Minecraft PSVR Gameplay Turns Minecraft Into A Horror Game! – Ian’s VR Corner

Video Information

I need to block that mob spawner in as quick as i can before more spawn three three ah no not three they’re very big greetings cornerinos and welcome to this week’s episode of ian’s vr corner you join me in my rather spacious living room with a lovely kalax there for all my books

Uh and i’m reclining here on this very comfy wooden chair about to play some minecraft psvr on my massive flat screen tv now minecraft ps vr has just been added to the ps4 version of the game in a free update so if you own minecraft on the ps4

You can download the update and if you have a psvr headset you will be able to play minecraft vr to your heart’s content now when i first loaded this game up to give it a little bit of a try at first i thought to myself wait a minute

Have i been have they taken a piss is this all it is is this what minecraft vr is you just sit in a vr room and play flat minecraft that’s a rip-off what a joke but actually no that is not the full extent of this because if i

Press left on the d-pad here one of the coolest things ever happened i pressed that and warmth i’m sucked into the tv and i’m absorbed by the minecraft world and now i’m in this brand new minecraft world this is a brand new minecraft world that i created uh just now for this video

Using the seed ian’s vr corner i have never explored this world before and i have only played a couple of minutes worth of minecraft vr just to make sure the controls are working and everything was gonna be okay for this video and so far i’m pretty much in awe at the

Sense of scale here the the the urgency i’m feeling to just explore that crazy mountain range over there or go down that tunnel or or see what’s inside this crevasse is really strong like minecraft flat is all about exploration and survival and the fact that minecraft normal

Is like a you know uh an infinite world makes the joy of exploring really intense uh but in vr when you’re actually inside the world it’s it’s [ __ ] it’s making me really excited to just go and i just want to wander everywhere and look at everything and check everything out

I mean going down a hole like that in 2d is like one of my favorite things to do going spelunking down holes getting some torches and gonna go going down there to see what kind of crazy stuff i can find in the darkness but like being able to physically like lean

Over the hole and stare into this like gaping abyss of darkness and hearing monsters growling down below is like it’s it’s quite an exciting thought i’m very very keen to get going but first i guess because i’m playing survival mode i need to stock up on some goodies

Uh and you know prep i need to make some torches i need to make myself a base in case night time comes and then and then i’ve got to decide what i want to do do i want to climb up that mountain over there the snowy mountain

With the trees on do i want to explore that really weird mountain that seems to have been cut in half do i want to go in that like hole in the rocks there or do i want to just go down and have a look in there the possibilities are endless so just in

Case you’re wondering there is absolutely no move controller support for this version of minecraft in vr there are no motion controls at all uh the only way you can aim is by your head so the little cursor here is guided by my head movements and the rest is

Controlled with the controller just like you would in standard minecraft vr so if you’ve played minecraft with a controller before you will know exactly how to control this hello one of the crazy things about this game and playing it for the first time in vr is the sense of scale i know i’m

Always banging on about the sense of scale and things but play i’ve played a lot of minecraft in flat 2d and i didn’t realize how big these blocks actually were these blocks are actually quite massive the trunks of the trees as well are big the piggy was huge

These daisies are pretty big as well uh yeah everything seems quite a lot bigger than i imagined it would so i need to find some coal if i’m going to make some torches to explore the cave so i’m going to try and go in there and see what’s going on swimming’s mad

Oh i like going above and below the water oh god sounds like there’s monsters up here zombies or something yep oh [ __ ] what the oh god is that oh my god there’s loads of them right they’re big they’re a lot bigger oh okay they’re setting on fire in the sunlight that’s

Good can they swim yep they can swim let’s see if i can see if i can blow them up with a creeper is that fish as well they’ve added fish oh what how did that not hurt the zombie die die die full die burn i see not burning there you go and

Your turn now [ __ ] yeah they’re like but these [ __ ] zombies like uh like feel like they’re six foot tall they’re crazy so one of the things that most impressed me about um minecraft on psvr when i turned it back on after not playing it for ages was how much

