Minecraft Parkour Town

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to parkour town by hilke hilke I don’t know the pronunciation for sure but we played many of hilke’s maps before and this one the record is uh two and a half minutes so yep we’re definitely gonna beat that aren’t we yep it’s gonna go great also I

Guess there’s a shop where you can buy upgrades and things like that for coins which we don’t have yet I assume that the world record was probably assisted by these assuming that it counts anyway with that said we should probably get going that is a fancy map logo right

There let’s get to it and parkour make sure to like the video sub to captainsparkles too hit the Bell turn on notifications I thought it was gonna die there not making the lily pad jump um I’m so bad at Lily bad jumps I swear check the playlist for more parkour maps

Link in the description and um yeah follow on Twitch in order to catch these live wow okay so we must start off by going down not up I see you make me go backwards so I’m assuming that there are numerous numerous shortcuts on this map

Um if there is a way to do it that quickly um although I I also do assume that it must be counting it like using the power ups that you’re able to get otherwise like how how in the world or saying like I don’t even think if I just had blocks

And I was in creative mode and I would just like jumped up a building beneath myself I don’t even know if I get up that much in two and a half minutes peaking probably would I don’t know if Peking is the one with the record uh or not probably not

Different teams P Kings uh blue man but I don’t know he can if you hear this give it a go show us who’s boss he King parentheses derogatory [Laughter] no no it’s just my alternate account okay obviously at the end of the day that’s really all it is is me just being

Competitive with myself but it’s the runs that I do um oh see there was a way to like shortcut up here somehow that’s like an alternate route or something I hope I’m not going backwards just having jumped down there no I’m not okay but it does say like there’s a million different

Ways to go through here and I just have to figure out which one is the best one is that one oh God where do I go from here where do I go from here uh Frick probably over there yeah yeah that would be the place that’s definitely the place

Over there that does mean technically it’s kind of non-linear in a way uh do I want to go over here I probably want to go over here go watch this be like I’m actually going backwards now I’m probably going backwards now which is going to be like really embarrassing I’m

Gonna go like I’m gonna go through oh my ball sacks that’s not cool that’s quite bad wait did I make a new checkpoint no I’ve definitely been here before that’s not good oh frick oh frick at least I didn’t jump down here the last time because then I definitely would have sent myself

Backwards but I’m I got it figured out this time though I know what I’m gonna do here why did I use a checkpoint because I hadn’t had a new checkpoint since I don’t think so it didn’t really make much of a difference um okay thank goodness yeah this is a long

Distance without a checkpoint here rip in pieces to us but let’s hope we can make it through bro I’m I I had the first part of my day today just completely ruined by a company can I go through there I swear dude I swear there’s something about like post post covid

Um companies like Behaving Badly way worse than usually they would before like don’t get me wrong a lot of companies are out trying to like screw you over but at least when you like comment on it and uh say hey I’d like to not have this happen I’d like to cancel

Usually they’ll at least like listen even if they’ve been gouging you up until then where do I go from here um let’s see I don’t know where I’m going from here I don’t I don’t know if I can get on I probably can’t I’ll probably just follow

Through do I go over there I came from there I’m gonna try this and see what happens oh God did I hit that checkpoint by the way because if I didn’t then yikes that’ll be really bad if I fall um so anyway there we go basically

Hey okay so I explained to you a different day that it was like I don’t want to go oh wait I do want to go over there I do actually want to do actually want to go over there um I explained a different time that like recently I I bought some stuff and

Then after I received it um I I bought like at illuminated address numbers for my household I was just one because one of them um it just burnt out so I replaced it and after they shipped me the thing uh and I received it it’s another checkpoint I carumba okay um

I basically should not have gone and done what I just did there because I don’t have leather boots now and I have a feeling you needed to get leather boots in order to be able to do that properly and I don’t have them so I

Don’t know what I’m supposed to do I was probably supposed to drop onto the fence so I think I’ve made have I soft locked myself perhaps oh no I can get back over here brilliant um sorry I’m getting like so sidetracked by trying to do the parkour figure out

Where to go and also recount the story order the address numbers I on the invoice when I checked out it was a certain price I received them and then hey I got a coin that’s so cool and then after I received them I get another uh an email like two weeks later saying

