Minecraft Omega Parkour Spiral

Video Information

Hi everybody welcome to parkour spiral 3. i could have sworn that i played this but all the different like parkour format spiral helix dna wall hexa parkour it all kind of blends together and i was like have i played this but i don’t and then i

Looked it up on captain sparkles too in the main channel i was like did i do it and i don’t think i did because this was released in march but updated recently and i haven’t done any parkour parkour spirals since then i have nothing called parkour spiral three so i haven’t played

This i haven’t played this anyway it’s by the original parkour spy this is an actual official registered trademark parkour spiral by helky i probably pronounce it wrong and that’s just very fancy right there it’s just very slick and very fancy and very awesome and there’s also i didn’t try

This either we should try that at some point too so anyway also this video is brought to you by our sponsor actually not me for once it’s uh logitech because they have provided me with a new g502x mouse now admittedly i will be honest and i

Told them this i cannot fully switch off of my g600 because that has all the side buttons on it and i like those for having being able to hit one through nine in minecraft inventory but still i know i’m in the minority there i’m an anomaly and most people do not care for

All those side buttons so this might be more suitable to you it’s very nice it feels it’s super high dpi it’s wireless you need wired or wireless um and i mean the friction pads on the bottom on top of looking really cool they feel

Very very nice i like them a lot and uh it’s it’s pretty dope so anyway if you were watching live we’ve been giving some away and uh yeah it’s all in all a good time thanks to them for sponsoring as well as logitech and astro in case you’re confused logitech owns astro so

They’re just all-encompassing as a sponsor now going into year two which is pretty cool so anyway with that said let’s do some parkour edge here and uh yee bro here we go i assume if i fall into the water it’s going to be night night for me

So yeah oh also i did finally um i always am big at procrastinating when it comes to changing my setup at all but i did actually finally update my keyboard to logitech as well it is not the g915 it is the wired version of that i am just bad at remembering names

So where are we going here are you trying to get in there nope we’re not trying to get in there um but yeah it is the wired version of the g915 for those who are curious ah we must be using this tree i oh we’re going

Through here you give me a loop around already causing me to have to like flip around before we’ve even gotten started crazy wait i’m okay we’re going over here whole non-linearity of this whole thing and then i assume we’re gonna have to go do that later on how the frick are we

Gonna be like flipping back around this is crazy oh here it comes all right do we need to do something with this i guess i need a mine cart in order to do stuff i guess we’re going over here first oh my god we’re going backwards so yeah i wonder if it’ll um

I think it’ll actually be quieter probably my keyboard with this the new switches on this thing they feel very nice they feel very very nice so yeah and i think i might be slightly less super duper clicky when i’m typing and stuff like that so yeah it’s uh

It’s cool i like oh wait i don’t want to go there nope i needed to go over to that thing um no i like it i like the switches on this thing it’s very nice and also you know what’s actually super nice about this thing is it has a usb port on

On the keyboard so that i can actually like quickly plug in like if i just want to plug in an sd card or what i’ve done right now is i have the the charging thing uh the charging cable for this plugged in to the uh to the keyboard so that i can

Just quickly if if this were to run out of battery i can just switch over to it being wired in like two seconds um so it’s it’s really cool i like having i didn’t have a usb port previously on my keyboard so this is like huge huge

Maneuvers for us oh hey vikram what’s up mate uh good to have you oh god almost messed that one up that would have been embarrassing oh there was a whole list of like what the ranks are on this map for timings and stuff like that based on um

You know what gives us s tier parkour artist and what gives us uh you know f tier parkour artist depending upon how long this map takes us so yeah yeah um just something to look out for all right wait are we go wait what uh do i want to

I don’t want to be here do i cool this is working where am i going where where am i going and what am i am i go nope not going in there uh oh wait into the oh underwater water oh bro i’m so used to water killing you in

These maps that i didn’t even think of doing that because i bet you if we jumped into the water down there it kills us so yeah thank you guys for being big smart people you are the smartest and i don’t know what i would do without you

I’ll be honest there is a is kind of nice having a wireless mouse and there’s like there’s no latency at all i’ve always been worried in the past especially when it comes to like headsets and stuff about latency with wireless and um also obviously there’s the battery element you know making sure

That you can keep it charged and whatnot but you know for anything that you can use both wired and wireless that doesn’t matter and uh yeah but and like that there is absolutely zero latency with this thing it feels just like any other wired mouse so

Mouse sales pitch now i mean no i’m just i i’m being honest i i genuinely like it’s it’s been more so for the battery that i’ve kind of um shied away because i always i’ve had a wireless mouse before and it didn’t have the ability to be used plugged in um

And i would wait am i supposed to be here i would always forget to charge the thing and then i’d have to like switch to a new mouse um because like i just i couldn’t use it because it’d be out of battery so yeah this is this is nice though

Um okay where are we headed to oh right we can do water i keep forgetting that we can do water um yeah and it won’t kill us so that’s nice wait okay that’s unnerving but if you’re interested in learning more about our sponsor and their mouseys then check out the link in

The description of the youtube video it pretty super duper cool or you can just go to like logitech.com or you can just search logitech g502 x there’s so many options uh uh wait wait a minute um oh right this is because of my i’m using the cap pack i

Forgot i was using the cap back and i was like there’s no way that this map is using a resource pack that says sub with twitch prime there’s no way but it is highly topical it is september so make sure you sub well actually september doesn’t really

Do much if you’re using twitch prime but make sure you sub with twitch prime anyway heck yeah um dana taylor thank you for the 27 months love watching codenames the other day such a cool experience as a chatter because we get to play along too

