Minecraft Mods – WIZARDRY (Part One)

Video Information

Wizard school today I will become wizard wizard not a fully fledged wizard but I’ll at least be on track to learning how to be the greatest Wizard of all time yes tittles that is correct oh yeah I’m gonna be the greatest Wizard of all time the first thing you need to know when

You want to become it was it is you need to get yourself a source of mana now I’ve been over here there’s a pool I went there and I picked up some mana and I put it in this tank and I brought it back so now we have a source of manner

I’m gonna make it into a pool and I’ve made a little area here especially for it so let’s just start pocketing the mana into the pool now when you hit the mana when you touch it you float and it’s so I think underground is a good

Place to put the mana pool because he doesn’t like send you soaring into the sky which can be quite annoying let’s just keep putting the mana in this pool until we’ve got a nice full pool like so and we’ll pick up the air tank take it

Back to base and we’ll go and grab ourselves a book because that’s what we need now I don’t actually need that because when in this mod pack we have this section full of books where you can pick which one you want but if you want to start being a wizard and you weren’t

Using all the mods like I am then you will have to do this you have to get a book and you have to throw it into the mana to put the tank back that I did like so OOP and it charges up the book with wizardly energy there we go and this

Little particle effects and there’s the book ha it’s exactly the same as the one in tome so I will just throw it into the ether goodbye now now we have a source of mana we need to get ourselves some wizard clothes now in order to actually

See your mana and be able to charge it you have to get yourself a halo and a cape now the Cape is made with six lever simple as that my wizard cape is complete now the more you car spells the higher this cape levels up and it makes you mix spells

Cost less mana and also do more damage and stuff like that so it’s very worth using this all the time because there’ll be some spells that you just simply can’t cast until you have a better level cape now the halo is three of them one is creative mode which gives you

Infinite mana but you can’t make that then you have the halo the regular one and you have the crew one which you have to start off with and this is made with four mana orbs add four gold ingots and to make a manor orb you have to make

Yourself a glass orb and you should probably make a load of these because they are use a lot I mean a lot you probably want to have yourself a special chest full of them so get yourself some glass make some pains and then we can start filling him up with mana goodness

I have a lot of balls of hang on I just open those up geez willow what a pile of weird stuff tittles has been eating today as always right glass panes when I go I’ll make these into some orbs Gives us a whole heck of a lota bulb 64 right now what we do is we go through these into the mana pool I’ll just throw in I don’t know 16 for now and they will fill with mana one at a time I think I have to sit here for quite some time

I’ll go in and get them gives us three uh we’ll just leave some in there for a bit and we’ll come and get those shortly with three I have enough money one more actually can you come pick them up yeah you can cool right so yeah we’ve got five

Oh and floating stop floating me okay so what we need to do is get ourselves for gold ingots and we can combine them to make the halo the food hallo there we go now we’ll equip that knob or ball slot and there we go

Now we have a mana bar but it’s empty I know owls so we have to fill up so we need to make something called a syringe this is where this mod gets very strange empty syringe which is five pens of glass then we go to syringes now we have to fill

These up with mana so we combine these with a bucket of full mana and it puts that manner into the syringe it is very expensive to fill yourself up with mana and then you inject into yourself I can feel the power coursing through my veins you want some money tittles don’t

Wait to money you know you want to be a wizard cat eater you want some bull sorry oh I’ve got I filled it up with tittles this blood my inject that into myself no I can’t what an earth would that before goodness it even says tittles on it now keep this

Safe just in case tittles needs a blood infusion at some point okay till i’ll sit down good go you’re okay you know saw a bit the soul patch we’re injected you or such a blood like a vampire right so we have the halo and we have the Cape but now you haven’t

Actually gotten any spells to cast I know so we look in the tome I mean go to the five steps to come up with it now number three is knock-knock or a necklace Nakara don’t know now this is something different to mana so we have to get a

Bucket of mana already draining my precious pool or at least mana orbs then get a bucket of mana and we’ll make a separate area for this bit I think we’ll just uh maybe this site little hole put the bucket up manner in there we have to put a golden nugget

Into this pool and it will dissolve in the mana creating knock ah there we go it’s like this white white liquid and then we what we can do here is you break this block and that way we can easily get into it doesn’t actually flow like a

Liquid a new stretch now what we can do is we can put mana orbs oh it has flow very slowly but I’ll go put some glass down there anyway because I figured it’s good to be able to see in there but it’s actually cooler in anyway anyway I think