You have now been charged like 20 or something and what they did is even though it would like I got an invoice for an agreed upon price for shipping tax product and then there then they send me an email charging me twenty dollars extra saying no no no no no

Because you didn’t meet the minimum shipping quantity threshold we’re charging our actual shipping price after the fact like it you what you can’t you can’t charge after the fact when the invoice set a certain amount you can’t you can’t do that like that’s actually illegal um so anyway that was that was one

Um and then I forgot there was one other thing it’s one other thing that happened and then what happened uh today well it’s actually a follow-up from end of October I think it was like on Halloween October 31st I sent an email okay basically oh God I’m not gonna I’m

Not gonna say the company name yet uh but basically I try to cancel because they’ve increased the price of my monthly bill by 150 percent over the course of the last like five years and um I’m just like no this isn’t this isn’t happening that’s not it’s not okay

I’m done like you haven’t changed your service you’ve just increased the price like 150 and look I get that there’s been some inflation there’s not been 150 percent inflation over the course of they’re going the wrong way still there’s not been 150 inflation over the

Course of the last uh five years so just let me cancel so they won’t let you do it online there’s nothing on the website it’s like give us a call at here’s our number well you give them a call at here’s their number and if you actually follow the

Menu prompts to say I want to cancel my service well of course what do they do they just no one answers ever it’ll put you on hold for the highest I got up to was an hour and nobody will answer well okay so then you decide I’ll call

Instead and I’ll just like ask for General customer support and So within five minutes you get connected to someone and you’re like hey here’s a situation I want to cancel they’re like I’m gonna have to transfer you to the cancellation Department and again you’re put on hold for

An hour until you just give up um and I tried that with like several different departments just hoping you know it’ll eventually somebody will say oh I can complete that for you no they just basically they hang up on you without actually hanging up on you I’m

Like oh that’s great so I I use the uh web support chat and um I’m like oh God am I gonna need I’m not gonna need the boots am I okay I’m not gonna need the boots um I do like the online help support and

I’m like hey I want to cancel my service I need the boots I need the boots you need the boots to do the shortcuts clearly here and that must be a purchase I’d like to cancel my service persons like oh we’re really sorry to hear that uh

Yeah I can’t help you but you can email you can email this email address that’s like just bizarrely sketchy sounding email but you know the the actual official support chat’s giving it to me and they’re like include a signed letter stating all your account information and stuff attached to the email I’m like

Jesus Christ okay whatever I’ll do that I will do God dang it dude um I’ll do it I’ll do it I’ll freaking do it and so I do that and I include all the necessary information go super overboard making sure every every little you know T is crossed I is dotted

So on and so forth I get a response to that email much to my surprise that is okay we will cancel your service effective 30 days from now because that’s our policy I’m like whatever Frick okay fine thank you thank you for that well I get the next bill in full and I’m

Thinking okay maybe that’s just the 30-day policy thing and because there’s probably some overlap I just pay it because at the end of the day like I’m threatened here by uh my credit going into the gutter right they have all the power in that situation where they can just if you just withhold

Payment they’ll be like okay goodbye to your credit see you later um and that like you don’t want that you really don’t want that and uh so anyway I I pay the next bill Jesus whatever this probably it probably was their policy and there’s some overlap they’re not gonna fight it

And then the month after that I get a bill for like ten dollars and I’m like okay cool that’s it that’s the final pro rated amount we’re good well today I get a new build for 50 bucks for next month’s service I’m like excuse me excuse me what is what is this

You you bet you you just build me why would you just build me why have you just gone and built me I I don’t understand I canceled my service you told me my service was canceled then I read the email again and it says well um look out your service has been

Canceled look out for uh letter confirmation in the mail in the next 30 days am I supposed to go over to there I think that was the checkpoint where am I going from here uh maybe I am just supposed to go over there or some oh it’s a double slime

Jump that’s what it is um anyway what I think they did is they said they were going to cancel my service like I have the email but then I think what they did is instead of actually canceling my service they’re just like you know what just kidding what we

