Minecraft Minions DLC!! – The Rise of Gru! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun

Video Information

Hello zebra herd today we team up with the minions to become the ultimate super villain in the minecraft minions dlc we’ll be going on heist missions epic chases and a trip to the moon as we fight iconic villains like the vicious 6 and vector along the way we’ll be

Finding a ton of collectibles and even some brand new costumes for our adorable minion friends so let’s get started I can hear the murmurs of the minions and there they are so here we are and i guess cruz little lab here the videos are all over the place hey guys how are you should we just talk to them right not quite they’re cheering us on though there are two different modes

Adventure mode and sandbox mode for today’s video we’ll be doing adventure mode so let’s interact with this to activate it and let’s get started whoa so we are just in what i assume is screws home right got a little curtain over this way interact with wardrobe to open

Whoa oh there’s a hidden door what is this about hey guys somebody’s just sort of chilling out in here oh there’s a tutorial okay perfect because i don’t know what i’m doing exactly so you think you can become a super villain well you turned into the right channel

I work for the villain network channel you’ve been watching us but we’ve also been watching you oh my who am i is unimportant who you are and what you plan to do is what we’re interested in we’ve also been watching the minions they always follow the biggest baddest villain

Which i guess is us that they’re all here well they’re following you and that’s when we at the vnc also became interested turns out there might be a powerful artifact hidden at your local record store which is a front for a criminal organization known as the vicious sex of

Course you can do with this information what you will just remember we’re always watching it’s transport-o-matic uh we’re still working on the name it’s a brilliant device that will teleport you right back to your lair okay that’s cool so don’t overuse it though it’s still experimental we still don’t know

Where the last villain who used it is oh my gosh we have a bunch of stuff in our inventory right now with the transport-o-matic well which brings us right back here every time so that’s pretty useful we have a bat which will definitely be pretty good for causing trouble uh an objective clipboard

So what does it say give your minions a banana to make them come with you okay we got the collectible radar and finally a banana so i have this minion there you go buddy and we can enter the secret underground tunnel where where is that uh

Does this have anything more for me we do have this the villano meter a meter that gauges how evil you are it increases every time you perform evil deeds rewards every 50 points a new minion will become available to follow you additional rewards are given at the displayed markers so we’ll definitely

Have to encourage some of the minions to follow us around with bananas and stuff but let’s just talk to some other people we have you over here map a map of the surrounding area markers show places of interest so we have alaris to the upper city chinatown

Lots of different places to go to so yeah today’s today will be a jam-packed episode just exploring things around with the underground the secret or enter the secret underground tunnel but where is that oh up that way okay cool villain wheels your own personal villemobile okay so it’s currently under

Construction but i guess there’ll be a vehicle there so we’ll come back to the lap i’m sure of it let’s just focus on what the game wants us to focus on for right now which is brighter for this way i have my bat ready just in case and we

Still yeah we still have one minion following us i guess we’re just supposed to build a little army of them huh oh and what is this oh this is glowy uh i guess we found a firefighter minion costume by the way i do recommend using your your secret tunnel to go out it’s

The fastest way to the record shop so here you go the minions are surprisingly simple creatures aren’t they put them in a costume and they’ll start playing the parts and there we go that was great the firefighter minion put out the fire i have no doubt that any minion wearing

This firefighter costume can’t help but start putting out fires but it’s not amending strength to think all right well if we give them the costume they’ll do the deed so that’s pretty cool so we’ll have to use our minions to sort of get all the things

Done nothing too much going on down that way so let’s head out of the sewer for now and see what whoa whoa where are we yes the big city everyone here is positively trembling of the chaos you will rain down upon them very cool so let’s open

This up and here we are in the big city wow looking good is there a minion coming up with us you can do a buddy i believe in you okay so where’s the record shop at then we pull up our objective clipboard it might tell us um

Well i proceeded through the tunnel you don’t worry about the oh it’s right there okay so we’re just gonna head down the street check out the record shop where there’s some kind of secret we can access i don’t know if we can go to these other buildings oh it doesn’t look

Like they’re barred off for us yeah the city looks pretty cool gotta go into there though so wow that’s a huge hill should probably look both ways before i cross the street though even though it did say i get cross uh vicious six heist whoa astonishing isn’t

It the lair of the vicious six still surprised to hear me we have our ways trust me why am i up here okay uh anyway if i may be so bold to suggest this type of mission is excellent legwork for minions their tiny bodies can fit anywhere they can

And they can be quite sneaky if they try and they will have to this place is swarming with henchmen so your minions will have to be careful oh my deep inside it is this artifact the dragon medallion you might think to yourself something like but wait they’re my fellow billion

Colleagues should i really steal from them but let me tell you if the question is whether to steal something the answer is always yes okay good to know yes listen kid we’ve also known about this person for a while the salesperson inside the shop that is an up-and-coming mad scientist dr

Nefario you’re gonna want to talk to him just ask for a record called you’re no good that’s the passcode okay so here we are getting introduced to the world of villainy uh i can’t really reach you a customer sorry just putting away some records uh and new evil intentions wink

Wink so how can i help you are you looking for something special you’re no good say no more may i suggest listening booth too okay so i guess we have to go to booth number two which is right over here and listen to the record

Uh oh with the record we have right here the record key whoa perfect wait a minute we’re a minion now wait what did we become a minion okay i’m a minion zebra civilians nice to talk to you personally i guess i did why did i become a minion i have no clue uh

Maybe we’re just being sneaky uh are you applying the vicious sticks aren’t in right now come back later no offense but this isn’t a job for kids why don’t you apply to our injured internship program little villains i’d rather not i want to be a full fledged villain

Okay so what are we supposed to do instead it looks like oh there’s something over here glowing green it is the sticky hand hey is that you i liked your communication device listen you just found the sticky hand my latest invention i need someone to test it out

For me you seem perfect and by perfect i mean expendable see that stack of boxes on the ledge there uh you should be able to pull them down with the sticky hand give it a go so this box right here whoa now i can use that to jump up on the

Ledge and once you’re up you can grab it again to get to the next ledge so i can grab it to pull it whoa up here and then pull it over this way perfect that is so neat i like it so grabbing it again to go over here i love

It it’s like a little sticky hand oh those toys you get out of a little machine can i get up from here there we go there we go you know that fent has seen better days try pulling with the sticky hand so over this way we’re gonna rip that open pretty cool

Uh see these guards you need to avoid their line of sight or else you get caught i’m sure you can handle it i’ll try my best but it looks like there’s some oh i heard something there we go so we’re going to sneak behind him um but a little nudge from the sticky

Hand should be enough pull from the ledge i did it oh oh no i wasn’t supposed to do that oh god yeah not good so i gotta be careful i can’t sticky hand them so how exactly am i getting over to that thing i don’t think i’m supposed to for

Right now i’m just supposed to go through the doorway so we’ll sticky hand that then i can hop down here and just go go go oh gotta be careful there’s more of them coming up what can i do here oh there they are and be really careful with this one then

Let’s be super sneaky we’re the sneakiest minion ever this is so silly i love it okay oh gonna keep right behind you oh there’s the box so what we have to do with this box as far as i can tell is uh grab it and keep sneaking over with it that’s good

Okay they didn’t notice exactly what i need there we go we’re up we’re up so now that we’re up here hopefully things will go a little bit easier but i do need to bring that all the way up here there we go that was a good move right i think

This is what i’m supposed to do ah okay we made it we made it we made it that was a closed one for sure and i could get up this way no problem and i think with that there’s still more to find oh there’s a secret over there okay

Then let’s keep sticking this over because there might be more i can find here so there’s going to be hidden collectibles throughout the adventure that i don’t want to mess if i can manage so let’s try jumping over like that there we go not too bad one more time got it

And what is this a flashlight minion costume so i guess at some point we might run into a minion that can use that if it gets particularly dark but for right now what’s in the next room lots of stuff there are so many guards down there we don’t have much of a hope

When it comes to sneaking behind them i think we need to stay up here as much as possible okay whoa whoa almost that jump up we’re gonna keep moving hopefully we’re not making too much noise or anything what is oh they’re like windows more than one way to go huh

All right we’ll try this way for now oh i can break that with the sticky i think or not huh well i can open that up oh that turned off all the fans neat so what about the other way there’s got to be some more nope that’s a dead end okay

Good to know good to know i wonder if i can grab one of the walls will that give me a speed boost not really now i can break that open that makes sense now we’re gonna break this one open right over here and it looks like we’re in the other

Room now so hopefully we’re in the clear there’s a door over here hold this lead uh can i not open it i’m not sure i’m gonna put this over here because we don’t need it at the moment and i can’t go into that door so that’s locked

There’s gotta be more ways around it looks like there’s a guard just hanging out on the other side so trying to be very careful there you are oh there we go there’s someone there no don’t throw it don’t throw it i need that there you go so they’re pretty distracted i think we

Can move i don’t know how much time they’ll be there for open the doors back over that way we gotta move gotta move gotta move okay we’re doing good really good but how much is left you know can’t open those doors but i can’t go over this way

It’s taking a look at everything okay there’s one of the guards uh what whoa i didn’t even realize what i did i thought it would distract him well for right now i can use this box to hopefully get up a little bit more got it up this way

Real quick no i fell okay i’m fine i’m fine don’t worry about it i gotta take things a little bit slower though the box falls on me it doesn’t hurt me a little bit oh no it’s a little tricky a little tricky and a little sticky all right

Got it let me bring it a little bit over so i can make this jump and i don’t know if i need it from here i might not oh actually can i make this jump yeah i’m fine i’m fine so now that we’re way up here there are

Guards left right and center i’m just trying to figure out give you that is anyone there huh who’s there what the there’s a bunch of them they’re very curious of what’s going on i think i could just go around them though haha we made it still canker through those doors

But we have another hallway here everything is locked off except for this way what is going on with all this son not too much okay i’m gonna open that up whoa and i need this box to get across there we go i’m not seeing too many people down that

Way so we’re just gonna pull this across and get up no problem i can’t get into there without turning off the fan so let’s see if i can’t find a way to do that there’s a little great to go through and also a box i can grab for one thing or another

I’m just gonna pull it over here for now but i think i turned the fans off so let’s go back over this way and make this jump really quickly break that open and we found the roller skate minion costume pretty nice awesome so oh no don’t fall

I don’t know how many well there’s 15 costumes i don’t know how many of them will actually be able to use today but i’ll certainly try to figure out right now i need this box over here got it I can’t really see too much from there that’s fine looks like we’re going this way quite an imposing corridor look towards the end minions there it is the dragon medallion okay so can i just grab it yep the sticky grab i can’t believe it they really did i

Forgot to tell you you have to escape didn’t see that scary old corridor giving way sorry uh oh we can’t go down there oh no that’s a huge huge area but we’re just gonna go i guess down here i suppose you have to find another way out there’s a button

Okay that didn’t really do much i’m gonna pull this down it looks like that at the lease made it so that i can jump across because i’m sure those guards are gonna be on red alert looking all over for us and one of them’s right up there so

How am i getting across all of this if i do this i mean that didn’t seem like it changed too much huh what do i do here then maybe i can take one of these boxes i can’t am i supposed to go down there though we’re gonna find out because i don’t

Know if i’m supposed to no i can just take a ladder back up okay i’m a little confused we’ll figure it out we’ll go back over there i have this one box this has got to be for something right i mean yeah because if i

No they caught me yeah see that’s what i don’t really know where do i go instead oh i see i’m supposed to go back that way so what we’re gonna do here is just run back over grab the box luckily we can grab it from really great distances so that’s cool

I love the eating noises we’re doing that um okay pull this one down so i can make this jump a bit easier there we go now i’m figuring it out we’re going up here come on Gotta grab that for one reason or another i’m sure because i think i can make this jump still ah yes i can i’m gonna bring it with us so just in case it feels like i’m going full circle here doesn’t it i can break this open there we go What do i do with those boxes oh but no no so am i supposed to go down there because there is stuff this way too huh i’m gonna pull this stuff down pull that lever there we go that turns the fans off we can go into there but i need to check

