Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | THE BEGINNING OF THE END! #22 [Modded Questing Skyblock]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on automating the production of nitro crystals because these are one of the seven items required in order to make the final star shards specifically we need 1 680 of every single one of these seven items and between streams the system has been working as intended and

Over here we now have exactly 1680 Nitro crystals ready to go and over at the back of the island here our Precision mechanism system has also filled this draw with 2048 Precision mechanisms it actually went a little too far when we started to dump some Precision mechanisms into this chest

Here as well for now I’ve gone ahead and turned the electric motor off which is why the system is no longer running but we have all of the Precision mechanisms required we have all of the Nitro crystals required over on this side of the base I’m fairly certain that we have

Over 1 618 of the basic mechanical Essence we do indeed we’ve got 1700 the same is true for the regular mechanical Essence we’ve got close to two thousand between streams I’ve done a little bit of work to try and increase the speed at which we are producing the improved mechanical lessons specifically I’ve

Changed a couple of the recipes over in the Crafters this one right here I’ve changed to produce 10 dominant Effigies at once instead of one at a time that just makes the dominant Effigy production a little bit faster the same is true over here I’ve tweaked the

Recipe for the basic control circuits to make 64 of those at a time and I’ve also increased the number of Elite control circuits that are made at a time as well so that both the improved and the Advanced Mechanical lessons gets made faster that is the plan at least we’ve

Got 257 improved mechanical lessons so it’s still not doing particularly well and again it’s just the control circuits that are slowing us down here you’ll see what follow-up on everything apart from control circuits one thing we can do to make everything a lot faster is just

Turn this right up to the mix that is is going to use a little bit more power but 240 Redstone flux per tick is nothing compared to the millions that we are making and it might not be a terrible idea to look at setting up a metallurgic

Infuser right behind this base in here and just export osmium to it continuously to continuously make control circuits to pump into this Basin I think that would massively increase the speed at which we’re generating the improved mechanical license and then once we have at least 1 680 of those we

Can then look at getting up to 1680 of these Advanced Mechanical Essence again at some point we are going to have to get rid of this EMC link so that we can start backing up on those but for now that’s not necessarily what I want to

Focus on today I want to focus on getting the refined Radiance automated because that is the final item on here that we don’t have any of yet and once we have refined Radiance automated I then want to look at getting the ultimate crafting table and getting some

Of these Quantum compressors so that we can start making these singularities crafting the ultimate singularities and hopefully try and get the eight ultimate singularities required to get all of the final stars that we need along with just the one Singularity required here for that final power flower on the

Antibioter front we’re getting there slowly but surely we have 620 Milli buckets of antimatter now once this gets to a thousand that will give us our fifth antimatter and then we just need one more we need six in total to make the creative chemical tank and so I

Think that should also be fine so in terms of the refined Radiance this is made in a mechanical mixer with a superheated blaze burner it combines a refined mixture with chromatic compound I’m going to bookmark both of those the refined mixture is made in another mixer again with another superheated Blaze

Burner this time it requires HDPE sheets water gold Mobius Fuel and glowstone so thankfully the Mobius Fuel and the glowstone have an EMC getting those into the Basin is going to be fairly straightforward water we have in infinite quantities and gold we’re making a fairly large amount of from our

10x or processing system and so I don’t think we have to worry about any of those the only thing we might have to worry about is HDPE I did notice that our current HDPE system isn’t working you’ll notice there’s one HDPE pellet in here there are no HDPE sheets in this

Drawer and the reason for that is that it looks like the system produces more ethylene than it uses so right here this pressurized reaction chamber is supposed to turn biofuel into substrate that substrate then gets turned into HDPE pellets which are then turned into HDPE sheets but right here that’s not

Happening because this tank is full of ethylene and so I think what we should probably look to do is potentially just get another very large chemical tank so that we can buffer a very large amount of ethylene thankfully these are fairly straightforward to make we can go ahead and request everything required in

Effect it’s going to be easier if we do that in here we don’t have to wait for the osmium to arrive I don’t know if we have yet we never have the infused Alloys required that’s fine I can go ahead and take some iron to make that

Happen as for the elite we then need four reinforced Alloys and of course for the ultimate we need four Atomic Alloys so real quick we do have the four Atomic allies I’ll request four of those and then as for the reinforced Alloys we can just go ahead and request four of those

Nice that should not take the system too long whatsoever over here it’s a little tricky now because this is full of osmium we could potentially do with upgrading this and also actually yeah the problem is the enrichment chamber the enrichment chamber is not producing the enriched Redstone fast enough for

The infusing factory so there’s probably two things that we can do here to make this a little better we could do with getting an installer to turn this into a factory and then we could potentially also do with increasing the tier of the low retrieval module in here

Alternatively we could also look at swapping out Redstone Dust for redstone blocks never mind that totally does not work you can put the redstone blocks directly into the metallurgic infuser but you can’t put redstone blocks into the enrichment chamber to get nine enriched Redstone that doesn’t work

That’s fine let’s swap you back out for Redstone and before we do that let’s go ahead and upgrade this retrieval module to the medium retrieval module and then of course up to the high retrieval module and hopefully that is good enough to keep up with demand here well then

Try and get the installer in here I do have a feeling that the installer is not going to get made until we clear this backlog of osmium and so real quick let’s make you faster and then just make this even faster that is very quickly working its way

