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Well then let’s get started today we’re doing our very own stairway to heaven competition a stairway to heaven competition fun here are the rules the two of us will work separately building the most advanced stairways we can possibly build then we’ll take turns trying to climb them awesome

I’m gonna leave some surprises on my stairway great let’s get to work it looks like mikey is building over there i’ll head over here to put some distance between us okay show me what you make later now that i can’t see mikey anymore i’ll start building

Let’s get this show on the road i’m planning on using quartz blocks for this material it won’t be easy doing it all manually if i have to make the whole stairway like this i’ll be stuck here all day i wonder if there’s a more efficient way to build this

I think i know a trick that can seriously help me out command blocks okay now i’ll need an armor stand i can place it down right about here that should be good for now once it’s good to go i can set up the command block to execute a specific command let’s see

There we go that’s good now i need to place a lever beside it and flip it huh oh i know what to do here we go now i’ll be able to create stairs the way i had in mind this is gonna work problem solved now i need to connect a

Third command block to the other two this one will issue a teleport command one one there i’m finished every time i flip the switch more stairs should appear teleporting the armor stand all the way to the top step whoa that’s amazing it’s even better than i expected next i need

To install a comparator awesome watch this it’s automatically creating staircases look at it go i hope my stairway doesn’t accidentally grow too tall that should be big enough for now i better get started on designing level one of my stairway i’m entering a command to create a wide platform made

Entirely of quartz blocks it worked this looks amazing Here’s where i’m planning on setting up the front door which one should i use how about a cell door everything beyond this point will be off limits This looks awesome perfect Now then Some final touches there i’m gonna add a gold block to the middle here that’s where i’ll put the lever that opens the door for level one my plan is to spawn a bunch of monsters i’m also gonna include lots of chests that mikey can poke around in

I’m using all different shapes and sizes of chess now it’s time to hide the lever for the door in one of them how about that one over there it’ll be mikey’s job to find the lever inside the chest install it on the gate and open the door

I think i’ll give him some food too he loves apples i bet he’d be interested in some armor too how about leather armor and a wooden sword i don’t want to give him too many goodies otherwise it’ll be too easy for him now i need to add some guards to protect

The treasure chest let’s take a look shall we oh this old man can be the guard if mikey manages to defeat him he can go through to the next level i’m gonna keep his stats nice and low after all this is only level one perfect he’s super weak

Now we’ll take this old guy and copy him a bunch that way it’s a whole army of weaklings five should be good enough there’s a small chance that mikey won’t be able to fight them all off but i think he’ll be okay i made them as weak as i possibly could

Well that’s a wrap for level one there are five old guards six chests and three of the chests have items once he gets the lever he’ll be able to move on to the next area before we start working on level two we’re gonna need some more stairs in

That case i better whip out the armor stand again here we go Perfect the stair machine is complete time to make another massive set of stairs awesome oh wow automatic stairs are super useful although i might have gone a little overboard with how many steps i made that should be good for now time to make level two level two is going to be all about

Choice mikey will have three options this should be good enough level two is really simple i’ll put a wall down the middle like this then i’ll wall off the sides along the back i’ll take care of this section first Now for the other side here we go Great i’ll set it up like this so far so good i need three different passages these will be mikey’s choices my plan is to use gold and silver doors i want to make them a specific way so i have to do it manually there’s one there’s two

My silver door is actually iron but i’m just gonna call it silver for now the gold one can go to the right as for the middle path i’ll start by putting up some signs can you guess what’s gonna go on top of them yep a painting hang on a second wait

There we go much better those are my three doors the first door is silver the next door is made out of gold as for the one in the middle it’s actually a secret passage it isn’t really a door it’s just a painting either way mikey will need to choose between these three

Paths i’m not sure if he’ll notice the secret passages in the middle right away i should probably make it a bit more difficult for him here’s the plan The gold and silver doors are the wrong choices okay mikey will have to choose between the three and if he chooses gold then he’ll fall all the way to the ground the same thing will happen if he chooses the silver door he’ll fall to his doom let’s just hope mikey discovers the

Secret passage before it’s too late now then there that does it for level two on to the next level before we do that we need to get the automatic stairway going again wow look at it go now it’s time to start working on level three i have something

Really special in mind for this one first of all i need to start by building a platform up here i’ll take care of that perfect the platform is good to go actually it might be too big There we go i shrunk it down this is the perfect size now i just need to fill it in i’ll go along the edge just like this almost done A bit higher there i walled it in what comes next i know a roof Great this level looks really good so far time to make an entrance in the wall that’s perfect now i can head inside it may look like a regular building but i actually built it like this for a reason you’ll see why in a minute first i’m going to set up a

