Minecraft MAD PACK 2: “END OF THE WORLD!” Episode 3 (Ghosts, Pandora’s Box, Full moon)

Video Information

Hey what’s going on guys it’s wolves here with another episode of mad Mac on this dark and scary Saturday hope you guys are having a great weekend I know that I am and I read it a dip into another awesome episode of the Matt back here with you guys on the mad pack

Server yes if you guys noticed this is kind of the first thing I want to tackle I have three deaths on the server officially I unfortunately was not recording and I went to go do some super basic wood chopping and triple cobras or you could see that you could see my desk

On the map by the way right here these triple Cobras came and killed me and I couldn’t outrun them and I’ll be honest they were extremely annoying and with the difficulty level as high as it is they hit really hard and I only have four bits of armor protection so this is

Really just like an art iron a chest plate and an iron helmet which is not that good so I apologize I wasn’t recording but I missed out on that but that’s that’s okay we can actually go ahead and and just clear these now and get rid of those and that’s also another

Death we can go ahead and clear that as well so those were our three deaths but they’re cleared and I didn’t keep the head from that death just because it wasn’t an epic death you know what I mean it wasn’t a good death I wish I

Could kind of go back and get rid of it but it happened guys but welcome back to Matt back obviously if you guys were pumped with the series the madness that is ensuing make sure to hit that like button down below you guys have been extremely supportive on the last

Episodes and I just cannot wait to do more of them right now now you might be wondering why I’m not actually running around or doing something right now there’s a tsunami outside so the the water actually is raining so much that it hurts you so we can’t go out quite

Yet so we gotta do a couple things on the inside of our bunker first and also to prepare for a pretty cool episode so I have a couple things planned out and things that I would like to do including the Pandora’s Box checking out that meteor destruction and looking for

Another boat in another water source maybe down here or something down here and also maybe working on some tinker’s constructs so that’s gonna be this episode obviously who knows what will truly go down I mean we can go in any direction it is the mad pack but before

We do anything I want to actually look at something I would love to get power of going now power is a massive thing we need to get a steam dynamo it’s kind of the easiest I guess I would say way to get redstone flux RF and it’s pretty good

And I think it would definitely be a nice thing to have and probably be our best way of getting some early game RF going so that we can get pulverizers and all sorts of cool things and we have I believe everything except for silver I think I can find some silver in this

Episode but the second we get silver oxide don’t believe we have any will be able to make a steam dynamo so just to let you guys know that I have my mind on that but we can’t do anything by the way here my head’s a weird head Crum one

Fell I don’t know what that is honestly I think I don’t know if you guys are gonna head to come.this anyways weird but I had these heads and I’m kind of just sad about keeping them I might just throw the matter whatever put them in the lava anyway so we have our Pandora’s

Box before we do anything like that we’re actually gonna finish our set of armor we just take too much damage when we fight things and I have some extra iron so I might as well just get a full set of iron going so I feel a little bit

Safer now all we need to do is actually upgrade our dark plate and it’ll turn into essentially diamond armor but we can’t do that yet because we actually need glowstone to make that happen aka the nether aka I would rather die then go to the nether that’s just not

Gonna happen I mean we could try but it will most likely end in a really really bad way so let’s do this we gotta wait for this storm to unfortunately end the only thing that I could possibly do besides waiting is maybe figuring out what to do with all of this copper but

At the same time we’re pretty much pretty much done in terms of what we could do underground you know it’s just it’s a sad it’s a sad day so probably what I’m gonna do with a look at all the stuff we can make with copper though holy what stone Basin interesting a

Water barrel that’s adorable I kind of want to make all these cute things ah clay jug Oh seriously these are all really cool stuff what’s a copper chest upgrade basic Kapila cool cool I definitely make copper gear that is probably the worst thing ever these things look way too calm yeah shin

Machinists workbench that’s awesome and a bunch of other pretty decent things here show you let’s go the rain has stopped guys the rain is stop time for us to go out and explore let’s do this and see what we find let’s go check out that first and

Foremost the meteor and then we’re going to dip into other things let’s bring a new staff with us today though let’s go ahead and use this bad boy the boulder blast scepter high-damage charged-up applies dig split dick speed slow down so we’re gonna take that as our weapon

