agree totally agree I find that I’m always compelled to like live next to a river especially because it helps you travel around faster but it’s just like very pretty to be next to water as well I think it’s actually very rare that I um that I build far away from water

It’s a masterpiece ever done honestly I’m not sure because I I agree like I’m always picking away at builds I find I feel like I’m never done with anything oh yeah spooky tower for enchanting would be cool we have like a little um our enchanting areas like

Um a little bit of an underground cave that’s what we’ve got going on but I have another portal nearby and I want to make it like very fantasy driven around there for sure foreign oh yeah I was gonna make a little pressure plate perfect

Uh what was I gonna do oh yeah drop that in there just want to start getting rid of all this stuff in here it’s just gonna be another I’m so sorry this is just gonna be another item dumb let’s go if it’s in the chest and I can’t see it

I’m happy that’s it just want to clear this area to make it look a little bit nicer so we can start kind of like finessing the area for sure don’t mind my storage I know what’s bad I’m so sorry for anybody who has to watch this storage is my biggest downfall as I’m

Sure it is for other people it’s very hard to manage there’s a lot of items and things just like get out of hand very quickly not my steak we’re almost there we’re nearly there chat oh that feels so much better yay oh we got it we got it just hide everything

Hide it all you know what we’ll put the bed in here too like after all newt’s gonna be living in here so this is gonna be like living quarters so you’ve tried so many times to get organized but it never keeps up yep I feel the same way like it lasts like a

Solid week or so and I’m like wow I did so good and then a week later I’m like how is it chaos again it’s so hard to keep up with it thank you and I don’t know if it’s just like me if it’s like a me problem or if it’s like

Minecraft actually legitimately needs to start like making like changes to the inventory but I think it’s me honestly all right crafting table stone cutter bada bing bada boom and we’re done let’s keep this out put that there for now and stonecutter can go right here hey me at least it’s like partially

Decorated in here like it’s nothing special at least we have items you know yeah a messy tube if I come your chests are gross [Laughter] I’m sorry that got me yeah they’re really bad they’re bad I deserve that I’m not gonna lie that was funny he’s got roasted oh boy

Minecraft actually considered Stone chess for ancient city really wait how would they work what would they be different like what would be different about them I feel like at this point like we kind of do like sometimes I wonder what the whole inventory issue I’m like if we

Added more inventory slots to like say this bar would it help us or would it just like create more of an issue I think the only drawback is like when you’re exploring there’s like so many more things to collect and that’s what the issue is but at the same time I feel

Like if I had more inventory slots like it would just be fully abused by me literally just like I don’t even know just placing random stuff everywhere uh where did I put my stairs avert your eyes I’m so sorry there we go that looks a bit better a little bit more clean

All right it’s Wheat Field Time this one’s just gonna be giant Wheat Field too because the other one’s below like I started mixing a bunch of stuff up but I want this one just like strictly wheat and maybe like a couple pumpkins or something like that

And I want it to look like very very clean and organized I did not get to see the stone chest if somebody wants to pop it in the Discord or anything so I can see it later under like I don’t know some Minecraft thing and yeah I would love to see that

Secrets of Minecraft I’ll have to check that out sounds very interesting foreign we are nearly done nearly done with this build I’m gonna have to pop off soon and get some uh lunch perfect I find laying out the um Lano Fields is always the most tedious part for me it

Looks so good in the end like it’s totally worth it it’s just so time consuming foreign while we wait for that to grow I’m gonna start popping in a couple fences along the sides here and then just to detail it out a little bit all right let’s make some fences foreign

Oh I only made six I thought I made way more than that there we go let’s grab a couple more I don’t think six is gonna be enough for what we need so we’ll just start kind of popping the fences along here oops perfect we’ll just have it like kind of wrap

Around here and I think what I’m gonna do is like pop like a couple little trees as well just towards the back just give it a little bit more detail and one on top there we go cool and oops on the bottom there we go and we’ll do the same over here

Make this one a little bit taller though I just gotta stand on that quickly we’ll make this one like kind of wrap around like that cute this one has an odd shape to it we’re gonna fix that there we go and then I think I’m gonna grab a little

Bit of coarse of dirt and just put them around there maybe I can pop in some flowers or something like that we’re just gonna make this like super simple to begin with but this is already looking a little bit better foreign thank you so much for popping in

So happy you were able to catch another stream you would fall asleep to this beds really early too early in the day to have like a quick little nap um I need chat what do I need again coarse dirt I don’t know if I have any gravel though oh it’s nighttime scary