Piston underneath the floor by the entrance after that i need to cover it up with another quartz block perfect After that i’ll place some redstone dust right on top i better turn the floor back to normal before i forget now for the most important part adding the pressure plate as soon as it activates the entrance will seal up behind you once you enter you won’t be able to leave

Mikey will be trapped from the moment he walks in watch this see how the piston seals everything up except for one tiny opening without the front entrance there’s no exit that’s going to be the theme of this level an escape room once mikey realizes he’s trapped in the

Big empty room i’m going to give him a spot the difference puzzle for his first clue for example i’ll place these three trap doors against the wall the one on the right will be raised up and the other two will be pushed down if he lowers the third trapdoor he solves the

Puzzle and moves on now i’ll place three redstone lamps but only two of them will be lit up it might get dark in here for this puzzle mikey needs to light all three lamps to solve it once he does he can move on to the next section

The final section is going to be made up of three item frames inside the frames mikey will find three redstone torches But one of them will be on an angle he’ll have to fix it in order to escape after that he’s free to move on i just need to put a comparator against the wall There that’s perfect what if i added a secret door it can look something like this There now for this section This is gonna be awesome okay i’ll send the signal from over here Awesome that should work hopefully mikey realizes what to do once he fixes the crooked redstone torch the door will open up then he can escape hang on a second There it worked now if he fixes the crooked redstone torch the secret door will open that’s incredible okay just a few more things other than that level three is finally complete The exit should turn into a ventilation shaft i’ll use these blocks for the vent this is going to be epic almost finished one second whoops Hang on okay I’m extending the ventilation shaft over the edge So far so good Mikey’s gonna freak out if he looks down through this glass It’s just enough glass to peek through two more whoa look how high i am all right once mikey gets through here he moves on to the next level there that’s good now i need to make a staircase connecting the vent to level four i’ll automate it so it goes faster armor stand Command blocks and off we go this stairway’s going straight into the sky that’s high enough time to move on i hope you’re ready for something awesome because level four is gonna blow your mind i’m gonna test mikey’s athletic skills i just need to punch in a few commands

There we go now we have our platform yes perfect this is going to be the coolest athletic challenge you’ve ever seen he’ll need to run along this pathway without falling into the lava it’s kind of like a speed run through a maze only this time if he messes up he’ll be

Burned to a crisp let’s hope he does okay so far so good i wonder if he’ll try to take a shortcut by jumping between the different sections of the path perfect now then It’d be way too easy for him if that’s all there was so i’m gonna make it a bit more difficult let’s see what he has to say about this ladies and gentlemen allow me to present mini goblins that’s going to make this athletic test a whole lot more challenging

I’ll place them in holding cells on either side of the platform the holding cell will look something like this Then over here on this side another holding cell check it out there that should be good the first mini goblin is ready now it’s time to spawn an entire mob these mini goblins are designed to hunt mikey down along the lava trail i’m going to add a bunch more to make it

Even harder they’ll chase them around and around until mikey makes it safely to the other end it might be a good idea to add some more for now i need to set up the entrance i think i’ll use iron bars instead perfect i’ll use an iron door and iron blocks too much better

Now it’s time to add the lever as soon as mikey activates this lever the challenge begins it’ll do more than open the door to the lava train this will take a minute i’m setting up a connection beneath the platform that opens the doors to the mini goblins cages

The whole system will be connected there just a few more things awesome Now this side Here we go let me think that should work So terrific the circuit is complete now when you pull the lever the cells on both sides will open up and release the mini goblins these guys can move pretty fast you wouldn’t want one of them to catch up to you mikey will have to take off running through the lava trail to

Avoid them let’s test it out wow that was way too quick i need a minute whoa okay these mini goblins are too strong i need to do something about that their attack power is through the roof let me make one last adjustment Great i fixed it now when monkey pulls the lever he’ll dash through the lava trail while trying to avoid the mini goblins that are hunting him down careful not to slip in the lava once he’s done that it’ll be it for level four i’ll make one more set of stairs headed

Up to level five Here’s the armor stand these automatic stairs have been really reliable for my tower that should be good enough time to move on to level five for this one i’m going to make the challenge a lot simpler it’s going to be the simplest level yet i just need to type in a command

There we go we have our platform this level is all about trapped chess i’ll lay them out across the middle mikey will need to choose one of the three chests the chest in the middle will be the right one if mikey manages to pick it he’s gonna get a whole bunch