Choice there is now on the in-game store there is loads oh [ __ ] off you made me jump you little [ __ ] oh god there’s loads of them oh [ __ ] i just won the coal ah just want the cup fishies i just want the coal yeah one of the things that impressed me

Was like just the amount of choice in uh in the store there is so many different like packs and things that you can now buy like mash up packs for fall out and other types of games and loads of cities and things that people have built

If you don’t want to spend your time running around in like vanilla virtual minecraft you can go and like spend some time in like huge cities that other people have built it’s getting very dark here and i still don’t have any coal and there seems to be no coal anywhere

And the only place i could find coal is full to the brim with zombies so i need to find some coal quickly before it gets too dark i’ve just i’ve gone completely away from my start point now ah here we go i wanted to like go spelunking down that hole near where

I started mining for coal with your bare hands is not advisable can i mine and still look around is that because i’d like to be able to mine i think i can i think as long as it locks on i can still like look around for monsters

And be like hey we’re the monsters look back and it’s still find it mining yes i really need to craft some tools soon as well okay i’m going to head back to where i started i’m going to try and quickly fashion my shell oh [ __ ] creepers are out

Try and quickly fashion myself some kind of shelter where i can then uh sort myself out with a torch oh [ __ ] skeletons oh i’m gonna die so hard maybe i should just mine down okay i’m gonna i’m gonna do the old minecraft trick of just giving myself a tiny little skylight

I’ve just realized somehow i don’t have any coal on me it’s been a while since i’ve played minecraft could you already get coal if he’s a tool to bind it oh no i’m oh no this isn’t cool i’m stuck in the i’m stuck in the dark surrounded by monsters with nowhere to go

And no light apart from that of the full moon that’s gonna be really scary if suddenly like a [ __ ] skeleton or something pops its head over there oh i don’t like the feet i don’t know okay let’s see if i can make myself at least a crafting bench

Okay so crafting isn’t too hard you just take things pop it in here and then you’ve made some planks so can i make a crafting bench yeah it’s nice and easy by placing one so then i can take that crafting bench place it in my inventory and now i have a crafting bench

With which to do some more craftings [ __ ] me it’s massive it’s so big jesus wait [ __ ] no oh my god ah oh [ __ ] me no monsters dropping on your head is not cool in vr ah where have i spawned this doesn’t i spawned someone completely different my map’s gone

Where am i now oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] when did minecraft get so hard oh [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] where’s daytime i thought this is gonna be a chilled let’s play uh enderman oh spiderman this fight piss off mate what are you doing ah it’s massive [ __ ] off oh you’re not supposed

To look at my ear i’m not looking i’m not looking [ __ ] off [ __ ] off [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s like ah ow [ __ ] oh oh my god this is this is why [ __ ] scarier than i thought it would be get down that’s just gonna sit here in the dark just sitting here in the dark

I think it’s in here with me oh [ __ ] the noise is with the 3 d surround sound not cool man not cool why am i so scared of minecraft all of a sudden i could still hear spiders but i don’t hear as many monsters so i’m gonna i’m gonna okay walking around upstairs

Oh god since when the hell was minecraft a horror game okay okay it’s daytime all right i’ve reclaimed my uh workstation now i just need to remember how to do crafting this is good i’ve got an axe oh my god there’s a creeper there i’ve got an axe and i’ve got

A pickaxe and i got a fishies oh yeah swimming around underwater with these little fishes as well cool this is definitely less scarier than night time here we go look so much cold am i gonna get some there it is all right now i can make torches

A little bit of prep work and i can go spelunking like the best of them craft craft craft craft crop 60 i now have 16 torches i’ve got some mud left over so let me build my base quickly like building a base in vanilla flat minecraft is always cool

But what i really like about this is like i’m actually building like a base that you know feels like proper size it’s like a proper human-sized base that i can you know that it feels like it’s like the ceiling is like yeah actually it’s a bit bit lower than