Through the backlog of osmium I’m going to throw a stack of iron in there as well just to get a ton of Alloys because we need those Alloys to make the chemical tanks and there we go once all that is done we should have an installer coming over here we do have

The reinforced and atomic Alloys and the infused alloy and then there are our installers we’ll take both of those and we’ll use those to try and increase the speed of this enrichment chamber that’s making the Redstone so we’ll do this and this that should hopefully start to make

The enriched Redstone a lot faster hopefully fast enough to keep up with big influxes of osmium again the osmium is only going to come when we run out of circuits the basic control circuits that we’re using to make the improved mechanical Essence over here so once they deplete then it’ll send another big

Old bench of osmium to be turned into circuits but now that we have all of these infused Alloys it should be fairly straightforward for us to upgrade the basic chemical tank to an advanced chemical tank we can then turn the advanced chemical tank into an elite

Chemical tank and then we can turn the elite chemical tank into an ultimate chemical tank this can hold over 8 million millibockets of ethanol and over here let’s have a look how much do we have in here we’ve got a 9 000 Milli wickets in here and then a further ten

Thousand Milli buckets and then that should be fine the ethanol is a gas at this point in time and so if we quickly Swap this to wrench mode we should be able to right click to get that off and then we can place the tank down like so

At which point this is already set to Auto eject so it’s going to automatically push the ethylene down into here all we should then have to do is set the left side here to output and make sure the auto ejector is on which it is by default and so now all of the

Ethylene is going to pass through this ultimate chemical tank round and into the rotary condensing traitor which is going to turn the ethylene into liquid ethylene which we then need to actually make the HDPE pellets and the added benefit here is that the bottom right button on the chemical tank allows us to

Dump excess so even if we manage to fill this tank with 8192 000 Milli buckets of ethylene that’s going to be completely fine because the system still won’t back up because this tank is just going to delete any excess ethylene that is produced which is perfect now I do think we are almost

Certainly going to want to get a bunch of speed and energy upgrades to make a lot of these machines faster unfortunately most of them don’t have a factory version as we’ve seen before the PRC cannot be upgraded to a factory variant but we can get a bunch of speed

Manager upgrades and make all of these machines quite a bit faster to massively increase the amount of HDPE sheets that we’re making because again we need 1 680 refined radians each one of those requires 100ml buckets of refined mixture this is only made in batches of 250 which essentially means that it’s

About 2 HDPE sheets per refined Radiance so we need about 3200 hgpe sheets in total to make the 1680 refined Radiance which is quite a large amount so real quick I’m going to request a bunch of speed and energy upgrades I might also get a couple extra as well because I

Think a couple of the machines up here also don’t have speed and energy upgrades like this enrichment chamber here that’s turning diamonds into in Rich diamonds isn’t quite fast enough especially when we try and make a stack of elite circuits at once this infusing Factory becomes pleated and then the

Enriched Diamond just isn’t coming in fast enough to keep up with demand okay so I have requested quite a lot of them and there’s a few more still being made but I think this might be enough let’s do this and this to make this enrichment chamber nice and fast and then over here

Let’s see if we can’t make basically all of the machines involved in HDPE production as fast as they possibly can be of course we could make the enrichment chamber here into an enrichment Factory but I really don’t think that’s going to be the bottleneck I think one of these pressurized

Reaction Chambers is going to be what uh what slows us down and so let’s just make sure that everything here is nice and fast including the crusher that is making the biofuel appear again it could quite possibly end up being the case that the wheat is what slows us down we

Are quite nicely banked up on wheat right now but in the future that might change especially if we start tearing through it at an alarming rate and then down here we do of course have the production of both hydrogen and oxygen that is also being used and that could

Quite possibly be the next bottleneck you’ll see here we are slowly but sure really dropping in terms of hydrogen so let me get a couple of speed upgrades and let’s drop those in like so as per usual I’m always very cautious doing this because the electronic separator

Uses a ton of power when you start adding speed upgrades to it but this does appear to be working we’re going up quite nicely in terms of HDPE sheets and so this should be fine but twin streams I did go ahead and craft four whisks and grab four cogwheels and so getting one

Two three four more mechanical mixes is not going to be a problem and then we also want to get four more basins I think that’s the right number we are of course here going to have to request the endocyte alloy required for those base ends but that’s fine let’s just take a

Stack of andesite alloy and we need one mixer to make the actual refined Radiance we need another one to make the refined mixture we need a third one to make the chromatic compound and then for some reason I thought there was a need for a fourth one you can make Endocet

Alloy with a mixer but we’ve already automated the system without the mixer so I don’t think that’s necessarily going to be required we do need to get another set of crushing Wheels which I will go ahead and request I would like two of these our system should still

Know how to do that and hopefully this mechanical crafting Wall Kicks into gear to make those cushion Wheels fairly quickly and between streams I was contemplating where I wanted to put this setup but I think I’m going to try and weave it into this area here because we

Already have three crushing wheels down and right now these electric motors are capable of handling 2048 stress units of total capacity and each one of these wheels only uses 512 so there’s actually the perfect amount of stress remaining to put two more crushing Wheels on the