Back this way if possible what is there to do down this way there’s the one guard we knocked out and a little lever to pull oh look at us down here but what is there to do is there any kind of hidden collectible i missed from what i can see there isn’t i’m

Trying my best to find everything so that we don’t have to backtrack later but i think we’re good to go but there was stuff up there so this might just be an alternate path in case we fall over i’m gonna go back to the other one then

And focus on that for now so back up here it’s so funny that would get the place of minion through this i thought we’d mostly be gru i know so far it’s been minions oh i see that’s just brought me back here i guess maybe an alternative way to

Go through that’s so odd anyways now we go this way oh i can pull this stuff on top of that guy watch apple above that must have hurt so do the same thing with this guy they’re very very devious right now these guards won’t know what hit him

Doesn’t look like there’s anything in that room so i’m good to go up here can’t really move that at the moment we can go to these vents Lots of crazy jumps to make around here come on okay not too bad back up this way there we go not bad i’ve been getting a little bit better at minecraft parkour what do i do about this i guess i could distract him there’s someone there nope nobody’s there don’t worry

Oh there’s like a little library room oh i got up at just the right time that guy was about to spot me does anyone else smell bananas oh my gosh we’re all smelling bananas right now uh what can we do about this i gotta be really careful cause they’re going back

And forth everywhere but i think i could run across right now uh this is scary i don’t know exactly where i’m going but i can go up this way there you go open this one up i don’t see anywhere else to go at the moment what the

They are all starting to sniff me out right now oh i can grab this for sure that’ll help me out i can’t go into there just yet but i can jump across this way it’s like a super spy or something right now this is great oh there we go that’s going to cause

Some troubles guess we’re good to hop down i don’t think i missed anything but i’m really trying to make sure yeah i don’t see anything at the moment nor do i see a way to get back up to where i was so i think we just got to sort of

Live with it if we did miss anything so focus on moving forward pull that big lever and escape back up the elevator oh it’s you again hello are you applying the vision sticks aren’t in right now come back later so that’s where we were before we caused

All that trouble let’s get out of here though for sure before they catch on oh my come on run and run and we did it now playing as human i am not a human on the zebra magnificent work minions magnificent work i’m glad you like that

Yeah i like this one too so you did great with it can i talk to you more uh punch to vandalize what am i vandalizing uh i don’t know what do i do now well i guess i could check my clipboard explore and find collectibles all right well i’m glad they liked it

Hey kid listen there’s some good and some bad news the good news is your minions have actually got the dragon medallion the bad news is they got caught and it looks like they really need your help now i’m not saying you should risk your life for theirs but they do still have the

Medallion oh over here so i guess we have to run around with this this is so cool look at that on the bike they have the medallion and everything so yeah i guess we gotta peel out with them um but also i have some different costumes here oh no we’re just

Racing we’re racing understandably the vicious sticks aren’t happy that you stole from them they’re angry like drop you from a bridge angry lucky for you we’ve prepared you with a getaway vehicle for you uh you should know how to use it right that’s her current leader bell bottom

And she does not look happy step on it but oh no be careful the other vicious sticks are also searching around the city to stop you while i did warn you not to steal from them didn’t i or did i do the exact opposite tomato tomato

Anyway if i were you i’d try to make a run for the bridge you could lose her her there with the rockets on your bike while there are everywhere so let’s go for it we are just driving as fast as we can through the city trying to get away

From bell bottom and our other villains if we are going really slow okay no we’re picking up some speed give me that medallion little punk looks like you have some car trouble oh watch it and another one huh he’s just throwing cars at me we need to get out of here

Time for a little exercise whoa whoa what is with my bike right now my bike is having a hard time he’s like throwing it around okay see ya i hope i’m going the right way but they are catching up on me a little bit oh this is scary she’s right behind me

All right come on honk get out of the way we got places to be what would happen if i just you know did the transport-o-matic you think that would work right but i guess not anyways we are actually starting to build up a lead i need to go over the arrows maybe

For a speed boost i’m gonna flatten you oh no whoa watch it on the tram car too this is too much looks like you have some guard shovels another oh gosh you’re just throwing everything at us come on we can just keep going what is that thing time to break oh gosh Oh wait there’s a collectible over this way hold on shortcut whoa look at the night vignette costume that was so cool that’s our fourth costume i do not like that thing this will stop you and not quite oh gosh and there’s stuff everywhere all over here come on i’ve

Been able to zoom through it pretty well so far we’re pretty good on this thing aren’t we but she’s still right behind us so let’s just take whatever shortcut we can find if that’s over the grass like that then perfect up this hill oh no oh the slow down from something

I’m not really sure you won’t escape oh not you again luckily we dodged her pretty easily take this turn there we go we’re sort of drifting and we got to the bridge booster debated and we got the mission completed nice riding now get back to your lair there’s

Some things we need to address top secret things so you’ve returned successfully it seems we it seems uh we’ve taken liberty snooping around we looked at the devices in your lair and want to confirm that they do what they think we do or they do please walk up

To each one and listen to our ideas so this is just a digital map of the surrounding area there’s some interesting locations marked on it supposedly one’s worth checking out a storage box with all of your items just because you are a super villain doesn’t

Mean you need to be super messy a room just for minions i guess minions need their own space for relaxing too your wall of trophies did you seal these or burn them i guess it doesn’t matter since you are a villain this is an outdated teleportation device

Is it uh not quite as advanced as the transport-o-matic but i suppose it gets the job done a tool rack for evil gadgets ah the thought of ingenuity on display excites me a work in progress yes villains must have their villain wheels after all it certainly already looks quite evil we’re

Looking forward to seeing the final product okay so we’re building a new vehicle here uh so listen we at the vnc were impressed but not impressed enough you did get the medallion but it was a bit sloppy not your fault of course but the minions aren’t quite as reliable as we

Thought to really push yourself to the next level super villainy we suggest you train your minions to be able to defend themselves find a place to train them in martial arts hopefully they’re capable of learning something but i’m not betting on it we heard there’s a former

Mastery of kung fu in chinatown but you’ll have to convince her to come out okay so come out of retirement to train them so looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us and we’re not quite done for today’s video but look at this uh

Internet to activate what is it though a visual representation of how villainous you are current fill in points 200. so as long as we keep running around and doing villainous things we should get more and more villainous points very cool so we already saw this the villainous meter

We get rewards we’re gonna get higher and higher here’s the map now so where are we at the moment sort of hard to tell but uh maybe this will tell us not really from what i see but there’s of course tons of places to go we are not

Quite done for today’s video but our lair teleporter is here and i don’t think we can teleport to anywhere just yet maybe when we find different layers and such uh the teleporter or self-interpretation device used to get you to places quickly choose the location with the arrow buttons activate the teleporter with the

Red button and step inside can’t do that just yet because i don’t think we’ve found any of these or maybe i can oh okay so say i wanted to go to chinatown like that we could do that but before i do there’s a couple of minions here who all want bananas so everybody

Gets a banana there you go and who wants to be a dj you get to be a dj oh look at you ready to jam out huh all right so we got that there was also the flashlight oh that’s for the yeah for the the jailer okay we also got a fart bomb

And our mission tracker okay there’s so much going on here first off let’s uh give somebody not the the fart bomb i think that’s maybe too great of a weapon for a minion let’s try turning somebody into a knight but not the same person

Who is a jail or i want to turn somebody into that too we need one of each minion right i think that’s a good idea because there’s all these minions chasing us there’s a lot going on in this game now it’s pretty cool so there we go now

You’re a firefighter we have ourselves a very diverse crew of minions i like it and here’s all of our treasures and also our vehicle interface so we can select the vehicle we want here and just press the button to spawn it in right now i don’t know if we have

This vehicle it doesn’t look like it so let’s see if we can’t teleport to chinatown this way i have a feeling we can’t because we haven’t been there yet but yeah not quite working and our old family and minions too so yeah if we pull out the

Hudson ball radar that’ll do one thing but visit master chow in chinatown to do that i think we just need to head out again would it be faster to go that way i feel like i want to explore the house a little bit and see what else is going on

Because this seems to be a huge huge thing so we’ll just do everything we can to explore everything so here we are back out this way all the minions are going to charge after us ready to cause some trouble and look at this in the bathroom i find the gru family photo

Book one out of 52. so there’s 51 other photo books to find interesting we’re looking around the rest of the house hopefully we’ll find a thing or two okay so down this way oh this is the garage which is also pretty interesting but look at this i

Have the sticky hands so i can pull that all the way over and get up to whatever this is the macaroni rocket prototype 2 out of 52 okay so there’s 52 collectibles in total gotcha so what’s in this room over this way so far not too much we do have a nice kitchen

Pretty cool and i’m just going to move this up here because we also have the hollow map what does this do whoa that is so neat so that’s where we have to go but we’re way up that way so we’ll have to figure some more of that

Out as we exit into the neighborhood this is so cool so punch to vandalize oh i can knock over the trash can so we keep on earning a point we’ll get more and more rewards so if i see any trash cans around or anything like that should definitely have some fun with it

Shouldn’t i oh there’s a sewer grate can i go inside sorta but also not hello everyone i can’t cause any trouble with them so we’re in proper villa now we can just run around and cause some issues for everybody who has the displeasure of being near us you go to different homes

I don’t think i can go into all the houses but it’s definitely worth looking around and seeing what i can find uh what about up this way oh i can vandalize something oh the plant there we go so those seem to give us five points each so if we

Destroy oh can i get into this interrupt the steel whoa we’re gonna be rich that’s great bunch of money in there and then over this way that building looks like it can go into but some of them look ow ow it was why why are there painful bushes that seems like a hazard

What is this saying i can vandalize it whoa 15 points for destroying the food stand and what are oh they’re bananas interact to open the banana bag college as many bananas as possible okay where are they um oh there they are so there’s 50 bananas to find i’ll try

To get them all then got it oh there’s a picnic over there we gotta go ruin the picnic right so a lot of this is just us running around being a boy i sort of feel bad but that’s the whole spirit of it right i can’t worry about that just yet the

Bananas are what i’m focused on found a good chunk of them there’s still more maybe up the tree house oh yeah there’s a few up here grab that one i wonder if the minions are grabbing any for me okay uh just two more one right there

Okay i got all 50 of them i think but there’s still one more got it so now what did a pretty good job i guess the time’s just going to run out i hope i didn’t miss any not that for my eyes i can see we got 53 of them

Do we get anything for that i don’t know uh but i got the cardboard space helmet oh so i guess it’s another collectible pretty cool anyways heading back down this way what else can we find there’s this picnic over here can i vandalize this uh use the fort bomb cheese ray or

Shrink gray to ruin their day well i only have the fart bomb right now i think yeah so let’s try it oh my goodness new videos have arrived at the lair well that’s great but these guys days ruined your cake is covered in stink so that’s

Not so good but you know it’s what i got to do as a villain i’m sorry it’s my job oh you taking pictures i can ruin the picture with a big fart so there’s just gonna be civilians running around doing their own thing and we can make that worse for them so one

Thing to keep in mind is we also have the mission tracker and that’s gonna point us where we need to go so that’s pretty neat as well if i throw out the hollow map i’m still way up there so i guess we have to take a bridge across somewhere

Which i i would think the bridge is over that way because right now it says go to the record shop and steal the artifact i already did that so this thing’s a little behind i wonder if i should just get it out of here for now and focus on this

Okay so yeah let’s try this i don’t have a vehicle just yet so we just sort of have to run around but we’ll get there eventually oh there’s another videographer here it’s gonna boom ruin their day get a couple more points for us and once we

Get to 300 i think that might have been 400 but we’ll get some new kind of rewards that’ll be pretty cool right now though we’re just going to keep running we’ve made our way into the city again ruin your day with the smoke bomb or fart bomb whatever it is