The ceiling in my house probably could do with an extra foot but yeah like you know i’m in a human-sized hole it’s it’s mad like being able to like build a really complex minecraft creation in vr and then just like hang around in it it’s gonna feel like you’ve built your

Very own house love it okay to make a door i need more wood so let’s get my axe up go chop them down some trees my friends are ducks all the ducks heads are massive oh they’re really cute though while it would be quite fun to have motion controls to uh

To mine things i do think that you know doing that for hours on end will get very tiring i like the fact that even though i’m in vr it’s still as i say relaxing knowing full well that um i just had the [ __ ] scared out of me twice but yes

Playing in vr with the controller is still got that kind of relaxing chilled vibe that you’d expect door there we go i’ve got my very own base and if i go back in my inventory again i can get my torches out and i can place

A torch in here here and maybe one on the front as well just so i can find the location when it’s night time and now i’m ready to go spelunking now i’m tempted to go in there but i think i’ll go i’ll stick with my original plan and go spelunking

Down the hole that i found over there what i do want to do probably is take some kind of sword with me so let’s craft a couple of swords or any wooden swords bless but that’s all i can afford right now it’s getting night time already oh god here come the zombies

I’m chickening out i’m checking out i couldn’t find the original hole that i looked down at the very start of this let’s play and now it’s night time i think i’m gonna have to go and hide yeah i’m gonna go and hide and wait till it’s day time oh [ __ ] piss off mate

Don’t you what the [ __ ] mate i don’t i don’t remember the [ __ ] things knocking your buildings down my stuff so this game’s turned into survival horror oh this is [ __ ] up go away go go away i don’t want whatever you’re selling you giant slenderman looking [ __ ]

Maybe i need to make it like a window or something yeah a little little window that’d be cool there we go looks like the sun’s coming up sun’s coming out so it’s time for the fun to come out i couldn’t find that first little spelunking hole that i was looking in

So i think i’m gonna go and explore that cave there next it’s raining that’s cool i love the way the raindrops are like splattering on the ground hello horse hello oh god there’s a creeper up there sheltering from the rain no doubt i need to do some cave exploration this this is minecraft

Not hanging around and having a lovely time in the rain craft piss off piss off oh it didn’t hurt me too much okay all right here we go what is that is that a mob oh that’s a it’s a mob generator isn’t it a monster spawner

[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god it’s got axe okay this why is this game but i accidentally put this on hard or something [ __ ] i need to block that mob spawner in as quick as i can before more spawn three they’re very big okay triangle listen you

In the you there you die i need to need to block him in i think this works it’s been a while but i think if you it didn’t work it didn’t [ __ ] was that’s good absolutely not how have you got gold armor you better give me that god have i just got oh

Did i just get gold armor off that thing right i’m never going in that hole again piss off i’m going spelunking somewhere else not cool in there not cool oh [ __ ] that’s so far down i want to go spelunking in there but first let’s see at that gold armor leggings gold armor top

Didn’t get a golden helmet but that’ll do okay i’ve still got 12 of these i’m going spelunking down here this is mad whoa you get a real like height fear in your belly okay dead end down here yeah dead end here i also probably need to try and craft myself a way out

Let’s build myself a rudimentary staircase everything oh it’s so awesome like everything is the scale is so much bigger and it just feels like i’m here can hear the monsters i don’t like it oh accident hey hey hey oh i went into the flat screen by accident

And somehow this dick had turned up and murdered me that’s not fair where did he even come from i can’t believe i got screwed over by a surprise zombie villager there’s a lot of my stuff down there can i just go down on the here we go oh [ __ ] i’ll wear my torches

Please let my torches be in my inventory now oh no where are my torches are they i can hear spiders oh this is not cool everything’s just why is everything so difficult for me i expected to have a lovely time sightseeing in this let’s play and it’s literally

