Minecraft MYSTERIOUS EAST! – Part 10 (Minecraft Adventure Map)

Video Information

What’s going on guys my name is James all thanks see ya and welcome back to another episode of our minecraft mysterious east adventure map let’s play and yeah welcome back if you remember back to last episode we actually came into this place called again it was called aha the sunyata tree monastery

There’s a big old tree out here which is oh god no no no no no no no no no but the health is this big cool tree of Awesome I don’t like the way you’re looking at me and yeah we actually went into the monstre now and we’ve got some

Bits and pieces to do I should probably eat some food yeah yeah but anyway how is everyone good yes excellent it’s it’s been nice in the UK recently so I’m in quite a good mood it’s been sunny has been warm and I’ve done lots of bits and pieces which is

Always good it’s kind of nice I mean like it’s the middle of May and it’s been horrible like really really horrible just wet and windy and windy and wet and wet and windy and what do you think about the situation mm-hmm you know caddy and okay I have said anyway

Let’s see if we can find a roughly where we’re gonna go in here lever opens the door it’s a nothing nothing okay okay dokay saya checkpoint I shall quite happily click you sir – check out these houses just in case there’s some good sort of stuff in here regeneration I’ll

Take the region because regen is always useful potion of healing is always useful of stuff these these are saved for like when we finish them up and so yeah I think we sense a fireworks off when we finish with like yay okay that’s close Oh also good news and finally managed to

Get everything like sorted in terms of my recording software getting everything like working together it’s amazing like the kind of thing though I don’t know maybe to someone that doesn’t like make videos themselves you might think it’s kind of like just one program whatever but like when you start to explore you

Realize how many programs you roll high on to like make a video and when they don’t work together is kind of annoying get off it move move and yeah finally I’ve got most of waiting so the frequency our videos is going to increase over the sort of next week or

Two which is which is good news I’ve been looking forward to that actually so yes prepare yourself and anyway right this is fara LuAnn for and this is a lever now when hit just yet just in case and okay let’s see what he has to say an

Old man is meditating in front of dozens of other monks who mimic him he probably doesn’t sound like that let’s be honest you walk shyly towards him excuse me I don’t mean to interrupt but you have but do you have important matters to speak to me correct I am correct to assume

That you wish to open the door to the sannyasa tree yes the old man smiles my name is Farah lon whoa I am the spiritual leader of this monastery and I can tell you firsthand that in order to open the door to our sacred tree you must first purify yourself of earthly

Attachments and desires but how can I do that and my laughs softly ah there is an agent Noh’s an ancient ancient Haj way not far from here they connects to your inner self in your inner selves you will be able to rid ourselves of the vices of greed and

Ignorance and hatred the main points that I leave it to the right of him that level will open the path to the archway in there you must purify yourself and will gain the tree the key to this and yata tree your eyes wander to a strange garden box standing on a table what’s

That ah that is the box of prayers and it is an ancient and prized artifact given to us by the Great and Powerful sensei what does it do it is our collection our connection to the sensei anything we place in that box the sense I also receives we put in prayers and

The sensei puts in answers objective added go to the archway and purify yourself open the gates of mr. little bit okay sounds awesome sounds gana cool to me I might explore a pier first thing it just looks like something as air doesn’t open ah okay fantastic I thought it was a trap door

Is not a trap door so yeah let’s hit this lever what what is something supposed to open maybe it’s something down here maybe something outside what is an enderchest nothing in it okay I’m slightly confused archway what is archway there’s something around the back get out my way I don’t want to

Trade you move move No damn it move proof nice Maeve plays dead skate there we go I’m a little bit confused as to what this archway is to be honest what was did I read it right I think so unless some of you guys like jabs or full it’s

B oh wait a minute I’ve opened the tree of night now I haven’t maybe a half no I haven’t I’m gonna go outside again cuz I think of it might be it might be in that place the beginning maybe no alright let’s let’s have a look and find

Out let’s take a look and find out so figure out here that’s the us the tree so that’s still locked there’s something in there and if we carry on this way which is kind of a new area we should not actually been just yet then maybe there’s something here so