For today as well as perhaps just a stone sword actually we should be fine with this what’s the damage on this mmm doesn’t do much damage if you left-click so I’m a little bit unsure about that but we can take our our spit fire so

Let’s go up and explore okay so I went out to go looking for stuff and I was like here we go there’s new mad bag it’s 7 p.m. so curfew almost call me back to bed alright I’m coming home sorry it’s sorry so we can’t go out unfortunately

So it looks like we’re gonna have to go into the opposite direction of what we would planning instead of outside we’re gonna go deeper and daka into the unknown dungeon there is a monster down here so Joe is it’s over oh yes oh one silver we can pulverize that guys we can

Pulverise that so all we need to do now is just not die oh god oh look I’m is down you 400 it’s a ghost oh darn it wait state its we got a run oh my god there’s a gas shooting at me oh this is not good gravel gravel no ghosts

Oh Jesus is really not oh my god what oh my god we gotta log out guys that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it I gotta log out I’ll see you guys in the next morning I don’t know what’s going on fine okay welcome back everyone so we’re up

To seven deaths here on the server I don’t know what to say we just got absolutely destroyed destroyed just wrecked destroyed check check rekt rekt rekt rekt breakfast dinner like it’s just I don’t even know what to say so we built rebuilt everything thankfully we had a lot of cobblestone

And stuff but it’s pretty much all gone double layered most of the stuff we thankfully did not lose a lot more than I kind of thought we had lost when it was all happening I was like well we pretty much lost everything but in kind of coming back here and fixing it all

Together our chests didn’t break we didn’t lose our sword overall I think we made out pretty good here so it’s already 2 p.m. in the day I’ve spent obviously a lot of time fixing up the place double layered like I said and as you can tell here is still you know

Obviously it could add a little bit more layers but we’re gonna move umm I’ve wanted to move anyways this is a good time to do it we’re definitely definitely gonna move probably not in the next day because I simply just don’t know what a good place

To have is I’m not entirely sure what is safe from that back from angry red-eyed ghasts and ghosts and all sorts of stuff I mean I don’t know obviously that was day 360 meaning I was a full moon so I think on the full moons the server goes

In absolute crazy mode and we just get just destroyed so we really got to watch out for those full moons and and be careful of those rotations so yeah scary stuff scary stuff I’m wondering what’s gonna happen at the end of the year and hopefully nothing too bad but anyways I

Think what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna wait out for the the next day so – real quick things looks like we’re gonna actually need redstone obviously before we can create the steam dynamo which is a little bit probably lower than what we’re at right now in terms of levels so

I’ve done a little bit more digging and I’ve actually found a whole bunch of good stuff found some more tin some more silver some more iron all in this area and I’m already sure that noises a cyclops boss so a little terrified ooh osmium I think this is oh silverfish darn it

Hopefully these aren’t the ones that multiply it’s almost daytime here which is obviously quite nice and we’re gonna do our exploring and open up that Pandora’s box which I’m very excited about here’s some water down here so we definitely have some things to do down here got to find that redstone before we

Do anything else definitely a cyclops I can hear them moving around Oh what okay all right Jen Ashe high difficulty he’s gonna give me some quartz that we just did be hurting me using my pickaxe against him this is lovely I didn’t vein mine that though unless

That was a that is really weird I did not vein mine that um let’s be careful though yeah there’s a shade um we got a head there cool all right let’s close this up let’s get out of here so let’s do some exploring guys it’s 3:00

A.m. I’ll see you guys outside open up the Pandora’s box and go to that meteor site should be fun alright guys it is the next day time to adventure out into the world head over to that meteor site where we’re gonna go see if we can mine

The I think there should be a chest in the middle of it if no one’s grabbed it already as well as open up the Pandora’s box so pretty bones about that little nervous might die get rekt lose all the stuff on us we just have some pretty

Basic things also got the ghio knock she’s head on us so we’re looking pretty swanky not gonna lie if anyone sees us they’d be a little terrified but hey what do they know they don’t know they don’t know me Oh got enough I totally forgot about that

Oh-kay who we should be alright that was kind of terrify I don’t want to spend hot file annoying you know what I mean right so it should be just this way now the good news is that I don’t believe anyone is very much in this area so we should be pretty good