We put man orbs in there and wait or is it just a class and maybe just a glass or Yep and it makes necro pearls so this is underdone I need to let it sit longer so this is useless I’ve wasted a glass orb no problem we’ll throw it in the bin right so I think you have to leave for about 30 seconds it’s really hard to time it

Correctly but we will try 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is it too fast I lost it now we’re just gonna have to guess I reckon about now Potence it’s under dance it wasn’t quite long enough but it’s still a decent a decent pile not terrible we can use that

So now we’ve got that we need to be actually infuse it with a spell and to do that we are going to need a lot of things one of those things is called wizard wood my favorite wood I need to get some some logs and more else go and

Throw these in the manner and they will pop out as wizard wizard wood logs whoop instantly wisdom would not wizard words much less interesting and you go we have a whole load of wisdom would wisdom wood now if we look in the book it’ll tell us

The structure we have to make and it is this structure which let you create spells now there is another structure which we’ll get into later which helps charge this one up but this is the core one you need so what we need is some wisdom wood logs some

Stairs other pieces so if we can go into at wizard we could see somewhere what those blocks are so we have wisdom wood pigmented planks which is wood surrounded by a nugget there and that gets thrown away wood we also have the logs and the planks and the stairs now the thing we

Need to collect next is lots of quartz because all the white bits on that structure is in fact quartz yes quartz it’s a tough cookie we have to go into the nether and collect nether quartz lots of it so that’s what we’ll be doing now do the now there we go we

Should be good enough enough to survive some some evils in the nether we haven’t got a great range weapon yet so maybe I have to work on that next time because there’s a lot of things we need to shoot soon in order to get our next Halo and

The next Halo is a lot more expensive than the current one and this is where you can really start using spells because actually recharges the mana for you you have to keep injecting yourself but it uses a nether star a unicorn horn some devil dust some fairy dust the Friz

Marine chard and a dragon’s breath so it’s not particularly easy to make and it’s the reason why we have to get ourselves all geared up in this armor and tools before we start it because before we can be a wizard we have to to

Fight a lot of big bats a lot of them right we’re gonna find us off a crapload of quartz not a terrible never spawn by looks of things nice big open area right put a marker down just so we can get out we never lose the

Exit okay we’re just gonna go mining for a bit mind course it’s um it could take some time so I won’t show you me mining at all but basically you have to mine a bunch of blocks worth you need if you look at the pitches structures you see

That we need for this one the battery we need a lot now this is this is a lot of goddamn quartz this is gonna be like 30 quartz maybe even more the other one not quite so many you need probably like 16 ish 17 so not too bad we’ll work on that

One today and then we’ll get the other one up and running later oh look you just found some are tight I can mine this with this pickaxe my our dough is one of the two really endgame metals so it’s great to pick up that if

You can and you can if you’ve got a pickaxe like this which can win up to Cobalt that’s pretty nice we’ve got some our die or you’ve seen any more of that definitely pick it up and definitely pick up cobalt if you find that as well

Oh I’ve got some got some friends here shooting fireballs at me all I want to do is mine you little buggers now I don’t have a ranged weapons it can be hard to track them hmm someone get over here if you want to fight me I’ll just ignore you

How annoying I’m just gonna keep keep mining hopefully they’ll go away oh oh this is frustrating I might come back when I have a range rep and I think I’ve got a bunch of courts for now that let’s see how many sixteen seventeen might need a little bit more than that just to

Be safe on the safe side I’d also kind of want to put some on my sword cuz it makes it do more damage there’s some more down here I also saw something blue that could have been cobalt I won’t just be laughs as though it’s Trixie

Very rough them Oh a date let’s say no one the bloody odds I don’t like this are badly wrong yup come on heal me fool close all right got plenty of nether quartz and a little bit of our date which is kind of fun did finding cobalt though

All right we’re back in right so combine that nether quartz together and we’ve got ourselves 26 blocks of quartz now let’s get ourselves a crafting bench up here before I completely go mad and a chest jeez for all our magical things we actually don’t want to stay up here

Though I don’t think I think we want to go down and build this maybe on this level yeah so what we need is a crafting plate which is clay wisdom wood pigmented planks and wisdom wood planks all right let’s go and put some stuff stuff away get ourselves a bit of clay

And then make that what are you doing in my base good up sir you’re not invited leave your brain behind jeez what a rude man you warned me good there two doors thank you no worries what’s the quickest way back up I don’t want to go on that

