Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | A NEW KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

Video Information

This is mechanical Mastery a fairly new 1.18.2 questing Modpack that starts a little differently to a lot of the regular Skyblock mod packs that you may have played this one has no extra hello in it whatsoever so there’s no sifting there’s no hammering instead this pack starts with project e the first Quest

Here says welcome and it says welcome to this mod pack where your objective is to automate every mechanical Crystal through the quest book you will receive many of the basic materials you will need to fulfill this job make sure to learn that the items first before using

Them up no refunds so the first Quest is simply a tick box Quest and in return we get some water some lava our first sampling we get bread which is fantastic I love it when a mod pack gives you food right out of the kit we got our bed we

Get some call or and most importantly of all we get the transmutation table so but this is from Project e and when you place it down you can open it up and when the quest book says that you should learn the resources before you use them

What it means is that any resource that has an EMC like the sampling here can be placed into the left hand slot of the transmutation table if you do that it will say learned in the middle and now once we get some EMC specifically once we have more than 32 EMC in our

Individual EMC Network we will be able to pull a sampling out of here at the cost of that EMC now project e has been heavily tweaked in this mod pack you’ll notice a lot of the stuff that would normally have an EMC doesn’t have an EMC

In fact in this pack the only things that have EMC are the raw basic kind of fundamental resources that we need to craft a lot of the items and Machinery that are going to allow us to automate things moving forward for example over here you’ll see the first Quest is for

Cobblestone this wants to get us a regular cobblestone generator I believe though once we do have of cobblestone we can EMC it and Cobblestone is incredibly cheap it’s one EMC and so going forward we can for example trade one sampling for 32 Cobblestone we do have the FTB

Ultimind mod installed and so if you hold down the FTB ultimind key which you can find under options controls keybinds and then if you type ultramine it’s this one right here I have mine set to button 4 which is a button on my mouse you hold it down you’ll know it’s working when

You see the white outline around the block you’re trying to break and basically what this does it allows you to break all blocks of the same type with one block break so if I break this piece of wood right here it’s going to go ahead and break down all of the wood

And then because we have the faster Leaf Decay mod installed it’s going to get rid of all of those leaves very quickly real quick I’m gonna go options Music and Sound I’m going to turn the sound for rain right down because that is going to drive me insane but you’ll

Notice that we do have a chest right here under the platform and this does give us more of the same things that we get from the quest book not in highly certain why but I’m happy to have those normalized just in case we do end up

Losing some of this stuff in the future we can make a regular Minecraft crafting table and I don’t think that we have tinker’s construct in the pack we do not so no crafting station unfortunately that is fine though for now what I might do is I might replace the

Regular Minecraft chest that we have here with the crafting table just for ease of crafting going forward and then maybe we’ll throw the chest down like this for the time being so taking the lava and water what we should be able to do is hopefully fairly easily here set

Up a bog standard cobblestone generator this is not really something that I think we’re going to need for a long period of time I think in fact once we have our first piece of cobblestone we can probably just get rid of it because of course at that point we can then just

Use our transmutation table to get as much cobblestone as we like so long of course as we have the EMC for it for those who don’t know regular Minecraft Cobblestone generator is water flowing down into a hole and then lava over here that’s going to produce cobblestone in

The middle fantastic that is standard Minecraft stuff let’s get a regular old pickaxe and once we have that we can get hopefully our first piece of cobblestone at which point we can teach it to the transmutation table you can also put it in the burn slot at the bottom here

Putting it in the burnt slot will get rid of the item but it should also teach the transmutation table the item as well and so for example if we took these 21 saplings we could burn all of these in the burnt slot that would add 672 EMC to

Our transmutation Network and now you can see that we can craft coal or oxaplings or Cobblestone just by clicking and dragging them or shift clicking to get a stick pretty cool stuff so the big premise of this pack is right here all of the basic resources

Are kind of just given to us right out of the gear so right here we can take a box we get eight Redstone we can take the Xbox we get iron this box here gives us 16 copper we also get some gold we get some silver we get some lead we get

Some tin we get some nickel we get some aluminum and we also get some clay so that’s a majority of them those quests taken care of right at the gate we also get eight more Oak saplings as a reward there from the wood Quest and essentially what we want to do is we

Want to take every single one of these and just throw them into the transmutation table and so now going forward we can use any form of EMC generation that we like to get these resources so we could if we wanted to stand at the cobblestone generator and just mine Cobblestone endlessly and then

Dump that Cobblestone into the transmutation table not the most effective way of getting resources because you’d have to mine 256 Cobblestone to get one raw iron but the much faster way of getting EMC is with saplings because you can grow a tree if the average tree has five or six logs in

It you’re gonna get anywhere between 150 and 200 EMC per tree that you cut down which essentially equates to about one raw iron per tree that’s basically the way that we can generate resources in the early game however the whole premise of this pack revolves around these mechanical Essences and mechanical

Crystals if we go to jei and we type in mechanical there are five tiers of these crystals and their Associated Essences and each one is kind of a milestone unlocks a new chapter so chapter one is the red Crystal chapter two is blue then yellow then purple and then the tier

Five here is the Final Chapter which actually begins with one of the crystals and ends with us crafting the creative vending upgrade but the idea here is that we need to automate the production of these mechanical Essences you can then process those into mechanical crystals and those mechanical crystals

Are the only other things that are not basic resources that have an EMC value and you’ll see that quite valuable the basic mechanical Crystal here has an EMC value of 8192 and so the premise is that we want to automate the making of these mechanical Essences and we want to make

That automation as efficient as we possibly can on the raw resource front so we wanted to use as few raw resources as possible to make the initial EMC cost really low and then we want to automate it so that we can get the higher EMC value out of the basic mechanical

Crystal and in doing so we can kind of infinitely increase the amount of EMC that we have and then we can use that to progress forward into the next chapter you’ll see we’re going to get diamonds lapis bones zinc Cactus all this kind of stuff the pack is going to give to us

Again all of these do have an EMC value and you’ll see here that one diamond is equivalent to one of these basic mechanical crystals and so if we can automate these we can start converting these into diamonds as we move into chapter two but let’s not get too ahead

Of ourselves let’s start by trying to sleep so we can get rid of this horrendous rain and then I think that step one here is going to be to try and make this island a little bit bigger now as I mentioned I don’t really think that we’re going to need this cobblestone

Generator in fact I think that we can basically get rid of this right out of the gate third here does have an EMC value so we can drop that in and uh once you get to more than one full page you can scroll through the pages but you can

Also search at the top here for the item that you’re after I’m gonna grab a little bit of dirt just to fill in this hole that we’ve dug out over here and for now I will get rid of this extra little bit of dirt on the end that is 2

EMC lost but you know what I’m not gonna lose too much sleep over it let’s get eight Cobblestone and let’s get our first furnace up and running because I think if we’re gonna expand the island out here I would like to do it in a way that looks a little nicer than just

Using Cobblestone or just using planks thankfully we do have the re-chiseled mod which is kind of a port or maybe a reimagining of the old chisel mod from early versions of Minecraft and thankfully it’s pretty easy to get started with all we need is one iron

Ingot and one stick at which point we’re going to open up quite a lot of possibilities in terms of how we can now we can decorate our Island so let’s take that ironing it let’s do this and this to get our chisel and then in here what

We can do is we can place whatever block it is that we want to Chisel for example if we put cobblestone in it shows us all of these different variations of cobblestone that we can use to decorate our base and over on the right here you

Can visualize the Block in either way or one by one three by one or three by three form the reason for this is that some of these blocks when you put them together don’t look great in my opinion until you press the connected textures button on at the bottom right once you

Do that the textures all connect and you get this nice smooth continuous pattern that I personally think looks a lot nicer than the non-connected textures version but I do like the fact that you get to choose with this mod whether you want the textures to connect or not now

I think what I might do is I might take a look at potentially smelting some Cobblestone into regular Stone and also by the looks of it this um chisel doesn’t have a durability which is very nice indeed it means we can use it endlessly without having to worry about

It breaking which is very nice indeed but I do think that if we smelt a little bit of cobblestone into a regular Stone that’s probably going to look a little bit nicer and so what I might do actually real quick is I might just grab a few samplings here get those planted