Front here that will use 500 more stress units from each motor maxing out what they can handle and that just saves us having to make more Motors and set up a new system Elsewhere for more of the same thing now in terms of obsidian we do thankfully have obsidian being made

For us I believe we have a blast chiller on the back here we do indeed and I think what we will probably end up doing here is potentially just using a new Ender Chest frequency to allow us to move the obsidian very quickly from one

Area of the base to another we could of course look and we’re doing some more wall here that’s fine I don’t know if we have enough we totally do fantastic um we could obviously use a retrieval module but just from a speed standpoint I think it’s going to be a lot faster

And we can also make this look fairly tidy if we clear out this and then just have an item pipe that’s extracting from this Frame drawer here down into a new Ender Chest we will of course as per usual grab two diamonds to lock this to us boom and boom and then

Do we have any purple dye in the system we have one purple die I assume we potentially have what it takes to make another purple die we do nice so we’ll do purple and purple fantastic that’s gonna be our obsidian frequency and then I do believe we have a couple of item

Pipes left we do indeed and so what we’ll do is we’ll have one item pipe right about here extracting down into this Ender Chest that ender chest is then going to fill up on obsidian which is fine and then over here above the crushing Wheels we’ll just do the same

Thing where we have the Ender Chest but then this time we’re going to extract from it down and into the crushing Wheels we can then put another Depot on the bottom in fact I think we made a spare deeper a little while back we did we made three spare Depots because I

Thought I would need them for the deployers over there turns out we did not we could put that down right about here and then of course we’re gonna run that to wherever we end up putting the mechanical mixer that’s going to be in charge of making this refined Radiance

So over here this is not quite done because for some reason it’s not good enough I understand alloy that is fine we can go ahead and do something like that and the wall will automatically cramp that into crushing wheels for us and of course those will get sent around

Over into here and we can just go ahead and drop those directly in front of the pre-existing Wheels we’ll put one right about there another one right about here and I think that should potentially just work I’m not entirely certain on whether or not the item pipes from pipes can

Actually extract into the crushing Wheels it’s possible we might need a different kind of pipe for that although it would seem that our main problem right now is that we’re not actually filling up the ender chest with obsidian not quite sure what happened there um

The pipe wouldn’t let me open it and so I just broke it and replaced it and that seems to have worked just fine maybe just a little server glitch but then over here yeah this is working as intended we are getting the powered obsidian you’ll have to see it of course

We could make this pipe faster if we wanted to we could also make these faster because again if we just crank the number here this scales linearly and so really we could go all the way up to max speed and make these cushion Wheels as fast as we need I’ll leave the way

They are for now and then we’ll see if they are fast enough to keep up with the production of the chromatic compound before we get too carried away with ourselves though let’s focus back in on the refined mixture here so I think we have basically everything we need apart

From of course two more Blaze burners so let’s craft up two more empty Blaze burners I think we should have a fire and plates for that we totally do and then over here we should have a fairly decent backlog of Blaze Effigies we do indeed we’ll take two of those and then

It should just be as simple as we’ve seen many times before now I’ve just placing that down and then right clicking with the blaze burner trying to take as little damage of course as possible in the meantime and then I think we will just potentially continue

To do what we’ve been doing with our other Blaze burner that requires superheating this car right here in that will get another two click machines and then we can probably tap in to this pre-existing Blaze cake making system because I think we’re currently making blaze cakes a lot faster than we’re

Actually using them as for the click machine these things are pretty straightforward so long as we have diorite which it turns out we do not that is fine we do have a little bit of nether quartz remaining in fact just enough to make two of these click

Machines here and so now we need to figure out where we are going to put all of this stuff and of course I did request all of this and aside alloy for a reason and that was to allow us to craft the three required basins so we’ll

Do one two three of those and then let’s see where do I want to put this I think it’s going to make sense to put it fairly close to this deeper so that we can bring everything together fairly easily so you know what let me put it

Right about here we’ll of course get rid of the area underneath or place down at the place burner like so and we’ll drop the mechanical mixer on top like this that also ensures that it’s close enough for us to just put down a cog wheel next

To it and connect it to our pre-existing kinetic energy so over here I think we have I’m assuming get a stack of COG wheels so we’ll take those and we’ll Place one down directly next to this mechanical mixer right about there that’s going to bring this mixer online

And then we might have to request some more pipes because I think I’m going to try and do here is tap into this pre-existing Pipeline and especially this pre-existing extractor module here so we’ll just pull this down like so and then we’re going to run that along and

Over to that new mixer which is pretty close buying in fact looks like it might just be close enough fantastic so that should of course and this needs to be a clicker not to directly into the Basin now I think the clickers do go down

Towards us and so what I might have to do here is get a few pieces of cobblestone break this piece and then try and place it down like that I think that’s kind of Ideal and then now we should see this right clicking up onto here it doesn’t require power that’s

Fine let’s increase it to 20 clicks per second just to make sure it’s always clicking and it’s always ready that is fantastic of course right now a little bit of a waste of blaze cakes because there’s nothing in there to burn but I think that is fine so now we do need to

Get water into here I’m just doing a quick check we do have water available over here and it might be pretty easy for us to just run that around and over in fact do we have any mechanical pipes of remaining we have five in our inventory

Which as it turns out is the perfect amount so that is going to turn wait water into zinc nuggets you could just make zinc nuggets with water in a mixer you totally can I did not know that was the case so you can just make zinc with create interesting that’s