In terms of snagging up whatever is in this meteorites and let’s just checking it out I don’t think anyone else has seen that yet so pretty pumped about that I have no idea what I can get by the way guys absolutely no idea I’ve never been I mean I know that you can

Obviously get meteorite I think which you can use to make some pretty cool armor at least in the other mod packs that I’ve played but I have absolutely no idea what the mad pack is going to offer in terms of the meat I mean we could die immediately who knows getting

Close radiation all sorts of stuff who knows who knows right away though emerald right here Oh more emerald okay I want 100% grab this emerald this is actually really nice to have hey sweet and there is the meteorite oh my god some iron some meteor right definitely definitely

Meteorite blocks do some vein mining here some iron fantastic it’s more copper great so this is sky stone very cool I don’t know if I can break this with an iron pickaxe I’ll be 100% honest not entirely sure there was a large angry turtle there and I don’t know what

It wants for me okay let’s break into this meteorite see if we can find don’t want to step on that stone because I feel like it might kill me so can we break through this doesn’t can we step on it okay we can definitely step on it

But we’re not going to be able to actually break into here to get whatever loot Asian is inside interesting oh aluminum nice okay let’s just grab that real quick nice like I said we needed this so this is very nice to grab up some marble okay well here’s the meteorite it is super

Cool but yeah we can’t get into this sky stone a plant let me see what you need to break into this maybe we can try and get that if if possible all right we spot another one of these bad boys let’s uh okay no he’s a stone one for damage

Each he is gonna hurt wall when he hits but we got him down and out deep throw poison a potion on me cow that was not me please don’t hurt me uh that might this might kill me poison shouldn’t kill me but it’s mad pack ok poison is not

Gonna kill me but if these cows decide to become angry Oh God we’re gonna get rekt we’re gonna get absolutely wrecked so you do need diamond to break in by the way cool thing is that they contain a sky stone chest which is really awesome and I don’t know what’s

In there it’s pretty much like if you think about it it’s pretty much just like I don’t know lucky block various random drops but you could get a process presses for processor presses or something like that so apparently you need that for mad late-game stuff so that’s that’s awesome I’ll see you guys

In a second we just get my health up maybe just go back to the home and kind of wait for the next day and open up the Pandora’s box then oh god hmm okay okay alright welcome back everyone we found key han our friendly neighborhood of shooting wither so

Welcome back we are here with our Pandora’s box it is 8:30 in the morning slight overcast what a perfect day to open up Hell’s doors and see what is held in store for us cannot wait should be a good time let’s do this doing a little bit of exploring running a little

Bit away from our house we have nothing on us that we really care to lose ground a whole bunch of iron up so if we lose our full set here does not matter I literally have a stack back at home so that’s nice we ran at all and this is pretty much

Dead the iron pickaxe don’t really care about so we either die and lose everything and cry ourselves salty tears of salt or we open up the Pandora’s box and find some honestly I don’t know I did a mod review on Pandora’s Box I honestly can’t even remember what you

Can get I’ll be totally honest with you guys so let’s do this here we found this cute little house let’s swim across here with out dying two angry piranhas and stuff here we go cute house over here I think this is a pretty good spot to do this thing maybe

Get to the shoreline gets a little opening hopefully no chupacabras are here direct my day I know how to combat them now anyways so OH desert that’s what we want to open it okay so Pandora’s box getting open real soon one like equals one legendary Pandora or whatever I don’t honestly

Don’t know I mean what I’m hoping for is like just diamond blocks umm diamond blocks or something really cool okay here this is what we’re open it all right you guys ready three two one Oh God spit hot fire really that’s what I get zombies that’s just boring oh wow

Okay and they pair me with lightning and shoot by row come on okay these are not normal zombies I must seek refuge I must seek refuge okay those guys went ahead and and died that’s great let’s just try and swim across here I seek refuge in the lovely massive temple

Huh okay sure just hit me with lightning that’s totally cool there is a village we can possibly go seek refuge there that sounds like a great idea I don’t know if these guys are angry let’s just go ahead and ignore them maybe they won’t hurt me hello friends you’re cool you’re cute

I’m just gonna go inside your temple now oh yeah Oh safe probably not cool look at this place awesome um okay so we’ve had a little bit of a safe haven here it’s oh I did not mean to do that there goes our pickaxe absolutely rip um okay