Should actually do instead is he said his bill oh you think I should have gone through a painting oops he said his bill went up 150 percent over the last you know five years or so why don’t we just revert his bill to the original cost

That it used to be and let’s just keep billing him which I guess if they had told me that in the first place like hey we’ll give you this offer if you want to retain being a customer like that would be one thing I would have had a chance to say

Maybe I’ll think about it but they didn’t say that they said your service is canceled and now they keep billing me and so again so again I I give them a call by the way this this is a major this is a publicly listed company by the way um

So this isn’t like some small kind of scam thing uh anyway so I I give them another call customer service same exact thing today I try it first like oh you know what maybe a couple months later they’ve got better customer support they’ve hired more staff or something like that and they’ll

Actually answer the call if I say I want to cancel no of course no answer if I say that I want to cancel the service call another department same thing they uh we gotta transfer you if you want to cancel and then they basically you’re just on hold they they don’t send

You anywhere um so I’m basically left with at this point like I have to I have to sue them like I have to get a little I have to spend way more than I would actually be paying for probably a couple years worth of service but just because as a matter of

Principle it’s they are actually pulling illegal practices and I guess it’s worth hopefully uh doing damage or something um but I don’t know it’s gonna be expensive to die even if I just have a lawyer like get my service canceled that’s going to be you know five hundred

Thousand dollars lawyers aren’t cheap so yeah man I don’t know it’s very very obnoxious um but there is apparently a uh there is legislation in California that says um that you have to be able to cancel a recurring subscription um via a a web prompt and that can

Include an email apparently but I have to imagine that they are in violation of that policy I think I’ve gone the wrong way here um I have to imagine they are in violation of the policy but I don’t know if they’re company fits like the service that they offer fits the

Uh definition of what would fall under this law so again I’d have to talk to a lawyer but if they are genuinely violating that law then maybe maybe there’s a chance at actually hitting them where it hurts um anyway we made it oh yeah oh and then the freaking other

One oh my God my final time 14 minutes and 45 seconds rank c not great I did get two coins though I wonder if there’s uh something I could buy in order to do it quicker but yeah dude it’s it’s just like that’s psychotic bro for a publicly traded

Company to act like that is are you like crazy how do I get back down if I wanted to buy things with coins and try one more time and see oh that would be it um I wonder do I just like go back down to the building and buy something else um

Nah I don’t want I don’t want to do it yet I don’t want to do it yet I want to have a resolution in hand before I before I do any name drops or anything like that so it’s going to remain hey let’s try this this seems

Like uh seems like a good one considering we got caught off guard by the powdered snow um why don’t we try it with the boots this time around that’ll be dope so oh my God it’s unbelievably frustrating though I and there there are definitely illegal practices afoot here it’s just a matter

Of like is it something that could actually lead to um to the the company facing fines which if I talk to Larry and the lawyers like yeah they could face fines for doing this then I I probably it would be worth it would be worth uh okay I’m just taking the same exact

Path but at least I’ll kind of know where I’m going this time around but dude there’s so much there’s so much Shady stuff but anyway like I haven’t had these sorts of issues since like after covet I don’t know if companies just like think they can get

Away with more now if I’ve just been unlucky perhaps um or what it is but oh and okay so another one this is less of a scam more of like and not illegal just more of like obnoxiously bad practice um a restaurant a restaurant um so basically you go in and on the

Menu at the bottom if you’re paying attention to it it has a little fine print that says you’re going to get an 18 surcharge added to your your bill which restaurants do surcharges often um it’s not like an unheard of thing but usually it’s just like we’re gonna do

This and and it’s basically guaranteeing a tip for us and it’s like whatever is what it is it’s not not a not a new thing um so end of the meal end of the meal you get your bill and uh where am I going from right over there

End of the meal you get your bill and it comes with a little uh a little postcard on the side it comes with a little postcard on the side of the bill that says um but hey we charge an 18 uh surcharge to go along with our bills

So that we can you know provide our our employees with health care this is not a tip I we repeat this is not a tip you should really tip for so that we can do even more payments um to to you know because apparently the 18 which they frick

God dang it I can’t believe I fell that ruined my time um our our 18 which we do in order to pay a living wage well apparently it doesn’t actually allow us to pay a living wage because you need to tip on top of that on top of the little