I’m glad you enjoyed it i will uh i’ll see if there’s opportunities to give it a try in the future and stuff are we going onto the roof i assume yes sir let us go boom all right question wait what the f i think we’re going down there i don’t

Think yeah i don’t think i can do that okay we can just go across here wait wait a minute is there wait no no wait no hold on what am i missing i’m clearly missing something there must be some things that i am not doing uh oh i can go around

I am uh so smart only the smartest big brain here for me yep yeah that was uh i was thank you thank you for saying that was sneaky instead of just saying i’m dumb that’s very nice of you much appreciated all right i think we’re going this way

And by the way did you guys know speaking of parkour that the next mcc is on saturday september 24th at 12 p.m pacific through pm eastern 8 pm uk 9 pm cet twitch.tv captain sparkles it’s so cool and you can tune in and you can watch and it’s it’s sick

Alright see then oh it’s a double slime jump yeah this is all new uh part of me was still worried even though i could not find any evidence that i had played this before that maybe i had though but this looks totally new i definitely haven’t played this

I would remember the vast opening with the double slime block jump a hundred there’s no way that i would not remember all right cool cool cool we keep going we keep zooming let’s rock and roll we had um sweet riddle thank you for the two of bits every time you play a

Parkour map i make notes on what frustrates you the most it’s a couple pages long now i can’t say i’m surprised also that tracks and also why do you have to do this oh are we going back we’re going back in the mine clarin oh we’re going we’re going for a real

Ride here dude this is crazy and we continue and um blue rules thank you for the 33 wait no i was supposed to dismount all right cool i was looking at chat thinking i was gonna cruise on a nice little minecart ride and not have to worry about where i

Landed and instead it landed me in lava while i was looking at notifications trying to read them great that’s that’s so nice didn’t you realize that that was what i was gonna do while writing the minecart that i was gonna could couldn’t you realize that i as someone streaming while playing this

Would not necessarily be paying the utmost attention to what’s happening while i’m in the mine cart unbelievable i must laser focus now okay here we go here we go here we go and we must cool worked out this time um let’s see we’ve got blue rules 33 months

A destiny three months zayn zera thank you for the sub also i got a shout out a big one i’m skipping ahead a few notifications but i have also noticed that wait do i want to be here and do oh maybe i’m like going back over

Here and going back around uh ha ha potatoes just hit 100 months of savage 100 months oh my god and oh ye i meant to say because i watched the vod i sent the clip of you and um vck talking about if a sport is a game to my

Professor because i’m in a game-based learning class and a part of our class last week was talking about that in depth also the class is fantastic i’m glad you have a cool interesting class it’s always better when the classes are interesting instead of boring so that is exciting oh god oh god

This is going to be difficult this is going to be difficult potentially and upsy daisies and can we upsy daisies anymore where can i upsy daisy here oh i guess over there bro hundred months jeez that’s wild that is the first ever 100 months that we’ve i mean every month

That haha potatoes does a resub is another record of how many months zone has been subbed as kind of is the case when someone is the longest sub but that’s uh that’s quite a lot that’s quite a lot dude we need to i feel like we need to make a

New we have the potato badge and the potato badge was five years but now we need to add like a 100 month badge or something like that bro we need to add a new a new long now we’ve got we’ve got several potatoes here now um so it’s uh

The potato has been slightly devalued we need to add another one what should what should be a 100 month badge what would be good for that uh where are we going over here wait over here no wait what where oh no over wait can i nope okay i don’t know where to go

Mcc coin captain sparkles with an old beard a golden potato a laughing potato a cheese potato i mean the current potato kind of satisfies a lot of that criteria um am i going this but if i go that way where do i go from there

I don’t i don’t think i can get up there i feel kind of dumb right now Why is this difficult to fig wait can i get on top from here wait a minute wait a minute that doesn’t work um a gold george gt haha potatoes do you have any input as to what you would like to see what the f where am i going oh wait a

Minute oh that’s what i’m doing i’m running on these ah that’s smart didn’t think about it i didn’t think about those as viable blocks to actually walk on even though i was already walking on one but they were that was like those ones were not as big

So it tripped me up a little bit and we zoom nope no going to the nether not here uh jerry the slime red glasses there’s a lot of thoughts here um i don’t can i get in there nope can’t get in there wait wait what are we doing can

We go around no where can we go wait are we going backward no uh um hmm you little clever over there all right and then we uh oh okay breaking through lady ionite hey do i want to go over here is this actually a place that i

Want to go do i want to drop i’m scared that this is going to send me back but no this is where we’re supposed to go and then we go over Here um logitech g502 mount wait no that’s not where i wanted to go logitech g502 mouse icon this this 100 month badge is brought to you by our sponsor logitech i wonder if anyone’s ever done that actually it’d be kind of funny monetizing your your uh like sub slots or uh your

Your uh loyalty slots oh someone’s someone must have done that at some point someone’s had to have done that potato with red glasses and oh god oh god no oh we’re good we’re good got it let’s go and oh we gotta time it and we make these let’s go where am i

Going am i going under here where do you want me oh nope actually i don’t know where i’m go oh wait are we slimy or slimy jumping right probably i’m assuming a potato in one of your cars you know there is this uh resolution thing to consider where it’s when you’re seeing

This in chat it’s like 26 by 26 pixels so you know we can’t do necessarily like a a detailed drawing of a potato located sticking out the window of one of my cars because it’s it’s gonna get difficult to figure out what’s going on and rather than just looking like kind

Of a really really small low-res car that has a dot in one of the windows whether or not you even recognize that it’s a dot or um or it just is the window i i don’t know so yeah just um fyi i don’t even by the way like

Where do the higher resolution emotes get displayed on twitch i don’t even know that because you submit up to well it used to be you submitted basically uh 112 um uh 56 and uh oh 28 not 26 right um you would submit all those but then