What is is there anything even gonna be inside here let’s actually head to the village but that’s the Pandora’s box Wow we just spawned a bunch of really angry zombies hooray I guess are they all dead probably head on home and and not die which is actually kind of nice let’s

Just do that let’s hit up this village real quick it is 12:30 so we have some time we’ll dip into here and just see what we can get what was this oil hmm some oil very nice okay oh patterns maybe we can find the legendary pattern in here Oh doesn’t

Look like we found it shovel knife um crossbar easy nothing really good okay bummer a chest though with all these lovely things I’ll take the obsidian I’ll take the bronze no no obsidian the all the rest of this is pretty mediocre let’s go ahead and dip into this one

Hello Frank hey doing today bud anything in here what are we looking for again it’s the I can’t remember but I don’t think they have anyways what could we take obsidian chisel head though ooh let’s take a slime we’ll take the slime guards actually iron knife blade as well

That’s cool and iron shovel head why not and a paper why not alright let’s just go back and I shoulda grabbed this line from here um okay cool I’m just gonna do a little bit more exploring in here and see if I find anything exciting officially nighttime

Here I got this jump is by the way from this tropical curry curry it’s kind of Awesome we might not make it home to be honest this kind of will suck we have 21 books on us I’ve got a bunch of other really good stuff from the village we’re really

Close to home and there is already some sort of really scary thing that just absolutely terrified me there or you know we’re just on the on the road to getting home right now it’s just nothing getting in our way probably chasing us right now with a bloody murder axe but

You know what let’s just ignore it pretend it never saw we never saw it um Jebus okay creepy but we’re almost home oh god it is officially night time it’s been nighttime for about an hour oh yes yes yes oh god getting get in get in get in get

In ah close close close close get that dirt in dere and welcome home for the choppa little curry away check it out we got a whole bunch of awesome tinker stuff lovely lovely lovely I got this full guard pattern which i think is actually the really rare pattern I was

Looking for um I think I will actually check that give me one second yes it is full guard pattern is indeed the pattern that you need oh my god yes to make a Cutlass which you cannot make normally so if I were to go into my pattern stencil table here you’ll notice that

There is no full guard anywhere you can’t make it I mean unless I’m blind and they added it there’s literally no way to craft a full guard table a pattern so we are we’re looking good we’re gonna have the first cutlass Oh baby that’s exciting also got some

Fermented barrels which I think look pretty darn cool I might kind of hold them in here maybe just kind of even just do this and that looks pretty cool hmm yeah those those are awesome so we got some fermented barrels I got some Stan’s armorstands with some cool armor

We’re just going to go ahead and put some barrels and they’re just to give it a little bit of depth pretty awesome stuff I’m not gonna lie so um yeah Pandora’s box an unfortunate failure but you know that’s what you get it’s okay I’m not gonna I’m not gonna cry about it it’s

Still overall a lot of fun we did find the village there which gave us the cutlass ability which is exciting I’m not gonna lie so the last thing I want to do before finishing up this episode is we’re getting we’re getting a lot done we are getting a lot done is I

Actually want to go ahead and get I’m going to actually enchant a full set of stuff here just so I get like protection on here let’s do that really quick projectile protection projectile protection that’s really unfortunate protection and projectile protection well at least we’re projected from

Projectiles I guess but I want to head down into the into the depths this is really cool whatever you can do with this honestly I guess you put stuff in there anyways whatever I want to head back into the depths I want to get myself another oak 21 books by the way awesome

I want to go ahead and make a chest and I want to see if I can find some redstone while dipping a lot deeper into the depths there so let’s go ahead and give it a try and I will I’ll see you guys down there oh oh no no no no oh

Darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it darn it okay well that was unexpected to say the least oh geez that scared me I didn’t even vein mine that did I interesting okay we’re gonna go ahead and get our stuff back absolutely well I will not allow

That to happen yes I am throwing on LED or LED armor I know I know it’s really bad for speed but I get ridiculously good knock back protection I don’t know we’re just gonna use this cuz I don’t really care if we lose it alright alright