Yo Mikey what’s going on I’m doing very good how are you doing uh what is this episode about so today basically we’re just building up a little windmill for our farm uh Farmland last episodes we’ve done enchanting we’ve done oh no not again yo thank you

So much big tiny duck for coming in and helping me clear out these Bots thank you goodbye goodbye thank you big tiny duck also very nice to see you in chat I hope you’re doing okay yeah you got here just in time for the Bots you swooped in and saved the day

Oh no I’m gonna need one more shovel I just need to the reason why I’m running away from the windmills because I need a little bit of uh gravel for some more coarse dirt we’re nearly done though chat we’re nearly done poppied I hope Poppy’s doing okay how is

Poppy today such a sweet sweet cat for those of for those that are not in the Discord poppy is a very sweet cat that Mikey post pictures of in the pets Discord in the pets Channel and is just like she’s just like the sweetest Kitty alive laughs oh

Oh welcome back blocky welcome back Big Tiny duck and blocky in chat at the same time is just Bad News Bears for me commence the light bullying yo moose what’s up my day is going great how is your day going not gonna lie I’m excited it’s Friday it’s we’re chilling the weather seems

Very nice yeah just hanging out you have a very sweet cat too have you posted I wait I feel like you said you posted in the Discord and we also have Ruth too Ruth is sleeping right now though she’s um she’s resident lazy today sleeping in the laundry basket

You have a cat named pumpkin oh you’d bully me in any setting it’s true this is true lightly though yeah keyword lightly have ever played better Minecraft I actually haven’t I would love to try it out although I heard it is like extremely difficult like I don’t like I

Feel like I’d love it for the aesthetic but I’d also just die immediately I have played um with a bunch of the afterlife mods and though that was really fun there was like a ton of like cool stuff that you could build with like lattice board and

Stuff like that it was very like aesthetic yo Jay Garrow what’s going on sorry if I also don’t pronounce your name correctly correct me if I’m wrong though which content creator do you think has the hairiest toes and why is it blocked down I’m not gonna argue with that

And why is like the new thing that I have drip Stone breath that’s what you called it earlier my breath smells like drip Stone what does that even mean it’s always something new isn’t it oh what got me into building honestly I feel like it was me watching a bunch of

Like cozy I used to watch it like a ton of like cozy builds and like streams and stuff like that and what got me into building was literally being like this looks so fun and so comforting that I want to learn how to do it except when I

Was learning how to do it little did I know I was really like not great at building in the beginning so it was not in fact comforting and cozy for me and it was a challenge but like once I got past that it was like I love this

I just knew that if I kind of powered through like building and stuff in general being difficult it would eventually become fun and I was right I was right I’m really sad I’m out of uh Mossy Cobble I don’t think I have any Moss with me right now so we’ll just

Compromise we’ll compromise oh Cookie another egg thank you that is nine in total okay Minecraft honestly should add corn making cornfields would look really cool that is like a really good idea foreign you played better Minecraft oh yeah with the Tea House crew I saw that yeah it

Looks super super fun I feel like better Minecraft for me would definitely have to be played with like a crew of people for me to have fun otherwise I just like constantly be dying and being like what is happening all right I’ve got to make a couple more

Fences and then we’ll be good to go then we’re probably gonna um call it around here I just want to finish off the edge right here to like kind of complete it but it’s it’s work in progress it’s a work in progress but I think we made some

Good changes to this area today you know I’m also going to move some of these pumpkins over kind of place them within the field as well or along the sides at least oh that’s not what I wanted I did not want a floating pumpkin in fact

There we go that’s more of what I wanted yo Jeffers what’s going on welcome in welcome in foreign it was flips uh better Minecraft series that got me into that mod and got me interested in it definitely in time I’ll have to give it a shot all right we’re just gonna

Sprinkle in a couple a little bit of coarse dirt around this field though I think the field is gonna have to get it oh I did not mean to do that I think the field is gonna have to get expanded a little bit like I want this to look very like pointy and

And we’re gonna like kind of like expand it more out towards thereafter but for now I think this is probably okay and we’ll just kind of like line it like this I think maybe now would be the time for me to kind of start using some of that bone meal I have too

There we go uh oh I was like where did that trap door go yo ASO welcome back on thank you so much Jeffers I really appreciate that I thought I had a lot more bone meal than this this is not gonna cut it uh all right turns out my bone meal machine