Down along the edge of the platform we do have the mod install that lets us shift here to uh to grow these trees faster you can also run back and forth if you so prefer but these do grow nice and fast and then from there we can use

Our Ultimate key again to bring these down nice and quickly of course if we wanted to we could also go one step further get ourselves three Cobblestone and upgrade to a regular Minecraft X and again if we really wanted to we could even buy some iron and smelt that as

Well although I do think that’s probably a little bit expensive for how much EMC we currently have and then of course once we have 41 logs there we can just drop those into here and boom we’ve got an extra 1000 ish EMC which is super

Nice so let’s take a look and let’s see about expanding this platform out just a little bit and of course we can make a few more furnaces here to make this job a fair bit faster we’ve got basically an infinite map Cobblestone at this point we’ve got 31 000 Cobblestone available

To us so we might as well utilize that uh massive amount of cobblestone to get ourselves a large amount of stone fairly quickly the same is kind of true with wood as well it’s obviously a lot more expensive but we do have what it takes to transmute almost a thousand logs here

So we’re getting fuel for these furnaces shouldn’t be too difficult either I think I’m gonna go with this one here the smooth Stone tiles that’s in the bottom left there with the connected textures on and then I think I might use the wood as well potentially in the

Middle maybe in tile foam but I do also quite like these small plank bricks I might try to put some of those in the center with the smooth tiles kind of around the outside okay so I’ve put down an outline here of smooth Stern tiles

And one of the other mods that we do have installed is this one the construction ones mod this allows us to place down a large number of blocks at the same time so for example if we take our small Oak bricks here what we can do

Is we can place a line of those down like so and then if we right click onto the side using the wand that’s going to place down another line of those bricks there are multiple tiers of wand that can be used it starts with the stone

Wand that can do a maximum of nine and then goes all the way up to the infinity wand that can do 1024 but this is pretty nifty and I think what I might do as well is I might make this Outer Edge a little wider so I

Would like to be able to do all of that in one swoop because of the fact that this platform is more than nine blocks wide but um I might do something like this just to give us that little kind of pathway look around the outside here because of course as we press forward

Into the pack we are going to expand out and make the space even bigger but for the time being I think I’m going to fill in all four of these quadrants with wood and then I’ll do this all the way around the outside using all of the stone that

We’ve managed to smelt up in our array of furnaces to give us a fairly nice starting base and at that point we can start looking at automating the production of this first basic mechanical Essence which I don’t think Chad is going to be too difficult now I don’t actually know if we’re going

To need grass I think we might and I think if I get rid of all the grass here I’m probably gonna regret it so what I might do is I might keep at least one of these quadrants green and just fill this with that so that we always have a grass

Platform around should we need it also one thing we can do here is uh grab some of this call or and I believe for now we just have to place it down and break it to get uh some call again you can use the wand here to uh to place this down

Fairly quickly and then once all that’s down we can use the altamine key to break that all at the same time that’s going to give us access to torches so I’m being told by the twitch chat a tip that I did not know about here and that

Is that if you put in the item that you want to Chisel you select the design that you want to go with you click on the connected texture instead of just taking the the stack out here you can click chisel all and it will chisel all

Of the stern in your inventory all of the same Block in your inventory to match that design that is super cool alright so not too long later I’ve decided to go for at two Oak squares and then two grass squares I did mess up and get rid of the grass here by placing

Down the furnaces so I’ve left a little bit of a gap and I’m hoping that we can encourage the grass to spread over into this quadrant but now that we have a platform down let me uh tear these furnaces down and move them somewhere a little bit uh more aesthetically

Appealing I might put them kind of just over here for the time being if we do maybe one two three four five six seven eight nine I’ll make a tenth one because um especially given that we get all of our resources in raw form we are gonna

Be doing a lot of smelting early on at least until we unlock the ability to automatically process the resources with things like the pulverizer and the Redstone Furnace from thermal expansion and also I’m not quite sure why but uh we’re given a regular Minecraft chest at

The start but the uh chests that we craft are from Quark so annoyingly those don’t uh stick together which is unfortunate but uh either way let’s get this furnace down like that and real quick it’s a bit of a detour here but um we might be able to encourage the grass

To grow a little bit faster using the watering can from thermal cultivation I don’t actually know if this works or not but it’s fairly cheap it’s for copper which we can do and it’s a one bucket which of course we have quite a few of

Them in here so I’m gonna go ahead and start smelting up a little bit of copper over here just to see if that does in fact work and I think I will go ahead here and just replace this regular chest with a quark chest just so that all of

Our chests look the same we’ll drop you in here and then we’ll make another regular Minecraft chest and drop that down like that of course if you want them to connect in newer versions of Minecraft I always forget you’ve got a shift right click on the side of the chest there you

Can move the transmutation table or the transmutation tablet without losing your EMC you’ll see the EMC value is in the top left of the screen there at all times it’s not linked to any one transmutation table so this is fully movable and I think what we’ll do is

We’ll put one of those down maybe right about here and we’ll put the other one down for now at least maybe uh right here on the opposite side as well obviously in the future as our base gets bigger we can move these further afield so we have a few of them available

Fairly close by no matter where we are in the base so question time can we take one of these buckets and I think what we might do as janky as it’s going to look is that temporarily I’m going to make an infinite water source over here so I’ll

Make this a little bit wider we do have Quark installed which means when you look off a block you’ll see those little brackets appear if you right click it will place a block down like after a block which is super Nifty for doing stuff like this and then we’ll do this

And this to allow us to get an infinite water source so we can grab our water back should we need it but let’s see if we do one two three four with a bucket we should be able to then right click the bucket onto the center water source

To fill it up shift right like that is to fill it up and then from there if we right click over here I am kind of hoping that it helps spread the grass a bit faster I did see one piece of grass spread that might just have been

Coincidental it might not actually have helped but oh no I think it definitely does make it a tiny bit faster it’s not particularly great Chad does make a good point if you hover over this it says press V to change mode and if you press V it

Changes it from single block mode into area 3×3 mode and so if we do that that might even make it a bit faster yeah look at that that is definitely quicker in terms of spreading the grass here all right so I’ve gone ahead and spread

Almost all of the grass here so uh these are almost done there are a few little pieces of dirt left to be transformed but those will slowly but surely transform over the course of today’s Stream So now let’s take a look at the remainder of the tier one questline here

So the next Quest up is either to make plates and rods or to get a sterling Dynamo the Sterling Dynamo is going to be our early source of power so we’ll bookmark that for those who don’t know you can hover over an item and press a on your keyboard that will either

Bookmark or get rid of a bookmark if you already have one and the bookmarks just mean that going forward the item is here so instead of having to search for Sterling Dynamo it’s just that ready to go we don’t have to keep searching for it over and over again we can click it

And we can see the recipe and so I’ll go ahead and bookmark that and then as for the plates and the rods we just need an engineer’s Hammer which is super easy to make two sticks two iron ingots and one iron nugget along with any plates in the

Game so I believe the idea here is that we’re gonna take some iron which of course we can get from our transmutation table and we’ll drop that into one of our furnaces like so once we have two ingots worth we can craft up oh sorry three ingots worth because we need the

Iron nugget as well once we have three ingots we can make the hammer and then I believe we can craft the Hammer with basically any resource in the game any Ingot to make the played version of that resource now the question is which plate are we going to need first so if we

Check a few of these recipes here once we have the Sterling Dynamo we can then look at making machines are going to allow us to automate the crafting of this basic mechanical license because this is actually craftable without any machines at all if we get four iron

Ingots we can make an iron gear if we get four aluminum ingots we can make an aluminum gear and if we make two copper rods which you can make with copper we can then craft all of that together into the basic mechanical Essence we will need a multi-server press if we want to

Be able to compact that down into the crystal form and so I think that the multi-server Press might well be the first machine that we make this one’s a little pricey but I don’t think it’s anything that we can’t do real quick let’s get that Engineers hammer

Then let’s craft up an iron plate just because we have the iron ready to go that’s going to take off both of those quests giving us XP airs rewards and in this pack at least in the early game until we get an induction smelter this guy here the way that we’re going to