They made it so they will actually auto scale for you am i not supposed to do that um or you can submit manually it just depends like if you want to do some different kinds of scaling other than just what twitch is scaling it that’s not working um then

You can manually submit but also you can just let twitch scale it for you with whatever you know bicubic uh you have to go on top of here yeah there we go got it um but anyway i don’t where does a 112 get display if oh you must look decently

Nice on my 4k phone screen so if you’re on a 4k phone screen does it actually display like a a 112 by 112 emote is that where it’s actually used they look okay they look sharp on phones okay then that must be the case that’s got to be it

I just never use my i never use my phone for viewing content oh are we doing some snake parkour out here it’s kind of looking like it oh oh this is opened up quite a bit a lot of real estate inside of here you could do a super saiyan potato uh-huh

Is that what you do yeah okay that’s cool idea um super saiyan potato i’m sure that would be very clear as to what exactly is happening and no one would be like what what is this um Nope can’t go in there bro be honest i love the i don’t know if you hear that i love the click feel i love the click feel on this mouse it’s a very nice click feel anyway what i need what i need is this thing

With like the pads on the bottom and you know the waiting and how the how the friction feels and all that stuff i need that combined with give me all the side buttons here we go and then up there oh we’re introducing some of the snake parkour let’s go um yeah it’s a

It’s a nice it’s a nice feeling it’s a nice feeling thing oh we’re into the beans section let’s go dude we love the bean section gold beans mmm delicious make make it a bean make the 100 month uh a bean yeah is that the play oh what do we got here huh

That was interesting wait i can’t no uh wait oh wait what What am i what the what do the heck uh oh what oh this is crazy now we go oh wow that is fancy do we oh and then oh that’s crazy oh my god can i out run i can’t outrun this is wild holy crap holy heck ah nothing no work thank you

This should be an actual enchantment wouldn’t that this would actually be a sick enchantment wouldn’t it it should be something like super special and super expensive but having oh look at those whoppers can you imagine that being something that you could like think on the think think as far as like

The rarity uh it couldn’t be found with villagers because like mending is now easy because of villager cycling but just imagine if there was like another like set of enchantments in the game that you couldn’t get from villager cycling you couldn’t get from the enchantment table

They cost like a ton of levels to apply to you know it can’t be a drop from the warden because they don’t want the warden to be something you try to farm um but you know that but it could be like a rare drop from something or it could be

Super rare even rarer than like an enchanted gapple from a dungeon or something something like that and uh it would be instead of frost walker it would be yeah magma walker i don’t know what you would call it but that would be yeah a rare drop from the

Wither maybe that’d be kind of cool oh dude can you imagine yeah like a rare that’s actually what it should be like a rare ancient city frick a rare ancient city drop would be or loot chest would be really cool yeah dude that would be sick

That would be super sick and that would make sense because you know that’s underground it’s where you would find um or you could do it from a bastion because nether obviously that would be like mega i’m an idiot it’d be like mega op in the nether but

You could do it as like a super rare bastion chest drop or something i don’t know that would be really cool or there could be a new update for something that could have it we need to have i feel like uh we need to why are you freaking this up

You idiot holy heck what am i doing why am i so bad at jumping on bamboo oh being bamboozled what bro there’s something going on with this there’s something going on i don’t know what’s happening but it’s uh something is taking over my character and holy heck this is not okay

What is going on okay no i can’t for some reason i cannot judge when it’s bamboos glass panes end rods it just doesn’t work okay there we go and then what is happening there you go what did what was happening there what was i doing i don’t understand

What what took me so long okay do i go i probably go over here and then i’m so proud thank you thank you for being so proud of me for doing literally the bare minimum oh my lord make sure that you are subscribed to captainsparklez2 following at twitch.tv captainsparklez

Hit the like button and check out the playlist and stuff for more maps and stuff like that and things and whatnot and so good to have you here for my incredible parkouring abilities we do appreciate we’re going up oh it’s big bouncy let’s go all right

Chorus parkour is worse do you mean end rods um i’m assuming you mean like end rods probably or no oh chorus fruits uh course flowers and stuff like nah that’s not too bad that’s not too bad because that’s like that’s full-size hitbox and stuff like that okay am i

Going to there can i kill that do i have enough height i do barely but made it let’s go huge plays let’s go big big maneuvers what mouse am i using the logitech g502x it’s pretty cool well lightspeed very fancy all right and we zoom and we zoom and we zoom so

Apparently if we do this in under 30 minutes we are an s tier i don’t know how many how many ticks is in 30 minutes i think it’s set on the site but um okay i’m not going that way did i go to a

Place that i didn’t have to go to i may have wait am i going to no i have to get inside somehow wait how do i what the do i need to go no what how to um through there i am so big smart now i am so big smart

Always gotta try the paintings let’s go he figured it out is that a checkpoint what will you what mate it freaking closes up haha get pranked bro go go go go go okay made it made it i think jumping actually was the problem it was the issue that i

Face in um what should we call it you know what you know what i’m talking about the issue that i faced inside it to get to the other side on mcc island where i um i jump at the end of the honeycomb parkour and then somebody else beats me

Because they didn’t jump and they just fall right into the chicken pit and my extra hang time from jumping costs me the win so jumping jumping hurts your time dude that’s what i’m learning that’s the big moral of the story here is uh try not to jump if you’re going for speed

To go down where it’s at least don’t jump but do jump if you’re trying to get lateral speed because it works for that at least okay 30 let’s let’s calculate this so 30 minutes is um what 1800 seconds and oh okay that’s counting not ticks that’s counting seconds so 1800 seconds

