Minecraft Mushroom Super Mario House Build Tutorial

Video Information

Hello wonderful people it’s while here today I’ll be showing you how to build this adorable toad Mushroom House this build is inspired by the Nintendo series and I’ll be showing you how you can customize this build and create an entire Village of Toad Houses let’s get building This build is surprisingly simple to create so you can create several for you and all your friends or you could use them in a village to house different redstone contraptions for example the materials you’ll need for this Builder and your screen now keep in mind that you can switch out the red concrete

For any color concrete you’d like here is the outline for today’s build you can see it’s essentially a circle with an interior diameter of 13 blocks the section at the front is where we’ll have our stairs up to our doorway we’re going to start our toad house by

Working on the base I’m going to place two brick slabs at the front of this staircase now you can make sure that these slabs are three blocks apart then I’ll go around the rest of my outline here using my brick blocks foreign it’s helpful for this kind of build as

We’ll be covering over this outline to place down an outline like this just out of any block it doesn’t have to be concrete that way you have a clear build to start with now that we’ve got those in I’m going to step back one block so

We’ve got this kind of slope here with my slabs and place slabs on top of the rest of the outline Relax there we go all the way around now now let’s work on the walkway up I’m going to break these three blocks here and add in some slabs now I’ll be using slabs for this whole thing as it’s more cost effective but you could use blocks for

Sections where you don’t actually need a slab if you’d like I’m then going to place two cut Sandstone slabs here with a smooth sandstone in the center and then two cut stone Sandstone here with a smooth Sandstone off to the left so it should look like this with a bit

Of a brick texture then I’ll just fill in the whole rest of here using some smooth Sandstone or cut Sandstone slabs it doesn’t matter as you’ll just see the top texture you could also just use regular Sandstone here Foreign if you’re enjoying today’s tutorial be sure to check out my patreon over there I offer exclusive content as well as many other benefits like an epic patreon server where I film all of my builds as well as several other worlds like an SMP server I’d really love to have you join my

Community and you’ll get to play alongside some other awesome Minecrafters alright there we go we’ve got it all filled in now and we have a great base to start our build I’m also going to be adding in my stairs here so I’m going to count two blocks back and then on the

Third block I’ll place it three stairs across and then diagonally back from that I’ll place in two of my cut Sandstone slabs so they should be placed like that work on the outline for the actual house I’m going to be using Birch planks here and I’m placing three directly behind

These stairs then to either side I’ll build a little corner shape like this then I’ll come out and build another three along another Corner shampoo three and I’ll continue this pattern all the way around till I connect back up to the start then I’ll switch to some brick

Slabs and go around this outline you can check that you’ve got your outlines correct as there should be a one block Gap all the way around between these brick outlines so it should look like this now all right let’s start adding in some more of

Our walls so I’m going to come to these three wide sides on either side and build up an extra layer with my Birch planks then I’ll add in some stairs coming out of either side like that and I’m going to do the same on the front except this time I’m going to

Leave a gap here for the doorway and then I’ll come around to the back and do the same thing this side does not need to have a gap there we go I’ll then place a block in each corner now in the two front Corners I’m going

To place a light blue stained glass as well as in the back Center like this and then I’ll go around the rest of this outline with some more Birch planks of course leaving a gap for my doorway L also built one over the top of everything we’ve added in our doorway and our

Windows now so we can build straight over completing the circle so it should look like this I’m going to go one layer on top of all of this again and this will complete the height of the stem part of our Mushroom House there we go I’ll then come inside and

I’m going to be using some strip Spruce logs for the floor I think this looks the most like what there is in Toad’s house but you could use whatever block you like there we go next we’re going to put in our ladder so I’m going to be having my ladder coming

Up this way and I’m going to build it up the whole height of the wall here I’m then going to add a stair to this side of the ladder and then come up the side to kind of tuck it in its own little space with some Spruce trapdoors I’ll then fill in

The whole rest of this roof section with some Birch slabs don’t forget if you’re building in survival to light this up so you have don’t have a mob spawning it’s a good idea to line it up and creative as well but you don’t need to worry about it straight away

There we go the base is complete now we’re going to work on the top of the mushroom we’ll be going about this in a bit of an unusual way as the top of the mushroom swoops up towards the front so we’ll be completing three sides and then

Working on the front of the build now you can use whatever color concrete you’d like but I’m going with the classic red I’m going to start by building five across the bottom like this and then I’ll come up on either side and come out we’ve got a little flat Hue shape like that

Then I’m going to build three up one two three and then one out on either side of that I’ll then come another two up and two in you can see it’s curvy back around now I’ll come in one more and then build across the top with three and now we