Make alloys is using the dust versions of any of our resources and these we get by pulverizing the base ingots together and then crafting those that result in dusts into the alloy so here for example Constantine is an alloy that you can make using nickel and copper so we need

To take a nickel Ingot and a copper Ingot pulverize those down using the pulverizer which I believe is maybe the only thermal expansion machine here that doesn’t require any Alloys whatsoever so it’s going to be the first one that we make after the Sterling Dynamo once we

Have that we can then pulverize things like nickel and copper craft them together to make Constantine and then some melt those to make Constantine ingots this only has to be done a little bit because once we have the induction smelter we can then use that to uh to

Just smelt together the copper and nickel ingots into the constant ending it so hopefully not something we have to do too too much but as far as that Sterling Dynamo goes it does require gold and Redstone and in fact I think what I might do here chant is I might

Take a couple of each resource some of these are of course a lot more expensive than others gold for example is 2048 EMC per Ingot which is prohibitively expensive and nickels also 1024 per Ingot which does also make it quite expensive in the grand scheme of things

But I think what we’ll do is we’ll get a couple of these going in all of our furnaces just so we have a bunch of each resource ready to go so we can make crafting a fair bit easier here of course the whole point of getting these machines is that hopefully fairly soon

We’re going to automate the production of all of these and specifically of course ultimate the creation of those mechanical cubes so that we can purchase these without having to worry too much about their EMC cost and I think while we wait for all that to smell I might do

A little bit more in the way of wood chopping just to make sure that we have enough EMC to continue to purchase all of these uh all of these resources so these are all done I did manage to get a little bit more EMC about a thousand or

So so hopefully that’s going to keep us going a little while longer before we have to uh start worrying about it but we also need a redstone so let me get a couple of pieces of redstone or thankfully not too expensive 64 is uh is rather cheap in the grand scheme of

Things this is going to require an iron pickaxe and so right away we are going to have to use some of that iron that we just smelted on another pickaxe here which does make me think I should probably go ahead and get even more iron smelting here just because I think it’s

Probably going to be one of those resources that we use more than anything else let’s Harvest our Redstone and let’s see if we can’t make our first source of power so the Redstone Fox coil is two Redstone and one gold we then need an iron gear which is four iron and

An iron nugget and then it’s just that two Stone 2i and a one Redstone Stone we should have over in here we totally do iron we are smelting over in here and with all of that we can go boom and boom we have a sterling Dynamo this guy

Converts fuel into power so if we were to for example place that down I don’t know maybe right about here it will produce power when we put any fuel into it for example Oak plexia and it will output that power to the front of it so

To the red side here speaking of which we could do with the multi-server Press now people have pointed out in the twitch chat that there’s actually an easier way of us getting the dusts it looks like for example if we wanted to make the Constantine blend here we need

Copper dust and nickel dust it appears we can do that using the engineer’s Hammer if you craft the engineer’s Hammer with the raw ore you get the copper grit and then you can just craft that with the nickel grit to get what it is right after now the problem that

We’re going into is that we actually don’t have enough EMC to buy any more nickel and so what I might need to do here is just quickly get a little bit more in the way of wood to uh to facilitate my purchase of some nickel

One quick dump of logs later we can take a nickel we can Hammer that down as well like so and we can then combine the copper grid and the nickel grit to get Constantine grid now we do want to be careful here because the quest specifically wants Constantine blend

Which is not the same as Constantine grit thankfully this little button right here lets you swap to the correct recipe there we go and once we have the Constantine blend we actually do get some Constantine ingots as a reward but now we can go and look at making the

Multi-server Press maybe even before we look at making the pulverizer which might not be a terrible idea so if we are going to make the multi-server Press we need a block of iron which is already more iron than we have we need two bronze ingots we need another Redstone

Flux coil that’s the easiest of the crafts to do we then need a machine frame which does require a tin gear that’s fine it also requires four iron and for Cobblestone we’re gonna need so much more iron we also need two Constantine gears which are made in the

Same way it’s four constant 10 and an iron nugget we do have four constant 10 but we are going to need yet more we’re going to do one more walk upper and one more raw nickel we can Hammer both of those down again into their grit format

And then we can of course craft those again into the Constantine blend that’s gonna get us all the Constantine that we need but um I do think once again we’re gonna have to go back to the harvesting Mill for some wood because we need a lot

More EMC to get all of the iron that we need and then in terms of bronze here it’s the exact same process or a very similar process to making Constantine bronze we can make by smelting a bronze blend and bronze blend you make with three copper dust and one tin dust so

I’m gonna do a fair bit of tree chopping here maybe till we get over 10 000 EMC and then we’ll come back and we’ll see if we can’t make this um multi-server press okay so quite a bit of wood chopping land so we’ve managed to acquire about

15 000 EMC let’s get the three copper and one tin required to make the bronze blend we’ll craft that up we’ll get that smelting nice and fast and then we’ll also grab just a bunch of iron we need at least a Block’s worth in order to get

The multi-server Press then we need a few more for uh for Gears and whatnot as well so we’ll take a ton of iron and we’ll get that split amongst a couple of our furnaces to make that hopefully nice and fast we can do the same of course

With our bronze blend we can throw that across four different furnaces to make that super quick and then while we wait for that let’s head back over to here let’s make those two Constantine gears just as soon as we grab of course the Constantine that we were smelting then it’s just four cobblestone

That we’re missing for the machine for him and of course one more iron that is fine iron is smelting over in here let’s make sure that one actually gets smelted as well we’ll then take our four Bruins and I think Chad that we should be pretty

Much good to go here we have enough iron nail to make the block and we have enough ingots to make the machine frame and so if we put all of that together that should be the multi-server Press nice so let’s go and draw that down in front of our Sterling

Dynamo then it’s going to start receiving power and now we can look at making the basic mechanical Essence now the whole idea is to alternate this but I think the first one here will look at crafting manually and then from there we’ll look at automating so for this we

Are going to need at least four aluminum which is called bauxite when it’s in uh raw form thankfully again not too expensive we’ll drop off all of those in the furnace there we then need as we saw before a fair bit of copper but we do

Have six ingots which I think is more than enough because we only need two copper rods to get that going and then other than that it’s just an iron gear which we might be able to do with the iron that we have left over we totally can fantastic let’s get that crafted up

Over in here one two three four with a nugget in the middle gets us the iron gear and then when just waiting on the other four box site at which point we actually have everything that it takes to make the basic mechanical Essence we can put that into the multi-server press

And we’re gonna get our first influx of EMC because not only do we get the 8196 from handing in this basic mechanical Crystal but as a reward for completing the quest we get 16 of these basic mechanical crystals right out of the gate and so we’re going to get well in

Excess of 100 000 EMC as a reward for making this happen and so let’s do something like this to get the aluminum gear and then if we combine that with the iron gear and the two copper rods we get the basic mechanical Essence which we can drop into the multi server press

Now it does take a little while to um to process it’s not the fastest transformation in the world just take 12 000 Redstone flux and given that this is only processing 20 word Stone Fox but take that is going to take a little bit of time to get there but once it’s done

Boom we get not only the 8 000 from this which we can of course learn but as a reward we get those 16 extra boom we’ve got a hundred and fifty thousand EMC to play with that is going to make it so much easier for us to now look at

Automating the production of these basic mechanical crystals so if we’re going to automate this the the basics of automating are not too difficult the sequential fabricator here is a machine from thermal expansion that allows us to automatically craft certain recipes so we could use that to craft the final

Piece of the puzzle and then some of the other machines here are going to be used for mostly and that they make the whole process more efficient the first thing we need to do really though I guess is get this guy right here the the EMC link

Because this is what is going to allow us to extract items automatically from the transmutation tablet because none of this is automatable unless we can get an unlimited Source on an automated Source I should say of you know go ion raw copper raw 10 all of that stuff that is

Required to actually make the basic mechanical Essence that is where the basic EMC link Mark 1 comes in it says here with the basic EMC link you can automatically convert items to EMC and vice versa with them you can fully automate the production of mechanical

Essences so if we want to make our first EMC link this is made with two involved plates one a Minecraft barrel and then one of each of the lower medium and high covalent dusts so the lower dust is super easy it’s Cobblestone and charcoal let’s get a single log into a furnace to