This is aa to the other end of out of year we figure out we’ve we good at this we good at this game let’s get rid of these guys I can’t get rid of them all oh god I’m gonna have to write so a little bit of hike or parkour that’s not

Too bad we can manage this B anyway what I was saying before then is I really want to increase the frequency of videos get back to my kind of normal posting schedule it’s a bit a little bit of a hiatus try and get everything sorted out with various bits and pieces but now

That I’ve done that which is great I want to start to get back into the routine of more frequent posts and content or whatever but anyway I mean you guys have been awesome with the videos that have come out recently and I kind of slipped into the the mod spotlights and the snapshots

And then like a let’s play series at the moment and there’s gonna be like different content and stuff coming I mean kind of like thinking about what I could do for the channel the hell is going on here stop stop stop glitching you all right take you on one on one

Oh god it gives you good yeah there’s gonna be some bits and pieces I’ve also started work on a new song which is what a lot of people are really really like so I’m really excited about that as well it’s gonna be quite cool over over

Summer basically I want to kind of make a lot of Awesome videos what the hell is this what what what what okay so that was like a tripwire to these pressure please I know interests these about the middle one no they look at pressure plates to me wow this is there’s a

Madness alright okay so this one here we have ignorant their zombie have hatred and this one we have greed so right how do we open oh they’re all got pressure plates on I so we gotta get it agreed first okay this is cool

How is this greet oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no too many things too many things god he’s gonna have to pull off some heroic see it check I’ll note it further potion trinket delight did I splash damage myself I think I

Just chucked it away damn it okay okay okay okay okay we got this we got this we cool we cool drink ahh we have not got this this thing’s here odd alright let’s try again yeah that was appalling III yeah that was that was that was terrible

We will do the old do the old funnel through the door trick now whatever they’ve done their hands I think they think it hard like Oh God oh no no no no no no no no no okay we cool we could we got this we got this whatever that is that’s hard

What’s that go on a lot are nearly nearly one more one more yes and through we go okay so this is green it’s got some cake I’m no no no no no no what’s in here light you whine like she whined got some melons right melons Jade I think that

Might be a little tricky trick so I’m gonna take that cuz that’s that’s what this map make it does he tricks me with item frames oh that’s actually just an emerald it’s not actually Jade alright put it back put it back put it back Jose

Put it back there we go no one saw that no one saw that lever sweet so I’m guessing that’s open another door oh it’s bad what it was nice that nice indeed jerkin us emerald yeah probably to be honest I don’t want to touch anything and break anything and I’m not

Supposed to although having said that I’ve got a lot of I got 47 Jade I don’t they like the amount is for this map but I think that’s awful so where is name it’s not too bad okay so now we’ve done this one the next one

Is innards are neurons let’s do it oh god damn it a serious oh god oh god this is horrible this is horrible yes okay that’s interesting Wow that kind of sucks alright okay so I’ve actually got to hit them like off Enderman ah me ah hope Alex I’m Alex

I was appalling right okay we’re gonna get a game face on now come on let’s go on go on son alright that’s game here unless I can go this way I’m so sorry I can’t what I can what why am i not double jump three this is high so I saw

The way I saw the way we can get around the outside ah why so bad all right well that’s I’ve ice screws at one more time I will like edit this so I don’t looks like such an idiot okay okay okay we good we good we

Good we good yeah all right oh god that wasn’t a double that wasn’t a run can I run in here yes that’s right right right right right right Oh God be gone Enderman Oh God so I’m already talking down like try to concentrate serious jump in I’ll leave

It it’s a picture go away go away go away go away okay we cool cool you got this yeah lights are on yes yes I beat you I was horrible I didn’t enjoy that at all could actually didn’t see the thing is when it’s in the dark it’s difficult to save it right

This is my excuse right you can choose to accept this or not but what is it the dark it’s hard to see if you’re sprinting or not which is all right well I didn’t I didn’t want to get through normally anyway as a check right okay so