Here cut me some slack here guys that was really not planned that’s actually quite unfortunate let’s go back down there to see if we can kill that guy it is it tsunami going on right now but it’s very very important that I get that stuff back because he is holding on to some

Cause iam I think it’s what it’s called and we’re protecting it at least and I would definitely like to get that all’s iam so let’s go ahead and fight that guy was full iron and he liked to shot me alright let’s see if we can kill this

Guy do do lots of damage boom boom wrecking him wrecking him wrecking him and he should be dead fantastic okay let’s pick this stuff up oh god it’s terrifying down here it is absolutely terrifying I just want to find my redstone and I want to get out

Of here I don’t think it’s gonna happen though at least not in this episode let’s go ahead and take this light armor off we have too much left control for details a strong we found it nearly any high in the world that is known to have many uses in the construction of

Machinery definitely don’t want do too much more exploring at all or if any because I’m a little terrified I really just want to get out of here and then go this stuff away oh man but it’s so tempting okay all right you know what we’re just gonna go over the top here

We’ll find redstone another day that’s gonna be this episode of Mad back I think when you see TNT you know it’s just time to walk away we’ll find some redstone another way don’t worry we’ll get our steam and our RF going most likely in the next episode the good news

Is that we did everything we wanted to in this one we didn’t lose too much we’re I mean at least I’m pretty happy about how that turned out we got some armor some extra armor going around overall good things went down we can build a Cutlass which is amazing so I

Will see you guys in the next episode take care and good bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft MAD PACK 2: “END OF THE WORLD!” Episode 3 (Ghosts, Pandora’s Box, Full moon)’, was uploaded by MrWoofless on 2015-04-26 03:24:51. It has garnered 250001 views and 8078 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:09 or 1569 seconds.

Minecraft MAD PACK 2: “END OF THE WORLD!” Episode 3 (Ghosts, Pandora’s Box, Full moon) Check out the Minecraft playlist: http://bit.ly/1zliMFj Play on my Minecraft Faction Server: http://cosmicpvp.me/

What is the Mad Pack? The MadPack 2 is a combination of survival and tech. The pack’s difficulty adapts and is completely unforgiving. Attempt to complete quests and challenges while just about everything including the pack wants you dead! See how far you can make it in The MadPack 2 (playable in any mode, BUT The Mad Pack 2 is designed for hardcore!)

Epic music by Matthew! http://mathewpablo.com

People on the server: Preston: http://youtube.com/prestonplayz Lachlan: http://youtube.com/lachlan Vick: http://youtube.com/vikkstar123hd Pete: http://youtube.com/petezahhutt

The Pack: Rob: http://youtube.com/mrwoofless Mitch: http://youtube.com/thebajancanadian Preston: http://youtube.com/prestonplayz Lachlan: http://youtube.com/Lachlan Vick: http://youtube.com/Vikkstar123hd Jerome: http://youtube.com/Jeromeasf

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    Zozo's Insane Hardcore Imitator Challenge - EPIC Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as an IMITATOR in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Transforming Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-05-28 01:15:02. It has garnered 26726 views and 289 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a SHAPESHIFTER in Hardcore Minecraft! I’ll turn into all kinds of different creatures, like a wither skeleton, a golem, monkeys, and much more, as I do my best to fight the evil villain Red Nightmare! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as a SHAPESHIFTER https://youtu.be/UpysC4j5_Jg 0:36:53 100 DAYS… Read More

  • Insane twist in Nanashi’s Minecraft adventure!

    Insane twist in Nanashi's Minecraft adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] – Building Quokkaland! #03 – Nanashi V-Tuber’, was uploaded by Nanashi V-Tuber on 2024-03-28 11:39:02. It has garnered 124 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:18:42 or 19122 seconds. Hullo Quokkalings! After some thought I decided to invest in a smol Quokkaling server!! Let’s continue building this world together Quokkalings~ To join, please read the rules below first: Rules: 1. Please do your best not to destroy other people’s buildings! 2. If a building or box is a labeled for somebody, please do not steal from it, there are community… Read More

  • “Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!” #LeafyMcTreeface #Minecraft