Just been a [ __ ] horror show that from the from the moment it started okay i’m basically back to where i was when i started this let’s play i’ve got no coal there’s some coal and i’ve got no torches and i still haven’t come spelunking because things keep murdering me so equipment torches just

Make all the torches craft all the torches all the torches crafted now let’s also make weapons make some more swords can’t make any armors a couple more pickaxes so i’ve got stone pickaxes a couple of stone swords good i don’t know if going underground like at night time in this game is worse

Than going underground in the daytime because like both both times are dark this way i guess there’s more chance of a bloody monster landing on my head but there’s things down here to get these links and stuff oh [ __ ] it’s just a cavernous abyss it’s pitch black darkness like

I have no idea how it’s horrible red eyes in the darkness and now something’s firing arrows oh [ __ ] okay right this is what the [ __ ] minecraft honestly thank god this game is so much scarier in vr like it does it it’s not allowed to be this scary i’m sorry but it’s not

Oh spiders oh spiders stop flying spiders not too bad i guess all my loot must have gone even further down there’s so much darkness in here let’s just try and get myself a boundary of lights all right This way is also full of nightmares where’s the water coming from up there and then this way okay honestly exploring in vr minecraft is so much more exciting and scary okay i want to know what’s up there but i also don’t want to know what’s up there

Oh my god oh my just god maybe it’s a good idea to kind of trace this way back to the top first because this is this is definitely gonna end up taking me to the surface again goes right up where does this go oh wait there’s a light down there

Is that a light i’ve placed or is that a light from something else entirely oh you know what they say about curiosity it’s my weakness or something okay i’m gonna i’m gonna see what the light is down there is it is it something that i’ve put there before

And i’m just going around in a circle or is there some kind of cool treasure down there i’m so deep underground now i don’t even know what time of day it is staircase is working well though lots of coal there i’m close to the light now close to the light source

Look how high that is it’s mad how how big everything is i wish i could drop a torch lit down there to see what’s down there i don’t think it works though and i don’t want to accidentally drop all of my torches that would be um not cool at all oh [ __ ]

Not cool i must be close to that light source now there it is okay it’s lava the light source is of course lava it couldn’t really be much else i guess all right there’s the lava does that mean there’s anything cool to mine down here though oh it’s bubbling away again these

Caverns just lead off a miles could literally be miles oh no oh no oh no i don’t like that thing can i fight it listen i found out what the light source was it was lava let me get the [ __ ] out of here please don’t eat me

Please don’t eat me please do what this is the way this is the way okay okay we’re coming out we’re getting out we’re getting out of this [ __ ] it’s too far down the rewards we’ve got great enough there’s some scary [ __ ] out there holy mother of [ __ ]

Is that the way up well i have completely lost my bearings there’s a way out though this is the other way out this is where oh it’s daytime oh you have no idea how glad i am to see the sun oh okay there’s a new entrance okay let’s place that there

Holy [ __ ] wow that was legit like scary oh oh my god well going down underground is uh is just as tense and scary as real life going underground uh in a cave full of monsters would be but before i end this ian’s vr corner i should probably try and climb a

Mountain i want to try and climb up there i think i think getting up high he needs to be done as well i’ve gone down low i’ve done a little bit of swimming let’s try and climb that mountain over there you see that mountain over there

You can climb it oh climb climbing up high is way more chill than mining down i’ve got snow now oh yeah i can’t wait to check out the view from the top of this mountain in vr it’s gonna be really awesome look at that down there it’s like a whole weird cavern structure

It’s like floating blocks over there just wow it goes for miles can i oh this is going to set my fear of heights going [ __ ] i know minecraft has been in vr on various platforms for like quite a long time now but this is the this is honestly the first time

I’ve ever experienced it and it is i mean it’s [ __ ] terrifying but it’s also such a joy and it really just it just really in the heart like enhances that need to explore that you kind of have as a human being where you’re like uh i wanna i wanna find out what’s