Need to fill in the circle with one of our spots now you can grab out a placeholder block dirt or stone or anything works fine so you can place this easier and I’m going to come out and create a little circle just following this outline with my white

Wool you can see I’m leaving this Gap free I’ll then come one more block forward and fill in this little plus sign it should look like this and this Gap here I’ll fill in with my concrete just on top of the white I’m now going to do this exact same

Thing on the back and other side of the build so I’ll start by building across my five and then coming up to either side You should see that it’ll connect on the two corners but you’ll have a gap still but we’ll get to filling those in in a little bit foreign Thank you foreign Sides in and you can see the mushroom is starting to take shape now we need to begin filling in these Corners so for the bottom corners I’m just going to place in three blocks like this filling in on the diagonal I’m just going to do the two back Corners here

Like that then I’m going to come up and I’m going to begin filling in these gaps a build up too high just in here with my red concrete then we need to fill over the top of here so I’m going to use a placeholder block to place in two coming across then

I’ll come up and come across the top of here I’ll do the same on the other side so it joins up which should look like that now we’ll do the other two sides Like this And the same over here There we go and then I’ll fill in this corner with a block Foreign we’ve got the back of two sides done let’s work on the front the front we’re going to start by placing a placeholder Block in on top of here and then I’ll build five across so you can see that it’s going to be sitting one block above where we had the

Rest of ours begin then I’m going to start in a similar way going too off to either side and then I’m going to come up two blocks this time and build out two there we go like that then I’ll come two blocks up Like this now we’re going to work on our spot so I’m going to come out with my red concrete to begin with go three across and then I’ll go up one diagonally on either side like this then I’m going to build across here go up too high

And one more on top of that and then I’m going to create the same curve we had down the bottom this time out of white so your spot should look like this I need to fill in the corners here so we’re going to come down to this side

And we’re going to start by placing in a block here then we’ll use a placeholder block to create a little L shape filling in this Gap and it should connect up with this side of each side and we’ll do this on this side as well there shouldn’t be any gaps at the

Bottom now I’ll come up and work on the top like we did on the other side so fill in this corners Go and then I’m going to create the same u-shape over the top There we go we can fill in the very Corners now And you should be left with a circle which is even all the way around now we’re going to start filling this in so we’re going to fill in one back from all of this creating a square shape And then fill in the corners to round It Off Just like that then we’ll come up one layer and fill in the rest of this circle Foreign there we go the base of our mushroom roof is done now I need to add in some details the first detail we’re going to work on adding is this doorway so I’m going to be using a spruce door I’m placing it in here then I’ll add in a spruce trap door

On either side and then I’m going to go in with some stairs like this I’ll then Place stairs to create an archway over the top of the doorway then we’re going to be using over trap doors for our windows I’ll just be placing these to cover the glass don’t

Forget the one on the back as well then we’re going to add in a chimney so to place this chimney in I’m going to come to the right hand side of the build then I’m going to find this block here so it’s the one that’s towards the back

And I’ll jump up and build up three on top with some bricks like this I’ll then build up four high with my brick walls and then three high on the other three sides on top of here I’m gonna go in and place in a campfire and then I’ll surround it

With some smooth Sandstone stairs I’ll also Place some slabs on top of these you should be left with a chimney that looks like this doesn’t that look super cute now I’ve come inside the build to work on the next step you can see I’ve placed in some temporary lights and I’m up here

In the top of the mushroom so we’re going to add in a little mezzanine floor as well as a ladder I’m just going to start by placing this ladder building up four high like this then I’m going to come to either side and place in a birch stair upside down

And then I’ll connect the Birch stair up to the ground using some of these trapdoors it should look like that then I’m going to start at this point here in the spot of the mushroom and build all the way across to the other side and then fill in the whole floor here

Using these Birch slabs There we go you should be left for the platform like this and there shouldn’t be any gaps underneath then I’m going to use some placeholder blocks just some dirt here and run a row across here and add in some Spruce trap doors for a banister placing them on

This side like this using the dirt blocks as a placeholder rather than placing them from this side and flipping them means that you can place things along the edge of the banister giving you more space and I can break these blocks and there we go we’ve got a nice

Mezzanine floor giving us more living space within our mushroom I’ve just added the finishing touches to my mushroom house now let’s have a look at how you can customize this build and decorate it to create a whole toad Village so here we are in my toad

Village you can see I’ve placed in five of these houses in different colors I’ve got a lime green alongside my red with a yellow a blue and a pink then I’ve surrounded in between these mushroom houses with a whole load of colorful mushrooms now I’ve used a mixture of