Of goodies inside let’s see i wonder what i should put in how about some combat armor that’s one of the toughest pieces of armor you can get as for the weapon i’ll throw in an alien blaster rifle sounds good oh i can’t forget the ammo this chest is loaded and ready to go

The other two chests are going to be the wrong choices for the first one a simple explosion is fine will it activate here i guess we’ll find out whoa that was bigger than i thought the first chest is a tnt trap if mikey opens it up the floor is going

To explode and he’ll take a quick trip to the ground at this height he’s in for one nasty fall level 5 is off to a great start mikey’s first obstacle is going to be this tnt trap i’ll reset it the tnt block goes right here one block is all it takes to create

A big explosion what should i do with the chest on the right i think i’ll put tnt under that one too Okay the only way mikey can get through this stage is if he picks the chest in the middle both of the chests on the sides are trapped with tnt the middle one has some really epic items inside that does it for level five time to move on

This is the last staircase after this mikey’s facing off against the final boss it’s gonna be somewhere on level six i should make the path to the final boss a little bit longer that looks pretty good okay now it’s time for the final boss i’m gonna keep them off to the side it

May seem weird but i’ll explain later Okay this next part is going to be the final bosses area i’ll summon a platform for it there we go that should work now to install some high-tech doors as soon as the doors open the fight begins next i’ll line the sides with an iron fence perfect awesome that’s pretty cool That looks great now for the final boss i’ve already decided what it should be poof check it out it’s a giant goblin his health is a little too high so let’s bring him down to 300 that’s still super strong for his attack power we’re going

To adjust it to 10. he’s going to do some serious damage once the boss has been defeated mikey deserves some rewards this time since we’re so high up in the sky i’m gonna give him a treasure chest with a sky theme mikey loves diamonds but diamonds are a

Bit too boring for today’s treasure instead i’m gonna give him a super powerful diamond weapon he’s gonna love this i might as well throw in some regular diamonds and gold in here too that’s enough to last him a lifetime this is gonna be the best reward mikey’s ever gotten

Let’s see there’s a chance that mikey might see the goblin and get nervous after all it’s pretty scary if he tries running away i’ll prepare a way to trap him in i’m putting a lever underneath the bridge i’m only gonna flip it if he tries to escape i’m rigging the bridge

With tnt so that the whole thing gets destroyed before he has a chance to go across there’s no turning back how’s this gonna work i need to move along the bridge i wonder if this is a good spot This should be good The redstone’s connected This command block is going to spawn the tnt and then blow up the bridge hmm i need to use redstone blocks too it’s ready now if mikey tries to run away from the goblin boss he won’t be able to that means he’ll be forced into a one-on-one

Battle winner take all let’s make sure he can’t push the boss off the edge the sky themed chest will be the reward for defeating the goblin boss that’s everything we need to do for the final level this place looks amazing my stairway to heaven is finally complete

I should check if mikey’s finished too it looks like mikey’s stairway to heaven is ready i’m gonna go first and see if i can beat it here goes nothing it goes super high into the sky i can’t see that far so it must be really tall

I’m gonna beat all the levels then see what’s at the top good luck it’s time to climb some stairs this is long yep oh this is level one let’s see i know what this is it’s slime parkour good job level one is slime parkour you have to use the slime as a trampoline

Whoa i got this oh i fell off oops it’s not easy Here i go nice slow and steady there whoa you’re doing it just like that wow one more you got this i need to land on that big patch of slime down there then bounce up to the next platform i can do this All right nice whoa i made it i thought it would be harder up the stairs i go what’s next keep going i can’t wait to see what’s on top wait what’s this look a dead end maybe i don’t know if you should go that way huh now i’m even more curious what’s

Inside maybe if i open this chest first whoa look at that i’m gonna put the helmet on first i should eat a golden apple too in case there’s anything dangerous up ahead that was delicious thanks for the goodies mikey i know this door’s off limits but i’m still going in three two one

Oh hey it’s a maze yep oh good luck hold on there’s a chest over here i’m gonna open it wait a sec it’s just some string what am i supposed to do with four pieces of string i turned it into one block of wool not bad let’s go what’s over here

But mikey i can slay them with my golden sword no they’re pretty tough that’s dealt with a maybe there’s chest inside treasure three two one open huh snowballs i’m starting to feel like all these treasures are a joke what no way jj oh there’s another chest right in front of me

Whoa look oh these are no joke thank you more husks i better take care of them let’s go wow almost whoa yes i did it well done hang on do i need a lever for this door hmm that’s right did you miss it probably hold on do you see that yep huh it’s