And if we take a look at the map now that we’re in the city you can see we’re pretty close so i’ll definitely have to work on that but in the meantime who else can i maybe interact with around here or anything can i destroy this nope because getting those extra points seem

To be pretty important this trash can hold on there you go vandalized we need only 10 more points before at the 300 so that’s pretty good oh and there’s some more bananas to grab so i’ll grab these i don’t think this gets me any more of the bad guy points but

That’s as many bananas as possible okay there they are they are everywhere this time so just try my best to grab them all oh inside the store too who put all these bananas here in the first place vandalized there you go pretty cool pretty cool all right then let’s go over this way

By this little restaurant that’s pretty nice a little outdoor restaurant covered in bananas okay still good for you to find though i’m guessing yeah inside the building as well we only have a couple of seconds left so we really gotta move oh there’s something to find in here so that’s good

45 of them then i think oh gosh not there the rest of them are right here come on get a run run run we got them all awesome uh new minions have arrived at the lair new vehicles are unlocked and we won with 50 bananas pretty cool so what is

This you found a magician minion costume so let’s see who wants to be a magician uh let’s say you there you go ta-da it looks great so we’re finding all sorts of different minion costumes that’s always fun uh okay with that out of the way where are

We right now in comparison to where we need to be okay so we’re only a few blocks away if we keep running around we’re gonna find it no problem so let’s keep it moving but it’s crazy how much stuff there is defined to explore around so definitely

Worth our while to go the long way around the times and just really find everything but i think we’re getting closer this could even be it looks fancy i think yeah we’re getting closer to chinatown and that’s the building we were just in before oh you there you go boom sorry

325 points that’s pretty good oh there’s a little flower shop anything fun in here or just flowers i think it’s just flowers oh wait i can’t have to steal from the safe oh big money pretty cool okay double check him one more time okay yeah we’re just right down the

Corner from it so we’re doing a great job finding everything but there’s another thing to vandalize another trash can i’m going to vandalize every single trash kid i can find no trash can is going to be able to survive our wrath that’s for sure anything in here not looking like yeah i

Did see something floating over this way is this another minion costume the kung fu minion costume let’s do you there we go looking good so with that done which building is it gonna be it could be this one this looks pretty interesting i think it is okay so here you are right

Hi this is master chao i’m sorry i’m currently working as an acupuncturist my teaching days are over it’s not for you it’s for those little guys ha you think those guys could learn kung fu you’re lucky i i like an impossible challenge meet me in the back room

We’ll do do we get dressed over here oh look at this we got the super mega ukulele cool so we’re gonna go for some kung fu training here we are now let’s see what your minions can do besides the bananas and slapping each other good luck you’ll need it

So this is where we’ll do some kung fu practice hi listen to master chao hello weirdos i am master chao i teach the ancient shaolin art of kung fu you look so weak and pathetic but you’re about to be taught that by the best teacher in the world take this nunchuck

And try not to hurt yourself collect your energy and release it by dashing forward with incredible speed okay whoa okay well that wasn’t terrible you may be ready for a more advanced technique this is a dummy no not stewart this dummy oh that one right there okay so we are a minion now

Uh look at the dummy that tells you you’re not strong enough to break it but doubt exists only in your mind assuming you have minds we do not let doubt dominate our will strike the dummy charge your fury and when you have finished it or found it deep

Within you unleash your inner beast ready boom did that work i think it did hit the charge there we go so we just got to keep hitting you i think if i use this one i can right click through it oh okay activate the roar roar wonderful now enough splashes philosophy

Let us oh get him the boston destroy those little monsters oh gosh we got more of the guards yeah oh no this is not good we got to fight them don’t we oh you like picking on little guys huh minions consider this your training defend my training room from these

Intruders okay here we go a lot of the guards are coming in they are not happy with it sort of beat up as much as we can with the nunchucks then oh the big roller knocking them over that is so cool so we’re kung fu masters no problem look at us go

Got it and then there’s you over here well done we’re doing really good but we just need to earn up another charge ready when they’re all grouped up oh just knocked them all back that was great how many more do we have to fight that’s a big question

Gotcha oh there there’s a big guy how ironic whoa fireworks whoa they’re going off everywhere come on i gotta keep charging this big guy’s not so friendly gotcha and then right here blasting them with it and even sent the big guy falling down okay so that was some good stuff oh

There’s still more bad guys trying to get me come on i gotcha i gotcha there we go good what else is there to do oh there’s still one more of course there is there’s always one more wave two out of three so we gotta charge up again

What i would like to try to do here get them all build up and then i wanna attack as many of them as i can with the right click like really get them to follow me got it oh that knocked so many of them over one of them getting knocked out

Right away that’s pretty cool got it i gotta set that ablaze as well ready boom that was great but there’s still more they never end so i guess knocking some of the stuff over interacting with it causes things to happen that can help there we go

Trying to wait for them all to come over and then board them again and that worked out pretty well i see you hiding behind right what do you think you’re doing over there huh i see you there’s two big guys this time oh my goodness come on come on ready boom

That’s what i’m talking about and then over here there’s two of them just hanging out i think they’re afraid of us at this point we’ve been doing really good okay okay is that it nope they’re still you wave three out of three it’s a never-ending sought of angry minions or angry henchmen we’re

The minions oh we get it we’re doing pretty good get rid of all these guys ready boom big roll right there that knocked out like five of them that was crazy and we could still hit this stuff to earn up some extra things oh my goodness we are a little low on health

Ready oh that was so many of them flying everywhere come on one more or two more actually i can get you just one more hit one more hit there it is but there’s still more oh my goodness i did not expect this i died oh no hmm this important i guess we lost

Off to try it again darn that was tough there was just so much happening well i’m back and now it’s saying that wow you really whoop their butts i guess maybe that just considers the ton good job minions have you have shown your teacher once again that i’m the best

Teacher in the world your training is complete go and try not to die or embarrass me so even though i tend to didn’t survive it counted they learn very very interesting wow who would have thought the minions could learn kung fu new minions have arrived at the lair oh

And hang on before i forget we’ve intercepted a message for you another villain wishes to meet you okay not sure how he heard of you not our fault don’t blame the mainstream villain media uh he wants to meet you at the bank of evil he wants to collaborate and by

Collaborate he means rob the place i’m sure it’s not a trap villains are very trustworthy okay so i guess our next goal will be going to the bank if we take a look at this where’s the bank account so we’re here we’ve got to go a little

Bit more uptown to find the bank so let’s go for it i might go a different way this time so maybe we could find some extra that’s always so silly um so we could find some extra things to vandalize maybe even some extra things to collect so what about inside of this

Building or something i can vandalize that plant pot very nice okay so yeah things are going pretty well definitely enjoying myself i’ve been ambushed defeat the raid to earn villain points oh my gosh ready boom that seemed like it worked pretty well was that all of them

I think so so they’ll just raid attack at any point in time i don’t see any others so i think we survived that that was sort of random i guess that’s the point of it being an ambush oh i see you over there i’m sorry but i gotta do it

That’ll never not be funny um what is this uh punch to vandalize this thing oh i need a certain thing to do that okay first off let’s get that we don’t have the first one we have the ninja one even though i don’t know where most of our minions went but the second

One was like a golfer i don’t have that one so maybe i can come back for it what about this building right next door not really anything happening in this one so i think we’re still going the right way right actually i don’t know if we are well while we’re in chinatown there’s

Another one of these will this require the same thing it does darn okay so right now we only have the firefighter minion what happens if i turn them into that oh no they can do it they can do it okay maybe i’m wrong with this you see just do the nunchuck over

There and i could grab this thing and this is the minion cupcake so you know what let’s go back and do that other one i didn’t realize i was saying you need one of the other i always thought it was saying we needed both so i definitely i could go back and

Maybe get something from that where was that that was right over here right i thank you with the videographer she’s guys all over the place let me just toss another one at him if i can because it looks like he’s back to uh trying to

Film not on my watch buddy there we go i don’t know if that actually got me points or not so where’s my minion there you go oh right up there did it work did you do it i guess you did what did that open i don’t know uh

You want to try again maybe i don’t think you can so what did that do i i have no clue but i think it was supposed to let me into there i can’t really see anything though so maybe that one was just for fun okay so i think we’re coming up on where

We need to be if we take a look at the map i’ve been sort of just running over but if i throw this out real quick it should tell us no problem yep right across the street from it so i can even get the sticky hand to do something here

I wonder what maybe get up there if we do the it doesn’t really tell me because it wants me to do that so let’s try this out real quick maybe we can find something up there because it looks like if i bring this up like this get up on top of this little

Thing at the least there’s a few things that can land on this that and this can i get any higher up though it doesn’t look like it nor would there really be a good reason to so we’re just gonna leave that there and keep moving oh destroy this there

You go because we’re getting a lot of villain points new minions have arrived at the lair which is great it’s going to keep causing problems for everybody everywhere we go well there’s a fire over there well luckily hold on we got the firefighter minion and more sink bombs

Let’s go over this way and figure that out then so if i get the firefighter hat i can give that to you and you’ll fix it up no problem and there’s a collectible over there so we didn’t cut the bread area it says within 10 blocks

Right over here so this is the sorry scarlet flower wreath so that’s 6 out of 52 there’s so many to find we are just scratching the surface and all that but let’s go back over here and just try to figure this out for now the wild heist

Speak to your contact person i don’t see anybody um well so we’re just in the bank now in the bathrooms oh whoa we’re getting scanned look at this this is so fancy whoa look at this hello that’s him he tried to be anonymous but we know his identity

Is that the person who stole his records doesn’t mean we’ll tell you though maybe you’ll find out i guess not now i’m not saying we spied on him and found out what he wants to rob that what’s what’s behind the giant safe door just a

Hunch is all you better talk to him to confirm it though okay who are you oh i was expecting someone who was a grad has graduated middle school but hey you steal from the vicious six you gotta be a tough cookie i got a brilliant plan to steal what

They got behind that giant safe but i’m gonna need help want to work together i can teach you a thing or two we split the prophet’s 80 20. what i found the thing it’s my plan fine 79 21 you drive a hard bargain if you want if you got

Any advice for snaps and stuff now’s the time to go grab that key uh while i distract them i need device okay so we’ll try to do that look at the crazy old man who knows what i’ll do next all right then so while he’s being

Distracting we need to go over here and just grab it like that we got it go to the left exhibition room i can’t because there’s guards in the y uh but there’s something else i want you gotta use the key to break into the office and get it let’s see

Um i’ve got some notes from earlier when i was snooping around you’ll need to go past the left corridor of the main hall and get a key to another room that uh to get what i want just go i’ll fill you in so maybe this corridor i think so Uh so i gotta use the key like this the perkins key like i better get the nun checks ready just in case oh my oh there’s a guard there’s a guard run run run is there anything else i could do to get through that it looks like i need some

Kind of key card uh let’s see here all right kid oh gosh this robot suit the key card is hidden underneath the carpet i don’t know who designs the security here oh no no no back it up a little bit so where could that key card be underneath a carpet apparently

But there’s different places we can look around checking out other pictures and stuff so we’ll have to be careful when we’re doing that that they don’t catch up to us but that didn’t do anything you can inspect other things out like that whoa whoa oh no i think that’s because i i roared

Gotta be careful that as soon as i can’t go into this building oh under the carpet nice you got the card all right to the next room uh back where you came from but take a right this time i want a moment there are sometimes collectibles

We can find in these little missions so i definitely want to look for it as much as possible not in there what if that behind this one nothing got to search all over the place just in case because i do not want to miss any kind of collectible if i can manage

These guys go so slow come on get out of here go grow is he stuck i thought they’re about that no they got me that’s not fair you want to move oh but i still have the card okay then you know what whatever we’ll move we miss the collectible it’s not