Blue yellow red and orange for these mushrooms and bring in the Orange is just another color that adds a little extra pop and you can see what I’ve tried to do with my mushrooms is keep the smaller mushroom colors that match the houses with a little bit of distance

From the house they match so you can see I don’t have any big red mushrooms next to my red house and same thing with my blue I’ve kept the blue mushrooms a little further away that way it lets the color of the house really shine and customizing this build really is as

Simple as switching out the concrete colors I’ve gone with these five colors but you could use any color you’d like as for the layout of my Village I’ve kept things in a nice curvy circular shapes if I fly up here you can see I’ve got a winding pathway that winds its way

Past the houses then I’ve got some branches off from this pathway into circular areas where I’ve added some other functions and decorations let’s have a look at them on this side I’ve used some Spruce to create some furniture for a seating area and I’ve even got a little table with some cake

I’ve carried the spruce along the pathway with my fences to add in some light and I’ve added these little benches along the pathway up this way you walk up to a little swing set once again using Spruce and I’ll be using Spruce for all of the decorations around the exterior to tie

In with the spruce in the houses and then if we come up this way I’ve got a fountain and I’ve used the bricks to create this which ties in with the foundations of all the bills and of course I’ve got little mushrooms everywhere lighting is always a very important part

Of design so I’ve tied it in along with fences as well as tucking some lighting underneath these larger mushrooms not only does this illuminate the space in general but at night these mushrooms look extra magical so you can see there is a slight glow coming out of all of the big mushroom tops

As well as all the colors of the wonderful mushrooms I wanted all of the planting to be just as colorful so of course we’ve got lots of greenery with this Azalea and the grass and Ferns and then I’ve got these garden beds located along the paths and by the houses and in

Them I’ve used a mixture of plants that had the colors of my build of course some mushrooms and then I’ve also brought in some of these purple alliums and some white flowers just for an extra pop of color and brightness I’ve also put lots of greenery around

The base of the builds so you can see I’ve got the azalea bushes here with some of the flowering Azalea for even more color and then of course I’ve populated my area you could have all your friends living in each of these houses and then I’ve put some Little

Critters running around so we’ve got some pigs some bees and then of course some of these llamas with their beautiful coats I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please consider liking and subscribing and if you’d like an interior tutorial check out my patreon when you can get

That as well as some other awesome benefits happy building and I’ll see you in another video foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mushroom Super Mario House Build Tutorial’, was uploaded by Jax and Wild on 2023-04-28 13:30:16. It has garnered 3806 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:31 or 1111 seconds.

How to build a cute Toad Musshroom House inspired by the new Super Mario Bros Movie and classic Nintendo game This minecraft build tutorial takes you step by step through building this adorable Toad House with lots of space to create a eye catching base You can follow along with my step by step build tutorial or customise the build as you want

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    14 Million in Minutes! Get Rich Quick with 99pepe #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Getting Rich Quick From Zero to 14 Million in Minutes! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 99pepe on 2024-06-12 08:00:17. It has garnered 406 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Minecraft gameplay with duping diamonds and fighting zombies. #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shorts Read More

  • Minecraft HACK – Turn Game INTO DayZ NOW!

    Minecraft HACK - Turn Game INTO DayZ NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Turn Minecraft Into DayZ…’, was uploaded by Ghostlyy on 2024-05-11 14:00:42. It has garnered 8646 views and 501 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. How To Turn Minecraft Into DayZ… #minecraft #minecraftchallenge #minecraftmods #moddedminecraft In this video we are bringing the BRUTAL zombie apocalypse world from DayZ and recreating it in MINECRAFT! Using a bunch of different mods to turn Minecraft into a desolate post apocalyptic world filled with huge abandoned cities, hordes of the undead and your own true survival! MODPACK NOW AVAILABLE!: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/survive-the-night-dayz 💜 BECOME A… Read More

  • Insane MCPE Build Hack! MUST SEE!! #minecraft

    Insane MCPE Build Hack! MUST SEE!! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft amazing hack mcpe build hack #short #mcpeshort #minecraft #mcpehacks #viral’, was uploaded by Imperfect Gamer on 2024-05-28 16:38:50. It has garnered 2481 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ Hey Everyone It’s Imperfect And Welcome To Imperfect YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One Thing… Read More

  • Battle of the Banana: AZ GAMING% vs Iron Golem

    Battle of the Banana: AZ GAMING% vs Iron GolemVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft banana revange Iron golem #brawlstars #minecraft’, was uploaded by AZ GAMING% on 2024-05-10 04:00:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, … Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft HERO OP Stone Drops!” #minecraft #opitems