There must be a way I think I can probably get there from the roof of this place let’s find out yep oh look at that freakin a did we make it on the first level maybe we should okay let’s do that we’re leaving the first level blank is it

Although it could just be our storage area no no we’re making this level I’ve changed my mind again right so we need to get the crafting bench and we’ll put down a chest just so we can keep things in it as you do now we need to make some

Wisdom wood planks but not all of them right just look at the picture so we need eight logs to be kept as logs and the thing itself needs to know it looks okay so we need to keep eight points safe and the rest can be safely turned

Into planks not for now just in case we end up needing more logs right and then we have some Nuggets gold nuggets and but that’s surrounded by wisdom wood and that gives us eight pigmented planks very nice we think I think we need 12 13 I think and there’s these other things

On top which need one as well so 17 need 17 and we’ve got eight so our man it’s gonna leave us like a lot of spare morning Lee go pick mentor planks now we’re gonna need some stairs we need 16 stairs all right that’s easy enough gives us 816 stairs and then we

Need some quartz bits slaps we need for quartz stairs and for quartz slabs There you go and we’ve got the courts okay I think we’re ready to start building this let’s get the thing in the middle first we’ve got the clay this and then these and then these this gives us the crafting plate which goes in the middle and we want to find the center of

This room it looks about here boom that’ll do and then we look at the picture again make sure we’re doing this right okay look at the bottom and it is a cross which goes out to each side and then the stairs and then the slab – one two – 200

In fact what we can do is much simple in this we can put the crafting plate down and it shows us why the blocks need to go doesn’t say what they are they usefully so we’ve got the four stairs we’ve got the four slaps and we’ve got the wizard would pigmented blocks got

Three of those on each side I think something’s glowing here still so that might not be right I think it only goes the glow and it goes away when yeah that’s actually meant to be with normal wizard would useful no more confusion already there

We go yep see let the plops go away when it’s correct and then we need no one on them yeah that’s more like it oh right then we need to surround this whole lot with I think probably stairs yep stairs and then logs in the red corners looking good starting to come

Along and when do the logs we’re gonna grab this from the chest just over there they’re looking at four four we looked at okay and finally the four corners need to be topped off by the these things the pearl holders which are two Nuggets five words and a pigment it would For or and then for all of this Gives us four pearl holders there we go it’s everything we need to make a spell So uh and look it’s all on fire it’s all fiery and fun aha yes yes yes now we need to actually craft the recipe for the spell the magicians work table which is a book three wisdom wood slabs and two planks okay the book on top let’s just use this

Thing to do it BAM magicians work table and now we have everything we need to make a spell accept ingredients for actually making the spell this I know being a wizard how bloody work isn’t it a lot of study oh I missed that one sly so we’ve got the

Magicians work table and now we put that down or put it down next to these things and there we go now what we can do in this is build our first spell I think we’ll start off with something aggressive maybe something range that we can fight things with so we’ll go for a

Beam and we’ll have it maybe lightning lightning beam and has tip on entity collision so and we connect them right click so beam lightning on entity so this this means it will hit it’ll triggers when it hits anything I can entity place any place before their effect caused it to only affect entity

Now I don’t want that so I want to have it at the end shoot a lightning bolt that shocks and stuns a target there we go self lightning hits what you’re looking at its elated to be rewrite whatever and beam the spell will affect our beam coming from

There we go so this should make a basic lightning bolt spell save so now it saves it into my book now if I go for my book I have a spell recipe and there it is hard to see what it is this is over here but if like

Business page I need a unicorn horn some ice and apples and devil dust and my nook repair now that’s as far as we can get for now because we can’t get a unicorn horn yet so next time we’re gonna make ourselves a nice new ranged weapon and head to the unicorn dimension

To collect ourselves a unicorn horn so we can make our first spell I think it’s watching guys and we’ll see you again next time goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods – WIZARDRY (Part One)’, was uploaded by Duncan on 2018-09-14 17:30:03. It has garnered 128797 views and 2468 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:10 or 1450 seconds.

Wizard School! We’re making some wizardy clothes, filling up on mana and taking a trip to the Nether!

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    Insane Kill! Destroying OP Player on My SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Eliminating A STACKED Player On MY SMP’, was uploaded by Mando Hyper on 2024-05-28 23:11:30. It has garnered 732 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #pvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #cpvp #mcpe #minecraftshorts #smp #meme #minecraftsmp Read More

  • Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!