The end of the world we’re gonna open this up oh and we’re in okay now oh gosh tell me quick the next key is underneath the carpet again okay go go go uh let’s look for carpets wherever they could be since i can interrupt oh the painting over there i do not care

So maybe it’s random what ends up actually being what we’re looking for is not under that carpet oh i didn’t even see that thing intrusion alarm alarm okay i’m looking again luckily we just start wait where okay it turned me around for some reason that’s not what i wanted

Okay go quick go quick here’s another carpet to look at not that one it’s gotta be somewhere under one of these carpets ah come on there’s so many people everywhere okay i’m getting deeper and deeper but i’m not seeing any other carpets and they’re catching up fast oh no no oh my

Goodness oh my goodness they’re everywhere what do i do about this there’s a guard over that way go go go go come on oh there’s another carpet this guy’s turning around gotta be really sneaky for this part but still nothing maybe there’s another one over here we

Got it another key card i can maybe use that to open up this yes look at the huge safe store we gotta go fast we’re gonna figure it out come on whoa what is that thing you obtained the cheese ray all right you got it now get back here

If you hurry we can make it to the early bird special so now i can splatter cheese on everyone oh this is gonna be fun forget about the money oh that’s okay i got caught but i still got the cheese rice so oh i get sent back here though that’s a little lame

See what happens if i splat people with cheese oh wow okay here we go this is our way to get out of here pretty easily everybody’s gonna get cheesed all of them he’s like what i was just got covered in cheese it was me i used cheese around the car so it

Doesn’t work on this thing unfortunately i don’t know if the sink bomb does that’s not the sting bomb that’s the sting pong i don’t think it does so we need to avoid this guys cheese the guards whenever we see him right there ah just probably missed yet there we go

Run run run not the smelly cheese yep you got cheesed uh now listen up kid what i actually needed this for was to get past the security guard over there just walk up and use that this baby on them they won’t be able to move say

Cheese oh and after you’ve done that i also need you to get more stuff from over there i’ll be in touch so let’s go ahead and splat you there we go what is this cheddar i guess so whoa all right so i still can’t get those

Things um time to hit the lockers one of my informants stash some disguises for us it’s inside the right locker room so if you pass this we’ll be going over here i see a guard right there gotcha and there’s one of the locker rooms gotcha

Hmm there’s a lot of these to check out are none of these what we’re looking for i guess not we’ll just have to check them all until we find something okay we got something but oh here we go our wild knuckles disguise i’m gonna put that over the map for now

And do i put it on or maybe that’s to decide this guy’s four wild knuckles i’m not gonna disguise myself as wild knuckles so i need to find my own somewhere we’ll just keep searching for now look what’s in here i wonder is there any collectibles nearby there’s not all the changing rooms

Or maybe this is the bathroom they are still frozen the cheese there’s even more lockers to check over this way neither of those another of those so did i find what i was supposed to find i’m a little confused because i can’t wear this or put it on

As long as that’s to tell me what i need to do next so i’m just looking around a little bit more to be careful and then we’ll go back over okay so yeah now one uh uh and here are the lock boxes they got something for me that i need back

It should be in one of those lock boxes on the center wall they’re impervious to cheese we gotta be careful with that but i can splat you and you oh i keep missing them there we go so where’s the lock box at somewhere around here i gotta avoid you but i can

Open up this just gonna keep opening up each of them there we go we’re turning wild knuckles if you’ve got everything come back here we’re breaking in so what did we find the drill that sounds interesting so i might do something like that for now just so i have everything in our inventory

So with the disguise and the drill and the cheese rye hopefully we can make some stuff happen here going back up here for now and there you are all right wild knuckles let’s see cheese right disguise enormous drill yep looks like we’re ready that’s satisfying oh so you’re just

Drilling it open oh this is so cool oh great a wall of lasers my least favorite kind of wall anyway kid you see that painting all the way at the end of the corridor that’s what we’re here for let’s get it wha but what shot not to trip the alarms

This might be a bit of a challenge but i’ll just jump through as much as i can a lot of these lasers are moving around too but i think we got it whoa did i get it nah i know i got tracked by it right at the last moment oh but we’re still

Okay never mind we’re fine we got it they poopy trapped the mona lisa look at that smile i should have never trusted her well kid here goes nothing let’s scram get to the bank’s exit quick so we gotta cheese all these guards oh my gosh so we we’re stealing the mona

Lisa this whole time did you look at that okay get you and you no problem oh my gosh they are everywhere that is so many what are we gonna do about all that okay you first i i hope this thing doesn’t run out of cheese anytime soon

Ah wait wait don’t touch me don’t touch me i don’t know if that’s gonna send me back or not uh ah somebody run run for it run for it this is crazy ready gotcha gotcha we are out of here we’re just making a huge getaway as the police chase us and

We did it we really didn’t wow that was great i gotta give it to you kid that wasn’t half bad for someone your size i feel alive again but also like i need a nap me too thanks kid you made me feel like i’m 65 again

You’re gonna make a heck of a villain sunday i’ve never seen someone so young and so despicable you stole the mona lisa maybe the minions were right about you hey um i’m afraid i got some more bad news for you we’ve recorded this message from back in your lair minions ah

Yeah it doesn’t seem too good you might want to go check that out so we’re gonna go back to our lair because the minions might need our help oh no see i’ll transport oh man like all the way back to earlier is everybody okay everybody seems fine and i got some more

Bananas for you uh someone broke into your lair and stole the dragon medallion i wonder who it was and how they found out where your lair is but i’m sure a villain of your caliber can piece those puzzle pieces together though let’s not kid ourselves it was

The vicious six of course it was lucky for you we might have some information regarding their current whereabouts they’re planning something in chinatown and wouldn’t you say if they came come and steal from you after you stole from them well what’s stopping you from just going over there and grabbing it back

For yourself i’ll let you in on a secret even if you don’t want them to just steal it back you’ll have to find a way to you know take care of them i hear the anti-villain league might also be over there and if there were some fight

Between villains uh there’s so much text somebody might get caught but hey if they ask you have no idea who we are got it there’s so much these characters have to say it’s crazy this is the most dialogue i’ve ever seen in a minecraft

Dlc oh gosh as i didn’t mean to fart you guys i’m sorry but we have a bunch of minions we can give bananas to so i want to make everybody super happy there you go bananas for everyone is that everybody i think so okay we have a whole rv minions wait

There’s one more i gotcha don’t worry everybody gets bananas whoever wants one gets one more over this way well i guess it’s your lucky day then here’s a banana okay that seems like all of them now so look at all this stuff pretty cool so and you can also see all the

Different minions we’ve unlocked on this side so we’re doing a great job with everything i think if we take a look at our objective board they’re all saying hi it’s so cute uh go to chinatown and face the thieves so we’ll be doing that in just a moment but first

What else can we do around here the vehicle is done whoa can i ride it uh i might have to put this away and then try to ride it okay not quite um this one it looks like it’s completed i don’t know hmm oh here we go cruise

Jet pike oh well i have already gotten that one okay i guess we’re running it interact activate it so that’s just waiting for us out here so i guess this is better than nothing but where do we want to go is the question i think i double check i don’t need the bananas

Right now it should be back at chinatown right yep okay let’s get over there real quick okay it looks like we’re back in chinatown i can cheese this guy maybe there he goes all right so i think this is what we need to do over here maybe no this is

Something else so what is needed for this one um i don’t know okay so i need either a night minion a maid minion or a painter minion i had the night costume once we could try that literally any of them and there you go you’re just gonna knock

That door down no problem and what’s in here i guess just a plant uh there we go and i did it i vandalized it but i sort of wish there was more oh and there’s this thing there we go so some extra points one way or another definitely useful

And if we take a look at the map again how close am i oh we’re right on top of it apparently i don’t know where then inside of here or when okay if i follow the mission tracker it should tell me oh yeah right there the final showdown well really

Is this really going to be end guess we’ll see uh-ho ladies and gentlemen this is where it goes down the fishes six are back or five it’s showdown o’clock it’s you against the vicious six and their new leader bell bottom oh no long time no see punk this is not good

Listen i don’t usually like to do these things and the hard way so normally i give you an opportunity to just scram right now however you stole from us and you’re gonna pay this is not good well the minions what a dramatic entrance criminally amazing which option will you choose

You won’t want to miss this one folks there will this will be a fight for the ages if i had to guess it’s the act with it’s with actions rather than words they have a trigger finger on their gadgets already we’re going against john claude now try using the sticky hand okay whoa

Whoa look at you so we’re just gonna beat you up this way and then maybe fight you with the nunchucks is that what we’re supposed to do i think so we gotta combine everything we’ve learned so far to really start fighting them the minions are going in there too they’re trying to

Get a piece of it for adam i missed the roar oh no you get back over here sir i’m not done with you keep using those nunchucks oh my gosh i’m getting pretty beat up though i gotta be careful ready rorn actually oh that did some damage that’s great that’s great

Come on come on board at you again use the fireworks too and you’re trying to run away from me but i can just grab you one more time there we go oh i can’t believe it i can john claw defeated pretty cool very well demon child get ready to be exercised

The nunchuck wait do we have the nunchuck wait what i i we have a nunchuck but we’re fighting the nunchuck okay wasn’t expecting not um oh you are scary i don’t like it try using the cheese right don’t mind if i do oh so we cheesed you then we can go

And fight you as much as i can there we go come on you gotta charge it up charge it up and then ratchet there we go we got the idea now so if we cheese you again maybe if i keep cheesing you you’ll get cheesier and cheesier

Well i can keep doing that and my minions will just slowly attack them which is pretty good i can actually get the fireworks maybe that’ll hit you a little bit this is going somewhere just keep cheesing oh no uh we’re not so happy about it but we’re

Gonna run up and try to hit you a little bit um within the truck see there we go come on one more charger track should do it boom that was pretty good and there we go how could i have been forsaken hi hi it’s time for vengeance

It’s vengeance okay so what are we doing with you then um this one might just be a good fight yeah it looks like it oh my gosh let’s try the cheese again now the cheese doesn’t really work use the fart bomb don’t mind if i do there we go

Did that make you dizzy or something i’m not really sure oh you really hurt that roar adam there we go come on keep going keep going use another fart bomb if i need to come on gotcha another fart bomb i’m running a little low on healthier

I need the minions to help out if they can oh my goodness this is tough another fart bomb come on come on come on this is not good i might be in trouble i don’t know if i can survive this ah we died i’m slain by whatever that is oh but the

Fight continues we’re fine we’re fine oh the spin move come on get you out of here with that almost down almost down one more there we go no defeated by a child take that vengeance oh i can feel my blood boiling i’m overflowing with energy and you’re gonna pay the feed stronghold

Okay what are we doing with this guy then i’m gonna just cheese you up for now and then maybe i’ll bring you over that didn’t work okay uh try using nunchuck the dodge whoa yeah cause we can dive forward like that oh you are so cool though like a big bowl

Can’t quite reach you too much from here but this guy really packs a punch screaming at him again minions are trying some stuff but luckily it’s actually not too bad to actually hit him oh and then he gets dizzy so we need to jump over and beat you up down

Come on come on roaring adam but i am super low on health now so i gotta be really careful ready dodge over oh and that makes a little flame trail behind us too that’s pretty cool but actually getting over to him in time is difficult

I don’t know if this is the best idea or not come on just a little bit more ah but he got me again this is so tough i know i’m not very good at minecraft combat but not going so well for me right now oh he’s gonna charge again

Right i don’t know i know back to that back it up and i’m stuck in the ground now what i want come on cheese him up oh that was my chance to hit him but we got him mommy my head hurts alright well we got another one

Ah enough you brat and your even tinier brats are gonna pay i want to see you hit on my dragon form oh now let’s hit attitude with the cheese for now or do something you look like you’re going to be tapped so i’m just going to

Try to pull out all the stops through the fart bomb the cheese attack everything because i don’t know what we’re supposed to do to fight you but this sort of is working oh my gosh i try using the nunchucks roar i can’t really do that if she’s spinning