Is he gonna make it hey you know what in fairness this is unsettling jumping across floating sand in fairness i have been talking about you know other stuff and and looking at chat and reading off notifications and shouting out haha potato for a hundred months of savage okay so

You know i feel like that entitles us to at least like five minutes worth of leeway to esteer i’m just saying i’m just saying you’re you’re gonna copium me for that you’re gonna copium me for that oh my god unbelievable i feel like the thing that slows me down

The most is every time that we hit the new checkpoint i’m always like wait a minute where do i go whoa i go down there okay that is that’s unexpected that’s not where i thought i’d go cappium is that a is that a new emote opportunity capium

What would the capya memo look like oh good they actually want to see it they actually we’re actually getting some lmaos here does that mean this this is going to happen oh what the frick what do the heck is this wait a minute uh what do you want from here what the i

Think i need to get up there oh there we go yeah we need to get up wait is this the way no the what what do you want from me how do i get up i have to get over there see this is the thing every time i hit a new section i’m

Like what are you wait oh it’s a slimy it’s a sl wait is it a slime parkour uh is it that no oh oh it is that because i can just run across the block below it like a genius yep that’s exactly it i forgot and sorry i i say slime but i

Mean honey i just slime to me is kind of an all-encompassing term when it comes to sticky blocks easy bro easy easy game easy life you can’t stop me with that you can’t stop me with that oh boy we got another run in the mineclair in here huh wait wait

Got it all right and then uh uh we gotta switch to the track switch the track and then and then we go through oh he freaking gets it and then into a cactus this time i could have looked at chat because it wouldn’t have guided me into

Lava although if i hadn’t hit the button it would have guided me in the lava dude i freaking aced that come on poor mine clarin i don’t have the car to go with it anymore that was a long time ago actually that was not recent that’s it’s been it’s been a while

But anywho okay i feel like this is pretty doable this is pretty doable here let’s go let’s go easy peasy i think you can throw me off with that i don’t think so oh god dude we’re gonna we have to beat the map in the next 80

Seconds if i want to be an s tier parkour artist oh god jumping across floating snow is terrifying where are we going backwards i guess oh no i gotta assume i gotta zoom i got a tunnel vision i really got a tunnel vision holy heck are we going this way okay

You guys got to believe me so far nothing nothing here has been too crazy it’s a really i like the flow of this thing as opposed to it being super duper difficult to figure out where to go or super crazy technical jumps like we’ve seen in some other

Recent maps that cause us to be very sad about our lives and the inability to actually hit any jumps i can go through water i always forget that okay go tell me this is it this is this takes me up just kidding this does not take me all

The way up that’s very sad i thought we were at the top watch there’s actually probably like we’re halfway there this isn’t 1.18 so it is gonna be pretty high up all right but we zoom in see this is what i’m talking about though bro like i just i

Just turned up the heat as i move into the ice section but that’s what i’m saying bro i turned up the heat when i started saying we have 80. oh no what have you done to me oh god what what are you oh my lord

I see i have to stay on the ice because it’s powdered snow that’s innovative very innovative and then wait over to here i thought i i turned up the heat i no i the ice section is still pretty cold actually but i’m feeling good feeling good wait

Can i go around here nope that’s not the way wait where do i go where do i go over this way so many openings to backtrack let’s freaking go it is hot though yes very much it’s been very toasty here yesterday or i guess a couple days ago it was raining and

90 degrees so that’s common weather that’s very fun yep we love we love uh yesterday actually though oh it was like weird i went outside for a moment just to move something on the deck and um it was like humid it felt like florida outside it was weird bro i was like this

Is not how it’s supposed to be here where am i going by the way am i going what what the frick i guess i’m going down uh felt like you know hawaii or florida or just you know places where it’s it’s it it felt humid so therefore it felt

Like places where it is humid as kind of makes sense when it’s humid uh but it i was i like i don’t think i never felt it in l.a like that before and i was like oh everything this is fine the dog house on fire meme everything this is fine

There’s definitely no problems happening here it definitely isn’t getting worse every year um there’s no problems going on at all none whatsoever oh wait i was in here i don’t think i want to be here i’m now going backwards where am i supposed to

Go from here am i going ah there you go little clever little thing sticking out Do i go on the fence i am i’m on the fence about this but i think it’s correct there we go easy oh that was that was gnarly that was like a head hitter oh wow there’s a head hitter so i didn’t think i was going to have the amount of uh

Clearance i needed there we go we’ve made it then over to there bro we’re oh we’re so fat we’re so far over oh we’ve entered the b dimension i mean the bean dimension that’s crazy dude i didn’t know you could just have portals that send you flawlessly seamlessly into another dimension with

No loading time like even the nether has loading time but this man’s has created a new dimension that you can actually look through the portal and see what it looks like in real time it’s the bees beans dimension okay really though i’m not an i’m not an ester parkourist this sucks

That’s all i wanted in life when i dropped out of school and my mom was apprehensive about it it was because she said jardon i’m not sure you’re ever going to be an esteer parkour artist and i was like no mom i tell me this is the exit and not where i

Came in yes this is the exit okay i got scared for a second there um but anyway she said she was like jardon you’re never going to be asked here parkour artist and the only way that you’re actually ever going to be able to do this sustainably and make a living

Is if you become a nest to your parkour artist and so now i have failed my mom and she you stupid block i failed her and she was right i proved her right in a bad way and that’s very sad very very very sad indeed no

Fun i’ve got to be close i’ve got to be close oh my god dude i’ve got like how guys i’m not so sure i’m close after all this is um this is unfortunate uh-huh well then we’re gonna really we’re gonna really need to get a move on here aren’t