We’ve got greed done we have ignorant done and now we have hatred which is like red which is really really red and all right so okay okay yes this immediately looks horrible oh not Blazers no no no no no no no no no oh god oh god burning run run run

Through it and run through it all Oh God God I don’t like this at all as a key take the gate yes I’ve got the key right away yeah what are you gonna do about that blazes oh god you get a burn me that’s what Oh

God oh okay so we finally got through I wasn’t too bad as it was alright and we’re back outside so that was was quite interesting I like that I like that a lot this is a very good map I keep saying that was a very good map

Let’s get back okay that’s how cool oh this light can jump alright so that was all for the the tree to the sunyata tree the keep the key to the key to the sunyata tree the tree key yes the key tree the tree key yes yes indeed right

So let’s let’s crack this open and see what we can do oh god okay that’s probably predicted I’ll spiders spiders but now it’s off jumping where are you dogs no no no no no no no no no there is a silver out why is your silver all

Right so oh okay then this looks quite cool so over by DUP great but I don’t think I don’t see you son Lane is creepy he’s standing right next to the checkpoint machine so you know it says I want to go and hit that who’s gonna blow

Up our guard here he comes here he comes yeah oh no no no no no oh I’m gonna lure him outside to blow up all right let’s let’s hit this here checkpoint boom and yeah it goes clearly silver s silver hats silver red silver red silver and oh yeah ah ha

So prizes for guessing we’re gonna be climbing this tree so yeah let’s get on it okay so although it may seem like a second for you we’ve we’ve had a bit of an incident and unfortunately it’s something once again involving my very very very unpredictable screen capturing

Software currently which is a bit weird but basically I lost like 11 minutes of recording footage just then fortunately all it was was a side quest which I will show you in a second we won’t do it so the only thing that you’ve actually missed is me throwing my sword off the

Edge of the map which was funny so it’s a bit of a shame that that’s gone but we actually haven’t done anything towards the main storyline so what I thought I’d do is literally just come back to the bottom of this tree here and kind of

Show you what we did to kind of like make up for the fact that my green capture software hates me at the moment and but yeah it’s really weird like I upgraded it to the better version and now it’s really really unpredictable whereas like the old version was

Brilliant I don’t know very very very very annoying but you know what can you do so anyway we’re basically Oh God come on come on basically just made our way up this this here this here this tree there’s a tree and we kind of yeah kind of just did a sidequest basically the

Side quest was to go to like the side of the tree and kill well I say kill kind of just remove mysoline blocks and underneath them there was like stuff basically I will show you and screw here so this was it here you see can you see

Like the the mysoline blocks there there I’ll actually read it from where the hell’s he can’t there was an NPC here who seems to have disappeared but so yeah deadly mysoline I says alone among stands on 100 paper fans buh-ba-ba-bah yeah so basically he just asks you if you want to destroy the

Blocks objective remove the fungal growth and any monsters you encounter and there was a few little rewards I just got a little you love it’s violent stuff because I did throw my weapon off the side of the world so yeah I’m kind of stuck again with this wooden stuff which was not the

Smoothest thing in the world but what can you do right so anyway we kind of we’re kind of still making our way up this tree basically and we’re gonna see what’s up but I’ve not actually done this yet so this is completely new just in case you’re wondering it took me 11

Minutes I lost 11 minutes of footage so that’s kind of where er up super good so good it’s so good son oh there we go yeah a lot of people think I’m from London I’m not from London I’m mostly from what the hell is killing me what I have no idea I’m not

Actually from London I love some people think of Australia I’m not Australian I can do an Australian accent which is just the head like a horrendously generic like Oh God could we could we go we go we cool we cool wait you wouldn’t want a warm beer

That’s my unless my Australian for you there that’s yeah an Australian I’m from there the north of England so England and you know he okay yeah no he’s gonna breed like I’m really interested in accidents and stuff I really like sort of accidents and regional dialects and

That kind of thing because it’s amazing like how something very British can like almost translate into Australian basically like I don’t understand why people think that I’m Australian but I’m interested in why they think that if you know what I mean that makes any sense at all I think it’s quite cool it’s