Just around the corner look at that is that like the remains of a gate to the underworld or whatever it is here we go look at that some weird obelisk there sea that stretches out into the distance loads of mountains and weird floating rocks and look at that over there that mountain range

Huge trees on top reaching up into the clouds wow oh my gosh well i’m going to end this episode of ian’s vr corner up here just before i dive down and uh see what it’s like jumping off this incredibly tall structure i’ve absolutely loved this this is such an incredible free update

For a game that’s already amazing minecraft already amazing the possibilities are endless obviously but being able to experience the infinite worlds of minecraft in vr just adds so much more to the experience because everything’s like human size or like weird size anyway everything’s so big like the monsters look bigger and

More threatening the night it’s just deeper and darker and more forboding caving and then looking down into the depths of the caves it’s just like it fills you with like this [ __ ] horrible creeping like like the kind of fear you got when you’re a child and like you think

There’s a monster under the bed you get that kind of fear and daytime when you’re exploring the wilderness and climbing mountains you get this wonder of discovery it’s so good if you have playstation vr and minecraft um it’s you just you’ve got to get it it’s free

Even if you have playstation vr and you don’t have minecraft pick up minecraft it is so good so vr friends that’s enough of me yelping and proclaiming my love for this game the sun seems to be setting in the whatever direction that is so it’s time for me to jump

Don’t forget to like this video if you enjoyed it do subscribe for more episodes of ian’s vr corner in the future and check out some of these other videos that are on screen right now as i plummet to my tomb farewell my friends oh that was that was cool i like that

Oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] they why are there zombies on the water oh no i need to find my way back to my base now and it’s getting dark

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PSVR Gameplay Turns Minecraft Into A Horror Game! – Ian’s VR Corner’, was uploaded by Eurogamer on 2020-09-27 11:00:03. It has garnered 82301 views and 1270 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:01 or 1981 seconds.

Poor old Ian Higton. There he was expecting to have a lovely time exploring the infinite worlds of Minecraft VR gameplay thanks to the new Minecraft PSVR update, but instead of doing a spot of sightseeing, he ended up being hunted by a huge amount of monsters! In this week’s episode of Ian’s VR Corner, Ian gives his first impressions of Minecraft PSVR gameplay as he spelunks, climbs and yelps his way through 3 nights in Minecraft VR Survival mode!

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    Insane Queen Run Challenge w/ Alex & Steve - Minecraft 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Help Build a Queen Run Challenge With Alex New Mob – minecraft Animation🤣’, was uploaded by Alex & Steve Animation on 2024-04-08 11:30:22. It has garnered 176734 views and 5926 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Help Build a Queen Run Challenge With Alex New Mob – minecraft Animation🤣 Become a sponsor to receive exclusive bonuses! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2TEfwVpKz3z_bT9yrydIRQ/join #minecraft #animation #shorts Read More

  • Insane Tips: Join “Survivers Land” Minecraft Server NOW! 🚀

    Insane Tips: Join "Survivers Land" Minecraft Server NOW! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Join “Survivers Land” Minecraft server- full guide |Bangladesh first on player demand Server|’, was uploaded by TheMehrabOP on 2024-10-12 16:42:47. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:51 or 711 seconds. Hey my friends, Welcome to the New Public Minecraft Server! This is the first-ever server in Bangladesh, offering 4 unique survival game modes, including the Ultimate Survival mode, where you can explore 150+ biomes and structures! The best part? This is the first Minecraft server where you can upload your own world publicly, solving the issue… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Spawn! Chest Monster in SkyVaults Ep. 3” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

    "Unbelievable Spawn! Chest Monster in SkyVaults Ep. 3" #minecraft #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chest Monster is born… SkyVaults Episode 3 in patch .15 #minecraft #moddedminecraft #vaulthunters’, was uploaded by Deadpine on 2024-08-14 10:00:22. It has garnered 1913 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:19 or 4879 seconds. Welcome to Season 4 of SkyVaults 🌲😎👀 Patch 15 is here!!!! Deadpine is tackling a fresh SkyVaults world for this awesome update to Vault Hunters Third Edition. How will he fair against the epic and new Bingo vaults?!? Watch now to see all the new features and changes that were made for this omega patch! Full Playlist… Read More

  • Minecraft Live Stream: EPIC Gamer Moments!