Get that charcoal the medium is also not too bad it’s one iron and one Redstone that’s actually easier for us because we have both of those ready to go and then the high coilance dust is one gold and one coal boom and boom there’s the high

Covalence dust and if we can get a little bit of cobblestone we can then also get the locker balance dust nice so at that point the only thing that we’re really missing is the involved plates so invar is another blend this one is between iron and

Nickel so it’s two iron and one nickel it’s got two iron grit and one nickel grit like this that gets you involved blend we can then smelt that over in here and of course much like we did before we can then use the hammer to craft those invite ingots into invar

Plates never mind that is not possible we do have to use either a metal press or a multi-server press but thankfully we do have a multi-server press over here ready to go not quite sure why invar is the only resource that we can’t make into place using the hammer but I

Guess it’s maybe something to do with the fact that it’s uh used to make the EMC link and therefore the pack maker wants you to get the multi-server Press first but either way once that’s done we’re just missing a standard Minecraft Barrel which does require that we get a

Couple of slams and then if we do something like this and like this we get a barrel we can take that Barrel we can combine it with our two inval plates and boom we have a basic EMC link so right now this is not super useful we do need

A way to extract from it and while we could use I believe a hopper to extract I think the better option is going to be to go with pretty pipes this mod right here it says in order to actually automate stuff you want an effect active way to move items from machine to

Machine Hoppers are too slow and filtering them is too space consuming pretty pipes however are a great solution early on if you don’t want items to overflow you install a stack limiter module on the output and that’s going to stop too many items going into one given space now thankfully the pack

Creator has been very nice here in that uh they’ve actually given us a ton of stuff as a reward for crafting our first pretty pipe and this doesn’t seem too difficult it’s one Redstone one copper one glass and then two iron bars unfortunately it looks like the glass is

Gonna be tricky for us because the way that we’re going to get it is by pulverizing Cobble down into gravel and then pulverizing gravel down into sand and then smelting that sand so we are going to have to head back over temporarily to thermal expansion we have to see about getting this pulverizer

After all thankfully we do still have it bookmarked over here and it doesn’t seem too difficult we are a couple of pieces of copper away again we do have a ton of EMC now so we don’t really have to worry anywhere near as much about crafting too

Many of Any Given resource here but we’ll get a bunch of copper smelting other than that it’s mostly the same we do need a piston this time we need one more gold to get the flux coil we need some more tin to get the machine frame

And then just iron Redstone in fact I think we have basically everything we need to make that piston we totally do uh do we have enough 10 lying around we don’t that’s fine let’s quickly grab some 10 as well we’ll get that smelting up over in here and then as per usual

We’ll also just grab a ton of iron a steak might not be a bad option to be honest because again we’ve got so much EMC I feel like just smelting up a stack of iron to have on hand is going to be well worth it all right so a fair bit of

Smelting later let’s craft up the two copper gears the Redstone flux coil the 10 gear required for the machine frame foreign itself and of course the pulverizer nice now the tricky part here I guess or the next tricky part is actually getting power to all of these machines there is

A quest here for basic power Transportation it says eventually you’ll want to power multiple machines with the same dynamos use these energy cables to connect your machines and generators together so they can share power with each other but I don’t know how doable this is going to be just yet the uh the

Starter energy cable here requires two iron nuggets six dielectric rods of the horizontal variety and then a basic capacitor the basic capacitor requires Redstone iron and dielectric paste the dielectric Rod also requires iron nuggets and dielectric paste and the dielectric paste is actually not too bad

Too cold one clear and one Redstone in fact we have everything it takes to uh to make that happen now that I mention it so in fact let’s get some coal we have some Redstone Claire I believe we have access to in our transmutation tablet we totally do and so if we just

Combine all of those up in here we can get a fair amount of dielectric paste fairly easily and then from there we just need to do something like this to get uh not like that like this to get the dielectric rods and then we need the block of redstone yeah that’s the only

Thing we’re missing in terms of getting the basic capacitor and so let’s grab one more block of redstone ore break that down um I probably we could have used the pulverizer though actually which I think would have been the better way of doing it because the pulverizer

Is just more efficient you get six Redstone Dust per redstone ore whereas we only got four Redstone Dust there per Redstone which is of course less efficient but that is one of the things we’re going to work on as we push forward here thankfully you do get four

Of these at a time and you get two basic tiny capacitors uh for every one regular capacitor and so boom getting a large amount of these energy cables is not going to be a problem for us going forward now what we can do is we can probably move this the reason I’m moving

This is that this has 50 000 Redstone flux as you can see at the top there inside of it and this only has four thousand so breaking this kind of deletes less power from the the entire system and then we can do something like

This and now we have a bit of a line that we can use to place all of our machines on top now that we have the pulverizer we can pulverize our Cobblestone down into gravel we can then take that gravel and pulverize that down into sand again unfortunately the gravel

Does not have an EMC there it’s really just the best resources that have an EMC things like Cobblestone things like throw ores everything after that that you make phone processing usually doesn’t and then of course we can take this drop it into one of our furnaces

And that’s going to get us our first bit of glass other than glass I think we have basically everything else we have Redstone we have copper and we have enough iron here thanks to that stack that we smelted to make some iron bars nice and quickly and so uh once we have

The glass we can make our first pretty pipe like so and that’s going to give us a bunch of rewards for that so I am going to try and clear out my inventory just a little bit here there’s some stuff that we don’t need to be uh

Hanging onto like this the one pro breed me for those who are wondering you can shift right click this and then you can change basically where that little um bit of information at the top goes you’ll see it says grass block Minecraft shovel EMC you can change that and move

It around to wherever you want it to be if you want it to be on the left there you can move it would be on the left I like to have mine at the top you can also make it bigger and smaller if you still wish I like mine on this kind of

One minus option it’s not too big not too small but once you’ve set that up you really don’t need to keep that anymore and speaking of which I also don’t really think we need the mini map in the top right hand corner there so uh

To get rid of that we can press M we can go down to the settings we can scroll down to visibility and we can just set that to zero and that’s going to go ahead get rid of the main map I don’t think it’s really needed for a Sky Block

Like this and also it’s so small that I don’t think it’s particularly useful either real quick let’s sleep and then let’s see if we can’t start to bring all of these things together and try and automate the the production of these resources here so we’ll climate Awards

That’s going to give us a ton of stuff we’ll get to all of this in a second here but um basically I think the first thing that we’re going to want to do is probably get more of these EMC links because we want to take these and then

We want to run them into I think probably a few sequential Fabricators or at least maybe not actually because I think we probably want to use the multi-server Press with a gear working die that’s this one here to automate the crafting of the gears right so we’re

Trying to automate this recipe so we need to automate the production of iron gears the production of aluminum gears and the production of copper rods I think all three of these can be done in a multi-server press if we make three multi-server presses we can have one

That turns four iron into one iron gear which is actually cheaper than this recipe because it doesn’t require that iron nugget we can also use the same recipe for the aluminum gear full aluminum equals one aluminum here and then as for the copper Rod if we put in

A rod die we can turn one copper Ingot into two copper wire which is substantially more efficient than our current recipe which is two copper ingots to one copper Rod this requires half as much copper and gives you twice as much output so if we can get three

Multi-server presses so two more on what we currently have we can then look at getting I guess three basic EMC links because you can only have one output per EMC link and so we need to have one EMC link per item but the basic adjust here

Is that we can put this down we can place down a pretty pipe now the pretty pipes do actually need to be two blocks away from the source I’ll show you what I mean here if I move this over to here normally with a pipes mod you can just

Pop pipe down and then set it to extract and I’ll extract that’s not how it works with pretty pipes with pretty pipes we want to connect two pipes like this and then the pipe that is touching the basic EMC link is the one that we want to use

To install the extraction upgrade that’s this one here the extraction module if we put that in here this is now ready to extract from the basic EMC link and all we have to do now is tell the basic EMC link what to extract the way that we do

That is we take whatever it is we want to extract for example if it was raw iron we can take the raw iron we can put that onto the basic EMC link like so and then that’s going to start producing iron and you’ll see in the top left

There that we’re actually shown that we’re currently losing 256 EMC per second because that EMC is being actively converted into raw iron ore and that’s where this gets super cool and super Nifty because now we can use this to automate everything so we can take