Obviously not what we’re trying to make and we need to also send over golf Mobius fuel glowstone and HDPE sheets now the HDPE sheets are currently not connected to our pipe network but I think we can Rectify that and then let’s just get actually some more pipes

Requested as well and then we’ll hook that up to the base in get in a high retrieval module and then specify all of the items here that we want sending over because gold we have Mobius fuel we have glowstone we have and once we’ve connected up HDPE sheets those we will

Have as well okay so in my attempt to continually spaghettify the pipe Network I’ve now connected up the HDPE draws and then over here I’ve also dropped down a pipe next to this Basin and I’ve got a high retrieval module so we need to tell this to request gold ingots we also need

The Mobius fuel along with the glowstone and a single HDPE sheet so if we put all of these into here we are then going to have to specify I believe what we want the Basin to make to prevent it from turning water into zinc nuggets but it should start

Sending everything else over once we have at least some refined mixture I’m not entirely certain how it works but I think maybe I can take a bucket of the stuff and kind of place it on the front that might work let me temporarily go ahead and get rid of this just so we

Can allow it to fill up on all the things we actually wanted to fill upon before it starts mixing okay so everything we need is in there let’s try putting that together again and not like that of course ideally we’d want it like this and I’m hoping that’s going to make

Yeah the refined mixture nice okay that is working it is also going to make some zinc Which is less than ideal let me go ahead and break that again real quick and let’s see we’ve got 500 millibockets of refined make sure we’ve got a few zinc

Pieces as well I don’t think the zinc being in there should matter if I do this again it’s not going to make us another 500 milliseconds of refined mixture it totally is fantastic so let me see here if I were to grab a bucket and if I were to right click on here

Surely I would get refined Radiance of course not that would be too easy we’ve also got a lot of thick potion which is also not exactly what I’m after and let me go ahead and break this temporarily there’s almost certainly a better way of doing this but let me take this out it’s

Water that’s also water can I not book it out the refined radiance I don’t think there’s a bucket of refined Radiance the thing in ji here shows it in a tank let me try getting a tank from mechanism and then if we press n we can turn that into

Bucket mode and then can I get the refined Radiance the answer is maybe if I can get rid of this thick posture which again you can’t put on the ground okay fine let me make another tank let me get rid of this one because we don’t

Need it uh and in fact you know what I’m just gonna go ahead and throw it off into the void because it is entirely useless and then let’s see can I get refined mixture I can can I then filter it maybe I’ve put a tank in that has

Refined Radiance in it I don’t know if that’s gonna work but there’s only one way to find out if I do this it doesn’t make zinc nuggets which is good but that makes sense because there’s no water if I do this does it make zinc nuggets it does make

Refined mixture which is good and it doesn’t make zinc nuggets which is even better so I’ll take everything out here and that does appear to be working okay it’s a little bit of a convoluted method but it looks like if we get a basic tank and get refined mixture into that basic

Tank we can then use that as the filter for the Basin and then now that I’ve taken the zinc out everything that we need should get sent over there I think the only problem we’re going to an internal is the fact that our pretty pipes network doesn’t have access to

Mobius fuel because although we have a draw for it I don’t believe that we have an em ceiling for it so let me quickly go ahead and oh no we do have an empty link for it I think we’re just probably using it too much in the creation of the

Inert Advanced Mechanical Essence and so it’s quite possible here that we do in fact want to upgrade this basic EMC link to a higher TX I think that’s probably what’s slowing us down we can see over here that the changes that I made have been working we have got almost 800

Improved mechanical Essence there so we’re getting close to halfway to the 1680 the that we need which is very very nice over here we do have a little bit more Mobius Fuel and so we’ll take the brand new tier 4 EMC link put that right back down right about there give that

Mobius Fuel and then we should start making that Mobius fuel much much faster it’s already got a higher tier logistical transporter so that should also be fine and so hopefully we see more of that going through and there’s also the possibility I guess that yeah

We have a draw down grid on here that’s probably fine we don’t necessarily need to have more than 64 in at any given time period This Is Now full of refined mixture which is fine we need to pump that refined mixture round and into another Basin a basin with the chromatic

Compound so let’s put our next Basin down and I see no reason not to put it down like maybe I was gonna say right here the only trouble with putting it here is that it’s going to connect instantly to that pipe and I don’t know

Of an easy way for us to to fix that I guess we could disconnect it and then Buck it out but you know what let’s put it like here for simplicity’s sake then we’ll go do is we’ll grab ourselves a fluid pipe of some persuasion let’s make

A few more of these basic and mechanical pipes I think basic is going to get the job done and then if we do this we should be able to set this guy here to extract and that’s going to pull that refined Radiance around and then it looks like we are going to

Have to set up a system like of white listing because we don’t want the water to be in there now if I’m not mistaken I think what we can probably do here is once again utilize the pipes mod if we make a fluid pipe here as opposed to the

Item pipes that we have been making we should then be able to place two of them down here and here like that and then much like with the item pipes if we can get a high enough pipe upgrade we should be able to filter specifically for the

Refined Radiance so let me give this a try let’s take the pipe wrench let’s set this to extract let’s install the advanced upgrade and then in here we’re going to add this yes the refined mixture you’ll see that it did know that I was trying to add the liquid inside