As I mean like I just have to keep throwing seeds in it but it’s not as good as I thought it was yes it’s not that I it’s not that I don’t like UA so it’s just that I can’t I can’t keep up with chat at all times

So sometimes I do miss messages as much as I want to read all of it it’s it sometimes it does go a little bit fast for me or in moments that I’m concentrating I’m not gonna be able to read everything there’s no personal offense though all right I think that’s looking pretty fresh

Cool you know what I think we gotta move this guy inside I’m gonna put like the little thing right there because I still don’t want him to escape cookie another one thank you you are coming with me you’re gonna temporarily be the resident of this windmill

Yes I know it is so exciting the one thing that we’re missing oh no oh no we didn’t make it in time come on there you go hit the pressure plate it’s okay it’s okay there you go the one thing that I’m gonna do before we go is make a couple of lanterns

To pop around you know for bone meal I could use any of the trees I cut down and Shear the leaves yes I need to start actually throwing the leaves in the bone meal machine honestly that’s like a pretty good shout because as much as I use them I do have

A lot of extras so that will definitely be added to the pile you wish you had the patience to build like that honestly it’s It’s The End Result that always makes it so worth it another egg oh my gosh I do agree that it can be like a little

Bit like time consuming but I it’s always like the finished product you’re like ah yes amazing we do need to add like a lot of like I keep saying I’m done here and then I’m like oh Chad I have to go soon blah blah blah and then I just keep going

One more thing one more thing I’m adding before we dip okay I’m just gonna add like just a couple of barrels it’s a couple barrels and then we’ll maybe like add the wagon and stuff like that after I really want to add like a cute little wagon to the

Area but for now like we’ll just like kind of muck up the corners here with like some barrels maybe a hay bale here one there we can like toss one in the fields here as well something like that and then maybe even a barrel and that’ll allow us to put in a lantern

Yes look at this look at this maybe some leaves there all coming together even in a spot like this this is looking a little bit too bare for me we’ll add in some barrels here yeah this is the longest of long plays totally foreign Oh no the potatoes oh wait no I I’m part of the potatoes I forgot my allegiance for a second I’m sorry oh no I cover covered up the barrel no there we go all right I think I think we are nearly done okay wait wait right here too just just a couple more

Just a couple more barrels ah a few more barrels a few more barrels we’ll make like a bunch okay see this is a problem with like detailing in Minecraft is like you just don’t know when to stop and it just like becomes a problem you know let’s get rid of this oh yes

Okay okay this is looking good cute love it Lantern done whoo we did it we did it this build looks POG oh thank you blocky thank you so much yeah this is a long long play today we got we gotta cut it it’s almost five hours I need to go eat

Lunch but I had so much fun building this I knew this would be a little bit of a longer build but you know what it turned out really nice we still have some like work on the interiors and stuff which is okay because we can always pick away at that after I mean

This whole area is kind of in development right now it’s totally just like yeah just one more just one more it’s just so hard to stop yo games Vlogs thank you so much for hanging out and popping into the Stream things that’s done terrifying out of

Context as he I’m dying that’s so funny because like I never even considered that when we all talk about like Minecraft skins it’s like your skin looks so cute it’s out of context that’s terrifying okay but you can see the beginnings of this right so we’ve got

Like a small little wheat field but once all of this stuff is like we gotta get rid of this grass this is just like no good no good we need to do like a stream that’s like dedicated to just Farmland you know but I’m thinking that

Like this is looking super cute on top of this hill and it’s like really starting to pull this whole area together it’s actually making it look like something because the Stone Cottage that we have here by the cows it’s cute but it’s just like not very farmlandy this

Kind of really starts tying the theme together so like let’s just like let’s kind of like do like a little walk around you know like a little reveal thanks for the super long long play oh anytime I had so much fun with this see once you start walking into this

Farmland and you see this on top of the hill kind of like really like Paints the picture you know today went by really quickly I I definitely agree it didn’t feel like five hours I thought it was like literally three and a half at most

But yeah you can kind of see what we’ve got to work with we’ve got this in place and then we just need to detail the heck out of it and start kind of converting some of these paths into stuff like this and I think it’s really gonna start coming together

I really like it though I think it looks super good We’re Not Gonna um We’re Not Gonna release the seed of the world until afterwards just because we’re kind of doing it together real time I don’t want things to get kind of spoiled unfortunately that kind of stuff