    "Insane RLCraft SMP Livestream!" #LeafyMcTreeface #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘RLCraft Joinable SMP! Into the Depths! #livestream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-04-05 06:55:13. It has garnered 47 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:20 or 11840 seconds. I’m going down into the an underwater dungeon,…..here fishy fishy fishy! Become a channel member and join the server! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeqUlA4JmvHSQ6i3MHarmw/join Leafy’s Discord: https://discord.gg/AxR9pkRxcT #livestream #leafy #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shortsfeed #shorts #clips #funny #funnyshorts #gaming #gamermom #gamer #stream #streaming #highlights #funnyvideos #funnyshorts #minecraftmeme #meme #minecraftshorts #rlcraft #smp Read More

  • Mikaru’s MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥

    Mikaru's MINECRAFT House Build CHAOS! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Porque ninguém nunca disse que construir uma casa era fácil…’, was uploaded by Mikaru on 2024-04-19 13:05:18. It has garnered 348 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:53 or 9293 seconds. 💵 If you want to support my channel pix: [email protected] 🫛Our Discord server https://discord.gg/Xe5r4TKEHq 🍤Instagram: / mik4ru 🍣 Drawings Instagram: / mik4ruarts 🍡 Email: [email protected] Thank you for supporting me, this means a lot to me. ❤️ Read More

  • GeoMineLand

    GeoMineLandGeoMineLand Is One Of Georgian Minecraft Server With Awsome Anarchy And BedWars Server Have Beatiful Design And UI https://discord.com/invite/BhFMezWs6m mc.geomineland.ge Read More

  • Parallel SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.5+ Multiworld Exploration Vanilla-Style Gameplay Player-Driven Lore Player Shops Custom Items Active Community

    Parallel Server Looking for a server that lets you explore like never before? Welcome to Parallel, a semi-vanilla SMP where players can travel through rifts between worlds in order to face great dangers, traverse uncharted territory, and collect gleaming treasure, while also keeping the vanilla feel of the base game. Featuring a vibrant community and continuous updates, you’re sure to never get bored. 🔮 IP Address (1.20.5+): play.parallelmc.org 🎉 Join our Discord: https://discord.parallelmc.org 💻 Server Website: https://www.parallelmc.org 📸 Server Photos: https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/servers-java-edition/pc-servers/3023191-parallel-semi-vanilla-smp-1-19-multiworld (“Server Images” tab) Server Features: NEW Armored Paws Update: Featuring NINE new dog breeds, dog armor, armadillos, and a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Aladderin’ it up

    Minecraft Memes - Aladderin' it upLooks like this meme didn’t need a magic carpet ride to soar to the top with a score of 21! Read More

  • Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness

    Sheep MLG Showdown: Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where sheep roam free, I must MLG whenever one I see. Jumping off cliffs, landing with grace, In this game, I always keep up the pace. My Instagram’s lit, with updates galore, Follow me there for even more. Donations are welcome, on Saweria and Trakteer, Support my channel, let’s spread the cheer. Join my Discord, for a chat and a laugh, We’ll talk Minecraft, and maybe even craft. Shorts on YouTube, for quick entertainment, In the world of gaming, I’m a true statement. So come along, join the fun, In Minecraft world, we’ll always… Read More

  • Minecraft lava tower: spicy hack! 🔥

    Minecraft lava tower: spicy hack! 🔥 “When you try to build a lava cast tower in Minecraft but end up creating a hot mess instead #fail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2

    Pup vs. Samurai: Cave Chaos | Minecraft Opus 2 The Wood Debate and Cave Adventure in Minecraft Introduction The Minecraft community was abuzz on May 30, 2024, as Chu and Samariyuu delved into the world of Miney Crafta Opus 2 in G Major. The stream promised a Wood Debate and a thrilling cave adventure, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. Wood Debate with @samariyuu The stream kicked off with an intense Wood Debate between Chu and Samariyuu. Both players showcased their building skills and creativity as they discussed the best use of wood in Minecraft. From crafting tools to building structures, the debate was a showcase… Read More

  • Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Feat in Minecraft The Impossible Achieved in Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player has managed to achieve the impossible. Through meticulous planning and skillful execution, they have accomplished a feat that seemed unattainable. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable accomplishment. Preparation The journey begins with thorough preparation. The player meticulously plans each step, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges ahead. From gathering resources to strategizing their approach, every detail is carefully considered. Step 1: Setting the Aim The first crucial step is setting a clear aim. With a specific goal… Read More

  • Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻

    Exploring Haunted Toilets in Mintoon Craft 🚽👻Video Information This video, titled ‘COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED 👻 – MINTOON CRAFT’, was uploaded by MINTOON CRAFT on 2024-04-08 20:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. COMPILATION MINECRAFT: CHASING THE MYSTERY OF THE TOILET HAUNTED – MINTOON CRAFT #MONSTERSCHOOL … Read More

  • "Encountering STEAVE in Minecraft!!"