We uh is was that just two rotations i don’t know oh my god we can’t get touched we can’t get touched this is innovative this is innovative the tnt mineclarens oh god the engine’s gonna blow oh no wait i’m gonna no oh frick oh this is crazy wait oh i wasn’t ready

I wasn’t ready for playing frogger with exploding mind clearance oh god i love that was the coolest thing ever i want to have a full map of that dude i wanna have a that’s actually an amazing like multiplayer game idea i kind of love it i kind of love it

Are you going down here it must be that was so cool oh okay uh here we go here we go it’s kind of slow it’s kind of slow you gotta make that jump and then wait is that it i’m pretty sure that’s it unless oh god

Wait watch it actually oh it goes to the next place it’s like the parkour apocalypse map it’s exactly like the parkour apocalypse map from the blue man is it gonna keep going up watch it’s probably gonna keep going nevermind it’s not gonna keep going up that’s fine though we zoo we ace dude

Blue man has prepared me for this you can’t throw anything at me that i’m not ready for i have i have studied the way of the blue man and therefore i am ready for anything that anyone can throw at me okay oh they’re all locked how sad wait ace race remix

Ace race but there’s exploding mine carts that are coming at you the entire time you’re doing laps i’m not entirely sure how you would actually execute that but it could be interesting uh wait where am i going i just came from did i come from i came from here didn’t i oh geez

Oh geez wait am i going here i don’t actually know where i came from and where is new but wait we’re going up so this must be nope okay uh we’re going this way this must be new it’s very hard to keep track of but i

Think this is new oh yeah i know i figured out the way unwittingly but i did it must be up to the ladder got it it’s freaking good dude yeah i’m i’m gonna be honest as fun as that was there i’m not entirely sure there’s a way to do that

In ace race without it being kind of weird because this is at least a little bit more like two-dimensional in the sense you’re kind of running along a one path whereas ace race has like tridenting and and the light train and stuff like that and it

Would get kind of difficult to manage at some point most likely with the mine carts kind of flying at you well there we go this is just a freaking maze but somehow it worked for us oh my god can you imagine dude if i fell

Down there i’d be all the way back to the beginning if i fail this oh boy that would be so mean that would be so mean if he made those more difficult to where i could fail on that oh god gets sent all the way back down oof can you even imagine

What is this oh wait uh uh no i’ve changed my didn’t want to change my dpi am i good okay dpi is still good i hit the hotkey for dpi because i don’t have the the buttons but anyway wait do i need to bullseye both of them

Bro do i need to bullseye both of them come on i am accurate there we go accuracy yay i did it so good wait over here yeah eats in double slime double slime come on big plays how close are we oh my god i think we’re more than halfway so you know

There’s that at least there seem to be um quite a few more rotations to to do here you know yeah yeah where um what do you what do you want me to do here i didn’t think that this was going to be that long hmm well

I guess we’re gonna have to wait until after i’m done to be able to do the next uh logitech oh no i’ve made a terrible mistake um we’re probably gonna have to wait until yeah later after we’re switching over to ragnamon to do the net maybe rag the mod loading

Time will be the next mouse giveaway what do you want for me to do here i don’t understand how do i get up there how do i open the thing do i still need to snowball something is there nope never mind there’s no more snowballing um you think fence jump wait which

Bench how uh the oh over there that fence oh my oh [Applause] it’s so very clever i see what you think i must do that is so very smart yes and then i do okay there we go god it’s always like such a roundabout way to go just

What looks to be one jump away and then it’s like no no no you gotta you gotta circle all the way around there dude please hit it thank you next a checkpoint no oh i cannot believe you’ve done this okay uh so uh oh oh wait does this work does this no it

Doesn’t freak hmm oh it’s leather boots oh i thought it was the i thought it was the netherright boots again um i just saw kind of the enchantment i was like oh it’s the nether right lava boots i’m not yeah no i’m dumb cool everything’s good i figured it out guys

I figured it out sorry and people are like you got boots you idiot yeah yeah that’s that’s i rung different boots i was like where’s the lava i must have to run on lava now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was clever though that was clever just like throw

You down the pit and then be like no no no but you’re i’m gonna get i’m gonna get you some boots you’re gonna be good there’s nothing to worry about make sure that you’re following it twitch.tv slash count and sparkles and subject happens too so that you can get some sick

Leather boot parkour action that’s super awesome and very very logical just as logical as logitech oh it’s like a little jumpy whoa dude actually that’s a cool idea doing parkour with water water that’s been edited to be soul sanded even though there’s no soul sands underneath that’s fancy

I like these original ideas they’re very cool they’re very cool indeed and okay a lot of blocked off stuff i mean everything is blocked off because it’s all made of blocks to be fair but you know you get the idea where are we going over to here probably yay okay

And then dude there’s so many double slime jumps here and they’re all just nice they’re all beautiful so used to the double slime jumps and maps where it’s like one one slime block wide and you just hate everything because you didn’t you can’t hit it properly

And you just hit the edge of the slime block even though there’s nothing around the slime block and then but the slime block is like that’s how i work if you are not perfectly centered on me then sorry you shall not pass even if there is all air blocks surrounding yeah you

Might have hit the edge of me but it doesn’t matter you suck get better at aiming yourself scrub i think you’re gonna win mcc if you can’t center yourself on a slime block heck no you aren’t uh-oh or good i kind of just jumped because i was in

The flow without even looking first to see that there was slime block but it all worked out bro how do you do this in under 30 minutes like what it’s actually gnarly that’s actually wild like with how much more we have to go 30 it just seems like i’m not making any

Every time i look up it looks like i have the same amount left is the map constructing itself in front of me what is happening i’m not going anywhere i’m not moving why is this happening to me bruh ester must be insane like never missing a jump and figuring out shortcuts and