The tank and not the tank itself which is ideal and so now if we get another bucket and we empty out the water that’s in here it should then just get refined Radiance going forward which is exactly what we want we of course need another mechanical mixer and of course we need

Yet another Blaze burner along with another clicker so let’s go ahead and get rid all of this let’s Place The Blaze Runner down right about here let’s get some Cobblestone down here and here get rid of this piece drop down the old clicker like that and then of course connect

That up to our pre-existing cake providing pipe line which is this one right here that should provide blaze cakes to this click machine as well which is once again going to bring this Blaze burner up to superheated territory at which point we can cover that up and

Now we just need to get powdered obsidian Anderson alloy glowing ingots and Polished rose quartz into this mixture and then we need a final mixer that’s going to mix all of this stuff together so actually I’ve done this incorrectly right because we need another mixer here we’re not sending the

Obsidian to this mixer this is where the chromatic compound and the refined mixture is going but we need to First make the chromatic compound which does require another Blaze burner so I do to make a third one and a third clicker that’s fine so we need another mixer

Let’s go down right about here this mixer is where we need to send the palette obsidian the underside alloy the glowing Ingot and the polished reverse quartz so the andesite alloy our system already knows how to make that is fine the powered obsidian we’re already making what we’ll probably do is get a

Storage drop for it and then connect up the pretty pipes Network to that powered obsidian storage drawer so that we can request it be sent over to this Basin the glowing and the polished rose quartz polish draw squats we’ve made before up until now we’ve done it with sandpaper

Although I think we’re going to want to Pivot to using the enrichment chamber just because it’s more automatable and the rose quartz you can make again we’ve been using this crafting recipe here with one nether quartz and eight Redstone but I think we probably want to Pivot to this recipe right here using

Redstone and another Quartz in a metallurgical infuser and it’s at this point that my lack of preparation is going to bite me in the backside because we don’t have never quartz being automatically made and so we’re probably going to have to automate this right here the production of nether quartz

Using Soul Sand which I think is going to be fine we do have of course our encast fan down here I think what I’ll probably end up of doing is potentially moving that over to here again so we can connect it up to potentially one of our pre-existing Motors and then from there

We can look at sending Soul Sand automatically which is of course emcable and that will produce all of the nether quarts we need to make all of the rose quartz to make all of the Polish rose quartz and then the final piece of the puzzle is going to be glowing ingots the

Glowing ingots are made with brass ingots and a spout on a Depot with lava okay so that seems fairly straightforward the spout is to my knowledge not particularly difficult to make it is this guy right here it requires one red kelp and one copper casing we do not have a copper casing

But the copper casing is just a strip log and a copper Ingot and so if we grab one log can I strip a log with the Morning Star I cannot that is fine let’s go ahead and grab our one Minecraft X just to do that fantastic and then if we

Grab a single copper Ingot we can then do this that gets us the copper casing and at that point we have what it takes to make the smell nice we then of course do still have two Depots remaining so we’ll take that as well and then lava we

Have available over here and so what I think we’ll probably do is maybe get rid of that place cake for now but we can potentially just go ahead and put another spout here put the deeper here and then we just need to export brass to that Depot and that’s going to begin at

Producing the glowing ingots which I think is ideal so we’ll grab our pipes and we’ll of course connect that to our man pipe Network which is this pipe right here it’s getting a little tricky to uh to remember which pipe is which but this one right here is our Blaze

Cake pipe that’s not connected to the main line and doesn’t want to be connected to the main line otherwise we’re going to end up with bliss cakes everywhere but over here we just need another retrieval module we’ll of course upgrade that to medium and to high and I

Don’t think our system currently knows how to make brass um it’s just an alloy between the copper and the zinc and in in fact what I might do just because I think it’s going to be easier and quicker is I might get another induction smell to and just have that dedicated to

Making the brand if we put the induction smelter here and of course we’ll get a flux Point behind it like that connect that up to our Network like so and so now we’ll send the brass and the copper to the induction smelter the induction smelter will make the brass the brass

Will get sent over to here that will get made into brass ingots and then from there we can probably just get another item pipe we’ll extract that out into a storage door that storage door will hold the brass ingots uh we might even put a damn good in it although I don’t think

It’s strictly necessary we’ve got thousands upon thousands of copper at this point so it’s probably fine but so we can connect that up to the network and then those glowing ingots can just be sent over to this bear since I think a lot of this is going to be fine uh

Real quick let me get another Blaze burner because we do need a third one here hopefully we have what it takes but nope it’s finally caught up to us we are indeed out of iron plates that is fine it doesn’t have to be specifically iron

Plates from create it does not it can be any iron plates that we like so we’ll just throw those in here and of course give that a light bit of a speed boost good stock good stuff at which point we can then go ahead and make another Blaze burner hopefully steal another Blaze

Effigy and then of course as per usual boom and probably should have had that ready beforehand but boom there we go not gonna be a problem let’s put you down right about there and of course we’ll get that set up with a clicker as well and then once we have the induction

Smelter that can go down right about here of course we’re going to set the bottom to input the right to Output Ultra eject is going to be set to on and then we just need a little bit of copper just the one Ingot and we also need some