Interesting it’s interesting and by okay let’s let’s get ourselves up here I think this might be the top of the tree or as close as we can probably get to it so let’s keep going and see what see what we’ve got like what what what is

The meaning of this huh as a lever how did he get in Caesar I didn’t I didn’t see first flip lever for chapter 4 so okay so we’re in chapter 4 of the map now and very very cool indeed is there a book or something to read I think so

Normally there’s a book at the start of every chapter but yeah okay so Wow look at the background that’s very cool very very cool so yes let’s just follow these red things I think there should be a book there’s normally a book to kind of set the scene okay nice let’s do this

Let’s do this let’s do this do this do this so I think we’re getting pretty close to the mountain path which is where we’re supposed to go to meet that fella kind of forgotten his name I’ll be honest but okay so it looks like we’re going somewhere down here okay let me

I’m gonna investigate this before I just jump off it it’s a waterfall be cool we cool we cool oh my god you got father Christmas roads on trust you damage Oh I’m hitting it with a bow an hour that might be why I get here this witch ASAP

Wasted an hour on fire sit down pick it up okay so hopefully yeah okay – let’s do this let’s do this cheek a little bit of a jumpy jump we go from chest okay it seems like they’re trying to prepare a slightly for battle thank god we’ve got

Some more swords though I’ve got I don’t think I’ve got shoes ease now I don’t protect our protection and all that jazz so I’ve got some food here I’ve got a lot of food actually a student of quick inventory sorts get rid of this glass

Bottle can we get rid of em get rid off don’t know we’ll keep it that’s a must report I’ve got some rice we’ve always been okay for food if I’m if I’m honest but yeah okay right so let’s get up here and see if there’s like a checkpoint or

Something go outside go on laughter there we go so this is the hay Lange forest very very pretty very pretty looking and I like this I like this forest a lot and I’m looking for a save point or something like that oh my what we were looking at like six Bob Sayles

Staring at a block and now they’re not staring at lucky boy okay seven mobs eight mobs nine laughs this madness this is minecraft so just three more three more a lot of mobs okay so let’s say follow the path had to see where it goes so this is careful thorny camellias

Probably means something hideous is gonna spot oh these are cactus clever take a few hits until you are free oh these are cactus yes they are fantastic I like the use of I like the use of like the use of bats be honest strafe on you can’t hit me I’m looking

Injure left right left right oh yeah nearly one side go on lad go okay so I hear the train tracks again we should have not quite worked out what they are just yet I’m sure someone has told me at some point I had a safe point

Don’t fall off oh right up and safe points oh yeah okay let’s carry on with our adventure into the forest spiders

This video, titled ‘Minecraft MYSTERIOUS EAST! – Part 10 (Minecraft Adventure Map)’, was uploaded by ThnxCya on 2013-05-26 20:02:11. It has garnered 13696 views and 375 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:35 or 1475 seconds.

Hello! Welcome to episode 10 of a new adventure into the Mysterious East adventure map! An oriental themed map, its going to be epic! If you enjoyed this please “LIKE” the video and stay tuned for part 11!

Mysterious East Map – http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1736613-the-mysterious-east-an-asian-themed-adventure-map/

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This video contains Minecraft let’s play / mod showcase and or song / parody gameplay, uploaded under standard youtube license by ThnxCya. Please do not re upload

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    INSANE Minecraft digging lessons with FUWAMOCO!Video Information This video, titled ‘【FWMC MINECRAFT JOURNEY】fuzzy digging lessons 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-09 04:02:25. It has garnered 132676 views and 12522 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:12 or 10632 seconds. help us learn how to minecraft ✨ lovely illustration by @_hinatahirune 💕 Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫ ≪CREDITS≫… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Transformation!