    Minecraft Live Stream: EPIC Gamer Moments!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream 😎’, was uploaded by MC LP GAMER on 2024-03-24 20:37:16. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:33 or 2973 seconds. discord link https://discord.com/invite/w3RNfXxJak Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a star streamer – https://get.turnip.gg/become-star-streamer 🎮 Streaming via Turnip… Read More

  • Discover secret base in BWICK🔥| Minecraft exploration

    Discover secret base in BWICK🔥| Minecraft explorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘exploring and building a base! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by BWICK on 2024-05-08 03:49:43. It has garnered 843 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 03:33:31 or 12811 seconds. follow twitch as well https://twitch.tv/BWICK if you’d like to support the channel! Become a member! https://www.youtube.com/c/BWICK/join Direct donations use this link! ​https://ko-fi.com/bwick Check out my merch!! https://bwick-shop.fourthwall.com/ Business inquiries: [email protected] PO Box attn: Blaine Wick or BWICK 2351 Sunset Blvd Ste 170, Mailbox 243 Rocklin, CA 95765 Throne https://throne.com/bwick/wishlist Connect with me elsewhere! Twitch: https://twitch.tv/BWICK Discord 13+: https://discord.gg/BWICK Twitter: https://twitter.com/BWICKtweets Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bwickgrams/ TikTok:… Read More

  • Rolex Creator 07 vs BRODYAGA FUNK: Epic Showdown! 😱💥

    Rolex Creator 07 vs BRODYAGA FUNK: Epic Showdown! 😱💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Kill X BRODYAGA FUNK 😈🤯 RAGHAV ATTITUDE 🔥4k HDR #kill #shortvideo #shorts’, was uploaded by Rolex Creator 07 on 2024-09-26 03:21:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kill X BRODYAGA FUNK RAGHAV ATTITUDE 4k HDR #kill #shortvideo #shortsviral #minecraft #song. Read More

  • FloppyNetwork

    FloppyNetworkFloppyNetwork offers Minecraft enthusiasts a thrilling experience on a simple yet captivating lifesteal SMP (Survival Multiplayer) and PVP (Player Versus Player) server, supporting versions 1.9 to 1.20.1. Dive into a dynamic world where players navigate survival challenges while engaging in intense player battles. Whether you’re exploring, crafting, or fighting, the server promises an immersive journey with its unique blend of survival mechanics and competitive gameplay. With a vibrant community and regular updates, FloppyNetwork provides an endless realm of possibilities for both casual players and seasoned veterans seeking an adrenaline-fueled Minecraft adventure. play.floppynetwork.net Read More

  • Lost Hermits SMP whitelist

    Join Our Lost Hermits SMP Community! (18+, Java Only) Are you looking for a relaxed and friendly Minecraft server to call home? Look no further! We’re a community-focused SMP welcoming adults (18+) who enjoy playing Minecraft in a chill and laid-back environment. We draw inspiration from Hermitcraft, fostering a cooperative and creative environment for all players. What We Offer: Community Focused: Our server is all about building a supportive and fun community. Whether you’re into casual building, exploring, or just hanging out, you’ll find like-minded players here. Microphone Preferred: Communication is key! We prefer players who have a microphone to… Read More

  • Blue Mtn SMP||||| discord.gg/bluemtn |||||

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.bluemtnsociety.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live RN is Lit!

    It seems like this Minecraft meme is mining its way to the top with a perfect score of 10! Keep digging for those laughs! Read More

  • Flat World Survival: 100 Days, No Fails!