Sparkling this must be the real treasure i bet the lever is in there who knows how many goodies it has inside why don’t you open it up great work jj thank you three two one open huh whoa it’s full of rotten flesh i don’t need

This too bad you’re not a fan of rotten flesh that’s your problem not mine i don’t believe it this is the worst treasure ever rotten flesh is disgusting let’s take a look up here clever what’s that you see it those frames have ender pearls in them i get it now i need

To hit those blocks with an ender pearl to get to the other side oh the lever was just a distraction wasn’t it impressive you figured it out you really had me for a moment there time to throw my ender pearl oh yes great job i must be getting close to

The top you might even beat it here i go on my way to the top what do you see no way lava parkour yep be careful it’s tough slow down i love doing lava parkour can you beat it you’re really close yeah it was supposed to be hard jump

That was in the groove that was fun mikey thanks these are thin stairs i wonder why there’s a ladder i must be close but first this chest ready open whoa awesome i don’t believe it it’s a full set of diamond armor that’s pretty cool huh

Wow the boss must be close so i’m gonna head up these stairs let’s go good job i hope they don’t fall yeah this is scary it will all be worth it i’ll do the best that i can whoa straight up the ladder what’s waiting for me at the top

Probably something good you’ll have to find out what do you think it is i can hardly wait here we go there you made it huh what is it a clown yeah yikes it’s cute not exactly is it friend or foe who knows oh it’s an enemy back off

Come on clown take jj down this thing doesn’t stand a chance against my diamond armor yeah i got you now he fell off i knocked him off the ledge oh no i won impressive time to collect my prize is that the chest yep i’m about to receive my reward for

Defeating mikey’s stairway to heaven three two one open whoa cool you did great there’s all sorts of good stuff in here you earned it that was a lot of fun thanks next it’s your turn to try my challenge i’m ready let’s go now it’s mikey’s turn to try my

Challenge oh fun go ahead mikey okay go all right oh i’ll be done in no time i’ll clear it on my first try good luck thanks you’re almost at the first level just a few more steps whoa hmm check it out huh that’s level one cool oh was that for

Hey cut it out get away from me mikey hey stop it no go mikey there are a lot of mean old men on level one that are out to get you get away from me wait open the chest oh chest right it might help you apples apples

Oh a lever they’re closing in sorry old guy but i’m getting out of here you are yep i almost fell off careful hey what now get over me mikey you’re winning you’re right i’m stronger than i thought oh i’ll take these guys down mikey you beat them yep i’m unstoppable keep going

Time for the next level come on you did it wow now you have even more stairs to climb why are there so many steps come on let’s do this thing you’re almost there mikey what’s on level two take a look [Applause] there are two doors an iron one and a

Gold one only one is correct huh then i have to choose between the two i never said that exactly choose wisely well i know what to do really yep the gold door oh this one if you say so i guess i can tell by your reaction that it’s actually

This one i changed my choice to the iron door too bad i’m sorry to tell you but it’s not the iron door so it’s the gold one oh wait that’s not what i said victory is mine it happened again you found out the hard way that two

Doors lead to the same place what there’s no right answer you just haven’t found it yet what is it you tried the iron and gold doors and they were both wrong yeah what else is there what come on huh hey you got it the painting was really a secret door you’re correct awesome

You made it through that’s why you kept saying there was only one right answer yep the truth is that there were three options iron gold and the secret passage you figured it out hooray come on let’s go am i close to the end i’m still unstoppable okay wait what’s this huh

Never mind check it out all right here i go hey what i’m trapped i can’t get out where’s the exit here’s the thing mikey you’re stuck really for now you are it’s up to you to break out how do i do that do you want a hint

Yes the room is a little bit off you might notice a few mistakes inside maybe you could fix them i’m supposed to fix the mistakes in that case i’ll start with these lamps one of them is turned off what happens if i turn it on oh wow good thinking you’re on the right

Track buddy hang on one of these trapdoors is flipped up i’m gonna put it down great work there should be something else what do you mean something else this looks interesting the middle one is tilted can i move it so that it’s straight sure three two one huh

Another secret door opened up that wasn’t there before was it you did it mikey do you like the vent wow i can’t believe how high we are yep watch your step you don’t want to fall all the way to the ground oh i made it out yeah good job

Keep climbing those stairs mikey is this the end i can’t believe i made it to the top already nope oh i see what do you see mikey huh ouch one of these goblins hit me there are so many yeah wait i don’t want to fight them you don’t have to fight them