    <p>"Encountering <em>STEAVE</em> in Minecraft!!"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet’, was uploaded by smaty boy19 on 2024-03-31 09:32:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I FOUND SCARY *STEAVE* IN MINECRAFT #shorts #minecraft #horrorgaming #skibiditoilet Minecraft horror myths ny gamer … Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥

    🔥 INSANE!! Surviving 100 Days in Jungle Only World in Minecraft Hardcore! 🌴🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days on jungle only world || Minecraft Survival Hardcore In Hindi’, was uploaded by Snocat on 2024-01-14 12:33:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. [IGNORE] minecraft, minecraft hindi, hindi survival series, minecraft hardcore series, hardcore minecraft hindi,minecraft hardcore, … Read More

  • Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraft

    Fear SenpaiSpider in Minecraft?! 🕷️🎮 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SENPAISPIDER FEAR IN MINECRAFT#minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by AKJPlayz on 2024-01-13 01:05:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.”Exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft – uncovering secrets and hidden treasures!” 2. “Building epic structures … Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SMP DAY 4: GUAVACADO RISESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Day #0004 – Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by guavacado on 2024-04-07 06:26:53. It has garnered 135 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:23 or 383 seconds. Next episode we will finish the town hall and gear up for our next creation ! join the server: #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #smp #letsplay #roleplay #gaming #chill #minecraftmarketplace #server #series #casual #join #whitelist #nostalgia #multiplayer #javaedition #theboys #playtogether Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱

    INSANE Minecraft SMP with ModeTrevor at Night! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Late Night Minecraft SMP!!!’, was uploaded by ModeTrevor on 2024-04-10 09:47:59. It has garnered 67 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:42 or 3642 seconds. / https://www.youtube.com/@trevormode – Main Channel https://www.instagram.com/modetrevor/ – Instagram https://www.tiktok.com/@modetrevor – Tiktok https://discord.gg/HNq6VKTDKz – Discordt Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!

    EPIC Minecraft SURVIVAL Battle: Neopolis VS Yugudorashiru!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🚨 #ネオポリスVSゆぐどらしる 🚿マイクラDEサバゲー対決⚔️【ぶいすぽ/神成きゅぴ】’, was uploaded by 神成きゅぴ / Kaminari Qpi on 2024-02-29 15:07:45. It has garnered 29725 views and likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:08 or 9848 seconds. Thumbnail illustration →https://twitter.com/kv7c9t 🌩 Yugudorashiru @radaooo @peintooon @FuwaMinato @gutitubo @ShishidoAkari @itoitoi_Q @Francisco_T @kurotansan @LaurenIroas ​​@KaminariQpi Neopolis @AkiRosenthal @ExAlbio @Shirayuki_Reid @Ran_Hinokuma @ShibuyaHAL @tototmix @MOTHER3rd @Syusetu_kohaku @akagaminotomo 🖤I posted a cover of singing Delicate Lips🖤 Please listen to it a lot~~~~~~~~~💄https://youtu.be/wEi5sMGKrL8?si=CemXK6NxRMOZrDIl ˗ˋˏ Register for membership here ˎˊ˗https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMp55EbT_ZlqiMS3lCj01BQ/join (Bonus: Member badge & stamp / Members only distribution /???♡) ˗ˋˏ Merchandise & voice on sale ˎˊ˗ Acrylic key chain:https://store.vspo.jp/products/keyring-vol1?variant=44623903817915… Read More