    Flat World Survival: 100 Days, No Fails! In the flat world of Minecraft, we took on the test, Surviving 100 days, we gave it our best. Building a starter home, with blocks so neat, Facing challenges, with skills to compete. Exploring the land, with mobs in sight, Crafting tools and weapons, ready to fight. With each passing day, we grew stronger, Facing the dangers, we couldn’t wait any longer. From mining to farming, we did it all, In this flat world, we stood tall. So join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we survive 100 days, shining bright. Don’t forget to subscribe, and turn… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • 7 Days of Green Screen Magic + Ultimate Mod Build!

    7 Days of Green Screen Magic + Ultimate Mod Build! Minecraft Magic: Ultimate Sugar Cane Farm & Triple Spawner Build Welcome to the Menace SMP, where Minecraft creativity knows no bounds! In this latest build, Gecka showcases an epic sugar cane farm and a triple spawner farm, utilizing mods like Create, Better Nether, and Chipped to enhance the gameplay experience. Building Efficiency with Mods The Create Mod brings mechanical automation to the forefront, allowing for intricate designs and efficient farming methods. Better Nether introduces a plethora of new block varieties, adding depth and detail to the builds. Meanwhile, the Chipped Mod offers stunning decoration options, elevating the aesthetics of… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Addictive Charm: Drawing & Coloring

    Minecraft's Addictive Charm: Drawing & Coloring The Addictive World of Minecraft Minecraft, a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios, has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. Its unique blend of exploration, creativity, and survival has made it a staple in the gaming community. With various game modes like Survival, Creative, and Adventure, players can immerse themselves in a blocky, procedurally generated world filled with endless possibilities. Endless Creativity and Exploration In Minecraft, players can unleash their creativity by building intricate structures, crafting tools and weapons, and exploring vast landscapes. The game’s open-world design allows for limitless exploration, with players able to mine resources,… Read More

  • “Insane M500 Guess the Pokemon Challenge!” #viral #Minecraft

    "Insane M500 Guess the Pokemon Challenge!" #viral #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘NAME THE POKEMON part 2 #minecraft #shorts #video #viral #art’, was uploaded by MAD M500 on 2024-09-10 14:40:30. It has garnered 485 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. NAME THE POKEMON part 1 #minecraft #shorts #video #viral #art43934football player,football,guess the football player,quiz football,football players,guess football player,football quiz,quiz football 2022,quiz football 2023,can you guess the football player,guess the player,total football quiz,football shorts,girl football player,voice football player,quiz football players,high school football,female football players,expensive football player,11 year old football player,uva football players shotgamers react minecraft fails,minecraft,minecraft fails that will make you… Read More

  • Ultimate Netherite Gear Reveal! | Ep 29

    Ultimate Netherite Gear Reveal! | Ep 29Video Information This video, titled ‘Full Netherite Gear!! (but at what cost..) | Survival Let’s Play Ep 29’, was uploaded by SparkleEgg on 2024-06-24 20:01:07. It has garnered 4728 views and 297 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:13 or 2053 seconds. In today’s episode of our Survival Minecraft Let’s Play we explore a piglin bastion, mine for ancient debris and upgrade all of our gear to netherite! Use my world seed so that we can play together! I just ask for no spoilers ♡ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. Seed: 7793879822280831180 Base Coordinates🌸: 450, 97, 242 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. ˚₊‧꒰ა Channel Membership ໒꒱ ‧₊˚… Read More

  • INSANE Hardcore Minecraft Grind 1.21 Survival!

    INSANE Hardcore Minecraft Grind 1.21 Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival Landscape Grind in Hardcore Minecraft 1.21 Survival Let’s Play’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-09-25 20:44:03. It has garnered 22603 views and 1428 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:14 or 9794 seconds. fWhip is playing hardcore minecraft! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks! https://www.makeship.com/products/original-fwhip-plushie ⭐Become a Member (Your name will show on screen!): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwqJYTxm3FAZXeV58EdFcRQ/join 💙If you enjoy the stream, consider leaving a tip, thanks so much💙 https://streamlabs.com/fwhip1/tip 💻fWhip has partnered with Seattle Built PCs to build his latest Gaming PC! Enter code ‘fWhip’ at checkout for… Read More

  • Unlocking Secret Golden Steel in Minecraft SMP!