Stuff like that i wonder if there’s any like big skips in the map that you can do a double slime jump what’s the uh the map it’s parkour spiral three don’t be fooled by any parkour spirals that aren’t the parkour spiral by helke heilke i’m i’m the worst at names anyway bro

This is uh there’s some just i’m not going anywhere it’s it’s like i’m chasing after a mirage in a desert it’s not actually real and it just maintains a fixed distance in front of me because it’s just it looks like water on the horizon but i keep chasing

It anyway and yet i never get any closer and that’s exactly what’s happening here it doesn’t feel good uh up we go oh boy is it another even more elevated no that’s some omega frick right there that is some omega frick oh my god is that where i’m even supposed to go

Maybe that’s not even where i’m supposed to go was that a double slime do you think oh no dude oh my god i have to i have to wrap around like multiple times in order to get back to where i was oof okay oh yeah it’s a double slime to the

Ladders isn’t it Got it okay thank you for calling that out otherwise there’s a good chance that i was gonna try the same thing again have it fail and then be like but i’m sure that i can make it work if i just keep trying and then it wouldn’t work so yep okay

Wait uh over to here i can’t wait to look up again in just a few minutes only to find that in fact i’m no no progress has been made where am i going here what am i what am i doing we’re going are we doing down we’re going this is

Why see this is why i’m not making any progress because i end up going down i’m making negative progress when you send me down these pits of despair and then i have to work my way back out and then it feels like i should have done a full rotation of the thing but

Instead i i know what the how did i do that i don’t even know i just jumped over the whole block there like some super jump thing what the frick don’t do that was it just that i was able to like walk up that that’s what it was it’s that i actually

Jumped off of the block i was trying to land on oops okay wait please tell me i’m not just back okay good please don’t fall please don’t fall this would be very bad if i fell now it would be a very disappointing situation okay we’re good we’ve locked it in

Oh every time that you do the full the full like detour and then it loops you right back to like a couple blocks above where you started at and you’re like if i fall now i have to redo everything it’s the worst okay yeah this is actually like

Bro 30 minutes okay even yeah even if i was going like omega profile slime how to kill a slime by captain spock um thank you cat pack once again shout out to the cat pack we appreciate bro even if i hadn’t stopped for a moment and i was running the whole time

And i hadn’t called out any of the uh any of the chat notifications so on and so forth i don’t think i’d asked here it’s it’s like the same it’s i have i made i can’t tell maybe i’ve made a little bit more progress it’s it’s hard

To know it’s really hard to see wait am i get do i need a snowball i probably need a snowball somewhere it just i’m going nowhere i’m going nowhere fast do you think i’m closer you guys are seeing them closer okay that’s reassuring thank you snowball snowball snowball any snowballs

Can i get a snowball anybody got a snowball for me or maybe we don’t need it maybe there’s just decoy it was just a decoy we didn’t need it anyway okay cool where are we going wait where am i where am i going i don’t know where i’m going oh i’m going

Oh you little idiot hold on got it and we up let’s go oh oh snowball’s a secret right i did read about in the in the download page there are secrets in this map so if you had yeah so if i had held onto the snowball rather than throwing it

In the middle of the whatever whenever i threw it then i could have thrown it at that and i could unlock the secrets yeah guys i’ve missed the secret rip that’s very sad for us do i need to go in here and then here oh i’m learning i’m learning restart the map

You you’ve ruined it dude you’ve ruined it you don’t know that oh wait i can’t go in there you you miss the secret bro how are we supposed to enjoy the map wow that is a colorful cave how are we supposed to enjoy the map if you missed the secret with the

Snowball you should have known you were supposed to keep that in your inventory so you could use it later on so that you would get to find the secret now everything is ruined wait can i go in here please tell me that this is the

Right way and i have yes it is the right way great jardon you missed diamonds you idiot look at all those diamonds you just passed do you even do you even see color properly good lord bro figure it out oh my god dude 1800 seconds is 30 minutes that’s ridiculous that’s ridiculous

There’s gotta be some shortcuts i there has to be right right i wonder what the secret is also i think there was more than one secret in this map so i wonder what those are go go go we zoom the nice thing is though like nothing’s too crazy

Go mind clare and zoom you’re ruining the speed run what the frick are you doing huh i want to go through am i really just supposed to get i’m just supposed to use that to get up there and then do the parkour what the frick i want to go in

Oh heck i have to i get it now i get it now got it there we go that was kind of clever also though i wanted to just be able to skip that and instead just go through the thing and be done with it he’s learning people he’s figuring it out

His mind is expanding it’s wonderful to watch oh god 546. oh geez dude this is gnarly well as always you know the map is linked in the description if you’re watching on youtube and you want to see how fast you can speed around if you can

Get s here 30 minutes good lord i don’t know i don’t know what rank i’m gonna be i’m gonna have to look it up really quickly after we finish here if we can even do that uh where am i going am i going on to the fence probably onto i gotta play defense

Here in order to keep on keeping on are we close very close it’s hard to tell but i feel like we’ve gotta be right and then he’s gonna like throw some crazy maneuvers at us or something like that on the final stretch make it so there’s no way that i can get

To i have to choose the parkour or the zine uh oh my god the triple slimy boys look at all this ancient debris crazy wait where where is he going wait where is he going oh he’s going no wait that’s where he came from where is he going is

He going onto the fence it must be the fence right yeah it’s the fence again it’s always the fence it is always the fence okay tell me this is it come on big maneuvers check pointed no offense no a lot of fence so much fence only fence wait okay open no oh you

You’re kidding me right you’re kidding me you’re kidding me how could you do this to me so it’s timed just a little a little fancy little timing trick ah there we go oh let me up oh my god dude oh my god it just it just keeps going