    EPIC SHOWDOWN: NOOB VS PRO! POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE! 🏠🔥 | Minecraft (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB VS PRO: POMNI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE | Minecraft (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Esoni TV on 2024-02-17 01:59:26. It has garnered 294052 views and 8120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:44 or 1724 seconds. Play Honkai: Star Rail with me: https://hoyo.link/5GRgFOAL Try Star Rail Simulator with me: https://www.roblox.com/games/15840422464/Star-Rail-Simulator #StarrailSimulator #Honkaistarrail Pomni Build Battle! Shame vs Shame Noob Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Aphmau e like your vid if your build is good!! Build credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbCcOS5jCw&t=196s Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_,… Read More

  • INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥

    INSANE HACKER ATTACKS SmallPotato95 in SUMO! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Sumo until I get hacked on’, was uploaded by SmallPotato95 on 2024-03-25 19:04:33. It has garnered 60 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. hehe silly video TAGS: minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing… Read More

  • HorizonGate

    HorizonGate_-_-_-_-_-_-_**Hey!** -_-_-_-_-_- > **Horiziongate** > Do you want a Minecraft server with interesting gameplay? > *Then this is the perfect place for you* > **============/Features/============** > | – We offer support > | – Friendly members > | – Helpful staff > | – Exciting gamemodes > | – Beginner friendly > | – Weekly events > | – Fair rules > *We hope to see you in game* **==================================**> > 《 Discord: 》 https://discord.gg/5uswAwvBqP projectsurvive.nl Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.20.4 Discord DiscordSRV Dynmap Voice Plugin No Whitelist Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to our Long-Lasting SMP Community! If you’re tired of SMPs dying off, look no further! Our community has been thriving for the past few years, centered around Minecraft and other games. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow players and participate in major build projects. We are welcoming new members who share our interests and values. While we have few rules, we do not tolerate disruptive behavior. No hackers or griefers allowed. Respect your fellow players and enjoy a friendly and mature community atmosphere. All members must join our Discord to access the Minecraft server. Click here to… Read More

  • Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Version

    Infinite Minecraft World, Join on any Versionmorefun.apexmc.co has focused on semi-vanilla, survival gameplay though we also incorporate a few lightweight plugins to make playing with friends easy, such as with basic teleport commands and /sethome /day /night /weather /pay /godmode /heal /feed /lightning /fireball. Our kind community sets us apart and we are super welcoming to new players! We do have a mature player base with older players, though anyone is encouraged to join.Stop by today to check us out and meet your new server family!Join our Discord to participate with the community: DiscordRules:1. No cheats/exploits2. No griefing / stealing3. Respect fellow players4. No spam or… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Java HQ: The Superior Minecraft Edition

    Looks like even in the world of Minecraft, Java is still the headquarters for all the coding wizards! Score of 33, must be some serious programming going on in there! Read More

  • Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun

    Mine Rhymes in Episode 611: Crafting Lands of Fun Welcome to Minecraft Lands, Episode 611, Where the adventures never end, always so much fun. Lo Do Vo here, your guide through the game, Bringing you updates, never the same. In this blocky world, where creativity thrives, We build, we mine, in our virtual lives. From crafting tools to battling mobs, We conquer challenges, no time for sobs. So join me now, as we explore and play, In Minecraft Lands, where we’ll stay. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share, Let’s spread the joy, everywhere.🎮🌟 Thank you for watching, until next time, Keep on gaming, in rhythm and rhyme. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe & Like! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #shorts #subscribe #like Read More

  • Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft

    Herobrine Pranks in Minecraft The Mysterious Herobrine in Minecraft One of the most intriguing and debated characters in the world of Minecraft is Herobrine. This mysterious figure has captured the imagination of players worldwide, with many claiming to have encountered him in the game. Let’s delve into the enigmatic world of Herobrine and explore the myths and legends surrounding this iconic character. The Legend of Herobrine Herobrine is often described as a ghostly figure with glowing white eyes, haunting players in the vast landscapes of Minecraft. While some believe him to be a hostile entity that seeks to harm players, others see him… Read More

  • Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!

    Furi Ferntail: HARASSING 60 NERDS in Minecraft!? Cross the Void!Video Information This video, titled ‘HARASSING 60 NERDS IN MINECRAFT – Can you cross the Void?’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-09 22:20:22. It has garnered 1738 views and 208 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:37 or 9997 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣… Read More

Minecraft MAD PACK 2: “END OF THE WORLD!” Episode 3 (Ghosts, Pandora’s Box, Full moon)