The basic MC here we can get three of them one for iron one for copper and one for aluminum and then if we have those connected up to three multi server presses two of them with a gear working die and one of them with a rod die we

Can automatically produce the iron gear the aluminum gear and the copper rods required to produce the basic mechanical Essence at which point we just need a sequential fabricator to craft up that mechanical Essence and then of course one fourth and final multi server press to actually process that mechanical

Crystal that mechanical license into a mechanical Crystal and at that point we will have automated the process of of generating EMC at least for tier one so I guess let’s see then if we can’t craft up three more multi-server presses and then one sequential fabricator the sequential fabricator again isn’t

Actually too bad we have a little bit of copper shine because we need two copper gears but the fox coil the machine frame all of this is stuff we’ve seen before and it really shouldn’t be too difficult all right so a bunch of smelting litter I think we should be somewhat close to

Making this happen so let us grab a little bit of cobblestone and a little bit of wood we can then make a regular old crafting table and from there we can get I guess we might as well make all of these at once so if we’re gonna make three more multi-servo presses that

Means that we’re going to need three more tin gears actually four more one for the sequential fabricator as well and then four of these machine frames that should almost be everything again we might as well make these in bulk as well because we also need a redstone

Flux coil for every single one of the machines we’re making again this is more efficient in the pulverizer let’s get four of these then let’s make that sequential fabricator that’s two copper gears and it’s done and then do we have what it takes to make all of these

Multi-server presses I think the answer should be yes there’s four Constantine gears which is definitely not enough did I put more in here I did let me grab that as well we also have more bronze should we need it and some more tin smelting up as well we need six

Consenting gears and three blocks of iron at which point boom look at that we’ve got three more multi-server presses nice so now all we need is two gear working dies and one rod die the gear working die is four inval plates and a gold gear the gold

Gear is gonna be expensive there and then the rod die is a similar setup it’s four involved plates and a gold Rod so we’re going to need a fair bit more gold it is potentially going to be worth it for us to pulverize the gold here in previous versions of Minecraft this

Would double the amount of gold you got but since the introduction of Minecraft’s new raw ore system and now instead of getting double the output you get one gold dust with a Chance a 25 chance of getting a second gold dust so basically one in every four gold that

You smell is gonna give you an extra Gold Dust so not quite as good as it used to be but it does mean that if we uh pulverize this gold we do have a chance of getting more and we also have a chance of getting a little bit of

Copper as a byproduct as well uh while we wait for that and we can start smelling something that of course as it comes in but while we went for that let’s get the 12 inval plates crafted so there is all of the invar we need 12 plates again these do need to be

Done over in the multi-server Press so we’ll just drop all of those in like that that is going to take a hot minute over here the gold is done we did end up getting six gold from that so a slight uh benefit from the uh multiplying effect of the pulverizer but that should

Be basically everything we can craft uh two of these into a rod I see basically everything we don’t have enough gold Isaac I do actually need to get at least three more gold and again we’ll go ahead and pulverize that mostly because we’re still waiting for the invar ingots but

Also there’s that small chance of getting the extra gold nonetheless one two three four we’ll craft that with our iron nugget that gets us our first gold gear and then as soon as we get enough involve plates we can do one two three four of those with the gear and that’s

Going to get us the gear working die the quest does actually give us I didn’t know this it does give us the chance to pick once I’m gonna take another gear working die here because I think it’s the more expensive option and that means that actually we have everything a text

Here chat I think to automate this setup so we have two gear working dies and we have one rod die so what we should be able to do is um is hopefully set this up so I’m gonna move these machines uh the twitch chat did suggest that the

Machines might hold their power they do interesting so you can actually pick these up without fear of them losing the power that’s stored within them we’ll pick all this up as well and we’ll look at setting up a very basic system for automating these mechanical cubes so

We’re going to need three of these EMC links we’ll put one of them down over here and then we’ll have the other two along the same lines we can then have a set of pipes that are going to extract from these and again they do

Need to be too long but they’re going to go into all three of the multi-server presses so we’re going to have one that is producing iron gears uh we are gonna have to configure this but we’ll do that in a second we’re gonna have one that is producing aluminum gears and we’re gonna

Have one that is producing copper rods we’re then going to take all three of those and pump those into a sequential fabricator we can put the sequential fabricator here just to make life a little easier and then the final product like the basic mechanical Crystal here

Can be pumped back into an EMC link to automatically add the EMC back into the network real quick though let’s see if we can’t get two more of these basic EMC links it looks like we should have basically everything here we also could do with eating a little bit of our bread

We are getting a tiny bit hungry here also outlet that D spawn thankfully these are also fairly cheap to make we’re going to do I think quite a few of those low extraction modules that shouldn’t be a problem uh let’s take you and you we’ve got just enough slabs to

Make two more barrels fantastic and then we’re just missing actually surprisingly uh some more inval plates which is fine let’s go ahead put the invar in there and then temporarily I’m just going to do something like this of course we do to give all of these machines power I would

Like to do that under the platform to try and make it look a little bit nicer so we’ll probably end up moving this fairly shortly and getting maybe a few more cables to make it a little bit tidier but for now there is our third EMC link we’ll put that one down over

Here like this and like this so all of these are going to require the low extraction module so we are going to have to make some more of those that’s fine inside of the machines we want to click the configuration tab and we want to make sure that the left is set to

Blue that’s the the input and you’ll see that it swaps from looking like this to looking like this which is what we want so we want the left to be blue and we want that to be input okay so what we can do here now that I think about it

You can put the multicello press down directly next to the EMC link and you can turn auto input on what that would do is that would allow us to automatically start pulling resources from the transmission tablet which could be good but could also be bad if we

Right click this on like so that’s going to start pulling raw iron ore the only trouble with this setup is that we can’t limit the amount of resources that are extracted which means that we could potentially end up in a situation where all of our EMC gets spent on Raw iron

And then there’s no EMC left in the system for making copper that’s not really what we want now we can get around that by using one of these other modules we can use the stack limiter module so the stack limiter module I believe is going to allow us to limit

How many items go into the multi-server Press so if we put these back down we can put the stack limiter into this pipe just as soon as we set this to insert again so I’ll put this in here and then in here you’ll see that we now have a

Tab for the stack limiter module and we can limit the amount of items we want going in for example we could just limit this to one and so now if we were to put our extraction module into this guy he is set to extract raw iron that’s going to go over into there

But it’s not going to request any more raw iron or it’s not going to extract any more raw iron until this raw iron is processed so once this has been processed into an iron ingot then it will request another one which I think is a more effective solution because it

Means that we don’t have a ton of EMC just kind of sitting around in the multi-server presses waiting to be processed of course we could increase this to you know two or four just to make sure there’s always a little bit in there but I think for the most part this

Is fine the twitch chat is pointing out a a slight flaw in my current design and that is that we have no way of smelting any of these um these raw resources that is fine um and that is actually where one of these next quests come in there was a

Quest here for the Redstone furnace so we could definitely do with making three of those again one for aluminum one for copper and one for iron it doesn’t seem too difficult and we might actually have most of what we need here we have somehow managed to burn through all of

That iron I guess the uh the multi server presses did require a few blocks of iron which is really what uh what pushed it over the edge there but um that is one of those let me um temporarily as well put some of these other machines and stuff are where just

To free up a little bit of inventory space Copper gear wise we’ve got the perfect amount of copper there to make these six copper gears required we do need three Redstone flux coils I thought I might have been processing some more gold oh I am it’s in my inventory let’s

Get that smelting and then other than that we need bricks so we need six bricks which means we’re gonna have to smell a fair bit of clear but that shouldn’t be a problem while we’re at it will also smelt up some more raw iron as

Well just to keep on top of the uh the ever-growing demand for the stuff so a little bit of clear smelting later there are six breaks I think that should be basically everything that we need is nice so there’s three Redstone furnaces we are gonna have to move

Everything here over by one so we’ll move this over to here we’ll put the Redstone furnace down like that of course we’ll move these two over as well and the Redstone furnace I got there and then of course the multi-server Press here gonna move on over like that and