Postcard at the bottom of the paper receipt It also says in like super guilting language it’s like you are expected to tip on top of this this is not a tip and then the server they Circle it they Circle it in pen they Circle it on the

The little the wording on the paper receipt like emphasizing it I’m just like you are out of your minds dude oh my God like look I this is not me like making any sort of comment railing against tipping culture in general but this this is something

Next level dude like come on man I’ve already believed you’ve already given an 18 tip you know how you could avoid this if you just like here’s the thing we would just completely ignorantly innocently end up paying 18 extra in price if you just increased the price of

The menu items which by the way they also had done I hadn’t been to the the restaurant in a while the prices have gone so far up on the menu items themselves then you get the 18 gratuity uh surcharge and then on top of that you’re expected to do another tip

I’m like with you what what is this so all in all your base it’s basically like asking you to pay double more than double what you might have paid for uh previously yeah I don’t know a couple of years ago or something like that and yeah it’s 18 for for eight

Like you’re alone two people ten people is 18 uh regardless it’s not like it was not a large party surcharge at all I like how we’re actually taking a different route here I feel like we’re we’re definitely quicker we’re not getting a two and a half minutes but it

Is definitely A New Path which is cool which is what was said on this map is that it’s like you know a million different ways to the top or something like that uh anyway just like oh my God bro and but the problem is you get you

Get to the end of the meal and you see that and you feel really guilty like am I the bad guy if I just say no this is just ridiculous and I don’t leave a tip on top of the 18 and the increased menu

Item price anyway like am I am I the bad guy am I the bad guy so oh man anyway suffice to say really really enjoyed that restaurant not going back ever again because uh and and I do hope that other people do the same and not go to the

Restaurant and then eventually they realize you know maybe this is a bad practice let’s rethink this um and but does that that’s what I’m also wondering does that mean that the 18 like isn’t actually going to the employees because why else would you need to do

The why why would you need to do it otherwise if it’s going to the employees you’re already giving them the extra 18 what gives where am I going here oh through here is it just is it just the restaurant being like here’s how we make 18 more

Oh oh different snake this time I’m glad we did this again it’s basically a new map dude basically a new map when you take the clouds up just anyway all this all this in like the last not even this all this was in like the last you know six months or something

Like that so not even but it just I don’t know it seems like the mentality of so much business has changed in the last two and a half years and uh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know inflation’s hitting everybody but like this is ridiculous come on man

Don’t also don’t like guilt me and do it bro the guilting is the most ridiculous part of it all right should I go over there I can do um I feel like I just did the same path did I just do the same path as last time I think I did

So I’m probably not learning anything new here but we make it through all right oh we’re so close we’re so close dude we’re making such better time than we did last time so yeah we got really really awesome tipping practices we got places charging your credit card uh retroactively

Over charging beyond what you actually agreed to pay and companies that straight up refused to allow you to cancel who are publicly traded companies it’s impressive it’s impressive really uh oh I just did the thing where I went backwards didn’t I I was supposed to go over here I think right yeah

And then why is this tricky oh that’s not the way wait uh did I go wait what oh freaking heck what was the way here was it this oh it’s probably this and then go over there no and then up here bro I’ve completely lost my way that’s

The end right there gosh dang it uh I’m supposed to go around this way perhaps oh here we go here we go here we go we’re making it we got this and the home stretch don’t fall don’t fail me now and we’re there okay that’s better than last time

Not not a world record but there we go minutes rank B okay we made a b line to the top you might say yeah 512 is a good computer related number so we like it we like it we wouldn’t want to mess that up by trying it again now

I’m I’m sure that we could do better I have no doubt but I’ll save that for you to try if you want to give the map a go put the download link on captainsparkles too if that’s where you’re watching and uh you want to check it out

I’m sure that you can beat the record I have no doubt I have faith in you you’re all so much better at parkour than I am thanks for watching make sure to like the vid subscribe and I’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour Town’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-01-08 01:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

We do be going up Map playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZyHRe93TbKfq96bFUPAWI1G Map: …