Around like that so maybe i need to save it for a certain thing but it’s weird because all these messages pop up constantly and they only last for like two seconds it’s really hard to read them all actually playing the game so yeah i guess to overpower them when

They’re doing the spin moves next time we need to save the roar no no no no stop ah i got stuck in the corner these fights do not play around uh i’m gonna activate this okay back it up back it up lady to save that roar

Oh my gosh ready roaring at ya but that wasn’t enough it was most definitely not enough pitch with the cheese pitch with the cheese i can’t even move what are you talking about wow okay come on just keep fighting i’m just gonna find my way through the rest

Of this i don’t care we got you we’re gonna get you right there but this was supposed to be my time sorry not this time that performance deserves a slow clap they were all defeated that went better than we thought i guess everybody’s celebrating and what’s best the minions have finally

Proven themselves the vnc we’re looking forward to working with you again everybody seems so happy okay so we did it i guess we saved the day with everything don’t forget to thank your minions without them who knows where you would have ended up if you’re ever up to more mischief maybe

You’ll hear from us again until then farewell for now so does that mean we’re done on our adventure and don’t forget if you tell anyone we’ll find you oh no scary so that was still pretty cool uh what can we do now i wonder if we take a look at our holo map

We’re here it doesn’t tell us to do anything else but there’s still a whole map left to explore and we bring out our uh i’m a collectible radar but our objective clipboard what more can we do with this investigate the mysterious teleporter coordinates at the lair so there’s

Something back at the lair let’s go check it out whoa and there’s plenty more minions that want to say hello so we definitely want to do that we got 39 more bananas for everybody so if anybody’s hungry just let me know it looks like all of them on that side

Is there anybody around here oh there’s one there’s one gotcha anybody in here because there’s still plenty more minions costumes to find in everything i feel like we just haven’t found too many of those so i definitely want to look for more if i have the opportunity

And it looks like this is ready so yeah there it is to grow mobile oh that’s so cool and we also the john claude crab and strongholds tanks maybe we’ll check it take a look at more of those soon enough but yeah what is this going to say investigated with serious teleporter

Coordinates at the lair is that here rat’s lair where is that it’s way out this way so we definitely haven’t been there there is the avl submarine which is way out that we definitely haven’t explored that one the upper san francisco we definitely explored some of that

Uh what what happened what where am i uh vector’s moon base welcome to my immaculate moon trap i knew you silly little yellow beans couldn’t resist the temptation and now you’re all mine now enough with the pleasantries i’ve got big plans with all of you el macho bratz

Let’s oh hang on turn this thing off first ooh we gotta jump on this story as well a true dilemma unfolds as our minion heroes as they find themselves trapped on the moon the the perpetrator appears to be a young villain by the name of vector and if

You’re still surprised on how we found out about this one well maybe you won’t be from now on anyway let’s see how we can make this situation a bit fairer what is going on i didn’t even realize i did anything and now we’re on the moon

Okay so vector is at play with this one interesting and since i’m a little minion i think i can can i jump through one block wide things i can’t oh but there is a little switch to pull so we want to use that to turn off the fan so

That we can go this way this is so crazy we’re just on the moon with vector okay let’s try that again ready got it i got through and how do i get into there because it looks like there’s something for me some kind of key or something it’s hard to tell from here

Actually i think it’s a trumpet so some kind of minion costume that’d be cool oh maybe that oh i think i just heard a door open yes i did so let’s go into here and grab a new minion costume at the tuba minion so we’ll definitely have to figure that out

Soon right now i do want to put this there and that back here and we got to keep it moving whoa what is this stuff um you’ve obtained the jelly launcher what are those things uh joel launcher quick what can i do with this ah these devices hanging from the wall seem

Like some sort of defense precaution they’re muted minions i gotta save over okay well 100 of them exactly because i was going to say over 100 but not quite so the the blood of you and minions are attacking me right now i need to just blast them as much as i can

This is crazy so there’s 10 of them already saved this is interesting isn’t it let’s keep it going see we are definitely on the moon this is crazy Okay so let’s go through here if i can use the jelly launcher to defeat el macho whoa mutant el macho what you escaped oh you are not happy about it run or run and there’s some minions attacking me too but i can just blast them turn them back into normal minions

Come on keep blasting them keep blasting them defector isn’t alone huh surely this guy will be barely an obstacle for you we’ll see about that i mean it seems pretty tough to me come on come on he’s more than halfway down run run he’s got such a big body but little

Little legs come on just a little bit more we got him death balthazar brat okay uh this will be the last of me you might think he won now but this is still part of my plan epitoph a toe i don’t know that means oh that’s what the minions are saying they’re

Saying random gibberish aren’t i uh so i think we’re going this way now whoa oh there’s more of them they’re coming they got me this place is sort of scary the mutant minions i don’t like these guys too much ah and there’s so many of them it’s got to keep blasting and hopefully

We’ll save all 100 sooner or later there we go gotcha right there you go hopefully i’m going the right way i’m just sort of trying to follow the minions but we can escape from here it’s the eye of the tiger it’s the what how do you escape uh i knew i shouldn’t

Have trusted the el macho guy to secure all of you anyway while you’re here so can i just blast you let’s have some fun baby avoid stepping on green i don’t see anything over there dance off let’s go uh not just el macho balthasar rod as well how in the world

Did fecker get those two up here so we gotta avoid stancing on these things uh-huh wrong step well he’s eager to fight let’s or dance i’m just trying my best to read and play so we have to avoid that oh my gosh and the fight restarts

So we just got to be really careful to avoid whatever it’s telling us to avoid but he’s going to try to knock us on to those things so i don’t see any green ones over here but he got me okay now avoid trying to okay

I’m trying oh my gosh he knocks this all over the place out So right now i’m in the clear but he’s to change it soon and i got to be ready for whatever he changes it to come on come on ow that hurt but we almost got him we almost got him there we go so we could escape through here but before i do

Is there anything more oh no i can’t get back up that way okay so i have to do this i don’t know if i missed anything the other directions but right now let’s escape uh oh they’re figuring me out come on get as many as i can it looks like there’s a

New minions costume over there too so if i want to grab that still according to plan it doesn’t even matter you can’t get past the next door i’ve been extra so make sure that oh yeah we’ll see about that but right now we’re doing pretty good oh no huh ah who’s attacking me

Somebody was attacking me that was weird i can pull this out that opens up the next door we can get ourselves the maid minion costume we can keep you coming that was pretty intense whoa oh no they locked up the minions what what’s this ugh why are these other guys so useless

How could a minion manage to get past both of them oh yeah we’re a minion right now okay so either way this will be the end of the line for sure say hello to my rocket squids let’s see you try and get past them oh yeah

Okay so oh let’s get some of you guys over here oh they are waiting for me i got you though sort of i need to hit these guys multiple times so i’m just trying to get rid of them first and then we can worry about everything else right whoa

Oh gosh what was that oh it’s you up here blasting stuff at me i’m just trying to get them now but there’s still more mutant minions out to get me it’s a lot to focus on so far they just keep on spawning in more and

More too so first off can i fight vector i got him once that’s good definitely hard to hit up there i’m trying to shoot where he will be not where he is with how he’s moving around oh and if i hold the button that shoots it a little bit faster oh but it

Overheats okay good to know can’t do it that way too much gotta be real careful he’s just backing the way up if i can get a little bit closer i think that’d be a better idea so he’s about halfway down though there’s a minion on top of

Me get out of here buddy oh right above my head eat this you little goober come on come on so far not too bad oh we fell though and there’s more minions oh there’s lava i don’t know that’s lava actually that might just be carpeting Come on there’s so many minions and another one up here come on i got you i got you oh there’s so many of them all of a sudden but we’re almost at 50. that’s pretty cool i think i’m overheated again come on oh there’s more i can’t really get the vector if these

Guys are bombarding me so there we go 51 of the minions saved already oh there you are it is so tough to get you i wish i could try using the cheese but we’re already making good progress with this let me keep with that let’s get back up there oh i can pull

Him over with the sticky hand huh hold on yeah you get back here um whoa you’re coming close i fell down it is so hard to multitask in this game while awesome there’s a bunch of texts popping up come on gotcha oh and of course there’s another so you

I’m gonna try to grab you i feel like it’s gonna be harder to grab you than it would be just to shoot you come on this is it this is it this is it almost we got you how could i have lost to this oh he’s flying all over the place oh wow

Assemble the at the designated location those guys were so useless ah great job minion you really did it once again as a thank you for yet another great research opportunity we’ve prepared a way back quickly grab all your friends and assemble them before this whole place

Blows so we gotta get all the minions uh do i actually have to grab them i don’t think so so the one thing is i wanted to explore and find more of the minions to save but i guess i couldn’t do that here maybe i cuz i went the

Wrong way at first i’m not really sure but it’s okay we are just going to escape for now and see what happens whoa oh oh wait a minute there’s something up there let me grab that first if i can we got ourselves the friendly mutant minion costumes that’s 9 out of 15 we’ve

Gotten more than half of them then very exciting so where did i just come from i i don’t know i think up this way right wasn’t this where we fought the dancing guy yeah i believe so so if we went that way couldn’t we have gone this way

Because that’s where we came from so what’s going on through here this is where we can escape yeah all the minions are waiting for us so let’s get out of this place before it’s too late all the minions are cheering us on hey guys you’re now playing as a human new minions have

Arrived at the lair look at this thing it’s exploding ugh my head oh wait what no hold on you can’t leave me here again see you vector oh poop oh this thing’s for you uh everyone ready all right let’s return so we did it we’re back here

More minions have appeared we did a great job so i think there’s still more to find though i don’t exactly know hmm because we just went to vector’s fortress so we could go back there to find more minions and more collectibles and stuff and you can see

Some of the collectibles we found right here like this rock yeah um and it looks like we found all the different gadgets and stuff so that’s pretty cool at the least uh we hear all of our minion costumes and i want to try some more of these

We don’t have any minions chasing us at the moment uh but definitely we’ve done a great job finding all the different costumes so far we just need to keep finding them and it looks like i got another gadget here that i wasn’t aware of before the shrink ride

So i definitely have to use this on somebody but hey you want a banana now some guys are popping up so let’s try this out a banana for you banana for you is that all i get this time i think so hmm well i can’t use all my costumes on

Youtube but what i can well actually i could i could just change our costumes afterwards so let’s do that which costumes have we not seen so far it looks like we haven’t seen oh my gosh they’re loud the the mutant costume or the maid or the trumpet one

So let’s try this got a little made minion and a mutant minion and then lastly the tuba minion i like the vacuum whoa big tuba that is so silly i love it so there are all the costumes i found so far but it looks like there’s still more to do

Around here so we’re not quite done of course we got nunchucks carnell seven spike uh whatever that one’s locked off gosh yeah so i think that’s what we’ll knock for doing everything okay so it says i’ve gotten this through the mission progress but i don’t think we’ve

Technically unlocked it yet we need a thousand points so that’s what i want to work on next what if we went back to vector’s fortress into here here i am sort of yeah so i can go back into vector’s fortress i want to find the rest of the minions if possible and it

Looks like there might be even more to find this is this big aquarium i sort of remember that from the first film how do i get over there i think from this side so what is this thing the boogie robot a double seven out of 52. so obviously

There’s still a lot more to find what’s up here then is his lair is pretty cool so wait this isn’t on the moon this is the lair from the first movie you’ve been ambushed okay well i think we found them so i guess if we get all 100 eventually

Right but these don’t count oh wow hey guys well there we go now we got a bunch of minions following us and another collectible to find this one’s gonna be some milk all right we found vitamin zero milk that doesn’t sound healthy so what’s around this way then can i

Break into there maybe with the glove uh not really i can go into the fall and find another secret this is the cookie bot so now we’re making some more progress funny collectibles and stuff which is great i don’t know if we’ll find all of them