The Redstone furnace can go down like so nice so we’ll set all of these to input from the left and again I think it’s going to be worth investing in a couple of these uh stack limiter upgrades that limit the number of resources that go in we’ll set the number to like

Six maybe uh just so that we can keep a fair amount in there and there’s always some iron ready to be smelted in fact I don’t see a reason to go above two in all honesty that way we can keep but we can kind of maximize the amount of EMC

Inside our transmutation tablet and we can also minimize the downtime of the Redstone furnace because there’s always something else for it to process and by the time it’s finished processing the next Iron will be ready to go so we could do with making uh two more of

These which again thankfully are not too difficult to make these blank modules are a little pricey like in the sense that they’re just you know for what they are but they’re not too bad I think we can’t handle it’s mostly just a lot of redstone in fact I think we probably

Have what it takes to make two more of these right off the bat here let’s make two more droppers and then let’s make uh two of these we are going to eat some stone slabs but thankfully we thought ahead we have Stern ready to go I’m gonna make a bunch of stone slabs

Because we’re going to need a ton of these blank modules going forward and then of course iron nuggets we have I did smell up another stack of iron so hopefully not gonna be a problem I’ll craft all six of these here and we’ll get uh ideally three stack limiters just

As soon as we get a little bit more redstone while we’re here we should also make the two more uh low extraction modules also not gonna be too difficult we need two more pistons and boom that’s all that perfect so we’ll put those in over here boom and boom we’ll put these in

Here boom and boom we’ll set all of these to two because that is is all we need fantastic and then what we’ll do is this multi-summer press is gonna get a gear working die which we play is in the bottom slot here this one is also going to get Akia

Working time and this one here is going to get a rod die so that means that we want the Roblox site coming out of here we should see one move over then a second and then we should be done fantastic and then we’re gonna do the

Exact same with copper but the copper is going to extract over here that’s going to move over and we’re gonna get two copper in there fantastic so once those are done we want them to Output to the right hand side so we want to set the output here to Orange which is the

Output slot and we’re going to toggle Auto output from disabled to enabled that means the red sub furnace is going to push the the copper ingots into the multi-server Press which is already set to input from the left hand side which is perfect so output and auto enable the

Auto eject and then this one already sets input fantastic you also are already set to input we’ll set that to output and we’ll turn on auto eject nice cool so that is going to work we could take that out of there because that is no longer needed in there and then once

These receive power this should start working all three of these are going to smelt the raw ores into their Ingot form then we’re going to process them into iron gears aluminum gears and into copper rods and then the final piece of the puzzle is getting everything into the sequential fabricator in fact I

Don’t know actually if setting this to Auto output will push the item into the pipe on we’ll have to give that a test I don’t think it works but if it does work that would be fantastic um ideally we do want this machine facing forward so that we can set the

Back to input the left to input and the right to input that’s going to allow all three of those items to come together into the sequential fabricator now that I think about it actually we might want to even take it one step further and actually put pipes between the

Multi-summer press and the sequential fabricator the sequential fabricator in this version of Minecraft I don’t think has a way to limit how many of each item go in each slot like it used to be you could lock the sequential fabricator to a recipe and then it would designate certain slots for certain

Resources unfortunately I don’t think that’s the case anymore and so what we might have to do is something like this with pretty pipes here if we then of course set this to Output we can put extraction modules in here here and here or we can test to see if the altar

Output works but what we can do again is we can get another one of these stack limiter modules which I think we can just make we totally can and we’re gonna put that in here and I’m being told by the maker of the pack that if we set this to uh

Whatever number it is this number that we put in is a per item amount and so basically now that I’ve set up to two what that should do is that should only allow two iron gears two copper rods and two aluminum gears in at any given time

Meaning there should always be space in the sequential fabricator for all three resources the problem that we could run into if we don’t do this is we could end up in a situation where all of these slots here get filled up with copper rods and if that were to happen there

Would then be no space for the iron and the aluminum gears and at that point the whole system would just stop working until we manually came over and fixed it which is not ideal so all we need to do now check to actually see if we can get

This working is give this power so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get some more energy cables and then I’m gonna try and make this look a little nicer so real quick I am doing a slight redo of the system here mostly because I want the sequential

Fabricator I want everything to fit in this wooden area I don’t like this overhanging here but uh someone in the chat makes a good point in that it might not be a terrible idea for us to do something like this where we have the Redstone furnace pulling so if we have

The the top here set to Auto input we have the Redstone furnace also pulling all of the iron directly into itself that is a little EMC wasteful as we mentioned before but the benefit of this is that it means that eventually we will probably have a backlog of iron aluminum

And copper that we can just come and grab whenever we need it which is going to be especially useful in the early game because it means that if at some point we run out of iron ingots instead of having to manually spell more we can

Just come over here grab a stack of iron ingots out of the Redstone furnace and then they’ll be Auto replenished like I say it is a little EMC Westfall it means that we’re not using REMC as efficiently as possible at all times but it does give us a nice little backup of

Resources and so long as we have I’m going to turn it off for a second because we haven’t really got a lot on EMC but so long as we have enough EMC to make that happen it should be okay again the only problem that could arise is if

We fully run out of EMC it’s possible there’s not enough like EMC around to make like the need the necessary aluminum we’ll see if that becomes a problem we can always change this again but if it doesn’t I think this could be quite a Nifty way of getting a large

Amount of ingots and then the idea of course here is that we can then have two pipes like this but we can still use the same stack limiter on the multi-servo press and the multi-summer Press only ever needs you know four iron at any

Given time to allow it to uh to make the iron gears alright so not too long later we’ve reorganized this with the new setup and I have placed down a temporary little platform down here to uh to run all these starter energy cables to all

Of the machines in such a way that you can’t see them from the surface and we’ve got our Sterling Dynamo hooked up now the trouble is that um we have got seven machines that each use 20 Redstone flux per tick and we only have one Dynamo producing 40 Redstone flux per

Tick which is not ideal so we are going to need probably three more Sterling dynamos and if we want to automate those as I mentioned earlier I think the Sawmill is going to be our best bet so we can take the Sawmill this is going to

Allow us to get more efficiency out of our wood we’re gonna get more planks for every log that we craft through this thing and it’s also going to work out quite nicely because it’s basically one Dynamo per two machines and The Sawmill takes us to a nice even number of

Machines which is uh it’s pretty nice that should be three more starring dynamos it is and we do also need a bit more in the way of energy cable but uh thankfully uh we have some oh I didn’t realize did we get that as a quest reward for uh for completing the quest

We did unfortunately I don’t know if you can connect the two tiers of pipe let me uh let me check that real quick Also let’s see here so this guy is there so it’s gonna be there and there do these connect they don’t which is unfortunate

So is losing that there uh for now we don’t need the Basic Energy cable these ones are basically the next tier up they can transfer 2 000 Redstone Fox Patek as opposed to the uh the standard uh 500 Redstone flux per tick that the starter cables can transfer but uh right now

Starter is going to be just fine so I get 12 more of those and that should be enough to connect us up two the Redstone furnaces as well like this so I’ll hook all of those up like that um I guess we’ll just have this one here

And we’ll do that and that to connect that up that last one not necessary but it does add to the Symmetry we can then do something like this I’m gonna put some Stone down because these dynamos can be a little fiddly in terms of like placement so we’ll do this and then we

Do need to get a fourth one down I guess even though it’s not going to be symmetrical we can just get rid of one of these pipes because of course it does run around the back side there and we’ll connect up just fine uh we can get rid

Of this as well actually to give us one extra pipe in our in our inventory we’ll then do something like this to connect that up get rid of the stone and now that we have the Sterling dynamos it’s a case of getting that Sawmill and getting the wood to all of

The dynamos for that we are going to need for one to hook this up to power but we’re also going to need a um another EMC link boom there is yet another EMC link thankfully a ton of those covalence dusts in the early game so that’s not a problem at all here we

Can have the um The Sawmill just infinitely pulled wood I think that’s going to be fine so we can set auto eject to on that’s not gonna be a problem uh this does of course need to be logs and not planks and so we are

Going to have to grab at least one log so we can right click and set the EMC link and then the only trouble here potentially there’s a few things that could be Troublesome actually um the first potential problem is if the Sawmill is not fast enough which is entirely possible that could be