    Ultimate Minecraft House Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Improve Your Minecraft House #1’, was uploaded by BlockGameDan on 2024-05-03 17:30:08. It has garnered 8645 views and 164 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Improve Your Minecraft House #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildhacks #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuildings Read More

  • NEW Jake Fellman Minecraft Memes: Epicness Guaranteed

    NEW Jake Fellman Minecraft Memes: Epicness GuaranteedVideo Information This video, titled ‘extra minecraft memes worth a thousand words’, was uploaded by Jake Fellman EXTRA on 2024-02-22 13:51:58. It has garnered 4862 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. This video is a “behind the scenes” look at an animation created for my main channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu5vXpgRISE&list=PLHTiqada2E2DaORHf_GzCFhqZPDRooVVk Check out all of my Minecraft EXTRA animations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gelnZLX2e4M&list=PLe5Frw1C-LJBU1QTdfwPJCZ2KhaN-W8Iw&index=1 Minecraft is an open-world survival game. Uniquely, it does not follow a storyline; rather it presents each player with the challenge of simply existing in the blocky wilderness alongside a wide array of livestock… Read More

  • HolloWand

    HolloWand(THIS SERVER REQUIES OPTIFINE) [MINECRAFT VERSION: 1.20.1] Are you in the mood for some fast-paced action or do you want to take your time and explore? We’ve got something for everyone! In Kanojo Shooter, you’ll get to shoot your enemies with a variety of guns. This is a fast-paced and adrenaline-packed game mode that’ll have you on the edge of your seat. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try out our Hollo Wand RPG gamemode? Explore a vast and interesting world, complete quests and level up your character. For those who want a true survival challenge, we’ve got Farcry. With… Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term, GriefPrevention, Player Stats, Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Server Information Connect to Server IP: play.minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server Hosted by: PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.40 – 1.20.81 About the Server A friendly long-term public survival server with no pay-to-win features. Over 15,900 unique players have joined in the past 4 years. Both Bedrock & Java Cross-Play supported. The world will never reset. No whitelist, no economy plugin, and grief protection in place. Use /rtp to teleport and find your spot! Grief allowed in unclaimed areas. Public shopping district available for all players. Server Links Server Info/Rules: https://minedhype.com/minecraft Discord: https://discord.gg/Sb4dkkT Shopping District: https://minedhype.com/shops… Read More

  • Shadowvale Citadel

    Shadowvale CitadelWelcome to Shadowvale Citadel! Dive into an epic survival experience enriched with MMO and RPG elements. Choose jobs, earn rewards, and unlock crates in our vibrant world! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Finally Defeated the Ender Dragon

    Minecraft Memes - Finally Defeated the Ender DragonLooks like this meme just leveled up to a score of 22! Time to build a monument in its honor. Read More

  • Void Voyage: Hermitcraft 10 #11 – Minecraft Madness Unleashed!

    Void Voyage: Hermitcraft 10 #11 - Minecraft Madness Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Zedaph and Tango, a dynamic team. Travelling through the Void, a secret passage they find, Linking their bases, with a clever design. The Void, so useful, yet so scary too, But Zedaph and Tango, they know what to do. With animations by Jack Allum, music by MusicMan1017, Graphics by HungryMaxzilla, the team’s work is heaven. Hermitcraft Season 10, Episode 11, Zedaph’s adventures, a joy to behold and heaven. Support him on Patreon, for rewards so grand, Visit his store, for merch that’s in demand. So dive into the Void, with… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • 100 Days of Minecraft Adventure

    100 Days of Minecraft Adventure Exploring the 100 Days Challenge in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the 100 Days Challenge! Day 10 brings new excitement as the player completes tasks on the ground and tends to their horse’s home. Let’s dive into the action-packed journey! Day 10 Highlights On this milestone day, the player fully completes work on the ground, ensuring that all tasks are accomplished efficiently. The joy of seeing progress in the virtual world is truly unmatched! The player also dedicates time to enhancing their horse’s living space, making sure it is comfortable and well-maintained…. Read More

  • Unleash the Power of JAYLABZIP, the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard! #minecraft #wizardworld #anime