In today’s video but i’ll do what i can for sure um what’s up here then uh you’ve been ambushed again this time by the ninjas though these guys i’m a lot more used to taking on and i know that beating them up will give us more villain points so roaring at them

Getting rid of them anyway i can it’s worth a while is there anything else up here though it doesn’t look like it to me except for of course vector’s nice little chair where you can overlook the rest of the world i think we will head back down and check out some of the

Other areas see a back over this way is there anything yeah it looks like there might be another room over here a little toilet the shrunk tiny toilet pretty cool so it doesn’t look like there’s anything else here in vector’s original lab or layer or whatever so i’m gonna

Leave this one oh there’s more of them all right but these don’t total up to our 100 which is the weird thing i don’t know how to get more bananas by the way so if it’s gonna keep requiring that a little concerned but there’s so much to

Do everywhere it’s pretty crazy when you think about it but there’s even the little hidden pyramid i want to take a look at that if possible there’s just so much to find around here even though we’re done the main mission as far as i can tell uh

Pretty spooky out here during the night time and i can maybe does that count as vandalizing it this is not i need to knock it over i definitely want to get to the max score vandalizing things but it might take a bit more time and effort now that the main mission is done

Can i go into any of these buildings it looks like i can go into this one whenever we can get that opportunity there might be more stuff to vandalize so that’s what i’m looking for like that right there no problem okay there might be a better way to get

Into that pyramid than just running around it though because i couldn’t find an entrance so what i want to do for right now we can take a look at the collectibles container oh and this tells us where we’re missing our different collectibles that’s actually awesome so vectors fortress

There was one i missed the avl submarine so if i really did want to find them all this is probably the best way to do it then like el macha’s mansion there’s a lot of them to find my one goal though i think before we finish up is going to be uh

Oh boy i know hi guys hi okay so that’s all of them um is just to get this to maximum i think that would be a good completion place to stop if we don’t get every single item that’s fine i would like to find all the costumes though but i don’t know if

There’s an easier way to sort of figure them out i wish that there was uh sort of a thing that told us where they all were just like with the collectibles that would be nice but for right now let’s go back over and just try to explore some more areas trying to get

The rest of our villain points that should be pretty fun um there was veteran’s fortress we got free donia now which is way up that way so definitely worth trying that out whoa okay this is a pretty cool area and if i were to use my collectible detector i

Also want to see what does the objective say at this point explore and find collectibles okay so yeah we’re definitely done the main mission and i don’t know if the collectible detector is all that useful because i don’t know how close we have to be to actually within 50 blocks so it’s a

Decent radius so where within 50 blocks can we find something i’m gonna head out here 50 blocks but in any direction is the thing so it’s not the most useful thing in the world to be honest with you so i’ve just been exploring around this area we

Haven’t found too much yet but i’m just going into each building and hopefully at the least we’ll find some things to steal or vandalize or something like that uh just a little bedroom in here the dozens of minions following us are definitely funny though but if we run into more ambushes and

Such that’ll not be another thing that should really make a difference but i can knock that over using that cutable detector within 20 blocks there’s something hmm oh here we go let’s steal from that one that is almost 900 points so we’re really starting to close in

10 blocks now so we’re getting closer and closer maybe up here oh no this is going farther crazy how big of a range 30 blocks could even be though oh there’s a fire over here let’s go ahead and get a fire fighter minion just like that

And you should go to do it or the tube guy could do it too okay whoever could do it it all works there we go we’re officially over 900 points Now let’s see there’s no clinical nearby so we must have missed it i need to go back oh punch of vandalism no there was oh well not the collectible but the thing i need to vandalize what if i just try to uh try to do a jump

Darn i gotta go all the way back up now try to vandalize this plant plant pots there we go and got it okay not too bad so back over here now it’s super far away again oh my gosh so the club diplos are not easy to find

That’s for sure but i’m gonna break this thing a punch vandalize it that was a good chunk more points and we’ve been ambushed again so if we defeat this raid we do earn villain points that’s always a good thing to do okay i got them all use some more of my

Bananas to just make these minions nice and happy there we go not too bad right everybody’s hanging out around here too okay so looking back around i’m just trying to find that one treasure but i am not having an easy time with that okay we’re getting closer this is within

10 blocks so that really can’t be too far both all these staircases and stuff obviously that can make it a bit confusing on where it is exactly but it’s not that building it doesn’t look like it’s down here i don’t know if it’s going if we’re if

It’s worth going this far out of my way there’s so many videos now uh just for one item like i said there’s so many items we’ve yet to find so i don’t think we’re gonna be finding them all i should probably just focus on yeah i can’t find this thing we’re gonna focus

On just destroying stuff i do see a trash can way over there so i want to grab that one then maybe hop in this car and go to a different location because there’s certainly a lot of things to mess up around here right uh boom there we go start 940 points

Already so we’re jumping up quite a lot just by vandalizing things what’s in this building now um no collectibles but a building we can go inside oh and there’s a safe to steal from don’t mind if i do we’re at 9 55. pretty cool this is a nice area though very fun to

Explore lots of cool roads and everything and pathways like this so i’m just gonna go down this mountainside path oh wow to this giant mansion where there’s tennis courts and stuff seems interesting i don’t know where this path exactly is leading but it sort of looks like it

Just ends yeah it does so i don’t know this was the best idea not a well-maintained path but we could just head out this way for now can we break blocks in this oh look at that we can i didn’t know as we could so we’ve made it to this big mansion and

I don’t know whose mansion this is oh but it looks like oh it’s true’s lair okay i guess i’ll enter this one whoa see here we are in drew’s lair there’s apparently no collectible anywhere nearby but i’ll be looking for it oh over this way

We can maybe get i think the maid can maybe do something with this one what is what is this i’m gonna ask for oh no the golfer or the ninja we don’t even have the golfer yet there we go you can be the ninja oh you opened up that door whoa and look

At that inside was a uh the bald terror portrait pretty fancy there really is a lot to explore a lot to enjoy in that way but i don’t see anything else in here and anywhere else to really get around either so that might be it for this little room

That’s a bit odd isn’t it but there’s a little control area up here nothing i can really interact with very much yeah so oh maybe i could jump up this way hold on maybe i spoke too soon uh i don’t think so though it looks like

A parkour spot but i can’t quite make that jump okay well we’ll leave for now and we will try over this way so we can exit this and maybe go into the mansion itself but pretty cool that there was a side area like that oh and another thing

Where we can collect all the bananas don’t mind if i do ready and hopefully this gets some points i do not see the bananas just yet okay here they are so we need to run all the way around the garden i’m assuming got it got it got it

Oh no no no not what i wanted that’s not fair that’s not really what i was trying at all okay we’re gonna grab these two no problem jump across the water we’re halfway through finding all the bananas but there’s still so many over here too oh my gosh i don’t know if i’ll

Be able to find them all on time break the potted plant okay so i might be able to make it in time we only have a couple of seconds left this one’s tough hard to get them all in time only a couple more seconds uh it’s gonna be close 46

There you go come on i got it hooray so we got 50 of them there pretty cool and can we go into the oh i know that we can so this big mansion is just for show huh no way in from here i guess not i’ll have to look around a little bit

There’s got to be something we can do around here right it’s sort of a shame if it was just all for show but there’s still stuff to vandalize and that helps one way or another because we are only a few points away from getting to a thousand which i

Think is our max vandal points but way out that way there’s some stuff is that an airplane i think it is that would be cool if we could ride that i don’t think we can but whoa look at this thing just chilling out here for free don’t mind if i do

Look at this guy with the spiked tires and everything i like it the minions seem to enjoy it too oh okay it goes pretty fast too i need to go that way though if i want to check out what’s going on with this thing and there’s another big building

Over there there’s so many pigs around hi guys what can we do with this oh there is a collectible up there so we get our sticky hand again i can do that put this thing right there oh no that was not enough oh you know what i need to do i need to

Grab it step on top of it like where did it go why did it do that i got to be really careful i don’t want it to fall off the side of the bridge oh gosh why is it not working that’s so weird i think it’s the minions

Are getting in the way a little bit or maybe there’s uh that thing okay so that might have been it i know many inspiring the move it’s still being really picky with me i can’t get up there though so there’s clearly something i’m doing wrong

Okay i can’t figure out how to get up there it just won’t really work i do not want to fall off the edge so i think we’ll leave it um and we’ll go somewhere else so we will teleport back home for now there was freedonia oh now i could go

Back on the moon well that’s cool and all but do i really need to get all of those minions again especially since the stop starts me here i just don’t know if i actually missed any because i thought i went all the different ways i’ll poke around real quick but if i

Don’t find any extra minions i think i might sleep for some other time right see like will this start me back over at zero it doesn’t even oh it does start me at zero i don’t know if i want to do that right now then if you guys really want

Maybe we can make a second video on this adventure uh i died for some reason where am i now okay i’m back here the game is being a bit weird i just want to get to a thousand points right there we are so so very close so what

Could you get instead we got the home town which is where we are right now we have el macha’s mansion which is way out that way chinatown we’ve been to bratzler we haven’t been to so let’s try el macha’s mansion first there we go this place is very big but doesn’t seem

Like it has a ton going on we’re way out in the desert though oh that’s interesting really really far down you can see a desert temple over there it’s interesting when you play these kind of missions it’s weird when you see minecraft stuff you know i forget that we’re playing

Minecraft not a minions game in a way so whoa i’ve been ambushed but by what oh here they are so let’s fight these guys this could give me some extra points so definitely worth trying ready and big roar right there knocks them all over that was awesome

What else do we have around here huh so far not too much i can i can take these two levers and see if it does anything oh there’s a plan i can knock over two of them actually ready boom and boom we’re over a thousand points new

Vehicles are unlocked so we did it awesome oh and there’s this guy i need to hit him with the cheese with the cheese blasters right there oh it’s not doing anything okay he doesn’t seem to care wait no let me pass to you oh this is not wait i have two of them

Why do i have two of them i have no clue there we go now i could get past them i was a little confused i guess it’s because i have two of them for some reason maybe because i went back to the moon and then up this way we have that

But i think i need to grab this bring it over and then i can get it the secret saucer recipe has been unlocked pretty cool so i don’t know how much more of this area i’ll explore or any of them i might want to take a quick peek at everything

Just so we can see what else there is to see but i think mostly we’re done but what about this this is uh oh there’s some more banana stuff more collectibles el macho’s lair over here whoa look at this that’s crazy okay i’m going over look at this it’s

The macho medallion or something similar el mata’s necklace so as you can see we’ve been exploring all over the place but there’s still so much more left to find so i think some of this we could leave to some other time if we really wanted to but for right now

We’ve done a pretty good job we want to head back and there’s chinatown and brat slayer i want to see this one real quick but all of our vehicles are loaded up that’s awesome so this one’s pretty crazy as you can see there’s like a giant rubik’s cube at the top whoa

Got action figures everywhere oh man and actual like life-size action figures huh there we go we got rid of no problem so we’re a minion again it’s so silly when we’re a minion i love it there’s a lot of stuff around here i don’t really know what most of this is

Very spooky though and what can we do around here oh there’s speakers everywhere wow okay whoa ambushed again huh we can handle it we can handle it gotcha and i don’t know if there’s anything else we can get with our points i’m pretty sure we reached a maximum

Which way do i go now this room is sort of empty it looks like it’s this big bedroom oh wait there’s still one more hi this has been following me around a little awkward come on gotcha so what do we have down here it’s becoming amazed oh it’s the hot tub room

Nice and inside here’s the collectible we can snag real quick little dance room this is the evil brat vhs tape nice and i think that’s everything i don’t see really too much else here so we’ll transport back a couple more minions waiting for us okay so with that done um

Was there any other areas i wanted to take a peek at the avl submarine upper san francisco we saw a residential area we’ve poked around with so i really think yeah that’s it we just want to go to the submarine real fast take a peek in this thing whoa