    Join DsrPlayz in EPIC Minecraft Livestream!Video Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ›‘ MINECRAFT WITH SUBSCRIBERS ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream #minecraft #freefire’, was uploaded by DsrPlayz on 2024-05-08 04:37:06. It has garnered 684 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:32 or 6392 seconds. ๐Ÿ›‘ VALO AAJAO DOSTO ๐Ÿ›‘| #livestream #shortsfeed #verticallivestream Spreading Fun Through Art. #dsrplayz #hindi Socials:- Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/i_dsrplayz/ Discord:- https://discord.gg/XBSZ92NxMF Song:- https://youtu.be/zufXE039VbA Mail :- [email protected] That’s All Folks! โ›”TAGS: {Don’t Read} minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live hindi minecraft live 2021 minecraft live smp minecraft live video minecraft live server minecraft live insaan part 1 minecraft live anyone can… Read More

  • BugCraft

    BugCraftThis is a China minecraft sever. no discord. welcome everyone to play. BugCraft – There are many bugs to play. https//bugcraft.org/ thanks you play this minecraft sever. play.bugcraft.org Read More

  • VanillaPlus – Vanilla, Whitelist, Dynmap

    Always Latest Version! – 1.20.6 – Bedrock Support VanillaPlus is a whitelisted vanilla SMP with an expanding community who enjoys playing vanilla Minecraft on the latest version, currently 1.20.6. We have added a texture pack, data packs, and crafting packs to enhance your gameplay experience. Join our Discord at Discord to get the server access code. All players are welcome to join us in building automated farms, constructing bases, and trading goods at the spawn shopping area. Recently added support for bedrock and account linking. Join us today and have fun on VanillaPlus! Check us out on Planet Minecraft. Read More

  • TribalMC

    TribalMc is a minecraft server currently with survival and casino.Casino uses in game money that can be earned every day.Survival has almost 90 Slimefun addons with thousands of items to craft and machines to create. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Thursgay, June 13th

    Minecraft Memes - Thursgay, June 13thLooks like this meme has a solid 16 out of 10 rating – must be some top tier Minecraft humor! Read More

  • 2019’s Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze!

    2019's Minecraft Revival: A Video That Reignited My Craze! In 2019, a video caught my eye, About a YouTuber, soaring high. Warfredone, with skills so fine, Crafting Minecraft, a true goldmine. His skin pack, a work of art, Captured my soul, touched my heart. I’ll never forget that special day, When Minecraft came back in a big way. So here’s to the memories, the joy it brings, Minecraft nostalgia, with rhymes that sing. Warfredone, a legend in the game, Forever in our hearts, his fame. Read More

  • Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft: El juego que arruina relaciones ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Ni dejan descansar… ยกpero quiรฉn quiere descansar cuando hay diamantes por minar en Minecraft!” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘พ #minecraft#viral#memes#meme#humor#xd#gameplay#minecraftxd#minecraftmemes#parodia Read More

  • Warning: Epic Shenanigans

    Warning: Epic Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft? ๐ŸŽฎ Join AndyTheMC on his YouTube channel as he explores the endless possibilities of this popular game. From building epic structures to surviving in the wilderness, there’s never a dull moment in Minecraft. Exploring New Worlds Watch as AndyTheMC embarks on thrilling adventures in Minecraft, uncovering hidden treasures and facing dangerous foes along the way. With each new world generated, the possibilities are endless, and the excitement never stops. ๐ŸŒ Building Masterpieces Get inspired by AndyTheMC’s incredible building skills as he constructs… Read More


    EPIC NEW CHALLENGERS JOIN Napoleonn LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘”NEW CHALLENGERS APPROACH!” || A Survival Minecraft Livestream! (ft. Gemini & VAs)’, was uploaded by Napoleonn on 2024-05-01 11:13:32. It has garnered 2255 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is 01:31:17 or 5477 seconds. Just a fun little stream we wanted to do to chill, hang out, and talk to you guys. Come on in and stop by! โ˜… Merch Store: https://www.napoleonn.shop/ โ˜… https://bisecthosting.com/NapoleonnVA Use Promo Code: NapoleonnVA at checkout for 20% OFF your first month! โ˜… Music and sound effects by Epidemic Sound. โ˜… Thumbnail Render – Me #mcrp #mctv #minecraftroleplay… Read More