    "EPIC Minecraft HERO OP Stone Drops!" #minecraft #opitemsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but, Stone Drops OP Items | Minecraft | Hero op | #minecraft #heroop’, was uploaded by Hero op on 2024-03-04 08:45:01. It has garnered 410 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. Minecraft but, Stone Drops OP Items | Minecraft | Hero op | #minecraft #heroop Make sure you subscribe my channel For amazing gaming videos Suggest some games will I play support me please like and subscribe my channel and share my videos Hero op My business id [email protected] My channel link please subscribe:- https://youtube.com/channel/UC32uQTuggC_3HfbtLQ05cGQ #minecraft… Read More

  • “Wiedzminek – Play Minecraft live with us! Unforgettable nicknames await” #live #minecraft

    "Wiedzminek - Play Minecraft live with us! Unforgettable nicknames await" #live #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gramy z Widzami W Minecraft! (Generuje nicki) #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wiedzminek on 2024-04-09 06:55:38. It has garnered 111 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:49 or 4429 seconds. Donations: https://tipply.pl/@wiedzminek DC: https://discord.gg/8k4cXcApTh #meme #memes #funny #edgy #lol #ayylmao #dankmemes #dank #comedy #cringe #hilarious #jokes #edgymemes #nicememe #lmao #minecraft #k #followme #food #triggered #dailymeme #offensive #dankness #funnymemes #cool #wow #lmfao #clickbait #joke #edgymeme #donatepay #gameplay #pvp #crystalpvp #cringe #serwer #skygen crystalpvp, pvp , dominacja , Tagi dla zasięgu: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft… Read More

  • Republic of Velsor

    Republic of VelsorThe Republic of Velsor is a Nation-State RP server, which means that we have a functional government and country on our Minecraft server. Our server features the following Rich lore, including books, a religion, and an upcoming conlang An economy, with several active businesses A functional government, with a Consul and Senate A police force, known as the Consular Guard Several plugins, including custom map arts, a Dynmap, alcohol, and cigarettes If you are interested in joining the Republic of Velsor, you may: 1. Visit http://join.velsor.xyz 2. Contact @josephinegrey on Discord Thank you! play.velsor.xyz Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

    Silvermons Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server has a custom level cap and rank progression system that includes exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the formidable Champion’s Gauntlet. Beyond this progression system, the server offers content for players of all interests, such as Weekly Tournaments, unique Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: play.silvermons.com Running: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/the-pixelmon-modpack) Read More

  • Eternal Wasteland

    Eternal WastelandEternal Wasteland – Full Anarchy – No Bans – Custom Enchants – 3-year-old map – Always Anarchy – Never Vanilla – Sister Server is Full Anarchy – eternalwasteland.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft players be like “lmao”

    I guess mining for diamonds really brings out the waterworks in all of us! Looks like you’re not the only one shedding tears over those precious resources. Read More

  • Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem!

    Goal-Getters: Ronaldo, Messi Mine Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, Ronaldo and Messi play, Their adventures in blocks, in a creative display. With a lie detector in hand, the truth they seek, In a virtual world, where friendship is unique. Messi’s house is grand, with a garage so wide, Ronaldo explores, with a detective’s pride. But in the end, it’s all in good fun, Their Minecraft journey, a tale well-spun. So subscribe to their channel, join the fun, In the world of gaming, where victory is won. With Minecraft facts and rhymes that ignite, Ronaldo and Messi, shining bright in the light. Read More

  • Minecraft plot twist: Steve’s midlife crisis! #lol

    Minecraft plot twist: Steve's midlife crisis! #lol No one expected such a turnaround in Minecraft, just like no one expected me to turn around and accidentally punch my own pet wolf in the face. #oops #minecraftfail Read More

  • Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China

    Monke Chronicles: Baldt TV in China Exploring the Monke Chronicles in Chinese Minecraft Unraveling the Mysterious World of Monke In the vast world of Minecraft, a peculiar tale unfolds as SyNo reincarnates into the body of Tutorial Man’s son. Building his own monkey army of beggars, he embarks on a journey that terrorizes every town he encounters. The adventure is filled with unexpected twists and turns, making it a captivating experience for players. Encountering the Unusual Characters As players delve deeper into the Monke Chronicles, they come across a variety of intriguing characters. From the Bandit with her enigmatic powers to the Dashing Beggar with… Read More

Minecraft Mushroom Super Mario House Build Tutorial