See we’re on top of it right now and we can just go in the submarine infiltration mission i need the sticky hand to do something here in a moment but i’m not really seeing too much at the moment huh i do see an item off that way so if

I could just reach that thing might be a good idea so what is this an avl card the avl calling card gotcha once again i don’t really see too much else there’s got to be something though some kind of thing i can access because every area had multiple collectibles so

It’d be silly to guess that that’s it i just don’t really see any other spot maybe i could go back up here this is isn’t this where we started though it is we’re back at the top of the the submarine so i’m not really sure but at

Least we get the idea with everything it keeps telling me about the sticky hand up here so maybe there’s something um and it is saying that there’s a collectible nearby maybe behind on the back end of the submarine you never know oh i think we’re right yeah look at this

So what do i use this box for i’m not really sure but in the meantime there’s something over here that needs certain type of minion which one it means either one of those three so let’s try the maid this time let’s see what happens there you go

Oh nice job you just break it open with that and we get the avmc magazine and then there’s another one way up there so i’m starting to find them a bit better that’s good improving our exploration skills as we go along gotcha i can use that to get up here and then i

Think i just gotta continually bring it up over and over i don’t think it can get up here though so what am i doing wrong hmm i’m pretty sure i’m supposed to but it just doesn’t come up yeah um i don’t know about this one i’ll try it one more time

Yeah that’s definitely not it so i don’t know why it’s been so picky with me these last few times it just it won’t go up on certain things so i think we’re just gonna leave it like i said uh let’s check out our vehicles then so over this way we have a

Bunch of vehicles unlocked including this one so we have a cruise airship finally unlocked but there was also bell wait that one’s still missing what is that i don’t know because it says i’ve gotten everything odd okay well it is what it is uh we got gru’s jet

Bike the crewmobile there is definitely still a couple more locked huh stronghold tank the nunchucks car even though that sort of yeah that matches up so then bike cruise airship so this is the one we we just unlocked and here it is awesome so i definitely were to ride in

This one because this one’s an iconic vehicle right there we go so throughout today’s video we got to be a minion oh gosh my car was stuck we got the be a minion we could unlock some cool vehicles and save the day sort of actually all we were doing was being

Villains i cannot move whoa it flies hey hold on how did i do that it sort of flies uh okay it jumps oh there it goes okay now we’re going whoa this is so cool see today was a great episode we had a lot of fun exploring this minions

Adventure causing some havocs being a bad guy all that kind of stuff and maybe we could explore more of it find more collectibles if you guys want to see that or we can move on to different adventures i know there’s still quite a few more to check out of the official

Dlc pack so definitely let me know if you want to see more of those with that being said that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode of zebra’s minecraft fun thank you guys so much for watching i’ll see you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Minions DLC!! – The Rise of Gru! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2022-08-06 19:00:01. It has garnered 1252658 views and 4707 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:28 or 6088 seconds.

Checking out the Minecraft Minons DLC on Minecraft Bedrock Edition! We join Gru and the Minions to become Super Villains by taking on the Vicious Six and Vector!

Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftFun Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer

Zebra’s Minecraft Fun is a series where Zebra Gamer checks out the latest and most exciting content added to the Minecraft Market Place in Minecraft Bedrock Edition!

More information about #Minecraft Bedrock Edition and the #Minions DLC: Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Explore randomly-generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in Creative Mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armour to fend off the dangerous mobs. Do YOU have what it takes to become a super-villain? You just might! Grab your Minions Adventure Map, and live out your evil dreams as you take on the Vicious 6 in an exciting Adventure Mode. Explore familiar places and cause maximum mischief with Illumination’s Gru and the Minions in Minecraft. Includes 29 franchise skins! Journey to a new world and let your imagination loose on an unfamiliar environment. With so many things to discover, the possibilities are nearly endless. Take a look at the world that’s waiting in Minions from Cyclone.

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    Albedo Minecraft: A Different Outcome Minecraft: A Unique Gaming Experience Minecraft is a sandbox video game that has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. With its open-world concept and endless possibilities, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience like no other. The World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are placed in a virtual world where they can explore, gather resources, build structures, and interact with other players. The game’s pixelated graphics give it a retro charm, while its gameplay mechanics allow for creativity and innovation. Gameplay Features One of the key features of Minecraft is its survival mode, where players must gather resources… Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the El Gran Maja Portal Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you discover the mysterious El Gran Maja Portal. This portal, shrouded in legend and mystery, offers players a unique and exciting experience within the game. Unveiling the Secrets of El Gran Maja The El Gran Maja Portal is a gateway to a realm filled with challenges, treasures, and surprises. By crafting and activating this portal, players can access a new dimension in Minecraft, expanding their gameplay possibilities. Creating the Portal To create the El Gran Maja Portal, players must gather specific resources and follow… Read More

  • Survival SMP Shenanigans: JANMASHTMI Special PART-4

    Survival SMP Shenanigans: JANMASHTMI Special PART-4 Welcome to [uv gamer] Minecraft Adventure! Join us in today’s Minecraft escapade as we delve into exciting activities and projects. Whether you’re a fan of epic builds, survival challenges, or just looking for some good old Minecraft fun, you’re in for a treat! Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to stay updated on all our latest videos. Become a part of our growing community and embark on this Minecraft journey with us! In This Video: Building a INDIAN Flag: Watch as we create a stunning representation of the INDIAN flag in Minecraft. Making Iron Tool IN… Read More

  • PASTEL FURNITURE: Minecraft Bedrock’s Sweetest Upgrade!

    PASTEL FURNITURE: Minecraft Bedrock's Sweetest Upgrade! Welcome, welcome, to the world of Minecraft, Where pastel furniture is all the rage, so don’t hold back. JRaeUnknown here, with a cute addon to show, Bringing new items to decorate, let your creativity flow. In this video, I’ll guide you through the scene, With timestamps to keep it clean. From finding items in your inventory to the showcase of all, Let’s dive into this world, big and small. The link for the addon is right here, On Planet Minecraft, so have no fear. It’s time to embrace the cuteness overload, In Minecraft PE version 1.21.2, let the pastel… Read More

  • Diamond Dash: Finleyfr’s Minigame Madness!

    Diamond Dash: Finleyfr's Minigame Madness! Competing for all the diamonds in Finleyfr’s debut minigame extravaganza! Finleyfr’s Stream debut Minecraft event was a thrilling experience for all participants. The excitement was palpable as players geared up to compete for the coveted diamonds in this minigame extravaganza. Engaging in Friendly Competition Players from all over joined the event, ready to showcase their skills and creativity in the world of Minecraft. The competition was fierce, but the camaraderie among participants was heartwarming. Everyone cheered each other on, making the event not just about winning, but about enjoying the game together. Exploring New Minigames Finleyfr’s debut event featured… Read More

  • Hilarious Minecraft Bomb!

    Hilarious Minecraft Bomb! The Exciting World of Minecraft Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is an adventure like no other. With endless possibilities and opportunities for players to build, explore, and survive, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions around the globe. Building Your World In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create their own unique worlds using blocks of various materials. From simple houses to elaborate castles, the only limit is your imagination. With a wide range of tools and resources at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Surviving the Challenges Survival mode in Minecraft adds an extra layer… Read More

  • Quick Craft: Minecraft Fuel Farm Fun!

    Quick Craft: Minecraft Fuel Farm Fun! In Minecraft, fuel is key, don’t you see? To keep your furnaces running, you need efficiency. With this 3-minute build, you’ll have power galore, A fuel farm so simple, you’ll want to explore. Gather your resources, follow along with me, In no time at all, your fuel farm will be. Perfect for beginners, and pros alike, This tutorial will surely strike. Like and subscribe, for more Minecraft fun, Stay tuned for more builds, when the day is done. MinecraftFuelFarm, the key to success, In your adventures, it’s sure to impress. Read More

  • Sea Breeze Serenity: A Day at Ease

    Sea Breeze Serenity: A Day at Ease In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhythmic vibes. A song in a day, a random delight, A break from editing, a change in sight. Conflicting thoughts, unsure at first, But in the end, it quenched my thirst. A fast creation, a musical spree, Now it’s time for all to see. If you’re reading this, let me know your thoughts, On this song that I’ve brought. Subscribe for more, a chance to explore, More songs to come, that’s for sure. So have a good day, in the world of Minecraft, Where creativity and… Read More

  • City Siege: EfeKan & Crew – Minecraft Mayhem!

    City Siege: EfeKan & Crew - Minecraft Mayhem! In the city, Efekan and his crew, Taking over, causing quite a hullabaloo. Evading the police, building an army so grand, Becoming the rulers, with a master plan. Subscribe now, don’t miss a beat, In this Minecraft world, where foes and friends meet. Imaginary characters, in a world so bright, Crafting stories, with all their might. Join the channel, show your support, In this virtual world, where dreams distort. Minecraft parodies, with a twist so fine, Efekan and his friends, in every line. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so true, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Freakout: why so mad?

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Freakout: why so mad?Maybe he’s angry because he’s tired of getting griefed by his friends in Minecraft! Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Episode 3 – Rhyme Time!

    Surviving Minecraft: Episode 3 - Rhyme Time! In Minecraft Survival, Episode 3 is the scene, Where the player explores, in a world so serene. Crafting tools and weapons, to survive the night, Building shelters and farms, everything feels just right. With each block placed, a story unfolds, In this pixelated world, where creativity molds. Monsters lurk in the dark, waiting to strike, But with skills and wit, the player takes flight. So join in the adventure, with Clifton3D in tow, As they navigate challenges, with skills that show. Minecraft Survival, a journey so grand, With each episode, a new tale at hand. Don’t forget to like… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Your Friend Steals Your Diamonds 😂🔥 #minecraftfunny

    Minecraft Meme: When Your Friend Steals Your Diamonds 😂🔥 #minecraftfunny Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥😂 Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s Prominence II

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's Prominence II Exploring the Prominence II Hasturian Era in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as Griippi awakens in a mysterious realm after billions of years of slumber. Welcomed by the enigmatic figure S’kellak, Griippi learns of the imminent danger threatening the world and the urgent need for their assistance. Join the Epic Journey Experience the excitement of modded Minecraft gameplay in the Prominence II Hasturian era. Dive into a world filled with challenges, mysteries, and endless possibilities as Griippi navigates through this unique landscape. Support and Connect If you’re eager to support Griippi on this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft MMO Server n Dungeons Gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft MMO Server n Dungeons Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monumenta Let’s Play Ep 11 – Minecraft MMO Server n Dungeons – BlueFire MMOs Coverage & Games Review’, was uploaded by BlueFire – MMOs Coverage and Games Reviews on 2024-09-09 23:38:49. It has garnered 43 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:50:48 or 10248 seconds. ✔️ BlueFire Gaming DISCORD LIVE SERVER 24/7 ☾ https://discord.gg/3swyQMy ✈️ BlueFire Gaming INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/nicoloandorno 🔥 BlueFire Gaming SPONSOR 🔥 https://goo.gl/iK24tE 💙 Youtubers/Collaborators 💙 https://discord.gg/dsGVvZa 🎬Games That i Own🎬 https://goo.gl/MGpkpc Donate: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rY48Iy2v16vwATzx-ZpaP_ylZb-z19yX-nfI6ba2G4Q/edit How to join the Discord Server https://youtu.be/sTXH7nAJddg Subscribed or Not, Active or Not i Make… Read More

  • Ultimate Sonic Showdown in Minecraft

    Ultimate Sonic Showdown in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIN SONIC HUNTERS vs SUPER SONIC SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Daaash on 2024-10-02 19:00:23. It has garnered 107145 views and 1438 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:34 or 6874 seconds. SHIN SONIC HUNTERS vs SUPER SONIC SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft! This video Dash, Cam and Ruby are playing Minecraft Manhunt! Who will win? Watch till the end to find out! #Roblox #Dash Read More

  • "UNBELIEVABLE! Vanished Iron Farm on Day 73"