    Unlocking Secret Golden Steel in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Poppy Playtime Come in This Minecraft SMP ?’, was uploaded by Golden Steel on 2024-04-21 11:36:41. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:18 or 858 seconds. #minecraft #viral #poppyplaytime if you watched video so please like and subscribe to my chanel for more amazing videos ➡➡➡➡⬇⬇⬇ LINK SECTION ⬇⬇⬇➡➡➡➡ [Dramatic Orchestral by JP Bianchini https://jpbianchini.com Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/-dramatic-orchestral Music promoted by Audio Library    • Dramatic Orchestral – …  ] [Background music By Alex production channel link – https://youtube.com/@alexproductionsnocopyright?feature=shared ]… Read More

  • 🔥 Minecraft server where YOU can be a millionaire 💰

    🔥 Minecraft server where YOU can be a millionaire 💰Video Information This video, titled ‘Anyone can become a millionaire on this Minecraft server 👀’, was uploaded by Pithony on 2024-01-19 08:22:51. It has garnered 6796 views and 191 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftserver #minecraftshorts Anyone can become a millionaire on this MINECRAFT SERVER IP: mc.l1festee1.com Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING: I Became a Minecraft Pro Player! #shorts

    🔥 SHOCKING: I Became a Minecraft Pro Player! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Я ПОПАЛ В МИР МАЙНКРАФТА💀 #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Женчоус on 2024-05-14 08:57:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, shorts, mine, in minecraft, games, minecraft shorts, trolling, compote, compot, … Read More


    1 BLOCK = 1 HEART DAMAGE CHALLENGE 😱 | INSANE TWITCH HIGHLIGHTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 BLOCK = 1 HERZ SCHADEN🔹OHNE TRADING🔹 | Minecraft Highlights!’, was uploaded by minecraft deutsch twitch highlights on 2024-02-20 13:15:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Support us directly: https://www.patreon.com/dailytwitchhighlights894/ SPONSOR: Wastelander … Read More

  • Johnny cheats in Lucky Block race with +100 blocks!

    Johnny cheats in Lucky Block race with +100 blocks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cheating With +100 LUCKY BLOCKS in a LUCKY BLOCK RACE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-07-30 23:11:35. It has garnered 624681 views and 7493 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:32 or 7292 seconds. Today, Johnny CHEATS in a Minecraft LUCKY BLOCK RACE! But what his friends don’t know is Johnny’s lucky blocks are SUPER lucky! Watch until the end to see his friends reactions! #johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More


    🔥 DR. MADNESS LOCKDOWN + MINECRAFT LIVE 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE [NO ADS] | LOCKDOWN PROTOCOL + MINECRAFT | THIRSTY THURSDAY’, was uploaded by DrMadness112 on 2024-09-06 16:28:48. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:33 or 10593 seconds. lydia oh lydia DRMADNESS CONTENT ► Clips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwCnsS46uiEcq3hV5V-GKPUXkp_yL6AZJ ► Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwCnsS46uiEd9MXHcTrcevBhDZTcLmBOe ► Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/@DrMadness112/playlists FOLLOW DRMADNESS ON ► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/drmadness112 ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/drmadness112 ► YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DrMadness112 ► TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drmadness112 ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmadness112_/ ► Discord: https://discord.gg/kqcbMV37hP ► Support [PayPal]: https://bit.ly/drmadnessdonate_ ————- Title: Lockdown Protocol Genre: Indie, Adventure, Horror Developer: Mirage Creative Lab Publisher: Mirage Creative Lab Release Date: 18… Read More

Minecraft PSVR Gameplay Turns Minecraft Into A Horror Game! – Ian’s VR Corner