  • The Horrifying Scarecrow in Minecraft

    The Horrifying Scarecrow in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘scary crow #short #minecraft’, was uploaded by McCreP on 2024-01-14 08:10:03. It has garnered 2787 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. scary crow #shortvideo Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Revenge Hack – Trending on TikTok! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Revenge Hack - Trending on TikTok! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack shorts |minecraft tik tok shorts|#minecraft #trending #soruvjoshivlogs’, was uploaded by Crazy Revenge on 2024-04-20 03:14:26. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft viral tik tok hack shorts ||minecraft tik tik shorts || #minecraft #trending #mrbeast Testing Unbelievable Minecraft Tiktok Hack That Will Work ====== Subscribe!! WATCH NEXT:- https://youtube.com/@Gwm_Santosh #63 =share EE=EE==== Minecraft Troll Trapshttps://youtube.com/shorts/_jllrqt4pHo?feature Believe Unbelievable Minecraft Logic That Hard to https://youtube.com/shorts/wOTvAuUGro2feature-share How to Make realistic PC in Minecrafthttps://youtube.com/shorts/BNBnaqakPTA ?feature-share “Minecraft 1.20 Secrets That’ll Make you say WOW!”… Read More

  • Insane Live Messy Gameplay – COD & Minecraft! #LiveSpecial

    Insane Live Messy Gameplay - COD & Minecraft! #LiveSpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘call of duty ll #live #minecraftlive #90speciallive’, was uploaded by Messy is Live on 2024-05-14 16:00:17. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:55 or 295 seconds. Join us for an exhilarating Minecraft live stream extravaganza where the virtual world comes alive with boundless creativity adventure and endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a captivating journey as we embark on a thrilling gameplay experience exploring the vast and breathtaking landscapes of this pix Witness the artistry and ingenuity of our talented streamers as they build magnificent structures craft intricate… Read More

  • One-Heart Tobi 17 – INSANE Minecraft Challenge!!

    One-Heart Tobi 17 - INSANE Minecraft Challenge!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I have One Heart !’, was uploaded by Tobi 17 on 2024-01-09 10:37:49. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. viral #shorts #minecraft Subscribe for more guys !! JOIN our discord server to make videos together .. LINK in BIOO JOIN fast I am … Read More

  • Get ready for an EPIC adventure: Demon Gamer’s Minecraft Survival! #1

    Get ready for an EPIC adventure: Demon Gamer's Minecraft Survival! #1Video Information This video, titled ‘A Great Journey Begins! | Minecraft Survival #1’, was uploaded by Demon Gamer on 2024-03-23 15:44:23. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:41 or 941 seconds. This is the beginning of history! Please like and subscribe! #minecraft #minecraftpe #survival #minecraftsurvival #village #minecraftvillage #gaming #gameplay #new #trending #trendingvideo Read More

  • INSANE ROBLOX GAMING with Rayo ProGamer!

    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING with Rayo ProGamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘EN VIVO ROBLOX JUGANDO LOS MEJORES JUEGOS CON SUSCRIPTORES’, was uploaded by Rayo ProGamer on 2024-05-12 16:49:04. It has garnered 131 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:56 or 6116 seconds. โšก๏ธWELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘ WE PLAY FORTNITE MINECRAFT ROBLOX WARZONE RESIDENT EVIL 4 FALL GUYS Fortnite Private Games, Fashion Contest, Outfits, Live fortnite, Fortnite gaming, Fortnite skin giveaway, Fortnite turkey giveaway, Simon says fortnite, Fashion show fortnite, Scrims fortnite, Fortnite lego, Fortnite live, Minecraft bedrock, Minecraft with subscribers, Minecraft team war, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft live, Warzone, warzone ashika, Warzone… Read More

  • Dad Mann vs. Minecraft Cowboys on Sky Vaults ๐Ÿค 

    Dad Mann vs. Minecraft Cowboys on Sky Vaults ๐Ÿค Video Information This video, titled ‘Like a scene from an old western or something ๐Ÿค  #minecraft #vaulthunters #skyvaults’, was uploaded by dadmannwalking on 2024-06-08 14:00:04. It has garnered 147 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Good morning, good morning, good morning! Welcome to Sky Vaults – a Vault Hunters 3rd Edition Sky Block mode created by @iskall85 and his dev team! #minecraft #vaulthunters #vault #hunters #modded #moddedminecraft #iskall85 #skyvaults #skyblock Read More

Minecraft Mods – WIZARDRY (Part One)