Happens on stream so I’ll give you guys a seat afterwards but yeah I think this is looking pretty fresh this is a really cute little build for the area I thought I heard a creeper that really scared me super happy with this one and thank you everybody for hanging out with me while

We built this monstrosity of a build for me this is one of the bigger ones which is like pretty cool we did it together and I’m really happy he survived a week of school let’s go William swag for that swag for that I hope you had a really excellent week uh

Do I wear headphones when gaming or earbuds I use headphones um I use like these Sony ones they’re usually used for like film sets they’re very cheap but like they give you true sound wait what are they called yeah mdr’s 7506 I think are the ones they’re

Like they literally just give you like the sound that you’re supposed to hear I use them for editing so I don’t have like too much bass or too much trouble you know what I mean um but yeah thank you first fun stream thank you so much for hanging out I really really

Appreciate it this was a lot of fun today very build focused so I was very in the zone but I really appreciate you guys like hanging out with me we had so much fun we had so many good conversations about random stuff it was it was really good really good stream

Flat response headphones there you go that’s it thank you blocky please eat well stay hydrated take care oh thank you so much horror and you guys as well thank you so much for the stream also before I go I’m just gonna like link you all to the Discord again if you

Want to join uh that’s where we’re all hanging out you’ll get notifications about my streams as well um just more of a direct way for all all of us to hang out if you enjoyed the streams you’ll probably enjoy the vibe of the kickback Club at me and blocky

Made together it’s uh very similar Vibes we all just kind of like hang out and have a good time and yeah I will see you all in the next stream thank you so much for hanging out everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Longplay LIVE (With Commentary) | Windmill Build and Exploration!’, was uploaded by InfiniteDrift on 2022-08-26 20:16:28. It has garnered 17578 views and 684 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:38 or 17738 seconds.

Today we will be exploring the surrounding biomes for resources. Afterwards, we will begin building up a windmill on our farmland. Come and chill while we gather resources, explore a new seed, and build!

Come join mine and Blockdowns Minecraft community Discord! https://discord.gg/kickbackclub

Minecraft version 1.19 Shaders: BSL Shaders Resource Pack: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-On

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    Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle The BD Forteresse: Dalek’s Deadly Fortress Welcome to the thrilling second part of BD Forteresse! Today, we delve into Dalek’s fortress, which promises to be far more treacherous than Bioscar’s. Dalek, a trap enthusiast, has surely prepared some devious challenges for our adventurers. Challenges Await The journey through Dalek’s fortress is fraught with peril. From intricate traps to cunning puzzles, each step our heroes take could lead to danger or discovery. Let’s explore the challenges that await: 1. The First Trial As our adventurers enter the fortress, they are immediately faced with the first trial. Will they overcome the… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the thrill of jumping from block to block, testing your skills and agility? If so, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server right now! With a dedicated parkour biome that will challenge even the most experienced players, Minewind is the ultimate destination for all your parkour needs. Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through intricate obstacles, trying to beat your own record or compete against other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, where the only limit is your own imagination. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun

    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!

    Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Don’t You Take a Seat Over There? | Castaway Anime #103’, was uploaded by Castaway Anime on 2024-08-27 16:30:00. It has garnered 304 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:55 or 14035 seconds. On this episode of the Castaway Anime podcast, the boys discuss Twitter vigilantes, acquiring Adobe apps in Minecraft, and the ongoing war between gatekeepers and tourists. Plus, Oshi no Ko turns up the heat, My Adventures with Superman finally gets good again, and My Deer Friend Nokotan starts to fall off. Timecodes: ——————– 0:00 – INTRO 7:25… Read More

  • Terrifying Catgirl Cave Build

    Terrifying Catgirl Cave BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave horror project’, was uploaded by Catgirl Iris on 2024-09-08 12:29:01. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:32 or 11972 seconds. Read More


    EPIC 1 vs 2 MINECRAFT MANHUNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VS 2 MANHUNT WHO WILL WIN LETS SEE.. II MINECRAFT II’, was uploaded by KhalsaGamingTaran on 2024-08-16 12:12:48. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:30 or 7530 seconds. DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/fTyqtXKBqQ LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE . Join us on epic adventures in our Minecraft SMP {Radiance} server! We focus on [briefly describe your channel’s main focus, e.g., epic builds, survival challenges, community interactions, etc.]. Whether you’re here for the towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or thrilling survival quests, there’s something for everyone. SEARCH SOURCES :-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal Gamerz