Zinc again just the one Ingot will do over here we’ll do a high retrieval module like that we’ll put in both the copper and the zinc set that two up and that should start to receive both of those at which point that should start making the breast the brass is going to

Make its way into here and we should if everything works well see the spout turn that brass into glowing ingots and we could filter the pipe here to only extract blowing ingots but as per usual I think it’s probably going to be easier if we just use a storage door like this

And if we take the glowing ingots and lock the door to those that is now not going to allow anything other than glowing ingots into the draw which is fantastic we might have to make that induction smelter faster but we’ll see if that is the bottleneck in the future

And then from here we can just connect you up again to the pre-existing pretty pipes Network and now the glowing ingots are available for this Basin over here so that is done let’s also go ahead and grab a draw for obsidian we’ll put that draw down over here I think what we will

Probably do is again if we take a little bit of the obsidian powder we can then quickly place this down place that into it and lock it to make sure nothing else makes its way into there use our item pipes here to extract from this guy down and around into that

Storage drawer and then you guessed it we’re just going to connect that storage drawer up to our pretty pipes and networks are down here I assume we have a Mainline pipe we do indeed we have to be very careful not to connect to this pipe right here so I’ll go ahead and

Disconnect like that at which point boom and boom that connects up there and boom boom boom that should be good to go so now obsidian powder should be available for the chromatic compound as well again our system already knows how to make endocyte alloy and so now it’s a case of

Getting an enrichment chamber getting a methodologic infuser and automating the production of nether quartz via saw sand the enrichment chamber we can request the metallurgic infuser we can’t request but is extraordinarily easy to make boom and boom and while we wait for this in Richmond Chamber I’m gonna work on

Moving this setup here over to our other Island and then see if we can’t automate this nether quartz and not too long later we have the exact same setup now Nestle the nicely into our gigantic array of Machinery over here I’ve essentially gone ahead and placed down a vertical gearbox in the

Middle of what was already a vertical shift and so now that vertical gearbox is giving kinetic energy to this encased fan that in case fan has water over it and so if we do something like not like this if we do this with the item pipe

And this with the EMC link I assume that we can take one source end do I click that onto here set that of course to extract at the top and then over here we are going to want to get a pipe upgrade because here we don’t want to extract

Soul Sand we only want to extract the gold nuggets and the nether quartz specifically so let’s get a Diamond Pipe upgrade let’s put you here let’s set u to extract we’ll put you in like so and then I guess we can actually just Blacklist Soul Sand so I just clicked here to swap

Filter mode from White list to blank closed then click add and then put in the Soul Sand and then now that should extract anything that’s not Soul Sand and it looks like we already actually of course we probably already have a space on the wall for another quads we do

We’ve got a block for it and then of course gold will go over to its gold drawer as well and so that should really be nether quartz ultimated it really didn’t take that much work at all and is probably something we should have done much much earlier in the pack I might

Even go ahead and make another higher tier pipe upgrade just so that we can make it a little bit faster because right now I think the bottleneck is how fast we can move out of this EMC link although as per usual the EMC link is almost certainly also going to be the

Bottleneck here thankfully we have quite a lot of the first three tiers of mechanical Essence and so upgrading all the way to magenta isn’t too big of an escort but over a thousand of the improved mechanical Essence that’s very close to the 1680 that we need let’s do

This and and let’s once again set you to Soul Sand and I’m hopeful that that’s going to send more over it’s still not sending a ton over it says 32 items every five ticks the speed that is slowing us down I guess is still the fan although making the fan faster doesn’t

Actually increase the speed at which it processes the soul standards another quartz it just increases the distance that it can do so the only real way to make this faster is to use the the timer bottle but I don’t think it should be necessary I think the nether quartz that

We’re getting should be Vine although that could definitely be a limiting factor for us we’ll find out very shortly back over here what do we now need of course we need our metallurgic infuser and of course we need that enrichment chamber the enrichment chamber is done let’s take that back

Over to here so how do we want to do this I feel like we might as well just pump this directly into the base and I don’t really see a reason not to you know what let’s put it down here just I think it’s gonna look a lot better and

Then we’ll have the metal to confuse it down next to that as well let’s clear space under both of those and of course let’s give them both power for now I’m going to go ahead and use two flux points just because we have a bunch of

Them and it is easier boom and boom and so now we need to send rose quartz to the enrichment chamber and to do that we have to send another quartz and a redstone through to the metallurgic infuser so for that we’re gonna have to have two pipes coming in one on the

Bottom and one on the side because we need to set one of those sides to Yellow which we’ll do here we’ll set the right hand side to input extra whilst at the left hand side to output and we’ll turn auto reject on we’ll set the bottom to

Red and then everything else to nothing so I do have a high retrieval module I’ll put that in here and we could of course put another enrichment chamber down here to more efficiently use our Redstone but we do have 62 000 Redstone so I’m not too worried about wasting a

Little bit of it we’ll put that in like so and in fact we can utilize the method that we saw earlier where we take a redstone block and we can put that directly into here because you can put redstone blocks directly into the metallurgic infuser then we need another

Retrieval module that one is going to request never quarts so we’ll do this and we’ll say up and another quartz and once we connect that up I think that should be pretty much good to go so we’ll do something like that that’s going to connect it to the main line and