This is a marathon this is by far and away the longest parkour spiral map of all time well there’s the there was the one by um i think it was shoot i forgot who who made it but there was the one that was parkour spiral infinite i think that was

Also really really long wait am i just going up i think i might just be going up here that one is really really long and that was also like really hard to be fair but wait no am i going wait what am i doing here am i going down

Maybe i’m going to i am going down two steps forward one step oh okay we love water elevators i’m getting close i’m getting close i’m getting close right i think i think you’re just right up there oh god i really gotta zoom though holy heck

Bro i was trying to judge when to start this stream because based off of like what how long this map was projected to take and i saw a 30 minute s here and i was like all right 45 minutes probably would be good like i’m not accounting for being s here but but

You know asked here plus 50 thought it would be good nope misjudged dramatically i am poor at this big old cappium in the chat we need to get the capium emote going along with all the other 50 million emotes that i say i need to do and then

Don’t actually do because i’m terrible wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you’re going to this is this is a little tricky boy huh i see what you’re doing here wait a minute wait wait wait wait huh no i have to go this way

I have to go over here yeah okay is it is it that it’s that ah tricky dick let’s go sorry i don’t have time to save you right now i gotta make it to ragnamod okay uh another time that’s not very ethical minecraft of you jardoon

But what can i say dude the zine is gonna be waiting and i specifically say zine and not pete because pete uh i guess has a speedrun competition that he’s doing we made it yo let’s go the end oh that was i thought there was gonna be some kind of

Like super crazy thing as we made it to the end but we got it dude let’s go maybe i would have had time to save the villagers i timed the finish perfectly for ragnamon this is incredible 56 minutes and 13 seconds rank b it’s okay it’s this is rank b that’s that’s fine

Everything is everything is okay um hold on let’s go into the center and admire the spoils of victory look at all these beautiful diamonds i get to stand on top of them incredible work anyway thank you all for tuning in very much make sure to like the video sub to captainsparklez2

And um follow twitch you know all the usual and then of course it’s still working it hasn’t frozen love to see it thank you to our sponsors logitech who also own astro headsets for the g502x lightspeed super duper swick brand new hot off the presses link in the description if you’re interested and

That’s why you should uh watch the streams live at twitch.tv slash captainsparklez because then you can join in the giveaways of these things also there will be one on twitter though so if you follow me on twitter look out for that and um yeah that is pretty much it and um

See you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Omega Parkour Spiral’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2022-09-14 00:00:05. It has garnered 51888 views and 2294 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:00 or 3600 seconds.

Wowie that’s a big ol spiral Thanks to Logitech for sponsoring the video. Check out the new G502 X: https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/g502-line.html Map playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyHRe93TbKfq96bFUPAWI1G Map: https://www.minecraftmaps.com/parkour-maps/parkour-spiral-3

My Links: ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● My headset: https://astro.family/JordGTA40 ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez

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  • InfluxedPrison

    InfluxedPrison Features   ∙ Fully customizable pickaxes with 24+ Unique custom enchants!   ∙ Crystals that unlock new diverse opportunities for your pickaxe!   ∙ Balanced economy to perfect the players experience   ∙ Upgradable and customizable private mines   ∙ Levelling Rewards   ∙ F2P gameplay which ensures balance   ∙ Robots   ∙ Milestones & Prestige Milestones   ∙ Crates   ∙ Currencies such as (Tokens, Gems, Money)   ∙ Envoys   ∙ Custom armor sets Brand New Features Implemented Weekly! influxedprison.com Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla Public 1.19-1.21.1 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Welcome to MineRealm, the third longest running survival SMP server! Server: game.minerealm.com Website: minerealm.com Trailer: Watch Now Discord: Join Now Rules: View Here About MineRealm: Experience legit gameplay on MineRealm, with no spawned items or blocks. Our custom-coded features and grief prevention system ensure a fun and fair environment. Join our Discord to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more information, visit our forum post. See you in game! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Progress wiped out in one swift blow

    Minecraft Memes - Progress wiped out in one swift blow"Me: spends hours building an epic Minecraft castle. My friend: accidentally hits TNT My progress: ‘I’m about to end this man’s whole career.’" Read More

  • Medieval Minecraft Manor: Craft Your Castle!

    Medieval Minecraft Manor: Craft Your Castle! In this Minecraft realm, we craft with delight, A medieval house, sturdy and bright. Follow along, step by step we’ll go, Creating a home, a place to show. Start with the materials, gather them near, Stone, wood, and more, have no fear. Build a tower, tall and grand, With windows and doors, take a stand. Next, the house, walls rising high, Rooms inside, cozy and nigh. Decorate with care, make it shine, Furniture and details, all in line. The roof, a challenge, but we’ll prevail, Sloping and sturdy, without fail. Recap our work, a job well done, In this… Read More

  • Villager Update vs Minecart Rocket: The Ultimate Showdown! 🔥

    Villager Update vs Minecart Rocket: The Ultimate Showdown! 🔥 “Villager Update: I can trade with you and help you build a thriving village! Minecart Rocket: Hold my TNT, I’m about to blast off into the stratosphere!” 🚀😂 #minecraftlogic #villagersvsrockets Read More

  • The Guy Pulled a Prank

    The Guy Pulled a Prank The Epic Minecraft Build Battle Incident The Build Battle Unfolds In a seemingly ordinary Minecraft build battle session, a player was caught off guard by the antics of two mysterious individuals named “MCphantom” and “adoptedperson.” These two players decided to pull off a daring move that almost resulted in a ban for our unsuspecting protagonist. The Close Call As the events unfolded on the 27th of February 2021, our player found themselves in a precarious situation. The actions of MCphantom and adoptedperson threatened to disrupt the peaceful gameplay and potentially lead to consequences. However, quick thinking and a stroke… Read More