Oh you just need to outrun them as soon as you pull that lever you’ll need to clear the lava trail so i’m supposed to pull the lever and run as fast as i can here goes nothing there’s too Mikey that many quick this time you gotta run fast got it i know what to do now go this way this is super hard look out behind you come on they’re moving so fast whoa that was super intense wow the magma blocks melted great work time to move on here i go am

I getting close to the end this must be it almost oh huh look three chests yep and you need to pick the right one mikey okay only one is a winner this one uh it’s up to you mikey well this just looks pretty good hmm can i open it go ahead but be

Careful careful whatever whoa are you kidding me you survived yeah okay all right mikey only two choices left i picked up a block there it’ll protect me how will that block protect you you’ll see okay wait a second Your block didn’t do a very good job of protecting you i know one more chest this one must be the winner i’ll take a look inside this equipment is amazing the middle chest has some rare items awesome thanks jj with these items there’s no way i can lose yep this armor lets you

Jump super high so epic you’re fast i’m on my way wait a second what’s that what do you mean that big blue thing yikes it’s so scary oh well it’s trying to get out i don’t want to fight it what should i do jj sorry but i can’t let you walk away huh

Pull the lever okay why that’s why seriously are you kidding me you destroyed the only way out yup that’s what the lever was for there’s no turning back now your only choice mikey is to fight but it’s terrifying you got this I found the treasure at the back you can’t open it yet fine you’re strong Nice not too fast he can’t even touch me watch out for its attacks I’m hit it’s super powerful yep okay here i got oh you’re so close [Applause] maybe i gave you too much oh well thanks now for the treasure wow that’s epic yeah thank you do you like the diamond katana yep it’s pretty sweet this thing rocks let’s

Wrap things up today we did a stairway to heaven competition where we built our own stairways for the other person to clear don’t forget to like and subscribe thanks bye-bye bye if you enjoyed today’s adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter

Instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: LONGEST STAIRCASE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Maizen on 2022-05-28 18:00:18. It has garnered 38296970 views and 297304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:52 or 2452 seconds.

Today, we’re going head-to-head in a staircase building competition! The goal is to create the toughest, most difficult staircase into the sky! Who’s staircase was your favorite?

We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!

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  • Termina SMP | Towny, EventWar, PvP, Raiding, Pets

    🏰 Join The Best Towny Experience on TerminaMC.com! IP: TerminaMC.com 🌎 Discord: discord.gg/Termina 🎮 Bedrock: 19132 | Java: 25565 mcMMO – Towny – Raiding & WARTIME! – Voice Chat – Discord Live Chat – so much more! ❤️ 🛡️ Play Your Way: We support all survival play styles! Whether you’re all about PvP action or prefer a passive SMP – join or create a town that suits you! 💣 Event War: Own a town? Declare war on your enemies and raid their loot as long as at least two of your town’s players are online! 🌲 Claim Your Part of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Last YouTuber Standing Minecraft Mayhem

    Minecraft Memes - Last YouTuber Standing Minecraft MayhemLooks like all the other Minecraft YouTubers couldn’t handle the heat…or maybe they just couldn’t handle the creepers. Read More

  • Love Blocks: Minecraft Animation Boy’s Musical Choice

    Love Blocks: Minecraft Animation Boy's Musical Choice In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Updates and news, in rhymes we bring. From new animations to love and strife, Our narrator spins tales, full of life. With beats that ignite, and stories that sing, Our favorite reporter, in rhymes takes wing. From thieves caught in the act, to hearts beating fast, Every detail sleek, in rhymes we cast. So leap into the verse, with a grin and a spin, Crafting Minecraft news, let the truth take wing. With emojis and playfulness, keep it light, In every pulsing line, make the story ignite. Read More

  • Crafting in Minecraft: When Your Skills Are Hotter Than Lava

    Crafting in Minecraft: When Your Skills Are Hotter Than Lava “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” #minecraftfails #buildingwoes #gamerproblems 😂🏰🚪 Read More

  • Black Parade Note Block Cover | MCR Minecraft

    Black Parade Note Block Cover | MCR Minecraft Welcome to the Black Parade Note Block | MCR Minecraft Emo Vibes in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, players have found a way to bring emo vibes to the game. One such creation is the rendition of My Chemical Romance’s iconic song, “Welcome to the Black Parade,” using note blocks. The arrangement and build by Phantomette, also known as PhantomNoteBlock, have captured the essence of the song in a unique Minecraft format. A Musical Journey The lyrics of “Welcome to the Black Parade” come to life through the melodic tones of note… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Modern Home Building Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Modern Home Building Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of building modern homes in Minecraft? If so, you’ll love this beginner-friendly tutorial on how to build a modern home for one person. This build includes a spacious living space and even a rooftop overlook for those beautiful Minecraft sunsets. With just a few materials like stone blocks, oak wood blocks, oak doors, and glass panes, you can create your own modern oasis in the world of Minecraft. Follow along with the time stamps provided in the video to guide you through each step of the building process. But why stop at… Read More