A problem we might need multiple Sawmills or we might just need to rethink the strategy and maybe go with coal instead if this doesn’t work real quick I’m going to put some power into these just so we can start getting everything online and we can see if it’s actually going to work

We do also get sawdust as a byproduct here which is not really something we want so I’m going to set the left to Output there I don’t think you can burn the sawdust you can’t unfortunately and we do have the nullifier which could be used potentially as a way of getting rid of

The sawdust the good news is it does seem to be fast enough which is very nice indeed so what we want to do here is we want to extract obviously over on this side round into these guys if I set auto eject to on does that push into the dynamos it doesn’t

Unfortunately that’s fine we can of course just go ahead and put a low extraction module into there and of course we do need to change this because you’ll see now the problem is and this is why it needs to be two blocks away and the trouble is that it’s extracting

From that Sterling Dynamo which is not at all what we want so let’s take that extraction module out and then let’s just move this guy over by one so it turns out I’m being told by the pancreator that um there’s a better way of doing this so

By the looks of it here we can put the low extraction module in here and then over here you can change the side that it is set to extract from you’ll see right now it says all sides but we just want it set to The Sawmill which is

South that’s only going to extract from The Sawmill that’s super cool I don’t know if that’s like a new addition to the newer versions of pretty pipes or what but it does mean that we can actually make all of this much more compact because we don’t need this two

Block Gap although this is still needed I guess because we need the snack limiter but that does mean that certain setups are going to be able to be much more compact because of the fact that you can set the specific side for the the extraction that is very cool

Um but either way this does seem to be working um now right now it’s only sending wood to the closest Dynamo that’s not going to be a problem if we’re producing the wood fast enough which it looks like we are in fact it looks like the extraction speed is

Really the only thing that’s slowing us down yeah this should be fine um you can get around the robin pipe upgrade this thing right here if we were to put that into there it’s also not too expensive but does require Flint which we currently don’t have if we were to

Put that in here it would distribute the wood between all four dynamos evenly I don’t think that’s needed because once this fills up it’s then going to start filling up the next one and then the next one and then the next one eventually all of these will be full and

I think that’s fine there is also a possibility here for us to take the sawdust compact that down into a block of sawdust and then use that as another source of fuel as well that’s potentially something we could look at doing in the future for now we’ll just

Give this some wood as well and let’s see if we can’t get this EMC generation system online so this is working it’s producing iron over over here we want you producing a bauxite and you producing copper and then that’s going to go over into here so I’ll put the

Copper there that’s going to start making the good stuff fantastic the iron is going to go in here it’s going to make the iron gears though a little slower but that’s fine and then over here we want the aluminum where we want the the box side so we want the aluminum

Link it’s in like that then we need extraction modules I think on all of these and then over here we need that that final stack limiter in fact the stack limiters can go on all of these right so you need a stack limiter we’re going to set you to two fantastic uh you

Need a snack limiter but I think for that we actually need more pipes because I think we’re finally out of pipes which is not ideal and uh that does also mean that we’re going to have to get another glass but that should be fine we can just pulverize the send

That’s not going to be a problem for us and uh over here you also need a stack limiter uh what’s that attitude as well that should be fine four pipes later boom and boom we can put in our final stack limiter there we go uh chat does

Make a good point that these need to be set to four not to two because you need four iron and four aluminum to make a gear not just two like with the copper Rod there that is fine and so I think chat now uh the final piece of the

Puzzle is going to be getting all of these um extraction modules down right so we need an extraction module uh over here we need one over here and then we need four more we need one for this Redstone furnace and three over here that shouldn’t be a problem we are going

To need a fair bit more Redstone though because we are very low on the stuff one two three four and four nice okay so we’ll set you to extract or set you to extract you to extract and U to extract and then so long as those are all set up correctly

I would have thought that that would work oh I might have to actually set the the pattern inside of the sequential fabricator before any of this will make its way out so in here we need to go U U not you you and you and then tick and

Then now it should start to receive those items and it is fantastic we can put these in as well like that and boom look at that it’s making the machines I am now realizing the Vance um we also need the multiple press down right we’ve got one more multi-servo press lying

Around in here that’s going to go down I guess for now right about here I don’t love the lack of symmetry I might end up moving that potentially but for now I’ll put it there I could have put it on top but then getting power so it would have

Been awkward uh we’ll set this to input from the left and we’ll set u to Output to the right with auto eject on then it’s going to push that into there and then the final thing we need is a little bit more sand which we should be

Getting down here you do get both gravel and sand from smelting uh from pulverize and Cobblestone and then you can also pulverize the gravel even further if you want even more sand but essentially we’re gonna go from here and we’re gonna pipe around into a basic EMC link we

Could if we wanted to just make another EMC link but that does require two more involved plates which actually we have so you know what sure let’s in that case what I might do to make this symmetrical is I might move this and then as soon as we get our stuff

Back after dying all right so a quick trip down to the void thankfully this pack does have a grave Stone so when you die all of your items are just placed into a gravestone all you’ve got to do is go back down to the to the void if you fall out of the

World the gravestone will just spawn right at the bottom of the world so you go all the way down and you get your stuff back that is all good um I would love to grab that energy pipe there what I’m trying to do here is just make this a little bit more symmetrical

So what I’m thinking is that if we do this we get rid of that there we can put a pipe here here here and then we need one more to go right there and unfortunately I think we’re fully out of pipes but that’s going to allow us to have

The actually no I’m incorrect here I’m going to move this as well that’s my bed uh I want to have the multi-server press down here and the sequential fabricator here and then we’re going to put the new EMC link on the end so all three machines are going to be centered in in

This little area we are kind of running out of inventory space here which is less than ideal I could definitely do with dumping some stuff but if we do this and this we actually get one pipe back because that one is no longer needed now back up on the surface chant

What we can do is we can put down our multi server press here we can put down our sequential fabricator again here uh this does lose its memory so we are going to have to teach it once again how to actually make all of this stuff

Happen but that should be fine uh to make that happen I’m a little hesitant to get the the box like going but let’s do this and get uh bauxite extracting here and it’s melting as well ideally uh you need to be set to Auto input enabled

At the same screw here almost at the top to Auto input enabled and this one is already set like that but uh we’ll hold off on that because we do have iron gears already so uh these are gonna come in once we get our first aluminum gear

We can set that up on the sequential fabricator uh we do need to move this pipe over and in doing so we can also move the stack limiter to here as well fantastic and then as we were about to do before we fell into the void we can get another

Barrel I think I have some slabs left over I totally do one more Barrel gets us one more EMC link fantastic and once we have that we can place that down right about here and then we’re going to set this to Auto output to the right and we’ll turn on to

Output on and that should just work so now the uh basic mechanical crystals are made should get dumped into the system you have a aluminum gear that’s fantastic let’s do this this and this and tick we’ll dump all those in and that should begin working it’s going to make the

Essence the essence is going to get processed in the multi server press this is really the bit that’s going to slow us down is just how fast the multi server press goes we could again if we really wanted to to kind of slow the whole system down we could use the same

System here where we have an extraction pipe on the sequential fabricator and we have a stack limiter going into the multi server press so the only one or two basic mechanical Essences are ever in here because otherwise we are going to end up with a full stack of basic

Mechanical Essences kind of slowly but surely making their way in but I think that’s fine I think looking at our EMC value in the top left there we’re at 14 300 14 044 it’s going down but it’s going down slowly and I think we’re definitely going to produce more EMC

Than we lose we produce 8192 EMC every time this finishes and in that time we don’t use anywhere near that much and so we have finally successfully automated at the production of the basic mechanical Essence and also the production of the basic mechanical Crystal and we are currently gaining EMC

Albeit fairly slowly now there are of course ways that we can make this whole setup more efficient you could for example use in induction smelters because if we used induction smelters instead of redstone furnaces here then also we do need to set the top here actually to input now I think about it

There we go to start getting that stuff to come back in again that is all going just fine let’s do the same here we’ll set you to input and we’ll set that to produce copper like so um but if we were to use the induction smelter unlike the pulverizer

Which only has a 1.25 chance to generate an extra copper Ingot the induction smelter has a 50 chance to give you a second Ingot so if we were to use induction smelters instead of Resident furnaces we would get 50 more copper aluminum and iron the only downside is