    <p>"<strong>UNBELIEVABLE!</strong> Vanished Iron Farm on Day 73"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival Técnico Minecraft Bedrock UHC Dia 73 Granja de hierro ?’, was uploaded by Vanished on 2024-09-13 03:10:41. It has garnered 16234 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:08 or 9428 seconds. 🟣 TWITCH LIVE: https://www.twitch.tv/vanishedtwo 🔵 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/JabonVanished 🟡 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/hmV5GuP2V5 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_luis_zc_/ 📨 BUSINESS/BUSINESS: [email protected] Daily Direct https://www.twitch.tv/vanishedtwo Read More

  • “Insane Bookshelf Hack! Build Like a Pro in Minecraft” #saddiqideas

    "Insane Bookshelf Hack! Build Like a Pro in Minecraft" #saddiqideasVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Bookshelf idea | HOW To build | Minecraft Timelapse #saddiqideas’, was uploaded by MineIdeas_Saddiq on 2024-10-07 04:00:42. It has garnered 15435 views and 1427 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Simple interior | Simple minecraft ideas | How to build | TUTORIAL | Easy to build | Decoration | Decor ideas | Minecraft Decoration | Simple decor Design: – Shader name: Complementary Texturepack: default #minecraftinterior #minecraftinteriordesign #minecraftaesthetic #minecraftbuilder #minecraftideas Read More

  • Insane Cubecraft Stream Before Dinner! Bedrock Madness

    Insane Cubecraft Stream Before Dinner! Bedrock MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Short Cubecraft Stream Before Dinner:D Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-06-06 04:36:06. It has garnered 162 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:36 or 5496 seconds. Apply for Cubecraft Helper here: http://cbecrft.net/helper Here is my profile on the Cubecraft forum: https://www.cubecraft.net/members/theorderofsapphire.594186/ My discord server: https://discord.gg/ZbBE6wEzGa My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Story Mode Gameplay!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Story Mode Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode Episode 5 & 6 Gameplay #livestream’, was uploaded by Deiny Games on 2024-07-04 13:59:11. It has garnered 54 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:11 or 11351 seconds. #Welkome to the world of gaming with DeinyGames Get ready to dive into electrifying adventures, trilling challenges, and epic gameplay moments. Here, you’ll find a variety of content, from reviews and guides to commentary on the latest releases and timeless classics. Join our communty of passionate gamers and subscribe to never miss a moment of fun and entertainment! #youtubevideo #youtube… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation gaming podcast

    Insane Minecraft Animation gaming podcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘#gaming #minecraft #minecraftanimation #майнкрафт #animation #music #games #podcast #memes #news’, was uploaded by Gsmuhammetzekican on 2024-04-11 13:13:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Henwy – UNBELIEVABLE; Server CRASHED by OP Item! (Minecraft Infinite)

    Henwy - UNBELIEVABLE; Server CRASHED by OP Item! (Minecraft Infinite)Video Information This video, titled ‘This OVERPOWERED ITEM Broke the Server… (Minecraft Infinite)’, was uploaded by Henwy on 2024-10-09 18:15:02. It has garnered 19203 views and 1065 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:35 or 1775 seconds. This Overpowered Item (Transmutation Table) Broke the Minecraft Infinite Server, by giving me infinite of any item I want… 🔔 SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/henwy?sub_confirmation=1 📌 FRIENDS IN MINECRAFT INFINITE: @wisp @ShadowApples @jojosolos @barce8008 @Mitzefy & Jonny 🙂 💎 FOLLOW ME 🐦 Twitter: http://twitter.com/henwy 📷 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/realhenwy 👾 Discord: http://discord.gg/henwy 🔗 Use code ‘Henwy’ for 25% off Bisect Hosting! https://bisecthosting.com/Henwy #Henwy #MinecraftInfinite #minecraft Read More

  • PUNIA’S CRAZY DANCE – You won’t believe the moves! #garba

    PUNIA'S CRAZY DANCE - You won't believe the moves! #garbaVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #garba #dance #song #love #funny #musicanddance #minecraft #whatyoudontseecomingh’, was uploaded by PUNIA’S FUN ☺️ on 2024-10-01 04:52:41. It has garnered 426 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • FaeTalesMC • SMP, Slimefun, Shops, Crates, Ranks, Economy, Pets, Map, Towny

    Welcome to FaeTalesMC We are an open community with weekly updates and active players ready to help. Start your adventure on our SMP today! FAQ CROSSPLAY! and Pixelmon 9.1.12 Version: 1.21 IP: play.faetalesmc.net Bedrock Port: 19132 Website: www.faetalesmc.com Features EliteMobs 3-D map with Towny Cosmetics Jobs McMMO PyroFishing PyroMining PyroFarming Marriage Plugin Balanced Economy Player Shops Pinata Party Free Fox pet for Java players 🙂 Big Community and Streamer Friendly Join us at IP: play.faetalesmc.net Bedrock Port: 19132 Read More



  • Minecraft Memes – “Epic Minecraft realization”

    Looks like this meme is hitting the high score in the game of internet humor! Read More

  • Ultimate Halloween Minecraft Wizard

    Ultimate Halloween Minecraft WizardVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Halloween’, was uploaded by Minecraft Wizardry on 2024-10-11 02:46:49. It has garnered 50 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. #halloween #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minewind Come see Minecraft Spooky Event/Halloween on play.finalwindserver.com! Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Doggy Demise Dilemma

    Minecraft Mayhem: Doggy Demise Dilemma In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I speedpaint my challenges, with art that jives. My character, a hero, in pixels so fine, Taking on tasks, in just five in-game days’ time. My Patreon supporters, a shoutout they earn, Their names in my videos, a lesson to learn. And if you want to join them, in supporting my art, Subscribe to my Patreon, be a part of my heart. Music sets the mood, from Bensound to Vibe Tracks, Each beat and each rhythm, a creative impact. With Ghostrifter Official, a resurgence so grand, BreakingCopyright’s promotion, across the land…. Read More

  • “Hot Pillager Raid Fail” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Pillager Raid Fail" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “When you’re the only pillager who brought fish soup to the raid and everyone else just brought swords and crossbows. Guess who’s gonna be the real MVP of this battle?” #fishsoupforthewin 😂🐟🍲 #minecraftraidgoals Read More

  • The Evolution of Hypixel Party Games

    The Evolution of Hypixel Party Games The Evolution of Hypixel Party Games Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, Hypixel Party Games stands out as one of the most iconic minigames. Since its inception in 2014, it has captured the hearts of players worldwide. Let’s delve into the fascinating history of this beloved game. Party Games 1 & 2 The journey of Hypixel Party Games began with the release of Party Games 1 and 2. These early versions introduced players to a variety of fun and competitive mini-games that set the foundation for what was to come. Party Games 3 & HITW As the game… Read More

  • Farm to Fortune: Minecraft Anarchy Server

    Farm to Fortune: Minecraft Anarchy Server Exploring Advanced Farming Techniques in Minecraft Hardcore Anarchy Server In the latest episode of the Minecraft Hardcore Anarchy Server, the host embarks on a thrilling adventure in the Nether, seeking to enhance their farming skills inspired by a fellow player’s impressive setup. The session is filled with challenges, from revamping a Nether portal to navigating the treacherous terrain filled with ghasts and soul sand. Revamping the Nether Portal As the clock strikes 00:00, the host dives into the Nether, ready to tackle the task of fixing their portal for optimal efficiency. With precision and determination, they make the necessary… Read More

  • Dippu unleashes mind-blowing new Minecraft magic! 😱

    Dippu unleashes mind-blowing new Minecraft magic! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New Magic😯😯|| #Shorts #Vairal #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Dippu //Gamerz 12k on 2024-04-25 10:23:53. It has garnered 51 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Minecraft New Magic😯😯|| #Shorts #Vairal #youtubeshorts #Shorts ||Scopin Minecraft sound|| #Shorts #YouTubeshort #vairal #Trending Read More

  • Minecraft LIVE Reaction: You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    Minecraft LIVE Reaction: You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft LIVE Reaction with Effect2o’, was uploaded by Effect2o on 2024-09-28 18:08:23. It has garnered 121 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:38 or 5078 seconds. This is a LIVE commentary of the Minecraft LIVE event for 2024 Come hang out and lets find out what’s new together. Visit Minecrafts site for more info: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/live https://www.minecraft.net/en-us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnX6sPFjXnA #effect2o #minecraft #mojang ► MAKE YOUR SUBS PUBLIC BEFORE SUBBING | https://goo.gl/M0kPfT ► Find me in Discord: https://discord.risingdawn.fun/ ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/effect2o ►Show your support with a donation (or tip) by clicking on the symbol… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: EduardoDNF can’t jump in Minecraft!

    EPIC FAIL: EduardoDNF can't jump in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft but I can’t jump #minecraft’, was uploaded by EduardoDNF on 2024-04-19 17:23:59. It has garnered 7035 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Vintage Story: Rise of Eastern Empire Saga!

    EPIC Vintage Story: Rise of Eastern Empire Saga!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP26] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay’, was uploaded by raven67854 on 2024-02-11 14:15:00. It has garnered 547 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:27 or 3687 seconds. https://discord.com/invite/6THUkfy Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/raven67854 Member – https://youtube.com/c/raven67854/join Vintage Story – Rise Of The Eastern Empire Journeys [EP26] | The Best Not Minecraft Game | Gameplay The Eastern Empire will rise again! This time however we will be doing it inside of Vintage Story! I am looking for a location to plant the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack! MUST SEE! 😱

    Insane Minecraft PE Texture Pack! MUST SEE! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘cool texture pack for minecraft pe #minecraft #shorts #texturepack #explore’, was uploaded by IIVOIS | Short on 2024-08-30 01:27:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Texture pack 1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/b53ouk9e7uuvki3/SystemDyna.mcaddon.zip/file Texter pack 2… Read More

  • EPIC Mining FAIL: Lava Criptz WITCH Ambush!

    EPIC Mining FAIL: Lava Criptz WITCH Ambush!Video Information This video, titled ‘EPIC Mining Adventure Gone WRONG: WITCH Ambush! (EP 1)”‘, was uploaded by Lava Criptz on 2024-09-22 02:11:36. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Join me on my first mining adventure in Minecraft! My mission was simple: gather as much diamond and gold as possible. But things took a wild turn when a witch ambushed me in the depths of the caves. Will I escape with my precious finds, or will the witch get the best of me? Find out in this exciting first… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Discovery in Minecraft! 😱 #Shorts

    Mind-Blowing Discovery in Minecraft! 😱 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: What in the Pedro did I just find? 😳 #Shorts’, was uploaded by Harted Dream on 2024-06-22 15:36:18. It has garnered 418 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Minecraft: What in the Pedro did I just find? 😳 #Shorts KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: Twi Shorts creates Shorts, TikToks, and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Satisfying, and many other topics. New videos every day, daily uploading,… Read More

  • INSANE Hive Bedrock Stream! 800 Subs Special

    INSANE Hive Bedrock Stream! 800 Subs SpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘A SPLENDID Hive Bedrock Stream | 800 Subs?’, was uploaded by DrYellower on 2024-08-03 18:22:36. It has garnered 122 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:35 or 7295 seconds. it’s me on the hive i will be playing minecraft LINKS: YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTpq0U2e9L25G8uB_xcZKkA?sub_confirmation=1 Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/dryellower Discord Server: https://discord.gg/YNm2BcHHpr Read More

  • Diamonds Trolled in Minecraft by Smaze King! #viral

    Diamonds Trolled in Minecraft by Smaze King! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Troll Me For Diamonds #gaming #viral #trending #minecraft #shorts #memes #music’, was uploaded by Smaze King on 2024-05-05 06:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. For More Amazing Videos. Also Thanks for Watching. Inspired from! @SB737 @TechnoGamerzOfficial … Read More

Minecraft Minions DLC!! – The Rise of Gru! – Zebra’s Minecraft Fun