  • Don’t Die or I Lose

    Don't Die or I Lose The Thrilling World of Minecraft Deathswap Introduction to Deathswap In a recent video featuring Multi and Natop, the concept of Deathswap in Minecraft was explored. The premise is simple yet exciting – players are placed in three different locations within a normal world. Every 2 to 5 minutes, they randomly switch positions while retaining their inventory. The goal? To trap other players and be the last one standing. Gameplay Highlights Players are notified of an impending position swap 10 seconds before it occurs, adding an element of suspense to the game. The challenge lies in strategically setting traps to… Read More

  • EPIC Hide and Seek Challenge in Boxes! Minecraft IRL 😱

    EPIC Hide and Seek Challenge in Boxes! Minecraft IRL 😱Video Information this is our ceremony haul humble but stylish mhm next I’m going to tell you how I got my baby teeth [Music] removed it’s a fascinating story I wonder what happens if you touch his Cane uh-oh something’s wrong stop what’s going on you ruined it stop panicking my cane come I need it there you are I’ll grab you here’s the wand hold that no what is that door there you are that’s enough where’s my remote all good my cane is not to be touched it’s no toy what’s up with the door never mind so… Read More

  • MrGamerJay Enters Cursed Minecraft Realms

    MrGamerJay Enters Cursed Minecraft RealmsVideo Information तो आज मैं जॉइन करने वाला हूं सब कुछ यहां पे डर्ट का है ये देखो एंड वो क्या है ये बेचारी शीप को कौन सी बीमारी हो गई यहां पे पूरी की पूरी डर्ट की बनी हुई है छी कितनी गंदी लग रही है एंड अगर इसको मैं मार दूं मर जा मर जा तो हमें यहां पे छी मटन भी डर्ट का मिल रहा है कौन खाएगा इसको भाई ये वर्ल्ड किसने बनाया है रे एंड ये काली वाली शीप कहां से आ गई इसकी शक्ल देखो क्या भोंदू सी लग रही है ये ये तो… Read More

  • Shocking Mine Discovery! Digging in Jinja – Minecraft LM 55

    Shocking Mine Discovery! Digging in Jinja - Minecraft LM 55Video Information oh ich habe mich noch gar nicht kalibriert und ich frage mich gerade was hier passiert und ach du Gott ich Moment so Moment und ich frage mich gerade was was passiert ist warum e ich Switch rein und W Fliege erstmal weg aber das Dings ist weg wow es hat funktioniert yeah aua das reicht mir hallo hallo ich komme Euch einfach ganz nah hallo hallo danke fürs Papa danke schön danke schön au hey hey ein Mö sag das nicht so e g morgen hallo das der Avatar animiert ist also der Mund und nicht auf… Read More


    Font 444 - INSANE MINECRAFT CLUTCH! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT IMPOSSIBLE CLUTCH 🤯 #shorts #viral #minecraft #dream #op #clutch #attitude #edit #status’, was uploaded by Font 444 on 2023-12-10 04:57:18. It has garnered 2546 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftloveseguimos#spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation#pewdiepiememes #mineraftmeme #minecraftpocketedtion #minecraftseeds #memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord#minecraftgamers #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftcity #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildings #minecraftmeme #minecrafttutorial #minecraftartdo #minecraftmods#minecraftuniverse #minecraftedits #minecraftindonesia #minecraftdesign #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftserver #minecrafthouses #minecraft_pe #minecraftps4 Read More

  • INSANE Season 14 Start with Mr. Rin! (Minecraft Madness)

    INSANE Season 14 Start with Mr. Rin! (Minecraft Madness)Video Information good all right let’s go for for for oh I can run ads on my bro I can run ads on my YouTube live stream now what wait what no what hey what that’s a thing now LW that’s funny wow yo I can run ads on YouTube now what bro that’s insane I’m thinking of all the trolls on YouTube wow YouTube is really trying to compete with twitch second minions have spawn in the dark all is laid be the Shadows are to be feared I smell black On Wings Of Night I bring Swift death… Read More