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building the ULTIMATE Minecraft House! | Epic Survival Base Design Tutorial’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-09-24 03:55:58. It has garnered 142 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a full viral description for a Minecraft house video: — **In this video, I’ll show you how to build the ULTIMATE Minecraft house – perfect for survival mode!** 🏠🔥 This epic design is beginner-friendly, with a unique style that makes it both functional and stunning. Whether you’re looking for a modern mansion, a rustic… Read More

  • JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES 🌟

    JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! 🎮 ROAD TO 4K SMILES 🌟 | B T O GAMING Live’, was uploaded by B T O Gaming on 2024-06-12 11:33:12. It has garnered 102 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. **Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! 🎮 ROAD TO 3K SMILES 🌟 | B T O GAMING Live** Welcome to B T O GAMING Live! Today, we’re diving into the creative world of Minecraft, building our own epic world and SMP (Survival Multiplayer)… Read More

  • INSANE Hardcore Minecraft End Build at Day 7100+

    INSANE Hardcore Minecraft End Build at Day 7100+Video Information This video, titled ‘1.21 Hardcore Minecraft (day 7100+) | average sized end build |’, was uploaded by The Baked Dean on 2024-09-16 23:59:34. It has garnered 41 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 08:16:24 or 29784 seconds. https://www.twitch.tv/thebakeddean https://kick.com/thebakeddean https://www.youtube.com/@BakedDean Read More

  • Intense Modded Planet Vegeta Gameplay 🌌

    Intense Modded Planet Vegeta Gameplay 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Planeta Vegetta 8👽’, was uploaded by ByNOX on 2024-01-12 14:00:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts In this video we will see the review of a Minecraft Mod, every day I upload more than 5 videos where you have the best mods,… Read More

  • Why AstralMC Hates Rayshxwn?! 😱 #FunnyMinecraftDrama

    Why AstralMC Hates Rayshxwn?! 😱 #FunnyMinecraftDramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘why astralmc hate me #funny #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by rayshxwn on 2024-07-07 18:01:34. It has garnered 428 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. 👍 Leave a LIKE for more content! 📞Check out my PUBLIC DISCORD → coming soon ⚔️Connect today using sagepvp.org 📁Pack → Ask in the comments! 🎵 Music → Ask in the comments. 🎬 Credits: Editor: rayshxwn (Me) Thumbnail Maker: banne.stxvn (discord) 🛑 DISCLAIMER → I do not own any of the music in this video, all credit goes to the creators. 🌐Socials →Twitter:… Read More

  • Shocking Twist: Young Alien Boy Invades Minecraft w/ Rick And Morty – Official Parody

    Shocking Twist: Young Alien Boy Invades Minecraft w/ Rick And Morty - Official ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘Young Alien Boy – Minecraft Feat. Rick And Morty (Official Parody Music Video)’, was uploaded by LA Films Young Alien Boy on 2024-09-10 21:23:24. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. Hello Everyone We’re raising money to fund research into new treatments for sarcoma, a disease which makes up roughly ~15% of childhood cancers 💛🎗👨‍👩‍👧‍👦⛑🚁🌏 – Help Share This Video Donate Here – https://www.curesarcoma.org Watch The Official Music Video for “Minecraft” by Alien Boy Listen & Download “Minecraft” Available On Soundcloud: Watch more videos… Read More

  • LipoSMP Server

    LipoSMP ServerWelcome to Bosano Craft, where survival meets innovation in the vast and immersive realms of Minecraft. Embark on an adventure unlike any other as you explore custom-crafted landscapes, engage in thrilling jobs, climb the ranks of prestige, and thrive in a community-driven ecosystem. Bosano Craft offers a unique blend of classic survival gameplay with exciting features to enhance your experience. Dive into our custom map survival worlds, meticulously designed to challenge and inspire players of all skill levels. From lush forests to treacherous mountains, each landscape is handcrafted to provide endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. But survival is just… Read More

  • Rosefall SMP 1.20.1 Survival Dungeons & Bosses Custom Special/Event Items NO Whitelist

    Server Information: Server Address: play.rosefall.net Join Our Discord! discord.gg/rosefall Key Features: Custom Vanilla: Experience our server with a twist on Vanilla Minecraft. Play with custom materials, items, and weapons to combat unique adversaries. Dungeons and Quests: Protect Rosefall and uncover its mysteries. Delve into dungeons, tackle quests, and progress through the storyline while collecting impressive loot. Player-Driven Economy: Trade freely and set up player-run shops anywhere in the world, shaping the server’s economy. User-Friendly Land Claiming: Safeguard your property effortlessly with Golden Shovels provided from the start. Free Ranks: Earn ranks by playing and advancing on the server. Each rank… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Who else misses this?