    EPIC HOUSE BUILDING IN MINECRAFT! CRAZY COLLAB w/ @khairanstream PT. 12Video Information This video, titled ‘AKHIRNYA KITA BUILD RUMAH SENDIRI! – NAMATIN MINECRAFT HARDCORE! Ft. @khairanstream PART 12’, was uploaded by Zahran Gamers on 2024-09-06 23:40:30. It has garnered 103 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:41 or 6881 seconds. Hi Guys Enjoy Watching My Live Streaming I Hope You Like This Live Don’t forget to click the like button and share this video to your friends!! And also to your social media and write in the comments column what video should be made For Friends Who Want to Donate to Me As Much As You… Read More

  • Evolution of JJ Life Cycle in Minecraft!

    Evolution of JJ Life Cycle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ with WOMAN JJ Life Cycle! JJ EVOLUTION with MIKEY in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by MaizeN – JJ Mikey on 2024-08-30 00:00:12. It has garnered 4506 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:01 or 1201 seconds. JJ with WOMAN JJ Life Cycle! JJ EVOLUTION with MIKEY in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – / @maizenofficial Read More


    FLAMEUSZ REVEALS SECRETS 1.16.5-1.21.1! | MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘INKMC.PL ✅ Wersja: 1.16.5-1.21.1 🔥 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Flameusz on 2024-07-30 10:24:57. It has garnered 1615 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. ⚡ Give this video a thumbs up! 💖 And Subscribe to the Channel! 🎬 Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoAsccIZUO4&t 📸 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flameusz/ ► MY SERVER: 👾 IP: INKMC.PL 👾 Version: 1.16.5-1.20.2 👾 Discord: https://discord.gg/inkmc 📞 BUSINESS / CONTACT: [email protected] Read More


    ULTIMATE COOKIEGOD MINECRAFT MARATHON - 5 HOURS TO RELAXVideo Information This video, titled ‘*5 HOUR* COOKIEGOD VIDEOS TO FALL ASLEEP TO (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by aCookieGod Fandom! on 2024-08-22 00:00:02. It has garnered 8609 views and 229 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:45 or 18645 seconds. Welcome to the aCookieGod Fandom! 🎉 We’re dedicated fans bringing you the ultimate collection of Minecraft content inspired by the incredible aCookieGod. Dive into the best compilations of jaw-dropping builds, epic challenges, and laugh-out-loud moments from our favorite YouTuber. Whether you’re here for inspiration or pure entertainment, join our community by subscribing and hitting the bell icon to stay updated… Read More

  • 🔥 TOP 5 MUST-HAVE Textures for Minecraft 1.21+!

    🔥 TOP 5 MUST-HAVE Textures for Minecraft 1.21+!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥 ¡Las 5 MEJORES Texturas Útiles para Minecraft Bedrock 1.21+ (SIN DESACTIVAR LOGROS)! 🔥’, was uploaded by Shenmaru on 2024-08-27 04:01:32. It has garnered 689 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:40 or 460 seconds. #mcpetexture #minecrafttextures #minecraftaddon ========================================== Tired of searching for textures that will actually make a difference in your game? Want to improve your survival experience without losing your achievements? This video is for you! In this video I’ll show you the Top 5 useful textures you can add to Minecraft Bedrock 1.21+ to make your life easier…. Read More

  • Surviving Scary Piggy in Minecraft!

    Surviving Scary Piggy in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Survive From Scary Piggy Roblox in minecraft Challenge animation’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey Minecraft on 2024-03-17 02:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. JJ and Mikey ESCAPE FROM Piggy ROblox at 3:00 AM in Minecraft Maizen Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen @maizenofficial. Read More

  • Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] – EPIC MINECRAFT TRIDENT HUNT!

    Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] - EPIC MINECRAFT TRIDENT HUNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘I WANT A MINECRAFT TRIDENT.’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-06-07 22:22:03. It has garnered 344 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:47 or 8207 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!!! 👍 MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURIFURIFURIFURI FERNTAIL!!!! 💚 I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ forest dwelling and caps lock spamming Weasel! 🩹 🍃 I LOVE MONEY!!!!!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE!!!!!! 💼 DON’T FORGET TO PAY… Read More

  • Insane GoogleTit Edit | FlexMC Triple Blood Poison Ice Pull

    Insane GoogleTit Edit | FlexMC Triple Blood Poison Ice PullVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC 5xKan 2xZehir 1xBuz edit çekme gök kesme FlexMC’, was uploaded by GoogleTit on 2024-07-09 17:25:48. It has garnered 87 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. discord.gg/flexmcs discord: 1.ostap to get settings: 1.ostap Keyword(s): sonoyuncu, sonoyuncu minecraft, savaswilson, savaswilson youtube, sonoyuncu titanium, titanium, titanium survival, sonoyuncu titanium survival, sonoyuncu survival titanium, mountains of pandora, pandora pvp, nether pvp, titanium pandora, titanium nether pvp, titanium nether, titanium pvp, duello pvp, duel pvp, titanium duel pvp, qmainq titanium, qmainq survival titanium, qmainq titanium survival, sonoyuncu survival, titanium money mining,… Read More

  • Insane Fishing Pros in Minecraft Warzone Music

    Insane Fishing Pros in Minecraft Warzone MusicVideo Information This video, titled ‘#funny #minecraft #musica #gaming #warzone #music #callofduty #memes #humor #playstation’, was uploaded by Les pros pêcheurs on 2024-06-21 13:11:16. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

Minecraft Omega Parkour Spiral