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    Unbelievable - Returning to Mind-Blowing Minecraft Roots!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Playthrough EP1】 Going back to my Content Roots!!’, was uploaded by Amora Lumina Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2024-06-15 22:37:33. It has garnered 915 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:00 or 13740 seconds. wah!! 【DONATIONS】 https://streamelements.com/amoralumina/tip 【SOCIALS】 Youtube: @AmoraLumina Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmoraLumina 【TAGS】 OSHI MARK – 💗🚀 LIVE – #AmoraLive GENERAL – #AmoraLumina CLIPS – #AmoraClips ART – #LuminArti / NSFW #Lewdmina MEMES – #LumiLaughs 【CHAT RULES】 💗 Please be respectful; both to yourself, among chat, and myself. Any antisocial behavior such as discrimination, harassment, doxing ect… will be dealt with,… Read More

  • Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!

    Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Win ANY BRIDGE FIGHT’, was uploaded by BlueRaptorLord on 2024-06-12 13:00:14. It has garnered 9783 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftyoutuber #shorts #bridge #battle #minecraftserver #minecraftpvp #minecraftpvpserver #hoplite #wins #howto #tutorial #viral #subscribe Read More

  • Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games…

    Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games...Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack..!!’, was uploaded by sarkari games on 2024-05-06 01:48:00. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ……. MINECRAFT……. Subscribe :- My channel YouTube channel Content → Minecraft/free fire max / etc I am try giving good content and enjoy my videos 📸 My free fire I’d 2522351282 →Thinking you minecraft tiktok hacks, minecraft tiktok hacks shorts, minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition, minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi, minecraft tiktok hack video, minecraft tiktok hacks 1.19, minecraft tiktok hacks loggy, minecraft tiktok… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!

    Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!Video Information This video, titled ‘MABAR SANTAI DAN KERJA RODI BARENG, MEWINGCRAFT #2’, was uploaded by RifKick on 2024-02-23 05:34:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBS!!!! ————————————————– I go live every afternoon/evening to play games like Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!

    Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN’, was uploaded by Reactionary on 2024-04-09 15:00:19. It has garnered 20215 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:06 or 3246 seconds. FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN Check out the full animations here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymo0wQUtJJk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QDNQvjCyG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRnVHoZFyNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3N-IUl0_qo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MoFCEpmPiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBBJzO9wc4A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7DdFSBKOPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmphevrE5Tc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNnW4zkKC4 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAscimjtDQ0 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Dl-M6B_YY Hit the Like button! And subscribe! 🔔 Tags reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactionary, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!

    Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorial $1 000 000 very expensive house’, was uploaded by Target on 2024-03-23 15:00:01. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Leays gaming SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 millyon Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorialhow to build a survival house in minecraft https://youtube.com/@x_mencraft? si=ntqm7daWZGLWuuEG #Leays#geming#mobileminecraft​ #mobile #minecraft #minecraft​ #but​ #hardcore​ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #NoobVsPro​ #noob​ #pro​ #hacker​ #animation​ #real​ #life​ Read More

  • SwipeSMP | smp | Mostly Vanilla | 1.21 | Whitelist

    Welcome to our Vanilla SMP Server! We are currently seeking new players to join our community on our 1.21 server. Help us with builds, shops, and more! If you’re interested in joining us, please add me on Discord. Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepy Creaker strikes again

    Minecraft Memes - Creepy Creaker strikes againMaybe the Creaker is just trying to be creeper-like, but is too busy creaking to properly explode! Read More

  • Mine King Soon: Minecraft’s Royal Rhyme

    Mine King Soon: Minecraft's Royal Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Kamaboko’s updates bring joy and gains. With each new feature, a spark in the game, Players unite, in Kamaboko’s fame. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Join the membership, and stay in the light. Check out the streams, for a gaming spree, Kamaboko’s world, where all can be free. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In Kamaboko’s world, everything’s right. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, Kamaboko’s updates, a true win-win. Read More

  • Steve + Alex = Hot Mess

    Steve + Alex = Hot Mess Steve + Alex = a Minecraft love story that ends with them building a house together and adopting a bunch of pixelated chickens. Read More

  • Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft!

    Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft! The Easiest Infinite Lava Source in Minecraft Are you looking to create an infinite lava source in Minecraft? Look no further! Building a lava farm in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding project that adds a unique element to your gameplay. Let’s explore how you can easily set up an infinite lava source in the game. Setting Up Your Lava Farm To create an infinite lava source, you’ll need to set up a lava farm. Start by finding a lava pool in the game. Once you’ve located a suitable spot, you can begin building your farm. Dig a… Read More

  • Spooky Crops Mod Showcase!

    Spooky Crops Mod Showcase! Welcome to TMB’s Halloween Mod: Creepy Crops! Step into the spooky world of Minecraft with TMB’s Halloween Mod version 1.0: Creepy Crops! This mod introduces a host of new features that will add a chilling twist to your gameplay experience. From new bosses to eerie sounds, this mod has something for every Halloween enthusiast. New Bosses and Allies Prepare to face off against two new bosses in the game, each dropping a unique item upon defeat. These formidable foes will test your skills and add an extra layer of challenge to your adventures. Additionally, you can now enlist the… Read More

  • Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-08-06 20:00:32. It has garnered 3914 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:11 or 1811 seconds. Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!

    SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!Video Information This video, titled ‘Apple Jack is dead’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-04-12 09:47:54. It has garnered 3977 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:52 or 3892 seconds. Apple Jack is dead,Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, heir own minecraft server and play minecraft MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated*. Read More

  • Daziz’s Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!

    Daziz's Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tapi Sentuh Biru Muncul Hewan Baru’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-05-13 06:48:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe and like if you like Comment and share if you are kind 😀 k Minecraft is a game for placing blocks… Read More

  • Insane Build Challenge – City in Minecraft! Watch Now

    Insane Build Challenge - City in Minecraft! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construction d’une ville avec abo Minecraft #3’, was uploaded by TEAM Kitetsu on 2024-02-07 15:55:25. It has garnered 113 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:12 or 9072 seconds. Go to Twitch byspayss_ Read More

  • GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯

    GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Oh No ☠️ | Troll Face | Phonk | Moment Before Disaster | Minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-09-26 10:33:00. It has garnered 3681598 views and 267567 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, Bases

    ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, BasesVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-05-24 10:00:12. It has garnered 20492 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:41 or 9101 seconds. JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥

    Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 *EPIC* Anime Mods for Minecraft PE (Mediafire link)’, was uploaded by Tube Saga on 2024-06-01 12:37:00. It has garnered 4065 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. Welcome to our latest video on the **top 5 anime mods for Minecraft PE 1.20**! If you’re a fan of both Minecraft and anime, you’re in for a real treat. In this video, we’ll be diving into some of the most exciting and creative mods that bring your favorite anime worlds and characters straight into your Minecraft PE 1.20… Read More

  • INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!

    INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj Khelenge MIECRAFT #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manthan Sevatkar on 2024-05-06 05:28:57. It has garnered 35 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:57 or 1497 seconds. 🔥 Welcome to the Minecraft Adventure LIVE! 🔥 Dive into the blocky, pixelated world of Minecraft with us in this thrilling live stream! Join the ultimate gaming experience where we craft, build, and explore our way through this infinite digital realm, all in real-time excitement! 🛠️ Crafting Epic Adventures 🛠️ Watch as we craft our destiny from scratch, crafting tools, gear, and structures that defy… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH MCGWIRE AND CO!!!’, was uploaded by Wülf Boi on 2024-07-30 01:46:47. It has garnered 52 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:01 or 13261 seconds. If you’re reading this, give me money https://www.patreon.com/WulfBoi Read More

  • The Bagelverse Modded SMP – Greylist Valhelsia 6

    The Bagelverse Valhelsia 6 Server Access the Valhelsia 6 server here: discord.gg/4vZjxR3QuW Modpack and Server Features: Modified Valhelsia 6 pack for multiplayer experience. Over 250 mods including tech, magic, and decoration mods. Build shops and markets with Lightman’s Currency mod. Essential commands available to all players. In-game chat accessible through Discord. Proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat. No pay-to-win, only donations. Best community ever! Join the Bagelverse Discord server to get started: discord.gg/4vZjxR3QuW See you there! ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ Read More

Minecraft Parkour Town