    Unleash the Power of JAYLABZIP, the Ultimate Minecraft Wizard! #minecraft #wizardworld #animeVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #wizardworld #minecraftart #wizard #anime #minecraftbuilds #drsinclair #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by JAYLABZIP Aka The God Of Characters on 2024-05-24 21:44:16. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bell-making Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Bell-making TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Village Bell In Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Knite X on 2024-03-08 15:17:10. It has garnered 105 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Jai Shree Ram 402/365 Days So We Complete Our 365 Challange already this is 402th short 😁😁 So I Hope U Subscribe Me For ……… ( Reason On Your Choice) And if u like My this video so Please Like the Short And subscribe The Chanel Our Goel Is Reach 2000 Subscriber in March So Please Help Me To Do… Read More

  • Biggest Minecraft Anarchy Revenge – What’s the Cost?

    Biggest Minecraft Anarchy Revenge - What's the Cost?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy S1-E3 I got my revenge but at what cost’, was uploaded by CrxssedGaming on 2024-05-09 00:56:25. It has garnered 104 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:53 or 473 seconds. In this video I’m doing Minecraft anarchy, and this is season 1 episode/part 3 if you don’t know an anarchy server basically means no rules except for a few we have created. In this episode I got my revenge to Kdog and Aqua for killing my teammate Vurge13 and doing IRAVERSABLE DAMMAGE to our base. Minecraft Server Rules 1…. Read More

  • Epic Battle in Minecraft Villages – You Won’t Believe What Happens! 😱 #shorts

    Epic Battle in Minecraft Villages - You Won't Believe What Happens! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft girls vs boys in villages 😱 #minecraft #shorts #jatinplays’, was uploaded by jatin plays on 2023-12-27 00:50:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft PE Minecraft Java Minecraft build haks Minecraft happy new year Minecraft tips Minecraft tutorial Minecraft farm tutorial … Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Gone Wrong

    EPIC FAIL! Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Challenge Gone WrongVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Didn’t Survive 100 Days in 1.20 Minecraft Hardcore…’, was uploaded by ScorpiusGaming on 2024-02-28 15:05:52. It has garnered 364 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:06 or 786 seconds. I guess that’s the end of our Minecraft Hardcore series… #minecraft #minecrafthardcore #minecraftletsplay #minecraft100days #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecraftmemes #scorpify Read More

  • Choo Choo CHARLEY Haunts MIKEY in Minecraft Maizen!

    Choo Choo CHARLEY Haunts MIKEY in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘Choo Choo CHARLEY Killed JJ and became GHOST to Pranked MIKEY in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Myzen TV on 2024-05-15 13:07:29. It has garnered 9060 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:51 or 1791 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: Choo Choo CHARLEY Killed JJ and became GHOST to Pranked MIKEY in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best… Read More

  • Insane adventure in new Minecraft server!

    Insane adventure in new Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Yozora Mel stream (Apr 24, 2021)【Minecraft】新資源サーバー✨メルティキッスの大冒険!【ホロライブ⧸夜空メル×癒月ちょこ】’, was uploaded by alefin on 2024-03-18 10:40:56. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:41 or 8741 seconds. Disclaimer: Links may no longer work. This video is only for archive purposes. I do not own the rights to anything. Mel Channel Yozora Mel Channel Streamed live on Apr 24, 2021[Yozora Mel 400,000 subscribers commemorative goods on sale]🌟Purchase here → https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2813692 https://hololive.booth.pm/items/2745235 ——————————————————————–[Collaborator]Choco Iyutsuki https://twitter.com/yuzukichococh https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1suqwovbL1kzsoaZgFZLKg This game has been approved by Mojang and is subject to the Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms​We distribute… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Minecraft Celeb collabs with SB737

    SHOCKING: Minecraft Celeb collabs with SB737Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with a Celebrity!’, was uploaded by SB737 on 2024-04-12 06:06:09. It has garnered 130857 views and 6892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:44 or 1424 seconds. Donate to Help Rebuild School Here: https://u24.gov.ua/minesalt IP: mc.minesalt.net Read More

Minecraft MYSTERIOUS EAST! – Part 10 (Minecraft Adventure Map)