    “Ah, the good old days when all we had to worry about was Creepers blowing up our houses instead of adulting.” Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build

    Crafty Creations: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Build Welcome, welcome, to my Minecraft domain, Where the challenges are tough, but the fun’s never wane. I found something strange in my Hardcore world, A mystery to unravel, a story unfurled. I survived 1000 days, a feat so grand, In this blocky world, where danger’s at hand. The perfect start to my Hardcore adventure, Each moment a thrill, each challenge a venture. This Minecraft build will blow your mind, With creativity and skill, it’s one of a kind. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore, discover, and be brave. So subscribe to my… Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc

    Minecraft Realistic Physics: When Blocks Get Thicc “Finally, a game where my inability to stack blocks properly is explained by ‘realistic physics’.” Read More

  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Minecraft After Dark Edit

    Minecraft After Dark Edit Minecraft Edit | After Dark | 4K #shorts Step into the enchanting world of Minecraft with the mesmerizing “After Dark” edit in stunning 4K resolution. Dive into a realm where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Let’s explore the magic that unfolds in this captivating Minecraft creation. The Night Comes Alive As the sun sets in the blocky world of Minecraft, a whole new adventure begins. The “After Dark” edit takes players on a journey through the night, where mysterious creatures emerge, and the landscape transforms under the glow of the moon. With intricate details… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!

    Firey Minecraft: Kidnapped by Crazy Fangirl!Video Information This video, titled ‘He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-15 16:33:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. He Got Kidnapped by A Crazy Fangirl in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey … Read More

  • Nico’s Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Nico's Wild Vacation: Minecraft Shenanigans!Video Information This video, titled ‘Having a NICO Vacation In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-05-15 03:00:34. It has garnered 356182 views and 5196 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:59 or 1199 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, everyone has a NICO Vacation in Minecraft! The kids takes Nico and his friends on a mysterious island! What will happen on this Nico Vacation?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • “Tragic Minecraft Loss 😭 MrCreeper’s Best Friend Dies” #minecraftshorts

    "Tragic Minecraft Loss 😭 MrCreeper's Best Friend Dies" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft death of best friend 😥😪😭 #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by MrCreeper on 2024-07-13 14:52:03. It has garnered 485 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. #minecraft #Minecraft #MinecraftCommunity #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftMods #MinecraftGaming #MinecraftTutorials #MinecraftTips #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftServer Minecraft Creative Minecraft Building Minecraft Adventure Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Singleplayer Minecraft Mods Minecraft Skins Minecraft Maps Minecraft Server Minecraft Redstone Minecraft Crafting Minecraft Mining Minecraft Blocks Minecraft Mobs Minecraft Ender Minecraft Nether Minecraft Biome Minecraft Village Minecraft Farming Minecraft Seeds Minecraft Texture Pack Minecraft Resource Pack Minecraft Realms Minecraft Command Blocks Minecraft… Read More

  • “🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥” #minecraft #gaming

    "🔥 Ultimate Minecraft House Design by Gaming King! 🔥" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming-king👑 on 2024-07-27 12:03:35. It has garnered 420 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Minecraft morden house design #minecraft #trending #gaming #shorts Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24

    EPIC Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live Stream! #24Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-11 16:33:00. It has garnered 1055 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:14 or 3014 seconds. IP. umar123.aternos.me:60680 descord link https://discord.gg/CUcT3v9M Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #24#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and… Read More

  • Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!

    Unboxing Devil Fruit in Minecraft One Piece Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-08 22:00:14. It has garnered 3231 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:34 or 3034 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs DEVIL FRUIT UNBOXING! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 13 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students… Read More


    INSANE TRAIN MINECRAFT COLLAB - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘train austria collab minecraft’, was uploaded by Hàng Mang on 2024-03-18 05:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Boy 6 DB7 Boy 32 DB 5 Boy 5 Train Boy 9 DB OBB 1016 Boy 77. Read More

  • Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!

    Insane hack: Craft a chair in MINECRAFT!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make chair in MINECRAFT .#minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by AB Gamer on 2024-05-02 09:15:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make chair in Minecraft. Minecraft meh op furniture kese bananeh.#minecraft #shorts #viral about by video yeh video real … Read More

Minecraft Longplay LIVE (With Commentary) | Windmill Build and Exploration!