That you also get a byproduct that then has to be sent somewhere like you have to do something with it and that’s just more complexity to add to the system it’s probably something we’ll look at doing at some point in the near future just so that we can get even more EMC

Generation out of this entire system but for the time being this setup does work and is producing as EMC and so next time chat we can come back um where you can probably finish up the remainder of this questline in fact I feel like we might as well do that

Here and now we need an induction smelter which doesn’t look too bad and then we just need one sand and we get 16 as a reward so real quick what are we missing for an induction smelter and if we grab the remaining involve out of here seven and eight that is enough

To get us two invokias and the induction smelter nice we also get the sand Quest complete uh we can throw this induction smelter into a chest for now we’ll use that next time let’s claim all our rewards including our new batch of sand and if we take off this Quest right here

Which is a tip for automation uh this basically tells you what I mentioned throughout the pack here EMC links I’ll put one item per second yet Redstone furnaces and pulverizers take longer than that to process one item because of this you will most likely need one pulverizer and one Redstone furnace per

Each material needed for automation copper iron aluminum Etc remember to trash unwanted byproducts such as slang or they might stop your machines from working you can also use the snack limiter module to limit how much your machines can accept which is useful so you uh so that your one iron pulverizer

Doesn’t consume all the EMC by filling with 64 raw iron boom and there we go that is tier one chapter one complete next time we’ll come back we’ll start with chapter two we’ll unlock all of our new resources diamonds lapis Burns zinc Cactus and netherrank and we’ll start using those to push

Forward into some new mods like create we’ve also got immersive engineering which does give us potentially a way of getting free Redstone flocks in the form of the water wheel mechanism of course and yeah even more technology and even more automation as we work towards the next tier of cube at the regular

Mechanical Essence but those are all problems for future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this first episode of mechanical Mastery there thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | A NEW KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-03-26 00:00:10. It has garnered 335124 views and 7171 likes. The duration of the video is 01:16:12 or 4572 seconds.

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery is al all new modded skyblock with no Ex Nihilo, no sifting and a lot of automation! ★Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | A NEW GENERATION OF SEABLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mpt4tLxh7kc

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

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Mechanical Mastery Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mechanical-mastery

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Mechanical Mastery Modpack: Mechanical Mastery is an automation-focused skyblock modpack in which players have their tech mod knowledge put to the test. Players use ProjectE to purchase raw ore “chunks” with EMC, which can be processed into their respective ingots. then craft custom-made “mechanical crystals”, which can then be sold back for much more EMC than their basic resource cost! This modpack is focused on automation and automation only, so the only items that have EMC are the basic resource chunks and the final mechanical crystals which can be sold for a net EMC profit. These “crystals” are divided into multiple tiers, each requiring the previous one plus many more steps of automation and mods required to craft them. There is a quest book chapter for each mechanical crystal which will guide you into how you can make each crystal, and what each of them unlocks. It features custom ore processing for up to 25x ingots per ore!

#Minecraft #MechanicalMastery #Modded

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  • Destroying my School’s Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!

    Destroying my School's Minecraft Server in 28 Hyper Ways!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by 28 hyper on 2024-04-20 18:00:07. It has garnered 2512 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:33 or 1653 seconds. -I Ruined My Schools Minecraft Server Hyper SMP public: (where this video was filmed) https://discord.gg/pQqR9ycSmk Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! ๐Ÿคฏ

    Satisfying Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Surprise! ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:15:53. It has garnered 324 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,591 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More

  • Infernos MC

    Infernos MCCreative/survival just for fun server, join the discord to get on the whitelist, adults only please.(no adult rp I just don’t want to be responsible for any children) Read More

  • Longbirch Vanguard Roleplay SMP 1.20.1 Java Races Classes Quests Pets Mounts

    โš”๏ธ IP: MC.LVRPG.NET โš”๏ธ Java Version: 1.20.1 Dynamic Map Wiki Discord Trailer A unique Minecraft Survival/RPG experience: Embark on an epic journey in the realm of Longbirch! Forge alliances, battle dark forces, and uncover ancient secrets. Join us and shape the destiny of a kingdom! Features: 10 Classes 9 Races Tons of Quests An ever-expanding selection of Pets 6 Dungeons Deity System Weekly Updates Read More

  • PixelPvP

    PixelPvP๐Ÿ”ฅ **Welcome to PixelPvP!** ๐Ÿ”ฅAre you ready to dive into the most intense Minecraft PvP experience? Look no further than PixelPvP, where every match is a battle for glory!๐ŸŒŸ **Why PixelPvP?** ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿน **Epic Battles**: Test your skills in heart-pounding PvP arenas. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a newbie, there’s a challenge waiting for you.โš”๏ธ **Custom Gear**: Arm yourself with unique weapons and armor crafted to give you the edge in combat. Personalize your loadout to suit your fighting style!๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ **Dynamic Events**: Join our regular events and tournaments to win awesome prizes and earn your place on the leaderboard.๐Ÿ† **Competitive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Test it to flames!

    Well, with a score that high, I think we can safely say that this meme has passed the test with flying colors! Read More

  • Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd’s Minecraft Caper

    Diamond Heist: Kaito Kidd's Minecraft Caper In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Kaito Kidd stole diamonds, pulling off sly dives. But fear not, dear viewers, justice will prevail, As heroes rise up, ready to set sail. With animations funny and full of cheer, Fangkuaixuan’s channel brings joy near and dear. Each video a gem, a delight to behold, So hit that subscribe button, let the happiness unfold. Pirated copies beware, for this is the real deal, Only on Fangkuaixuan’s channel will you find the appeal. So join in the fun, the laughter, the glee, And immerse yourself in this Minecraft spree. From classroom… Read More

  • TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftmemes

    TENGE TENGE Portal Upgrade: Now with Extra Spice! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftmemes When you upgrade your portal in Minecraft but end up summoning a catnap instead of a new dimension. Watch out for those sneaky zoonomaly creatures trying to steal your fire in the hole! #minecraftfail #catnapdisaster Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Part 6 The Magic Five: A Minecraft Love Story Meet Martin, also known as Marty, a Minecraft enthusiast who has embarked on a creative journey to share his story through animations. In his latest installment, “The Magic Five,” Martin explores themes of love and friendship within the Minecraft universe. A Tale of Friendship and Love In “The Magic Five,” Martin introduces viewers to a group of Minecraft boys who navigate the complexities of relationships and emotions. Through his storytelling, Martin sheds light on the beauty of love and the importance of acceptance. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning… Read More

  • Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival

    Uncovering Ancient City in Minecraft Survival The Mystery of the Ancient City in Minecraft Survival Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to some incredible discoveries, and stumbling upon an ancient city is a true testament to the game’s hidden wonders. These ancient cities hold valuable loot and unique challenges for players brave enough to venture into their depths. Ancient City Rewards Delving into an ancient city can yield a variety of rewards, including SCULK catalysts for farming other SCULK blocks, soul-related blocks, rare Ward and Silence armor trims, enchanted books, treasure items, and highly enchanted gear. These rewards make the journey to find… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley – Survival, Hypixel, Hive

    Insane Minecraft LIVE gameplay w/ Oakley - Survival, Hypixel, HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE! Survival, Hypixle, Hive & More’, was uploaded by Oakley on 2024-05-26 08:02:30. It has garnered 192 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:25 or 10645 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftletsplay #gaming #survival #letsplay Skin made by @empresslittlebit – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3OUhzwD-l33V2huWLyxgUQ Read More

  • Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in Minecraft

    Unveiling the Haunting Cave Dwellers in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | from the fog | cavedwellers #minecraft #scary #3am #Herobrine #cave-dweller #fromthefog’, was uploaded by FortuneWarrior on 2024-03-24 16:00:43. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:32 or 752 seconds. HUGE thanks to curse forge and the mod pack is called cave horror project by justeriksk so make sure to check it out very fun modpack and scary. Are you brave enough to explore Minecraft Horror mod at 3am? In this video, we delve into the eerie depths of the game with Herobrine and cavedwellers, but is… Read More

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | A NEW KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1 [Modded Questing Skyblock]