  • Nekone’s Crazy Bridge Transformation!! 😱 Minecraft #9

    Nekone's Crazy Bridge Transformation!! 😱 Minecraft #9Video Information [Music] I’m know to you don’t know anything the artificial satellite is like an island in the [Music] [Music] sky [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you don’t know anything yet the artificial satellite is like an island in the [Music] sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you need I know what [Music] to you don’t know anything the artificial satellite is like a VI in the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sky [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey yo hello guys welcome welcome to another Minecraft stream a okay so uh today we’ll be doing Minecraft because… Read More

  • Exploring for Cherry Blossom Biome in Minecraft 🌸🍒

    Exploring for Cherry Blossom Biome in Minecraft 🌸🍒Video Information [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] YY hello why why is this thing broken like every single time I use it I I swear on my life hi [Music] everyone um funny story I don’t know why this isn’t working um oh I didn’t save it okay hold on I got this hello hello sorry that was really loud I’m sorry I’m so sorry I think I just obliterated you I’m sorry I’m sorry I fixed it I fixed it no I hate this thing it just doesn’t save sorry sorry sorry… Read More

  • Turn Minecraft’s Advancements Into Chaos With MrToggle!

    Turn Minecraft's Advancements Into Chaos With MrToggle!Video Information today my friend and I try to beat Minecraft but every single advancement has a crazy random event link to it from planting a seed to killing the ender dragon every single advancement does crazy things like giving us overpowered items or can even spawn an entire Army of wardens make sure to watch the end to see if we can beat this insane challenge also only 0.5% of my viewers are subscribed so if you want to be part of the first 5k Subs on this channel consider subscribing if you end up liking this video bro… Read More

  • Baby King trolls Minecraft with hilarious memes!

    Baby King trolls Minecraft with hilarious memes!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny memes (:Baby King😈:) 😂 (troll face )#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MFF_GAMING_PRO1 on 2024-03-27 04:30:10. It has garnered 3589 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Minecraft funny memes (:Baby King😈:) 😂 (troll face )#shorts #minecraft minecraft 100 days, minecraft house , minecraft video, minecraft minecraft , minecraft song , minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 1.21, minecraft game, minecraft cartoon, minecraft movie, minecraft animation, minecraft dream clips, minecraft tiktok, minecraft funny, funny, minecraftsurvival mod, minecraft mods, funny minecraft meme, funny minecraft memes, funny minecraft, #minecraftmlg #noob #minecrafthouse… Read More

  • Very Vanilla Survival

    Very Vanilla SurvivalWelcome to V.V.S. we are a small community of vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts. Our aim is to provide a completely Vanilla enviorment, just as the developers intended. The only modifications done to the server are anti-cheat plugin, aswell as for smoother performance. The difficulty is set to hard, most people join die a ton of times then rage quit. The worlds limit is set to max whats stopping you. Do you have what it takes to escape spawn and climb to the pillars of the community. RULES: – Dont annoy people- No spamming- No advertising – No hacking – No duplication… Read More

  • Primal Craft Vanilla: Custom Weapons, Enchants, Items, 1.20.4, Economy, Beta, New

    Server Name: Primal Craft Server Location: United States East Coast Discord: Join our Discord Server IP: Version: 1.20.4 Game Play Type: Survival Description: Immerse yourself in the community-driven world of Primal Craft. Participate in daily polls, enjoy custom items, dynamic economy, and thrilling quests. Join us today for an ever-evolving adventure! Plugins: Essential, WorldEdit, WorldBorder, MultverseCore, Oraxen, Coins, and more! Owner: Higuys313 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Just keep scrolling… or else 🔥

    Just, keep scrolling for your information this meme has a score of 118… but I gotta warn ya, the comments section is a minefield of creeper jokes! Read More

  • Ultimate Black Hole Build in Minecraft

    Ultimate Black Hole Build in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] no no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait n [Music] This video, titled ‘Minecraft VIRAL Black Hole With Concrete! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmemes #viral’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-30 13:08:06. It has garnered 0 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Blackhole Wand on Minewind allows for many creative trolls / fun projects! Server IP: valk.minewind.com Join today to try it out yourself! Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen… Read More

  • Shovel Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun for Wood

    Shovel Hustle: Minecraft Speedrun for Wood In Minecraft, I speedrun with glee, Hunting for items, just like a spree. Today’s challenge, a wooden shovel, Crafted in seconds, no need to grovel. I break the tree, with swift precision, Crafting the tool, with quick decision. Just 21 seconds, a new record set, In the world of Minecraft, I’m a speedrun vet. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Subscribe on YouTube, the race has begun. Twitch is where I stream, with skills to show, In the world of Minecraft, I’m ready to go. Study and relax, with music in play, As I speedrun Minecraft, in my… Read More

  • Rescued my dog from Herobrine! (HOT)

    Rescued my dog from Herobrine! (HOT) I didn’t know Herobrine was in charge of the animal shelter in Minecraft! Read More

  • Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server 🌟

    Discover Endless Possibilities on Minewind Minecraft Server 🌟 Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you tired of building the same old houses in Minecraft? Looking for a new challenge to showcase your creativity and skills? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can unleash your imagination and build the house of your dreams. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to bring your Minecraft creations to life. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. From intricate castles to… Read More

  • Scoring Epic Loot!