Then now as long as this is set to input on the right hand side like so and output to the left with everything else being set to nothing and auto eject being set to on that should start to fill this base in here with the polished rose quartz that we need for the

Chromatic compound and so the final piece of the puzzle is going to be to connect a pipe I was gonna say here but that’s not gonna work is it let’s put a pipe here let’s connect that up to the main pipe Network as well so I’ll run

That down and along like this let’s get another high retrieval module then that’s going to go right about here and this one is going to request everything else so we’re going to do East to the Basin we’re going to do endosite alloy we’re going to do obsidian powder which

I can’t help but notice we don’t have too much of I don’t know how Obsidian made its way down to the bottom there I would assume that only dust would make its way down we’ll keep an eye on that now we also need of course the glowing Ingot we’ve got quite

A few of those now which is very nice indeed and so over here let’s do obsidian powder boom and glowing ingots boom all of that should make its way into here and is there no liquid there’s no liquid this is all solid matter that is perfect so

The polished rose quartz is coming in again we can make these faster if we need to the andesite alloy is going to come in it might be the slowest just because of the fact that it needs to be crafted although I did teach the system

To craft and aside alloy a stack at a time so again whenever it’s needed it should just get made and sent over can’t help but notice without getting any obsidian dust again obsidian is making its way onto this oh of course that is because I am a fool and when you crush

Obsidian with a crushing wheel you actually have a fairly decent chance at 75 chance of getting obsidian back okay that is fine in that case let’s take another draw let’s place that draw right about here and we’ll have that fill up with obsidian and it’s almost certainly

Going to be worth putting a void upgrade on that to get rid of any excess obsidian to keep the obsidian powder coming in while we wait for things to come through through we do also need to make another clicker that is not going to be a problem as per usual grab

Ideally something that’s not obsidian I almost went for the obsidian there but that would not have worked particularly well uh this actually we don’t need it because we already have a pipe there if I do this that looks like it’s working correctly of course we do want to make

Sure that does not connect we also want to make sure that that too does not connect and unfortunately it looks like I am out of pipes because we only need like two more one here and one here to connect this last clicker up but that’s

Fine let’s go ahead and I am going to request just another stack of pipes here because I have a feeling that as per usual we’re always going to need more but once that is connected up and once we have the The Blaze burner going in

Fact let me steal the blaze cake here to uh to light this fire uh once that’s going I think we should start to see this working all right I think it is working of course the only thing that I have not done here I have been manually

Adding the belays cake so over here let me take that stack of pretty pipes and back over here if we do this and we’re going to connect it here but we’re going to disconnect it almost immediately from here but that should just work let’s go start sending Blaze kicks over in here

We’re going to set that to clean click as fast as it possibly can the final piece of the puzzle here is going to be to get another Piper grid that we can filter and then just extract the chromatic compound across from here again wants to add to extract with the

Pipes wrench and then we’re going to filter specifically for chromatic compound add so uh that is doing this job it’s making stuff I’m going to take basically everything out of that though because we want most of that in over here that is fine let’s drop all of the

Chromatic compound in that’s going to start making the refined Radiance and it’s working cool so we do have some refined radians let me grab another storage drawer here we’ll put that down let’s say right about yeah you know right about here whoops right about here we’ll put in the

Refined Radiance we’ll set u to extract and pull that refined Radiance out and around into here not that it’s necessary but we’ll go ahead and lock the draw as well and now we should slowly but surely begin producing that refined Radiance all the way up until we have

1680 of the stuff this appears to be working better now the pound obsidian is getting sent over as are the glowing ingots and it’s actually potentially now the enrichment chamber and the metallurgical infuser here that are causing the slow down so how are we doing on upgrades we do have eight speed

And 8 energy upgrades and so let’s do a quick check here is it the metallurgic infuser it is so we’ll do this and we’ll do that that’s going to make this faster and do we have a spare installer we do I might go ahead and do something like

This as well then and upgrade that turn auto assault on that’s going to start making that even quicker and then over here we can add the other full speed and energy upgrades hopefully that’s going to make that a little bit faster as well but that should now be making the

Refined Radiance pretty quickly it looks like the refined mixture is not going to be a problem for us that’s coming in quite nicely how are we doing on HDPE we’re up at 2048 so we’ve maxed out on that and I assume that we could make the

Remaining 1000 ish that we need on top of the 2048 very quickly so the the refined mixture not going to be a problem it’s really just how fast this can get the job done which seems to be a question of how fast our system can make

And decide alloy not quite sure why this is kind of stuttering the rest of them are not stuttering like this one is working just fine but this one here is stopping and starting over and over again oh it’s a power problem that’s interesting that could also explain why some things are being a

Little slow I have noticed a few times that um this pipe pressurizer it goes from being full and power to being empty on power very very fast I’m not quite sure what is using all of our power because over here we’re full on energy which makes sense and then out here we are

Pulling up to 400 000 Redstone flocks every now and again uh remember that the supercritical phase shifter is not connected up to our main Network so that really shouldn’t be pulling that much juice that’s almost at number five which is fantastic that’s gonna be pulling a lot of juice but it’s pulling it

Directly from the turbine but I don’t no where the rest of that massive power consumption is coming from it’s quite possible that just our whole base is is just everything’s running a lot more uh regularly now like all of the machines are online all of the time making all of

The stuff so it’s possible that’s just too much to handle but either way even with the power constraint this does appear to be working quite well now we are getting more of the refined Radiance Robert faulting and so we’ll just leave that running between episodes and that’s

Gonna hopefully get close to the 1680 that we need we have started to lose out on regular mechanical license here again that’s probably because we’ve been making so much improved mechanical license but that’s fine once this fills up this will start to back up as well

And so next time we’ll come back we’ll look at getting the potentially the ultimate Singularity here because we are pretty close we hopefully should have the refined Radiance we have the Nitro crystals we have the Precision mechanisms we have the basic mechanical Essence we’re hopefully not too far away

From the regular mechanical license because we have got the improved mechanical lessons and so we just need to get the Advanced Mechanical license we need 1 680 of those and once we have that it’s just a case of getting the eight ultimate singularities and at that point

I think we’re basically done and of course the last antimatter which I assume is almost on its way yeah well very close to our fifth and then it’s just a case of getting the sixth once we have that we can make the creative chemical tank we can make all of the

Seven final stars that we need in order to make the creative motor which is pretty easy once you have the final star the Creative Energy Cube which again fairly easy once you have the final star the Creator storage disk which is going to require us to get into refined

Storage orbit we have actually done no refined storage whatsoever but we do have to do a little bit of it in order to get the creative storage disk and then finally the creative fluid tank which is also fairly straightforward we have the ethergas ready to go then we

Can combine the other three final stars with the eighth ultimate Singularity that’ll get us the final power flower once we have that we have unlimited EMC basically 48 trillion EMC per sec which is going to give us a ton of EMC incredibly quickly once we have that we

Can then go ahead and get more final Stars we do need to remember to learn the first final star in our transmutation template that way once we’ve made the first final power flower then we can just get the remaining final Stars we need and we can get all of the

Other final styles to make all of the other pale flowers to make the creative vending upgrade and so I think chapter we are not at all far away from completing this pack but those are all problems for future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode

Of mechanical Mastery there thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | THE BEGINNING OF THE END! #22 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-05-29 22:45:00. It has garnered 13654 views and 485 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:36 or 2856 seconds.

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | THE BEGINNING OF THE END! #22 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc ★Minecraft Seaopolis 2 | A NEW GENERATION OF SEABLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/mpt4tLxh7kc

★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine

★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC

Mechanical Mastery Mod Pack – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/mechanical-mastery

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

About Mechanical Mastery Modpack: Mechanical Mastery is an automation-focused skyblock modpack in which players have their tech mod knowledge put to the test. Players use ProjectE to purchase raw ore “chunks” with EMC, which can be processed into their respective ingots. then craft custom-made “mechanical crystals”, which can then be sold back for much more EMC than their basic resource cost! This modpack is focused on automation and automation only, so the only items that have EMC are the basic resource chunks and the final mechanical crystals which can be sold for a net EMC profit. These “crystals” are divided into multiple tiers, each requiring the previous one plus many more steps of automation and mods required to craft them. There is a quest book chapter for each mechanical crystal which will guide you into how you can make each crystal, and what each of them unlocks. It features custom ore processing for up to 25x ingots per ore!

#Minecraft #MechanicalMastery #Modded

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    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UMmTtACwNE Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • “Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀” #minecraft #mcpe #viral

    "Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀" #minecraft #mcpe #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Swishy Playz on 2024-06-03 14:07:20. It has garnered 10498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral Read More

  • EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!

    EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fabio veroorzaakt een aardbeving’, was uploaded by Moik’s SMP Shorts on 2024-04-04 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. goddammit Fabio [Moik’s SMP] An SMP where Moik and his friends play modded Minecraft. The SMP consists largely… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 – Can we beat them all?!

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 - Can we beat them all?!Video Information This video, titled ‘We tried to beat EVERYONE in Minecraft PvP || EOD SMP Ep. 4’, was uploaded by HeyhayVODS on 2024-08-16 15:00:16. It has garnered 634 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:15 or 4155 seconds. Check out the community discord for Siege! https://discord.gg/Yx23T8eY6V Get some merch! https://heyhay13-shop.fourthwall.com/ Find me, heyhay13 at: VODS channel @heyhayvods Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/heyhay13 Tiktok – https://www.tiktok.com/@heyhaycosplay Twitter – https://twitter.com/heyhaycosplay https://ko-fi.com/heyhay13 #minecraft #eodsmp #heyhay13 Read More

  • Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #Minecraft

    Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fire free girl de Love 😘😍 #minecraft #drift #automobile #music #remix #nightcore #nightcoresongs’, was uploaded by Jonas Fischer on 2024-10-01 11:39:57. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrow

    EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #hanumanji #pixelart #minecraft #algrow’, was uploaded by AX OP GAMING on 2024-05-29 11:43:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Lord Hanuman Ji Pixart in Minecraft || How To Make Pixelart in Minecraft I make hanuman ji pixelart in minecraft give title … Read More

  • “Ultimate Herobrine Chase – INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation” #viral #shorts #clickbait

    "Ultimate Herobrine Chase - INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation" #viral #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-16 06:30:11. It has garnered 2105 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos,… Read More

Minecraft Mechanical Mastery | THE BEGINNING OF THE END! #22 [Modded Questing Skyblock]