    Scoring Epic Loot! Minecraft Adventures: Gear Upgrades and Epic Moments! Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players strive to improve their gear and face exciting challenges. Join the duo as they navigate through the game, encountering mobs, enchanting items, and strategizing their next moves. Gearing Up for Success The players are on a mission to enhance their gear, grinding tirelessly to ensure they are well-equipped for the adventures that lie ahead. From acquiring powerful weapons to enchanting items, every step brings them closer to victory. The Power of Enchantments With enchantments like Sweeping Edge and Mending, the… Read More

  • EP34: My Minecraft World Turns INSANE!

    EP34: My Minecraft World Turns INSANE!Video Information oh my goodness this looks insane [Music] so today I want to travel to a different dimension a dimension that well I have never experienced before this is an entirely new mod to me and it is the other lands now besides the bubbles I was just playing around with these fun little supplementary bubble blowers this one without any enchants basically lets you blow a little bit of bubbles but the one if you put stasis on it which is an enchant you can actually scale with this uh and and also on top of that this… Read More

  • Switching to Mobile Games Challenge – Among Us & Roblox

    Switching to Mobile Games Challenge - Among Us & RobloxVideo Information hello hello how is everyone I hope you’re having a good morning day or night hello yeah it says my connection is unstable for some reason I hope it’s not lagging um just so if yeah if you feel like it’s lagging just let me know so I could try to figure out what’s going on yeah how is everyone I hope you’re having a good morning day or night I saw a couple first time chats one from crtr 8590 what’s good hello hello thank you for coming and thank you for the first time chat and… Read More

  • “BaliKid’s Insane Minecraft Crop Farm Hack!” #minecraft #shorts

    "BaliKid's Insane Minecraft Crop Farm Hack!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Fast Cheap Minecraft Crop Farm #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #shorts #minecraftfarm’, was uploaded by BaliKid Gaming on 2024-04-06 02:11:05. It has garnered 449 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Easy Minecraft Farm Java And Bedrock 1.21 Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Space Adventure – MUST WATCH!! 🚀🎮” #gaming #Minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Space Adventure - MUST WATCH!! 🚀🎮" #gaming #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] oh [Music] def in red dress call 911 I’m a killer you know I ha to confess Bang Bang on my hand on the trigger in red dress call 911 on my you know I to confess Bang Bang on my hand This video, titled ‘Minecraft Star Trader: Short Space Adventure #gamingcommunity #minecrafters #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-02-06 18:29:57. It has garnered 839 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Full Video https://youtu.be/CcLbKgjhAPg Embark on a thrilling space adventure in Minecraft with our “Star Trader” short… Read More

  • Can I Outsmart The Ultimate Minecraft Prison?

    Can I Outsmart The Ultimate Minecraft Prison?Video Information तो गा स्वागत आपका एक और प्रिजन ब्रेक के नए एपिसोड में तो जहा तक पिछली बार मैंने एक प्रिजन को ब्रेक किया था यह कौन सी इस ब में प्र में स लेवल मुझे इसके बारे में कुछ पता नहीं मैंने अभी भी इस व को खोला है तो यह जो मुझे बाहर निकालेंगे आइटम मुझे मिलेंगे ठीक है तो गेम को शुरू कहां से करते हैं ठीक है ठीक है ठीक है ठीक है य र रो कैसे अच्छा ठीक है करना हैम जमा करना है सार प और य न रो भी करते क्या ठीक… Read More


    BREAKING: JustMatthew Builds NIGHTMARES LIVE!Video Information what’s going on guys welome back to another video and this rning out let’s Bell little nightmares 2 in Minecraft this is episode number 77 and we are live this is too many episodes hello XD hello speedy one actually I was first get why do I have three PS okay animatronic gu is one what what is this one okay I’m going just uh ignore that one and then I’m gonna make sure the discordian know me to join um hello scribble hello ma have fun Speedy so here’s where we are I will give it some… Read More